--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/group/ReferenceCPR.iby Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#ifndef __ReferenceCPR_IBY__
+#define __ReferenceCPR_IBY__
+REM IP Connection Provider
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/group/ReferenceCPR.mmp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// ReferenceCPR.MMP New IP Connection Provider ECOM plugin with BM support
+ @file
+TARGET referencecpr.dll
+UID 0x10009D8D 0x102738D0
+VENDORID 0x70000001
+SOURCE ReferenceCPR_connProv.cpp
+SOURCE ReferenceCPR_connProvFactory.cpp
+SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include
+SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/ecom
+SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/comms-infras
+START RESOURCE 102738D0.rss
+TARGET referencecpr.rsc
+LIBRARY euser.lib esock.lib esocksvr.lib eintsock.lib insock.lib
+LIBRARY netmeta.lib // for the ABIv2
+#include "comms-infras/commsdebugutility.mmh"
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+../group/ReferenceCPR.iby /epoc32/rom/include/referencecpr.iby
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/group/networking_ReferenceCPR.mrp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+component networking_ReferenceCPR
+source \sf\os\commsfw\baseconnectionproviders\refcpr
+binary \sf\os\commsfw\baseconnectionproviders\refcpr\group all
+exports \sf\os\commsfw\baseconnectionproviders\refcpr\group
+notes_source \component_defs\release.src
+ipr T
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/group/networking_referencecpr.history.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<relnotes name="Connection Provider Plugin">
+ <purpose>
+ </purpose>
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/inc/ReferenceCPR_connProv.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference Connection Provider class definition.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#if !defined(__REFERENCECPR_CONNPROV_H__)
+#include <comms-infras/ss_connprov.h>
+#include <comms-infras/commsdebugutility.h>
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+// CommsDebugUtility logging tags. Use them to enable tracing for ReferenceCPR
+class CConnectionSettings;
+class CReferenceConnectionProvider : public CConnectionProviderBase, public MConnectionControlClient
+@released since v9.2
+ */
+ {
+ //-=========================================================
+ // Custom methods
+ //-=========================================================
+ CReferenceConnectionProvider(CConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory);
+ ~CReferenceConnectionProvider();
+ static CReferenceConnectionProvider* NewL(CConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory);
+ friend class CReferenceProviderFactory;
+ //-=========================================================
+ // MConnectionControlClient methods
+ //-=========================================================
+ virtual void ConnectionGoingDown(CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider);
+ virtual void ProgressNotification(TInt aStage, TInt aError);
+ virtual void ConnectionError(TInt aStage, TInt aError);
+ virtual void ServiceChangeNotification(TUint32 aId, const TDesC& aType);
+ virtual void SubConnectionEvent(CSubConnectionProviderBase* aSubConnNextLayerProvider, const TSubConnectionEvent& aSubConnectionEvent);
+ virtual void LayerUp(TInt aError);
+ virtual TCtlType CtlType() const;
+ //-=========================================================
+ // CConnectionProviderBase methods
+ //-=========================================================
+ virtual void DoDataClientJoiningL(MConnectionDataClient& aDataClient);
+ virtual void DoDataClientLeaving(MConnectionDataClient& aDataClient);
+ virtual void DoControlClientJoiningL(MConnectionControlClient& aControlClient);
+ virtual void DoControlClientLeaving(MConnectionControlClient& aControlClient);
+ virtual void DoStartL(Meta::SMetaData& aParams, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage);
+ virtual TInt DoStop(TInt aError, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage);
+ virtual void DoProgressL(Meta::SMetaData& aBuffer) const;
+ virtual void DoLastProgressError(Meta::SMetaData& aBuffer);
+ virtual void DoRequestServiceChangeNotificationL();
+ virtual void DoCancelServiceChangeNotification();
+ virtual void DoControlL(TUint aOptionLevel, TUint aOptionName, Meta::SMetaData& aOption, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage);
+ virtual TInt DoAllSubConnectionNotificationEnable();
+ virtual TInt DoCancelAllSubConnectionNotification();
+ virtual void DoSendIoctlMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ virtual void DoSendCancelIoctl();
+ virtual TInt DoEnumerateSubConnectionsL(TUint& aCount);
+ virtual TUint DoEnumerateClientsL(HBufC8*& aClientInfoBuffer, TEnumClients aClientType);
+ virtual void DoConnectionControlActivityL( TControlActivity aControlActivity, const Meta::SMetaData* aData, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage );
+ virtual CConnectionSettings& DoSettingsAccessL();
+ virtual TInt DoCanDoSubConnection(RSubConnection::TSubConnType aSubConnType) const;
+ virtual CConnectionProviderBase* DoNextLayer() const;
+ virtual void DoJoinNextLayerL(CConnectionProviderBase* aNextLayer);
+ CConnectionProviderBase* iNextLayer;
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/inc/ReferenceCPR_connProvFactory.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference Connection Provider Factory class definition.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <comms-infras/ss_connprov.h>
+#include <ss_select.h>
+//phony protocol family id, replace with the actual
+const TUint KReferenceConnectionProviderFactoryId = 0xF0F0;
+class CReferenceProviderFactory : public CConnectionProviderFactoryBase
+/**This is a sample/reference derivation of the connection provider factory.
+Each such derivation should be able to produce a specific type of connection providers,
+where the type usually denotes a particular technology (e.g.: IP, UMTS, SIP).
+A connection provider factory is also responsible for handling selection,
+i.e.: given or having access to all sorts of input (connection preferences, policies,
+bearer availablity) the factory should be able to select the provider on the given
+level and select the provider type on the level below.
+@released since v9.2
+ {
+ static CReferenceProviderFactory* NewL(TAny* aParentContainer);
+ CReferenceProviderFactory(TUint aFactoryId, CConnectionFactoryContainer& aParentContainer);
+ virtual CConnectionProviderBase* DoCreateProviderL();
+ virtual MProviderSelector* DoSelectProvider( Meta::SMetaData& aPreferences, ISelectionNotify& aSelectionNotify, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage );
+ virtual MProviderSelector* DoSelectNextLayerProvider( Meta::SMetaData& aPreferences, ISelectionNotify& aSelectionNotify, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage );
+ virtual void DoEnumerateConnectionsL(RPointerArray<TConnectionInfo>& aConnectionInfoPtrArray);
+ };
+class XConnectionFindSameLowerLayerQuery : public MCommsFactoryQuery
+@released since v9.2
+ {
+ XConnectionFindSameLowerLayerQuery( CConnectionProviderBase* aConnectionProviderBase ) :
+ iConnectionProviderBase( aConnectionProviderBase )
+ {
+ }
+ CConnectionProviderBase* iConnectionProviderBase;
+ virtual TMatchResult Match( TFactoryObjectInfo& aConnectionInfo );
+ };
+class CReferenceSelector : public CBase, public MProviderSelector
+@released since v9.2
+ {
+ CReferenceSelector(ISelectionNotify& aNotify, CReferenceProviderFactory& aFactory);
+ TInt Select(Meta::SMetaData& aPreferences, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage);
+ void SelectComplete(CConnectionProviderBase* aConnProvider, TInt aError);
+ void ProgressNotification(TInt aStage, TInt aError);
+ void LayerUp(TInt aError);
+ void ServiceChangeNotification(TUint32 aId, const TDesC& aType);
+ void SubConnectionEvent(CSubConnectionProviderBase* aSubConnNextLayerProvider, const TSubConnectionEvent& aSubConnectionEvent);
+ void Detach();
+ virtual TInt Cancel();
+ virtual TInt Cancel(TInt aReason, const RMessage2* aMessage);
+ virtual ~CReferenceSelector();
+ //ISelectionNotify must be stored by value, cos' it's just a short-lived wrapper class.
+ //It doesn't exist as a someone that waits for the completion, but stores refereneces
+ //to the one that does.
+ ISelectionNotify iNotify;
+ CReferenceProviderFactory& iFactory;
+ MProviderSelector* iNextLayerSelector;
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/src/102738D0.rss Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Registry info for Reference Connection Provider plug-in
+ @file 102738D0.RSS
+#include <ecom/registryinfo.rh>
+ * Description:
+ * [1] dll_uid should be the same as the name of this file. It stands for the UID of
+ * this ECOM plugin. In order to obtain a new UID, register at the
+ * "EPOC UID Allocation Database". Each plugin needs a array of UIDs:
+ * - one for the dll
+ * - one for the Connection Factory implementation id.
+ * The UIDs listed in this file are either interface UIDs or implementation
+ * UIDs registered for this particular plug-in. The latter should be replaced
+ * for each new plug-in.
+ * [2] interface_uid is the ECOM plugin intergface id. In this file:
+ * 0x102738D1 - Connection Provider Factory interface id.
+ *
+ */
+dll_uid = 0x102738D0;
+interfaces =
+ {
+ {
+ interface_uid = 0x102070EE;
+ implementations =
+ {
+ {
+ implementation_uid = 0x102738D1;
+ version_no = 1;
+ display_name = "Reference Connection Provider Factory";
+ default_data = "ReferenceConnectionProviderFactory";
+ opaque_data = "";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/src/ReferenceCPR_connProv.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference (empty) implementation file for a Connection Provider
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "ReferenceCPR_connProv.h"
+_LIT(KPanicReferenceCPRText,"Reference CPR not filled in properly");
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+// Panic category for "absolutely impossible!" vanilla ASSERT()-type panics from this module
+// (if it could happen through user error then you should give it an explicit, documented, category + code)
+_LIT(KSpecAssert_RefCprConProv, "RefCprConProv");
+// Custom methods
+CReferenceConnectionProvider* CReferenceConnectionProvider::NewL(CConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory)
+ {
+ CReferenceConnectionProvider* p = new (ELeave) CReferenceConnectionProvider(aFactory);
+ return p;
+ }
+CReferenceConnectionProvider::CReferenceConnectionProvider(CConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory)
+ iNextLayer(NULL)
+ {
+ __FLOG_OPEN(KReferenceLogTag1, KReferenceLogTag2);
+ }
+ {
+ }
+// MConnectionControlClient methods
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::ConnectionGoingDown(CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider)
+ {
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tConnectionGoingDown(aConnProvider %08x)"), this, &aConnProvider);
+ if (&aConnProvider == iNextLayer)
+ {
+ iNextLayer = NULL;
+ DeleteMeNow();
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::ProgressNotification(TInt aStage, TInt aError)
+ {
+ __FLOG_3(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tProgressNotification(aStage %d aError %d)"), this, aStage, aError);
+ TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
+ for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ {
+ iControlClients[i]->ProgressNotification(aStage, aError);
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::ConnectionError(TInt aStage, TInt aError)
+ {
+ __FLOG_3(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tConnectionError(aStage %d aError %d)"), this, aStage, aError);
+ TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
+ for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ {
+ iControlClients[i]->ConnectionError(aStage, aError);
+ }
+ max = iDataClients.Count();
+ for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ {
+ iDataClients[i]->ConnectionError(aStage, aError);
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::ServiceChangeNotification(TUint32 aId, const TDesC& aType)
+ {
+ __FLOG_3(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tServiceChangeNotification(aId %u aType %s)"), this, aId, &aType);
+ TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
+ for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ {
+ iControlClients[i]->ServiceChangeNotification(aId, aType);
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::SubConnectionEvent(CSubConnectionProviderBase* aSubConnNextLayerProvider, const TSubConnectionEvent& aSubConnectionEvent)
+ {
+ TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
+ for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
+ {
+ iControlClients[i]->SubConnectionEvent(aSubConnNextLayerProvider, aSubConnectionEvent);
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::LayerUp(TInt aError)
+ {
+ TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
+ for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i)
+ {
+ iControlClients[i]->LayerUp(aError);
+ }
+ // broadcast the event to the data clients also, sideways
+ max = iDataClients.Count();
+ for (TInt j = max - 1; j >= 0 ; --j)
+ {
+ iDataClients[j]->Notify(MConnectionDataClient::ENotifyLayerUp, this, aError, NULL);
+ }
+ }
+MConnectionControlClient::TCtlType CReferenceConnectionProvider::CtlType() const
+ {
+ return MConnectionControlClient::ENormal;
+ }
+// CConnectionProviderBase methods
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoDataClientJoiningL(MConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tDoDataClientJoiningL number %d"), this, iDataClients.Count());
+ //TODO: fill up with handling code if applicable.
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoDataClientLeaving(MConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tDoDataClientLeaving number %d"), this, iDataClients.Count());
+ //TODO: fill up with handling code if applicable.
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoControlClientJoiningL(MConnectionControlClient& /*aControlClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tDoControlClientJoiningL number %d"), this, iControlClients.Count());
+ //TODO: fill up with handling code if applicable.
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoControlClientLeaving(MConnectionControlClient& /*aControlClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_2(_L("CReferenceConnectionProvider %08x:\tDoControlClientLeaving number %d"), this, iControlClients.Count());
+ //TODO: fill up with handling code if applicable.
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoStartL(Meta::SMetaData& aParams, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
+ {
+ //TODO: start this connection
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ iNextLayer->StartL(aParams, aMessage);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoStop(TInt aError, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
+ {
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ //The next layer present. We'll now stop it here and anticipate ConnectionGoingDown() called on 'this'
+ //when indeed, the connection is stopped.
+ return iNextLayer->Stop(aError, aMessage);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //No next layer present, we're just need to delete this connection to complete the Stop message.
+ DeleteMeNow();
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoProgressL(Meta::SMetaData& aBuffer) const
+ {
+ //TODO: update the progress info.
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ iNextLayer->ProgressL(aBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoLastProgressError(Meta::SMetaData& aBuffer)
+ {
+ //TODO: return the last error actually ocurred.
