1 /* This file is part of the KDE project. |
2 |
3 Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
4 |
5 This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
6 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by |
7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 or 3 of the License. |
8 |
9 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
12 GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. |
13 |
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License |
15 along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
16 */ |
17 |
18 #include <d3d9.h> |
19 |
20 #define DXVA2_ProcAmp_Brightness 1 |
21 #define DXVA2_ProcAmp_Contrast 2 |
22 #define DXVA2_ProcAmp_Hue 4 |
23 #define DXVA2_ProcAmp_Saturation 8 |
24 |
25 typedef enum { |
26 MFVideoARMode_None = 0x00000000, |
27 MFVideoARMode_PreservePicture = 0x00000001, |
28 MFVideoARMode_PreservePixel = 0x00000002, |
29 MFVideoARMode_NonLinearStretch = 0x00000004, |
30 MFVideoARMode_Mask = 0x00000007 |
31 } MFVideoAspectRatioMode; |
32 |
33 typedef struct { |
34 float left; |
35 float top; |
36 float right; |
37 float bottom; |
38 } MFVideoNormalizedRect; |
39 |
40 typedef struct { |
41 UINT DeviceCaps; |
42 D3DPOOL InputPool; |
43 UINT NumForwardRefSamples; |
44 UINT NumBackwardRefSamples; |
45 UINT Reserved; |
46 UINT DeinterlaceTechnology; |
47 UINT ProcAmpControlCaps; |
48 UINT VideoProcessorOperations; |
49 UINT NoiseFilterTechnology; |
50 UINT DetailFilterTechnology; |
51 } DXVA2_VideoProcessorCaps; |
52 |
53 typedef struct { |
54 union { |
55 struct { |
56 USHORT Fraction; |
57 SHORT Value; |
58 }; |
59 LONG ll; |
60 }; |
61 } DXVA2_Fixed32; |
62 |
63 typedef struct { |
64 DXVA2_Fixed32 MinValue; |
65 DXVA2_Fixed32 MaxValue; |
66 DXVA2_Fixed32 DefaultValue; |
67 DXVA2_Fixed32 StepSize; |
68 } DXVA2_ValueRange; |
69 |
70 typedef struct { |
71 DXVA2_Fixed32 Brightness; |
72 DXVA2_Fixed32 Contrast; |
73 DXVA2_Fixed32 Hue; |
74 DXVA2_Fixed32 Saturation; |
75 } DXVA2_ProcAmpValues; |
76 |
77 DXVA2_Fixed32 DXVA2FloatToFixed(const float _float_) |
78 { |
79 DXVA2_Fixed32 _fixed_; |
80 _fixed_.Fraction = LOWORD(_float_ * 0x10000); |
81 _fixed_.Value = HIWORD(_float_ * 0x10000); |
82 return _fixed_; |
83 } |
84 |
85 float DXVA2FixedToFloat(const DXVA2_Fixed32 _fixed_) |
86 { |
87 return (FLOAT)_fixed_.Value + (FLOAT)_fixed_.Fraction / 0x10000; |
88 } |
89 |
90 #undef INTERFACE |
91 #define INTERFACE IMFVideoDisplayControl |
92 DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMFVideoDisplayControl, IUnknown) |
93 { |
94 STDMETHOD(GetNativeVideoSize)(THIS_ SIZE* pszVideo, SIZE* pszARVideo) PURE; |
95 STDMETHOD(GetIdealVideoSize)(THIS_ SIZE* pszMin, SIZE* pszMax) PURE; |
96 STDMETHOD(SetVideoPosition)(THIS_ const MFVideoNormalizedRect* pnrcSource, const LPRECT prcDest) PURE; |
97 STDMETHOD(GetVideoPosition)(THIS_ MFVideoNormalizedRect* pnrcSource, LPRECT prcDest) PURE; |
