--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/radiohswidget/src/radiohswidget.cpp Thu Jul 22 16:33:45 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1097 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: FM Radio home screen widget
+// System includes
+#include <HbPushButton>
+#include <HbLabel>
+#include <HbDocumentLoader>
+#include <HbFrameDrawer>
+#include <HbIcon>
+#include <HbIconAnimationManager>
+#include <HbIconAnimationDefinition>
+#include <HbColorScheme>
+#include <HbDeviceMessageBox>
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+#include <QGraphicsItem>
+#include <QDesktopServices>
+#include <QSignalMapper>
+// User includes
+#include "radiohswidget.h"
+#include "radiohswidgetprofilereader.h"
+#include "radiohswidgetradioserviceclient.h"
+#include "radioservicedef.h"
+#include "radio_global.h"
+#include "radiologger.h"
+// Constants
+/** Path to docml file */
+const QString DOCML(":/ui/resource/fmradiohswidget.docml");
+/** DOCML object name for mainLayout */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_MAIN_LAYOUT("mainLayout");
+/** DOCML object name for contentLayout */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_CONTENT_LAYOUT("contentLayout");
+/** DOCML object name for tunerBackgroundPushButton */
+ "tunerBackgroundPushButton");
+/** DOCML object name for tunerStackedLayout */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_TUNER_STACKED_LAYOUT("tunerStackedLayout");
+/** DOCML object name for tunerInformationStackedLayout */
+ "tunerInformationStackedLayout");
+/** DOCML object name for controlButtons */
+/** DOCML object name for powerToggleButton */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_POWER_BUTTON("powerButton");
+/** DOCML object name for previousPushButton */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_PREVIOUS_BUTTON("previousPushButton");
+/** DOCML object name for nextPushButton */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_NEXT_BUTTON("nextPushButton");
+/** DOCML object name for twoRowsLayout */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_TWO_ROWS_LAYOUT("twoRowsLayout");
+/** DOCML object name for firstRowLabel */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_FIRST_ROW_LABEL("firstRowLabel");
+/** DOCML object name for secondRowLabel */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_SECOND_ROW_LABEL("secondRowLabel");
+/** DOCML object name for lonelyRowLabel */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_LONELY_ROW_LABEL("lonelyRowLabel");
+/** DOCML object name for animationIcon */
+const QString DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_ANIMATION_ICON("animationIcon");
+/** Unknown favorite station count. */
+/** One favorite station set. */
+/** Favorite station count lower boundary including this number. */
+/** Favorite station count upper boundary including this number. */
+// Graphics identifiers for different push button states
+const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_NORMAL ("qtg_fr_hsbutton_normal");
+const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_PRESSED ("qtg_fr_hsbutton_pressed");
+const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_DISABLED("qtg_fr_hsbutton_disabled");
+const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_LATCHED ("qtg_fr_hsbutton_latched");
+// Push button icon colors for each of the states (normal, pressed, disabled
+// and latched)
+const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_NORMAL ("qtc_button_normal");
+const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_PRESSED ("qtc_button_pressed");
+const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_DISABLED("qtc_button_disabled");
+const QString CONTROL_BUTTON_ICON_COLOR_LATCHED ("qtc_button_latched");
+// File name suffix lists for push buttons
+ (QStringList() << "_l" << "_c" << "_cr"));
+ (QStringList() << "_cl" << "_c" << "_cr"));
+const QStringList NEXT_BUTTON_SUFFIX(
+ (QStringList() << "_cl" << "_c" << "_r"));
+/** Icon for power button off. */
+const QString POWER_BUTTON_ICON_OFF("qtg_mono_power");
+/** Icon for power button on. */
+const QString POWER_BUTTON_ICON_ON ("qtg_mono_power");
+// Tuner background button graphics for different states.
+const QString TUNER_BUTTON_NORMAL_OFF("qtg_fr_tuner");
+const QString TUNER_BUTTON_NORMAL_ON("qtg_fr_tuner");
+const QString TUNER_BUTTON_NORMAL_PRESSED("qtg_fr_hsitems2_pressed");
+ \class RadioHsWidget
+ \brief Implementation of FM Radio home screen widget.
+ RadioHsWidget implements needed functions for the FM Radio home screen
+ widget.
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+ Constructs a widget which is a child of \a parent, with widget flags set
+ to \a flags.
+ Constructor should be empty and all the actual construction should be
+ done in onInitialize().
