1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
3 <TS version="2.0" language="hu"> |
4 <context> |
5 <name>AbstractFindWidget</name> |
6 <message> |
7 <location filename="../tools/shared/findwidget/abstractfindwidget.cpp" line="+127"/> |
8 <source>&Previous</source> |
9 <translation>&Előző</translation> |
10 </message> |
11 <message> |
12 <location line="+8"/> |
13 <source>&Next</source> |
14 <translation>&Következő</translation> |
15 </message> |
16 <message> |
17 <location line="+24"/> |
18 <source>&Case sensitive</source> |
19 <translation>&Kis ér nagybetű érzékeny</translation> |
20 </message> |
21 <message> |
22 <location line="+8"/> |
23 <source>Whole &words</source> |
24 <translation>Egész &szavakat</translation> |
25 </message> |
26 <message> |
27 <location line="+12"/> |
28 <source><img src=":/trolltech/shared/images/wrap.png">&nbsp;Search wrapped</source> |
29 <translation><img src=":/trolltech/shared/images/wrap.png">&nbsp;Keresés tördelve</translation> |
30 </message> |
31 </context> |
32 <context> |
33 <name>AddLinkDialog</name> |
34 <message> |
35 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/addlinkdialog.ui" line="+5"/> |
36 <source>Insert Link</source> |
37 <translation>Link beszúrása</translation> |
38 </message> |
39 <message> |
40 <location line="+14"/> |
41 <source>Title:</source> |
42 <translation>Cím:</translation> |
43 </message> |
44 <message> |
45 <location line="+17"/> |
46 <source>URL:</source> |
47 <translation>URL:</translation> |
48 </message> |
49 </context> |
50 <context> |
51 <name>AppFontDialog</name> |
52 <message> |
53 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/appfontdialog.cpp" line="+418"/> |
54 <source>Additional Fonts</source> |
55 <translation>További betűl</translation> |
56 </message> |
57 </context> |
58 <context> |
59 <name>AppFontManager</name> |
60 <message> |
61 <location line="-267"/> |
62 <source>'%1' is not a file.</source> |
63 <translation>%1 nem egy fájl.</translation> |
64 </message> |
65 <message> |
66 <location line="+4"/> |
67 <source>The font file '%1' does not have read permissions.</source> |
68 <translation>'%1' betű fájlnak nincsen olvasási engedélye.</translation> |
69 </message> |
70 <message> |
71 <location line="+8"/> |
72 <source>The font file '%1' is already loaded.</source> |
73 <translation>'%1' font fájl már be van töltve.</translation> |
74 </message> |
75 <message> |
76 <location line="+7"/> |
77 <source>The font file '%1' could not be loaded.</source> |
78 <translation>'%1' font fájlt nem sikerült betölteni.</translation> |
79 </message> |
80 <message> |
81 <location line="+17"/> |
82 <source>'%1' is not a valid font id.</source> |
83 <translation>'%1' nem egy érvényes betű azonosító.</translation> |
84 </message> |
85 <message> |
86 <location line="+11"/> |
87 <source>There is no loaded font matching the id '%1'.</source> |
88 <translation>Nincsen '%1' azonosítóval megegyező betöltött betű.</translation> |
89 </message> |
90 <message> |
91 <location line="+15"/> |
92 <source>The font '%1' (%2) could not be unloaded.</source> |
93 <translation>'%1' betűt (%2) nem lehetett kirakni.</translation> |
94 </message> |
95 </context> |
96 <context> |
97 <name>AppFontWidget</name> |
98 <message> |
99 <location line="+26"/> |
100 <source>Fonts</source> |
101 <translation>Betűk</translation> |
102 </message> |
103 <message> |
104 <location line="+58"/> |
105 <source>Add font files</source> |
106 <translation>Betű fájlok hozzáadása</translation> |
107 </message> |
108 <message> |
109 <location line="+5"/> |
110 <source>Remove current font file</source> |
111 <translation>Aktuális betű fájl eltávolítása</translation> |
112 </message> |
113 <message> |
114 <location line="+4"/> |
115 <source>Remove all font files</source> |
116 <translation>Az összes betű fájl eltávolítása</translation> |
117 </message> |
118 <message> |
119 <location line="+19"/> |
120 <source>Add Font Files</source> |
121 <translation>Betű fájlok hozzáadása</translation> |
122 </message> |
123 <message> |
124 <location line="+1"/> |
125 <source>Font files (*.ttf)</source> |
126 <translation>Betű fájlok (*.ttf)</translation> |
127 </message> |
128 <message> |
129 <location line="+13"/> |
130 <source>Error Adding Fonts</source> |
131 <translation>Hiba történt a betűk hozzáadásakor</translation> |
132 </message> |
133 <message> |
134 <location line="+24"/> |
135 <source>Error Removing Fonts</source> |
136 <translation>Hiba történt a betűk eltávolításakor</translation> |
137 </message> |
138 <message> |
139 <location line="+22"/> |
140 <source>Remove Fonts</source> |
141 <translation>Betűk eltávolítása</translation> |
142 </message> |
143 <message> |
144 <location line="+0"/> |
145 <source>Would you like to remove all fonts?</source> |
146 <translation>El szeretné távolítani az összes betűt?</translation> |
147 </message> |
148 </context> |
149 <context> |
150 <name>AppearanceOptionsWidget</name> |
151 <message> |
152 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/qdesigner_appearanceoptions.ui" line="+14"/> |
153 <source>Form</source> |
154 <translation></translation> |
155 </message> |
156 <message> |
157 <location line="+6"/> |
158 <source>User Interface Mode</source> |
159 <translation>Felhasználói interfész mód</translation> |
160 </message> |
161 </context> |
162 <context> |
163 <name>AssistantClient</name> |
164 <message> |
165 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/assistantclient.cpp" line="+100"/> |
166 <source>Unable to send request: Assistant is not responding.</source> |
167 <translation>Nem lehet elküldeni a kérést, az Assistant nem válaszol.</translation> |
168 </message> |
169 <message> |
170 <location line="+39"/> |
171 <source>The binary '%1' does not exist.</source> |
172 <translation>'%1' bináris nem létezik.</translation> |
173 </message> |
174 <message> |
175 <location line="+9"/> |
176 <source>Unable to launch assistant (%1).</source> |
177 <translation>Nem lehet elindítani a(z) %1 assistant.</translation> |
178 </message> |
179 </context> |
180 <context> |
181 <name>BrushPropertyManager</name> |
182 <message> |
183 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/brushpropertymanager.cpp" line="+52"/> |
184 <source>No brush</source> |
185 <translation>Nincs kefe</translation> |
186 </message> |
187 <message> |
188 <location line="+1"/> |
189 <source>Solid</source> |
190 <translation>Szolid</translation> |
191 </message> |
192 <message> |
193 <location line="+1"/> |
194 <source>Dense 1</source> |
195 <translation>Sűrű 1</translation> |
196 </message> |
197 <message> |
198 <location line="+1"/> |
199 <source>Dense 2</source> |
200 <translation>Sűrű 2</translation> |
201 </message> |
202 <message> |
203 <location line="+1"/> |
204 <source>Dense 3</source> |
205 <translation>Sűrű 3</translation> |
206 </message> |
207 <message> |
208 <location line="+1"/> |
209 <source>Dense 4</source> |
210 <translation>Sűrű 4</translation> |
211 </message> |
212 <message> |
213 <location line="+1"/> |
214 <source>Dense 5</source> |
215 <translation>Sűrű 5</translation> |
216 </message> |
217 <message> |
218 <location line="+1"/> |
219 <source>Dense 6</source> |
220 <translation>Sűrű 6</translation> |
221 </message> |
222 <message> |
223 <location line="+1"/> |
224 <source>Dense 7</source> |
225 <translation>Sűrű 7</translation> |
226 </message> |
227 <message> |
228 <location line="+1"/> |
229 <source>Horizontal</source> |
230 <translation>Horizontális</translation> |
231 </message> |
232 <message> |
233 <location line="+1"/> |
234 <source>Vertical</source> |
235 <translation>Vertikális</translation> |
236 </message> |
237 <message> |
238 <location line="+1"/> |
239 <source>Cross</source> |
240 <translation>Kereszt</translation> |
241 </message> |
242 <message> |
243 <location line="+1"/> |
244 <source>Backward diagonal</source> |
245 <translation>Visszafele átlós</translation> |
246 </message> |
247 <message> |
248 <location line="+1"/> |
249 <source>Forward diagonal</source> |
250 <translation>Előre átlós</translation> |
251 </message> |
252 <message> |
253 <location line="+1"/> |
254 <source>Crossing diagonal</source> |
255 <translation>Kereszt átlós</translation> |
256 </message> |
257 <message> |
258 <location line="+83"/> |
259 <source>Style</source> |
260 <translation>Stílus</translation> |
261 </message> |
262 <message> |
263 <location line="+11"/> |
264 <source>Color</source> |
265 <translation>Szín</translation> |
266 </message> |
267 <message> |
268 <location line="+105"/> |
269 <source>[%1, %2]</source> |
270 <translation>[%1, %2]</translation> |
271 </message> |
272 </context> |
273 <context> |
274 <name>Command</name> |
275 <message> |
276 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/signalsloteditor/signalsloteditor.cpp" line="+208"/> |
277 <location line="+258"/> |
278 <source>Change signal</source> |
279 <translation>Jel változtatás</translation> |
280 </message> |
281 <message> |
282 <location line="-256"/> |
283 <location line="+268"/> |
284 <source>Change slot</source> |
285 <translation>Szlot változtatás</translation> |
286 </message> |
287 <message> |
288 <location line="-220"/> |
289 <source>Change signal-slot connection</source> |
290 <translation>Jel szlot kapcsolat változtatása</translation> |
291 </message> |
292 <message> |
293 <location line="+234"/> |
294 <source>Change sender</source> |
295 <translation>Küldő változtatás</translation> |
296 </message> |
297 <message> |
298 <location line="+18"/> |
299 <source>Change receiver</source> |
300 <translation>Fogadó változtatás</translation> |
301 </message> |
302 <message> |
303 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/button_taskmenu.cpp" line="+221"/> |
304 <source>Create button group</source> |
305 <translation>Gomb csoport létrehozása</translation> |
306 </message> |
307 <message> |
308 <location line="+27"/> |
309 <source>Break button group</source> |
310 <translation>Gomb csoport törése</translation> |
311 </message> |
312 <message> |
313 <location line="+9"/> |
314 <source>Break button group '%1'</source> |
315 <translation>'%1' gomb csoport törése</translation> |
316 </message> |
317 <message> |
318 <location line="+17"/> |
319 <source>Add buttons to group</source> |
320 <translation>Gomb hozzáadása a csoporthoz</translation> |
321 </message> |
322 <message> |
323 <location line="+8"/> |
324 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/formlayoutmenu.cpp" line="+458"/> |
325 <source>Add '%1' to '%2'</source> |
326 <extracomment>Command description for adding buttons to a QButtonGroup</extracomment> |
327 <translation>'%1' hozzáadása '%2'-höz</translation> |
328 </message> |
329 <message> |
330 <location line="+14"/> |
331 <source>Remove buttons from group</source> |
332 <translation>Gomb eltávolítása a csoportból</translation> |
333 </message> |
334 <message> |
335 <location line="+15"/> |
336 <source>Remove '%1' from '%2'</source> |
337 <extracomment>Command description for removing buttons from a QButtonGroup</extracomment> |
338 <translation>'%1' eltávolítása '%2'-ból</translation> |
339 </message> |
340 <message> |
341 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/connectionedit.cpp" line="+143"/> |
342 <source>Add connection</source> |
343 <translation>Kapcsolat hozzáadása</translation> |
344 </message> |
345 <message> |
346 <location line="+54"/> |
347 <source>Adjust connection</source> |
348 <translation>Kapcsolat beállítása</translation> |
349 </message> |
350 <message> |
351 <location line="+19"/> |
352 <source>Delete connections</source> |
353 <translation>Kapcsolatok törlése</translation> |
354 </message> |
355 <message> |
356 <location line="+58"/> |
357 <source>Change source</source> |
358 <translation>Forrás változtatása</translation> |
359 </message> |
360 <message> |
361 <location line="+2"/> |
362 <source>Change target</source> |
363 <translation>Cél változtatása</translation> |
364 </message> |
365 <message> |
366 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/morphmenu.cpp" line="+349"/> |
367 <source>Morph %1/'%2' into %3</source> |
368 <extracomment>MorphWidgetCommand description</extracomment> |
369 <translation>%1/'%2' alakváltoztatása %3-re</translation> |
370 </message> |
371 <message> |
372 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_command.cpp" line="+149"/> |
373 <source>Insert '%1'</source> |
374 <translation>'%1' beszúrása</translation> |
375 </message> |
376 <message> |
377 <location line="+133"/> |
378 <source>Change Z-order of '%1'</source> |
379 <translation>'%1' Z sorrendjének megváltoztatása</translation> |
380 </message> |
381 <message> |
382 <location line="+34"/> |
383 <source>Raise '%1'</source> |
384 <translation>'%1' növelése</translation> |
385 </message> |
386 <message> |
387 <location line="+33"/> |
388 <source>Lower '%1'</source> |
389 <translation>Alsó '%1'</translation> |
390 </message> |
391 <message> |
392 <location line="+113"/> |
393 <source>Delete '%1'</source> |
394 <translation>'%1' törlése</translation> |
395 </message> |
396 <message> |
397 <location line="+119"/> |
398 <source>Reparent '%1'</source> |
399 <translation>'%1' újra szülősítése</translation> |
400 </message> |
401 <message> |
402 <location line="+53"/> |
403 <source>Promote to custom widget</source> |
404 <translation>Egyéni widget elősegítése</translation> |
405 </message> |
406 <message> |
407 <location line="+42"/> |
408 <source>Demote from custom widget</source> |
409 <translation>Egyéni widget lefokozása</translation> |
410 </message> |
411 <message> |
412 <location line="+79"/> |
413 <source>Lay out using grid</source> |
414 <translation>Tervraj rácsok használatával</translation> |
415 </message> |
416 <message> |
417 <location line="+3"/> |
418 <source>Lay out vertically</source> |
419 <translation>Tervrajz vertikálisan</translation> |
420 </message> |
421 <message> |
422 <location line="+3"/> |
423 <source>Lay out horizontally</source> |
424 <translation>Tervrajz horizontálisan</translation> |
425 </message> |
426 <message> |
427 <location line="+41"/> |
428 <source>Break layout</source> |
429 <translation>Tervrajz törése</translation> |
430 </message> |
431 <message> |
432 <location line="+105"/> |
433 <source>Simplify Grid Layout</source> |
434 <translation>Egyszerűsített rács tervrajz</translation> |
435 </message> |
436 <message> |
437 <location line="+135"/> |
438 <location line="+235"/> |
439 <location line="+78"/> |
440 <source>Move Page</source> |
441 <translation>Lap mozgatása</translation> |
442 </message> |
443 <message> |
444 <location line="-279"/> |
445 <location line="+123"/> |
446 <location line="+188"/> |
447 <location line="+666"/> |
448 <source>Delete Page</source> |
449 <translation>Lap törlése</translation> |
450 </message> |
451 <message> |
452 <location line="-939"/> |
453 <location line="+123"/> |
454 <source>Page</source> |
455 <translation>Lap</translation> |
456 </message> |
457 <message> |
458 <location line="+860"/> |
459 <source>page</source> |
460 <translation>lap</translation> |
461 </message> |
462 <message> |
463 <location line="-978"/> |
464 <location line="+123"/> |
465 <location line="+186"/> |
466 <location line="+667"/> |
467 <source>Insert Page</source> |
468 <translation>Lap beszúrása</translation> |
469 </message> |
470 <message> |
471 <location line="-647"/> |
472 <source>Change Tab order</source> |
473 <translation>Tab sorrend változtatása</translation> |
474 </message> |
475 <message> |
476 <location line="+28"/> |
477 <source>Create Menu Bar</source> |
478 <translation>Menü sáv</translation> |
479 </message> |
480 <message> |
481 <location line="+44"/> |
482 <source>Delete Menu Bar</source> |
483 <translation>Menü sáv törlése</translation> |
484 </message> |
485 <message> |
486 <location line="+47"/> |
487 <source>Create Status Bar</source> |
488 <translation>Státusz sáv létrehozása</translation> |
489 </message> |
490 <message> |
491 <location line="+42"/> |
492 <source>Delete Status Bar</source> |
493 <translation>Státusz sáv törlése</translation> |
494 </message> |
495 <message> |
496 <location line="+45"/> |
497 <source>Add Tool Bar</source> |
498 <translation>Eszköz sáv hozzáadása</translation> |
499 </message> |
500 <message> |
501 <location line="+59"/> |
502 <source>Add Dock Window</source> |
503 <translation>Dokk ablak hozzáadása</translation> |
504 </message> |
505 <message> |
506 <location line="+53"/> |
507 <source>Adjust Size of '%1'</source> |
508 <translation>'%1' méretének igazítása</translation> |
509 </message> |
510 <message> |
511 <location line="+57"/> |
512 <source>Change Form Layout Item Geometry</source> |
513 <translation>Űrlap tervrajz elem geometriájának megváltoztatása</translation> |
514 </message> |
515 <message> |
516 <location line="+95"/> |
517 <source>Change Layout Item Geometry</source> |
518 <translation>Tervrajz elem geometriájának megváltoztatása</translation> |
519 </message> |
520 <message> |
521 <location line="+138"/> |
522 <source>Delete Subwindow</source> |
523 <translation>Alablak törlése</translation> |
524 </message> |
525 <message> |
526 <location line="+44"/> |
527 <source>Insert Subwindow</source> |
528 <translation>Alablak beszúrása</translation> |
529 </message> |
530 <message> |
531 <location line="+2"/> |
532 <source>subwindow</source> |
533 <translation>alablak</translation> |
534 </message> |
535 <message> |
536 <location line="+1"/> |
537 <source>Subwindow</source> |
538 <translation>Alablak</translation> |
539 </message> |
540 <message> |
541 <location line="+391"/> |
542 <source>Change Table Contents</source> |
543 <translation>Táblázat tartalom megváltoztatása</translation> |
544 </message> |
545 <message> |
546 <location line="+107"/> |
547 <source>Change Tree Contents</source> |
548 <translation>Fa tartalom megváltoztatása</translation> |
549 </message> |
550 <message> |
551 <location line="+74"/> |
552 <location line="+146"/> |
553 <source>Add action</source> |
554 <translation>Tevékenység hozzáadása</translation> |
555 </message> |
556 <message> |
557 <location line="-120"/> |
558 <location line="+126"/> |
559 <source>Remove action</source> |
560 <translation>Tevékenység eltávolítása</translation> |
561 </message> |
562 <message> |
563 <location line="+53"/> |
564 <source>Add menu</source> |
565 <translation>Menü hozzáadása</translation> |
566 </message> |
567 <message> |
568 <location line="+6"/> |
569 <source>Remove menu</source> |
570 <translation>Menü eltávolítása</translation> |
571 </message> |
572 <message> |
573 <location line="+6"/> |
574 <source>Create submenu</source> |
575 <translation>Almenü létrehozása</translation> |
576 </message> |
577 <message> |
578 <location line="+31"/> |
579 <source>Delete Tool Bar</source> |
580 <translation>Eszköz sáv törlése</translation> |
581 </message> |
582 <message> |
583 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_command2.cpp" line="+154"/> |
584 <source>Change layout of '%1' from %2 to %3</source> |
585 <translation>'%1' tervrajz megváltoztatása %2-ről %3-ra</translation> |
586 </message> |
587 <message> |
588 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_menu.cpp" line="+1195"/> |
589 <source>Set action text</source> |
590 <translation>Tevékenység szöveg beállítása</translation> |
591 </message> |
592 <message> |
593 <location line="+3"/> |
594 <source>Insert action</source> |
595 <translation>Tevékenység beszúrása</translation> |
596 </message> |
597 <message> |
598 <location line="+89"/> |
599 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_menubar.cpp" line="+907"/> |
600 <source>Move action</source> |
601 <translation>Tevékenység mozgatása</translation> |
602 </message> |
603 <message> |
604 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_menubar.cpp" line="-424"/> |
605 <source>Change Title</source> |
606 <translation>Cím megváltoztatása</translation> |
607 </message> |
608 <message> |
609 <location line="+2"/> |
610 <source>Insert Menu</source> |
611 <translation>Menü beszúrása</translation> |
612 </message> |
613 <message> |
614 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_propertycommand.cpp" line="+1213"/> |
615 <source>Changed '%1' of '%2'</source> |
616 <translation>'%2' '%1'-ének megváltoztatása</translation> |
617 </message> |
618 <message numerus="yes"> |
619 <location line="+3"/> |
620 <source>Changed '%1' of %n objects</source> |
621 <translation> |
622 <numerusform>%n objektum %1-ének megváltoztatása</numerusform> |
623 </translation> |
624 </message> |
625 <message> |
626 <location line="+76"/> |
627 <source>Reset '%1' of '%2'</source> |
628 <translation>'%2' '%1'-ének megváltoztatása</translation> |
629 </message> |
630 <message numerus="yes"> |
631 <location line="+3"/> |
632 <source>Reset '%1' of %n objects</source> |
633 <translation> |
634 <numerusform>%n objektum '%1'-ének újraindítása</numerusform> |
635 </translation> |
636 </message> |
637 <message> |
638 <location line="+89"/> |
639 <source>Add dynamic property '%1' to '%2'</source> |
640 <translation>'%2' '%1' dinamikus tulajdonságának hozzáadása</translation> |
641 </message> |
642 <message numerus="yes"> |
643 <location line="+3"/> |
644 <source>Add dynamic property '%1' to %n objects</source> |
645 <translation> |
646 <numerusform>%n objektum' '%1' dinamikus tulajdonságának hozzáadása</numerusform> |
647 </translation> |
648 </message> |
649 <message> |
650 <location line="+86"/> |
651 <source>Remove dynamic property '%1' from '%2'</source> |
652 <translation>'%1' dinamikus tulajdonság eltávolítáas '%2'-ből</translation> |
653 </message> |
654 <message numerus="yes"> |
655 <location line="+3"/> |
656 <source>Remove dynamic property '%1' from %n objects</source> |
657 <translation> |
658 <numerusform>'%1' dinamikus tulajdonság eltávolítása %n objektumból</numerusform> |
659 </translation> |
660 </message> |
661 <message> |
662 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/scriptcommand.cpp" line="+55"/> |
663 <source>Change script</source> |
664 <translation>Szkript megváltoztatása</translation> |
665 </message> |
666 <message> |
667 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/signalslotdialog.cpp" line="+202"/> |
668 <source>Change signals/slots</source> |
669 <translation>Jelek/Szlotok megváltoztatása</translation> |
670 </message> |
671 </context> |
672 <context> |
673 <name>ConnectDialog</name> |
674 <message> |
675 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/signalsloteditor/connectdialog.ui" line="+13"/> |
676 <source>Configure Connection</source> |
677 <translation>Kapcsolat konfigurálása</translation> |
678 </message> |
679 <message> |
680 <location line="+6"/> |
681 <location line="+40"/> |
682 <source>GroupBox</source> |
683 <translation>CsoportDoboz</translation> |
684 </message> |
685 <message> |
686 <location line="-25"/> |
687 <location line="+40"/> |
688 <source>Edit...</source> |
689 <translation>Szerkesztés...</translation> |
690 </message> |
691 <message> |
692 <location line="+25"/> |
693 <source>Show signals and slots inherited from QWidget</source> |
694 <translation>QWidget-ből örökölt jelek és szlotok megjelenítése</translation> |
695 </message> |
696 </context> |
697 <context> |
698 <name>ConnectionDelegate</name> |
699 <message> |
700 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/signalsloteditor/signalsloteditorwindow.cpp" line="+643"/> |
701 <source><object></source> |
702 <translation><objekttum></translation> |
703 </message> |
704 <message> |
705 <location line="+18"/> |
706 <source><signal></source> |
707 <translation><jel></translation> |
708 </message> |
709 <message> |
710 <location line="+0"/> |
711 <source><slot></source> |
712 <translation><szlot></translation> |
713 </message> |
714 </context> |
715 <context> |
716 <name>DPI_Chooser</name> |
717 <message> |
718 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/dpi_chooser.cpp" line="+69"/> |
719 <source>Standard (96 x 96)</source> |
720 <extracomment>Embedded device standard screen resolution</extracomment> |
721 <translation>Szabványos (96 x 96)</translation> |
722 </message> |
723 <message> |
724 <location line="+2"/> |
725 <source>Greenphone (179 x 185)</source> |
726 <extracomment>Embedded device screen resolution</extracomment> |
727 <translation>Greenphone (179 x 185)</translation> |
728 </message> |
729 <message> |
730 <location line="+2"/> |
731 <source>High (192 x 192)</source> |
732 <extracomment>Embedded device high definition screen resolution</extracomment> |
733 <translation>Magasság (192 x 192)</translation> |
734 </message> |
735 </context> |
736 <context> |
737 <name>Designer</name> |
738 <message> |
739 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/qdesigner_resource.cpp" line="+449"/> |
740 <source>Qt Designer</source> |
741 <translation>Qt Designer</translation> |
742 </message> |
743 <message> |
744 <location line="+10"/> |
745 <source>This file contains top level spacers.<br>They have <b>NOT</b> been saved into the form.</source> |
746 <translation>Ez a fájl felső szintű távtartókat tartalmaz.<br> Nem tartalmaznak <b>SEMMIT</b>, ami el lenne mentve az űrlapba.</translation> |
747 </message> |
748 <message> |
749 <location line="+2"/> |
750 <source>Perhaps you forgot to create a layout?</source> |
751 <translation>Talán elfelejtette létrehozni a tervrajzot?</translation> |
752 </message> |
753 <message> |
754 <location line="+173"/> |
755 <source>Invalid UI file: The root element <ui> is missing.</source> |
756 <translation>Érvénytelen UI fájl. A rendszergazda elem <ui> hiányzik.</translation> |
757 </message> |
758 <message> |
759 <location line="+6"/> |
760 <source>An error has occurred while reading the UI file at line %1, column %2: %3</source> |
761 <translation>Hiba történt az UI fájl olvasás közben %1 sorban, %2 oszlopban: %3</translation> |
762 </message> |
763 <message> |
764 <location line="+26"/> |
765 <source>This file cannot be read because it was created using %1.</source> |
766 <translation>A fájl nem olvasható, mert %1 használatával hozták létre.</translation> |
767 </message> |
768 <message> |
769 <location line="+14"/> |
770 <source>This file was created using Designer from Qt-%1 and cannot be read.</source> |
771 <translation>A fájlt a(z) %1 Qt Designer-rel hozták létre és nem olvasható.</translation> |
772 </message> |
773 <message> |
774 <location line="+30"/> |
775 <source>The converted file could not be read.</source> |
776 <translation>A konvertált fájlt nem sikerült olvasni.</translation> |
777 </message> |
778 <message> |
779 <location line="+4"/> |
780 <source>This file was created using Designer from Qt-%1 and will be converted to a new form by Qt Designer.</source> |
781 <translation>A fájlt a(z) %1 Qt Designer-rel hozták létre és a Qt Designer egy új űrlapra fogja konvertálni.</translation> |
782 </message> |
783 <message> |
784 <location line="+3"/> |
785 <source>The old form has not been touched, but you will have to save the form under a new name.</source> |
786 <translation>A régi űrlap nem lett érintve, de az űrlapot új néven kell majd elmentenie.</translation> |
787 </message> |
788 <message> |
789 <location line="+11"/> |
790 <source>This file was created using Designer from Qt-%1 and could not be read: |
791 %2</source> |
792 <translation>A fájl a(z) %1 Qt Designer-rel lett létrehozva és nem olvasható: |
793 %2</translation> |
794 </message> |
795 <message> |
796 <location line="+3"/> |
797 <source>Please run it through <b>uic3&nbsp;-convert</b> to convert it to Qt-4's ui format.</source> |
798 <translation>Kérem futtassa a <br>uic3&nbsp;-convert</b> Qt 4-s ui formára konvertáláshoz.</translation> |
799 </message> |
800 <message> |
801 <location line="+31"/> |
802 <source>This file cannot be read because the extra info extension failed to load.</source> |
803 <translation>Ez a fájl nem olvasható, mert az extra információ kiterjesztést nem sikerült betölteni.</translation> |
804 </message> |
805 <message> |
806 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qsimpleresource.cpp" line="+339"/> |
807 <source>Custom Widgets</source> |
808 <translation>Egyéni Widgetek</translation> |
809 </message> |
810 <message> |
811 <location line="+12"/> |
812 <source>Promoted Widgets</source> |
813 <translation>Támogatott Widgetek</translation> |
814 </message> |
815 <message> |
816 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_utils.cpp" line="+682"/> |
817 <source>Unable to launch %1.</source> |
818 <translation>Nem lehet elindítani %1-t.</translation> |
819 </message> |
820 <message> |
821 <location line="+4"/> |
822 <source>%1 timed out.</source> |
823 <translation>%1 időtúllépés.</translation> |
824 </message> |
825 </context> |
826 <context> |
827 <name>DesignerMetaEnum</name> |
828 <message> |
829 <location line="-513"/> |
830 <source>%1 is not a valid enumeration value of '%2'.</source> |
831 <translation>%1 nem egy érvényes '%2' felsorolási érték.</translation> |
832 </message> |
833 <message> |
834 <location line="+5"/> |
835 <source>'%1' could not be converted to an enumeration value of type '%2'.</source> |
836 <translation>'%1' nem konvertálható egy '%2' típusú felsorolási értékre.</translation> |
837 </message> |
838 </context> |
839 <context> |
840 <name>DesignerMetaFlags</name> |
841 <message> |
842 <location line="+78"/> |
843 <source>'%1' could not be converted to a flag value of type '%2'.</source> |
844 <translation>'%1' nem konvertálható egy '%2' típusú jelző értékre.</translation> |
845 </message> |
846 </context> |
847 <context> |
848 <name>DeviceProfile</name> |
849 <message> |
850 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/deviceprofile.cpp" line="+397"/> |
851 <source>'%1' is not a number.</source> |
852 <extracomment>Reading a number for an embedded device profile</extracomment> |
853 <translation>'%1' nem egy szám.</translation> |
854 </message> |
855 <message> |
856 <location line="+23"/> |
857 <source>An invalid tag <%1> was encountered.</source> |
858 <translation>Egy érvénytelen címkét <%1> talált.</translation> |
859 </message> |
860 </context> |
861 <context> |
862 <name>DeviceProfileDialog</name> |
863 <message> |
864 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/deviceprofiledialog.ui" line="+20"/> |
865 <source>&Family</source> |
866 <translation>&Család</translation> |
867 </message> |
868 <message> |
869 <location line="+13"/> |
870 <source>&Point Size</source> |
871 <translation>&Pont méret</translation> |
872 </message> |
873 <message> |
874 <location line="+13"/> |
875 <source>Style</source> |
876 <translation>Stílus</translation> |
877 </message> |
878 <message> |
879 <location line="+13"/> |
