changeset 0 15bf7259bb7c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15bf7259bb7c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Loads textures.
    15 *
    16 */
    23 #include <e32base.h>
    24 #include <e32cmn.h>
    25 #include <alf/alftexture.h>
    28 /* Forward declarations */
    29 class CAlfEnv;
    30 class CAlfTextureProcessor;
    31 class CAlfTextureManager;
    32 class MAlfBitmapProvider;
    33 struct TLoadQueueEntry;
    34 struct TTextureEntry;
    36 /**
    37  * Special texture id, can be used to let CAlfTextureManager to assign
    38  * ids for textures when those are created or loaded.
    39  * 
    40  * @see CAlfTextureManager
    41  */
    42 const TInt KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId = 0;
    44 /**
    45  * Texture release level. 
    46  *
    47  * @see Release(), RestoreL()
    48  * @see CAlfTexture::SetPriority()
    49  */
    50 enum TAlfTexturePriority
    51     {
    52     /** Texture is released only on destruction */
    53     EAlfTexturePriorityHighest = 0,
    55     /** Texture is released on the background only if memory is running out */ 
    56     EAlfTexturePriorityHigh = 1000,
    58     /** Texture is released when application goes into background */ 
    59     EAlfTexturePriorityNormal= 2000, // = default
    61     /** Texture is released on the foreground if memory is running out */
    62     EAlfTexturePriorityLow= 3000
    63     };
    65 /**
    66  * Provides callback methods for getting notifications when texture manager
    67  * finishes asynchronous texture loads. An observer of a CAlfTextureManager.
    68  *
    69  * The class willing to receive these events must implement the methods
    70  * of this interface, and then register itself to the obsevers list of
    71  * the texture manager.
    72  *
    73  * @see CAlfTextureManager
    74  */
    75 class MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver
    76     {
    77 public:
    78     /**
    79      * Called to notify the observer that loading of a texture has
    80      * been completed.
    81      * @param aTexture Reference to the texture that has been loaded.
    82      * @param aTextureId Id of the texture in the texture manager. Can be used
    83      * to identify the loaded texture, provided that an id was assigned to the
    84      * texture.
    85      * @param aErrorCode KErrNone if the load was successful, otherwise one of
    86      * the system-wide error codes indicating reason why the texture loading
    87      * failed.
    88      * @note One should not commence loading of a new texture in this callback method.
    89      */
    90     virtual void TextureLoadingCompleted(CAlfTexture& aTexture,
    91                                          TInt aTextureId,
    92                                          TInt aErrorCode) = 0;
    94     };
    96 /**
    97  * Provides callback methods for getting notifications of texture manager state
    98  * changes. An observer of a CAlfTextureManager.
    99  *
   100  * @see CAlfTextureManager
   101  */
   102 class MAlfTextureManagerStateChangedObserver
   103     {
   104 public:
   105     /**
   106      * Called to notify the observer that the state of the texture manager
   107      * has changed. This is called when the state changes between Idle and
   108      * Loading.
   109      *
   110      * @param aManager  Texture manager.
   111      */
   112     virtual void TextureManagerStateChanged(const CAlfTextureManager& aManager) = 0;
   114     };
   118 /**
   119  * Provides callback methods for getting notifications when texture manager
   120  * notices a texture which preferrred size is changed.
   121  *
   122  * The class willing to receive these events must implement the methods
   123  * of this interface, and then register itself to the obsevers list of
   124  * the texture manager.
   125  *
   126  */
   127 class MAlfTextureAutoSizeObserver
   128     {
   129 public:
   130     /**
   131      * Called to notify the observer that the preferred size of some texture
   132      * has been changed.
   133      *
   134      * @param aChangedTexture  Texture which preferred size has changed.
   135      * @param aPreferredSize preferred size for texture.
   136      * @return ETrue if observer accepts new size, EFalse if it does not accept or 
   137      * doesn't care. 
   138      */
   139     virtual TBool PreferredSizeChanged(const CAlfTexture& aChangedTexture, TSize aPreferredSize) = 0;
   140     };
   143 /**
   144  * CAlfTextureManager is responsible for managing the texture objects used by
   145  * the application. It provides asynchronous loading of image data into
   146  * CAlfTexture instances. The texture manager also manages font textures,
   147  * which can be used for compositing text in text meshes.
