// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// [Action Name]
// CompareEmailMessages
// [Action Parameters]
// CMsvSession& session <input> : Reference to the session.
// CMsvEntrySelection& SentMailSelection <input> : Reference to the
// sent mail selection
// CMsvEntrySelection& RecvMailSelection <input> : Reference to the
// received mail selection
// CMtfTestParameter& Download limits <input> : The CMTfTestParameter object
// which stores either full download
// limits or partial download limits
// that was set during mail download
// [Action Description]
// Compares the sent and received email messages for size and contents based on
// the download limits set. The sent and received messages with the same
// Subject field are compared. The Complete and Partial download flags set for
// the message parts are verified.
// Restrictions:
// 1. The Test Action supports comparison of simple emails messages with Body Text,
// Html part and attachments of B64 encoding format. Needs to be enhanced to
// support emails with embedded messages, all attachment types and MHTML messages.
// 2. The size of the encoded message parts (Body text, Attachment and Html) are not
// available as there are no APIs available to get this information
// Workarounds in the Test Action:
// For Body Text part:
// 1. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref1]
// The size of the encoded body text is not available. Hence the size of the
// body text in the message store will be used. In the Test Case, care has
// to be taken to have the limits set, such that, the limits considers the
// size of the encoded body text part and not the size of the body text present
// in the store.
// 2. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref2]
// For the defect "The CRLF characters is NOT interpreted correctly".
// The body text size is reduced by the tolerance length to overcome
// the message comparison failure
// 3. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3]
// The Communigate Pro server adds a disclaimer at the beginning
// of the body text in the received message. This message has to be removed
// from the body text of the received message before comparison. The function
// needs to be enhanced to handle different server messages.
// 4. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref4]
// For the defect "The size of the body text in the sent and the received emails
// differ by 2 bytes.". The size of the sent message's body text is set to
// that of the received message's body text size.
// 5. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref5]
// For the defect "For partially downloaded Body text of a message,
// the corresponding TMsvEntry.iSize represents the size present in the
// RFC822 message body text size. It does NOT indicate the partially downloaded
// body text size". The size of the set message is set to that of partially
// downloaded body text before comparing. It is required to manually verify
// the size of the partially downloaded message text in the email log files.
// 6. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref6]
// The remaining size of the body text or Html part on the server
// is not available, hence expected remaining size of the Body text on
// the server cannot be calculated. Hence verification of the footer message
// information is not possible. The value of the remaining size
// of the body text size on the server needs to be manually verified
// by checking the email logs. In the test action, the footer message present
// in the buffer is printed in the log file.
// 7. [WorkAround for Body Text Ref7]
// When a message with only attachment is created, one byte of body text is
// getting added. To take care of this conditions, the sent body text size
// is checked for being greater than 1 instead of 0. This means the Body text
// part used for testing should be greater than 1 Byte.
// For Html part:
// 1. [WorkAround for Html Part Ref1]
// Not verifying relative URIs, since message with only one Html part considered
// 2. [WorkAround for Html Part Ref2]
// The size of the encoded html part is not available, hence the size of the Html
// file in the message store is considered. Test Case need to ensure that the
// download limits consider the encoded Html size rather than the size got from the store
// For Attachments:
// 1. [WorkAround for Attachments Ref1]
// The attachment download limits refers to the encoded attachment
// size. This size is not available through any of the APIs. The
// available size of the attachment is the size of the file that
// is present in the message store. This size is smaller than the
// encoded size. Hence adding a correction value to get the approximate
// size of the encoded attachment.
// Note: this correction holds good for only B64 encoding.
// For All Message Parts:
// 1. [WorkAround for general Ref1]
// Though the TMsvEntry::Complete() and TMsvEmailEntry::PartialDownloaded()
// returns a TBool value, the returned value will not equal to the value of
// ETrue and EFalse. Hence the direct comparison of the set flag value
// and the expected flag value is not possible
// [APIs Used]
// CImEmailMessage::AttachmentSelection()
// CMsvEntry::SetEntry()
#include <cemailaccounts.h>
#include <iapprefs.h>
#include <imapset.h>
#include <cmsvattachment.h>
#include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h>
#include <miutmsg.h>
// User include
#include "CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages.h"
#include "CMtfTestActionParameters.h"
#include "TestFrameworkActionsUtils.h"
//Granularity for CArrayFixFlat arrays
const TInt KArrayGranularity = 8;
// Correction to attachment size
Constructs a CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages object.
Uses two phase construction and leaves nothing on the CleanupStack.
@param aTestCase Test Case to which the Test Action belongs
@param aActionParameters Action parameters, must not be NULL
@return Created object of type CMtfTestAction
@pre None
@post None
CMtfTestAction* CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::NewL(CMtfTestCase& aTestCase,
CMtfTestActionParameters* aActionParameters)
CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages* self =
new (ELeave) CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages(aTestCase);
return self;
Constructs a CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages object and initialises the member variables.
@param aTestCase Test Case to which the Test Action belongs
@pre None
@post None
CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages(CMtfTestCase& aTestCase)
: CMtfSynchronousTestAction(aTestCase), iParamSession(NULL), iDownloadType(EFullDownload),
iCumulativeSize(0), iSentMessageInfo(NULL), iRecvMessageInfo(NULL)
Destructor of the class CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages.