880 <source>Device DPI</source> |
881 <translation>Eszköz DPI</translation> |
882 </message> |
883 <message> |
884 <location line="+10"/> |
885 <source>Name</source> |
886 <translation>Név</translation> |
887 </message> |
888 </context> |
889 <context> |
890 <name>DeviceSkin</name> |
891 <message> |
892 <location filename="../tools/shared/deviceskin/deviceskin.cpp" line="+79"/> |
893 <source>The image file '%1' could not be loaded.</source> |
894 <translation>Nem sikerült betölteni a(z) '%1' kép fájlt.</translation> |
895 </message> |
896 <message> |
897 <location line="+64"/> |
898 <source>The skin directory '%1' does not contain a configuration file.</source> |
899 <translation>A(z) '%1' szkin könyvtár nem tartalmaz egy konfigurációs fájlt sem.</translation> |
900 </message> |
901 <message> |
902 <location line="+5"/> |
903 <source>The skin configuration file '%1' could not be opened.</source> |
904 <translation>A(z) '%1' szkin konfigurációs fájlt nem sikerült megnyitni.</translation> |
905 </message> |
906 <message> |
907 <location line="+6"/> |
908 <source>The skin configuration file '%1' could not be read: %2</source> |
909 <translation>A(z) '%1' szkin konfigurációs fájlt nem sikerült olvasni: %2</translation> |
910 </message> |
911 <message> |
912 <location line="+70"/> |
913 <source>Syntax error: %1</source> |
914 <translation>Szintakszis hiba: %1</translation> |
915 </message> |
916 <message> |
917 <location line="+21"/> |
918 <source>The skin "up" image file '%1' does not exist.</source> |
919 <translation>A(z) '%1' szkin 'fel' kép fájl nem létezik.</translation> |
920 </message> |
921 <message> |
922 <location line="+10"/> |
923 <source>The skin "down" image file '%1' does not exist.</source> |
924 <translation>A(z) '%1' szkin 'le' kép fájl nem létezik.</translation> |
925 </message> |
926 <message> |
927 <location line="+11"/> |
928 <source>The skin "closed" image file '%1' does not exist.</source> |
929 <translation>A(z) '%1' szkin 'zárt' kép fájl nem létezik.</translation> |
930 </message> |
931 <message> |
932 <location line="+12"/> |
933 <source>The skin cursor image file '%1' does not exist.</source> |
934 <translation>A(z) '%1' szkin kurzor kép fájl nem létezik.</translation> |
935 </message> |
936 <message> |
937 <location line="+25"/> |
938 <source>Syntax error in area definition: %1</source> |
939 <translation>Szintakszis hiba a terület definícióban: %1</translation> |
940 </message> |
941 <message> |
942 <location line="+38"/> |
943 <source>Mismatch in number of areas, expected %1, got %2.</source> |
944 <translation>Rossz párosítás a területek számában, várt %1, kapot %2.</translation> |
945 </message> |
946 </context> |
947 <context> |
948 <name>EmbeddedOptionsControl</name> |
949 <message> |
950 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/embeddedoptionspage.cpp" line="+307"/> |
951 <source><html><table><tr><td><b>Font</b></td><td>%1, %2</td></tr><tr><td><b>Style</b></td><td>%3</td></tr><tr><td><b>Resolution</b></td><td>%4 x %5</td></tr></table></html></source> |
952 <extracomment>Format embedded device profile description</extracomment> |
953 <translation><html><table><tr><td><b>Betű</b></td><td>%1, %2</td></tr><tr><td><b>Stílus</b></td><td>%3</td></tr><tr><td><b>Felbontás</b></td><td>%4 x %5</td></tr></table></html></translation> |
954 </message> |
955 </context> |
956 <context> |
957 <name>EmbeddedOptionsPage</name> |
958 <message> |
959 <location line="+103"/> |
960 <source>Embedded Design</source> |
961 <extracomment>Tab in preferences dialog</extracomment> |
962 <translation>Tab a beállítások párbeszéd ablakban</translation> |
963 </message> |
964 <message> |
965 <location line="+10"/> |
966 <source>Device Profiles</source> |
967 <extracomment>EmbeddedOptionsControl group box"</extracomment> |
968 <translation>BeágyazottOpciókVezérlő csoport doboz"</translation> |
969 </message> |
970 </context> |
971 <context> |
972 <name>FontPanel</name> |
973 <message> |
974 <location filename="../tools/shared/fontpanel/fontpanel.cpp" line="+63"/> |
975 <source>Font</source> |
976 <translation>Betű</translation> |
977 </message> |
978 <message> |
979 <location line="+11"/> |
980 <source>&Writing system</source> |
981 <translation>Rendszer &írása</translation> |
982 </message> |
983 <message> |
984 <location line="+3"/> |
985 <source>&Family</source> |
986 <translation>&Család</translation> |
987 </message> |
988 <message> |
989 <location line="+4"/> |
990 <source>&Style</source> |
991 <translation>&Stílus</translation> |
992 </message> |
993 <message> |
994 <location line="+4"/> |
995 <source>&Point size</source> |
996 <translation>&Pont méret</translation> |
997 </message> |
998 </context> |
999 <context> |
1000 <name>FontPropertyManager</name> |
1001 <message> |
1002 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/fontpropertymanager.cpp" line="+62"/> |
1003 <source>PreferDefault</source> |
1004 <translation>AlapértelmezettPreferálása</translation> |
1005 </message> |
1006 <message> |
1007 <location line="+1"/> |
1008 <source>NoAntialias</source> |
1009 <translation>NincsÁtlapolás</translation> |
1010 </message> |
1011 <message> |
1012 <location line="+1"/> |
1013 <source>PreferAntialias</source> |
1014 <translation>ÁtlapolásPreferálása</translation> |
1015 </message> |
1016 <message> |
1017 <location line="+61"/> |
1018 <source>Antialiasing</source> |
1019 <translation>Átlapolás</translation> |
1020 </message> |
1021 </context> |
1022 <context> |
1023 <name>FormBuilder</name> |
1024 <message> |
1025 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilderextra.cpp" line="+359"/> |
1026 <source>Invalid stretch value for '%1': '%2'</source> |
1027 <extracomment>Parsing layout stretch values</extracomment> |
1028 <translation>Érvénytelen érték kiterjesztés '%1'-re: '%2'</translation> |
1029 </message> |
1030 <message> |
1031 <location line="+62"/> |
1032 <source>Invalid minimum size for '%1': '%2'</source> |
1033 <extracomment>Parsing grid layout minimum size values</extracomment> |
1034 <translation>Érvénytelen minimum méret '%1'-re: '%2'</translation> |
1035 </message> |
1036 </context> |
1037 <context> |
1038 <name>FormEditorOptionsPage</name> |
1039 <message> |
1040 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/formeditor_optionspage.cpp" line="+91"/> |
1041 <source>%1 %</source> |
1042 <translation>%1 %</translation> |
1043 </message> |
1044 <message> |
1045 <location line="+4"/> |
1046 <source>Preview Zoom</source> |
1047 <translation>Zoom előnézet</translation> |
1048 </message> |
1049 <message> |
1050 <location line="+2"/> |
1051 <source>Default Zoom</source> |
1052 <translation>Alapértelmezett zoom</translation> |
1053 </message> |
1054 <message> |
1055 <location line="+29"/> |
1056 <source>Forms</source> |
1057 <extracomment>Tab in preferences dialog</extracomment> |
1058 <translation>Űrlapok</translation> |
1059 </message> |
1060 <message> |
1061 <location line="+13"/> |
1062 <source>Default Grid</source> |
1063 <translation>Alapértelmezett rács</translation> |
1064 </message> |
1065 </context> |
1066 <context> |
1067 <name>FormLayoutRowDialog</name> |
1068 <message> |
1069 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/formlayoutrowdialog.ui" line="+6"/> |
1070 <source>Add Form Layout Row</source> |
1071 <translatorcomment>нелепица какая-то</translatorcomment> |
1072 <translation>Űrlap szerkezet sor hozzaadása</translation> |
1073 </message> |
1074 <message> |
1075 <location line="+11"/> |
1076 <source>&Label text:</source> |
1077 <translation>&Címke szöveg:</translation> |
1078 </message> |
1079 <message> |
1080 <location line="+23"/> |
1081 <source>Field &type:</source> |
1082 <translation>Mező &típus:</translation> |
1083 </message> |
1084 <message> |
1085 <location line="+20"/> |
1086 <source>&Field name:</source> |
1087 <translation>&Mező név:</translation> |
1088 </message> |
1089 <message> |
1090 <location line="+10"/> |
1091 <source>&Buddy:</source> |
1092 <translation>&Haver:</translation> |
1093 </message> |
1094 <message> |
1095 <location line="+17"/> |
1096 <source>&Row:</source> |
1097 <translation>&Sor:</translation> |
1098 </message> |
1099 <message> |
1100 <location line="+16"/> |
1101 <source>Label &name:</source> |
1102 <translation>Címke &név:</translation> |
1103 </message> |
1104 </context> |
1105 <context> |
1106 <name>FormWindow</name> |
1107 <message> |
1108 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/formwindow.cpp" line="+1701"/> |
1109 <source>Unexpected element <%1></source> |
1110 <translation>Váratlan elem <%1></translation> |
1111 </message> |
1112 <message> |
1113 <location line="+7"/> |
1114 <source>Error while pasting clipboard contents at line %1, column %2: %3</source> |
1115 <translation>Hiba történt a vágólap tartalom beillesztése közben a(z) %1 sorban, %2 oszlopban: %3</translation> |
1116 </message> |
1117 </context> |
1118 <context> |
1119 <name>FormWindowSettings</name> |
1120 <message> |
1121 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/formwindowsettings.ui" line="+54"/> |
1122 <source>Form Settings</source> |
1123 <translation>Űrlap beállítások</translation> |
1124 </message> |
1125 <message> |
1126 <location line="+14"/> |
1127 <source>Layout &Default</source> |
1128 <translation>&Alapértelmezett elrendezés</translation> |
1129 </message> |
1130 <message> |
1131 <location line="+15"/> |
1132 <source>&Spacing:</source> |
1133 <translation>&Ritkítás:</translation> |
1134 </message> |
1135 <message> |
1136 <location line="+10"/> |
1137 <source>&Margin:</source> |
1138 <translation>&Margó:</translation> |
1139 </message> |
1140 <message> |
1141 <location line="+19"/> |
1142 <source>&Layout Function</source> |
1143 <translation>&Elrendezés függvény |
1144 </translation> |
1145 </message> |
1146 <message> |
1147 <location line="+21"/> |
1148 <source>Ma&rgin:</source> |
1149 <translation>Ma&rgó:</translation> |
1150 </message> |
1151 <message> |
1152 <location line="+10"/> |
1153 <source>Spa&cing:</source> |
1154 <translation>Rit&kítás:</translation> |
1155 </message> |
1156 <message> |
1157 <location line="+117"/> |
1158 <source>&Author</source> |
1159 <translation>&Szerző</translation> |
1160 </message> |
1161 <message> |
1162 <location line="-41"/> |
1163 <source>&Include Hints</source> |
1164 <translation>Célzások &beleértése</translation> |
1165 </message> |
1166 <message> |
1167 <location line="-53"/> |
1168 <source>&Pixmap Function</source> |
1169 <translation>&Pixmap függvény</translation> |
1170 </message> |
1171 <message> |
1172 <location line="+71"/> |
1173 <source>Grid</source> |
1174 <translation>Rács</translation> |
1175 </message> |
1176 <message> |
1177 <location line="+7"/> |
1178 <source>Embedded Design</source> |
1179 <translation>Beágyazott terv</translation> |
1180 </message> |
1181 </context> |
1182 <context> |
1183 <name>IconSelector</name> |
1184 <message> |
1185 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/iconselector.cpp" line="+352"/> |
1186 <source>All Pixmaps (</source> |
1187 <translation>Az összes Pixmap (</translation> |
1188 </message> |
1189 </context> |
1190 <context> |
1191 <name>ItemPropertyBrowser</name> |
1192 <message> |
1193 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/itemlisteditor.cpp" line="+66"/> |
1194 <source>XX Icon Selected off</source> |
1195 <extracomment>Sample string to determinate the width for the first column of the list item property browser</extracomment> |
1196 <translation>XX ikon kiválasztásának kikapcsolása</translation> |
1197 </message> |
1198 </context> |
1199 <context> |
1200 <name>MainWindowBase</name> |
1201 <message> |
1202 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/mainwindow.cpp" line="+119"/> |
1203 <source>Main</source> |
1204 <extracomment>Not currently used (main tool bar)</extracomment> |
1205 <translation>Fő</translation> |
1206 </message> |
1207 <message> |
1208 <location line="+6"/> |
1209 <source>File</source> |
1210 <translation>Fájl</translation> |
1211 </message> |
1212 <message> |
1213 <location line="+1"/> |
1214 <source>Edit</source> |
1215 <translation>Szerkesztés</translation> |
1216 </message> |
1217 <message> |
1218 <location line="+1"/> |
1219 <source>Tools</source> |
1220 <translation>Eszközök</translation> |
1221 </message> |
1222 <message> |
1223 <location line="+1"/> |
1224 <source>Form</source> |
1225 <translation>Űrlap</translation> |
1226 </message> |
1227 <message> |
1228 <location line="+7"/> |
1229 <source>Qt Designer</source> |
1230 <translation>Qt Designer</translation> |
1231 </message> |
1232 </context> |
1233 <context> |
1234 <name>NewForm</name> |
1235 <message> |
1236 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/newform.cpp" line="+79"/> |
1237 <source>C&reate</source> |
1238 <translation>&Létrehozás</translation> |
1239 </message> |
1240 <message> |
1241 <location line="+1"/> |
1242 <source>Recent</source> |
1243 <translation>Utóbbi</translation> |
1244 </message> |
1245 <message> |
1246 <location line="+32"/> |
1247 <source>&Close</source> |
1248 <translation>&Bezárás</translation> |
1249 </message> |
1250 <message> |
1251 <location line="+3"/> |
1252 <source>&Open...</source> |
1253 <translation>&Megnyitás...</translation> |
1254 </message> |
1255 <message> |
1256 <location line="+4"/> |
1257 <source>&Recent Forms</source> |
1258 <translation>&Utóbbi űrlapok</translation> |
1259 </message> |
1260 <message> |
1261 <location line="+64"/> |
1262 <source>Read error</source> |
1263 <translation>Olvasási hiba</translation> |
1264 </message> |
1265 <message> |
1266 <location line="-100"/> |
1267 <source>New Form</source> |
1268 <translation>Űj űrlap</translation> |
1269 </message> |
1270 <message> |
1271 <location line="-5"/> |
1272 <source>Show this Dialog on Startup</source> |
1273 <translation>Párbeszédablak megjelenítése betöltéskor</translation> |
1274 </message> |
1275 <message> |
1276 <location line="+128"/> |
1277 <source>A temporary form file could not be created in %1.</source> |
1278 <translation>Egy átmeneti űrlap fájlt nem sikerült létrehozni %1-ben.</translation> |
1279 </message> |
1280 <message> |
1281 <location line="+6"/> |
1282 <source>The temporary form file %1 could not be written.</source> |
1283 <translation>A(z) %1 átmeneti űrlap fájlt nem sikerült írni.</translation> |
1284 </message> |
1285 </context> |
1286 <context> |
1287 <name>ObjectInspectorModel</name> |
1288 <message> |
1289 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/objectinspector/objectinspectormodel.cpp" line="+360"/> |
1290 <source>Object</source> |
1291 <translation>Objektum</translation> |
1292 </message> |
1293 <message> |
1294 <location line="+1"/> |
1295 <source>Class</source> |
1296 <translation>Osztály</translation> |
1297 </message> |
1298 <message> |
1299 <location line="+35"/> |
1300 <source>separator</source> |
1301 <translation>Elválasztó</translation> |
1302 </message> |
1303 <message> |
1304 <location line="+98"/> |
1305 <source><noname></source> |
1306 <translation><noname></translation> |
1307 </message> |
1308 </context> |
1309 <context> |
1310 <name>ObjectNameDialog</name> |
1311 <message> |
1312 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_taskmenu.cpp" line="+158"/> |
1313 <source>Change Object Name</source> |
1314 <translation>Objektum nevének megváltoztatása</translation> |
1315 </message> |
1316 <message> |
1317 <location line="+4"/> |
1318 <source>Object Name</source> |
1319 <translation>Objektum név</translation> |
1320 </message> |
1321 </context> |
1322 <context> |
1323 <name>PluginDialog</name> |
1324 <message> |
1325 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/plugindialog.ui" line="+54"/> |
1326 <source>Plugin Information</source> |
1327 <translation>Beépülő modul információ</translation> |
1328 </message> |
1329 <message> |
1330 <location line="+26"/> |
1331 <source>1</source> |
1332 <translation>1</translation> |
1333 </message> |
1334 </context> |
1335 <context> |
1336 <name>PreferencesDialog</name> |
1337 <message> |
1338 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/preferencesdialog.ui" line="+20"/> |
1339 <source>Preferences</source> |
1340 <translation>Beállítások</translation> |
1341 </message> |
1342 </context> |
1343 <context> |
1344 <name>PreviewConfigurationWidget</name> |
1345 <message> |
1346 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/previewconfigurationwidget.ui" line="+5"/> |
1347 <source>Form</source> |
1348 <translation>Űrlap</translation> |
1349 </message> |
1350 <message> |
1351 <location line="+3"/> |
1352 <source>Print/Preview Configuration</source> |
1353 <translation>Nyomtatás/Előnézet konfiguráció</translation> |
1354 </message> |
1355 <message> |
1356 <location line="+9"/> |
1357 <source>Style</source> |
1358 <translation>Stílus</translation> |
1359 </message> |
1360 <message> |
1361 <location line="+10"/> |
1362 <source>Style sheet</source> |
1363 <translation>Stíluslap</translation> |
1364 </message> |
1365 <message> |
1366 <location line="+19"/> |
1367 <location line="+7"/> |
1368 <location line="+21"/> |
1369 <source>...</source> |
1370 <translation>...</translation> |
1371 </message> |
1372 <message> |
1373 <location line="-12"/> |
1374 <source>Device skin</source> |
1375 <translation>Eszköz szkin</translation> |
1376 </message> |
1377 </context> |
1378 <context> |
1379 <name>PromotionModel</name> |
1380 <message> |
1381 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/promotionmodel.cpp" line="+112"/> |
1382 <source>Not used</source> |
1383 <extracomment>Usage of promoted widgets</extracomment> |
1384 <translation>Nincs használva</translation> |
1385 </message> |
1386 </context> |
1387 <context> |
1388 <name>Q3WizardContainer</name> |
1389 <message> |
1390 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/plugins/widgets/q3wizard/q3wizard_container.cpp" line="+172"/> |
1391 <location line="+5"/> |
1392 <source>Page</source> |
1393 <translation>Lap</translation> |
1394 </message> |
1395 </context> |
1396 <context> |
1397 <name>QAbstractFormBuilder</name> |
1398 <message> |
1399 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/abstractformbuilder.cpp" line="+206"/> |
1400 <source>Unexpected element <%1></source> |
1401 <translation>Váratlan elem <%1></translation> |
1402 </message> |
1403 <message> |
1404 <location line="+5"/> |
1405 <source>An error has occurred while reading the UI file at line %1, column %2: %3</source> |
1406 <translation>Hiba történt az UI fájl olvasása közben a(z) %1 sorban, %2 oszlopban: %3</translation> |
1407 </message> |
1408 <message> |
1409 <location line="+6"/> |
1410 <source>Invalid UI file: The root element <ui> is missing.</source> |
1411 <translation>Érvénytelen UI fájl. A rendszergazda elem <ui> hiányzik.</translation> |
1412 </message> |
1413 <message> |
1414 <location line="+119"/> |
1415 <source>The creation of a widget of the class '%1' failed.</source> |
1416 <translation>A(z) '%1' osztály egy widget-ének létrehozása nem sikerült.</translation> |
1417 </message> |
1418 <message> |
1419 <location line="+296"/> |
1420 <source>Attempt to add child that is not of class QWizardPage to QWizard.</source> |
1421 <translation>Gyermek hozzáadásának megkísérelése QWizard-hoz, amely nem egy QWizardPage osztály.</translation> |
1422 </message> |
1423 <message> |
1424 <location line="+86"/> |
1425 <source>Attempt to add a layout to a widget '%1' (%2) which already has a layout of non-box type %3. |
1426 This indicates an inconsistency in the ui-file.</source> |
1427 <translation>Egy elrendezés hozzáadásának megprónálás egy "%1' widgethez (%2), melynek már egy %3 típusú nem doboz elrendezése van. |
1428 Ez ellentmondást mutat az ui fájlban.</translation> |
1429 </message> |
1430 <message> |
1431 <location line="+144"/> |
1432 <source>Empty widget item in %1 '%2'.</source> |
1433 <translation>Üres widget elem %1-ben '%2'.</translation> |
1434 </message> |
1435 <message> |
1436 <location line="+680"/> |
1437 <source>Flags property are not supported yet.</source> |
1438 <translation>Jelző tulajdonság még nem támogatott.</translation> |
1439 </message> |
1440 <message> |
1441 <location line="+81"/> |
1442 <source>While applying tab stops: The widget '%1' could not be found.</source> |
1443 <translation>Tab stops alkalmazásakor: A(z) '%1' widget nem található.</translation> |
1444 </message> |
1445 <message> |
1446 <location line="+908"/> |
1447 <source>Invalid QButtonGroup reference '%1' referenced by '%2'.</source> |
1448 <translation>Érvénytelen '%1' QButtonGroup hivatkozásra hivatkozik a(z) '%2'.</translation> |
1449 </message> |
1450 <message> |
1451 <location line="+511"/> |
1452 <source>This version of the uitools library is linked without script support.</source> |
1453 <translation>Az uitools könyvtár ezen verziója szkript támogatás nélkül linkelt.</translation> |
1454 </message> |
1455 </context> |
1456 <context> |
1457 <name>QAxWidgetPlugin</name> |
1458 <message> |
1459 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/plugins/activeqt/qaxwidgetplugin.cpp" line="+75"/> |
1460 <source>ActiveX control</source> |
1461 <translation>ActiveX vezérlő</translation> |
1462 </message> |
1463 <message> |
1464 <location line="+5"/> |
1465 <source>ActiveX control widget</source> |
1466 <translation>ActiveX vezérlő widget</translation> |
1467 </message> |
1468 </context> |
1469 <context> |
1470 <name>QAxWidgetTaskMenu</name> |
1471 <message> |
1472 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/plugins/activeqt/qaxwidgettaskmenu.cpp" line="+119"/> |
1473 <source>Set Control</source> |
1474 <translation>Vezérlő beállítása</translation> |
1475 </message> |
1476 <message> |
1477 <location line="+1"/> |
1478 <source>Reset Control</source> |
1479 <translation>Vezérlő újraindítása</translation> |
1480 </message> |
1481 <message> |
1482 <location line="+41"/> |
1483 <source>Licensed Control</source> |
1484 <translation>Felhatalmazott vezérlő</translation> |
1485 </message> |
1486 <message> |
1487 <location line="+1"/> |
1488 <source>The control requires a design-time license</source> |
1489 <translation>A vezérlő egy tervezés idejű felhatalmazást igényel</translation> |
1490 </message> |
1491 </context> |
1492 <context> |
1493 <name>QCoreApplication</name> |
1494 <message> |
1495 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_promotion.cpp" line="+83"/> |
1496 <source>%1 is not a promoted class.</source> |
1497 <translation>%1 nem egy támogatott osztály.</translation> |
1498 </message> |
1499 <message> |
1500 <location line="+65"/> |
1501 <source>The base class %1 is invalid.</source> |
1502 <translation>A(z) %1 alap osztály érvénytelen.</translation> |
1503 </message> |
1504 <message> |
1505 <location line="+7"/> |
1506 <source>The class %1 already exists.</source> |
1507 <translation>A(z) %1 osztály már létezik.</translation> |
1508 </message> |
1509 <message> |
1510 <location line="+9"/> |
1511 <source>Promoted Widgets</source> |
1512 <translation>Támogatott Widget-ek</translation> |
1513 </message> |
1514 <message> |
1515 <location line="+126"/> |
1516 <source>The class %1 cannot be removed</source> |
1517 <translation>A(z) %1 osztályt nem lehet eltávolítani</translation> |
1518 </message> |
1519 <message> |
1520 <location line="+9"/> |
1521 <source>The class %1 cannot be removed because it is still referenced.</source> |
1522 <translation>A(z) %1 osztályt nem lehet eltávolítani, mert még mindig hivatkozott.</translation> |
1523 </message> |
1524 <message> |
1525 <location line="+10"/> |
1526 <source>The class %1 cannot be renamed</source> |
1527 <translation>A(z) %1 osztályt nem lehet átnevezni</translation> |
1528 </message> |
1529 <message> |
1530 <location line="+7"/> |
1531 <source>The class %1 cannot be renamed to an empty name.</source> |
1532 <translation>A(z) %1 osztályt nem lehet átnevezni egy üres névűre.</translation> |
1533 </message> |
1534 <message> |
1535 <location line="+5"/> |
1536 <source>There is already a class named %1.</source> |
1537 <translation>Már van egy %1 nevű osztály.</translation> |
1538 </message> |
1539 <message> |
1540 <location line="+29"/> |
1541 <source>Cannot set an empty include file.</source> |
1542 <translatorcomment>перевод близко к тексту - буквальный совсем глаз режет</translatorcomment> |
1543 <translation>Nem lehet beállítani egy üres bennefoglalt fájlt.</translation> |
1544 </message> |
1545 <message> |
1546 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formscriptrunner.cpp" line="+88"/> |
1547 <source>Exception at line %1: %2</source> |
1548 <translation>Kivétel a(z) %1 sorban: %2</translation> |
1549 </message> |
1550 <message> |
1551 <location line="+36"/> |
1552 <source>Unknown error</source> |
1553 <translation>Ismeretlen hiba</translation> |
1554 </message> |
1555 <message> |
1556 <location line="+50"/> |
1557 <source>An error occurred while running the script for %1: %2 |
1558 Script: %3</source> |
1559 <translation>Hiba történt a szkript futtása közben %1-re: %2 |
1560 Szkript: %3</translation> |
1561 </message> |
1562 </context> |
1563 <context> |
1564 <name>QDesigner</name> |
1565 <message> |
1566 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/qdesigner.cpp" line="+141"/> |
1567 <source>%1 - warning</source> |
1568 <translation>%1 -figyelmeztetés</translation> |
1569 </message> |
1570 <message> |
1571 <location line="+96"/> |
1572 <source>Qt Designer</source> |
1573 <translation>Qt Designer</translation> |
1574 </message> |
1575 <message> |
1576 <location line="+1"/> |
1577 <source>This application cannot be used for the Console edition of Qt</source> |
1578 <translation>Ezt alkalmazást nem lehet a Qt konzol szerkesztésére használni</translation> |
1579 </message> |
1580 </context> |
1581 <context> |
1582 <name>QDesignerActions</name> |
1583 <message> |
1584 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/qdesigner_actions.cpp" line="+128"/> |
1585 <source>Saved %1.</source> |
1586 <translation>Mentve: %1.</translation> |
1587 </message> |
1588 <message> |
1589 <location line="+50"/> |
1590 <source>Edit Widgets</source> |
1591 <translation>Widget-ek szerkesztése</translation> |
1592 </message> |
1593 <message> |
1594 <location line="+10"/> |
1595 <source>&Quit</source> |
1596 <translation>&Bezárás</translation> |
1597 </message> |
1598 <message> |
1599 <location line="+3"/> |
1600 <source>&Minimize</source> |
1601 <translation>&Minimalizálás</translation> |
1602 </message> |
1603 <message> |
1604 <location line="+2"/> |
1605 <source>Bring All to Front</source> |
1606 <translation>Az összes előre hozása</translation> |
1607 </message> |
1608 <message> |
1609 <location line="+2"/> |
1610 <source>Preferences...</source> |
1611 <translation>Beállítások...</translation> |
1612 </message> |
1613 <message> |
1614 <location line="+298"/> |
1615 <source>Clear &Menu</source> |
1616 <translation>&Menü tisztítása</translation> |
1617 </message> |
1618 <message> |
1619 <location line="-233"/> |
1620 <source>CTRL+SHIFT+S</source> |
1621 <translation>CTRL+SHIFT+S</translation> |
1622 </message> |
1623 <message> |
1624 <location line="+113"/> |
1625 <source>CTRL+R</source> |
1626 <translation>CTRL+R</translation> |
1627 </message> |
1628 <message> |
1629 <location line="+18"/> |
1630 <source>CTRL+M</source> |
1631 <translation>CTRL+M</translation> |
1632 </message> |
1633 <message> |
1634 <location line="+31"/> |
1635 <source>Qt Designer &Help</source> |
1636 <translation>Qt Designer &Súgó</translation> |
1637 </message> |
1638 <message> |
1639 <location line="+7"/> |
1640 <source>Current Widget Help</source> |
1641 <translation>Aktuális Widget Súgó</translation> |
1642 </message> |
1643 <message> |
1644 <location line="+7"/> |
1645 <source>What's New in Qt Designer?</source> |
1646 <translation>Mi az újdonság a Qt Designer-ben?</translation> |
1647 </message> |
1648 <message> |
1649 <location line="+7"/> |
1650 <source>About Plugins</source> |
1651 <translation>Beépülő modulokról</translation> |
1652 </message> |
1653 <message> |
1654 <location line="+6"/> |
1655 <location line="+601"/> |
1656 <source>About Qt Designer</source> |
1657 <translation>Qt Designer-ről</translation> |
1658 </message> |
1659 <message> |
1660 <location line="-595"/> |
1661 <source>About Qt</source> |
1662 <translation>Qt-ról</translation> |
1663 </message> |
1664 <message> |
1665 <location line="+121"/> |
1666 <location line="+197"/> |
1667 <source>Open Form</source> |
1668 <translation>Űrlap megnyitása</translation> |
1669 </message> |
1670 <message> |
1671 <location line="-196"/> |
1672 <location line="+37"/> |
1673 <location line="+160"/> |
1674 <source>Designer UI files (*.%1);;All Files (*)</source> |
1675 <translation>Designer UI fájlok (*.%1);;Az összes fájl (*)</translation> |
1676 </message> |
1677 <message> |
1678 <location line="-620"/> |
1679 <source>%1 already exists. |
1680 Do you want to replace it?</source> |
1681 <translation>%1 már létezik. |
1682 Le szeretné cserélni?</translation> |
1683 </message> |
1684 <message> |
1685 <location line="+42"/> |
1686 <source>Additional Fonts...</source> |
1687 <translation>További betűk...</translation> |
1688 </message> |
1689 <message> |
1690 <location line="+303"/> |
1691 <source>&Recent Forms</source> |
1692 <translation>&Utóbbi űrlapok</translation> |
1693 </message> |
1694 <message> |
1695 <location line="+202"/> |
1696 <source>Designer</source> |
1697 <translation>Designer</translation> |
1698 </message> |
1699 <message> |
1700 <location line="+0"/> |
1701 <source>Feature not implemented yet!</source> |
1702 <translation>A tulajdonság még nincs implementálva!</translation> |
1703 </message> |
1704 <message> |
1705 <location line="+59"/> |
1706 <source>Read error</source> |
1707 <translation>Olvasási hiba</translation> |
1708 </message> |
1709 <message> |
1710 <location line="+1"/> |
1711 <source>%1 |
1712 Do you want to update the file location or generate a new form?</source> |
1713 <translation>%1 |
1714 Szeretné frissíteni a fájl helyét vagy generálni egy új űrlapot?</translation> |
1715 </message> |
1716 <message> |
1717 <location line="+3"/> |
1718 <source>&Update</source> |
1719 <translation>&Frissítés</translation> |
1720 </message> |
1721 <message> |
1722 <location line="+1"/> |
1723 <source>&New Form</source> |
1724 <translation>&Új űrlap</translation> |
1725 </message> |
1726 <message> |
1727 <location line="+77"/> |
1728 <location line="+40"/> |
1729 <source>Save Form?</source> |
1730 <translation>Menti az űrlapot?</translation> |
1731 </message> |
1732 <message> |
1733 <location line="-39"/> |
1734 <source>Could not open file</source> |