   148  *
   149  * The texture manager makes sure that only one copy of each image is loaded
   150  * at a time, so even if the application requests the same image several times
   151  * it is only loaded once. Textures are identified either by an integer ID or
   152  * by their file name.
   153  *
   154  * CAlfTextureManager is owned by CAlfEnv, and should be accessed via a
   155  * CAlfEnv instance. You should never construct your own texturemanagers.
   156  * 
   157  * Usage:
   158  * @code
   159  * 
   160  *  //Get TextureManager
   161  * CAlfTextureManager* textureMgr =  &iEnv->TextureManager();
   162  * 
   163  * //Set texturemanager image path
   164  * textureMgr->setImagePath(_L( "C:\\data\\Images\\Pictures\\" ) );
   165  * 
   166  * //Load texture
   167  * CAlfTexture* texture = textureMgr->LoadTextureL( _L("1.bmp"), EAlfTextureFlagDefault, 10 );
   168  * 
   169  * //Unload texture. Here, texture instance itself is not destroyed, only its 
   170  * //contents are emptied.
   171  * textureMgr->UnloadTexture(10);
   172  * 
   173  *  //Update texturecontent without changing the texture istance
   174  *  textureMgr->updateTextureFromFile( 10, _L( "2.jpg" ) );
   175  * 
   176  *  //Create texture 
   177  *  //BitmapProviderTest - implements MalfBitMapProvider interface
   178  *  //Default implementation of this interface, provided by toolkit is
   179  *  //CAlfImageLoaderUtil
   180  *  BitmapProviderTest* callback = new (ELeave) BitmapProviderTest();
   181  *  textureMgr->CreateTextureL( 42, *callback, EAlfTextureFlagDefault );
   182  * 
   183  *  @endcode
   184  *  @lib alfclient.lib
   185  *  @since S60 v3.2
   186  */
   187 NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CAlfTextureManager ): public CActive
   188     {
   189 public:
   191     /**
   192      * States of a CAlfTextureManager object.
   193      */
   194     enum TState
   195         {
   196         /** Indicates that the manager is in idle state. A new bitmap loading
   197             operation can be started. */
   198         EIdle,
   200         /** Indicates that the manager is loading a bitmap. */
   201         ELoading
   202         };
   204     /* Constructors and destructor. */
   206     /**
   207      * Static factory method. Creates a texture appropriate for the current
   208      * renderer.
   209      */
   210     static CAlfTextureManager* NewL(CAlfEnv& aEnv, TUid aUid);
   212     /**
   213      * Static factory method. Creates a texture appropriate for the current
   214      * renderer.
   215      */
   216     static CAlfTextureManager* NewLC(CAlfEnv& aEnv, TUid aUid);
   218     /**
   219      * Destructor.
   220      */
   221     virtual ~CAlfTextureManager();
   224     /* Methods. */
   226     /** @beginAPI */
   228     /**
   229      * Determines the environment the manager belongs to.
   230      */
   231 	IMPORT_C CAlfEnv& Env();
   233     /**
   234      * Retuns a texture having given id. Will return a default blank
   235      * texture if the id was not found.
   236      */
   237     IMPORT_C const CAlfTexture* Texture(TInt aId) const;
   239     /**
   240      * Returns a texture associated with the given id.
   241      * Will leave if no associated texture exists. 
   242      *
   243      * @param aId Id of the retrieved texture.
   244      * @return Pointer to the texture. If the method leaves the return value is undefined.
   245      * @leave KErrNotFound If a texture with the given id does not exist.
   246      */
   247     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture* TextureL(TInt aId);
   249     /**
   250      * Sets the path where bitmaps are loaded from. If drive is not included, tries to resolver that 
   251      * using CCoeEnv
   252      *
   253      * @param aPath  Path for bitmap files.
   254      * @see LoadTexture() Call to load textures from this location.
   255      */
   256     IMPORT_C void SetImagePathL(const TDesC& aPath);
   258     /**
   259      * Returns the current image path.
   260      * @see LoadTexture() Call to load textures from this location.
   261      */
   262     IMPORT_C const TDesC& ImagePath() const;
   264     /**
   265      * Returns the blank texture. This can be used as a dummy texture if
   266      * no real texture is available.
