--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bthci/hci2implementations/hctls/bcsp/src/hctlbcsp.cpp Fri Jan 15 08:13:17 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "hctlbcsp.h"
+#include "hctlbcspFrameQueue.h"
+#include "bcsputils.h"
+#include "hctlbcspframe.h"
+#include "hctlbcspconsts.h"
+#include "linkestablishment.h"
+#include "hctlbcspreceiver.h"
+#include "hctlbcspsequencer.h"
+#include "hctlbcspcontrollermanager.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include <bluetooth/hci/hcierrors.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/hcievents.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/hctlchannelobserver.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/hctldataobserver.h>
+#include <bluetooth/hci/hctleventobserver.h>
+ Implementation of Class CHCTLBcsp
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete iLinkEstablishment;
+ delete iReceiver;
+ delete iSequencer;
+ delete iFrameQueue;
+ delete iReceivedFrame;
+ delete iControllerMan;
+ }
+CHCTLBcsp* CHCTLBcsp::NewL()
+ {
+ CHCTLBcsp* self=new(ELeave) CHCTLBcsp;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::ConstructL()
+ {
+ HCI_LOG_LOADL(this, KHCILoggerDatalinkTypeH1); // Technically it's BCSP but we're going
+ // to log at a higher layer
+ BaseConstructL(KIniFileName);
+ iControllerMan = CHCTLBcspControllerManager::NewL(*this, Port(), PowerCtrlMode());
+ }
+TAny* CHCTLBcsp::Interface(TUid aUid)
+ {
+ TAny* ret = NULL;
+ switch(aUid.iUid)
+ {
+ case KHCTLInterfaceUid:
+ ret = reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(static_cast<MHCTLInterface*>(this));
+ break;
+ case KHCTLPowerInterfaceUid:
+ ret = reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(static_cast<MHCTLPowerInterface*>(iControllerMan));
+ break;
+ case KHCHardResetUid:
+ ret = reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(static_cast<MHardResetInitiator*>(this));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ };
+ return ret;
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::DoConfigL()
+ Method to set the TCommConfigV01 settings for UART based HCTLs
+ enforced implementation by pure virtual method in CHCTLUartBase to allow for the original uart transport (H4) and BCSP
+ specific settings
+ @leave method will leave if Port().SetConfig() fails
+ {
+ Port().ResetBuffers();
+ TCommConfig conf;
+ Port().Config(conf);
+ TCommConfigV01& config = conf(); //Get reference to TCommConfig iConfig
+ config.iDataBits = EData8;
+ config.iStopBits = EStop1;
+ config.iTerminatorCount = 1;
+ config.iTerminator[0] = 0xc0;
+ config.iParity = EParityEven;
+ config.iParityError = KConfigParityErrorFail;
+ config.iHandshake = 0;
+ config.iXonChar = 0;
+ config.iXoffChar = 0;
+ LEAVEIFERRORL(Port().SetConfig(conf));
+ }
+//Implemenation of MHCTLInterface
+TInt CHCTLBcsp::MhiWriteAclData(const TDesC8& aData)
+ {
+ iFrameQueue->AddReliableFrame(aData, KBcspACLDataChnl);
+ HCI_LOG_FRAME(this, KHCILoggerHostToController | KHCILoggerACLDataFrame, aData);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CHCTLBcsp::MhiWriteSynchronousData(const TDesC8& aData)
+ {
+ iFrameQueue->AddUnreliableFrame(aData, KBcspSynchronousDataChnl, 0, EFalse);
+ HCI_LOG_FRAME(this, KHCILoggerHostToController | KHCILoggerSynchronousDataFrame, aData);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CHCTLBcsp::MhiWriteCommand(const TDesC8& aData)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err,DoWriteCommandL(aData));
+ if(err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ return KErrBcspWriteCommandDataFailed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HCI_LOG_FRAME(this, KHCILoggerHostToController | KHCILoggerCommandOrEvent, aData);
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+TInt CHCTLBcsp::WriteBcCmd(const TDesC8& aData)
+ {
+ TRAPD(err,DoWriteBcCmdL(aData));
+ if(err!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ return KErrBcspWriteBcCmdDataFailed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ HCI_LOG_FRAME(this, KHCILoggerHostToController | KHCILoggerCommandOrEvent, aData);
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::MhiSetQdpPluginInterfaceFinder(MQdpPluginInterfaceFinder& aQdpPluginInterfaceFinder)
+ {
+ iQdpPluginInterfaceFinder = &aQdpPluginInterfaceFinder;