Deletes the message information stored in the CMtfTestActionUtilsEmailMessage
@param None
@pre None
@post None
delete iSentMessageInfo;
delete iRecvMessageInfo;
Obtains the parameters for the test action and then calls CompareEmailMessagesL()
function to compare the sent and the received messages, based on the download
limits set.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::ExecuteActionL()
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test Action %S start..."), &KTestActionCompareEmailMessages);
// Get the session object
iParamSession = ObtainParameterReferenceL<CMsvSession>
// Get the selection object of messages in sent folder - Sent
CMsvEntrySelection* sentMsgSelectionList =
(TestCase(), ActionParameters().Parameter(1));
// Get the selection object of messages in received folder - Inbox
CMsvEntrySelection* recvMsgSelectionList =
(TestCase(), ActionParameters().Parameter(2));
if( iParamSession == NULL || sentMsgSelectionList == NULL ||
recvMsgSelectionList == NULL)
// Invalid input parameter value
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid session or message selection object found"));
// Get the download limits provided as the test action input and
// store the limit values
// Compare sent and received messages
CompareEmailMessagesL(*sentMsgSelectionList, *recvMsgSelectionList);
// Test Action is complete
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Test Action %S completed."), &KTestActionCompareEmailMessages);
Obtains the parameter that contians download limits. Checks for the type of
the download limits being set. Retrieves the values of the limits and stores
them in member variables.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::SetDownloadLimits()
// Get the Partial download limits or full download limits
const CMtfTestParameter& paramDownloadLimits = TestCase().ObtainParameterL
// Buffer to store the download limits set
HBufC8* buf=reinterpret_cast<HBufC8*>(paramDownloadLimits.Parameter());
// Verify CMtfTestParameter object - Partial/Complete
if ( paramDownloadLimits.SpecificTypeId() == EMtfTImImap4GetPartialMailInfo)
// Partial download limits set
TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo value;
TPckgC<TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo> unpack(value);
iImapPartialDownloadLimits = unpack();
// Set the download type as partial download
iDownloadType = EPartialDownload;
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo received as input"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF4(_L("TotalSizeLimit = %d, BodyTextSizeLimit %d, AttachmentSizeLimit %d"),
else if(paramDownloadLimits.SpecificTypeId() == EMtfTImImap4GetMailInfo)
// Full download limits set
TImImap4GetMailInfo value;
TPckgC<TImImap4GetMailInfo> unpack(value);
iImapCompleteDownloadLimits = unpack();
// Set the download type as full download
iDownloadType = EFullDownload;
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TImImap4GetMailInfo received as input"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("iMaxEmailSize = %d"),
// No specified download type mentioned
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Incorrect Download type provided as input"));
For the sent messages, searches for the received message with the same
Subject field. If the received message is found, sets the sent and received
message information and then calls CompareMessagesL() function to compare the
contents of the message based on the download limits set.
@param aSentMsgSelection Selection of sent email messages
@param aRecvMsgSelection Selection of received email messages
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareEmailMessagesL(
const CMsvEntrySelection& aSentMsgSelection,
const CMsvEntrySelection& aRecvMsgSelection)
// Verify the input parameters
if( (!&aSentMsgSelection) || (!&aRecvMsgSelection))
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid Message selection"));
// Get the count of messages in both the selection object.
TInt sentMsgCount = aSentMsgSelection.Count();
TInt recvMsgCount = aRecvMsgSelection.Count();
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sent Message count = %d"),sentMsgCount);
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Received Message count = %d"),recvMsgCount);
// Check if all the sent messages have to be received.
if(recvMsgCount != sentMsgCount)
// Number of received messages is not equal to number of sent messages
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Sent and Received message count not equal"));
/* Loop through the list of sent messages. For each of the sent messages,
verify if the message has been received. The comparison is done based
on the subject field. If message is not received - ERROR
Obtain the message entry with the session object, setting it to root
entry now, will be changed to the sent and received messages entries during
message comparison
CMsvEntry* sentMsvEntry = iParamSession->GetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
CMsvEntry* recvMsvEntry = iParamSession->GetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
if((!sentMsvEntry) || (!recvMsvEntry))
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid Message Entry"));
// Loop through the list of sent messages
for ( TInt sentMsgIndex = 0 ; (sentMsgIndex < sentMsgCount) &&
sentMsgIndex ++)
// Get the sent message Id
TMsvId sentMsgId = aSentMsgSelection.At(sentMsgIndex);
// Set the context to the sent message entry
TBool found = EFalse;
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Comparison of Message: %d, Subject: %S"),
(sentMsgIndex + 1), &(sentMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription));
// Loop through the list received messages - Inbox folder
for(TInt recvMsgIndex= 0; recvMsgIndex < recvMsgCount && !found
; recvMsgIndex++)
// Get the received message entry
TMsvId recvMsgId = aRecvMsgSelection.At(recvMsgIndex);
// Set the context to the received message entry
// Compare the subject field of the two messages
if (sentMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription.
