Bug 2675. Take default commdb from ipconnmgmt instead.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include "f32file.h"
#include "e32test.h"
#include <in_sock.h>
#include <TestExecuteStepBase.h>
#include <TestExecuteServerBase.h>
#include <test/TestExecuteStepBase.h>
#include <test/TestExecuteServerBase.h>
//The two ways to get thru
#define API_RetValue_ServerPanic 0
#define API_RetValue_NoCapError 0
//The only way to get rejected
#define API_RetValue_PermissionDenied 1
#define DEBUG_ONLY 1
#define DYNAMIC_IPC 2
// Bunch up IPCs that need similar action
template <TInt S>
struct dispatch_num
enum { result = S };
/*enum { result =
S >= ESSProtocolStart && S <= ESSProtocolStop ? ESSProtocolStart :
S >= ESoCreate && S <= ESoCreateNull ? ESoCreate :
S >= ESoSend && S <= ESoWrite ? ESoSend :
S >= ESoSendTo && S <= ESoRecvFromNoLength ? ESoSendTo :
S >= ESoSetOpt && S <= ESoGetOpt ? ESoSetOpt :
S >= ESoGetDiscData && S <= ESoGetRemoteName ? ESoGetDiscData :
S >= EHRGetHostName && S <= EHRSetHostName ? EHRGetHostName :
S >= ESRRegisterService && S <= ESRRemoveService ? ESRRegisterService:
S >= ENDAdd && S <= ENDRemove ? ENDAdd :
S >= ECNCreate && S<= ECNCreateWithName ? ECNCreate :
S == ECNProgress || S == ECNLastProgressError ? ECNProgress :
#if defined(_DEBUG)
S >= ESSDbgCheckHeap && S <= ESSDbgCheckMbuf ? ESSDbgCheckHeap :
S >= ESSDbgMbufFreeSpace && S <= ESSDbgMbufTotalSpace ? ESSDbgMbufFreeSpace :
S >= ESSDbgMarkHeap && S <= ESSDbgMbufTotalSpace ? ESSDbgMbufFreeSpace:
S };*/
template <TInt v>
struct Int2Type
enum { value = v};
// This contains CTestPARAM_SVR_SUITENAMESuite
const TUint KTestSecureServerMajorVersionNumber = 0;
const TUint KTestSecureServerMinorVersionNumber = 1;
const TUint KTestSecureServerBuildVersionNumber = 1;
class CTestPARAM_SVR_SUITENAMEServer : public CTestServer
static CTestPARAM_SVR_SUITENAMEServer* NewL();
// Base class pure virtual override
virtual CTestStep* CreateTestStep(const TDesC& aStepName);
void CTestPARAM_SVR_SUITENAMEServer::RetrieveUpsAuthorisationGrantedL();
// Flag indicating whether UPS authorisation will always be granted and thus override
// the standard Platform Security check.
TBool iUpsAuthorisationGranted;
class CCapabilityTestStep : public CTestStep, public RSessionBase
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL( void );
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPostambleL( void );
// void ServerClose(RTelServer& aServer);
CActiveScheduler* testScheduler;
TInt StartServer() ;
// from CStep.h
#define SR_ServerName_CHNGED _L("FLogger server")
//The Server Name (eg: CommServer, EtelServer,FLogger server, etc)
TBuf<100> SR_ServerName;
TBuf<100> iServer_Panic;
//Following flags influence inverse tests
TBool iExpect_Rejection;
TUint32 iStepCap;
//Is it Async or sync?
//It holds the IPC number
// ECNControl parameters
TInt iControlLevel;
TInt iControlOption;
//Holds the cap mask for the message
//We name the child thread appended by the IPC_Number it tests
TBuf<100> ChildThread_SR;
//The flag informs the main thread whether the connection to the server was established
volatile TBool iSessionCreated;
//To find out if an Async message was completed and if then with what result?
TRequestStatus RequestStatus_SR;
//For an Sync message, nResult_SR get you the return value
TInt iResult_SR;
//Hold the retusn value from "CreateSession" API
TInt iResult_Server;
TInt iResult_C32;
enum TDbgFns {MarkHeapStart, MarkHeapEnd, CheckHeap, FailNext, ResetFailNext};
TInt iOptions;
//The Child thread object
RThread tChildThread;
//This is the Function called from "doTestStepL" by the test Suite,and it creates an
//child thread which internally calls the corresponding Exec_SendReceive_SERVERNAME fn.
TVerdict MainThread();
TVerdict GetVerdict(TInt aAPIretValue);
TVerdict GetVerdict(TExitType aExit,TInt aInitRetValue, TInt aApiRetValue);
TInt TestDebugHeap(TInt *iDbgIPCNo);
//This is for the scheduler test framework
virtual enum TVerdict doTestStepL();
// Stuff that derived classes need to implement
virtual TVersion Version()=0;
virtual TInt Exec_SendReceive()=0;