changeset 60 6c158198356e
parent 59 e5618cc85d74
child 63 d1278d87b01e
child 65 ae942d28ec0e
equal deleted inserted replaced
59:e5618cc85d74 60:6c158198356e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Header file for Tuner component.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef TUNER_H
    20 #define TUNER_H
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <MCustomCommand.h>
    24 #include <mmf/common/mmfbase.h>
    25 #include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>
    26 #include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerframework.h>
    27 #include <mmf/common/mmfstandardcustomcommands.h>
    28 #include <mmf/common/mmfaudio.h>
    29 #include <Mda/Common/audio.h>
    30 class RRadioSession;
    32 /**
    33 @file
    34 @publishedAll
    35 @prototype
    36 */
    37 /**
    38 The Tuner Capabilities structure defines the capabilities of the tuner
    39 on the device, as retrieved using the function GetCapabilities.
    40 */
    41 class TTunerCapabilities
    42 {
    43 public:
    44     inline TTunerCapabilities();
    45     inline TTunerCapabilities(TUint32 aTunerBands, TUint32 aAdditionalFunctions);
    46 public:
    47     /**
    48     Bitfield (as defined by CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand) with the bits of the
    49     supported bands set
    50     */
    51     TUint32 iTunerBands;
    53     /** Tuner Function bit flags - may be extended in future */
    54     enum TTunerFunctions
    55     {
    56         /** Recording of Tuner Audio is possible */
    57         ETunerFunctionRecording                 = 0x01,
    58         /** Tuner can record and play back simultaneously */
    59         ETunerFunctionSimultaneousPlayAndRecord = 0x02,
    60         /** The tuner requires an external antenna (e.g. a headset) to function */
    61         ETunerFunctionRequiresAntenna           = 0x04,
    62         /** CMMRdsTunerUtility supported */
    63         ETunerFunctionRds                       = 0x08,
    64         /** The tuner can be used when the device is in flight mode */
    65         ETunerFunctionAvailableInFlightMode     = 0x10
    66     };
    68     /** Bitfield (as defined by ETunerFunctions) with the bits of the supported functions set */
    69     TUint32 iAdditionalFunctions;
    70 };
    72 /**
    73 Class representing a frequency.
    74 */
    75 class TFrequency
    76 {
    77 public:
    78     inline TFrequency();
    79     explicit inline TFrequency(TInt aFrequency);
    80     inline TInt operator==(const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
    81     inline TInt operator!=(const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
    82     inline TInt operator> (const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
    83     inline TInt operator>=(const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
    84     inline TInt operator< (const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
    85     inline TInt operator<=(const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
    86 public:
    87     /**
    88     The Frequency, in Hertz. A TInt is at least 32 bits, giving a maximum frequency
    89     of at least 2.4GHz (i.e. 0x7fffffff Hz)
    90     */
    91     TInt iFrequency;
    92 };
    95 class MMMTunerObserver;
    96 class MMMTunerChangeObserver;
    97 class MMMTunerStereoObserver;
    98 class MMMSignalStrengthObserver;
    99 class MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver;
   100 class MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver;
   101 class CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility;
   102 class CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility;
   103 class CMMTunerScannerUtility;
   104 class CMMRdsTunerUtility;
   106 /**
   107 The MMF Tuner API is present to allow clients to control
   108 the tuner hardware present on a device.
   109 */
   110 class CMMTunerUtility : public CBase
   111 {
   112     friend class CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility;
   113     friend class CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility;
   114     friend class CMMTunerScannerUtility;
   115     friend class CMMRdsTunerUtility;
   116 public:
   117     /** Tuner Band bit flags - may be extended in future */
   118     enum TTunerBand
   119     {
   120         ETunerNoBand            = 0x00,
   121         /** Long Wave - uses frequencies */
   122         ETunerBandLw            = 0x01,
   123         /** Amplitude Modulation or Medium Wave - uses frequencies */
   124         ETunerBandAm            = 0x02,
   125         /** Frequency Modulation, European and American band - uses frequencies */
   126         ETunerBandFm            = 0x04,
   127         /** Frequency Modulation, Japanese band - uses frequencies */
   128         ETunerBandJapaneseFm    = 0x08,
   129         /** Digital Audio Broadcasting - uses channels */
   130         ETunerBandDab           = 0x10,
   131         /** Digital Video Broadcasting */
   132         ETunerBandDvb           = 0x20
   133     };
   134     /**
   135     Search direction enumeration
   136     */
   137     enum TSearchDirection
   138     {
   139         /** Search for stations upwards - i.e. by increasing frequency */
   140         ESearchDirectionUp = 1,
   141         /** Search for stations downwards - i.e. by decreasing frequency */
   142         ESearchDirectionDown
   143     };
   144     /**
   145     The Tuner Access Priority enables clients to correctly identify their needs
   146     when it comes to accessing the tuner. A process must have the MultimediaDD
   147     capability to use priorities greater than ETunerAccessPriorityNormal.
   148     */
   149     enum TTunerAccessPriority
   150     {
   151         /** Radio accessible when device is idle */
   152         ETunerAccessPriorityBackground      = -100,
   153         /** Ordinary application priority */
   154         ETunerAccessPriorityNormal          = 0,
   155         /** Radio is to be used as an alarm sound */
   156         ETunerAccessPriorityAlarm           = 75,
   157         /** System use only */
   158         ETunerAccessPrioritySystem          = 100
   159     };
   160     /**
   161     Bitmasks to indicate what state the tuner is in.
   162     */
   163     enum TTunerState
   164     {
   165         /**
   166         Tuner is active, and can therefore report frequency etc. If this bit is
   167         not set, none of the others should be set.
   168         */
   169         ETunerStateActive       = 0x01,
   170         /** The tuner is playing sound. */
   171         ETunerStatePlaying      = 0x02,
   172         /** The tuner is currently recording. */
   173         ETunerStateRecording    = 0x04,
   174         /** The tuner is currently retuning or searching for a new station. */
   175         ETunerStateRetuning     = 0x08,
   176     };
   177 public:
   179     /**
   180     Factory function to create a new instance of the Tuner. Tuner access priority
   181     setting is required to ensure that applications such as alarms using the radio
   182     as an alarm sound are not prevented from doing so by other clients. Priority
   183     setting is needed for audio output when accessing the sound device. Tuner is
   184     ready for use on return from this function.
   186     @param aObserver The observer object for receiving async completion callbacks
   187     @param aTunerIndex An index from 0 to TunersAvailable() - 1 specifying the tuner
   188             device to use.
   189     @param aAccessPriority Tuner access priority value
   190     @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
   191     @leave KErrNotFound The specified tuner or tuner controller is not present
   192     @return A pointer and ownership of the fully constructed CMMTunerUtility object
   193     */
   194     IMPORT_C static CMMTunerUtility* NewL(MMMTunerObserver& aObserver,
   195                                           TTunerBand aBand,
   196                                           TInt aTunerIndex,
   197                                           CMMTunerUtility::TTunerAccessPriority aAccessPriority = ETunerAccessPriorityNormal);
   199     IMPORT_C virtual ~CMMTunerUtility();
   203     /**
   204     Set the current tuner access priority of this client. This priority is used to
   205     arbitrate between multiple tuner clients, determining who get control of the
   206     tuner.
   208     The platform security capability is MultimediaDD and a client with this capability
   209     is allowed to set the priority in preference to a client with a lower capability.
   211     @param aAccessPriority The new priority to use.
   212     @capability MultimediaDD
   213     @return A standard system error code.
   214     */
   215     IMPORT_C TInt SetPriority(TTunerAccessPriority aAccessPriority);
   217     /**
   218     Get the current tuner access priority of this client.
   220     @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
   221     @return A standard system error code.
   222     */
   223     IMPORT_C TInt GetPriority(TTunerAccessPriority& aAccessPriority) const;
   226     /**
   227     Get the current state of the tuner.
   229     @param aState A variable to set with the current state. Bits set according to
   230            TTunerState.
   231     @return A standard system error code.
   232     */
   233     IMPORT_C TInt GetState(TUint32& aState) const;
   235     /**
   236     Indicates if the external antenna is currently attached or not. The tuner
   237     capabilties should be queried to determine if the external antenna is required
   238     to use the tuner or not; A value of false returned here does not necessarily
   239     imply that the tuner cannot be used.
   241     @param aAttached When this function returns, this will contain ETrue if and only
   242            if an external antenna is attached.
   243     @return A standard system error code.
   244     */
   245     IMPORT_C TInt IsAntennaAttached(TBool& aAttached);
   247     /**
   248     Indicates if the device is currently in 'flight mode' or not. The tuner
   249     capabilities should be queried to determine in the tuner can be used  in flight
   250     mode or not.
   252     @param aFlightMode On return, this will have been set to ETrue if and only if
   253             the device is in flight mode.
   254     @return A standard system error code.
   255     */
   256     IMPORT_C TInt GetFlightMode(TBool& aFlightMode) const;
   258     /**
   259     Tune the tuner to the required frequency specified in Hertz. This is an asynchronous
   260     command and will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete or MToTunerError.
   262     If the session does not currently have control of the tuner, a request for control
   263     will be made. If control of the tuner is granted, a callback to MToTunerControlGranted
   264     will occur. If not, there will be a callback to MtoTunerError with error value
   265     KErrAccessDenied.
   267     Once control of the tuner has been granted, it will be retained until either a
   268     call to ReleaseTunerControl, or the session is preempted in which case there
   269     will be a callback to MToTunerError with error value KErrAccessDenied.
   271     @param aFrequency The frequency to tune to
   272     @param aBand The band to which aFrequency belongs
   273     */
   274     IMPORT_C void Tune(TFrequency aFrequency);
   276     /**
   277     Find a radio station, starting at the start frequency and searching in the
   278     direction specified (i.e. Up or down) the search is limited to the specified
   279     band.  If the session does not currently have control of the tuner, a request
   280     for control will be made. If control of the tuner is granted, a callback to
   281     MToTunerControlGranted will occur. If not, there will be a callback to MToTunerError
   282     with error value KErrAccessDenied.
   284     Once control of the tuner has been granted, it will be retained until either a
   285     call to ReleaseTunerControl, or the session is preempted in which case there
   286     will be a callback to MToTunerError with error value KErrAccessDenied.
   288     A callback to MToTuneComplete will occur if the Seek is successful.
   290     @param aBand The band
   291     @param aSearchDirect The direction to search in
   292     @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other
   293            end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue)
   294            If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result
   295            in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.
   296     */
   297     IMPORT_C void StationSeek(TSearchDirection aSearchDirection);
   299     /**
   300     Cancels an ongoing retune operation, as initiated by a call to Tune or StationSeek.
   301     The usual callback will not occur if this has been called.
   303     Has not affect if no tune or seek operation is ongoing.
   304     */
   305     IMPORT_C void CancelRetune();
   307     /**
   308     Makes a synchronous request for control of the tuner. If this method returns
   309     KErrNone, control of the tuner has been granted. Control of the tuner is kept
   310     until it is explically released using ReleaseTunerControl, or it is revoked
   311     in which case a callback to MToTunerError with an error of KErrAccessDenied
   312     will occur.
