changeset 37 451b2e1545b2
parent 33 11b6825f0862
child 41 3a6b55c6390c
equal deleted inserted replaced
26:6bcf277166c1 37:451b2e1545b2
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  FM Radio home screen widget
    15 *
    16 */
    18 // System includes
    19 #include <HbPushButton>
    20 #include <HbLabel>
    21 #include <HbDocumentLoader>
    22 #include <HbFrameDrawer>
    23 #include <HbIcon>
    24 #include <HbIconAnimationManager>
    25 #include <HbIconAnimationDefinition>
    26 #include <HbColorScheme>
    27 #include <HbDeviceMessageBox>
    28 #include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
    29 #include <QGraphicsItem>
    30 #include <QDesktopServices>
    31 #include <QSignalMapper>
    33 // User includes
    34 #include "radiohswidget.h"
    35 #include "radiohswidgetprofilereader.h"
    36 #include "radiohswidgetradioserviceclient.h"
    37 #include "radioservicedef.h"
    38 #include "radio_global.h"
    39 #include "radiologger.h"
    41 // Constants
    42 /** Path to docml file */
    43 const QString DOCML(":/ui/resource/fmradiohswidget.docml");
    45 /**  DOCML object name for mainLayout */
    46 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_MAIN_LAYOUT("mainLayout");
    47 /**  DOCML object name for contentLayout */
    48 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_CONTENT_LAYOUT("contentLayout");
    49 /**  DOCML object name for tunerBackgroundPushButton */
    51     "tunerBackgroundPushButton");
    52 /**  DOCML object name for tunerStackedLayout */
    53 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_TUNER_STACKED_LAYOUT("tunerStackedLayout");
    54 /**  DOCML object name for tunerInformationStackedLayout */
    56     "tunerInformationStackedLayout");
    57 /**  DOCML object name for controlButtons */
    58 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_CONTROL_BUTTONS_LAYOUT("controlButtons");
    59 /**  DOCML object name for powerToggleButton */
    60 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_POWER_BUTTON("powerButton");
    61 /**  DOCML object name for previousPushButton */
    62 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_PREVIOUS_BUTTON("previousPushButton");
    63 /**  DOCML object name for nextPushButton */
    64 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_NEXT_BUTTON("nextPushButton");
    65 /**  DOCML object name for twoRowsLayout */
    66 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_TWO_ROWS_LAYOUT("twoRowsLayout");
    67 /**  DOCML object name for firstRowLabel */
    68 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_FIRST_ROW_LABEL("firstRowLabel");
    69 /**  DOCML object name for secondRowLabel */
    70 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_SECOND_ROW_LABEL("secondRowLabel");
    71 /**  DOCML object name for lonelyRowLabel */
    72 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_LONELY_ROW_LABEL("lonelyRowLabel");
    73 /**  DOCML object name for animationIcon */
    74 const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_ANIMATION_ICON("animationIcon");
    76 /** Unknown favorite station count. */
    78 /** One favorite station set. */
    79 const int FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_ONE(1);
    80 /** Favorite station count lower boundary including this number. */
    82 /** Favorite station count upper boundary including this number. */
    85 // Graphics identifiers for different push button states
    86 const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_NORMAL  ("qtg_fr_hsbutton_normal");
    87 const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_PRESSED ("qtg_fr_hsbutton_pressed");
    88 const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_DISABLED("qtg_fr_hsbutton_disabled");
    89 const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_LATCHED ("qtg_fr_hsbutton_latched");
    91 // Push button icon colors for each of the states (normal, pressed, disabled
    92 // and latched)
    93 const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_NORMAL  ("qtc_button_normal");
    94 const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_PRESSED ("qtc_button_pressed");
    95 const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_DISABLED("qtc_button_disabled");
    96 const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_LATCHED ("qtc_button_latched");
    98 // File name suffix lists for push buttons
    99 const QStringList POWER_BUTTON_SUFFIX(
   100     (QStringList() << "_l" << "_c" << "_cr"));
   101 const QStringList PREVIOUS_BUTTON_SUFFIX(
   102     (QStringList() << "_cl" << "_c" << "_cr"));
   103 const QStringList NEXT_BUTTON_SUFFIX(
   104     (QStringList() << "_cl" << "_c" << "_r"));
   106 /** Icon for power button off. */
   107 const QString POWER_BUTTON_ICON_OFF("qtg_mono_power"); 
   108 /** Icon for power button on. */
   109 const QString POWER_BUTTON_ICON_ON ("qtg_mono_power"); 
   111 // Tuner background button graphics for different states.
   112 const QString TUNER_BUTTON_NORMAL_OFF("qtg_fr_tuner");
   113 const QString TUNER_BUTTON_NORMAL_ON("qtg_fr_tuner");
   114 const QString TUNER_BUTTON_NORMAL_PRESSED("qtg_fr_hsitems2_pressed");
   116 /*!
   117     \class RadioHsWidget
   118     \brief Implementation of FM Radio home screen widget.
   120     RadioHsWidget implements needed functions for the FM Radio home screen
   121     widget.
