--- a/browserui/browser/IadSis/buildIADsis.pl Tue Apr 27 16:41:18 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
-# ============================================================================
-# Name : buildIADsis.pl
-# Description: Creates SIS installation packages for S60 Browser that
-# meets Arrow/IAD program requirements for delivery to end-user devices.
-# Also generates R&D signed SIS packages for Nokia R&D internal use.
-# Copyright © 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
-# This material, including documentation and any related computer
-# programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All
-# rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, storing,
-# adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
-# prior written consent of Nokia. This material also contains
-# confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
-# without the prior written consent of Nokia.
-# ============================================================================
-# TODOs
-# Baseline whatlog and build whatlog need to be processed and compared
-# Notes for maintainers:
-# Versioning guide:
-# http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/How_to_guide_for_versioning
-# Eclipsing ROM files using installers
-# http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/How_to_guide_for_eclipsing_ROM_files
-# Installers basics
-# http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/How_to_guide_for_creating/signing_sis_files
-# SIS file naming convention for IAD delivery
-# http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/How_to_guide_for_uploading_sis_packages_to_IAD_server
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Data::Dumper;
-use File::Path;
-use Benchmark;
-my $usage = q{
-Usage: buildIADsis.pl -opmode dev -appversion 7.1.2 -binversion 10.1 -variant 01 -nocache -verbose
-Mandatory arguments:
- -opmode : either dev or integration. If integration, use filelist argument below
- -appversion: Browser version as a string e.g 7.1.420 (major.minor.build). Minor must be 1 digit.
- -platform: S60 platform. E.g 3.23 or 5.0
- -variant: S60 platform specific variant code. E.g for 3.23: 01->English, 22->Chinese etc.
-Optional arguments:
- -platform: S60 platform. Such as S60.323 or S60.50
- -filelist: A text file containing list of files to include in the PKG
- File paths must be of the form \epoc32\dir\urel\file.ext
- -binversion: version to inject inside all EXEs and DLLs. Must be 10.0 or higher.
- -nocache: does everything cleanly, no old data used
- -verbose: Turns on debug statements
- -webkey: Web signing key filename
- -webcert: Web signing certificate filename
- -cenrepkey: Cenrep signing key filename
- -cenrepcert: Cenrep signing certificate filename
- For quick primer on differences between Application version and Binary version, see:
- http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/How_to_guide_for_versioning
-my ($s60platform, $rawFilelist,$appVersion, $binVersion, $variant,$opmode,$lang_code);
-my (@variants);
-my $langgroup;
-my $type = "rnd";
-my $brExe_UID3 = "0x10008D39"; #Unique ID for Browser application
-my $packageTypeMajor = "RU"; # even though we use SA,RU, mention the RU in filename since it sounds more important
-#TODO: We should be able to query the S60 platform by parsing some file in epoc32. Dunno how to do this. This should NOT be hardcoded.
-# Inital value for s60Platform is S60.323
-$s60platform = "S60.323";
-my $cenrepPkg = ".\\pkg\\BrowserNG_Cenrep.pkg";
-my $cenrepSis = "BrowserNG_Cenrep.sis";
-my $finalBrowserPkg = ".\\pkg\\BrowserNG.pkg";
-my $debug_printing = 1;
-my $nocache = 0;
-#TODO: We might want to pass this as a command-line argument? Note that unsigned SIS is also generated and can always
-# be signed separately.
-my $webkey = ".\\cert\\RDTest_02.key";
-my $webcert = ".\\cert\\RDTest_02.der";
-my $cenrepkey = ".\\cert\\RDTest_02.key";
-my $cenrepcert = ".\\cert\\RDTest_02.der";
-my $buildType = "urel";
-my @cleanupList = ();
- "platform=s", \$s60platform,
- "appversion=s",\$appVersion,
- "binversion=s",\$binVersion,
- "variant=s",\$variant,
- "opmode=s",\$opmode,
- "nocache",\$nocache,
- "verbose",\$debug_printing,
- "filelist=s",\$rawFilelist,
- "webkey=s", \$webkey,
- "webcert=s", \$webcert,
- "cenrepkey=s", \$cenrepkey,
- "cenrepcert=s", \$cenrepcert,
- "build=s", \$buildType
- );
-if ( !defined $appVersion ) { print STDERR "\nBad argument: missing appversion\n $usage"; exit; }
-# Parse major.minor.build format string and choke if not well formed
-# We will later insert the parsed values inside the PKG file.
