author jkauppin
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:18:29 +0900
changeset 3 93fff7023be8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial version

// glfont2.cpp -- glFont Version 2.0 implementation
// Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Brad Fish
// See glfont.html for terms of use
// May 14, 2002
// Symbian OS port - June 2007
// Luis Valente -
This font class is intended to render 2D text. So, it is important to set up the 
required orthographic projection before rendering. The following code is an 
example of how to do this: 

// Rect() is a method that returns the current drawing rectangle.
// The (0,0) point will be the on bottom-left corner.
glViewport (0, 0, Rect().Width(), Rect().Height());
glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
  glLoadIdentity ();
  glOrthox (0, IntToFixed (Rect().Width()), 0, IntToFixed (Rect().Height()), -1, 1);
 glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
   glLoadIdentity ();Also, the BeginDraw() and EndDraw() methods (or equivalent code) should be called 
   to set up required states for rendering. For example, if alpha blending is not enabled, the quad 
   corresponding to the character becomes noticeable. 

Currently, this class supports 8 bit descriptors only. The class should be extended to support 16 bits 
descriptors and resource strings. 


// Symbian OS headers
#include <s32file.h>
#include <eikenv.h>
#include <eikappui.h>
#include <eikapp.h>
#include "glfont2.h"
#include "FixedMath.h"
// GLFontChar structure as stored in file
struct GLFontCharFile
   TReal32 dx, dy;
   TReal32 tx1, ty1;
   TReal32 tx2, ty2;
// GLFontHeaderFile structure as stored in file
struct GLFontHeaderFile
   TInt32  tex;
   TInt32  texWidth, texHeight;
   TInt32  startChar, endChar;
   TUint32 chars;
// Default constructor.
GLFont::GLFont ()
   // Initialize iHeader to safe state
   iHeader.tex = 0;
   iHeader.texWidth = 0;
   iHeader.texHeight = 0;
   iHeader.startChar = 0;
   iHeader.endChar = 0;
   iHeader.chars = NULL;
   // OpenGL texture
   glGenTextures (1, &iHeader.tex);
// Destructor.
GLFont::~GLFont ()
   // Destroy the font
   // delete texture
   glDeleteTextures (1, &iHeader.tex);
// Factory-method.
GLFont * GLFont::NewL (const TDesC & aFilename)
   GLFont* f = new (ELeave) GLFont();
   CleanupStack::PushL (f);
   f->ConstructL (aFilename);
   CleanupStack::Pop ();
   return f;
// Second part of the two-phase construction.
void GLFont::ConstructL (const TDesC & aFilename)
   // Destroy the old font if there was one, just to be safe
   // Open file session with server	
   RFs session;
   User::LeaveIfError (session.Connect());
   CleanupClosePushL (session);	
   // retrieve private application folder
   TFileName path;
   session.PrivatePath (path);
   // retrieve full application path on device
   #ifndef __WINS__
      TFileName appFullName =          
      TParse parse;
      parse.Set (appFullName, NULL, NULL);
      path.Insert (0, parse.Drive());
   // update filename with full path
   TFileName fullFilename (path);
   fullFilename.Append (aFilename);
   // load file
   LoadFileL (session, fullFilename);
   // close server session
// Loads the font file.
void GLFont::LoadFileL (RFs & aFs, const TDesC & aFilename)
   // Open input file
   RFileReadStream readStream;
   User::LeaveIfError (readStream.Open (aFs, aFilename, EFileRead));	
   // Read the iHeader from file
   GLFontHeaderFile headerFile;
   headerFile.tex       = readStream.ReadInt32L ();
   headerFile.texWidth  = readStream.ReadInt32L();
   headerFile.texHeight = readStream.ReadInt32L();
   headerFile.startChar = readStream.ReadInt32L();
   headerFile.endChar   = readStream.ReadInt32L();
   headerFile.chars     = readStream.ReadUint32L();
   // copy iHeader file to actual iHeader		
   iHeader.texWidth  = headerFile.texWidth;
   iHeader.texHeight = headerFile.texHeight;
   iHeader.startChar = headerFile.startChar;
   iHeader.endChar   = headerFile.endChar;
   // Allocate space for character array
   TInt numChars = iHeader.endChar - iHeader.startChar + 1;	
   iHeader.chars = new (ELeave) GLFontChar [numChars];
   // Read character array
   for (TInt i = 0; i < numChars; ++i)
      iHeader.chars [i].dx  =  FloatToFixed (readStream.ReadReal32L () );		
      iHeader.chars [i].dy  =  FloatToFixed (readStream.ReadReal32L () );		
      iHeader.chars [i].tx1 =  FloatToFixed (readStream.ReadReal32L () );		