1735 <translation>Nem sikerült megnyitni a fájlt</translation> |
1736 </message> |
1737 <message> |
1738 <location line="+10"/> |
1739 <source>Select New File</source> |
1740 <translation>Új fájl kiválasztása</translation> |
1741 </message> |
1742 <message> |
1743 <location line="+30"/> |
1744 <source>Could not write file</source> |
1745 <translation>Nem sikerült írni a fájlt</translation> |
1746 </message> |
1747 <message> |
1748 <location line="+201"/> |
1749 <source>&Close Preview</source> |
1750 <translation>Előnézet &bezárása</translation> |
1751 </message> |
1752 <message> |
1753 <location line="-905"/> |
1754 <source>&New...</source> |
1755 <translation>&Új...</translation> |
1756 </message> |
1757 <message> |
1758 <location line="+1"/> |
1759 <source>&Open...</source> |
1760 <translation>&Megnyitás...</translation> |
1761 </message> |
1762 <message> |
1763 <location line="+1"/> |
1764 <source>&Save</source> |
1765 <translation>&Mentés</translation> |
1766 </message> |
1767 <message> |
1768 <location line="+1"/> |
1769 <source>Save &As...</source> |
1770 <translation>Mentés &másként...</translation> |
1771 </message> |
1772 <message> |
1773 <location line="+1"/> |
1774 <source>Save A&ll</source> |
1775 <translation>Az ö&sszes mentése</translation> |
1776 </message> |
1777 <message> |
1778 <location line="+1"/> |
1779 <source>Save As &Template...</source> |
1780 <translation>Mentés &sablonként...</translation> |
1781 </message> |
1782 <message> |
1783 <location line="+1"/> |
1784 <location line="+901"/> |
1785 <source>&Close</source> |
1786 <translation>&Bezárás</translation> |
1787 </message> |
1788 <message> |
1789 <location line="-900"/> |
1790 <source>Save &Image...</source> |
1791 <translation>&Kép mentése...</translation> |
1792 </message> |
1793 <message> |
1794 <location line="+1"/> |
1795 <source>&Print...</source> |
1796 <translation>&Nyomtatás...</translation> |
1797 </message> |
1798 <message> |
1799 <location line="+3"/> |
1800 <source>View &Code...</source> |
1801 <translation>&Kód nézet...</translation> |
1802 </message> |
1803 <message> |
1804 <location line="+68"/> |
1805 <source>ALT+CTRL+S</source> |
1806 <translation>ALT+CTRL+S</translation> |
1807 </message> |
1808 <message> |
1809 <location line="+356"/> |
1810 <location line="+248"/> |
1811 <source>Save Form As</source> |
1812 <translation>Mentés űrlapként</translation> |
1813 </message> |
1814 <message> |
1815 <location line="+429"/> |
1816 <source>Preview failed</source> |
1817 <translation>Előnézet hiba</translation> |
1818 </message> |
1819 <message> |
1820 <location line="-575"/> |
1821 <source>Code generation failed</source> |
1822 <translation>Kód generálási hiba</translation> |
1823 </message> |
1824 <message> |
1825 <location line="+131"/> |
1826 <source>The file %1 could not be opened. |
1827 Reason: %2 |
1828 Would you like to retry or select a different file?</source> |
1829 <translation>Nem sikerült megnyitni a(z) %1 fájlt. |
1830 Ok: %2 |
1831 Meg szeretné újra próbálni vagy kiválasztani egy különböző fájlt?</translation> |
1832 </message> |
1833 <message> |
1834 <location line="+39"/> |
1835 <source>It was not possible to write the entire file %1 to disk. |
1836 Reason:%2 |
1837 Would you like to retry?</source> |
1838 <translation>Nem lehetett az egész %1 fájlt a lemezre írni. |
1839 Ok: %2 |
1840 Meg szeretné próbálni újra?</translation> |
1841 </message> |
1842 <message> |
1843 <location line="+158"/> |
1844 <location line="+34"/> |
1845 <source>Assistant</source> |
1846 <translation>Assistant</translation> |
1847 </message> |
1848 <message> |
1849 <location line="+47"/> |
1850 <location line="+23"/> |
1851 <source>The backup file %1 could not be written.</source> |
1852 <translation>Nem sikerült írni az archivált %1 fájlt.</translation> |
1853 </message> |
1854 <message> |
1855 <location line="+107"/> |
1856 <source>The backup directory %1 could not be created.</source> |
1857 <translation>Nem sikerült létrehozni a(z) %1 archivált könyvtárat.</translation> |
1858 </message> |
1859 <message> |
1860 <location line="+6"/> |
1861 <source>The temporary backup directory %1 could not be created.</source> |
1862 <translation>Nem sikerült létrehozni az átmeneti archivált %1 könyvtárat.</translation> |
1863 </message> |
1864 <message> |
1865 <location line="+54"/> |
1866 <source>Image files (*.%1)</source> |
1867 <translation>Kép fájlok (*.%1)</translation> |
1868 </message> |
1869 <message> |
1870 <location line="+9"/> |
1871 <location line="+17"/> |
1872 <source>Save Image</source> |
1873 <translation>Kép mentése</translation> |
1874 </message> |
1875 <message> |
1876 <location line="-4"/> |
1877 <source>Saved image %1.</source> |
1878 <translation>Mentett kép: %1.</translation> |
1879 </message> |
1880 <message> |
1881 <location line="+5"/> |
1882 <source>The file %1 could not be written.</source> |
1883 <translation>Nem sikerült írni a(z) %1 fájlt.</translation> |
1884 </message> |
1885 <message> |
1886 <location line="+13"/> |
1887 <source>Please close all forms to enable the loading of additional fonts.</source> |
1888 <translation>Kérem zárja be az összes űrlapot további betűk betöltéséhez.</translation> |
1889 </message> |
1890 <message> |
1891 <location line="+52"/> |
1892 <source>Printed %1.</source> |
1893 <translation>Kinyomtatva: %1.</translation> |
1894 </message> |
1895 </context> |
1896 <context> |
1897 <name>QDesignerAppearanceOptionsPage</name> |
1898 <message> |
1899 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/qdesigner_appearanceoptions.cpp" line="+138"/> |
1900 <source>Appearance</source> |
1901 <extracomment>Tab in preferences dialog</extracomment> |
1902 <translation>Megjelenés</translation> |
1903 </message> |
1904 </context> |
1905 <context> |
1906 <name>QDesignerAppearanceOptionsWidget</name> |
1907 <message> |
1908 <location line="-53"/> |
1909 <source>Docked Window</source> |
1910 <translation>Dokkolt ablak</translation> |
1911 </message> |
1912 <message> |
1913 <location line="+1"/> |
1914 <source>Multiple Top-Level Windows</source> |
1915 <translation>Összes felső szintű ablakok</translation> |
1916 </message> |
1917 <message> |
1918 <location line="+5"/> |
1919 <source>Toolwindow Font</source> |
1920 <translation>Eszköz ablak betű</translation> |
1921 </message> |
1922 </context> |
1923 <context> |
1924 <name>QDesignerAxWidget</name> |
1925 <message> |
1926 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/plugins/activeqt/qaxwidgettaskmenu.cpp" line="-71"/> |
1927 <source>Reset control</source> |
1928 <translation>Vezérlés újraindítása</translation> |
1929 </message> |
1930 <message> |
1931 <location line="+2"/> |
1932 <source>Set control</source> |
1933 <translation>Vezérlés beállítása</translation> |
1934 </message> |
1935 <message> |
1936 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/plugins/activeqt/qdesigneraxwidget.cpp" line="+179"/> |
1937 <source>Control loaded</source> |
1938 <translation>Vezérlés betöltve</translation> |
1939 </message> |
1940 <message> |
1941 <location line="+40"/> |
1942 <source>A COM exception occurred when executing a meta call of type %1, index %2 of "%3".</source> |
1943 <translation>Egy COM kivétel történt a(z) %1 típusú meta hívás végrehajtása közben, '%3' %2 indexe.</translation> |
1944 </message> |
1945 </context> |
1946 <context> |
1947 <name>QDesignerFormBuilder</name> |
1948 <message> |
1949 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_formbuilder.cpp" line="+89"/> |
1950 <source>Script errors occurred:</source> |
1951 <translation>Szkript hiba történt:</translation> |
1952 </message> |
1953 <message> |
1954 <location line="+307"/> |
1955 <source>The preview failed to build.</source> |
1956 <translation>Nem sikerült az előnézetet felépíteni.</translation> |
1957 </message> |
1958 <message> |
1959 <location line="+65"/> |
1960 <source>Designer</source> |
1961 <translation>Designer</translation> |
1962 </message> |
1963 </context> |
1964 <context> |
1965 <name>QDesignerFormWindow</name> |
1966 <message> |
1967 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/qdesigner_formwindow.cpp" line="+217"/> |
1968 <source>%1 - %2[*]</source> |
1969 <translation>%1 - %2[*]</translation> |
1970 </message> |
1971 <message> |
1972 <location line="+10"/> |
1973 <source>Save Form?</source> |
1974 <translation>Űrlap mentése?</translation> |
1975 </message> |
1976 <message> |
1977 <location line="+1"/> |
1978 <source>Do you want to save the changes to this document before closing?</source> |
1979 <translation>El szeretné menteni a változtatásokat ebbe a dokumentumba a bezárás előtt?</translation> |
1980 </message> |
1981 <message> |
1982 <location line="+2"/> |
1983 <source>If you don't save, your changes will be lost.</source> |
1984 <translation>Ha nem menti el, a változtatásai el fognak veszni.</translation> |
1985 </message> |
1986 </context> |
1987 <context> |
1988 <name>QDesignerMenu</name> |
1989 <message> |
1990 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_menu.cpp" line="-1181"/> |
1991 <source>Type Here</source> |
1992 <translation>Gépelje be ide</translation> |
1993 </message> |
1994 <message> |
1995 <location line="+3"/> |
1996 <source>Add Separator</source> |
1997 <translation>Elválasztó hozzáadása</translation> |
1998 </message> |
1999 <message> |
2000 <location line="+371"/> |
2001 <source>Insert separator</source> |
2002 <translation>Elválasztó beszúrása</translation> |
2003 </message> |
2004 <message> |
2005 <location line="+5"/> |
2006 <source>Remove separator</source> |
2007 <translation>Elválasztó eltávolítása</translation> |
2008 </message> |
2009 <message> |
2010 <location line="+2"/> |
2011 <source>Remove action '%1'</source> |
2012 <translation>'%1' tevékenység eltávolítása</translation> |
2013 </message> |
2014 <message> |
2015 <location line="+25"/> |
2016 <location line="+650"/> |
2017 <source>Add separator</source> |
2018 <translation>Elválasztó hozzáadása</translation> |
2019 </message> |
2020 <message> |
2021 <location line="-348"/> |
2022 <source>Insert action</source> |
2023 <translation>Tevékenység beszúrása</translation> |
2024 </message> |
2025 </context> |
2026 <context> |
2027 <name>QDesignerMenuBar</name> |
2028 <message> |
2029 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_menubar.cpp" line="-375"/> |
2030 <source>Type Here</source> |
2031 <translation>Gépelje be ide</translation> |
2032 </message> |
2033 <message> |
2034 <location line="+298"/> |
2035 <source>Remove Menu '%1'</source> |
2036 <translation>'%1' menü eltávolítása</translation> |
2037 </message> |
2038 <message> |
2039 <location line="+12"/> |
2040 <source>Remove Menu Bar</source> |
2041 <translation>Menü sáv eltávolítása</translation> |
2042 </message> |
2043 <message> |
2044 <location line="+70"/> |
2045 <source>Menu</source> |
2046 <translation>Menü</translation> |
2047 </message> |
2048 </context> |
2049 <context> |
2050 <name>QDesignerPluginManager</name> |
2051 <message> |
2052 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/pluginmanager.cpp" line="+271"/> |
2053 <source>An XML error was encountered when parsing the XML of the custom widget %1: %2</source> |
2054 <translation>Egy XML hiba történt az egyéni %1 widget XML-ének elemzése közben: %2</translation> |
2055 </message> |
2056 <message> |
2057 <location line="+5"/> |
2058 <source>A required attribute ('%1') is missing.</source> |
2059 <translation>Egy szükséges attribútum ('%1') hiányzik.</translation> |
2060 </message> |
2061 <message> |
2062 <location line="+38"/> |
2063 <source>An invalid property specification ('%1') was encountered. Supported types: %2</source> |
2064 <translation>Egy érvénytelen tulajdonság specifikációt ('%1') talált. Támogatott típusok: %2</translation> |
2065 </message> |
2066 <message> |
2067 <location line="+20"/> |
2068 <source>'%1' is not a valid string property specification.</source> |
2069 <translation>'%1' nem egy érvényes sztring tulajdonság specifikáció.</translation> |
2070 </message> |
2071 <message> |
2072 <location line="+40"/> |
2073 <source>The XML of the custom widget %1 does not contain any of the elements <widget> or <ui>.</source> |
2074 <translation>Az egyéni %1 widget XML-je nem tartalmaz semmilyen elemet <widget> vagy <ui>.</translation> |
2075 </message> |
2076 <message> |
2077 <location line="+12"/> |
2078 <source>The class attribute for the class %1 is missing.</source> |
2079 <translation>Az osztály attribútum %1 osztályra hiányzik.</translation> |
2080 </message> |
2081 <message> |
2082 <location line="+4"/> |
2083 <source>The class attribute for the class %1 does not match the class name %2.</source> |
2084 <translation>Az osztály attribútum %1 osztályra nem egyezik meg a(z) %2 osztály nevével.</translation> |
2085 </message> |
2086 </context> |
2087 <context> |
2088 <name>QDesignerPropertySheet</name> |
2089 <message> |
2090 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_propertysheet.cpp" line="+754"/> |
2091 <source>Dynamic Properties</source> |
2092 <translation>Dinamikus tulajdonságok</translation> |
2093 </message> |
2094 </context> |
2095 <context> |
2096 <name>QDesignerResource</name> |
2097 <message> |
2098 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/qdesigner_resource.cpp" line="+461"/> |
2099 <source>The layout type '%1' is not supported, defaulting to grid.</source> |
2100 <translation>A(z) '%1' elrendezés típus nem támogatott, alapértelmezett rács.</translation> |
2101 </message> |
2102 <message> |
2103 <location line="+243"/> |
2104 <source>The container extension of the widget '%1' (%2) returned a widget not managed by Designer '%3' (%4) when queried for page #%5. |
2105 Container pages should only be added by specifying them in XML returned by the domXml() method of the custom widget.</source> |
2106 <translation>A(z) '%1' (%2) widget konténer kiterjesztése egy olyan widget-et adott vissza, amelyet a(z) '%3' (%4) Designer nem kezel, %5 lap lekéréskor. |
2107 Konténer lapokat XML-ben való specifikációjuk által kellene hozzáadni, az egyéni widget domXML() eljárása által.</translation> |
2108 </message> |
2109 <message> |
2110 <location line="+599"/> |
2111 <source>Unexpected element <%1></source> |
2112 <extracomment>Parsing clipboard contents</extracomment> |
2113 <translation>Váratlan elem <%1></translation> |
2114 </message> |
2115 <message> |
2116 <location line="+6"/> |
2117 <source>Error while pasting clipboard contents at line %1, column %2: %3</source> |
2118 <extracomment>Parsing clipboard contents</extracomment> |
2119 <translation>Hiba történt a vágólap tartalmának beillesztése közben a(z) %1 sorban, %2 oszlopban: %3</translation> |
2120 </message> |
2121 <message> |
2122 <location line="+6"/> |
2123 <source>Error while pasting clipboard contents: The root element <ui> is missing.</source> |
2124 <extracomment>Parsing clipboard contents</extracomment> |
2125 <translation>Hiba történt a vágólap tartalmának beillesztése közben. A rendszergazda elem <ui> hiányzik.</translation> |
2126 </message> |
2127 </context> |
2128 <context> |
2129 <name>QDesignerSharedSettings</name> |
2130 <message> |
2131 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/shared_settings.cpp" line="+83"/> |
2132 <source>The template path %1 could not be created.</source> |
2133 <translation>Nem sikerült létrehozni a(z) %1 sablon útvonalat.</translation> |
2134 </message> |
2135 <message> |
2136 <location line="+184"/> |
2137 <source>An error has been encountered while parsing device profile XML: %1</source> |
2138 <translation>Hiba történt az eszköz profil %1 XML elemzése közben</translation> |
2139 </message> |
2140 </context> |
2141 <context> |
2142 <name>QDesignerToolWindow</name> |
2143 <message> |
2144 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/qdesigner_toolwindow.cpp" line="+190"/> |
2145 <source>Property Editor</source> |
2146 <translation>Tulajdonság szerkesztő</translation> |
2147 </message> |
2148 <message> |
2149 <location line="+54"/> |
2150 <source>Action Editor</source> |
2151 <translation>Tevékenység szerkesztő</translation> |
2152 </message> |
2153 <message> |
2154 <location line="+42"/> |
2155 <source>Object Inspector</source> |
2156 <translation>Objektum felügyelő</translation> |
2157 </message> |
2158 <message> |
2159 <location line="+35"/> |
2160 <source>Resource Browser</source> |
2161 <translation>Erőforrás böngésző</translation> |
2162 </message> |
2163 <message> |
2164 <location line="+34"/> |
2165 <source>Signal/Slot Editor</source> |
2166 <translation>Jel/Szlot szerkesztő</translation> |
2167 </message> |
2168 <message> |
2169 <location line="+41"/> |
2170 <source>Widget Box</source> |
2171 <translation>Widget doboz</translation> |
2172 </message> |
2173 </context> |
2174 <context> |
2175 <name>QDesignerWorkbench</name> |
2176 <message> |
2177 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/qdesigner_workbench.cpp" line="+199"/> |
2178 <source>&File</source> |
2179 <translation>&Fájl</translation> |
2180 </message> |
2181 <message> |
2182 <location line="+6"/> |
2183 <source>F&orm</source> |
2184 <translation>&Űrlap</translation> |
2185 </message> |
2186 <message> |
2187 <location line="+1"/> |
2188 <source>Preview in</source> |
2189 <translation>Előnézetben</translation> |
2190 </message> |
2191 <message> |
2192 <location line="+8"/> |
2193 <source>&Window</source> |
2194 <translation>&Ablak</translation> |
2195 </message> |
2196 <message> |
2197 <location line="+2"/> |
2198 <source>&Help</source> |
2199 <translation>&Súgó</translation> |
2200 </message> |
2201 <message> |
2202 <location line="-15"/> |
2203 <source>Edit</source> |
2204 <translation>Szerkesztés</translation> |
2205 </message> |
2206 <message> |
2207 <location line="+38"/> |
2208 <source>Toolbars</source> |
2209 <translation>Eszközsávok</translation> |
2210 </message> |
2211 <message> |
2212 <location line="+465"/> |
2213 <source>Save Forms?</source> |
2214 <translation>Űrlap mentése?</translation> |
2215 </message> |
2216 <message numerus="yes"> |
2217 <location line="+1"/> |
2218 <source>There are %n forms with unsaved changes. Do you want to review these changes before quitting?</source> |
2219 <translation> |
2220 <numerusform>%n űrlapban vannak el nem mentett változtatások. Át szeretné tekintei ezeket a változtatásokat a kilépés előtt?</numerusform> |
2221 </translation> |
2222 </message> |
2223 <message> |
2224 <location line="-495"/> |
2225 <source>&View</source> |
2226 <translation>&Nézet</translation> |
2227 </message> |
2228 <message> |
2229 <location line="+2"/> |
2230 <source>&Settings</source> |
2231 <translation>&Beállítások</translation> |
2232 </message> |
2233 <message> |
2234 <location line="+204"/> |
2235 <source>Widget Box</source> |
2236 <translation>Widget doboz</translation> |
2237 </message> |
2238 <message> |
2239 <location line="+292"/> |
2240 <source>If you do not review your documents, all your changes will be lost.</source> |
2241 <translation>Ha nem tekinti át újra a dokumentumokat, az összes változtatása el fog veszni.</translation> |
2242 </message> |
2243 <message> |
2244 <location line="+1"/> |
2245 <source>Discard Changes</source> |
2246 <translation>Változtatások eldobása</translation> |
2247 </message> |
2248 <message> |
2249 <location line="+2"/> |
2250 <source>Review Changes</source> |
2251 <translation>Változtatások áttekintése</translation> |
2252 </message> |
2253 <message> |
2254 <location line="+95"/> |
2255 <source>Backup Information</source> |
2256 <translation>Archiválási információ</translation> |
2257 </message> |
2258 <message> |
2259 <location line="+1"/> |
2260 <source>The last session of Designer was not terminated correctly. Backup files were left behind. Do you want to load them?</source> |
2261 <translation>A Designer utolsó szakasza nem megfelelően állt le. Archivált fájlok hagyott maga után. Be szeretné tölteni őket?</translation> |
2262 </message> |
2263 <message> |
2264 <location line="+111"/> |
2265 <source>The file <b>%1</b> could not be opened.</source> |
2266 <translation>A(z) <b>%1</b> fájlt nem sikerült megnyitni.</translation> |
2267 </message> |
2268 <message> |
2269 <location line="+46"/> |
2270 <source>The file <b>%1</b> is not a valid Designer UI file.</source> |
2271 <translation>A(z) <b>%1</b> fájl nem egy érvényes Designer UI fájl.</translation> |
2272 </message> |
2273 </context> |
2274 <context> |
2275 <name>QFormBuilder</name> |
2276 <message> |
2277 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/formbuilder.cpp" line="+163"/> |
2278 <source>An empty class name was passed on to %1 (object name: '%2').</source> |
2279 <extracomment>Empty class name passed to widget factory method</extracomment> |
2280 <translation>Egy üres osztály név volt %1-ra (objektum név: '%2').</translation> |
2281 </message> |
2282 <message> |
2283 <location line="+56"/> |
2284 <source>QFormBuilder was unable to create a custom widget of the class '%1'; defaulting to base class '%2'.</source> |
2285 <translation>QFormBuilder-nek nem sikerült létrehozni egy '%1' osztály egyéni widget-et, alapértelmezés a(z) '%2' alap osztályra.</translation> |
2286 </message> |
2287 <message> |
2288 <location line="+6"/> |
2289 <source>QFormBuilder was unable to create a widget of the class '%1'.</source> |
2290 <translation>QFormBuilder-nak nem sikerült létrehoznia egy '%1' osztály widget-et.</translation> |
2291 </message> |
2292 <message> |
2293 <location line="+61"/> |
2294 <source>The layout type `%1' is not supported.</source> |
2295 <translation>A(z) '%1' elrendezés terv nem támogatott.</translation> |
2296 </message> |
2297 <message> |
2298 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/properties.cpp" line="+106"/> |
2299 <source>The set-type property %1 could not be read.</source> |
2300 <translation>Nem sikerült olvasni a(z) %1 beállított típusú tulajdonságot.</translation> |
2301 </message> |
2302 <message> |
2303 <location line="+23"/> |
2304 <source>The enumeration-type property %1 could not be read.</source> |
2305 <translation>A(z) %1 felsorolási típus tulajdonságot nem sikerült olvasni.</translation> |
2306 </message> |
2307 <message> |
2308 <location line="+190"/> |
2309 <source>Reading properties of the type %1 is not supported yet.</source> |
2310 <translation>'%1' típus tulajdonságok olvasása még nem támogatott.</translation> |
2311 </message> |
2312 <message> |
2313 <location line="+266"/> |
2314 <source>The property %1 could not be written. The type %2 is not supported yet.</source> |
2315 <translation>A(z) %1 tulajdonságot nem sikerült írni. A(z) %2 típus nem támogatott még.</translation> |
2316 </message> |
2317 </context> |
2318 <context> |
2319 <name>QStackedWidgetEventFilter</name> |
2320 <message> |
2321 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_stackedbox.cpp" line="+194"/> |
2322 <source>Previous Page</source> |
2323 <translation>Előző lap</translation> |
2324 </message> |
2325 <message> |
2326 <location line="+1"/> |
2327 <source>Next Page</source> |
2328 <translation>Következő lap</translation> |
2329 </message> |
2330 <message> |
2331 <location line="+1"/> |
2332 <source>Delete</source> |
2333 <translation>Törlés</translation> |
2334 </message> |
2335 <message> |
2336 <location line="+1"/> |
2337 <source>Before Current Page</source> |
2338 <translation>Aktuális lap előtt</translation> |
2339 </message> |
2340 <message> |
2341 <location line="+1"/> |
2342 <source>After Current Page</source> |
2343 <translation>Aktuális lap után</translation> |
2344 </message> |
2345 <message> |
2346 <location line="+1"/> |
2347 <source>Change Page Order...</source> |
2348 <translation>Lap sorrend megváltoztatása...</translation> |
2349 </message> |
2350 <message> |
2351 <location line="+72"/> |
2352 <source>Change Page Order</source> |
2353 <translation>Lap sorrend megváltoztatása</translation> |
2354 </message> |
2355 <message> |
2356 <location line="+49"/> |
2357 <source>Page %1 of %2</source> |
2358 <translation>%2 %1 lapja</translation> |
2359 </message> |
2360 <message> |
2361 <location line="+10"/> |
2362 <location line="+4"/> |
2363 <source>Insert Page</source> |
2364 <translation>Lap beszúrása</translation> |
2365 </message> |
2366 </context> |
2367 <context> |
2368 <name>QStackedWidgetPreviewEventFilter</name> |
2369 <message> |
2370 <location line="-153"/> |
2371 <source>Go to previous page of %1 '%2' (%3/%4).</source> |
2372 <translation>Ugrás a(z) %1 '%2' (%3/%4) előző lapjára.</translation> |
2373 </message> |
2374 <message> |
2375 <location line="+4"/> |
2376 <source>Go to next page of %1 '%2' (%3/%4).</source> |
2377 <translation>Ugrás a(z) %1 '%2' (%3/%4) következő lapjára.</translation> |
2378 </message> |
2379 </context> |
2380 <context> |
2381 <name>QTabWidgetEventFilter</name> |
2382 <message> |
2383 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_tabwidget.cpp" line="+89"/> |
2384 <source>Delete</source> |
2385 <translation>Törlés</translation> |
2386 </message> |
2387 <message> |
2388 <location line="+1"/> |
2389 <source>Before Current Page</source> |
2390 <translation>Aktuális lap előtt</translation> |
2391 </message> |
2392 <message> |
2393 <location line="+1"/> |
2394 <source>After Current Page</source> |
2395 <translation>Aktuális lap után</translation> |
2396 </message> |
2397 <message> |
2398 <location line="+283"/> |
2399 <source>Page %1 of %2</source> |
2400 <translation>%2 %1 lapja</translation> |
2401 </message> |
2402 <message> |
2403 <location line="+10"/> |
2404 <location line="+4"/> |
2405 <source>Insert Page</source> |
2406 <translation>Lap beszúrása</translation> |
2407 </message> |
2408 </context> |
2409 <context> |
2410 <name>QToolBoxHelper</name> |
2411 <message> |
2412 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_toolbox.cpp" line="+64"/> |
2413 <source>Delete Page</source> |
2414 <translation>Lap törlése</translation> |
2415 </message> |
2416 <message> |
2417 <location line="+1"/> |
2418 <source>Before Current Page</source> |
2419 <translation>Aktuális lap előtt</translation> |
2420 </message> |
2421 <message> |
2422 <location line="+1"/> |
2423 <source>After Current Page</source> |
2424 <translation>Aktuális lap után</translation> |
2425 </message> |
2426 <message> |
2427 <location line="+1"/> |
2428 <source>Change Page Order...</source> |
2429 <translation>Lap sorrend megváltoztatása...</translation> |
2430 </message> |
2431 <message> |
2432 <location line="+116"/> |
2433 <source>Change Page Order</source> |
2434 <translation>Lap sorrend megváltoztatása</translation> |
2435 </message> |
2436 <message> |
2437 <location line="+44"/> |
2438 <source>Page %1 of %2</source> |
2439 <translation>%2 %1 lapja</translation> |
2440 </message> |
2441 <message> |
2442 <location line="+12"/> |
2443 <source>Insert Page</source> |
2444 <translation>Lap beszúrása</translation> |
2445 </message> |
2446 </context> |
2447 <context> |
2448 <name>QtBoolEdit</name> |
2449 <message> |
2450 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertybrowserutils.cpp" line="+226"/> |
2451 <location line="+10"/> |
2452 <location line="+25"/> |
2453 <source>True</source> |
2454 <translation>Igaz</translation> |
2455 </message> |
2456 <message> |
2457 <location line="-25"/> |
2458 <location line="+25"/> |
2459 <source>False</source> |
2460 <translation>Hamis</translation> |
2461 </message> |
2462 </context> |
2463 <context> |
2464 <name>QtBoolPropertyManager</name> |
2465 <message> |
2466 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertymanager.cpp" line="+1469"/> |
2467 <source>True</source> |
2468 <translation>Igaz</translation> |
2469 </message> |
2470 <message> |
2471 <location line="+1"/> |
2472 <source>False</source> |
2473 <translation>Hamis</translation> |
2474 </message> |
2475 </context> |
2476 <context> |
2477 <name>QtCharEdit</name> |
2478 <message> |
2479 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qteditorfactory.cpp" line="+1581"/> |
2480 <source>Clear Char</source> |
2481 <translation>Karakter ürítése</translation> |
2482 </message> |
2483 </context> |
2484 <context> |
2485 <name>QtColorEditWidget</name> |
2486 <message> |
2487 <location line="+605"/> |
2488 <source>...</source> |
2489 <translation>...</translation> |
2490 </message> |
2491 </context> |
2492 <context> |
2493 <name>QtColorPropertyManager</name> |
2494 <message> |
2495 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertymanager.cpp" line="+4743"/> |
2496 <source>Red</source> |
2497 <translation>Piros</translation> |
2498 </message> |
2499 <message> |
2500 <location line="+8"/> |
2501 <source>Green</source> |
2502 <translation>Zöld</translation> |
2503 </message> |
2504 <message> |
2505 <location line="+8"/> |
2506 <source>Blue</source> |
2507 <translation>Kék</translation> |
2508 </message> |
2509 <message> |
2510 <location line="+8"/> |
2511 <source>Alpha</source> |
2512 <translation>Alfa</translation> |
2513 </message> |
2514 </context> |
2515 <context> |
2516 <name>QtCursorDatabase</name> |
2517 <message> |
2518 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertybrowserutils.cpp" line="-206"/> |
2519 <source>Arrow</source> |
2520 <translation>Nyíl</translation> |
2521 </message> |
2522 <message> |
2523 <location line="+2"/> |
2524 <source>Up Arrow</source> |
2525 <translation>Felfele nyíl</translation> |
2526 </message> |
2527 <message> |
2528 <location line="+2"/> |
2529 <source>Cross</source> |
2530 <translation>Kereszt</translation> |
2531 </message> |
2532 <message> |
2533 <location line="+2"/> |
2534 <source>Wait</source> |
2535 <translation>Várakozás</translation> |
2536 </message> |
2537 <message> |
2538 <location line="+2"/> |
2539 <source>IBeam</source> |
2540 <translation>IBeam</translation> |
2541 </message> |
2542 <message> |
2543 <location line="+2"/> |
2544 <source>Size Vertical</source> |
2545 <translation>Vertikális méret</translation> |
2546 </message> |
2547 <message> |
2548 <location line="+2"/> |
2549 <source>Size Horizontal</source> |
2550 <translation>Horizontális méret</translation> |
2551 </message> |
2552 <message> |
2553 <location line="+2"/> |
2554 <source>Size Backslash</source> |
2555 <translation>Visszaper méret</translation> |
2556 </message> |
2557 <message> |
2558 <location line="+2"/> |
2559 <source>Size Slash</source> |
2560 <translation>Per méret</translation> |
2561 </message> |
2562 <message> |
2563 <location line="+2"/> |
2564 <source>Size All</source> |
2565 <translation>Az összes méret</translation> |
2566 </message> |
2567 <message> |
2568 <location line="+2"/> |
2569 <source>Blank</source> |
2570 <translation>Üres</translation> |
2571 </message> |
2572 <message> |
2573 <location line="+2"/> |