-my @parsedAppVer = checkAppVersion($appVersion);
-if (!$parsedAppVer[3]) { print STDERR "\nBad argument: malformed appversion string ($appVersion) \n $usage"; exit; }
-#By default ROM EXEs/DLLs have a version of 10.0, so you want the newDLLs to have equal or higher minor version. See IAD Eclipsing guide for details
-if ( !defined $binVersion ) { print STDOUT "\n Missing binary version, using default\n"; $binVersion = "10.1"; }
-my @parsedBinVer = checkBinaryVersion($binVersion);
-if (!$parsedBinVer[2]) { print STDERR "\nBad argument or default: malformed binversion string ($binVersion). \n $usage"; exit; }
-if ( !defined $variant ) { print STDERR "\nBad argument: missing variant\n $usage"; exit; }
-if ( !defined $opmode || !($opmode =~ /^dev/ || $opmode =~ /^int/)) { print STDERR "\nBad argument: Can't grok opmode\n $usage"; exit; }
-if (defined $rawFilelist && (! -e $rawFilelist) ) { print STDERR "\nBad argument: File is missing: $rawFilelist\n $usage"; exit; }
-print "no cache flag = $nocache \n" if $debug_printing;
-#print "verbose = $debug_printing \n";
-# IAD-compliant SIS file naming convention
-# ComponentName_<package UID>_v<package version>_<package type>_<platform>_<variant>.sis
-# Example: TestApplication_0x12345678_v1.2.3_SA_S60.32_Euro1.sis
-# Reference: http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/How_to_guide_for_uploading_sis_packages_to_IAD_server
-# Where:
- #package version: major.minor.build
- #package type: SIS package type (SA, SP,..)
- #platform: S60 Platform (S60.xx where xx = 32, 50,..)
- #variant: Language/operator variant
-my $browserSIS = "BrowserNG_${brExe_UID3}_v${appVersion}_${packageTypeMajor}_${s60platform}_${variant}.sis";
-# For 323 we limit the number of IAD to Chinese, Western and Japan
-if ( $s60platform eq "S60.323" )
- if ( $variant == 50 ) {
- $browserSIS = "BrowserNG_${brExe_UID3}_v${appVersion}_${packageTypeMajor}_${s60platform}_western.sis";
- }
- elsif ( $variant == 51 ) {
- $browserSIS = "BrowserNG_${brExe_UID3}_v${appVersion}_${packageTypeMajor}_${s60platform}_china.sis";
- }
- elsif ( $variant == 16 ) {
- $browserSIS = "BrowserNG_${brExe_UID3}_v${appVersion}_${packageTypeMajor}_${s60platform}_japan.sis";
- }
- else {
- print STDOUT "\n build variant $variant for RnD purpose \n";
- }
- print STDOUT "\n=== SIS filename: $browserSIS \n" ;
-# Handle S60.50 situations
-if ( $s60platform eq "S60.50" )
-# May need special handling later
-### Call pkg generation perl script
-system("CreateIADpackages.pl -s $s60platform -v $variant -p armv5 -r urel -bmajor $parsedAppVer[0] -bminor $parsedAppVer[1] -bnumber $parsedAppVer[2] -build $buildType");
-# Pick up any files from the WHAT output that match any of these regex patterns
-my $filenameRegEx = join '|', qw(
- [.]dll$
- [.]exe$
- [.]mif$
- [.]r..$);
-# These type of files need to be stamped with a version number >= 10.0 so that the
-# original files on ROM may be eclipsed.
