--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gfxconversion/mifconv/bin/mifconv_wrapper.py Mon Oct 04 10:17:33 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# wrap mifconv to figure out all the inputs and options
+# when run with --make=BITMAP all the files are generated.
+# when run with --make=CLEAN the temporary files are removed
+# (Raptor removes the releasables itself).
+# a list of releasable files is written to the file passed as --manifest
+# this file is guaranteed to be in a unique directory for each component,
+# so the directory can be used for intermediate build files (SVGB files
+# and the mifconv command file, for example).
+import optparse
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+parser.add_option("--debug", default="")
+parser.add_option("--epocroot", default=".")
+parser.add_option("--extroot", default=".")
+parser.add_option("--header", default="")
+parser.add_option("--make", default="BITMAP")
+parser.add_option("--manifest", default="")
+parser.add_option("--platforms", default="ARMV5 urel")
+parser.add_option("--sourcedir", default=".")
+parser.add_option("--sourcefile", default="")
+parser.add_option("--sources", default="")
+parser.add_option("--svgversion", default="")
+parser.add_option("--target", default="")
+# parse the command-line arguments
+(options, leftover_args) = parser.parse_args()
+# there should not be any leftover_args
+for leftover in leftover_args:
+ sys.stderr.write("warning: unexpected argument '%s'\n" % leftover)
+# keep track of all the releasable output files
+releasables = []
+# and which files need to be copied to all the target directories
+copiers = []
+# work out the absolute paths of our main target (the MIF file)
+if not options.target:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: no target defined")
+ sys.exit(1)
+# the output directory(s) depends on both the platforms passed in and on the
+# actual target name. if the target name is an absolute path then it is used
+# as-is: otherwise if the target name contains a "/" then the outputs
+# are actually constructed in the source tree (why?): and if the target name
+# is simply a filename then it is relative to a platform-specific directory.
+if "/" in options.target:
+ if os.path.isabs(options.target):
+ parts = os.path.split(options.target)
+ targetdirs = [parts[0]]
+ options.target = parts[1]
+ else:
+ targetdirs = [options.extroot]
+ targetdirs = []
+ if "ARMV5" in options.platforms:
+ targetdirs.append(options.epocroot + "/epoc32/data/z/resource/apps")
+ if "WINSCW urel" in options.platforms:
+ targetdirs.append(options.epocroot + "/epoc32/release/winscw/urel/z/resource/apps")
+ if "WINSCW udeb" in options.platforms:
+ targetdirs.append(options.epocroot + "/epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/resource/apps")
+if not targetdirs:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: no known platforms given (ARMV5, WINSCW urel, WINSCW udeb)\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+# mifconv ignores the target extension and adds .mif anyway, so we need
+# to do the same here otherwise the releasables will be reported wrongly.
+targetname = os.path.splitext(options.target)[0] + ".mif"
+for dir in targetdirs:
+ targetpath = dir + "/" + targetname
+ releasables.append(targetpath)
+ if options.debug:
+ print "target path =", targetpath
+copiers.append(targetdirs[0] + "/" + targetname)
+# if we are generating a header (MBG file) then work out its path.
+# again if the header name is not an absolute path but contains a "/"
+# then the output is actually written in the source tree (why?)
+if options.header:
+ if "/" in options.header:
+ if os.path.isabs(options.header):
+ headerpath = options.header
+ else:
+ headerpath = options.extroot + "/" + options.header
+ else:
+ headerpath = options.epocroot + "/epoc32/include/" + options.header
+ releasables.append(headerpath)
+if options.debug and options.header:
+ print "header path =", headerpath
+# gather the list of source names
+sources = []
+def parse_sources(str, list):
+ # split the string into (arg, filename) tuples and add to the list
+ items = str.split()
+ list.extend(zip(items[::2], items[1::2]))
+if options.sources:
+ parse_sources(options.sources, sources)
+if options.sourcefile:
+ sourcefile = options.extroot + "/" + options.sourcefile
+ try:
+ file = open(sourcefile, "r")
+ for line in file:
+ parse_sources(line, sources)
+ file.close()
+ except Exception, ex:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % str(ex))
+ sys.exit(1)
+if not sources:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: no source files specified\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if options.debug:
+ for s in sources:
+ print "source =", s
+# take the source names and search for the actual file paths.
+# the search list is an ordered sequence of (directory, extension) pairs.
+# the first file found is the one used for each source name.