   122 */
   124 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
   126 /*!
   127     Constructs a widget which is a child of \a parent, with widget flags set
   128     to \a flags.
   130     Constructor should be empty and all the actual construction should be
   131     done in onInitialize().
   132  */
   133 RadioHsWidget::RadioHsWidget(QGraphicsItem* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags)
   134     : HbWidget(parent, flags),
   135       mInformationAreaBackgroundButton(NULL),
   136       mPowerButton(NULL),
   137       mPreviousButton(NULL),
   138       mNextButton(NULL),
   139       mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout(NULL),
   140       mInformationLonelyRowLabel(NULL),
   141       mInformationFirstRowLabel(NULL),
   142       mInformationSecondRowLabel(NULL),
   143       mAnimationIcon(NULL),
   144       mFmRadioState(FmRadio::StateUndefined),
   145       mFavoriteStationCount(FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_UNDEFINED),
   146       mCurrentStationIsFavorite(false),
   147       mProfileMonitor(NULL),
   148       mRadioServiceClient(NULL)
   149 {
   150     LOG_METHOD;
   151 }
   153 /*!
   154     Destructor
   155  */
   156 RadioHsWidget::~RadioHsWidget()
   157 {
   158     LOG_METHOD;
   159 }
   161 /*!
   162     Handles changes in FM Radio information.
   164     \param informationType Type of changed information.
   165     \param information Actual information.
   166  */
   167 void RadioHsWidget::handleRadioInformationChange(const int informationType,
   168     const QVariant &information)
   169 {
   170     LOG_METHOD;
   171     switch (informationType) {
   173     case RadioServiceNotification::FavoriteCount:
   174         LOG("FavoriteCount");
   175         if (information.canConvert(QVariant::Int) &&
   176             information.toInt() >= FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_LOWER_BOUNDARY &&
   177             information.toInt() <= FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_UPPER_BOUNDARY) {
   178             mFavoriteStationCount = information.toInt();
   179             // If there are favorite stations, enable the next/previous
   180             // buttons.
   181             LOG_FORMAT("mFavoriteStationCount: %d", mFavoriteStationCount);
   182             // Enable or disable buttons only if favoriteCount differs
   183             // from 1. CurrentIsFavorite case handles situation when there
   184             // is only one favorite station.
   185             if (mFavoriteStationCount != FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_ONE) {
   186                 enableStationButtons();
   187             }
   188         } else {
   189             mFavoriteStationCount = FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_UNDEFINED;
   190         }
   191         break;
   193     case RadioServiceNotification::CurrentIsFavorite:
   194         LOG("CurrentIsFavorite");
   195         if (information.canConvert(QVariant::Bool)) {
   196             mCurrentStationIsFavorite = information.toBool();
   197             LOG_FORMAT("currentIsFavorite: %d", mCurrentStationIsFavorite);
   198             // If current station is favorite disable next/prev buttons.
   199             // Radio sends this information only when there is only one
   200             // favorite station set.
   201             enableStationButtons();
   202         }
   203         break;
   205     case RadioServiceNotification::RadioStatus:
   206         LOG("RadioStatus");
   207         if (information.canConvert(QVariant::Int)) {
   208             const int status = information.toInt();
   209             switch (status) {
   210             case RadioStatus::Playing:
   211                 LOG("Playing");
   212                 break;
   213             case RadioStatus::Muted:
   214                 LOG("Muted");
   215                 break;
   216             case RadioStatus::Seeking:
   217                 LEVEL2(LOG("Seeking"));
   218                 handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateSeeking);
   219                 break;
   220             case RadioStatus::NoAntenna:
   221                 LEVEL2(LOG("NoAntenna"));
   222                 handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateAntennaNotConnected);
   223                 break;
   224             case RadioStatus::PoweringOff:
   225                 LEVEL2(LOG("PoweringOff"));
   226                 handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateClosing);
   227                 break;
   228             default:
   229                 LOG("default case at case RadioStatus");
   230                 break;
   231             }
   232         }
   233         break;
   235     case RadioServiceNotification::Frequency:
   236         LOG("Frequency");
   237         // TODO: Should information.toString() be checked for too many characters? What's the limit?
   238         if (information.canConvert(QVariant::String)) {
   239             LOG_FORMAT("frequency: %s", GETSTRING(information.toString()));
   240             // TODO: Remove comment when localisation is working on device.
   241             //frequencyString = hbTrId("txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_list_l1_mhz").arg(freqString);
   242             bool frequencyCleared = false;
   243             // If widget has some frequency information and new frequency
   244             // differs from that
   245             if (mRadioInformation.contains(Frequency)
   246                 && mRadioInformation[Frequency].compare(information.toString()) != 0) {
   247                 // Clear all infromation from widget because station has changed.
   248                 clearRadioInformation();
   249                 frequencyCleared = true;
   250             }
   251             // If widget do not have any frquency information, update it.
