* Copyright (c) 2007-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Widget factory implementation file
//STL includes
#include <string.h>
//ALF Client includes
#include <alf/alfenv.h>
#include <alf/alfdisplay.h>
//OSN core includes
#include <osn/ustring.h>
#include <osn/alfptrvector.h>
//Widget Utils includes
#include <alf/alfexceptions.h>
//Widget factory includes
#include <alf/ialffactoryplugin.h>
//Widget Model includes
#include <alf/ialfwidget.h>
#include <alf/ialfmodel.h>
#include <alf/ialfwidgetcontrol.h>
#include <alf/ialfelement.h>
#include "alf/ialfvisualtemplate.h"
#include <alf/ialfwidgeteventhandler.h>
#include <alf/ialflayoutmanager.h>
//View Widget includes
#include <alf/ialfviewwidget.h>
//Local Includes
#include "alfwidgetfactory.h"
using namespace osncore;
namespace Alf
static const char* const KViewWidgetProductId = "viewwidget";
static IAlfViewWidget* createDefaultViewWidget(
const char* aInstanceId,
int aControlGroupID,
DuiNode* aNode,
CAlfDisplay& aDisplay,
CAlfEnv& aEnv,
IAlfFactoryPlugin& aFactoryPlugin,
const char* aFilePath,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfViewWidget* ret = 0;
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfViewWidgetInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfViewWidgetInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mEnv = &aEnv;
init.mDisplay = &aDisplay;
init.mWidgetId = aInstanceId;
init.mControlGroupId = aControlGroupID;
init.mNode = aNode;
init.mFilePath = aFilePath;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp = aFactoryPlugin.createProduct(
KViewWidgetProductId, &init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfViewWidget>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfWidget* createDefaultWidget(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
IAlfContainerWidget& aContainerWidget,
DuiNode* aNode,
CAlfEnv& aEnv,
IAlfFactoryPlugin& aFactoryPlugin,
const char* aFilePath,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfWidget* ret = 0;
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfWidgetInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfWidgetInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mEnv = &aEnv;
init.mContainerWidget = &aContainerWidget;
init.mWidgetId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode = aNode;
init.mFilePath = aFilePath;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp = aFactoryPlugin.createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfWidget>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfModel* createDefaultModel(
const char* aLoadId,
IAlfFactoryPlugin& aFactoryPlugin,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfModel* ret = 0;
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfModelInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfModelInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp = aFactoryPlugin.createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfModel>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfWidgetControl* createDefaultControl(
const char* aLoadId,
CAlfDisplay& aDisplay,
IAlfFactoryPlugin& aFactoryPlugin,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfWidgetControl* ret(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfWidgetControlInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfWidgetControlInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mDisplay = &aDisplay;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp = aFactoryPlugin.createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfWidgetControl>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfElement* createDefaultElement(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
IAlfWidgetControl& aControl,
IAlfFactoryPlugin& aFactoryPlugin,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfElement* ret(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfElementInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfElementInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mControl= &aControl;
init.mElementId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode= aNode;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp = aFactoryPlugin.createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfElement>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfVisualTemplate* createDefaultVisualTemplate(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
IAlfFactoryPlugin& aFactoryPlugin,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfVisualTemplate* ret(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfVisualTemplateInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfVisualTemplateInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mVisualTemplateId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode= aNode;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp = aFactoryPlugin.createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfVisualTemplate>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfWidgetEventHandler* createDefaultEventHandler(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
IAlfFactoryPlugin& aFactoryPlugin,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfWidgetEventHandler* ret(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mWidgetEventHandlerId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode= aNode;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp = aFactoryPlugin.createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfWidgetEventHandler>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfLayoutManager* createDefaultLayoutManager(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
IAlfFactoryPlugin& aFactoryPlugin,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfLayoutManager* ret(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfLayoutManagerInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfLayoutManagerInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mLayoutManagerId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode= aNode;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp = aFactoryPlugin.createProduct(aLoadId, &init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfLayoutManager>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfViewWidget* createRegisteredViewWidget(
const char* aInstanceId,
int aControlGroupID,
DuiNode* aNode,
CAlfEnv& aEnv,
CAlfDisplay& aDisplay,
AlfPtrVector<IAlfFactoryPlugin>& aFactoryList,
const char* aFilePath,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfViewWidget* ret(0);
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfViewWidgetInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfViewWidgetInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mEnv = &aEnv;
init.mDisplay = &aDisplay;
init.mWidgetId = aInstanceId;
init.mControlGroupId = aControlGroupID;
init.mNode = aNode;
init.mFilePath = aFilePath;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Run through registered factories.
for(int i=0;i<aFactoryList.count()&&!ret;i++)
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
tmp = aFactoryList.at(i)->createProduct(KViewWidgetProductId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfViewWidget>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfWidget* createRegisteredWidget(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
IAlfContainerWidget& aContainerWidget,
DuiNode* aNode,
CAlfEnv& aEnv,
AlfPtrVector<IAlfFactoryPlugin>& aFactoryList,
const char* aFilePath,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfWidget* ret(0);
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfWidgetInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfWidgetInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mEnv = &aEnv;
init.mContainerWidget = &aContainerWidget;
init.mWidgetId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode = aNode;
init.mFilePath= aFilePath;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Run through registered factories.
