changeset 60 6c158198356e
parent 59 e5618cc85d74
child 63 d1278d87b01e
child 65 ae942d28ec0e
--- a/javauis/amms_akn/src_tuner/native/external_include/tuner.h	Thu Jul 15 18:31:06 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2535 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Header file for Tuner component.
-#ifndef TUNER_H
-#define TUNER_H
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <MCustomCommand.h>
-#include <mmf/common/mmfbase.h>
-#include <mmf/common/mmfutilities.h>
-#include <mmf/common/mmfcontrollerframework.h>
-#include <mmf/common/mmfstandardcustomcommands.h>
-#include <mmf/common/mmfaudio.h>
-#include <Mda/Common/audio.h>
-class RRadioSession;
-The Tuner Capabilities structure defines the capabilities of the tuner
-on the device, as retrieved using the function GetCapabilities.
-class TTunerCapabilities
-    inline TTunerCapabilities();
-    inline TTunerCapabilities(TUint32 aTunerBands, TUint32 aAdditionalFunctions);
-    /**
-    Bitfield (as defined by CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand) with the bits of the
-    supported bands set
-    */
-    TUint32 iTunerBands;
-    /** Tuner Function bit flags - may be extended in future */
-    enum TTunerFunctions
-    {
-        /** Recording of Tuner Audio is possible */
-        ETunerFunctionRecording                 = 0x01,
-        /** Tuner can record and play back simultaneously */
-        ETunerFunctionSimultaneousPlayAndRecord = 0x02,
-        /** The tuner requires an external antenna (e.g. a headset) to function */
-        ETunerFunctionRequiresAntenna           = 0x04,
-        /** CMMRdsTunerUtility supported */
-        ETunerFunctionRds                       = 0x08,
-        /** The tuner can be used when the device is in flight mode */
-        ETunerFunctionAvailableInFlightMode     = 0x10
-    };
-    /** Bitfield (as defined by ETunerFunctions) with the bits of the supported functions set */
-    TUint32 iAdditionalFunctions;
-Class representing a frequency.
-class TFrequency
-    inline TFrequency();
-    explicit inline TFrequency(TInt aFrequency);
-    inline TInt operator==(const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
-    inline TInt operator!=(const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
-    inline TInt operator> (const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
-    inline TInt operator>=(const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
-    inline TInt operator< (const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
-    inline TInt operator<=(const TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
-    /**
-    The Frequency, in Hertz. A TInt is at least 32 bits, giving a maximum frequency
-    of at least 2.4GHz (i.e. 0x7fffffff Hz)
-    */
-    TInt iFrequency;
-class MMMTunerObserver;
-class MMMTunerChangeObserver;
-class MMMTunerStereoObserver;
-class MMMSignalStrengthObserver;
-class MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver;
-class MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver;
-class CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility;
-class CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility;
-class CMMTunerScannerUtility;
-class CMMRdsTunerUtility;
-The MMF Tuner API is present to allow clients to control
-the tuner hardware present on a device.
-class CMMTunerUtility : public CBase
-    friend class CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility;
-    friend class CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility;
-    friend class CMMTunerScannerUtility;
-    friend class CMMRdsTunerUtility;
-    /** Tuner Band bit flags - may be extended in future */
-    enum TTunerBand
-    {
-        ETunerNoBand            = 0x00,
-        /** Long Wave - uses frequencies */
-        ETunerBandLw            = 0x01,
-        /** Amplitude Modulation or Medium Wave - uses frequencies */
-        ETunerBandAm            = 0x02,
-        /** Frequency Modulation, European and American band - uses frequencies */
-        ETunerBandFm            = 0x04,
-        /** Frequency Modulation, Japanese band - uses frequencies */
-        ETunerBandJapaneseFm    = 0x08,
-        /** Digital Audio Broadcasting - uses channels */
-        ETunerBandDab           = 0x10,
-        /** Digital Video Broadcasting */
-        ETunerBandDvb           = 0x20
-    };
-    /**
-    Search direction enumeration
-    */
-    enum TSearchDirection
-    {
-        /** Search for stations upwards - i.e. by increasing frequency */
-        ESearchDirectionUp = 1,
-        /** Search for stations downwards - i.e. by decreasing frequency */
-        ESearchDirectionDown
-    };
-    /**
-    The Tuner Access Priority enables clients to correctly identify their needs
-    when it comes to accessing the tuner. A process must have the MultimediaDD
-    capability to use priorities greater than ETunerAccessPriorityNormal.
-    */
-    enum TTunerAccessPriority
-    {
-        /** Radio accessible when device is idle */
-        ETunerAccessPriorityBackground      = -100,
-        /** Ordinary application priority */
-        ETunerAccessPriorityNormal          = 0,
-        /** Radio is to be used as an alarm sound */
-        ETunerAccessPriorityAlarm           = 75,
-        /** System use only */
-        ETunerAccessPrioritySystem          = 100
-    };
-    /**
-    Bitmasks to indicate what state the tuner is in.
-    */
-    enum TTunerState
-    {
-        /**
-        Tuner is active, and can therefore report frequency etc. If this bit is
-        not set, none of the others should be set.
-        */
-        ETunerStateActive       = 0x01,
-        /** The tuner is playing sound. */
-        ETunerStatePlaying      = 0x02,
-        /** The tuner is currently recording. */
-        ETunerStateRecording    = 0x04,
-        /** The tuner is currently retuning or searching for a new station. */
-        ETunerStateRetuning     = 0x08,
-    };
-    /**
-    Factory function to create a new instance of the Tuner. Tuner access priority
-    setting is required to ensure that applications such as alarms using the radio
-    as an alarm sound are not prevented from doing so by other clients. Priority
-    setting is needed for audio output when accessing the sound device. Tuner is
-    ready for use on return from this function.
-    @param aObserver The observer object for receiving async completion callbacks
-    @param aTunerIndex An index from 0 to TunersAvailable() - 1 specifying the tuner
-            device to use.
-    @param aAccessPriority Tuner access priority value
-    @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
-    @leave KErrNotFound The specified tuner or tuner controller is not present
-    @return A pointer and ownership of the fully constructed CMMTunerUtility object
-    */
-    IMPORT_C static CMMTunerUtility* NewL(MMMTunerObserver& aObserver,
-                                          TTunerBand aBand,
-                                          TInt aTunerIndex,
-                                          CMMTunerUtility::TTunerAccessPriority aAccessPriority = ETunerAccessPriorityNormal);
-    IMPORT_C virtual ~CMMTunerUtility();
-    /**
-    Set the current tuner access priority of this client. This priority is used to
-    arbitrate between multiple tuner clients, determining who get control of the
-    tuner.
-    The platform security capability is MultimediaDD and a client with this capability
-    is allowed to set the priority in preference to a client with a lower capability.
-    @param aAccessPriority The new priority to use.
-    @capability MultimediaDD
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetPriority(TTunerAccessPriority aAccessPriority);
-    /**
-    Get the current tuner access priority of this client.
-    @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetPriority(TTunerAccessPriority& aAccessPriority) const;
-    /**
-    Get the current state of the tuner.
-    @param aState A variable to set with the current state. Bits set according to
-           TTunerState.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetState(TUint32& aState) const;
-    /**
-    Indicates if the external antenna is currently attached or not. The tuner
-    capabilties should be queried to determine if the external antenna is required
-    to use the tuner or not; A value of false returned here does not necessarily
-    imply that the tuner cannot be used.
-    @param aAttached When this function returns, this will contain ETrue if and only
-           if an external antenna is attached.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt IsAntennaAttached(TBool& aAttached);
-    /**
-    Indicates if the device is currently in 'flight mode' or not. The tuner
-    capabilities should be queried to determine in the tuner can be used  in flight
-    mode or not.
-    @param aFlightMode On return, this will have been set to ETrue if and only if
-            the device is in flight mode.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetFlightMode(TBool& aFlightMode) const;
-    /**
-    Tune the tuner to the required frequency specified in Hertz. This is an asynchronous
-    command and will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete or MToTunerError.
-    If the session does not currently have control of the tuner, a request for control
-    will be made. If control of the tuner is granted, a callback to MToTunerControlGranted
-    will occur. If not, there will be a callback to MtoTunerError with error value
-    KErrAccessDenied.
-    Once control of the tuner has been granted, it will be retained until either a
-    call to ReleaseTunerControl, or the session is preempted in which case there
-    will be a callback to MToTunerError with error value KErrAccessDenied.
-    @param aFrequency The frequency to tune to
-    @param aBand The band to which aFrequency belongs
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void Tune(TFrequency aFrequency);
-    /**
-    Find a radio station, starting at the start frequency and searching in the
-    direction specified (i.e. Up or down) the search is limited to the specified
-    band.  If the session does not currently have control of the tuner, a request
-    for control will be made. If control of the tuner is granted, a callback to
-    MToTunerControlGranted will occur. If not, there will be a callback to MToTunerError
-    with error value KErrAccessDenied.
-    Once control of the tuner has been granted, it will be retained until either a
-    call to ReleaseTunerControl, or the session is preempted in which case there
-    will be a callback to MToTunerError with error value KErrAccessDenied.