2574 <source>Split Vertical</source> |
2575 <translation>Vertikális feldarabolás</translation> |
2576 </message> |
2577 <message> |
2578 <location line="+2"/> |
2579 <source>Split Horizontal</source> |
2580 <translation>Horizontális feldarabolás</translation> |
2581 </message> |
2582 <message> |
2583 <location line="+2"/> |
2584 <source>Pointing Hand</source> |
2585 <translation>Mutató kéz</translation> |
2586 </message> |
2587 <message> |
2588 <location line="+2"/> |
2589 <source>Forbidden</source> |
2590 <translation>Tiltott</translation> |
2591 </message> |
2592 <message> |
2593 <location line="+2"/> |
2594 <source>Open Hand</source> |
2595 <translation>Nyitott kéz</translation> |
2596 </message> |
2597 <message> |
2598 <location line="+2"/> |
2599 <source>Closed Hand</source> |
2600 <translation>Zárt kéz</translation> |
2601 </message> |
2602 <message> |
2603 <location line="+2"/> |
2604 <source>What's This</source> |
2605 <translation>Mi ez</translation> |
2606 </message> |
2607 <message> |
2608 <location line="+2"/> |
2609 <source>Busy</source> |
2610 <translation>Elfoglalt</translation> |
2611 </message> |
2612 </context> |
2613 <context> |
2614 <name>QtFontEditWidget</name> |
2615 <message> |
2616 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qteditorfactory.cpp" line="+198"/> |
2617 <source>...</source> |
2618 <translation>...</translation> |
2619 </message> |
2620 <message> |
2621 <location line="+20"/> |
2622 <source>Select Font</source> |
2623 <translation>Betű kiválasztása</translation> |
2624 </message> |
2625 </context> |
2626 <context> |
2627 <name>QtFontPropertyManager</name> |
2628 <message> |
2629 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertymanager.cpp" line="-351"/> |
2630 <source>Family</source> |
2631 <translation>Család</translation> |
2632 </message> |
2633 <message> |
2634 <location line="+13"/> |
2635 <source>Point Size</source> |
2636 <translation>Pont méret</translation> |
2637 </message> |
2638 <message> |
2639 <location line="+8"/> |
2640 <source>Bold</source> |
2641 <translation>Félkövér</translation> |
2642 </message> |
2643 <message> |
2644 <location line="+7"/> |
2645 <source>Italic</source> |
2646 <translation>Dőlt</translation> |
2647 </message> |
2648 <message> |
2649 <location line="+7"/> |
2650 <source>Underline</source> |
2651 <translation>Aláhúzás</translation> |
2652 </message> |
2653 <message> |
2654 <location line="+7"/> |
2655 <source>Strikeout</source> |
2656 <translation>Kitalálás</translation> |
2657 </message> |
2658 <message> |
2659 <location line="+7"/> |
2660 <source>Kerning</source> |
2661 <translation>Szóközökkel feltöltés</translation> |
2662 </message> |
2663 </context> |
2664 <context> |
2665 <name>QtGradientDialog</name> |
2666 <message> |
2667 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientdialog.ui" line="+53"/> |
2668 <source>Edit Gradient</source> |
2669 <translation>Meredekség szerkesztése</translation> |
2670 </message> |
2671 </context> |
2672 <context> |
2673 <name>QtGradientEditor</name> |
2674 <message> |
2675 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradienteditor.cpp" line="+431"/> |
2676 <source>Start X</source> |
2677 <translation>X indítása</translation> |
2678 </message> |
2679 <message> |
2680 <location line="+4"/> |
2681 <source>Start Y</source> |
2682 <translation>Y indítása</translation> |
2683 </message> |
2684 <message> |
2685 <location line="+4"/> |
2686 <source>Final X</source> |
2687 <translation>Végső X</translation> |
2688 </message> |
2689 <message> |
2690 <location line="+4"/> |
2691 <source>Final Y</source> |
2692 <translation>Végső Y</translation> |
2693 </message> |
2694 <message> |
2695 <location line="+7"/> |
2696 <location line="+24"/> |
2697 <source>Central X</source> |
2698 <translation>X középpont</translation> |
2699 </message> |
2700 <message> |
2701 <location line="-20"/> |
2702 <location line="+24"/> |
2703 <source>Central Y</source> |
2704 <translation>Y középpont</translation> |
2705 </message> |
2706 <message> |
2707 <location line="-20"/> |
2708 <source>Focal X</source> |
2709 <translation>X gyújtópont</translation> |
2710 </message> |
2711 <message> |
2712 <location line="+4"/> |
2713 <source>Focal Y</source> |
2714 <translation>Y gyújtópont</translation> |
2715 </message> |
2716 <message> |
2717 <location line="+4"/> |
2718 <source>Radius</source> |
2719 <translation>Sugár</translation> |
2720 </message> |
2721 <message> |
2722 <location line="+16"/> |
2723 <source>Angle</source> |
2724 <translation>Szög</translation> |
2725 </message> |
2726 <message> |
2727 <location line="+288"/> |
2728 <source>Linear</source> |
2729 <translation>Lineáris</translation> |
2730 </message> |
2731 <message> |
2732 <location line="+1"/> |
2733 <source>Radial</source> |
2734 <translation>Sugárirányú</translation> |
2735 </message> |
2736 <message> |
2737 <location line="+1"/> |
2738 <source>Conical</source> |
2739 <translation>Kúp alakú</translation> |
2740 </message> |
2741 <message> |
2742 <location line="+20"/> |
2743 <source>Pad</source> |
2744 <translation>Lyuk</translation> |
2745 </message> |
2746 <message> |
2747 <location line="+1"/> |
2748 <source>Repeat</source> |
2749 <translation>Megismétlés</translation> |
2750 </message> |
2751 <message> |
2752 <location line="+1"/> |
2753 <source>Reflect</source> |
2754 <translation>Prizma</translation> |
2755 </message> |
2756 <message> |
2757 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradienteditor.ui" line="+53"/> |
2758 <source>Form</source> |
2759 <translation>Űrlap</translation> |
2760 </message> |
2761 <message> |
2762 <location line="+48"/> |
2763 <source>Gradient Editor</source> |
2764 <translation>Meredekség szerkesztő</translation> |
2765 </message> |
2766 <message> |
2767 <location line="+3"/> |
2768 <source>This area shows a preview of the gradient being edited. It also allows you to edit parameters specific to the gradient's type such as start and final point, radius, etc. by drag & drop.</source> |
2769 <translation>Ez a mező jeleníti meg a meredekség egy előzetének szerkesztését. Ez engedélyezi a meredekség típusához tartozó paraméter specifikus dolgok szerkesztését, mint a kezdő és végpont, sugár, stb. a fogd & vidd módszerrel.</translation> |
2770 </message> |
2771 <message> |
2772 <location line="+16"/> |
2773 <source>1</source> |
2774 <translation>1</translation> |
2775 </message> |
2776 <message> |
2777 <location line="+35"/> |
2778 <source>2</source> |
2779 <translation>2</translation> |
2780 </message> |
2781 <message> |
2782 <location line="+35"/> |
2783 <source>3</source> |
2784 <translation>3</translation> |
2785 </message> |
2786 <message> |
2787 <location line="+35"/> |
2788 <source>4</source> |
2789 <translation>4</translation> |
2790 </message> |
2791 <message> |
2792 <location line="+35"/> |
2793 <source>5</source> |
2794 <translation>5</translation> |
2795 </message> |
2796 <message> |
2797 <location line="+35"/> |
2798 <source>Gradient Stops Editor</source> |
2799 <translation>Meredekség leállítás szerkesztő</translation> |
2800 </message> |
2801 <message> |
2802 <location line="+3"/> |
2803 <source>This area allows you to edit gradient stops. Double click on the existing stop handle to duplicate it. Double click outside of the existing stop handles to create a new stop. Drag & drop the handle to reposition it. Use right mouse button to popup context menu with extra actions.</source> |
2804 <translation>Ez a mező engedélyezi a meredekség leállításának szerkesztését.Dupla kattintás a létező leállítás kezelőn duplikálja ezt. Dupla kattintás a létező leállítás kezelőn kívül létrehoz egy új leállítást. Fogd & vidd az újrapozíciónálo kezelőt. Használja a jobb egér gombot a felugró menü összefüggéshez extra tevékenységekkel.</translation> |
2805 </message> |
2806 <message> |
2807 <location line="+13"/> |
2808 <source>Zoom</source> |
2809 <translation>Zoom</translation> |
2810 </message> |
2811 <message> |
2812 <location line="+19"/> |
2813 <location line="+3"/> |
2814 <source>Reset Zoom</source> |
2815 <translation>Újraindítás zoom</translation> |
2816 </message> |
2817 <message> |
2818 <location line="+13"/> |
2819 <source>Position</source> |
2820 <translation>Pozíció</translation> |
2821 </message> |
2822 <message> |
2823 <location line="+19"/> |
2824 <location line="+49"/> |
2825 <location line="+22"/> |
2826 <source>Hue</source> |
2827 <translation>Színárnyalat</translation> |
2828 </message> |
2829 <message> |
2830 <location line="-68"/> |
2831 <source>H</source> |
2832 <translation>H</translation> |
2833 </message> |
2834 <message> |
2835 <location line="+87"/> |
2836 <location line="+49"/> |
2837 <source>Saturation</source> |
2838 <translation>Telítettség</translation> |
2839 </message> |
2840 <message> |
2841 <location line="-46"/> |
2842 <source>S</source> |
2843 <translation>S</translation> |
2844 </message> |
2845 <message> |
2846 <location line="+68"/> |
2847 <source>Sat</source> |
2848 <translation>Sat</translation> |
2849 </message> |
2850 <message> |
2851 <location line="+19"/> |
2852 <location line="+49"/> |
2853 <source>Value</source> |
2854 <translation>Érték</translation> |
2855 </message> |
2856 <message> |
2857 <location line="-46"/> |
2858 <source>V</source> |
2859 <translation>V</translation> |
2860 </message> |
2861 <message> |
2862 <location line="+68"/> |
2863 <source>Val</source> |
2864 <translation>Val</translation> |
2865 </message> |
2866 <message> |
2867 <location line="+19"/> |
2868 <location line="+49"/> |
2869 <location line="+22"/> |
2870 <source>Alpha</source> |
2871 <translation>Alfa</translation> |
2872 </message> |
2873 <message> |
2874 <location line="-68"/> |
2875 <source>A</source> |
2876 <translation>A</translation> |
2877 </message> |
2878 <message> |
2879 <location line="+81"/> |
2880 <source>Type</source> |
2881 <translation>Típus</translation> |
2882 </message> |
2883 <message> |
2884 <location line="+13"/> |
2885 <source>Spread</source> |
2886 <translation>Kiterjedés</translation> |
2887 </message> |
2888 <message> |
2889 <location line="+19"/> |
2890 <source>Color</source> |
2891 <translation>Szín</translation> |
2892 </message> |
2893 <message> |
2894 <location line="+13"/> |
2895 <source>Current stop's color</source> |
2896 <translation>Aktuális leállítás színe</translation> |
2897 </message> |
2898 <message> |
2899 <location line="+22"/> |
2900 <source>Show HSV specification</source> |
2901 <translation>HSV specifikáció megjelenítése</translation> |
2902 </message> |
2903 <message> |
2904 <location line="+3"/> |
2905 <source>HSV</source> |
2906 <translation>HSV</translation> |
2907 </message> |
2908 <message> |
2909 <location line="+22"/> |
2910 <source>Show RGB specification</source> |
2911 <translation>RGB specifikáció megjelenítése</translation> |
2912 </message> |
2913 <message> |
2914 <location line="+3"/> |
2915 <source>RGB</source> |
2916 <translation>RGB</translation> |
2917 </message> |
2918 <message> |
2919 <location line="+28"/> |
2920 <source>Current stop's position</source> |
2921 <translation>Aktuális leállítás pozíciója</translation> |
2922 </message> |
2923 <message> |
2924 <location line="+188"/> |
2925 <source>%</source> |
2926 <translation>%</translation> |
2927 </message> |
2928 <message> |
2929 <location line="+111"/> |
2930 <source>Zoom In</source> |
2931 <translation>Nagyítás</translation> |
2932 </message> |
2933 <message> |
2934 <location line="+7"/> |
2935 <source>Zoom Out</source> |
2936 <translation>Kicsinyítés</translation> |
2937 </message> |
2938 <message> |
2939 <location line="+35"/> |
2940 <source>Toggle details extension</source> |
2941 <translation>Részlet kiterjesztések kapcsolgatása</translation> |
2942 </message> |
2943 <message> |
2944 <location line="+3"/> |
2945 <source>></source> |
2946 <translation>></translation> |
2947 </message> |
2948 <message> |
2949 <location line="+19"/> |
2950 <source>Linear Type</source> |
2951 <translation>Lineáris típus</translation> |
2952 </message> |
2953 <message> |
2954 <location line="+3"/> |
2955 <location line="+22"/> |
2956 <location line="+22"/> |
2957 <location line="+22"/> |
2958 <location line="+22"/> |
2959 <location line="+22"/> |
2960 <source>...</source> |
2961 <translation>...</translation> |
2962 </message> |
2963 <message> |
2964 <location line="-91"/> |
2965 <source>Radial Type</source> |
2966 <translation>Sugárirányú típus</translation> |
2967 </message> |
2968 <message> |
2969 <location line="+22"/> |
2970 <source>Conical Type</source> |
2971 <translation>Kúp alakú típus</translation> |
2972 </message> |
2973 <message> |
2974 <location line="+22"/> |
2975 <source>Pad Spread</source> |
2976 <translation>Lyuk kiterjedés</translation> |
2977 </message> |
2978 <message> |
2979 <location line="+22"/> |
2980 <source>Repeat Spread</source> |
2981 <translation>Ismétlési kiterjedés</translation> |
2982 </message> |
2983 <message> |
2984 <location line="+22"/> |
2985 <source>Reflect Spread</source> |
2986 <translation>Prizma kiterjedés</translation> |
2987 </message> |
2988 </context> |
2989 <context> |
2990 <name>QtGradientStopsWidget</name> |
2991 <message> |
2992 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientstopswidget.cpp" line="+947"/> |
2993 <source>New Stop</source> |
2994 <translation>Új leállítás</translation> |
2995 </message> |
2996 <message> |
2997 <location line="+1"/> |
2998 <source>Delete</source> |
2999 <translation>Törlés</translation> |
3000 </message> |
3001 <message> |
3002 <location line="+1"/> |
3003 <source>Flip All</source> |
3004 <translation>Az összes feldobása</translation> |
3005 </message> |
3006 <message> |
3007 <location line="+1"/> |
3008 <source>Select All</source> |
3009 <translation>Az összes kiválasztása</translation> |
3010 </message> |
3011 <message> |
3012 <location line="+1"/> |
3013 <source>Zoom In</source> |
3014 <translation>Nagyítás</translation> |
3015 </message> |
3016 <message> |
3017 <location line="+1"/> |
3018 <source>Zoom Out</source> |
3019 <translation>Kicsinyítés</translation> |
3020 </message> |
3021 <message> |
3022 <location line="+1"/> |
3023 <source>Reset Zoom</source> |
3024 <translation>Zoom újraindítása</translation> |
3025 </message> |
3026 </context> |
3027 <context> |
3028 <name>QtGradientView</name> |
3029 <message> |
3030 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientview.cpp" line="+107"/> |
3031 <source>Grad</source> |
3032 <translation>Diplomás</translation> |
3033 </message> |
3034 <message> |
3035 <location line="+26"/> |
3036 <source>Remove Gradient</source> |
3037 <translation>Meredekség eltávolítása</translation> |
3038 </message> |
3039 <message> |
3040 <location line="+1"/> |
3041 <source>Are you sure you want to remove the selected gradient?</source> |
3042 <translation>El szeretné távolítani a kiválasztott meredekséget?</translation> |
3043 </message> |
3044 <message> |
3045 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientview.ui" line="+39"/> |
3046 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientview.cpp" line="+74"/> |
3047 <source>New...</source> |
3048 <translation>Új...</translation> |
3049 </message> |
3050 <message> |
3051 <location line="+19"/> |
3052 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientview.cpp" line="+1"/> |
3053 <source>Edit...</source> |
3054 <translation>Szerkesztés...</translation> |
3055 </message> |
3056 <message> |
3057 <location line="+19"/> |
3058 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientview.cpp" line="+1"/> |
3059 <source>Rename</source> |
3060 <translation>Átnevezés</translation> |
3061 </message> |
3062 <message> |
3063 <location line="+19"/> |
3064 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientview.cpp" line="+1"/> |
3065 <source>Remove</source> |
3066 <translation>Eltávolítás</translation> |
3067 </message> |
3068 <message> |
3069 <location line="-83"/> |
3070 <source>Gradient View</source> |
3071 <translation>Meredekség nézet</translation> |
3072 </message> |
3073 </context> |
3074 <context> |
3075 <name>QtGradientViewDialog</name> |
3076 <message> |
3077 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientviewdialog.ui" line="+53"/> |
3078 <source>Select Gradient</source> |
3079 <translation>Meredekség kiválasztása</translation> |
3080 </message> |
3081 </context> |
3082 <context> |
3083 <name>QtKeySequenceEdit</name> |
3084 <message> |
3085 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertybrowserutils.cpp" line="+221"/> |
3086 <source>Clear Shortcut</source> |
3087 <translation>Gyorsbillentyű kitisztítása</translation> |
3088 </message> |
3089 </context> |
3090 <context> |
3091 <name>QtLocalePropertyManager</name> |
3092 <message> |
3093 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertymanager.cpp" line="-3541"/> |
3094 <source>%1, %2</source> |
3095 <translation>%1, %2</translation> |
3096 </message> |
3097 <message> |
3098 <location line="+53"/> |
3099 <source>Language</source> |
3100 <translation>Nyelv</translation> |
3101 </message> |
3102 <message> |
3103 <location line="+8"/> |
3104 <source>Country</source> |
3105 <translation>Ország</translation> |
3106 </message> |
3107 </context> |
3108 <context> |
3109 <name>QtPointFPropertyManager</name> |
3110 <message> |
3111 <location line="+411"/> |
3112 <source>(%1, %2)</source> |
3113 <translation>(%1, %2)</translation> |
3114 </message> |
3115 <message> |
3116 <location line="+71"/> |
3117 <source>X</source> |
3118 <translation>X</translation> |
3119 </message> |
3120 <message> |
3121 <location line="+8"/> |
3122 <source>Y</source> |
3123 <translation>Y</translation> |
3124 </message> |
3125 </context> |
3126 <context> |
3127 <name>QtPointPropertyManager</name> |
3128 <message> |
3129 <location line="-320"/> |
3130 <source>(%1, %2)</source> |
3131 <translation>(%1, %2)</translation> |
3132 </message> |
3133 <message> |
3134 <location line="+37"/> |
3135 <source>X</source> |
3136 <translation>X</translation> |
3137 </message> |
3138 <message> |
3139 <location line="+7"/> |
3140 <source>Y</source> |
3141 <translation>Y</translation> |
3142 </message> |
3143 </context> |
3144 <context> |
3145 <name>QtPropertyBrowserUtils</name> |
3146 <message> |
3147 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertybrowserutils.cpp" line="-136"/> |
3148 <source>[%1, %2, %3] (%4)</source> |
3149 <translation>[%1, %2, %3] (%4)</translation> |
3150 </message> |
3151 <message> |
3152 <location line="+30"/> |
3153 <source>[%1, %2]</source> |
3154 <translation>[%1, %2]</translation> |
3155 </message> |
3156 </context> |
3157 <context> |
3158 <name>QtRectFPropertyManager</name> |
3159 <message> |
3160 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertymanager.cpp" line="+1706"/> |
3161 <source>[(%1, %2), %3 x %4]</source> |
3162 <translation>[(%1, %2), %3 x %4]</translation> |
3163 </message> |
3164 <message> |
3165 <location line="+156"/> |
3166 <source>X</source> |
3167 <translation>X</translation> |
3168 </message> |
3169 <message> |
3170 <location line="+8"/> |
3171 <source>Y</source> |
3172 <translation>Y</translation> |
3173 </message> |
3174 <message> |
3175 <location line="+8"/> |
3176 <source>Width</source> |
3177 <translation>Szélesség</translation> |
3178 </message> |
3179 <message> |
3180 <location line="+9"/> |
3181 <source>Height</source> |
3182 <translation>Magasság</translation> |
3183 </message> |
3184 </context> |
3185 <context> |
3186 <name>QtRectPropertyManager</name> |
3187 <message> |
3188 <location line="-612"/> |
3189 <source>[(%1, %2), %3 x %4]</source> |
3190 <translation>[(%1, %2), %3 x %4]</translation> |
3191 </message> |
3192 <message> |
3193 <location line="+120"/> |
3194 <source>X</source> |
3195 <translation>X</translation> |
3196 </message> |
3197 <message> |
3198 <location line="+7"/> |
3199 <source>Y</source> |
3200 <translation>Y</translation> |
3201 </message> |
3202 <message> |
3203 <location line="+7"/> |
3204 <source>Width</source> |
3205 <translation>Szélesség</translation> |
3206 </message> |
3207 <message> |
3208 <location line="+8"/> |
3209 <source>Height</source> |
3210 <translation>Magasság</translation> |
3211 </message> |
3212 </context> |
3213 <context> |
3214 <name>QtResourceEditorDialog</name> |
3215 <message> |
3216 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qtresourceeditordialog.cpp" line="+76"/> |
3217 <source>%1 already exists. |
3218 Do you want to replace it?</source> |
3219 <translation>%1 már létezik. |
3220 Le szeretné cserélni?</translation> |
3221 </message> |
3222 <message> |
3223 <location line="+5"/> |
3224 <source>The file does not appear to be a resource file; element '%1' was found where '%2' was expected.</source> |
3225 <translation>A fájl nem egy erőforrás fájl, '%1' elem található, ahol '%2' a várt.</translation> |
3226 </message> |
3227 <message> |
3228 <location line="+902"/> |
3229 <source>%1 [read-only]</source> |
3230 <translation>%1 [csak olvasható]</translation> |
3231 </message> |
3232 <message> |
3233 <location line="+2"/> |
3234 <location line="+198"/> |
3235 <source>%1 [missing]</source> |
3236 <translation>%1 [hiányzik]</translation> |
3237 </message> |
3238 <message> |
3239 <location line="-72"/> |
3240 <source><no prefix></source> |
3241 <translation><nincs előtag></translation> |
3242 </message> |
3243 <message> |
3244 <location line="+320"/> |
3245 <location line="+566"/> |
3246 <source>New Resource File</source> |
3247 <translation>Új erőforrás fájl</translation> |
3248 </message> |
3249 <message> |
3250 <location line="-564"/> |
3251 <location line="+25"/> |
3252 <source>Resource files (*.qrc)</source> |
3253 <translation>Erőforrás fájlok (*.qrc)</translation> |
3254 </message> |
3255 <message> |
3256 <location line="-2"/> |
3257 <source>Import Resource File</source> |
3258 <translation>Erőforrás fájl importálása</translation> |
3259 </message> |
3260 <message> |
3261 <location line="+112"/> |
3262 <source>newPrefix</source> |
3263 <translation>újElőtag</translation> |
3264 </message> |
3265 <message> |
3266 <location line="+16"/> |
3267 <source><p><b>Warning:</b> The file</p><p>%1</p><p>is outside of the current resource file's parent directory.</p></source> |
3268 <translation><p><b>Figyelmeztetés:</b> A(z)</p><p>%1</p><p>fájl az aktuális erőforrás fájl szülő könyvtárán kívül helyezkedik el.</p></translation> |
3269 </message> |
3270 <message> |
3271 <location line="+8"/> |
3272 <source><p>To resolve the issue, press:</p><table><tr><th align="left">Copy</th><td>to copy the file to the resource file's parent directory.</td></tr><tr><th align="left">Copy As...</th><td>to copy the file into a subdirectory of the resource file's parent directory.</td></tr><tr><th align="left">Keep</th><td>to use its current location.</td></tr></table></source> |
3273 <translation><p>A hiba megoldásához, nyomja le a következőt:</p><table><tr><th align="left">Másolás</th><td>a fájl erőforrás fájljának szülőkönyvtárába másoláshoz.</td></tr><tr><th align="left">Másolás másként...</th><td>a fájl erőforrás fájljának szülőkönyvtárának egy alkönyvtárába másoláshoz.</td></tr><tr><th align="left">Megtartás</th><td>az aktuális helyének használatához. </td></tr></table></translation> |
3274 </message> |
3275 <message> |
3276 <location line="+25"/> |
3277 <source>Add Files</source> |
3278 <translation>Fájlok hozzáadása</translation> |
3279 </message> |
3280 <message> |
3281 <location line="+21"/> |
3282 <source>Incorrect Path</source> |
3283 <translation>Helytelen útvonal</translation> |
3284 </message> |
3285 <message> |
3286 <location line="+3"/> |
3287 <location line="+19"/> |
3288 <location line="+212"/> |
3289 <location line="+7"/> |
3290 <source>Copy</source> |
3291 <translation>Másolás</translation> |
3292 </message> |
3293 <message> |
3294 <location line="-236"/> |
3295 <source>Copy As...</source> |
3296 <translation>Másolás, mint...</translation> |
3297 </message> |
3298 <message> |
3299 <location line="+2"/> |
3300 <source>Keep</source> |
3301 <translation>Megtartás</translation> |
3302 </message> |
3303 <message> |
3304 <location line="+2"/> |
3305 <source>Skip</source> |
3306 <translation>Kihagyás</translation> |
3307 </message> |
3308 <message> |
3309 <location line="+87"/> |
3310 <source>Clone Prefix</source> |
3311 <translation>Előtag klónozása</translation> |
3312 </message> |
3313 <message> |
3314 <location line="+1"/> |
3315 <source>Enter the suffix which you want to add to the names of the cloned files. |
3316 This could for example be a language extension like "_de".</source> |
3317 <translation>Gépelje be az utótagot, melyet hozzá akar adni a klónozott fájl nevekhez. |
3318 Ez például egy nyelv kiterjesztés lenne, úgy mint "_de".</translation> |
3319 </message> |
3320 <message> |
3321 <location line="+113"/> |
3322 <location line="+4"/> |
3323 <source>Copy As</source> |
3324 <translation>Másolás, mint</translation> |
3325 </message> |
3326 <message> |
3327 <location line="+1"/> |
3328 <source><p>The selected file:</p><p>%1</p><p>is outside of the current resource file's directory:</p><p>%2</p><p>Please select another path within this directory.<p></source> |
3329 <translation><p>A kiválaszott fájl:</p><p>%1</p><p>az aktuális erőforrás fájl könytárán kívül helyezkedik el:</p><p>%2</p><p>Kérem válasszon másik útvonalat ezen a könyvtáron belül.<p></translation> |
3330 </message> |
3331 <message> |
3332 <location line="+20"/> |
3333 <source>Could not overwrite %1.</source> |
3334 <translation>Nem sikerült felülírni %1.</translation> |
3335 </message> |
3336 <message> |
3337 <location line="+7"/> |
3338 <source>Could not copy |
3339 %1 |
3340 to |
3341 %2</source> |
3342 <translation>Nem sikerült másolni |
3343 %1 |
3344 ide |
3345 %2</translation> |
3346 </message> |
3347 <message> |
3348 <location line="+35"/> |
3349 <source>A parse error occurred at line %1, column %2 of %3: |
3350 %4</source> |
3351 <translation>Egy elemzési hiba történt %3 %1 sorában, %2 oszlopában: |
3352 %4</translation> |
3353 </message> |
3354 <message> |
3355 <location line="+12"/> |
3356 <source>Save Resource File</source> |
3357 <translation>Erőforrás fájl mentése</translation> |
3358 </message> |
3359 <message> |
3360 <location line="+1"/> |
3361 <source>Could not write %1: %2</source> |
3362 <translation>Nem sikerült írni %1: %2</translation> |
3363 </message> |
3364 <message> |
3365 <location line="+33"/> |
3366 <source>Edit Resources</source> |
3367 <translation>Erőforrások szerkesztése</translation> |
3368 </message> |
3369 <message> |
3370 <location line="+35"/> |
3371 <source>New...</source> |
3372 <translation>Új...</translation> |
3373 </message> |
3374 <message> |
3375 <location line="+2"/> |
3376 <source>Open...</source> |
3377 <translation>Megnyitás...</translation> |
3378 </message> |
3379 <message> |
3380 <location line="+1"/> |
3381 <source>Open Resource File</source> |
3382 <translation>Erőforrás fájl megnyitása</translation> |
3383 </message> |
3384 <message> |
3385 <location line="+1"/> |
3386 <location line="+11"/> |
3387 <source>Remove</source> |
3388 <translation>Eltávolítás</translation> |
3389 </message> |
3390 <message> |
3391 <location line="-10"/> |
3392 <location line="+11"/> |
3393 <source>Move Up</source> |
3394 <translation>Mozgatás felfelé</translation> |
3395 </message> |
3396 <message> |
3397 <location line="-10"/> |
3398 <location line="+11"/> |
3399 <source>Move Down</source> |
3400 <translation>Mozgatás lefelé</translation> |
3401 </message> |
3402 <message> |
3403 <location line="-9"/> |
3404 <location line="+1"/> |
3405 <source>Add Prefix</source> |
3406 <translation>Előtag hozzáadása</translation> |
3407 </message> |
3408 <message> |
3409 <location line="+1"/> |
3410 <source>Add Files...</source> |
3411 <translation>Fájlok hozzáadása...</translation> |
3412 </message> |
3413 <message> |
3414 <location line="+1"/> |
3415 <source>Change Prefix</source> |
3416 <translation>Előtag megváltoztatása</translation> |
3417 </message> |
3418 <message> |
3419 <location line="+1"/> |
3420 <source>Change Language</source> |
3421 <translation>Nyelv megváltoztatása</translation> |
3422 </message> |
3423 <message> |
3424 <location line="+1"/> |
3425 <source>Change Alias</source> |
3426 <translation>Álnév megváltoztatása</translation> |
3427 </message> |
3428 <message> |
3429 <location line="+1"/> |
3430 <source>Clone Prefix...</source> |
3431 <translation>Előtag klónozása...</translation> |
3432 </message> |
3433 <message> |
3434 <location line="+37"/> |
3435 <source>Prefix / Path</source> |
3436 <translation>Előtag / Útvonal</translation> |
3437 </message> |
3438 <message> |
3439 <location line="+1"/> |
3440 <source>Language / Alias</source> |
3441 <translation>Nyelv / Álnév</translation> |
3442 </message> |
3443 <message> |
3444 <location line="+117"/> |
3445 <source><html><p><b>Warning:</b> There have been problems while reloading the resources:</p><pre>%1</pre></html></source> |
3446 <translation><html><p><b>Figyelmeztetés:</b> Hibák történtek az erőforrások újra töltése közben:</p><pre>%1</pre></html></translation> |
3447 </message> |
3448 <message> |
3449 <location line="+2"/> |
3450 <source>Resource Warning</source> |
3451 <translation>Erőforrás figyelmeztetés</translation> |
3452 </message> |
3453 <message> |
3454 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qtresourceeditordialog.ui" line="+13"/> |
3455 <source>Dialog</source> |
3456 <translation>Párbeszéd ablak</translation> |
3457 </message> |
3458 <message> |
3459 <location line="+26"/> |
3460 <source>New File</source> |
3461 <translation>Új fájl</translation> |
3462 </message> |
3463 <message> |
3464 <location line="+3"/> |
3465 <location line="+50"/> |
3466 <source>N</source> |
3467 <translation>N</translation> |
3468 </message> |
3469 <message> |
3470 <location line="-43"/> |
3471 <source>Remove File</source> |
3472 <translation>Fájl eltávolítása</translation> |
3473 </message> |
3474 <message> |
3475 <location line="+3"/> |
3476 <location line="+57"/> |
3477 <source>R</source> |
3478 <translation>R</translation> |
3479 </message> |
3480 <message> |
3481 <location line="-34"/> |
3482 <source>I</source> |
3483 <translation>I</translation> |
3484 </message> |
3485 <message> |
3486 <location line="+14"/> |
3487 <source>New Resource</source> |
3488 <translation>Új erőforrás</translation> |
3489 </message> |
3490 <message> |
3491 <location line="+10"/> |
3492 <source>A</source> |
3493 <translation>A</translation> |
3494 </message> |
3495 <message> |
3496 <location line="+7"/> |
3497 <source>Remove Resource or File</source> |
3498 <translation>Erőforrás vagy fájl eltávolítása</translation> |
