changeset 30 5dc02b23752f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/3rdparty/phonon/ds9/qevr9.h	Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+/*  This file is part of the KDE project.
+Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 or 3 of the License.
+This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+along with this library.  If not, see <>.
+#include <d3d9.h>
+#define	DXVA2_ProcAmp_Brightness 1
+#define DXVA2_ProcAmp_Contrast   2
+#define DXVA2_ProcAmp_Hue        4
+#define DXVA2_ProcAmp_Saturation 8
+typedef enum {
+    MFVideoARMode_None             = 0x00000000,
+    MFVideoARMode_PreservePicture  = 0x00000001,
+    MFVideoARMode_PreservePixel    = 0x00000002,
+    MFVideoARMode_NonLinearStretch = 0x00000004,
+    MFVideoARMode_Mask             = 0x00000007
+} MFVideoAspectRatioMode;
+typedef struct {
+    float  left;
+    float  top;
+    float  right;
+    float  bottom;
+} MFVideoNormalizedRect;
+typedef struct {
+    UINT    DeviceCaps;
+    D3DPOOL InputPool;
+    UINT    NumForwardRefSamples;
+    UINT    NumBackwardRefSamples;
+    UINT    Reserved;
+    UINT    DeinterlaceTechnology;
+    UINT    ProcAmpControlCaps;
+    UINT    VideoProcessorOperations;
+    UINT    NoiseFilterTechnology;
+    UINT    DetailFilterTechnology;
+} DXVA2_VideoProcessorCaps;
+typedef struct {
+    union {
+        struct {
+            USHORT Fraction;
+            SHORT  Value;
+        };
+        LONG ll;
+    };
+} DXVA2_Fixed32;
+typedef struct {
+    DXVA2_Fixed32 MinValue;
+    DXVA2_Fixed32 MaxValue;
+    DXVA2_Fixed32 DefaultValue;
+    DXVA2_Fixed32 StepSize;
+} DXVA2_ValueRange;
+typedef struct {
+    DXVA2_Fixed32 Brightness;
+    DXVA2_Fixed32 Contrast;
+    DXVA2_Fixed32 Hue;
+    DXVA2_Fixed32 Saturation;
+} DXVA2_ProcAmpValues;
+DXVA2_Fixed32 DXVA2FloatToFixed(const float _float_)
+    DXVA2_Fixed32 _fixed_;
+    _fixed_.Fraction = LOWORD(_float_ * 0x10000);
+    _fixed_.Value = HIWORD(_float_ * 0x10000);
+    return _fixed_;
+float DXVA2FixedToFloat(const DXVA2_Fixed32 _fixed_)
+    return (FLOAT)_fixed_.Value + (FLOAT)_fixed_.Fraction / 0x10000;
+#define INTERFACE IMFVideoDisplayControl
+DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMFVideoDisplayControl, IUnknown)
+    STDMETHOD(GetNativeVideoSize)(THIS_ SIZE* pszVideo, SIZE* pszARVideo) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetIdealVideoSize)(THIS_ SIZE* pszMin, SIZE* pszMax) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetVideoPosition)(THIS_ const MFVideoNormalizedRect* pnrcSource, const LPRECT prcDest) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetVideoPosition)(THIS_ MFVideoNormalizedRect* pnrcSource, LPRECT prcDest) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetAspectRatioMode)(THIS_ DWORD dwAspectRatioMode) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetAspectRatioMode)(THIS_ DWORD* pdwAspectRatioMode) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetVideoWindow)(THIS_ HWND hwndVideo) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetVideoWindow)(THIS_ HWND* phwndVideo) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(RepaintVideo)(THIS_) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetCurrentImage)(THIS_ BITMAPINFOHEADER* pBih, BYTE** pDib, DWORD* pcbDib, LONGLONG* pTimeStamp) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetBorderColor)(THIS_ COLORREF* pClr) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetRenderingPrefs)(THIS_ DWORD dwRenderFlags) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetRenderingPrefs)(THIS_ DWORD* pdwRenderFlags) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetFullScreen)(THIS_ BOOL fFullscreen) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetFullScreen)(THIS_ BOOL* pfFullscreen) PURE;
+#define INTERFACE IMFVideoMixerControl
+DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMFVideoMixerControl, IUnknown)
+    STDMETHOD(SetStreamZOrder)(THIS_ DWORD dwStreamID, DWORD dwZ) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetStreamZOrder)(THIS_ DWORD dwStreamID, DWORD* pdwZ) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetStreamOutputRect)(THIS_ DWORD dwStreamID, const MFVideoNormalizedRect* pnrcOutput) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetStreamOutputRect)(THIS_ DWORD dwStreamID, MFVideoNormalizedRect* pnrcOutput) PURE;
+#define INTERFACE IMFVideoProcessor
+DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IMFVideoProcessor, IUnknown)
+    STDMETHOD(GetAvailableVideoProcessorModes)(THIS_ UINT* lpdwNumProcessingModes, GUID** ppVideoProcessingModes) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetVideoProcessorCaps)(THIS_ LPGUID lpVideoProcessorMode, DXVA2_VideoProcessorCaps* lpVideoProcessorCaps) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetVideoProcessorMode)(THIS_ LPGUID lpMode) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetVideoProcessorMode)(THIS_ LPGUID lpMode) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetProcAmpRange)(THIS_ DWORD dwProperty, DXVA2_ValueRange* pPropRange) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetProcAmpValues)(THIS_ DWORD dwFlags, DXVA2_ProcAmpValues* Values) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetProcAmpValues)(THIS_ DWORD  dwFlags, DXVA2_ProcAmpValues*  pValues) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetFilteringRange)(THIS_ DWORD dwProperty, DXVA2_ValueRange* pPropRange) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetFilteringValue)(THIS_ DWORD dwProperty, DXVA2_Fixed32* pValue) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetFilteringValue)(THIS_ DWORD dwProperty, DXVA2_Fixed32* pValue) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(GetBackgroundColor)(THIS_ COLORREF* lpClrBkg) PURE;
+    STDMETHOD(SetBackgroundColor)(THIS_ COLORREF ClrBkg) PURE;
+#define INTERFACE IMFGetService
+    STDMETHOD(GetService)(THIS_ REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvObject) PURE;