Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Container class for Invitations view
#include "MCALayoutChangeObserver.h"
#include <eiklbo.h>
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <aknlists.h>
#include <bldvariant.hrh>
#include <aknlongtapdetector.h>
#include "frmtlay.h"
class MCAViewSwitcher;
class CCABlockingUI;
class CCAAppUi;
class CCAView;
class MCAInvitationPC;
class CCAInvitationView;
class CCATextViewControl;
class CRichText;
class CParaFormatLayer;
class CCharFormatLayer;
class CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext;
class MCARecipientObserver;
class CAknLongTapDetector;
* Container class for private chat list view
* @lib chat.app
* @since 1.2
class CCAInvitationContainer : public CCoeControl,
public MCALayoutChangeObserver,
public MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Static constructor
* Symbian OS default constructor.
* @param aRect Frame rectangle for container.
* @param aInvitationIndex index of the invitation to be opened
* @param aViewSwitcher Handle to view-switcher
* @param aEngine Handle to engine
static CCAInvitationContainer* NewL(
const TRect& aRect,
TInt aInvitationIndex,
TPtr aRejectReason,
MCAViewSwitcher& aViewSwitcher,
CCAView& aView,
TInt& aTabId,
TBool aContextFlag,
MCARecipientObserver& aMenuObserver );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CCAInvitationContainer();
* From CCoeControl, Handles key-events
* @param aEvent Event that occured
* @param aType Type of key-event (EEventKey, EEventKeyUp or EEventKeyDown)
* @return Containers response to event (EKeyWasNotConsumed/ EKeyWasConsumed)
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aEvent, TEventCode aType );
* Symbian OS default constructor.
void ConstructL( const TRect& aRect );
* @param aRect Frame rectangle for container.
* @param aViewSwitcher Handle to view-switcher
* @param aEngine Handle to engine
CCAInvitationContainer( MCAViewSwitcher& aViewSwitcher,
TInt aInvitationIndex,
TPtr aRejectReason,
CCAView& aView,
TInt& aTabId,
TBool aContextflag,
MCARecipientObserver& aMenuObserver );
public: // New functions
* @returns ETrue if the contact is blocked
* Else return EFalse.
TBool IsBlocked( const TDesC& aUserId );
* Displays Blocked List
void DisplayBlockedListL() const;
* Displays unblock list query
void DisplayUnblockListQueryL() const;
* Displays block textquery
void DisplayBlockTextQueryL() const;
* Adds focused conversation dead end to friendslist
void AddToFriendsL();
* Switches to the singlelistview
void SwitchToSingleListViewL( );
* Joins to selected conversation
* @param aGroupId Group id
void JoinToGroupL( TInt aInviteIndex );
* Deletes currently active invitation
void DeleteInvitationL( TInt aInviteindex ) ;
* RejectInvitationL is called when the active
* invitation has been rejected by teh user
void RejectInvitationL( TInt aInviteindex, TPtr aRejectReason );
* This method tells if selected item is invitation or not
* @return ETrue if selected item is invitation,
* EFalse if it's conversation
TBool IsInvitation() const;
* This method switches between the specified
* invitation
* @param iCurrenntActiveTab, specifies to
* which tab to switch.
void InvitationSwitchTabL( TInt iCurrenntActiveTab );
* Prepare the text in teh rich text format,
* @param aInvitationindex, index of the invitation
* whose data needs to prepared int eh richtext format.
void PrepareTextL( TInt aInvitationindex );
* Displays the formated Data
* @param aInvitationindex, index of the invitation
* whose data has to be displayed.
void DisplayTextL( TInt aInvitationindex );
* Search the LAF specified font for invite dialog
* @since 3.0
* @return LAF specified font
const CFont* GetLayoutFont();
* Inserts line to rich text object
* @since 3.0
* @param aTextResourceId Resource for text in line
* @param aBold Should text be bolded
void InsertLineL( TInt aTextResourceId, TBool aBold = EFalse );
* Inserts line to rich text object
* @since 3.0
* @param aText Text for line
* @param aBold Should text be bolded
void InsertLineL( const TDesC& aText, TBool aBold = EFalse );
* Construct a CAknLongTapDetector object
CAknLongTapDetector& LongTapDetectorL();
public: // From MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack
* From MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack.
* Handle long tap event.
* @see MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack
void HandleLongTapEventL( const TPoint& aPenEventLocation,
const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation );
private: // From MCALayoutChangeObserver
* Called when layout/skins change
* @since 2.1
void LayoutChangedL( TInt aType );
private: //From base classes
* From CoeControl, Handles "size changed"-events..
* @since 2.1
void SizeChanged();
* From CoeControl, Returns the number of control contained by this class.
* @return Number of controls contained
* @since 2.1
TInt CountComponentControls() const;
* From CCoeControl, Returns handle to control pointed by aIndex
* @param aIndex Wanted control's index [0..n]
* @return Handle to wanted control
* @since 2.1
CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
* Gets help context
* @since 2.1
void GetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext& aContext ) const;
* From CCoeControl.
* Handle pointer event.
* @see CCoeControl
void HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent );
* From CCoeControl.
* Handle focus event change.
* @see CCoeControl
//void FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow );
private: // New functions
* Sets the layout of container
* @since 2.1
void SetLayout();
* Error handler function. Propagates error note, if necessary.
* @param aError Error value.
* @since 2.1
void HandleError( TInt aError ) const;
* Updates CBA set, shows label in MSK if there are
* items in list.
* @since S60 v3.2
void UpdateCbaL();
public: // new functions
* Checks if invitation is open and processing.
* @return ETrue, if invitation is opened and processing.
* @since 2.1
TBool IsInvitationOpen();
private: // Data
// Owns. Array of controls contained
CArrayPtrSeg<CCoeControl>* iControlArray;
//Doesn't own
MCAViewSwitcher& iViewSwitcher;
CCABlockingUI* iBlockingUI;
//doesn't own
CCAAppUi* iAppUi;
// Flag for telling if invitation is opened.
TBool iInvitationOpen;
// EFalse, if numeric input for WVID fields is wanted
TBool iTextualInputMode;
// Doesn't own
CCAView& iView;
// doesn't own
CEikButtonGroupContainer* iCba;
//Does not Own
MCAInvitationPC* iInvitationPC;
TInt iInvitationIndex;
//pointer to teh reject reason
TPtr iRejectReason;
// Owns. Text view control
CCATextViewControl* iTextView;
// Owns. Rich text for invitation view
CRichText* iRichText;
// Owns. Paragraph formatter
CParaFormatLayer* iParaFormatLayer;
// Owns. Character formatter
CCharFormatLayer* iCharFormatLayer;
// Owns. Date and time buffer
HBufC* iDateTime;
HBufC* iIdentification;
// Skin background control context
CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext* iBgContext;
//Reference variable required to delete the tab.
TInt& iTabId;
//Tells whether to show the contxtmenu or not
TBool iContextFlag;
TCursorSelection iLastSelection;
//Doesn't own. Handle to recipient observer
MCARecipientObserver& iMenuObserver;
// Owns. Long tap the main pane
CAknLongTapDetector* iLongTapDetector;
TBool iLongTapUsed;
// End of File