changeset 0 dfb7c4ff071f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/serialserver/c32serialserver/INC/CS_PORT.H	Thu Dec 17 09:22:25 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef CS_PORT_H
+#define CS_PORT_H
+#include <c32comm.h>
+defines the classes CPort and CSerial. This file should be included by the CSY
+/** Delta timer interval */
+const TInt KDeltaTimerInterval = 100000;     
+/** The UID for the CSY */          
+const TInt KUidUnicodeCommServerModuleV02 = 0x10005054;
+Defines the internal port access mode.
+// Important note!: must have the same order as TCommAccess in c32comm.h
+enum TInternalCommAccess
+	{
+    /**  Exclusive mode. Must be first */
+	EIntCommExclusive          = 0, 
+	/**  Shared mode. Must be second */
+	EIntCommShared             = 1, 
+	/**  Preemptable mode. Must be third */
+	EIntCommPreemptable        = 2, 
+	/**  Wait until the port is closed */
+	EIntCommWaitUntilAvailable = 3  
+	};
+class CPortManager;
+class CommTimer 
+Static utility class for global timer handling designed for use by Serial Server plug-ins (CSYs).
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static void Queue(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 aTimeInMicroSeconds, TDeltaTimerEntry& aHandle);
+	IMPORT_C static void Remove(TDeltaTimerEntry& aHandle);
+	static CDeltaTimer* GetTimer();
+	};
+class CCommSession;
+class CSerial;
+class CPort : public CObject
+/** Base class for implementations of serial protocol module ports. Its functions 
+are called by the comms server in response to client calls to RComm. 
+The class implements CObject to obtain reference counting behaviour. The reference 
+count is incremented when a port is first created, and, for ports in shared 
+mode, on every later opening.
+CPort is an abstract class which defines many pure virtual functions which 
+derived classes must implement. Most of these pure virtual functions correspond 
+to the client interface of the RComm class.
+Created when the first client does an Open request passing its name.
+Destroyed only when it deletes itself (following a call to Destruct).
+@released */
+	{
+	// Warning:  No CPort::ConstructL, so can't use iExtra members until after construction.
+	class CExtra : public CBase
+		{
+	public:
+		CCommSession* iBreakOwner;
+		CCommSession* iPreemptableOwner;
+		CCommSession* iPreemptedSession;
+		CCommSession* iWaitAvailableOwner;  // Also the SetAccess owner.
+		RMessagePtr2   iBlockedSetAccess; 
+		};
+friend class CPortManager;
+	typedef TCommAccess TAccess;
+	void CommRead(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient); // Start read operation
+	void CommReadCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommWrite(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient); // Start Write opneration
+	void CommWriteCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommBreak(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);	// Start Break operation
+	void CommBreakCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient); // Cancel all blocked operation.
+	void CommConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession) const;
+	void CommSetConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	void CommSetServerConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	void CommGetServerConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	void CommCaps(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	void CommSignals(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	void CommSetSignalsToMark(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	void CommSetSignalsToSpace(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	void CommReceiveBufferLength(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession) const;
+	void CommSetReceiveBufferLength(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	void CommQueryReceiveBuffer(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession) const;
+	void CommResetBuffers(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	void CommSetAccess(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	TBool IsBlockedSetAccessWaiting(CCommSession& aClient);
+	void CommSetAccessCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommDebugState(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession& aSession);
+	TBool TakeOwnershipForReading(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);		// Check if a read request is valid and take ownership of port
+	TBool TakeOwnershipForWriting(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);		// Check if a Write request is valid and take ownership of port
+	TBool TakeOwnershipForBreaking(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);		// Check if a Break request is valid and take ownership of port
+	void InitL(TDesC8 &aName);	// Not used
+	static TInt WriteTimerExpiredHandler(TAny* aPtr);
+	static TInt ReadTimerExpiredHandler(TAny* aPtr);