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ return iNextLayer->LastProgressError(aBuffer);
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoRequestServiceChangeNotificationL()
+ {
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ iNextLayer->RequestServiceChangeNotificationL();
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoCancelServiceChangeNotification()
+ {
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ iNextLayer->CancelServiceChangeNotification();
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoControlL(TUint aOptionLevel, TUint aOptionName, Meta::SMetaData& aOption, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
+ {
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ return iNextLayer->ControlL(aOptionLevel, aOptionName, aOption, aMessage);
+ }
+ }
+TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoEnumerateSubConnectionsL(TUint& /*aCount*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ //TODO: fill up aCount with the number of subconnections active.
+ }
+TUint CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoEnumerateClientsL(HBufC8*& aClientInfoBuffer, TEnumClients aClientType)
+Returns information about the clients of this Interface
+@param aCount on return contains the number of clients using this Interface
+@param aClientInfoBuffer on return contains a TPckg<> containing information about each client
+@exception leaves with KErrNoMemory if memory allocation fails
+ {
+ const TInt KInfoBufMaxLength = 1024; //is this large enough?
+ TBuf8<KInfoBufMaxLength> infoBuf;
+ TUint count = 0;
+ STypeId tid(KConnectionClientExtUid,EConnectionClientDesc);
+ TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
+ for ( TInt n = 0; n < max; n++ )
+ {
+ MConnectionClientDesc* intf = reinterpret_cast<MConnectionClientDesc*>(iControlClients[n]->FetchInterfaceInstanceL(*this,tid));
+ if ( intf )
+ {
+ TConnectionProcessInfo cinfo;
+ cinfo.GetInfoL(aClientType, count, *intf, infoBuf);
+ }
+ }
+ STypeId tid2(KConnectionClientExtUid,EConnectionEnumerateClients);
+ max = iDataClients.Count();
+ for ( TInt n = 0; n < max; n++ )
+ {
+ MConnectionEnumerateClients* intf = reinterpret_cast<MConnectionEnumerateClients*>(iDataClients[n]->FetchInterfaceInstanceL(*this,tid2));
+ if ( intf )
+ {
+ intf->EnumerateClientsL(count, infoBuf, aClientType);
+ }
+ }
+ aClientInfoBuffer = infoBuf.AllocL();
+ return count;
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoConnectionControlActivityL( CConnectionProviderBase::TControlActivity /*aControlActivity*/, const Meta::SMetaData* /*aData*/, const RMessagePtr2* /*aMessage*/ )
+ {
+ //TODO:
+ }
+CConnectionSettings& CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoSettingsAccessL()
+ {
+ //TODO: If no lower layer, derive your own CConnectionSettings
+ //class and return a reference to an instance of it here.
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ return iNextLayer->SettingsAccessL();
+ }
+ User::Panic(KPanicReferenceCPRText, KErrNotFound);
+ CConnectionSettings* null = NULL;
+ return *static_cast<CConnectionSettings*>(null);
+ }
+TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoAllSubConnectionNotificationEnable()
+ {
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ return iNextLayer->AllSubConnectionNotificationEnable();
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoCancelAllSubConnectionNotification()
+ {
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ return iNextLayer->CancelAllSubConnectionNotification();
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoSendIoctlMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
+ {
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ iNextLayer->SendIoctlMessageL(aMessage);
+ }
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoSendCancelIoctl()
+ {
+ if (NULL != iNextLayer)
+ {
+ iNextLayer->SendCancelIoctl();
+ }
+ }
+TInt CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoCanDoSubConnection(RSubConnection::TSubConnType /*aSubConnType*/) const
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+void CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoJoinNextLayerL(CConnectionProviderBase* aNextLayer)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(( !iNextLayer && aNextLayer), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_RefCprConProv, 1));
+ iNextLayer = aNextLayer;
+ SetConnectionInfo(iNextLayer->ConnectionInfo());
+ // join ourselves as a connection control client to the lower provider
+ iNextLayer->JoinL(*this);
+ }
+CConnectionProviderBase* CReferenceConnectionProvider::DoNextLayer() const
+ {
+ return iNextLayer;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refcpr/src/ReferenceCPR_connProvFactory.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference (empty) implementation file for a SubConnection Provider Factory
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <implementationproxy.h>
+#include <ss_glob.h>
+#include "ReferenceCPR_connProv.h"
+#include "ReferenceCPR_connProvFactory.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+// Panic category for "absolutely impossible!" vanilla ASSERT()-type panics from this module
+// (if it could happen through user error then you should give it an explicit, documented, category + code)
+_LIT(KSpecAssert_RefCprConProvFac, "RefCprConProvFac");
+// Data/functions required for instantiating ECOM Plugin
+const TInt KReferenceConnectionProviderImplementationUid=0x102738D0;
+const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
+ {
+ IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KReferenceConnectionProviderImplementationUid, CReferenceProviderFactory::NewL)
+ };
+ECOM Implementation Factory
+EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
+ {
+ aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
+ return ImplementationTable;
+ }
+// CReferenceProviderFactory
+/**NewL is the actual ECOM Connection Provider interface implemented.
+ESOCK will call it to instantiate the factory and store it in the
+@param aConstructionParameters construction data passed by ECOM
+@returns pointer to a constructed factory
+CReferenceProviderFactory* CReferenceProviderFactory::NewL(TAny* aParentContainer)
+ {
+ return new (ELeave) CReferenceProviderFactory(KReferenceConnectionProviderFactoryId,
+ *(reinterpret_cast<CConnectionFactoryContainer*>(aParentContainer)));
+ }
+@param aFactoryId - the id of this factory. The id should represent the type of subconnection
+ providers this factory can produce.
+@param aParentContainer - the factory container the new factory object should add itself to.
+CReferenceProviderFactory::CReferenceProviderFactory(TUint aFactoryId, CConnectionFactoryContainer& aParentContainer)
+:CConnectionProviderFactoryBase(aFactoryId, aParentContainer)
+ {
+ }
+CConnectionProviderBase* CReferenceProviderFactory::DoCreateProviderL()
+ {
+ return CReferenceConnectionProvider::NewL(*this);
+ }
+/**A sample/reference derivation of DoSelectProvider. The method is responsible for:
+- selecting an instance of the connection provider at this level of the connection provider stack.
+- determining the connection provider type at the layer below this
+- triggering the selection at the layer below.
+@param aPreferences - connection preferences for the connection to be selected.
+@param aSelectionNotify - the notify interface (see class ISelectionNotify and see its usage
+ in the implementation file).
+@param aMessage - the orignal IPC message.
+@returns pointer to a MProviderSelector object. The pointer can be used by the caller to cancel the
+selection. Please note, this is a self-destructing object - the caller should assume the pointer
+becomes invalid after the selection.
+MProviderSelector* CReferenceProviderFactory::DoSelectProvider( Meta::SMetaData& aPreferences, ISelectionNotify& aSelectionNotify, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage )
+ {
+ CReferenceSelector* selector = new CReferenceSelector(aSelectionNotify,*this);
+ if (NULL == selector)
+ {
+ aSelectionNotify.SelectComplete(NULL, KErrNoMemory);
+ }
+ else if (selector->Select(aPreferences, aMessage) != KErrNone)
+ {
+ selector = NULL;
+ }
+ return selector;
+ }
+/**A sample/reference derivation of DoSelectNextLayerProvider. The method is responsible for:
+- determining the connection provider type at the layer below this
+- triggering the selection at the layer below.
+One can observe that DoSelectNextLayerProvider has a subset of the responsibilities held by
+@param aPreferences - connection preferences for the connection to be selected.
+@param aSelectionNotify - the notify interface (see class ISelectionNotify and see its usage
+ in the implementation file).
+@param aMessage - the orignal IPC message.
+@returns pointer to a MProviderSelector object. The pointer can be used by the caller to cancel the
+selection. Please note, this is a self-destructing object - the caller should assume the pointer
+becomes invalid after the selection.
+MProviderSelector* CReferenceProviderFactory::DoSelectNextLayerProvider( Meta::SMetaData& aPreferences, ISelectionNotify& aSelectionNotify, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage )
+ {
+ //This method should determine the type (factoryId) of the connection below this layer.
+ TInt factoryId = KInvalidFactoryId;
+ //When done
+ CConnectionFactoryContainer* connectionFactories = SockManGlobals::Get()->iConnectionFactories;
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(connectionFactories, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_RefCprConProvFac, 1));
+ CConnectionProviderFactoryBase* factory = connectionFactories->FindFactory(factoryId);
+ return factory->SelectProvider(aPreferences, aSelectionNotify, aMessage);
+ }
+void CReferenceProviderFactory::DoEnumerateConnectionsL(RPointerArray<TConnectionInfo>& /*aConnectionInfoPtrArray*/)
+ {
+ //TODO: enumerate connections.
+ }
+// CReferenceSelector
+CReferenceSelector::CReferenceSelector(ISelectionNotify& aNotify, CReferenceProviderFactory& aFactory)
+ iFactory(aFactory),
+ iNextLayerSelector(NULL)
+ {
+ }
+TInt CReferenceSelector::Cancel()
+ {
+ //TODO: cancel the selection
+ if (iNextLayerSelector)
+ {
+ return iNextLayerSelector->Cancel();
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+TInt CReferenceSelector::Cancel(TInt aReason, const RMessage2* aMessage)
+ {
+ //TODO: cancel the selection
+ if (iNextLayerSelector)
+ {
+ return iNextLayerSelector->Cancel(aReason, aMessage);
+ }
+ return KErrNotReady;
+ }
+TInt CReferenceSelector::Select(Meta::SMetaData& aPreferences, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
+ {
+ //Prepare ISelectionNotify. MProviderSelector may choose the events it wishes to be notified
+ //about by implementing a subset of the possible upcalls. The list of the actually implemented
+ //is used to create an ISelectionNotify object (a loose function pointer holder) and passed
+ //to the factory below to perform the selection at the lower level.
+ ISelectionNotify selectNotify( this, TSelectionNotify<CReferenceSelector>::SelectComplete,
+ TProgressNotify<CReferenceSelector>::ProgressNotification,
+ TServiceChangeNotify<CReferenceSelector>::ServiceChangeNotification,
+ TLayerUp<CReferenceSelector>::LayerUp,
+ TSubConnectionEventTmpl<CReferenceSelector>::SubConnectionEvent,
+ TDetachNotify<CReferenceSelector>::Detach);
+ iNextLayerSelector = iFactory.SelectNextLayerProvider(aPreferences, selectNotify, aMessage);
+ return (iNextLayerSelector ? KErrNone : KErrNotReady);
+ }
+void CReferenceSelector::SelectComplete(CConnectionProviderBase* aConnProvider, TInt aError)
+ {
+ CReferenceConnectionProvider* connProvider = NULL;
+ if (aError == KErrNone)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aConnProvider, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_RefCprConProvFac, 2));
+ XConnectionFindSameLowerLayerQuery query(aConnProvider);
+ TRAP( aError, connProvider = static_cast<CReferenceConnectionProvider*>(iFactory.FindOrCreateProviderL(query)));
+ if (aError == KErrNone && connProvider->NextLayer() == NULL)
+ {
+ //the factory returned a new instance - must set the lower layer
+ TRAP(aError,connProvider->JoinNextLayerL(aConnProvider));
+ }
+ }
+ iNotify.SelectComplete(connProvider, aError);
+ }
+void CReferenceSelector::ProgressNotification(TInt aStage, TInt aError)
+ {
+ iNotify.ProgressNotification(aStage, aError);
+ }
+void CReferenceSelector::LayerUp(TInt aError)
+ {
+ iNotify.LayerUp(aError);
+ }
+void CReferenceSelector::SubConnectionEvent(CSubConnectionProviderBase* aSubConnNextLayerProvider, const TSubConnectionEvent& aSubConnectionEvent)
+ {
+ iNotify.SubConnectionEvent(aSubConnNextLayerProvider, aSubConnectionEvent);
+ }
+void CReferenceSelector::ServiceChangeNotification(TUint32 aId, const TDesC& aType)
+ {
+ iNotify.ServiceChangeNotification(aId, aType);
+ }
+void CReferenceSelector::Detach()
+ {
+ iNotify.Detach();
+ iNextLayerSelector = NULL;
+ delete this;
+ }
+ {
+ if (iNextLayerSelector)
+ {
+ iNextLayerSelector->Cancel();
+ }
+ }
+// XConnectionFindSameLowerLayerQuery
+MCommsFactoryQuery::TMatchResult XConnectionFindSameLowerLayerQuery::Match( TFactoryObjectInfo& aProviderInfo )
+ {
+ CConnectionProviderBase* prov = static_cast<CConnectionProviderBase*>(aProviderInfo.iInfo.iFactoryObject);
+ return prov->NextLayer() == iConnectionProviderBase ? EMatch : EContinue;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/Documentation/readme.txt Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+This component is an example/reference implementation of:
+- a subconnection provider (as defined by CSubConnectionProviderBase)
+- a subconnection parameter extension set.
+Developers are encouraged to use this reference whatever way they
+like (e.g.: fill it up with content).
+This component does not hold any functionality and should not be
+built during system build.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/group/ReferenceSCPR.iby Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#ifndef __IPSCPR_IBY__
+#define __IPSCPR_IBY__
+REM Refercnce Subconnection Provider
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/group/ReferenceSCPR.mmp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// ReferenceSCPR.MMP Umts/Gprs Subconnection Provider ECOM plugin
+ @file ReferenceSCPR.MMP
+TARGET referencescpr.dll
+UID 0x10009D8D 0x102738C2
+VENDORID 0x70000001
+SOURCE ReferenceSCPR_subconparams.cpp
+SOURCE ReferenceSCPR_defaultSubconnProv.cpp
+SOURCE ReferenceSCPR_subconnProv.cpp
+SOURCE ReferenceSCPR_subconnProvFactory.cpp
+START RESOURCE 102738C2.rss
+TARGET referencescpr.rsc
+SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include
+SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/ecom
+SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/comms-infras
+SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/networking
+LIBRARY euser.lib esock.lib esocksvr.lib eintsock.lib insock.lib
+LIBRARY netmeta.lib etelpckt.lib etel.lib umtsif.lib
+#include "comms-infras/commsdebugutility.mmh"
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Exporting headers of the extension parameters this SCPR supports.