   314     If this method returns with KErrAccessDenied, a request to recieve a
   315     notifiaction when control could be granted can be made using
   316     NotifyTunerControl.
   318     Note that methods that require control of the tuner (such as Tune) will make
   319     a request for control themselves if control has not already been granted.
   321     @return A standard system error code. If control was granted, KErrNone, and if
   322             control was denied KErrAccessDenied.
   323     */
   324     IMPORT_C TInt RequestTunerControl();
   326     /**
   327     Makes an asyncronous request for control of the tuner. This method should be
   328     called after an control of the tuner has been denied to receive a notification
   329     when control of the tuner can be granted. A callback to MToTunerControlGranted
   330     will occur in this event.
   331     */
   332     IMPORT_C TInt NotifyTunerControl();
   334     /**
   335     Release control of the tuner, allowing other clients to tune it. Change
   336     notifications may still be received. A request for control of the tuner can be
   337     made again by calling RequestTunerControl, or any methods that require control
   338     of the tuner.
   339     */
   340     IMPORT_C void ReleaseTunerControl();
   342     /**
   343     Release the tuner. Any ongoing playing or recording activity will be stopped,
   344     control of the tuner will be released, and the hardware will be powered down if
   345     no other clients need it.
   346     */
   347     IMPORT_C void Close();
   349     /**
   350     Retrieve the current frequency that the tuner is tuned to
   352     @param aFrequency The variable to set to the current frequency,
   353     -1 if channels are in use
   354     @param aBand The variable used to set the current band.
   355     @return A standard system error code
   356     */
   357     IMPORT_C TInt GetFrequency(TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
   359     /**
   360     Retrieve the signal strenth of the currently tuned signal
   362     @param aSignalStrength Variable into which the signal strength will be written.
   363     @return A standard system error code
   364     */
   365     IMPORT_C TInt GetSignalStrength(TInt& aSignalStrength) const;
   367     /**
   368     Get the maximum possible signal strength of a tuned signal.
   370     @param aMaxSignalStrength A variable that will have the maximun signal strength
   371             written to.
   372     @return A standard system error code
   373     */
   374     IMPORT_C TInt GetMaxSignalStrength(TInt& aMaxSignalStrength) const;
   376     /**
   377     Request notifications when the signal strength changes. Due to the potentially
   378     short intervals at which the signal strength may change at, notifications will
   379     only be sent when a relatively large change occurrs. This should allow a visual
   380     display of signal strength to be maintained fairly accurately.
   382     The first signal strength notification will be sent immediately after this
   383     request.
   385     @param aObserver The object which will receive notifications of signal strength
   386             changes.
   387     @return A standard system error code
   388     */
   389     IMPORT_C TInt NotifySignalStrength(MMMSignalStrengthObserver& aObserver);
   391     /**
   392     Cancel an outstanding NotifySignalStrength request.
   393     */
   394     IMPORT_C void CancelNotifySignalStrength();
   396     /**
   397     Find out if the current signal is being received in stereo or not.
   399     @param aStereo On return, will be ETrue if and only if a stereo signal is
   400            currently being received.
   401     */
   402     IMPORT_C TInt IsStereoSignal(TBool& aStereo);
   404     /**
   405     Request notifications when stereo reception is lost/restored.
   407     @param aObserver The object requiring notification when a stereo signal is lost
   408            or restored. The first notification will occur immediately.
   409     @return A standard system error code
   410     */
   411     IMPORT_C TInt NotifyStereoChange(MMMTunerStereoObserver& aObserver);
   413     /**
   414     Cancels a stereo change notification request.
   415     */
   416     IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyStereoChange();
   418     /**
   419     Indicates whether the reception should be forced into monophonic mode.
   421     @param aMono If ETrue, all reception will be in mono mode even if a stereo
   422            signal is available. If EFalse, a stereo signal will be received when
   423            possible.
   424     @return A standard system error code.
   425     */
   426     IMPORT_C TInt ForceMonoReception(TBool aMono);
   428     /**
   429     Find out whether reception is forced into monophonic mode or not.
   431     @param aMono This will be set to ETrue if all reception is forced to be mono. If
   432            this is EFalse, this does not imply that stereo reception is currently
   433            available.
   434     @return A standard system error code.
   435     */
   436     IMPORT_C TInt GetForcedMonoReception(TBool& aMono) const;
   438     /**
   439     Sets the current squleching (muting in frequencies without reception) setting.
   441     @param aEnabled ETrue to enable squelching, EFalse to disable it.
   442     @return KErrNone if successful, else a system wide error code.
   443     */
   444     IMPORT_C TInt SetSquelch(TBool aEnabled);
   446     /**
   447     Gets the current squleching (muting in frequencies without reception) setting.
   449     @param aEnabled This will be set to ETrue if squelching is enabled, EFalse otherwise.
   450     @return KErrNone if successful, else a system wide error code.
   451     */
   452     IMPORT_C TInt GetSquelch(TBool& aEnabled) const;
   454     /**
   455     Get the capabilities of the tuner on the device
   457     @param aCaps The capabilities object to fill
   458     @return A standard system error code
   459     */
   460     IMPORT_C TInt GetCapabilities(TTunerCapabilities& aCaps) const;
   462     /**
   463     Get the frequency range (in Hertz) of the specified band.
   464     This function should be used to enquire the frequency range
   465     of the bands that GetCapabilities reports as supported.
   467     @param aBand The band to query
   468     @param aBottomFrequency The variable to set to the lowest frequency allowed
   469     @param aTopFrequency The variable to set to the highest frequency allowed
   470     @return A standard system error code
   471     */
   472     IMPORT_C TInt GetFrequencyBandRange(TFrequency& aBottomFrequency, TFrequency& aTopFrequency);
   474     /**
   475     Request to be notified when the tuned frequency or channel changes, or when the
   476     tuner changes state (e.g. starts playing or recording)
   478     @param aObserver The object wishing to receive tuning change events
   479     @return A standard system error code
   480     */
   481     IMPORT_C TInt NotifyChange(MMMTunerChangeObserver& aObserver);
   483     /**
   484     Cancel request to be notified when the tuned frequency or channel changes
   485     */
   486     IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyChange();
   488     /**
   489     Send a synchronous custom command to the tuner.
   491     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   492         on the interface defined by the first IPC argument
   493     @param aArgs The IPC arguments to send to the tuner. The first of these
   494         arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the
   495         command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first
   496         argument properly will result in the command completing with
   497         KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly  the client being panicked.
   498     @return A standard system error code
   499     */
   500     IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs);
   502     /**
   503     Send an asynchronous custom command to the tuner.
   505     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   506         on the interface defined by the first IPC argument
   507     @param aArgs The IPC arguments to send to the tuner. The first of these
   508         arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the
   509         command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first
   510         argument properly will result in the command completing with
   511         KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly  the client being panicked.
   512     @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
   513         result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
   514         dependent on the interface.
   515     */
   516     IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   518     /**
   519     Get the Tuner Player Utility
   521     @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
   522     @return A standard system error code.
   523     */
   524     IMPORT_C CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility* TunerPlayerUtilityL(MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver& aObserver) ;
   525     /**
   526     Get the Tuner Recorder Utility
   528     @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
   529     @return A standard system error code.
   530     */
   531     IMPORT_C CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility* TunerRecorderUtilityL(MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver& aObserver) ;
   533     /**
   534     Get the Tuner Scanner Utility
   536     @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
   537     @return A standard system error code.
   538     */
   539     IMPORT_C CMMTunerScannerUtility* TunerScannerUtilityL() ;
   541     /**
   542     Get the Tuner Rds Utility
   544     @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
   545     @return A standard system error code.
   546     */
   547     IMPORT_C CMMRdsTunerUtility* TunerRdsUtilityL() ;
   549 private:
   550     CMMTunerUtility();
   551 protected:
   552     class CBody;
   553 private:
   554     CBody* iBody;
   555 };
   557 /**
   558 The Tuner Observer mixin class defines asynchronous
   559 event completion function callbacks
   560 */
   561 class MMMTunerObserver
   562 {
   563 public:
   564     /**
   565     Tune complete event. This event is asynchronous
   566     and is received after a call to the Tune method.
   568     @param aError A standard system error
   569     */
   570     virtual void MToTuneComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
   572 };
   574 /**
   575 The Tuner Change Observer mixin class defines the interface via which
   576 notification for changes to the tuned frequency, channel and other tuner
   577 state can be received. A client interested in these notifications
   578 should call the function CMMTunerUtility::NotifyChange.
   579 */
   580 class MMMTunerChangeObserver
   581 {
   582 public:
   583     /**
   584     Called when the tuned frequency changes
   586     @param aOldFrequency The frequency in use before the change
   587     @param aNewFrequency The new tuned frequency
   588     */
   589     virtual void MTcoFrequencyChanged(const TFrequency& aOldFrequency, const TFrequency& aNewFrequency) = 0;
   591     /**
   592     Called when the state of the tuner changes.
   594     @param aOldState The old state. Bits are set according to TTunerState.
   595     @param aNewState The new state. Bits are set according to TTunerState.
   596     */
   597     virtual void MTcoStateChanged(const TUint32& aOldState, const TUint32& aNewState) = 0;
   599     /**
   600     This function is called when an external antenna is detached from the device.
   601     This does not necessarily indicate that the tuner can no longer be used; the
   602     capabilities of the tuner indicate if the external antenna is required in order
   603     to use the tuner.
   604     */
   605     virtual void MTcoAntennaDetached() = 0;
   607     /**
   608     This function is called when an external antenna is attached to the device. If
   609     the antenna is required to use the tuner, this indicates that the tuner can be
   610     used again.
   611     */
   612     virtual void MTcoAntennaAttached() = 0;
   614     /**
   615     This function is called when the device enters or leaves flight mode. If the tuner
   616     cannot be used in flight mode when the device enters this mode, this indicates
   617     that the tuner can no longer be used; the capabilities of the tuner indicate if
   618     it can be used in flight mode or not.
   620     @param aFlightMode ETrue if the device has just entered flight mode, EFalse if
   621             flight mode has just been left.
   622     */
   623     virtual void FlightModeChanged(TBool aFlightMode) = 0;
   624 };
   626 /**
   627 The stereo observer mixin class defines the interface by which clients can be
   628 notified when a stereo signal is received/lost. An interested client should call
   629 the function CMMTunerUtility::NotifyStereoChange.
   630 */
   631 class MMMTunerStereoObserver
   632 {
   633 public:
   634     /**
   635     Called when stereo reception is lost/restored.
   637     @param aStereo If true, indicates that stereo reception has just been restored.
   638            If false, indicates that stereo reception has just been lost.
   639     */
   640     virtual void MTsoStereoReceptionChanged(TBool aStereo) = 0;
   642     /**
   643     Called when a client enables/disabled forced mono reception.
   645     @param aForcedMono ETrue if reception is forced to be mono, even when a stereo
   646            signal is available.