   252             bool frequencyUpdated = updateRadioInformation(Frequency,
   253                 information.toString());
   254             if (frequencyCleared || frequencyUpdated) {
   255                 // Information changed, update the UI.
   256                 changeInRadioInformation();
   257             }
   258         }
   259         break;
   261     case RadioServiceNotification::Name:
   262         LOG("Name");
   263         handleSimilarRadioInformation(StationName, information);
   264         break;
   266     case RadioServiceNotification::Genre:
   267         LOG("Genre");
   268         handleSimilarRadioInformation(Pty, information);
   269         break;
   271     case RadioServiceNotification::RadioText:
   272         LOG("RadioText");
   273         handleSimilarRadioInformation(RadioText, information);
   274         break;
   276     case RadioServiceNotification::DynamicPS:
   277         LOG("DynamicPS");
   278         handleSimilarRadioInformation(DynamicPsName, information);
   279         break;
   281     default:
   282         LOG("default case at notificationId");
   283         break;
   284     }
   285 }
   287 /*!
   288     Handles changes in FM Radio state.
   290     \param value New state of the radio application.
   291 */
   292 void RadioHsWidget::handleRadioStateChange(const QVariant &value)
   293 {
   294     LOG_METHOD;
   295     int state;
   296     if (value.canConvert(QVariant::Int)) {
   297         state = value.toInt();
   298     } else {
   299         return;
   300     }
   302     if (state == mFmRadioState) {
   303         // State did not change, so return.
   304         return;
   305     }
   307     switch (state) {
   308     case FmRadio::StateUndefined:
   309         LOG("FmRadio::StateUndefined");
   310         // Something went wrong. Widget should not be in this state after onInitialize().
   311         mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateUndefined;
   312         break;
   313     case FmRadio::StateNotRunning:
   314         LOG("FmRadio::StateNotRunning");
   315         mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateNotRunning;
   316         mRadioServiceClient->stopMonitoring();
   317         changePowerButtonOn(false);
   318         mFavoriteStationCount = FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_UNDEFINED;
   319         mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
   320         enableStationButtons();
   321         clearRadioInformation();
   322         mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText("");
   323         mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText("");
   324         mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_list_fm_radio"));
   325         changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
   326         break;
   327     case FmRadio::StateStarting:
   328         LOG("FmRadio::StateStarting");
   329         mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateStarting;
   330         changePowerButtonOn(true);
   331         mFavoriteStationCount = FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_UNDEFINED;
   332         mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
   333         enableStationButtons();
   334         changeInformationAreaLayout(Animation);
   335         break;
   336     case FmRadio::StateRunning:
   337         LOG("FmRadio::StateRunning");
   338         mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateRunning;
   339         // Stop timer if it is running because radio is now running.
   340         mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
   341             FmRadio::VisibiltyDoNotChange);
   342         changePowerButtonOn(true);
   343         enableStationButtons();
   344         changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
   345         break;
   346     case FmRadio::StateSeeking:
   347         LOG("FmRadio::StateSeeking");
   348         mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateSeeking;
   349         mFavoriteStationCount = FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_UNDEFINED;
   350         mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
   351         enableStationButtons();
   352         changeInformationAreaLayout(Animation);
   353         break;
   354     case FmRadio::StateAntennaNotConnected:
   355         LOG("FmRadio::StateAntennaNotConnected");
   356         mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateAntennaNotConnected;
   357         mFavoriteStationCount = FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_UNDEFINED;
   358         mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
   359         enableStationButtons();
   360         mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText("");
   361         mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText("");
   362         mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId(
   363             "txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_info_connect_wired_headset"));
   364         changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
   365         break;
   366     case FmRadio::StateClosing:
   367         LOG("FmRadio::StateClosing");
   368         mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateClosing;
   369         changePowerButtonOn(false);
   370         mFavoriteStationCount = FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_UNDEFINED;
   371         mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
   372         enableStationButtons();
   373         clearRadioInformation();
   374         mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText("");
   375         mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText("");
   376         mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId(
   377             "txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_list_fm_radio"));
   378         changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
   379         break;
   380     default:
   381         LOG_FORMAT("default case at state. State: %d", state);
   382         break;
   383     }
   384 }
   386 /*!
   387     Called when widget is initialized. Constructs objects and connects them.
   388 */
   389 void RadioHsWidget::onInitialize()
   390 {
   391     LOG_METHOD_ENTER;
   392     mProfileMonitor = new RadioHsWidgetProfileReader(this);
   393     mRadioServiceClient = new RadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient(this);
   395     load(DOCML);
   397     // Use signal mapper to indicate button identifiers to button event
   398     // slots. 
   399     QSignalMapper* signalMapperPressed = new QSignalMapper(this); 
   400     signalMapperPressed->setMapping(mPowerButton, Power);
   401     signalMapperPressed->setMapping(mPreviousButton, Previous);
   402     signalMapperPressed->setMapping(mNextButton, Next);
   404     // Need to use different signal mapper for pressed and released events, 
   405     // both have same mappings but they are mapped to different slots.
