author Simon Howkins <>
Mon, 22 Nov 2010 17:05:03 +0000
changeset 83 26c290f28dd1
parent 0 72b543305e3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Removed duplicate instructions for creating some messaging MIFs

MIME Email, plain text.--------------------------------------------				  Email rfc_001.txt
						  Email rfc_001.txt
lots of addresses in To: field.		  	  Email rfc_002.txt
with QP encoded chars.				  Email rfc_003.txt
paragraph, testing soft line wrapping.		  Email rfc_004.txt
paragraph, including spaces.			  Email rfc_005.txt
Text exceeds 80 char limit			  Email rfc_006.txt
Invalid Date					  Email rfc_007.txt

Non MIME Message. -------------------------------------------------
Plain text and three UU encoded texts.		  Email rfc_008.txt
Text. No Subject				  Email rfc_009.txt
Containing BinHex stuff.			  Email rfc_010.txt
UU encoded.					  Email rfc_011.txt

MIME Message, contains text/plain. ---------------------------------
7 bit text.					  Email rfc_012.txt
8 bit text.		 			  Email rfc_013.txt
Contains UU encoded text.			  Email rfc_014.txt
Contains B64 encoded text.			  Email rfc_015.txt

MIME Message, contains text/html. ---------------------------------
						  Email rfc_016.txt
7bit						  Email rfc_017.txt
8bit						  Email rfc_018.txt
QP						  Email rfc_019.txt
UU						  Email rfc_020.txt
B64						  Email rfc_021.txt
BinHex						  Email rfc_022.txt

MIME Message, multipart/related. contains image/audio/video.-------
						  Email rfc_023.txt
7bit						  Email rfc_024.txt
8bit						  Email rfc_025.txt
QP						  Email rfc_026.txt
UU						  Email rfc_027.txt
B64						  Email rfc_028.txt
BinHex						  Email rfc_029.txt

MIME Message, Application/exe. ------------------------------------
						  Email rfc_030.txt
7Bit						  Email rfc_031.txt
8Bit						  Email rfc_032.txt
QP						  Email rfc_033.txt
UU						  Email rfc_034.txt
Base64						  Email rfc_035.txt
BinHex						  Email rfc_036.txt

MIME Message, multipart/mixed. 
contains text(plain/html), image/audio/video, application(exe)
						  Email rfc_037.txt
7bit						  Email rfc_038.txt
8bit						  Email rfc_039.txt
QP						  Email rfc_040.txt
UU						  Email rfc_041.txt
B64						  Email rfc_042.txt
BinHex						  Email rfc_043.txt

MIME Message, text/plain. Inline ----------------------------------
						  Email rfc_044.txt
7bit						  Email rfc_045.txt
8bit						  Email rfc_046.txt
Binary						  Email rfc_047.txt
QP						  Email rfc_048.txt
UU						  Email rfc_049.txt
B64						  Email rfc_050.txt
BinHex						  Email rfc_051.txt

MIME Message, multipart/mixed. INLINE
contains text(plain/html), image/audio/video, application(exe)
						  Email rfc_052.txt
7bit						  Email rfc_053.txt
8bit						  Email rfc_054.txt
Binary						  Email rfc_055.txt
QP						  Email rfc_056.txt
UU						  Email rfc_057.txt
B64						  Email rfc_058.txt
BinHex						  Email rfc_059.txt

MIME Message. Image/Bmp, XX-UUENCODE		  Email rfc_060.txt

MIME multipart/related. -------------------------------------------
multipart/mixed. 3 parts, 1 attachment.		  Email rfc_062.txt
1 part.						  Email rfc_063.txt
7 parts, 1 level.	  			  Email rfc_064.txt
2 levels.		  			  Email rfc_065.txt
12 levels					  Email rfc_066.txt
2 levels.					  Email rfc_067.txt
Multipart/mixed. Two levels, 			  Email rfc_068.txt
contains message/rfc822 parts.

Badly formed email. -----------------------------------------------
multipart/report. No end boundary.		  Email rfc_069.txt
Non-MIME. UU encoded text with no end'.		  Email rfc_070.txt
multipart/mixed. 1 part containing no body or     Email rfc_071.txt
	end boundary.						
Non MIME. No Body.				  Email rfc_072.txt

Encoded Header fields. --------------------------------------------
						  Email rfc_073.txt
						  Email rfc_074.txt
Invalid.					  Email rfc_075.txt
						  Email rfc_076.txt

Testing fixes in ER5. ---------------------------------------------
Code Page 1252 sent as ISO-8859-1.  		  Email rfc_077.txt
Multipart/Mixed, with UTF7/8 text parts.  	  Email rfc_078.txt
Email header folding, From: & To: fields 	  Email rfc_079.txt
					          Email rfc_080.txt

FORWARDED EMAILS. ------------------------------------------------
Forwarded Emails, using "Forward As Attachment" option in Netscape 
Messanger. INNER refers to the embedded email being forwarded. 
OUTER referes to the container email.
Outer, text & text attachment; 			  Email rfc_081.txt
Inner, text & Bin Attachment.
Outer, text; Inner, HTML text.			  Email rfc_082.txt
Outer, plain text; Inner, plain text.		  Email rfc_083.txt	  
Outer, text & Bin Attachment; 			  Email tfc_084.txt
Inner, text & Bin Attachment.

Header Encoding					  Email rfc_085.txt
Testing Sending Side
1. 1 encoded letter
2. question mark appearing betweeen characters which need encdoing.

MESSAGE STRUCTURE. ------------------------------------------------
Multipart mixed with Alternative and Attachment   Email rfc_086.txt
Embedded message(86) and Alternative		  Email rfc_087.txt

Invalid Charset.Shoud be no conversion		  Email rfc_088.txt
VCard and VCal MIME message			  Email rfc_089.txt	
Embedded Message Digest				  Email rfc_090.txt

MISCE. ------------------------------------------------------------
Real World HTML message.			  Email rfc_091.txt

Used for testing formatting of HTML text on receiving and sending.
Storage of Content-Base and Content-Location MIME headers.

Unknown Charsets				  Email rfc_092.txt

Testing how recieving/sending code deals with header fields and
body parts containing unknown character sets. The contents should 
not be converted (only decoded). Charset info (the string name)
should be preserved. 

Filename parameter test, including encoding/decoding
						  Email rfc_095.txt

No Valid Header Fields, should not be saved	  Email rfc_500.txt