author Fionntina Carville <>
Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:50:30 +0000
changeset 73 f89a65650939
parent 0 96612d01cf9f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings for videoplayer.

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 


#include <e32base.h>
#include <mpxitemid.h>
#include "CIptvUtil.h" 

#include "vcxnscontentproviderif.h"
#include "vcxnscontentproviderobserver.h"
#include "vcxnscontent.h"

class MVcxNsContentProviderObserver;
class CVcxNsUiEngine;
class CVcxNsContentList;
class CIptvMediaContent;
class CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails;


* Class CVcxNsContentProvider handles application contents.
* @lib vcxnsuiengine.lib
class CVcxNsContentProvider : public CBase,
                              public MVcxNsContentProviderIf


     * Constructor.
     * @param aUiEngine Ui engine
    static CVcxNsContentProvider* NewL( CVcxNsUiEngine& aUiEngine );

    virtual ~CVcxNsContentProvider();

     * RegisterObserver.
     * @param aObserver Observer
    void RegisterObserver( MVcxNsContentProviderObserver* aObserver );

     * DeRegisterObserver.
     * @param aObserver Observer
    void DeRegisterObserver( MVcxNsContentProviderObserver* aObserver );

     * Get contents with highlighted position
     * @param aHighlight On return, highlight index for content list
     * @return Array of contents.
    RPointerArray<CVcxNsContent>& GetContentsL( TInt& aHighlight );
     * Gets contents.
     * @return Vod contents
    RPointerArray<CVcxNsContent>& GetContentsL();
     * Reset the contents with given service id.
     * @param aServiceId Service id
    void RemoveServiceData( TUint32 aServiceId );

     * Reset the contents of specified category in service.
     * Note: This is usually done only for search category when
     * search results are cleared before new search.
     * @param aServiceId Service id
     * @param aCategoryId Category id
    void RemoveCategoryData( TUint32 aServiceId, TUint32 aCategoryId );
     * Handle the back command by choosing new application state.
     * @return Was the back event consumed. If EFalse, 
     *         the back event should be handled by caller.     
    TBool HandleBack();
     * Starts the content update.
     * @return KErrNone or one of the system wide error codes.
    TInt RefreshContentsL();

     * Starts download of given content item.
     * @param aIndex Index of the content to be downloaded
     * @return KErrNone or one of the system wide error codes.
    TInt StartDownloadL( TInt aIndex );
     * Pause download of given content item.
     * @param aIndex Index of the content item.
     * @return KErrNone or one of the system wide error codes.
    TInt PauseDownloadL( TInt aIndex );
     * Resume download of given content item.
     * @param aIndex Index of the content item.
     * @return KErrNone or one of the system wide error codes.
    TInt ResumeDownloadL( TInt aIndex );
     * Resume download of given content item.
     * @param aContent Content details
     * @return KErrNone or one of the system wide error codes.
    TInt ResumeDownloadL( CVcxNsContent& aContent );
     * Cancels downloading of given content item.
     * @param aIndex Index of the content item.
     * @return KErrNone or one of the system wide error codes.
    TInt CancelDownloadL( TInt aIndex );
     * Search content by uri.
     * @param aUri uri of the content to be found
     * @return Content which has the given uri or NULL if not found.
    CVcxNsContent* SearchContentByUri( const TDesC& aUri );
     * Search content by TMPXItemId.
     * @param aItemId MPX item id
     * @return Content which has the given TMPXItemId or NULL if not found.
    CVcxNsContent* SearchContentByMpxId( TMPXItemId aItemId );
     * Search content by id.
     * @param aServiceId  Service id  
     * @param aContentId  Content id
     * @return Content which has the given service and content id.
    CVcxNsContent* SearchContentById( TUint32 aServiceId, TUint32 aContentId );
     * Search content's index in ui model.
     * @param aContent Content item
     * @return Index of the content or KErrNotFound, if not visible.
    TInt ContentIndex( CVcxNsContent* aContent );
     * Tell UI layer that the given single content item needs to be updated.
     * Event is forwarded to MVcxNsContentProviderObserver
     * @param aContentdata Updated content data     
    void UpdateContent( CVcxNsContent* aContentdata );
     * Fetches the icons path from epg database and 
     * updates them to current content array.
    void UpdateIconsPathL();
     * Get the content with given id by any means.
     * @param aServiceId  Service id  
     * @param aContentId  Content id
     * @return Content which has the given service and content id.
    CVcxNsContent* GetContentL( TUint32 aServiceId, TUint32 aContentId );

