author Simon Howkins <>
Wed, 10 Nov 2010 00:18:53 +0000
changeset 46 476f0ee3c373
parent 26 e5e3f539dd55
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added useful diagnostics that explain why raptor is redefining commands for a target (when processing things through the mifconv.flm). This should make it much easier to pinpoint how the system model should be adjusted to avoid the warnings in future. Also simplified the existing redefinition guards.

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Mifconv utilities.

#ifndef __MIFCONVUTIL_H__
#define __MIFCONVUTIL_H__

#include "mifconv.h"
#include "mifconv_sourcefile.h"
#include <sstream>

class MifConvUtil

    static int ByteWidth(int aPixelWidth,int aBitsPerPixel);
     * Returns file extension of the given filename
     * @return String representing the file extension
     * @param fileName String representing the file name.
	static MifConvString FileExtension( const MifConvString& fileName );

     * Returns file name without the extension
     * @return String representing the file name without the extension
     * @param fileName String representing the file name.
    static MifConvString FilenameWithoutExtension( const MifConvString& fileName );

     * Returns file name without the path
     * @return String representing the file name without the path
     * @param fileName String representing the file name.
    static MifConvString FilenameWithoutPath( const MifConvString& fileName );

     * Tells whether the file with the given filename exists.
     * @return true if the given file exists, false otherwise.
     * @param fileName File name
    static bool FileExists( const MifConvString& fileName ); 

     * Returns file size
     * @return File size
     * @param fileName File name
    static size_t FileSize( const MifConvString& fileName );

     * Reads file contents and returns pointer to data buffer. Returns also
     * the data size in bytes.
     * @return std::pair object containing the pointer to the allocated data buffer and the 
     * data size in byte. The caller must take the ownership of the returned data pointer.
     * @param fileName Filename
    static MifConvFileData FileContents( const MifConvString& fileName );

     * Converts the given object to string. Can be used for example to converting integers to string:
     * <code>
     * int i = 0;
     * MifConvString iAsString(MifConvUtil::ToString(i));
     * </code>
     * @return String built from the given object.
     * @param s Reference to the object to be converted to string.
    template <typename T>
    static MifConvString ToString(const T& s)
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << s;
        return MifConvString(ss.str());

     * Replaces given characters to other one from the given string.
     * @param str String from which the characters will be replaced.
     * @param replaceFrom This character will be replaced by other one.
     * @param replaceTo Characters will be replaced by this.
    static void ReplaceChar( MifConvString& str, char replaceFrom, char replaceTo);

     * Replaces given strings to other one from the given string.
     * @param str String from which the characters will be replaced.
     * @param replaceFrom This section of the str will be replaced by other one.
     * @param replaceTo Characters will be replaced by this.
    static void ReplaceStr( MifConvString& str, 
                                  MifConvString replaceFrom, MifConvString replaceTo);
     * Tells whether the given character is a whitespace character or not.
     * @param c Charater to be investigated.
     * @return true if the given character is whitespace character, false otherwise.
    static bool IsWhiteSpace(char c);

     * Splits the given path to drive and directory path parts.
     * @param sourcePath Directory path to be splitted.
     * @param drive Drive part of the given path, if any.
     * @param path Directory path of the given path, if any.
    static void SplitPath( const MifConvString& sourcePath, MifConvString& drive, MifConvString& path);

     * Compares two string. Ignores the case of the letters.
     * @return zero if the strings are equal
     * @param lhs Left hand side string
     * @param rhs Right hand side string
    static int CompareIgnoreCase( const MifConvString& lhs, const MifConvString& rhs );

     * Replaces all the charactes by lower case characters.
     * @return String with lower case letters.
     * @param str Input string
    static MifConvString& ToLower( MifConvString& str );

     * Splits the given string using the given separator.
     * @param str Input string
     * @param separator The input string is splitted using this sub-string as a separator
     * @param components List of the sub-strings splitted from the original input string
    static void SplitString( const MifConvString& str, const MifConvString& separator, MifConvStringList& components );

     * Ensures that the given path exists. Tries to create it if it does not exist.
     * @param destFileName Filename that is to be checked.
     * @param ignoreLast If true, last part of the <code>destFileName</code> is stripped of 
     * Directory separator used as a separator.
    static void EnsurePathExists( const MifConvString& destFileName, bool ignoreLast = false );

     * Removes duplicated directory separators from the given string.
     * @param str String from which the duplicated directory separators are to be searched and removed.
    static void RemoveDuplicateDirSeparators( MifConvString& str );

     * Creates a directory with given path
     * @return True if the directory was successfully created, false otherwise.
     * @param path Directory path
    static bool CreateDirectory( const MifConvString& path );

     * Trims the filename so that first letter is capitalized and others are lower case.
     * @return Trimmed string
     * @param filename Filename to be trimmed.
    static MifConvString UnadornedFilename( const MifConvString& filename );

     * Finds the correct mask file for the bitmap file and sets it to the given object.
     * @param srcFile Source file object.
    static void FindAndSetBitmapMaskFile( MifConvSourceFile& srcFile );

     * Returns a unique temporary file name.
     * @return Temporary file name string.
    static MifConvString TemporaryFilename();

     * Copies a file 
     * @return True if the copying was successful, false otherwise.
     * @param from File which is to be copied from
     * @param to Destination file.
    static bool CopyFile(const MifConvString& from, const MifConvString& to);

     * Returns current working directory path.
     * @return Current working directory path.
    static MifConvString CurrentPath();

     * Changes the working directory
     * @param dirName Working directory name
    static void ChangeDirectory( const MifConvString& dirName );

     * Removes a directory
     * @return Zero if the removal was successful, non-zero otherwise.
     * @param dirName Directory name
    static int RemoveDirectory( const MifConvString& dirName );

     * Removes a file
     * @param fileName Filename
     * @param maxTries Maximum number of file deletion times in case of failure.
     * @param noException If true, no exception is thrown in case of failure. Warning is 
     * printed in debug log. If false, <code>MifConvException</code> is thrown in case of failure.
    static void RemoveFile( const MifConvString& fileName, int maxTries = 1, bool noException = false );
     * Returns MifConv debug filename specified in MIFCONV_DEBUG_FILE
     * @return Debug file name
    static MifConvString DebugFile();

     * Logs string to debug file
     * @param debugStr Debug string to be logged.
    static void DebugLog(const MifConvString& debugStr);
     * Returns default temp directory for intermediate and temporary files
     * @return Temporary directory name
    static const MifConvString& DefaultTempDirectory();

    enum MifConvDebugMode

    static MifConvDebugMode iDebugMode;
    static MifConvString iDebugFile;
    static MifConvString iTempDirectory;
