changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ba25891c3a9e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "dumpswiregistrytool.h"
    20 #ifdef _MSC_VER
    21 #include <new>
    22 #include <new.h>
    23 #endif /* _MSC_VER */
    25 #ifdef _MSC_VER
    26 // House-keeping to allow ::new to throw rather than return NULL in MSVC++
    27 int throwingHandler(size_t)
    28 	{
    29 	throw std::bad_alloc();
    30 	return 0;
    31 	}
    32 #endif /* _MSC_VER */
    34 class DumpRegistryTool tool;
    36 //entry point
    37 int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    38 	{
    39 #ifdef _MSC_VER
    40 	_set_new_handler (throwingHandler);	// Make ::new throw rather than return NULL
    41 #endif /* _MSC_VER */
    43 	if(argc < 2)
    44 		{
    45 		Options::DisplayUsage();
    46 		return 0;
    47 		}
    48 	try
    49 		{
    50 		auto_ptr<Options> options(new Options(argc , argv));
    51 		tool.Run(*options);
    52 		}
    54 	catch (Exceptions aErr)
    55 		{
    56 		Options::DisplayError(aErr);
    57 		return aErr;
    58 		}
    60 	catch (bad_alloc&)
    61 		{
    62 		cout << "Error Allocating Memory " << endl ;
    63 		}
    65 	return 0; 
    66 	}
    68 DumpRegistryTool::DumpRegistryTool()
    69 	:iRegistryEntryValid(false) ,
    70 	iFile("\\0") ,
    71 	iFileMajorVersion (0) ,
    72 	iFileMinorVersion (0) ,
    73 	iPkgVendorLocalizedName (0) ,
    74 	iPkgInstallType (0) ,
    75 	iRomBasedPkg (0) ,
    76 	iPkgPreinstalledStatus (0) ,	
    77 	iPkgSignedStatus (0) ,
    78 	iPkgTrust (0) ,	 
    79 	iNotUsed (0) ,
    80 	iTimeStampl (0) ,
    81 	iTimeStamph (0)
    82 	{
    83 	iInstallType[0] = "Installation" ;
    84 	iInstallType[1] = "Augmentation" ;
    85 	iInstallType[2] = "PartialUpgrade" ;
    86 	iInstallType[3] = "PralledApp" ;
    87 	iInstallType[4] = "PralledPatch" ;
    89 	iPackageTrust[0] = "SisPackageUnsignedOrSelfSigned" ;
    90 	iPackageTrust[50] = "SisPackageValidationFailed" ;
    91 	iPackageTrust[100] = "SisPackageCertificateChainNoTrustAnchor" ;
    92 	iPackageTrust[200] = "SisPackageCertificateChainValidatedToTrustAnchor" ;
    93 	iPackageTrust[300] = "SisPackageChainValidatedToTrustAnchorOCSPTransientError" ;
    94 	iPackageTrust[400] = "SisPackageChainValidatedToTrustAnchorAndOCSPValid" ;
    95 	iPackageTrust[500] = "SisPackageBuiltIntoRom" ;
    97 	iValidationStatus[0] = "Unknown" ;
    98 	iValidationStatus[10] = "Expired" ;
    99 	iValidationStatus[20] = "Invalid" ;
   100 	iValidationStatus[30] = "Unsigned" ;
   101 	iValidationStatus[40] = "Validated" ;
   102 	iValidationStatus[50] = "ValidatedToAnchor" ;
   103 	iValidationStatus[60] = "PackageInRom" ;
   105 	iRevocationStatus[0] = "Unknown2" ;
   106 	iRevocationStatus[10] = "OcspNotPerformed" ;
   107 	iRevocationStatus[20] = "OcspRevoked" ;
   108 	iRevocationStatus[30] = "OcspUnknown" ;
   109 	iRevocationStatus[40] = "OcspTransient" ;
   110 	iRevocationStatus[50] = "OcspGood" ;
   111 	}
   113 /**
   114   Calls the ListFilesInDirectory(),which provides a vector containing all the .reg files present in the 
   115   package directory specified,and iterates this vector one by one and calls ExtractRegistry() ,to extract the information
   116   from that particular .reg file.