3499 </message> |
3500 </context> |
3501 <context> |
3502 <name>QtResourceView</name> |
3503 <message> |
3504 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qtresourceview.cpp" line="+566"/> |
3505 <source>Size: %1 x %2 |
3506 %3</source> |
3507 <translation>Méret: %1 x %2 |
3508 %3</translation> |
3509 </message> |
3510 <message> |
3511 <location line="+20"/> |
3512 <source>Edit Resources...</source> |
3513 <translation>Erőforrások szerkesztése...</translation> |
3514 </message> |
3515 <message> |
3516 <location line="+6"/> |
3517 <source>Reload</source> |
3518 <translation>Újratöltés</translation> |
3519 </message> |
3520 <message> |
3521 <location line="+7"/> |
3522 <source>Copy Path</source> |
3523 <translation>Útvonal másolása</translation> |
3524 </message> |
3525 </context> |
3526 <context> |
3527 <name>QtResourceViewDialog</name> |
3528 <message> |
3529 <location line="+250"/> |
3530 <source>Select Resource</source> |
3531 <translation>Erőforrás kiválasztása</translation> |
3532 </message> |
3533 </context> |
3534 <context> |
3535 <name>QtSizeFPropertyManager</name> |
3536 <message> |
3537 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qtpropertymanager.cpp" line="-535"/> |
3538 <source>%1 x %2</source> |
3539 <translation>%1 x %2</translation> |
3540 </message> |
3541 <message> |
3542 <location line="+130"/> |
3543 <source>Width</source> |
3544 <translation>Szélesség</translation> |
3545 </message> |
3546 <message> |
3547 <location line="+9"/> |
3548 <source>Height</source> |
3549 <translation>Magasság</translation> |
3550 </message> |
3551 </context> |
3552 <context> |
3553 <name>QtSizePolicyPropertyManager</name> |
3554 <message> |
3555 <location line="+1709"/> |
3556 <location line="+1"/> |
3557 <source><Invalid></source> |
3558 <translation><Érvénytelen></translation> |
3559 </message> |
3560 <message> |
3561 <location line="+1"/> |
3562 <source>[%1, %2, %3, %4]</source> |
3563 <translation>[%1, %2, %3, %4]</translation> |
3564 </message> |
3565 <message> |
3566 <location line="+45"/> |
3567 <source>Horizontal Policy</source> |
3568 <translation>Horizontális irányvonal</translation> |
3569 </message> |
3570 <message> |
3571 <location line="+9"/> |
3572 <source>Vertical Policy</source> |
3573 <translation>Vertikális irányelv</translation> |
3574 </message> |
3575 <message> |
3576 <location line="+9"/> |
3577 <source>Horizontal Stretch</source> |
3578 <translation>Horizontális terjedelem</translation> |
3579 </message> |
3580 <message> |
3581 <location line="+8"/> |
3582 <source>Vertical Stretch</source> |
3583 <translation>Vertikális terjedelem</translation> |
3584 </message> |
3585 </context> |
3586 <context> |
3587 <name>QtSizePropertyManager</name> |
3588 <message> |
3589 <location line="-2286"/> |
3590 <source>%1 x %2</source> |
3591 <translation>%1 x %2</translation> |
3592 </message> |
3593 <message> |
3594 <location line="+96"/> |
3595 <source>Width</source> |
3596 <translation>Szélesség</translation> |
3597 </message> |
3598 <message> |
3599 <location line="+8"/> |
3600 <source>Height</source> |
3601 <translation>Magasság</translation> |
3602 </message> |
3603 </context> |
3604 <context> |
3605 <name>QtToolBarDialog</name> |
3606 <message> |
3607 <location filename="../tools/shared/qttoolbardialog/qttoolbardialog.cpp" line="+1240"/> |
3608 <source>Custom Toolbar</source> |
3609 <translation>Egyéni eszköz sáv</translation> |
3610 </message> |
3611 <message> |
3612 <location line="+544"/> |
3613 <source>< S E P A R A T O R ></source> |
3614 <translation>< E L V Á L A S Z T Ó ></translation> |
3615 </message> |
3616 <message> |
3617 <location filename="../tools/shared/qttoolbardialog/qttoolbardialog.ui" line="+13"/> |
3618 <source>Customize Toolbars</source> |
3619 <translation>Eszköz sávok testreszabása</translation> |
3620 </message> |
3621 <message> |
3622 <location line="+13"/> |
3623 <source>1</source> |
3624 <translation>1</translation> |
3625 </message> |
3626 <message> |
3627 <location line="+8"/> |
3628 <source>Actions</source> |
3629 <translation>Tevékenységek</translation> |
3630 </message> |
3631 <message> |
3632 <location line="+15"/> |
3633 <source>Toolbars</source> |
3634 <translation>Eszköz sávok</translation> |
3635 </message> |
3636 <message> |
3637 <location line="+7"/> |
3638 <source>Add new toolbar</source> |
3639 <translation>Új eszköz sáv hozzáadása</translation> |
3640 </message> |
3641 <message> |
3642 <location line="+3"/> |
3643 <source>New</source> |
3644 <translation>Új</translation> |
3645 </message> |
3646 <message> |
3647 <location line="+7"/> |
3648 <source>Remove selected toolbar</source> |
3649 <translation>Kiválaszott eszköz sáv eltávolítás</translation> |
3650 </message> |
3651 <message> |
3652 <location line="+3"/> |
3653 <source>Remove</source> |
3654 <translation>Eltávolítás</translation> |
3655 </message> |
3656 <message> |
3657 <location line="+7"/> |
3658 <source>Rename toolbar</source> |
3659 <translation>Eszköz sáv átnevezése</translation> |
3660 </message> |
3661 <message> |
3662 <location line="+3"/> |
3663 <source>Rename</source> |
3664 <translation>Átnevezés</translation> |
3665 </message> |
3666 <message> |
3667 <location line="+23"/> |
3668 <source>Move action up</source> |
3669 <translation>Tevékenység mozgatása felfelé</translation> |
3670 </message> |
3671 <message> |
3672 <location line="+3"/> |
3673 <source>Up</source> |
3674 <translation>Fel</translation> |
3675 </message> |
3676 <message> |
3677 <location line="+13"/> |
3678 <source>Remove action from toolbar</source> |
3679 <translation>Tevékenység eltávolítása az eszköz sávról</translation> |
3680 </message> |
3681 <message> |
3682 <location line="+3"/> |
3683 <source><-</source> |
3684 <translation><-</translation> |
3685 </message> |
3686 <message> |
3687 <location line="+13"/> |
3688 <source>Add action to toolbar</source> |
3689 <translation>Tevékenység hozzáadása az eszközsávhoz</translation> |
3690 </message> |
3691 <message> |
3692 <location line="+3"/> |
3693 <source>-></source> |
3694 <translation>-></translation> |
3695 </message> |
3696 <message> |
3697 <location line="+13"/> |
3698 <source>Move action down</source> |
3699 <translation>Tevékenység mozgatása felfele</translation> |
3700 </message> |
3701 <message> |
3702 <location line="+3"/> |
3703 <source>Down</source> |
3704 <translation>Le</translation> |
3705 </message> |
3706 <message> |
3707 <location line="+25"/> |
3708 <source>Current Toolbar Actions</source> |
3709 <translation>Aktuális eszköz sáv tevékenységek</translation> |
3710 </message> |
3711 </context> |
3712 <context> |
3713 <name>QtTreePropertyBrowser</name> |
3714 <message> |
3715 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtpropertybrowser/qttreepropertybrowser.cpp" line="+442"/> |
3716 <source>Property</source> |
3717 <translation>Tulajdonság</translation> |
3718 </message> |
3719 <message> |
3720 <location line="+1"/> |
3721 <source>Value</source> |
3722 <translation>Érték</translation> |
3723 </message> |
3724 </context> |
3725 <context> |
3726 <name>SaveFormAsTemplate</name> |
3727 <message> |
3728 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/saveformastemplate.cpp" line="+72"/> |
3729 <source>Add path...</source> |
3730 <translation>Útvonal hozzáadása...</translation> |
3731 </message> |
3732 <message> |
3733 <location line="+23"/> |
3734 <source>Template Exists</source> |
3735 <translation>A sablon létezik</translation> |
3736 </message> |
3737 <message> |
3738 <location line="+1"/> |
3739 <source>A template with the name %1 already exists. |
3740 Do you want overwrite the template?</source> |
3741 <translation>Egy %1 nevű sablon már létezik. |
3742 Felül szeretné írni a sablont?</translation> |
3743 </message> |
3744 <message> |
3745 <location line="+3"/> |
3746 <source>Overwrite Template</source> |
3747 <translation>Sablom felülírása</translation> |
3748 </message> |
3749 <message> |
3750 <location line="+7"/> |
3751 <source>Open Error</source> |
3752 <translation>Megnyitási hiba</translation> |
3753 </message> |
3754 <message> |
3755 <location line="+1"/> |
3756 <source>There was an error opening template %1 for writing. Reason: %2</source> |
3757 <translation>Hiba történt a(z) %1 sablon írásra megnyitása közben. Ok: %2</translation> |
3758 </message> |
3759 <message> |
3760 <location line="+13"/> |
3761 <source>Write Error</source> |
3762 <translation>Írása hiba</translation> |
3763 </message> |
3764 <message> |
3765 <location line="+1"/> |
3766 <source>There was an error writing the template %1 to disk. Reason: %2</source> |
3767 <translation>Hiba történt a(z) %1 sablon lemezre írása közben. Ok: %2</translation> |
3768 </message> |
3769 <message> |
3770 <location line="+27"/> |
3771 <source>Pick a directory to save templates in</source> |
3772 <translation>Egy könyvtár gondos kiválasztása, melybe a könytárak lesznek elmentve</translation> |
3773 </message> |
3774 <message> |
3775 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/saveformastemplate.ui" line="+45"/> |
3776 <source>Save Form As Template</source> |
3777 <translation>Az űrlap sablonként mentése</translation> |
3778 </message> |
3779 <message> |
3780 <location line="+49"/> |
3781 <source>&Category:</source> |
3782 <translation>&Kategória:</translation> |
3783 </message> |
3784 <message> |
3785 <location line="-35"/> |
3786 <source>&Name:</source> |
3787 <translation>&Név:</translation> |
3788 </message> |
3789 </context> |
3790 <context> |
3791 <name>ScriptErrorDialog</name> |
3792 <message> |
3793 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/scripterrordialog.cpp" line="+59"/> |
3794 <source>An error occurred while running the scripts for "%1": |
3795 </source> |
3796 <translation>Hiba történt a szkriptek futtatása közben '%1'-re:</translation> |
3797 </message> |
3798 </context> |
3799 <context> |
3800 <name>SelectSignalDialog</name> |
3801 <message> |
3802 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/selectsignaldialog.ui" line="+14"/> |
3803 <source>Go to slot</source> |
3804 <translation>Szlotra ugrás</translation> |
3805 </message> |
3806 <message> |
3807 <location line="+6"/> |
3808 <source>Select signal</source> |
3809 <translation>Jel kiválasztása</translation> |
3810 </message> |
3811 <message> |
3812 <location line="+13"/> |
3813 <source>signal</source> |
3814 <translation>jel</translation> |
3815 </message> |
3816 <message> |
3817 <location line="+5"/> |
3818 <source>class</source> |
3819 <translation>osztály</translation> |
3820 </message> |
3821 </context> |
3822 <context> |
3823 <name>SignalSlotConnection</name> |
3824 <message> |
3825 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/signalsloteditor/signalsloteditor.cpp" line="-358"/> |
3826 <source>SENDER(%1), SIGNAL(%2), RECEIVER(%3), SLOT(%4)</source> |
3827 <translation>KÜLDŐ(%1), JEL(%2), FOGADÓ(%3), SZLOT(%4)</translation> |
3828 </message> |
3829 </context> |
3830 <context> |
3831 <name>SignalSlotDialogClass</name> |
3832 <message> |
3833 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/signalslotdialog.ui" line="+13"/> |
3834 <source>Signals and slots</source> |
3835 <translation>Jelek és szlotok</translation> |
3836 </message> |
3837 <message> |
3838 <location line="+6"/> |
3839 <source>Slots</source> |
3840 <translation>Szlotok</translation> |
3841 </message> |
3842 <message> |
3843 <location line="+11"/> |
3844 <location line="+49"/> |
3845 <source>Add</source> |
3846 <translation>Hozzáadás</translation> |
3847 </message> |
3848 <message> |
3849 <location line="-46"/> |
3850 <location line="+10"/> |
3851 <location line="+39"/> |
3852 <location line="+10"/> |
3853 <source>...</source> |
3854 <translation>...</translation> |
3855 </message> |
3856 <message> |
3857 <location line="-52"/> |
3858 <location line="+49"/> |
3859 <source>Delete</source> |
3860 <translation>Törlés</translation> |
3861 </message> |
3862 <message> |
3863 <location line="-21"/> |
3864 <source>Signals</source> |
3865 <translation>Jelek</translation> |
3866 </message> |
3867 </context> |
3868 <context> |
3869 <name>Spacer</name> |
3870 <message> |
3871 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/spacer_widget.cpp" line="+275"/> |
3872 <source>Horizontal Spacer '%1', %2 x %3</source> |
3873 <translation>Horizontális távtartók '%1', %2 x %3</translation> |
3874 </message> |
3875 <message> |
3876 <location line="+0"/> |
3877 <source>Vertical Spacer '%1', %2 x %3</source> |
3878 <translation>Vertikális távtartók '%1', %2 x %3</translation> |
3879 </message> |
3880 </context> |
3881 <context> |
3882 <name>TemplateOptionsPage</name> |
3883 <message> |
3884 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/templateoptionspage.cpp" line="+156"/> |
3885 <source>Template Paths</source> |
3886 <extracomment>Tab in preferences dialog</extracomment> |
3887 <translatorcomment>Слово "пути" опустил, т.к. с другими вкладками не перепутать, а длинная вкладка не смотрится.</translatorcomment> |
3888 <translation>Sablon útvonalak</translation> |
3889 </message> |
3890 </context> |
3891 <context> |
3892 <name>ToolBarManager</name> |
3893 <message> |
3894 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/mainwindow.cpp" line="+89"/> |
3895 <source>Configure Toolbars...</source> |
3896 <translation>Eszköz sávok konfigurálása...</translation> |
3897 </message> |
3898 <message> |
3899 <location line="+15"/> |
3900 <source>Window</source> |
3901 <translation>Ablak</translation> |
3902 </message> |
3903 <message> |
3904 <location line="+1"/> |
3905 <source>Help</source> |
3906 <translation>Súgó</translation> |
3907 </message> |
3908 <message> |
3909 <location line="+7"/> |
3910 <source>Style</source> |
3911 <translation>Stílus</translation> |
3912 </message> |
3913 <message> |
3914 <location line="+2"/> |
3915 <source>Dock views</source> |
3916 <translation>Dokk nézetek</translation> |
3917 </message> |
3918 <message> |
3919 <location line="+6"/> |
3920 <source>Toolbars</source> |
3921 <translation>Eszköz sávok</translation> |
3922 </message> |
3923 </context> |
3924 <context> |
3925 <name>VersionDialog</name> |
3926 <message> |
3927 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/designer/versiondialog.cpp" line="+171"/> |
3928 <source><h3>%1</h3><br/><br/>Version %2</source> |
3929 <translation><h3>%1</h3><br/><br/>Verzió %2</translation> |
3930 </message> |
3931 <message> |
3932 <location line="+1"/> |
3933 <source>Qt Designer</source> |
3934 <translation>Qt Designer</translation> |
3935 </message> |
3936 <message> |
3937 <location line="+1"/> |
3938 <source><br/>Qt Designer is a graphical user interface designer for Qt applications.<br/></source> |
3939 <translation><br/>Qt Designer egy grafikus felhasználói felület tervező Qt alkalmazásokhoz.<br/></translation> |
3940 </message> |
3941 <message> |
3942 <location line="+2"/> |
3943 <source>%1<br/>Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).</source> |
3944 <translation>%1<br/>Szerzői jog (C) 2010 Nokia vállalat és/vagy leányvállalata(i).</translation> |
3945 </message> |
3946 </context> |
3947 <context> |
3948 <name>WidgetDataBase</name> |
3949 <message> |
3950 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/widgetdatabase.cpp" line="+814"/> |
3951 <source>The file contains a custom widget '%1' whose base class (%2) differs from the current entry in the widget database (%3). The widget database is left unchanged.</source> |
3952 <translation>A fájl egy egyéni '%1' widget-t tartalmaz, aminek az alap osztálya (%2) különbözik az aktuális beviteltől a widget adatbázisban (%3). A widget adatbázis változatlanul lett hagyva.</translation> |
3953 </message> |
3954 </context> |
3955 <context> |
3956 <name>qdesigner_internal::ActionEditor</name> |
3957 <message> |
3958 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/actioneditor.cpp" line="+123"/> |
3959 <source>New...</source> |
3960 <translation>Új...</translation> |
3961 </message> |
3962 <message> |
3963 <location line="+1"/> |
3964 <source>Edit...</source> |
3965 <translation>Szerkesztés...</translation> |
3966 </message> |
3967 <message> |
3968 <location line="+1"/> |
3969 <source>Go to slot...</source> |
3970 <translation>Ugrás a szlotra...</translation> |
3971 </message> |
3972 <message> |
3973 <location line="+1"/> |
3974 <source>Copy</source> |
3975 <translation>Másolás</translation> |
3976 </message> |
3977 <message> |
3978 <location line="+1"/> |
3979 <source>Cut</source> |
3980 <translation>Kivágás</translation> |
3981 </message> |
3982 <message> |
3983 <location line="+1"/> |
3984 <source>Paste</source> |
3985 <translation>Beillesztés</translation> |
3986 </message> |
3987 <message> |
3988 <location line="+1"/> |
3989 <source>Select all</source> |
3990 <translation>Az összes kiválasztása</translation> |
3991 </message> |
3992 <message> |
3993 <location line="+1"/> |
3994 <source>Delete</source> |
3995 <translation>Törlés</translation> |
3996 </message> |
3997 <message> |
3998 <location line="+9"/> |
3999 <source>Actions</source> |
4000 <translation>Tevékenységek</translation> |
4001 </message> |
4002 <message> |
4003 <location line="+49"/> |
4004 <source>Configure Action Editor</source> |
4005 <translation>Tevékenység szerkesztő konfigurálása</translation> |
4006 </message> |
4007 <message> |
4008 <location line="+3"/> |
4009 <source>Icon View</source> |
4010 <translation>Ikon nézet</translation> |
4011 </message> |
4012 <message> |
4013 <location line="+6"/> |
4014 <source>Detailed View</source> |
4015 <translation>Részletezett nézet</translation> |
4016 </message> |
4017 <message> |
4018 <location line="+246"/> |
4019 <source>New action</source> |
4020 <translation>Új tevékenység</translation> |
4021 </message> |
4022 <message> |
4023 <location line="+98"/> |
4024 <source>Edit action</source> |
4025 <translation>Tevékenység szerkesztése</translation> |
4026 </message> |
4027 <message> |
4028 <location line="+69"/> |
4029 <source>Remove action '%1'</source> |
4030 <translation>'%1' tevékenység eltávolítása</translation> |
4031 </message> |
4032 <message> |
4033 <location line="+0"/> |
4034 <source>Remove actions</source> |
4035 <translation>Tevékenységek eltávolítása</translation> |
4036 </message> |
4037 <message> |
4038 <location line="+186"/> |
4039 <source>Used In</source> |
4040 <translation>Használva ebben</translation> |
4041 </message> |
4042 </context> |
4043 <context> |
4044 <name>qdesigner_internal::ActionModel</name> |
4045 <message> |
4046 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/actionrepository.cpp" line="+95"/> |
4047 <source>Name</source> |
4048 <translation>Név</translation> |
4049 </message> |
4050 <message> |
4051 <location line="+1"/> |
4052 <source>Used</source> |
4053 <translation>Használt</translation> |
4054 </message> |
4055 <message> |
4056 <location line="+1"/> |
4057 <source>Text</source> |
4058 <translation>Szöveg</translation> |
4059 </message> |
4060 <message> |
4061 <location line="+1"/> |
4062 <source>Shortcut</source> |
4063 <translation>Rövidebb út</translation> |
4064 </message> |
4065 <message> |
4066 <location line="+1"/> |
4067 <source>Checkable</source> |
4068 <translation>Leellenőrizhető</translation> |
4069 </message> |
4070 <message> |
4071 <location line="+1"/> |
4072 <source>ToolTip</source> |
4073 <translation>Eszköz tipp</translation> |
4074 </message> |
4075 </context> |
4076 <context> |
4077 <name>qdesigner_internal::BrushManagerProxy</name> |
4078 <message> |
4079 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/brushmanagerproxy.cpp" line="+219"/> |
4080 <source>The element '%1' is missing the required attribute '%2'.</source> |
4081 <translation>A(z) '%1' elem hiányzik, a szükséges attribútum '%2'.</translation> |
4082 </message> |
4083 <message> |
4084 <location line="+11"/> |
4085 <source>Empty brush name encountered.</source> |
4086 <translation>Üres kefe nevet talált.</translation> |
4087 </message> |
4088 <message> |
4089 <location line="+10"/> |
4090 <source>An unexpected element '%1' was encountered.</source> |
4091 <translation>Egy '%1' váratlan elemet talált.</translation> |
4092 </message> |
4093 <message> |
4094 <location line="+7"/> |
4095 <source>An error occurred when reading the brush definition file '%1' at line line %2, column %3: %4</source> |
4096 <translation>Hiba történt a(z) '%1' ecset definíciós fájl olvasása közben %2 sorban, %3 oszlopban: %4</translation> |
4097 </message> |
4098 <message> |
4099 <location line="+43"/> |
4100 <source>An error occurred when reading the resource file '%1' at line %2, column %3: %4</source> |
4101 <translation>Hiba történt a(z) '%1' erőforrás fájl olvasása közben, %2 sorban, %3 oszlopban: %4</translation> |
4102 </message> |
4103 </context> |
4104 <context> |
4105 <name>qdesigner_internal::BuddyEditor</name> |
4106 <message> |
4107 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/buddyeditor/buddyeditor.cpp" line="+261"/> |
4108 <source>Add buddy</source> |
4109 <translation>Haver hozzáadása</translation> |
4110 </message> |
4111 <message> |
4112 <location line="+52"/> |
4113 <source>Remove buddies</source> |
4114 <translation>Haverok eltávolítása</translation> |
4115 </message> |
4116 <message numerus="yes"> |
4117 <location line="+24"/> |
4118 <source>Remove %n buddies</source> |
4119 <translation> |
4120 <numerusform>%n haverok eltávolítása</numerusform> |
4121 </translation> |
4122 </message> |
4123 <message numerus="yes"> |
4124 <location line="+51"/> |
4125 <source>Add %n buddies</source> |
4126 <translation> |
4127 <numerusform>%n haver hozzáadása</numerusform> |
4128 </translation> |
4129 </message> |
4130 <message> |
4131 <location line="+47"/> |
4132 <source>Set automatically</source> |
4133 <translation>Automatikus beállítás</translation> |
4134 </message> |
4135 </context> |
4136 <context> |
4137 <name>qdesigner_internal::BuddyEditorPlugin</name> |
4138 <message> |
4139 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/buddyeditor/buddyeditor_plugin.cpp" line="+73"/> |
4140 <source>Edit Buddies</source> |
4141 <translation>Haverok szerkesztése</translation> |
4142 </message> |
4143 </context> |
4144 <context> |
4145 <name>qdesigner_internal::BuddyEditorTool</name> |
4146 <message> |
4147 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/buddyeditor/buddyeditor_tool.cpp" line="+56"/> |
4148 <source>Edit Buddies</source> |
4149 <translation>Haverok szerkesztése</translation> |
4150 </message> |
4151 </context> |
4152 <context> |
4153 <name>qdesigner_internal::ButtonGroupMenu</name> |
4154 <message> |
4155 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/button_taskmenu.cpp" line="+7"/> |
4156 <source>Select members</source> |
4157 <translation>Tagok kiválasztása</translation> |
4158 </message> |
4159 <message> |
4160 <location line="+1"/> |
4161 <source>Break</source> |
4162 <translation>Törés</translation> |
4163 </message> |
4164 </context> |
4165 <context> |
4166 <name>qdesigner_internal::ButtonTaskMenu</name> |
4167 <message> |
4168 <location line="+121"/> |
4169 <source>Assign to button group</source> |
4170 <translation>Gomb csoporthoz rendelés</translation> |
4171 </message> |
4172 <message> |
4173 <location line="+2"/> |
4174 <source>Button group</source> |
4175 <translation>Gomb csoport</translation> |
4176 </message> |
4177 <message> |
4178 <location line="+1"/> |
4179 <source>New button group</source> |
4180 <translation>Új gomb csoport</translation> |
4181 </message> |
4182 <message> |
4183 <location line="+1"/> |
4184 <source>Change text...</source> |
4185 <translation>Szöveg megváltoztatása...</translation> |
4186 </message> |
4187 <message> |
4188 <location line="+1"/> |
4189 <source>None</source> |
4190 <translation>Semmi</translation> |
4191 </message> |
4192 <message> |
4193 <location line="+101"/> |
4194 <source>Button group '%1'</source> |
4195 <translation>'%1' gomb csoport</translation> |
4196 </message> |
4197 </context> |
4198 <context> |
4199 <name>qdesigner_internal::CodeDialog</name> |
4200 <message> |
4201 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/codedialog.cpp" line="+95"/> |
4202 <source>Save...</source> |
4203 <translation>Mentés...</translation> |
4204 </message> |
4205 <message> |
4206 <location line="+4"/> |
4207 <source>Copy All</source> |
4208 <translation>Az összes másolása</translation> |
4209 </message> |
4210 <message> |
4211 <location line="+5"/> |
4212 <source>&Find in Text...</source> |
4213 <translation>&Keresés szövegben...</translation> |
4214 </message> |
4215 <message> |
4216 <location line="+75"/> |
4217 <source>A temporary form file could not be created in %1.</source> |
4218 <translation>Egy átmeneti űrlap fájlt nem sikerült létrehozni %1-ben.</translation> |
4219 </message> |
4220 <message> |
4221 <location line="+6"/> |
4222 <source>The temporary form file %1 could not be written.</source> |
4223 <translation>A(z) %1 átmeneti űrlap fájlt nem sikerült írni.</translation> |
4224 </message> |
4225 <message> |
4226 <location line="+21"/> |
4227 <source>%1 - [Code]</source> |
4228 <translation>%1 - [Kód]</translation> |
4229 </message> |
4230 <message> |
4231 <location line="+23"/> |
4232 <source>Save Code</source> |
4233 <translation>Kód mentése</translation> |
4234 </message> |
4235 <message> |
4236 <location line="+0"/> |
4237 <source>Header Files (*.%1)</source> |
4238 <translation>Fejállományok (*.%1)</translation> |
4239 </message> |
4240 <message> |
4241 <location line="+6"/> |
4242 <source>The file %1 could not be opened: %2</source> |
4243 <translation>A(z) %1 fájlt nem sikerült megnyitni: %2</translation> |
4244 </message> |
4245 <message> |
4246 <location line="+5"/> |
4247 <source>The file %1 could not be written: %2</source> |
4248 <translation>A(z) %1 fájlt nem sikerült írni: %2</translation> |
4249 </message> |
4250 <message> |
4251 <location line="+11"/> |
4252 <source>%1 - Error</source> |
4253 <translation>%1 - Hiba</translation> |
4254 </message> |
4255 </context> |
4256 <context> |
4257 <name>qdesigner_internal::ColorAction</name> |
4258 <message> |
4259 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/richtexteditor.cpp" line="+246"/> |
4260 <source>Text Color</source> |
4261 <translation>Szöveg szín</translation> |
4262 </message> |
4263 </context> |
4264 <context> |
4265 <name>qdesigner_internal::ComboBoxTaskMenu</name> |
4266 <message> |
4267 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/combobox_taskmenu.cpp" line="+68"/> |
4268 <source>Edit Items...</source> |
4269 <translation>Elemek szerkesztése...</translation> |
4270 </message> |
4271 <message> |
4272 <location line="+38"/> |
4273 <source>Change Combobox Contents</source> |
4274 <translation>Combobox tartalmának megváltoztatása</translation> |
4275 </message> |
4276 </context> |
4277 <context> |
4278 <name>qdesigner_internal::CommandLinkButtonTaskMenu</name> |
4279 <message> |
4280 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/button_taskmenu.cpp" line="+156"/> |
4281 <source>Change description...</source> |
4282 <translation>Leírás megváltoztatása...</translation> |
4283 </message> |
4284 </context> |
4285 <context> |
4286 <name>qdesigner_internal::ConnectionEdit</name> |
4287 <message> |
4288 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/connectionedit.cpp" line="+1313"/> |
4289 <source>Select All</source> |
4290 <translation>Az összes kiválasztása</translation> |
4291 </message> |
4292 <message> |
4293 <location line="+3"/> |
4294 <source>Deselect All</source> |
4295 <translation>Az összes kijelölés eltűntetése</translation> |
4296 </message> |
4297 <message> |
4298 <location line="+5"/> |
4299 <source>Delete</source> |
4300 <translation>Törlés</translation> |
4301 </message> |
4302 </context> |
4303 <context> |
4304 <name>qdesigner_internal::ConnectionModel</name> |
4305 <message> |
4306 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/signalsloteditor/signalsloteditorwindow.cpp" line="-465"/> |
4307 <source>Sender</source> |
4308 <translation>Küldő</translation> |
4309 </message> |
4310 <message> |
4311 <location line="+1"/> |
4312 <source>Signal</source> |
4313 <translation>Jel</translation> |
4314 </message> |
4315 <message> |
4316 <location line="+1"/> |
4317 <source>Receiver</source> |
4318 <translation>Fogadó</translation> |
4319 </message> |
4320 <message> |
4321 <location line="+1"/> |
4322 <source>Slot</source> |
4323 <translation>Szlot</translation> |
4324 </message> |
4325 <message> |
4326 <location line="+90"/> |
4327 <source><sender></source> |
4328 <translation><küldő></translation> |
4329 </message> |
4330 <message> |
4331 <location line="+1"/> |
4332 <source><signal></source> |
4333 <translation><jel></translation> |
4334 </message> |
4335 <message> |
4336 <location line="+1"/> |
4337 <source><receiver></source> |
4338 <translation><fogadó></translation> |
4339 </message> |
4340 <message> |
4341 <location line="+1"/> |
4342 <source><slot></source> |
4343 <translation><szlot></translation> |
4344 </message> |
4345 <message> |
4346 <location line="+108"/> |
4347 <source>The connection already exists!<br>%1</source> |
4348 <translation>A kapcsolat már létezik!<br>%1</translation> |
4349 </message> |
4350 <message> |
4351 <location line="+2"/> |
4352 <source>Signal and Slot Editor</source> |
4353 <translation>Jel és Szlot szerkesztő</translation> |
4354 </message> |
4355 </context> |
4356 <context> |
4357 <name>qdesigner_internal::ContainerWidgetTaskMenu</name> |
4358 <message> |
4359 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/containerwidget_taskmenu.cpp" line="+79"/> |
4360 <source>Delete</source> |
4361 <translation>Törlés</translation> |
4362 </message> |
4363 <message> |
4364 <location line="+25"/> |
4365 <source>Insert</source> |
4366 <translation>Beszúrás</translation> |
4367 </message> |
4368 <message> |
4369 <location line="+3"/> |
4370 <source>Insert Page Before Current Page</source> |
4371 <translation>Lap beszúrása az aktuális lap elé</translation> |
4372 </message> |
4373 <message> |
4374 <location line="+4"/> |
4375 <source>Insert Page After Current Page</source> |
4376 <translation>Lap beszúrása az aktuális lap után</translation> |
4377 </message> |
4378 <message> |
4379 <location line="+8"/> |
4380 <source>Add Subwindow</source> |
4381 <translation>Alablak hozzáadása</translation> |
4382 </message> |
4383 <message> |
4384 <location line="+38"/> |
4385 <source>Subwindow</source> |
4386 <translation>Al ablak</translation> |
4387 </message> |
4388 <message> |
4389 <location line="+2"/> |
4390 <source>Page</source> |
4391 <translation>Lap</translation> |
4392 </message> |
4393 <message> |
4394 <location line="+1"/> |
4395 <source>Page %1 of %2</source> |