   647     */
   648     virtual void MTsoForcedMonoChanged(TBool aForcedMono) = 0;
   649 };
   651 /**
   652 This mixin class should be derived from by clients wishing to receive
   653 notifications when the signal strength changes. Such a client should call
   654 function CMMTunerUtility::NotifySignalStrength.
   655 */
   656 class MMMSignalStrengthObserver
   657 {
   658 public:
   659     /**
   660     Callback indicating that the signal strength has changed by an amount meriting
   661     a notification.
   663     @param aNewSignalStrength The new signal strength.
   664     */
   665     virtual void MssoSignalStrengthChanged(TInt aNewSignalStrength) = 0;
   666 };
   669 class MMMAudioResourceNotificationCallback;
   671 /**
   672 The Tuner Audio Player Utility is used to initiate and control playback of audio
   673 from the tuner.
   674 */
   675 class CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility : public CBase, public MCustomCommand
   676 {
   677     friend class CMMTunerUtility::CBody;
   678 public:
   680     IMPORT_C ~CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility();
   682     /**
   683     Set-up the API for playing the output from tuner to the speaker asynchronously.
   684     Calls MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver::MTapoInitializeComplete on completion. This must be
   685     called before Play.
   687     @param aPriority Sound device priority value
   688     @param aPref Sound device priority preference value
   689     */
   690     IMPORT_C void InitializeL(TInt aAudioPriority = EMdaPriorityNormal, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);
   692     /**
   693     Start playback of the tuner output. To stop playback, call Mute, or Stop if
   694     play will not need to be restarted. InitializeL() must have already been
   695     called, and a callback to MTapoInitializeComplete with an error of KErrNone must
   696     have occurred; if this is not the case, this raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic.
   697     */
   698     IMPORT_C void Play();
   700     /**
   701     Mute or unmute playback.
   703     Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
   705     @param aMute ETrue to mute the audio, EFalse to unmute it.
   706     @return A standard system error code
   707     */
   708     IMPORT_C TInt Mute(TBool aMute);
   710     /**
   711     Stop playback, and release the output device for use by other clients
   713     Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
   715     Playback should already be under way.
   716     */
   717     IMPORT_C void Stop();
   719     /**
   720     Set the current audio priority. This priority is used to arbitrate
   721     between multiple audio sources trying to access the audio hardware.
   723     @param aPriority A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax
   724     @param aPref Time vs Quality priority preferences, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference
   725     @return A standard system error code
   726     */
   727     IMPORT_C TInt SetPriority(TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref);
   729     /**
   730     Get the current audio priority. This is used to arbitrate between simultaneous
   731     accesses to the sound hardware.
   733     @param aPriority A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax to return
   734     @param aPref Time vs Quality priority preferences to return, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference
   735     @return A standard system error code
   736     */
   737     IMPORT_C TInt GetPriority(TInt& aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference& aPref) const;
   739     /**
   740     Set the volume to the specified level
   742     Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
   744     @param aVolume The volume level to set
   745     @return A standard system error code
   746     */
   747     IMPORT_C TInt SetVolume(TInt aVolume);
   749     /**
   750     Return the current volume
   752     @param aVolume The variable to set to the current volume
   753     @return A standard system error code
   754     */
   755     IMPORT_C TInt GetVolume(TInt& aVolume) const;
   757     /**
   758     Define a volume ramp, aRampInterval defining
   759     the interval between valid volume settings
   761     Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
   763     @param aRampInterval The time interval over which the volume
   764     should be increased from zero to the current volume setting
   765     @return A standard system error code
   766     */
   767     IMPORT_C TInt SetVolumeRamp(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampInterval);
   769     /**
   770     Return the maximum volume supported
   772     @return The maximum volume setting permitted
   773     */
   774     IMPORT_C TInt MaxVolume() const;
   776     /**
   777     Set the stereo balance between left and right channels
   779     Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
   781     @param aBalance The balance value to set - must be between
   782     KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and KMMFBalanceMaxRight
   783     @return A standard system error code
   784     */
   785     IMPORT_C TInt SetBalance(TInt aBalance = KMMFBalanceCenter);
   787     /**
   788     Return the current stereo balance
   790     @param aBalance The variable to set to the current balance
   791     @return A standard system error code
   792     */
   793     IMPORT_C TInt GetBalance(TInt& aBalance) const;
   795     /**
   796     Register for audio resource notifications, in the event that the audio resource is lost due to pre-emption
   797     by a higher priority audio client.
   798     */
   799     IMPORT_C TInt RegisterAudioResourceNotification(MMMAudioResourceNotificationCallback& aCallback, TUid aNotificationEventUid, const TDesC8* aNotificationRegistrationData = NULL);
   801     /**
   802     Cancel an outstanding audio resource notification.
   803     */
   804     IMPORT_C void CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(TUid aNotificationEventId);
   806     /**
   807     Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller, if any.
   809     @return The controller implementation structure associated with the controller
   810     @leave KErrNotFound if no controller is in use.
   811     */
   812     IMPORT_C const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& ControllerImplementationInformationL();
   814     /**
   815     Send a synchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
   817     @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   818             the interface of this message
   819     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   820             on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
   821     @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   822             framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   823             interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
   824     @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   825             framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   826             interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
   827     @return A standard system error code
   828     */
   829     IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(
   830         const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
   831         TInt aFunction,
   832         const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
   833         const TDesC8& aDataTo2);
   835     /**
   836     Send a synchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
   838     @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   839             the interface of this message
   840     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   841             on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
   842     @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   843             framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   844             interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
   845     @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   846             framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   847             interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
   848     @param aDataFrom The area of memory to which the controller framework
   849             will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.
   850     @return A standard system error code
   851     */
   852     IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(
   853         const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
   854         TInt aFunction,
   855         const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
   856         const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
   857         TDes8& aDataFrom);
   859     /**
   860     Send an asynchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
   862     @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   863             the interface of this message
   864     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   865             on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
   866     @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   867             framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   868             interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
   869     @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   870             framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   871             interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
   872     @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
   873             result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
   874             dependent on the interface.
   875     */
   876     IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(
   877         const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
   878         TInt aFunction,
   879         const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
   880         const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
   881         TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   883     /**
   884     Send an asynchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
   886     @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
   887             the interface of this message
   888     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
   889             on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
   890     @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   891             framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   892             interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
   893     @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
   894             framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
   895             interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
   896     @param aDataFrom The area of memory to which the controller framework
   897             will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.
   898     @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
   899             result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
   900             dependent on the interface.
   901     */
   902     IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(
   903         const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
   904         TInt aFunction,
   905         const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
   906         const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
   907         TDes8& aDataFrom,
   908         TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   910 protected:
   911     /**
   912     Factory function to create a new Tuner Audio Player utility. Note that only one audio player
   913     utility may be created per instance of CMMTunerUtility. Multiple instances will result in an
   914     error of KErrAlreadyExists when InitializeL() is called.
   916     @param aTuner The tuner object which this utility will play the audio from.
   917     @param aObserver The observer of the player utility to receive asychronous completion and
   918             notifiction callbacks.
   919     @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
   920     @leave KErrNotSupported If the given tuner doesn't support audio playback.
   921     @return A new tuner audio player utility.
   922     */
   923     static CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility* NewL(CMMTunerUtility& aTuner, RRadioSession& aRadioSession, MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver& aObserver);
   925 private:
   926     CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility();
   927 private:
   928     class CBody;
   929     CBody* iBody;
   930 };
   932 class MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver
   933 {
   934 public:
   935     /**
   936     The TEvent enumeration is used to indicate which type of event is being sent to the client.
   937     Each event will be associated with an error code and potentially some addition information,
   938     and will be passed to the client via method MTapoPlayEvent().
   939     */
   940     enum TEventType
   941     {
   942         /** An event relating to the tuner itself. Any error other than KErrNone associated
   943         with this event type may indicate that the tuner cannot be used anymore.
   945         No additional information is associated with this type of event. */
   946         ETunerEvent,
   947         /**
   948         An event relating to audio playback.
   950         No additional information is associated with this type of event.
   951         */
   952         EAudioEvent
   953     };
   954 public:
   955     /**
   956     Initialize complete event. This event is asynchronous and is received after
   957     a call to CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::InitializeL().
   959     @param aError A standard system error
   960     */
   961     virtual void MTapoInitializeComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
   963     /**
   964     Passes an asychronous event to the tuner client.
   966     @param aEvent The type of event. See enumeration MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver::TEventType
   967             for more information about when the event types mean.
   968     @param aError An error code associated with the event.
   969     @param aAdditionalInfo Any additional information associated with the event, or NULL if
   970             no such additional information exists.
   971     */
   972     virtual void MTapoPlayEvent(TEventType aEvent, TInt aError, TAny* aAdditionalInfo) = 0;
   973 };
   975 /**
   976 This class is used to perform recording of audio from the tuner. Many of the methods
   977 in this class have identical functionality to similarly names functions in class
   978 CMdaAudioRecorderUtility.
   979 */
   980 class CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility : public CBase
   981 {
   982     friend class CMMTunerUtility::CBody;
   983 public:
   985     IMPORT_C ~CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility();
   987     /**
   988     Initialize for recording from the tuner to the specified file
   989     asynchronously. Calls MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver::MTaroInitializeComplete on completion
   991     @param aRecordFilename The name of the file to create, if necessary, and record to
   992     @param "aDestinationDataType" Data type for recording
   993     @param "aControllerUid" The Uid of the controller to use for recording
   994     @param "aDestinationFormatUid" Uid of record format
   995     @param aPriority Sound device priority value
   996     @param aPref Sound device priority preference value
   997     */
   998     IMPORT_C void InitializeL(const TDesC& aRecordFilename,
   999                               TFourCC aDestinationDataType = KFourCCNULL,
  1000                               TUid aControllerUid=KNullUid,
  1001                               TUid aDestinationFormatUid=KNullUid,
  1002                               TInt aAudioPriority = EMdaPriorityNormal,
  1003                               TMdaPriorityPreference aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);
  1005     /**
  1006     Initialize for recording from the tuner to the specified descriptor
  1007     asynchronously. Calls MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver::MTaroInitializeComplete on completion
  1009     @param aRecordDescriptor The descriptor to record to
  1010     @param "aDestinationDataType" Data type for recording
  1011     @param "aControllerUid" The Uid of the controller to use for recording
  1012     @param "aDestinationFormatUid" Uid of record format
  1013     @param aPriority Sound device priority value
  1014     @param aPref Sound device priority preference value
  1015     */
  1016     IMPORT_C void InitializeL(TDes8& aRecordDescriptor,
  1017                               TFourCC aDestinationDataType = KFourCCNULL,
  1018                               TUid aControllerUid=KNullUid,
  1019                               TUid aDestinationFormatUid=KNullUid,
  1020                               TInt aAudioPriority = EMdaPriorityNormal,
  1021                               TMdaPriorityPreference aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);
  1023     /**
  1024     Return a list of the supported data types for the record destination
  1025     @param "aSupportedDataTypes" list of four character codes, representing supported data
  1026         encodings for the record destination.