Compare(recvMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription) == 0)
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Message with Subject field in the received selection: %S found "),
// Sent message has been received
found = ETrue;
// Set the email information with the sent and received emails
// to be compared
SetEmailMessageInfoL(*sentMsvEntry, *recvMsvEntry);
if ( found )
// Message is found now compare the two messages
if( iDownloadType == EPartialDownload )
// Delete the email information
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Email with subject %S is not received"), &sentMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription);
// Cleanup the stack
If any message information was stored for sent and received messages,
delete the infromation.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::DeleteEmailMessageInfo()
// Delete sent message information
delete iSentMessageInfo;
iSentMessageInfo = NULL;
// Delete received message information
delete iRecvMessageInfo ;
iRecvMessageInfo = NULL;
Stores the message informationsent and received messages
@param aSentMsvEntry Entry for the sent message
@param aRecvMsvEntry Entry for the received message
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::SetEmailMessageInfoL(
CMsvEntry& aSentMsvEntry,
CMsvEntry& aRecvMsvEntry)
// Store sent message info
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Setting information for SENT message"));
iSentMessageInfo = CMtfTestActionUtilsEmailMessage::NewL(aSentMsvEntry, TestCase());
// Store received message info
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Setting information for RECEIVED message"));
iRecvMessageInfo = CMtfTestActionUtilsEmailMessage::NewL(aRecvMsvEntry, TestCase());
Compares the sent and the received message based on the partial download limits set
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessagesWithPartialDownloadLimitsSetL()
// Partial download limits set
switch( iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iPartialMailOptions )
case ENoSizeLimits:
// No limits, the entire message was to be downloaded
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits ENoSizeLimits option set"));
case EAttachmentsOnly:
// Only attachments to be downloaded based on the attachment size limit
// Body text and html parts should not be downloaded
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits EAttachmentsOnly option set"));
case EBodyTextOnly:
/* When EBodyTextOnly option is set, Body text and html part should
be downloaded based on the body text limit set. The attachments
should not be downloaded. CompareAttachmentsL() is a generic
function which compares the attachments for any download option set.
So this case makes use of the function
CompareMessagePartialDownloadWithBodyTextAndAttachmentsL() to compare
the body text and html contents based on the body text limit set. The
CompareAttachmentsL() function verifies that the attachments were not
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits EBodyTextOnly option set"));
case EBodyAlternativeText:
// Check for Body text and html based on the body text size limit
// Check for the dowmload of text attachments
if(iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iPartialMailOptions ==
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits EBodyAlternativeText option set"));
case EBodyTextAndAttachments:
// Check for body text and html based on the body text size limit
// Check for the download of attachment based on the attachment size limit
if(iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iPartialMailOptions ==
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits EBodyTextAndAttachments option set"));
case ECumulative:
/* The message parts are downloaded with the following priority
1. Body Text 2. Attachments 3.Html part. The total message size limit
is used for the deciding the download of message parts. The download of
the message part is stopped when the cumulative size of the downloded parts
exceed the total size limit
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("PartailDownloadLimits ECumulative option set"));
// Set the cumulative size
iCumulativeSize = iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iTotalSizeLimit;
// TImap4GetMailOptions iGetMailBodyParts set is not a valid value
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo.iPartialMailOptions set"));
Compares the sent and the received message based on the full download limits set
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessagesWithFullDownloadLimitsSetL()
// Full download limits set
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Full download limits set."));
/* If the size of the message is greater than the toal mail size limit,'
then the message should not be downloaded
// Get the total message size of the sent message
TInt32 sentMsgSize = 0;
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sent Message Size = %d"), sentMsgSize);
if(sentMsgSize <= iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iMaxEmailSize)
// Sent message size is smaller than the limit, the message should be
// downloaded based on the download option set
case EGetImap4EmailHeaders:
// Message headers only, entry should not be created for any message part
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailHeaders option set"));
case EGetImap4EmailAttachments:
// Download attachments only. All attachments should be downloaded
// Body text and html parts should not be downloaded
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailAttachments option set"));
case EGetImap4EmailBodyText:
/* When EGetImap4EmailBodyText option is set, Body text and
html part should be downloaded, and the attachments should not
be downloaded. CompareAttachmentsL() is a generic function
that compares the attachments for any download option set.
So this case makes use of the function
CompareCompleteDownloadOfMessageL() to compare the body text
and html contents. The CompareAttachmentsL() function verifies
that the attachments were not downloaded.
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailBodyText option set"));
case EGetImap4EmailBodyAlternativeText:
if(iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts ==
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailBodyAlternativeText option set"));
case EGetImap4EmailBodyTextAndAttachments:
// The entire message was to be downloaded
if(iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts ==
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("FullDownloadLimits EGetImap4EmailBodyTextAndAttachments option set"));
// TImap4GetMailOptions iGetMailBodyParts set is not a valid value
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid TImap4GetMailOptions.iGetMailBodyParts set"));
// The message size was greater than the total mail size limit.
// Message parts should not be downloaded.