-    A callback to MToTuneComplete will occur if the Seek is successful.
-    @param aBand The band
-    @param aSearchDirect The direction to search in
-    @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other
-           end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue)
-           If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result
-           in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void StationSeek(TSearchDirection aSearchDirection);
-    /**
-    Cancels an ongoing retune operation, as initiated by a call to Tune or StationSeek.
-    The usual callback will not occur if this has been called.
-    Has not affect if no tune or seek operation is ongoing.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelRetune();
-    /**
-    Makes a synchronous request for control of the tuner. If this method returns
-    KErrNone, control of the tuner has been granted. Control of the tuner is kept
-    until it is explically released using ReleaseTunerControl, or it is revoked
-    in which case a callback to MToTunerError with an error of KErrAccessDenied
-    will occur.
-    If this method returns with KErrAccessDenied, a request to recieve a
-    notifiaction when control could be granted can be made using
-    NotifyTunerControl.
-    Note that methods that require control of the tuner (such as Tune) will make
-    a request for control themselves if control has not already been granted.
-    @return A standard system error code. If control was granted, KErrNone, and if
-            control was denied KErrAccessDenied.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt RequestTunerControl();
-    /**
-    Makes an asyncronous request for control of the tuner. This method should be
-    called after an control of the tuner has been denied to receive a notification
-    when control of the tuner can be granted. A callback to MToTunerControlGranted
-    will occur in this event.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt NotifyTunerControl();
-    /**
-    Release control of the tuner, allowing other clients to tune it. Change
-    notifications may still be received. A request for control of the tuner can be
-    made again by calling RequestTunerControl, or any methods that require control
-    of the tuner.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void ReleaseTunerControl();
-    /**
-    Release the tuner. Any ongoing playing or recording activity will be stopped,
-    control of the tuner will be released, and the hardware will be powered down if
-    no other clients need it.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void Close();
-    /**
-    Retrieve the current frequency that the tuner is tuned to
-    @param aFrequency The variable to set to the current frequency,
-    -1 if channels are in use
-    @param aBand The variable used to set the current band.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetFrequency(TFrequency& aFrequency) const;
-    /**
-    Retrieve the signal strenth of the currently tuned signal
-    @param aSignalStrength Variable into which the signal strength will be written.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetSignalStrength(TInt& aSignalStrength) const;
-    /**
-    Get the maximum possible signal strength of a tuned signal.
-    @param aMaxSignalStrength A variable that will have the maximun signal strength
-            written to.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetMaxSignalStrength(TInt& aMaxSignalStrength) const;
-    /**
-    Request notifications when the signal strength changes. Due to the potentially
-    short intervals at which the signal strength may change at, notifications will
-    only be sent when a relatively large change occurrs. This should allow a visual
-    display of signal strength to be maintained fairly accurately.
-    The first signal strength notification will be sent immediately after this
-    request.
-    @param aObserver The object which will receive notifications of signal strength
-            changes.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt NotifySignalStrength(MMMSignalStrengthObserver& aObserver);
-    /**
-    Cancel an outstanding NotifySignalStrength request.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelNotifySignalStrength();
-    /**
-    Find out if the current signal is being received in stereo or not.
-    @param aStereo On return, will be ETrue if and only if a stereo signal is
-           currently being received.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt IsStereoSignal(TBool& aStereo);
-    /**
-    Request notifications when stereo reception is lost/restored.
-    @param aObserver The object requiring notification when a stereo signal is lost
-           or restored. The first notification will occur immediately.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt NotifyStereoChange(MMMTunerStereoObserver& aObserver);
-    /**
-    Cancels a stereo change notification request.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyStereoChange();
-    /**
-    Indicates whether the reception should be forced into monophonic mode.
-    @param aMono If ETrue, all reception will be in mono mode even if a stereo
-           signal is available. If EFalse, a stereo signal will be received when
-           possible.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt ForceMonoReception(TBool aMono);
-    /**
-    Find out whether reception is forced into monophonic mode or not.
-    @param aMono This will be set to ETrue if all reception is forced to be mono. If
-           this is EFalse, this does not imply that stereo reception is currently
-           available.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetForcedMonoReception(TBool& aMono) const;
-    /**
-    Sets the current squleching (muting in frequencies without reception) setting.
-    @param aEnabled ETrue to enable squelching, EFalse to disable it.
-    @return KErrNone if successful, else a system wide error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetSquelch(TBool aEnabled);
-    /**
-    Gets the current squleching (muting in frequencies without reception) setting.
-    @param aEnabled This will be set to ETrue if squelching is enabled, EFalse otherwise.
-    @return KErrNone if successful, else a system wide error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetSquelch(TBool& aEnabled) const;
-    /**
-    Get the capabilities of the tuner on the device
-    @param aCaps The capabilities object to fill
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetCapabilities(TTunerCapabilities& aCaps) const;
-    /**
-    Get the frequency range (in Hertz) of the specified band.
-    This function should be used to enquire the frequency range
-    of the bands that GetCapabilities reports as supported.
-    @param aBand The band to query
-    @param aBottomFrequency The variable to set to the lowest frequency allowed
-    @param aTopFrequency The variable to set to the highest frequency allowed
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetFrequencyBandRange(TFrequency& aBottomFrequency, TFrequency& aTopFrequency);
-    /**
-    Request to be notified when the tuned frequency or channel changes, or when the
-    tuner changes state (e.g. starts playing or recording)
-    @param aObserver The object wishing to receive tuning change events
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt NotifyChange(MMMTunerChangeObserver& aObserver);
-    /**
-    Cancel request to be notified when the tuned frequency or channel changes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyChange();
-    /**
-    Send a synchronous custom command to the tuner.
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-        on the interface defined by the first IPC argument
-    @param aArgs The IPC arguments to send to the tuner. The first of these
-        arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the
-        command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first
-        argument properly will result in the command completing with
-        KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly  the client being panicked.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs);
-    /**
-    Send an asynchronous custom command to the tuner.
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-        on the interface defined by the first IPC argument
-    @param aArgs The IPC arguments to send to the tuner. The first of these
-        arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the
-        command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first
-        argument properly will result in the command completing with
-        KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly  the client being panicked.
-    @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
-        result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
-        dependent on the interface.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-    /**
-    Get the Tuner Player Utility
-    @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility* TunerPlayerUtilityL(MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver& aObserver) ;
-    /**
-    Get the Tuner Recorder Utility
-    @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility* TunerRecorderUtilityL(MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver& aObserver) ;
-    /**
-    Get the Tuner Scanner Utility
-    @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C CMMTunerScannerUtility* TunerScannerUtilityL() ;
-    /**
-    Get the Tuner Rds Utility
-    @param aAccessPriority A variable to which the current priority will be written.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C CMMRdsTunerUtility* TunerRdsUtilityL() ;
-    CMMTunerUtility();
-    class CBody;
-    CBody* iBody;
-The Tuner Observer mixin class defines asynchronous
-event completion function callbacks
-class MMMTunerObserver
-    /**
-    Tune complete event. This event is asynchronous
-    and is received after a call to the Tune method.
-    @param aError A standard system error
-    */
-    virtual void MToTuneComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
-The Tuner Change Observer mixin class defines the interface via which
-notification for changes to the tuned frequency, channel and other tuner
-state can be received. A client interested in these notifications
-should call the function CMMTunerUtility::NotifyChange.
-class MMMTunerChangeObserver
-    /**
-    Called when the tuned frequency changes
-    @param aOldFrequency The frequency in use before the change
-    @param aNewFrequency The new tuned frequency
-    */
-    virtual void MTcoFrequencyChanged(const TFrequency& aOldFrequency, const TFrequency& aNewFrequency) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when the state of the tuner changes.
-    @param aOldState The old state. Bits are set according to TTunerState.
-    @param aNewState The new state. Bits are set according to TTunerState.
-    */
-    virtual void MTcoStateChanged(const TUint32& aOldState, const TUint32& aNewState) = 0;
-    /**
-    This function is called when an external antenna is detached from the device.
-    This does not necessarily indicate that the tuner can no longer be used; the
-    capabilities of the tuner indicate if the external antenna is required in order
-    to use the tuner.
-    */
-    virtual void MTcoAntennaDetached() = 0;
-    /**
-    This function is called when an external antenna is attached to the device. If
-    the antenna is required to use the tuner, this indicates that the tuner can be
-    used again.
-    */
-    virtual void MTcoAntennaAttached() = 0;
-    /**
-    This function is called when the device enters or leaves flight mode. If the tuner
-    cannot be used in flight mode when the device enters this mode, this indicates
-    that the tuner can no longer be used; the capabilities of the tuner indicate if
-    it can be used in flight mode or not.
-    @param aFlightMode ETrue if the device has just entered flight mode, EFalse if
-            flight mode has just been left.
-    */
-    virtual void FlightModeChanged(TBool aFlightMode) = 0;
-The stereo observer mixin class defines the interface by which clients can be
-notified when a stereo signal is received/lost. An interested client should call
-the function CMMTunerUtility::NotifyStereoChange.
