author Fionntina Carville <>
Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:50:30 +0000
changeset 73 f89a65650939
parent 0 96612d01cf9f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings for videoplayer.

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 


#include <e32base.h>

#include "iptvlastwatcheddata.h"

class CVcxNsServiceProvider;
class CVcxNsContentProvider;
class CVcxNsCategoryProvider;
class MVcxNsServiceProviderIf;
class MVcxNsContentProviderIf;
class MVcxNsCategoryProviderIf;
class CVcxNsServiceClientHandler;
class CVcxNsContentClientHandler;
class CVcxNsMpxCollectionClientHandler;
class CVcxNsEventRouter;
class CVcxNsContentSearchHandler;
class MVcxNsContentSearchIf;
class CVcxNsUpdateProgressHandler;
class MVcxNsUpdateProgressIf;
class CVcxConnectionUtility;
class CVcxNsStreamingHandler;
class CIptvLastWatchedApi;
class CMediatorEventProvider;
class CVcxNsContent;


*  Video Center application states
typedef enum
    EStateNoState = 0,
    } TVcxNsAppState;


*  Video Center Ui Engine class
*  @lib vcxnsuiengine.lib
class CVcxNsUiEngine : public CBase


    * Get instance of VcxNs ui engine.
    * Returns a pointer to existing, or else creates a new instance.
    * NOTE: this increases automatically the reference count, so this should
    * not be called multiple times without cleaning the references.
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsUiEngine.
    IMPORT_C static CVcxNsUiEngine* InstanceL();

    * Remove the reference to this ui engine instance.
    * Decreases the reference count by one, this should
    * be called when not needing ui engine anymore. When
    * all references are removed, the ui engine is destructed.
    IMPORT_C void DecreaseReferenceCount();

// New functions

    * Get pointer to app service provider object. Ownership not transferred.
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsServiceProvider.
    IMPORT_C MVcxNsServiceProviderIf* GetServiceProviderL();

    * Get pointer to app content provider object. Ownership not transferred.
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsContentProvider.
    IMPORT_C MVcxNsContentProviderIf* GetContentProviderL();

    * Get pointer to app category provider object. Ownership not transferred.
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsCategoryProvider.
    IMPORT_C MVcxNsCategoryProviderIf* GetCategoryProviderL();
    * Get pointer to app content search handler object. 
    * Ownership not transferred.
    * @return Pointer to content search interface.
    IMPORT_C MVcxNsContentSearchIf* ContentSearchHandlerL();
    * Get pointer to content update progress handler 
    * Ownership not transferred.
    * @return Pointer to update progress interface.
    IMPORT_C MVcxNsUpdateProgressIf* ProgressHandlerL();

    * Get the videocenter application state.
    * @return Current videocenter application state
    IMPORT_C TVcxNsAppState VcAppState();

    * Set the videocenter application state.
    * @param aAppState New videocenter application state
    IMPORT_C void SetVcAppState( TVcxNsAppState aAppState );

    * Handle back command. Activates previous application state.
    * @return Was the back event consumed. If EFalse,
    *         the back event should be handled by caller.
    IMPORT_C TBool HandleBack();
    * Handle clieant app exit command. Clears application states.
    IMPORT_C void ResetStates();
     * Returns active Category id
     * @return Id of the category
    IMPORT_C TUint32 ActiveCategory();
     * Get iap for connection
     * @return IAP. 
    IMPORT_C TUint32 GetAvailableIapL();
     * Get WAP id for the connection.
     * @return WAP id matching the given IAP id.
    IMPORT_C TUint32 GetAvailableWapIdL();

     * Starts to play the given content 
     * NOTE: this Works only with MPX video player
     * @param aContent Content to be played. 
    IMPORT_C void PlayVideoL( CVcxNsContent* aContent );

     * Starts to play the given content 
     * NOTE: this Works only with MPX video player
     * @param aContent Content to be played. Ownership not passed.
    IMPORT_C void PlayStreamL( CVcxNsContent* aContent );
     * Starts to play the last watched
     * NOTE: this Works only with MPX video player
    IMPORT_C void PlayLastWatchedL();
     * Should be called when playback of video is starting. Updates 'Last
     * Watched' information to Matrix and dat-file.
     * @param aContent Content item representing played video.
    IMPORT_C void VideoPlaybackStartingL( CVcxNsContent* aContent );
     * Removes the topmost state from application state stack.
     * Needed for vod view changes, where back navigation route changes.
     * This is intended just for UI engine's internal use
    void PopAppStateStack();

    * Get service provider ptr, ownership not transferred.
    * for ui engine internal use, pointer can be NULL
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsServiceProvider
    CVcxNsServiceProvider* ServiceProvider();

