Bug 2675. Take default commdb from ipconnmgmt instead.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
#include "utracedecoderapp.h"
#include "utraceframe.h"
#include "framesorter.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "logevents\traceeventbase.h"
#include "version.h"
const int KLogBufferSize = 16384;
Parser::CDefinitionParser* gMsgDefParser;
bool gQuiet;
bool CUTraceDecoderApp::iUseTimes = false;
CUTraceDecoderApp::TTimestampPeriod CUTraceDecoderApp::iPeriodType = CUTraceDecoderApp::EUnknown;
double CUTraceDecoderApp::iPeriod1;
double CUTraceDecoderApp::iPeriod2;
iFrameSorter = new CFrameSorter(*this);
iDumpIdentifiers = false;
iTesting = false;
iCurrentFrame = 0;
iUseQuotes = false;
iTail = false;
iInputBuffer = new unsigned char[KLogBufferSize];
iBufferOffset = 0;
iBufferSize = 0;
iBufferValid = false;
// There will only ever be one CUTraceDecoderApp so this isn't so bad
// Needs refactoring though. gMsgDefParser is used by the Node Message Event
::gMsgDefParser = new Parser::CDefinitionParser();
::gQuiet = false;
delete iInputBuffer;
bool CUTraceDecoderApp::Initialise(int aArgc, char **aArgv)
if (aArgc < 2)
return false;
// defaults
int currentArg = 1;
while (currentArg < aArgc)
if (aArgv[currentArg][0] == '-' && aArgv[currentArg][1] == '-')
if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "payload-only"))
else if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "use-quotes"))
iUseQuotes = true;
else if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "use-times"))
iUseTimes = true;
else if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "tail"))
// EXPERIMENTAL: This is an experimental feature at the moment
iTail = true;
else if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "quiet"))
::gQuiet = true;
else if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "message-def"))
iMsgDefFile = aArgv[currentArg];
else if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "dump-frame"))
char* startFrame = aArgv[currentArg];
char* endFrame = startFrame;
while (*endFrame != ',' && *endFrame != 0)
if (*endFrame < '0' || *endFrame > '9')
return false;
if (*endFrame == 0)
return false;
*endFrame = 0;
if (*startFrame == 0)
return false;
char* tmp = endFrame;
while (*tmp != 0)
if (*tmp < '0' || *tmp > '9')
return false;
iFrameSorter->SetDumpFrameRange(atol(startFrame), atol(endFrame));
else if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "dump-event"))
char* startEvent = aArgv[currentArg];
char* endEvent = startEvent;
while (*endEvent != ',' && *endEvent != 0)
if (*endEvent < '0' || *endEvent > '9')
return false;
if (*endEvent == 0)
return false;
*endEvent = 0;
if (*startEvent == 0)
return false;
char* tmp = endEvent;
while (*tmp != 0)
if (*tmp < '0' || *tmp > '9')
return false;
iFrameSorter->SetDumpEventRange(atol(startEvent), atol(endEvent));
else if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "dump-message-def"))
iDumpIdentifiers = true;
else if (!_strcmpi(&aArgv[currentArg][2], "test-message-def"))
iTesting = true;
if (iLogFile.length() > 0)
return false;
iLogFile = aArgv[currentArg];
if (iMsgDefFile.length() > 0)
if (iTesting)
if (gMsgDefParser->ParseDefinitionFile(iMsgDefFile.c_str()) != Parser::ENoError)
// std::cerr << "Error in message definition file" << std::endl;
return false;
if (iDumpIdentifiers)
if (iTesting)
if (iMsgDefFile.length() == 0)
std::cerr << "No message definition file specifed to check" << std::endl;
return true;
if (iLogFile.length() == 0)
return false;
return true;
void CUTraceDecoderApp::ProcessLog()
// csv header
if (ShowContextInfo())
std::cout << "Sequence,Primary Filter,Sub Category,Time Stamp1,Time Stamp2,Context ID,Description" << std::endl;
// Open the log file and fill the buffer
{ // file couldn't be opened
std::cerr << "Error: file " << iLogFile.c_str() << " could not be opened." << std::endl;
while (iBufferValid)
while (iBufferOffset < iBufferSize)
//grab a hunk of log
int length = iInputBuffer[iBufferOffset];