+img = [] # everything, to retain the ordering
+bmp = []
+svg = []
+anyextsourcedir = options.extroot + "/" + options.sourcedir
+bitmapsourcedir = options.epocroot + "/epoc32/s60/bitmaps"
+vectorsourcedir = options.epocroot + "/epoc32/s60/icons"
+search = [ (anyextsourcedir, ".svg"),
+ (anyextsourcedir, ".bmp"),
+ (vectorsourcedir, ".svg"),
+ (vectorsourcedir + "/nss", ".svg"),
+ (vectorsourcedir + "/nokia", ".svg"),
+ (vectorsourcedir + "/oem", ".svg"),
+ (bitmapsourcedir, ".bmp") ]
+for (opt, src) in sources:
+ src = os.path.splitext(src)[0] # strip any extension from src
+ found = ""
+ for (dir, ext) in search:
+ path = dir + "/" + src + ext
+ if os.path.isfile(path):
+ found = path
+ break # stick with the first match we get
+ if found:
+ img.append((opt, found))
+ if found.endswith(".bmp"):
+ bmp.append((opt, found))
+ else:
+ svg.append((opt, found))
+ else:
+ # warn if there were no matches (or error?)
+ sys.stderr.write("warning: no image file found from name '%s'\n" % src)
+if not bmp and not svg:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: no bmp and no svg files found\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if options.debug:
+ for b in bmp:
+ print "bmp =", b
+ for s in svg:
+ print "svg =", s
+# if an MBM file will be generated then add it to the releasables.
+# there will be an MBM if any BMP files are used.
+# the MBM name is the MIF name with the extension changed.
+if bmp:
+ for r in releasables:
+ if r.endswith(".mif"):
+ mbm = r[0:-4] + ".mbm"
+ releasables.append(mbm)
+ if options.debug:
+ print "mbm =", mbm
+ for c in copiers:
+ if c.endswith(".mif"):
+ copiers.append(c[0:-4] + ".mbm")
+# write the releasables out into the manifest file
+if options.manifest:
+ try:
+ file = open(options.manifest, "w")
+ for r in releasables:
+ file.write(r + "\n")
+ file.close()
+ except Exception, ex:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % str(ex))
+ sys.exit(1)
+# the SVG files are copied to a temporary location because svgtbinencode does
+# not have a separate input and output option. This is crazy and should be
+# fixed, since unnecessary copying reduces build performance.
+svgb = []
+# put temporary files in the same directory as the manifest file, since it
+# is known to be unique to this component.
+tmpdir = os.path.dirname(options.manifest)
+# on windows the tools end with .exe
+if sys.platform.lower().startswith("win"):
+ exe = ".exe"
+ exe = ""
+# the offending tool...
+svgoptions = [os.getenv("SVGTBINENCODE", options.epocroot + "/epoc32/tools/svgtbinencode" + exe)]
+if options.svgversion:
+ svgoptions.extend( ["-v", options.svgversion] )
+# track whether anything was regenerated or not
+regenerated_svgb = False
+for (opt, src) in svg:
+ svgcopy = tmpdir + "/" + os.path.basename(src)
+ if options.debug:
+ print "svg copy =", svgcopy
+ if options.make == "CLEAN":
+ # remove svgcopy and svgcopy + "b" if they exist
+ try:
+ os.unlink(svgcopy)
+ os.unlink(svgcopy + "b")
+ except:
+ pass
+ else:
+ svgb.append(svgcopy + "b")
+ if not os.path.isfile(src):
+ sys.stderr.write("error: source file '%s' does not exist\n" % src)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # copy the SVG if no copy exists or if the copy is old
+ if not os.path.isfile(svgcopy) \
+ or os.path.getmtime(svgcopy) < os.path.getmtime(src):
+ try:
+ shutil.copy(src, svgcopy)
+ except Exception, ex:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % str(ex))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # run svgtbinencode to generate the SVGB file if we need to
+ if not os.path.isfile(svgcopy + "b") \
+ or os.path.getmtime(svgcopy + "b") < os.path.getmtime(svgcopy):
+ command = svgoptions + [svgcopy]
+ if options.debug:
+ print "command =", " ".join(command)
+ returncode = subprocess.call(command)
+ if returncode != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: '%s' failed\n" % " ".join(command))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ regenerated_svgb = True
+# if we are CLEANing then all we have left to do is remove any mifconv
+# command file that exists in the same directory as the manifest file.
+commandfile = options.manifest + ".options"
+if options.make == "CLEAN":
+ try:
+ os.unlink(commandfile)
+ except:
+ pass # didn't exist
+ # all done
+ sys.exit(0)
+# process the BMP files list to add in any requested mask files.
+# we need a complete list to determine whether the MIF file is out of date.
