author Simon Howkins <>
Wed, 10 Nov 2010 00:18:53 +0000
changeset 46 476f0ee3c373
parent 27 19f74a1096d4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added useful diagnostics that explain why raptor is redefining commands for a target (when processing things through the mifconv.flm). This should make it much easier to pinpoint how the system model should be adjusted to avoid the warnings in future. Also simplified the existing redefinition guards.

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Mifconv icon binary converters class.

#include "mifconv.h"
#include "mifconv_iconbinaryconverter.h"
#include "mifconv_util.h"
#include "mifconv_exception.h"
#include "mifconv_convertermanager.h"
#include "mifconv_argumentmanager.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <algorithm> 




void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::Init()

void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::CleanupTargetFiles()

void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::AppendFile( const MifConvSourceFile& sourcefile )
	if( MifConvUtil::FileExtension( sourcefile.Filename() ) == SVG_FILE_EXTENSION &&
        MifConvArgumentManager::Instance()->BooleanValue(MifConvDisableSvgCompression) == false)
		iSourceFiles.push_back( sourcefile );

        // Create temp directory:
        if( iTempDir.length() == 0 )

        // External SVGTBINENCODE converts .svg files to .svgb files. However, .svgb files
        // shall be given to mif-converter to get them in mif-file:      
        // Create new string for .svgb file name: 
        MifConvString tmpFile(sourcefile.Filename());
        MifConvString tempBinFilename(iTempDir + MifConvUtil::FilenameWithoutExtension(tmpFile) + "." + SVGB_BINARY_FILE_EXTENSION);

        // Get converters for .svgb files:
        MifConvFileConverterList& additionalConverters = MifConvConverterManager::Instance()->GetConverters(tempBinFilename);

        // Converters for .svg files:
        MifConvFileConverterList& thisFilesConverters = MifConvConverterManager::Instance()->GetConverters( sourcefile.Filename() );

        // Save temporary binary filename for later deleting:

        // Add temporary file to converters:
        for( MifConvFileConverterList::iterator c = additionalConverters.begin(); c != additionalConverters.end(); ++c )
            // We have to make sure that we don't add same file twice to same converter. So, let's take first a list of
            // .svg file converters and compare them to the .svgb file converters. Don't add temporary file to converters
            // that are found from both of the lists.
            MifConvFileConverterList::iterator c2 = std::find(thisFilesConverters.begin(), thisFilesConverters.end(), *c );
            if( c2 == thisFilesConverters.end() )
                // .svgb converter not found from .svg converters -> add temporary file to .svgb converter:
                MifConvSourceFile svgbFile(sourcefile);

void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::Convert()
    if( iSourceFiles.size() > 0 && MifConvArgumentManager::Instance()->BooleanValue(MifConvDisableSvgCompression) == false )

void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::Cleanup(bool err)
	if( err )

void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::ConvertToSvgb()

void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::InitTempFile()
    MifConvArgumentManager* argMgr = MifConvArgumentManager::Instance();
    // Construct temp file name
    // If temp directory is given in command line arguments, use it:    
    iTempDir = MifConvUtil::DefaultTempDirectory();
    const MifConvString& tempDirArg = argMgr->StringValue(MifConvTempPathArg);
    if( tempDirArg.length() > 0 )
        iTempDir = tempDirArg;

    if( iTempDir.length() > 0 && != DIR_SEPARATOR2 )

    // Generate new temp-filename:

    // append tmp at as postfix
    // this is needed because the generated name can contain a single period '.'
    // character as the last character which is eaten away when the directory created.



void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::ConvertToBinaryFilename( MifConvString& input )
    // Change "/" into "\".
    MifConvUtil::ReplaceChar(input, INCORRECT_DIR_SEPARATOR2, DIR_SEPARATOR2);      