-class MMMTunerStereoObserver
-    /**
-    Called when stereo reception is lost/restored.
-    @param aStereo If true, indicates that stereo reception has just been restored.
-           If false, indicates that stereo reception has just been lost.
-    */
-    virtual void MTsoStereoReceptionChanged(TBool aStereo) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when a client enables/disabled forced mono reception.
-    @param aForcedMono ETrue if reception is forced to be mono, even when a stereo
-           signal is available.
-    */
-    virtual void MTsoForcedMonoChanged(TBool aForcedMono) = 0;
-This mixin class should be derived from by clients wishing to receive
-notifications when the signal strength changes. Such a client should call
-function CMMTunerUtility::NotifySignalStrength.
-class MMMSignalStrengthObserver
-    /**
-    Callback indicating that the signal strength has changed by an amount meriting
-    a notification.
-    @param aNewSignalStrength The new signal strength.
-    */
-    virtual void MssoSignalStrengthChanged(TInt aNewSignalStrength) = 0;
-class MMMAudioResourceNotificationCallback;
-The Tuner Audio Player Utility is used to initiate and control playback of audio
-from the tuner.
-class CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility : public CBase, public MCustomCommand
-    friend class CMMTunerUtility::CBody;
-    IMPORT_C ~CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility();
-    /**
-    Set-up the API for playing the output from tuner to the speaker asynchronously.
-    Calls MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver::MTapoInitializeComplete on completion. This must be
-    called before Play.
-    @param aPriority Sound device priority value
-    @param aPref Sound device priority preference value
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void InitializeL(TInt aAudioPriority = EMdaPriorityNormal, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);
-    /**
-    Start playback of the tuner output. To stop playback, call Mute, or Stop if
-    play will not need to be restarted. InitializeL() must have already been
-    called, and a callback to MTapoInitializeComplete with an error of KErrNone must
-    have occurred; if this is not the case, this raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void Play();
-    /**
-    Mute or unmute playback.
-    Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
-    @param aMute ETrue to mute the audio, EFalse to unmute it.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt Mute(TBool aMute);
-    /**
-    Stop playback, and release the output device for use by other clients
-    Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
-    Playback should already be under way.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void Stop();
-    /**
-    Set the current audio priority. This priority is used to arbitrate
-    between multiple audio sources trying to access the audio hardware.
-    @param aPriority A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax
-    @param aPref Time vs Quality priority preferences, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetPriority(TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref);
-    /**
-    Get the current audio priority. This is used to arbitrate between simultaneous
-    accesses to the sound hardware.
-    @param aPriority A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax to return
-    @param aPref Time vs Quality priority preferences to return, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetPriority(TInt& aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference& aPref) const;
-    /**
-    Set the volume to the specified level
-    Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
-    @param aVolume The volume level to set
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetVolume(TInt aVolume);
-    /**
-    Return the current volume
-    @param aVolume The variable to set to the current volume
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetVolume(TInt& aVolume) const;
-    /**
-    Define a volume ramp, aRampInterval defining
-    the interval between valid volume settings
-    Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
-    @param aRampInterval The time interval over which the volume
-    should be increased from zero to the current volume setting
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetVolumeRamp(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& aRampInterval);
-    /**
-    Return the maximum volume supported
-    @return The maximum volume setting permitted
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt MaxVolume() const;
-    /**
-    Set the stereo balance between left and right channels
-    Raises a TunerAudioPlay 1 panic if the player is not properly initialized.
-    @param aBalance The balance value to set - must be between
-    KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and KMMFBalanceMaxRight
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetBalance(TInt aBalance = KMMFBalanceCenter);
-    /**
-    Return the current stereo balance
-    @param aBalance The variable to set to the current balance
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetBalance(TInt& aBalance) const;
-    /**
-    Register for audio resource notifications, in the event that the audio resource is lost due to pre-emption
-    by a higher priority audio client.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt RegisterAudioResourceNotification(MMMAudioResourceNotificationCallback& aCallback, TUid aNotificationEventUid, const TDesC8* aNotificationRegistrationData = NULL);
-    /**
-    Cancel an outstanding audio resource notification.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(TUid aNotificationEventId);
-    /**
-    Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller, if any.
-    @return The controller implementation structure associated with the controller
-    @leave KErrNotFound if no controller is in use.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& ControllerImplementationInformationL();
-    /**
-    Send a synchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
-    @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
-            the interface of this message
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-            on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
-    @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-            framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-            interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-            framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-            interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(
-        const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
-        TInt aFunction,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo2);
-    /**
-    Send a synchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
-    @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
-            the interface of this message
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-            on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
-    @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-            framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-            interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-            framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-            interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataFrom The area of memory to which the controller framework
-            will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(
-        const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
-        TInt aFunction,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
-        TDes8& aDataFrom);
-    /**
-    Send an asynchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
-    @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
-            the interface of this message
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-            on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
-    @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-            framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-            interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-            framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-            interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
-            result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
-            dependent on the interface.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(
-        const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
-        TInt aFunction,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
-        TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-    /**
-    Send an asynchronous custom command to the playback controller, if ones exists.
-    @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
-            the interface of this message
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-            on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
-    @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-            framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-            interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-            framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-            interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataFrom The area of memory to which the controller framework
-            will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
-            result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
-            dependent on the interface.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(
-        const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
-        TInt aFunction,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
-        TDes8& aDataFrom,
-        TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-    /**
-    Factory function to create a new Tuner Audio Player utility. Note that only one audio player
-    utility may be created per instance of CMMTunerUtility. Multiple instances will result in an
-    error of KErrAlreadyExists when InitializeL() is called.
-    @param aTuner The tuner object which this utility will play the audio from.
-    @param aObserver The observer of the player utility to receive asychronous completion and
-            notifiction callbacks.
-    @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
-    @leave KErrNotSupported If the given tuner doesn't support audio playback.
-    @return A new tuner audio player utility.
-    */
-    static CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility* NewL(CMMTunerUtility& aTuner, RRadioSession& aRadioSession, MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver& aObserver);
-    CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility();
-    class CBody;
-    CBody* iBody;
-class MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver
-    /**
-    The TEvent enumeration is used to indicate which type of event is being sent to the client.
-    Each event will be associated with an error code and potentially some addition information,
-    and will be passed to the client via method MTapoPlayEvent().
-    */
-    enum TEventType
-    {
-        /** An event relating to the tuner itself. Any error other than KErrNone associated
-        with this event type may indicate that the tuner cannot be used anymore.
-        No additional information is associated with this type of event. */
-        ETunerEvent,
-        /**
-        An event relating to audio playback.
-        No additional information is associated with this type of event.
-        */
-        EAudioEvent
-    };
-    /**
-    Initialize complete event. This event is asynchronous and is received after
-    a call to CMMTunerAudioPlayerUtility::InitializeL().
-    @param aError A standard system error
-    */
-    virtual void MTapoInitializeComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
-    /**
-    Passes an asychronous event to the tuner client.
-    @param aEvent The type of event. See enumeration MMMTunerAudioPlayerObserver::TEventType
-            for more information about when the event types mean.
-    @param aError An error code associated with the event.
-    @param aAdditionalInfo Any additional information associated with the event, or NULL if
-            no such additional information exists.
-    */
-    virtual void MTapoPlayEvent(TEventType aEvent, TInt aError, TAny* aAdditionalInfo) = 0;
-This class is used to perform recording of audio from the tuner. Many of the methods
-in this class have identical functionality to similarly names functions in class
-class CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility : public CBase
-    friend class CMMTunerUtility::CBody;
-    IMPORT_C ~CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility();
-    /**
-    Initialize for recording from the tuner to the specified file
-    asynchronously. Calls MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver::MTaroInitializeComplete on completion
-    @param aRecordFilename The name of the file to create, if necessary, and record to
-    @param "aDestinationDataType" Data type for recording
-    @param "aControllerUid" The Uid of the controller to use for recording
-    @param "aDestinationFormatUid" Uid of record format
-    @param aPriority Sound device priority value
-    @param aPref Sound device priority preference value
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void InitializeL(const TDesC& aRecordFilename,
-                              TFourCC aDestinationDataType = KFourCCNULL,
-                              TUid aControllerUid=KNullUid,
-                              TUid aDestinationFormatUid=KNullUid,
-                              TInt aAudioPriority = EMdaPriorityNormal,
-                              TMdaPriorityPreference aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);
-    /**
-    Initialize for recording from the tuner to the specified descriptor
-    asynchronously. Calls MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver::MTaroInitializeComplete on completion
-    @param aRecordDescriptor The descriptor to record to
-    @param "aDestinationDataType" Data type for recording
-    @param "aControllerUid" The Uid of the controller to use for recording
-    @param "aDestinationFormatUid" Uid of record format
-    @param aPriority Sound device priority value
-    @param aPref Sound device priority preference value
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void InitializeL(TDes8& aRecordDescriptor,
-                              TFourCC aDestinationDataType = KFourCCNULL,
-                              TUid aControllerUid=KNullUid,
-                              TUid aDestinationFormatUid=KNullUid,
-                              TInt aAudioPriority = EMdaPriorityNormal,
-                              TMdaPriorityPreference aPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);
-    /**
-    Return a list of the supported data types for the record destination
-    @param "aSupportedDataTypes" list of four character codes, representing supported data
-        encodings for the record destination.