-my $binariesRegEx = join '|', qw(
- [.]dll$
- [.]exe$);
-# In any mode, use a $rawFilelist is passed from the command line
-if (defined $rawFilelist) {
- print STDOUT "\n=== Caller supplied list of files: $rawFilelist === \n" ;
-} else {
- # If no file list passed from command-line, we know how to generate one in DEV mode only
- if ($opmode =~ /^dev/) {
- $rawFilelist = "what_$buildType.log";
- if ($nocache || (! -e $rawFilelist) ) {
- print STDOUT "\n=== Generating WHAT log, may take a while.. [",scalar(localtime),"] ===\n";
- makeWhatLog($buildType, $rawFilelist);
- print STDOUT "\n=== Finished generating WHAT log ",scalar(localtime)," ===\n";
- } else {
- print STDOUT "\n=== Will use cached WHAT log : $rawFilelist ===\n";
- }
- } else {
- die("\nBad argument: File is missing: $rawFilelist\n $usage");
- }
-#Reduce list of files to those of interest
-my @rawList = getRawFileList($rawFilelist);
-my @filteredFiles = grep(/$filenameRegEx/i, @rawList);
-#print Dumper(@filteredFiles) if $debug_printing;
-print "Changing binary files with version\n" if $debug_printing;
-my @binariesOnly = grep(/$binariesRegEx/i, @filteredFiles);
-# print Dumper(@binariesOnly) if $debug_printing;
-for my $binaryFile (@binariesOnly) {
- print STDOUT "Fixing version to $binVersion for file: $binaryFile..\n" if $debug_printing;
- changeBinaryVersionAndMore("elftran", $binaryFile, $binVersion);
- if ( $? == -1 || ($? >> 8) != 0 ) { cleanDeath("Elftran failed to modify : $binaryFile "); }
-print STDOUT "Creating CenRep installer\n" if $debug_printing;
-# No need to cleanup the sis file since it might be certificated differently
-# push(@cleanupList, "$cenrepSis");
-system("makesis $cenrepPkg $cenrepSis");
-if ( $? == -1 || ($? >> 8) != 0 ) { cleanDeath("Makesis on CenRep installer failed"); } else {
- #printf "\nOK %d\n", $? >> 8;
-push(@cleanupList, "${cenrepSis}x");
-print STDOUT "\nSigning CenRep installer\n" if $debug_printing;
-system("signsis -v $cenrepSis ${cenrepSis}x $cenrepcert $cenrepkey");
-if ( $? == -1 || ($? >> 8) != 0 ) { cleanDeath("Signsis on CenRep installer failed"); } else {
- #printf "\nOK %d\n", $? >> 8;
-print STDOUT "Creating main Browser installer with filename: $browserSIS\n" if $debug_printing;
-system("makesis $finalBrowserPkg $browserSIS");
-if ( $? == -1 || ($? >> 8) != 0 ) { cleanDeath("Makesis on main Browser installer failed"); } else {
- #printf "\nOK %d\n", $? >> 8;
-print STDOUT "\nSigning main Browser installer\n" if $debug_printing;
-system("signsis $browserSIS ${browserSIS}x $webcert $webkey");
-if ( $? == -1 || ($? >> 8) != 0 ) { cleanDeath("Signsis on main Browser installer failed"); } else {
- #printf "OK %d\n", $? >> 8;
-#cleanup all transient files
-# Helps us generate list of DLLs EXEs and resource files to be packaged in SIS package
-sub makeWhatLog
- my $buildType = shift;
- my $file_whatLog = shift;
- system("\\gb_cmds\\gb_aurora_32_what.cmd armv5 $buildType > $file_whatLog");
-# Returns an in-memory list of all binary and resource files that the build process generates (WHAT output)
-sub getRawFileList
- my $filename = shift;
- my @array = 0;
- #print "\n == Loading file with list of all assets : $filename == \n" if $debug_printing;
- open(HANDLE, $filename) || cleanDeath("Failed to open WHAT command output: $filename\n");
- @array=<HANDLE>;
- close (HANDLE);
- #print Dumper(@rawList) if $debug_printing;
- return @array;
-sub changeBinaryVersionAndMore
- my $elfCmd = shift;
- my $file = shift;
- my $binaryVersion = shift;
- system("$elfCmd -version $binaryVersion -compressionmethod bytepair $file");
-# Dies after doing cleanup
-sub cleanDeath {
- my $reason = shift;
- cleanup();
- die($reason);
-# Removes unwanted files from disk
-sub cleanup {
- for my $file (@cleanupList) {
- print "Cleaning up: $file\n";
- unlink($file);
- }
-# Checks for a well formed Binary Version string in major.minor format and that it is >= 10.0
-# 10.0 is the default version of in-ROM binaries that must be eclipsed by our installation.
