changeset 0 8e480a14352b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingfw/msgtestfw/TestActions/Email/Imap4/src/CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages.cpp	Mon Jan 18 20:36:02 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1902 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// [Action Name]
+// CompareEmailMessages
+// [Action Parameters]
+// CMsvSession&			session   <input>			: Reference to the session.
+// CMsvEntrySelection&	SentMailSelection <input>	: Reference to the
+// sent mail selection
+// CMsvEntrySelection&	RecvMailSelection <input>	: Reference to the
+// received mail selection
+// CMtfTestParameter&	Download limits <input>		: The CMTfTestParameter object
+// which stores either full download
+// limits or partial download limits
+// that was set during mail download
+// [Action Description]
+// Compares the sent and received email messages for size and contents based on
+// the download limits set.  The sent and received messages with the same 
+// Subject field are compared.  The Complete and Partial download flags set for 
+// the message parts are verified.
+// Restrictions:
+// 1. The Test Action supports comparison of simple emails messages with Body Text,
+// Html part and attachments of B64 encoding format.  Needs to be enhanced to 
+// support emails with embedded messages, all attachment types and MHTML messages.
+// 2. The size of the encoded message parts (Body text, Attachment and Html) are not 
+// available as there are no APIs available to get this information
+// Workarounds in the Test Action:
+// For Body Text part:
+// 1. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref1]
+// The size of the encoded body text is not available. Hence the size of the 
+// body text in the message store will be used.  In the Test Case, care has
+// to be taken to have the limits set, such that, the limits considers the 
+// size of the encoded body text part and not the size of the body text present
+// in the store.
+// 2. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref2]
+// For the defect "The CRLF characters is NOT interpreted  correctly".
+// The body text size is reduced by the tolerance length to overcome
+// the message comparison failure
+// 3. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3]
+// The Communigate Pro server adds a disclaimer at the beginning
+// of the body text in the received message.  This message has to be removed 
+// from the body text of the received message before comparison.  The function
+// needs to be enhanced to handle different server messages.
+// 4. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref4]
+// For the defect "The size of the body text in the sent and the received emails
+// differ by 2 bytes.".  The size of the sent message's body text is set to
+// that of the received message's body text size.
+// 5. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref5]
+// For the defect "For partially downloaded Body text of a message, 
+// the corresponding TMsvEntry.iSize represents the size present in the 
+// RFC822 message body text size. It does NOT indicate the partially downloaded
+// body text size".  The size of the set message is set to that of partially
+// downloaded body text before comparing.  It is required to manually verify
+// the size of the partially downloaded message text in the email log files.
+// 6. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref6]
+// The remaining size of the body text or Html part on the server 
+// is not available, hence expected remaining size of the Body text on
+// the server cannot be calculated.  Hence verification of the footer message
+// information is not possible.  The value of the remaining size
+// of the body text size on the server needs to be manually verified 
+// by checking the email logs. In the test action, the footer message present
+// in the buffer is printed in the log file.
+// 7. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref7]
+// When a message with only attachment is created, one byte of body text is
+// getting added.  To take care of this conditions, the sent body text size
+// is checked for being greater than 1 instead of 0.  This means the Body text
+// part used for testing should be greater than 1 Byte.
+// For Html part:
+// 1. [WorkAround for Html Part Ref1]
+// Not verifying relative URIs, since message with only one Html part considered
+// 2. [WorkAround for Html Part Ref2]
+// The size of the encoded html part is not available, hence the size of the Html 
+// file in the message store is considered.  Test Case need to ensure that the 
+// download limits consider the encoded Html size rather than the size got from the store
+// For Attachments:
+// 1.	[WorkAround for Attachments Ref1]
+// The attachment download limits refers to the encoded attachment 
+// size.  This size is not available through any of the APIs.  The
+// available size of the attachment is the size of the file that 
+// is present in the message store. This size is smaller than the 
+// encoded size. Hence adding a correction value to get the approximate
+// size of the encoded attachment.
+// Note: this correction holds good for only B64 encoding.
+// For All Message Parts:
+// 1.   [WorkAround for general Ref1]
+// Though the TMsvEntry::Complete() and TMsvEmailEntry::PartialDownloaded()
+// returns a TBool value, the returned value will not equal to the value of 
+// ETrue and EFalse.  Hence the direct comparison of the set flag value 
+// and the expected flag value is not possible
+// [APIs Used]
+// CImEmailMessage::AttachmentSelection()
+// CMsvEntry::SetEntry()
+ @file
+#include <cemailaccounts.h>
+#include <iapprefs.h>
+#include <imapset.h>
+#include <cmsvattachment.h>
+#include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h>
+#include <miutmsg.h>
+// User include
+#include "CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages.h"
+#include "CMtfTestActionParameters.h"
+#include "TestFrameworkActionsUtils.h"
+//Granularity for CArrayFixFlat arrays
+const TInt KArrayGranularity = 8;
+// Correction to attachment size
+  NewL()
+  Constructs a CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages object.
+  Uses two phase construction and leaves nothing on the CleanupStack.
+  @internalTechnology
+  @param  aTestCase          Test Case to which the Test Action belongs
+  @param  aActionParameters  Action parameters, must not be NULL
+  @return Created object of type CMtfTestAction
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+CMtfTestAction* CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::NewL(CMtfTestCase& aTestCase,
+													CMtfTestActionParameters* aActionParameters)
+	{
+	CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages* self = 
+					new (ELeave) CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages(aTestCase);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL(aActionParameters);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+  Constructor
+  Constructs a CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages object and initialises the member variables.
+  @internalTechnology
+  @param  aTestCase  Test Case to which the Test Action belongs
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages(CMtfTestCase& aTestCase)
+	: CMtfSynchronousTestAction(aTestCase), iParamSession(NULL), iDownloadType(EFullDownload),
+  	  iCumulativeSize(0), iSentMessageInfo(NULL), iRecvMessageInfo(NULL)
+	{
+	}
+  Destructor
+  Destructor of the class CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages.