+all_bmp = []
+for (opt, b) in bmp:
+ all_bmp.append(b)
+ mask = ""
+ if ",1" in opt:
+ mask = b.replace(".bmp", "_mask.bmp")
+ elif ",8" in opt:
+ mask = b.replace(".bmp", "_mask_soft.bmp")
+ if mask:
+ all_bmp.append(mask)
+ if options.debug:
+ print "mask =", mask
+# track whether any BMP file is newer than the target file(s).
+# and make sure all the input BMP files exist.
+new_bmp = False
+changed = 0
+for r in releasables:
+ try:
+ t = os.path.getmtime(r)
+ if t > changed:
+ changed = t
+ except:
+ new_bmp = True # target doesn't exist so we must build it
+for b in all_bmp:
+ if not os.path.isfile(b):
+ sys.stderr.write("error: source file '%s' does not exist\n" % b)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if os.path.getmtime(b) > changed:
+ new_bmp = True
+# if all the bitmaps are older than the targets then we have nothing to do
+if not new_bmp and not regenerated_svgb:
+ if options.debug:
+ print "all the targets are up to date."
+ sys.exit(0)
+# write all the mifconv options into the command file
+if options.debug:
+ print "commandfile =", commandfile
+ file = open(commandfile, "w")
+ if options.header:
+ file.write("-H%s\n" % headerpath)
+ file.write("-E\n")
+ file.write("-I%s\n" % anyextsourcedir)
+ # add the images in the original order, swapping in SVGB for SVG
+ s = 0
+ for (opt, name) in img:
+ if name.endswith(".svg"):
+ name = svgb[s]
+ s += 1
+ file.write(opt.replace('/', '-') + " " + name + "\n")
+ file.close()
+except Exception, ex:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % str(ex))
+ sys.exit(1)
+# run the mifconv tool
+command = [ os.getenv("MIFCONV", options.epocroot + "/epoc32/tools/mifconv" + exe),
+ releasables[0], # the first MIF target
+ "-F" + commandfile ]
+if options.debug:
+ print "command =", " ".join(command)
+returncode = subprocess.call(command)
+if returncode != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: '%s' failed\n" % " ".join(command))
+ sys.exit(1)
+# finally, copy the built files to the additional target directories
+if len(targetdirs) > 1:
+ destdirs = targetdirs[1:]
+ errors = 0
+ for c in copiers:
+ for dir in destdirs:
+ try:
+ shutil.copy(c, dir)
+ if options.debug:
+ print "copy =", c, "to", dir
+ except Exception, ex:
+ sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % str(ex))
+ errors += 1
+ if errors:
+ sys.exit(1)
+# we made it to the end.
--- a/gfxconversion/mifconv/group/ReleaseNotes_Mifconv.txt Fri Sep 03 16:55:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/gfxconversion/mifconv/group/ReleaseNotes_Mifconv.txt Mon Oct 04 10:17:33 2010 +0300
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-RELEASED 28th April 2010
+RELEASED 10th August 2010
@@ -21,15 +21,19 @@
ABLD build system and FLM syntax for SBSv2 build system
- Generating MIF files from SVG/SVGB icon sources and BMP file ids
- Converting SVG to SVGB with the Svgtbinencode utility
-- Generating MBM files (alternatively with Bmconv utility given with -B parameter)
+- Generating MBM files (alternatively with Bmconv utility given with -B
+ parameter)
- Generating icon id enumeration MBG header files from the given source files
-What's New in v3.2.2
+What's New in v3.3.0
-- Fix: Mifconv now support the marking ".\" in front of a filename in Linux.
-- Fix: Mifconv now compiles correctly in Linux.
+- Change: Most of the FLM functionality is now in Python with speed
+ optimizations and dependency checks doesn't report false warnings anymore
+- Change: SBSv2 dependency is now version 2.13.0 or higher
+- Feature: Via FLM it is now possible to define Mifconv and Svgtbinencode
+ locations outside EPOCROOT
@@ -44,6 +48,7 @@
Basic Requirements:
- Any S60 3.2 or higher RnD environment
+- SBSv2 2.13.0 or higher for SBSv2 compilation
@@ -67,18 +72,23 @@
Version History:
+Version 3.2.2 - 28th April 2010
+- Fix: Mifconv now support the marking ".\" in front of a filename in Linux.
+- Fix: Mifconv now compiles correctly in Linux.
Version 3.2.1 - 20th April 2010
-- Change: Added new default search directories for icon files.