   117   */
   119 void DumpRegistryTool::Run(const Options& aOptions)
   120 	{
   121 	std::vector<std::string> regFiles;
   122 	//-p option specified
   123 	if(aOptions.IsPkgUIDSpecified())
   124 		{
   125 		regFiles = OSInterface::ExtractFilesFromDirectory(aOptions.PkgUID(), "reg");
   126 		}
   128 	//-r option specified
   129 	if(aOptions.IsRegistryEntrySpecified())
   130 		{
   131 		regFiles = OSInterface::ExtractFilesFromDirectory(aOptions.RegistryFilePath(), "reg");
   132 		}
   134 	for(vector<string>::const_iterator regIterator = regFiles.begin(); regIterator != regFiles.end(); regIterator++)
   135 		{
   136 		string file = *regIterator;
   137 		const char* fileName = file.c_str();
   138 		bool success = ExtractRegistry(fileName , aOptions);
   139 		if(!success)
   140 			{
   141 			cout << "Package Information:" << endl << endl;
   142 			cout << "Registry Entry :" << fileName <<" IS EMPTY " << endl;
   143 			}
   144 		}
   146 	//if -r option is specified and the registry entry(either pkg name,pkg uid or vendor name is not specified)
   147 	//display usage.
   148 	if(!iRegistryEntryValid && (aOptions.IsRegistryEntrySpecified()))
   149 		{
   150 		cout << "Invalid Registry Entry Specified ." << endl << endl; 
   151 		}
   152 	}
   154 /**
   155   Extracts the particular registry contents.
   156   @param registry file
   157  */
   158 bool DumpRegistryTool::ExtractRegistry(const char* aRegFile , const Options& aOptions)	
   159 	{
   160 	StreamReader reader(aRegFile);
   161 	//check if file is empty
   162 	bool isFileEmpty = reader.Initialise();
   163 	if(isFileEmpty)
   164 		{
   165 		return false;
   166 		}
   168 	RegistryPackage package;
   169 	RegistryToken token;
   170 	token.ExtractRegistryToken(reader,package);
   171 	ExtractPackageInformation(reader);
   173 	unsigned int uid = package.PkgUID();
   174 	char uidBuf[KLength];
   175 	itoa(uid,uidBuf,KRadix);
   177 	//if -p option is specified
   178 	if(aOptions.IsPkgUIDSpecified())
   179 		{
   180 		cout << "Package Information:" << endl << endl;
   181 		cout << "Registry File :" << aRegFile << endl << endl;
   182 		package.DisplayPackage();
   183 		token.DisplayRegistryToken();
   184 		DisplayPackageInformation();
   185 		}
   187 	//if -r option sis specified.
   188 	if(aOptions.IsRegistryEntrySpecified()) 
   189 		{
   190 		int packageUid = CompareUserAndFileSpecifiedData(aOptions.PkgUID(), uidBuf);
   191 		int packageName = CompareUserAndFileSpecifiedData(aOptions.PkgName(), package.PackageName());
   192 		int vendorName = CompareUserAndFileSpecifiedData(aOptions.VendorName(), package.Vendor());
   194 		if(packageUid && packageName && vendorName)
   195 			{
   196 			iRegistryEntryValid = true;
   197 			cout <<"Registry Controller Information:" << endl << endl;
   198 			cout << "Registry Entry :" << aRegFile << endl << endl;
   199 			package.DisplayPackage();
   200 			unsigned int count = token.GetControllerCount();
   201 			for(int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
   202 				{
   203 				token.ControllerInformation()->DisplayControllerInfo(i);
   204 				}
   205 			ExtractControllerInformation(reader);
   206 			}
   207 		}
   208 	iFile.close();
   209 	return true;
   210 	}
   212 /**
   213   Extracts the information about sis dependencies,sis embeds, sis file description,sis properties , 
   214   validation status and revocation status .
