changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 54 fa1df4b99609
equal deleted inserted replaced
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     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    20 #include <imapset.h>
    21 #include <msvstd.h>
    23 #include "cimapidlecontroller.h"
    24 #include "mimapopbackgroundsyncobserver.h"
    25 #include "mimmobileserver.h"
    26 #include "cimmobilitymanager.h"
    28 /**
    29 package buffer for progress info.
    30 @internalComponent
    31 @prototype
    32 */
    33 typedef TPckgBuf<TImap4CompoundProgress> TImap4ProgressBuf;
    35 // Forward Declarations
    36 class CImapCompoundBase;
    37 class CImapSessionManager;
    38 class CImapSession;
    39 class CImapSettings;
    40 class CImapMailStore;
    41 class CImapSyncManager;
    42 class CMsgActive;
    43 class TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo;
    44 class CImapOpBackgroundSync;
    45 class CImapOfflineControl;
    47 /**
    48 Provides an API for connecting/disconnecting to a remote IMAP server and for 
    49 connected IMAP operations.
    50 Manages background online activities: synchronisation after connection
    51 and the usage of IMAP idle between requested operations.
    52 Uses instance of class CImapSyncManager to manage synchronisation of folders 
    53 on the remote IMAP server and the headers contained within subscribed folders.
    54 Uses instances of CImapCompoundBase derived classes to perform requested
    55 operations.
    56 @internalTechnology
    57 @prototype
    58 */
    59 class CImapProtocolController : public CMsgActive, 
    60                                 public MImapOpBackgroundSyncObserver, 
    61                                 public MImapIdleControllerObserver,
    62                                 public MImMobileServer
    63 	{
    64 public:
    66 	typedef RPointerArray<CImapSession> RImapSessionArray;
    68 	virtual ~CImapProtocolController();
    69 	IMPORT_C static CImapProtocolController* NewL(CMsvServerEntry& aEntry,CImapOfflineControl& aImapOfflineControl);
    71 	// Connection APIs
    72 	IMPORT_C TBool Connected() const;
    73 	IMPORT_C void ConnectL( TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
    74 							CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
    75 	IMPORT_C void ConnectAndSynchroniseL( TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
    76 										  CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
    78 	IMPORT_C void DisconnectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    79 	IMPORT_C TBool Busy() const;
    80 	IMPORT_C TInt GetAccessPointIdForConnection(TUint32& aAccessPointId) const;
    82 	// Account Synchronisation APIs
    83 	IMPORT_C TBool BackgroundSyncInProgress() const;
    84 	IMPORT_C void CancelBackgroundSync(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    85 	IMPORT_C void WaitForBackground(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    86 	IMPORT_C void SynchroniseTreeL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    87 	IMPORT_C void SynchroniseAllL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
    89 	// from MImapOpBackgroundSyncObserver
    90 	void BackgroundSyncComplete(TInt aError);
    92 	// from MImapIdleControllerObserver
    93 	void OnIdleError(TInt aError);
    95 	// Message/Folder APIs
    96 	IMPORT_C void CopyToLocalL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);				   
    97 	IMPORT_C void PopulateL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo aGetPartialMailInfo);
    98 	IMPORT_C void MoveToLocalL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
    99 	IMPORT_C void CopyWithinServiceL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
   100 	IMPORT_C void MoveWithinServiceL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
   101 	IMPORT_C void CopyFromLocalL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
   102 	IMPORT_C void MoveFromLocalL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
   103 	IMPORT_C void DeleteL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel);
   104 	IMPORT_C void DeleteFolderL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
   105 	IMPORT_C void NewOnlySyncFolderL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   106 	IMPORT_C void FullSyncFolderL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aFolder);
   107 	IMPORT_C void SelectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aFolder);
   108 	IMPORT_C void FullSyncSelectedFolderL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   109 	IMPORT_C void CreateL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aParent, const TDesC& aLeafName, const TBool aFolder );
   110 	IMPORT_C void RenameL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aTarget, const TDesC& aNewName);
   112 	IMPORT_C TInt SetLocalSubscription(const TMsvId aFolder, TBool aSubscribed);
   114 	// Progress and Cancel APIs
   115 	IMPORT_C TImap4CompoundProgress Progress();
   116 	IMPORT_C void CancelAndCleanup();
   117 	IMPORT_C void UpdateFlagL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   119 	// mobility API from MImMobileServer