-sub checkBinaryVersion {
- my ($ver) = shift;
- my ($valid, $major, $minor) = (0, 0, 0);
- if ($ver =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)$/) {
- $valid = 1;
- ($major, $minor) = ($1, $2);
- # {=leading-zeros-ignored}
- $major =~ s/^0+//;
- $minor =~ s/^0+//;
- }
- my $intMajor = int($major || 0);
- my $intMinor = int($minor || 0);
- $valid = 0;
- if ( $intMajor >= 10 && $intMinor >=0 ) {
- $valid = 1; # enforce 10.0 or higher rule for IAD
- }
- my @binVerArray = (
- $intMajor,
- $intMinor,
- $valid
- );
- #print Dumper(@binVerArray) if $debug_printing;
- return @binVerArray;
-# Checks for a well formed Application Version string in major.minor.build format
-# See the IAD versioning HOWTO (link above) for acceptable format
-sub checkAppVersion {
- my ($ver) = shift;
- my ($valid, $major, $minor, $build) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
- if ($ver =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)$/) {
- $valid = 1;
- ($major, $minor, $build) = ($1, $2, $3);
- # {=leading-zeros-ignored}
- $major =~ s/^0+//;
- $minor =~ s/^0+//;
- $build =~ s/^0+//;
- }
- my $intMajor = int($major || 0);
- my $intMinor = int($minor || 0);
- my $intBuild = int($build || 0);
- if ($intMinor < 0 || $intMinor > 9) {
- $valid = 0; # enforce single digit minor rule for IAD
- }
- my @appVerArray = (
- $intMajor,
- $intMinor,
- $intBuild,
- $valid
- );
- #print Dumper(@appVerArray) if $debug_printing;
- return @appVerArray;
--- a/browserui/browser/IadSis/createIADpackages.pl Tue Apr 27 16:41:18 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
-# ============================================================================
-# Name: createIADPackages.pl
-# Description: This script generate various SIS package files depeding on the
-# depending on the variant selection. for example variant 01 will create
-# a package support English, French, Germany and Portuguese.
-# Example for using this script:
-# perl %name create_package.pl -v 15 -p armv5 -r urel -bmajor 7 -bminor 1 -bnumber 32
-# Copyright © 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.
-# This material, including documentation and any related computer
-# programs, is protected by copyright controlled by Nokia. All
-# rights are reserved. Copying, including reproducing, storing,
-# adapting or translating, any or all of this material requires the
-# prior written consent of Nokia. This material also contains
-# confidential information which may not be disclosed to others
-# without the prior written consent of Nokia.
-# ============================================================================
-# TODOs
-# If possible, make all the components configurable
-# Support 5.0 and onward
-# Notes:
-# Currently only armv5 is supported, winscw is not supported
-# Currently only urel is supported. udeb is not supported
-# Currently variant support only CCB on 323
-use Getopt::Long;
-use File::Copy;
-use File::Basename;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Cwd;
-use FindBin qw($Bin);
-use Data::Dumper;
-use fcntl;
-my $usage = q{
-Description: This script generate browser sisx package file automatically.
-This script usually is called by buildIADsis.pl. However it can be used separately as well.
