* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Class CIkev2NatT implements NAT Traversal functionality specified in IKEv2.
#include <in_sock.h>
#include "ikev2natt.h"
#include "ikev2SAdata.h"
#include "ikev2payloads.h"
#include "ikev2const.h"
#include "ikecrypto.h"
CIkev2NatT* CIkev2NatT::NewL(const TInetAddr& aSourceAddr, const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddr, TUint16 aPort,
const TDesC8& aInitiatorSpi, const TDesC8& aResponderSpi)
CIkev2NatT* self = new (ELeave)CIkev2NatT();
self->ConstructL(aSourceAddr, aDestinationAddr, aPort, aInitiatorSpi, aResponderSpi);
return self;
void CIkev2NatT::ConstructL(const TInetAddr& aSourceAddr, const TInetAddr& aDestinationAddr, TUint16 aPort,
const TDesC8& aInitiatorSpi, const TDesC8& aResponderSpi)
iSrcNotify = GenerateNatDetectionHashL(aInitiatorSpi, aResponderSpi,
aSourceAddr, aPort);
iDstNotify = GenerateNatDetectionHashL(aInitiatorSpi, aResponderSpi,
aDestinationAddr, aPort);
TUint32 CIkev2NatT::CheckPeerNotifysL(const CArrayFixFlat<TNotifPayloadIkev2*>& aNotifys,
const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr, const TInetAddr& aRemoteAddr, TUint16 aPort,
const TDesC8& aInitiatorSpi, const TDesC8& aResponderSpi, TBool& aSupported)
// Notify payload. If found compare payload data to local end NAT
// traversal data as follows:
// -- NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP Notifys are examined against local Notify
// payload iDstIdentiy data: If no match found
// ==> Peer is behind NAT
// -- NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP Notify is examined against local Notify
// payload iSrcIdentiy data: If no match found
// ==> Local end behind NAT
aSupported = EFalse;
TInt Count = aNotifys.Count();
CIkev2NatT* RefObj = CIkev2NatT::NewL(aLocalAddr, aRemoteAddr, aPort,
aInitiatorSpi, aResponderSpi);
TNotifPayloadIkev2* PeerNotify;
TUint32 PeerLth;
TBool SrcMatch = EFalse;
TBool DstMatch = EFalse;
TUint32 NatFlags = 0;
TInt i = 0;
while ( i < Count )
PeerNotify = aNotifys.At(i);
if ( (PeerNotify->GetMsgType() == NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP) && !SrcMatch )
PeerLth = TPayloadIkev2::Cast(PeerNotify)->GetLength() - (TUint32)(PeerNotify->Size() + PeerNotify->GetSPISize());
const TPtrC8 peerNotify(PeerNotify->NotifData(), PeerLth);
if ( RefObj->DestinNofify().Compare(peerNotify) == 0)
SrcMatch = ETrue;
NatFlags &= ~REMOTE_END_NAT;
else if ( (PeerNotify->GetMsgType() == NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP) && !DstMatch )
aSupported = ETrue;
NatFlags |= LOCAL_END_NAT;
PeerLth = TPayloadIkev2::Cast(PeerNotify)->GetLength() - (TUint32)(PeerNotify->Size() + PeerNotify->GetSPISize());
const TPtrC8 peerNotify(PeerNotify->NotifData(), PeerLth);
if ( RefObj->SourceNofify().Compare(peerNotify) == 0 )
DstMatch = ETrue;
NatFlags &= ~LOCAL_END_NAT;
i ++;
delete RefObj;
return NatFlags;
HBufC8* CIkev2NatT::GenerateNatDetectionHashL(const TDesC8& aInitiatorSpi, const TDesC8& aResponderSpi,
TInetAddr aIpAddress, TUint16 aPort ) const
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aInitiatorSpi.Length() == IKEV2_SPI_SIZE, User::Invariant());
__ASSERT_DEBUG( aResponderSpi.Length() == IKEV2_SPI_SIZE, User::Invariant());
// Calculate HASH = SHA1(SPIS | IP | Port) both for local- and remote IP address/port
TBuf8<64> hashInData;
if ( aIpAddress.Family() == KAfInet )
TUint32 ipv4addr = ByteOrder::Swap32(aIpAddress.Address());//Put in network order
hashInData.Append(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&ipv4addr), sizeof(ipv4addr));
if ( aIpAddress.IsV4Mapped() )
aIpAddress.ConvertToV4(); // IPv4 format
TUint32 ipv4addr = ByteOrder::Swap32(aIpAddress.Address());//Put in network order
hashInData.Append(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&ipv4addr), sizeof(ipv4addr));
const TUint8* addr = &aIpAddress.Ip6Address().u.iAddr8[0]; //Address in a bytestream
hashInData.Append(addr, 16);
aPort = ByteOrder::Swap16(aPort);
hashInData.Append(reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&aPort), sizeof(aPort));
return IkeCrypto::PrfL(hashInData, PRF_HMAC_SHA1);