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Full download limits: Message size greater than mail size limit"));
Check if complete message was downloaded. The Body text, Html part and all the
attachmens should have been downloaded, if they are present in the sent message.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareCompleteDownloadOfMessageL()
// The Body text, Html and Attachments of the message should be downloaded.
// Compare Body Text contents
// Comapre Html contents
// Compare Attachments
Checks whether only attachments are downloaded. If Body Text or Html part is
downloaded, the test fails.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessageWithAttachmentsOnlyOptionSetL()
/* Only attachments have to be downloaded.
Body Text and Html part should not be downloaded
// Body Text
if (iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0)
// Error : body text was downloaded when not expected
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Body Text was downloaded when Attachment only option is set"));
if(iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 1)
/* [WorkAround for Body Text Ref7]
When a message with only attachment is created,one byte of body text
is getting added. To take care of this conditions, the sent body text
size is checked to be greater than 1 instead of 0
// Check for the correctness of Complete and Partial flags set for Body Text entry
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Body Text was not downloaded"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Body Text part: Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(),EFalse,EFalse);
if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId() > 0)
// No Body text part present, compelte flag should be set to ETrue
// to avoid download of Body text part
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Body Text was not downloaded"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Body Text part: Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(),ETrue,EFalse);
// Html part
if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
// Error : Html part was downloaded when not expected
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was downloaded when Attachments Only option is set"));
else if(iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part: Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId(), EFalse, EFalse);
if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId() > 0)
// No Html part present, compelte flag should be set to ETrue
// to avoid download of Html part
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part: Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId(), ETrue, EFalse);
// Attachments
Checks for the download of Body text and Html part based on the Body text size limit
Calls CompareAttachment() to check the attachment download based on the attachment
size limit.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessagePartialDownloadWithBodyTextAndAttachmentsL()
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref1] and [WorkAround for Html Part Ref2] Begin
// Get the size of Body Text part of the sent and the received messages
TInt32 sentBodyTextSize = iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize();
TInt32 sentHtmlSize = iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize();
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref1] and [WorkAround for Html Part Ref2] End
// If both Body text and html part fit into the Body text limit, it is a complete
// download of Body text. Html should also be downloaded
if((sentBodyTextSize + sentHtmlSize) <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iBodyTextSizeLimit)
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Both Body text and html part fit into the Body text limit"));
// Compare Body Text contents
// Compare Html contents
// If both Body text and Html does not fit in, then it is a partial download of
// Body text, Html part should not be downloaded
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial Download of Body text"));
if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
// Error : Html was downloaded when not expected
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was downloaded when Body Text+ Html size > Body text limit"));
if(iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
// When Html is not downloaded, check the correctness of the
// complete and the partial download flags set for the Html entry
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part: Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId(), EFalse, EFalse);
// Check if the attachments are downloaded if the size of the attachment
// is less than or equal to the attachment size limit
Checks if any message part was downloaded when Full download limits
with EGetImap4EmailHeaders option is set. If any message part is downloaded,
the test fails.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessageWithGetHeadersOptionSetL()
/* Download headers only. The Body text, Html or Attachments of the message
should not be downloaded. The entries for the message parts should not be created.
TMsvId recvBodyTextId = iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId();
if(recvBodyTextId > 0)
// Error : Entry created for Body Text
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Entry for Html part is created when Headers Only option is set"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Body Text was not downloaded"));
TMsvId recvHtmlId = iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId();
if( recvHtmlId > 0 )
// Error : Entry created for Html part
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Entry for Html part is created when Headers Only option is set"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
// Compare attachments
The message size is greater than the message size limit. No message parts should be
downloaded. Fails if any message part was downloaded.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessageFullDownloadWhenMsgSizeGreaterThanLimitL()
// Body Text
if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0)
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Body text downloaded when mail size is greater than the iMaxEmailSize"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Body text not was downloaded"));
// Html
if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html part downloaded when mail size is greater than the iMaxEmailSize"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part not was downloaded"));
// Attachments
Checks for the download of message parts when Partial download ECumulative options is set
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareMessageDownloadWithCumulativeOptionSetL()
/* When Partial download with Cumulative option is set,
The message body text part will be downloaded first. If the body text
size is greater than the total size limit, the body text will be
downloaded partially and none of the other parts are downloaded.
If the body text size is lesser than the total size limit,
the attachment that fits into the remaining size will be downloaded.
After download of attachments, if Html part can fit in, the Html part
should be downloaded
// Get the size of the sent message
TInt32 sentMsgSize = 0;
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sent message size = %d"), sentMsgSize);
// If the message is lesser than the limit, the complete message has to be downloaded
if(sentMsgSize <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iTotalSizeLimit )
// Set the cumulative size
iCumulativeSize = iCumulativeSize - iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize();
/* Compare the attachments first. This will help in knowing the remaining cumulative
size after attachment download. To decide whether the Body text was to be completely
downloaded or not, we need to know if Html part fits in the cumulative size.