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::MhriStartHardReset()
+ {
+ iControllerMan->HardReset();
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::MhiGetAclDataTransportOverhead(TUint& aHeaderSize, TUint& aTrailerSize) const
+ {
+ aHeaderSize = KHCTLAclDataHeaderSize;
+ aTrailerSize = KHCTLAclDataTrailerSize;
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::MhiGetSynchronousDataTransportOverhead(TUint& aHeaderSize, TUint& aTrailerSize) const
+ {
+ aHeaderSize = KHCTLSynchronousDataHeaderSize;
+ aTrailerSize = KHCTLSynchronousDataTrailerSize;
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::MhiGetCommandTransportOverhead(TUint& aHeaderSize, TUint& aTrailerSize) const
+ {
+ aHeaderSize = KHCTLCommandHeaderSize;
+ aTrailerSize = KHCTLCommandTrailerSize;
+ }
+//MHCTLInterface END
+void CHCTLBcsp::DoWriteCommandL(const TDesC8 &aData)
+ Method called from MhiWriteCommand
+ @param aData
+ aData is the formatted Command payload from the linkmanager
+ {
+ LOG(_L8("STACK TX"));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFrameQueue->AddReliableFrame(aData, KBcspCommEvntChnl));//KBcspBcCmdChnl
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::DoWriteBcCmdL(const TDesC8 &aData)
+ Method called from WriteBcCmdData
+ @param aData
+ aData is the formatted BCCMD payload from the controller manager
+ {
+ LOG(_L8("STACK TX"));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFrameQueue->AddReliableFrame(aData, KBcspBcCmdChnl));
+ }
+Process Received data in to the format expected by the interface to the bottom of the stack
+void CHCTLBcsp::ProcessACLData()
+ Passes ACL data to the data observer.
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iReceivedFrame->IsValid(), PANIC(KBcspPanicCat, EBadBcspFrame));
+ HCI_LOG_FRAME(this, KHCILoggerControllerToHost | KHCILoggerACLDataFrame, iReceivedFrame->Payload());
+ iDataObserver->MhdoProcessAclData(iReceivedFrame->Payload());
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::ProcessEventData()
+ Passes event data to the data observer.
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iReceivedFrame->IsValid(), PANIC(KBcspPanicCat, EBadBcspFrame));
+ HCI_LOG_FRAME(this, KHCILoggerControllerToHost | KHCILoggerCommandOrEvent, iReceivedFrame->Payload());
+ iEventObserver->MheoProcessEvent(iReceivedFrame->Payload());
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::ProcessBcCmdEventData()
+ Method which parses the received Command data payload from the controller
+ and formats the data to be passed to the controller manager
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iReceivedFrame->IsValid(), PANIC(KBcspPanicCat, EBadBcspFrame));
+ HCI_LOG_FRAME(this, KHCILoggerControllerToHost | KHCILoggerCommandOrEvent, iReceivedFrame->Payload());
+ iControllerMan->ProcessBcCmdEvent(iReceivedFrame->Payload());
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::ProcessSynchronousData()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iReceivedFrame->IsValid(), PANIC(KBcspPanicCat, EBadBcspFrame));
+ HCI_LOG_FRAME(this, KHCILoggerControllerToHost | KHCILoggerSynchronousDataFrame, iReceivedFrame->Payload());
+ iDataObserver->MhdoProcessSynchronousData(iReceivedFrame->Payload());
+ }
+TInt CHCTLBcsp::PacketRouter()
+ Method called by CHCTLBcspReceiver after packet integrity checks have been performed
+ This routes packets according to the ProtocolId associated with the payload type in a
+ given BCSP frame to the appropriate interface to the top of the HCI and thus to the
+ link manager
+ {
+ TInt err = KErrNone;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iReceivedFrame->IsValid(), PANIC(KBcspPanicCat, EBadBcspFrame));
+ switch (iReceivedFrame->ProtocolId())
+ {
+ case KBcspCommEvntChnl:
+ {
+ LOG(_L8("HCTLBCSP: Event Packet Received..."));
+ ProcessEventData();
+ }
+ break;
+ case KBcspBcCmdChnl:
+ {
+ LOG(_L8("HCTLBCSP: BC Command Packet Received..."));
+ ProcessBcCmdEventData();
+ }
+ break;
+ case KBcspACLDataChnl:
+ {
+ LOG(_L8("HCTLBCSP: ACL Data Packet Received..."));
+ ProcessACLData();
+ }
+ break;
+ case KBcspSynchronousDataChnl:
+ {
+ LOG(_L8("HCTLBCSP: Synchronous Data Packet Received..."));
+ ProcessSynchronousData();
+ }
+ break;
+ case KBcspLinkChnl:
+ {