+// The headers can be included by applications wishing to use the extension
+// instead of the generic parameter sets.
+../inc/ReferenceSCPR_subconparams.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH(networking/reference_subconparams.h)
+../inc/ReferenceSCPR_subconparams.inl /epoc32/include/networking/reference_subconparams.inl
+../group/ReferenceSCPR.iby /epoc32/rom/include/referencescpr.iby
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/group/networking_ReferenceSCPR.mrp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+component networking_referenceSCPR
+source \sf\os\commsfw\baseconnectionproviders\refscpr
+binary \sf\os\commsfw\baseconnectionproviders\refscpr\group all
+exports \sf\os\commsfw\baseconnectionproviders\refscpr\group
+notes_source \component_defs\release.src
+ipr T
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/group/networking_referencescpr.history.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<relnotes name="Connection Provider Plugin">
+ <purpose>
+ </purpose>
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/inc/ReferenceSCPR_defaultSubconnProv.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference Default SubConnection Provider class definition.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "ReferenceSCPR_subconnProv.h"
+class CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider : public CSubConnectionProviderBase, public MConnectionDataClient
+CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider is a reference implementation for a shared subconnection,
+that is: either
+* a subconnection explicitly requested by a client openning an RSubConnection in EAttachToDefault mode
+* an implicitly created shared subconnection.
+Typically reserved and shared subconnection providers, although represent the
+same layer/technology, require different implementations of CSubConnectionProviderBase.
+This example code takes that into account and provides two separate classes for reserved and
+shared subconnections respectivelly. Should the implementation differ little or not differ at all,
+developers are encouraged to introduce inheritance between the two types or implement just one
+universal CSubConnectionProviderBase subclass, if sensible.
+The following should be read like a class diagram for a CSubConnectionProviderBase:
+ [MSubConnectionControlClient]
+LAYER N-1 ^
+ |
+ [MSubConnectionDataClient]<-n- n [MSubConnectionDataClient]<-n-
+ | | /\ |
+LAYER N 1 1 is a 1
+ | | || |
+ [ServiceAccessPoint]<-n--1-[CSubConnectionProviderBase]-1-----n->[CConnectionProviderBase]
+ |
+ n
+ |
+ 1
+LAYER N+1 v
+ [CSubConnectionProviderBase]
+@released since v9.2
+ {
+ //-=========================================================
+ // MConnectionDataClient methods
+ //-=========================================================
+ virtual void Notify(TNotify aNotifyType, CConnectionProviderBase* aConnProvider, TInt aError, const CConNotificationEvent* aConNotificationEvent);
+ virtual void AttachToNext(CSubConnectionProviderBase* aSubConnProvider);
+ virtual void ConnectionGoingDown(CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider);
+ virtual void ConnectionError(TInt aStage, TInt aError);
+ //-=========================================================
+ // CSubConnectionProviderBase methods
+ //-=========================================================
+ virtual void DoDataClientJoiningL(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient);
+ virtual void DoDataClientLeaving(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient);
+ virtual void DoControlClientJoiningL(MSubConnectionControlClient& aControlClient);
+ virtual void DoControlClientLeaving(MSubConnectionControlClient& aControlClient);
+ virtual void DoSourceAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient, const TSockAddr& aSource);
+ virtual void DoDestinationAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient, const TSockAddr& aDestination);
+ virtual void DoDataClientRouted(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient, const TSockAddr& aSource, const TSockAddr& aDestination, const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo);
+ virtual void DoParametersAboutToBeSetL(CSubConParameterBundle& aParameterBundle);
+ virtual TInt DoControl(TUint aOptionLevel, TUint aOptionName, TDes8& aOption);
+ virtual CConnDataTransfer& DoDataTransferL();
+ virtual MConnectionDataClient* DoSelfConnectionDataClient();
+ virtual void DoStartL();
+ virtual void DoStop();
+ virtual CSubConnectionProviderBase* DoNextLayer();
+ //-=========================================================
+ // Custom methods
+ //-=========================================================
+ friend class CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory;
+ CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider(CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory,
+ CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider);
+ static CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider* NewL(CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory,
+ CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider);
+ void ConstructL();
+ virtual ~CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider();
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/inc/ReferenceSCPR_subconnProv.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference SubConnection Provider class definition.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <comms-infras/ss_subconnprov.h>
+#include <comms-infras/commsdebugutility.h>
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+// CommsDebugUtility logging tags. Use them to enable tracing for ReferenceSCPR
+class CReferenceSubConnectionProvider : public CSubConnectionProviderBase, public MConnectionDataClient
+CReferenceSubConnectionProvider is a reference implementation for a reserved subconnection,
+that is: a subconnection explicitly requested by a client openning an RSubConnection
+in ECreateNew mode. Typically reserved and shared subconnection providers, although represent the
+same layer/technology, require different implementations of CSubConnectionProviderBase.
+This example code takes that into account and provides two separate classes for reserved and
+shared subconnections respectivelly. Should the implementation differ little or not differ at all,
+developers are encouraged to introduce inheritance between the two types or implement just one
+universal CSubConnectionProviderBase subclass, if sensible.
+The following should be read like a class diagram for a CSubConnectionProviderBase:
+ [MSubConnectionControlClient]
+LAYER N-1 ^
+ |
+ [MSubConnectionDataClient]<-n- n [MSubConnectionDataClient]<-n-
+ | | /\ |
+LAYER N 1 1 is a 1
+ | | || |
+ [ServiceAccessPoint]<-n--1-[CSubConnectionProviderBase]-1-----n->[CConnectionProviderBase]
+ |
+ n
+ |
+ 1
+LAYER N+1 v
+ [CSubConnectionProviderBase]
+@released since v9.2
+ {
+ //-=========================================================
+ // MConnectionDataClient methods
+ //-=========================================================
+ virtual void Notify(TNotify aNotifyType, CConnectionProviderBase* aConnProvider, TInt aError, const CConNotificationEvent* aConNotificationEvent);
+ virtual void AttachToNext(CSubConnectionProviderBase* aSubConnProvider);
+ virtual void ConnectionGoingDown(CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider);
+ virtual void ConnectionError(TInt aStage, TInt aError);
+ //-=========================================================
+ // CSubConnectionProviderBase methods
+ //-=========================================================
+ virtual void DoDataClientJoiningL(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient);
+ virtual void DoDataClientLeaving(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient);
+ virtual void DoControlClientJoiningL(MSubConnectionControlClient& aControlClient);
+ virtual void DoControlClientLeaving(MSubConnectionControlClient& aControlClient);
+ virtual void DoSourceAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient, const TSockAddr& aSource);
+ virtual void DoDestinationAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient, const TSockAddr& aDestination);
+ virtual void DoDataClientRouted(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient, const TSockAddr& aSource, const TSockAddr& aDestination, const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo);
+ virtual void DoParametersAboutToBeSetL(CSubConParameterBundle& aParameterBundle);
+ virtual TInt DoControl(TUint aOptionLevel, TUint aOptionName, TDes8& aOption);
+ virtual CConnDataTransfer& DoDataTransferL();
+ virtual MConnectionDataClient* DoSelfConnectionDataClient();
+ virtual void DoStartL();
+ virtual void DoStop();
+ virtual CSubConnectionProviderBase* DoNextLayer();
+ //-=========================================================
+ // Custom methods
+ //-=========================================================
+ friend class CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory;
+ CReferenceSubConnectionProvider(CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory,
+ CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider);
+ static CReferenceSubConnectionProvider* NewL(CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory,
+ CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider);
+ void ConstructL();
+ virtual ~CReferenceSubConnectionProvider();
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/inc/ReferenceSCPR_subconnProvFactory.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference SubConnection Provider Factory class definition.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <comms-infras/ss_subconnprov.h>
+//phony protocol family id, replace with the actual
+const TUint KReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactoryId = 0xF0F0;
+class CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory : public CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase
+/**This is a sample/reference derivation of the subconnection provider factory.
+Each such derivation should be able to produce a specific type of subconnection providers,
+where the type usually denotes a particular technology (e.g.: IP, UMTS, SIP).
+@released since v9.2
+ {
+ static CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory* NewL(TAny* aConstructionParameters);
+ CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory(TUint aFactoryId, CSubConnectionFactoryContainer& aParentContainer);
+ virtual ~CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory();
+ virtual CSubConnectionProviderBase* DoCreateProviderL(CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider, RSubConnection::TSubConnType aType);
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/inc/ReferenceSCPR_subconparams.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference_subconparams.h
+// Header file for the Reference (example) SubConnection Parameter Extension Set.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <es_sock.h>
+//The ECOM plugin identifier for this SubConnection parameter extension.
+//See the assisting *.rss file.
+const TInt KSubConReferenceParamsUid = 0x102738C4;
+//The sub-identifier for CSubConReferenceParamSet extension parameter set.
+const TInt KSubConReferenceParamsType = 1;
+class CSubConReferenceParamSet : public CSubConExtensionParameterSet
+ An example/reference extension set of SubConnection Parameters.
+ A typical client application wishing to use this extension set would
+ look like this:
+ ====================================================================
+ void foo()
+ {
+ ...
+ //Instantiate a parameter bundle - a generic container for subconnection
+ //parameter sets.
+ RSubConParameterBundle subconnParamBundle;
+ //Since the bundle is about to hold heap-objects, must push onto
+ //the cleanup stack.
+ CleanupClosePushL(subconnParams);
+ //Instantiate a family - a subcontainer within a bundle. The subcontainer
+ //should hold QoS subconnection parameter sets.
+ CSubConParameterFamily* family = CSubConParameterFamily::NewL(subconnParamBundle, KSubConQoSFamily);
+ //Specific parameter sets can be instantiated in either of the three modes (designating their semantics):
+ // enum TParameterSetType
+ // {
+ // ERequested = 0, //parameters requested by the application
+ // EAcceptable = 1,//parameters the application can accept (minimum)
+ // EGranted = 2 //parameters granted by the network.
+ // }; (see ES_SOCK.H)
+ //Consequently the bundle would usually contain ERequested and EAcceptable (or at least ERequested)
+ //parameter sets.
+ //Instantiating the ERequested Reference Extension:
+ CSubConReferenceParamSet* subConRefRequestedParSet = CSubConReferenceParamSet::NewL(*family, CSubConParameterFamily::ERequested);
+ //Instantiating the EAccepted Reference Extension:
+ CSubConExtensionParameterSet* subConRefAcceptedParSet = CSubConReferenceParamSet::NewL(*family, CSubConParameterFamily::EAccepted);
+ //At this point subconnParamBundle holds 2 instances (ERequested and EAcceptable) of CSubConReferenceParamSet.
+ }
+ ====================================================================
+@released since v9.2
+ inline static CSubConReferenceParamSet* NewL(CSubConParameterFamily& aFamily, CSubConParameterFamily::TParameterSetType aType);
+ inline static CSubConReferenceParamSet* NewL();
+ inline CSubConReferenceParamSet();
+ inline TInt GetDummyTIntParameter() const;
+ inline const TName& GetDummyTNameParameter() const;
+ inline void SetDummyTIntParameter(TInt aDummyTIntParameter);
+ inline void SetDummyTNameParameter(const TName& iDummyName);
+ TInt iDummyTIntParameter;
+ TName iDummyName;
+ };
+class CReferenceSubConnExtensionParamsFactory : public CBase
+/** Factory used to create instances of the Reference SubConnection Parameter Extension Sets.
+@released since v9.2
+ {
+ static CSubConExtensionParameterSet* NewL(TAny* aConstructionParameters);
+ };
+#include <networking/reference_subconparams.inl>
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/inc/ReferenceSCPR_subconparams.inl Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Inline Functions file for the Reference SubConnection Parameter Set.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+inline CSubConReferenceParamSet* CSubConReferenceParamSet::NewL(CSubConParameterFamily& aFamily, CSubConParameterFamily::TParameterSetType aType)
+ {
+ CSubConReferenceParamSet* obj = NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(obj);
+ aFamily.AddExtensionSetL(*obj, aType);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(obj);
+ return obj;
+ }
+inline CSubConReferenceParamSet* CSubConReferenceParamSet::NewL()
+ {
+ STypeId typeId(KSubConReferenceParamsUid, KSubConReferenceParamsType);
+ return static_cast<CSubConReferenceParamSet*>(CSubConParameterSet::NewL(typeId));
+ }
+inline CSubConReferenceParamSet::CSubConReferenceParamSet()
+ : CSubConExtensionParameterSet(),
+ iDummyTIntParameter(0),
+ iDummyName()
+ {
+ }
+inline TInt CSubConReferenceParamSet::GetDummyTIntParameter() const
+ {
+ return iDummyTIntParameter;
+ }
+inline const TName& CSubConReferenceParamSet::GetDummyTNameParameter() const
+ {
+ return iDummyName;
+ }
+inline void CSubConReferenceParamSet::SetDummyTIntParameter(TInt aDummyTIntParameter)
+ {
+ iDummyTIntParameter = aDummyTIntParameter;
+ }
+inline void CSubConReferenceParamSet::SetDummyTNameParameter(const TName& aDummyName)
+ {
+ iDummyName = aDummyName;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/src/102738C2.rss Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Registry info for Reference Sub-Connection Provider plug-in
+// [1] dll_uid should be the same as the name of this file. It stands for the UID of
+// this ECOM plugin. In order to obtain a new UID, register at the
+// "EPOC UID Allocation Database". Each plugin needs a array of UIDs:
+// - one for the dll
+// - one for the SubConnection Factory implementation id.