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void GetSupportedDestinationDataTypesL(RArray<TFourCC>& aSupportedDataTypes) const;
-    /**
-    Set the data type of the destination audio clip
-    @param "aDataType" four character code, representing the encoding of the destination audio clip
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void SetDestinationDataTypeL(TFourCC aDataType);
-    /**
-    Return the data type of the destination audio clip
-    @returns four character code, representing the encoding of the destination audio clip
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TFourCC DestinationDataTypeL() const;
-    /**
-    Set the bit rate for recording
-    @param "aBitRate" destination bit rate in bits/second
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void SetDestinationBitRateL(TUint aBitRate);
-    /**
-    Return the recording bit rate
-    @returns destination bit rate in bits/second
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TUint DestinationBitRateL() const;
-    /**
-    Return a list of the supported bit rates for recording
-    @param "aSupportedBitRates" List of bit rates supported for the record
-           destination
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void GetSupportedBitRatesL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedBitRates) const;
-    /**
-    Set the sample rate for the record destination
-    @param "aSampleRate" The sample rate of the record destination
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void SetDestinationSampleRateL(TUint aSampleRate);
-    /**
-    Return the sample rate of the record destination
-    @returns The sample rate of the record destination
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TUint DestinationSampleRateL() const;
-    /**
-    Get a list of supported recording sample rates.
-    @param "aSupportedSampleRates" List of the sample rates that are supported for
-           recording
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void GetSupportedSampleRatesL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedSampleRates) const;
-    /**
-    Set the format of the audio clip. This can only be done if the audio clip does not
-    exist
-    @param "aFormatUid" Uid of the audio clip format
-    @leaves KErrAlreadyExists if the clip already exists and the format is different
-     from the existing format, or can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void SetDestinationFormatL(TUid aFormatUid);
-    /**
-    Return the format of the audio clip
-    @returns Uid of the audio clip format
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TUid DestinationFormatL() const;
-    /**
-    Set the number of channels for the recorded audio clip
-    @param "aNumberOfChannels" The number of channels to record
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void SetDestinationNumberOfChannelsL(TUint aNumberOfChannels);
-    /**
-    Return the number of channels in audio clip
-    @returns number of channels supported by audio clip
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TUint DestinationNumberOfChannelsL() const;
-    /**
-    Return a list of the supported number of channels for recording
-    @param "aSupportedNumChannels" List of the number of channels supported for
-            recording
-    @leaves Can leave with one of the system-wide error codes
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void GetSupportedNumberOfChannelsL(RArray<TUint>& aSupportedNumChannels) const;
-    /** Start recording of the tuner output */
-    IMPORT_C void RecordL();
-    /**
-    Pause recording. Recording can be resumed with another call to Record.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt PauseRecord();
-    /**
-    Stop recording, and release the output device for use by other clients
-    Recording should already be under way.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void Stop();
-    /**
-    Stop recording, and release the output device for use by other clients
-    Recording should already be under way.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void Close();
-    /**
-    Return the maximum value for the gain
-    @return The maximum gain. For devices where automatic gain control is used, this value may be zero.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt MaxGain() const;
-    /**
-    Sets the gain for the audio device to a specified value.
-    @param aGain The gain setting. This can be any value from zero to the value returned by a call to
-            MaxGain(). A value which is less than zero is set to zero. A value which is greater than
-            MaxGain() is set to MaxGain().
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void SetGain(TInt aGain);
-    /**
-    Sets the current recording balance setting between the left and right stereo channels
-    The balance can be changed before or during recording and is effective immediately.
-    @param aBalance The balance value to set. Any value between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and
-            KMMFBalanceMaxRight, the default value being KMMFBalanceCenter.
-    @return An error code indicating if the call was successful. KErrNone on success,
-            otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetRecordBalance(TInt aBalance = KMMFBalanceCenter);
-    /**
-    Returns the current recording balance setting between the left and right stereo channels.
-    @param aBalance On return, contains the current recording balance between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft
-            and KMMFBalanceMaxRight.
-    @return An error code indicating if the call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise
-            another of the system-wide error codes.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetRecordBalance(TInt& aBalance) const;
-    /**
-    Set the current audio priority. This priority is used to arbitrate
-    between multiple audio sources trying to access the audio hardware.
-    @param aPriority A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax
-    @param aPref Time vs Quality priority preferences, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetPriority(TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref);
-    /**
-    Get the current audio priority. This is used to arbitrate between simultaneous
-    accesses to the sound hardware.
-    @param aPriority A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax to return
-    @param aPref Time vs Quality priority preferences to return, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetPriority(TInt& aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference& aPref) const;
-    /**
-    Register for audio resource notifications, in the event that the audio resource is lost due to pre-emption
-    by a higher priority audio client.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt RegisterAudioResourceNotification(MMMAudioResourceNotificationCallback& aCallback, TUid aNotificationEventUid, const TDesC8* aNotificationRegistrationData = NULL);
-    /**
-    Cancel an outstanding audio resource notification.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(TUid aNotificationEventId);
-    /**
-    Sets the maximum size for a file that is being recorded.
-    When this limit is reached, MMF stops recording and notifies the client application. Notification is caused
-    by MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver::MoscoStateChangeEvent() with the error code KErrEof.
-    This function is provided so that applications such as recorders can limit the amount of file storage/memory
-    that should be allocated.
-    @param aMaxWriteLength
-           The maximum file size in kilobytes. If the default value is used, there is no maximum file size.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void SetMaxWriteLength(TInt aMaxWriteLength = KMdaClipLocationMaxWriteLengthNone);
-    /**
-    Returns the recording time available for the selected file or descriptor and encoding format.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& RecordTimeAvailable();
-    /**
-    Returns the duration of the audio sample data.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds& Duration();
-    /**
-    Return the controller implementation information structure of the current controller
-    @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
-    @return A reference to the current controller information
-    */
-    IMPORT_C const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation& ControllerImplementationInformationL();
-    /*
-    Returns the number of meta data entries associated with this clip.
-    @return Number of metadata entries
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries(TInt& aNumEntries);
-    /*
-    Returns the specified meta data entry from the current audio clip.
-    @return Metadata entry
-    */
-    IMPORT_C CMMFMetaDataEntry* GetMetaDataEntryL(TInt aMetaDataIndex);
-    /*
-    Adds a meta data entry to the audio clip.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void AddMetaDataEntryL(CMMFMetaDataEntry& aMetaDataEntry);
-    /*
-    Removes a specified meta data entry from the audio clip
-    @return An error code indicating if the call was successful
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt RemoveMetaDataEntry(TInt aMetaDataIndex);
-    /*
-    Replaces the specified meta data entry with a new entry
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void ReplaceMetaDataEntryL(TInt aMetaDataIndex, CMMFMetaDataEntry& aMetaDataEntry);
-    /**
-    Send a synchronous custom command to the recording controller
-    @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
-    the interface of this message
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-    on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
-    @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-    framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-    interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-    framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-    interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(
-        const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
-        TInt aFunction,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo2);
-    /**
-    Send a synchronous custom command to the recording controller
-    @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
-    the interface of this message
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-    on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
-    @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-    framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-    interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-    framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-    interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataFrom The area of memory to which the controller framework
-    will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(
-        const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
-        TInt aFunction,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
-        TDes8& aDataFrom);
-    /**
-    Send an asynchronous custom command to the recording controller
-    @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
-    the interface of this message
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-    on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
-    @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-    framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-    interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-    framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-    interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
-    result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
-    dependent on the interface.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(
-        const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
-        TInt aFunction,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
-        TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-    /**
-    Send an asynchronous custom command to the recording controller
-    @param aDestination The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of
-    the interface of this message
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-    on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter
-    @param aDataTo1 The first chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-    framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-    interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataTo2 The second chunk of data to be copied to the controller
-    framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the
-    interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aDataFrom The area of memory to which the controller framework
-    will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.
-    @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
-    result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
-    dependent on the interface.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(
-        const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg& aDestination,
-        TInt aFunction,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo1,
-        const TDesC8& aDataTo2,
-        TDes8& aDataFrom,
-        TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-    /**
-    Create a new audio recorder utility. Note that only one audio recorder utility may be created
-    per instance of CMMTunerUtility. Multiple instances will result in an error of KErrAlreadyExists
-    when InitializeL() is called.
-    */
-    static CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility* NewL(CMMTunerUtility& aTuner, MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver& aObserver);
-    CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility();
-    class CBody;
-    CBody* iBody;
-class MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver
-    /**
-    The TEvent enumeration is used to indicate which type of event is being sent to the client.