+	TBool AreAnyPending();
+	void CommGetRole(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommGetFlowControlStatus(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifySignalChange(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
+	TBool TakeOwnershipForSignals(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyFlowControlChange(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
+	TBool TakeOwnershipForFlowControl(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyConfigChange(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
+	TBool TakeOwnershipForConfig(const RMessage2& aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyBreak(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
+	TBool TakeOwnershipForBreak(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyDataAvailable(const RMessage2& aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
+	TBool TakeOwnershipForNotifyDataAvailable(const RMessage2 &aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyOutputEmpty(const RMessage2 &aMessage, CCommSession* aClient);
+	TBool TakeOwnershipForNotifyOutputEmpty(const RMessage2 &aMessage,CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifySignalChangeCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyConfigChangeCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyFlowControlChangeCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyBreakCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyDataAvailableCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	void CommNotifyOutputEmptyCancel(TInt aHandle, CCommSession* aClient);
+	TBool SessionHasBeenPreempted(CCommSession* aSession);
+	TBool SessionIsAwaitingOpen(CCommSession* aSession);
+	void FreeSession(CCommSession* aSession);
+	IMPORT_C TInt IPCRead(const TAny* aPtr, TDes8& aDes, TInt aOffset=0) const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt IPCWrite(const TAny* aPtr, const TDesC8& aDes, TInt aOffset=0) const;
+	IMPORT_C CPort();
+	IMPORT_C void ReadCompleted(TInt anError);		// Called by a CPort to complete a read.
+	IMPORT_C void WriteCompleted(TInt anError);		// Called by a CPort to complete a write
+	IMPORT_C void BreakCompleted(TInt anError);		// Called by a CPort to complete a break
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CPort();
+	IMPORT_C void Close();
+	IMPORT_C void SignalChangeCompleted(const TUint& aSignals, TInt anError);					// Called by a CPort to complete a signal notify
+	IMPORT_C void ConfigChangeCompleted(const TDesC8& aNewConfig, TInt anError);				// Called by a CPort to complete a config notify.
+	IMPORT_C void FlowControlChangeCompleted(const TFlowControl& aFlowControl, TInt anError);	// Called by a CPort to complete a flow control notify
+	IMPORT_C void BreakNotifyCompleted(TInt anError);			// Called by a CPort to complete a break signal notify
+	IMPORT_C void NotifyDataAvailableCompleted(TInt anError);	// Called by a CPort to complete a break signal notify
+	IMPORT_C void NotifyOutputEmptyCompleted(TInt anError);		// Called by a CPort to complete a break signal notify
+	//
+	// Pure virtual methods - to be implemented by the CSY
+	//
+	// Called by manager when access count is 0 - CSY port must call 'delete this'
+	/** Specifies the protocol for port destruction. It is called by the comms server 
+	when the last client-side reference to a CPort object has been closed and 
+	the CPort must be deleted. The comms server will not delete a CPort other 
+	than by calling Destruct().
+	The implementation should perform any asynchronous shutdown operations on 
+	its own resources and, when these operations have completed, should delete 
+	this. */
+	virtual void Destruct()=0;
+	// Queue a read - called by CPort when client wants to read
+	// Note: if the value in aLength is negative, this means
+	//       ReadOneOrMore and the CSY must invert the number
+	/** Specifies the protocol for reading from the port. It is called by the comms 
+	server in response to a RComm::Read() or RComm::ReadOneOrMore() request from 
+	the client.
+	A negative value for aLength is used to flag that the read request was from 
+	RComm::ReadOneOrMore() rather than from RComm::Read(). The maximum length 
+	of data to be read is the absolute value of aLength.
+	The implementation should use IPCWrite() to write the data to the client's 
+	buffer. When all the data has been read, the function should call ReadCompleted(). 
+	@param aClientBuffer Pointer into client address space to the descriptor containing 
+	the client's buffer 
+	@param aLength The amount of data to be read */
+	virtual void StartRead(const TAny* aClientBuffer, TInt aLength)=0;
+	// Cancel a pending read
+	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling reading from the port. It is called by 
+	the comms server in response to a RComm::ReadCancel() request from the client or
+	when the iReadTimer timer expires.
