author Simon Howkins <>
Thu, 18 Nov 2010 13:26:55 +0000
changeset 69 71775bb0f6c0
parent 28 f56ec6ce2732
permissions -rw-r--r--
Adjusted to avoid exports, etc, from a top-level bld.inf

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Extracts metadata from a file


#include <thumbnailmanager.h>
#include <thumbnailmanagerobserver.h>

class CMPXMedia;
class CMPXCollectionPath;
class CMPXFileInfoUtility;
class CMPXDrmMediaUtility;
class MMPXMetadataExtractorObserver;
class CMetaDataUtility;
class CMetaDataFieldContainer;

 *  Extracts metadata from a file.
 *  @lib mpxfilehandler.lib
class CMPXMetadataExtractor : public CBase,
                              public MThumbnailManagerObserver
    * Two-Phased Constructor.
    	*@since 3.2.3
    IMPORT_C static CMPXMetadataExtractor* NewL( RFs& aFs, 
                                                 RApaLsSession& aAppArc,
                                                 RPointerArray<CMPXCollectionType>& aTypes );

    * Virtual Destructor.
    	*@since 3.2.3
    virtual ~CMPXMetadataExtractor();

public: // New Functions
    * Create a media object for a file.
    * @since 3.2.3
    * @param aFile a fullpath to the file.
    * @param aNewProperty on return a new media property will be created.
    * @param aMetadataOnly extract metadata only or not. Default EFalse
    IMPORT_C void CreateMediaL( const TDesC& aFile,
                                CMPXMedia*& aNewProperty,
                                TBool aMetadataOnly = EFalse );

     * Extract album art from a file and add to thumbnail manager.
     * @since 5.0
     * @param aMedia MPX Media object to add album art attribute.
     * @return error id 
    IMPORT_C TInt ExtractAlbumArtL( CMPXMedia* aMedia );
    * Create a media object for a file. This is a asynchronous function.
    * This function will leave with KErrAbort if still processing last request.
    * Callback function is HandleCreateMediaComplete()
    * @since 9.2
    * @param aFile a fullpath to the file.
    * @param aObs Metadata Extractor Observer
    * @param aMetadataOnly extract metadata only or not. Default EFalse
    IMPORT_C void CreateMediaAsyncL( const TDesC& aFile,
                                     MMPXMetadataExtractorObserver* aObs,
                                     TBool aMetadataOnly = EFalse );

     * Cancel request.  This will empty the task array and stop the wait loop. This
     *                  will cause the CreateMediaL() to finish more quickly. Also,
     *                  all outstanding thumbnail requests are cancelled.
     * @since 9.2
    IMPORT_C void CancelRequest();
private: // New Functions:
    * Set default media properties.
    * @since 3.2.3
    * @param aMediaProp media properties to update
    void SetDefaultL( CMPXMedia& aMediaProp );
    * Function to go through the metadata entries.
    * @since 3.2.3
    void SetMediaPropertiesL();
    * Sets other media properties not found from metadata util.
    * @since 3.2.3
    void SetExtMediaPropertiesL();   
    * Checks to see if a container type is supported.
    * @since 3.2.3
    * @param aFile file path.
    * @param aIndex index to the supported types array.
    * @return index to the mimetype
    TInt SupportedContainerTypeL( const TDesC& aFile, TInt aIndex );

    // From MThumbnailManagerObserver 
    * Preview thumbnail generation or loading is complete.
     * @since S60 v5.0
     * @param aThumbnail     An object representing the resulting thumbnail.
     * @param aId            Request ID for the operation
    void ThumbnailPreviewReady(
        MThumbnailData& aThumbnail, TThumbnailRequestId aId );
     * Final thumbnail bitmap generation or loading is complete.
     * @since S60 v5.0
     * @param aError         Error code.
     * @param aThumbnail     An object representing the resulting thumbnail.
     * @param aId            Request ID for the operation.
    void ThumbnailReady(
        TInt aError, 
        MThumbnailData& aThumbnail, TThumbnailRequestId aId );

    * Stop the wait loop.
    void StopWaitLoop();

     * Cancel timer. 
    void CancelTimeoutTimer();
    * Callback when the timer times out.
    static TInt TimeoutTimerCallback(TAny* aPtr);

     * Add album art to media object.
     * @since 5.0
     * @param aMedia
    void AddMediaAlbumArtL( CMPXMedia& aMedia,
                            const TDesC& aFile );
     * Check if can send request to TNM or not.
     * @since 5.0
    void CheckBeforeSendRequest();
     * Cancel all outstanding thumbnail requests
     * @since 9.2
    void CancelAllThumbnailRequests();
     * Create media and set default data.
     * @since 9.2
    void DoCreateMediaL();
     * Execute task at index 0.
     * @since 9.2
    void ExecuteTaskL();
     * Cancel task timer. 
    void CancelTaskTimer();
    * Callback when the task timer expires.
    static TInt TaskTimerCallback(TAny* aPtr);

     * Populate task array
     * @since 9.2
    void AddTasksL();
     * Opens the file
     * @since 9.2
     * @return system error
    TInt OpenFile();
     * Handle task timer expired
     * @since 9.2 
    void HandleTaskTimerExpired();
     * Clean up
     * @since 9.2 
    void CleanUp();
     * Sets drm media properties
     * @since 9.2 
    void SetDrmMediaPropertiesL(const CMetaDataFieldContainer& aMetaCont);


    * Private Two-Phased constuctor.
    * @since 3.2.3
    * @param aFs file path.
    * @param aAppArc address for the session application information.
    * @param array of supported types
    CMPXMetadataExtractor( RFs& aFs, RApaLsSession& aAppArc,
                           RPointerArray<CMPXCollectionType>& aTypes );

    void ConstructL();

private: // data
    enum EMetadataExtractorTasks
    CMetaDataUtility*    iMetadataUtility;  // extract metadata from file
    CMPXDrmMediaUtility* iDrmMediaUtility;  // extra drm data from file
    CMPXFileInfoUtility* iFileInfoUtil;     // extract duration/bitrate etc from file
    RFs&                 iFs;
    RApaLsSession&       iAppArc;
    RPointerArray<CMPXCollectionType>& iSupportedTypes;  // not owned
    CThumbnailManager*    iTNManager;
    CActiveSchedulerWait* iTNSyncWait;  // wait loop use to sync thumbnail
    CPeriodic*            iTimer; // backup timer to stop wait loop
    RArray<TThumbnailRequestId>     iArrayTNRequestId;
    RArray<EMetadataExtractorTasks> iArrayTasks;
    TBool                           iCancelled;
    CPeriodic*                      iTaskTimer; // timer for task execution
    MMPXMetadataExtractorObserver*  iObs; // metadata extractor obserer
    TFileName                       iFileName;
    RFile                           iFile;
    CMPXMedia*                      iMedia;  // ownership transferred
    TBool                           iMetadataOnly;
    TInt                            iFileOpenError;