+ LOG(_L8("HCTLBCSP: Link Est Packet Received..."));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iLinkEstablishment!=NULL, PANIC(KBcspPanicCat, EBadLinkPointer));
+ TRAP(err,iLinkEstablishment->ProcessLinkMsg(iReceivedFrame->Payload()));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG(_L8("HCTLBCSP: ERROR: KErrBcspUnRecognizableHCIData..."));
+ break;
+ };
+ return err;
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::QueueReadForNextFrame()
+ {
+ iReceiver->QueueReadForNextFrame();
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::CanSend(TBool aCanSend)
+ For BCSP this is always taken to be all channels or no channels
+ {
+ iCanSend = aCanSend;
+ // We can only open the channel after unchoked and iChannelObserver has been set
+ if(!iChoked && iChannelObserver)
+ {
+ if(iCanSend)
+ {
+ iChannelObserver->MhcoChannelOpen(KHCITransportAllChannels);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iChannelObserver->MhcoChannelClosed(KHCITransportAllChannels);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::TxAckMsg()
+ Method to send a BCSP Ack message
+ This is only called when an the Ack timer fires i.e. a certain amount of time has
+ passed without there being an outgoing BCSP frame to convey acknowledgement of received
+ reliable frames
+ {
+ iFrameQueue->AddUnreliableFrame(KBcspAckChnl, iSequencer->TxAck(), EFalse);
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::TxLinkMsg(const TDesC8& aData)
+ This is a method that takes a BCSP Link Establishment message as its parameter
+ and adds the data along with a number of other bits of information to make a frame
+ on the Unreliable frame queue via the iFrameQueue::AddUnreliableFrame() method
+ {
+ iFrameQueue->AddUnreliableFrame(aData, KBcspLinkChnl, 0, ETrue);
+ }
+TInt CHCTLBcsp::HandleRx(const TDesC8 &aReceivedFrame)
+ This is a method called from the CHCTLBcspReceiver::ProcessDataL()
+ with the parameter
+ @param const TDesC8 &aReceivedFrame
+ @return err
+ This method attempts to slip decode the received frame
+ Then if that is successful the remainder of the BCSP frame integrity checks are performed
+ using the iReceivedFrame->IsValid() method
+ Assuming that this all works without errors control is then passed to the sequencer
+ via the iSequencer->HandleRx(iReceivedFrame) call
+ and then the iReceivedFrame->Reset() method is called
+ {
+ TInt rerr = iReceivedFrame->SlipDecodeFrame(aReceivedFrame);
+ if (rerr == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // We've succeeded in decoding the Slip Frame into a CRxHctlBcspFrame
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iReceivedFrame->IsValid(), PANIC(KBcspPanicCat, EBadBcspFrame));
+#ifdef __DEBUG_RxDecodedFrame__
+ FlogRx();
+ iSequencer->HandleRx(iReceivedFrame);
+ iReceivedFrame->Reset();
+ }
+ return rerr;
+ }
+TBool CHCTLBcsp::CheckIsAckPacket() const
+ This is a relatively simple method that examines the ProtocolId of the Received Frame
+ and attempts to match it to the the KBcspAckChnl constant and then returns a TBool depending
+ on whether or not these match
+ {
+ return (iReceivedFrame->ProtocolId() == KBcspAckChnl);
+ }
+#ifdef __DEBUG_RxDecodedFrame__
+void CHCTLBcsp::FlogRx()
+ {
+ LOG(_L8("RxFrame"));
+ LOG1(_L8("Protocol type reliable(1) unreliable (0) = %d\n"),iReceivedFrame->IsReliableProtcolType());
+ LOG1(_L8("Ack value = %d\n"),iReceivedFrame->Ack());
+ LOG1(_L8("Seq value = %d\n"),iReceivedFrame->Sequence());
+ LOG1(_L8("Protocol ID (Command/Event(5)) (ACL) (Ack Packet) = %d\n"),iReceivedFrame->ProtocolId());
+ LOG1(_L8("Payload Length = %d\n"),iReceivedFrame->PayloadLength());
+ LOG1(_L8("Checksum value = %d\n"),iReceivedFrame->CheckSum());
+ LOG1(_L8("Header bytes = %d\n"),iReceivedFrame->FlagsField());
+ LOG(_L8("Payload..."));
+ LOGHEXDESC(iReceivedFrame->Payload());
+ }
+ See comments on iChoked
+void CHCTLBcsp::Choke()
+ {
+ iChoked = ETrue;
+ CanSend(iCanSend);
+ }
+ See comments on iChoked
+void CHCTLBcsp::UnChoke()
+ {
+ iChoked = EFalse;
+ if(iControllerMan->BcspLinkEstablished())
+ {
+ CanSend(iCanSend);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CHCTLBcsp::Muzzled()
+ {
+ return iMuzzled;
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::ResetMuzzled()
+ {
+ iMuzzled = EFalse;
+ }
+ Handle a reset of the BCSP transport.