   215  */
   217 void DumpRegistryTool::ExtractControllerInformation(StreamReader& aReader)
   218 	{
   219 	//list of depenedent SISX packages 
   220 	unsigned int dependencyCount = aReader.ReadInt32(); 
   221 	cout << "Number of Dependencies : " << dependencyCount << endl << endl;
   222 	if(dependencyCount)
   223 		{
   224 		cout << "Dependencies Information : " << endl << endl;
   225 		SISDependency* dependency = new SISDependency[dependencyCount];	
   226 		for(int j = 0; j < dependencyCount; j++)
   227 			{
   228 			dependency[j].ExtractDependency(aReader);
   229 			dependency[j].DisplayDependencyInfo();
   230 			}
   231 		delete [] dependency;
   232 		}
   234 	//list of embedded SISX files
   235 	unsigned int embeddedCount = aReader.ReadInt32(); 
   236 	cout<<"Number of Embedded Packages : " << embeddedCount << endl << endl;
   237 	if(embeddedCount)
   238 		{
   239 		cout << "List Of Embedded  Packages:" << endl << endl;
   240 		SISEmbeds* embed = new SISEmbeds[embeddedCount];	
   241 		for(int i = 0; i < embeddedCount ; i++)
   242 			{
   243 			embed[i].ExtractEmbeds(aReader);
   244 			embed[i].DisplayEmbeddedInfo();
   245 			}
   246 		delete [] embed;
   247 		}
   249 	//properties for the SISX package,is a key, value pair associated with a SISX package.
   250 	unsigned int sisPropertyCount = aReader.ReadInt32();
   251 	cout << "SISProperty Count:"<< sisPropertyCount << endl << endl;
   252 	if(sisPropertyCount)
   253 		{
   254 		cout << "SIS Properties :" << endl << endl;
   255 		SISProperty* property = new SISProperty[sisPropertyCount];
   256 		for(int k = 0; k < sisPropertyCount; k++)
   257 			{
   258 			property[k].ExtractSISProperty(aReader);
   259 			property[k].DisplaySISProperty();
   260 			}
   261 		delete [] property;
   262 		}
   264 	//information about files to be installed .
   265 	unsigned int sisFileDescriptionCount = aReader.ReadInt32();
   266 	cout << "Number Of File Descriptions :" << sisFileDescriptionCount << endl << endl;
   267 	if(sisFileDescriptionCount)
   268 		{
   269 		cout << "SIS File Description:" << endl << endl;
   270 		SISFileDescription* description = new SISFileDescription[sisFileDescriptionCount];	
   271 		for(int l = 0; l < sisFileDescriptionCount; l++)
   272 			{
   273 			description[l].ExtractSISFileDescription(aReader);
   274 			description[l].DisplaySISFileDescription(l);
   275 			}
   276 		delete [] description;
   277 		}
   279 	unsigned int statusOfValidation = aReader.ReadInt32();
   280 	if(tool.iValidationStatus.find(statusOfValidation) !=tool.iValidationStatus.end())
   281 		{
   282 		cout<<"Validation Status : "<< iValidationStatus[statusOfValidation] << endl;
   283 		}
   284 	else
   285 		{
   286 		cout << "Validation Status : " << "Unknown" << endl;
   287 		}
   289 	unsigned int revocationStatus = aReader.ReadInt32();
   290 	if(tool.iRevocationStatus.find(revocationStatus) != tool.iRevocationStatus.end())
   291 		{
   292 		cout << "Revocation Status : " << iRevocationStatus[revocationStatus] << endl;
   293 		}
   294 	else
   295 		{
   296 		cout << "Revocation Status : " << "Unknown" << endl;
   297 		}
   299 	}
   301 //this function is to check whether the user specified values for registry entries matches the one specified in the .reg file.