+	The implementation should abort any processing which was taking place as a 
+	result of the read request. Do not call ReadCompleted(). */
+	virtual void ReadCancel()=0;
+	// Get the size of the receive buffer from the real serial port
+	/** Specifies a protocol for requesting the number of bytes that are currently 
+	waiting in the port's receive buffer. It is called by the comms server in 
+	response to a RComm::QueryReceiveBuffer() request from the client.
+	@param aLength On return, the number of bytes currently waiting to be read 
+	from the receive buffer. 
+	@return A system wide error code. */
+	virtual TInt QueryReceiveBuffer(TInt& aLength) const=0;
+	// reset Tx and Rx buffers
+	/** Specifies a protocol for resetting the receive and/or transmit buffers to zero 
+	length. It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::ResetBuffers() 
+	request from the client.
+	@param aFlags Bitmask of the following flags: KCommResetRx to reset the receive 
+	buffer; KCommResetTx to reset the transmit buffer */
+	virtual void ResetBuffers(TUint aFlags)=0;
+	// Queue a write - called by CPort when client wants to write
+	/** Specifies the protocol for writing to the port. It is called by the comms server 
+	in response to a RComm::Write() request from the client.
+	The implementation should use IPCRead() to get the data to write from the 
+	client's buffer. When all the data has been written, the function should call 
+	WriteCompleted(). 
+	@param aClientBuffer Pointer into client address space to the descriptor containing 
+	the client's buffer 
+	@param aLength The amount of data to be written */
+	virtual void StartWrite(const TAny* aClientBuffer, TInt aLength)=0;
+	// Cancel a pending write
+	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling writing to the port. It is called by 
+	the comms server in response to a RComm::WriteCancel() request from the client.
+	The implementation should abort any processing which was taking place as a 
+	result of the write request. Do not call WriteCompleted(). */
+	virtual void WriteCancel()=0;
+	// Queue a break
+	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a break condition at the port. It is called 
+	by the comms server in response to a RComm::Break() request from the client.
+	When the break is complete, the function should call BreakCompleted(). 
+	@param aTime Time period to break for in microseconds */
+	virtual void Break(TInt aTime)=0;
+	// Cancel a pending break
+	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a break request. It is called by the 
+	comms server in response to a RComm::BreakCancel() request from the client.
+	The implementation should abort any processing which was taking place as a 
+	result of the break request. Do not call BreakCompleted(). */
+	virtual void BreakCancel()=0;
+	// Pass a config request - return in descriptor
+	/** Specifies a protocol for getting the current configuration of the serial port. 
+	It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::GetConfig() request 
+	from the client.
+	@param aPackage A packaged TCommConfig buffer, set on return to the current 
+	configuration of the serial port 
+	@return A system wide error code */
+	virtual TInt GetConfig(TDes8& aPackage) const=0;
+	// Set config with package in the descriptor
+	/** Specifies a protocol for setting the configuration of the port. It is called 
+	by the comms server in response to a RComm::SetConfig() request from the client.
+	@param aPackage A packaged TCommConfig buffer holding the new configuration 
+	values 
+	@return A system error code */
+	virtual TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8& aPackage)=0;
+	// Set the port to use partial reads/writes
+	/** Specifies a protocol for setting the buffer mode. It is called by the comms 
+	server in response to a RComm::SetMode() request from the client.
+	@param aPackage A TCommServerConfig package buffer holding the mode settings 
+	@return A system-wide error code */
+	virtual TInt SetServerConfig(const TDesC8& aPackage)=0;
+	// Get the server configs from the CSY
+	/** Specifies a protocol for getting the buffer mode. It is called by the comms 
+	server in response to a RComm::Mode() request from the client.
+	@param aPackage A TCommServerConfig package buffer that, on return, holds 
+	the current buffer mode settings 
+	@return A system error code */
+	virtual TInt GetServerConfig(TDes8& aPackage)=0;
+	// Read capabilities from the driver
+	/** Specifies a protocol for getting the port capabilities. It is called by the 
+	comms server in response to a RComm::Caps() request from the client.
