author Simon Howkins <>
Wed, 10 Nov 2010 00:18:53 +0000
changeset 46 476f0ee3c373
parent 26 e5e3f539dd55
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added useful diagnostics that explain why raptor is redefining commands for a target (when processing things through the mifconv.flm). This should make it much easier to pinpoint how the system model should be adjusted to avoid the warnings in future. Also simplified the existing redefinition guards.

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Mifconv utilities.

#include "mifconv.h"
#include "mifconv_util.h"
#include "mifconv_exception.h"
#include "mifconv_argumentmanager.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>   // for stat
#ifdef WIN32
    #include <direct.h>     // for _getcwd, _chdir, _mkdir
    #include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>     // for _MAX_PATH
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cctype>

#ifndef _MAX_PATH
#define _MAX_PATH   (260)

MifConvUtil::MifConvDebugMode MifConvUtil::iDebugMode = DebugMode_Unknown;
MifConvString MifConvUtil::iDebugFile = "";
MifConvString MifConvUtil::iTempDirectory = "";

int MifConvUtil::ByteWidth(int aPixelWidth,int aBitsPerPixel)
    int wordWidth = 0;

    switch (aBitsPerPixel)
    case 1:
        wordWidth = (aPixelWidth + 31) / 32;
    case 2:
        wordWidth = (aPixelWidth + 15) / 16;
    case 4:
        wordWidth = (aPixelWidth + 7) / 8;
    case 8:
        wordWidth = (aPixelWidth + 3) / 4;
    case 12:
    case 16:
        wordWidth = (aPixelWidth + 1) / 2;
    case 24:
        wordWidth = (((aPixelWidth * 3) + 11) / 12) * 3;
    case 32:
        wordWidth = aPixelWidth;

    return wordWidth * 4;

MifConvString MifConvUtil::FileExtension( const MifConvString& fileName )
	size_t indexOfDot; // index of '.' character in the given string

	// Find last occurence of the '.' character
	if( ( indexOfDot = fileName.find_last_of('.') ) == MifConvString::npos )
		// Not found, return empty string
		return MifConvString("");

	// Return the substring starting after the '.' character
	return MifConvString( fileName.begin()+indexOfDot+1, fileName.end() );

MifConvString MifConvUtil::FilenameWithoutExtension( const MifConvString& fileName )
	size_t indexOfDot; // index of '.' character in the given string

	// Find last occurence of the '.' character
	if( ( indexOfDot = fileName.find_last_of('.') ) == MifConvString::npos )
		// Not found, return the whole name
		return fileName;

	// Return the substring preceding the last '.' character
	return MifConvString( fileName.begin(), fileName.begin() + indexOfDot );

MifConvString MifConvUtil::FilenameWithoutPath( const MifConvString& fileName )
	size_t indexOfDirSeparator; // index of directory separator in the given string

	// Find last occurence of the '.' character
	if( ( indexOfDirSeparator = fileName.find_last_of(DIR_SEPARATOR2) ) == MifConvString::npos )
		// Not found, return the whole name
		return fileName;

	// Return the substring beginnig after the last directory separator
	return MifConvString( fileName.begin()+indexOfDirSeparator+1, fileName.end() );

bool MifConvUtil::FileExists( const MifConvString& fileName )
  struct stat fileInfo;   
  int retVal = 0; 

  // Try to get file attributes to see if the file exists or not:
  retVal = stat( fileName.c_str(), &fileInfo); 
  return retVal == 0;

size_t MifConvUtil::FileSize( const MifConvString& fileName )
  struct stat fileInfo;   
  int retVal = 0; 

  // Try to get file attributes to see if the file exists or not:
  retVal = stat( fileName.c_str(), &fileInfo); 
  if( retVal != 0 )
      THROW_ERROR_COMMON("File not found: " + fileName, MifConvString(__FILE__), __LINE__);

  return fileInfo.st_size;

MifConvFileData MifConvUtil::FileContents( const MifConvString& fileName )
    unsigned int fileLen = (unsigned int) (MifConvUtil::FileSize(fileName)/sizeof(char));
    ifstream fs( fileName.c_str(), FILE_IN_BINARY_NOCREATE_FLAGS );
    if (!fs.is_open())
        THROW_ERROR_COMMON("Unable to open file for reading! " + fileName, MifConvString(__FILE__), __LINE__);
    char* buffer = new char[fileLen];, fileLen);
    return MifConvFileData(buffer, fileLen);

void MifConvUtil::ReplaceChar( MifConvString& str, char replaceFrom, char replaceTo)
    if( str.length() > 0 )
        MifConvString::size_type index = 0;
        while( (index = str.find(replaceFrom, index)) != MifConvString::npos )