+- Change: Added new default search directories for icon files
Version 3.2.0 - 24th February 2010
- Change: Removed dependencies to BMCONV tool by adding the BMCONV encoding
functionality as a part of MifConv functionality. External BMCONV tool can still
be used by giving -B parameter.
Version 3.1.7 - 10th July 2009
- Fix: MIF-file is created also when no input files are given.
- Fix: Correct build directory used with mifconv.flm.
- Fix: MBM-file is included in RELEASABLES macro in mifconv.flm.
--- a/gfxconversion/mifconv/group/bld.inf Fri Sep 03 16:55:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/gfxconversion/mifconv/group/bld.inf Mon Oct 04 10:17:33 2010 +0300
@@ -42,5 +42,6 @@
../makefile_templates/mifconv.meta +/tools/makefile_templates/s60/mifconv.meta
../makefile_templates/mifconv.mk +/tools/makefile_templates/s60/mifconv.mk
../makefile_templates/mifconv.xml +/tools/makefile_templates/s60/mifconv.xml
+ ../bin/mifconv_wrapper.py +/tools/mifconv_wrapper.py
--- a/gfxconversion/mifconv/inc/mifconv.h Fri Sep 03 16:55:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/gfxconversion/mifconv/inc/mifconv.h Mon Oct 04 10:17:33 2010 +0300
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
using namespace MifConvDefs;
// Mifconv version
-static const MifConvString MifConvVersion("3.2.1");
-static const MifConvString MifConvDate("12th March 2010");
+static const MifConvString MifConvVersion("3.3.0");
+static const MifConvString MifConvDate("9th August 2010");
static const MifConvString MifConvYears("2010");
// Mifconv return values:
--- a/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/config/export.mk Fri Sep 03 16:55:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/config/export.mk Mon Oct 04 10:17:33 2010 +0300
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
# Description: makefile_templates, actual build configuration export makefile
-MAKEFILE = $(EPOCROOT)/sf/mw/platformtools/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/config/export.mk
+MAKEFILE = /sf/mw/platformtools/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/config/export.mk
-TEMPLATEMAKEFILES = $(EPOCROOT)/sf/mw/platformtools/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/*.* $(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/tools/makefile_templates/s60/
+TEMPLATEMAKEFILES = /sf/mw/platformtools/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/*.* /epoc32/tools/makefile_templates/s60/
template_makefiles :: template_makefiles_config
--- a/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/makefile Fri Sep 03 16:55:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/makefile Mon Oct 04 10:17:33 2010 +0300
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-MAKEFILE = $(EPOCROOT)/sf/mw/platformtools/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/makefile
+MAKEFILE = /sf/mw/platformtools/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/makefile
# Place the first target as the default target which is executed from this level
--- a/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/mifconv.flm Fri Sep 03 16:55:21 2010 +0300
+++ b/gfxconversion/mifconv/makefile_templates/mifconv.flm Mon Oct 04 10:17:33 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
@@ -15,102 +15,70 @@
-# Check if $/ variable has been defined, if not, then it is always /
-ifeq ($(strip $(/)),)
- /:=/
+# run a script to call mifconv and svgtbinencode
+# only run once per TARGETFILE, but gather up all the requested PLATFORM + CFG
+# pairs so that the script can copy the target files to the other locations
+# required for different platforms.
-# Replace \ with / in EPOCROOT
-EPOCROOT:=$(subst \,/,$(EPOCROOT))
-# Make sure that EPOCROOT ends in /
-EPOCROOT:=$(patsubst %/,%,$(EPOCROOT))/
-# Replace / with $/ in EPOCROOT
-EPOCROOT:=$(subst /,$/,$(EPOCROOT))
+# note that TARGET_PLATFORMS is escaped in the macro so that it is not
+# expanded until the command runs, ensuring that it contains all the values.
+TARGET_PLATFORMS:=$(call sanitise,$(TARGETFILE)_mif)
-# Important initialise
+ifeq ($($(TARGET_PLATFORMS)),)
-ifeq ($(SBS_BUILD_DIR),)
-VECTORINTERMEDIATEDIR:=$(EPOCROOT)epoc32$/build$/s60$/icons$/$(notdir $(basename $(TARGETFILE)))
-VECTORINTERMEDIATEDIR:=$(SBS_BUILD_DIR)$/s60$/icons$/$(notdir $(basename $(TARGETFILE)))
+SCRIPT:=$(PYTHON) $(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/tools/mifconv_wrapper.py
-include $(EPOCROOT)epoc32$/tools$/makefile_templates$/s60$/mifconv_global_options.make
-include $(EPOCROOT)epoc32$/tools$/makefile_templates$/s60$/mifconv_step1.make
-include $(EPOCROOT)epoc32$/tools$/makefile_templates$/s60$/mifconv_step2.make
-include $(EPOCROOT)epoc32$/tools$/makefile_templates$/s60$/mifconv_option_reader.make
-include $(EPOCROOT)epoc32$/tools$/makefile_templates$/s60$/mifconv_step3.make
+# macro to define rules for different phony targets
+# run the script as a recipe, producing a manifest file as output.