+// - one for the SubConnection Extension Parameters Factory implementation id
+// (if there is an extension parameter set in this plug-in).
+// The UIDs listed in this file are either interface UIDs or implementation
+// UIDs registered for this particular plug-in. The latter should be replaced
+// for each new plug-in.
+// [2] interface_uid is the ECOM plugin intergface id. In this file:
+// 0x10204301 - SubConnection Factory interface id.
+// 0x10204303 - SubConnection Extension Parameters Factory interface id.
+ @file 102738C2.RSS
+#include <ecom/registryinfo.rh>
+dll_uid = 0x102738C2;
+interfaces =
+ {
+ {
+ interface_uid = 0x10204301;
+ implementations =
+ {
+ {
+ implementation_uid = 0x102738C3;
+ version_no = 1;
+ display_name = "Reference SubConnection Provider Factory";
+ default_data = "ReferenceSubConnProvdFactory";
+ opaque_data = "";
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ interface_uid = 0x10204303;
+ implementations =
+ {
+ {
+ implementation_uid = 0x102738C4;
+ version_no = 1;
+ display_name = "Reference Extension Set of SubConnection Paremers";
+ default_data = "text/wml";
+ opaque_data = "";
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/src/ReferenceSCPR_defaultSubconnProv.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implementation file for the Default Reference SubConnection Provider
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "ReferenceSCPR_defaultSubconnProv.h"
+// Custom methods
+ CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory,
+ CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider)
+:CSubConnectionProviderBase(aFactory, aConnProvider)
+@param aFactory CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase that should own the reference to 'this'
+@param aConnProvider a connection that 'this' subconnection belongs to
+ {
+ __FLOG_OPEN(KReferenceLogTag1, KReferenceLogTag2);
+ }
+/** NewL for the two stage construction. Calls the CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider constructor
+ and ConstructL on the constructed instance.
+@param aFactory - the subconnection provider factory the new CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider
+ will belong to and is to be instantiated by.
+@param aConnProvider - the connection (represented by a connection provieder) the new
+ CReferenceSubConnectionProvider will belong to.
+@return - a new, constructed instance of CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider.
+CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider* CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::NewL(
+ CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory,
+ CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider)
+ {
+ CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider* provider =
+ new(ELeave)CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider(aFactory, aConnProvider);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(provider);
+ provider->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return provider;
+ }
+/** ConstructL for the two stage construction
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::ConstructL()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::ConstructL()"), this);
+ //TODO: perform 2nd stage construction, if needed.
+ }
+Destroys 'this'
+ {
+ }
+// MConnectionDataClient methods
+/** Called by the connection provider, of which 'this' is a data client and to which
+ 'this' belongs. The connection provider will call this method to notify its data clients.
+@param aNotifyType - one of MConnectionDataClient::TNotify enums indicating the notification type.
+@param aConnProvider - the connection provider originating this notification.
+@param aError - the error indication
+@param aConNotificationEvent - the actual event.
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::Notify(MConnectionDataClient::TNotify /*aNotifyType*/, CConnectionProviderBase* /*aConnProvider*/, TInt /*aError*/, const CConNotificationEvent* /*aConNotificationEvent*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::Notify()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to associate 'this' with a lower layer subconnection provider.
+@param aSubConnProvider to be the lower layer for 'this'
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::AttachToNext(CSubConnectionProviderBase* /*aSubConnProvider*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::AttachToNext()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to inform 'this' that the connection, to which 'this' belongs, is going down.
+@param aConnProvider - the connection going down.
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::ConnectionGoingDown(CConnectionProviderBase& /*aConnProvider*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::ConnectionGoingDown()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to inform 'this' about a generic connection error.
+@param aStage - stage at which the error has occured (currently as specified by NIFVAR.H)
+@param aError - the error indication.
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::ConnectionError(TInt /*aStage*/, TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::ConnectionError()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+// CSubConnectionProviderBase methods
+/** Override this if you observe data clients joining the sub-connection
+ provider. This method is called before the data client is added to
+ the lists, so if you wish to stop it being added, leave with an
+ appropriate System wide error
+@param aDataClient Data client wishing to join the sub-connection provider
+@exception If the specific sub-connection provider does not want the data client to join
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoDataClientJoiningL(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDataClientJoiningL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe data clients leaving the sub-connection
+ provider. This method is called before the data client leaves the
+ the. Please note that it is not possible to to stop a data client
+ from leaving.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoDataClientLeaving(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDataClientLeaving()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe control clients leaving the sub-connection
+ provider. This method is called before the control client leaves the
+ the. Please note that it is not possible to to stop a control client
+ from leaving.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoControlClientJoiningL(MSubConnectionControlClient& /*aControlClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoControlClientJoiningL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe control clients leaving the sub-connection
+ provider. This method is called before the control client leaves the
+ the. Please note that it is not possible to to stop a control client
+ from leaving.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoControlClientLeaving(MSubConnectionControlClient& /*aControlClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoControlClientLeaving()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe a data client receiving a new source
+ address.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+@param aSource New source address
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoSourceAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/, const TSockAddr& /*aSource*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoSourceAddressUpdate()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe a data client receiving a new destination
+ address.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+@param aDestination New destination address
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoDestinationAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/, const TSockAddr& /*aDestination*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDestinationAddressUpdate()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe a data client receiving all its address
+ address information.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+@param aSource New source address
+@param aDestination New destination address
+@param aConnectionInfo Connection Information (including IAP)
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoDataClientRouted(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/, const TSockAddr& /*aSource*/, const TSockAddr& /*aDestination*/, const TDesC8& /*aConnectionInfo*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDataClientRouted()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe a data client about to receive new paramaters.
+ This method is called before the parameters are associated with the sub-connection
+ provider, so it is possible to abort this by leaving from this method with
+ an appropriate system wide error code.
+@param aParameterBundle Parameters received from the control client
+@exception If the specific sub-connection provider does not want the parameters to be set
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoParametersAboutToBeSetL(CSubConParameterBundle& /*aParameterBundle*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoParametersAboutToBeSetL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this to implement specific control behaviour request by the client
+@param aOptionLevel Control Option level
+@param aOptionName Control Option name
+@param aOption Control Option value
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise system error code
+TInt CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoControl(TUint /*aOptionLevel*/, TUint /*aOptionName*/, TDes8& /*aOption*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoControl()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+/** DoDataTransferL
+CConnDataTransfer& CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoDataTransferL()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDataTransferL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ CConnDataTransfer* null = NULL;
+ return *static_cast<CConnDataTransfer*>(null);
+ }
+/** DoSelfConnectionDataClient
+MConnectionDataClient* CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoSelfConnectionDataClient()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoSelfConnectionDataClient()"), this);
+ //CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider is a MConnectionDataClient, hence returning 'this'
+ return this;
+ }
+/** Called to start 'this'.
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoStartL()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoStartL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to stop 'this'.
+void CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoStop()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoStop()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to retrieve the lower subconnection provider of 'this'
+ @return the subconnection provider below 'this'
+CSubConnectionProviderBase* CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::DoNextLayer()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoNextLayer()"), this);
+ return iNextLayer;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/src/ReferenceSCPR_subconnProv.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Reference (empty) implementation file for a SubConnection Provider
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "ReferenceSCPR_subconnProv.h"
+// Custom methods
+ CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory,
+ CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider)
+:CSubConnectionProviderBase(aFactory, aConnProvider)
+@param aFactory CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase that should own the reference to 'this'
+@param aConnProvider a connection that 'this' subconnection belongs to
+ {
+ __FLOG_OPEN(KReferenceLogTag1, KReferenceLogTag2);
+ }
+/** NewL for the two stage construction. Calls the CReferenceSubConnectionProvider constructor
+ and ConstructL on the constructed instance.
+@param aFactory - the subconnection provider factory the new CReferenceSubConnectionProvider
+ will belong to and is to be instantiated by.
+@param aConnProvider - the connection (represented by a connection provieder) the new
+ CReferenceSubConnectionProvider will belong to.
+@return - a new, constructed instance of CReferenceSubConnectionProvider.
+CReferenceSubConnectionProvider* CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::NewL(
+ CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory,
+ CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider)
+ {
+ CReferenceSubConnectionProvider* provider =
+ new(ELeave)CReferenceSubConnectionProvider(aFactory, aConnProvider);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(provider);
+ provider->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return provider;
+ }
+/** ConstructL for the two stage construction
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::ConstructL()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::ConstructL()"), this);
+ //TODO: perform 2nd stage construction, if needed.
+ }
+Destroys 'this'
+ {
+ }
+// MConnectionDataClient methods
+/** Called by the connection provider, of which 'this' is a data client and to which
+ 'this' belongs. The connection provider will call this method to notify its data clients.
+@param aNotifyType - one of MConnectionDataClient::TNotify enums indicating the notification type.
+@param aConnProvider - the connection provider originating this notification.
+@param aError - the error indication
+@param aConNotificationEvent - the actual event.
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::Notify(MConnectionDataClient::TNotify /*aNotifyType*/, CConnectionProviderBase* /*aConnProvider*/, TInt /*aError*/, const CConNotificationEvent* /*aConNotificationEvent*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::Notify()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to associate 'this' with a lower layer subconnection provider.
+@param aSubConnProvider to be the lower layer for 'this'
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::AttachToNext(CSubConnectionProviderBase* /*aSubConnProvider*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::AttachToNext()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to inform 'this' that the connection, to which 'this' belongs, is going down.
+@param aConnProvider - the connection going down.
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::ConnectionGoingDown(CConnectionProviderBase& /*aConnProvider*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::ConnectionGoingDown()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to inform 'this' about a generic connection error.
+@param aStage - stage at which the error has occured (currently as specified by NIFVAR.H)
+@param aError - the error indication.
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::ConnectionError(TInt /*aStage*/, TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::ConnectionError()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+// CSubConnectionProviderBase methods
+/** Override this if you observe data clients joining the sub-connection
+ provider. This method is called before the data client is added to
+ the lists, so if you wish to stop it being added, leave with an
+ appropriate System wide error
+@param aDataClient Data client wishing to join the sub-connection provider
+@exception If the specific sub-connection provider does not want the data client to join
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoDataClientJoiningL(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDataClientJoiningL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe data clients leaving the sub-connection
+ provider. This method is called before the data client leaves the
+ the. Please note that it is not possible to to stop a data client
+ from leaving.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoDataClientLeaving(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDataClientLeaving()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe control clients leaving the sub-connection
+ provider. This method is called before the control client leaves the
+ the. Please note that it is not possible to to stop a control client
+ from leaving.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoControlClientJoiningL(MSubConnectionControlClient& /*aControlClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoControlClientJoiningL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe control clients leaving the sub-connection
+ provider. This method is called before the control client leaves the
+ the. Please note that it is not possible to to stop a control client
+ from leaving.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoControlClientLeaving(MSubConnectionControlClient& /*aControlClient*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoControlClientLeaving()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe a data client receiving a new source
+ address.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+@param aSource New source address
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoSourceAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/, const TSockAddr& /*aSource*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoSourceAddressUpdate()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe a data client receiving a new destination
+ address.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+@param aDestination New destination address
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoDestinationAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/, const TSockAddr& /*aDestination*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDestinationAddressUpdate()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe a data client receiving all its address
+ address information.
+@param aDataClient Data client about to leave the sub-connection provider
+@param aSource New source address
+@param aDestination New destination address
+@param aConnectionInfo Connection Information (including IAP)
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoDataClientRouted(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/, const TSockAddr& /*aSource*/, const TSockAddr& /*aDestination*/, const TDesC8& /*aConnectionInfo*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDataClientRouted()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this if you observe a data client about to receive new paramaters.
+ This method is called before the parameters are associated with the sub-connection
+ provider, so it is possible to abort this by leaving from this method with
+ an appropriate system wide error code.
+@param aParameterBundle Parameters received from the control client
+@exception If the specific sub-connection provider does not want the parameters to be set
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoParametersAboutToBeSetL(CSubConParameterBundle& /*aParameterBundle*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoParametersAboutToBeSetL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Override this to implement specific control behaviour request by the client
+@param aOptionLevel Control Option level
+@param aOptionName Control Option name
+@param aOption Control Option value
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise system error code
+TInt CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoControl(TUint /*aOptionLevel*/, TUint /*aOptionName*/, TDes8& /*aOption*/)
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoControl()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ }
+/** DoDataTransferL
+CConnDataTransfer& CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoDataTransferL()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoDataTransferL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ CConnDataTransfer* null = NULL;
+ return *static_cast<CConnDataTransfer*>(null);
+ }
+/** DoSelfConnectionDataClient
+MConnectionDataClient* CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoSelfConnectionDataClient()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoSelfConnectionDataClient()"), this);
+ //CReferenceSubConnectionProvider is a MConnectionDataClient, hence returning 'this'
+ return this;
+ }
+/** Called to start 'this'.
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoStartL()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoStartL()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to stop 'this'.