   406     QSignalMapper* signalMapperReleased = new QSignalMapper(this);
   407     signalMapperReleased->setMapping(mPowerButton, Power);
   408     signalMapperReleased->setMapping(mPreviousButton, Previous);
   409     signalMapperReleased->setMapping(mNextButton, Next);
   411     // Connect button events to signal maps.
   412     Radio::connect(mPowerButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), signalMapperPressed, SLOT (map()));
   413     Radio::connect(mPowerButton, SIGNAL(released()), signalMapperReleased, SLOT (map()));
   414     Radio::connect(mPreviousButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), signalMapperPressed, SLOT (map()));
   415     Radio::connect(mPreviousButton, SIGNAL(released()), signalMapperReleased, SLOT (map()));
   416     Radio::connect(mNextButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), signalMapperPressed, SLOT (map()));
   417     Radio::connect(mNextButton, SIGNAL(released()), signalMapperReleased, SLOT (map()));
   419     // Connect mapper signals to self implemented slots.
   420     Radio::connect(signalMapperPressed, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(changeButtonToPressed(int)));
   421     Radio::connect(signalMapperReleased, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(changeButtonToReleased(int)));
   423     mProfileMonitor->startMonitoringRadioRunningStatus();
   424 }
   426 /*!
   427     Called when widget is shown in the home screen
   428 */
   429 void RadioHsWidget::onShow()
   430 {
   431     LOG_METHOD_ENTER;
   432 }
   434 /*!
   435     Called when widget is hidden from the home screen
   436 */
   437 void RadioHsWidget::onHide()
   438 {
   439     LOG_METHOD_ENTER;
   440 }
   442 /*!
   443     Emited from HbPushButton:pressed() signal, changes the button layout to
   444     pressed state.
   446     \param hsButtonIdentifier Identifies the button which was pressed.
   447  */
   448 void RadioHsWidget::changeButtonToPressed(int hsButtonIdentifier)
   449 {
   450     LEVEL2(LOG_METHOD);
   451     buttonEvent(static_cast<ControlButtonIdentifier>(hsButtonIdentifier), Pressed);
   452 }
   454 /*!
   455     Emited from HbPushButton:released() signal, changes the button layout to
   456     normal state.
   458     \param hsButtonIdentifier Identifies the button which was released.
   459  */
   460 void RadioHsWidget::changeButtonToReleased(int hsButtonIdentifier)
   461 {
   462     LEVEL2(LOG_METHOD);
   463     buttonEvent(static_cast<ControlButtonIdentifier>(hsButtonIdentifier), Normal);
   464 }
   466 /*!
   467     Slot for closing FM Radio application from power button.
   468  */
   469 void RadioHsWidget::closeRadio()
   470 {
   471     LOG_SLOT_CALLER;
   472     mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::PowerOff);
   473 }
   475 /*!
   476     Slot for previous button clicked.
   477  */
   478 void RadioHsWidget::changeToPreviousStation()
   479 {
   480     LOG_SLOT_CALLER;
   481     clearRadioInformation();
   482     mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::Previous);
   483 }
   485 /*!
   486     Slot for next button clicked.
   487  */
   488 void RadioHsWidget::changeToNextStation()
   489 {
   490     LOG_SLOT_CALLER;
   491     clearRadioInformation();
   492     mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::Next);
   494 }
   496 /*!
   497     Slot for bringing the radio application to foreground.
   498  */
   499 void RadioHsWidget::changeRadioToForeground()
   500 {
   501     LOG_SLOT_CALLER;
   502     // If radio is not running start it to foreground by monitor request.
   503     if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateNotRunning) {
   504         bool okToStartRadio = radioStartPermission();
   505         if (okToStartRadio) {
   506             handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateStarting);
   507             mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
   508                 FmRadio::VisibiltyToForeground);
   509         }
   510     }
   511     else {
   512         if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateClosing) {
   513             // Radio is closing but user wants to power it up again.
   514             mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::PowerOn);
   515             // Stop and start monitoring to get refresh.
   516             mRadioServiceClient->stopMonitoring();
   517             mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
   518                 FmRadio::VisibiltyToBackground);
   519             handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateRunning);
   520         }
   521         // If radio is running, bring it to the foreground.
   522         mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::Foreground);
   523     }
   524 }
   526 /*!
   527     Slot for putting the radio application to the background.
   528  */
   529 void RadioHsWidget::changeRadioToBackground()
   530 {
   531     LOG_SLOT_CALLER;
   532     // If radio is not running start it to background by monitor request.
   533     if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateNotRunning) {
   534         bool okToStartRadio = radioStartPermission();
   535         if (okToStartRadio) {
   536             handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateStarting);
   537             mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
   538                 FmRadio::VisibiltyToBackground);
   539         }
   540     }
   541     else if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateStarting) {
   542         // Do nothing if radio is starting.
   543     }
   544     else if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateClosing) {
   545         // Radio is closing but user wants to power it up again.
   546         mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::PowerOn);
   547         // Stop and start monitoring to get refresh.
