Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Recorded chats Array PC for recorded chats view
#include "MCARecordedChatsArrayPC.h"
//Forward Declaration
class MCALoggerHeadersInterface;
* Process component class for recorded chats (saved conversations)
* @lib wvuiprocessng.lib
* @since 3.2
class CCARecordedChatsArrayPC: public CBase, public MCARecordedChatsArrayPC
* Static Constructor
* @param aLoggerHeadersInterface: Reference to the Logger component
static CCARecordedChatsArrayPC* NewL( MCALoggerHeadersInterface&
aLoggerHeadersInterface );
* Destructor
* To intialize the recorded chats array PC
* The string loader class is used to load the defined strings
* This requires the construction of CCAAppUi to be complete.
* The Recorded chats array PC gets constructed before the completion of
* app ui. Hence we call this FinalizeRecChatsArrayPCConstructionL()
* method from the FinalizeChatConstruction method of CCAAppUI!
virtual void FinalizeRecChatsArrayPCConstructionL();
* Recorded chat index by name.
* @since series 60 v3.2
* @param aName Name of recorded chat.
* @return Index of chat or KErrNotFound if
* it was not found.
TInt Index( const TDesC& aName ) const;
* To return to the item at the specified index in the array
* @param aIndex: The index of item in the array
* @return TPtrC: pointer to the item at aIndex
virtual TPtrC16 MdcaPoint( TInt aIndex ) const ;
* To return to the total number of items in the array
* @return integer: count of items in the array
virtual TInt MdcaCount( ) const ;
* To Get the current index of an item in the array
* @return integer: current index
inline TInt GetCurrentItemIndex() const
return iCurrentItemIndex;
* To set the current index of an item in the array
* @param aCurIndex : integer - current index
inline void SetCurrentItemIndex( TInt aCurIndex )
iCurrentItemIndex = aCurIndex;
* Set the next index of the current index of an array
* @param aCurIndex : integer value which is the current index
inline void SetNextIndex( TInt aCurIndex )
iNextIndex = aCurIndex;
* Get the next index of the current index of an array
* @return integer: index
inline TInt GetNextIndex() const
return iNextIndex;
* Get progress count of given index of an array
* @return integer: progress count of the array
inline TInt GetProgressCount() const
return iProgressCount;
* Set progress count of given index of an array
* @param aProgressCount: integer count to be set
inline void SetProgressCount( TInt aProgressCount )
iProgressCount = aProgressCount;
* Returns name of recorded chat
* @param aIndex is index of recorded chat
* @return Reference to name of recorded chat
virtual const TDesC& Name( TInt aIndex ) const;
* Returns the type of the chat data.
* @param aIndex is the index to the header array.
* @return Message type.
virtual TEnumsPC::TChatType ChatType( TInt aIndex ) const;
* Returns time when history save started.
* @param aIndex is the index to the header array.
* @return Start time
virtual TTime StartTime( TInt aIndex ) const;
* Returns time when history save ended.
* @param aIndex is the header index.
* @return End time.
virtual TTime EndTime( TInt aIndex ) const;
* Returns identification information of history data
* @param aIndex is the header index
* @return Identication information of history data.
virtual const TDesC& Identification( TInt aIndex ) const;
* Return the formatted time of saved conversation
* @return pointer to the time
virtual TPtr GetDateFormat() ;
* Return the formatted start time of saved conversation
* @return pointer to the time
virtual TPtr GetStartDateFormat() ;
* Return the formatted end time of saved conversation
* @return pointer to the time
virtual TPtr GetEndDateFormat();
* Return the time of saved conversation
* @return pointer to the time
virtual TPtr Time() const;
* Default constructor
* @param aLoggerHeadersInterface: Reference to the logger component
CCARecordedChatsArrayPC( MCALoggerHeadersInterface& aLoggerHeadersInterface );
private://Data members
// Owns. This is for formatting start time for sendMTM
HBufC* iStartDateFormat;
// Owns. This is for formatting start time for sendMTM
HBufC* iEndDateFormat;
// Owns This is where time is written.
HBufC* iTime;
// Owns This is for formatting date and time.
HBufC* iDateFormat;
// Next marked item for deletion.
TInt iNextIndex;
// Curren item for recorded chat view.
TInt iCurrentItemIndex;
// Number of delete items.
TInt iProgressCount;
// Owns. Buffer that hold's information about fetched item
HBufC* iData;
// Does not Own. Reference to the Logger component
MCALoggerHeadersInterface& iLoggerHeadersInterface;
// End of File