+  Deletes the message information stored in the CMtfTestActionUtilsEmailMessage
+  objects
+  @internalTechnology
+  @param  None
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+	{
+	delete 	iSentMessageInfo;
+	delete 	iRecvMessageInfo;
+	}
+  ExecuteActionL
+  Obtains the parameters for the test action and then calls CompareEmailMessagesL()
+  function to compare the sent and the received messages, based on the download
+  limits set.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::ExecuteActionL()
+	{
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test Action %S start..."), &KTestActionCompareEmailMessages);
+	// Get the session object 
+	iParamSession				= ObtainParameterReferenceL<CMsvSession>
+									(TestCase(),ActionParameters().Parameter(0));
+	// Get the selection object of messages in sent folder - Sent
+	CMsvEntrySelection*	sentMsgSelectionList = 
+									ObtainParameterReferenceL<CMsvEntrySelection>
+									(TestCase(), ActionParameters().Parameter(1)); 
+	// Get the selection object of messages in received folder - Inbox
+	CMsvEntrySelection*	recvMsgSelectionList = 
+									ObtainParameterReferenceL<CMsvEntrySelection>
+									(TestCase(), ActionParameters().Parameter(2)); 
+	if( iParamSession == NULL || sentMsgSelectionList == NULL ||
+		 recvMsgSelectionList == NULL)
+		{
+		// Invalid input parameter value
+		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid session or message selection object found"));
+		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+			{
+			// Get the download limits provided as the test action input and
+			// store the limit values
+			SetDownloadLimits();
+			if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+				{
+				// Compare sent and received messages
+				CompareEmailMessagesL(*sentMsgSelectionList, *recvMsgSelectionList);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// Test Action is complete
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test Action %S completed."), &KTestActionCompareEmailMessages);
+	TestCase().ActionCompletedL(*this);
+	}	
+  SetDownloadLimitsL
+  Obtains the parameter that contians download limits.  Checks for the type of
+  the download limits being set.  Retrieves the values of the limits and stores
+  them in member variables.
+  @internalTechnology
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::SetDownloadLimits()
+	{
+	// Get the Partial download limits or  full download limits
+	const CMtfTestParameter& paramDownloadLimits = TestCase().ObtainParameterL
+										  	 (ActionParameters().Parameter(3));
+	// Buffer to store the download limits set
+	HBufC8* buf=reinterpret_cast<HBufC8*>(paramDownloadLimits.Parameter());
+	// Verify CMtfTestParameter object - Partial/Complete 
+	if ( paramDownloadLimits.SpecificTypeId() == EMtfTImImap4GetPartialMailInfo)
+		{
+		// Partial download limits set
+		TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo value;
+		TPckgC<TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo> unpack(value);
+		unpack.Set(*buf);
+		iImapPartialDownloadLimits = unpack();
+		// Set the download type as partial download
+		iDownloadType = EPartialDownload;
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo received as input"));
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF4(_L("TotalSizeLimit = %d, BodyTextSizeLimit %d, AttachmentSizeLimit %d"),
+								iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iTotalSizeLimit,
+								iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iBodyTextSizeLimit,
+								iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iAttachmentSizeLimit);
+		}
+	else if(paramDownloadLimits.SpecificTypeId() == EMtfTImImap4GetMailInfo)
+		{
+		// Full download limits set
+		TImImap4GetMailInfo value;
+		TPckgC<TImImap4GetMailInfo> unpack(value);
+		unpack.Set(*buf);
+		iImapCompleteDownloadLimits = unpack();
+		// Set the download type as full download
+		iDownloadType = EFullDownload;
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TImImap4GetMailInfo received as input"));
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iMaxEmailSize = %d"),
+									iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iMaxEmailSize);
+		}	
+	else
+		{
+		// No specified download type mentioned 
+		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Incorrect Download type provided as input"));
+		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	}
+  CompareEmailMessagesL
+  For the sent messages, searches for the received message with the same 
+  Subject field.  If the received message is found, sets the sent and received
+  message information and then calls CompareMessagesL() function to compare the 
+  contents of the message based on the download limits set.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @param  aSentMsgSelection  Selection of sent email messages
+  @param  aRecvMsgSelection  Selection of received email messages
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareEmailMessagesL(
+										 const CMsvEntrySelection& aSentMsgSelection,
+										 const CMsvEntrySelection& aRecvMsgSelection)
+	{
+	// Verify the input parameters
+	if( (!&aSentMsgSelection) || (!&aRecvMsgSelection))	
+		{
+		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid Message selection"));
+		User::LeaveIfError(KErrArgument);
+		}
+	// Get the count of messages in both the selection object.
+	TInt sentMsgCount = aSentMsgSelection.Count();
+	TInt recvMsgCount = aRecvMsgSelection.Count();
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sent Message count = %d"),sentMsgCount);
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Received Message count = %d"),recvMsgCount);
+	// Check if all the sent messages have to be received.
+	if(recvMsgCount != sentMsgCount)
+		{
+		// Number of received messages is not equal to number of sent messages
+		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Sent and Received message count not equal"));
+		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	/* Loop through the list of sent messages.  For each of the sent messages,
+	   verify if the message has been received.  The comparison is done based
+	   on the subject field.  If message is not received - ERROR
+	   Obtain the message entry with the session object, setting it to root 
+	   entry now, will be changed to the sent and received messages entries during 
+	   message comparison 
+	*/
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		CMsvEntry* sentMsvEntry = iParamSession->GetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(sentMsvEntry);
+		CMsvEntry* recvMsvEntry = iParamSession->GetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
+		CleanupStack::PushL(recvMsvEntry);
+		if((!sentMsvEntry) || (!recvMsvEntry))
+			{
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid Message Entry"));
+			User::LeaveIfError(KErrGeneral);
+			}
+		// Loop through the list of sent messages
+		for ( TInt sentMsgIndex = 0 ; (sentMsgIndex < sentMsgCount) &&
+									  (IsTestCaseStatusPass());
+									   sentMsgIndex ++)
+			{
+			// Get the sent message Id
+			TMsvId sentMsgId = aSentMsgSelection.At(sentMsgIndex);
+			// Set the context to the sent message entry
+			sentMsvEntry->SetEntryL(sentMsgId);
+			TBool found = EFalse;
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Comparison of Message: %d,  Subject: %S"),
+							(sentMsgIndex + 1), &(sentMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription));
+			// Loop through the list received messages - Inbox folder
+			for(TInt recvMsgIndex= 0; recvMsgIndex < recvMsgCount && !found
+														    ; recvMsgIndex++)	
+				{
+				// Get the received message entry
+				TMsvId recvMsgId = aRecvMsgSelection.At(recvMsgIndex);
+				// Set the context to the received message entry
+				recvMsvEntry->SetEntryL(recvMsgId);
+				// Compare the subject field of the two messages
+				if (sentMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription.