+	@param aPackage A TCommCaps package buffer that, on return, holds the port 
+	capabilities 
+	@return A system error code */
+	virtual TInt GetCaps(TDes8& aPackage)=0;
+	// Get the status of the signal pins
+	/** Specifies a protocol for getting the status of the serial port control lines. 
+	It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::GetSignals() request 
+	from the client.
+	@param aSignals An integer with the bits set to reflect the status of the 
+	handshaking lines. 
+	@return A system error code */
+	virtual TInt GetSignals(TUint& aSignals)=0;
+	// Set selected signals to high (logical 1)
+	/** Specifies a protocol for setting serial port control lines. It is called by 
+	the comms server in response to a RComm::SetSignals() request from the client.
+	@param aSignals A bitmask of the handshaking lines to set 
+	@return A system error code */
+	virtual TInt SetSignalsToMark(TUint aSignals)=0;
+	// Set selected signals to low (logical 0)
+	/** Specifies a protocol for clearing serial port control lines. It is called by 
+	the comms server in response to a RComm::SetSignals() request from the client.
+	@param aSignals A bitmask of the handshaking lines to clear 
+	@return A system error code */
+	virtual TInt SetSignalsToSpace(TUint aSignals)=0;
+	// Get size of Tx and Rx buffer
+	/** Specifies a protocol for requesting the size of the serial port buffers. It 
+	is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::ReceiveBufferLength() 
+	request from the client.
+	@param aLength The current size of the serial port buffers in bytes 
+	@return A system error code */
+	virtual TInt GetReceiveBufferLength(TInt& aLength) const=0;
+	// Set size of Tx and Rx buffer
+	/** Specifies a protocol for setting the size of the serial port buffers. It is 
+	called by the comms server in response to a RComm::SetReceiveBufferLength() 
+	request from the client.
+	@param aLength Requested size of the serial port buffers in bytes 
+	@return A system error code */
+	virtual TInt SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt aLength)=0;
+	virtual void FreeMemory();	// csys have their own implementation, e.g. ECUART
+	// Notify client when the signals change
+	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "signal change" notification. It is called 
+	by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifySignalChange() request from 
+	the client.
+	@param aSignalMask Signal mask passed by client */
+	virtual void NotifySignalChange(TUint aSignalMask)=0;
+	// Cancel an outstanding signal change notification
+	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "signal change" notification. It is called 
+	by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifySignalChangeCancel() request 
+	from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifySignalChangeCancel()=0;
+	// Notify client when the configation changes
+	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "configuration change" notification. It 
+	is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyConfigChange() 
+	request from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyConfigChange()=0;
+	// Cancel an outstanding config change notification
+	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "configuration change" notification. 
+	It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyConfigChangeCancel() 
+	request from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyConfigChangeCancel()=0;
+	// Notify client when the flow control changes
+	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "flow control change" notification. It is 
+	called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyFlowControlChange() 
+	request from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyFlowControlChange()=0;
+	// Cancel an outstanding flow control change notification
+	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "flow control change" notification. It 
+	is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel() 
+	request from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel()=0;
+	// Notify client when a break occurs
+	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "break" notification. It is called by the 
+	comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyBreak() request from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyBreak()=0;
+	// Cancel an outstanding break notification
+	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "break" notification. It is called by 
+	the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyBreakCancel() request from 
+	the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyBreakCancel()=0;
+	// Notify client when data is available
+	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a "data available" notification. It is called 
+	by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyDataAvailable() request 
+	from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyDataAvailable()=0;
+	// Cancel an outstanding data available notification
+	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a "data available" notification. It is 
+	called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyDataAvailableCancel() 
+	request from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyDataAvailableCancel()=0;
+	// Notify client when output buffer is empty
+	/** Specifies the protocol for setting a transmit buffer empty notification. It 
+	is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyOutputEmpty() 
+	request from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyOutputEmpty()=0;
+	// Cancel an outstanding output empty notification
+	/** Specifies the protocol for cancelling a transmit buffer empty notification. 