   267      */
   268     IMPORT_C const CAlfTexture& BlankTexture() const;
   270     /**
   271      * Returns the blank texture. This can be used as a dummy texture if
   272      * no real texture is available. Will generate the blank texture
   273      * if the texture is not yet available.
   274      */
   275     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& BlankTexture();
   277     /**
   278      * Loads an image and makes it a texture. The bitmap files are searched in
   279      * the path specified with SetImagePathL. The format of the loaded image
   280      * must be supported by the system (Series 60) codecs.
   281      *
   282      * LoadTextureL is an asynchronous method, which returns an empty texture
   283      * which is loaded and filled in the background. Register an
   284      * MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver instance to the iLoadedObservers
   285      * array, whose TextureLoadingCompleted() method will be called when
   286      * textures finish loading. The same observer is also called if an error
   287      * occurs during the loading process. The other method is to check if an
   288      * image has been loaded with TextureManagers IsLoaded().
   289      *
   290      * If a texture with the given id or filename is already loaded the previously
   291      * loaded texture is returned. If texture with the given id has been unloaded
   292      * with UnloadTexture() method then the id is reused by loading a new texture
   293      * on the id.
   294      *
   295      * @param aImageFileName    Name of the image bitmap file to load. Relative
   296      *                          to the image load path. If empty filename is
   297      *                          used, will check if a filename for the id has
   298      *                          been defined and load a texture using that resource
   299      *                          location, if possible.
   300      * @param aFlags            Specify flags for the texture loading and
   301      *                          uploading - how to convert the bitmap to
   302      *                          texture.
   303      * @param aId               Id for the texture. Must be unique.
   304      *                          KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId can be used to let 
   305      *                          texture manager automatically decide id.
   306      *
   307      * @note                    If both image name and id are left undefined
   308      *                          ("" and zero), will return a blank texture.
   309      *
   310      * @return                  Reference to the texture.
   311      *
   312      * @see SetImagePathL() To set the image search path. Set to "" to use
   313      * absolute image filenames.
   314      * @see iLoadObservers
   315      * @see MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver::TextureLoadingCompleted()
   316      * @see IsLoaded()
   317      */
   318     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& LoadTextureL(const TDesC& aImageFileName,
   319                                        TAlfTextureFlags aFlags,
   320                                        TInt aId);
   322    /**
   323      * Loads an image based on pre-registered id and file name.
   324      *
   325      * @see DefineFileName()
   326      *
   327      * LoadTextureL is an asynchronous method, which returns an empty texture
   328      * which is loaded and filled in the background. Register an
   329      * MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver instance to the iLoadedObservers
   330      * array, whose TextureLoadingCompleted() method will be called when
   331      * textures finish loading. The same observer is also called if an error
   332      * occurs during the loading process. The other method is to check if an
   333      * image has been loaded with TextureManagers IsLoaded().
   334      *
   335      * If a texture with the given id or filename is already loaded the previously
   336      * loaded texture is returned. If texture with the given id has been unloaded
   337      * with UnloadTexture() method then the id is reused by loading a new texture
   338      * on the id.
   339      *
   340      * @param aId             The id of the texture/filename to load. The id must
   341      *                        have a filename assigned by a call to DefineFileName().
   342      *                        
   343      * @param aTextureMaxSize Can be used to define a maximum dimensions for
   344      *                        the final texture. The image data loaded will be
   345      *                        scaled (down) and fitted to these dimensions. Use
   346      *                        zero or below-zero values if size does not matter.
   347      *                        If the texture size is larger than the texture size
   348      *                        supported by the GL, the texture will be split to
   349      *                        multiple segments.
   350      * @param aFlags          Specify upload behavior - how to convert the bitmap
   351      *                        to texture and other load/upload behavior.
   352      *
   353      * @return                Reference to the texture.
   354      *
   355      * @see SetImagePathL()   To set the image search path. Set to "" to use
   356      *                        absolute image filenames.
   357      * @see iLoadObservers
   358      * @see MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver::TextureLoadingCompleted()
   359      * @see IsLoaded()
   360      */
   361     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& LoadTextureL(const TInt aId,
   362                                        TSize aTextureMaxSize = TSize(0,0),
   363                                        TAlfTextureFlags aFlags = EAlfTextureFlagDefault);
   365     /**
   366      * Loads an image and makes it a texture. The bitmap files are searched in
   367      * the path specified with SetImagePathL. The format of the loaded image
   368      * must be supported by the system (Series 60) codecs.