for(int i=0;i<aFactoryList.count()&&!ret;i++)
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
tmp = aFactoryList.at(i)->createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfWidget>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfModel* createRegisteredModel(
const char* aLoadId,
AlfPtrVector<IAlfFactoryPlugin>& aFactoryList,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfModel* ret(0);
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfModelInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfModelInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Run through registered factories.
for(int i=0;i<aFactoryList.count()&&!ret;i++)
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
tmp = aFactoryList.at(i)->createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfModel>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfWidgetControl* createRegisteredControl(
const char* aLoadId,
CAlfDisplay& aDisplay,
AlfPtrVector<IAlfFactoryPlugin>& aFactoryList,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfWidgetControl* ret(0);
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfWidgetControlInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfWidgetControlInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mDisplay = &aDisplay;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Run through registered factories.
for(int i=0;i<aFactoryList.count()&&!ret;i++)
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
tmp = aFactoryList.at(i)->createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfWidgetControl>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfElement* createRegisteredElement(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
IAlfWidgetControl& aControl,
AlfPtrVector<IAlfFactoryPlugin>& aFactoryList,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfElement* ret(0);
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfElementInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfElementInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mControl= &aControl;
init.mElementId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode= aNode;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Run through registered factories.
for(int i=0;i<aFactoryList.count()&&!ret;i++)
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
tmp = aFactoryList.at(i)->createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfElement>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfVisualTemplate* createRegisteredVisualTemplate(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
AlfPtrVector<IAlfFactoryPlugin>& aFactoryList,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfVisualTemplate* ret(0);
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfVisualTemplateInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfVisualTemplateInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mVisualTemplateId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode= aNode;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Run through registered factories.
for(int i=0;i<aFactoryList.count()&&!ret;i++)
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
tmp = aFactoryList.at(i)->createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfVisualTemplate>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfWidgetEventHandler* createRegisteredEventHandler(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
AlfPtrVector<IAlfFactoryPlugin>& aFactoryList,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfWidgetEventHandler* ret(0);
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfWidgetEventHandlerInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mWidgetEventHandlerId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode= aNode;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Run through registered factories.
for(int i=0;i<aFactoryList.count()&&!ret;i++)
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
tmp = aFactoryList.at(i)->createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfWidgetEventHandler>(
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
static IAlfLayoutManager* createRegisteredLayoutManager(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
AlfPtrVector<IAlfFactoryPlugin>& aFactoryList,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfLayoutManager* ret(0);
IAlfInterfaceBase* tmp(0);
// Create construction parameter structure.
AlfLayoutManagerInitData init;
// Zero out the data in the construction structure.
memset(&init, 0, sizeof(AlfLayoutManagerInitData));
// Set the construction parameters.
init.mLayoutManagerId = const_cast<char*>(aInstanceId);
init.mNode= aNode;
init.mCustomData = aCustomData;
// Run through registered factories.
for(int i=0;i<aFactoryList.count()&&!ret;i++)
// Create a temporary factory product and typecast it to the correct
// interface.
tmp = aFactoryList.at(i)->createProduct(aLoadId,&init);
// Object created. Attempt to typecast to correct interface.
ret = IAlfInterfaceBase::makeInterface<IAlfLayoutManager>(tmp);
// Interface not found. Delete the temporary product.
delete tmp;
return ret;
AlfWidgetFactory::AlfWidgetFactory(CAlfEnv& aAlfEnv):
IAlfViewWidget* AlfWidgetFactory::createViewWidget(
const char* aInstanceId,
int aControlGroupID,
DuiNode* aNode,
CAlfDisplay* aDisplay,
const char* aFilePath,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfViewWidget* ret(0);
auto_ptr<IAlfViewWidget> autoptr = auto_ptr<IAlfViewWidget>(0);
IAlfFactoryPlugin* factoryPlugin = mFactoryPluginLoader.loadFactoryPlugin(
CAlfDisplay* display = aDisplay;
//Check there is already a widget with the same instance ID.
"Instance ID same as an existing widget.")
//Both node and presentation declaration file handle cannot have
//non-null value at the same time.
if(aNode && aFilePath)
"Both node & presentation declaration file handle cannot have non-null values at the same time")
if(mAlfEnv.DisplayCount() == 0)
// No display objects defined in the environment.
// Throw an exception.
ALF_THROW(AlfException, EDisplayNotFound,
"No display found from environment.Unable to associate a display with the view widget.");
display = &mAlfEnv.PrimaryDisplay();
// Try default factory first
// Then try registered factories
if(autoptr.get() != 0)
// If trap occurs throw exception. Created widget will be automatically
// destroyed since it is in auto pointer.