+ */
+RadioHsWidget::RadioHsWidget(QGraphicsItem* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags)
+ : HbWidget(parent, flags),
+ mInformationAreaBackgroundButton(NULL),
+ mPowerButton(NULL),
+ mPreviousButton(NULL),
+ mNextButton(NULL),
+ mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout(NULL),
+ mInformationLonelyRowLabel(NULL),
+ mInformationFirstRowLabel(NULL),
+ mInformationSecondRowLabel(NULL),
+ mAnimationIcon(NULL),
+ mFmRadioState(FmRadio::StateUndefined),
+ mCurrentStationIsFavorite(false),
+ mProfileMonitor(NULL),
+ mRadioServiceClient(NULL)
+ Destructor
+ */
+ Handles changes in FM Radio information.
+ \param informationType Type of changed information.
+ \param information Actual information.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::handleRadioInformationChange(const int informationType,
+ const QVariant &information)
+ switch (informationType) {
+ case RadioServiceNotification::FavoriteCount:
+ LOG("FavoriteCount");
+ if (information.canConvert(QVariant::Int) &&
+ mFavoriteStationCount = information.toInt();
+ // If there are favorite stations, enable the next/previous
+ // buttons.
+ LOG_FORMAT("mFavoriteStationCount: %d", mFavoriteStationCount);
+ // Enable or disable buttons only if favoriteCount differs
+ // from 1. CurrentIsFavorite case handles situation when there
+ // is only one favorite station.
+ if (mFavoriteStationCount != FAVORITE_STATION_COUNT_ONE) {
+ enableStationButtons();
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadioServiceNotification::CurrentIsFavorite:
+ LOG("CurrentIsFavorite");
+ if (information.canConvert(QVariant::Bool)) {
+ mCurrentStationIsFavorite = information.toBool();
+ LOG_FORMAT("currentIsFavorite: %d", mCurrentStationIsFavorite);
+ // If current station is favorite disable next/prev buttons.
+ // Radio sends this information only when there is only one
+ // favorite station set.
+ enableStationButtons();
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadioServiceNotification::RadioStatus:
+ LOG("RadioStatus");
+ if (information.canConvert(QVariant::Int)) {
+ const int status = information.toInt();
+ switch (status) {
+ case RadioStatus::Playing:
+ LOG("Playing");
+ break;
+ case RadioStatus::Muted:
+ LOG("Muted");
+ break;
+ case RadioStatus::Seeking:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Seeking"));
+ handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateSeeking);
+ break;
+ case RadioStatus::NoAntenna:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("NoAntenna"));
+ handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateAntennaNotConnected);
+ break;
+ case RadioStatus::PoweringOff:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("PoweringOff"));
+ handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateClosing);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG("default case at case RadioStatus");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadioServiceNotification::Frequency:
+ LOG("Frequency");
+ // TODO: Should information.toString() be checked for too many characters? What's the limit?
+ if (information.canConvert(QVariant::String)) {
+ LOG_FORMAT("frequency: %s", GETSTRING(information.toString()));
+ // TODO: Remove comment when localisation is working on device.
+ //frequencyString = hbTrId("txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_list_l1_mhz").arg(freqString);
+ bool frequencyCleared = false;
+ // If widget has some frequency information and new frequency
+ // differs from that
+ if (mRadioInformation.contains(Frequency)
+ && mRadioInformation[Frequency].compare(information.toString()) != 0) {
+ // Clear all infromation from widget because station has changed.
+ clearRadioInformation();
+ frequencyCleared = true;
+ }
+ // If widget do not have any frquency information, update it.
+ bool frequencyUpdated = updateRadioInformation(Frequency,
+ information.toString());
+ if (frequencyCleared || frequencyUpdated) {
+ // Information changed, update the UI.
+ changeInRadioInformation();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case RadioServiceNotification::Name:
+ LOG("Name");
+ handleSimilarRadioInformation(StationName, information);
+ break;
+ case RadioServiceNotification::Genre:
+ LOG("Genre");
+ handleSimilarRadioInformation(Pty, information);
+ break;
+ case RadioServiceNotification::RadioText:
+ LOG("RadioText");
+ handleSimilarRadioInformation(RadioText, information);
+ break;
+ case RadioServiceNotification::DynamicPS:
+ LOG("DynamicPS");
+ handleSimilarRadioInformation(DynamicPsName, information);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG("default case at notificationId");
+ break;
+ }
+ Handles changes in FM Radio state.