   120 	void PrepareForNewCarrier(TImMobilityAction aAction, TBool aIsSeamless);
   121 	void CarrierLost();
   122 	void NewCarrierActive(TAccessPointInfo aNewAp, TBool aIsSeamless);
   123 	void MobilityError(TUint aError);
   124 	const TDesC8& MobilityProgress(); 
   127 private:
   128 	CImapProtocolController(CMsvServerEntry& aEntry,CImapOfflineControl& aImapOfflineControl);
   130 	void ConstructL();
   131 	// from CMsgActive
   132 	virtual void DoRunL();
   133 	void DoComplete(TInt& aErr);
   134 	virtual void DoCancel();
   135 	void DoCancelClientOp();
   137 	void DoDisconnectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   138 	void DropSession(TInt aSessionId);
   139 	void DisconnectAll();
   140 	TBool CompleteIfBackgroundOpInProgress(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   141 	TBool SelectSessionL(TInt& aIndexToUse);
   142 	void StartPrimaryOperation();
   143 	void StartIdle();
   145 	void MarkOnOrOfflineL(const TBool aOnline);
   146 	void ChangeVisibilityL(TMsvId aParent, TBool aInvisible);
   147 	void ChangeVisibilityL(TMsvId aParent, TBool aInvisible, TBool aRecurse, TUid aType);
   148 	void PropagateInvisibleFlagL(TMsvId aId);
   149 	void PropagateUnsubscribeL(const TMsvId aFolder);
   151 	TBool IdIsLocalL(TMsvId aId);
   152 	TMsvId ServiceOfL(TMsvId aId);
   154 	TBool ProcessError(TInt aError);
   155 	void ThranslateSessionError(TInt& errCode);
   156 	void ResetProgress();
   158 	// Migration methods
   159 	void DoMigrateRunL();
   160 	void CompleteCurrentForMigrate();
   161 	void StopCurrentForMigrate();
   162 	void CancelForMigrate();
   163 	void DoCancelForMigrate();
   164 	void ProcessOpCompleteForMigrate();
   165 	void DisconnectForMigrateL();
   166 	void NewPrimarySessionL();
   167 	void RestartAfterMigrateL();
   169 private:
   171 	enum TImapProtocolOp
   172 		{
   173 	/** Idle. The default connected state. */
   174 		EIdle,
   175 	/** Connect operation. */
   176 		EConnect,
   177 	/** Disconnect operation. */
   178 		EDisconnect, 
   179 	/** Sync operation. */
   180 		ESync,
   181 	/** Select operation. */
   182 		ESelect,		
   183 	/** Copy messages to local operation. */
   184 		ECopyToLocal,
   185 	/** Copy messages within remote server operation. */
   186 		ECopyWithinService,
   187 	/** Copy messages from local operation. */
   188 		ECopyFromLocal,
   189 	/** Move messages to local operation. */
   190 		EMoveToLocal,
   191 	/** Move messages within remote server operation. */
   192 		EMoveWithinService,
   193 	/** Move messages from local operation. */
   194 		EMoveFromLocal,
   195 	/** Message population operation. */
   196 		EPopulate,		
   197 	/** Delete operation. (messages) */
   198 		EDelete,
   199 	/** Delete operation. (folders) */
   200 		EDeleteFolder,
   201 	/** Create operation. (folders) */
   202 		ECreate,
   203 	/** Rename operation. (folders) */
   204 		ERename,
   205 	/** Stop idle operation. */
   206 		EStopIdle,
   207 	/** Connect a secondary session. */
   208 		EConnectSecondary,
   209 	/** Recovering primary session following a cancel. */
   210 		ECancelRecoverPrimary,
   211 	/** Update read/unread message flags */
   212 		EUpdateFlag,
   213 		};
   215 	// protocol controller migration states
   216 	enum TImapPcMigrateState
   217 		{
   218 		ENotMigrating,				// normal state
   219 		ESuspendingForMigrate,      // intermediate state
   220 		EWaitingForOpToComplete,	// async wait on compound op/bground op/idle controller
   221 		EWaitingForOpToStop,		// async wait on compound op/bground op/idle controller
   222 		EDisconnectingForMigrate,	// async wait on compound op
   223 		EWaitingForNewCarrier,		// async wait state on mobility engine
   224 		EStartingReconnect,			// intermediate state
   225 		EConnectingAfterMigrate,	// async wait on session manager
   226 		EWaitingInitialCarrierRejected,		// async wait state on mobility engine
   227 		EHandlingConnectError 		// Handling Initial connect error
   228 		};
   230 	CMsvServerEntry& iEntry;
   232 	// objects the Protocol Controller owns
   233 	CImapSettings*			iImapSettings;
   234 	CImapMailStore* 		iImapMailStore;
   235 	CImapSessionManager* 	iImapSessionManager;
   236 	RImapSessionArray		iImapSessionArray;
   237 	CImapCompoundBase* 		iImapCompound;
   238 	CImapCompoundBase* 		iMigrateCompound;
   240 	// CImapOfflineControl object is owned by the CImap4ServerMtm
   241 	CImapOfflineControl& 	iImapOfflineControl;
   242 	CImapSyncManager* 		iImapSyncManager;
   243 	CImapOpBackgroundSync* 	iBackgroundSyncOp;
   244 	CImapIdleController*    iImapIdleController;
   245 	CImMobilityManager*		iMobilityManager;
   247 	// Service ID
   248 	TMsvId					iServiceId;
   250 	// Progress
   251 	TImap4CompoundProgress 	iProgress;
   253 	// Current operational state
   254 	// Requested and current foreground operation
   255 	TImapProtocolOp			iRequestedOp;
   256 	TImapProtocolOp			iCurrentOp;
   257 	TInt 					iForegroundSession;
   259 	TBool					iWaitForBackgroundSync;
   260 	TBool					iFlushPrimary;
   261 	TBool 					iCancelInProgress;
   262 	TImapPcMigrateState		iMigrateState;
   263 	TImap4ProgressBuf 		iProgressBuffer;
   264 	};