-    Each event will be associated with an error code and potentially some addition information,
-    and will be passed to the client via method MTaroRecordEvent().
-    */
-    enum TEventType
-    {
-        /** An event relating to the tuner itself. Any error other than KErrNone associated
-        with this event type may indicate that the tuner cannot be used anymore.
-        No additional information is associated with this type of event. */
-        ETunerEvent,
-        /**
-        An event relating to audio recording.
-        No additional information is associated with this type of event.
-        */
-        EAudioEvent
-    };
-    /**
-    Initialize complete event. This event is asynchronous and is received after
-    a call to CMMTunerAudioRecorderUtility::InitializeL.
-    @param aError A standard system error
-    */
-    virtual void MTaroInitializeComplete(TInt aError) = 0;
-    /**
-    Passes an asychronous event to the tuner client.
-    @param aEvent The type of event. See enumeration MMMTunerAudioRecorderObserver::TEventType
-            for more information about when the event types mean.
-    @param aError An error code associated with the event.
-    @param aAdditionalInfo Any additional information associated with the event, or NULL if
-            no such additional information exists.
-    */
-    virtual void MTaroRecordEvent(TEventType aEvent, TInt aError, TAny* aAdditionalInfo) = 0;
-This class augments CMMTunerUtility to provide station scanning functionality,
-whereby the frequency spectrum is searched, pausing for a specified amount of
-time when a station is found.
-class CMMTunerScannerUtility : public CBase
-    friend class CMMTunerUtility::CBody;
-    IMPORT_C ~CMMTunerScannerUtility();
-    /**
-    Continuously scan for a radio station, pausing for the time specified before
-    continuing on to the next station. Call StopScan to select the currently tuned
-    station. The search is limited to the specified band.
-    @note The control of a CMMTunerUtility object must have been passed to this
-          class (using TransferTunerControl) before this function is called.
-    @param aBand The band to which aStartFrequency belongs
-    @param aSearchDirect The direction to search in
-    @param aPauseDuration Time to pause at each station
-    @param aCircularScan If set to ETrue the station scan will loop back to the other
-           end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue)
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void StationScan(CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection,
-                              TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aPauseDuration
-                             );
-    /**
-    Stop scanning and use the currently tuned station
-    @return ETrue if a station is tuned, EFalse otherwise
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TBool StopScan();
-    /**
-    Factory function to create a new CMMTunerScannerUtility.
-    @param aTuner The tuner with which to perform the scanning.
-    @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory.
-    @return A newly contructed tuner scanner utility.
-    */
-    static CMMTunerScannerUtility* NewL(CMMTunerUtility& aTuner,CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand);
-    CMMTunerScannerUtility();
-    class CBody;
-    CBody* iBody;
-/** Programme Station name, 8 characters */
-typedef TBuf<8> TRdsStationName;
-/** Programme Type Name, 8 characters */
-typedef TBuf<8> TRdsProgrammeTypeName;
-/** RDS Programme Identifier, a unique ID for each radio station */
-typedef TInt TRdsProgrammeIdentifier;
-Programme Item Number - identifies the start time of the current programme,
-as published by the broadcaster.
-class TRdsProgrammeItemNumber
-    /** The day of the month of the broadcast, in the range 1-31 */
-    TInt iDayOfMonth;
-    /** The hour of the day, in the range 0-23 */
-    TInt iHour;
-    /** The minute past the hour, in the range 0-59 */
-    TInt iMinute;
-    inline TInt operator==(const TRdsProgrammeItemNumber& aPin) const;
-    inline TInt operator!=(const TRdsProgrammeItemNumber& aPin) const;
-An RDS extended country code. The meaning of a value of this type is defined
-by the RDS specification, IEC62106.
-typedef TInt TRdsCountryCode;
-An RDS language identification code. The meaning of a value of this type is
-defined by the RDS specification, IEC62106.
-typedef TInt TRdsLanguageIdentifier;
-RDS Programme Type.
-The interpretation of values of this type depends on the origin of the RDS
-broadcast: in North America, a slightly different standard, RBDS, is used.
-These PTY codes are defined by static values KRbdsPtyXxxxx, for example
-Elsewhere, including Europe, the RDS standard is used. In these areas, the
-PTY codes are defined by static values KRdsPtyXxxxx, for example
-In all other important aspects, the European RDS and North American RBDS
-standards are identical.
-typedef TInt TRdsProgrammeType;
-/** No programme type or undefined */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyNone = 0;
-/** News */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyNews = 1;
-/** CurrentAffairs */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyCurrentAffairs = 2;
-/** Information */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyInformation = 3;
-/** Sport */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtySport = 4;
-/** Education */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyEducation = 5;
-/** Drama */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyDrama = 6;
-/** Culture */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyCulture = 7;
-/** Science */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyScience = 8;
-/** VariedSpeech */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyVariedSpeech = 9;
-/** PopMusic */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyPopMusic = 10;
-/** RockMusic */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyRockMusic = 11;
-/** EasyListening */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyEasyListening = 12;
-/** LightClassical */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyLightClassical = 13;
-/** SeriousClassics */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtySeriousClassical = 14;
-/** OtherMusic */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyOtherMusic = 15;
-/** Weather */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyWeather = 16;
-/** Finance */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyFinance = 17;
-/** ChildrensProgrammes */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyChildrensProgrammes = 18;
-/** SocialAffairs */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtySocialAffairs = 19;
-/** Religion */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyReligion = 20;
-/** PhoneIn */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyPhoneIn = 21;
-/** Travel */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyTravel = 22;
-/** Leisure */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyLeisure = 23;
-/** JazzMusic */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyJazzMusic = 24;
-/** CountryMusic */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyCountryMusic = 25;
-/** NationalMusic */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyNationalMusic = 26;
-/** OldiesMusic */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyOldiesMusic = 27;
-/** FolkMusic */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyFolkMusic = 28;
-/** Documentary */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyDocumentary = 29;
-/** AlarmTest */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyAlarmTest = 30;
-/** Alarm */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRdsPtyAlarm = 31;
-/** No programme type or undefined */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyNone = 0;
-/** News */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyNews = 1;
-/** Informaion */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyInformation = 2;
-/** Sports */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySports = 3;
-/** Talk */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyTalk = 4;
-/** Rock */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyRock = 5;
-/** Classic Rock */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyClassicRock = 6;
-/** Adult Hits */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyAdultHits = 7;
-/** Soft Rock */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySoftRock = 8;
-/** Top 40 */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyTop40 = 9;
-/** Country */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyCountry = 10;
-/** Oldies */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyOldies = 11;
-/** Soft */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySoft = 12;
-/** Nostalgia */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyNostalgia = 13;
-/** Jazz */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyJazz = 14;
-/** Classical */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyClassical = 15;
-/** Rhythm and Blues */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyRhythmAndBlues = 16;
-/** Soft Rhythm and Blues */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtySoftRhythmAndBlues = 17;
-/** Language */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyLanguage = 18;
-/** Religious Music */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyReligiousMusic = 19;
-/** Religious Talk */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyReligiousTalk = 20;
-/** Personality */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyPersonality = 21;
-/** Public */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyPublic = 22;
-/** College */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyCollege = 23;
-/** Unassigned */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned1 = 24;
-/** Unassigned */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned2 = 25;
-/** Unassigned */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned3 = 26;
-/** Unassigned */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned4 = 27;
-/** Unassigned */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyUnassigned5 = 28;
-/** Weather */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyWeather = 29;
-/** Emergency Test */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyEmergencyTest = 30;
-/** Emergency */
-const static TRdsProgrammeType KRbdsPtyEmergency = 31;
-The RDS Capabilities class defines the capabilities of the RDS tuner on the
-device, as retrieved using the function GetRdsCapabilities.
-class TRdsCapabilities
-    /** RDS Function Bit Flags */
-    enum TRdsFunctions
-    {
-        /** Traffic Announcement */
-        ERdsFunctionTa      = 0x01,
-        /** Regional Links */
-        ERdsFunctionRegLink = 0x02,
-        /** News Announcement */
-        ERdsFunctionNa      = 0x04,
-        /** Programme Type */
-        ERdsFunctionPty     = 0x08,
-        /** Clock Time */
-        ERdsFunctionCt      = 0x10,
-        /** Enhanced Other Networks */
-        ERdsFunctionEon     = 0x20,
-        /** Alternative Frequency */
-        ERdsFunctionAf      = 0x40
-    };
-    /** Bitfield as defined by ERdsFunctions with the bits of the supported functions set */
-    TUint32 iRdsFunctions;
-class MMMRdsDataObserver;
-class MMMRdsEonObserver;
-class MMMRdsStateChangeObserver;
-class MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver;
-This class represents the basic RDS data associated with an RDS station.
-class TRdsData
-    inline TRdsData();
-    /**
-    Enumeration to indicate a subset of the members of class TRdsData. These values should
-    be bitwise or'ed together to indicate which members belong in a set.