4396 <translation>%2 %1 lapja</translation> |
4397 </message> |
4398 </context> |
4399 <context> |
4400 <name>qdesigner_internal::DPI_Chooser</name> |
4401 <message> |
4402 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/dpi_chooser.cpp" line="+27"/> |
4403 <source>System (%1 x %2)</source> |
4404 <extracomment>System resolution</extracomment> |
4405 <translation>Rendszer (%1 x %2)</translation> |
4406 </message> |
4407 <message> |
4408 <location line="+7"/> |
4409 <source>User defined</source> |
4410 <translation>Felhasználó által definiált</translation> |
4411 </message> |
4412 <message> |
4413 <location line="+18"/> |
4414 <source> x </source> |
4415 <extracomment>DPI X/Y separator</extracomment> |
4416 <translation> x </translation> |
4417 </message> |
4418 </context> |
4419 <context> |
4420 <name>qdesigner_internal::DesignerPropertyManager</name> |
4421 <message> |
4422 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/designerpropertymanager.cpp" line="+647"/> |
4423 <location line="+6"/> |
4424 <source>AlignLeft</source> |
4425 <translation>IgazításBalra</translation> |
4426 </message> |
4427 <message> |
4428 <location line="-5"/> |
4429 <source>AlignHCenter</source> |
4430 <translation>IgazításHKözépre</translation> |
4431 </message> |
4432 <message> |
4433 <location line="+1"/> |
4434 <source>AlignRight</source> |
4435 <translation>IgazításJobbra</translation> |
4436 </message> |
4437 <message> |
4438 <location line="+1"/> |
4439 <source>AlignJustify</source> |
4440 <translation>IgazításFeloldása</translation> |
4441 </message> |
4442 <message> |
4443 <location line="+9"/> |
4444 <source>AlignTop</source> |
4445 <translation>IgazításTetejére</translation> |
4446 </message> |
4447 <message> |
4448 <location line="+1"/> |
4449 <location line="+4"/> |
4450 <source>AlignVCenter</source> |
4451 <translation>IgazításVKözépre</translation> |
4452 </message> |
4453 <message> |
4454 <location line="-3"/> |
4455 <source>AlignBottom</source> |
4456 <translation>IgazításAlulra</translation> |
4457 </message> |
4458 <message> |
4459 <location line="+565"/> |
4460 <source>%1, %2</source> |
4461 <translation>%1, %2</translation> |
4462 </message> |
4463 <message numerus="yes"> |
4464 <location line="+6"/> |
4465 <source>Customized (%n roles)</source> |
4466 <translation> |
4467 <numerusform>Testreszabva (%n szabály)</numerusform> |
4468 </translation> |
4469 </message> |
4470 <message> |
4471 <location line="+1"/> |
4472 <source>Inherited</source> |
4473 <translation>Örökölt</translation> |
4474 </message> |
4475 <message> |
4476 <location line="+566"/> |
4477 <source>Horizontal</source> |
4478 <translation>Horizontális</translation> |
4479 </message> |
4480 <message> |
4481 <location line="+9"/> |
4482 <source>Vertical</source> |
4483 <translation>Vertikális</translation> |
4484 </message> |
4485 <message> |
4486 <location line="+15"/> |
4487 <source>Normal Off</source> |
4488 <translation>Normál ki</translation> |
4489 </message> |
4490 <message> |
4491 <location line="+1"/> |
4492 <source>Normal On</source> |
4493 <translation>Normál be</translation> |
4494 </message> |
4495 <message> |
4496 <location line="+1"/> |
4497 <source>Disabled Off</source> |
4498 <translation>Tiltás ki</translation> |
4499 </message> |
4500 <message> |
4501 <location line="+1"/> |
4502 <source>Disabled On</source> |
4503 <translation>Tiltás be</translation> |
4504 </message> |
4505 <message> |
4506 <location line="+1"/> |
4507 <source>Active Off</source> |
4508 <translation>Aktív ki</translation> |
4509 </message> |
4510 <message> |
4511 <location line="+1"/> |
4512 <source>Active On</source> |
4513 <translation>Aktív be</translation> |
4514 </message> |
4515 <message> |
4516 <location line="+1"/> |
4517 <source>Selected Off</source> |
4518 <translation>Kiválasztás ki</translation> |
4519 </message> |
4520 <message> |
4521 <location line="+1"/> |
4522 <source>Selected On</source> |
4523 <translation>Kiválasztás be</translation> |
4524 </message> |
4525 <message> |
4526 <location line="+7"/> |
4527 <location line="+21"/> |
4528 <source>translatable</source> |
4529 <translation>fordítható</translation> |
4530 </message> |
4531 <message> |
4532 <location line="-15"/> |
4533 <location line="+21"/> |
4534 <source>disambiguation</source> |
4535 <translation>Nem félreérthető</translation> |
4536 </message> |
4537 <message> |
4538 <location line="-15"/> |
4539 <location line="+21"/> |
4540 <source>comment</source> |
4541 <translation>megjegyzés</translation> |
4542 </message> |
4543 </context> |
4544 <context> |
4545 <name>qdesigner_internal::DeviceProfileDialog</name> |
4546 <message> |
4547 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/deviceprofiledialog.cpp" line="+63"/> |
4548 <source>Device Profiles (*.%1)</source> |
4549 <translation>Eszköz profilok (*.%1)</translation> |
4550 </message> |
4551 <message> |
4552 <location line="+31"/> |
4553 <source>Default</source> |
4554 <translation>Alapértelmezett</translation> |
4555 </message> |
4556 <message> |
4557 <location line="+67"/> |
4558 <source>Save Profile</source> |
4559 <translation>Profil mentése</translation> |
4560 </message> |
4561 <message> |
4562 <location line="+10"/> |
4563 <source>Save Profile - Error</source> |
4564 <translation>Profil mentése - Hiba</translation> |
4565 </message> |
4566 <message> |
4567 <location line="+0"/> |
4568 <source>Unable to open the file '%1' for writing: %2</source> |
4569 <translation>Nem lehet megnyitni a(z) '%1' fájlt írásra: %2</translation> |
4570 </message> |
4571 <message> |
4572 <location line="+8"/> |
4573 <source>Open profile</source> |
4574 <translation>Profil megnyitása</translation> |
4575 </message> |
4576 <message> |
4577 <location line="+6"/> |
4578 <location line="+6"/> |
4579 <source>Open Profile - Error</source> |
4580 <translation>Profil megnyitása - Hiba</translation> |
4581 </message> |
4582 <message> |
4583 <location line="-6"/> |
4584 <source>Unable to open the file '%1' for reading: %2</source> |
4585 <translation>Nem lehet megnyitni a(z) '%1' fájlt olvasásra: %2</translation> |
4586 </message> |
4587 <message> |
4588 <location line="+6"/> |
4589 <source>'%1' is not a valid profile: %2</source> |
4590 <translation>'%1' nem egy érvényes profil: %2</translation> |
4591 </message> |
4592 </context> |
4593 <context> |
4594 <name>qdesigner_internal::Dialog</name> |
4595 <message> |
4596 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/stringlisteditor.ui" line="+53"/> |
4597 <source>Dialog</source> |
4598 <translation>Párbeszéd ablak</translation> |
4599 </message> |
4600 <message> |
4601 <location line="+12"/> |
4602 <source>StringList</source> |
4603 <translation>Sztring lista</translation> |
4604 </message> |
4605 <message> |
4606 <location line="+28"/> |
4607 <source>New String</source> |
4608 <translation>Új Sztring</translation> |
4609 </message> |
4610 <message> |
4611 <location line="+3"/> |
4612 <source>&New</source> |
4613 <translation>&Új</translation> |
4614 </message> |
4615 <message> |
4616 <location line="+10"/> |
4617 <source>Delete String</source> |
4618 <translation>Sztring törlése</translation> |
4619 </message> |
4620 <message> |
4621 <location line="+3"/> |
4622 <source>&Delete</source> |
4623 <translation>&Törlés</translation> |
4624 </message> |
4625 <message> |
4626 <location line="+33"/> |
4627 <source>&Value:</source> |
4628 <translation>&Érték:</translation> |
4629 </message> |
4630 <message> |
4631 <location line="+38"/> |
4632 <source>Move String Up</source> |
4633 <translation>Sztring felfelé mozgatása</translation> |
4634 </message> |
4635 <message> |
4636 <location line="+3"/> |
4637 <source>Up</source> |
4638 <translation>Fel</translation> |
4639 </message> |
4640 <message> |
4641 <location line="+7"/> |
4642 <source>Move String Down</source> |
4643 <translation>Sztring lefelé mozgatása</translation> |
4644 </message> |
4645 <message> |
4646 <location line="+3"/> |
4647 <source>Down</source> |
4648 <translation>Le</translation> |
4649 </message> |
4650 </context> |
4651 <context> |
4652 <name>qdesigner_internal::EmbeddedOptionsControl</name> |
4653 <message> |
4654 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/embeddedoptionspage.cpp" line="-260"/> |
4655 <source>None</source> |
4656 <translation>Semmi</translation> |
4657 </message> |
4658 <message> |
4659 <location line="+4"/> |
4660 <source>Add a profile</source> |
4661 <translation>Egy profil hozzáadása</translation> |
4662 </message> |
4663 <message> |
4664 <location line="+6"/> |
4665 <source>Edit the selected profile</source> |
4666 <translation>A kiválasztott profil szerkesztése</translation> |
4667 </message> |
4668 <message> |
4669 <location line="+4"/> |
4670 <source>Delete the selected profile</source> |
4671 <translation>A kiválasztott profil törlése</translation> |
4672 </message> |
4673 <message> |
4674 <location line="+22"/> |
4675 <source>Add Profile</source> |
4676 <translation>Profil hozzáadása</translation> |
4677 </message> |
4678 <message> |
4679 <location line="+7"/> |
4680 <source>New profile</source> |
4681 <translation>Új profil</translation> |
4682 </message> |
4683 <message> |
4684 <location line="+35"/> |
4685 <source>Edit Profile</source> |
4686 <translation>Profil szerkesztése</translation> |
4687 </message> |
4688 <message> |
4689 <location line="+26"/> |
4690 <source>Delete Profile</source> |
4691 <translation>Profil törlése</translation> |
4692 </message> |
4693 <message> |
4694 <location line="+1"/> |
4695 <source>Would you like to delete the profile '%1'?</source> |
4696 <translation>Törölni szeretné a(z) '%1' profilet?</translation> |
4697 </message> |
4698 <message> |
4699 <location line="+55"/> |
4700 <source>Default</source> |
4701 <translation>Alapértelmezett</translation> |
4702 </message> |
4703 </context> |
4704 <context> |
4705 <name>qdesigner_internal::FilterWidget</name> |
4706 <message> |
4707 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/filterwidget.cpp" line="+185"/> |
4708 <source><Filter></source> |
4709 <translation><Szűrő></translation> |
4710 </message> |
4711 </context> |
4712 <context> |
4713 <name>qdesigner_internal::FormEditor</name> |
4714 <message> |
4715 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/formeditor.cpp" line="+190"/> |
4716 <source>Resource File Changed</source> |
4717 <translation>Erőforrás fájl megváltoztatva</translation> |
4718 </message> |
4719 <message> |
4720 <location line="+1"/> |
4721 <source>The file "%1" has changed outside Designer. Do you want to reload it?</source> |
4722 <translation>A(z) '%1' fájl megváltoztatták a Designer-en kívül. Újra szeretné tölteni?</translation> |
4723 </message> |
4724 </context> |
4725 <context> |
4726 <name>qdesigner_internal::FormLayoutMenu</name> |
4727 <message> |
4728 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/formlayoutmenu.cpp" line="+24"/> |
4729 <source>Add form layout row...</source> |
4730 <translation>Űrlap elrendezési sor hozzáadása...</translation> |
4731 </message> |
4732 </context> |
4733 <context> |
4734 <name>qdesigner_internal::FormWindow</name> |
4735 <message> |
4736 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/formwindow.cpp" line="-1267"/> |
4737 <source>Edit contents</source> |
4738 <translation>Tartalom szerkesztése</translation> |
4739 </message> |
4740 <message> |
4741 <location line="+1"/> |
4742 <source>F2</source> |
4743 <translation>F2</translation> |
4744 </message> |
4745 <message> |
4746 <location line="+774"/> |
4747 <source>Insert widget '%1'</source> |
4748 <translation>'%1' widget beszúrása</translation> |
4749 </message> |
4750 <message> |
4751 <location line="+67"/> |
4752 <source>Resize</source> |
4753 <translation>Átméretezés</translation> |
4754 </message> |
4755 <message> |
4756 <location line="+218"/> |
4757 <location line="+15"/> |
4758 <source>Key Move</source> |
4759 <translation>Kulcs mozgatás</translation> |
4760 </message> |
4761 <message numerus="yes"> |
4762 <location line="+211"/> |
4763 <source>Paste %n action(s)</source> |
4764 <translation> |
4765 <numerusform>%n tevékenység beillesztése</numerusform> |
4766 </translation> |
4767 </message> |
4768 <message numerus="yes"> |
4769 <location line="+2"/> |
4770 <source>Paste %n widget(s)</source> |
4771 <translation> |
4772 <numerusform>%n widget beillesztése</numerusform> |
4773 </translation> |
4774 </message> |
4775 <message> |
4776 <location line="+1"/> |
4777 <source>Paste (%1 widgets, %2 actions)</source> |
4778 <translation>Beillesztés (%1 widget-ek, %2 tevékenységek)</translation> |
4779 </message> |
4780 <message> |
4781 <location line="+56"/> |
4782 <source>Cannot paste widgets. Designer could not find a container without a layout to paste into.</source> |
4783 <translation>Nem lehet beilleszteni a widget-eket. A Designer nem talált egy tárolót sem elrendezés nélküli beillesztéshez.</translation> |
4784 </message> |
4785 <message> |
4786 <location line="+2"/> |
4787 <source>Break the layout of the container you want to paste into, select this container and then paste again.</source> |
4788 <translation>A tároló elrendezésének megtörése, ahová be akarja illeszteni, válassza ki ezt a tárolót és aztán illessze e újra.</translation> |
4789 </message> |
4790 <message> |
4791 <location line="+4"/> |
4792 <source>Paste error</source> |
4793 <translation>Beillesztési hiba</translation> |
4794 </message> |
4795 <message> |
4796 <location line="+183"/> |
4797 <source>Raise widgets</source> |
4798 <translation>Widget-ek növelése</translation> |
4799 </message> |
4800 <message> |
4801 <location line="+17"/> |
4802 <source>Lower widgets</source> |
4803 <translation>Alsó widget-ek</translation> |
4804 </message> |
4805 <message> |
4806 <location line="+204"/> |
4807 <source>Select Ancestor</source> |
4808 <translation>Ős kiválasztása</translation> |
4809 </message> |
4810 <message> |
4811 <location line="+41"/> |
4812 <source>Lay out</source> |
4813 <translation>Elrendezés</translation> |
4814 </message> |
4815 <message> |
4816 <location line="+493"/> |
4817 <location line="+55"/> |
4818 <source>Drop widget</source> |
4819 <translation>Widget ejtése</translation> |
4820 </message> |
4821 <message> |
4822 <location line="-13"/> |
4823 <source>A QMainWindow-based form does not contain a central widget.</source> |
4824 <translation>Egy QMainWindow alapú űrlap nem tartalmaz egy központi widget-et.</translation> |
4825 </message> |
4826 </context> |
4827 <context> |
4828 <name>qdesigner_internal::FormWindowBase</name> |
4829 <message> |
4830 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/formwindowbase.cpp" line="+393"/> |
4831 <source>Delete '%1'</source> |
4832 <translation>'%1' törlése</translation> |
4833 </message> |
4834 <message> |
4835 <location line="+0"/> |
4836 <source>Delete</source> |
4837 <translation>Törlés</translation> |
4838 </message> |
4839 </context> |
4840 <context> |
4841 <name>qdesigner_internal::FormWindowManager</name> |
4842 <message> |
4843 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/formwindowmanager.cpp" line="+364"/> |
4844 <source>Cu&t</source> |
4845 <translation>&Kivágás</translation> |
4846 </message> |
4847 <message> |
4848 <location line="+3"/> |
4849 <source>Cuts the selected widgets and puts them on the clipboard</source> |
4850 <translation>A kiválaszott widget-ek kivágása és vágólapra helyezése</translation> |
4851 </message> |
4852 <message> |
4853 <location line="+5"/> |
4854 <source>&Copy</source> |
4855 <translation>&Másolás</translation> |
4856 </message> |
4857 <message> |
4858 <location line="+3"/> |
4859 <source>Copies the selected widgets to the clipboard</source> |
4860 <translation>A kiválasztott widget-ek vágólapra másolása</translation> |
4861 </message> |
4862 <message> |
4863 <location line="+5"/> |
4864 <source>&Paste</source> |
4865 <translation>&Beillesztés</translation> |
4866 </message> |
4867 <message> |
4868 <location line="+3"/> |
4869 <source>Pastes the clipboard's contents</source> |
4870 <translation>A vágólap tartalmának beillesztése</translation> |
4871 </message> |
4872 <message> |
4873 <location line="+5"/> |
4874 <source>&Delete</source> |
4875 <translation>&Törlés</translation> |
4876 </message> |
4877 <message> |
4878 <location line="+2"/> |
4879 <source>Deletes the selected widgets</source> |
4880 <translation>A kiválasztott widget-ek törlése</translation> |
4881 </message> |
4882 <message> |
4883 <location line="+5"/> |
4884 <source>Select &All</source> |
4885 <translation>Az &összes kiválasztása</translation> |
4886 </message> |
4887 <message> |
4888 <location line="+3"/> |
4889 <source>Selects all widgets</source> |
4890 <translation>Az összes widget kiválasztása</translation> |
4891 </message> |
4892 <message> |
4893 <location line="+5"/> |
4894 <source>Bring to &Front</source> |
4895 <translation>&Előre hozás</translation> |
4896 </message> |
4897 <message> |
4898 <location line="+3"/> |
4899 <location line="+1"/> |
4900 <source>Raises the selected widgets</source> |
4901 <translation>A kiválaszott widget-ek növelése</translation> |
4902 </message> |
4903 <message> |
4904 <location line="+4"/> |
4905 <source>Send to &Back</source> |
4906 <translation>&Visszaküldés</translation> |
4907 </message> |
4908 <message> |
4909 <location line="+3"/> |
4910 <location line="+1"/> |
4911 <source>Lowers the selected widgets</source> |
4912 <translation>Alsó kiválasztott widget-ek</translation> |
4913 </message> |
4914 <message> |
4915 <location line="+4"/> |
4916 <source>Adjust &Size</source> |
4917 <translation>&Méret igazítása</translation> |
4918 </message> |
4919 <message> |
4920 <location line="+3"/> |
4921 <source>Adjusts the size of the selected widget</source> |
4922 <translation>A kiválasztott widget méretének igazítása</translation> |
4923 </message> |
4924 <message> |
4925 <location line="+6"/> |
4926 <source>Lay Out &Horizontally</source> |
4927 <translation>Elrendezés &Horizontálisan</translation> |
4928 </message> |
4929 <message> |
4930 <location line="+3"/> |
4931 <source>Lays out the selected widgets horizontally</source> |
4932 <translation>A kiválaszott widget-ek horizontális elrendezése</translation> |
4933 </message> |
4934 <message> |
4935 <location line="+6"/> |
4936 <source>Lay Out &Vertically</source> |
4937 <translation>Elrendezés &vertikálisan</translation> |
4938 </message> |
4939 <message> |
4940 <location line="+3"/> |
4941 <source>Lays out the selected widgets vertically</source> |
4942 <translation>A kiválaszott widget-ek vertikális elrendezése</translation> |
4943 </message> |
4944 <message> |
4945 <location line="+7"/> |
4946 <source>Lay Out in a &Form Layout</source> |
4947 <translation>Elrendezés egy &Űrlap elrendezésben</translation> |
4948 </message> |
4949 <message> |
4950 <location line="+3"/> |
4951 <source>Lays out the selected widgets in a form layout</source> |
4952 <translation>A kiválaszott widget-ek elrendezése egy űrlap elrendezésben</translation> |
4953 </message> |
4954 <message> |
4955 <location line="+7"/> |
4956 <source>Lay Out in a &Grid</source> |
4957 <translation>Elrendezés egy &rácsban</translation> |
4958 </message> |
4959 <message> |
4960 <location line="+3"/> |
4961 <source>Lays out the selected widgets in a grid</source> |
4962 <translation>A kiválasztott widget-ek elrendezése egy rácsban</translation> |
4963 </message> |
4964 <message> |
4965 <location line="+7"/> |
4966 <source>Lay Out Horizontally in S&plitter</source> |
4967 <translation>Elrendezés Horizontálisan a &csúszkában</translation> |
4968 </message> |
4969 <message> |
4970 <location line="+3"/> |
4971 <source>Lays out the selected widgets horizontally in a splitter</source> |
4972 <translation>A kiválasztott widget-ek horizontális elrendezése egy csúszkában</translation> |
4973 </message> |
4974 <message> |
4975 <location line="+7"/> |
4976 <source>Lay Out Vertically in Sp&litter</source> |
4977 <translation>Elrendezés vertikálisan egy &csúszkában</translation> |
4978 </message> |
4979 <message> |
4980 <location line="+3"/> |
4981 <source>Lays out the selected widgets vertically in a splitter</source> |
4982 <translation>A kiválaszott widget-ek vertikális elrendezése egy csúszkában</translation> |
4983 </message> |
4984 <message> |
4985 <location line="+7"/> |
4986 <source>&Break Layout</source> |
4987 <translation>Elrendezés &törése</translation> |
4988 </message> |
4989 <message> |
4990 <location line="+3"/> |
4991 <source>Breaks the selected layout</source> |
4992 <translation>A kiválaszott elrendezés törése</translation> |
4993 </message> |
4994 <message> |
4995 <location line="+5"/> |
4996 <source>Si&mplify Grid Layout</source> |
4997 <translation>Egy&szerűsített rács elrendezés</translation> |
4998 </message> |
4999 <message> |
5000 <location line="+2"/> |
5001 <source>Removes empty columns and rows</source> |
5002 <translation>Üres oszlopok és sorok eltávolítása</translation> |
5003 </message> |
5004 <message> |
5005 <location line="+6"/> |
5006 <source>&Preview...</source> |
5007 <translation>&Előnézet...</translation> |
5008 </message> |
5009 <message> |
5010 <location line="+2"/> |
5011 <source>Preview current form</source> |
5012 <translation>Aktuális űrlap előnézet</translation> |
5013 </message> |
5014 <message> |
5015 <location line="+15"/> |
5016 <source>Form &Settings...</source> |
5017 <translation>Űrlap &beállítások...</translation> |
5018 </message> |
5019 <message> |
5020 <location line="+92"/> |
5021 <source>Break Layout</source> |
5022 <translation>Elrendezés törése</translation> |
5023 </message> |
5024 <message> |
5025 <location line="+26"/> |
5026 <source>Adjust Size</source> |
5027 <translation>Méret igazítása</translation> |
5028 </message> |
5029 <message> |
5030 <location line="+43"/> |
5031 <source>Could not create form preview</source> |
5032 <comment>Title of warning message box</comment> |
5033 <translation>Nem sikerült létrehozni az űrlap előnézetet</translation> |
5034 </message> |
5035 <message> |
5036 <location line="+341"/> |
5037 <source>Form Settings - %1</source> |
5038 <translation>Űrlap beállítások - %1</translation> |
5039 </message> |
5040 </context> |
5041 <context> |
5042 <name>qdesigner_internal::FormWindowSettings</name> |
5043 <message> |
5044 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/formwindowsettings.cpp" line="+193"/> |
5045 <source>None</source> |
5046 <translation>Semmi</translation> |
5047 </message> |
5048 <message> |
5049 <location line="+1"/> |
5050 <source>Device Profile: %1</source> |
5051 <translation>Eszköz profil: %1</translation> |
5052 </message> |
5053 </context> |
5054 <context> |
5055 <name>qdesigner_internal::GridPanel</name> |
5056 <message> |
5057 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/gridpanel.ui" line="+13"/> |
5058 <source>Form</source> |
5059 <translation>Űrlap</translation> |
5060 </message> |
5061 <message> |
5062 <location line="+18"/> |
5063 <source>Grid</source> |
5064 <translation>Rács</translation> |
5065 </message> |
5066 <message> |
5067 <location line="+12"/> |
5068 <source>Visible</source> |
5069 <translation>Látható</translation> |
5070 </message> |
5071 <message> |
5072 <location line="+7"/> |
5073 <source>Grid &X</source> |
5074 <translation>Rács &X</translation> |
5075 </message> |
5076 <message> |
5077 <location line="+26"/> |
5078 <location line="+57"/> |
5079 <source>Snap</source> |
5080 <translation>Bepattintás</translation> |
5081 </message> |
5082 <message> |
5083 <location line="-48"/> |
5084 <source>Reset</source> |
5085 <translation>Újraindítás</translation> |
5086 </message> |
5087 <message> |
5088 <location line="+22"/> |
5089 <source>Grid &Y</source> |
5090 <translation>Rács &Y</translation> |
5091 </message> |
5092 </context> |
5093 <context> |
5094 <name>qdesigner_internal::GroupBoxTaskMenu</name> |
5095 <message> |
5096 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/groupbox_taskmenu.cpp" line="+82"/> |
5097 <source>Change title...</source> |
5098 <translation>Cím változtatása...</translation> |
5099 </message> |
5100 </context> |
5101 <context> |
5102 <name>qdesigner_internal::HtmlTextEdit</name> |
5103 <message> |
5104 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/richtexteditor.cpp" line="-58"/> |
5105 <source>Insert HTML entity</source> |
5106 <translation>HTML entitás beszúrása</translation> |
5107 </message> |
5108 </context> |
5109 <context> |
5110 <name>qdesigner_internal::IconSelector</name> |
5111 <message> |
5112 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/iconselector.cpp" line="-24"/> |
5113 <source>The pixmap file '%1' cannot be read.</source> |
5114 <translation>A(z) '%1' pixmap fájlt nem lehet olvasni.</translation> |
5115 </message> |
5116 <message> |
5117 <location line="+6"/> |
5118 <source>The file '%1' does not appear to be a valid pixmap file: %2</source> |
5119 <translation>A(z) '%1' fájlt nem egy érvényes pixmap fájl: %2</translation> |
5120 </message> |
5121 <message> |
5122 <location line="+9"/> |
5123 <source>The file '%1' could not be read: %2</source> |
5124 <translation>A(z) '%1' fájlt nem sikerült olvasni: %2</translation> |
5125 </message> |
5126 <message> |
5127 <location line="+33"/> |
5128 <source>Choose a Pixmap</source> |
5129 <translation>Egy pixmap kiválasztása</translation> |
5130 </message> |
5131 <message> |
5132 <location line="+7"/> |
5133 <source>Pixmap Read Error</source> |
5134 <translation>Pixmap olvasási hiba</translation> |
5135 </message> |
5136 <message> |
5137 <location line="+54"/> |
5138 <source>...</source> |
5139 <translation>...</translation> |
5140 </message> |
5141 <message> |
5142 <location line="+6"/> |
5143 <source>Normal Off</source> |
5144 <translation>Normál ki</translation> |
5145 </message> |
5146 <message> |
5147 <location line="+1"/> |
5148 <source>Normal On</source> |
5149 <translation>Normál be</translation> |
5150 </message> |
5151 <message> |
5152 <location line="+1"/> |
5153 <source>Disabled Off</source> |
5154 <translation>Tiltás ki</translation> |
5155 </message> |
5156 <message> |
5157 <location line="+1"/> |
5158 <source>Disabled On</source> |
5159 <translation>Tiltás be</translation> |
5160 </message> |
5161 <message> |
5162 <location line="+1"/> |
5163 <source>Active Off</source> |
5164 <translation>Aktív ki</translation> |
5165 </message> |
5166 <message> |
5167 <location line="+1"/> |
5168 <source>Active On</source> |
5169 <translation>Aktív be</translation> |
5170 </message> |
5171 <message> |
5172 <location line="+1"/> |
5173 <source>Selected Off</source> |
5174 <translation>Kiválaszott ki</translation> |
5175 </message> |
5176 <message> |
5177 <location line="+1"/> |
5178 <source>Selected On</source> |
5179 <translation>Kiválaszott be</translation> |
5180 </message> |
5181 <message> |
5182 <location line="+8"/> |
5183 <source>Choose Resource...</source> |
5184 <translation>Erőforrás kiválasztása...</translation> |
5185 </message> |
5186 <message> |
5187 <location line="+1"/> |
5188 <source>Choose File...</source> |
5189 <translation>Fájl kiválasztása...</translation> |
5190 </message> |
5191 <message> |
5192 <location line="+1"/> |
5193 <source>Reset</source> |
5194 <translation>Újraindítás</translation> |
5195 </message> |
5196 <message> |
5197 <location line="+1"/> |
5198 <source>Reset All</source> |
5199 <translation>Az összes újraindítása</translation> |
5200 </message> |
5201 </context> |
5202 <context> |
5203 <name>qdesigner_internal::ItemListEditor</name> |
5204 <message> |
5205 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/itemlisteditor.cpp" line="+358"/> |
5206 <source>Properties &<<</source> |
5207 <translation>Tulajdonságok &<<</translation> |
5208 </message> |
5209 <message> |
5210 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/itemlisteditor.ui" line="+143"/> |
5211 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/itemlisteditor.cpp" line="+2"/> |
5212 <source>Properties &>></source> |
5213 <translation>Tulajdonságok &>></translation> |
5214 </message> |
5215 <message> |
5216 <location line="-75"/> |
5217 <source>Items List</source> |
5218 <translation>Elem lista</translation> |
5219 </message> |
5220 <message> |
5221 <location line="+9"/> |
5222 <source>New Item</source> |
5223 <translation>Új elem</translation> |
5224 </message> |
5225 <message> |
5226 <location line="+3"/> |
5227 <source>&New</source> |
5228 <translation>&Új</translation> |
5229 </message> |
5230 <message> |
5231 <location line="+7"/> |
5232 <source>Delete Item</source> |
5233 <translation>Elem törlése</translation> |
5234 </message> |
5235 <message> |
5236 <location line="+3"/> |
5237 <source>&Delete</source> |
5238 <translation>&Törlés</translation> |
5239 </message> |
5240 <message> |
5241 <location line="+20"/> |
5242 <source>Move Item Up</source> |
5243 <translation>Elem mozgatása felfelé</translation> |
5244 </message> |
5245 <message> |
5246 <location line="+3"/> |
5247 <source>U</source> |
5248 <translation>U</translation> |
5249 </message> |
5250 <message> |
5251 <location line="+7"/> |
5252 <source>Move Item Down</source> |
5253 <translation>Elem mozgatása lefelé</translation> |
5254 </message> |
5255 <message> |
5256 <location line="+3"/> |
5257 <source>D</source> |
5258 <translation>D</translation> |
5259 </message> |
5260 </context> |
5261 <context> |
5262 <name>qdesigner_internal::LabelTaskMenu</name> |
5263 <message> |
5264 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/label_taskmenu.cpp" line="+85"/> |
5265 <source>Change rich text...</source> |
5266 <translation>Gazdag szöveg választása...</translation> |
5267 </message> |
5268 <message> |
5269 <location line="+1"/> |
5270 <source>Change plain text...</source> |
5271 <translation>Egyszerű szöveg választása...</translation> |
5272 </message> |
5273 </context> |
5274 <context> |
5275 <name>qdesigner_internal::LanguageResourceDialog</name> |
5276 <message> |
5277 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/iconselector.cpp" line="-343"/> |
5278 <source>Choose Resource</source> |
5279 <translation>Erőforrás kiválasztása</translation> |
5280 </message> |
5281 </context> |
5282 <context> |
5283 <name>qdesigner_internal::LineEditTaskMenu</name> |
5284 <message> |
5285 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/lineedit_taskmenu.cpp" line="+80"/> |
5286 <source>Change text...</source> |
5287 <translation>Szöveg kiválasztása...</translation> |
5288 </message> |
5289 </context> |
5290 <context> |
5291 <name>qdesigner_internal::ListWidgetEditor</name> |
5292 <message> |
5293 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/listwidgeteditor.cpp" line="+69"/> |