   548         mRadioServiceClient->stopMonitoring();
   549         mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
   550             FmRadio::VisibiltyToBackground);
   551         handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateRunning);
   552     }
   553     else {
   554         // If radio is running, put it to the background.
   555         // This is little bit useless because the radio is in background if
   556         // user is able to click the widget.
   557         mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::Background);
   558     }
   559 }
   561 /*!
   562     Powering off or on the radio.
   563  */
   564 void RadioHsWidget::toggleRadioPower()
   565 {
   566     LOG_SLOT_CALLER;
   567     // If radio is not running start it to background by monitor request.
   568     if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateNotRunning || mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateClosing) {
   569         LEVEL2(LOG("Power on"));
   570         // Start radio
   571         changeRadioToBackground();
   572     } else {
   573         LEVEL2(LOG("Power off"));
   574         // Close radio
   575         closeRadio();
   576     }
   577 }
   579 /*!
   580     Loads docml file.
   582     \param docml Docml filename to be loaded.
   583  */
   584 void RadioHsWidget::load(const QString &docml)
   585 {
   586     LOG_METHOD_ENTER;
   588     QScopedPointer<HbDocumentLoader> documentLoader(new HbDocumentLoader());
   589     bool loaded = false;
   590     documentLoader->load(docml, &loaded);
   591     if (loaded) {
   592         // Find mainLayout
   593         HbWidget *mainLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (
   594             documentLoader->findWidget(DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_MAIN_LAYOUT));
   596         if (mainLayout) {
   597             QGraphicsLinearLayout *widgetLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(
   598                 Qt::Vertical, this);
   599             widgetLayout->addItem(mainLayout);
   600             setLayout(widgetLayout);
   601         }
   603         // Find contentLayout
   604         HbWidget *contentLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (
   605             documentLoader->findWidget(DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_CONTENT_LAYOUT));
   606         if (contentLayout) {
   608             // Find stacked layout for tuner area.
   609             HbWidget *tunerStackedLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (
   610                 documentLoader->findWidget(
   611                     DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_TUNER_STACKED_LAYOUT));
   612             if (tunerStackedLayout) {
   614                 // Find stacked layout for information area.
   615                 HbWidget *tunerInformationStackedLayout = qobject_cast<
   616                     HbWidget*> (documentLoader->findWidget(
   618                 if (tunerInformationStackedLayout) {
   619                 }
   621                 // Find lonely label
   622                 mInformationLonelyRowLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
   623                     documentLoader->findWidget(
   624                         DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_LONELY_ROW_LABEL));
   625                 if (mInformationLonelyRowLabel) {
   626                     // TODO: Set the color in docml when application designer supports it.
   627                     QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(
   628                         "qtc_radio_tuner_normal");
   629                     mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setTextColor(color);
   630                 }
   632                 // Find layout for two rows
   633                 mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout = qobject_cast<
   634                     QGraphicsWidget *> (documentLoader->findObject(
   635                     DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_TWO_ROWS_LAYOUT));
   636                 if (mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout) {
   637                     // Find first row
   638                     mInformationFirstRowLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
   639                         documentLoader->findWidget(
   640                             DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_FIRST_ROW_LABEL));
   641                     if (mInformationFirstRowLabel) {
   642                         // TODO: Set the color in docml when application designer supports it.
   643                         QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(
   644                             "qtc_radio_tuner_normal");
   645                         mInformationFirstRowLabel->setTextColor(color);
   646                     }
   648                     // Find second row
   649                     mInformationSecondRowLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
   650                         documentLoader->findWidget(
   651                             DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_SECOND_ROW_LABEL));
   652                     if (mInformationSecondRowLabel) {
   653                         // TODO: Set the color in docml when application designer supports it.
   654                         QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(
   655                             "qtc_radio_tuner_normal");
   656                         mInformationSecondRowLabel->setTextColor(color);
   657                     }
   658                 }
   660                 mAnimationIcon = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
   661                     documentLoader->findWidget(
   662                         DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_ANIMATION_ICON));
   663                 if (mAnimationIcon) {
   664                     // Use animation manager to access anim loading animation.
   665                     HbIconAnimationManager *animationManager =
   666                         HbIconAnimationManager::global();
   667                     // TODO: Axml extension can be removed after wk24 release.
   668                     animationManager->addDefinitionFile(QLatin1String(
   669                         "qtg_anim_loading.axml"));
   670                     mAnimationIcon->setIcon(HbIcon("qtg_anim_loading"));
   671                 }
   672             }
   674             // Find push button for tuner area.
   675             mInformationAreaBackgroundButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton*> (
   676                 documentLoader->findWidget(
   678             if (mInformationAreaBackgroundButton) {
   679                 // Use the frame background.
   680                 HbFrameDrawer *tunerBackgroundButtonFrameDrawer =
   681                     new HbFrameDrawer("qtg_fr_tuner",
   682                         HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesHorizontal);
   683                 tunerBackgroundButtonFrameDrawer->setFillWholeRect(true);
   684                 mInformationAreaBackgroundButton->setFrameBackground(
   685                     tunerBackgroundButtonFrameDrawer);
   686                 // Connect the button's clicked signal. 
