Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: One Session manager of the presence server
* Handles all management concerning one network session
* Opening, closing, ownership handling, updating
* of Session related data to network
#include <e32base.h>
#include "MPEngRequestHandlerObserver.h"
#include "MPEngSessionStatusObserver.h"
#include "PEngPresenceEngineConsts2.h"
#include "RPEngStorageAdminSubClient.h"
class MPEngRequestHandler;
class CPEngIncomingDataHandler;
class MPEngServer;
class CPEngSessionSlotId;
class CPEngAppAccessContainer;
class MPEngSubSession;
class MPEngTransactionFactory;
class RPEngStorageAdminClient;
class MPEngAccessHandler;
class MPEngPureDataHandler;
class RPEngMessage;
* One Session manager of the presence server
* Handles all management concerning one network session
* Opening, closing, ownership handling, updating
* of Session related data to network
* @lib PEngServer2
* @since 3.0
public CBase,
public MPEngRequestHandlerObserver,
public MPEngSessionStatusObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPEngCSPSessManager* NewLC( MPEngServer& aServer,
const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessId,
RPEngStorageAdminClient& aAdmin );
* Destructor.
private: // new function of MPEngRequestHandlerObserver
* Remove calling request handler from array of pending requests
* @see <MPEngRequestHandlerObserver.h>
* @since 3.0
void CompleteRequestHandler(
MPEngRequestHandler* aRequestHandler );
* Set Session slot state to open
* @see <MPEngRequestHandlerObserver.h>
* @since 3.0
void SetCSPSessionOpenedL();
private: // ne functions from MPEngSessionStatusObserver
* Handle Session status change
* @since 3.0
* @param new session slot state
* @param session slot event
void StatusChangedL( TPEngNWSessionSlotState aNewState,
TPEngNWSessionSlotEvent aNewEvent );
public: // Slot management support
* Open method for clean up stack support
* @since 3.0
void Open();
* Close method for clean up stack support
* @since 3.0
void Close();
* Open method for sub-sessions
* Reference to the Sub-session is stored
* for future notifications
* @since 3.0
* @param aServSubSession server sub-session
void OpenL( MPEngSubSession& aServSubSession );
* Close method for the sub-session
* @since 3.0
* @param aServSubSession server sub-session
void Close( MPEngSubSession* aServSubSession );
* Open reference to the session manager by the app Id
* @since 3.0
* @param aAppId application Id to open reference
void AttachAppIdL( const TDesC& aAppId );
* Close reference to the session manager by the app Id
* @since 3.0
* @param aAppId application Id to open reference
void DetachAppId( const TDesC& aAppId );
* Check if application Id is active
* @since 3.0
* @param aAppId application Id
void AppIdActiveL( const TDesC& aAppId );
* Reserve Session slot for Process Id
* @since 3.0
* @param aAppId application Id
* @param aProcessId process Id to reserve
void ReserveProcessL( const TDesC& aAppId,
const TDesC& aProcessId );
* Activate Process id
* Function leaves if there is not such a combination of
* process Id and application id registered
* @since 3.0
* @param aAppId application Id
* @param aProcessId process Id to activate
void ActivateProcessL( const TDesC& aAppId,
const TDesC& aProcessId );
* Session slot Id
* @since 3.0
* @return session slot Id
const CPEngSessionSlotId& SessionId() const;
public: // Request handling
* Handle asynchronous request
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage RPEngMessage of the request
* @param aServSubSession server sub-session
* @param aServSessionId server session Id
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id of the request
void HandleAsynchronousRequestL(
const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
MPEngSubSession& aServSubSession,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
* Handle synchronous request
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage RPEngMessage of the request
* @param aServSessionId server session Id
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id of the request
void HandleSynchronousRequestL(
const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
* Handle Log In Request
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage RPEngMessage of the request
* @param aServSubSession server sub-session
* @param aServSessionId server session Id
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id of the request
void HandleLogInRequestL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
MPEngSubSession& aSubSession,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
* Handle Log Oout Request
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage RPEngMessage of the request
* @param aServSubSession server sub-session
* @param aServSessionId server session Id
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id of the request
void HandleForceLogOutRequestL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
MPEngSubSession& aSubSession,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
* Close reference to the session manager by the app Id
* Asynchronous version
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage RPEngMessage of the request
* @param aServSubSession server sub-session
* @param aServSessionId server session Id
