changeset 0 ba25891c3a9e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/secureswitools/swianalysistoolkit/source/dumpswiregistrytool/dumpswiregistrytool.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:51:10 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+#include "dumpswiregistrytool.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#include <new>
+#include <new.h>
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+// House-keeping to allow ::new to throw rather than return NULL in MSVC++
+int throwingHandler(size_t)
+	{
+	throw std::bad_alloc();
+	return 0;
+	}
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+class DumpRegistryTool tool;
+//entry point
+int main(int argc,char *argv[])
+	{
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+	_set_new_handler (throwingHandler);	// Make ::new throw rather than return NULL
+#endif /* _MSC_VER */
+	if(argc < 2)
+		{
+		Options::DisplayUsage();
+		return 0;
+		}
+	try
+		{
+		auto_ptr<Options> options(new Options(argc , argv));
+		tool.Run(*options);
+		}
+	catch (Exceptions aErr)
+		{
+		Options::DisplayError(aErr);
+		return aErr;
+		}
+	catch (bad_alloc&)
+		{
+		cout << "Error Allocating Memory " << endl ;
+		}
+	return 0; 
+	}
+	:iRegistryEntryValid(false) ,
+	iFile("\\0") ,
+	iFileMajorVersion (0) ,
+	iFileMinorVersion (0) ,
+	iPkgVendorLocalizedName (0) ,
+	iPkgInstallType (0) ,
+	iRomBasedPkg (0) ,
+	iPkgPreinstalledStatus (0) ,	
+	iPkgSignedStatus (0) ,
+	iPkgTrust (0) ,	 
+	iNotUsed (0) ,
+	iTimeStampl (0) ,
+	iTimeStamph (0)
+	{
+	iInstallType[0] = "Installation" ;
+	iInstallType[1] = "Augmentation" ;
+	iInstallType[2] = "PartialUpgrade" ;
+	iInstallType[3] = "PralledApp" ;
+	iInstallType[4] = "PralledPatch" ;
+	iPackageTrust[0] = "SisPackageUnsignedOrSelfSigned" ;
+	iPackageTrust[50] = "SisPackageValidationFailed" ;
+	iPackageTrust[100] = "SisPackageCertificateChainNoTrustAnchor" ;
+	iPackageTrust[200] = "SisPackageCertificateChainValidatedToTrustAnchor" ;
+	iPackageTrust[300] = "SisPackageChainValidatedToTrustAnchorOCSPTransientError" ;
+	iPackageTrust[400] = "SisPackageChainValidatedToTrustAnchorAndOCSPValid" ;
+	iPackageTrust[500] = "SisPackageBuiltIntoRom" ;
+	iValidationStatus[0] = "Unknown" ;
+	iValidationStatus[10] = "Expired" ;
+	iValidationStatus[20] = "Invalid" ;
+	iValidationStatus[30] = "Unsigned" ;
+	iValidationStatus[40] = "Validated" ;
+	iValidationStatus[50] = "ValidatedToAnchor" ;
+	iValidationStatus[60] = "PackageInRom" ;
+	iRevocationStatus[0] = "Unknown2" ;
+	iRevocationStatus[10] = "OcspNotPerformed" ;
+	iRevocationStatus[20] = "OcspRevoked" ;
+	iRevocationStatus[30] = "OcspUnknown" ;
+	iRevocationStatus[40] = "OcspTransient" ;
+	iRevocationStatus[50] = "OcspGood" ;
+	}
+  Calls the ListFilesInDirectory(),which provides a vector containing all the .reg files present in the 
+  package directory specified,and iterates this vector one by one and calls ExtractRegistry() ,to extract the information
+  from that particular .reg file.
+  */
+void DumpRegistryTool::Run(const Options& aOptions)
+	{
+	std::vector<std::string> regFiles;
+	//-p option specified
+	if(aOptions.IsPkgUIDSpecified())
+		{
+		regFiles = OSInterface::ExtractFilesFromDirectory(aOptions.PkgUID(), "reg");
+		}
+	//-r option specified
+	if(aOptions.IsRegistryEntrySpecified())
+		{
+		regFiles = OSInterface::ExtractFilesFromDirectory(aOptions.RegistryFilePath(), "reg");
+		}
+	for(vector<string>::const_iterator regIterator = regFiles.begin(); regIterator != regFiles.end(); regIterator++)
+		{
+		string file = *regIterator;
+		const char* fileName = file.c_str();
+		bool success = ExtractRegistry(fileName , aOptions);
+		if(!success)
+			{
+			cout << "Package Information:" << endl << endl;
+			cout << "Registry Entry :" << fileName <<" IS EMPTY " << endl;
+			}
+		}
+	//if -r option is specified and the registry entry(either pkg name,pkg uid or vendor name is not specified)
+	//display usage.