+								Compare(recvMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription) == 0)
+					{
+					TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Message with Subject field in the received selection: %S found "),
+												  &(recvMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription));
+					// Sent message has been received
+					found = ETrue;
+					// Set the email information with the sent and received emails
+					// to be compared
+					SetEmailMessageInfoL(*sentMsvEntry, *recvMsvEntry);
+					}
+				}	
+			if ( found )
+				{
+				if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+					{
+					// Message is found now compare the two messages
+					if( iDownloadType == EPartialDownload )
+						{
+						CompareMessagesWithPartialDownloadLimitsSetL();
+						}
+					else 
+						{
+						CompareMessagesWithFullDownloadLimitsSetL();
+						}
+					if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+						{
+						// Delete the email information
+						DeleteEmailMessageInfo();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			else{
+				TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Email with subject %S is not received"), &sentMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription);
+				TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+				}
+			}
+		// Cleanup the stack
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(recvMsvEntry);
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sentMsvEntry);
+		}
+	}
+  DeleteEmailMessageInfo
+  If any message information was stored for sent and received messages,
+  delete the infromation.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::DeleteEmailMessageInfo()
+	{
+	// Delete sent message information
+	delete 	iSentMessageInfo;
+	iSentMessageInfo = NULL;
+	// Delete received message information
+	delete 	iRecvMessageInfo ;
+	iRecvMessageInfo = NULL;
+	}
+  SetEmailMessageInfoL
+  Stores the message informationsent and received messages
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @param  aSentMsvEntry Entry for the sent message
+  @param  aRecvMsvEntry Entry for the received message
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::SetEmailMessageInfoL(
+											CMsvEntry& aSentMsvEntry,
+											CMsvEntry& aRecvMsvEntry)
+	{
+	// Store sent message info
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Setting information for SENT message"));
+	iSentMessageInfo = CMtfTestActionUtilsEmailMessage::NewL(aSentMsvEntry, TestCase());
+	// Store received message info
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Setting information for RECEIVED message"));
+	iRecvMessageInfo = CMtfTestActionUtilsEmailMessage::NewL(aRecvMsvEntry, TestCase());
+	}
+  CompareMessagesWithPartialDownloadLimitsSetL
+  Compares the sent and the received message based on the partial download limits set
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessagesWithPartialDownloadLimitsSetL()
+	{
+	// Partial download limits set
+	switch( iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iPartialMailOptions )
+		{
+		case ENoSizeLimits:
+			// No limits, the entire message was to be downloaded
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits ENoSizeLimits option set"));
+			CompareCompleteDownloadOfMessageL();
+			break;
+		case EAttachmentsOnly:
+			// Only attachments to be downloaded based on the attachment size limit
+			// Body text and html parts should not be downloaded
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits EAttachmentsOnly option set"));
+			CompareMessageWithAttachmentsOnlyOptionSetL();
+			break;
+		case EBodyTextOnly:
+			/*  When EBodyTextOnly option is set, Body text and html part should
+				be downloaded based on the body text limit set. The attachments
+				should not be downloaded. CompareAttachmentsL() is a generic
+				function which compares the attachments for any download option set.
+				So this case makes use of the function 
+				CompareMessagePartialDownloadWithBodyTextAndAttachmentsL() to compare 
+				the body text and html contents based on the body text limit set. The 
+				CompareAttachmentsL() function verifies that the attachments were not
+				downloaded.
+			*/
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits EBodyTextOnly option set"));
+			// NO BREAK
+		case EBodyAlternativeText:
+			// Check for Body text and html based on the body text size limit
+			// Check for the dowmload of text attachments
+			if(iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iPartialMailOptions  == 
+															   EBodyAlternativeText)
+				{
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits EBodyAlternativeText option set"));
+				}
+			// NO BREAK
+		case EBodyTextAndAttachments:
+			// Check for body text and html based on the body text size limit
+			// Check for the download of attachment based on the attachment size limit
+			if(iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iPartialMailOptions  ==  
+															   EBodyTextAndAttachments)
+				{
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits EBodyTextAndAttachments option set"));
+				}
+			CompareMessagePartialDownloadWithBodyTextAndAttachmentsL();
+			break;
+		case ECumulative:
+			/* The message parts are downloaded with the following priority
+				1. Body Text 2. Attachments  3.Html part.  The total message size limit
+				is used for the deciding the download of message parts.  The download of 
+				the message part is stopped when the cumulative size of the downloded parts
+				exceed the total size limit
+			*/
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits ECumulative option set"));
+			// Set the cumulative size
+			iCumulativeSize = iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iTotalSizeLimit;
+			CompareMessageDownloadWithCumulativeOptionSetL();
+			break;
+		default:
+			// TImap4GetMailOptions	iGetMailBodyParts set is not a valid value
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo.iPartialMailOptions set"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+  CompareMessagesWithFullDownloadLimitsSetL
+  Compares the sent and the received message based on the full download limits set
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessagesWithFullDownloadLimitsSetL()
+	{
+	// Full download limits set
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Full download limits set."));
+	/* If the size of the message is greater than the toal mail size limit,'
+		then the message should not be downloaded
+	*/
+	// Get the total message size of the sent message
+	TInt32 sentMsgSize = 0;
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSentMessageInfo->GetMessageSize(sentMsgSize));
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sent Message Size = %d"), sentMsgSize);
+	if(sentMsgSize <= iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iMaxEmailSize)
+		{
+		// Sent message size is smaller than the limit, the message should be 
+		// downloaded based on the download option set
+		switch(iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts)
+			{
+			case EGetImap4EmailHeaders:
+				// Message headers only, entry should not be created for any message part
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailHeaders option set"));
+				CompareMessageWithGetHeadersOptionSetL();
+				break;
+			case EGetImap4EmailAttachments:
+				// Download attachments only.  All attachments should be downloaded
+				// Body text and html parts should not be downloaded
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailAttachments option set"));
+				CompareMessageWithAttachmentsOnlyOptionSetL();
+				break;
+			case EGetImap4EmailBodyText:
+				/*  When EGetImap4EmailBodyText option is set, Body text and 
+					html part should be downloaded, and the attachments should not
+					be downloaded. CompareAttachmentsL() is a generic function
+					that compares the attachments for any download option set.
+					So this case makes use of the function 
+					CompareCompleteDownloadOfMessageL() to compare the body text
+					and html contents. The CompareAttachmentsL() function verifies
+					that the attachments were not downloaded.
+				*/
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailBodyText option set"));
+				// NO BREAK
+			case EGetImap4EmailBodyAlternativeText:
+				if(iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts ==  
+											EGetImap4EmailBodyAlternativeText)
+					{
+					TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailBodyAlternativeText option set"));
+					}
+				// NO BREAK
+			case EGetImap4EmailBodyTextAndAttachments:
+				// The entire message was to be downloaded	
+				if(iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts ==  
+											EGetImap4EmailBodyTextAndAttachments)
+					{
+					TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailBodyTextAndAttachments option set"));
+					}
+				CompareCompleteDownloadOfMessageL();
+				break;
+			default:
+				// TImap4GetMailOptions	iGetMailBodyParts set is not a valid value
+				TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid TImap4GetMailOptions.iGetMailBodyParts set"));
+				TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// The message size was greater than the total mail size limit.
+		// Message parts should not be downloaded.