+ \param value New state of the radio application.
+void RadioHsWidget::handleRadioStateChange(const QVariant &value)
+ int state;
+ if (value.canConvert(QVariant::Int)) {
+ state = value.toInt();
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (state == mFmRadioState) {
+ // State did not change, so return.
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (state) {
+ case FmRadio::StateUndefined:
+ LOG("FmRadio::StateUndefined");
+ // Something went wrong. Widget should not be in this state after onInitialize().
+ mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateUndefined;
+ break;
+ case FmRadio::StateNotRunning:
+ LOG("FmRadio::StateNotRunning");
+ mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateNotRunning;
+ mRadioServiceClient->stopMonitoring();
+ changePowerButtonOn(false);
+ mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
+ enableStationButtons();
+ clearRadioInformation();
+ mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText("");
+ mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText("");
+ mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId("txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_list_fm_radio"));
+ changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
+ break;
+ case FmRadio::StateStarting:
+ LOG("FmRadio::StateStarting");
+ mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateStarting;
+ changePowerButtonOn(true);
+ mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
+ enableStationButtons();
+ changeInformationAreaLayout(Animation);
+ break;
+ case FmRadio::StateRunning:
+ LOG("FmRadio::StateRunning");
+ mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateRunning;
+ // Stop timer if it is running because radio is now running.
+ mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
+ FmRadio::VisibiltyDoNotChange);
+ changePowerButtonOn(true);
+ enableStationButtons();
+ changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
+ break;
+ case FmRadio::StateSeeking:
+ LOG("FmRadio::StateSeeking");
+ mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateSeeking;
+ mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
+ enableStationButtons();
+ changeInformationAreaLayout(Animation);
+ break;
+ case FmRadio::StateAntennaNotConnected:
+ LOG("FmRadio::StateAntennaNotConnected");
+ mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateAntennaNotConnected;
+ mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
+ enableStationButtons();
+ mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText("");
+ mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText("");
+ mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId(
+ "txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_info_connect_wired_headset"));
+ changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
+ break;
+ case FmRadio::StateClosing:
+ LOG("FmRadio::StateClosing");
+ mFmRadioState = FmRadio::StateClosing;
+ changePowerButtonOn(false);
+ mCurrentStationIsFavorite = false;
+ enableStationButtons();
+ clearRadioInformation();
+ mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText("");
+ mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText("");
+ mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(hbTrId(
+ "txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_list_fm_radio"));
+ changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG_FORMAT("default case at state. State: %d", state);
+ break;
+ }
+ Called when widget is initialized. Constructs objects and connects them.
+void RadioHsWidget::onInitialize()
+ mProfileMonitor = new RadioHsWidgetProfileReader(this);
+ mRadioServiceClient = new RadioHsWidgetRadioServiceClient(this);
+ load(DOCML);
+ // Use signal mapper to indicate button identifiers to button event
+ // slots.
+ QSignalMapper* signalMapperPressed = new QSignalMapper(this);
+ signalMapperPressed->setMapping(mPowerButton, Power);
+ signalMapperPressed->setMapping(mPreviousButton, Previous);
+ signalMapperPressed->setMapping(mNextButton, Next);
+ // Need to use different signal mapper for pressed and released events,
+ // both have same mappings but they are mapped to different slots.
+ QSignalMapper* signalMapperReleased = new QSignalMapper(this);
+ signalMapperReleased->setMapping(mPowerButton, Power);
+ signalMapperReleased->setMapping(mPreviousButton, Previous);
+ signalMapperReleased->setMapping(mNextButton, Next);
+ // Connect button events to signal maps.
+ Radio::connect(mPowerButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), signalMapperPressed, SLOT (map()));
+ Radio::connect(mPowerButton, SIGNAL(released()), signalMapperReleased, SLOT (map()));
+ Radio::connect(mPreviousButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), signalMapperPressed, SLOT (map()));
+ Radio::connect(mPreviousButton, SIGNAL(released()), signalMapperReleased, SLOT (map()));
+ Radio::connect(mNextButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), signalMapperPressed, SLOT (map()));
+ Radio::connect(mNextButton, SIGNAL(released()), signalMapperReleased, SLOT (map()));
+ // Connect mapper signals to self implemented slots.