   369      *
   370      * LoadTextureL is an asynchronous method, which returns an empty texture
   371      * which is loaded and filled in the background. Register an
   372      * MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver instance to the iLoadedObservers
   373      * array, whose TextureLoadingCompleted() method will be called when
   374      * textures finish loading. The same observer is also called if an error
   375      * occurs during the loading process. The other method is to check if an
   376      * image has been loaded with TextureManagers IsLoaded().
   377      *
   378      * If a texture with the given id or filename is already loaded the previously
   379      * loaded texture is returned. If texture with the given id has been unloaded
   380      * with UnloadTexture() method then the id is reused by loading a new texture
   381      * on the id.
   382      *
   383      * @param aImageName            Name of the image bitmap file to load. If
   384      *                              empty filename is used, will check if a
   385      *                              filename for the aId has been defined
   386      *                              (using DefineFileNameL()) and load a texture
   387      *                              using that resource location, if possible.
   388      * @param aTextureMaxSize       Can be used to define a maximum dimensions
   389      *                              for the final texture. The image data
   390      *                              loaded will be scaled (down) and fitted to
   391      *                              these dimensions. Use zero or below-zero
   392      *                              values if size does not matter. If the
   393      *                              texture size is larger than the texture
   394      *                              size supported by the GL, the texture will
   395      *                              be split to multiple segments.
   396      * @param aFlags                Specify load/upload behavior - how to convert
   397      *                              the bitmap to texture.
   398      * @param aId                   Id for the texture. Must be unique.
   399      *                              KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId can be used to let 
   400      *                              texture manager automatically decide id.
   401      *
   402      * @note                        If both image name and id are left undefined
   403      *                              ("" and zero), will return a blank texture.
   404      *
   405      * @return Reference to the texture.
   406      *
   407      * @see SetImagePathL() To set the image search path. Set to "" to use
   408      * absolute image filenames.
   409      * @see iLoadObservers
   410      * @see MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver::TextureLoadingCompleted()
   411      * @see IsLoaded()
   412      */
   413     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& LoadTextureL(const TDesC& aImageName,
   414                                        TSize aTextureMaxSize,
   415                                        TAlfTextureFlags aFlags,
   416                                        TInt aId);
   418     /**
   419      * Creates a texture by calling the ProvideBitmapL method of the passed MAlfBitmapProvider.
   420      *
   421      * If a texture with the given id is already created or loaded the previously
   422      * existing texture is returned. If texture with the given id has been unloaded
   423      * with UnloadTexture() method then the id is reused by loading a new texture
   424      * on the id.
   425      *
   426      * @param aBitmapProvider       A bitmap provider that will load the bitmaps for us. The
   427      *                              ProvideBitmapL method of this will be called, which should
   428      *                              load or generate the needed bitmaps.
   429      * @param aFlags                Specify load/upload behavior - how to convert
   430      *                              the bitmap to texture.
   431      * @param aId                   Id for the texture. Must be unique, use
   432      *                              KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId to let texture manager
   433      *                              automatically decide id.
   434      *                              
   435      * @return Reference to the created texture.
   436      * @leave KErrArgument The bitmap and the mask bitmap are incompatible (different size).
   437      */
   438     IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& CreateTextureL(TInt aId,
   439                                          MAlfBitmapProvider* aBitmapProvider,
   440                                          TAlfTextureFlags aFlags);
   444     /**
   445      * Unloads a texture from memory.
   446      *
   447      * This method releases the texture id and image name for reusing.
   448      * @see LoadTexture().
   449      *
   450      * @note May unload several textures from memory, if they have the
   451      * sane image name assigned!
   452      */
   453     IMPORT_C void UnloadTexture(const TDesC& aImageName);
   455     /**
   456      * Unloads a texture from memory.
   457      *
   458      * This method releases the texture id and image name for reusing.
   459      * 
   460      */
   461     IMPORT_C void UnloadTexture(TInt aId);
   463     /**
   464      * Updates texture content without changing the texture address.