    // Change "\.\" into "_".
    MifConvString replace_str = "";
    replace_str += DIR_SEPARATOR2;
    replace_str += '.';
    replace_str += DIR_SEPARATOR2;
    MifConvUtil::ReplaceStr(input, replace_str, "_");
    // Remove ".\" from start if existing.
    replace_str = '.';
    replace_str += DIR_SEPARATOR2;
    MifConvString::size_type index = input.find(replace_str, 0);
    if (index == 0) {
        input = input.substr(replace_str.length(), input.length()-replace_str.length());
    // Change "\" into "_".
    MifConvUtil::ReplaceChar(input, DIR_SEPARATOR2, '_');
    // Change ":" into "_".
    MifConvUtil::ReplaceChar(input, ':', '_');
    // Change " " into "_".
    MifConvUtil::ReplaceChar(input, ' ', '_');

void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::RunExtConverter()
#ifdef WIN32
    MifConvArgumentManager* argMgr = MifConvArgumentManager::Instance();
    // Build svgtbinencode command    
    MifConvString extConverterCommand("\""); // Open the " mark
    MifConvString versionArgument;
    MifConvString sourceArgument;    
    const MifConvString& extConverterPath = argMgr->StringValue(MifConvSvgencodePathArg);
    const MifConvString& defaultExtConverterPath = GetDefaultExtConverterPath();
    if( extConverterPath.length() > 0 )
        extConverterCommand += extConverterPath; // If the path is given, use it.
        extConverterCommand += defaultExtConverterPath; // Use default path

    // Ensure that the last char of the path is dir-separator:
    if( extConverterCommand.length() > 1 && != DIR_SEPARATOR2 )
        extConverterCommand += DIR_SEPARATOR;

    // Then add SVGTBINENCODE executable call and close the " mark
    extConverterCommand += SVGTBINENCODE_EXECUTABLE_NAME + MifConvString("\" ");
    // If SVGTBINENCODE version is given, use it also:
    const MifConvString& extConverterVersion = argMgr->StringValue(MifConvSvgtVersionArg);
    if( extConverterVersion.length() > 0 )
        versionArgument = SVGTBINENCODE_OPTION_PREFIX +
            MifConvString(SVGTBINENCODE_VERSION_PARAMETER) + " " + extConverterVersion;
        extConverterCommand += versionArgument + " ";
    // Run converter for each of the source files:
    for( MifConvSourceFileList::iterator i = iSourceFiles.begin(); i != iSourceFiles.end(); ++i )
        // Build temp filename by replacing dir separator and ':' chars with '_':
        MifConvString tmpFileName(i->Filename());

        // Copy source file to temp directory:
        MifConvString to(iTempDir + tmpFileName);        
        if( MifConvUtil::CopyFile(i->Filename(), to) == false )
            THROW_ERROR_COMMON("File copy failed: " + to, MifConvString(__FILE__), __LINE__ );
        // It seems that system() function does not work if the command consists of two separate parts 
        // enclosed with quotation marks. If the whole string is enclosed with quotation marks then it works...
        // For example: command '"\epoc32\tools\bmconv" "somefile"' does not work while command
        // '""\epoc32\tools\bmconv" "somefile""' does.
        cout << "Mifconvdebugging - executing" << MifConvString("\""+extConverterCommand+"\""+to+"\"\"").c_str() << endl;

        if( system(MifConvString("\""+extConverterCommand+"\""+to+"\"\"").c_str()) < 0 )
            cout << "Mifconvdebugging - failed to execute" << MifConvString("\""+extConverterCommand+"\""+to+"\"\"").c_str() << endl;
            int ernro = errno;  // The error number must check straight away before any next system command
            MifConvString errStr("Executing SVGTBINENCODE failed");
            if( ernro )
                errStr += ", system error = " + MifConvUtil::ToString(ernro);      // Possible system error.
            THROW_ERROR_COMMON(errStr, MifConvString(__FILE__), __LINE__ );
    MifConvArgumentManager* argMgr = MifConvArgumentManager::Instance();
    // Build svgtbinencode command    
    MifConvString extConverterCommand("\""); // Open the " mark
    MifConvString versionArgument;
    MifConvString sourceArgument;    
    const MifConvString& extConverterPath = argMgr->StringValue(MifConvSvgencodePathArg);
    const MifConvString& defaultExtConverterPath = GetDefaultExtConverterPath();
    if( extConverterPath.length() > 0 )
        extConverterCommand += extConverterPath; // If the path is given, use it.
        extConverterCommand += defaultExtConverterPath; // Use default path

