Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Dialog for application local settings
#include <akndialog.h>
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <eiklbo.h>
#include "MCAUiSettingsDialogCmdCB.h"
#include "MCASettingSapExt.h"
#include "MCASettingsPC.h"
#include "MCASettingsCommand.h"
class CAknSettingItemArray;
class CCAStatusPaneHandler;
class CAknSettingStyleListBox;
class CCAUISessionManager;
class CAknSettingItem;
class CIMPSSAPSettings;
class CIMPSSAPSettingsStore;
class CRepository;
* Application settings dialog
* Implements the dialog that is used with application settings
* @lib chatng.app
class CCAAppSettingsDialog : public CAknDialog,
public MEikListBoxObserver,
public MCAUiSettingsDialogCmdCB
private: // Enumerations
//Setting items' indexes
enum TSettingListLayout
ENickName = 0,
public: // Constructors and destructor
* C++ default constructor.
* @param aTitleBar Reference to status-pane handler
* @param aSettings Reference to settings API
CCAAppSettingsDialog( CCAStatusPaneHandler& aTitleBar,
MCASettingsPC& aSettingsPC,
CCAUISessionManager& aUISessionManager,
CIMPSSAPSettings* aServer );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCAAppSettingsDialog();
public: // New methods
* Method which is called with async callback
* @param aInstance Object which is called
* @return EFalse
static TInt CallBack( TAny* aInstance );
* Real callback handler. Launches dialogs.
* @return EFalse
TInt DoHandleCallBackL();
void GetParameters( MCAUiSettingsDialogCmdCB::TSettingsDialogParams& aSettingsDialogParams );
* Help Key Support
* This function is called by the Framework to get the context to launch
* Help
* @param aContext The context that contains the appid and the help id.
void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
* Set the status of a dialog
* @param aContext The status whether a dialog is shown
void SetIsTargetDialogOpened( TBool aBool );
* Get the status of a dialog
* @return Dialog status
TBool GetIsTargetDialogOpened();
private: //From MEikCommandObserver
* From MEikCommandObserver Command handler
* @since 1.2
* @param aCommand Command that was initiated
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand );
private: // Functions from MEikListBoxObserver
* From MEikListBoxObserver Callback for listbox events
* @since 1.2
* @param aListBox Originating listbox
* @param aEventType Event type
void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox,
TListBoxEvent aEventType );
private: // Functions from CCoeControl
* Called by framework when system wide resources are changed.
* @since 3.1
void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
* From CCoeControl
* @see CCoeControl for more information
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType );
* From CEikDialog
* @see CEikDialog for more information
void DisplayMenuL();
protected: // Functions from CEikDialog
* From MEikMenuObserver
* @see MEikMenuObserver
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
* From CEikDialog
* @see CEikDialog for more information
void PreLayoutDynInitL();
* From CEikDialog
* @see CEikDialog for more information
TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
private: //New methods
* Lauches text-setting-page
* @since 1.2
void DisplayTextSettingPageL();
* Adds binary-type item to settings array
* @since 1.2
* @param aBuffer Buffer for setting value
* @param aId Resource id for the associated values and texts
* @param aTitleResource Title text's resource id
* @param aSettingPageResource Setting page's resource id
* @param aAssociatedResource Associated resource
* @see CAknSettingItem for more information about parameters
void AddBinaryItemL( TBool& aBuffer,
TInt aId,
TInt aTitleResource,
TInt aSettingPageResource,
TInt aAssociatedResource );
* Adds enumerated text-type item to settings array
* @since 2.1
* @param aBuffer Buffer for setting value
* @param aId Resource id for the associated values and texts
* @param aTitleResource Title text's resource id
* @param aSettingPageResource Setting page's resource id
* @param aAssociatedResource Associated resource
* @see CAknSettingItem for more information about parameters
void AddEnumTextItemL( TInt& aBuffer,
TInt aId,
TInt aTitleResource,
TInt aSettingPageResource,
TInt aAssociatedResource );
* Adds colour setting item to settings array.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aKey Key for key-value pair in SAP settings,
used to get colour information from SAP settings.
* @param aBuffer Buffer for setting value.
* @param aId Resource id for the associated values and texts.
* @param aTitleResource Title text's resource id.
* @param aSettingPageResource Setting page's resource id.
* @see CAknSettingItem for more information about parameters.
void AddColourItemL(
const TDesC& aKey,
TBool& aBuffer,
TInt aId,
TInt aTitleResource );
* Stores the values of setting items to persistent storage
* @since 1.2
void StoreValuesL();
* Handles the errorcodes, leaves on non-CSP error codes
* @since 2.5
void HandleErrorL( TInt aErrorCode );
* Externalizes the values of setting items' iternal buffers
* @since 1.2
void StoreAllL() const;
* Updates title-pane text with text found from given resource id
* @param aResourceId Resource id for text
* @since 1.2
void UpdateTitlePaneL( const TInt aResourceId );
* Handle CBA change.
* @param aResourceId. Id for resource to use.
* @since 2.8
void HandleCBAChangeL( const TInt aResourceId );
* Adds tone setting item to setting item array
void AddToneSettingItemL( TBool aBranded );
private: // Data
// Owns. Array for setting items
CAknSettingItemArray* iSettingItemArray;
// Doesn't own. Pointer to status-pane handler
CCAStatusPaneHandler* iTitlePane;
//Doesn't own
CCAUISessionManager* iUISessionManager;
// Doesn't own. Pointer to listbox in settings dialog
CAknSettingStyleListBox* iListbox;
// Flag for default nickname usage
TBool iDefaultNick;
TBool iOldDefaultNick;
// Enum for authorizing IM presence
TInt iAuthorizeIMPr;
TInt iOldAuthorizeIMPr;
// Enum for receiving instant messages
TInt iReceiveIMessages;
TInt iOldReceiveIMessages;
// Enum for receiving invitations
TInt iReceiveInvitations;
TInt iOldReceiveInvitations;
// Value for message flow
TInt iMsgFlow;
TInt iOldMsgFlow;
// Flag for contact list ordering
TBool iOrderAlphabetically;
TBool iOldOrderAlphabetically;
// Flag for automatic friends-list update
TBool iAutoUpdFriends;
TBool iOldAutoUpdFriends;
// Owns. Buffer for default nickname
HBufC* iDefaultNickName;
HBufC* iOldDefaultNickName;
//owns. Buffer for tone filename
HBufC* iToneFileName;
TPtr iToneFileNamePtr;
TBool iToneFileInUse;
//Tells if branded tones are in use
TInt iBrandedTones;
// "show offline contacts"
TBool iShowOffline;
TBool iOldShowOffline;
// is own/other message color defined
TBool iOwnColorDefined;
TBool iOthersColorDefined;
// Show timestamp settings item
TBool iOldShowTimeStamp;
TBool iShowTimeStamp;
// Ordinal number that is used to layout the dialog correctly
TInt iOrdinal;
MCASettingSapExt* iSAPExtension;
// Doesn't own. Pointer to settings API
MCASettingsPC* iSettingsPC;
// async callback for showing dialogs
CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCallBack;
// settingitem index which will be edited with callback
TInt iEditIndex;
// Is edit dialog launched from menu (ETrue)
TBool iIsPopUp;
// Not owned. the server whose settings we show
CIMPSSAPSettings* iServer;
// Not owned. Pointer to message flow setting item
CAknSettingItem* iFlowSettingItem;
// owns.
CRepository* iCenRep;
MCASettingsCommand* iCommandSetings;
TBool iIsEditItemFlag;
TBool iIsTargetDialogOpened;
TBool iSavingFlag;
// End of File