   465      *
   466      * this is an asynchronous method which is loaded and filled in 
   467      * the background. Register an MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver instance
   468      * to the iLoadedObservers array, whose TextureLoadingCompleted() method 
   469      * will be called when textures finish loading. The same observer is also 
   470      * called if an error occurs during the loading process. The other method 
   471      * is to check if an image has been loaded with TextureManagers IsLoaded().
   472      *
   473      * @param aId               Id for the texture. Must be unique.
   474      *
   475      * @param aFileName    		Name of the image bitmap file to load. Relative
   476      *                          to the image load path. If filename is empty or
   477      *                          not given, will check if a filename for the id has
   478      *                          been defined and load a texture using that resource
   479      *                          location, if possible.
   480      * @leave 					If this method leaves the texture is not valid any more.
   481      *
   482      * @see SetImagePathL() To set the image search path. Set to "" to use
   483      * absolute image filenames.
   484      * @see iLoadObservers
   485      * @see MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver::TextureLoadingCompleted()
   486      * @see IsLoaded()
   487      */
   488     IMPORT_C void UpdateTextureFromFileL(TInt aId, const TDesC* aFileName = NULL);
   490     /**
   491      * Updates texture content without changing the texture address.
   492      *
   493      * @param aId               Id for the texture. 
   494      * @param aBitmapProvider	A bitmap provider that will load the bitmaps for us. The
   495      *                          ProvideBitmapL method of this will be called, which should
   496      *                          load or generate the needed bitmaps. If this is not given 
   497      *                          the current provider is called instead.
   498      * @leave 					If this method leaves the texture is not valid any more.
   499      */
   500     IMPORT_C void UpdateTextureFromBitmapL(TInt aId, MAlfBitmapProvider* aBitmapProvider = NULL);
   502     /**
   503      * Define (register) a texture resource (filename/path) for
   504      * a texture id. Enables calling the LoadTextureL only with an id.
   505      * This resource will then be loaded when LoadTextureL
   506      * is called with the id.
   507      */
   508     IMPORT_C void DefineFileNameL(TInt aId, const TDesC& aImageName);
   510     /**
   511      * Prepends the image path to the beginning of the file name,
   512      * if necessary.
   513      */
   514     IMPORT_C void PrependImagePath(TDes& aFileName);
   516      /**
   517      * Adds texture loading observer
   518      *
   519      * @param aObserver observer to be added to array
   520      * @leave any system wide error code
   521      */
   522     IMPORT_C void AddLoadObserverL(MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver* aObserver);
   524      /**
   525      * Removes texture loading observer, this must be done at latest when observer is being deleted
   526      *
   527      * @param aObserver observer to be removed from array
   528      */
   529     IMPORT_C void RemoveLoadObserver(MAlfTextureLoadingCompletedObserver* aObserver);
   531      /**
   532      * Adds texture manager state observer
   533      *
   534      * @param aObserver observer to be added to array
   535      * @leave any system wide error code
   536      */
   537     IMPORT_C void AddStateObserverL(MAlfTextureManagerStateChangedObserver* aObserver);
   539      /**
   540      * Removes texture manager state observer, this must be done at latest when observer is being deleted
   541      *
   542      * @param aObserver observer to be removed from array
   543      */
   544     IMPORT_C void RemoveStateObserver(MAlfTextureManagerStateChangedObserver* aObserver);
   546     /**
   547      * Returns a reference to the texture processor.
   548      * @return Texture processor
   549      */
   550     IMPORT_C CAlfTextureProcessor& Processor();
   552     /**
   553      * Sets the range where texture manager is allowed to assign new texture ids automatically.
   554      *
   555      * @param aLow  Smallest texture id that can be auto assigned.
   556      * @param aHigh Largest texture id that can be auto assigned.
   557      *
   558      */
   559     IMPORT_C void SetAutomaticTextureIdRange(TInt aLow, TInt aHigh);
   561     /**
   562      * Checks if a texture exists, has content and is not found
   563      * from the texture load queue.
   564      * 
   565      * Mainly meant for file-based textures to check if the 
   566      * texture is ready to be used. 
   567      * 
   568      * Note that textures may have some temporary placeholder
   569      * content already before they have been fully loaded!
