Add the portable rombuild wrapper to make it available for Windows as well as Linux
# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# module for preprocessing makmake-style project files
package Prepfile;
require Exporter;
Prepfile_SetVerbose Prepfile_SetUpperCase Prepfile_ProcessL Prepfile_SetCmdOptions
use strict;
use Checkgcc;
use Pathutl;
use Preprocessor;
my %Mode=(
sub Prepfile_SetVerbose () {
sub Prepfile_SetUpperCase () {
sub Prepfile_SetCmdOptions ($) {
$Mode{CmdOptions} = shift;
$Mode{CmdOptions} .= ' ' if $Mode{CmdOptions};
sub Prepfile_ProcessL ($$;$@) {
# use the C++ preprocessor to process a file. The function fills the data structure specified
# by the first argument, an array reference, according to the contents of the second argument -
# a filehandle. Any other arguments are assumed to be MACROS and are defined for preprocessing.
my ($ArrayRef,$FILE,$VariantHRHFile,@Macros)=@_;
die "\nERROR: Project File \"$FILE\" not found\n" unless -e $FILE;
my $exe = &PreprocessorToUseExe();
my $cpp = "$exe.EXE $Mode{CmdOptions}-undef -nostdinc -+ ";
my @CppCall;
push @CppCall, $cpp;
push @CppCall, join '', "-I ",&Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote("$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\include"),
" -I .",
" -I ",&Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote(&Path_Split('Path',$FILE));
my $Macro;
# add CL macros to the CPP call for preprocessing of the file
foreach $Macro (@Macros) {
$Macro=uc $Macro; # add the underscores so we can tell what has been
push @CppCall, "-D $Macro=_____$Macro"; # expanded and remove the space CPP puts in most of the time
#if a variant file is used
my $variantFilePath = Path_Split('Path',$VariantHRHFile);
chop( $variantFilePath );
push @CppCall, " -I " . &Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote($variantFilePath) . " -include " . &Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote($VariantHRHFile);
# all macros made upper case and suppress user-expansion of macros for nefarious purposes
push @CppCall, &Path_PrefixWithDriveAndQuote($FILE);
if ($Mode{'Verbose'}) {
print "@CppCall\n";
open CPPPIPE,"@CppCall |" or die "ERROR: Can't invoke CPP.EXE\n";
# read the processed output
my $LineNum=0;
my $FileName;
while (<CPPPIPE>) {
# skip blank lines
if (/^\s*$/o) {
my @Tmp=();
# Process the file information lines that cpp inserts.
# (note that we don't currently do anything with the
# number cpp sometimes puts out after the filename -
# it's something to do with inclusion nesting levels)
if (/^# (\d+) "(.*)"( \d+)?/o) {
$LineNum = scalar $1;
my $CurFile=$2;
@Tmp=('#', $CurFile);
push @{$ArrayRef}, [ @Tmp ];
# Process file data
push @Tmp, $LineNum;
# get rid of the space that cpp puts in most of the time after macro expansion (CPP help doesn't say exactly when!)
# don't upper case everything until you've done this.
foreach $Macro (@Macros) {
s/\/ _____$Macro /\/$Macro/g;
s/_____$Macro /$Macro/g;
#Parse and Store the mmp file statement by retaining double quotes
while (/("([^\t\n\r\f]+)"|([^ \t\n\r\f]+))/go) {
my $Flag = $2 ? $2 : $3;
if($Flag =~ m/\\\"/) {
$Flag =~ s/\"\\/\\/g;
$Flag =~ s/\""/\"/g;
push @Tmp, $Flag;
#Parse and Store the mmp file statement by removing double quotes
while (/("([^"\t\n\r\f]+)"|([^ "\t\n\r\f]+))/go) {
push @Tmp, $2 ? $2 : $3;
push @{$ArrayRef}, [ @Tmp ];
if ($Mode{UpperCase}) {
# upper-case all the data
my $Line;
my $Item;
foreach $Line (@{$ArrayRef}) {
foreach $Item (@$Line) {
$Item=uc $Item;
close CPPPIPE or die $! ? "ERROR: Error closing $exe.exe pipe ($!)\n\t@CppCall\n"
: "ERROR: $exe.exe returned non-zero exit status ($?)\n\t@CppCall\n";