   687                 Radio::connect(mInformationAreaBackgroundButton,
   688                     SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changeRadioToForeground()));
   689             }
   691             // Find layout for control buttons.
   692             HbWidget *controlButtonsLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (
   693                 documentLoader->findWidget(
   694                     DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_CONTROL_BUTTONS_LAYOUT));
   695             if (controlButtonsLayout) {
   697                 // Find power button.
   698                 mPowerButton
   699                     = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *> (
   700                         documentLoader->findWidget(
   701                             DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_POWER_BUTTON));
   702                 if (mPowerButton) {
   703                     defineButton(*mPowerButton,
   705                         POWER_BUTTON_ICON_ON,
   706                         CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_NORMAL);
   707                     // Connect the button's clicked signal.
   708                     Radio::connect(mPowerButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
   709                         SLOT(toggleRadioPower()));
   710                 }
   712                 // Find previous button.
   713                 mPreviousButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *> (
   714                     documentLoader->findWidget(
   715                         DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_PREVIOUS_BUTTON));
   716                 if (mPreviousButton) {
   717                     defineButton(*mPreviousButton,
   718                         CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_DISABLED,
   719                         PREVIOUS_BUTTON_SUFFIX, NULL,
   720                         CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_DISABLED);
   721                     // Connect the button's clicked signal.
   722                     Radio::connect(mPreviousButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
   723                         SLOT(changeToPreviousStation()));
   724                 }
   726                 // Find next button.
   727                 mNextButton
   728                     = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *> (
   729                         documentLoader->findWidget(
   730                             DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_NEXT_BUTTON));
   731                 if (mNextButton) {
   732                     defineButton(*mNextButton,
   734                         NULL, CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_DISABLED);
   735                     // Connect the button's clicked signal.
   736                     Radio::connect(mNextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
   737                         SLOT(changeToNextStation()));
   738                 }
   739             }
   740         }
   741     }
   742     else {
   743         // Docml was not succesfully loaded. UI cannot be displayed.
   744         // Emit error to home screen framework, which removes the widget. 
   745         emit error();
   746     }
   747 }
   749 /*!
   750     Groups handling of similar kind of radio information (textual) to one
   751     function.
   753     \param informationType Type of changed information.
   754     \param information Actual textual information.
   755  */
   756 void RadioHsWidget::handleSimilarRadioInformation(
   757     const FmRadioInformationType informationType, const QVariant &information)
   758 {
   759     LOG_METHOD_ENTER;
   760     // TODO: Should information.toString() be checked for too many characters? What's the limit?
   761     if (information.canConvert(QVariant::String) && updateRadioInformation(
   762         informationType, information.toString())) {
   763         LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %d, information: %s", informationType, GETSTRING(information.toString()));
   764         changeInRadioInformation();
   765     }
   766 }
   768 /*!
   769     Check if the the radio information is changed. If it is changed, it is
   770     also updated.
   772     \param informationType Type of the information.
   773     \param information  Information text.
   775     \returns Returns \c true, if information is updated. Returns \c false otherwise.
   776  */
   777 bool RadioHsWidget::updateRadioInformation(const FmRadioInformationType informationType,
   778     const QString &information)
   779 {
   780     LOG_METHOD_RET("%d");
   781     // If hash contains this type of information.
   782     if (mRadioInformation.contains(informationType)) {
   783         // If new information is empty.
   784         if (information.isEmpty()) {
   785             // Remove old information from the hash.
   786             LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %s removed", GETSTRING(informationType)));
   787             mRadioInformation.remove(informationType);
   788             // Return true to indicate the change.
   789             return true;
   790         }
   791         // If new information differs from the old one.
   792         if (mRadioInformation[informationType].compare(information) != 0) {
   793             // Update the information.
   794             LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %s = %s", GETSTRING(informationType), GETSTRING(information)));
   795             mRadioInformation[informationType] = information;
   796             // And return true to indicate the change.
   797             return true;
   798         }
   799     } else { // Hash do not contain this type of information.
   800         // If new information is not empty.
   801         if (!information.isEmpty()) {
   802             // Add it to the hash.
   803             LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %s = %s", GETSTRING(informationType), GETSTRING(information)));
   804             mRadioInformation[informationType] = information;
   805             // Return true to indicate the change.
   806             return true;
   807         }
   808     }
   809     // Return false to indicate that nothing changed.
   810     return false;
   811 }
   813 /*!
   814     Formatting radio information texts after a change.
   815  */
   816 void RadioHsWidget::changeInRadioInformation()
   817 {
   818     LOG_METHOD_ENTER;
   819     // Clear the rows.
   820     mRadioInformationFirstRow.clear();
   821     mRadioInformationSecondRow.clear();
   823     // First row contains station name.