-Example: create_package.pl -s S60.323 -v 01 -p armv5 -r urel -bmajor 7 -bminor 1 -bnumber 32
-Mandatory arguments:
--s: S60 platform. Value such as S60.323 or S60.50
--v: S60 language variant number
--p: Build target platform. Valid values are: armv5 or winscw, only armv5 supported right now
--r: Release build. Valid values are: urel or udeb, only urel supported right now
--bmajor: build major number. In term of Browser version 7.1.1234, 7 is the major number
--bminor: build minor number. In term of Browser version 7.1.1234, 1 is the minor number
--bnumber: build number. In term of Browser version 7.1.1234, 1234 is the build number
-Optional arguments:
-- None
-- This script only support armv5 urel currently
-- This script is valid for CCB on 323 build currently
-my %num_lang = (
- "01" => ["western", "01", "02", "03", "14"],
- "02" => ["western", "01", "09", "06", "16"],
- "03" => ["western", "01", "37", "57", "50"],
- "04" => ["western", "01", "05", "27", "17"],
- "05" => ["western", "01", "04", "18", "13"],
- "06" => ["western", "01", "51", "76", "83"],
- "07" => ["western", "01", "67", "54", "49"],
- "08" => ["western", "01", "68", "78", "93"],
- "09" => ["western", "01", "42", "45", "79"],
- "10" => ["western", "01", "59", "70", "39"],
- "11" => ["western", "01", "15", "07", "08"],
- "12" => ["western", "01", "58", "94"],
- "13" => ["western", "01", "25", "26", "28"],
- "14" => ["china", "29", "30", "157"],
- "15" => ["china", "31", "159"],
- "16" => ["japan", "32", "160"],
- "17" => ["thai", "33", "161"],
- "18" => ["western", "01", "96"],
- "19" => ["china", "31", "326", "159"],
- "20" => ["western", "05", "44", "401", "402"],
- "50" => ["western", "01", "02", "03", "14", "09", "06", "16", "37", "57", "33", "50", "05", "27",
- "17", "04", "18", "13", "51", "76", "83", "67", "54", "49", "68", "78", "93",
- "42", "45", "79", "59", "70", "39", "15", "07", "08", "58", "94", "25", "26", "28",
- "96", "05", "44"],
- "51" => ["china", "29", "30", "157", "31", "159"]
- );
-# To support western-all IAD delivery we need to remove Lang 401, 402 of variant 50
-die $usage unless @ARGV;
-print @ARGV;
-print "\n";
-my ($s60,$variant_num,$platform,$release,$bmajor,$bminor,$bnumber,$udeburel);
-$s60 = "S60.323"; # Initialize the default value
-$udeburel = "urel";
-#my ($test1, $test2, $test3);
-GetOptions("s=s", => \$s60, "v=s", => \$variant_num, "p=s",=> \$platform, "r=s",=> \$release,
- "bmajor=s", => \$bmajor, "bminor=s",=> \$bminor, "bnumber=s",=> \$bnumber,
- "build=s", => \$udeburel) or die $usage;
-print "variant $variant_num \n";
-print "s60platform $s60 \n";
-print "release $release \n";
-print "bmajor, $bmajor \n";
-print "bminor, $bminor \n";
-print "bnumber, $bnumber \n";
-print "build $udeburel \n";
-print "... package variant $variant_num\n";
-print "... package platform $platform \n";
-print "... release $release \n";
-# print "... major mini build $bmajor $bminor $bnumber \n");
-# exit;
-# print $release; print "\n";
-# Create BrowserNG_Cenrep.pkg file
-open (CENPKGFILE, '>.\\pkg\\BrowserNG_cenrep.pkg');
-print CENPKGFILE "\;Languages\n";
-print CENPKGFILE "\&EN\n\n";
-print CENPKGFILE "\;Header\n";
-print CENPKGFILE "\#\{\"Browser CenRep INI file\"\}\, \(0x10202BE9\)\,$bmajor,$bminor,$bnumber, TYPE=SP \n\n";
-;Localised Vendor name
-;Unique Vendor name
-;Supports S60 3rd Edition
-# consider the platform support
-# [0x102032BE], 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}
-# [0x1028315F], 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}
-# if ( $s60platform eq "S60.50" )