void MifConvUtil::ReplaceStr( MifConvString& str, 
                              MifConvString replaceFrom, MifConvString replaceTo)
    if( str.length() >= replaceFrom.length() )
        MifConvString::size_type index = 0;
        while( (index = str.find(replaceFrom, index)) != MifConvString::npos )
            MifConvString tmp_str = str.substr(0, index);
            tmp_str = tmp_str + replaceTo;
            str = tmp_str + str.substr(index+replaceFrom.length(),

void MifConvUtil::SplitPath( const MifConvString& sourcePath, MifConvString& drive, MifConvString& path)
        if( sourcePath.length() > 0 )
            size_t driveSeparatorPos = sourcePath.find(':');
            if( driveSeparatorPos != MifConvString::npos )
                drive = MifConvString(sourcePath.begin(), sourcePath.begin() + driveSeparatorPos );
                path = MifConvString(sourcePath.begin() + driveSeparatorPos + 1, sourcePath.end() );
                path = sourcePath;
            drive = MifConvString("");
            path = MifConvString("");

MifConvString MifConvUtil::CurrentPath()
    char temp[_MAX_PATH];
#ifdef WIN32    
    _getcwd(temp, _MAX_PATH);    
    getcwd(temp, _MAX_PATH);
    return MifConvString(temp);

int MifConvUtil::CompareIgnoreCase( const MifConvString& lhs, const MifConvString& rhs )
    MifConvString lhsCopy(lhs);
    MifConvString rhsCopy(rhs);

    return ToLower(lhsCopy).compare(ToLower(rhsCopy));

MifConvString& MifConvUtil::ToLower( MifConvString& str )
    MifConvString::iterator it(str.begin());
    for(; it != str.end(); ++it)
        *it = (char) tolower((unsigned char)*it);
    return str;

void MifConvUtil::EnsurePathExists( const MifConvString& destFileName, bool ignoreLast )
    MifConvString currentPath;
    MifConvString tmpDrive;    
    MifConvString tmpPath;

    // Parse a drive of a destination path; if any
    SplitPath( destFileName, tmpDrive, tmpPath );

    // Save current directory    
    currentPath = CurrentPath();

    // Change drive if needed:
    if( tmpDrive.length() > 0 )
        tmpDrive += ":";
        tmpDrive += DIR_SEPARATOR;

    // Split desination path to separate directories:
    MifConvStringList destDirList;

    // Check if the root is given first and add it to dir list:
    if( tmpPath.length() > 0 && == DIR_SEPARATOR2 )

    // Add other directories to destination dir list:
    SplitString( tmpPath, DIR_SEPARATOR, destDirList );

    // Remove last component from the list if it should be ignored:
    if( ignoreLast )

    unsigned int i = 0;
    while( i < destDirList.size() )
        const MifConvString& dir = destDirList[i++];         
        if( !FileExists(dir) )
            if( !CreateDirectory( dir ) )
                // Change back to original directory:
                ChangeDirectory( currentPath );
                THROW_ERROR_COMMON("Directory " + tmpPath + " cannot be created", MifConvString(__FILE__), __LINE__);
        ChangeDirectory( dir );        

    // Change back to original directory:
    ChangeDirectory( currentPath );

void MifConvUtil::RemoveDuplicateDirSeparators( MifConvString& str )
    MifConvString searchString(DIR_SEPARATOR);
    searchString += DIR_SEPARATOR;
    size_t pos = str.find(searchString);

    while(pos != MifConvString::npos)
        str.erase(pos, 1);
        pos = str.find(searchString); 

bool MifConvUtil::CreateDirectory( const MifConvString& path )
#ifdef WIN32
    return _mkdir( path.c_str() ) == 0;
    return mkdir( path.c_str(), 0777 ) == 0;

void MifConvUtil::SplitString( const MifConvString& str, const MifConvString& separator, MifConvStringList& components )
    size_t beginPos = 0;
    size_t endPos = 0;

    while( (endPos = str.find(separator, beginPos)) != MifConvString::npos )
        if( endPos - beginPos > 0 )
            components.push_back( MifConvString( str.begin()+beginPos, str.begin()+endPos ) );            
        beginPos = endPos+1;
    if( str.begin()+beginPos != str.end() )
        components.push_back( MifConvString(str.begin()+beginPos, str.end()) );

MifConvString MifConvUtil::UnadornedFilename( const MifConvString& filename )
    MifConvStringList splitted;
    SplitString(filename, DIR_SEPARATOR, splitted);

    MifConvString tmp(splitted.back());
    SplitString(tmp, INCORRECT_DIR_SEPARATOR, splitted);

    tmp = splitted.back();
    SplitString(tmp, FILE_EXTENSION_SEPARATOR, splitted);

