Add the portable rombuild wrapper to make it available for Windows as well as Linux
# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# General Path and File Utility Functions for use with Makmake
# Distinguish paths from filepaths by assuming paths end with "\"
# therefore ensure this is the case for all paths coming into programs using this module
package Pathutl;
require Exporter;
Path_SetVerbose Path_Drive Path_WorkPath Path_RltToWork Path_AbsToWork
Path_DelFiles Path_Split Path_Dirs Path_StepDirs Path_Strip
Path_MakePathL Path_UpToRoot Path_MakeRlt Path_MakeAbs Path_Chop
Path_MakeEAbs Path_Quote Path_MakeRltToBase Path_Norm Path_PrefixWithDrive Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Path; # for mkpath
my %Mode=(
my $Drive;
my $WorkPath;
my @WorkPathList;
sub Path_SetVerbose () {
sub Path_Drive () {
# return the current drive - programs shouldn't change directory if using this module
sub Path_WorkPath () {
# return the current working directory - programs shouldn't change directory if using this module
sub helper_MakeRlt ($@) {
# helper function for computing relative path(s) given a base path
my ($BaseRef,@List)=@_;
foreach my $p (@List) {
my $filename=&Path_Split('File',$p);
my @plist=&Path_Dirs($p);
my $upcount=scalar @{$BaseRef};
foreach (@{$BaseRef}) {
if (uc $_ ne uc $plist[0]) {
$upcount -= 1;
shift @plist;
while ($upcount-->0) {
$p .= "..\\";
foreach (@plist) {
$p .= "$_\\";
$p=".\\" if ($p eq ""); # ensure a well-formed result if path == work
$p .= $filename;
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_RltToWork (@) {
# make a path or list of paths relative to the current working directory
my @List=@_;
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_MakeRltToBase ($@) { #args: $_[0] Base $_[1]... list of (Abs FilePath/Path)
# make a path, or list of paths, relative to a particular directory specified by the first
# path passed into the function
return undef unless $_[0]=~m-(|\\$)-o; # allow for null value passed in
my ($Base,@List)=@_;
my @BasePathList=&Path_Dirs($Base);
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_AbsToWork (@) {
# make a path or list of paths relative to the current working directory absolute
my @List=@_;
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_DelFiles (@) {
# delete a list of files
my @List=@_;
my $File;
foreach $File (@List) {
if (unlink $File) {
if ($Mode{Verbose}) {
print "Deleted File: \"$File\"\n";
if ($Mode{Verbose}) {
print "Not Found: \"$File\"\n";
sub Path_Split ($$) { #args: $_[0] 'Path' or 'Base' or 'Ext' $_[1] Abs/Rel FilePath/Path
# return the section of a file path required - Path, Base, Ext or File
my ($Sect,$P)=@_;
return '' if !$P;
$Sect= ucfirst lc $Sect;
if ($Sect eq 'Path') {
if ($P=~/^(.*\\)/o) {
return $1;
return '';
if ($Sect eq 'Base') {
if ($P=~/\\?([^\\]*?)(\.[^\\\.]*)?$/o) {
return $1;
return '';
if ($Sect eq 'Ext') {
if ($P=~/(\.[^\\\.]*)$/o) {
return $1;
return '';
if ($Sect eq 'File') {
if ($P=~/([^\\]*)$/o) {
return $1;
return '';
sub Path_Dirs ($) { #args: $_[0] Abs FilePath/Path
# return an ordered list of individual directories that make up a path
return undef unless $_[0]=~m-^\\-o;
my $P=&Path_Split('Path',$_[0]);
return undef unless $P=~s-^(.*)\\$-$1-o;
split /\\/,$P;
sub Path_StepDirs ($) { #args: $_[0] Abs FilePath/Path
# return an ordered list of paths - starting with the directory in the root directory from the
# path passed into the function, each subsequent path contains the next directory from the path
# passed into the function, and the last path is the same as the path passed into the function
return undef unless $_[0]=~m-^\\-o;
my $P=$_[0];
my @Dirs=&Path_Dirs($P);
my @StepDirs;
my $dir;
my $stepDir="\\";
foreach $dir (@Dirs) {
push @StepDirs, $stepDir;
sub Path_Strip ($) { #args: $_[0] Abs FilePath/Path