  1027     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1028     */
  1029     IMPORT_C void GetSupportedDestinationDataTypesL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes) const;
  1031     /**
  1032     Set the data type of the destination audio clip
  1033     @param "aDataType" four character code, representing the encoding of the destination audio clip
  1034     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1035     */
  1036     IMPORT_C void SetDestinationDataTypeL(TFourCC aDataType);
  1038     /**
  1039     Return the data type of the destination audio clip
  1040     @returns four character code, representing the encoding of the destination audio clip
  1041     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1042     */
  1043     IMPORT_C TFourCC DestinationDataTypeL() const;
  1045     /**
  1046     Set the bit rate for recording
  1047     @param "aBitRate" destination bit rate in bits/second
  1048     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1049     */
  1050     IMPORT_C void SetDestinationBitRateL(TUint aBitRate);
  1052     /**
  1053     Return the recording bit rate
  1054     @returns destination bit rate in bits/second
  1055     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1056     */
  1057     IMPORT_C TUint DestinationBitRateL() const;
  1059     /**
  1060     Return a list of the supported bit rates for recording
  1061     @param "aSupportedBitRates" List of bit rates supported for the record
  1062            destination
  1063     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1064     */
  1065     IMPORT_C void GetSupportedBitRatesL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedBitRates) const;
  1067     /**
  1068     Set the sample rate for the record destination
  1069     @param "aSampleRate" The sample rate of the record destination
  1070     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1071     */
  1072     IMPORT_C void SetDestinationSampleRateL(TUint aSampleRate);
  1074     /**
  1075     Return the sample rate of the record destination
  1076     @returns The sample rate of the record destination
  1077     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1078     */
  1079     IMPORT_C TUint DestinationSampleRateL() const;
  1081     /**
  1082     Get a list of supported recording sample rates.
  1083     @param "aSupportedSampleRates" List of the sample rates that are supported for
  1084            recording
  1085     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1086     */
  1087     IMPORT_C void GetSupportedSampleRatesL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedSampleRates) const;
  1089     /**
  1090     Set the format of the audio clip. This can only be done if the audio clip does not
  1091     exist
  1093     @param "aFormatUid" Uid of the audio clip format
  1094     @leaves KErrAlreadyExists if the clip already exists and the format is different
  1095      from the existing format, or can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1096     */
  1097     IMPORT_C void SetDestinationFormatL(TUid aFormatUid);
  1099     /**
  1100     Return the format of the audio clip
  1101     @returns Uid of the audio clip format
  1102     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1103     */
  1104     IMPORT_C TUid DestinationFormatL() const;
  1106     /**
  1107     Set the number of channels for the recorded audio clip
  1108     @param "aNumberOfChannels" The number of channels to record
  1109     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1110     */
  1111     IMPORT_C void SetDestinationNumberOfChannelsL(TUint aNumberOfChannels);
  1113     /**
  1114     Return the number of channels in audio clip
  1115     @returns number of channels supported by audio clip
  1116     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1117     */
  1118     IMPORT_C TUint DestinationNumberOfChannelsL() const;
  1120     /**
  1121     Return a list of the supported number of channels for recording
  1122     @param "aSupportedNumChannels" List of the number of channels supported for
  1123             recording
  1124     @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
  1125     */
  1126     IMPORT_C void GetSupportedNumberOfChannelsL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedNumChannels) const;
  1128     /** Start recording of the tuner output */
  1129     IMPORT_C void RecordL();
  1131     /**
  1132     Pause recording. Recording can be resumed with another call to Record.
  1134     @return A standard system error code
  1135     */
  1136     IMPORT_C TInt PauseRecord();
  1138     /**
  1139     Stop recording, and release the output device for use by other clients
  1141     Recording should already be under way.
  1142     */
  1143     IMPORT_C void Stop();
  1145     /**
  1146     Stop recording, and release the output device for use by other clients
  1148     Recording should already be under way.
  1149     */
  1150     IMPORT_C void Close();
  1152     /**
  1153     Return the maximum value for the gain
  1155     @return The maximum gain. For devices where automatic gain control is used, this value may be zero.
  1156     */
  1157     IMPORT_C TInt MaxGain() const;
  1159     /**
  1160     Sets the gain for the audio device to a specified value.
  1162     @param aGain The gain setting. This can be any value from zero to the value returned by a call to
  1163             MaxGain(). A value which is less than zero is set to zero. A value which is greater than
  1164             MaxGain() is set to MaxGain().
  1165     */
  1166     IMPORT_C void SetGain(TInt aGain);
  1168     /**
  1169     Sets the current recording balance setting between the left and right stereo channels
  1171     The balance can be changed before or during recording and is effective immediately.
  1173     @param aBalance The balance value to set. Any value between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and
  1174             KMMFBalanceMaxRight, the default value being KMMFBalanceCenter.
  1175     @return An error code indicating if the call was successful. KErrNone on success,
  1176             otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
  1177     */
  1178     IMPORT_C TInt SetRecordBalance(TInt aBalance = KMMFBalanceCenter);
  1180     /**
  1181     Returns the current recording balance setting between the left and right stereo channels.
  1183     @param aBalance On return, contains the current recording balance between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft
  1184             and KMMFBalanceMaxRight.
  1185     @return An error code indicating if the call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
  1186             another of the system-wide error codes.
  1187     */
  1188     IMPORT_C TInt GetRecordBalance(TInt& aBalance) const;
  1190     /**
  1191     Set the current audio priority. This priority is used to arbitrate
  1192     between multiple audio sources trying to access the audio hardware.
  1194     @param aPriority A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax
  1195     @param aPref Time vs Quality priority preferences, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference
  1196     @return A standard system error code
  1197     */
  1198     IMPORT_C TInt SetPriority(TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref);
  1200     /**
  1201     Get the current audio priority. This is used to arbitrate between simultaneous
  1202     accesses to the sound hardware.
  1204     @param aPriority A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax to return
  1205     @param aPref Time vs Quality priority preferences to return, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference
  1206     @return A standard system error code
  1207     */
  1208     IMPORT_C TInt GetPriority(TInt& aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference& aPref) const;
  1210     /**
  1211     Register for audio resource notifications, in the event that the audio resource is lost due to pre-emption
  1212     by a higher priority audio client.
  1213     */
  1214     IMPORT_C TInt RegisterAudioResourceNotification(MMMAudioResourceNotificationCallback& aCallback, TUid aNotificationEventUid, const TDesC8* aNotificationRegistrationData = NULL);
  1216     /**
  1217     Cancel an outstanding audio resource notification.
  1218     */
  1219     IMPORT_C void CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(TUid aNotificationEventId);
  1222     /**
  1223     Sets the maximum size for a file that is being recorded.
  1225     When this limit is reached, MMF stops recording and notifies the client application. Notification is caused
  1226     by MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver::MoscoStateChangeEvent() with the error code KErrEof.
  1228     This function is provided so that applications such as recorders can limit the amount of file storage/memory
  1229     that should be allocated.
  1231     @param aMaxWriteLength
  1232            The maximum file size in kilobytes. If the default value is used, there is no maximum file size.
  1234     */
  1235     IMPORT_C void SetMaxWriteLength(TInt aMaxWriteLength = KMdaClipLocationMaxWriteLengthNone);
  1237     /**
  1238     Returns the recording time available for the selected file or descriptor and encoding format.
  1239     */
  1240     IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& RecordTimeAvailable();
  1242     /**
  1243     Returns the duration of the audio sample data.
  1244     */
  1245     IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& Duration();
  1247     /**
  1248     Return the controller implementation information structure of the current controller
  1250     @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
  1251     @return A reference to the current controller information
  1252     */
  1253     IMPORT_C const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& ControllerImplementationInformationL();
  1255     /*
  1256     Returns the number of meta data entries associated with this clip.
  1257     @return Number of metadata entries
  1258     */
  1259     IMPORT_C TInt GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries(TInt& aNumEntries);
  1261     /*
  1262     Returns the specified meta data entry from the current audio clip.
  1263     @return Metadata entry
  1264     */
  1265     IMPORT_C CMMFMetaDataEntry* GetMetaDataEntryL(TInt aMetaDataIndex);
  1267     /*
  1268     Adds a meta data entry to the audio clip.
  1269     */
  1270     IMPORT_C void AddMetaDataEntryL(CMMFMetaDataEntry& aMetaDataEntry);
  1272     /*
  1273     Removes a specified meta data entry from the audio clip
  1274     @return An error code indicating if the call was successful
  1275     */
  1276     IMPORT_C TInt RemoveMetaDataEntry(TInt aMetaDataIndex);
  1278     /*
  1279     Replaces the specified meta data entry with a new entry
  1280     */
  1281     IMPORT_C void ReplaceMetaDataEntryL(TInt aMetaDataIndex, CMMFMetaDataEntry& aMetaDataEntry);
  1284     /**
  1285     Send a synchronous custom command to the recording controller
  1287     @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
  1288     the interface of this message
  1289     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
  1290     on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
  1291     @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
  1292     framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
  1293     interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
  1294     @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
  1295     framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
  1296     interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
  1297     @return A standard system error code
  1298     */
  1299     IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(
  1300         const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
  1301         TInt aFunction,
  1302         const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
  1303         const TDesC8& aDataTo2);
  1305     /**
  1306     Send a synchronous custom command to the recording controller
  1308     @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
  1309     the interface of this message
  1310     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
  1311     on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
  1312     @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
  1313     framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
  1314     interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
  1315     @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
  1316     framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
  1317     interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
  1318     @param aDataFrom The area of memory to which the controller framework
  1319     will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.
  1320     @return A standard system error code
  1321     */
  1322     IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(
  1323         const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
  1324         TInt aFunction,
  1325         const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
  1326         const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
  1327         TDes8& aDataFrom);
  1329     /**
  1330     Send an asynchronous custom command to the recording controller
  1332     @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
  1333     the interface of this message
  1334     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
  1335     on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
  1336     @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
  1337     framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
  1338     interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
  1339     @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
  1340     framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
  1341     interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
  1342     @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
  1343     result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
  1344     dependent on the interface.
  1345     @return A standard system error code
  1346     */
  1347     IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(
  1348         const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
  1349         TInt aFunction,
  1350         const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
  1351         const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
  1352         TRequestStatus& aStatus);
  1354     /**
  1355     Send an asynchronous custom command to the recording controller
  1357     @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
  1358     the interface of this message
  1359     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
  1360     on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
  1361     @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
  1362     framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
  1363     interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
  1364     @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
  1365     framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
  1366     interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
  1367     @param aDataFrom The area of memory to which the controller framework
  1368     will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.
  1369     @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
  1370     result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
  1371     dependent on the interface.
  1372     @return A standard system error code
  1373     */
  1374     IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(
  1375         const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
  1376         TInt aFunction,
  1377         const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
  1378         const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
  1379         TDes8& aDataFrom,
  1380         TRequestStatus& aStatus);
  1382 protected:
  1383     /**
  1384     Create a new audio recorder utility. Note that only one audio recorder utility may be created
  1385     per instance of CMMTunerUtility. Multiple instances will result in an error of KErrAlreadyExists
  1386     when InitializeL() is called.
