author fimarlaht2 <>
Mon, 18 Oct 2010 15:01:14 +0300
changeset 85 32f887d619a0
parent 0 2e3d3ce01487
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3556 - Not possible to restore factory settings

KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid 537013634
ENormalRfs 0
EDeepRfs 1
EInitRfs 2
EFooRfs -1


title MessageCentreRFSPlugin create and destroy
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to create plugin
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
pause 100
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin normal RFS
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass RestoreFactorySettings ENormalRfs
print Normal rfs done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin deep RFS
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass RestoreFactorySettings EDeepRfs
print Deep rfs done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin init RFS
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass RestoreFactorySettings EInitRfs
print Init rfs done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin foo RFS
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass RestoreFactorySettings EFooRfs
print Foo rfs done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin normal RFS get script
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to normal rfs
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass GetScript ENormalRfs
print Get script done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin deep RFS get script
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to normal rfs
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass GetScript EDeepRfs
print Get script done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin init RFS get script
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to normal rfs
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass GetScript EInitRfs
print Get script done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin foo RFS get script
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to normal rfs
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass GetScript EFooRfs
print Get script done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin normal RFS custom cmd
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to normal rfs
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass ExecuteCustomCommand ENormalRfs
print Cmd done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin deep RFS custom cmd
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to normal rfs
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass ExecuteCustomCommand EDeepRfs
print Cmd done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin init RFS custom cmd
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to normal rfs
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass ExecuteCustomCommand EInitRfs
print Cmd done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin foo RFS custom cmd
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to normal rfs
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass ExecuteCustomCommand EFooRfs
print Cmd done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin normal RFS full seq
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to do seq
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass RestoreFactorySettings ENormalRfs
print Rfs done
testClass GetScript ENormalRfs
print Get script done
testClass ExecuteCustomCommand ENormalRfs
print Cmd done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin deep RFS full seq
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to do seq
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass RestoreFactorySettings EDeepRfs
print Rfs done
testClass GetScript EDeepRfs
print Get script done
testClass ExecuteCustomCommand EDeepRfs
print Cmd done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin init RFS full seq
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to do seq
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass RestoreFactorySettings EInitRfs
print Rfs done
testClass GetScript EInitRfs
print Get script done
testClass ExecuteCustomCommand EInitRfs
print Cmd done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass

title MessageCentreRFSPlugin foo RFS full seq
create msgcentrerfsplugintest testClass
print About to do seq
testClass CreatePlugin KMessageCentreRfsPluginUid
print Plugin created
testClass RestoreFactorySettings EFooRfs
print Rfs done
testClass GetScript EFooRfs
print Get script done
testClass ExecuteCustomCommand EFooRfs
print Cmd done
testClass DestroyPlugin
print Plugin destroyed
delete testClass