   570      * 
   571      * For CreateTextureL -based textures it is recommended to use
   572      * CAlfTexture::HasContent() directly.
   573      * 
   574      * @see LoadTextureL()
   575      * @see CreateTextureL()
   576      * @see CAlfTexture::HasContent()
   577      *
   578      * @param aImageName  Name of the image bitmap file to check. 
   579      * 					  ImagePath (if set) will be prepended to 
   580      * 					  this name.
   581      * @return 			  ETrue if texture exists, has content and 
   582      * 					  is not found from the texture load queue.
   583      */
   584     IMPORT_C TBool IsLoaded(const TDesC& aImageName) const;
   586     /**
   587      * Returns the texture ID of the previously loaded file.
   588      *
   589      * @param aImageName  Name of the image bitmap file to check. 
   590      * 					  ImagePath (if set) will be prepended to 
   591      * 					  this name.
   592      * @return 			  Texture ID of the already created texture
   593      *                    KErrNotFound if the texture has not been created.
   594      */
   595     IMPORT_C TInt TextureId(const TDesC& aImageName) const;
   597     /**
   598      * Checks if a texture exists, has content and is not found
   599      * from the texture load queue.
   600      * 
   601      * Mainly meant for file-based textures to check if the 
   602      * texture is ready to be used. 
   603      * 
   604      * Note that textures may have some temporary placeholder
   605      * content already before they have been fully loaded!
   606      * 
   607      * For CreateTextureL -based textures it is recommended to use
   608      * CAlfTexture::HasContent() directly.
   609      * 
   610      * @see LoadTextureL()
   611      * @see CreateTextureL()
   612      * @see CAlfTexture::HasContent()
   613      *
   614      * @param aId 		Id of the texture.
   615      * @return 			ETrue if texture exists, has content and is not found
   616      * 					from the texture load queue.
   617      */
   618     IMPORT_C TBool IsLoaded(TInt aId) const;
   620     /**
   621      * Checks if a texture exists, has content and is not found
   622      * from the texture load queue.
   623      * 
   624      * Mainly meant for file-based textures to check when the 
   625      * texture is ready to be used. 
   626      * 
   627      * Note that textures may have some temporary placeholder
   628      * content already before they have been fully loaded!
   629      * 
   630      * For CreateTextureL -based textures it is recommended to use
   631      * CAlfTexture::HasContent() directly.
   632      * 
   633      * @see LoadTextureL()
   634      * @see CreateTextureL()
   635      * @see CAlfTexture::HasContent()
   636      *
   637      * @param aTexture Texture object.
   638      * @return True if texture exists, has content and is not found
   639      * from the texture load queue.
   640      */
   641     IMPORT_C TBool IsLoaded(const CAlfTexture * aTexture) const;
   643     /**
   644      * @deprecated <b>Always returns an invalid reference!</b>
   645      * 
   646      * Loads a sequence of images and makes it an animated texture.
   647      *
   648      * @param aSkinName             Logical name of animated element
   649      * @param aTextureMaxSize       Can be used to define a maximum dimensions
   650      *                              for the final texture. The image data
   651      *                              loaded will be scaled (down) and fitted to
   652      *                              these dimensions. Use zero or below-zero
   653      *                              values if size does not matter.
   654      * @param aFlags                Specify load/upload behavior
   655      * @param aId                   Id for the texture. Must be unique.
   656      *                              KAlfAutoGeneratedTextureId can be used to let 
   657      *                              texture manager automatically decide id.
   658      *
   659      * @return Reference to the texture.
   660      */
   661 	IMPORT_C CAlfTexture& LoadAnimatedTextureL(const TDesC& aSkinName,
   662 	                                       TSize aTextureMaxSize,
   663 	                                       TAlfTextureFlags aFlags,
   664 	                                       TInt aId);
   666     /** @endAPI */
   668     TUid ManagerUid();
   670     /**
   671      * Appends a texture to the texture manager's list of managed textures.
   672      * Ownership of the texture is transferred to the manager; when the manager
   673      * is destroyed, the texture will be destroyed, too.
   674      *
   675      * Checks already existing duplicate textures
   676      * having matching id and leaves with appropriate errorcode if needed.
   677      *
   678      * @param aTexture  Texture to transfer to the manager.
   679      * @param aId       Id for the texture. Must be unique.