Based on the remaining cumulative size after attachment comparison, decide whether
Body text was to be completely downloaded or pariatlly downlaoded
// Check if Html part fits in
if( (iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize()) <= iCumulativeSize )
// Compare the complete download of Body Text
// Compare Htmp contents
// Partial download of body text
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial download of Body Text"));
// Check if Html part was received. If received, fail the Test Case
if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
// Error : Html was downloaded when not expected
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was downloaded when cumulative size is lesser than Html size"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html part was not downloaded"));
// If Html part is not received, verify the complete and partial download flag
// set for the Html part
if(iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0)
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part: Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetHtmlEntryId(), EFalse, EFalse);
Compares the contents of the received body text with that of the sent message.
Checks if the footer message is present and verifies the complete and partial
download flags set for the Body text entry.
@param TBool ETrue for complete download of Body text, EFalse when partail download
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::ComparePlainBodyTextL(TBool aCompleteDownload)
//[WorkAround for Body Text Ref2]
const TInt KPartialBodyTextCompareTolerance = 5;
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparing Plain text part of the message"));
// Comapre the contents when sent message had Body Text
if( iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0)
if( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0)
// Get the Body Text contents of sent and received messages
// Get message body text for sent message
CParaFormatLayer* sentParaFormatLayer = CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
CCharFormatLayer* sentCharFormatLayer = CCharFormatLayer::NewL();
CRichText* sentPlainBodyText = CRichText::NewL( sentParaFormatLayer,
CEditableText::EFlatStorage, 256);
iSentMessageInfo->GetBodyTextL(*sentPlainBodyText, *sentParaFormatLayer,
// Get message body text for received message
CParaFormatLayer* recvParaFormatLayer = CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
CCharFormatLayer* recvCharFormatLayer = CCharFormatLayer::NewL();
CRichText* recvPlainBodyText = CRichText::NewL( recvParaFormatLayer,
CEditableText::EFlatStorage, 256);
//[WorkAround Ref1 Start]
iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextL(*recvPlainBodyText, *recvParaFormatLayer,
//[WorkAround Ref1 End]
// If the body text buffer is not available, fail the test case
if(sentPlainBodyText == NULL || recvPlainBodyText == NULL)
// Error : Body text buffer not available
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Body text buffer not available"));
TPtrC sentBodyText = sentPlainBodyText->Read(0);
TPtrC recvBodyText = recvPlainBodyText->Read(0);
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Sent body text size: %d, Received body text size = %d"),
sentBodyText.Length(), recvBodyText.Length());
TInt serverMsgPos = -1;
TInt serverMsgLength = 0;
// Check if server has added any message to the beginning of the
// Body Text Part
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3] Begin
CheckIfServerMessageExists(recvBodyText, serverMsgLength, serverMsgPos);
// Get the Body text size of the received messagge
TInt totalBodyTextSize = recvBodyText.Length();
// If server message is present, set the buffer to ignore the server message
if ( serverMsgPos >= 0 )
totalBodyTextSize = totalBodyTextSize - serverMsgLength;
TPtrC recvBodyTextPtr = recvBodyText.Right(totalBodyTextSize);
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3] End
// Check if Footer message is present
TInt footerMsgPos = CheckIfFooterMessageExists(recvBodyText);
if( aCompleteDownload)
// Complete download of body text expected. Both Body Text and Html part
// downloaded. The Body text should not contian the footer message
if (footerMsgPos != KErrNotFound)
// Error : Footer message exists when complete download of body text expected
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Footer message exists when complete download of body text expected"));
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref2] Begin
TPtrC recvBodyText1 = recvBodyTextPtr.Left(recvBodyTextPtr.Length()
- KPartialBodyTextCompareTolerance);
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref2] End
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3] Begin
TPtrC sentBodyText1 = sentBodyText.Left(recvBodyText1.Length());
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref3] End
// Compare the sent and received message's body text contents
if( (recvBodyText1.Compare(sentBodyText1)) != 0)
// Error : Comparison of body text failed
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of body text failed"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of Body text was successful"));
// Verify the complete and partial download flags set
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Body Text part: Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(),
ETrue, EFalse );
//Partial download of body text
/* The Body Text may be downloaded partially or completely
based on the body text size limit (iCumulative size in
case of ECumulative option). In this case, the Html part
should not be downloaded, hence the footer message should be
present in the received message's body text.
if (footerMsgPos == KErrNotFound)
// Error : Footer message expected, but does not exists
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Footer message expected, but does not exists"));
TPtrC recvBodyText1 = recvBodyTextPtr.Left(
recvBodyTextPtr.Length() - (footerMsgPos));
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref5] Begin
TPtrC sentBodyText1 = sentBodyText.Left(recvBodyText1.Length());
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref5] End
if( (recvBodyText1.Compare(sentBodyText1)) != 0)
// Error : Comparison of body text failed
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of body text failed"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of Body text was successful"));
// Verify the complete and the partial download flags set
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Body Text part: Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = ETrue"));
CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(),
ETrue, ETrue);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(6, sentParaFormatLayer);
// Error : Sent message contains Body text. But Body text was not received
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Sent message contains Body text. But Body text was not received"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Sent message does not contain Body text part"));
if(iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextSize() > 0)
// Error : Sent message does not contains Body text. But Body text was received
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Sent message does not contains Body text. But Body text was received"));
Checks for the footer message in the specified buffer. If footer message
is found, returns the position of the footer message in the buffer.