5294 <source>New Item</source> |
5295 <translation>Új elem</translation> |
5296 </message> |
5297 <message> |
5298 <location line="+32"/> |
5299 <source>Edit List Widget</source> |
5300 <translation>Widget szerkesztési lista</translation> |
5301 </message> |
5302 <message> |
5303 <location line="+19"/> |
5304 <source>Edit Combobox</source> |
5305 <translation>Combobox szerkesztése</translation> |
5306 </message> |
5307 </context> |
5308 <context> |
5309 <name>qdesigner_internal::ListWidgetTaskMenu</name> |
5310 <message> |
5311 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/listwidget_taskmenu.cpp" line="+67"/> |
5312 <source>Edit Items...</source> |
5313 <translation>Elemek szerkesztése...</translation> |
5314 </message> |
5315 <message> |
5316 <location line="+38"/> |
5317 <source>Change List Contents</source> |
5318 <translation>Tartalom változtatási lista</translation> |
5319 </message> |
5320 </context> |
5321 <context> |
5322 <name>qdesigner_internal::MdiContainerWidgetTaskMenu</name> |
5323 <message> |
5324 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/containerwidget_taskmenu.cpp" line="+118"/> |
5325 <source>Next Subwindow</source> |
5326 <translation>Új alablak</translation> |
5327 </message> |
5328 <message> |
5329 <location line="+1"/> |
5330 <source>Previous Subwindow</source> |
5331 <translation>Előző alablak</translation> |
5332 </message> |
5333 <message> |
5334 <location line="+1"/> |
5335 <source>Tile</source> |
5336 <translation>Cserép</translation> |
5337 </message> |
5338 <message> |
5339 <location line="+1"/> |
5340 <source>Cascade</source> |
5341 <translation>Kaszkád</translation> |
5342 </message> |
5343 </context> |
5344 <context> |
5345 <name>qdesigner_internal::MenuTaskMenu</name> |
5346 <message> |
5347 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/menutaskmenu.cpp" line="+56"/> |
5348 <source>Remove</source> |
5349 <translation>Eltávolítás</translation> |
5350 </message> |
5351 </context> |
5352 <context> |
5353 <name>qdesigner_internal::MorphMenu</name> |
5354 <message> |
5355 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/morphmenu.cpp" line="+264"/> |
5356 <source>Morph into</source> |
5357 <translation>Morph into</translation> |
5358 </message> |
5359 </context> |
5360 <context> |
5361 <name>qdesigner_internal::NewActionDialog</name> |
5362 <message> |
5363 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/newactiondialog.ui" line="+46"/> |
5364 <source>New Action...</source> |
5365 <translation>Új tevékenység...</translation> |
5366 </message> |
5367 <message> |
5368 <location line="+8"/> |
5369 <source>&Text:</source> |
5370 <translation>&Szöveg:</translation> |
5371 </message> |
5372 <message> |
5373 <location line="+20"/> |
5374 <source>Object &name:</source> |
5375 <translation>Objektum &név:</translation> |
5376 </message> |
5377 <message> |
5378 <location line="+13"/> |
5379 <source>&Icon:</source> |
5380 <translation>&Ikon:</translation> |
5381 </message> |
5382 <message> |
5383 <location line="+30"/> |
5384 <source>Shortcut:</source> |
5385 <translation>Rövidebb út:</translation> |
5386 </message> |
5387 <message> |
5388 <location line="+14"/> |
5389 <source>Checkable:</source> |
5390 <translation>Ellenőrizhető:</translation> |
5391 </message> |
5392 <message> |
5393 <location line="+7"/> |
5394 <source>ToolTip:</source> |
5395 <translation>Eszköz tipp:</translation> |
5396 </message> |
5397 <message> |
5398 <location line="+19"/> |
5399 <location line="+21"/> |
5400 <source>...</source> |
5401 <translation>...</translation> |
5402 </message> |
5403 </context> |
5404 <context> |
5405 <name>qdesigner_internal::NewDynamicPropertyDialog</name> |
5406 <message> |
5407 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/newdynamicpropertydialog.cpp" line="+134"/> |
5408 <source>Set Property Name</source> |
5409 <translation>Tulajdonság nevének beállítása</translation> |
5410 </message> |
5411 <message> |
5412 <location line="+11"/> |
5413 <source>The current object already has a property named '%1'. |
5414 Please select another, unique one.</source> |
5415 <translation>Az aktuális objektumnak már van egy '%1' nevű tulajdonsága. |
5416 Kérem válasszon másikat, egy egyedülállót.</translation> |
5417 </message> |
5418 <message> |
5419 <location line="+4"/> |
5420 <source>The '_q_' prefix is reserved for the Qt library. |
5421 Please select another name.</source> |
5422 <translation>Az '_q_' előtag foglalt a Qt könyvtárhoz. |
5423 Kérem válasszon másikat.</translation> |
5424 </message> |
5425 <message> |
5426 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/newdynamicpropertydialog.ui" line="+13"/> |
5427 <source>Create Dynamic Property</source> |
5428 <translation>Dinamikus tulajdonság létrehozása</translation> |
5429 </message> |
5430 <message> |
5431 <location line="+24"/> |
5432 <source>Property Name</source> |
5433 <translation>Tulajdonság Neve</translation> |
5434 </message> |
5435 <message> |
5436 <location line="+12"/> |
5437 <source>horizontalSpacer</source> |
5438 <translation>horizontálisTávtartó</translation> |
5439 </message> |
5440 <message> |
5441 <location line="+24"/> |
5442 <source>Property Type</source> |
5443 <translation>Tulajdonság Típusa</translation> |
5444 </message> |
5445 </context> |
5446 <context> |
5447 <name>qdesigner_internal::NewFormWidget</name> |
5448 <message> |
5449 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/newformwidget.cpp" line="+104"/> |
5450 <source>Default size</source> |
5451 <translation>Alapértelmezett méret</translation> |
5452 </message> |
5453 <message> |
5454 <location line="+1"/> |
5455 <source>QVGA portrait (240x320)</source> |
5456 <translation>QVGA portré (240x320)</translation> |
5457 </message> |
5458 <message> |
5459 <location line="+1"/> |
5460 <source>QVGA landscape (320x240)</source> |
5461 <translation>QVGA tájkép (320x240)</translation> |
5462 </message> |
5463 <message> |
5464 <location line="+1"/> |
5465 <source>VGA portrait (480x640)</source> |
5466 <translation>VGA portré (480x640)</translation> |
5467 </message> |
5468 <message> |
5469 <location line="+1"/> |
5470 <source>VGA landscape (640x480)</source> |
5471 <translation>VGA tájkép: (640x480)</translation> |
5472 </message> |
5473 <message> |
5474 <location line="+66"/> |
5475 <source>Widgets</source> |
5476 <extracomment>New Form Dialog Categories</extracomment> |
5477 <translation>Widget-ek</translation> |
5478 </message> |
5479 <message> |
5480 <location line="+1"/> |
5481 <source>Custom Widgets</source> |
5482 <translation>Egyéni Widget-ek</translation> |
5483 </message> |
5484 <message> |
5485 <location line="+18"/> |
5486 <source>None</source> |
5487 <translation>Semmi</translation> |
5488 </message> |
5489 <message> |
5490 <location line="+57"/> |
5491 <source>Error loading form</source> |
5492 <translation>Hiba történt az űrlap betöltése közben</translation> |
5493 </message> |
5494 <message> |
5495 <location line="+244"/> |
5496 <source>Unable to open the form template file '%1': %2</source> |
5497 <translation>Nem lehet megnyitni a(z) '%1' űrlap sablon fájlt: %2</translation> |
5498 </message> |
5499 <message> |
5500 <location line="+67"/> |
5501 <source>Internal error: No template selected.</source> |
5502 <translation>Belső hiba: Nincsen sablon kiválasztva.</translation> |
5503 </message> |
5504 <message> |
5505 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/newformwidget.ui" line="+82"/> |
5506 <source>0</source> |
5507 <translation>0</translation> |
5508 </message> |
5509 <message> |
5510 <location line="+19"/> |
5511 <source>Choose a template for a preview</source> |
5512 <translation>Válasszon egy sablont egy előnézetre</translation> |
5513 </message> |
5514 <message> |
5515 <location line="+44"/> |
5516 <source>Embedded Design</source> |
5517 <translation>Beágyazott tervezés</translation> |
5518 </message> |
5519 <message> |
5520 <location line="+12"/> |
5521 <source>Device:</source> |
5522 <translation>Eszköz:</translation> |
5523 </message> |
5524 <message> |
5525 <location line="+7"/> |
5526 <source>Screen Size:</source> |
5527 <translation>Képernyő méret:</translation> |
5528 </message> |
5529 </context> |
5530 <context> |
5531 <name>qdesigner_internal::NewPromotedClassPanel</name> |
5532 <message> |
5533 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_promotiondialog.cpp" line="+92"/> |
5534 <source>Add</source> |
5535 <translation>Hozzáadás</translation> |
5536 </message> |
5537 <message> |
5538 <location line="+2"/> |
5539 <source>New Promoted Class</source> |
5540 <translation>Új támogatott osztály</translation> |
5541 </message> |
5542 <message> |
5543 <location line="+15"/> |
5544 <source>Base class name:</source> |
5545 <translation>Alap osztály név:</translation> |
5546 </message> |
5547 <message> |
5548 <location line="+1"/> |
5549 <source>Promoted class name:</source> |
5550 <translation>Támogatott osztály neve:</translation> |
5551 </message> |
5552 <message> |
5553 <location line="+1"/> |
5554 <source>Header file:</source> |
5555 <translation>Fejállomány:</translation> |
5556 </message> |
5557 <message> |
5558 <location line="+1"/> |
5559 <source>Global include</source> |
5560 <translation>Globális include</translation> |
5561 </message> |
5562 <message> |
5563 <location line="+11"/> |
5564 <source>Reset</source> |
5565 <translation>Újraindítás</translation> |
5566 </message> |
5567 </context> |
5568 <context> |
5569 <name>qdesigner_internal::ObjectInspector</name> |
5570 <message> |
5571 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/objectinspector/objectinspector.cpp" line="+754"/> |
5572 <source>&Find in Text...</source> |
5573 <translation>&Keresés a szövegben...</translation> |
5574 </message> |
5575 </context> |
5576 <context> |
5577 <name>qdesigner_internal::ObjectInspector::ObjectInspectorPrivate</name> |
5578 <message> |
5579 <location line="-438"/> |
5580 <source>Change Current Page</source> |
5581 <translation>Aktuális lap megváltoztatása</translation> |
5582 </message> |
5583 </context> |
5584 <context> |
5585 <name>qdesigner_internal::OrderDialog</name> |
5586 <message> |
5587 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/orderdialog.cpp" line="+109"/> |
5588 <source>Index %1 (%2)</source> |
5589 <translation>Index %1 (%2)</translation> |
5590 </message> |
5591 <message> |
5592 <location line="+3"/> |
5593 <source>%1 %2</source> |
5594 <translation>%1 %2</translation> |
5595 </message> |
5596 <message> |
5597 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/orderdialog.ui" line="+53"/> |
5598 <source>Change Page Order</source> |
5599 <translation>Lap sorrend megváltoztatása</translation> |
5600 </message> |
5601 <message> |
5602 <location line="+6"/> |
5603 <source>Page Order</source> |
5604 <translation>Lap sorrend</translation> |
5605 </message> |
5606 <message> |
5607 <location line="+57"/> |
5608 <source>Move page up</source> |
5609 <translation>Lap mozgatása felfelé</translation> |
5610 </message> |
5611 <message> |
5612 <location line="+7"/> |
5613 <source>Move page down</source> |
5614 <translation>Lap mozgatása lefelé</translation> |
5615 </message> |
5616 </context> |
5617 <context> |
5618 <name>qdesigner_internal::PaletteEditor</name> |
5619 <message> |
5620 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/paletteeditor.ui" line="+61"/> |
5621 <source>Edit Palette</source> |
5622 <translation>Paletta szerkesztése</translation> |
5623 </message> |
5624 <message> |
5625 <location line="+24"/> |
5626 <source>Tune Palette</source> |
5627 <translation>Paletta finomhangolása</translation> |
5628 </message> |
5629 <message> |
5630 <location line="+37"/> |
5631 <source>Show Details</source> |
5632 <translation>Részletek megjelenítése</translation> |
5633 </message> |
5634 <message> |
5635 <location line="+7"/> |
5636 <source>Compute Details</source> |
5637 <translation>Számítási részletek</translation> |
5638 </message> |
5639 <message> |
5640 <location line="+10"/> |
5641 <source>Quick</source> |
5642 <translation>Gyors</translation> |
5643 </message> |
5644 <message> |
5645 <location line="+18"/> |
5646 <source>Preview</source> |
5647 <translation>Előnézet</translation> |
5648 </message> |
5649 <message> |
5650 <location line="+12"/> |
5651 <source>Disabled</source> |
5652 <translation>Tiltott</translation> |
5653 </message> |
5654 <message> |
5655 <location line="+7"/> |
5656 <source>Inactive</source> |
5657 <translation>Inaktív</translation> |
5658 </message> |
5659 <message> |
5660 <location line="+7"/> |
5661 <source>Active</source> |
5662 <translation>Aktív</translation> |
5663 </message> |
5664 </context> |
5665 <context> |
5666 <name>qdesigner_internal::PaletteEditorButton</name> |
5667 <message> |
5668 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/paletteeditorbutton.cpp" line="+57"/> |
5669 <source>Change Palette</source> |
5670 <translation>Paletta megváltoztatása</translation> |
5671 </message> |
5672 </context> |
5673 <context> |
5674 <name>qdesigner_internal::PaletteModel</name> |
5675 <message> |
5676 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/paletteeditor.cpp" line="+374"/> |
5677 <source>Color Role</source> |
5678 <translation>Szín szabály</translation> |
5679 </message> |
5680 <message> |
5681 <location line="+2"/> |
5682 <source>Active</source> |
5683 <translation>Aktív</translation> |
5684 </message> |
5685 <message> |
5686 <location line="+2"/> |
5687 <source>Inactive</source> |
5688 <translation>Inaktív</translation> |
5689 </message> |
5690 <message> |
5691 <location line="+2"/> |
5692 <source>Disabled</source> |
5693 <translation>Tiltott</translation> |
5694 </message> |
5695 </context> |
5696 <context> |
5697 <name>qdesigner_internal::PixmapEditor</name> |
5698 <message> |
5699 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/designerpropertymanager.cpp" line="-1541"/> |
5700 <source>Choose Resource...</source> |
5701 <translation>Erőforrás kiválasztása...</translation> |
5702 </message> |
5703 <message> |
5704 <location line="+1"/> |
5705 <source>Choose File...</source> |
5706 <translation>Fájl kiválasztása...</translation> |
5707 </message> |
5708 <message> |
5709 <location line="+1"/> |
5710 <source>Copy Path</source> |
5711 <translation>Útvonal kiválasztása</translation> |
5712 </message> |
5713 <message> |
5714 <location line="+1"/> |
5715 <source>Paste Path</source> |
5716 <translation>Útvonal beillesztése</translation> |
5717 </message> |
5718 <message> |
5719 <location line="+6"/> |
5720 <location line="+16"/> |
5721 <source>...</source> |
5722 <translation>...</translation> |
5723 </message> |
5724 </context> |
5725 <context> |
5726 <name>qdesigner_internal::PlainTextEditorDialog</name> |
5727 <message> |
5728 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/plaintexteditor.cpp" line="+65"/> |
5729 <source>Edit text</source> |
5730 <translation>Szöveg szerkesztése</translation> |
5731 </message> |
5732 </context> |
5733 <context> |
5734 <name>qdesigner_internal::PluginDialog</name> |
5735 <message> |
5736 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/plugindialog.cpp" line="+72"/> |
5737 <source>Components</source> |
5738 <translation>Komponensek</translation> |
5739 </message> |
5740 <message> |
5741 <location line="+13"/> |
5742 <source>Plugin Information</source> |
5743 <translation>Beépülő modul információ</translation> |
5744 </message> |
5745 <message> |
5746 <location line="+4"/> |
5747 <source>Refresh</source> |
5748 <translation>Felfrissítés</translation> |
5749 </message> |
5750 <message> |
5751 <location line="+1"/> |
5752 <source>Scan for newly installed custom widget plugins.</source> |
5753 <translation>Újonnan telepített egyéni widget beépülő modulok letapogatása.</translation> |
5754 </message> |
5755 <message> |
5756 <location line="+48"/> |
5757 <source>Qt Designer couldn't find any plugins</source> |
5758 <translation>Qt Designer nem talált egyetlen beépülő modult sem</translation> |
5759 </message> |
5760 <message> |
5761 <location line="+3"/> |
5762 <source>Qt Designer found the following plugins</source> |
5763 <translation>Qt Designer a következő beépülő modulokat találta</translation> |
5764 </message> |
5765 <message> |
5766 <location line="+55"/> |
5767 <source>New custom widget plugins have been found.</source> |
5768 <translation>Új egyéni widget betöltő modul talált.</translation> |
5769 </message> |
5770 </context> |
5771 <context> |
5772 <name>qdesigner_internal::PreviewActionGroup</name> |
5773 <message> |
5774 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/previewactiongroup.cpp" line="+95"/> |
5775 <source>%1 Style</source> |
5776 <translation>%1 Stílus</translation> |
5777 </message> |
5778 </context> |
5779 <context> |
5780 <name>qdesigner_internal::PreviewConfigurationWidget</name> |
5781 <message> |
5782 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/previewconfigurationwidget.cpp" line="+139"/> |
5783 <source>Default</source> |
5784 <translation>Alapértelmezett</translation> |
5785 </message> |
5786 <message> |
5787 <location line="+22"/> |
5788 <source>None</source> |
5789 <translation>Semmi</translation> |
5790 </message> |
5791 <message> |
5792 <location line="+6"/> |
5793 <source>Browse...</source> |
5794 <translation>Böngészés...</translation> |
5795 </message> |
5796 </context> |
5797 <context> |
5798 <name>qdesigner_internal::PreviewConfigurationWidget::PreviewConfigurationWidgetPrivate</name> |
5799 <message> |
5800 <location line="+118"/> |
5801 <source>Load Custom Device Skin</source> |
5802 <translation>Egyéni eszköz szkin betöltése</translation> |
5803 </message> |
5804 <message> |
5805 <location line="+2"/> |
5806 <source>All QVFB Skins (*.%1)</source> |
5807 <translation>Az összes QVFB szkin (*.%1)</translation> |
5808 </message> |
5809 <message> |
5810 <location line="+16"/> |
5811 <source>%1 - Duplicate Skin</source> |
5812 <translation>%1 - Duplikált szkin</translation> |
5813 </message> |
5814 <message> |
5815 <location line="+1"/> |
5816 <source>The skin '%1' already exists.</source> |
5817 <translation>A(z) '%1' szkin már létezik.</translation> |
5818 </message> |
5819 <message> |
5820 <location line="+14"/> |
5821 <source>%1 - Error</source> |
5822 <translation>%1 - Hiba</translation> |
5823 </message> |
5824 <message> |
5825 <location line="+1"/> |
5826 <source>%1 is not a valid skin directory: |
5827 %2</source> |
5828 <translation>%1 nem egy érvényes szkin könyvtár: |
5829 %2</translation> |
5830 </message> |
5831 </context> |
5832 <context> |
5833 <name>qdesigner_internal::PreviewDeviceSkin</name> |
5834 <message> |
5835 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/previewmanager.cpp" line="+259"/> |
5836 <source>&Portrait</source> |
5837 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5838 </message> |
5839 <message> |
5840 <location line="+2"/> |
5841 <source>Landscape (&CCW)</source> |
5842 <extracomment>Rotate form preview counter-clockwise</extracomment> |
5843 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5844 </message> |
5845 <message> |
5846 <location line="+2"/> |
5847 <source>&Landscape (CW)</source> |
5848 <extracomment>Rotate form preview clockwise</extracomment> |
5849 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5850 </message> |
5851 <message> |
5852 <location line="+1"/> |
5853 <source>&Close</source> |
5854 <translation>&Bezárás</translation> |
5855 </message> |
5856 </context> |
5857 <context> |
5858 <name>qdesigner_internal::PreviewManager</name> |
5859 <message> |
5860 <location line="+426"/> |
5861 <source>%1 - [Preview]</source> |
5862 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5863 </message> |
5864 </context> |
5865 <context> |
5866 <name>qdesigner_internal::PreviewMdiArea</name> |
5867 <message> |
5868 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/previewframe.cpp" line="+72"/> |
5869 <source>The moose in the noose |
5870 ate the goose who was loose.</source> |
5871 <extracomment>Palette editor background</extracomment> |
5872 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5873 </message> |
5874 </context> |
5875 <context> |
5876 <name>qdesigner_internal::PreviewWidget</name> |
5877 <message> |
5878 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/previewwidget.ui" line="+61"/> |
5879 <source>Preview Window</source> |
5880 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5881 </message> |
5882 <message> |
5883 <location line="+20"/> |
5884 <source>LineEdit</source> |
5885 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5886 </message> |
5887 <message> |
5888 <location line="+8"/> |
5889 <source>ComboBox</source> |
5890 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5891 </message> |
5892 <message> |
5893 <location line="+19"/> |
5894 <source>PushButton</source> |
5895 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5896 </message> |
5897 <message> |
5898 <location line="+58"/> |
5899 <source>ButtonGroup2</source> |
5900 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5901 </message> |
5902 <message> |
5903 <location line="+12"/> |
5904 <source>CheckBox1</source> |
5905 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5906 </message> |
5907 <message> |
5908 <location line="+10"/> |
5909 <source>CheckBox2</source> |
5910 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5911 </message> |
5912 <message> |
5913 <location line="+10"/> |
5914 <source>ButtonGroup</source> |
5915 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5916 </message> |
5917 <message> |
5918 <location line="+12"/> |
5919 <source>RadioButton1</source> |
5920 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5921 </message> |
5922 <message> |
5923 <location line="+10"/> |
5924 <source>RadioButton2</source> |
5925 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5926 </message> |
5927 <message> |
5928 <location line="+7"/> |
5929 <source>RadioButton3</source> |
5930 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5931 </message> |
5932 </context> |
5933 <context> |
5934 <name>qdesigner_internal::PromotionModel</name> |
5935 <message> |
5936 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/promotionmodel.cpp" line="+17"/> |
5937 <source>Name</source> |
5938 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5939 </message> |
5940 <message> |
5941 <location line="+1"/> |
5942 <source>Header file</source> |
5943 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5944 </message> |
5945 <message> |
5946 <location line="+1"/> |
5947 <source>Global include</source> |
5948 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5949 </message> |
5950 <message> |
5951 <location line="+1"/> |
5952 <source>Usage</source> |
5953 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5954 </message> |
5955 </context> |
5956 <context> |
5957 <name>qdesigner_internal::PromotionTaskMenu</name> |
5958 <message> |
5959 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/promotiontaskmenu.cpp" line="+85"/> |
5960 <source>Promoted widgets...</source> |
5961 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5962 </message> |
5963 <message> |
5964 <location line="+1"/> |
5965 <source>Promote to ...</source> |
5966 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5967 </message> |
5968 <message> |
5969 <location line="+1"/> |
5970 <source>Change signals/slots...</source> |
5971 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5972 </message> |
5973 <message> |
5974 <location line="+1"/> |
5975 <source>Promote to</source> |
5976 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5977 </message> |
5978 <message> |
5979 <location line="+1"/> |
5980 <source>Demote to %1</source> |
5981 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5982 </message> |
5983 </context> |
5984 <context> |
5985 <name>qdesigner_internal::PropertyEditor</name> |
5986 <message> |
5987 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/propertyeditor.cpp" line="+183"/> |
5988 <source>Add Dynamic Property...</source> |
5989 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5990 </message> |
5991 <message> |
5992 <location line="+1"/> |
5993 <source>Remove Dynamic Property</source> |
5994 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
5995 </message> |
5996 <message> |
5997 <location line="+1"/> |
5998 <source>Sorting</source> |
5999 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6000 </message> |
6001 <message> |
6002 <location line="+1"/> |
6003 <source>Color Groups</source> |
6004 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6005 </message> |
6006 <message> |
6007 <location line="+1"/> |
6008 <source>Tree View</source> |
6009 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6010 </message> |
6011 <message> |
6012 <location line="+1"/> |
6013 <source>Drop Down Button View</source> |
6014 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6015 </message> |
6016 <message> |
6017 <location line="+50"/> |
6018 <source>String...</source> |
6019 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6020 </message> |
6021 <message> |
6022 <location line="+3"/> |
6023 <source>Bool...</source> |
6024 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6025 </message> |
6026 <message> |
6027 <location line="+4"/> |
6028 <source>Other...</source> |
6029 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6030 </message> |
6031 <message> |
6032 <location line="+7"/> |
6033 <source>Configure Property Editor</source> |
6034 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6035 </message> |
6036 <message> |
6037 <location line="+533"/> |
6038 <source>Object: %1 |
6039 Class: %2</source> |
6040 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6041 </message> |
6042 </context> |
6043 <context> |
6044 <name>qdesigner_internal::PropertyLineEdit</name> |
6045 <message> |
6046 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/propertylineedit.cpp" line="+88"/> |
6047 <source>Insert line break</source> |
6048 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6049 </message> |
6050 </context> |
6051 <context> |
6052 <name>qdesigner_internal::QDesignerPromotionDialog</name> |
6053 <message> |
6054 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_promotiondialog.cpp" line="+85"/> |
6055 <source>Promoted Widgets</source> |
6056 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6057 </message> |
6058 <message> |
6059 <location line="+7"/> |
6060 <source>Promoted Classes</source> |
6061 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6062 </message> |
6063 <message> |
6064 <location line="+60"/> |
6065 <source>Promote</source> |
6066 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6067 </message> |
6068 <message> |
6069 <location line="+152"/> |
6070 <source>Change signals/slots...</source> |
6071 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6072 </message> |
6073 <message> |
6074 <location line="+17"/> |
6075 <source>%1 - Error</source> |
6076 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6077 </message> |
6078 </context> |
6079 <context> |
6080 <name>qdesigner_internal::QDesignerResource</name> |
6081 <message> |
6082 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/qdesigner_resource.cpp" line="+277"/> |
6083 <source>Loading qrc file</source> |
6084 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6085 </message> |
6086 <message> |
6087 <location line="+1"/> |
6088 <source>The specified qrc file <p><b>%1</b></p><p>could not be found. Do you want to update the file location?</p></source> |
6089 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6090 </message> |
6091 <message> |
6092 <location line="+6"/> |
6093 <source>New location for %1</source> |
6094 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6095 </message> |
6096 <message> |
6097 <location line="+1"/> |
6098 <source>Resource files (*.qrc)</source> |
6099 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6100 </message> |
6101 </context> |
6102 <context> |
6103 <name>qdesigner_internal::QDesignerTaskMenu</name> |
6104 <message> |
6105 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_taskmenu.cpp" line="+68"/> |
6106 <source>Change objectName...</source> |
6107 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6108 </message> |
6109 <message> |
6110 <location line="+1"/> |
6111 <source>Change toolTip...</source> |
6112 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6113 </message> |
6114 <message> |
6115 <location line="+1"/> |
6116 <source>Change whatsThis...</source> |
6117 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6118 </message> |
6119 <message> |
6120 <location line="+1"/> |
6121 <source>Change styleSheet...</source> |
6122 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6123 </message> |
6124 <message> |
6125 <location line="+3"/> |
6126 <source>Create Menu Bar</source> |
6127 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6128 </message> |
6129 <message> |
6130 <location line="+1"/> |
6131 <source>Add Tool Bar</source> |
6132 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6133 </message> |
6134 <message> |
6135 <location line="+1"/> |
6136 <source>Create Status Bar</source> |
6137 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6138 </message> |
6139 <message> |
6140 <location line="+1"/> |
6141 <source>Remove Status Bar</source> |
6142 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6143 </message> |
6144 <message> |
6145 <location line="+1"/> |
6146 <source>Change script...</source> |
6147 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6148 </message> |
6149 <message> |
6150 <location line="+1"/> |
6151 <source>Change signals/slots...</source> |
6152 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6153 </message> |
6154 <message> |
6155 <location line="+1"/> |
6156 <source>Go to slot...</source> |
6157 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6158 </message> |
6159 <message> |
6160 <location line="+3"/> |
6161 <source>Size Constraints</source> |
6162 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6163 </message> |
6164 <message> |
6165 <location line="+4"/> |
6166 <source>Set Minimum Width</source> |
6167 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6168 </message> |
6169 <message> |
6170 <location line="+4"/> |
6171 <source>Set Minimum Height</source> |
6172 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6173 </message> |
6174 <message> |
6175 <location line="+4"/> |
6176 <source>Set Minimum Size</source> |
6177 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6178 </message> |
6179 <message> |
6180 <location line="+6"/> |
6181 <source>Set Maximum Width</source> |
6182 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6183 </message> |