// From MVcxNsContentProviderObserver

     * Content update notification.
     * @param aIndex Updated item's index
    void ContentUpdated( TInt aIndex );
     * View needs to be refreshed.
    void RefreshView();

     * Application state needs to be updated.
    void HandleAppStateChangedL();

     * Epg update is ongoing, show the notification.
     * When downloading and parsing the xml, both parameters are 0.
     * @param aShow If ETrue, show the note, if EFalse, hide it.
     * @param aDownloadedTbns count of downloaded thumbnails.
     * @param aTotalTbns Total count of thumbnails to be downloaded.
    void ShowUpdatingNoteL( TBool aShow, TInt aDownloadedTbns, TInt aTotalTbns );
     * Store the last play position to epg db.
     * This is intended to be used just with streams,
     * video attributes are managed by MPX collection.
     * @param aContent Content item
     * @param aType Media content access type 
     * @param aPos Last play position to be set
    void StoreLastPlayPosL( CVcxNsContent* aContent, 
                            CVcxNsContent::TVcxNsContentAccessType aType,
                            TReal32 aPos );
     * Handle error, send error information to UI.
     * @param aError Error code.
     * @param aUpdate ETrue if error comes from epg update. 
     *                EFalse if error is from download.
     * @param aServiceId Service ID
    void HandleErrorL( TInt aError, TBool aUpdate, TUint32 aServiceId );
     * Handle dl error. 
     * @param aError Error code.
     * @param aContent Details of the failed video content.
    void HandleDlErrorL( TIptvDlError aError, CVcxNsContent& aContent );
     * Checks if video has more details than just name
     * @param aSelected Index of selected item
     * @return Does the video have other details than just name
     TBool HasVideoDetailsL( TInt aSelected );
      * Fetches full video details
      * @param aSelected Index of selected item
      * @return Content full details
     CVcxNsContent* GetFullDetailsL( TInt aSelected );
      * Save content view highlight for currently active category. 
      * @param aHighlight Highlight index to save.
     void SetContentHighlight( TInt aHighlight );
      * Fetches full details for the given content item.
      * @param aContent Content, which details to fetch
     void FetchFullDetailsL( CVcxNsContent* aContent );


     * Constructor.
     * @param aUiEngine Ui engine
    CVcxNsContentProvider( CVcxNsUiEngine& aUiEngine );

     * Get content list from cache.
     * @return Content list
    CVcxNsContentList* GetListFromCache();
     * Get the Content data from DB
     * @return Content list
    CVcxNsContentList* LoadEpgDataL();
     * Adds contents which has mds ids to mpx client's downlolad list.
     * @param aContentList Content list, which items to add to dl list
    void BuildDownloadListL( RPointerArray<CVcxNsContent>& aContentList );
     * Adds valid content accesses from the list to the content.
     * @param aContent Content item
     * @param aContentAccessList Content access list
    void AddContentAccessesL( CVcxNsContent& aContent, 
                    RPointerArray<CIptvMediaContent>& aContentAccessList );
     * Creates ns content item from server side videocenter content object.
     * @param aData Source content data class
     * @param aServiceId Content's service ID 
     * @return Newly constructed content item
    CVcxNsContent* ConstructContentItemL( CIptvVodContentContentBriefDetails* aData,
                                          TUint32 aServiceId );
// Data
     * Array of content event observers. Not Own.
    RPointerArray<MVcxNsContentProviderObserver> iContentObservers;
     * UI engine.
    CVcxNsUiEngine& iUiEngine;

     * Array of content lists.
    RPointerArray<CVcxNsContentList> iContentListList;
     * Pointer to previously fetched content list.
     * Owned elsewhere.
    CVcxNsContentList* iPreviousList;