If not found, returns KErrNotFound
@param aBodyText Pointer descriptor of the buffer
@return TInt Position of the start of footer message in the buffer, KErrNotFound
if the footer message is not found
@pre None
@post None
TInt CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckIfFooterMessageExists(TPtrC aBodyText)
// Look for the footer message in the received email message.
_LIT(KFooterMsg1,"This message has not been fully downloaded. There is still ");
//Find for the footer message in the received message
TInt found = aBodyText.Find(KFooterMsg1);
if(found != KErrNotFound)
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref6] Begin
TPtrC footerMsg = aBodyText.Right(aBodyText.Length() - found);
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Footer message: %S"), &footerMsg);
// [WorkAround for Body Text Ref6] End
return found;
Checks if any server message has been added to the Body text,
returns the position of the server message in the buffer and the
length of the server message. This function can be enhanced
to check for any other server message encountered
If not found, returns KErrNotFound
@param aBodyText - Pointer descriptor of the buffer
@param aServerMsgLength - Length of the server message
@param aServerMsgPosition - Position of the server message in the buffer
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckIfServerMessageExists(
TPtrC aBodyText, TInt& aServerMsgLength,
TInt& aServerMsgPosition)
_LIT(KServerMessage,"*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*");
aServerMsgLength = KServerMessage().Length()+1;
aServerMsgPosition = aBodyText.Find(KServerMessage);
Checks if the complete and the partial download flags for the specified message part
is same as the expected value. Fails the test case if the flags set for the message
part does not match with the expected value
@param aMsgPartId TMsvId of the message part
@param aExpectedCompleteFlagVal Expected value of the Complete flag
@param aExpectedPartialFlagVal Expected value of the Parital download flag
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckFlagSettingsL(TMsvId aMsgPartId,
TBool aExpectedCompleteFlagVal,
TBool aExpectedPartialFlagVal)
// [WorkAround for general Ref1] Begin
if( aMsgPartId > 0)
// Check the complete and partial flag settings
TBool completeFlag = EFalse;
User::LeaveIfError(iRecvMessageInfo->CheckCompleteFlagL( aMsgPartId,completeFlag));
// Compare the set and the expected complete flag value
if(aExpectedCompleteFlagVal && completeFlag)
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Complete Flag is set to ETrue"));
else if((aExpectedCompleteFlagVal == 0) && (completeFlag == 0))
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Complete Flag is set to EFalse"));
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: Incorrect Compelte flag setting"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Complete Flag is set to %d "), completeFlag);
TBool partialDownloadFlag = EFalse;
User::LeaveIfError( iRecvMessageInfo->CheckPartialDownloadFlagL
(aMsgPartId, partialDownloadFlag));
// Compare the set and the expected partial download flag value
if(aExpectedPartialFlagVal && partialDownloadFlag)
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial download flag is set to ETrue"));
else if((aExpectedPartialFlagVal == 0) && (partialDownloadFlag == 0))
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Partial download flag is set to EFalse"));
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: Incorrect Partial download flag setting"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Partial download is set to %d "), partialDownloadFlag);
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid TMsvId provided for checking complete and partial download flags"));
// [WorkAround for general Ref1] End
Checks if the complete download flag for the specified message attachment is same as
the expected value. Fails the test case if the flags set for the message part does not
match with the expected value.
@param aMsgPart CMsvAttachment of the message part
@param aExpectedCompleteFlagVal Expected value of the Complete flag
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckFlagSettingsL(CMsvAttachment& aMsgPart,
TBool aExpectedCompleteFlagVal)
// Check the complete flag settings
TBool completeFlag = aMsgPart.Complete();
// Compare the set and the expected complete flag value
if(aExpectedCompleteFlagVal && completeFlag)
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Complete Flag is set to ETrue"));
else if((aExpectedCompleteFlagVal == 0) && (completeFlag == 0))
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Complete Flag is set to EFalse"));
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: Incorrect Complete flag setting"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Complete Flag is set to %d "), completeFlag);
Compares the contents of the sent and received html parts. Verifies the complete
and the partial download flags set for the received message's html part.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareHtmlL()
// [WorkAround for Html Part Ref1] Begin
// Get the Html file names for the sent and the received messages
TPtrC sentHtmlFileName;
TInt err1 = iSentMessageInfo->HtmlFileName(sentHtmlFileName);
TPtrC recvHtmlFileName;
TInt err2 = iRecvMessageInfo->HtmlFileName(recvHtmlFileName);
// [WorkAround for Html Part Ref1] End
// If the sent message has Html part, compare the received message's html part
if((iSentMessageInfo->GetHtmlSize() > 0) && (err1 == KErrNone))
if( err2 == KErrNone)
TInt errorVal;
TBool diffFlag = EFalse;
// Compare the html files
CompareFilesL(sentHtmlFileName, recvHtmlFileName, errorVal, diffFlag);
if (errorVal == KErrNone )
if ( diffFlag == EFalse )
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of Html files was successful"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Sent Html file : %S"),&sentHtmlFileName );
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Received Html file : %S"),&recvHtmlFileName );
// Verify the complete and the partial download flags set
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Html part: Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL( iRecvMessageInfo->GetBodyTextId(), ETrue, EFalse);
// Comparison of Html files failed
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Comparison of Html files failed"));
// An error occured while comparing the html files
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error occurred while comparing Html files"));
// Received message's html path was not found
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Html file path not found in the received message"));
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Html file path not found for the sent message"));
Compare the contents of two files where the complete path of the two file are provided
@param aSentFilePath - Pointer buffer contianing file path of the sent message
@param aRecvFilePath - Pointer buffer contianing file path of the received message
@param aError - Any error value set during comparison of files
@param aDiffFlag - Set to ETrue if the files differ, else set ot EFalse
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareFilesL(const TPtrC aSentFilePath,
const TPtrC aRecvFilePath,
TInt& aError, TBool& aDiffFlag)
aDiffFlag = EFalse;
CArrayFixFlat<TUint16> *ignoreCharList = new (ELeave)
// Compare the content of the attachment files
aError = TestFrameworkActionsUtils::CompareFilesL(aSentFilePath, aRecvFilePath,
EFalse, ignoreCharList, aDiffFlag);
Checks if the attachments download for all options of download limits set.
