* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declares UI class for Mail application.
#include <RPbkViewResourceFile.h>
#include <MsgAttachmentUtils.h>
#include <akntoolbarobserver.h>
#include <msvstd.h>
#include "MsgMailAppUi.h"
#include "mmsgmailappuiopdelegate.h"
#include "cmsgmailbaseop.h"
class CMsgMailEditorDocument;
class CMsgMailSendOptionsDlg;
class CMsgExpandableControl;
class CMsgAddressControl;
class CPbkContactEngine;
class CMsgRecipientItem;
class CAknWaitDialog;
class CMsgRecipientList;
class TAdditionalHeaderStatus;
class CMsgMailViewAttachmentsDlg;
class CMsgCheckNames;
class CMsgMailEditorHeader;
class CMsgMailNaviPaneUtils;
class CAknLocalScreenClearer;
* Application UI class.
class CMsgMailEditorAppUi
: public CMsgMailAppUi,
public MAknToolbarObserver,
public MMsgMailAppUiOpDelegate,
public MMsgMailOpObserver
public: // // Constructors and destructor
* Default constructor
* Symbian OS default constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Destructor.
* inline
* Return pointer to mail editor document.
* @return CMsgMailEditorDocument.
* Ownership not transferred.
inline CMsgMailEditorDocument* Document() const;
public: //New functions
* Fetches attachment from other application and
* adds it to message.
* @param aCommand Type of fetch operation
* we want to proceed e.g. EMsgMailEditorCmdInsertImage.
void DoFetchFileL( TInt aCommand );
* Displays toolbar Insert Other selection list.
* If option is selected proceeds to fetching.
void DoShowToolBarOtherL();
public: // Functions from base classes
/// From MMsgEditorLauncher
void LaunchViewL();
//From MAknToolbarObserver
void DynInitToolbarL( TInt aResourceId, CAknToolbar* aToolbar );
// From MAknToolbarObserver
void OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommand );
// From CEikAppUi
void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType);
protected: // Functions from base classes
// From MObjectProvider
TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
// From CEikAppUi
void HandleSystemEventL( const TWsEvent& aEvent );
private: // Functions from base classes
// From CCoeAppUi
CArrayFix< TCoeHelpContext >* HelpContextL( ) const;
/// From MEikMenuObserver
void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
/// From MMsgEditorObserver.
void EditorObserver(
TMsgEditorObserverFunc aFunc,
TAny* aArg1,
TAny* aArg2,
TAny* aArg3 );
/// From MMsgMailAppUiOpDelegate
void DelegateSaveMsgL();
TMsvId DelegateMoveMsgToOutboxL();
CMsgBodyControl& DelegateInitLaunchL();
void DelegateExecuteViewL();
void DelegateFinalizeLaunchL();
/// From MMsgMailOpObserver
void HandleOpCompleted( const CMsgMailBaseOp& aOp,
TInt aResult );
private: // implementation
void HandleAttaAddedL();
void SetTitlePaneL( TInt aResourceId );
void DoCreateControlsL();
void DoAttachmentL();
void DoCheckEncodingL();
void DoMsgSaveExitL();
void PrepereToExitL();
void DoSendMessageL();
void DoSendOptionsL();
void DoHideToolbar( const TBool aHide );
void DoShowSelectionListL();
void DoShowExtensionToolBar();
void DoShowToolBarTextL();
void DoBackstepL();
void DoAddRecipientL();
void DoAdditionalHeadersL();
void DoGetRecipientsL();
void DoRemoveDuplicatesL();
void DoHandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
void EditorObserverL(
TMsgEditorObserverFunc aFunc,
TAny* aArg1,
TAny* aArg2,
TAny* aArg3 );
TBool CheckRecipientsL(TBool aHighLight);
void ShowIncorrectAddressErrorL(const TDesC& aTitle,
const TDesC& aAddress) const;
TBool IsEmptyL() const;
void SetSubjectL(const TDesC& aText) const;
TBool AreAddressFieldsEmptyL() const;
void UpdateMessageSizeL();
void ShowSelectedMailboxL();
void CheckRecipientsInFieldL(CMsgAddressControl* aAddressField,
TBool& aHighlight, TBool& aResult);
void RemoveDuplicatesL(CMsgAddressControl* aAddressField);
void RemoveDuplicatesL(CMsgAddressControl* aAddressField,
CMsgAddressControl* aLaterAddressField);
void AddRecipientArrayL(CMsgAddressControl* aControl,
const CDesCArray& aArray);
void UpdateHeaderVisibilityL(
RPointerArray<TAdditionalHeaderStatus>& aHeaders);
void UpdatePriorityIndicatorL();
void DoMessageInfoL();
void InitPhoneBookL();
void SearchUnverifiedStringL(const TDesC& aText,
CMsgAddressControl* aControl);
TBool AllAddressValidL();
void SetFocusToFirstFreeFieldL();
void StopWaitNote();
void StartWaitNoteLC(
TInt aStringResourceId,
TBool aDelayOff = EFalse );
void StartWaitNoteLC(
TInt aStringResourceId,
TBool aDelayOff,
TInt aResouceID );
HBufC* StringLoaderLoadLC( TInt aTextResource );
TBool SpecialScrolling( TUint aKeyCode );
void RotateFocus( TBool aDirection, TInt aCurrentFocus );
void SetMiddleSoftKeyLabelL(
const TInt aResourceId, const TInt aCommandId );
void RemoveMSKCommands();
void CheckFocusForMskL(TInt aControl);
TBool CheckGlobalReplyToSettingL();
void SetInputModeToAddressFields( TInt aInputMode );
void SetFocusAfterAddRecipientL( TMsgControlId aFocusBeforeAdd );
void ControlTouchedL( const CMsgBaseControl& aControl );
* Removes unneeded prefixes from subject text
void HandleSubjectL();
* Handles enter key events.
void HandleEnterKeyL();
private: // Data
* Own: address finder
CMsgCheckNames* iCheckNames;
* Own: A wait dialog
CAknWaitDialog* iWaitNote;
* Mail editor UI header handler
* Own.
CMsgMailEditorHeader* iMailEditorHeader;
* Middle soft key command
TInt iCurrentMskCommandId;
* Navi pane utils. Own.
CMsgMailNaviPaneUtils* iNaviPaneUtils;
* Attachment dialog. Own.
CMsgMailViewAttachmentsDlg* iAttachmentDlg;
* Saved focused control for touch support.
* Does not own.
CMsgBaseControl* iFocusedControl;
* Operation object for sending a message. Own.
CMsgMailBaseOp* iSendOp;
* Operation object for launching editor. Own.
CMsgMailBaseOp* iLaunchOp;
* Operation object for fetching (attaching) files. Own.
CMsgMailBaseOp* iFetchFileOp;
* Document is deleted when the editor is closed.
* ETrue : Always delete document
* EFalse : Default behaviour
TBool iForceDeleteDocument;
* Screen clearer. Own.
CAknLocalScreenClearer* iScreenClearer;
// Inline functions
#include "MsgMailEditorAppUi.inl"
// End of File