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     1 File        :     README.TXT
     2 Author      :     Robert Cripps for Symbian Ltd May 1999
     3                   (c) Copyright Symbian Ltd 1998
     4 Abstract    :     Overview of the design of the Symbian Telnet implementation
     5                   and miscellaneous handover notes for BETA Release 1.0
     7 1)  Overall Structure
     8 The Symbian Telnet (Telsess.dll) export entry points are declared in telsess.h
     9 and described in TelApi.Doc .There is a basic sample Telnet Client TTelnet.exe
    10 with Source code that demonstrates most of the API calls.
    12 2)  Class Overview
    13 2.1) CTelnetSession
    14 Main derivation from CBase
    15 Top level class created by client applications.
    16 Creates the CTelnetControl control object and contains the export entry
    17 points for client applications.
    19 2.2) CTelnetControl
    20 Main derivation from CBase
    21 Created by CTelnetSession.
    22 The main Symbian Telnet control object handles client calls/callbacks and
    23 generally coordinates Symbian Telnet operation.
    24 Creates instances of :-
    26 CTelnetResolver
    27 CProto
    28 CIOBufferControl
    29 CActiveWriter
    30 CActiveReader
    32 2.3) CTelnetResolver
    33 Main derivation from CActive
    34 Handles connection/disconnection to Telnet Server using state machine
    35 Owns the Socket handle 
    37 2.4) CActiveWriter
    38 Main derivation from CActive
    39 Handles Writes to the Socket
    41 2.5) CActiveReader
    42 Main derivation from CActive
    43 Handles Reads from the Socket
    45 2.6) CIOBufferControl
    46 Main derivation from CBase
    47 Provides buffering between the ActiveRead/Write objects and the
    48 CTelnetControl control object.
    50 2.7) CProto
    51 Main derivation from CBase
    52 The Telnet Protocol handler coordinates RFC 854
    53 Manipulates data stream to and from the Telnet Server.
    54 ALL calls into this object are effectively synchronous.
    55 Contains the main Server receive state machine.
    57 Creates instances of :-
    59 CBinaryOption            RFC 856
    60 CWindowSizeOption        RFC 1073
    61 CTerminalTypeOption      RFC 1091
    62 CTerminalSpeedOption     RFC 1079
    63 CSuppressGAOption        RFC 858
    64 CStatusOption            RFC 859
    65 CEchoOption              RFC 857
    66 CLogoutOption            RFC 727
    67 CUnknownOption
    69 The above RFC classes are derived from CRFCOptionBase which conatins an 
    70 option negotiation state machine as described in RFC 1143
    72 3)  Creation Heirarchy
    73                                CTelnetSession
    74                                      |
    75                                      |            
    76                               CTelnetControl
    77                                      |            
    78       |--------------|---------------|--------------|----------------|
    79       |              |               |              |                |
    80       |              |               |              |                |
    81  CActiveReader  CActiveWriter     CProto    CTelnetResolver  CIOBufferControl
    82                                      |
    83                                      |                               
    84                                CBinaryOption
    85                              CWindowSizeOption
    86                             CTerminalTypeOption
    87                             CTerminalSpeedOption
    88                               CSuppressGAOption
    89                                 CStatusOption
    90                                 CEchoOption
    91                                CLogoutOption
    92                                CUnknownOption
    94 4) File Overview
    95 4.1)  Telsess.cpp & Telsess.h
    96 Symbian Telnet DLL export methods
    98 4.2)  Telcontrol.cpp & Telcontrol
    99 Code & declarations for the Symbian Telnet control class CTelnetControl
   101 4.3)  Telfsm.cpp & Telfsm.h
   102 Implementation of all the Telnet RFC's
   104 4.4)  Telresol.cpp & Telresol.h
   105 Code & declarations for the Symbian Telnet Resolver class CTelnetResolver
   107 4.5)  IOBuffers.cpp & IOBuffers.h
   108 Code & declarations for the intermmediate buffering class CIOBufferControl 
   110 4.6)  ActiveIO.cpp & ActiveIO.h
   111 Code & declarations for the Socket write and Socket read Active Objects
   112 CActiveReader, CActiveWriter 
   116 5) Connect/Disconnect overview
   117 Data paths travelling from Server to the Client contain notification
   118 (M)Interface callbacks.