+ 1) Reset the BCSP layer
+ 2) Inform the stack of a HCI error
+ 3) Stack will reinitialise with a "reset" command etc
+void CHCTLBcsp::HandlePeerReset()
+ {
+ // If a poweroff is requested, the next reset will lead to a reset of the SP link
+ // and will set the state to shy sending a sync frame every 250ms
+ // So, Muzzle the host to avoid sending this command
+ if(iControllerMan->PowerOffRequested())
+ {
+ iMuzzled = ETrue;
+ }
+ Reset(); //reset BCSP
+ if(!iControllerMan->ExpectedControllerReset() && !iControllerMan->PowerOffRequested())
+ {
+ // Inform stack of hardware error
+ TUint8 errReason = static_cast<TUint8>(EInvalidHCIParameter);
+ TBuf8<3> buf(3);
+ buf[0]= EHardwareErrorEvent; //error code
+ buf[1] = 1; //length
+ buf[2] = errReason; //parameter
+ iEventObserver->MheoProcessEvent(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ Reset the BCSP layer
+void CHCTLBcsp::Reset()
+ {
+ Choke(); //Disconnected
+ //Reset the link establishment state machine
+ iLinkEstablishment->Reset();
+ //Reset and clear transmit queues
+ iFrameQueue->Reset();
+ //Reset the sequencer
+ iSequencer->Reset();
+ }
+//Implementation of pure virtual functions in CHCTLUartBase
+void CHCTLBcsp::PortOpenedL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(Port().Handle(), PANIC(KBcspPanicCat, EPortNotOpen));
+ DoConfigL();
+ iChoked = ETrue;
+ iFrameQueue = CHCTLBcspFrameQueue::NewL(*this);
+ // Creation of the sequencer creates the sender Active Object.
+ // The sender Active Object must be added to the Active Scheduler before
+ // the receiver Active Object so that it gets preferential treatment. It
+ // is reported that otherwise the response from a command can come in
+ // before the sending client is told that the send has completed!
+ iSequencer = CHCTLBcspSequencer::NewL(*this, Port(), *iFrameQueue);
+ iReceiver=CHCTLBcspReceiver::NewL(*this, Port());
+ iFrameQueue->SetSequencer(*iSequencer);
+ iLinkEstablishment= CLinkEstablishment::NewL(*this);
+ iReceivedFrame = CRxHctlBcspFrame::NewL();
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::MhiSetDataObserver(MHCTLDataObserver& aDataObserver)
+ {
+ iDataObserver = &aDataObserver;
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::MhiSetEventObserver(MHCTLEventObserver& aEventObserver)
+ {
+ iEventObserver = &aEventObserver;
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::MhiSetChannelObserver(MHCTLChannelObserver& aChannelObserver)
+ {
+ iChannelObserver = &aChannelObserver;
+ //give the stack an initial kick
+ CanSend(iCanSend);
+ }
+void CHCTLBcsp::MhiSetControllerStateObserver(MControllerStateObserver& aControllerStateObserver)
+ {
+ iControllerStateObserver = &aControllerStateObserver;
+ iControllerMan->SetObserver(aControllerStateObserver);
+ iControllerMan->Start();
+ }