+# then use the manifest file to generate the whatlog tags.
+# $1 is BITMAP or CLEAN
+define mifconvwrapper
+ $(call startrule,mifconvwrapper,FORCESUCCESS) \
+ $(SCRIPT) \
+ $(if $(FLMDEBUG),--debug="on") \
+ --epocroot="$(EPOCROOT)" \
+ --extroot="$(EXTENSION_ROOT)" \
+ --make="$1" \
+ --manifest="$(MANIFEST)" \
+ --platforms="$$($(TARGET_PLATFORMS))" \
+ $(if $(TARGETFILE),--target="$(TARGETFILE)") \
+ $(if $(HEADERFILE),--header="$(HEADERFILE)") \
+ $(if $(SOURCES),--sources="$(SOURCES)") \
+ $(if $(SOURCEFILE),--sourcefile="$(SOURCEFILE)") \
+ $(if $(SOURCEDIR),--sourcedir="$(SOURCEDIR)") \
+ $(call endrule,mifconvwrapper)
+ $(call startrawoutput) \
+ echo "$(call whatLogOpen)" ; \
+ (read -r LINE; while [ $$$$? -eq 0 ]; do \
+ echo "$(call whatLogItem,BITMAP,$$$$LINE)"; \
+ read -r LINE; done; ); \
+ echo "$(call whatLogClose)" \
+ $(call endrawoutput)
-ifeq ($(OSTYPE),unix)
-ifeq ($(strip $(MIFCONVDEBUG)),1)
-$(info <TOOLCAT toolcat='$(TOOLCAT)'/>)
-$(info <TOOLCOPY toolcopy='$(TOOLCOPY)'/>)
-$(info <TOOLMKDIR toolmkdir='$(TOOLMKDIR)'/>)
-$(info <MIFCONV mifconv='$(MIFCONV)'/>)
-ifeq ($(strip $(MIFCONVDEBUG)),1)
+# if we are doing CLEAN or REALLYCLEAN then just include the CLEAN target,
+# otherwise just include the BITMAP target
+ifeq ($(filter %CLEAN,$(call uppercase,$(MAKECMDGOALS))),)
+$(eval $(call mifconvwrapper,BITMAP))
+$(eval $(call mifconvwrapper,CLEAN))
-# The groupsvgin10 macro allows us to construct a command file, 10
-# svgs/bmps objects at a time to avoid limits on argument lengths and
-# sizes on Windows.
-define groupsvgin10
- $(if $1,$(shell echo -e $(foreach L,$(wordlist 1,10,$1),"$(L)\\n") >>$(PARAMFILE)),)
- $(if $1,$(call groupsvgin10,$(wordlist 11,$(words $1),$1)),true)
-define generatemif
-BITMAPS:=$(addsuffix .bmp,$(BITMAPBASESOURCES))
-ifeq ($(INIT_CFG),$(PLATFORM)$(CFG))
-ifneq ($(HEADERFILE),)
-ifneq ($(BITMAPFILE),)
+# this is an additional platform so append to the list
-$(if $(HEADERFILE),$(shell echo -e "-h$(HEADERFILE)\n-e\n" >$(PARAMFILE)), $(shell echo -e "-e\n" >$(PARAMFILE)) )
-$(if $(SOURCEDIR),$(shell echo -e "-i$(SOURCEDIR)\n" >>$(PARAMFILE)),)
-$(call groupsvgin10, $(MIFCONVOPTS))
- $(call startrule,mifcompile,FORCESUCCESS) \
- $(call endrule,mifcompile)
-ifeq ($(TARGET_$(TARGETFILE)),)
-$(eval $(call generatemif))
-%-erase :
- -$(GNURM) $*
-# FLM specific block begins
-CLEAN CLEANMAKEFILE :: $(addsuffix -erase,$(wildcard $(TARGETFILE) $(HEADERFILE) $(BITMAPFILE) $(PARAMFILE) $(patsubst %b,%,$(SVGBFILES)) $(SVGBFILES)))
-# FLM specific block ends
-# for the abld -what target
-$(eval $(call whatmacro,$(RELEASEABLES),WHATBITMAP))