changeset 65 5bfc169077b2
parent 42 d39add9822e2
child 66 cacf6ee57968
--- a/webengine/webkitutils/stmgesturefw/inc/rt_gestureengineif.h	Tue Feb 02 00:56:45 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: 
-#include <rt_gesturelistener.h>
-#include <rt_gestureif.h>
-// Forward declarations
-class CCoeControl;
-namespace stmUiEventEngine
-    class MUiEvent ;
-namespace stmGesture
-// Forward declarations
-class MGestureRecogniserIf ;
- *  MGestureEngineIf defines the methods for the gesture recognisers
- *  to be added to the gesture engine.
- *  TODO: add rule based settings to position the gesture recognisers to the list.
- *  The gesture recogniser order rules would be defined how?
- *  - defining the order inside the application
- *  - defining the order in some configuration file (maybe not)
- *
- *  This requires:
- *  - the gesture recognisers need to have an ID
- *  - a type can also be defined if the rules can be set based on types.
- *
- *  The gesture recognisers are arranged in a list so that the correct gesture recogniser
- *  gets the opportunity to detect the gesture in time.  An axample of a set of gesture recognisers
- *  could be e.g.
- *
- *  |---------------------------------------------|
- *  |  scrolling stop by tap -gesture recogniser  | A is enabled only when needed, when enabled must precede all others
- *  |                                             |   (note that locking partly can be used to achieve the same)
- *  |---------------------------------------------|
- *  | location specific: zoom + button tap gesture| B these must detect the location first
- *  |---------------------------------------------|
- *  | location specific: zoom - button tap gesture| B these must detect the location first
- *  |---------------------------------------------|
- *  | location specific: edge scroll gesture      | B these must detect the location first
- *  |---------------------------------------------|
- *  | pinch zoom gesture                          |   standard gesture, but application wide (spans windows)
- *  |                                             | C another requirement: disable all but me/restore state
- *  |                                             |   so that other gestures will not meddle in while pinching
- *  |---------------------------------------------|
- *  | hover gesture                               | C standard gesture, needs to detect the EMove speed
- *  |---------------------------------------------|
- *  | pan gesture                                 | C standard gesture, but must be after hover
- *  |---------------------------------------------|
- *  | tap/doubletap gesture                       | C standard gesture, order not that important, since
- *  |                                             |   needs just to see certain events in history: touch/release
- *  |---------------------------------------------|
- *
- *  The order of gesture recognisers determine how the system behaves, so there must be an easy way
- *  to define the order.  The order could be defined either by specifying the IDs or just their types, if then the
- *  order is not that important.  TODO to study whether it would be a good idea to implement this so that
- *  there are separate lists for the three different classes of gesture recognisers A, B and C; this might
- *  make the implementation simpler.
- */
-class MGestureEngineIf
-    /*!
-     *  add gesture to the end of the list of gestures
-     */
-    virtual bool addGesture(const MGestureRecogniserIf* aNewGesture) = 0 ;
-    /*!
-     * inset a gesture to the beginning of the list of gestures
-     */
-    virtual bool insertGesture(const MGestureRecogniserIf* aNewGesture) = 0 ;
-    /*!
-     * inset a gesture to specific position
-     */
-    virtual bool insertGestureAt(const MGestureRecogniserIf* aNewGesture, int position) = 0 ;
-    /*!
-     * remove a gesture from the list
-     */
-    virtual bool removeGesture(const MGestureRecogniserIf* aOldGesture) = 0 ;
-    /*!
-     * get the number of non-empty event streams.
-     * Event streams correspond UI events generated by one touch pointer (=finger).
-     * The low level state machine handles the necessary filtering etc.
-     * so that it is safe to remove the event stream after UI Release event has been processed.
-     */
-    virtual int activeStreamCount() const = 0 ;
-    /*!
-     * get the UI events of stream X
-     * \param indexOfActiveStream defines which active stream is used.
-     * Note that MUiEvent contains all the events from down up to the current event.
-     * Assumption: the UI events contain the target "window handle", i.e.
-     * the gesture recognition needs to be aware of all possible windows of the application.
-     */
-    virtual const stmUiEventEngine::MUiEvent* getUiEvents(int indexOfActiveStream) const = 0 ;
-    /*!
-     * Enable/disable logging
-     */
-    virtual void enableLogging(bool aLoggingEnabled) = 0 ;
- * Enumerated values for the gesture recogniser
- */
-enum TGestureRecognitionState
-    EGestureActive,     /*! < gesture recognised and gesture notification sent */
-    ELockToThisGesture, /*! < gesture recognised, and only this recogniser called until release/this returns something else */
-    ENotMyGesture       /*! < not this gesture, try the next one in the list  */
- * The types of gesture recognisers. TODO to implement rule based gesture engine
- * where the recognisers can be added in any order, and the rules define the order of them.