+ Radio::connect(signalMapperPressed, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(changeButtonToPressed(int)));
+ Radio::connect(signalMapperReleased, SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, SLOT(changeButtonToReleased(int)));
+ mProfileMonitor->startMonitoringRadioRunningStatus();
+ Called when widget is shown in the home screen
+void RadioHsWidget::onShow()
+ Called when widget is hidden from the home screen
+void RadioHsWidget::onHide()
+ Emited from HbPushButton:pressed() signal, changes the button layout to
+ pressed state.
+ \param hsButtonIdentifier Identifies the button which was pressed.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeButtonToPressed(int hsButtonIdentifier)
+ buttonEvent(static_cast<ControlButtonIdentifier>(hsButtonIdentifier), Pressed);
+ Emited from HbPushButton:released() signal, changes the button layout to
+ normal state.
+ \param hsButtonIdentifier Identifies the button which was released.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeButtonToReleased(int hsButtonIdentifier)
+ buttonEvent(static_cast<ControlButtonIdentifier>(hsButtonIdentifier), Normal);
+ Slot for closing FM Radio application from power button.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::closeRadio()
+ mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::PowerOff);
+ Slot for previous button clicked.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeToPreviousStation()
+ clearRadioInformation();
+ mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::Previous);
+ Slot for next button clicked.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeToNextStation()
+ clearRadioInformation();
+ mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::Next);
+ Slot for bringing the radio application to foreground.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeRadioToForeground()
+ // If radio is not running start it to foreground by monitor request.
+ if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateNotRunning) {
+ bool okToStartRadio = radioStartPermission();
+ if (okToStartRadio) {
+ handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateStarting);
+ mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
+ FmRadio::VisibiltyToForeground);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateClosing) {
+ // Radio is closing but user wants to power it up again.
+ mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::PowerOn);
+ // Stop and start monitoring to get refresh.
+ mRadioServiceClient->stopMonitoring();
+ mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
+ FmRadio::VisibiltyToBackground);
+ handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateRunning);
+ }
+ // If radio is running, bring it to the foreground.
+ mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::Foreground);
+ }
+ Slot for putting the radio application to the background.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeRadioToBackground()
+ // If radio is not running start it to background by monitor request.
+ if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateNotRunning) {
+ bool okToStartRadio = radioStartPermission();
+ if (okToStartRadio) {
+ handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateStarting);
+ mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
+ FmRadio::VisibiltyToBackground);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateStarting) {
+ // Do nothing if radio is starting.
+ }
+ else if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateClosing) {
+ // Radio is closing but user wants to power it up again.
+ mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::PowerOn);
+ // Stop and start monitoring to get refresh.
+ mRadioServiceClient->stopMonitoring();
+ mRadioServiceClient->startMonitoring(
+ FmRadio::VisibiltyToBackground);
+ handleRadioStateChange(FmRadio::StateRunning);
+ }
+ else {
+ // If radio is running, put it to the background.
+ // This is little bit useless because the radio is in background if
+ // user is able to click the widget.
+ mRadioServiceClient->commandFmRadio(RadioServiceCommand::Background);
+ }
+ Powering off or on the radio.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::toggleRadioPower()
+ // If radio is not running start it to background by monitor request.
+ if (mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateNotRunning || mFmRadioState == FmRadio::StateClosing) {
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Power on"));
+ // Start radio
+ changeRadioToBackground();
+ } else {
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Power off"));
+ // Close radio
+ closeRadio();
+ }
+ Loads docml file.
+ \param docml Docml filename to be loaded.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::load(const QString &docml)
+ QScopedPointer<HbDocumentLoader> documentLoader(new HbDocumentLoader());
+ bool loaded = false;
+ documentLoader->load(docml, &loaded);
+ if (loaded) {
+ // Find mainLayout
+ HbWidget *mainLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_MAIN_LAYOUT));
+ if (mainLayout) {
+ QGraphicsLinearLayout *widgetLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(
+ Qt::Vertical, this);
+ widgetLayout->addItem(mainLayout);
+ setLayout(widgetLayout);
+ }
+ // Find contentLayout
+ HbWidget *contentLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(DOCML_OBJECT_NAME_CONTENT_LAYOUT));
+ if (contentLayout) {
+ // Find stacked layout for tuner area.
+ HbWidget *tunerStackedLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (tunerStackedLayout) {
+ // Find stacked layout for information area.
+ HbWidget *tunerInformationStackedLayout = qobject_cast<
+ HbWidget*> (documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (tunerInformationStackedLayout) {
+ }
+ // Find lonely label
+ mInformationLonelyRowLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (mInformationLonelyRowLabel) {
+ // TODO: Set the color in docml when application designer supports it.
+ QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(
+ "qtc_radio_tuner_normal");
+ mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setTextColor(color);
+ }
+ // Find layout for two rows
+ mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout = qobject_cast<
+ QGraphicsWidget *> (documentLoader->findObject(
+ if (mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout) {
+ // Find first row
+ mInformationFirstRowLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (mInformationFirstRowLabel) {
+ // TODO: Set the color in docml when application designer supports it.
+ QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(
+ "qtc_radio_tuner_normal");
+ mInformationFirstRowLabel->setTextColor(color);
+ }
+ // Find second row
+ mInformationSecondRowLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (mInformationSecondRowLabel) {
+ // TODO: Set the color in docml when application designer supports it.
+ QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(
+ "qtc_radio_tuner_normal");
+ mInformationSecondRowLabel->setTextColor(color);
+ }
+ }
+ mAnimationIcon = qobject_cast<HbLabel *> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (mAnimationIcon) {
+ // Use animation manager to access anim loading animation.
+ HbIconAnimationManager *animationManager =
+ HbIconAnimationManager::global();
+ // TODO: Axml extension can be removed after wk24 release.
+ animationManager->addDefinitionFile(QLatin1String(
+ "qtg_anim_loading.axml"));
+ mAnimationIcon->setIcon(HbIcon("qtg_anim_loading"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Find push button for tuner area.
+ mInformationAreaBackgroundButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton*> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (mInformationAreaBackgroundButton) {
+ // Use the frame background.
+ HbFrameDrawer *tunerBackgroundButtonFrameDrawer =
+ new HbFrameDrawer("qtg_fr_tuner",
+ HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesHorizontal);
+ tunerBackgroundButtonFrameDrawer->setFillWholeRect(true);
+ mInformationAreaBackgroundButton->setFrameBackground(
+ tunerBackgroundButtonFrameDrawer);
+ // Connect the button's clicked signal.
+ Radio::connect(mInformationAreaBackgroundButton,
+ SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(changeRadioToForeground()));
+ }
+ // Find layout for control buttons.
+ HbWidget *controlButtonsLayout = qobject_cast<HbWidget*> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (controlButtonsLayout) {
+ // Find power button.
+ mPowerButton
+ = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (mPowerButton) {
+ defineButton(*mPowerButton,
+ // Connect the button's clicked signal.
+ Radio::connect(mPowerButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+ SLOT(toggleRadioPower()));
+ }
+ // Find previous button.
+ mPreviousButton = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (mPreviousButton) {
+ defineButton(*mPreviousButton,
+ // Connect the button's clicked signal.
+ Radio::connect(mPreviousButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+ SLOT(changeToPreviousStation()));
+ }
+ // Find next button.
+ mNextButton
+ = qobject_cast<HbPushButton *> (
+ documentLoader->findWidget(
+ if (mNextButton) {
+ defineButton(*mNextButton,
+ // Connect the button's clicked signal.
+ Radio::connect(mNextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this,
+ SLOT(changeToNextStation()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Docml was not succesfully loaded. UI cannot be displayed.
+ // Emit error to home screen framework, which removes the widget.
+ emit error();
+ }
+ Groups handling of similar kind of radio information (textual) to one
+ function.
+ \param informationType Type of changed information.
+ \param information Actual textual information.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::handleSimilarRadioInformation(
+ const FmRadioInformationType informationType, const QVariant &information)
+ // TODO: Should information.toString() be checked for too many characters? What's the limit?
+ if (information.canConvert(QVariant::String) && updateRadioInformation(
+ informationType, information.toString())) {
+ LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %d, information: %s", informationType, GETSTRING(information.toString()));
+ changeInRadioInformation();
+ }
+ Check if the the radio information is changed. If it is changed, it is
+ also updated.
+ \param informationType Type of the information.
+ \param information Information text.
+ \returns Returns \c true, if information is updated. Returns \c false otherwise.
+ */
+bool RadioHsWidget::updateRadioInformation(const FmRadioInformationType informationType,
+ const QString &information)
+ // If hash contains this type of information.
+ if (mRadioInformation.contains(informationType)) {
+ // If new information is empty.
+ if (information.isEmpty()) {
+ // Remove old information from the hash.
+ LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %s removed", GETSTRING(informationType)));
+ mRadioInformation.remove(informationType);
+ // Return true to indicate the change.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If new information differs from the old one.
+ if (mRadioInformation[informationType].compare(information) != 0) {
+ // Update the information.
+ LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %s = %s", GETSTRING(informationType), GETSTRING(information)));
+ mRadioInformation[informationType] = information;
+ // And return true to indicate the change.
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else { // Hash do not contain this type of information.
+ // If new information is not empty.
+ if (!information.isEmpty()) {
+ // Add it to the hash.
+ LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("informationType: %s = %s", GETSTRING(informationType), GETSTRING(information)));
+ mRadioInformation[informationType] = information;
+ // Return true to indicate the change.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Return false to indicate that nothing changed.
+ return false;
+ Formatting radio information texts after a change.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeInRadioInformation()
+ // Clear the rows.
+ mRadioInformationFirstRow.clear();
+ mRadioInformationSecondRow.clear();
+ // First row contains station name.
+ if (mRadioInformation.contains(StationName)) {
+ mRadioInformationFirstRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(StationName));
+ }
+ else if (mRadioInformation.contains(Frequency)) {
+ // Or frequency.
+ mRadioInformationFirstRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(Frequency));
+ } LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("mRadioInformationFirstRow: %s", GETSTRING(mRadioInformationFirstRow)));
+ // Second row of information contains radio text.
+ if (mRadioInformation.contains(RadioText)) {
+ mRadioInformationSecondRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(RadioText));
+ }
+ else if (mRadioInformation.contains(DynamicPsName)) {
+ // Or Dynamic PS name.
+ mRadioInformationSecondRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(DynamicPsName));
+ }
+ else if (mRadioInformation.contains(Pty)) {
+ // Or PTY.
+ mRadioInformationSecondRow.append(mRadioInformation.value(Pty));
+ }
+ LEVEL2(LOG_FORMAT("mRadioInformationSecondRow: %s", GETSTRING(mRadioInformationSecondRow)));
+ // If second row is empty.
+ if (mRadioInformationSecondRow.isEmpty()) {
+ // Show only the lonely row.
+ mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setPlainText(mRadioInformationFirstRow);
+ changeInformationAreaLayout(OneRow);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Else display both rows.
+ mInformationFirstRowLabel->setPlainText(mRadioInformationFirstRow);
+ mInformationSecondRowLabel->setPlainText(mRadioInformationSecondRow);
+ changeInformationAreaLayout(TwoRows);
+ }
+ Clears the radio station information. For example, when the station is
+ changed, old information should be cleared.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::clearRadioInformation()
+ mRadioInformation.clear();
+ Changes visible widgets of information area stacked layout.
+ \param layout The layout to switch visible.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeInformationAreaLayout(const InformationAreaLayout layout)
+ mInformationLonelyRowLabel->setVisible(layout == OneRow);
+ mInformationAreaTwoRowsLayout->setVisible(layout == TwoRows);
+ mAnimationIcon->setVisible(layout == Animation);
+ Changes state of power button.
+ \param isPowerOn \c true the power is on and \c false the power is off.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changePowerButtonOn(const bool isPowerOn)
+ if (isPowerOn) {
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Power on"));
+ // TODO: Temporarily set the text to clarify the action it performs.
+ // Remove when graphics displays the difference.
+ mPowerButton->setText("Off");
+ buttonEvent(Power, Latched);
+ } else {
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Power off"));
+ // TODO: Temporarily set the text to clarify the action it performs.
+ // Remove when graphics displays the difference.
+ mPowerButton->setText("On");
+ buttonEvent(Power, Normal);
+ }
+ Changes enabled state of station buttons.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::enableStationButtons()
+ if ((mFavoriteStationCount > 1) || (mFavoriteStationCount == 1
+ && !mCurrentStationIsFavorite)) {
+ changeButtonToEnabled(Next);
+ changeButtonToEnabled(Previous);
+ }
+ else if ((mFavoriteStationCount == 1 && mCurrentStationIsFavorite)
+ || (mFavoriteStationCount < 1)) {
+ changeButtonToDisabled(Next);
+ changeButtonToDisabled(Previous);
+ }
+ Makes homescreen specific push button based on parameters.
+ \param target Target push button to modify. Must not be NULL.
+ \param graphicsId Defines the target button background graphics.
+ \param suffix Defines the suffix for the target button background graphics.
+ \param icon Defines the icon for the target button.