TRAPD(err, appendWidget(
if(err != KErrNone)
ALF_THROW(AlfException, err,
"Appending created widget to environment failed.");
// After succesfull call to AppendWidgetL we can release the autoptr.
ret = autoptr.release();
return ret;
IAlfWidget* AlfWidgetFactory::createWidget(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
IAlfContainerWidget& aContainerWidget,
DuiNode* aNode,
const char* aFilePath,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfWidget* ret(0);
IAlfFactoryPlugin* pluginFactory = mFactoryPluginLoader.loadFactoryPlugin(
//Check there is already a widget with the same instance ID.
"Instance ID same as an existing widget.")
//Both node and presentation declaration file handle cannot have
//non-null value at the same time.
if(aNode && aFilePath)
"Both node & presentation declaration file handle cannot have non-null values at the same time")
// Try first default factory
ret = createDefaultWidget(
// Then try registered factories
ret = createRegisteredWidget(
TRAPD(err, appendWidget(ret));
if(err != KErrNone)
delete ret;
ALF_THROW(AlfException, err,
"Appending created widget to environment failed.");
return ret;
int AlfWidgetFactory::destroyWidget(IAlfWidget* aWidget)
int ret = -1;
int widgetCount = mWidgetList.count();
for ( int i = 0; i < widgetCount; ++i )
if ( mWidgetList[i] == aWidget )
// remove and destroy the widget
mWidgetList.remove( i );
ret = 0;
break; ;
return ret;
int AlfWidgetFactory::appendWidget(IAlfWidget* aWidget)
int ret = 0;
int widgetCount = mWidgetList.count();
for ( int i = 0; i < widgetCount; ++i )
if ( mWidgetList[i] == aWidget )
ret = -1;
break; ;
if(ret != -1 )
mWidgetList.resize( mWidgetList.count()+1);
mWidgetList.insert( mWidgetList.count(), aWidget );
return ret;
IAlfWidget* AlfWidgetFactory::findWidget(const char* aWidgetName) const
IAlfWidget* ret(NULL);
int widgetCount = mWidgetList.count();
for(int i=0; i<widgetCount && !ret; i++)
const char* widgetName = mWidgetList[i]->widgetName();
ret = mWidgetList[i];
return ret;
IAlfModel* AlfWidgetFactory::createModel(
const char* aLoadId,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfModel* ret(0);
IAlfFactoryPlugin* pluginFactory = mFactoryPluginLoader.loadFactoryPlugin(
// Try first default factory
ret = createDefaultModel(aLoadId,*pluginFactory, aCustomData);
// Then try registered factories
ret = createRegisteredModel(
return ret;
IAlfWidgetControl* AlfWidgetFactory::createControl(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
CAlfDisplay* aDisplay,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfWidgetControl* ret(0);
IAlfFactoryPlugin* pluginFactory = mFactoryPluginLoader.loadFactoryPlugin(
//Compiler warning removal. Left here for future use cases.
CAlfDisplay* display = aDisplay;
display = &mAlfEnv.PrimaryDisplay();
// Try first default factory
ret = createDefaultControl(aLoadId,*display,*pluginFactory,aCustomData);
// Then try registered factories
ret = createRegisteredControl(
return ret;
IAlfElement* AlfWidgetFactory::createElement(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
IAlfWidgetControl& aControl,
DuiNode* aNode,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfElement* ret(0);
IAlfFactoryPlugin* pluginFactory = mFactoryPluginLoader.loadFactoryPlugin(
// Try first default factory
if (pluginFactory)
ret = createDefaultElement(
// Then try registered factories
ret = createRegisteredElement(
return ret;
IAlfVisualTemplate* AlfWidgetFactory::createVisualTemplate(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData )
IAlfVisualTemplate* ret(0);
IAlfFactoryPlugin* pluginFactory = mFactoryPluginLoader.loadFactoryPlugin(
// Try first default factory
if (pluginFactory)
ret = createDefaultVisualTemplate(
// Then try registered factories
ret = createRegisteredVisualTemplate(
return ret;
IAlfWidgetEventHandler* AlfWidgetFactory::createEventHandler(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData )
IAlfWidgetEventHandler* ret(0);
IAlfFactoryPlugin* pluginFactory = mFactoryPluginLoader.loadFactoryPlugin(
// Try first default factory
if (pluginFactory)
ret = createDefaultEventHandler(
// Then try registered factories
ret = createRegisteredEventHandler(
return ret;
IAlfLayoutManager* AlfWidgetFactory::createLayoutManager(
const char* aLoadId,
const char* aInstanceId,
DuiNode* aNode,
AlfCustomInitDataBase* aCustomData)
IAlfLayoutManager* ret(0);
IAlfFactoryPlugin* pluginFactory = mFactoryPluginLoader.loadFactoryPlugin(
// Try first default factory
if (pluginFactory)
ret = createDefaultLayoutManager(
// Then try registered factories
ret = createRegisteredLayoutManager(
return ret;
void AlfWidgetFactory::registerCustomWidgetFactory(
IAlfFactoryPlugin* aFactory)
IAlfInterfaceBase* AlfWidgetFactory::makeInterface(const IfId& aType)
if ( !strcmp(aType.mImplementationId,
IAlfWidgetFactory::type().mImplementationId) )
return static_cast<IAlfWidgetFactory*>(this);
return 0;
} // namespace Alf
// End of File