-    */
-    enum TField
-    {
-        /** Indicates the the member iPi is in a set */
-        EProgrammeIdentifier    = 0x001,
-        /** Indicates the the member iPs is in a set */
-        EStationName            = 0x002,
-        /** Indicates the the member iTp is in a set */
-        ETrafficProgramme       = 0x004,
-        /** Indicates the the member iTa is in a set */
-        ETrafficAnnouncement    = 0x008,
-        /** Indicates the the member iPty is in a set */
-        EProgrammeType          = 0x010,
-        /** Indicates the the member iPtyn is in a set */
-        EProgrammeTypeName      = 0x020,
-        /** Indicates the the member iPin is in a set */
-        EProgrammeItemNumber    = 0x040,
-        /** Indicates the the member iMs is in a set */
-        EMusicSpeech            = 0x080,
-        /** Indicates the the member iBroadcastLanguage is in a set */
-        EBroadcastLanguage      = 0x100,
-        /** Indicates the the member iEcc is in a set */
-        EExtendedCountryCode    = 0x200
-    };
-    /**
-    A value indicating a set containig all RDS data encapsulated by class TRdsData.
-    */
-    const static TUint32 KAllRdsData = (EProgrammeIdentifier | EStationName | ETrafficProgramme | ETrafficAnnouncement
-                                        | EProgrammeType | EProgrammeTypeName | EProgrammeItemNumber | EMusicSpeech
-                                        | EBroadcastLanguage | EExtendedCountryCode);
-    /** Programme Identifier of the station */
-    TRdsProgrammeIdentifier iPi;
-    /** Programme Station name of the station */
-    TRdsStationName iPs;
-    /** Value of the Traffic Programme flag of the station */
-    TBool iTp;
-    /** Value of the Traffic Announcement flag of the station */
-    TBool iTa;
-    /** Programme Type of the station */
-    TRdsProgrammeType iPty;
-    /** Programme Type Name of the station */
-    TRdsProgrammeTypeName iPtyn;
-    /** Programme Item Number of the station */
-    TRdsProgrammeItemNumber iPin;
-    /** Value of the Music Speech flag of the station. EFalse indicates the speech is being
-    broadcast at present. ETrue indicates that music is being broadcast, or that the flag is
-    not in use by the broadcaster. */
-    TBool iMs;
-    /** The current language of the broadcast */
-    TRdsLanguageIdentifier iBroadcastLanguage;
-    /** The Extended Country Code of the station */
-    TRdsCountryCode iEcc;
-Class representing a station broadcast as an Enhanced Other Networks station.
-class TEonStation
-    /**
-    Enumeration to indicate a subset of the members of class TEonStation. These values should
-    be bitwise or'ed together to indicate which members belong in a set.
-    */
-    enum TField
-    {
-        /** Indicates that member iProgrammeIdentifier is valid. */
-        EProgrammeIdentifier= 0x01,
-        /** Indicates that member iStationName is valid. */
-        EStationName        = 0x02,
-        /** Indicates that member iProgrammeType is valid. */
-        EProgrammeType      = 0x04,
-        /** Indicates that member iTrafficProgramme is valid. */
-        ETrafficProgramme   = 0x08,
-        /** Indicates that member iTrafficAnnouncement is valid. */
-        ETrafficAnnouncement= 0x10,
-        /** Indicates that member iProgrammeItemNumber is valid. */
-        EProgrammeItemNumber= 0x20,
-        /** Indicates that member iNoFrequencies is valid. */
-        ENoFrequencies      = 0x40,
-        /** Indicates that member iNoMappedFrequencies is valid. */
-        ENoMappedFrequencies= 0x80
-    };
-    /** The unique identifier of this station */
-    TRdsProgrammeIdentifier iProgrammeIdentifier;
-    /** The textual name of this station */
-    TRdsStationName iStationName;
-    /** The current programme type (PTY) of this station */
-    TRdsProgrammeType iProgrammeType;
-    /** Indicates if this station broadcasts traffic programmes */
-    TBool iTrafficProgramme;
-    /** Indicates if this station is currently broadcasting a traffic announcement */
-    TBool iTrafficAnnouncement;
-    /** The programme item number (PIN) of the current broadcast on this station. */
-    TRdsProgrammeItemNumber iProgrammeItemNumber;
-    /**
-    The number of frequencies associated with this station. If this number is zero,
-    it may be that the EON station uses the mapped frequencies method instead. See
-    iNoMappedFrequencies.
-    */
-    TInt iNoFrequencies;
-    /**
-    The number of mapped frequencies associated with this station. If this number is
-    zero, it may be that the EON station uses a flat frequency list instead. See
-    iNoFrequencies.
-    */
-    TInt iNoMappedFrequencies;
-    /**
-    Indicates the subset of fields of the class that are valid. Bits are set according to enumeration
-    TEonStation::TField
-    */
-    TUint32 iValid;
-Mapped frequencies can be broadcast as a part of the EON information. They relate the
-current tuning frequency with the frequency which the referred EON station will be
-broadcast on.
-class TEonMappedFrequency
-    inline TEonMappedFrequency(TFrequency aTuningFrequency, TFrequency aMappedFrequency);
-    /** The current tuning frequency, relating to the station broadcasting the EON informarion. */
-    TFrequency iTuningFrequency;
-    /**
-    The mapped frequency. If iTunedFrequency matches the currently tuned frequency, the
-    EON station will be broadcast on this frequency.
-    */
-    TFrequency iMappedFrequency;
-The RDS class augments the tuner API to give access to the RDS capabilities
-of the device. As such additional tuner technologies can be supported without
-changing the Tuner API.
-Note that despite this class being names 'RDS', it is capable of supporting both
-the RDS standard, and the North American equivilant RBDS. The only important difference
-from the APIs perspective is the interpretation of the Programme Type (PTY) codes. See
-TRdsProgrammeType for more information.
-class CMMRdsTunerUtility : public CBase
-    friend class CMMTunerUtility::CBody;
-    /** RDS Announcement Type */
-    enum TAnnouncementType
-    {
-        /** Traffic announcement */
-        ERdsTrafficAnnouncement,
-        /** News announcement */
-        ERdsNewsAnnouncement
-    };
-    /**
-    Factory function to create a new instance of the RDS Tuner API
-    @param aTuner A RDS capable tuner object (check using CMMTunerUtility::GetCapabilities())
-    @param aObserver The observer of the tuner to receive asynchronous completion messages.
-    @leave KErrNoMemory Out of memory
-    @leave KErrNotFound CMMRdsTunerUtility object is not present
-    @leave KErrNotSupported RDS is not supported by the tuner
-    @return A pointer and ownership of a fully constructed CMMRdsTunerUtility object
-    */
-    IMPORT_C static CMMRdsTunerUtility* NewL(CMMTunerUtility& aTuner, MMMTunerObserver& aObserver, CMMTunerUtility::TTunerBand aBand);
-    IMPORT_C ~CMMRdsTunerUtility();
-    /**
-    Get the RDS capabilities of the device
-    @param aCaps The capabilities object to fill
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetRdsCapabilities(TRdsCapabilities& aCaps) const;
-    /**
-    Find a radio station which contains RDS data starting at the start frequency
-    and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).
-    @note this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune
-          methods of CMMTunerUtility
-    @param aStartFrequency The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the
-            beginning of the stated band.
-    @param aBand The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.
-    @param aSearchDirection The direction to search in
-    @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the
-           other end of the band once the end of the band has been reached.
-           (Defaults to ETrue) If not set reaching the end of the band without
-           finding a station will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error
-           KErrNotFound.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void StationSearchByRds(TFrequency     aStartFrequency,
-                                     CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection
-                                    );
-    /**
-    Find a radio station, of the specified programme type starting at the start
-    frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).
-    @note this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune
-          methods of CMMTunerUtility
-    @param aProgType The type of programme to search for
-    @param aStartFrequency The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the
-            beginning of the stated band.
-    @param aBand The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.
-    @param aSearchDirection The direction to search in
-    @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the
-           other end of the band once the end of the band has been reached.
-           (Defaults to ETrue) If not set reaching the end of the band without
-           finding a station will result in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error
-           KErrNotFound.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void StationSearchByProgrammeType(
-        TRdsProgrammeType aProgType,
-        TFrequency aStartFrequency,
-        CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection aSearchDirection
-    );
-    /**
-    Find a radio station, with the specified programme identifier starting at the
-    start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).
-    @note this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune
-          methods of CMMTunerUtility
-    @param aPi The programme identifier of the station to search for
-    @param aStartFrequency The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the
-            beginning of the stated band.
-    @param aBand The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.
-    @param aSearchDirection The direction to search in
-    @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other
-           end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue)
-           If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result
-           in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void StationSearchByProgrammeIdentifier(
-        TRdsProgrammeIdentifier             aPi,
-        TFrequency                          aStartFrequency,
-        CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection   aSearchDirection
-    );
-    /**
-    Find a radio station, with the specified traffic programme flag value starting at
-    the start frequency and searching in the direction specified (i.e. Up or down).
-    @note this function is subject to the same access control scheme as the Tune
-          methods of CMMTunerUtility
-    @param aTp The TP flag value of a station to search for
-    @param aStartFrequency The frequency to start searching from, or 0 to start at the
-            beginning of the stated band.