6184 <message> |
6185 <location line="+4"/> |
6186 <source>Set Maximum Height</source> |
6187 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6188 </message> |
6189 <message> |
6190 <location line="+4"/> |
6191 <source>Set Maximum Size</source> |
6192 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6193 </message> |
6194 <message> |
6195 <location line="+235"/> |
6196 <source>Edit ToolTip</source> |
6197 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6198 </message> |
6199 <message> |
6200 <location line="+5"/> |
6201 <source>Edit WhatsThis</source> |
6202 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6203 </message> |
6204 <message> |
6205 <location line="+144"/> |
6206 <source>no signals available</source> |
6207 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6208 </message> |
6209 <message numerus="yes"> |
6210 <location line="+67"/> |
6211 <source>Set size constraint on %n widget(s)</source> |
6212 <translation type="unfinished"> |
6213 <numerusform></numerusform> |
6214 </translation> |
6215 </message> |
6216 </context> |
6217 <context> |
6218 <name>qdesigner_internal::QDesignerWidgetBox</name> |
6219 <message> |
6220 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_widgetbox.cpp" line="+123"/> |
6221 <location line="+13"/> |
6222 <source>Unexpected element <%1></source> |
6223 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6224 </message> |
6225 <message> |
6226 <location line="+7"/> |
6227 <source>A parse error occurred at line %1, column %2 of the XML code specified for the widget %3: %4 |
6228 %5</source> |
6229 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6230 </message> |
6231 <message> |
6232 <location line="+9"/> |
6233 <source>The XML code specified for the widget %1 does not contain any widget elements. |
6234 %2</source> |
6235 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6236 </message> |
6237 <message> |
6238 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/widgetbox/widgetboxtreewidget.cpp" line="+349"/> |
6239 <source>An error has been encountered at line %1 of %2: %3</source> |
6240 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6241 </message> |
6242 <message> |
6243 <location line="+139"/> |
6244 <source>Unexpected element <%1> encountered when parsing for <widget> or <ui></source> |
6245 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6246 </message> |
6247 <message> |
6248 <location line="+19"/> |
6249 <source>Unexpected end of file encountered when parsing widgets.</source> |
6250 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6251 </message> |
6252 <message> |
6253 <location line="+9"/> |
6254 <source>A widget element could not be found.</source> |
6255 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6256 </message> |
6257 </context> |
6258 <context> |
6259 <name>qdesigner_internal::QtGradientStopsController</name> |
6260 <message> |
6261 <location filename="../tools/shared/qtgradienteditor/qtgradientstopscontroller.cpp" line="+173"/> |
6262 <source>H</source> |
6263 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6264 </message> |
6265 <message> |
6266 <location line="+1"/> |
6267 <source>S</source> |
6268 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6269 </message> |
6270 <message> |
6271 <location line="+1"/> |
6272 <source>V</source> |
6273 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6274 </message> |
6275 <message> |
6276 <location line="+6"/> |
6277 <location line="+4"/> |
6278 <source>Hue</source> |
6279 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6280 </message> |
6281 <message> |
6282 <location line="-3"/> |
6283 <source>Sat</source> |
6284 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6285 </message> |
6286 <message> |
6287 <location line="+1"/> |
6288 <source>Val</source> |
6289 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6290 </message> |
6291 <message> |
6292 <location line="+3"/> |
6293 <source>Saturation</source> |
6294 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6295 </message> |
6296 <message> |
6297 <location line="+1"/> |
6298 <source>Value</source> |
6299 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6300 </message> |
6301 <message> |
6302 <location line="+22"/> |
6303 <source>R</source> |
6304 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6305 </message> |
6306 <message> |
6307 <location line="+1"/> |
6308 <source>G</source> |
6309 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6310 </message> |
6311 <message> |
6312 <location line="+1"/> |
6313 <source>B</source> |
6314 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6315 </message> |
6316 <message> |
6317 <location line="+6"/> |
6318 <source>Red</source> |
6319 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6320 </message> |
6321 <message> |
6322 <location line="+1"/> |
6323 <source>Green</source> |
6324 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6325 </message> |
6326 <message> |
6327 <location line="+1"/> |
6328 <source>Blue</source> |
6329 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6330 </message> |
6331 </context> |
6332 <context> |
6333 <name>qdesigner_internal::RichTextEditorDialog</name> |
6334 <message> |
6335 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/richtexteditor.cpp" line="+436"/> |
6336 <source>Edit text</source> |
6337 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6338 </message> |
6339 <message> |
6340 <location line="+23"/> |
6341 <source>Rich Text</source> |
6342 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6343 </message> |
6344 <message> |
6345 <location line="+1"/> |
6346 <source>Source</source> |
6347 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6348 </message> |
6349 <message> |
6350 <location line="+6"/> |
6351 <source>&OK</source> |
6352 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6353 </message> |
6354 <message> |
6355 <location line="+2"/> |
6356 <source>&Cancel</source> |
6357 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6358 </message> |
6359 </context> |
6360 <context> |
6361 <name>qdesigner_internal::RichTextEditorToolBar</name> |
6362 <message> |
6363 <location line="-302"/> |
6364 <source>Bold</source> |
6365 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6366 </message> |
6367 <message> |
6368 <location line="+1"/> |
6369 <source>CTRL+B</source> |
6370 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6371 </message> |
6372 <message> |
6373 <location line="+5"/> |
6374 <source>Italic</source> |
6375 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6376 </message> |
6377 <message> |
6378 <location line="+1"/> |
6379 <source>CTRL+I</source> |
6380 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6381 </message> |
6382 <message> |
6383 <location line="+5"/> |
6384 <source>Underline</source> |
6385 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6386 </message> |
6387 <message> |
6388 <location line="+1"/> |
6389 <source>CTRL+U</source> |
6390 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6391 </message> |
6392 <message> |
6393 <location line="+13"/> |
6394 <source>Left Align</source> |
6395 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6396 </message> |
6397 <message> |
6398 <location line="+5"/> |
6399 <source>Center</source> |
6400 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6401 </message> |
6402 <message> |
6403 <location line="+5"/> |
6404 <source>Right Align</source> |
6405 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6406 </message> |
6407 <message> |
6408 <location line="+5"/> |
6409 <source>Justify</source> |
6410 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6411 </message> |
6412 <message> |
6413 <location line="+9"/> |
6414 <source>Superscript</source> |
6415 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6416 </message> |
6417 <message> |
6418 <location line="+6"/> |
6419 <source>Subscript</source> |
6420 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6421 </message> |
6422 <message> |
6423 <location line="+9"/> |
6424 <source>Insert &Link</source> |
6425 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6426 </message> |
6427 <message> |
6428 <location line="+5"/> |
6429 <source>Insert &Image</source> |
6430 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6431 </message> |
6432 </context> |
6433 <context> |
6434 <name>qdesigner_internal::ScriptDialog</name> |
6435 <message> |
6436 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/scriptdialog.cpp" line="+66"/> |
6437 <source>Edit script</source> |
6438 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6439 </message> |
6440 <message> |
6441 <location line="+5"/> |
6442 <source><html>Enter a Qt Script snippet to be executed while loading the form.<br>The widget and its children are accessible via the variables <i>widget</i> and <i>childWidgets</i>, respectively.</source> |
6443 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6444 </message> |
6445 <message> |
6446 <location line="+51"/> |
6447 <source>Syntax error</source> |
6448 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6449 </message> |
6450 </context> |
6451 <context> |
6452 <name>qdesigner_internal::ScriptErrorDialog</name> |
6453 <message> |
6454 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/scripterrordialog.cpp" line="+27"/> |
6455 <source>Script errors</source> |
6456 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6457 </message> |
6458 </context> |
6459 <context> |
6460 <name>qdesigner_internal::SignalSlotDialog</name> |
6461 <message> |
6462 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/signalslotdialog.cpp" line="+199"/> |
6463 <source>There is already a slot with the signature '%1'.</source> |
6464 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6465 </message> |
6466 <message> |
6467 <location line="+5"/> |
6468 <source>There is already a signal with the signature '%1'.</source> |
6469 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6470 </message> |
6471 <message> |
6472 <location line="+7"/> |
6473 <source>%1 - Duplicate Signature</source> |
6474 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6475 </message> |
6476 <message> |
6477 <location line="+21"/> |
6478 <location line="+76"/> |
6479 <source>Signals/Slots of %1</source> |
6480 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6481 </message> |
6482 </context> |
6483 <context> |
6484 <name>qdesigner_internal::SignalSlotEditorPlugin</name> |
6485 <message> |
6486 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/signalsloteditor/signalsloteditor_plugin.cpp" line="+72"/> |
6487 <source>Edit Signals/Slots</source> |
6488 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6489 </message> |
6490 <message> |
6491 <location line="+2"/> |
6492 <source>F4</source> |
6493 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6494 </message> |
6495 </context> |
6496 <context> |
6497 <name>qdesigner_internal::SignalSlotEditorTool</name> |
6498 <message> |
6499 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/signalsloteditor/signalsloteditor_tool.cpp" line="+58"/> |
6500 <source>Edit Signals/Slots</source> |
6501 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6502 </message> |
6503 </context> |
6504 <context> |
6505 <name>qdesigner_internal::StatusBarTaskMenu</name> |
6506 <message> |
6507 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/toolbar_taskmenu.cpp" line="+81"/> |
6508 <source>Remove</source> |
6509 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6510 </message> |
6511 </context> |
6512 <context> |
6513 <name>qdesigner_internal::StringListEditorButton</name> |
6514 <message> |
6515 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/stringlisteditorbutton.cpp" line="+56"/> |
6516 <source>Change String List</source> |
6517 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6518 </message> |
6519 </context> |
6520 <context> |
6521 <name>qdesigner_internal::StyleSheetEditorDialog</name> |
6522 <message> |
6523 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/stylesheeteditor.cpp" line="+90"/> |
6524 <location line="+280"/> |
6525 <source>Valid Style Sheet</source> |
6526 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6527 </message> |
6528 <message> |
6529 <location line="-278"/> |
6530 <source>Add Resource...</source> |
6531 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6532 </message> |
6533 <message> |
6534 <location line="+1"/> |
6535 <source>Add Gradient...</source> |
6536 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6537 </message> |
6538 <message> |
6539 <location line="+1"/> |
6540 <source>Add Color...</source> |
6541 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6542 </message> |
6543 <message> |
6544 <location line="+1"/> |
6545 <source>Add Font...</source> |
6546 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6547 </message> |
6548 <message> |
6549 <location line="+2"/> |
6550 <source>Edit Style Sheet</source> |
6551 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6552 </message> |
6553 <message> |
6554 <location line="+276"/> |
6555 <source>Invalid Style Sheet</source> |
6556 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6557 </message> |
6558 </context> |
6559 <context> |
6560 <name>qdesigner_internal::TabOrderEditor</name> |
6561 <message> |
6562 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/tabordereditor/tabordereditor.cpp" line="+363"/> |
6563 <source>Start from Here</source> |
6564 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6565 </message> |
6566 <message> |
6567 <location line="+3"/> |
6568 <source>Restart</source> |
6569 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6570 </message> |
6571 <message> |
6572 <location line="+2"/> |
6573 <source>Tab Order List...</source> |
6574 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6575 </message> |
6576 <message> |
6577 <location line="+44"/> |
6578 <source>Tab Order List</source> |
6579 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6580 </message> |
6581 <message> |
6582 <location line="+1"/> |
6583 <source>Tab Order</source> |
6584 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6585 </message> |
6586 </context> |
6587 <context> |
6588 <name>qdesigner_internal::TabOrderEditorPlugin</name> |
6589 <message> |
6590 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/tabordereditor/tabordereditor_plugin.cpp" line="+73"/> |
6591 <source>Edit Tab Order</source> |
6592 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6593 </message> |
6594 </context> |
6595 <context> |
6596 <name>qdesigner_internal::TabOrderEditorTool</name> |
6597 <message> |
6598 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/tabordereditor/tabordereditor_tool.cpp" line="+57"/> |
6599 <source>Edit Tab Order</source> |
6600 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6601 </message> |
6602 </context> |
6603 <context> |
6604 <name>qdesigner_internal::TableWidgetEditor</name> |
6605 <message> |
6606 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/tablewidgeteditor.ui" line="+97"/> |
6607 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/tablewidgeteditor.cpp" line="+218"/> |
6608 <source>Properties &>></source> |
6609 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6610 </message> |
6611 <message> |
6612 <location line="-44"/> |
6613 <source>Edit Table Widget</source> |
6614 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6615 </message> |
6616 <message> |
6617 <location line="+10"/> |
6618 <source>&Items</source> |
6619 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6620 </message> |
6621 <message> |
6622 <location line="+12"/> |
6623 <source>Table Items</source> |
6624 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6625 </message> |
6626 <message> |
6627 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/tablewidgeteditor.cpp" line="-151"/> |
6628 <source>New Column</source> |
6629 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6630 </message> |
6631 <message> |
6632 <location line="+3"/> |
6633 <source>New Row</source> |
6634 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6635 </message> |
6636 <message> |
6637 <location line="+8"/> |
6638 <source>&Columns</source> |
6639 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6640 </message> |
6641 <message> |
6642 <location line="+1"/> |
6643 <source>&Rows</source> |
6644 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6645 </message> |
6646 <message> |
6647 <location line="+137"/> |
6648 <source>Properties &<<</source> |
6649 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6650 </message> |
6651 </context> |
6652 <context> |
6653 <name>qdesigner_internal::TableWidgetTaskMenu</name> |
6654 <message> |
6655 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/tablewidget_taskmenu.cpp" line="+64"/> |
6656 <source>Edit Items...</source> |
6657 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6658 </message> |
6659 </context> |
6660 <context> |
6661 <name>qdesigner_internal::TemplateOptionsWidget</name> |
6662 <message> |
6663 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/templateoptionspage.cpp" line="-18"/> |
6664 <source>Pick a directory to save templates in</source> |
6665 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6666 </message> |
6667 <message> |
6668 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/templateoptionspage.ui" line="+13"/> |
6669 <source>Form</source> |
6670 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6671 </message> |
6672 <message> |
6673 <location line="+6"/> |
6674 <source>Additional Template Paths</source> |
6675 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6676 </message> |
6677 <message> |
6678 <location line="+9"/> |
6679 <location line="+7"/> |
6680 <source>...</source> |
6681 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6682 </message> |
6683 </context> |
6684 <context> |
6685 <name>qdesigner_internal::TextEditTaskMenu</name> |
6686 <message> |
6687 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/textedit_taskmenu.cpp" line="+58"/> |
6688 <source>Edit HTML</source> |
6689 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6690 </message> |
6691 <message> |
6692 <location line="+1"/> |
6693 <source>Change HTML...</source> |
6694 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6695 </message> |
6696 <message> |
6697 <location line="+9"/> |
6698 <source>Edit Text</source> |
6699 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6700 </message> |
6701 <message> |
6702 <location line="+1"/> |
6703 <source>Change Plain Text...</source> |
6704 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6705 </message> |
6706 </context> |
6707 <context> |
6708 <name>qdesigner_internal::TextEditor</name> |
6709 <message> |
6710 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/propertyeditor/designerpropertymanager.cpp" line="-204"/> |
6711 <source>Choose Resource...</source> |
6712 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6713 </message> |
6714 <message> |
6715 <location line="+1"/> |
6716 <source>Choose File...</source> |
6717 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6718 </message> |
6719 <message> |
6720 <location line="+5"/> |
6721 <source>...</source> |
6722 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6723 </message> |
6724 <message> |
6725 <location line="+118"/> |
6726 <source>Choose a File</source> |
6727 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6728 </message> |
6729 </context> |
6730 <context> |
6731 <name>qdesigner_internal::ToolBarEventFilter</name> |
6732 <message> |
6733 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/qdesigner_toolbar.cpp" line="+148"/> |
6734 <source>Insert Separator before '%1'</source> |
6735 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6736 </message> |
6737 <message> |
6738 <location line="+9"/> |
6739 <source>Append Separator</source> |
6740 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6741 </message> |
6742 <message> |
6743 <location line="+12"/> |
6744 <source>Remove action '%1'</source> |
6745 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6746 </message> |
6747 <message> |
6748 <location line="+7"/> |
6749 <source>Remove Toolbar '%1'</source> |
6750 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6751 </message> |
6752 <message> |
6753 <location line="+58"/> |
6754 <source>Insert Separator</source> |
6755 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6756 </message> |
6757 </context> |
6758 <context> |
6759 <name>qdesigner_internal::TreeWidgetEditor</name> |
6760 <message> |
6761 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/treewidgeteditor.cpp" line="+68"/> |
6762 <source>New Column</source> |
6763 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6764 </message> |
6765 <message> |
6766 <location line="+8"/> |
6767 <source>&Columns</source> |
6768 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6769 </message> |
6770 <message> |
6771 <location line="+69"/> |
6772 <source>Per column properties</source> |
6773 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6774 </message> |
6775 <message> |
6776 <location line="+1"/> |
6777 <source>Common properties</source> |
6778 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6779 </message> |
6780 <message> |
6781 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/treewidgeteditor.ui" line="+101"/> |
6782 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/treewidgeteditor.cpp" line="+53"/> |
6783 <source>New Item</source> |
6784 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6785 </message> |
6786 <message> |
6787 <location line="+10"/> |
6788 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/treewidgeteditor.cpp" line="+19"/> |
6789 <source>New Subitem</source> |
6790 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6791 </message> |
6792 <message> |
6793 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/treewidgeteditor.cpp" line="+175"/> |
6794 <source>Properties &<<</source> |
6795 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6796 </message> |
6797 <message> |
6798 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/treewidgeteditor.ui" line="+86"/> |
6799 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/treewidgeteditor.cpp" line="+2"/> |
6800 <source>Properties &>></source> |
6801 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6802 </message> |
6803 <message> |
6804 <location line="-144"/> |
6805 <source>Edit Tree Widget</source> |
6806 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6807 </message> |
6808 <message> |
6809 <location line="+10"/> |
6810 <source>&Items</source> |
6811 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6812 </message> |
6813 <message> |
6814 <location line="+24"/> |
6815 <source>Tree Items</source> |
6816 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6817 </message> |
6818 <message> |
6819 <location line="+4"/> |
6820 <source>1</source> |
6821 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6822 </message> |
6823 <message> |
6824 <location line="+13"/> |
6825 <source>&New</source> |
6826 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6827 </message> |
6828 <message> |
6829 <location line="+10"/> |
6830 <source>New &Subitem</source> |
6831 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6832 </message> |
6833 <message> |
6834 <location line="+7"/> |
6835 <source>Delete Item</source> |
6836 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6837 </message> |
6838 <message> |
6839 <location line="+3"/> |
6840 <source>&Delete</source> |
6841 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6842 </message> |
6843 <message> |
6844 <location line="+20"/> |
6845 <source>Move Item Left (before Parent Item)</source> |
6846 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6847 </message> |
6848 <message> |
6849 <location line="+3"/> |
6850 <source>L</source> |
6851 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6852 </message> |
6853 <message> |
6854 <location line="+7"/> |
6855 <source>Move Item Right (as a First Subitem of the Next Sibling Item)</source> |
6856 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6857 </message> |
6858 <message> |
6859 <location line="+3"/> |
6860 <source>R</source> |
6861 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6862 </message> |
6863 <message> |
6864 <location line="+7"/> |
6865 <source>Move Item Up</source> |
6866 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6867 </message> |
6868 <message> |
6869 <location line="+3"/> |
6870 <source>U</source> |
6871 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6872 </message> |
6873 <message> |
6874 <location line="+7"/> |
6875 <source>Move Item Down</source> |
6876 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6877 </message> |
6878 <message> |
6879 <location line="+3"/> |
6880 <source>D</source> |
6881 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6882 </message> |
6883 </context> |
6884 <context> |
6885 <name>qdesigner_internal::TreeWidgetTaskMenu</name> |
6886 <message> |
6887 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/treewidget_taskmenu.cpp" line="+63"/> |
6888 <source>Edit Items...</source> |
6889 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6890 </message> |
6891 </context> |
6892 <context> |
6893 <name>qdesigner_internal::WidgetBox</name> |
6894 <message> |
6895 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/widgetbox/widgetbox_dnditem.cpp" line="+115"/> |
6896 <source>Warning: Widget creation failed in the widget box. This could be caused by invalid custom widget XML.</source> |
6897 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6898 </message> |
6899 </context> |
6900 <context> |
6901 <name>qdesigner_internal::WidgetBoxTreeWidget</name> |
6902 <message> |
6903 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/widgetbox/widgetboxtreewidget.cpp" line="-268"/> |
6904 <source>Scratchpad</source> |
6905 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6906 </message> |
6907 <message> |
6908 <location line="+370"/> |
6909 <source>Custom Widgets</source> |
6910 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6911 </message> |
6912 <message> |
6913 <location line="+263"/> |
6914 <source>Expand all</source> |
6915 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6916 </message> |
6917 <message> |
6918 <location line="+1"/> |
6919 <source>Collapse all</source> |
6920 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6921 </message> |
6922 <message> |
6923 <location line="+3"/> |
6924 <source>List View</source> |
6925 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6926 </message> |
6927 <message> |
6928 <location line="+1"/> |
6929 <source>Icon View</source> |
6930 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6931 </message> |
6932 <message> |
6933 <location line="+15"/> |
6934 <source>Remove</source> |
6935 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6936 </message> |
6937 <message> |
6938 <location line="+2"/> |
6939 <source>Edit name</source> |
6940 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6941 </message> |
6942 </context> |
6943 <context> |
6944 <name>qdesigner_internal::WidgetDataBase</name> |
6945 <message> |
6946 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/widgetdatabase.cpp" line="-411"/> |
6947 <source>A custom widget plugin whose class name (%1) matches that of an existing class has been found.</source> |
6948 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6949 </message> |
6950 </context> |
6951 <context> |
6952 <name>qdesigner_internal::WidgetEditorTool</name> |
6953 <message> |
6954 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/formeditor/tool_widgeteditor.cpp" line="+67"/> |
6955 <source>Edit Widgets</source> |
6956 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6957 </message> |
6958 </context> |
6959 <context> |
6960 <name>qdesigner_internal::WidgetFactory</name> |
6961 <message> |
6962 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/widgetfactory.cpp" line="+263"/> |
6963 <source>The custom widget factory registered for widgets of class %1 returned 0.</source> |
6964 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6965 </message> |
6966 <message> |
6967 <location line="+44"/> |
6968 <source>A class name mismatch occurred when creating a widget using the custom widget factory registered for widgets of class %1. It returned a widget of class %2.</source> |
6969 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6970 </message> |
6971 <message> |
6972 <location line="+99"/> |
6973 <source>%1 Widget</source> |
6974 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6975 </message> |
6976 <message> |
6977 <location line="+90"/> |
6978 <source>The current page of the container '%1' (%2) could not be determined while creating a layout.This indicates an inconsistency in the ui-file, probably a layout being constructed on a container widget.</source> |
6979 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6980 </message> |
6981 <message> |
6982 <location line="+53"/> |
6983 <source>Attempt to add a layout to a widget '%1' (%2) which already has an unmanaged layout of type %3. |
6984 This indicates an inconsistency in the ui-file.</source> |
6985 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6986 </message> |
6987 <message> |
6988 <location line="+211"/> |
6989 <source>Cannot create style '%1'.</source> |
6990 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6991 </message> |
6992 </context> |
6993 <context> |
6994 <name>qdesigner_internal::WizardContainerWidgetTaskMenu</name> |
6995 <message> |
6996 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/components/taskmenu/containerwidget_taskmenu.cpp" line="-49"/> |
6997 <source>Next</source> |
6998 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
6999 </message> |
7000 <message> |
7001 <location line="+1"/> |
7002 <source>Back</source> |
7003 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
7004 </message> |
7005 </context> |
7006 <context> |
7007 <name>qdesigner_internal::ZoomMenu</name> |
7008 <message> |
7009 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/zoomwidget.cpp" line="+84"/> |
7010 <source>%1 %</source> |
7011 <extracomment>Zoom factor</extracomment> |
7012 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
7013 </message> |
7014 </context> |
7015 <context> |
7016 <name>qdesigner_internal::ZoomablePreviewDeviceSkin</name> |
7017 <message> |
7018 <location filename="../tools/designer/src/lib/shared/previewmanager.cpp" line="-270"/> |
7019 <source>&Zoom</source> |
7020 <translation type="unfinished"></translation> |
7021 </message> |
7022 </context> |
7023 </TS> |