* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This is the header file for the CClkDateTimeViewExtension class.
// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
#include <badesca.h>
// User includes
#include "clockecomobserver.h"
// Forward includes
class CClkDateTimeView;
class CCoeEnv;
class CClockEComListener;
class CAknQueryValueTextArray;
class CAknQueryValueText;
class CAknPopupSettingPage;
// Constants
const TUid KTimeSourceInterfaceUID = { 0x200159A7 };
// Class declaration
* @class CClkDateTimeViewExtension
* @brief Common "Date and Time" extension class.
* @dll clkdatetimeview.dll
class CClkDateTimeViewExtension : public CBase,
public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback,
public MClockEComObserver
public: // Constructor and destructor
* @brief Two-phased constructor.
* @param aParent The owner of the object, in our case CClkDateTimeView.
* @param aEnv The control environment.
* @return CClkDateTimeViewExtension* Pointer to the constructed object.
static CClkDateTimeViewExtension* NewL( CClkDateTimeView* aParent, CCoeEnv* aEnv );
* @brief Destructor.
public: // From base classes
* @brief From MClockEComObserver. Called whenever the a new timesource plugin gets installed or uninstalled.
* @param aImplInfo The information of the plugin which got installed or uninstalled.
* @param aInstalled ETrue if a plugin has been installed, EFalse otherwise.
void NotifyPluginInstallUninstallL( const CImplementationInformation& aImplInfo, TBool aInstalled );
public: // New functions
* @brief Handles a notification change in the string.
* @param aId The id of the string that has changed.
* @param aNewValue The new value of the string.
void HandleNotifyStringL( TUint32 aId, const TDesC16& aNewValue );
* @brief Get the "Alarm Snooze Time" string.
* @return HBufC* Heap buffer pointer to the string requested.
HBufC* GetAlarmSnoozeTimeStr();
* @brief Delete the constructed resource buffers.
void DeleteResourceBuf();
* @brief Re-constructs the snooze time item for the listbox.
void MakeSnoozeTimeItemL();
* @brief Gets the "Snooze Time" string.
* @return HBufC* Heap buffer pointer to the string requested.
HBufC* GetSnoozeTimeStr();
* @brief Gets the worksdays currently selected on the phone.
* @return TUint
TUint GetWorkDays();
* @brief Sets the new workdays.
* @param aWorkDays The new set of workdays.
void SetWorkDays(TUint aWorkDays);
* @brief Constructs the workdays string.
void ConstructWorkDaysStrL();
* @brief Gets the workdays string.
* @return HBufC* Heap buffer pointer to the string requested.
HBufC* GetWorkDaysStr();
* @brief Gets the workdays list in descriptor format.
* @return CDesCArrayFlat* Pointer to a flat array of workdays list.
CDesCArrayFlat* GetWorkDaysList();
* @brief Start listening for cenrep changes.
void StartListeningL();
* @brief Stop listening for cenrep changes.
void StopListening();
* @brief Get the previously set snooze time value.
* @return TInt The snooze time value.
TInt GetSnoozeTimeValue();
* @brief Set a new snooze time value.
* @param aNewValue New snooze time value.
void SetSnoozeTimeValue(TInt aSnoozeTimeValue);
* @brief Gets "Silent" string for tones.
* @return HBufC* Heap buffer pointer to the string requested.
HBufC* GetSilentToneStr();
* @brief Set whether the date time view is launched by general settings or not.
void SetUsedByGS();
* @brief Returns whether the current instance of date time view is launched by GS.
* @return TBool ETrue if GS is using datetime.
TBool UsedByGS();
* @brief Returns whether the alarm tone list in use currently.
* @return TBool ETrue if alarm tone list in use.
TBool AlarmToneListInUse();
* @brief Sets flag to indicate the alarm tone list in use .
* @param aAlarmToneListInUse Tells whether list is in use or not.
void SetAlarmToneListInUse( TBool aAlarmToneListInUse );
* @brief Tells whether the city is unlocalised or not.
* @return TBool ETrue UnLocalised city match is found.
TBool IsUnLocalisedCity();
* @brief Sets the flag for unlocalised city.
* @param aIsUnlocalisedCity Flag for unlocalised city.
void UnLocalisedCity( TBool aUnlocalisedCity );
* @brief Tells if the automatic time update page is open or not.
* @return TBool ETrue if the page is open, EFalse otherwise.
TBool IsAutoTimeUpdatePageOpen();
* @brief Setter function for iAutoTimeUpdatePageOpen.
* Called by the view when the automatic time update page is open.
void SetAutoTimeUpdatePageOpen( TBool aOpen );
* @brief Getter function for the query text array.
* @return CAknQueryValueTextArray The pointer to the newly allocated query text array.
CAknQueryValueTextArray* GetQueryTextArray();
* @brief Setter function for iTextArray.