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Full download limits: Message size greater than mail size limit"));
+		CompareMessageFullDownloadWhenMsgSizeGreaterThanLimitL();
+		}
+	}
+  CompareCompleteDownloadOfMessageL
+  Check if complete message was downloaded.  The Body text, Html part and all the
+  attachmens should have been downloaded, if they are present in the sent message.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareCompleteDownloadOfMessageL()
+	{
+	// The Body text, Html and Attachments of the message should be downloaded.
+	// Compare Body Text contents
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		ComparePlainBodyTextL(ETrue);
+		}
+	// Comapre Html contents
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		CompareHtmlL();
+		}
+	// Compare Attachments
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		CompareAttachmentsL();
+		}
+	}
+  CompareMessageWithAttachmentsOnlyOptionSetL
+  Checks whether only attachments are downloaded.  If Body Text or Html part is
+  downloaded, the test fails.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessageWithAttachmentsOnlyOptionSetL()
+	{
+	/* Only attachments have to be downloaded.  
+	   Body Text and Html part should not be downloaded
+	*/
+	// Body Text
+	if (iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0) 
+		{
+		// Error : body text was downloaded when not expected
+		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Body Text was downloaded when Attachment only option is set"));
+		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if(iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 1) 
+			{
+			/* [WorkAround for Body Text Ref7]
+				When a message with only attachment is created,one byte of body text
+				is getting added.  To take care of this conditions, the sent body text
+				size is checked to be greater than 1 instead of 0
+			*/
+			// Check for the correctness of Complete and Partial flags set for Body Text entry
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Body Text was not downloaded"));
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Body Text part: Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+			CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(),EFalse,EFalse);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId() > 0)
+				{
+				// No Body text part present, compelte flag should be set to ETrue
+				// to avoid download of Body text part
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Body Text was not downloaded"));
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Body Text part: Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+				CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(),ETrue,EFalse);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// Html part
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
+			{
+			// Error : Html part was downloaded when not expected
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was downloaded when Attachments Only option is set"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}
+		else if(iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
+			{
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part: Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+			CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId(), EFalse, EFalse);
+			}
+		else 
+			{
+			if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId() > 0)
+				{
+				// No Html part present, compelte flag should be set to ETrue
+				// to avoid download of Html part
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part: Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+				CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId(), ETrue, EFalse);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// Attachments
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		CompareAttachmentsL();
+		}
+	}
+  CompareMessagePartialDownloadWithBodyTextAndAttachmentsL
+  Checks for the download of Body text and Html part based on the Body text size limit
+  Calls CompareAttachment() to check the attachment download based on the attachment 
+  size limit.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessagePartialDownloadWithBodyTextAndAttachmentsL()
+	{
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref1] and [WorkAround for Html Part Ref2] Begin
+		// Get the size of Body Text part of the sent and the received messages
+		TInt32 sentBodyTextSize = iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize();
+		TInt32 sentHtmlSize		= iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize();
+		// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref1] and [WorkAround for Html Part Ref2] End
+		// If both Body text and html part fit into the Body text limit, it is a complete
+		// download of Body text. Html should also be downloaded
+		if((sentBodyTextSize + sentHtmlSize) <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iBodyTextSizeLimit)
+			{
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Both Body text and html part fit into the Body text limit"));
+			// Compare Body Text contents
+			ComparePlainBodyTextL(ETrue);
+			if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+				{
+				// Compare Html contents
+				CompareHtmlL();
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// If both Body text and Html does not fit in, then it is a partial download of 
+			// Body text, Html part should not be downloaded
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial Download of Body text"));
+			ComparePlainBodyTextL(EFalse);
+			if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+				{
+				if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
+					{
+					// Error : Html was downloaded when not expected
+					TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was downloaded when Body Text+ Html size > Body text limit"));
+					TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+					}
+				if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+					{
+					if(iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
+						{
+						// When Html is not downloaded, check the correctness of the 
+						// complete and the partial download flags set for the Html entry
+						TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
+						TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part:  Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+						CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId(), EFalse, EFalse);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		// Check if the attachments are downloaded if the size of the attachment
+		// is less than or equal to the attachment size limit
+		CompareAttachmentsL();
+		}
+	}
+  CompareMessageWithGetHeadersOptionSetL
+  Checks if any message part was downloaded when Full download limits
+  with EGetImap4EmailHeaders option is set.  If any message part is downloaded,
+  the test fails.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessageWithGetHeadersOptionSetL()
+	{
+	/* Download headers only.  The Body text, Html or Attachments of the message
+	  should not be downloaded.  The entries for the message parts should not be created.
+	*/
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		TMsvId recvBodyTextId = iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId();
+		if(recvBodyTextId > 0)
+			{
+			// Error : Entry created for Body Text
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Entry for Html part is created when Headers Only option is set"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Body Text was not downloaded"));
+			}
+		if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+			{
+			TMsvId recvHtmlId = iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId();
+			if( recvHtmlId > 0 )
+				{
+				// Error : Entry created for Html part
+				TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Entry for Html part is created when Headers Only option is set"));
+				TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
+				}
+			}
+		if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+			{
+			// Compare attachments
+			CompareAttachmentsL();
+			}
+		}
+	}	
+  CompareMessageFullDownloadWhenMsgSizeGreaterThanLimitL
+  The message size is greater than the message size limit. No message parts should be
+  downloaded.  Fails if any message part was downloaded.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessageFullDownloadWhenMsgSizeGreaterThanLimitL()
+	{
+	// Body Text
+	if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0) 
+		{
+		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Body text downloaded when mail size is greater than the iMaxEmailSize"));
+		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Body text not was downloaded"));
+		}	
+	// Html
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0) 
+			{
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html part downloaded when mail size is greater than the iMaxEmailSize"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part not was downloaded"));
+			}
+		}
+	// Attachments
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		CompareAttachmentsL();
+		}
+	}
+  CompareMessageDownloadWithCumulativeOptionSetL
+  Checks for the download of message parts when Partial download ECumulative options is set
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessageDownloadWithCumulativeOptionSetL()
+	{
+	/*	When Partial download with Cumulative option is set, 
+		The message body text part will be downloaded first. If the body text
+		size is greater than the total size limit, the body text will be 
+		downloaded partially and none of the other parts are downloaded.
+		If the body text size is lesser than the total size limit,
+		the attachment that fits into the remaining size will be downloaded.
+		After download of attachments, if Html part can fit in, the Html part 
+		should be downloaded
+	*/
+	// Get the size of the sent message
+	TInt32 sentMsgSize = 0;
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSentMessageInfo->GetMessageSize(sentMsgSize));
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sent message size = %d"), sentMsgSize);
+	// If the message is lesser than the limit, the complete message has to be downloaded
+	if(sentMsgSize  <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iTotalSizeLimit )
+		{
+		CompareCompleteDownloadOfMessageL();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		// Set the cumulative size
+		iCumulativeSize = iCumulativeSize - iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize();
+		/* Compare the attachments first. This will help in knowing the remaining cumulative
+		   size after attachment download.  To decide whether the Body text was to be completely
+		   downloaded or not, we need to know if Html part fits in the cumulative size.