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id of the request
void HandleDetachAppIdL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
MPEngSubSession& aSubSession,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
* Cancel particular asynchronous request
* Cancel all asynchronous request from the Server Session
* Cancel all asynchronous request from the Server Sub-session
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage RPEngMessage of the request
* @param aServSessionId server session Id
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id of the request
void CancelAsynchronousRequest(
const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
void CancelAllSessionRequests(
TInt32 aServSessionId );
void CancelAllSubSessionRquests(
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
private: // Function for handling of resources
* Load resources for the online state of the session
* @since 3.0
void LoadResourcesL();
* Unloads resources for the offline state of Session slot
* @since 3.0
void UnloadResources();
private: // request management
* Check if request is allowed
* @since 3.0
* @param aRequestFunction request function
* @param aServSessionId server session Id of the request
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id of the request
void CheckRequestValidityL (
TInt aRequestFunction,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
* Find defined request in session manager
* @since 3.0
* @param aRequestFunction request function to find
* @param aServSessionId session to look in
* @param aServSubSessionId sub-session to look in
* @return index or KerrNotFound
TInt FindRequest( TInt aRequestFunction );
TInt FindRequestInSession(
TInt aRequestFunction,
TInt32 aServSessionId );
TInt FindRequestInSubSession(
TInt aRequestFunction,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
* Handle Send new data Request
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage RPEngMessage from Client
* @param aServSubSession server sub-session
* @param aServSessionId server session id
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id
void HandleUpdateDataRequestL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
MPEngSubSession& aServSubSession,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
* Do Log In to the CSP session
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage RPEngMessage from Client
* @param aServSubSession server sub-session
* @param aServSessionId server session id
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id
void DoLogInL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
MPEngSubSession& aServSubSession,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
* Do log out from the CSP session
* @since 3.0
* @param aMessage RPEngMessage from Client
* @param aServSubSession server sub-session
* @param aServSessionId server session id
* @param aServSubSessionId server sub-session Id
void DoLogOutL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
MPEngSubSession& aServSubSession,
TInt32 aServSessionId,
TInt aServSubSessionId );
private: // Helping functions
* Find Access counter
* @since 3.0
* @param aAppId application Id
* @return pointer to access counter if found, NULL if not found
CPEngAppAccessContainer* AccessCounter( const TDesC& aAppId );
* Check reference counter and delete this object if needed
* @since 3.0
void CheckReferenceAccessD();
* Unload Transaction factories
* @since 3.0
void UnloadTransactionFactories();
* Reset access Containers
* @since 3.0
void ResetAccessContainers();
* Inform sub-session about app Id disconnection
* @since 3.0
* @param aAppId disconnected app Id
void NotifyDisconnectedAppId( const TDesC& aAppId );
* Inform sub-sessions about CPS close state
* @since 3.0
void NotifyCPSClose();
* Notify Storage Server about new event
* @since 3.0
* @param aEvent new event to notify
* @param aAppId application id event is related
* @param aAppIdState state of the application id
void NotifyNewEventL( TPEngNWSessionSlotEvent aEvent,
const TDesC& aAppId,
TPEngNWSessionSlotState aAppIdState );
* Leaves with error code if not connected.
void LeaveIfNotConnectedL() const;
* C++ default constructor.
CPEngCSPSessManager( MPEngServer& aServer );
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessId,
RPEngStorageAdminClient& aAdmin );
private: // Data
/// OWN: Access Plain Access Count, used by cleanUp support
TInt iAccessCount;
/// OWN: Session slot Id
CPEngSessionSlotId* iSessionSlotId;
/// OWN: Session state
TPEngNWSessionSlotState iState;
/// OWN: Container of Access Counters
CObjectCon* iAccessCounters;
/// REF: Server
MPEngServer& iServer;
/// OWN: Server sub-sessions,
/// Elements REFerenced
RPointerArray<MPEngSubSession> iServSubSessions;
/// OWN: Storage Manager admin client
RPEngStorageAdminSubClient iStoreAdmin;
/// OWN: Array of active request handlers
/// Elements OWNed
RPointerArray<MPEngRequestHandler> iRequestHandlers;
/// OWN: Transaction factories
RPointerArray<MPEngTransactionFactory> iTransFactories;
/// OWN: Online Plugins loaded
TBool iPluginsLoaded;
/// OWN: Access handlers
MPEngAccessHandler* iAccessHandler;
/// OWN: pure data handler
MPEngPureDataHandler* iPureDataHandler;
/// OWN: list of Incoming Listen Data Handlers
/// Elements OWNed
RPointerArray<CPEngIncomingDataHandler> iIncomingHandlers;
// End of File