  1387     */
  1388     static CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility* NewL(CMMTunerUtility& aTuner, MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver& aObserver);
  1390 private:
  1391     CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility();
  1392 private:
  1393     class CBody;
  1394     CBody* iBody;
  1396 };
  1398 class MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver
  1399 {
  1400 public:
  1401     /**
  1402     The TEvent enumeration is used to indicate which type of event is being sent to the client.
  1403     Each event will be associated with an error code and potentially some addition information,
  1404     and will be passed to the client via method MTaroRecordEvent().
  1405     */
  1406     enum TEventType
  1407     {
  1408         /** An event relating to the tuner itself. Any error other than KErrNone associated
  1409         with this event type may indicate that the tuner cannot be used anymore.
  1411         No additional information is associated with this type of event. */
  1412         ETunerEvent,
  1413         /**
  1414         An event relating to audio recording.
  1416         No additional information is associated with this type of event.
  1417         */
  1418         EAudioEvent
  1419     };
  1420 public:
  1421     /**
  1422     Initialize complete event. This event is asynchronous and is received after
  1423     a call to CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::InitializeL.
  1425     @param aError A standard system error
  1426     */
  1427     virtual void MTaroInitializeComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
  1429     /**
  1430     Passes an asychronous event to the tuner client.
  1432     @param aEvent The type of event. See enumeration MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver::TEventType
  1433             for more information about when the event types mean.
  1434     @param aError An error code associated with the event.
  1435     @param aAdditionalInfo Any additional information associated with the event, or NULL if
  1436             no such additional information exists.
  1437     */
  1438     virtual void MTaroRecordEvent(TEventType aEvent, TInt aError, TAny* aAdditionalInfo) = 0;
  1439 };
  1441 /**
  1442 This class augments CMMTunerUtility to provide station scanning functionality,
  1443 whereby the frequency spectrum is searched, pausing for a specified amount of
  1444 time when a station is found.
  1445 */
  1446 class CMMTunerScannerUtility : public CBase
  1447 {
  1448     friend class CMMTunerUtility::CBody;
  1449 public:
  1451     IMPORT_C ~CMMTunerScannerUtility();
  1453     /**
  1454     Continuously scan for a radio station, pausing for the time specified before
  1455     continuing on to the next station. Call StopScan to select the currently tuned
  1456     station. The search is limited to the specified band.
  1458     @note The control of a CMMTunerUtility object must have been passed to this
  1459           class (using TransferTunerControl) before this function is called.
  1461     @param aBand The band to which aStartFrequency belongs
  1462     @param aSearchDirect The direction to search in
  1463     @param aPauseDuration Time to pause at each station
  1464     @param aCircularScan If set to ETrue the station scan will loop back to the other
  1465            end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue)
  1466     */
  1467     IMPORT_C void StationScan(CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection,
  1468                               TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aPauseDuration
  1469                              );
  1471     /**
  1472     Stop scanning and use the currently tuned station
  1474     @return ETrue if a station is tuned, EFalse otherwise
  1475     */
  1476     IMPORT_C TBool StopScan();
  1478 protected:
  1479     /**
  1480     Factory function to create a new CMMTunerScannerUtility.
  1482     @param aTuner The tuner with which to perform the scanning.
  1483     @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory.
  1484     @return A newly contructed tuner scanner utility.
  1485     */
  1486     static CMMTunerScannerUtility* NewL(CMMTunerUtility& aTuner,CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand);
  1488 private:
  1489     CMMTunerScannerUtility();
  1490 private:
  1491     class CBody;
  1492     CBody* iBody;
  1494 };
  1497 /** Programme Station name, 8 characters */
  1498 typedef TBuf<8> TRdsStationName;
  1499 /** Programme Type Name, 8 characters */
  1500 typedef TBuf<8> TRdsProgrammeTypeName;
  1501 /** RDS Programme Identifier, a unique ID for each radio station */
  1502 typedef TInt TRdsProgrammeIdentifier;
  1504 /**
  1505 Programme Item Number - identifies the start time of the current programme,
  1506 as published by the broadcaster.
  1507 */
  1508 class TRdsProgrammeItemNumber
  1509 {
  1510 public:
  1511     /** The day of the month of the broadcast, in the range 1-31 */
  1512     TInt iDayOfMonth;
  1513     /** The hour of the day, in the range 0-23 */
  1514     TInt iHour;
  1515     /** The minute past the hour, in the range 0-59 */
  1516     TInt iMinute;
  1517 public:
  1518     inline TInt operator==(const TRdsProgrammeItemNumber& aPin) const;
  1519     inline TInt operator!=(const TRdsProgrammeItemNumber& aPin) const;
  1520 };
  1522 /**
  1523 An RDS extended country code. The meaning of a value of this type is defined
  1524 by the RDS specification, IEC62106.
  1525 */
  1526 typedef TInt TRdsCountryCode;
  1528 /**
  1529 An RDS language identification code. The meaning of a value of this type is
  1530 defined by the RDS specification, IEC62106.
  1531 */
  1532 typedef TInt TRdsLanguageIdentifier;
  1534 /**
  1535 RDS Programme Type.
  1537 The interpretation of values of this type depends on the origin of the RDS
  1538 broadcast: in North America, a slightly different standard, RBDS, is used.
  1539 These PTY codes are defined by static values KRbdsPtyXxxxx, for example
  1540 KRbdsPtySoftRock.
  1542 Elsewhere, including Europe, the RDS standard is used. In these areas, the
  1543 PTY codes are defined by static values KRdsPtyXxxxx, for example
  1544 KRdsPtyChildrensProgrammes.
  1546 In all other important aspects, the European RDS and North American RBDS
  1547 standards are identical.
  1548 */
  1549 typedef TInt TRdsProgrammeType;
  1551 /** No programme type or undefined */
  1552 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyNone = 0;
  1553 /** News */
  1554 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyNews = 1;
  1555 /** CurrentAffairs */
  1556 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyCurrentAffairs = 2;
  1557 /** Information */
  1558 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyInformation = 3;
  1559 /** Sport */
  1560 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtySport = 4;
  1561 /** Education */
  1562 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyEducation = 5;
  1563 /** Drama */
  1564 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyDrama = 6;
  1565 /** Culture */
  1566 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyCulture = 7;
  1567 /** Science */
  1568 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyScience = 8;
  1569 /** VariedSpeech */
  1570 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyVariedSpeech = 9;
  1571 /** PopMusic */
  1572 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyPopMusic = 10;
  1573 /** RockMusic */
  1574 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyRockMusic = 11;
  1575 /** EasyListening */
  1576 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyEasyListening = 12;
  1577 /** LightClassical */
  1578 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyLightClassical = 13;
  1579 /** SeriousClassics */
  1580 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtySeriousClassical = 14;
  1581 /** OtherMusic */
  1582 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyOtherMusic = 15;
  1583 /** Weather */
  1584 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyWeather = 16;
  1585 /** Finance */
  1586 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyFinance = 17;
  1587 /** ChildrensProgrammes */
  1588 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyChildrensProgrammes = 18;
  1589 /** SocialAffairs */
  1590 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtySocialAffairs = 19;
  1591 /** Religion */
  1592 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyReligion = 20;
  1593 /** PhoneIn */
  1594 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyPhoneIn = 21;
  1595 /** Travel */
  1596 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyTravel = 22;
  1597 /** Leisure */
  1598 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyLeisure = 23;
  1599 /** JazzMusic */
  1600 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyJazzMusic = 24;
  1601 /** CountryMusic */
  1602 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyCountryMusic = 25;
  1603 /** NationalMusic */
  1604 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyNationalMusic = 26;
  1605 /** OldiesMusic */
  1606 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyOldiesMusic = 27;
  1607 /** FolkMusic */
  1608 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyFolkMusic = 28;
  1609 /** Documentary */
  1610 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyDocumentary = 29;
  1611 /** AlarmTest */
  1612 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyAlarmTest = 30;
  1613 /** Alarm */
  1614 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyAlarm = 31;
  1617 /** No programme type or undefined */
  1618 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyNone = 0;
  1619 /** News */
  1620 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyNews = 1;
  1621 /** Informaion */
  1622 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyInformation = 2;
  1623 /** Sports */
  1624 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySports = 3;
  1625 /** Talk */
  1626 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyTalk = 4;
  1627 /** Rock */
  1628 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyRock = 5;
  1629 /** Classic Rock */
  1630 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyClassicRock = 6;
  1631 /** Adult Hits */
  1632 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyAdultHits = 7;
  1633 /** Soft Rock */
  1634 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySoftRock = 8;
  1635 /** Top 40 */
  1636 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyTop40 = 9;
  1637 /** Country */
  1638 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyCountry = 10;
  1639 /** Oldies */
  1640 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyOldies = 11;
  1641 /** Soft */
  1642 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySoft = 12;
  1643 /** Nostalgia */
  1644 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyNostalgia = 13;
  1645 /** Jazz */
  1646 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyJazz = 14;
  1647 /** Classical */
  1648 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyClassical = 15;
  1649 /** Rhythm and Blues */
  1650 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyRhythmAndBlues = 16;
  1651 /** Soft Rhythm and Blues */
  1652 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySoftRhythmAndBlues = 17;
  1653 /** Language */
  1654 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyLanguage = 18;
  1655 /** Religious Music */
  1656 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyReligiousMusic = 19;
  1657 /** Religious Talk */
  1658 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyReligiousTalk = 20;
  1659 /** Personality */
  1660 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyPersonality = 21;
  1661 /** Public */
  1662 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyPublic = 22;
  1663 /** College */
  1664 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyCollege = 23;
  1665 /** Unassigned */
  1666 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned1 = 24;
  1667 /** Unassigned */
  1668 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned2 = 25;
  1669 /** Unassigned */
  1670 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned3 = 26;
  1671 /** Unassigned */
  1672 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned4 = 27;
  1673 /** Unassigned */
  1674 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned5 = 28;
  1675 /** Weather */
  1676 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyWeather = 29;
  1677 /** Emergency Test */
  1678 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyEmergencyTest = 30;
  1679 /** Emergency */
  1680 const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyEmergency = 31;
  1682 /**
  1683 The RDS Capabilities class defines the capabilities of the RDS tuner on the
  1684 device, as retrieved using the function GetRdsCapabilities.