   120 5.1) Connect to Server
   122                Telnet Client            Telnet Client
   123                     |                         ^
   124                     |                         |
   125            CTelnetSession::Connect   (M) CTelnetSession::Connected
   126                     |                         |
   127                     |                         |
   128            CTelnetControl::Connect  (M) CTelnetControl::ResolverConnected           
   129                     |                         |
   130                     |                         |
   131      CTelnetResolver::IssueConnect     CTelnetResolver Async Completion   
   132                     |                         |
   133                     V                         |
   134                     -------Telnet Server------|
   136 5.2) Disconnect by Server
   138                Telnet Server
   139                     |
   140                     |
   141   CTelnetResolver notified of EOF on Socket by CActiveReader
   142                     |
   143                     |
   144       (M) CTelnetControl::ResolverDisconnected
   145                     |
   146                     |
   147       (M) CTelnetSession::ConnectionClosed
   148                     |
   149                     V
   150                Telnet Client
   153 5.3) Disconnect by Client
   156                Telnet Client             Telnet Client      
   157                     |                         ^
   158                     |                         |
   159     CTelnetSession::Disconnect   (M) CTelnetSession::ConnectionClosed
   160                     |                         |
   161                     |                         |
   162        CTelnetControl::Disconnect (M) CTelnetControl::ResolverDisconnected
   163                     |                         |
   164                     |                         |
   165  CTelnetResolver::IssueDisconnect    CTelnetResolver notified of EOF on Socket
   166                     |                         |
   167                     V                         |
   168                     -------Telnet Server------|
   171 6) Data Transfer
   172 Data paths travelling from Server to the Client contain notification
   173 (M)Interface callbacks.
   174 6.1) Write to Server
   176                 Telnet Client          Telnet Client
   177                     |                        ^
   178                     |                        |
   179            CTelnetSession::Write      (M) CTelnetSession::WriteComplete
   180                     |                        ^
   181                     |                        |
   182            CTelnetControl::Write -->  (M) CTelnetControl::WriteComplete
   183                     |       ^       |        |
   184                     V       |       |        |        
   185                  CProto::ProtoWrite |        |
   186                                     |        |
   187                                     |        |
   188                     |---------------|        |
   189                     |                        |
   190         CIOBufferControl::Write      (M) CIOBufferControl::WriteComplete
   191                     |                        |
   192                     |                        |
   193    CActiveWriter::IssueWrite      CActiveWriter Completes Asynchronously
   194                     |                        |
   195                     V                        |
   196                     ------Telnet Server------|
   200 6.2) Read from Server
   202                 Telnet Client                       Telnet Client
   203                     |                                     ^
   204                     |                                     |
   205            CTelnetSession::Read              (M) CTelnetSession::ReadComplete
   206                     |                                     |           
   207                     |                                     |           
   208                     |          CProto::ProtoRead--->|     |
   209                     |                        |      |     |
   210                     |                        |      V     |
   211            CTelnetSession::Read    (M) CTelnetControl::ReadComplete 
   212                     |                        |
   213                     |                        |
   214            CIOBufferControl::Read  (M) CIOBufferControl::ReadComplete
   215                     |                        |
   216                     |                        |
   217      CActiveReader::IssueRead      CActiveReader Completes Asynchronously
   218                     |                        |
   219                     V                        |
   220                     ------Telnet Server------|
   223 7) Sample Telnet Client
   224 There are only 2 files in this project TTelnet.cpp and TTelnet.h .
   225 This code is not perfect but is fairly easy to understand.
   227 8) Miscellaneous Issues
   229 8.1) Debugs
   230 Debugging has been left in, mainly for Telnet Protocol events. This can be easily removed
   231 when it's no longer useful.
   233 8.2) Testing in Binary Mode
   234 Binary mode is successfully negotiated if a Terminal Type other than "dumb" is selected,
   235 however, we do not have a Terminal emulation to test Binary mode properly.
   236 I have done basic testing to make sure the permitted control signals work in Binary mode
   237 and have carefully desk checked the code that handles the RFC 854 defined behaviour for
   238 receive and transmit in Binary.
   239 As soon as a Terminal emulation, vt100 for example, is "plugged in" over the top of the
   240 Symbian Telnet API, it should be fairly easy to test that Binary mode is working correctly
   241 using "vi" or other Unix applications that require more complex client terminal formatting.
   243 8.3) Finishing Off
   245 i) Error Checks
   246 I need to "Epocise" the code for checking buffer overflows etc
   248 ii) Safe Objects
   249 I'm not sure whether I need to implement things like safe copy constructors.
   251 iii) Error Notifications 
   252 I have not looked into to every single error that can occur on sockets and the resolver,
   253 therefore I've not documented all the error codes that could be passed up to the client.
   255 iv) Coding Standards
   256 Code needs to be checked against the coding standards by myself and then submitted for
   257 review
   259 v) Destructive Testing
   260 Anything I/we can think of to break it.
   262 vi)  Final Documentation
   263 Finish off and make the API official.