+void CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoStop()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoStop()"), this);
+ //TODO:
+ }
+/** Called to retrieve the lower subconnection provider of 'this'
+ @return the subconnection provider below 'this'
+CSubConnectionProviderBase* CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::DoNextLayer()
+ {
+ __FLOG_1(_L("CReferenceSubConnectionProvider[%x]::DoNextLayer()"), this);
+ return iNextLayer;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/src/ReferenceSCPR_subconnProvFactory.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implementation file for the the Reference SubConnection Provider Factory
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "ReferenceSCPR_subconnProvFactory.h"
+#include "ReferenceSCPR_defaultSubconnProv.h"
+#include "ReferenceSCPR_subconnProv.h"
+#include "ReferenceSCPR_subconparams.h"
+#include <implementationproxy.h>
+//The following represents the Factory ID for the Reference subconnection
+//provider. See the assisting *.rss file in the ../src directory.
+const TUint KReferenceSubConnectionProviderImplementationUid = 0x102738C3;
+// Data/functions required for instantiating ECOM Plugin
+const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
+ {
+ IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KReferenceSubConnectionProviderImplementationUid, CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory::NewL),
+ IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KSubConReferenceParamsUid, CReferenceSubConnExtensionParamsFactory::NewL)
+ };
+EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
+ {
+ aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
+ return ImplementationTable;
+ }
+// CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory
+CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory* CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory::NewL(TAny* aConstructionParameters)
+/**NewL is the actual ECOM SubConnection Provider interface implemented.
+ESOCK with call it to instantiate the factory and store it the
+@param aConstructionParameters construction data passed by ECOM
+@returns pointer to a constructed factory
+ {
+ CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory* ptr =
+ new (ELeave) CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory(KReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactoryId,
+ *(reinterpret_cast<CSubConnectionFactoryContainer*>(aConstructionParameters)));
+ return ptr;
+ }
+CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory::CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory(TUint aFactoryId,
+ CSubConnectionFactoryContainer& aParentContainer)
+:CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase(aFactoryId, aParentContainer)
+@param aFactoryId - the id of this factory. The id should represent the type of subconnection
+ providers this factory can produce.
+@param aParentContainer - the factory container the new factory object should add itself to.
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ }
+/**A sample/reference derivation of DoCreateProviderL. The method must be overriden to create
+(instantiate) the actual CSubConnectionProviderBase objects.
+@param aConnProvider - the connection, the subconnection provider object should belong to.
+@param aType - the type of the subconnection provider object within the meaning defined by
+ RSubConnection::TSubConnType:
+ * ECreateNew - the subconnection provider object shall represent a new, reserved,
+ private flow.
+ * EAttachToDefault - the subconnection provider object shall represent the
+ default channel - a singular channel that each connection always has.
+CSubConnectionProviderBase* CReferenceSubConnectionProviderFactory::DoCreateProviderL(
+ CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider,
+ RSubConnection::TSubConnType aType)
+ {
+ CSubConnectionProviderBase* provider = NULL;
+ if (aType == RSubConnection::EAttachToDefault)
+ {
+ provider = CReferenceDefaultSubConnectionProvider::NewL(*this, aConnProvider);
+ }
+ else if (aType == RSubConnection::ECreateNew)
+ {
+ provider = CReferenceSubConnectionProvider::NewL(*this, aConnProvider);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ return provider;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/baseconnectionproviders/refscpr/src/ReferenceSCPR_subconparams.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// The implementation file for the Reference SubConnection Parameter Set.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include "ReferenceSCPR_subconparams.h"
+#include <comms-infras/metatypearray.h>
+START_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE( CSubConReferenceParamSet, KSubConReferenceParamsUid, KSubConReferenceParamsType )
+ REGISTER_ATTRIBUTE( CSubConReferenceParamSet, iDummyTIntParameter, TMetaNumber )
+ REGISTER_ATTRIBUTE( CSubConReferenceParamSet, iDummyName, TMetaNumber )
+CSubConExtensionParameterSet* CReferenceSubConnExtensionParamsFactory::NewL(TAny* aConstructionParameters)
+ {
+ TInt32 type = reinterpret_cast<TInt32>(aConstructionParameters);
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case (KSubConReferenceParamsType):
+ return new (ELeave) CSubConReferenceParamSet;
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/build.config.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition SYSTEM "sysdef_1_4_0.dtd" [
+ <!ENTITY layer_real_source_path "sf/os/commsfw" >
+<SystemDefinition name="commsfw" schema="1.4.0">
+ <systemModel>
+ <layer name="os_layer">
+ <module name="commsfw">
+ <unit unitID="netdo.commsfw" mrp="" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/group" name="commsfw" />
+ </module>
+ </layer>
+ <layer name="api_test_layer">
+ <module name="commsfw_test">
+ <unit unitID="netdo.commsfw.test" mrp="" bldFile="&layer_real_source_path;/group" name="commsfw" />
+ </module>
+ </layer>
+ </systemModel>
--- a/commsconfig/commsdatabaseshim/group/BLD.INF Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsconfig/commsdatabaseshim/group/BLD.INF Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
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+#include "../commdbshim/group/bld.inf"
--- a/commsfw_info/commsinfrastructuredocs/SGL.GT0117.421 Rev 1.0 Connection Manager.mdl Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19259 +0,0 @@
-(object Petal
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- type "TDes8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
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- quid "3E6CAA330085"
- parameters (list Parameters
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- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aProgress"
- type "TNifProgress&"))
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- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aProgress"
- type "TNifProgressBuf&")
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- type "TRequestStatus&")
- (object Parameter "aSelectedProgress"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- parameters (list Parameters
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- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E6DD2290212"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aCount"
- type "TUint&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- type "TPckg<TUint>&")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TPckg<TUint>&")
- (object Parameter "aStatus"
- type "TRequestStatus&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E6F41F1038E"
- parameters (list Parameters
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- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TPckg<TUint>&")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TPckg<TUint>&")
- (object Parameter "aStatus"
- type "TRequestStatus&"))
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- uid 0)
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- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TPckg<TUint>&")
- (object Parameter "aStatus"
- type "TRequestStatus&"))
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- uid 0)
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- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aThreshold"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TPckg<TUint>&")
- (object Parameter "aStatus"
- type "TRequestStatus&"))
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- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- uid 0)
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- parameters (list Parameters
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- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
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- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aThreshold"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TPckg<TUint>&")
- (object Parameter "aStatus"
- type "TRequestStatus&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E70CEBB01F2"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aThreshold"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TPckg<TUint>&")
- (object Parameter "aStatus"
- type "TRequestStatus&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E70CEBB0201"
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- uid 0)
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- parameters (list Parameters
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- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
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- uid 0)
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- quid "3E70D0CA0201"
- parameters (list Parameters
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- type "TSubConnectionNotificationBuf&")
- (object Parameter "aStatus"
- type "TRequestStatus&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E71D09302BA"
- concurrency "Sequential"
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- uid 0)
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- quid "3E71D99602E9"
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- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
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- type "TUint")
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- type "TPckg<TBool>&")
- (object Parameter "aStatus"
- type "TRequestStatus&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
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- uid 0)
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- parameters (list Parameters
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- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
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- quid "3E67330B030C"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubConnection"
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- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "3E6CE25A0028"
- supplier "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"))
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- quid "3E64D619005A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "RMessage&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E65F12200E9"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "RMessage&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E688B470092"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "RMessage& "))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfoL"
- quid "3E689F110100"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "RMessage&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E68D01402E4"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "RMessage&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E6CAB30024A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "RMessage&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E6CD0AB0393"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "RMessage&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E6CD0FB020C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E6CE3060037"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "EnumerateSubConnectionsL"
- quid "3E6DD66202BD"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E6F43B30081"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E70A709008A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E70CA5E0146"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E70CEFC004C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationCancel"
- quid "3E70CEFC005B"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "3E70D1BF02CC"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CancelAllSubConnectionNotification"
- quid "3E71D0CC01D0"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "IsSubConnectionActiveRequestL"
- quid "3E71DC59022E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetReturn"
- quid "3E71E70800D6"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aComplete"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "anError"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "anOwner"
- type "TUid"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "IsSubConnectionActiveCancel"
- quid "3E71EE2101EF"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CreateSubConnectionL"
- quid "3E75C7A502BE"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aOwningSubInterface"
- type "CSubInterface*"))
- result "CSubConnection*"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "FindPositionForInsertInOrder"
- quid "3E75C95E0241"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SubConnectionEvent"
- quid "3E75CCEB0166"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionEvent"
- type "const TSubConnectionEvent&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "CInterface"
- quid "3E6499170116"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3E75AD2B00AB"
- supplier "Logical View::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "3E75AC4403E7"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "3E649A200125"
- supplier "Logical View::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "3E649A070339"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "3E672AB1000F"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*")))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Stop"
- quid "3E64D7FC027D"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68A1190248"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aIndex"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionInfo"
- type "TDes8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68BDFF00A2"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionInfo"
- type "TDes8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Stop"
- quid "3E68DCAB02C5"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt "))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "EnumerateSubConnectionsL"
- quid "3E6DD6B600F8"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aCount"
- type "TUint&"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataTransferred"
- quid "3E6F44570321"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint&")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint&"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "FindSubInterface"
- quid "3E6F4AAA038E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "AllSubConnectionNotificationEnableL"
- quid "3E71C72C0097"
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SubConnectionEvent"
- quid "3E75C57E0118"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionEvent"
- type "const TSubConnectionEvent&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "CNifSession"
- quid "3E649990026D"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3E649A630387"
- supplier "Logical View::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "3E649A070339")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "3E75B2020212"
- supplier "Logical View::MNifSessionNotify"
- quidu "3E75B1F902FD"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "3E649AFC03C5"
- supplier "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
- (object Class "CNifAgentRef"
- quid "3E64999A00F6"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "3E649B5501D1"
- supplier "Logical View::CNifExtendedManagementCompatibilityLayer"
- quidu "3E649B48024E"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1"))
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "3E649C7302CB"
- supplier "Logical View::MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface"
- quidu "3E649B6A0135"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1"))
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "3E649CA000B8"
- supplier "Logical View::MNifAgentExtendedManagementInterface"
- quidu "3E649C870106"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Stop"
- quid "3E64D92E0387"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68C04E0238"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aIndex"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionInfo"
- type "TDes8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68C055015E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionInfo"
- type "TDes8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Stop"
- quid "3E68E02C0219"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "EnumerateSubConnections"
- quid "3E6F3DE3014C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aCount"
- type "TUint&"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataTransferred"
- quid "3E6F4683013C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint&")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint&"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "AllSubConnectionNotificationEnable"
- quid "3E71C93301D0"
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "IfProgress"
- quid "3E75AE7B00E9"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aStage"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "AgentProgress"
- quid "3E75AF68028F"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aStage"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Progress"
- quid "3E75AFF600F9"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aStage"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataSent"
- quid "3E75BF06003D"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataReceived"
- quid "3E75BF060040"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NetworkAdaptorEvent"
- quid "3E75C3380157"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aEventType"
- type "TNetworkAdaptorEventType")
- (object Parameter "aEvent"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aEventData"
- type "const TDesC8&")
- (object Parameter "aSource"
- type "TAny*"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataSentNotificationCancel"
- quid "3E77481A03D5"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetDataSentNotificationGranularity"
- quid "3E7749EC0210"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkGranularity"
- type "TUint"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetDataReceivedNotificationGranularity"
- quid "3E774A2802AD"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkGranularity"
- type "TUint"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "CConnectionProvdBase"
- quid "3E649A070339"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "3E75B7FF002E"
- supplier "Logical View::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "3E75AC4403E7"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Stop"
- quid "3E65FE370118"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68BBF7015E"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aIndex"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionInfo"
- type "TDes8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68BECB0323"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionInfo"
- type "TDes8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Stop"
- quid "3E68DF5C0371"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ProgressL"
- quid "3E6CA92D019F"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aBuffer"
- type "TNifProgressBuf&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "EnumerateSubConnections"
- quid "3E6DD72301A4"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aCount"
- type "TUint&"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataTransferred"
- quid "3E6F45010256"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint&")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "AllSubConnectionNotificationEnable"
- quid "3E71C758000B"
- stereotype "abstract"
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetDataSentNotificationGranularity"
- quid "3E7746DE0164"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkGranularity"
- type "TUint"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataSentNotificationCancel"
- quid "3E7747BB0136"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetDataReceivedNotificationGranularity"
- quid "3E774991032A"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkGranularity"
- type "TUint"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "CNifExtendedManagementCompatibilityLayer"
- quid "3E649B48024E"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68C247019C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aIndex"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionInfo"
- type "TDes8& "))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68C24B013E"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface"
- quid "3E649B6A0135"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Stop"
- quid "3E66168D002D"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aReason"
- type "TInt"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetDataTransferred"
- quid "3E6F3FBB03AD"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aSentBytes"
- type "TUint&")
- (object Parameter "aReceivedBytes"
- type "TUint&"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataSentNotificationCancel"
- quid "3E7748830155"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetDataSentNotificationGranularity"
- quid "3E774A6F02DB"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkGranularity"
- type "TUint"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetDataReceivedNotificationGranularity"
- quid "3E774A6F02DE"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkGranularity"
- type "TUint"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "MNifAgentExtendedManagementInterface"
- quid "3E649C870106"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68C1500371"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aIndex"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionInfo"
- type "TDes8& "))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetSubConnectionInfo"
- quid "3E68C1550006"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionInfo"
- type "TDes8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "EnumerateSubConnections"
- quid "3E6F3EF302A4"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aCount"
- type "TUint&"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "CSubConnection"
- quid "3E67298803C8"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "GetCurrentProgress"
- quid "3E6CAC6F0393"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aProgress"
- type "TNifProgress&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SubConnectionUniqueId"
- quid "3E6CD16F00C4"
- result "TSubConnectionUniqueId"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "RequestSubConnectionProgressNotificationL"
- quid "3E6CD1EF0047"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CancelSubConnectionProgressNotification"
- quid "3E6CE45D0335"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataTransferred"
- quid "3E6F4DA50217"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "const TUint")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "const TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataSent"
- quid "3E6F4E8F0340"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aCurrentGranularity"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataReceived"
- quid "3E6F4F7C01F8"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aCurrentGranularity"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataSentNotificationRequestL"
- quid "3E70A78B005B"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataSentNotificationCancel"
- quid "3E70CB77031B"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationRequestL"
- quid "3E70CF61003C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationCancel"
- quid "3E70CF61004C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "IsSubConnectionActiveRequestL"
- quid "3E71DD770172"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "IsSubConnectionActiveCancel"
- quid "3E71F03C0097"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aMessage"
- type "const RMessage&"))
- result "TBool"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataSent"
- quid "3E75BD020389"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataReceived"
- quid "3E75BD020399"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
- quid "3E75BD0203A8"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aStage"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aInfo"
- type "const TDesC8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CSubConnection"
- quid "3E75C8560195"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aOwningConnection"
- type "CConnection*")
- (object Parameter "aOwningSubInterface"
- type "CSubInterface*"))
- result "CSubConnection*"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "CSubInterface"
- quid "3E6729F10280"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "SubConnectionUniqueId"
- quid "3E6F4BCE01AA"
- result "TSubConnectionUniqueId"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataTransferred"
- quid "3E6F4CAF0302"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataSentNotificationRequest"
- quid "3E70A88A008A"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aRequestedGranularity"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aRequestedNotificationVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataSentNotificationCancel"
- quid "3E70CBF10240"
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationRequest"
- quid "3E70CF810165"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aRequestedGranularity"
- type "TUint")
- (object Parameter "aRequestedNotificationVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationCancel"
- quid "3E70CF810168"
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataSent"
- quid "3E75BAE4007C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataReceived"
- quid "3E75BAE4007F"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
- quid "3E75BAE4008C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aStage"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aInfo"
- type "const TDesC8&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetNextUplinkGranularity"
- quid "3E75C0600118"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NewL"
- quid "3E75C61502AE"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aThisSubConnectionsUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aOwningInterface"