# Remove excess occurrences of '..' and '.' from a path
return undef unless $_[0]=~m-^\\-o;
my $P=$_[0];
while ($P=~s-\\\.\\-\\-go) { }
while ($P=~s-\\(?!\.{2}\\)[^\\]*\\\.{2}(?=\\)--go) { }
sub Path_MakePathL (@) { #args: @_ list of Abs FilePath/Path
# make a directory or list of directories
my @Paths=@_;
my $P;
foreach $P (@Paths) {
return undef unless $P=~m-^\\-o;
if (-d $1) {
if ($Mode{'Verbose'}) {
print "Existing Path: \"$P\"\n";
if ($Mode{'Verbose'}) {
print "Created Path: \"$P\"\n";
return wantarray ? @Paths : $Paths[0];
sub Path_UpToRoot ($) { #args: $_[0] Abs FilePath/Path
# return the path that will lead from the directory the path passed into the function
# specifies back up to the root directory
return undef unless $_[0]=~m-^\\-o;
my $Path=$_[0];
my $UpP;
while ($Path=~m-\\-go) {
undef $Path;
$UpP=".\\" unless $UpP;
sub Path_MakeRlt ($@) { #args: $_[0] Start UpPath $_[1]... list of (Abs FilePath/Path)
# make a path, or list of paths, relative to a particular directory specified by the first
# path passed into the function which leads upwards from a particular directory
return undef unless $_[0]=~m-(|\\$)-o; # allow for null value passed in
my ($UpPath,@List)=@_;
my $p;
foreach $p (@List) {
return undef unless $p=~m-^\\-o;
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_MakeAbs ($@) { #args: $_[0] Start Abs FilePath/Path $_[1]... list of (Abs/Rel FilePath/Path)
# make a path, or list of paths, absolute given the directory specified by the first path
# passed into the function which the other paths passed into the function are assumed to be
# relative to
return undef unless $_[0]=~m-^\\-o;
my ($Path,@List)=@_;
my $BasePath=&Path_Split("Path",$Path);
undef $Path;
my $p;
foreach $p (@List) {
if ($p=~m-^\.{2}-o) {
if ($p=~m-^[^\.\\]-o) {
if ($p=~m-^\\-o) {
if ($p=~m-^\.\\(.*)$-o) {
return undef;
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_MakeEAbs ($@) { #args: $_[0] Start EPOCPath Abs FilePath/Path $_[1]... list of (Abs/Rel FilePath/Path)
# Variant of MakAbs which also maps "+\\" to "${EPOCPath}"
return undef unless $_[0]=~m-^\\-o;
my ($EPOCPath,$Path,@List)=@_;
my $BasePath=&Path_Split("Path",$Path);
undef $Path;
my $p;
foreach $p (@List) {
if ($p=~m-^\\epoc32\\(.*)$-io) { # change - special case for existing \\epoc32 references
if ($p=~m-^\s*\+\\(.*)$-o) {
if ($p=~m-^\.{2}-o) {
if ($p=~m-^[^\.\\]-o) {
if ($p=~m-^\\-o) {
if ($p=~m-^\.\\(.*)$-o) {
return undef;
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_Chop (@) {
# remove the terminating backslash from a path, or list of paths, if there is one
my @List=@_;
my $Path;
foreach $Path (@List) {
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_Quote ($) {
# Quote name for use in GNU makefiles
my @List=@_;
my $Path;
foreach $Path (@List) {
$Path=~s- -\\ -go if (defined($Path));
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_Norm ($) {
# Normalise source specified paths for processing
my ($Path) = @_;
$Path =~ s/\//\\/g;
return $Path;
sub Path_PrefixWithDrive ($) {
# Take a path, or list of paths, and prefix with drive based on CWD.
# Relative paths are just returned.
my @List=@_;
my $Path;
my $Drive=$1 if (cwd =~ /^(.:)/);
foreach $Path (@List) {
next if ($Path !~ /^\\/);
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
sub Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote ($) {
# Take a path, or list of paths, and prefix with drive based on CWD.
# Relative paths are just quoted.
my @List=@_;
my $Path;
my $Drive=$1 if (cwd =~ /^(.:)/);
foreach $Path (@List) {
next if ($Path !~ /^\\/);
foreach $Path (@List) {
return wantarray ? @List : $List[0];
# get the current working directory
$WorkPath=~s-/-\\-go; # separator from Perl 5.005_02+ is forward slash
$WorkPath=~s/^(.:)//o; # remove drive letter
$WorkPath=~s-^(.*[^\\])$-$1\\-o; # ensure workpath ends with a backslash