   680      * @leave KErrAlreadyExists if a texture with the given id already exists.
   681      *
   682      */
   683     void AppendTextureL(CAlfTexture* aTexture);
   685     /**
   686      * Removes a texture from management. The texture's ownership is
   687      * transferred to the caller.
   688      *
   689      * @param aTexture  Texture to remove from management.
   690      */
   691     void RemoveTexture(CAlfTexture& aTexture);
   693     /**
   694      * Gets the state of the texture manager.
   695      *
   696      * @return State of the texture manager.
   697      */
   698     TState State() const;
   700     /**
   701      * Releases texture manager resources. Releases all textures. 
   702      * Called when AlfEnv is restored.
   703      *
   704      * While the release operation is in progress, it is not possible to delete
   705      * CAlfTexture instances or create new ones. After the release has been
   706      * completed, textures can again be deleted and created.
   707      *
   708      * @param aReleasePriorityLevel Priority level. All textures, which 
   709      *        priority has equal or higher value are released.
   710      *
   711      * @return Were all textures released? If ETrue all texture were released.
   712      *         If EFalse, some texture were not released.
   713      * 
   714      * @panic ETextureManagerTextureConstructedDuringRelease
   715      *      A new CAlfTexture was constructed and added to the texture
   716      *      manager during the release operation.
   717      * @panic ETextureManagerTextureDestroyedDuringRelease
   718      *      An existing CAlfTexture was destroyed and removed from the texture
   719      *      manager during the release operation.
   720      *
   721      * @see RestoreL()
   722      */
   723     TBool Release( TInt aReleasePriorityLevel = EAlfTexturePriorityNormal );
   725     /**
   726      * Restores texture manager resources. Restores the content of all textures
   727      * released in Release(). Called when AlfEnv is restored.
   728      *
   729      * While the restore operation is in progress, it is not possible to delete
   730      * CAlfTexture instances or create new ones. After the restore has been
   731      * completed, textures can again be deleted and created.
   732      *
   733      * @param aRestorePriorityLevel Priority level. All textures, which 
   734      *        priority has equal or lower value are restored.
   735      *
   736      * @return Were all textures restored? If ETrue all texture were restored.
   737      *         If EFalse, some texture were not restored.
   738      *
   739      * @panic ETextureManagerTextureConstructedDuringRestore
   740      *      A new CAlfTexture was constructed and added to the texture
   741      *      manager during the restore operation.
   742      * @panic ETextureManagerTextureDestroyedDuringRestore
   743      *      An existing CAlfTexture was destroyed and removed from the texture
   744      *      manager during the restore operation.
   745      *
   746      * @see Release()
   747      */
   748     TBool RestoreL( TInt aRestorePriorityLevel = EAlfTexturePriorityLow );
   750     /**
   751      * Releases and restores skin dependent textures. Usually called after
   752      * system skin has been changed.
   753      */
   754     void NotifySkinChangedL();
   756     /**
   757     * Increases the texture reference count based on texture id.
   758     *
   759     * @param aId the texture id
   760     */
   761     void IncRefcount(TInt aId);
   763     /**
   764     * Decreases the texture reference count based on texture id.
   765     *
   766     * @param aId the texture id
   767     */
   768     void DecRefcount(TInt aId);
   770     /**
   771      * Reports texture information, i.e. what's the size of texture in
   772      * display.
   773      * @param aTextureId texture identifier.
   774      * @param aSize texture size.
   775      */
   776     void ReportTextureInfoL( TInt aTextureId, const TSize& aTextureSize );
   778     /**
   779      * Adds texture manager texture auto size observer.
   780      *
   781      * @param aObserver observer to be added to array
   782      * @leave any system wide error code
   783      */
   784     IMPORT_C void AddAutoSizeObserverL(MAlfTextureAutoSizeObserver* aObserver);
   786     /**
   787      * Removes texture manager texture auto size observer.
   788      *
   789      * @param aObserver observer to be removed from array
   790      */
   791     IMPORT_C void RemoveAutoSizeObserver(MAlfTextureAutoSizeObserver* aObserver);
   793 protected:
   795     /* Constructors. */
   797     /**
   798      * Constructor.
   799      */
   800     CAlfTextureManager();
   802     /**
   803      * Second-phase constructor.