-if ( $s60 eq "S60.323" )
- print CENPKGFILE "[0x102032BE], 0, 0, 0, \{\"Series60ProductID\"\} \n\n";
-if ( $s60 eq "S60.50" )
- print CENPKGFILE "[0x1028315F], 0, 0, 0, \{\"Series60ProductID\"\} \n\n";
-print CENPKGFILE "\; CenRep ini file\n";
-my $SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\z\\private\\10202be9\\";
-my $TargetDir = "c:\\private\\10202be9\\";
-print CENPKGFILE "\n";
-my @install_files = (
- "10008d39.txt",
- "101f8731.txt"
-for my$install_file (@install_files) {
-print CENPKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file\" \n";
-close (CENPKGFILE);
-# create BrowserNG.pkg file
-open (PKGFILE, '>.\\pkg\\BrowserNG.pkg');
-print PKGFILE "\;Languages\n";
-print PKGFILE "\&EN\n\n";
-#{"Web Browser Update"},(0x10008D39),7,1,0, TYPE=SA,RU
-print PKGFILE "\;Header\n";
-print PKGFILE "\#\{\"Web Browser Update\"\}\, \(0x10008D39\)\,$bmajor,$bminor,$bnumber, TYPE=SA,RU \n\n";
-;Localised Vendor name
-;Unique Vendor name
-;Supports S60 3rd Edition
-#[0x102032BE], 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}
-#[0x1028315F], 0, 0, 0, {"Series60ProductID"}
-if ( $s60 eq "S60.323" )
- print PKGFILE "[0x102032BE], 0, 0, 0, \{\"Series60ProductID\"\} \n\n";
-if ( $s60 eq "S60.50" )
- print PKGFILE "[0x1028315F], 0, 0, 0, \{\"Series60ProductID\"\} \n\n";
-# MIF resource files ot install
-$SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\Z\\resource\\apps\\";
-$TargetDir = "!:\\resource\\apps\\";
-print PKGFILE "\n";
-# print PKGFILE $SrcDir;
-# print PKGFILE $TargetDir;
-@install_files = (
- "BrowserAudioVideoPlugin_aif.mif",
- "schemeapp_aif.mif",
- "VideoServices_AIF.MIF",
- "browser.mif",
- "browserng_aif.mif",
- "connman.mif",
- "downloadmgruilib.mif",
- "operatormenu_aif.mif",
- "pushmtm.mif",
- "webkiticons.mif",
- "webkitutilsicons.mif"
-for my $install_file (@install_files) {
-print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file\" \n";
-# SRC resource files ot install
-$SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\z\\private\\10003a3f\\apps\\";
-$TargetDir = "!:\\private\\10003a3f\\import\\apps\\";
-print PKGFILE "\n";
-@install_files = (
- "BrowserNG_reg.rsc",
- "CodViewer_reg.rsc",
- "DdViewer_reg.rsc",
- "Operatormenu_reg.rsc",
- "PushViewer_reg.rsc",
- "RoapApp_reg.rsc",
- "SchemeApp_reg.rsc",
- "VideoServices_reg.rsc",
- "WidgetUi_reg.rsc"
-for my$install_file (@install_files) {
-print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file\" \n";
-# SRC resource files ot install
-$SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\Z\\resource\\";
-$TargetDir = "!:\\resource\\";
-print PKGFILE "\n";
-@install_files = (
- "AiwBrowserProvider.rsc"
-for my $install_file (@install_files) {
-print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file\" \n\n";
-# Get the languages of the variant
-my $variant_lang = $num_lang{$variant_num};
-my @variant_lang = @$variant_lang;
-shift @variant_lang;
-# generate the lang dependent files
-for my$lang (@variant_lang) {
- print PKGFILE "IF exists\( \"z:\\resource\\avkon.r$lang\" ) \n";
- $SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\z\\resource\\";
- $TargetDir = "!:\\resource\\";
- print PKGFILE "\n";
- @install_files = (
- "webkit",
- "BrowserAudioVideoPlugin",
- "BrowserDialogsProvider",
- "browsertelservice",
- "CodUi",
- "ConnectionManager",
- "DownloadMgrUiLib",
- "WidgetInstallerUI",
- "WidgetMenu"
- );
- for my$install_file (@install_files) {
- print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file.r$lang\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file.r$lang\" \n";