  1685 */
  1686 class TRdsCapabilities
  1687 {
  1688 public:
  1689     /** RDS Function Bit Flags */
  1690     enum TRdsFunctions
  1691     {
  1692         /** Traffic Announcement */
  1693         ERdsFunctionTa      = 0x01,
  1694         /** Regional Links */
  1695         ERdsFunctionRegLink = 0x02,
  1696         /** News Announcement */
  1697         ERdsFunctionNa      = 0x04,
  1698         /** Programme Type */
  1699         ERdsFunctionPty     = 0x08,
  1700         /** Clock Time */
  1701         ERdsFunctionCt      = 0x10,
  1702         /** Enhanced Other Networks */
  1703         ERdsFunctionEon     = 0x20,
  1704         /** Alternative Frequency */
  1705         ERdsFunctionAf      = 0x40
  1706     };
  1707 public:
  1708     /** Bitfield as defined by ERdsFunctions with the bits of the supported functions set */
  1709     TUint32 iRdsFunctions;
  1710 };
  1712 class MMMRdsDataObserver;
  1713 class MMMRdsEonObserver;
  1714 class MMMRdsStateChangeObserver;
  1715 class MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver;
  1717 /**
  1718 This class represents the basic RDS data associated with an RDS station.
  1719 */
  1720 class TRdsData
  1721 {
  1722 public:
  1723     inline TRdsData();
  1724 public:
  1725     /**
  1726     Enumeration to indicate a subset of the members of class TRdsData. These values should
  1727     be bitwise or'ed together to indicate which members belong in a set.
  1728     */
  1729     enum TField
  1730     {
  1731         /** Indicates the the member iPi is in a set */
  1732         EProgrammeIdentifier    = 0x001,
  1733         /** Indicates the the member iPs is in a set */
  1734         EStationName            = 0x002,
  1735         /** Indicates the the member iTp is in a set */
  1736         ETrafficProgramme       = 0x004,
  1737         /** Indicates the the member iTa is in a set */
  1738         ETrafficAnnouncement    = 0x008,
  1739         /** Indicates the the member iPty is in a set */
  1740         EProgrammeType          = 0x010,
  1741         /** Indicates the the member iPtyn is in a set */
  1742         EProgrammeTypeName      = 0x020,
  1743         /** Indicates the the member iPin is in a set */
  1744         EProgrammeItemNumber    = 0x040,
  1745         /** Indicates the the member iMs is in a set */
  1746         EMusicSpeech            = 0x080,
  1747         /** Indicates the the member iBroadcastLanguage is in a set */
  1748         EBroadcastLanguage      = 0x100,
  1749         /** Indicates the the member iEcc is in a set */
  1750         EExtendedCountryCode    = 0x200
  1751     };
  1752     /**
  1753     A value indicating a set containig all RDS data encapsulated by class TRdsData.
  1754     */
  1755     const static TUint32 KAllRdsData = (EProgrammeIdentifier | EStationName | ETrafficProgramme | ETrafficAnnouncement
  1756                                         | EProgrammeType | EProgrammeTypeName | EProgrammeItemNumber | EMusicSpeech
  1757                                         | EBroadcastLanguage | EExtendedCountryCode);
  1758 public:
  1759     /** Programme Identifier of the station */
  1760     TRdsProgrammeIdentifier iPi;
  1761     /** Programme Station name of the station */
  1762     TRdsStationName iPs;
  1763     /** Value of the Traffic Programme flag of the station */
  1764     TBool iTp;
  1765     /** Value of the Traffic Announcement flag of the station */
  1766     TBool iTa;
  1767     /** Programme Type of the station */
  1768     TRdsProgrammeType iPty;
  1769     /** Programme Type Name of the station */
  1770     TRdsProgrammeTypeName iPtyn;
  1771     /** Programme Item Number of the station */
  1772     TRdsProgrammeItemNumber iPin;
  1773     /** Value of the Music Speech flag of the station. EFalse indicates the speech is being
  1774     broadcast at present. ETrue indicates that music is being broadcast, or that the flag is
  1775     not in use by the broadcaster. */
  1776     TBool iMs;
  1777     /** The current language of the broadcast */
  1778     TRdsLanguageIdentifier iBroadcastLanguage;
  1779     /** The Extended Country Code of the station */
  1780     TRdsCountryCode iEcc;
  1781 };
  1783 /**
  1784 Class representing a station broadcast as an Enhanced Other Networks station.
  1785 */
  1786 class TEonStation
  1787 {
  1788 public:
  1789     /**
  1790     Enumeration to indicate a subset of the members of class TEonStation. These values should
  1791     be bitwise or'ed together to indicate which members belong in a set.
  1792     */
  1793     enum TField
  1794     {
  1795         /** Indicates that member iProgrammeIdentifier is valid. */
  1796         EProgrammeIdentifier= 0x01,
  1797         /** Indicates that member iStationName is valid. */
  1798         EStationName        = 0x02,
  1799         /** Indicates that member iProgrammeType is valid. */
  1800         EProgrammeType      = 0x04,
  1801         /** Indicates that member iTrafficProgramme is valid. */
  1802         ETrafficProgramme   = 0x08,
  1803         /** Indicates that member iTrafficAnnouncement is valid. */
  1804         ETrafficAnnouncement= 0x10,
  1805         /** Indicates that member iProgrammeItemNumber is valid. */
  1806         EProgrammeItemNumber= 0x20,
  1807         /** Indicates that member iNoFrequencies is valid. */
  1808         ENoFrequencies      = 0x40,
  1809         /** Indicates that member iNoMappedFrequencies is valid. */
  1810         ENoMappedFrequencies= 0x80
  1811     };
  1812 public:
  1813     /** The unique identifier of this station */
  1814     TRdsProgrammeIdentifier iProgrammeIdentifier;
  1815     /** The textual name of this station */
  1816     TRdsStationName iStationName;
  1817     /** The current programme type (PTY) of this station */
  1818     TRdsProgrammeType iProgrammeType;
  1819     /** Indicates if this station broadcasts traffic programmes */
  1820     TBool iTrafficProgramme;
  1821     /** Indicates if this station is currently broadcasting a traffic announcement */
  1822     TBool iTrafficAnnouncement;
  1823     /** The programme item number (PIN) of the current broadcast on this station. */
  1824     TRdsProgrammeItemNumber iProgrammeItemNumber;
  1825     /**
  1826     The number of frequencies associated with this station. If this number is zero,
  1827     it may be that the EON station uses the mapped frequencies method instead. See
  1828     iNoMappedFrequencies.
  1829     */
  1830     TInt iNoFrequencies;
  1831     /**
  1832     The number of mapped frequencies associated with this station. If this number is
  1833     zero, it may be that the EON station uses a flat frequency list instead. See
  1834     iNoFrequencies.
  1835     */
  1836     TInt iNoMappedFrequencies;
  1837     /**
  1838     Indicates the subset of fields of the class that are valid. Bits are set according to enumeration
  1839     TEonStation::TField
  1840     */
  1841     TUint32 iValid;
  1842 };
  1844 /**
  1845 Mapped frequencies can be broadcast as a part of the EON information. They relate the
  1846 current tuning frequency with the frequency which the referred EON station will be
  1847 broadcast on.
  1848 */
  1849 class TEonMappedFrequency
  1850 {
  1851 public:
  1852     inline TEonMappedFrequency(TFrequency aTuningFrequency, TFrequency aMappedFrequency);
  1853 public:
  1854     /** The current tuning frequency, relating to the station broadcasting the EON informarion. */
  1855     TFrequency iTuningFrequency;
  1856     /**
  1857     The mapped frequency. If iTunedFrequency matches the currently tuned frequency, the
  1858     EON station will be broadcast on this frequency.
  1859     */
  1860     TFrequency iMappedFrequency;
  1861 };
  1863 /**
  1864 The RDS class augments the tuner API to give access to the RDS capabilities
  1865 of the device. As such additional tuner technologies can be supported without
  1866 changing the Tuner API.
  1868 Note that despite this class being names 'RDS', it is capable of supporting both
  1869 the RDS standard, and the North American equivilant RBDS. The only important difference
  1870 from the APIs perspective is the interpretation of the Programme Type (PTY) codes. See
  1871 TRdsProgrammeType for more information.
  1872 */
  1873 class CMMRdsTunerUtility : public CBase
  1874 {
  1875     friend class CMMTunerUtility::CBody;
  1876 public:
  1877     /** RDS Announcement Type */
  1878     enum TAnnouncementType
  1879     {
  1880         /** Traffic announcement */
  1881         ERdsTrafficAnnouncement,
  1882         /** News announcement */
  1883         ERdsNewsAnnouncement
  1884     };
  1885 public:
  1886     /**
  1887     Factory function to create a new instance of the RDS Tuner API
  1889     @param aTuner A RDS capable tuner object (check using CMMTunerUtility::GetCapabilities())
  1890     @param aObserver The observer of the tuner to receive asynchronous completion messages.
  1891     @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
  1892     @leave KErrNotFound CMMRdsTunerUtility object is not present
  1893     @leave KErrNotSupported RDS is not supported by the tuner
  1894     @return A pointer and ownership of a fully constructed CMMRdsTunerUtility object
  1895     */
  1896     IMPORT_C static CMMRdsTunerUtility* NewL(CMMTunerUtility& aTuner, MMMTunerObserver& aObserver, CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand);
  1898     IMPORT_C ~CMMRdsTunerUtility();
  1900     /**
  1901     Get the RDS capabilities of the device
  1903     @param aCaps The capabilities object to fill
  1904     @return A standard system error code
  1905     */
  1906     IMPORT_C TInt GetRdsCapabilities(TRdsCapabilities& aCaps) const;
  1908     /**
  1909     Find a radio station which contains RDS data starting at the start frequency
  1910     and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).
  1912     @note this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune
  1913           methods of CMMTunerUtility
  1915     @param aStartFrequency The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the
  1916             beginning of the stated band.
  1917     @param aBand The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.
  1918     @param aSearchDirection The direction to search in
  1919     @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the
  1920            other end of the band once the end of the band has been reached.
  1921            (Defaults to ETrue) If not set reaching the end of the band without
  1922            finding a station will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error
  1923            KErrNotFound.
  1924     */
  1925     IMPORT_C void StationSearchByRds(TFrequency     aStartFrequency,
  1926                                      CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection
  1927                                     );
  1929     /**
  1930     Find a radio station, of the specified programme type starting at the start
  1931     frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).
  1933     @note this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune
  1934           methods of CMMTunerUtility
  1936     @param aProgType The type of programme to search for
  1937     @param aStartFrequency The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the
  1938             beginning of the stated band.
  1939     @param aBand The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.
  1940     @param aSearchDirection The direction to search in
  1941     @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the
  1942            other end of the band once the end of the band has been reached.
  1943            (Defaults to ETrue) If not set reaching the end of the band without
  1944            finding a station will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error
  1945            KErrNotFound.
  1946     */
  1947     IMPORT_C void StationSearchByProgrammeType(
  1948         TRdsProgrammeType aProgType,
  1949         TFrequency aStartFrequency,
  1950         CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection
  1951     );
  1953     /**
  1954     Find a radio station, with the specified programme identifier starting at the
  1955     start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).
  1957     @note this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune
  1958           methods of CMMTunerUtility
  1960     @param aPi The programme identifier of the station to search for
  1961     @param aStartFrequency The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the
  1962             beginning of the stated band.
  1963     @param aBand The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.
  1964     @param aSearchDirection The direction to search in
  1965     @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other
  1966            end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue)
  1967            If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result
  1968            in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.