- * The rules may define
- */
-enum TGestureRecogniserType
-    ECriticalGestureRecogniser,           /*! < This kind of gestures should be at the beginning of the list */
-    ELocationSpecificGestureRecogniser,   /*! < This kind of gestures should be at the next in the list */
-    EGenericGestureRecogniser             /*! < This kind of gestures should be at the next in the list */
- * MGestureRecogniserIf defines the interface needed to be implemented by every gesture recognition element.
- * The gesture recogniser gets the UI events and needs to determine whether they define the expected gesture.
- *
- */
-class MGestureRecogniserIf
-    /*!
-     *  Virtual destuructor.
-     */
-    virtual ~MGestureRecogniserIf() {}
-    /*!
-     * Process the UI event.
-     * \param numOfActiveStreams : indicates how many pointers are currently active.
-     * \param ge the gesture engine.  The Gesture recogniser uses this to get the current active events.
-     *
-     * \return EMaybeGesture    if gesture was not yet recognised but can be possible (e.g. after first touch everyone returns this)
-     * \return EGestureActive   if gesture was recognised and a gesture notification was sent; this is then the active gesture
-     * \return ENotMygesture    if gesture can not be this one, e.g. TAP gesture after receiving Move UI event.
-     *
-     * Note that a gesture may take control only if it sends out a gesture notification. (or is it so?)
-     * Until no gesture recogniser has sent a gesture notification, all recognisers who have not returned
-     * ENotMyGesture are eligible, based on the order they are in the list.
-     *
-     * The gesture engine may be either in dynamic gestures mode or fixed gestures mode.
-     * In dynamic gestures mode each time an UI event is processed, engine will call each
-     * gesture recogniser until one of the recognisers returns EGestureActive.
-     *
-     * In fixed gestures mode the index of the gesture recogniser first returning EGestureActive is stored
-     * and the subsequent UI events are processed so that only that recogniser is allowed to send gesture
-     * notification.  If it returns !=EGestureActive, it relinguishes the control.
-     *
-     */
-    virtual TGestureRecognitionState recognise(int numOfActiveStreams, MGestureEngineIf* ge) = 0 ;
-    /*!
-     * In dynamic gestures mode the gesture engine will call release of the recogniser
-     * who lost activation status because a preceding recogniser in the list took control.
-     *
-     * Note that the recogniser must then do whatever (if anything) is needed to cancel the gesture.
-     */
-    virtual void release(MGestureEngineIf* ge) = 0  ;
-    /*!
-     * Enable or disable recogniser.  E.g. if two gestures are related so that
-     * a gesture ending recogniser needs to be activated to stop a t5imer driven
-     * behaviour it is useful to add the recogniser to the top of the list
-     * and then disable it until needed.
-     */
-    virtual void enable(bool enableRecogniser) = 0 ;
-    /*!
-     * Get the state of the gesture recogniser, whether it is enabled or not
-     * \return true, if the recogniser is enabled.
-     */
-    virtual bool isEnabled() = 0 ;
-    /*!
-     * Return the type of the gesture recogniser
-     */
-    virtual TGestureUid gestureUid() const = 0;
-    /*!
-     * for testing purposes
-     */
-    virtual void enableLogging(bool loggingEnabled) = 0 ;
-    virtual void setOwner(CCoeControl* owner) = 0;
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CGestureRecogniser ): public CBase, public MGestureRecogniserIf
-    virtual ~CGestureRecogniser()
-    {
-    }
-    /*!
-     * MGestureRecogniserIf methods; partial implementation
-     */
-    virtual void enable(bool enabled)
-    {
-        m_gestureEnabled = enabled ;
-    }
-    virtual bool isEnabled()
-    {
-        return m_gestureEnabled ;
-    }
-    virtual void enableLogging(bool loggingOn)
-    {
-        m_loggingenabled = loggingOn;
-    }
-    virtual void setOwner(CCoeControl* owner)
-    {
-        m_powner = owner;
-    }
-    CGestureRecogniser(MGestureListener* aListener) :
-        m_powner(aListener->getOwner()), 
-        m_listener(aListener), 
-        m_gestureEnabled(true), 
-        m_loggingenabled(false)
-    {
-    }
-    CCoeControl* m_powner ; // The owning control for this gesture
-    MGestureListener* m_listener ;
-    bool m_gestureEnabled ;
-    bool m_loggingenabled ;
-} // namespace