author Simon Howkins <>
Thu, 18 Nov 2010 13:26:55 +0000
changeset 69 71775bb0f6c0
parent 0 a2952bb97e68
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adjusted to avoid exports, etc, from a top-level bld.inf

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Harvester Server Session


#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <s32mem.h>

#include "mpxharvesterengineobserver.h"
#include "mpxhvsmsg.h"

class CMPXHarvesterServer;
class CMPXHarvesterEngine;
class CMPXMedia;

* Harvester server session
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CMPXHarvesterSession ) : public CSession2,
                                            public MMPXHarvesterEngineObserver

    *  Two-phased constructor. Leaves on failure.
    *  @param aServer server object
    *  @param aEngine engine object
    *  @return The constructed object
    static CMPXHarvesterSession* NewL(CMPXHarvesterServer& aServer,
                                      CMPXHarvesterEngine& aEngine);

    *  C++ constructor
    *  @param aServer server object
    *  @param aEngine engine object
    CMPXHarvesterSession(CMPXHarvesterServer& aServer,
                          CMPXHarvesterEngine& aEngine);

    *  Destructor

private: // From base classes

    *  From CSession2
    *  Service request
    *  @param aMessage message object
    void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

    * From MMPXHarvesterEngineObserver
    * Handles the completion of an import event
    void HandleImportCompleteL( CMPXMedia* aMedia, TInt aErr,
                                RHvsMsg* aMsg );

    * From MMPXHarvesterEngineObserver
    * Handles the completion of an import event
    void HandleExportCompleteL( CMPXMedia* aMedia, TInt aErr,
                                RHvsMsg* aMsg );

    * From MMPXHarvesterEngineObserver
    * Handles the completion of an async msg with error
    void CompleteTask( RHvsMsg* aMsg, TInt aErr );

    *  Dispatch message
    *  @param aMessage message object
    void DispatchMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage);

    * Scan the FS for files
    void DoScanL();

    * Cancel the scan (if executing)
    void DoCancelScan();

    * Shutdown the harvester (for testing memory leaks)
    * Testing ONLY
    void DoShutdown();

    * Handles addition of a file (iDes) to the harvester
    * @param aMsg message containing the item to add
    void DoAddFileL( RHvsMsg* aMsg );

    * Decode the IPC message to add a media
    * @param aMessage, message to decode
    * @return, collection ID of the media
    TInt DoAddMediaPropL( const RMessage2& aMessage );

    * Handles media creation for a file
    * @param aMsg message containing the item
    void DoGetMediaL( RHvsMsg* aMsg );

    * Decode the IPC message to get a collection id
    * @param aMessage, message to decode
    * @return, collection ID of the file
    TInt DoGetColUidL( const RMessage2& aMessage );

    * Removes multiple songs from the harvester db
    * @param aMessage message to decode
    void DoRemoveMultipleFilesL( const RMessage2& aMessage );

    * Update a file according to new information
    * @param aMessage message to decode
    void DoUpdateFileL( const RMessage2& aMessage );

    * Rename a file according to new information
    * @param aMessage message to decode
    void DoRenameFileL( const RMessage2& aMessage );

    * Set the message as async and add it to the message list
    * @param aMessage message to decode
    * @param aOp operation id
    RHvsMsg* SetAsyncL( const RMessage2& aMessage, TMPXHarvesterServerOp aOp );

    * Complete and remove an RHvsMsg
    * @param aMessage message to decode
    * @param aErr error code to complete operation
    void CompleteMessage( RHvsMsg*& aMessage, TInt aErr );

    *  Helper methods for transferring variable sized arrays and objects

    *  Reads a descriptor from the message, allocated into iDes
    *  @param aMessage message object
    *  @param aMsgSlot message slot
    *  @return the result descriptor
    const TDesC& ReadDesL(const RMessage2& aMessage,TInt aMsgSlot);


    *  2nd phase constructor
    void ConstructL();


    CMPXHarvesterServer&  iServer;  // not owned
    CMPXHarvesterEngine&  iEngine;  // not owned

    HBufC* iDes;
    HBufC8* iDes8;
    CBufBase* iBuffer;

    RPointerArray<RHvsMsg> iMessages;
    CMPXMedia* iMedia;