    // Ensure that the last char of the path is dir-separator:
    if( extConverterCommand.length() > 1 && != DIR_SEPARATOR2 )
        extConverterCommand += DIR_SEPARATOR;

    // Then add SVGTBINENCODE executable call and close the " mark
    extConverterCommand += SVGTBINENCODE_EXECUTABLE_NAME + MifConvString("\" ");
    // If SVGTBINENCODE version is given, use it also:
    const MifConvString& extConverterVersion = argMgr->StringValue(MifConvSvgtVersionArg);
    if( extConverterVersion.length() > 0 )
        versionArgument = SVGTBINENCODE_OPTION_PREFIX +
            MifConvString(SVGTBINENCODE_VERSION_PARAMETER) + " " + extConverterVersion;
        extConverterCommand += versionArgument + " ";
    // Run converter for each of the source files:
    for( MifConvSourceFileList::iterator i = iSourceFiles.begin(); i != iSourceFiles.end(); ++i )
        // Build temp filename by replacing dir separator and ':' chars with '_':
        MifConvString tmpFileName(i->Filename());
        MifConvString epoc = std::string(getenv("EPOCROOT"));
        int len = epoc.length();
        bool isLongName = (epoc == tmpFileName.substr(0, len));

        MifConvString orig=tmpFileName;

       // temporarily skip EPOCROOT to avoid long filename problem in xercers and svgtbinencode
           tmpFileName = tmpFileName.substr(len);

        // Copy source file to temp directory:
        MifConvString to(iTempDir + tmpFileName);        
        if( MifConvUtil::CopyFile(i->Filename(), to) == false )
            THROW_ERROR_COMMON("File copy failed: " + to, MifConvString(__FILE__), __LINE__ );
        iTempFilenames.push_back(iTempDir + orig);
        // It seems that system() function does not work if the command consists of two separate parts 
        // enclosed with quotation marks. If the whole string is enclosed with quotation marks then it works...
        // For example: command '"\epoc32\tools\bmconv" "somefile"' does not work while command
        // '""\epoc32\tools\bmconv" "somefile""' does.
        if( system(MifConvString(extConverterCommand+"\""+to+"\"").c_str()) < 0 )
            int ernro = errno;  // The error number must check straight away before any next system command
            MifConvString errStr("Executing SVGTBINENCODE failed");
            if( ernro )
                errStr += ", system error = " + MifConvUtil::ToString(ernro);      // Possible system error.
            THROW_ERROR_COMMON(errStr, MifConvString(__FILE__), __LINE__ );
            // restore original long filename, corresponding to iSourceFiles.
            rename(to.c_str(), (iTempDir + orig).c_str());

            MifConvString n1 = MifConvUtil::FilenameWithoutExtension(tmpFileName) 
                               + "." + SVGB_BINARY_FILE_EXTENSION;
            MifConvString n2 = MifConvUtil::FilenameWithoutExtension(orig) 
                               + "." + SVGB_BINARY_FILE_EXTENSION;

            rename((iTempDir + n1).c_str(), (iTempDir + n2).c_str());


void MifConvIconBinaryConverter::CleanupTempFiles()
    for( MifConvStringList::iterator i = iTempFilenames.begin(); i != iTempFilenames.end(); ++i )
        if( remove( i->c_str() ) != 0 )
            perror( "Error deleting file (svg conversion)" );
    if( iTempDir.length() > 0 && MifConvUtil::RemoveDirectory( iTempDir ) != 0 )
        perror( "Error deleting temporary directory (svg conversion)" );

const MifConvString& MifConvIconBinaryConverter::GetDefaultExtConverterPath()
    if( iDefaultExtConverterPath.length() == 0 )
        // Check if the EPOCROOT is given
        MifConvString epocRoot(MifConvArgumentManager::Instance()->EpocRoot());
        if( epocRoot.length() > 0 )
            iDefaultExtConverterPath += epocRoot;

        // Ensure that the last char of the path is dir-separator:
        if( iDefaultExtConverterPath.length() > 0 )
            if( != DIR_SEPARATOR2 )
                iDefaultExtConverterPath += DIR_SEPARATOR;
            iDefaultExtConverterPath += SVGTBINENCODE_DEFAULT_PATH;
    return iDefaultExtConverterPath;