      iHeader.chars [i].ty1 =  FloatToFixed (readStream.ReadReal32L () );		
      iHeader.chars [i].tx2 =  FloatToFixed (readStream.ReadReal32L () );		
      iHeader.chars [i].ty2 =  FloatToFixed (readStream.ReadReal32L () );
   // Read texture pixel data
   TInt numTexBytes = iHeader.texWidth * iHeader.texHeight * 2;	
   TUint8 * texBytes = new (ELeave) TUint8 [numTexBytes]; CleanupStack::PushL (texBytes);
   readStream.ReadL (texBytes, numTexBytes);	
   // Create OpenGL texture
   glBindTexture   (GL_TEXTURE_2D, iHeader.tex);  
   glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                 (GLvoid *)texBytes);
   // Free texture pixels memory
   CleanupStack::Pop ();
   delete [] texBytes;	
   // Close input file
// Font destruction.
void GLFont::Destroy ()
   //Delete the character array if necessary
   if (iHeader.chars)
      delete [] iHeader.chars;
      iHeader.chars = 0;
// Retrieves the texture dimensions.
void GLFont::GetTexSize (TInt & aWidth, TInt & aHeight)
   aWidth  = iHeader.texWidth;
   aHeight = iHeader.texHeight;
// Retrieves the character interval.
void GLFont::GetCharInterval (TInt & aStart, TInt & aEnd)
   aStart = iHeader.startChar;
   aEnd   = iHeader.endChar;
// Retrieves the dimensions of a character.
void GLFont::GetCharSize (TText8 aChar, TInt & aWidth, TInt aHeight)
   // Make sure character is in range
   if (aChar < iHeader.startChar || aChar > iHeader.endChar)
      // Not a valid character, so it obviously has no size
      aWidth  = 0;
      aHeight = 0;
      GLFontChar* fontChar;
      // Retrieve character size
      fontChar = & iHeader.chars [aChar - iHeader.startChar];		
      aWidth  = FixedToInt (MultiplyFixed (fontChar->dx, IntToFixed (iHeader.texWidth) ) );
      aHeight = FixedToInt (MultiplyFixed (fontChar->dy, IntToFixed (iHeader.texHeight) ) );		
// Retrieves the dimensions of a string.
void GLFont::GetStringSize (const TDesC8 & aText, TInt & aWidth, TInt & aHeight)
   // Height is the same for now...might change in future
   aHeight = FixedToInt (MultiplyFixed (iHeader.chars [iHeader.startChar].dy, IntToFixed (iHeader.texHeight) ) ); 
   // texWidth as fixed
   const GLfixed texWidthx = IntToFixed (iHeader.texWidth);
   // Calculate width of string	
   GLfixed widthx = 0;
   for (TInt i = 0; i < aText.Length(); i++)
      // Make sure character is in range
      const TText8 c = aText [i];
      if (c < iHeader.startChar || c > iHeader.endChar)
      // Get pointer to glFont character
      const GLFontChar* fontChar = & iHeader.chars [c - iHeader.startChar];
      // Get width and height
      widthx += MultiplyFixed (fontChar->dx, texWidthx);		
   // Save width
   aWidth = FixedToInt (widthx);
// Renders a string. Reference point is top-left.
void GLFont::DrawString (const TDesC8 & aText, GLfixed aX, GLfixed aY)
   // vertex arrays to render the string
   GLfixed  vertices [4*2];
   GLfixed texCoords [4*2];	
   const GLubyte indices [] = {1, 2, 0, 3};
   glVertexPointer  (2, GL_FIXED, 0, vertices);
   glTexCoordPointer (2, GL_FIXED, 0, texCoords); 	
   // Bind texture
   glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, iHeader.tex);
   // Loop through characters
   for (TInt i = 0; i < aText.Length(); i++)
      // Make sure character is in range
      TText8 c = aText [i];
      if (c < iHeader.startChar || c > iHeader.endChar)
      // Get pointer to glFont character
      GLFontChar* fontChar = &iHeader.chars [c - iHeader.startChar];
      // Get width and height
      GLfixed width =  MultiplyFixed (fontChar->dx, IntToFixed (iHeader.texWidth) );
      GLfixed height = MultiplyFixed (fontChar->dy, IntToFixed (iHeader.texHeight) );
      // Specify texture coordinates
      texCoords [0] = fontChar->tx1; texCoords [1] = fontChar->ty1;
      texCoords [2] = fontChar->tx1; texCoords [3] = fontChar->ty2;
      texCoords [4] = fontChar->tx2; texCoords [5] = fontChar->ty2;
      texCoords [6] = fontChar->tx2; texCoords [7] = fontChar->ty1;
      // and vertices
      vertices [0] = aX;         vertices [1] = aY;
      vertices [2] = aX;         vertices [3] = aY - height;
      vertices [4] = aX + width; vertices [5] = aY - height;
      vertices [6] = aX + width; vertices [7] = aY;
      // draw
      glDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, indices);
      // Move to next character
      aX += width;