   824     if (mRadioInformation.contains(StationName)) {
   825         mRadioInformationFirstRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(StationName));
   826     }
   827     else if (mRadioInformation.contains(Frequency)) {
   828         // Or frequency.
   829         mRadioInformationFirstRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(Frequency));
   830     } LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("mRadioInformationFirstRow: %s", GETSTRING(mRadioInformationFirstRow)));
   832     // Second row of information contains radio text.
   833     if (mRadioInformation.contains(RadioText)) {
   834         mRadioInformationSecondRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(RadioText));
   835     }
   836     else if (mRadioInformation.contains(DynamicPsName)) {
   837         // Or Dynamic PS name.
   838         mRadioInformationSecondRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(DynamicPsName));
   839     }
   840     else if (mRadioInformation.contains(Pty)) {
   841         // Or PTY.
   842         mRadioInformationSecondRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(Pty));
   843     }
   844     LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("mRadioInformationSecondRow: %s", GETSTRING(mRadioInformationSecondRow)));
   846     // If second row is empty.
   847     if (mRadioInformationSecondRow.isEmpty()) {
   848         // Show only the lonely row.
   849         mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(mRadioInformationFirstRow);
   850         changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
   851     }
   852     else {
   853         // Else display both rows.
   854         mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText(mRadioInformationFirstRow);
   855         mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText(mRadioInformationSecondRow);
   856         changeInformationAreaLayout(TwoRows);
   857     }
   858 }
   860 /*!
   861     Clears the radio station information. For example, when the station is
   862     changed, old information should be cleared.
   863  */
   864 void RadioHsWidget::clearRadioInformation()
   865 {
   866     LOG_METHOD_ENTER;
   867     mRadioInformation.clear();
   868 }
   870 /*!
   871     Changes visible widgets of information area stacked layout.
   873     \param layout The layout to switch visible.
   874  */
   875 void RadioHsWidget::changeInformationAreaLayout(const InformationAreaLayout layout)
   876 {
   877     LOG_METHOD_ENTER;
   878     mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setVisible(layout == OneRow);
   879     mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout->setVisible(layout == TwoRows);
   880     mAnimationIcon->setVisible(layout == Animation);
   881 }
   883 /*!
   884     Changes state of power button.
   886     \param isPowerOn \c true the power is on and \c false the power is off.
   887  */
   888 void RadioHsWidget::changePowerButtonOn(const bool isPowerOn)
   889 {
   890     LEVEL2(LOG_METHOD);
   891     if (isPowerOn) {
   892         LEVEL2(LOG("Power on"));
   893         // TODO: Temporarily set the text to clarify the action it performs.
   894         // Remove when graphics displays the difference.
   895         mPowerButton->setText("Off");
   896         buttonEvent(Power, Latched);
   897     } else {
   898         LEVEL2(LOG("Power off"));
   899         // TODO: Temporarily set the text to clarify the action it performs.
   900         // Remove when graphics displays the difference.
   901         mPowerButton->setText("On");
   902         buttonEvent(Power, Normal);
   903     }
   904 }
   906 /*!
   907     Changes enabled state of station buttons.
   908  */
   909 void RadioHsWidget::enableStationButtons()
   910 {
   912     if ((mFavoriteStationCount > 1) || (mFavoriteStationCount == 1
   913         && !mCurrentStationIsFavorite)) {
   914         changeButtonToEnabled(Next);
   915         changeButtonToEnabled(Previous);
   916     }
   917     else if ((mFavoriteStationCount == 1 && mCurrentStationIsFavorite)
   918         || (mFavoriteStationCount < 1)) {
   919         changeButtonToDisabled(Next);
   920         changeButtonToDisabled(Previous);
   921     }
   922 }
   924 /*!
   925     Makes homescreen specific push button based on parameters.
   927     \param target Target push button to modify. Must not be NULL.
   928     \param graphicsId Defines the target button background graphics.
   929     \param suffix Defines the suffix for the target button background graphics.
   930     \param icon Defines the icon for the target button. 
   931     \param iconColor Defines the icon color for the target button. 
   932  */
   933 void RadioHsWidget::defineButton(HbPushButton &target, const QString &graphicsId,
   934     const QStringList &suffix, const QString &icon, const QString &iconColor)
   935 {
   936     LEVEL2(LOG_METHOD);
   937     HbFrameDrawer* drawer = NULL;
   939     // First check if the drawer is already created for this push button
   940     if (!target.frameBackground()) {
   941         LEVEL2(LOG("Creating new frame background."));
   942         // Nope, create one now
   943         drawer = new HbFrameDrawer(graphicsId,
   944             HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesHorizontal);
   945         target.setFrameBackground(drawer);
   946     }
   947     else {
   948         // Frame drawer already created, only need to update frame graphics
   949         drawer = target.frameBackground();
   950         drawer->setFrameGraphicsName(graphicsId);
   951     }
   953     // Set file name suffix list, so that drawer can load correct 3-piece graphic files 
   954     drawer->setFileNameSuffixList(suffix);
   956     // Set the icon, if it is not NULL
   957     if (!icon.isNull()) {
   958         target.setIcon(HbIcon(icon));
   959     }
   961     // Update also the icon color
   962     QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(iconColor);
   963     target.icon().setColor(color);
   965     // Lastly, check if the buttton is disabled
   966     if (iconColor == CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_DISABLED) {
   967         target.setEnabled(false);
   968     }
   969     else {
   970         target.setEnabled(true);
   971     }
   972 }
   974 /*!