   302 int DumpRegistryTool::CompareUserAndFileSpecifiedData(const string& aUserSpecified , const string& aFileSpecified)
   303 	{
   304 	string::const_iterator userIter = aUserSpecified.begin();
   305 	string::const_iterator fileIter = aFileSpecified.begin();
   307 	int userSize = aUserSpecified.length();
   308 	int size = aFileSpecified.length();
   310 	//stop when either string end has reached
   311 	while((userIter != aUserSpecified.end()) && (fileIter != aFileSpecified.end()))
   312 		{
   313 		if(::toupper(*userIter) != ::toupper(*fileIter))
   314 			{
   315 			return 0;
   316 			}
   317 		++userIter;
   318 		++fileIter;
   319 		}
   321 	if(userSize == size)
   322 		{
   323 		return 1;
   324 		}
   325 	else
   326 		{
   327 		return 0;
   328 		}
   329 	}
   332 /**
   333   This function extracts top level information about a package namely install type,whether it is rom based,trust status of package
   334  */
   335 void DumpRegistryTool::ExtractPackageInformation(StreamReader& aReader)
   336 	{
   337 	iFileMajorVersion = aReader.ReadInt16();
   338 	iFileMinorVersion = aReader.ReadInt16();
   339 	iPkgVendorLocalizedName = aReader.ReadDescriptor();
   340 	iPkgInstallType = aReader.ReadInt32(); 
   341 	iRomBasedPkg = aReader.ReadInt32();				//is package ROM Based
   342 	iPkgPreinstalledStatus = aReader.ReadInt32();	//is package preinstalled
   343 	iPkgSignedStatus = aReader.ReadInt32();			//is package signed   
   344 	iPkgTrust = aReader.ReadInt32();				//trust status of package 
   345 	iNotUsed = aReader.ReadInt32(); 
   346 	iTimeStampl = aReader.ReadInt32();
   347 	iTimeStamph = aReader.ReadInt32();
   348 	}
   351 void DumpRegistryTool::DisplayPackageInformation()
   352 	{
   353 	cout << "File Major Version :" << iFileMajorVersion << endl;
   354 	cout << "File Minor Version :" << iFileMinorVersion << endl;
   355 	cout << "Package Vendor Localized Name :" << iPkgVendorLocalizedName << endl;
   356 	if(tool.iInstallType.find(iPkgInstallType) != tool.iInstallType.end())
   357 		{
   358 		cout << "Package Install Type :" << tool.iInstallType[iPkgInstallType] << endl;
   359 		}
   360 	else
   361 		{
   362 		cout << "Package Install Type :" << "Unknown" << endl;
   363 		}
   365 	if(iRomBasedPkg)
   366 		{
   367 		cout << "Is Package in ROM :" << "Yes" << endl;
   368 		}
   369 	else
   370 		{
   371 		cout<<"Is Package in ROM :"<< "No" <<endl;
   372 		}
   375 	if(iPkgPreinstalledStatus)
   376 		{
   377 		cout << "Package Preinstalled :" << "Yes" << endl;
   378 		}
   379 	else
   380 		{
   381 		cout << "Package Preinstalled :" << "No" << endl;
   382 		}
   384 	if(iPkgSignedStatus)
   385 		{
   386 		cout << "Package Signed :" << "Yes" << endl;
   387 		}
   388 	else
   389 		{
   390 		cout << "Is Package Signed :" << "No" << endl;
   391 		}
   393 	if(tool.iPackageTrust.find(iPkgTrust) !=tool.iPackageTrust.end())
   394 		{
   395 		cout << "Package Trust :" << tool.iPackageTrust[iPkgTrust] << endl;
   396 		}
   397 	else
   398 		{
   399 		cout << "Package Trust :" << "Unknown" << endl << endl;
   400 		}
   401 	}
   404 DumpRegistryTool::~DumpRegistryTool()
   405 	{
   406 	delete [] iPkgVendorLocalizedName;
   407 	}