length = (length + 3) & ~3;
// Minimum length is actually 4, but this would mean only the header was
// present, so why was it logged
if (length < 8 || length > KMaxBTraceRecordSize)
if (!iInputFile.eof())
std::cerr << "Error: Frame " << iCurrentFrame << " is corrupt - size is out of range (8-116)" << std::endl;
// Dump what we have in the buffer, up to the max size of a frame
DumpBytes(std::cerr, &iInputBuffer[iBufferOffset], (KMaxBTraceRecordSize < (iBufferSize - iBufferOffset)) ? KMaxBTraceRecordSize : (iBufferSize - iBufferOffset));
if (length + iBufferOffset > iBufferSize)
CUTraceFrame* frame = new CUTraceFrame(&iInputBuffer[iBufferOffset], iCurrentFrame);
if (frame)
frame = NULL;
std::cerr << "Failed to create frame instance" << std::endl;
iBufferOffset += length;
std::cerr << "Processed " << iCurrentFrame << " frames" << std::endl;
unsigned int CUTraceDecoderApp::CurrentFrame() const
return iCurrentFrame;
void CUTraceDecoderApp::WriteEvent(const CTraceEventBase& aEvent) const
if (NewLineEnabled())
if (ShowContextInfo())
if (iUseQuotes)
std::cout << "\"";
if (iUseQuotes)
std::stringstream ss;
std::string s = ss.str();
// todo: replace " with ""
std::cout << s;
if (NewLineEnabled())
if (iUseQuotes)
std::cout << "\"";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " ";
bool CUTraceDecoderApp::LoadUTraceLog()
iInputFile.open(iLogFile.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (iInputFile.is_open())
return true;
return false;
void CUTraceDecoderApp::RefillUTraceBuffer()
int bufferSpace = KLogBufferSize;
int bufferInUse = 0;
if (iBufferOffset)
bufferInUse = iBufferSize - iBufferOffset;
bufferSpace = KLogBufferSize - bufferInUse;
memcpy(iInputBuffer, &iInputBuffer[iBufferOffset], bufferInUse);
memset(&iInputBuffer[bufferInUse], 0, bufferSpace);
iInputFile.read((char*)&iInputBuffer[bufferInUse], bufferSpace);
iBufferSize = iInputFile.gcount();
#ifdef _DEBUG
std::cerr << std::dec << std::noshowbase << iBufferSize << " bytes read from log file" << std::endl;
iBufferValid = (iBufferSize > 0);
if (!iBufferValid && iTail)
// EXPERIMENTAL: This is an experimental feature at the moment
HANDLE fileChangeHandle;
fileChangeHandle = FindFirstChangeNotificationA(iLogFile.c_str(), FALSE, FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_SIZE);
if (fileChangeHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
iInputFile.read((char*)&iInputBuffer[bufferInUse], bufferSpace);
iBufferSize = iInputFile.gcount();
std::cerr << std::dec << std::noshowbase << iBufferSize << " bytes read from log file" << std::endl;
iBufferValid = (iBufferSize > 0);
iBufferSize += bufferInUse;
iBufferOffset = 0;
void CUTraceDecoderApp::ShowUsage()
<< "utracedecoder " APPVERSION ":" << std::endl
<< "Log parser for utrace logs, converts a utrace generated log file into human readable and perl processable csv format" << std::endl
<< "utracedecoder [options] <path_to_log>" << std::endl
<< " --payload-only Show only the message part of the trace" << std::endl
<< " --use-quotes Wrap the description in quotes" << std::endl
<< " --use-times \"time-in-seconds,0\" substituted for \"timestamp1,timestamp\" pair" << std::endl
<< " --message-def <message_definition_file> The file from which to load message and signature definition" << std::endl
<< " --test-message-def Tests the message definition file showing all errors then exits" << std::endl
<< std::endl << "Debugging options" << std::endl
<< " --dump-message-def Dumps the parsed definition file details" << std::endl
<< " --dump-frame <start_frame>,<end_frame> Dumps the frames in the given range to stderr" << std::endl
<< " --dump-event <first_event>,<last_event> Dumps the events in the given range to stderr" << std::endl
<< " --quiet Only output urgent warnings" << std::endl
<< std::endl;
void CUTraceDecoderApp::SetTimestampPeriod(CUTraceDecoderApp::TTimestampPeriod aType, double aPeriod1, double aPeriod2)
iPeriodType = aType;
iPeriod1 = aPeriod1;
iPeriod2 = aPeriod2;