- }
- # generate more lang dependent files
- $SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\z\\resource\\";
- $TargetDir = "!:\\resource\\";
- print PKGFILE "\n";
- @install_files = (
- "webkitutils"
- );
- for my$install_file (@install_files) {
- print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file.r$lang\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file.r$lang\" \n";
- }
- # generate more lang dependent files
- $SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\z\\resource\\apps\\";
- $TargetDir = "!:\\resource\\apps\\";
- print PKGFILE "\n";
- @install_files = (
- "BrowserNG",
- "CodViewer",
- "DdViewer",
- "Operatormenu",
- "PushViewer",
- "RoapApp",
- "SchemeApp",
- "VideoServices",
- "WidgetUi"
- );
- for my$install_file (@install_files) {
- print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file.r$lang\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file.r$lang\" \n";
- }
- # generate more lang dependent files
- $SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\z\\resource\\messaging\\mtm\\";
- $TargetDir = "!:\\resource\\messaging\\mtm\\";
- print PKGFILE "\n";
- @install_files = (
- "PushRegistry"
- );
- for my$install_file (@install_files) {
- print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file.r$lang\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file.r$lang\" \n";
- }
- # generate more lang dependent files
- $SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\z\\resource\\messaging\\";
- $TargetDir = "!:\\resource\\messaging\\";
- print PKGFILE "\n";
- @install_files = (
- "PushMtmUi"
- );
- for my$install_file (@install_files) {
- print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file.r$lang\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file.r$lang\" \n";
- }
-print PKGFILE "ENDIF \n";
-# end of generate the lang dependent files
-# Non lang dependent rsc files
-$SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\data\\z\\resource\\plugins\\";
-$TargetDir = "!:\\resource\\plugins\\";
-print PKGFILE "\n";
-if ( $s60 eq "S60.323" )
-@install_files = (
- "AiwBrowserProvider",
- "BrowserRec",
- "CodRecog",
- "CookieFilter",
- "DdRecog",
- "DeflateFilter",
- "HttpFilterAcceptHeader",
- "HttpFilterAuthentication",
- "PushMtmPushContentHandler",
- "PushMtmWhiteListAdapter",
- "SchemeDispatcher",
- "WidgetInstallerUI",
- "widgetRecognizer",
- "httpfilterIop",
- "httpfilterconnhandler",
- "httpfilterproxy",
- "memoryplugin",
- "npBrowserAudioVideoPlugin",
- "npGpsPlugin",
- "npSystemInfoPlugin",
- "uaproffilter",
- "widgetmemoryplugin"
- );
-# Note: Some way of figuring out what need to be on the packages and
-# hope we will be able to develp an algorithms for it
-# 1. The components change you're aware of. For example gesture lib addition to browser
-# 2. Build system, you can find out what's are builded from the build system
-# 3. Search for iby files
-if ( $s60 eq "S60.50" )
-@install_files = (
- "AiwBrowserProvider",
- "BrowserRec",
- "CodRecog",
- "CookieFilter",
- "DdRecog",
- "DeflateFilter",
- "HttpFilterAcceptHeader",
- "HttpFilterAuthentication",
- "PushMtmPushContentHandler",
- "PushMtmWhiteListAdapter",
- "SchemeDispatcher",
- "WidgetInstallerUI",
- "widgetRecognizer",
- "httpfilterIop",
- "httpfilterconnhandler",
- "httpfilterproxy",
- "memoryplugin",
- "npBrowserAudioVideoPlugin",
- "npGpsPlugin",
- "npSystemInfoPlugin",
- "uaproffilter",
- "widgetmemoryplugin"
- );
-print PKGFILE "\n";
-for my$install_file (@install_files) {