   804      */
   805     void ConstructL(CAlfEnv& aEnv, TUid aUid);
   807 private:
   809     /**
   810      * Check the existence of a texture.
   811      *
   812      * @param aFileName  File name of the texture.
   813      *
   814      * @return  Index of the texture, in the iTextures array, or KErrNotFound if not found.
   815      */
   816     TInt CheckTexture(const TDesC& aFileName) const;
   818     /**
   819      * Check if texture exists with given id.
   820      *
   821      * @return  Index of the texture, in the iTextures array, or KErrNotFound if not found.     
   822      */
   823     TInt CheckTexture(TInt aId) const;
   825     /**
   826      * Called when image loading (decoding) operation is complete.
   827      */
   828     void RunL();
   830     /**
   831      * Handles a leave occurring in the request completion event handler RunL().
   832      */
   833     TInt RunError(TInt aError);
   835     /**
   836      * Cancel active object operation.
   837      */
   838     void DoCancel();
   840     /**
   841      * Starts loading next images from the load queue. If scheduling a
   842      * queue entry fails for some reason, the entry is discarded and the
   843      * next queue entry is processed.
   844      */
   845     void StartLoading();
   847     /**
   848      * Cleans up the topmost load queue entry and removes it from the
   849      * load queue. Deletes the decoder, but not the loaded texture entry.
   850      */
   851     TLoadQueueEntry PopLoadedQueueEntry();
   853     /**
   854      * Sets up image decoding and starts to load the first entry in the load
   855      * queue.
   856      * @leave Standard error code if decoder initialization/resource read
   857      * fails.
   858      */
   859     void DoLoadNextL();
   861     /**
   862      * Called when an image has finished loading. Handles
   863      * uploading of the loaded bitmap to the texture.
   864      *
   865      * @param aEntry  Entry whose contents have been loaded.
   866      */
   867     void ImageLoadingCompleteL(TLoadQueueEntry& aEntry);
   869     /**
   870      * Helper method that notifies observers of texture manager state change.
   871      * 
   872      */
   873     void NotifyStateChange() const;
   875     /**
   876      * Helper method that notifies observers of texture load completion.
   877      */
   878     void NotifyTextureLoaded(CAlfTexture& aTexture,
   879                              TInt aTextureId,
   880                              TInt aErrorCode) const;
   883     /** Returns true if the given texture is still in the load queue. */
   884     TBool IsInLoadQueue(const CAlfTexture* texture) const;
   886     /** Cancels loading of a texture */
   887     void CancelLoadingOfTexture(CAlfTexture& aTexture);    
   889     /** Generates unique id for texture */
   890     TInt GenerateTextureId();
   892     /** Releases one texture */
   893     void ReleaseEntry(const TTextureEntry& aEntry);
   895     /** Restores one texture */
   896     void RestoreEntryL(const TTextureEntry& aEntry);
   898     /** Returns ETrue if this texturemanager is a shared texture manager */
   899     TBool IsShared();
   901     /** Updates texture by re-uploading content */    
   902     void UpdateTextureL(TInt aId, TSize aSize);
   904     /** Reloads texture from a file */    
   905     void ReloadTextureL(const TDesC& aImageName,
   906                         TSize aTextureMaxSize,
   907                         TAlfTextureFlags aFlags,
   908                         TInt aId);
   910     /** Recreates texture from a bitmap provider */    
   911     void RecreateTextureL(TInt aId,
   912                           MAlfBitmapProvider* aBitmapProvider,
   913                           TAlfTextureFlags aFlags);
   915     /** Starts the texture garbagecollecting, triggered
   916     * automatically when zero refcount textures are
   917     * detected
   918     */
   919     void StartGarbageCollect();
   921     /* Garbace collector callback function */
   922     static TInt GarbageCollect(TAny* aPtr);
   924     /* Modifies flags */
   925     void RemoveFlags(TAlfTextureFlags& aFlags, TInt aFlagsToBeRemoved);
   927     /* Modifies flags */
   928     void SetFlags(TAlfTextureFlags& aFlags, TInt aFlagsToBeSet);
   930 private:
   932 	/* Private data. Owned */
   933     struct TPrivateData;    
   934     TPrivateData* iData;
   936     };
   938 #endif