+		   Based on the remaining cumulative size after attachment comparison, decide whether
+		   Body text was to be completely downloaded or pariatlly downlaoded
+		*/
+		if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+			{
+			CompareAttachmentsL();
+			}
+		if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+			{
+			// Check if Html part fits in
+			if( (iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize()) <= iCumulativeSize )
+				{
+				// Compare the complete download of Body Text
+				ComparePlainBodyTextL(ETrue);
+				if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+					{
+					// Compare Htmp contents
+					CompareHtmlL();
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Partial download of body text
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial download of Body Text"));
+				ComparePlainBodyTextL(EFalse);
+				if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+					{
+					// Check if Html part was received. If received, fail the Test Case
+					if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
+						{
+						// Error : Html was downloaded when not expected
+						TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was downloaded when cumulative size is lesser than Html size"));
+						TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
+						}
+					if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+						{
+						// If Html part is not received, verify the complete and partial download flag
+						// set for the Html part
+						if(iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
+							{
+							TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part:  Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+							CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId(), EFalse, EFalse);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+  ComparePlainBodyTextL
+  Compares the contents of the received body text with that of the sent message.
+  Checks if the footer message is present and verifies the complete and partial 
+  download flags set for the Body text entry.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @param  TBool ETrue for complete download of Body text, EFalse when partail download
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::ComparePlainBodyTextL(TBool aCompleteDownload)
+	{
+	//[WorkAround for Body Text Ref2]
+	const TInt KPartialBodyTextCompareTolerance = 5;
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparing Plain text part of the message"));
+	// Comapre the contents when sent message had Body Text
+	if( iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0)
+		{
+		if( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0)
+			{
+			// Get the Body Text contents of sent and received messages
+			// Get message body text for sent message
+			CParaFormatLayer*	sentParaFormatLayer = CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
+			CleanupStack::PushL(sentParaFormatLayer);
+			CCharFormatLayer*	sentCharFormatLayer = CCharFormatLayer::NewL(); 
+			CleanupStack::PushL(sentCharFormatLayer);
+			CRichText*	sentPlainBodyText  = CRichText::NewL( sentParaFormatLayer,
+											  sentCharFormatLayer,   
+											  CEditableText::EFlatStorage, 256);
+			CleanupStack::PushL(sentPlainBodyText);
+			iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextL(*sentPlainBodyText, *sentParaFormatLayer,
+															*sentCharFormatLayer);	
+			// Get message body text for received message
+			CParaFormatLayer*	recvParaFormatLayer = CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
+			CleanupStack::PushL(recvParaFormatLayer);
+			CCharFormatLayer*	recvCharFormatLayer = CCharFormatLayer::NewL(); 
+			CleanupStack::PushL(recvCharFormatLayer);
+			CRichText*	recvPlainBodyText = CRichText::NewL( recvParaFormatLayer, 
+															 recvCharFormatLayer, 
+										     CEditableText::EFlatStorage, 256);
+			CleanupStack::PushL(recvPlainBodyText);
+			//[WorkAround Ref1 Start]
+			iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextL(*recvPlainBodyText, *recvParaFormatLayer,
+															*recvCharFormatLayer);
+			//[WorkAround Ref1 End]
+			// If the body text buffer is not available, fail the test case
+			if(sentPlainBodyText == NULL || recvPlainBodyText == NULL)
+				{
+				// Error : Body text buffer not available
+				TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Body text buffer not available"));
+				TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+				}			
+			if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+				{
+				TPtrC sentBodyText = sentPlainBodyText->Read(0);
+				TPtrC recvBodyText = recvPlainBodyText->Read(0);
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Sent body text size: %d, Received body text size = %d"),
+											sentBodyText.Length(), recvBodyText.Length());
+				TInt serverMsgPos = -1;
+				TInt serverMsgLength = 0;
+				// Check if server has added any message to the beginning of the
+				// Body Text Part
+				// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3] Begin
+				CheckIfServerMessageExists(recvBodyText, serverMsgLength, serverMsgPos);
+				// Get the Body text size of the received messagge
+				TInt totalBodyTextSize = recvBodyText.Length();
+				// If server message is present, set the buffer to ignore the server message
+				if ( serverMsgPos >= 0 )
+					{
+					totalBodyTextSize = totalBodyTextSize - serverMsgLength;
+					}
+				TPtrC recvBodyTextPtr = recvBodyText.Right(totalBodyTextSize);
+				// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3] End
+				// Check if Footer message is present
+				TInt footerMsgPos = CheckIfFooterMessageExists(recvBodyText);
+				if( aCompleteDownload)
+					{
+					// Complete download of body text expected.  Both Body Text and Html part
+					// downloaded.  The Body text should not contian the footer message
+					if (footerMsgPos != KErrNotFound)
+						{
+						// Error : Footer message exists when complete download of body text expected
+						TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Footer message exists when complete download of body text expected"));
+						TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+						{
+						// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref2] Begin
+						TPtrC recvBodyText1 = recvBodyTextPtr.Left(recvBodyTextPtr.Length()
+														- KPartialBodyTextCompareTolerance);
+						// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref2] End
+						// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3] Begin
+						TPtrC sentBodyText1 = sentBodyText.Left(recvBodyText1.Length());
+						// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3] End
+						// Compare the sent and received message's body text contents
+						if( (recvBodyText1.Compare(sentBodyText1)) != 0)
+							{
+							// Error : Comparison of body text failed
+							TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of body text failed"));
+							TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+							{
+							TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of Body text was successful"));
+							// Verify the complete and partial download flags set
+							TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Body Text part:  Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+							CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(),
+																 ETrue, EFalse );
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					//Partial download of body text
+					/* The Body Text may be downloaded partially or completely 
+					   based on the body text size limit (iCumulative size in  
+					   case of ECumulative option).  In this case, the Html part
+					   should not be downloaded, hence the footer message should be
+					   present in the received message's body text.