   975     Prepares the information needed for displaying the button correctly
   976     reflecting its state.
   978     \param buttonId Identifies the button.
   979     \param state Tells in what state the button is.
   980  */
   981 void RadioHsWidget::buttonEvent(ControlButtonIdentifier buttonId,
   982     const ControlButtonState state)
   983 {
   984     LEVEL2(LOG_METHOD);
   985     HbPushButton* target = NULL;
   986     QStringList suffix;
   987     QString icon;
   989     switch (buttonId) {
   990     case Power:
   991         LEVEL2(LOG("Power"));
   992         target = mPowerButton;
   993         icon = POWER_BUTTON_ICON_ON;
   994         suffix = POWER_BUTTON_SUFFIX;
   995         break;
   996     case Previous:
   997         LEVEL2(LOG("Previous"));
   998         target = mPreviousButton;
   999         suffix = PREVIOUS_BUTTON_SUFFIX;
  1000         break;
  1001     case Next:
  1002         LEVEL2(LOG("Next"));
  1003         target = mNextButton;
  1004         suffix = NEXT_BUTTON_SUFFIX;
  1005         break;
  1006     default:
  1007         LOG("default case at buttonId");
  1008         break;
  1009     }
  1011     QString buttonBackgroundGraphics;
  1012     QString buttonIconColors;
  1013     switch (state) {
  1014     case Normal:
  1015         LEVEL2(LOG("Normal"));
  1016         target->setProperty("state", "normal");
  1017         buttonBackgroundGraphics = CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_NORMAL;
  1018         buttonIconColors = CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_NORMAL;
  1019         break;
  1020     case Pressed:
  1021         LEVEL2(LOG("Pressed"));
  1022         target->setProperty("state", "pressed");
  1023         buttonBackgroundGraphics = CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_PRESSED;
  1024         buttonIconColors = CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_PRESSED;
  1025         break;
  1026     case Disabled:
  1027         LEVEL2(LOG("Disabled"));
  1028         target->setProperty("state", "disabled");
  1029         buttonBackgroundGraphics = CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_DISABLED;
  1030         buttonIconColors = CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_DISABLED;
  1031         break;
  1032     case Latched:
  1033         LEVEL2(LOG("Latched"));
  1034         target->setProperty("state", "latched");
  1035         buttonBackgroundGraphics = CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_LATCHED;
  1036         buttonIconColors = CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_LATCHED;
  1037         break;
  1038     default:
  1039         LOG("default case at button state");
  1040         break;
  1041     }
  1043     RadioHsWidget::defineButton(*target, buttonBackgroundGraphics,
  1044         suffix, icon, buttonIconColors);
  1045 }
  1047 /*!
  1048     Disables specified push button.
  1050     \param hsButtonIdentifier Which button is to be disabled.
  1051  */
  1052 void RadioHsWidget::changeButtonToDisabled(int hsButtonIdentifier)
  1053 {
  1055     buttonEvent(static_cast<ControlButtonIdentifier>(hsButtonIdentifier), Disabled);
  1056 }
  1058 /*!
  1059     Enabled specified push button.
  1061     \param hsButtonIdentifier Which button is to be enabled.
  1062  */
  1063 void RadioHsWidget::changeButtonToEnabled(int hsButtonIdentifier)
  1064 {
  1066     changeButtonToReleased(hsButtonIdentifier);
  1067 }
  1069 /*!
  1070     Checks the profile of the device. If profile is offline, user is asked a
  1071     permission to start the radio in offline profile. Dialog is shown on
  1072     behalf of the radio asking the permission.    
  1074     \returns \c true if radio can be started, \c false if device is in
  1075     offline profile and user didn't gave permission to start the radio.  
  1076  */
  1077 bool RadioHsWidget::radioStartPermission()
  1078 {
  1079     LOG_METHOD_ENTER;
  1080     // This is true by default because we might not be in offline profile and
  1081     // starting the radio is allowed in other profiles without asking a
  1082     // permission.
  1083     bool radioStartPermssion = true;
  1084     if (mProfileMonitor->isCurrentProfileOffline()) {
  1085         // Device is in offline profile, ask the user for permission to start
  1086         HbDeviceMessageBox box(hbTrId(
  1087             "txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_info_activate_radio_in_offline_mode_hs"),
  1088             HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion);
  1089         box.setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
  1090         box.exec();
  1091         // radioStartPermssion is now true or false, depending what the user
  1092         // selected. If user didn't gave permission, then radio is not
  1093         // started.
  1094         radioStartPermssion = box.isAcceptAction(box.triggeredAction());
  1095     }
  1096     return radioStartPermssion;
  1097 }