98 STDMETHOD(SetAspectRatioMode)(THIS_ DWORD dwAspectRatioMode) PURE; |
99 STDMETHOD(GetAspectRatioMode)(THIS_ DWORD* pdwAspectRatioMode) PURE; |
100 STDMETHOD(SetVideoWindow)(THIS_ HWND hwndVideo) PURE; |
101 STDMETHOD(GetVideoWindow)(THIS_ HWND* phwndVideo) PURE; |
102 STDMETHOD(RepaintVideo)(THIS_) PURE; |
103 STDMETHOD(GetCurrentImage)(THIS_ BITMAPINFOHEADER* pBih, BYTE** pDib, DWORD* pcbDib, LONGLONG* pTimeStamp) PURE; |
105 STDMETHOD(GetBorderColor)(THIS_ COLORREF* pClr) PURE; |
106 STDMETHOD(SetRenderingPrefs)(THIS_ DWORD dwRenderFlags) PURE; |
107 STDMETHOD(GetRenderingPrefs)(THIS_ DWORD* pdwRenderFlags) PURE; |
108 STDMETHOD(SetFullScreen)(THIS_ BOOL fFullscreen) PURE; |
109 STDMETHOD(GetFullScreen)(THIS_ BOOL* pfFullscreen) PURE; |
110 }; |
111 #undef INTERFACE |
112 #define INTERFACE IMFVideoMixerControl |
113 DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMFVideoMixerControl, IUnknown) |
114 { |
115 STDMETHOD(SetStreamZOrder)(THIS_ DWORD dwStreamID, DWORD dwZ) PURE; |
116 STDMETHOD(GetStreamZOrder)(THIS_ DWORD dwStreamID, DWORD* pdwZ) PURE; |
117 STDMETHOD(SetStreamOutputRect)(THIS_ DWORD dwStreamID, const MFVideoNormalizedRect* pnrcOutput) PURE; |
118 STDMETHOD(GetStreamOutputRect)(THIS_ DWORD dwStreamID, MFVideoNormalizedRect* pnrcOutput) PURE; |
119 }; |
120 #undef INTERFACE |
121 #define INTERFACE IMFVideoProcessor |
122 DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMFVideoProcessor, IUnknown) |
123 { |
124 STDMETHOD(GetAvailableVideoProcessorModes)(THIS_ UINT* lpdwNumProcessingModes, GUID** ppVideoProcessingModes) PURE; |
125 STDMETHOD(GetVideoProcessorCaps)(THIS_ LPGUID lpVideoProcessorMode, DXVA2_VideoProcessorCaps* lpVideoProcessorCaps) PURE; |
126 STDMETHOD(GetVideoProcessorMode)(THIS_ LPGUID lpMode) PURE; |
127 STDMETHOD(SetVideoProcessorMode)(THIS_ LPGUID lpMode) PURE; |
128 STDMETHOD(GetProcAmpRange)(THIS_ DWORD dwProperty, DXVA2_ValueRange* pPropRange) PURE; |
129 STDMETHOD(GetProcAmpValues)(THIS_ DWORD dwFlags, DXVA2_ProcAmpValues* Values) PURE; |
130 STDMETHOD(SetProcAmpValues)(THIS_ DWORD dwFlags, DXVA2_ProcAmpValues* pValues) PURE; |
131 STDMETHOD(GetFilteringRange)(THIS_ DWORD dwProperty, DXVA2_ValueRange* pPropRange) PURE; |
132 STDMETHOD(GetFilteringValue)(THIS_ DWORD dwProperty, DXVA2_Fixed32* pValue) PURE; |
133 STDMETHOD(SetFilteringValue)(THIS_ DWORD dwProperty, DXVA2_Fixed32* pValue) PURE; |
134 STDMETHOD(GetBackgroundColor)(THIS_ COLORREF* lpClrBkg) PURE; |
135 STDMETHOD(SetBackgroundColor)(THIS_ COLORREF ClrBkg) PURE; |
136 }; |
137 #undef INTERFACE |
138 #define INTERFACE IMFGetService |
139 DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMFGetService, IUnknown) |
140 { |
141 STDMETHOD(GetService)(THIS_ REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvObject) PURE; |
142 }; |
143 #undef INTERFACE |