Verifies the Complete and Partial download flag settings for the attachments
in the received message based on the download option and download limits set.
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CompareAttachmentsL()
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Comparing Attachments"));
// Get attachment list for Sent and Received message
CImEmailMessage* sentEmailMessage = iSentMessageInfo->GetEmailMessageL();
CImEmailMessage* recvEmailMessage = iRecvMessageInfo->GetEmailMessageL();
// Call the asynchronous function to get the attachment list
//Get the list of attachments present in sent message
MMsvAttachmentManager& sentManager = sentEmailMessage->AttachmentManager();
// Get attachment list for Received message
// Call the asynchronous function to get the attachment list
//Get the list of attachments present in received message
MMsvAttachmentManager& recvManager = recvEmailMessage->AttachmentManager();
TInt sentMsgAttachmentCount = sentManager.AttachmentCount();
TInt recvMsgAttachmentCount = recvManager.AttachmentCount();
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Sent Attachments: %d, Received Attachments: %d"),
// Check for the attachment count
CheckAttachmentCountL(sentMsgAttachmentCount, recvMsgAttachmentCount);
if(IsTestCaseStatusPass() && recvMsgAttachmentCount)
TBool toBeDownloaded ;
TBool downloaded ;
TBool attachmentFound;
// Loop through Sent attachment list
for ( TInt index1 = 0, index2 = 0 ; ( IsTestCaseStatusPass()) &&
(index1 < sentMsgAttachmentCount) ; index1++)
// Get the name of the attachment
CMsvAttachment* sentAttInfo1 = sentManager.GetAttachmentInfoL(index1);
TFileName fileName1 = sentAttInfo1->AttachmentName();
toBeDownloaded = EFalse;
downloaded = EFalse;
attachmentFound = EFalse;
// Based on the download type set, check if the attachment
// was supposed to be downloaded or not
if(iDownloadType == EPartialDownload)
// Partial download limits set
toBeDownloaded = CheckIfAttachmentTobeDownloadedWithPartialDownloadSet
(sentAttInfo1->AttachmentName(), sentAttInfo1->Size());
// Full download limits set
toBeDownloaded = CheckIfAttachmentTobeDownloadedWithCompleteDownloadSet(sentAttInfo1->AttachmentName());
// Loop through the received messages to search for the attachment
// with the same name
for ( index2 = 0; index2 < recvMsgAttachmentCount; index2++ )
// Get the attachment name
CMsvAttachment* recvAttInfo2 = recvManager.GetAttachmentInfoL(index2);
TFileName fileName2 = recvAttInfo2->AttachmentName();
// Compare the name of the attachment in the sent message with the
// received message's attachment name
if ( fileName2.Compare(fileName1) == 0 )
// Comparison was success, the attachment found in the
// received message
attachmentFound = ETrue;
// Check if the attachment was downloaded
if ( recvAttInfo2->Complete() )
// Complete flag set to True ==> attachment is downloaded
downloaded = ETrue;
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Attachment %S is downloaded"),
if(attachmentFound == EFalse)
// Expected attachment is not downloaded
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Attachment %S was not received"), &fileName1);
// Test step result is set to EFail
CMsvAttachment* recvAttInfo2 = recvManager.GetAttachmentInfoL(index2);
if ( toBeDownloaded && downloaded )
//compare sent and received attachment contents
TInt error = 0;
TBool diffFlag = EFalse;
recvAttInfo2->FilePath(), error, diffFlag);
if ((error != KErrNone) || (diffFlag) )
// Comparison of sent and received attachment fails
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Comparison of %S attachment failed"),
// Test step result is set to EFail
// The attachments contents are same
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Comparison of attachment %S was success"),
// Verify the complete and the partial download flags set
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Attachment: Complete flag = ETrue, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL(*recvAttInfo2 , ETrue);
else if(toBeDownloaded && (downloaded == EFalse))
// Expected attachment is not downloaded
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Attachment %S was not downloaded"),
// Test step result is set to EFail
else if( (toBeDownloaded == EFalse) && (downloaded))
// Unexpected attachment has been downloaded
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Attachment %S was received, but not expected"),
// Test step result is set to EFail
else if((toBeDownloaded == EFalse) && (downloaded == EFalse))
// Verify the flags
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF2(_L("The attachment %S was not downloaded"),&fileName1);
TestCase().INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Expected flag values for Attachment: Complete flag = EFalse, Partial download flag = EFalse"));
CheckFlagSettingsL(*recvAttInfo2, EFalse);
Checks if the number of attachments in the received message is correct.