+	It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::NotifyOutputEmptyCancel() 
+	request from the client. */
+	virtual void NotifyOutputEmptyCancel()=0;
+	// Get the flow control status
+	/** Gets flow control status. It is called by the comms server in response to a 
+	RComm::SetMode() request from the client.
+	@param aFlowControl Flow control status to return to the client 
+	@return A system-wide error code */
+	virtual TInt GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& aFlowControl)=0;
+	// Get the role of this port unit
+	/** Gets DCE/DTE role. It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::GetRole() 
+	request from the client.
+	@param aRole On return, DCE/DTE role to return to the client 
+	@return A system-wide error code */
+	virtual TInt GetRole(TCommRole& aRole)=0;
+	// Set the role of this port unit
+	/** Sets DCE/DTE role. It is called by the comms server in response to a RComm::Open() 
+	request from the client.
+	@param aRole DCE/DTE role 
+	@return A system-wide error code */
+	virtual TInt SetRole(TCommRole aRole)=0;
+// Accessors
+	virtual void DoDumpDebugInfo(const RMessage2 &aMessage)=0;
+	void DoOpenL(CCommSession* aSession, TInternalCommAccess aMode, TCommRole aRole,TBool aIsNew);
+	void DoPreemption();
+	TDeltaTimerEntry iReadTimer;  //< delta timer entry for read timeouts
+	TBool iReadTimerPending;      //< true if a read timer is pending
+	TDeltaTimerEntry iWriteTimer; //< delta timer entry for write timeouts
+	TBool iWriteTimerPending;     //< true if a write timer is pending
+	TInternalCommAccess iMode;    //< access mode for this port
+	CCommSession* iReadOwner;     //< pointer to the read session
+	TInt iReadOwnerHandle;        //< handle to the read session
+	CCommSession* iWriteOwner;    //< pointer to the write session
+	TInt iWriteOwnerHandle;       //< handle to the write session
+	// Binary compatible
+	// Was: CCommSession* iBreakOwner;  Replace with:
+	CExtra* iExtra;               //< pointer to the CExtra object for pre-emptable handling
+#define iBreakOwner (iExtra->iBreakOwner) //< forwards iBreakOwner to iExtra->iBreakOwner
+	TInt iBreakOwnerHandle;                  //< handle to the break owner
+	CCommSession* iSignalOwner;              //< pointer to the signal session
+	TInt iSignalOwnerHandle;                 //< handle to the signal session
+	CCommSession* iFlowControlOwner;         //< pointer to the flow control session
+	TInt iFlowControlOwnerHandle;            //< handle to the flow control session
+	CCommSession* iConfigOwner;              //< pointer to the config session
+	TInt iConfigOwnerHandle;                 //< handle to the config session
+	CCommSession* iBreakNotifyOwner;         //< pointer to the break notify session
+	TInt iBreakNotifyOwnerHandle;            //< handle to the break notify session
+	CCommSession* iNotifyDataAvailableOwner; //< pointer to the data available session
+	TInt iNotifyDataAvailableOwnerHandle;    //< handle to the data available session
+	CCommSession* iNotifyOutputEmptyOwner;   //< pointer to the output empty session
+	TInt iNotifyOutputEmptyOwnerHandle;      //< handle to the output empty session
+	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedRead;                //< pointer to the read request message
+	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedWrite;               //< pointer to the write request message
+	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedBreak;               //< pointer to the break request message
+	/**The encapsulated message*/
+	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedSignalChange;			//< holds the notify signal change message
+	/**Private padding to preserve BC with earlier versions*/
+	TInt iBlockedSignalChangeDummyPadding[7];
+	/**The encapsulated message*/
+	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedConfigChange;			//< holds the notify config change message
+	/**Private padding to preserve BC with earlier versions*/
+	TInt iBlockedConfigChangeDummyPadding[7];
+	/**The encapsulated message*/
+	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedFlowControlChange;		//< holds the notify flow control change message
+	/**Private padding to preserve BC with earlier versions*/
+	TInt iBlockedFlowControlChangeDummyPadding[7];
+	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedBreakNotify;         //< pointer to the notify break request message
+	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedNotifyDataAvailable; //< pointer to the notify data available request message
+	RMessagePtr2 iBlockedNotifyOutputEmpty;   //< pointer to the notify output empty request message
+	CPortManager* iPortManager;              //< Not Used. Not to be exposed to deriving classes of CPort.