- type "CInterface*"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ConstructL"
- quid "3E75C731030C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CalculateNewUplinkGranularity"
- quid "3E7745EC027E"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aRequestedGranularity"
- type "TUint"))
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetNextUplinkGranularity"
- quid "3E7746610230"
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SetNextDownlinkGranularity"
- quid "3E774AEE0116"
- result "TInt"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "CNifIfLink"
- quid "3E68E698014E"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Stop"
- quid "3E68E6A9019C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aReason"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aAction"
- type "MNifIfNotify::TAction"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "MConnectionNotify"
- quid "3E75AC4403E7"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "NotifyDataSent"
- quid "3E75AC7501E3"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataReceived"
- quid "3E75ACE0008C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
- quid "3E75AD86031C"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aStage"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "MNifSessionNotify"
- quid "3E75B1F902FD"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "NotifyDataSent"
- quid "3E75B2280280"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aUplinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataReceived"
- quid "3E75B228028F"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aDownlinkVolume"
- type "TUint"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
- quid "3E75B2280292"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionUniqueId"
- type "TSubConnectionUniqueId")
- (object Parameter "aStage"
- type "TInt")
- (object Parameter "aError"
- type "TInt"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SubConnectionEvent"
- quid "3E75C4E20270"
- stereotype "abstract"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "aSubConnectionEvent"
- type "const TSubConnectionEvent&"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
- quid "3E672B1F0399"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
- quid "3E672B20030C"
- supplier "Logical View::MNifAgentExtendedManagementInterface"
- quidu "3E649C870106"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$2"
- quid "3E672B20030E"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$3"
- quid "3E672B3B01F3"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$4"
- quid "3E672B3D0222"
- supplier "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
- quid "3E672B3D0231"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$6"
- quid "3E6732D20212"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
- quid "3E6732D30399"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$8"
- quid "3E6732D3039B"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..*"))))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$9"
- quid "3E67338E031C"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$10"
- quid "3E67338F0212"
- supplier "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..*")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$11"
- quid "3E67338F0214"
- supplier "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$12"
- quid "3E6734B9003D"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
- quid "3E6734B90203"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$14"
- quid "3E6734B90212"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$15"
- quid "3E6737DC033B"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$16"
- quid "3E6737DF02ED"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$17"
- quid "3E6737DF02EF"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$18"
- quid "3E6737F102CE"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$19"
- quid "3E6737F203A8"
- supplier "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$20"
- quid "3E6737F203AA"
- supplier "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8")))
- (object Mechanism @2
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$21"
- quid "3E64D79E00C8"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E64D7AA00A8"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$22"
- quidu "3E64D7A3022F"
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- quid "3E64D7AA00A9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E64D7FC027D")))
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- quid "3E65F0C301D3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$21"
- quidu "3E64D79E00C8"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E65F0C301D4"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E68D01402E4"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$22"
- quid "3E64D7A3022F"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E64D85D01E1"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$23"
- quidu "3E64D8580089"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E64D85D01E2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4.1"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E65FE370118"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E64D8580089"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E64D8E40099"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$24"
- quidu "3E64D8DF01B2"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E64D8E4009A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4.1.1"
- ordinal 5
- quidu "3E64D92E0387"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E64D8DF01B2"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E66134C0221"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$25"
- quidu "3E66130C000E"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E66134C0222"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- quidu "000000000000"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E66130C000E"
- class "Logical View::MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface"
- quidu "3E649B6A0135"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68CE41010F"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E68CE4F019C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$21"
- quidu "3E64D79E00C8"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E68CE4F019D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$27"
- quid "3E68CE6600C1"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E68CF640313"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$26"
- quidu "3E68CE41010F"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E68CF640314"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E64D0CF0319"))))
- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @3
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$28"
- quid "3E688BB700B2"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E688C1B0006"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$28"
- quidu "3E688BB700B2"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E688C1B0007"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E688B470092"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E688C0F00D1"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E688C590342"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$28"
- quidu "3E688BB700B2"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E64D619005A")
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- quid "3E688C7A01FA"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "000000000000"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- (object Object "$UNNAMED$30"
- quid "3E6897420267"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$31"
- quidu "3E68974700C1"
- messages (list Messages
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E64D619005A")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$30"
- quidu "3E6897420267"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E68970F0229"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68974700C1"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$31"
- quidu "3E68974700C1")
- (object Link
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$32"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.1"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E68BDFF00A2"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68A0680267"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$30"
- quidu "3E6897420267"
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- quid "3E68A0770101"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E6897B80296"))))
- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68A1700342"
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- quid "3E68BC9F0219"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$34"
- quidu "3E68BC9B010F"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.1.1"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E68BECB0323"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68BC9B010F"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E68C0D10006"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$35"
- quidu "3E68C0CC0025"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "GetSubConnectionInfo(TDes8&)"
- quid "3E68C0D10007"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5
- quidu "3E68C055015E"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68C0CC0025"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E68C1CC0209"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$36"
- quidu "3E68C1BA0258"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E68C1CC020A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E68C1550006"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68C1BA0258"
- class "Logical View::MNifAgentExtendedManagementInterface"
- quidu "3E649C870106"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$38"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68DC42014E"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E68DC5803CF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$38"
- quidu "3E68DC42014E"
- messages (list Messages
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E65F12200E9")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$39"
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- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E68DCD601BC"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.2"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E68DCAB02C5"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68DCD10238"
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- quid "3E68DFA40296"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$40"
- quidu "3E68DF9F011F"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E68DFA40297"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.2.1"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E68DF5C0371"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68DCF30219"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E68DD050361"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$37"
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- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E68DD050362"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E64D1B5023F"))))
- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68DF9F011F"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E68E0AD0209"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$42"
- quidu "3E68E08203AF"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E68E0AD020A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5
- quidu "3E68E02C0219"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68E08203AF"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E68E7BC00D1"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$43"
- quidu "3E68E6A10323"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E68E7BC00D2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E68E6A9019C"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E68E6A10323"
- class "Logical View::CNifIfLink"
- quidu "3E68E698014E"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$45"
- quidu "3E6CAA970095"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E6CAA9C025B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E6CAA330085"))))
- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E6CAA970095"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E6CAAC00076"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$46"
- quidu "3E6CAAB7022B"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E6CAAB7022B"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E6CAAC701CD"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$46"
- quidu "3E6CAAB7022B"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E6CAB30024A")
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- quid "3E6CD2A8022B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E6CD0FB020C")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$47"
- quidu "3E6CAC590066"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E6CACBD0103"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.4"
- ordinal 5
- quidu "3E6CAC6F0393")
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- quid "3E6CD2940056"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.3"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E6CD16F00C4"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E6CAC590066"
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- quid "3E6CCA570170"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E6CCA670122"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$49"
- quidu "3E6CCA5F02C7"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E6CCA670123"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E6CCA7301DD"))))
- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E6CCA5F02C7"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E6CCE6A03D1"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$50"
- quidu "3E6CCA6103C1"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E6CCE6A03D2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E6CCA6103C1"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E6CD0820373"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$50"
- quidu "3E6CCA6103C1"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E6CD0820374"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E6CD0AB0393")
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- quid "3E6CD0DA024A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E6CD0FB020C")))
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- quid "3E6CD1AC0095"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$51"
- quidu "3E6CD1A003C1"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E6CD1AC0096"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E6CD16F00C4")
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- quid "3E6CD2090085"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 5
- quidu "3E6CD1EF0047"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E6CD1A003C1"
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- quid "3E6CE3560095"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E6CE370020C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$53"
- quidu "3E6CE3670028"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E6CE3E00008"))))
- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E6CE35B00C4"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E6CE37502D7"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$54"
- quidu "3E6CE35B00C4"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E6CE3060037")
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- quid "3E6CE44300D3"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E6CD0FB020C")))
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- quid "3E6CE44C0102"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$55"
- quidu "3E6CE43B0393"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E6CE44C0103"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.3"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E6CE45D0335"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E6CE3670028"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E6CE3730085"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$54"
- quidu "3E6CE35B00C4"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E6CE3730086"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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- class "Use Case View::Application"
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- persistence "Transient"
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- sequence "1.1"
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- class "Logical View::RConnection"
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- ordinal 3
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- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
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- sequence ""
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- quidu "3E6499170116"
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- quid "3E6F3E2300CF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$61"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$62"
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- sequence ""
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- quid "3E6F3F16013C"
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- class "Logical View::RConnection"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$67"
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- messages (list Messages
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- sequence ""
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 10
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$69"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- multi FALSE)
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$70"
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- messages (list Messages
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- persistence "Transient"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$73"
- quidu "3E6F4E0A014C"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$73"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 13
- quidu "3E6F4F7C01F8"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
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- persistence "Transient"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$75"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
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- class "Use Case View::Application"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$75"
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- messages (list Messages
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- Operation "DataSentNotificationRequest(TUint, TPckg<TUint>&, TRequestStatus&)"
- quidu "3E70A53B0211")))
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
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- class "Logical View::RConnection"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$76"
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.2"
- ordinal 4
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$77"
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- messages (list Messages
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.3"
- ordinal 5
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- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$78"
- quidu "3E70AA13025F"
- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 14
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$77"
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- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- persistence "Transient"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$79"
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- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 13
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$78"
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- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 18
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$80"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- persistence "Transient"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$80"
- quidu "3E70AAE500F8"
- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 8
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$79"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70AAE500F8"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$81"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70AB0300B9"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$82"
- quidu "3E70AB30000D"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
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- quid "3E70AB30000D"
- class "Logical View::MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface"
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- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$84"
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- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
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- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70CA0D00B9"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$84"
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- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E70CA1503B8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "DataSentNotificationCancel( )"
- quidu "3E70C91C0240")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$85"
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- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70CAA2007B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$85"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.2"
- ordinal 4
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$86"
- quidu "3E70CB1D005B"
- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.4"
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E70CB77031B"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70CC0A0359"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$87"
- quidu "3E70CC00030B"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E70CC0A035A"
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.4.1"
- ordinal 7
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- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70CC00030B"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$88"
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- quid "3E7748DF0388"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- quidu "3E7747BB0136"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E7748D60155"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$89"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 9
- quidu "3E77481A03D5"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E7748D80387"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$90"
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- quid "3E7749020165"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 10
- quidu "3E7748830155"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
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- persistence "Transient"
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- quid "3E7748F70349"
- class "Logical View::MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface"
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- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- collaborators (list link_list
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- messages (list Messages
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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- class "Use Case View::Application"
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- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70CE7801C7"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$92"
- quidu "3E70CE7801C8"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E70CE7801C6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$93"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.2"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E6CD0FB020C")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$94"
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- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.3"
- ordinal 5
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- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
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- multi FALSE)
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- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$95"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 14
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$94"
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- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 16
- quidu "3E6F4F7C01F8"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E70CE7801D9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$96"
- quidu "3E70CE7801DF"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E70CE7801D8"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- quidu "3E6F44570321")
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- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 13
- quidu "3E6F4CAF0302"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$97"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$96"
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- quid "3E70CE7801E1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 11
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- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
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- quid "3E70CE7801E3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$98"
- quidu "3E70CE7801E7"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 9
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- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70CE7801E6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$99"
- quidu "3E70CE7801E8"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
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- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70CE7801E8"
- class "Logical View::MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface"
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- persistence "Transient"
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- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$101"
- quidu "3E70CFEC02EF"
- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
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- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$101"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$102"
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- messages (list Messages
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2
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- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70CFEC02F5"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$102"
- quidu "3E70CFEC02F6"
- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.1"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.2"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E6CD0FB020C")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$103"
- quidu "3E70CFEC02FB"
- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.3"
- ordinal 5
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.4"
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E70CF61004C"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70CFEC02FB"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E70CFEC02FC"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$104"
- quidu "3E70CFEC02FE"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "DataReceivedNotificationCancel( )"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.4.1"
- ordinal 7
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- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
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- persistence "Transient"
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- quid "3E70CFEC02FE"
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$106"
- quidu "3E70D15D02BD"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
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- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70D15D02BD"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E70D191003C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$107"
- quidu "3E70D18C004C"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E70D18C004C"
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- quid "3E70D1E3007B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$107"
- quidu "3E70D18C004C"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E70D1BF02CC")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$108"
- quidu "3E71CDF401E0"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E71C72C0097"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71CDF401E0"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$109"
- quidu "3E71CE2100D6"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71CE2403E4"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4
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- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71CE2100D6"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$110"
- quidu "3E71CE2F020E"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71CE320329"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5
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- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71CE2F020E"
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$112"
- quidu "3E71D13401E0"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71D1370192"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E71D09302BA"))))
- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71D13401E0"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E71D14C0337"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$113"
- quidu "3E71D14A024D"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
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- quid "3E71D16C0337"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$113"
- quidu "3E71D14A024D"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E71D0CC01D0"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E71DAD40049"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$115"
- quidu "3E71DACD01A1"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71DAD4004A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E71D99602E9"))))
- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$115"
- quid "3E71DACD01A1"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E71DC3E028B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$116"
- quidu "3E71DC3B0059"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71DC3E028C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71DC3B0059"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E71DC460191"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$116"
- quidu "3E71DC3B0059"
- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
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- quid "3E71DCDF0357"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E6CD0FB020C")))
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- quid "3E71DD2800E6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$117"
- quidu "3E71DD2500B7"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71DD2800E7"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.3"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E6CD16F00C4")
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- quid "3E71DD9402F9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.4"
- ordinal 5
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- quid "3E71E7A702CA"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 15
- quidu "3E71E70800D6"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$117"
- quid "3E71DD2500B7"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E71DE0703E3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$118"
- quidu "3E71DDE90395"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71DE0703E4"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E6F44570321"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71DDE90395"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E71DE2101C0"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$119"
- quidu "3E71DE1C0376"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71DE2101C1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7
- quidu "3E6F45010256")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$118"
- quidu "3E71DDE90395"
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- quid "3E71DEA60115"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 10
- quidu "3E6F4AAA038E")))
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- quid "3E71DEE603D4"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$120"
- quidu "3E71DEC5000B"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71DEE603D5"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 11
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- quid "3E71DEF701C0"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 12
- quidu "3E6F4CAF0302"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71DE1C0376"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E71DE340395"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$121"
- quidu "3E71DE3000C6"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71DE340396"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 8
- quidu "3E6F4683013C"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71DE3000C6"
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- quid "3E71DE54023D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$122"
- quidu "3E71DE4A0376"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71DE54023E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 9
- quidu "3E6F3FBB03AD"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71DE4A0376"
- class "Logical View::MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface"
- quidu "3E649B6A0135"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71DEC5000B"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E71DF0B02DA"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$117"
- quidu "3E71DD2500B7"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71DF0B02DB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 13
- quidu "3E6F4E8F0340")
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- quid "3E71DF1802E9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 14
- quidu "3E6F4F7C01F8"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- (object Object "$UNNAMED$123"
- quid "3E71EEB30318"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$124"
- quidu "3E71EEB7029B"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E71EE7B02BA"))))
- class "Use Case View::Application"
- quidu "3E68A05302C5"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$124"
- quid "3E71EEB7029B"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E71EEC80328"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$125"
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- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71EEC80329"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E64D619005A"))))
- class "Logical View::RConnection"
- quidu "3E64985D0173"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71EEC50328"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E71EED3028B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$125"
- quidu "3E71EEC50328"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71EED3028C"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
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- quid "3E71EF9B00C6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E6CD0FB020C")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$126"
- quidu "3E71EFC10318"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E71EFC8005A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.3"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E6CD16F00C4")
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- quid "3E71F06B0308"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.4"
- ordinal 5
- quidu "3E71F03C0097"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E71EFC10318"
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- quid "3E75AE5701A5"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$128"
- quidu "3E75AE6300DA"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E75AE7B00E9"))))
- class "Use Case View::Nif"
- quidu "3E75AE460280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75AE6300DA"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75B0F50128"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$128"
- quidu "3E75AE6300DA"
- messages (list Messages
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$129"
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- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E75B2280292"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75B50C000F"
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- quid "3E75B52E0389"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$130"
- quidu "3E75B52B00E9"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75B52E038A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.1"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E75AD86031C"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75B52B00E9"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75BA0D00E9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$130"
- quidu "3E75B52B00E9"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E6F4AAA038E")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$131"
- quidu "3E75BA1E00BA"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75BA210252"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5
- quidu "3E75BAE4008C"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$132"
- quidu "3E75BD8603A8"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75BD8C002F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E75BD0203A8"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75BD8603A8"
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- quid "3E75BDD60311"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$133"
- quidu "3E75BDD60311"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E75AFF600F9")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$134"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E75B2280292"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75BDD60316"
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$135"
- quidu "3E75BDD60319"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.1"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E75AD86031C"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75BDD60319"
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- quid "3E75BDD60318"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$135"
- quidu "3E75BDD60319"
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- quid "3E75BDD60317"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E6F4AAA038E")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$136"
- quidu "3E75BDD6031E"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75BDD6031B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5
- quidu "3E75BAE4008C"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75BDD6031E"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75BDD6031D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$137"
- quidu "3E75BDD6031F"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75BDD6031C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E75BD0203A8"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75BDD6031F"
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75BDD6030C"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75BDD6030D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$133"
- quidu "3E75BDD60311"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75BDD6030E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E75AF68028F"))))
- class "Use Case View::Agent"
- quidu "3E75BDF5037A"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- quid "3E75BF73007C"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E75BF7F0176"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$140"
- quidu "3E75BF7903E7"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E75BF06003D"))))
- class "Use Case View::Nif"
- quidu "3E75AE460280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75BF7903E7"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75BFAB034B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$141"
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- messages (list Messages
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E75B2280280")
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- quid "3E774BC401C2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 8
- quidu "3E7749EC0210")))
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- quid "3E774C510339"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$142"
- quidu "3E774BDD0116"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E774C51033A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 9
- quidu "3E774A6F02DB"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75BFA80389"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75BFC60166"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$143"
- quidu "3E75BFC202DD"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75BFC60167"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E75AC7501E3"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75BFC202DD"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75BFFA01E3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$143"
- quidu "3E75BFC202DD"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75BFFA01E4"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E6F4AAA038E")))
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- quid "3E75C01601F3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$144"
- quidu "3E75C0130128"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75C01601F4"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E75BAE4007C"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C0130128"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75C042000F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$145"
- quidu "3E75C03C02ED"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75C0420010"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5
- Operation "NotifyDataSent(TUint, TUint)"
- quidu "3E6F4E8F0340")))
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- quid "3E75C06C0231"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$144"
- quidu "3E75C0130128"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75C06C0232"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E75C0600118")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$141"
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- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E774BA201E2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7
- quidu "3E7746DE0164"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C03C02ED"
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
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- quid "3E774BDD0116"
- class "Logical View::MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface"
- quidu "3E649B6A0135"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- (object Object "$UNNAMED$146"
- quid "3E75C0960222"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$147"
- quidu "3E75C0960227"
- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E75BF060040"))))
- class "Use Case View::Nif"
- quidu "3E75AE460280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C0960227"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$148"
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- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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- quid "3E774CF60201"
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
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- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 9
- quidu "3E774A6F02DE"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
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- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C096022A"
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- quid "3E75C0960229"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
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- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C096022D"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75C096022C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$150"
- quidu "3E75C096022D"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75C096022B"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 3
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- quid "3E75C096022E"
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- quid "3E75C096022F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E75BAE4007F"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C0960232"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75C0960231"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$152"
- quidu "3E75C0960235"
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- quid "3E75C0960230"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
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- quidu "3E75BD020399")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$151"
- quidu "3E75C0960232"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75C0960234"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E75C0600118")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$148"
- quidu "3E75C096022A"
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- quid "3E774CD70240"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7
- quidu "3E774991032A"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C0960235"
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E774D0602BC"
- class "Logical View::MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface"
- quidu "3E649B6A0135"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$154"
- quidu "3E75C4A300DA"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E75C4E20270"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C4A300DA"
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- (object Link
- quid "3E75C5460176"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$155"
- quidu "3E75C54201D4"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E75C57E0118"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$155"
- quid "3E75C54201D4"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E75C68303E7"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$156"
- quidu "3E75C680033B"
- messages (list Messages
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E75C61502AE")))
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- supplier "$UNNAMED$157"
- quidu "3E75C81300AB"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75CD59008D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 8
- quidu "3E75CCEB0166"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C680033B"
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- (object Link
- quid "3E75C71F00BA"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$156"
- quidu "3E75C680033B"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ConstructL( )"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E75C731030C")))
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- quid "3E75C9170147"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$157"
- quidu "3E75C81300AB"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E75C7A502BE"))))
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C81300AB"
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- quid "3E75C92A003D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$158"
- quidu "3E75C9260270"
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- quid "3E75C92A003E"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5
- quidu "3E75C8560195")
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- quid "3E75CA690241"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7
- quidu "3E6CD16F00C4")))
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- quid "3E75CA37008C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$157"
- quidu "3E75C81300AB"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75CA37008D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- quidu "3E75C95E0241"))))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75C9260270"
- class "Logical View::CSubConnection"
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- (object Object "$UNNAMED$159"
- quid "3E75CD9F03C8"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E75CD9F03C9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$160"
- quidu "3E75CD9F03CD"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75CD9F03CA"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- quidu "3E75C4E20270"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "3E64999A00F6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75CD9F03CD"
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- quid "3E75CD9F03CC"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$161"
- quidu "3E75CD9F03D0"
- messages (list Messages
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- quidu "3E75C57E0118"))))
- class "Logical View::CNifSession"
- quidu "3E649990026D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75CD9F03D5"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75CD9F03D4"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$162"
- quidu "3E75CD9F03D5")
- (object Link
- quid "3E75CD9F03D6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$163"
- quidu "3E75CD9F03DA"))
- class "Logical View::CSubInterface"
- quidu "3E6729F10280"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75CD9F03DA"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "3E75CD9F03DB"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$163"
- quidu "3E75CD9F03DA"))
- class "Logical View::CConnection"
- quidu "3E6498720358"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
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- quid "3E75CD9F03D0"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "3E75CD9F03CF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$162"
- quidu "3E75CD9F03D5"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
- quid "3E75CDEC007C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 3
- quidu "3E6F4BCE01AA")))
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- quid "3E75CD9F03D1"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$163"
- quidu "3E75CD9F03DA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SubConnectionEvent(const TSubConnectionEvent&)"
- quid "3E75CD9F03D2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.3"
- ordinal 4
- quidu "3E75CCEB0166")))
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- quid "3E75CDB8031C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$161"
- quidu "3E75CD9F03D0"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "3E75CDB8031D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- quidu "3E6F4AAA038E"))))
- class "Logical View::CInterface"
- quidu "3E6499170116"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE))))
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- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::RConnection" @25
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2176, 176)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @25
- location (2045, 120)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1760, 1392)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @26
- location (1629, 1337)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "CNifSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "3E649990026D"
- width 280
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1088, 1392)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @27
- location (950, 1337)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CNifAgentRef")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 294
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1760, 1120)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @28
- location (1528, 1068)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "CConnectionProvdBase")
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (768, 1680)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @29
- location (343, 1625)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CNifExtendedManagementCompatibilityLayer")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1088, 1136)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @30
- location (742, 1081)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MNifIfExtendedManagementInterface")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3E649B6A0135"
- width 710
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- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1712, 1680)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @31
- location (1320, 1625)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "MNifAgentExtendedManagementInterface")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3E649C870106"
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- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1232, 752)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @32
- location (1119, 696)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 226
- justify 0
- label "CInterface")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3E6499170116"
- width 244
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (448, 768)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @33
- location (306, 712)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 284
- justify 0
- label "CSubInterface")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3E6729F10280"