+	if(!iRegistryEntryValid && (aOptions.IsRegistryEntrySpecified()))
+		{
+		cout << "Invalid Registry Entry Specified ." << endl << endl; 
+		}
+	}
+  Extracts the particular registry contents.
+  @param registry file
+ */
+bool DumpRegistryTool::ExtractRegistry(const char* aRegFile , const Options& aOptions)	
+	{
+	StreamReader reader(aRegFile);
+	//check if file is empty
+	bool isFileEmpty = reader.Initialise();
+	if(isFileEmpty)
+		{
+		return false;
+		}
+	RegistryPackage package;
+	RegistryToken token;
+	token.ExtractRegistryToken(reader,package);
+	ExtractPackageInformation(reader);
+	unsigned int uid = package.PkgUID();
+	char uidBuf[KLength];
+	itoa(uid,uidBuf,KRadix);
+	//if -p option is specified
+	if(aOptions.IsPkgUIDSpecified())
+		{
+		cout << "Package Information:" << endl << endl;
+		cout << "Registry File :" << aRegFile << endl << endl;
+		package.DisplayPackage();
+		token.DisplayRegistryToken();
+		DisplayPackageInformation();
+		}
+	//if -r option sis specified.
+	if(aOptions.IsRegistryEntrySpecified()) 
+		{
+		int packageUid = CompareUserAndFileSpecifiedData(aOptions.PkgUID(), uidBuf);
+		int packageName = CompareUserAndFileSpecifiedData(aOptions.PkgName(), package.PackageName());
+		int vendorName = CompareUserAndFileSpecifiedData(aOptions.VendorName(), package.Vendor());
+		if(packageUid && packageName && vendorName)
+			{
+			iRegistryEntryValid = true;
+			cout <<"Registry Controller Information:" << endl << endl;
+			cout << "Registry Entry :" << aRegFile << endl << endl;
+			package.DisplayPackage();
+			unsigned int count = token.GetControllerCount();
+			for(int i = 0 ; i < count ; i++)
+				{
+				token.ControllerInformation()->DisplayControllerInfo(i);
+				}
+			ExtractControllerInformation(reader);
+			}
+		}
+	iFile.close();
+	return true;
+	}
+  Extracts the information about sis dependencies,sis embeds, sis file description,sis properties , 
+  validation status and revocation status .
+ */
+void DumpRegistryTool::ExtractControllerInformation(StreamReader& aReader)
+	{
+	//list of depenedent SISX packages 
+	unsigned int dependencyCount = aReader.ReadInt32(); 
+	cout << "Number of Dependencies : " << dependencyCount << endl << endl;
+	if(dependencyCount)
+		{
+		cout << "Dependencies Information : " << endl << endl;
+		SISDependency* dependency = new SISDependency[dependencyCount];	
+		for(int j = 0; j < dependencyCount; j++)
+			{
+			dependency[j].ExtractDependency(aReader);
+			dependency[j].DisplayDependencyInfo();
+			}
+		delete [] dependency;
+		}
+	//list of embedded SISX files
+	unsigned int embeddedCount = aReader.ReadInt32(); 
+	cout<<"Number of Embedded Packages : " << embeddedCount << endl << endl;
+	if(embeddedCount)
+		{
+		cout << "List Of Embedded  Packages:" << endl << endl;
+		SISEmbeds* embed = new SISEmbeds[embeddedCount];	
+		for(int i = 0; i < embeddedCount ; i++)
+			{
+			embed[i].ExtractEmbeds(aReader);
+			embed[i].DisplayEmbeddedInfo();
+			}
+		delete [] embed;
+		}
+	//properties for the SISX package,is a key, value pair associated with a SISX package.
+	unsigned int sisPropertyCount = aReader.ReadInt32();
+	cout << "SISProperty Count:"<< sisPropertyCount << endl << endl;
+	if(sisPropertyCount)
+		{
+		cout << "SIS Properties :" << endl << endl;
+		SISProperty* property = new SISProperty[sisPropertyCount];
+		for(int k = 0; k < sisPropertyCount; k++)
+			{
+			property[k].ExtractSISProperty(aReader);
+			property[k].DisplaySISProperty();
+			}
+		delete [] property;
+		}
+	//information about files to be installed .