-    @param aBand The frequency band to search. This must be a FM band.
-    @param aSearchDirection The direction to search in
-    @param aCircularSeek If set to ETrue the station seek will loop back to the other
-           end of the band once the end of the band has been reached. (Defaults to ETrue)
-           If not set reaching the end of the band without finding a station will result
-           in a callback to MToTuneComplete with error KErrNotFound.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void StationSearchByTrafficProgramme(
-        TBool                              aTp,
-        TFrequency                         aStartFrequency,
-        CMMTunerUtility::TSearchDirection  aSearchDirection
-    );
-    /**
-    Cancels an ongoing RDS search as initiated by one of the functions
-    StationSearchByRds, StationSearchByProgrammeType,
-    StationSearchByProgrammeIdentifier or StationSearchByTrafficProgramme. The
-    asynchronous callback will not occur if this is called.
-    Has not affect if no RDS search operation is ongoing.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelRdsSearch();
-    /**
-    Requests notifications when all RDS data become invalid due to the tuner being
-    retuned.
-    @param aObserver The client to be notified.
-    @param aWhichData The subset of data for which change notifications are required.
-    @return A standard system wide error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRdsDataChange(MMMRdsDataObserver& aObserver, TUint32 aWhichData = TRdsData::KAllRdsData);
-    /**
-    Cancel a NotifyRdsDataChange request.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRdsDataChange();
-    /**
-    Request some RDS data. This will complete immediately with whatever RDS data have already been
-    received.
-    When this function returns, and data that was requested but is not indicated to be
-    valid can be assumed not to have been received.
-    @param aData The RDS data will be written to this variable.
-    @param aValid On return, indicates a subset of RDS data that are valid.
-    @param aWhichData The subset of RDS data that are being requested.
-    @return A standard system wide error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetRdsData(TRdsData& aData, TUint32& aValid, TUint32 aWhichData = TRdsData::KAllRdsData) const;
-    /**
-    Converts an RDS language identifier into a Symbian TLanguage type. Note that not all
-    languages defined by the RDS specification IEC62106 are present in the TLanguage
-    enumeration; in these cases, a value of ELangOther will be returned.
-    @param aRdsLangId An RDS language identification code
-    @return The corresponding TLanguage member, or ELangOther if none exists.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C static TLanguage ConvertRdsLanguageId(TRdsLanguageIdentifier aRdsLangId);
-    /**
-    Get the length of the available radio text. If no radio text is available this
-    function will return KErrNotFound. The maximum possible length for radio text is 64 characters.
-    @param aLength The variable to set to the length of the avaiable radio text
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetRadioTextLength(TUint& aLength) const;
-    /**
-    Get the radio text. If no radio text is available, this will return KErrNotFound. In this
-    case, a client can call NotifyRadioText to receive a notification when it is received.
-    The radio text will have been converted to unicode, eliminating any control characters
-    within it.
-    @param aRadioText The descriptor to fill with the radio text
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetRadioText(TDes& aRadioText) const;
-    /**
-    Request notification when the radio text is received or changes.
-    @param aObserver The client to be notified when the radio text is received or changes.
-    @return A standard system wide error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRadioText(MMMRdsDataObserver& aObserver);
-    /**
-    Cancel a NotifyRadioText request.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRadioText();
-    /**
-    Turns regional link function on or off depending on the value of the parameter.
-    A value of ETrue should be passed if you wish to stay tuned to the currently
-    tuned local station regardless of signal quality and signal strength.
-    i.e. don't switch to another local station in the region.
-    @param aRegOn ETrue to turn regional link on, EFalse to turn it off
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetRegionalLink(TBool aRegOn);
-    /**
-    Finds out if the regional link function is currently on or off.
-    @param aRegOn This will be set to ETrue on return if and only if the regional
-           link function is currently enabled.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetRegionalLink(TBool& aRegOn) const;
-    /**
-    Turn the travel announcement function on or off depending on the value of the
-    parameter. A value of ETrue turns on Traffic Announcements, EFalse turns them off.
-    If Traffic announcements are disabled while the tuner is retuned to a traffic
-    announcement, the tuner will not revert to the original frequency. To revert to
-    the original frequency, StopAnnouncement() must be called before the traffic
-    announcement feature is disabled.
-    @param aTaOn ETrue to turn TA on, EFalse to turn it off
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetTrafficAnnouncement(TBool aTaOn);
-    /**
-    Finds out if the traffic announcement function is currently enabled or not.
-    @param aTaOn This is set to ETrue on return if and only if the traffic
-           announcement function is currenly enabled.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetTrafficAnnouncement(TBool& aTaOn) const;
-    /**
-    Set the absolute volume to apply during a traffic or news announcement.
-    @param aVolume The volume to use. Must be between 0 and MaxVolume.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetAnnouncementVolume(TInt aVolume);
-    /**
-    Find the current absolute volume level used for news of traffic annoucements.
-    @param aVolume This will be set to the current volume used for annoucements.
-    @return A standard system error code, KErrNotFound if a annoucement volume offset has been set.
-            use.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetAnnouncementVolume(TInt& aVolume) const;
-    /**
-    Set the offset to the system volume level to apply during a traffic or news announcement
-    @param aVolumeOffset The offset to the volume level to set for announcements. Must be between -MaxVolume and MaxVolume inclusive.
-                         the actual volume with the offset applied will be clipped between 0 and MaxVolume if the offset would
-                         otherwise result in a volume outside this range.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetAnnouncementVolumeOffset(TInt aVolumeOffset);
-    /**
-    Find the current offset of the system volume that applies during traffic and news announcements.
-    @param aVolumeOffset This will be set to the current traffic and news announcement offset on return.
-    @return A standard system error code, KErrNotFound if an absolute annoucement volume has been set.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetAnnouncementVolumeOffset(TInt& aVolumeOffset) const;
-    /**
-    Turn the news announcement function on or off depending on the value of the
-    parameter. The news announcement function when enabled causes the radio to
-    retune to a station when that station is broadcasting a news report. When the
-    news announcement is finished the radio will tune back to the original station.
-    A value of ETrue turns on News Announcements, EFalse turns them off.
-    If News announcements are disabled while the tuner is retuned to a news
-    announcement, the tuner will not revert to the original frequency. To revert to
-    the original frequency, StopAnnouncement() must be called before the news
-    announcement feature is disabled.
-    @param aNaOn ETrue to turn NA on, EFalse to turn it off
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetNewsAnnouncement(TBool aNaOn);
-    /**
-    Finds out whether the news announcement function is on or off.
-    @param aNaOn This will be set to ETrue if and only if the new announcement
-           function is currently on.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetNewsAnnouncement(TBool& aNaOn) const;
-    /**
-    Cancels any current announcement, reverting to the original frequency. The announcement
-    feature will remain enabled. If no announcement is currently happening, this function
-    has no affect. This can be used for both News and Traffic announcements.
-    @return A standard system error code. KErrNone if an announcement was successfully
-            stopped, or KErrNotReady if no announcement is currently happening.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt StopAnnouncement();
-    /**
-    Turns alternative frequency function on or off depending on the value of the parameter.
-    A value of ETrue should be passed if you wish to enable automatic retuning to the current
-    station on an alternative frequency.
-    @param aAfOn ETrue to turn alternative frequency on, EFalse to turn it off
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt SetAlternativeFrequency(TBool aAfOn);
-    /**
-    Finds out whether the alternative frequency function is on or off.
-    @param aAfOn This will be set to ETrue if and only if the alternative frequency
-           function is currently on.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt GetAlternativeFrequency(TBool& aAfOn) const;
-    /**
-    Requests a notification when RDS functionality is enabled or disabled, or when
-    the traffic announcement volume offset is changed.
-    @param aObserver The class which is to be notified of the changes.
-    @return A standard system error code.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt NotifyRdsStateChange(MMMRdsStateChangeObserver& aObserver);
-    /**
-    Cancels an outstanding RDS state change notification request.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyRdsStateChange();
-    /**
-    Get the current RDS time. This is an asynchronous function due to the latency of
-    the RDS information becoming available. This information is broadcast at the start of
-    every minute, and is not cached for obvious reasons. Thus, whenever a request is made,
-    it will complete next time the Data and Time are broadcast. The RDS standard states
-    that this is broadcast within 0.1s of the start of a minute, and is accurate to one
-    minute. The latency of the notification reaching the application cannot be guarteed.
-    @param aTimeAndDate The variable to set to the current RDS time and date
-    @param aStatus A TRequestStatus. This will be signalled when the request completes
-    and will contain the result of the request, this will be one of the system error codes.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void GetRdsTime(TPckg<TDateTime>& aTimeAndDate, TRequestStatus& aStatus) const;
-    /**
-    Cancel the GetRdsTime request
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelGetRdsTime();
-    /**
-    Request notification when a retune caused by an announcement occurs. This will be
-    a traffic or news announcement. A notification will be provided both at
-    the start of the announcement and at the end.