+					*/
+					if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+						{
+						if (footerMsgPos == KErrNotFound)
+							{
+							// Error : Footer message expected, but does not exists
+							TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Footer message expected, but does not exists"));
+							TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+							{
+							TPtrC recvBodyText1 = recvBodyTextPtr.Left(
+												  recvBodyTextPtr.Length() - (footerMsgPos));
+							// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref5] Begin
+							TPtrC sentBodyText1 = sentBodyText.Left(recvBodyText1.Length());
+							// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref5] End
+							if( (recvBodyText1.Compare(sentBodyText1)) != 0)
+								{
+								// Error : Comparison of body text failed
+								TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of body text failed"));
+								TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+								}
+							if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+								{
+								TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of Body text was successful"));
+								// Verify the complete and the partial download flags set
+								TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Body Text part: Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = ETrue"));
+								CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(),
+																	  ETrue, ETrue);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(6, sentParaFormatLayer);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Error : Sent message contains Body text. But Body text was not received
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Sent message contains Body text. But Body text was not received"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Sent message does not contain Body text part"));
+		if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0)
+			{
+			// Error : Sent message does not contains Body text. But Body text was received
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Sent message does not contains Body text. But Body text was received"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+  CheckIfFooterMessageExists
+  Checks for the footer message in the specified buffer.  If footer message
+  is found, returns the position of the footer message in the buffer.
+  If not found, returns KErrNotFound
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @param  aBodyText Pointer descriptor of the  buffer
+  @return TInt Position of the start of footer message in the buffer, KErrNotFound
+				if the footer message is not found
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+TInt CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckIfFooterMessageExists(TPtrC aBodyText)
+	{
+		// Look for the footer message in the received email message. 
+	_LIT(KFooterMsg1,"This message has not been fully downloaded. There is still ");
+	//Find for the footer message in the received message
+	TInt found = aBodyText.Find(KFooterMsg1);
+	if(found != KErrNotFound)
+		{
+		// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref6] Begin
+		TPtrC footerMsg = aBodyText.Right(aBodyText.Length() - found);
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Footer message: %S"), &footerMsg);
+		// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref6] End
+		}
+	return found;
+	}
+  CheckIfServerMessageExists
+  Checks if any server message has been added to the Body text,
+  returns the position of the server message in the buffer and the 
+  length of the server message.  This function can be enhanced 
+  to check for any other server message encountered
+  If not found, returns KErrNotFound
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @param  aBodyText			- Pointer descriptor of the  buffer
+  @param  aServerMsgLength	- Length of the server message
+  @param  aServerMsgPosition - Position of the server message in the buffer
+  @pre    None		
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckIfServerMessageExists(
+										TPtrC aBodyText, TInt& aServerMsgLength,
+										TInt& aServerMsgPosition)
+	{
+	_LIT(KServerMessage,"*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*");
+	aServerMsgLength = KServerMessage().Length()+1;
+	aServerMsgPosition = aBodyText.Find(KServerMessage);
+	}
+  CheckFlagSettingsL
+  Checks if the complete and the partial download flags for the specified message part
+  is same as the expected value. Fails the test case if the flags set for the message
+  part does not match with the expected value
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @param  aMsgPartId  TMsvId of the message part
+  @param  aExpectedCompleteFlagVal  Expected value of the Complete flag
+  @param  aExpectedPartialFlagVal   Expected value of the Parital download flag
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckFlagSettingsL(TMsvId aMsgPartId, 
+														   TBool aExpectedCompleteFlagVal,
+														   TBool aExpectedPartialFlagVal)
+	{
+	// [WorkAround for general Ref1] Begin
+	if( aMsgPartId > 0)
+		{
+		// Check the complete and partial flag settings
+		TBool completeFlag	= EFalse;
+		User::LeaveIfError(iRecvMessageInfo->CheckCompleteFlagL( aMsgPartId,completeFlag));
+		// Compare the set and the expected complete flag value
+		if(aExpectedCompleteFlagVal && completeFlag)
+			{
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Complete Flag is set to ETrue"));
+			}
+		else if((aExpectedCompleteFlagVal == 0) && (completeFlag == 0))
+			{
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Complete Flag is set to EFalse"));
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: Incorrect Compelte flag setting"));
+			TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Complete Flag is set to %d "), completeFlag);
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}
+		if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+			{
+			TBool partialDownloadFlag = EFalse;
+			User::LeaveIfError(	iRecvMessageInfo->CheckPartialDownloadFlagL
+												   (aMsgPartId, partialDownloadFlag)); 
+			// Compare the set and the expected partial download flag value
+			if(aExpectedPartialFlagVal && partialDownloadFlag)
+				{
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial download flag is set to ETrue"));
+				}
+			else if((aExpectedPartialFlagVal == 0)  && (partialDownloadFlag == 0))
+				{
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial download flag is set to EFalse"));
+				}
+			else
+				{	
+				TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: Incorrect Partial download flag setting"));
+				TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Partial download is set to %d "), partialDownloadFlag);
+				TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+				}
+			}
+		} 
+	else
+		{
+		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid TMsvId provided for checking complete and partial download flags"));
+		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	// [WorkAround for general Ref1] End
+	}
+  CheckFlagSettingsL
+  Checks if the complete download flag for the specified message attachment is same as
+  the expected value. Fails the test case if the flags set for the message part does not
+  match with the expected value. 
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @param  aMsgPart  CMsvAttachment of the message part
+  @param  aExpectedCompleteFlagVal  Expected value of the Complete flag
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckFlagSettingsL(CMsvAttachment& aMsgPart, 
+														   TBool aExpectedCompleteFlagVal)
+	{
+	// Check the complete flag settings
+	TBool completeFlag	= aMsgPart.Complete();
+	// Compare the set and the expected complete flag value
+	if(aExpectedCompleteFlagVal && completeFlag)
+		{
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Complete Flag is set to ETrue"));
+		}
+	else if((aExpectedCompleteFlagVal == 0) && (completeFlag == 0))
+		{
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Complete Flag is set to EFalse"));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: Incorrect Complete flag setting"));
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Complete Flag is set to %d "), completeFlag);
+		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	}
+  CompareHtmlL
+  Compares the contents of the sent and received html parts. Verifies the complete
+  and the partial download flags set for the received message's html part.