  1969     */
  1970     IMPORT_C void StationSearchByProgrammeIdentifier(
  1971         TRdsProgrammeIdentifier             aPi,
  1972         TFrequency                          aStartFrequency,
  1973         CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection   aSearchDirection
  1974     );
  1976     /**
  1977     Find a radio station, with the specified traffic programme flag value starting at
  1978     the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).
  1980     @note this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune
  1981           methods of CMMTunerUtility
  1983     @param aTp The TP flag value of a station to search for
  1984     @param aStartFrequency The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the
  1985             beginning of the stated band.
  1986     @param aBand The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.
  1987     @param aSearchDirection The direction to search in
  1988     @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other
  1989            end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue)
  1990            If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result
  1991            in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.
  1992     */
  1993     IMPORT_C void StationSearchByTrafficProgramme(
  1994         TBool                              aTp,
  1995         TFrequency                         aStartFrequency,
  1996         CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection  aSearchDirection
  1997     );
  1999     /**
  2000     Cancels an ongoing RDS search as initiated by one of the functions
  2001     StationSearchByRds, StationSearchByProgrammeType,
  2002     StationSearchByProgrammeIdentifier or StationSearchByTrafficProgramme. The
  2003     asynchronous callback will not occur if this is called.
  2005     Has not affect if no RDS search operation is ongoing.
  2006     */
  2007     IMPORT_C void CancelRdsSearch();
  2009     /**
  2010     Requests notifications when all RDS data become invalid due to the tuner being
  2011     retuned.
  2013     @param aObserver The client to be notified.
  2014     @param aWhichData The subset of data for which change notifications are required.
  2015     @return A standard system wide error code.
  2016     */
  2017     IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRdsDataChange(MMMRdsDataObserver& aObserver, TUint32 aWhichData = TRdsData::KAllRdsData);
  2019     /**
  2020     Cancel a NotifyRdsDataChange request.
  2021     */
  2022     IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRdsDataChange();
  2024     /**
  2025     Request some RDS data. This will complete immediately with whatever RDS data have already been
  2026     received.
  2028     When this function returns, and data that was requested but is not indicated to be
  2029     valid can be assumed not to have been received.
  2031     @param aData The RDS data will be written to this variable.
  2032     @param aValid On return, indicates a subset of RDS data that are valid.
  2033     @param aWhichData The subset of RDS data that are being requested.
  2034     @return A standard system wide error code.
  2035     */
  2036     IMPORT_C TInt GetRdsData(TRdsData& aData, TUint32& aValid, TUint32 aWhichData = TRdsData::KAllRdsData) const;
  2038     /**
  2039     Converts an RDS language identifier into a Symbian TLanguage type. Note that not all
  2040     languages defined by the RDS specification IEC62106 are present in the TLanguage
  2041     enumeration; in these cases, a value of ELangOther will be returned.
  2043     @param aRdsLangId An RDS language identification code
  2044     @return The corresponding TLanguage member, or ELangOther if none exists.
  2045     */
  2046     IMPORT_C static TLanguage ConvertRdsLanguageId(TRdsLanguageIdentifier aRdsLangId);
  2048     /**
  2049     Get the length of the available radio text. If no radio text is available this
  2050     function will return KErrNotFound. The maximum possible length for radio text is 64 characters.
  2052     @param aLength The variable to set to the length of the avaiable radio text
  2053     @return A standard system error code.
  2054     */
  2055     IMPORT_C TInt GetRadioTextLength(TUint& aLength) const;
  2057     /**
  2058     Get the radio text. If no radio text is available, this will return KErrNotFound. In this
  2059     case, a client can call NotifyRadioText to receive a notification when it is received.
  2061     The radio text will have been converted to unicode, eliminating any control characters
  2062     within it.
  2064     @param aRadioText The descriptor to fill with the radio text
  2065     @return A standard system error code
  2066     */
  2067     IMPORT_C TInt GetRadioText(TDes& aRadioText) const;
  2069     /**
  2070     Request notification when the radio text is received or changes.
  2072     @param aObserver The client to be notified when the radio text is received or changes.
  2073     @return A standard system wide error code.
  2074     */
  2075     IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRadioText(MMMRdsDataObserver& aObserver);
  2077     /**
  2078     Cancel a NotifyRadioText request.
  2079     */
  2080     IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRadioText();
  2082     /**
  2083     Turns regional link function on or off depending on the value of the parameter.
  2084     A value of ETrue should be passed if you wish to stay tuned to the currently
  2085     tuned local station regardless of signal quality and signal strength.
  2086     i.e. don't switch to another local station in the region.
  2088     @param aRegOn ETrue to turn regional link on, EFalse to turn it off
  2089     @return A standard system error code
  2090     */
  2091     IMPORT_C TInt SetRegionalLink(TBool aRegOn);
  2093     /**
  2094     Finds out if the regional link function is currently on or off.
  2096     @param aRegOn This will be set to ETrue on return if and only if the regional
  2097            link function is currently enabled.
  2098     @return A standard system error code.
  2099     */
  2100     IMPORT_C TInt GetRegionalLink(TBool& aRegOn) const;
  2102     /**
  2103     Turn the travel announcement function on or off depending on the value of the
  2104     parameter. A value of ETrue turns on Traffic Announcements, EFalse turns them off.
  2106     If Traffic announcements are disabled while the tuner is retuned to a traffic
  2107     announcement, the tuner will not revert to the original frequency. To revert to
  2108     the original frequency, StopAnnouncement() must be called before the traffic
  2109     announcement feature is disabled.
  2111     @param aTaOn ETrue to turn TA on, EFalse to turn it off
  2112     @return A standard system error code
  2113     */
  2114     IMPORT_C TInt SetTrafficAnnouncement(TBool aTaOn);
  2116     /**
  2117     Finds out if the traffic announcement function is currently enabled or not.
  2119     @param aTaOn This is set to ETrue on return if and only if the traffic
  2120            announcement function is currenly enabled.
  2121     */
  2122     IMPORT_C TInt GetTrafficAnnouncement(TBool& aTaOn) const;
  2124     /**
  2125     Set the absolute volume to apply during a traffic or news announcement.
  2127     @param aVolume The volume to use. Must be between 0 and MaxVolume.
  2128     @return A standard system error code.
  2129     */
  2130     IMPORT_C TInt SetAnnouncementVolume(TInt aVolume);
  2132     /**
  2133     Find the current absolute volume level used for news of traffic annoucements.
  2135     @param aVolume This will be set to the current volume used for annoucements.
  2136     @return A standard system error code, KErrNotFound if a annoucement volume offset has been set.
  2137             use.
  2138     */
  2139     IMPORT_C TInt GetAnnouncementVolume(TInt& aVolume) const;
  2141     /**
  2142     Set the offset to the system volume level to apply during a traffic or news announcement
  2144     @param aVolumeOffset The offset to the volume level to set for announcements. Must be between -MaxVolume and MaxVolume inclusive.
  2145                          the actual volume with the offset applied will be clipped between 0 and MaxVolume if the offset would
  2146                          otherwise result in a volume outside this range.
  2147     @return A standard system error code
  2148     */
  2149     IMPORT_C TInt SetAnnouncementVolumeOffset(TInt aVolumeOffset);
  2151     /**
  2152     Find the current offset of the system volume that applies during traffic and news announcements.
  2154     @param aVolumeOffset This will be set to the current traffic and news announcement offset on return.
  2155     @return A standard system error code, KErrNotFound if an absolute annoucement volume has been set.
  2156     */
  2157     IMPORT_C TInt GetAnnouncementVolumeOffset(TInt& aVolumeOffset) const;
  2159     /**
  2160     Turn the news announcement function on or off depending on the value of the
  2161     parameter. The news announcement function when enabled causes the radio to
  2162     retune to a station when that station is broadcasting a news report. When the
  2163     news announcement is finished the radio will tune back to the original station.
  2164     A value of ETrue turns on News Announcements, EFalse turns them off.
  2166     If News announcements are disabled while the tuner is retuned to a news
  2167     announcement, the tuner will not revert to the original frequency. To revert to
  2168     the original frequency, StopAnnouncement() must be called before the news
  2169     announcement feature is disabled.
  2171     @param aNaOn ETrue to turn NA on, EFalse to turn it off
  2172     @return A standard system error code
  2173     */
  2174     IMPORT_C TInt SetNewsAnnouncement(TBool aNaOn);
  2176     /**
  2177     Finds out whether the news announcement function is on or off.
  2179     @param aNaOn This will be set to ETrue if and only if the new announcement
  2180            function is currently on.
  2181     @return A standard system error code.
  2182     */
  2183     IMPORT_C TInt GetNewsAnnouncement(TBool& aNaOn) const;
  2185     /**
  2186     Cancels any current announcement, reverting to the original frequency. The announcement
  2187     feature will remain enabled. If no announcement is currently happening, this function
  2188     has no affect. This can be used for both News and Traffic announcements.
  2190     @return A standard system error code. KErrNone if an announcement was successfully
  2191             stopped, or KErrNotReady if no announcement is currently happening.
  2192     */
  2193     IMPORT_C TInt StopAnnouncement();
  2195     /**
  2196     Turns alternative frequency function on or off depending on the value of the parameter.
  2197     A value of ETrue should be passed if you wish to enable automatic retuning to the current
  2198     station on an alternative frequency.
  2200     @param aAfOn ETrue to turn alternative frequency on, EFalse to turn it off
  2201     @return A standard system error code
  2202     */
  2203     IMPORT_C TInt SetAlternativeFrequency(TBool aAfOn);
  2205     /**
  2206     Finds out whether the alternative frequency function is on or off.
  2208     @param aAfOn This will be set to ETrue if and only if the alternative frequency
  2209            function is currently on.
  2210     @return A standard system error code.
  2211     */
  2212     IMPORT_C TInt GetAlternativeFrequency(TBool& aAfOn) const;
  2214     /**
  2215     Requests a notification when RDS functionality is enabled or disabled, or when
  2216     the traffic announcement volume offset is changed.
  2218     @param aObserver The class which is to be notified of the changes.
  2219     @return A standard system error code.
  2220     */
  2221     IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRdsStateChange(MMMRdsStateChangeObserver& aObserver);
  2223     /**
  2224     Cancels an outstanding RDS state change notification request.
  2225     */
  2226     IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRdsStateChange();
  2228     /**
  2229     Get the current RDS time. This is an asynchronous function due to the latency of
  2230     the RDS information becoming available. This information is broadcast at the start of
  2231     every minute, and is not cached for obvious reasons. Thus, whenever a request is made,
  2232     it will complete next time the Data and Time are broadcast. The RDS standard states
  2233     that this is broadcast within 0.1s of the start of a minute, and is accurate to one
  2234     minute. The latency of the notification reaching the application cannot be guarteed.
  2236     @param aTimeAndDate The variable to set to the current RDS time and date
  2237     @param aStatus A TRequestStatus. This will be signalled when the request completes
  2238     and will contain the result of the request, this will be one of the system error codes.
  2239     */
  2240     IMPORT_C void GetRdsTime(TPckg<TDateTime>& aTimeAndDate, TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
  2242     /**
  2243     Cancel the GetRdsTime request
  2244     */
  2245     IMPORT_C void CancelGetRdsTime();
  2247     /**
  2248     Request notification when a retune caused by an announcement occurs. This will be
  2249     a traffic or news announcement. A notification will be provided both at
  2250     the start of the announcement and at the end.