-    @param aObserver The object wishing to receive announcement events
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt NotifyAnnouncement(MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver& aObserver);
-    /**
-    Cancel the NotifyAnnouncement request
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyAnnouncement();
-    /**
-    Returns a list containing information about other networks broadcast with the currently tuned
-    programmme. This call will return immediately with whatever EON information is currently available.
-    Note that is is possible for this function to return no EON stations when several are being broadcast
-    simply because not enough RDS frames have been received yet. An interested application should make a
-    call to NotifyEonInfo to receive notifications when EON information is received or changes.
-    @param aEonInfo An array to which the EON information will be appended.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void GetEonInfoL(RArray<TEonStation>& aEonInfo) const;
-    /**
-    Gets the frequencies assoicated with an EON station. This will complete immediately with whatever
-    frequencies are currently cached. An interested application should make a call to NotifyEonChange
-    to receive notifications when more frequencies are received.
-    @param aEonStation the EON station to get the frequencies for
-    @param aFrequencies an array to which the frequencies associated with the given station will be
-            appended.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void GetEonFrequenciesL(const TEonStation& aEonStation, RArray<TFrequency>& aFrequencies) const;
-    /**
-    Gets the mapped frequencies associated with an EON station. This will complete immediately with whatever
-    mapped frequencies are currently cached. An interested application should make a call to NotifyEonChange
-    to receive notifications when more frequencies are received.
-    @param aEonStation the EON station to get the mapped frequencies for
-    @param aMappedFrequencies an array to which the mapped frequencies associated with the given station
-            will be appended.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void GetEonMappedFrequenciesL(const TEonStation& aEonStation, RArray<TEonMappedFrequency>& aMappedFrequencies) const;
-    /**
-    Request notification when the Enhanced Other Networks (EON) information changes.
-    @param aObserver The client to be notifier when EON information changes or an error occurs.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt NotifyEonInfo(MMMRdsEonObserver& aObserver);
-    /**
-    Cancels a NotifyEonInfo request.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CancelNotifyEonInfo();
-    /**
-    Tunes to a station represented by a TEonStation. This will result to a callback to MtoTuneComplete.
-    @param aEonStation The EON station that is to be tuned to.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void TuneToEonStation(const TEonStation& aEonStation);
-    /**
-    Send a synchronous custom command to the RDS tuner.
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-        on the interface defined by the first IPC argument
-    @param aArgs The IPC arguments to send to the RDS tuner. The first of these
-        arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the
-        command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first
-        argument properly will result in the command completing with
-        KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly the client being panicked.
-    @return A standard system error code
-    */
-    IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs);
-    /**
-    Send an asynchronous custom command to the RDS tuner.
-    @param aFunction The function number to indicate which function is to be called
-        on the interface defined by the first IPC argument
-    @param aArgs The IPC arguments to send to the RDS tuner. The first of these
-        arguments must be the UID of the interface within the tuner to which the
-        command is destined, represented as an integer. Failure to set the first
-        argument properly will result in the command completing with
-        KErrNotSupported at best, but possibly  the client being panicked.
-    @param aStatus The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the
-        result of the request on completion.  The exact range of result values is
-        dependent on the interface.
-    */
-    IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(TInt aFunction, const TIpcArgs& aArgs, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
-    CMMRdsTunerUtility();
-    class CBody;
-    CBody* iBody;
-This mixin class should be implemented by applications wishing to receive notifications
-when RDS data is received, changes or becomes invalid. Each method corresponds to a
-particular request in CMMRdsTunerUtility. Only methods corresponding to requests in
-CMMRdsTunerUtility that are used by a client need be implemented - empty default
-implementations are provided.
-class MMMRdsDataObserver
-    /**
-    Called when some error occurs which makes RDS data unavailable.
-    */
-    virtual void MrdoError(TInt aError)  = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when some RDS data is received or has changed.
-    Two subsets of the RDS data supplied are indicted: that which has changed and that which is
-    valid. This information can be interpreted as follows:
-    For an item of RDS data x:
-        valid(x)  & !changed(x) => x was received before and has not changed
-        valid(x)  & changed(x)  => x has either just been received for the first time, or has just changed
-        !valid(x) & changed(x)  => x is no longer available
-        !valid(x) & !changed(x) => x was not available before, and is still not available.
-    When the tuner is retuned to a new station, all RDS data will be flushed. This will result in
-    a call to this function indicating that all RDS data has changed and is longer valid.
-    @param aData The RDS data.
-    @param aValid Indicates a subset of aData that is valid (i.e. has been received)
-    @param aChanged Indicates a subset of aData that has changed since the last call to this function.
-    */
-    virtual void MrdoDataReceived(const TRdsData& aData, TUint32 aValid, TUint32 aChanged) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when the RDS Radio Text (RT) is received, changes, or is no longer available.
-    @param aRt The Radio Text message. This will be empty if aValid==EFalse.
-    @param aValid Indicates if the radio text is valid.
-    @param aChanges Indicates if the radio test has changed.
-    */
-    virtual void MrdoRadioTextReceived(const TDesC& aRt, TBool aValid, TBool aChanged) = 0;
-The state change observer mixin class defines the interface via which changes to
-the state of the RDS radio can be observed. These state changes will be a result
-of a client enabling or disabling RDS functionality.
-class MMMRdsStateChangeObserver
-    /**
-    Called when the regional link functionality is enabled/disabled.
-    @param aNewRegLinkOn The new setting: ETrue if the regional link function has
-           just been enabled.
-    */
-    virtual void MrscoRegionalLinkChanged(TBool aNewRegLinkOn) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when the traffic announcement functionality has just been enabled or
-    disabled.
-    @param aNewTaOn ETrue if the TA function is now on, EFalse otherwise.
-    */
-    virtual void MrscoTrafficAnnouncementChanged(TBool aNewTaOn) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when the traffic and news announcement volume offset is changed. A callback to
-    this method indicates the a volume offset is being used instead of an absolute volume.
-    @param aOldOffset The announcement volume offset before the change
-    @param aNewOffset The announcement volume offset after the change
-    */
-    virtual void MrscoAnnouncementVolumeOffsetChanged(TInt aOldOffset, TInt aNewOffset) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when the traffic an news announcement volume is changed. A callback to
-    this method indicates that an absolute volume is being used instead of volume offsets.
-    @param aOldVolume The announcement volume before the change.
-    @param aNewVolume The announcement volume after the change.
-    */
-    virtual void MrscoAnnouncementVolumeChanged(TInt aOldVolume, TInt aNewVolume) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when the news announcement functionality has just been enabled or
-    disabled.
-    @param aNewNAOn ETrue if the NA function is now enabled, else EFalse.
-    */
-    virtual void MrscoNewsAnnouncementChanged(TBool aNewNAOn) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when the alternative frequencies function is turned on or off.
-    @param aNewAFOn ETrue if the AF function has just been turned on, else EFalse.
-    */
-    virtual void MrscoAlternativeFrequenciesChanged(TBool aNewAFOn) = 0;
-The Announcement Observer mixin class defines the interface via which
-announcement events can be received. A client interested in such
-information calls the function NotifyAnnouncement.
-class MMMRdsAnnouncementObserver
-    /**
-    Called when an announcement starts
-    @param aType The type of announcement (travel or news)
-    */
-    virtual void MraoAnnouncementStart(CMMRdsTunerUtility::TAnnouncementType aType) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when an announcement ends
-    @param aType The type of announcement (travel or news)
-    */
-    virtual void MraoAnnouncementEnd(CMMRdsTunerUtility::TAnnouncementType aType) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when an error occurs which results in announcement notifications
-    becoming unavailable.
-    */
-    virtual void MraoError(TInt aError) = 0;
-The enhanced other networks observer mixin class defines the interface via
-which changes to the enhanced other networks information can be notified. A
-client interested in such information calls the function NotifyEonChange.
-class MMMRdsEonObserver
-    /**
-    Called when some details of an EON station change. The station can be referenced
-    to an existing one using it's Programme Identifier, which cannot change.
-    @param aStation A TEonStation containing the new information about the station.
-    @param aChanged The subset of the members of aStation that have changed. Bits are
-            set according to TEonStation::TField.
-    */
-    virtual void MreoEonStationChanged(const TEonStation& aStation, TUint32 aChanged) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when details of a new EON station are received.
-    @param aStation A TEonStation containing the new information about the station.
-    */
-    virtual void MreoNewEonStation(const TEonStation& aStation) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when details of <b>all</b> EON stations cease to be broadcast. This will
-    typically happen when the tuner is retuned. More EON stations may continue to be
-    recieved: this call does not indicate that EON information is no longer available.
-    */
-    virtual void MreoAllEonStationsRemoved() = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when details of an EON station cease to be broadcast.
-    @param aPi The programme identifier of the EON station which has been removed.
-    */
-    virtual void MreoEonStationRemoved(const TRdsProgrammeIdentifier& aPi) = 0;
-    /**
-    Called when an error occurs resulting in EON notifications not being available.
-    */
-    virtual void MreoError(TInt aError) = 0;
-#include <tuner.inl>
-#endif // TUNER_H
-// End of file