+ \param iconColor Defines the icon color for the target button.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::defineButton(HbPushButton &target, const QString &graphicsId,
+ const QStringList &suffix, const QString &icon, const QString &iconColor)
+ HbFrameDrawer* drawer = NULL;
+ // First check if the drawer is already created for this push button
+ if (!target.frameBackground()) {
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Creating new frame background."));
+ // Nope, create one now
+ drawer = new HbFrameDrawer(graphicsId,
+ HbFrameDrawer::ThreePiecesHorizontal);
+ target.setFrameBackground(drawer);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Frame drawer already created, only need to update frame graphics
+ drawer = target.frameBackground();
+ drawer->setFrameGraphicsName(graphicsId);
+ }
+ // Set file name suffix list, so that drawer can load correct 3-piece graphic files
+ drawer->setFileNameSuffixList(suffix);
+ // Set the icon, if it is not NULL
+ if (!icon.isNull()) {
+ target.setIcon(HbIcon(icon));
+ }
+ // Update also the icon color
+ QColor color = HbColorScheme::color(iconColor);
+ target.icon().setColor(color);
+ // Lastly, check if the buttton is disabled
+ target.setEnabled(false);
+ }
+ else {
+ target.setEnabled(true);
+ }
+ Prepares the information needed for displaying the button correctly
+ reflecting its state.
+ \param buttonId Identifies the button.
+ \param state Tells in what state the button is.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::buttonEvent(ControlButtonIdentifier buttonId,
+ const ControlButtonState state)
+ HbPushButton* target = NULL;
+ QStringList suffix;
+ QString icon;
+ switch (buttonId) {
+ case Power:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Power"));
+ target = mPowerButton;
+ break;
+ case Previous:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Previous"));
+ target = mPreviousButton;
+ break;
+ case Next:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Next"));
+ target = mNextButton;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG("default case at buttonId");
+ break;
+ }
+ QString buttonBackgroundGraphics;
+ QString buttonIconColors;
+ switch (state) {
+ case Normal:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Normal"));
+ target->setProperty("state", "normal");
+ buttonBackgroundGraphics = CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_NORMAL;
+ break;
+ case Pressed:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Pressed"));
+ target->setProperty("state", "pressed");
+ buttonBackgroundGraphics = CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_PRESSED;
+ break;
+ case Disabled:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Disabled"));
+ target->setProperty("state", "disabled");
+ buttonBackgroundGraphics = CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_DISABLED;
+ break;
+ case Latched:
+ LEVEL2(LOG("Latched"));
+ target->setProperty("state", "latched");
+ buttonBackgroundGraphics = CONTROL_BUTTON_GRAPHICS_LATCHED;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG("default case at button state");
+ break;
+ }
+ RadioHsWidget::defineButton(*target, buttonBackgroundGraphics,
+ suffix, icon, buttonIconColors);
+ Disables specified push button.
+ \param hsButtonIdentifier Which button is to be disabled.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeButtonToDisabled(int hsButtonIdentifier)
+ buttonEvent(static_cast<ControlButtonIdentifier>(hsButtonIdentifier), Disabled);
+ Enabled specified push button.
+ \param hsButtonIdentifier Which button is to be enabled.
+ */
+void RadioHsWidget::changeButtonToEnabled(int hsButtonIdentifier)
+ changeButtonToReleased(hsButtonIdentifier);
+ Checks the profile of the device. If profile is offline, user is asked a
+ permission to start the radio in offline profile. Dialog is shown on
+ behalf of the radio asking the permission.
+ \returns \c true if radio can be started, \c false if device is in
+ offline profile and user didn't gave permission to start the radio.
+ */
+bool RadioHsWidget::radioStartPermission()
+ // This is true by default because we might not be in offline profile and
+ // starting the radio is allowed in other profiles without asking a
+ // permission.
+ bool radioStartPermssion = true;
+ if (mProfileMonitor->isCurrentProfileOffline()) {
+ // Device is in offline profile, ask the user for permission to start
+ HbDeviceMessageBox box(hbTrId(
+ "txt_fmradiohswidget_rad_info_activate_radio_in_offline_mode_hs"),
+ HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion);
+ box.setTimeout(HbPopup::NoTimeout);
+ box.exec();
+ // radioStartPermssion is now true or false, depending what the user
+ // selected. If user didn't gave permission, then radio is not
+ // started.
+ radioStartPermssion = box.isAcceptAction(box.triggeredAction());
+ }
+ return radioStartPermssion;