+  @internalTechnology 
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareHtmlL()
+	{
+	// [WorkAround for Html Part Ref1] Begin
+	// Get the Html file names for the sent and the received messages
+	TPtrC sentHtmlFileName;
+	TInt err1 = iSentMessageInfo->HtmlFileName(sentHtmlFileName);
+	TPtrC recvHtmlFileName;
+	TInt err2 = iRecvMessageInfo->HtmlFileName(recvHtmlFileName);
+	// [WorkAround for Html Part Ref1] End
+	// If the sent message has Html part, compare the received message's html part
+	if((iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0) && (err1 == KErrNone))
+		{
+		if( err2 == KErrNone)
+			{
+			TInt errorVal;
+			TBool diffFlag = EFalse;
+			// Compare the html files
+			CompareFilesL(sentHtmlFileName, recvHtmlFileName, errorVal, diffFlag);
+			if (errorVal == KErrNone )
+				{
+				if ( diffFlag == EFalse )
+					{
+					TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of Html files was successful"));
+					TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sent Html file : %S"),&sentHtmlFileName );
+					TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Received Html file : %S"),&recvHtmlFileName );
+					// Verify the complete and the partial download flags set
+					TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part:  Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+					CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(), ETrue, EFalse);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// Comparison of Html files failed
+					TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of Html files failed"));
+					TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// An error occured while comparing the html files
+				TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error occurred while comparing Html files"));
+				TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			// Received message's html path was not found
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html file path not found in the received message"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html file path not found for the sent message"));
+		}
+	}
+  CompareFilesL
+  Compare the contents of two files where the complete path of the two file are provided
+  @internalTechnology
+  @param  aSentFilePath		- Pointer buffer contianing file path of the sent message 
+  @param  aRecvFilePath		- Pointer buffer contianing file path of the received message 
+  @param  aError			- Any error value set during comparison of files
+  @param  aDiffFlag			- Set to ETrue if the files differ, else set ot EFalse
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareFilesL(const TPtrC aSentFilePath,
+													   const TPtrC aRecvFilePath,
+													   TInt& aError, TBool& aDiffFlag)
+	{
+	aDiffFlag = EFalse;
+	CArrayFixFlat<TUint16> *ignoreCharList = new (ELeave)
+											CArrayFixFlat<TUint16>(KArrayGranularity);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(ignoreCharList);
+	// Compare the content of the attachment files
+	aError = TestFrameworkActionsUtils::CompareFilesL(aSentFilePath, aRecvFilePath,
+														 EFalse, ignoreCharList, aDiffFlag);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ignoreCharList);
+	}
+  CompareAttachmentsL
+  Checks if the attachments download for all options of download limits set.
+  Verifies the Complete and Partial download flag settings for the attachments
+  in the received message based on the download option and download limits set.
+  @internalTechnology
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareAttachmentsL()
+	{
+	TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparing Attachments"));
+	if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+		{
+		// Get attachment list for Sent and Received message
+		CImEmailMessage* sentEmailMessage = iSentMessageInfo->GetEmailMessageL();
+		CImEmailMessage* recvEmailMessage = iRecvMessageInfo->GetEmailMessageL();
+		// Call the asynchronous function to get the attachment list
+		User::LeaveIfError(iSentMessageInfo->GetMessageAttachmentListL());
+		//Get the list of attachments present in sent message
+		MMsvAttachmentManager& sentManager = sentEmailMessage->AttachmentManager();
+		// Get attachment list for Received message
+		// Call the asynchronous function to get the attachment list
+		User::LeaveIfError(iRecvMessageInfo->GetMessageAttachmentListL());
+		//Get the list of attachments present in received message
+		MMsvAttachmentManager& recvManager = recvEmailMessage->AttachmentManager();
+		TInt sentMsgAttachmentCount = sentManager.AttachmentCount();
+		TInt recvMsgAttachmentCount = recvManager.AttachmentCount();
+		TestCase().INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Sent Attachments: %d, Received Attachments: %d"),
+		sentMsgAttachmentCount,recvMsgAttachmentCount); 
+		// Check for the attachment count
+		CheckAttachmentCountL(sentMsgAttachmentCount, recvMsgAttachmentCount);
+		if(IsTestCaseStatusPass() && recvMsgAttachmentCount)
+			{
+			TBool toBeDownloaded ;
+			TBool downloaded	 ;
+			TBool attachmentFound;
+			// Loop through Sent attachment list
+			for ( TInt index1 = 0, index2 = 0 ; ( IsTestCaseStatusPass()) && 
+						(index1 < sentMsgAttachmentCount) ; index1++)
+				{
+				// Get the name of the attachment
+				CMsvAttachment* sentAttInfo1 = sentManager.GetAttachmentInfoL(index1);
+				CleanupStack::PushL(sentAttInfo1);
+				TFileName fileName1 = sentAttInfo1->AttachmentName();
+				toBeDownloaded	= EFalse;	
+				downloaded		= EFalse;
+				attachmentFound = EFalse;
+				// Based on the download type set, check if the attachment 
+				// was supposed to be downloaded or not
+				if(iDownloadType == EPartialDownload)
+					{
+					// Partial download limits set
+					toBeDownloaded = CheckIfAttachmentTobeDownloadedWithPartialDownloadSet
+													(sentAttInfo1->AttachmentName(), sentAttInfo1->Size());
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// Full download limits set
+					toBeDownloaded = CheckIfAttachmentTobeDownloadedWithCompleteDownloadSet(sentAttInfo1->AttachmentName());	
+					}
+				// Loop through the received messages to search for the attachment
+				// with the same name
+				for ( index2 = 0; index2 < recvMsgAttachmentCount; index2++ )
+					{
+					// Get the attachment name
+					CMsvAttachment* recvAttInfo2 = recvManager.GetAttachmentInfoL(index2);
+					CleanupStack::PushL(recvAttInfo2);
+					TFileName fileName2 = recvAttInfo2->AttachmentName();
+					// Compare the name of the attachment in the sent message with the
+					// received message's attachment name
+					if ( fileName2.Compare(fileName1) == 0 )
+						{
+						// Comparison was success, the attachment found in the
+						// received message
+						attachmentFound = ETrue;
+						// Check if the attachment was downloaded
+						if ( recvAttInfo2->Complete() )
+							{
+							// Complete flag set to True ==> attachment is downloaded
+							downloaded	 = ETrue;
+							TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Attachment %S is downloaded"),
+																		   &fileName2);
+							}
+						CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(recvAttInfo2);
+						break;
+						}						
+					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(recvAttInfo2);	
+					}
+				if(attachmentFound == EFalse)
+					{
+					// Expected attachment is not downloaded
+					TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Attachment %S was not received"), &fileName1);
+					// Test step result is set to EFail
+					TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					CMsvAttachment* recvAttInfo2 = recvManager.GetAttachmentInfoL(index2);
+					CleanupStack::PushL(recvAttInfo2);
+					if ( toBeDownloaded && downloaded )
+						{
+						//compare sent and received attachment contents
+						TInt error = 0;
+						TBool diffFlag = EFalse;
+						CompareFilesL(sentAttInfo1->FilePath(),
+									  recvAttInfo2->FilePath(), error, diffFlag);
+						if ((error != KErrNone) || (diffFlag) )
+							{
+							// Comparison of sent and received attachment fails
+							TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Comparison of %S attachment failed"), 
+														&fileName1);
+							// Test step result is set to EFail
+							TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+							}
+						if(IsTestCaseStatusPass())
+							{
+							// The attachments contents are same
+							TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Comparison of attachment %S was success"),
+														&fileName1);
+							}
+						// Verify the complete and the partial download flags set
+						TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Attachment:  Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+						CheckFlagSettingsL(*recvAttInfo2 , ETrue);
+						}
+					else if(toBeDownloaded  && (downloaded == EFalse))
+						{
+						// Expected attachment is not downloaded
+						TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Attachment %S was not downloaded"), 
+																		&fileName1);
+						// Test step result is set to EFail
+						TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}
+					else if( (toBeDownloaded == EFalse)  && (downloaded)) 
+						{
+						// Unexpected attachment has been downloaded
+						TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Attachment %S was received, but not expected"), 
+																					&fileName1);
+						// Test step result is set to EFail
+						TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+						}	
+					else if((toBeDownloaded == EFalse)  && (downloaded == EFalse)) 
+						{
+						// Verify the flags
+						TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("The attachment %S was not downloaded"),&fileName1);	
+						TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Attachment:  Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
+						CheckFlagSettingsL(*recvAttInfo2, EFalse);
+						}
+				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(recvAttInfo2);	
+					}
+				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(sentAttInfo1);	
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+  CheckAttachmentCountL
+  Checks if the number of attachments in the received message is correct. 