+	unsigned int sisFileDescriptionCount = aReader.ReadInt32();
+	cout << "Number Of File Descriptions :" << sisFileDescriptionCount << endl << endl;
+	if(sisFileDescriptionCount)
+		{
+		cout << "SIS File Description:" << endl << endl;
+		SISFileDescription* description = new SISFileDescription[sisFileDescriptionCount];	
+		for(int l = 0; l < sisFileDescriptionCount; l++)
+			{
+			description[l].ExtractSISFileDescription(aReader);
+			description[l].DisplaySISFileDescription(l);
+			}
+		delete [] description;
+		}
+	unsigned int statusOfValidation = aReader.ReadInt32();
+	if(tool.iValidationStatus.find(statusOfValidation) !=tool.iValidationStatus.end())
+		{
+		cout<<"Validation Status : "<< iValidationStatus[statusOfValidation] << endl;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		cout << "Validation Status : " << "Unknown" << endl;
+		}
+	unsigned int revocationStatus = aReader.ReadInt32();
+	if(tool.iRevocationStatus.find(revocationStatus) != tool.iRevocationStatus.end())
+		{
+		cout << "Revocation Status : " << iRevocationStatus[revocationStatus] << endl;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		cout << "Revocation Status : " << "Unknown" << endl;
+		}
+	}
+//this function is to check whether the user specified values for registry entries matches the one specified in the .reg file.
+int DumpRegistryTool::CompareUserAndFileSpecifiedData(const string& aUserSpecified , const string& aFileSpecified)
+	{
+	string::const_iterator userIter = aUserSpecified.begin();
+	string::const_iterator fileIter = aFileSpecified.begin();
+	int userSize = aUserSpecified.length();
+	int size = aFileSpecified.length();
+	//stop when either string end has reached
+	while((userIter != aUserSpecified.end()) && (fileIter != aFileSpecified.end()))
+		{
+		if(::toupper(*userIter) != ::toupper(*fileIter))
+			{
+			return 0;
+			}
+		++userIter;
+		++fileIter;
+		}
+	if(userSize == size)
+		{
+		return 1;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		return 0;
+		}
+	}
+  This function extracts top level information about a package namely install type,whether it is rom based,trust status of package
+ */
+void DumpRegistryTool::ExtractPackageInformation(StreamReader& aReader)
+	{
+	iFileMajorVersion = aReader.ReadInt16();
+	iFileMinorVersion = aReader.ReadInt16();
+	iPkgVendorLocalizedName = aReader.ReadDescriptor();
+	iPkgInstallType = aReader.ReadInt32(); 
+	iRomBasedPkg = aReader.ReadInt32();				//is package ROM Based
+	iPkgPreinstalledStatus = aReader.ReadInt32();	//is package preinstalled
+	iPkgSignedStatus = aReader.ReadInt32();			//is package signed   
+	iPkgTrust = aReader.ReadInt32();				//trust status of package 
+	iNotUsed = aReader.ReadInt32(); 
+	iTimeStampl = aReader.ReadInt32();
+	iTimeStamph = aReader.ReadInt32();
+	}
+void DumpRegistryTool::DisplayPackageInformation()
+	{
+	cout << "File Major Version :" << iFileMajorVersion << endl;
+	cout << "File Minor Version :" << iFileMinorVersion << endl;
+	cout << "Package Vendor Localized Name :" << iPkgVendorLocalizedName << endl;
+	if(tool.iInstallType.find(iPkgInstallType) != tool.iInstallType.end())
+		{
+		cout << "Package Install Type :" << tool.iInstallType[iPkgInstallType] << endl;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		cout << "Package Install Type :" << "Unknown" << endl;
+		}
+	if(iRomBasedPkg)
+		{
+		cout << "Is Package in ROM :" << "Yes" << endl;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		cout<<"Is Package in ROM :"<< "No" <<endl;
+		}
+	if(iPkgPreinstalledStatus)
+		{
+		cout << "Package Preinstalled :" << "Yes" << endl;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		cout << "Package Preinstalled :" << "No" << endl;
+		}
+	if(iPkgSignedStatus)
+		{
+		cout << "Package Signed :" << "Yes" << endl;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		cout << "Is Package Signed :" << "No" << endl;
+		}
+	if(tool.iPackageTrust.find(iPkgTrust) !=tool.iPackageTrust.end())
+		{
+		cout << "Package Trust :" << tool.iPackageTrust[iPkgTrust] << endl;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		cout << "Package Trust :" << "Unknown" << endl << endl;
+		}
+	}
+	{
+	delete [] iPkgVendorLocalizedName;
+	}