+	IMPORT_C virtual void CPort_Reserved1();
+	TAny* iCPort_Reserved;                   //< reserved pointer
+	};
+// forward declaration
+class CLibUnloader;
+class CSerial : public CObject
+Factory for a single CPort object.
+CSerial is the base class for implementations of serial port factories. It is intended to be
+overridden by the CSY so that C32 can call in and ask the CSY to create serial ports. In this way
+the factory is responsible for creating instances of CPort-derived classes 
+for the protocol of the CSY. It also provides query functions, which return general information 
+about the capabilities of the serial protocol implemented by the CSY.
+Owned by the CPort object it creates.
+Writing derived classes:
+The pure virtual NewPortL() and Info() functions must be implemented in derived 
+classes. Serial protocol modules which can take differing action based on 
+the version of the comms server should also override QueryVersionSupported(). 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C CSerial();
+	IMPORT_C ~CSerial();
+	IMPORT_C virtual TBool QueryVersionSupported(const TVersion& aVersion) const;
+	void ConstructL(RLibrary& aLib);
+	//
+	// pure virtuals to be implemented by the CSY
+	//
+	// Create a new port for the supplied unit number
+	/** Specifies the protocol for creating a new serial port for the protocol. The 
+	comms server calls this function in response to a RComm:Open() call.
+	Typically, the implementation would call NewL() on the protocol's CPort-based 
+	class. Any resources required by the new port object should be done at this 
+	stage. If the serial port object cannot be created for any reason, NewPortL() 
+	should leave with an appropriate error code.
+	The interpretation of unit numbers is specific to the particular serial protocol 
+	module. However, unit numbers on Symbian OS should be zero-based. For the 
+	default built-in serial ports implemented by the serial protocol module ecuart.csy, 
+	the unit numbers refer to the hardware ports, with 0 being the first port 
+	on the machine. If a second request is made to create a port with a unit number 
+	that has already been created and not destroyed, NewPortL() should leave with 
+	KErrAlreadyExists.
+	@param aUnit The unit number to be created. */
+	virtual CPort* NewPortL(const TUint aUnit)=0;
+	// Get info about this CSY, fill in the supplied structure.
+	/** Specifies the protocol for getting the information about the serial protocol.
+	Implementations should fill in the TSerialInfo structure to reflect the protocol's 
+	capabilities.
+	@param aSerialInfo On return, set to indicate the capabilities of the serial 
+	protocol. */
+	virtual void Info(TSerialInfo &aSerialInfo)=0;
+	void ModuleName(TDes& aName);
+	IMPORT_C virtual TSecurityPolicy PortPlatSecCapability(TUint aPort) const;
+	/** Module version number. The class should initialise this member with its version 
+	number from its constructor. */
+	TVersion iVersion;                         //< holds the version of the CSY
+	CLibUnloader* iLibUnloader;                //< pointer to the library unloader
+	IMPORT_C virtual void CSerial_Reserved1();
+	TAny* iCSerial_Reserved;                   //< reserved pointer for future BC
+	};
+/** This typedef defines the form of the ordinal-1 entry point function to a serial 
+protocol module. The function should create and return a concrete CSerial-derived 
+class, which will then be used by the comms server.
+Each serial protocol module should only ever create a single serial protocol 
+factory object. If the entry point is called twice without the first factory 
+object being destroyed, this function should leave with KErrGeneral. */
+typedef CSerial *(*TSerialNewL)(); //< function type of CSY module entry point
+#endif // CS_PORT_H