    MifConvString fixedname;
    if( splitted.size() > 0 )
        fixedname = ToLower(splitted[0]);
        if( fixedname.length() > 0 )
            fixedname[0] = (char) toupper( fixedname[0] );
        // Replace spaces (if any) with "_" in source filename.
        size_t found;
        while ((found = fixedname.rfind(" ")) != string::npos) {
            fixedname.replace (found,1,"_");
    return fixedname;

void MifConvUtil::FindAndSetBitmapMaskFile( MifConvSourceFile& srcFile )
    if( srcFile.MaskDepth() == IconMaskDepth_Undefined )
        return; // No mask file
    MifConvString fileExtension(FileExtension( srcFile.Filename() ));

    if( CompareIgnoreCase(fileExtension, BMP_FILE_EXTENSION) != 0 )

    MifConvString maskFilename(FilenameWithoutExtension(srcFile.Filename()));

    if( srcFile.MaskDepth() == IconMaskDepth_1 )
        maskFilename += "_mask.bmp";
    else if( srcFile.MaskDepth() == IconMaskDepth_8 )
        maskFilename += "_mask_soft.bmp";
        THROW_ERROR_COMMON("Invalid mask depth\n", MifConvString(__FILE__), __LINE__);

    if( !FileExists(maskFilename) )
        cerr << endl << "*** WARNING! Missing bitmap: " << maskFilename << endl;

    srcFile.SetBmpMaskFilename( maskFilename );

MifConvString MifConvUtil::TemporaryFilename()
    MifConvString tmp(tmpnam(NULL));
    MifConvString::iterator i = tmp.begin();

    if( *i == '.' )


    return MifConvString(i, tmp.end());

bool MifConvUtil::CopyFile(const MifConvString& from, const MifConvString& to)
    bool retval = false;
    ifstream in(from.c_str(), ios::binary);    
    if( in )
        ofstream out(to.c_str(), ios::binary);        
        if( out )
            out << in.rdbuf();
            retval = out.good();
    return retval;

bool MifConvUtil::IsWhiteSpace(char c)
    return c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t';

void MifConvUtil::ChangeDirectory( const MifConvString& dirName )
#ifdef WIN32
    _chdir( dirName.c_str() );
    chdir( dirName.c_str() );

int MifConvUtil::RemoveDirectory( const MifConvString& dirName )
#ifdef WIN32
    return _rmdir( dirName.c_str() );
    return rmdir( dirName.c_str() );

void MifConvUtil::RemoveFile( const MifConvString& fileName, int maxTries, bool noException )
    for( int i = 0; i < maxTries; ++i )
#ifdef WIN32
        int ret = _unlink(fileName.c_str());
        int ret = unlink(fileName.c_str());
        if( ret == 0 )
            // Delete was successful
        // Delete was not successful
        if( i >= maxTries-1 )
            // Max amount of tries exceeded -> print warning or throw an exception
            if( noException )
                MifConvString debugStr("WARNING: Cannot remove file " + fileName);
                THROW_ERROR_COMMON("Cannot remove file " + fileName, MifConvString(__FILE__), __LINE__);

MifConvString MifConvUtil::DebugFile()
    char* tmpPtr = getenv(MIFCONV_DEBUG_FILE_ENV.c_str());
    if( tmpPtr )
        return MifConvString(tmpPtr);        
    return MifConvString();

void MifConvUtil::DebugLog(const MifConvString& debugStr)
    if( iDebugMode == DebugMode_Unknown )
        iDebugFile = MifConvUtil::DebugFile();
        if( iDebugFile.length() > 0 )
            iDebugMode = DebugMode_Debug;            
            iDebugMode = DebugMode_NoDebug;

    if( iDebugMode == DebugMode_Debug )
        ios_base::openmode file_flags;
        if( MifConvUtil::FileExists(iDebugFile) )
            file_flags = ios::out|ios::app;
            file_flags = ios::out|ios::trunc;
        fstream debugLog(iDebugFile.c_str(), file_flags);
            debugLog << debugStr << endl;

const MifConvString& MifConvUtil::DefaultTempDirectory()
    if( iTempDirectory.length() == 0 )
        char* tmpPtr = getenv(SBS_BUILD_DIR_ENV.c_str());
        if( tmpPtr && MifConvString(tmpPtr).length() > 0 )
            iTempDirectory = MifConvString(tmpPtr);
            if( != DIR_SEPARATOR2 )
                iTempDirectory += DIR_SEPARATOR;
            iTempDirectory += EPOC_ICON_BUILD_PATH_POSTFIX + 
                MifConvString(DIR_SEPARATOR) + 
            iTempDirectory = MifConvArgumentManager::Instance()->EpocRoot() + 
                EPOC_BUILD_PATH + 
                MifConvString(DIR_SEPARATOR) + 
                MifConvString(DIR_SEPARATOR) + 
    return iTempDirectory;