Otherwise, fails the Test Case.
@param aSentMsgAttachmentCount - Number of attachments in the sent message
@param aRecvMsgAttachmentCount - Number of attachments in the sent message
@pre None
@post None
void CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::CheckAttachmentCountL(TInt aSentMsgAttachmentCount, TInt aRecvMsgAttachmentCount)
TInt32 sentMsgSize;
User::LeaveIfError( iSentMessageInfo->GetMessageSize(sentMsgSize) );
if( iDownloadType == EFullDownload )
// if attachment download allowed
if( iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts != EGetImap4EmailHeaders &&
iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts != EGetImap4EmailBodyText )
if( sentMsgSize <= iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iMaxEmailSize && aSentMsgAttachmentCount != aRecvMsgAttachmentCount )
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Full Download Number of attachments are not equal"));
else if( aRecvMsgAttachmentCount > 0 ) // no attachment downloads allowed -should not recieve any attachments
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Download with EGetImap4EmailHeaders or EGetImap4EmailBodyText Attachment count is not equal to 0"));
// if only downloading headers or body text just check we havent recieved any attachments
if( ( iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts == EGetImap4EmailHeaders ||
iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iGetMailBodyParts == EGetImap4EmailBodyText ) &&
aRecvMsgAttachmentCount > 0 )
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Download with EGetImap4EmailHeaders, Attachment count is not equal to 0"));
// check that the total size limit should allow all attachments to be
// downloaded and that the attachment counts are equal
else if( sentMsgSize <= iImapCompleteDownloadLimits.iMaxEmailSize && aSentMsgAttachmentCount != aRecvMsgAttachmentCount )
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Full Download Number of attachments are not equal"));
else if( iDownloadType == EPartialDownload )
// if attatchment download allowed
if( iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iPartialMailOptions != EBodyTextOnly )
// if message size is below the max then attchments downloaded should match attachments sent
if( sentMsgSize <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iTotalSizeLimit &&
aSentMsgAttachmentCount != aRecvMsgAttachmentCount )
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Partial Download Number of attachments are not equal"));
else if( aRecvMsgAttachmentCount > 0 ) // body text only - should not recieve any attachments
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Download with EBodyTextOnly, Attachments will not be downloaded"));
TestCase().ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Unknown value for iDownloadType"));
Checks if the attachment download when Full download options is set.
@return TBool ETrue if attachment is to be downloaded, EFalse otherwise
@pre None
@post None
TBool CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::
CheckIfAttachmentTobeDownloadedWithCompleteDownloadSet(const TDesC& aAttachmentName /*const TDesC8& aMimeType*/)
TBool toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
if(iDownloadType == EFullDownload)
case EGetImap4EmailHeaders:
toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
case EGetImap4EmailBodyText:
toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
case EGetImap4EmailAttachments:
toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
case EGetImap4EmailBodyTextAndAttachments:
toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
case EGetImap4EmailBodyAlternativeText:
// Check is done against filename because Mime_type field isn't filled out
if ( aAttachmentName.CompareF(_L("calendar.ics")) == 0 )
toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
return toBeCompletelyDownloadedFlag;
Checks if the attachment download when Partial download options is set.
@param aAttachmentSize Size of the attachment
@return TBool ETrue if attachment is to be downloaded, EFalse otherwise
@pre None
@post None
TBool CMtfTestActionCompareEmailMessages::
(const TDesC& aAttachmentName, TInt32 aAttachmentSize)
// [WorkAround for Attachments Ref1] Begin
TInt32 recvAttachmentSize = (TInt32)(aAttachmentSize * ATTACHMENT_SIZE_CORRECTION);
// [WorkAround for Attachments Ref1] End
TBool toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
if(iDownloadType == EPartialDownload)
case ENoSizeLimits:
toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
case EBodyTextOnly:
toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = EFalse;
case EAttachmentsOnly:
if( recvAttachmentSize <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iAttachmentSizeLimit)
toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
case EBodyTextAndAttachments:
if( recvAttachmentSize <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iAttachmentSizeLimit)
toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
case ECumulative:
if( recvAttachmentSize <= iCumulativeSize)
toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
iCumulativeSize = iCumulativeSize - recvAttachmentSize;
case EBodyAlternativeText:
// Check is done against filename because Mime_type field isn't filled out
if( recvAttachmentSize <= iImapPartialDownloadLimits.iAttachmentSizeLimit &&
aAttachmentName.CompareF(_L("calendar.ics")) == 0 )
toBePartialyDownloadedFlag = ETrue;
return toBePartialyDownloadedFlag;