    * Get content provider ptr, ownership not transferred.
    * for ui engine internal use, pointer can be NULL
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsContentProvider
    CVcxNsContentProvider* ContentProvider();

    * Get category provider ptr, ownership not transferred.
    * for ui engine internal use, pointer can be NULL
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsContentProvider
    CVcxNsCategoryProvider* CategoryProvider();

    * Get pointer to service client handler class
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsServiceClientHandler.
    * ownership not transferred.
    CVcxNsServiceClientHandler* GetServiceClientHandlerL();

    * Get pointer to content client handler class
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsContentClientHandler.
    * ownership not transferred.
    CVcxNsContentClientHandler* GetContentClientHandlerL();

    * Get pointer to Mpx collection client handle
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsContentClientHandler.
    * ownership not transferred.
    CVcxNsMpxCollectionClientHandler* GetMpxCollectionClientHandlerL();
    * Get pointer to search handler.
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsContentSearchHandler.
    * ownership not transferred.
    CVcxNsContentSearchHandler* GetContentSearchHandlerL();
    * Get pointer to event handler class
    * @return Pointer to CVcxNsEventRouter.
    * ownership not transferred.
    CVcxNsEventRouter* GetEventRouter();
    * Get pointer to progress update handler
    * @return Pointer to progress handler.
    * Ownership not transferred.
    CVcxNsUpdateProgressHandler* GetProgressHandler();
     * Returns active Service id
     * @return Active service's id
    TUint32 ActiveService();

     * Set active Service id
     * @param aServiceId Active service's id
    void SetActiveService( TUint32 aServiceId );

     * Returns active Service group
     * @return Active service group id
    TUint32 ActiveServiceGroup();

     * Set active Service group id
     * @param aServiceId Active service group id
    void SetActiveServiceGroup( TUint32 aServiceId );

     * Set active Category id
     * @param aCategoryId Active gategory's id
    void SetActiveCategory( TUint32 aCategoryId );

// from MvcxNsPlayerObserver

     * MnpwoLastPlaybackPosition
     * @param aContentUri Content Uri
     * @return Play position
    TInt MnpwoLastPlaybackPosition( const TDesC& aContentUri );

     * MnpwoSetLastPlaybackPosition
     * @param aContentUri Content Uri
     * @param aPos Play position
    void MnpwoSetLastPlaybackPosition( const TDesC& aContentUri, TInt aPos );

    * Deletes the ui engine instance.
    * @param aThis class pointer
    static void DeleteInstance( CVcxNsUiEngine* aThis );

    * Increases the reference count to this ui engine instance.
    void IncreaseReferenceCount();


    void ConstructL();

    virtual ~CVcxNsUiEngine();
    void RaisePlayEventL( CVcxNsContent* aContent );
    void WriteLastWatchedL( CVcxNsContent* aContent );
     * @return The content. Ownership is transferred to caller.
    CVcxNsContent* LastWatchedToContentL();


// Data

    * Service provider
    CVcxNsServiceProvider* iServiceProvider;

    * Content provider
    CVcxNsContentProvider* iContentProvider;

    * Category provider
    CVcxNsCategoryProvider* iCategoryProvider;

    * Count of references to this ui engine object.
    TInt iReferenceCount;

     * Service client handler
    CVcxNsServiceClientHandler* iServiceClientHandler;

     * Content client handler
    CVcxNsContentClientHandler* iContentClientHandler;

     * Mpx collection client handler
    CVcxNsMpxCollectionClientHandler* iMpxCollectionClientHandler;

     * Application state
    TVcxNsAppState iApplicationState;

     * Event router
    CVcxNsEventRouter* iEventRouter;

     * Application state history, needed for handling back commands.
    RArray<TVcxNsAppState> iAppStateStack;

     * Active Service id
    TUint32 iActiveService;

     * Active Service Group id
    TUint32 iActiveServiceGroup;
     * Active Category id
    TUint32 iActiveCategory;
     *  Content search handler.
     *  Own.
	CVcxNsContentSearchHandler* iContentSearchHandler;
     * Connection utility
    CVcxConnectionUtility* iConnUtil;
     * Content update progress handler.
     * Own.
    CVcxNsUpdateProgressHandler* iProgressHandler;
     * Pointer to 'Last Watched' API.
     * Own.
    CIptvLastWatchedApi* iLastWatchedApi;
     * Pointer to Mediator Event class.
     * Own.
    CMediatorEventProvider* iMediatorEventProvider;
     * Pointer to Streaming Handler.
     * Own.
    CVcxNsStreamingHandler* iStreamingHandler;