* @param aTextArray
void SetQueryTextArray( CAknQueryValueTextArray* aTextArray );
* @brief Getter function for iQueryValue
* @return CAknQueryValueText The pointer to the newly allocated value text.
CAknQueryValueText* GetQueryValueText();
* @brief Setter function for iQueryValue.
* @param aQueryValueText
void SetQueryValueText( CAknQueryValueText* aQueryValueText );
* @brief Setter function for iSettingPage.
* @param aPopupSettingPage
void SetPopupSettingPage( CAknPopupSettingPage* aPopupSettingPage );
* @brief Getter function for iPluginList.
* @return CDesCArrayFlat* The pointer to the newly allocated plugin list.
CDesCArrayFlat* GetPluginList();
* @brief Setter function for iPluginList.
* @param aPluginList
void SetPluginList( CDesCArrayFlat* aPluginList );
* @brief Getter function for iActiveProtocol. Returns the currently active protocol UID.
TInt GetActiveProtocol();
* @brief Setter function for iActiveProtocol. Value is 1 when all the protocols are activated.
* Value is 0 when all the protocols are deactivated.
void SetActiveProtocol( TInt aProtocol );
* @brief Shows a popup setting page.
* @return TInt The id of the selected protocol.
TInt QueryPopupSettingPageL();
private: // New functions
* @brief C++ default constructor.
* @param aParent The owner of the object, in our case CClkDateTimeView.
* @param aEnv The control environment.
CClkDateTimeViewExtension( CClkDateTimeView* aParent, CCoeEnv* aEnv );
* @brief Performs the 2nd phase of two-phase construction.
void ConstructL();
* @brief Called when the page for auto time update is opened and some plugin gets
* installed at that very moment. This will update the page with the newly added or removed plugin.
void RefreshAutoTimeUpdatePageL();
private: // Data
* @var iAlarmSnoozeTime
* @brief The string holder for String "Alarm Snooze Time".
HBufC* iAlarmSnoozeTime;
* @var iSnoozeTime
* @brief The string holder for holding the value of snooze time.
HBufC* iSnoozeTime;
* @var iSnoozeTimeValue
* @brief The value of snooze time currently on the phone.
TInt iSnoozeTimeValue;
* @var iWorkDays
* @brief This holds the workdays currently selected on the phone.
TUint iWorkDays;
* @var iWorkDaysStr
* @brief This will hold the currently chosen workdays on the phone in string format.
HBufC* iWorkDaysStr;
* @var iWorkDaysList
* @brief Array to hold the workdays list.
CDesCArrayFlat* iWorkDaysList;
* @var iWorkDaysShortList
* @brief Array of workdays list in short format.
CDesCArrayFlat* iWorkDaysShortList;
* @var iAlarmToneNotifier
* @brief CenRep handler for alarm tone change.
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iAlarmToneNotifier;
* @var iSnoozeValueNotifier
* @brief CenRep handler for snooze time change.
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iSnoozeValueNotifier;
* @var iRepository
* @brief Object of CenRep.
CRepository* iRepository;
* @var iSilentTone
* @brief String holder to hold "Silent" string.
HBufC* iSilentTone;
* @var iUsedByGS
* @brief ETrue if datetime is being used by GS.
TBool iUsedByGS;
* @var iParent
* @brief Pointer to the owner of this.
CClkDateTimeView* iParent;
* @var iEnv
* @brief The control environment.
CCoeEnv* iEnv;
* @var iAlarmToneListInUse
* @brief Flag for alarm tone list, ETrue if list in use.
TBool iAlarmToneListInUse;
* @var iIsUnlocalisedCity
* @brief Returns ETrue or EFalse depending on the unlocalised city.
TBool iUnlocalisedCity;
* @var iClockEComListener
* @brief Listens for changes in the ECOM registry.
CClockEComListener* iClockEComListener;
* @var iAutoTimeUpdatePageOpen
* @brief ETrue if the automatic time update page is being shown, EFalse otherwise
TBool iAutoTimeUpdatePageOpen;
* @var iTextArray
* @brief The array for holding text shown in the settings page.
CAknQueryValueTextArray* iTextArray;
* @var iQueryValue
* @brief The is updated with user selection.
CAknQueryValueText* iQueryValue;
* @var iSettingPage
* @brief The settings page pointer.
CAknPopupSettingPage* iSettingPage;
* @var iPluginList
* @brief The array for displaying the plugin list to the user
CDesCArrayFlat* iPluginList;
* @var iActiveProtocol
* @brief Holds 1 if all the protocols are active and 0 otherwise.
TInt iActiveProtocol;
* @var iAutomaticTimeUpdateString
* @brief String holder for the string "Network Operator Time"
HBufC* iAutomaticTimeUpdateString;
* @var iPrevTextArray
* @brief The array for holding text shown in the settings page.
// CAknQueryValueTextArray* iPrevTextArray;
* @var iPrevQueryValue
* @brief The is updated with user selection.
// CAknQueryValueText* iPrevQueryValue;
// End of File