-print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file.rsc\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file.rsc\" \n";
-# Files to install (binaries - DLL)
-$SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\" . $udeburel . "\\";
-$TargetDir = "!:\\sys\\bin\\";
-print PKGFILE "\n";
-if ( $s60 eq "S60.323" )
-@install_files = (
- "AiwBrowserProvider",
- "BrowserCache",
- "BrowserLauncher",
- "BrowserRec",
- "BrowserTelService",
- "CodDownload",
- "CodEng",
- "CodRecog",
- "CodUi",
- "ConnectionManager",
- "DdRecog",
- "DeflateFilter",
- "DownloadMgr",
- "DownloadMgrUiLib",
- "FavouritesEngine",
- "FeedsServerApi",
- "FeedsServerClient",
- "HttpDMServEng",
- "HttpFilterAcceptHeader",
- "HttpFilterAuthentication",
- "HttpFilterCommon",
- "JavaScriptCore",
- "MemMan",
- "Multipartparser",
- "PushMtmCliSrv",
- "PushMtmPushContentHandler",
- "PushMtmUi",
- "PushMtmUtil",
- "PushMtmWhiteListAdapter",
- "SchemeDispatcher",
- "WidgetInstallerUI",
- "WidgetRecognizer",
- "WidgetRegistryClient",
- "browserdialogsprovider",
- "browserengine",
- "cXmlParser",
- "cookiefilter",
- "cookiemanager",
- "httpfilterIop",
- "httpfilterconnhandler",
- "httpfilterproxy",
- "memoryplugin",
- "npBrowserAudioVideoPlugin",
- "npGpsPlugin",
- "npSystemInfoPlugin",
- "pagescaler",
- "uaproffilter",
- "webkitutils",
- "webutils",
- "widgetengine",
- "WidgetInstaller",
- "widgetmemoryplugin",
- "wmlEngine",
- "jsdevice",
-if ( $s60 eq "S60.50" )
-@install_files = (
- "AiwBrowserProvider",
- "BrowserCache",
- "BrowserLauncher",
- "BrowserRec",
- "BrowserTelService",
- "CodDownload",
- "CodEng",
- "CodRecog",
- "CodUi",
- "ConnectionManager",
- "DdRecog",
- "DeflateFilter",
- "DownloadMgr",
- "DownloadMgrUiLib",
- "FavouritesEngine",
- "FeedsServerApi",
- "FeedsServerClient",
- "HttpDMServEng",
- "HttpFilterAcceptHeader",
- "HttpFilterAuthentication",
- "HttpFilterCommon",
- "JavaScriptCore",
- "MemMan",
- "Multipartparser",
- "PushMtmCliSrv",
- "PushMtmPushContentHandler",
- "PushMtmUi",
- "PushMtmUtil",
- "PushMtmWhiteListAdapter",
- "SchemeDispatcher",
- "WidgetInstallerUI",
- "WidgetRecognizer",
- "WidgetRegistryClient",
- "browserdialogsprovider",
- "browserengine",
- "cXmlParser",
- "cookiefilter",
- "cookiemanager",
- "httpfilterIop",
- "httpfilterconnhandler",
- "httpfilterproxy",
- "memoryplugin",
- "npBrowserAudioVideoPlugin",
- "npGpsPlugin",
- "npSystemInfoPlugin",
- "pagescaler",
- "uaproffilter",
- "webkitutils",
- "webutils",
- "widgetengine",
- "WidgetInstaller",
- "widgetmemoryplugin",
- "wmlEngine",
- "stmgesturefw",
- "jsdevice",
- );
-for my$install_file (@install_files) {
-print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file.dll\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file.dll\" \n";
-# Files to install (binaries - EXE)
-$SrcDir = "\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\" . $udeburel . "\\";
-$TargetDir = "!:\\sys\\bin\\";
-print PKGFILE "\n";
-@install_files = (
- "BrowserNG",
- "CodViewer",
- "CookieServer",
- "DdViewer",
- "DownloadMgrServer",
- "FavouritesSrv",
- "FeedsServer",
- "OperatorMenu",
- "PushViewer",
- "RoapApp",
- "SchemeApp",
- "VideoServices",
- "WidgetBackupRestore",
- "widgetlauncher",
- "WidgetRegistry",
- "WidgetUi"
-for my$install_file (@install_files) {
-print PKGFILE "\"$SrcDir$install_file.exe\"\n - \"$TargetDir$install_file.exe\" \n";
-# add the cenrep file
-print PKGFILE "\n\n";
-print PKGFILE "\@\"BrowserNG_Cenrep.sisx\", (0x10202BE9)\n";
-close (PKGFILE);
-print "end of the package"
\ No newline at end of file