  2252     @param aObserver The object wishing to receive announcement events
  2253     @return A standard system error code
  2254     */
  2255     IMPORT_C TInt NotifyAnnouncement(MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver& aObserver);
  2257     /**
  2258     Cancel the NotifyAnnouncement request
  2259     */
  2260     IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyAnnouncement();
  2262     /**
  2263     Returns a list containing information about other networks broadcast with the currently tuned
  2264     programmme. This call will return immediately with whatever EON information is currently available.
  2265     Note that is is possible for this function to return no EON stations when several are being broadcast
  2266     simply because not enough RDS frames have been received yet. An interested application should make a
  2267     call to NotifyEonInfo to receive notifications when EON information is received or changes.
  2269     @param aEonInfo An array to which the EON information will be appended.
  2270     */
  2271     IMPORT_C void GetEonInfoL(RArray<TEonStation>& aEonInfo) const;
  2273     /**
  2274     Gets the frequencies assoicated with an EON station. This will complete immediately with whatever
  2275     frequencies are currently cached. An interested application should make a call to NotifyEonChange
  2276     to receive notifications when more frequencies are received.
  2278     @param aEonStation the EON station to get the frequencies for
  2279     @param aFrequencies an array to which the frequencies associated with the given station will be
  2280             appended.
  2281     */
  2282     IMPORT_C void GetEonFrequenciesL(const TEonStation& aEonStation, RArray<TFrequency>& aFrequencies) const;
  2284     /**
  2285     Gets the mapped frequencies associated with an EON station. This will complete immediately with whatever
  2286     mapped frequencies are currently cached. An interested application should make a call to NotifyEonChange
  2287     to receive notifications when more frequencies are received.
  2289     @param aEonStation the EON station to get the mapped frequencies for
  2290     @param aMappedFrequencies an array to which the mapped frequencies associated with the given station
  2291             will be appended.
  2292     */
  2293     IMPORT_C void GetEonMappedFrequenciesL(const TEonStation& aEonStation, RArray<TEonMappedFrequency>& aMappedFrequencies) const;
  2295     /**
  2296     Request notification when the Enhanced Other Networks (EON) information changes.
  2298     @param aObserver The client to be notifier when EON information changes or an error occurs.
  2299     */
  2300     IMPORT_C TInt NotifyEonInfo(MMMRdsEonObserver& aObserver);
  2302     /**
  2303     Cancels a NotifyEonInfo request.
  2304     */
  2305     IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyEonInfo();
  2307     /**
  2308     Tunes to a station represented by a TEonStation. This will result to a callback to MtoTuneComplete.
  2310     @param aEonStation The EON station that is to be tuned to.
  2311     */
  2312     IMPORT_C void TuneToEonStation(const TEonStation& aEonStation);
  2314     /**
  2315     Send a synchronous custom command to the RDS tuner.
  2317     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
  2318         on the interface defined by the first IPC argument
  2319     @param aArgs The IPC arguments to send to the RDS tuner. The first of these
  2320         arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the
  2321         command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first
  2322         argument properly will result in the command completing with
  2323         KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly the client being panicked.
  2324     @return A standard system error code
  2325     */
  2326     IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs);
  2328     /**
  2329     Send an asynchronous custom command to the RDS tuner.
  2331     @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
  2332         on the interface defined by the first IPC argument
  2333     @param aArgs The IPC arguments to send to the RDS tuner. The first of these
  2334         arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the
  2335         command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first
  2336         argument properly will result in the command completing with
  2337         KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly  the client being panicked.
  2338     @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
  2339         result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
  2340         dependent on the interface.
  2341     */
  2342     IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
  2344 private:
  2345     CMMRdsTunerUtility();
  2346 private:
  2347     class CBody;
  2348     CBody* iBody;
  2350 };
  2352 /**
  2353 This mixin class should be implemented by applications wishing to receive notifications
  2354 when RDS data is received, changes or becomes invalid. Each method corresponds to a
  2355 particular request in CMMRdsTunerUtility. Only methods corresponding to requests in
  2356 CMMRdsTunerUtility that are used by a client need be implemented - empty default
  2357 implementations are provided.
  2358 */
  2359 class MMMRdsDataObserver
  2360 {
  2361 public:
  2362     /**
  2363     Called when some error occurs which makes RDS data unavailable.
  2364     */
  2365     virtual void MrdoError(TInt aError)  = 0;
  2367     /**
  2368     Called when some RDS data is received or has changed.
  2370     Two subsets of the RDS data supplied are indicted: that which has changed and that which is
  2371     valid. This information can be interpreted as follows:
  2372     For an item of RDS data x:
  2373         valid(x)  & !changed(x) => x was received before and has not changed
  2374         valid(x)  & changed(x)  => x has either just been received for the first time, or has just changed
  2375         !valid(x) & changed(x)  => x is no longer available
  2376         !valid(x) & !changed(x) => x was not available before, and is still not available.
  2378     When the tuner is retuned to a new station, all RDS data will be flushed. This will result in
  2379     a call to this function indicating that all RDS data has changed and is longer valid.
  2381     @param aData The RDS data.
  2382     @param aValid Indicates a subset of aData that is valid (i.e. has been received)
  2383     @param aChanged Indicates a subset of aData that has changed since the last call to this function.
  2384     */
  2385     virtual void MrdoDataReceived(const TRdsData& aData, TUint32 aValid, TUint32 aChanged) = 0;
  2387     /**
  2388     Called when the RDS Radio Text (RT) is received, changes, or is no longer available.
  2390     @param aRt The Radio Text message. This will be empty if aValid==EFalse.
  2391     @param aValid Indicates if the radio text is valid.
  2392     @param aChanges Indicates if the radio test has changed.
  2393     */
  2394     virtual void MrdoRadioTextReceived(const TDesC& aRt, TBool aValid, TBool aChanged) = 0;
  2395 };
  2397 /**
  2398 The state change observer mixin class defines the interface via which changes to
  2399 the state of the RDS radio can be observed. These state changes will be a result
  2400 of a client enabling or disabling RDS functionality.
  2401 */
  2402 class MMMRdsStateChangeObserver
  2403 {
  2404 public:
  2405     /**
  2406     Called when the regional link functionality is enabled/disabled.
  2408     @param aNewRegLinkOn The new setting: ETrue if the regional link function has
  2409            just been enabled.
  2410     */
  2411     virtual void MrscoRegionalLinkChanged(TBool aNewRegLinkOn) = 0;
  2413     /**
  2414     Called when the traffic announcement functionality has just been enabled or
  2415     disabled.
  2417     @param aNewTaOn ETrue if the TA function is now on, EFalse otherwise.
  2418     */
  2419     virtual void MrscoTrafficAnnouncementChanged(TBool aNewTaOn) = 0;
  2421     /**
  2422     Called when the traffic and news announcement volume offset is changed. A callback to
  2423     this method indicates the a volume offset is being used instead of an absolute volume.
  2425     @param aOldOffset The announcement volume offset before the change
  2426     @param aNewOffset The announcement volume offset after the change
  2427     */
  2428     virtual void MrscoAnnouncementVolumeOffsetChanged(TInt aOldOffset, TInt aNewOffset) = 0;
  2430     /**
  2431     Called when the traffic an news announcement volume is changed. A callback to
  2432     this method indicates that an absolute volume is being used instead of volume offsets.
  2434     @param aOldVolume The announcement volume before the change.
  2435     @param aNewVolume The announcement volume after the change.
  2436     */
  2437     virtual void MrscoAnnouncementVolumeChanged(TInt aOldVolume, TInt aNewVolume) = 0;
  2439     /**
  2440     Called when the news announcement functionality has just been enabled or
  2441     disabled.
  2443     @param aNewNAOn ETrue if the NA function is now enabled, else EFalse.
  2444     */
  2445     virtual void MrscoNewsAnnouncementChanged(TBool aNewNAOn) = 0;
  2447     /**
  2448     Called when the alternative frequencies function is turned on or off.
  2450     @param aNewAFOn ETrue if the AF function has just been turned on, else EFalse.
  2451     */
  2452     virtual void MrscoAlternativeFrequenciesChanged(TBool aNewAFOn) = 0;
  2453 };
  2456 /**
  2457 The Announcement Observer mixin class defines the interface via which
  2458 announcement events can be received. A client interested in such
  2459 information calls the function NotifyAnnouncement.
  2460 */
  2461 class MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver
  2462 {
  2463 public:
  2464     /**
  2465     Called when an announcement starts
  2467     @param aType The type of announcement (travel or news)
  2468     */
  2469     virtual void MraoAnnouncementStart(CMMRdsTunerUtility::TAnnouncementType aType) = 0;
  2471     /**
  2472     Called when an announcement ends
  2474     @param aType The type of announcement (travel or news)
  2475     */
  2476     virtual void MraoAnnouncementEnd(CMMRdsTunerUtility::TAnnouncementType aType) = 0;
  2478     /**
  2479     Called when an error occurs which results in announcement notifications
  2480     becoming unavailable.
  2481     */
  2482     virtual void MraoError(TInt aError) = 0;
  2483 };
  2485 /**
  2486 The enhanced other networks observer mixin class defines the interface via
  2487 which changes to the enhanced other networks information can be notified. A
  2488 client interested in such information calls the function NotifyEonChange.
  2489 */
  2490 class MMMRdsEonObserver
  2491 {
  2492 public:
  2493     /**
  2494     Called when some details of an EON station change. The station can be referenced
  2495     to an existing one using it's Programme Identifier, which cannot change.
  2497     @param aStation A TEonStation containing the new information about the station.
  2498     @param aChanged The subset of the members of aStation that have changed. Bits are
  2499             set according to TEonStation::TField.
  2500     */
  2501     virtual void MreoEonStationChanged(const TEonStation& aStation, TUint32 aChanged) = 0;
  2503     /**
  2504     Called when details of a new EON station are received.
  2506     @param aStation A TEonStation containing the new information about the station.
  2507     */
  2508     virtual void MreoNewEonStation(const TEonStation& aStation) = 0;
  2510     /**
  2511     Called when details of <b>all</b> EON stations cease to be broadcast. This will
  2512     typically happen when the tuner is retuned. More EON stations may continue to be
  2513     recieved: this call does not indicate that EON information is no longer available.
  2514     */
  2515     virtual void MreoAllEonStationsRemoved() = 0;
  2517     /**
  2518     Called when details of an EON station cease to be broadcast.
  2520     @param aPi The programme identifier of the EON station which has been removed.
  2521     */
  2522     virtual void MreoEonStationRemoved(const TRdsProgrammeIdentifier& aPi) = 0;
  2524     /**
  2525     Called when an error occurs resulting in EON notifications not being available.
  2526     */
  2527     virtual void MreoError(TInt aError) = 0;
  2528 };
  2530 #include <tuner.inl>
  2532 #endif // TUNER_H
  2534 // End of file