+  Otherwise, fails the Test Case.
+  @internalTechnology
+  @param  aSentMsgAttachmentCount - Number of attachments in the sent message 
+  @param  aRecvMsgAttachmentCount - Number of attachments in the sent message
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckAttachmentCountL(TInt aSentMsgAttachmentCount, TInt aRecvMsgAttachmentCount)
+	{
+	TInt32 sentMsgSize;
+	User::LeaveIfError( iSentMessageInfo->GetMessageSize(sentMsgSize) );	
+	if( iDownloadType == EFullDownload )
+		{	
+		// if attachment download allowed
+		if( iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts != EGetImap4EmailHeaders && 
+			iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts != EGetImap4EmailBodyText ) 
+			{
+			if( sentMsgSize <= iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iMaxEmailSize && aSentMsgAttachmentCount != aRecvMsgAttachmentCount )
+				{
+				TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Full Download Number of attachments are not equal"));
+				TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+				}			
+			}
+		else if( aRecvMsgAttachmentCount > 0 )  // no attachment downloads allowed -should not recieve any attachments
+			{
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Download with EGetImap4EmailHeaders or EGetImap4EmailBodyText Attachment count is not equal to 0"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);			
+			}
+		/*
+		// if only downloading headers or body text just check we havent recieved any attachments				
+	    if( ( iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts == EGetImap4EmailHeaders || 
+	    	iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts == EGetImap4EmailBodyText )  &&
+			aRecvMsgAttachmentCount > 0 )
+			{		
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Download with EGetImap4EmailHeaders, Attachment count is not equal to 0"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}
+		// check that the total size limit should allow all attachments to be 
+		// downloaded and that the attachment counts are equal
+		else if( sentMsgSize <= iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iMaxEmailSize && aSentMsgAttachmentCount != aRecvMsgAttachmentCount )
+			{
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Full Download Number of attachments are not equal"));
+			TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+			}			
+			*/
+		}
+	else if( iDownloadType == EPartialDownload )
+		{
+		// if attatchment download allowed
+		if( iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iPartialMailOptions != EBodyTextOnly )
+			{			
+			// if message size is below the max then attchments downloaded should match attachments sent
+			if( sentMsgSize <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iTotalSizeLimit && 
+			    aSentMsgAttachmentCount != aRecvMsgAttachmentCount )
+				{
+				TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Partial Download Number of attachments are not equal"));
+				TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+				}
+			}
+		else if( aRecvMsgAttachmentCount > 0 )  // body text only - should not recieve any attachments
+			{
+			TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Download with EBodyTextOnly, Attachments will not be downloaded"));
+			}		
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Unknown value for iDownloadType"));
+		TestCase().SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}					
+	}
+  CheckIfAttachmentTobeDownloadedWithCompleteDownloadSet
+  Checks if the attachment download when Full download options is set.
+  @internalTechnology
+  @return TBool  ETrue if attachment is to be downloaded, EFalse otherwise
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+TBool CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::
+							CheckIfAttachmentTobeDownloadedWithCompleteDownloadSet(const TDesC& aAttachmentName /*const TDesC8& aMimeType*/)
+	{
+	TBool toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
+	if(iDownloadType == EFullDownload)
+		{		
+		switch(iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts)
+			{
+			case EGetImap4EmailHeaders:
+				toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
+			break;
+			case EGetImap4EmailBodyText:
+				toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
+			break;
+			case EGetImap4EmailAttachments:
+				toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
+			break;
+			case EGetImap4EmailBodyTextAndAttachments:
+				toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
+			break;
+			case EGetImap4EmailBodyAlternativeText:
+				// Check is done against filename because Mime_type field isn't filled out
+				if ( aAttachmentName.CompareF(_L("calendar.ics")) == 0 )
+					{
+					toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
+					}
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return 	toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag;
+	}
+  CheckIfAttachmentTobeDownloadedWithPartialDownloadSet
+  Checks if the attachment download when Partial download options is set.
+  @internalTechnology
+  @param  aAttachmentSize  Size of the attachment
+  @return TBool  ETrue if attachment is to be downloaded, EFalse otherwise
+  @pre    None
+  @post   None
+TBool CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::
+			CheckIfAttachmentTobeDownloadedWithPartialDownloadSet
+										  (const TDesC& aAttachmentName, TInt32 aAttachmentSize)
+	{
+	// [WorkAround for Attachments Ref1] Begin
+	TInt32 recvAttachmentSize = (TInt32)(aAttachmentSize * ATTACHMENT_SIZE_CORRECTION);
+	// [WorkAround for Attachments Ref1] End
+	TBool toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
+	if(iDownloadType == EPartialDownload)
+		{		
+		switch(iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iPartialMailOptions)
+			{
+			case ENoSizeLimits:
+				toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
+			break;
+			case EBodyTextOnly:
+				toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
+			break;
+			case EAttachmentsOnly:
+				if( recvAttachmentSize <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iAttachmentSizeLimit)
+					{
+					toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
+					}
+			break;
+			case EBodyTextAndAttachments:
+				if( recvAttachmentSize <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iAttachmentSizeLimit)
+					{
+					toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
+					}
+			break;
+			case ECumulative:
+				if( recvAttachmentSize <= iCumulativeSize)
+					{
+					toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
+					iCumulativeSize = iCumulativeSize - recvAttachmentSize;
+					}
+			break;
+			case EBodyAlternativeText:
+				// Check is done against filename because Mime_type field isn't filled out
+				if( recvAttachmentSize <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iAttachmentSizeLimit &&
+					 aAttachmentName.CompareF(_L("calendar.ics")) == 0 )
+					{
+					toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
+					}
+			break;
+			} 
+		}
+	return toBePartialyDownloadedFlag;
+	}