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- client @34
- supplier @32
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (854, 719)
- terminal_attachment (1110, 719))
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- Parent_View @34
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- client @34
- supplier @33
- line_style 3
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- terminal_attachment (599, 719)
- label (object SegLabel @37
- Parent_View @36
- location (669, 697)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.727273
- height 23
- orientation 1))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1248, 240)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @38
- location (1117, 188)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 262
- justify 0
- label "CConnection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3E6498720358"
- width 280
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @39
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- label (object SegLabel @41
- Parent_View @40
- location (1251, 622)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..*"
- pctDist -0.670732
- height 28
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @39
- location (-2, 46)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E67338F0214"
- client @39
- supplier @32
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1278, 494)
- terminal_attachment (1278, 685))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (560, 240)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @43
- location (394, 184)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 332
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3E67298803C8"
- width 350
- height 134
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (453, 503)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E6732D20212"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @44
- location (-1323, 55)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "3E6732D30399"
- client @44
- supplier @43
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (453, 503)
- terminal_attachment (453, 306)
- label (object SegLabel @46
- Parent_View @45
- location (476, 353)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.759615
- height 23
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$8" @47
- Parent_View @44
- location (-1323, 55)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "3E6732D3039B"
- client @44
- supplier @33
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (453, 503)
- terminal_attachment (453, 700)
- label (object SegLabel @48
- Parent_View @47
- location (506, 643)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.714286
- height 53
- orientation 0))))
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- location (921, 194)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @49
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @49
- supplier @38
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (921, 194)
- terminal_attachment (1108, 194)
- label (object SegLabel @51
- Parent_View @50
- location (785, 219)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist -0.734375
- height 25
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$20" @52
- Parent_View @49
- location (-855, 50)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E6737F203AA"
- client @49
- supplier @43
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (921, 194)
- terminal_attachment (735, 194))))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @26
- supplier @27
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- location (1760, 176)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @54
- location (1634, 124)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CNifIfLink")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3E68E698014E"
- width 270
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @26
- supplier @28
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1760, 752)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @56
- location (1572, 696)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MConnectionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3E75AC4403E7"
- width 394
- height 134
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @32
- supplier @56
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2272, 1392)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @58
- location (2086, 1340)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 372
- justify 0
- label "MNifSessionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "3E75B1F902FD"
- width 390
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "3E75B2020212"
- client @26
- supplier @58
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E75B7FF002E"
- client @28
- supplier @56
- line_style 0)
- (object UsesView "" @61
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E649B5501D1"
- client @27
- supplier @29
- line_style 0)
- (object UsesView "" @62
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E649C7302CB"
- client @27
- supplier @30
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E649CA000B8"
- client @27
- supplier @31
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "3E672AB1000F"
- client @32
- supplier @33
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1110, 779)
- terminal_attachment (599, 779))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E649A200125"
- client @32
- supplier @28
- line_style 0)
- (object UsesView "" @66
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "3E67330B030C"
- client @38
- supplier @43
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1108, 275)
- terminal_attachment (735, 275))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "3E6CE25A0028"
- client @38
- supplier @32
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1278, 303)
- terminal_attachment (1278, 685))))
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- mechanism_ref @2
- quid "3E64CF4701B2"
- title "Stop (SubConnectionID specified)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 106
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (576, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @68
- location (576, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 300
- height 1245
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @69
- location (576, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @68
- height 936
- y_coord 876
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (928, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @70
- location (928, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @71
- location (928, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @70
- height 780
- y_coord 720
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @72
- location (928, 576)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @70
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1264, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @73
- location (1264, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @74
- location (1264, 704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @73
- height 496
- y_coord 436
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1600, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @75
- location (1600, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @76
- location (1600, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @75
- height 308
- y_coord 248
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1936, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @77
- location (1936, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
- height 1245
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @78
- location (1936, 928)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @77
- height 152
- y_coord 92
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2464, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @79
- location (2464, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 672
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 690
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- annotation 1
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- location (2464, 960)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @79
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (192, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @81
- location (192, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 336
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- icon_width 120
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @82
- location (192, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @81
- height 996
- y_coord 936
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1440, 704)
- label (object SegLabel @84
- Parent_View @83
- location (1095, 660)
- quidu "3E64D7AA00A9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 563
- justify 0
- label "Stop(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @70
- supplier @73
- Focus_Src @71
- Focus_Entry @74
- origin (943, 704)
- terminus (1248, 704)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 832)
- label (object SegLabel @86
- Parent_View @85
- location (1431, 788)
- quidu "3E64D85D01E2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 563
- justify 0
- label "Stop(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @73
- supplier @75
- Focus_Src @74
- Focus_Entry @76
- origin (1279, 832)
- terminus (1584, 832)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @87
- location (16, 928)
- label (object SegLabel @88
- Parent_View @87
- location (1767, 884)
- quidu "3E64D8E4009A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 563
- justify 0
- label "Stop(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @75
- supplier @77
- Focus_Src @76
- Focus_Entry @78
- origin (1615, 928)
- terminus (1920, 928)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 576)
- label (object SegLabel @90
- Parent_View @89
- location (1019, 532)
- quidu "3E65F0C301D4"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 616
- justify 0
- label "StopSubConnection(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @70
- supplier @70
- Focus_Src @71
- Focus_Entry @72
- origin (944, 576)
- terminus (1094, 576)
- ordinal 2)
- (object InterMessView "" @91
- location (16, 960)
- label (object SegLabel @92
- Parent_View @91
- location (2199, 916)
- quidu "3E66134C0222"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 0
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @77
- supplier @79
- Focus_Src @78
- Focus_Entry @80
- origin (1951, 960)
- terminus (2448, 960)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (752, 480)
- label (object SegLabel @94
- Parent_View @93
- location (751, 436)
- quidu "3E68CE4F019D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 410
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @68
- supplier @70
- Focus_Src @69
- Focus_Entry @71
- origin (591, 480)
- terminus (912, 480)
- ordinal 1)
- (object InterMessView "" @95
- location (16, 384)
- label (object SegLabel @96
- Parent_View @95
- location (383, 340)
- quidu "3E68CF640314"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 572
- justify 0
- label "Stop(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @81
- supplier @68
- Focus_Src @82
- Focus_Entry @69
- origin (207, 384)
- terminus (560, 384)
- ordinal 0)))
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- mechanism_ref @3
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- title "GetConnectionInfo"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (1024, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @97
- location (1024, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E688BB700B2"
- width 300
- height 605
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
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- location (1024, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @97
- height 328
- y_coord 268
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @99
- location (1024, 464)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @97
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (256, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @100
- location (256, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "3E688C0F00D1"
- width 300
- height 605
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
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- location (256, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @100
- height 388
- y_coord 328
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @102
- location (256, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @100
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (16, 464)
- label (object SegLabel @104
- Parent_View @103
- location (1115, 420)
- quidu "3E688C1B0007"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 623
- justify 0
- label "GetConnectionInfoL(RMessage& )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @97
- supplier @97
- Focus_Src @98
- Focus_Entry @99
- origin (1040, 464)
- terminus (1190, 464)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 352)
- label (object SegLabel @106
- Parent_View @105
- location (639, 308)
- quidu "3E688C590343"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 410
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @100
- supplier @97
- Focus_Src @101
- Focus_Entry @98
- origin (271, 352)
- terminus (1008, 352)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @107
- location (16, 560)
- label (object SegLabel @108
- Parent_View @107
- location (640, 516)
- quidu "3E688C7A01FA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 0
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @97
- supplier @100
- Focus_Src @98
- Focus_Entry @102
- origin (1008, 560)
- terminus (272, 560)
- ordinal 2)
- (object NoteView @109
- location (1360, 112)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @109
- location (1219, 27)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 246
- label "Server Side Boundary interface")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 306
- height 182)
- (object AttachView "" @110
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @109
- supplier @97
- vertices (list Points
- (1206, 134)
- (1158, 134)
- (1158, 164))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (1206, 184)
- terminal_attachment (1174, 184))
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- location (592, 96)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @111
- location (451, 18)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 246
- label "Ckient Side boundary interface")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 306
- height 169)
- (object AttachView "" @112
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @111
- supplier @100
- vertices (list Points
- (438, 134)
- (390, 134)
- (390, 164))
- line_style 3
- origin_attachment (438, 172)
- terminal_attachment (406, 172))))
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- mechanism_ref @4
- quid "3E6897340313"
- title "GetSubConnectionInfo (UniqueID known)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$33" @113
- location (192, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @113
- location (192, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "Actor"
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- width 336
- height 1293
- icon_height 162
- icon_width 120
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @114
- location (192, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @113
- height 1044
- y_coord 984
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (528, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @115
- location (528, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "3E6897420267"
- width 300
- height 1293
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @116
- location (528, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @115
- height 984
- y_coord 924
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @117
- location (528, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @115
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1056, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @118
- location (1056, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E68974700C1"
- width 300
- height 1293
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- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @119
- location (1056, 640)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @118
- height 668
- y_coord 608
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1392, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @120
- location (1392, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @121
- location (1392, 736)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @120
- height 512
- y_coord 452
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1728, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @122
- location (1728, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @123
- location (1728, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @122
- height 356
- y_coord 296
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2064, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @124
- location (2064, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2064, 928)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @124
- height 200
- y_coord 140
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2640, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @126
- location (2640, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 766
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- label "")
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- width 784
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- annotation 1
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- location (2640, 1008)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @126
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (800, 640)
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- Parent_View @128
- location (791, 596)
- quidu "3E689ECA0026"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 410
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @115
- supplier @118
- Focus_Src @116
- Focus_Entry @119
- origin (543, 640)
- terminus (1040, 640)
- ordinal 2)
- (object SelfMessView "" @130
- location (16, 496)
- label (object SegLabel @131
- Parent_View @130
- location (716, 455)
- quidu "3E68A0230130"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 701
- justify 0
- label "GetSubConnectionInfo(TUint, TDes8&)"
- pctDist 1.153333
- height 42
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @115
- supplier @115
- Focus_Src @116
- Focus_Entry @117
- origin (544, 496)
- terminus (694, 496)
- ordinal 1)
- (object InterMessView "" @132
- location (416, 384)
- label (object SegLabel @133
- Parent_View @132
- location (359, 340)
- quidu "3E68A0770101"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 582
- justify 0
- label "GetSubConnectionInfo(TDes8&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @113
- supplier @115
- Focus_Src @114
- Focus_Entry @116
- origin (207, 384)
- terminus (512, 384)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (1120, 736)
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- Parent_View @134
- location (1223, 692)
- quidu "3E68A1740314"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 582
- justify 0
- label "GetSubConnectionInfo(TDes8&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @118
- supplier @120
- Focus_Src @119
- Focus_Entry @121
- origin (1071, 736)
- terminus (1376, 736)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (1472, 832)
- label (object SegLabel @137
- Parent_View @136
- location (1559, 788)
- quidu "3E68BC9F021A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 582
- justify 0
- label "GetSubConnectionInfo(TDes8&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @120
- supplier @122
- Focus_Src @121
- Focus_Entry @123
- origin (1407, 832)
- terminus (1712, 832)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (1888, 928)
- label (object SegLabel @139
- Parent_View @138
- location (1895, 884)
- quidu "3E68C0D10007"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 582
- justify 0
- label "GetSubConnectionInfo(TDes8&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @122
- supplier @124
- Focus_Src @123
- Focus_Entry @125
- origin (1743, 928)
- terminus (2048, 928)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (2352, 1008)
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- Parent_View @140
- location (2351, 964)
- quidu "3E68C1CC020A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 582
- justify 0
- label "GetSubConnectionInfo(TDes8&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @124
- supplier @126
- Focus_Src @125
- Focus_Entry @127
- origin (2079, 1008)
- terminus (2624, 1008)
- ordinal 6)))
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- mechanism_ref @5
- quid "3E68DBEF0006"
- title "Stop (TConnStopType specified)"
- zoom 100
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- location (176, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @142
- location (176, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- label "")
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- icon_width 120
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @143
- location (176, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @142
- height 900
- y_coord 840
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (560, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @144
- location (560, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @145
- location (560, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @144
- height 840
- y_coord 780
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1152, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @146
- location (1152, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @147
- location (1152, 416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @146
- height 732
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @148
- location (1152, 512)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @146
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1488, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @149
- location (1488, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1488, 640)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @149
- height 448
- y_coord 388
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1824, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @151
- location (1824, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1824, 704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @151
- height 324
- y_coord 264
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2160, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @153
- location (2160, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- location (2160, 752)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @153
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2496, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @155
- location (2496, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2496, 848)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @155
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (848, 416)
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- Parent_View @157
- location (855, 372)
- quidu "3E68DC4601AD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 410
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @144
- supplier @146
- Focus_Src @145
- Focus_Entry @147
- origin (575, 416)
- terminus (1136, 416)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 512)
- label (object SegLabel @160
- Parent_View @159
- location (1243, 468)
- quidu "3E68DC5803D0"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- justify 0
- label "StopL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @146
- supplier @146
- Focus_Src @147
- Focus_Entry @148
- origin (1168, 512)
- terminus (1318, 512)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (1312, 640)
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- Parent_View @161
- location (1319, 596)
- quidu "3E68DCD601BC"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 198
- justify 0
- label "Stop(TInt )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @146
- supplier @149
- Focus_Src @147
- Focus_Entry @150
- origin (1167, 640)
- terminus (1472, 640)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (368, 368)
- label (object SegLabel @164
- Parent_View @163
- location (367, 324)
- quidu "3E68DD050362"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 407
- justify 0
- label "Stop(TConnStopType)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @142
- supplier @144
- Focus_Src @143
- Focus_Entry @145
- origin (191, 368)
- terminus (544, 368)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @165
- location (1664, 704)
- label (object SegLabel @166
- Parent_View @165
- location (1655, 660)
- quidu "3E68DFA40297"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 185
- justify 0
- label "Stop(TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @149
- supplier @151
- Focus_Src @150
- Focus_Entry @152
- origin (1503, 704)
- terminus (1808, 704)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 752)
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- Parent_View @167
- location (1991, 708)
- quidu "3E68E0AD020A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 185
- justify 0
- label "Stop(TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @151
- supplier @153
- Focus_Src @152
- Focus_Entry @154
- origin (1839, 752)
- terminus (2144, 752)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (2336, 848)
- label (object SegLabel @170
- Parent_View @169
- location (2327, 804)
- quidu "3E68E7BC00D2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 576
- justify 0
- label "Stop(TInt, MNifIfNotify::TAction)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @153
- supplier @155
- Focus_Src @154
- Focus_Entry @156
- origin (2175, 848)
- terminus (2480, 848)
- ordinal 6)))
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- mechanism_ref @6
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- title "Progress (SubConnectionID specified)"
- zoom 100
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- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
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- location (320, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @171
- location (320, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- label "")
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- width 336
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- annotation 1
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- location (320, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @171
- height 816
- y_coord 756
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (704, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @173
- location (704, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- location (704, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @173
- height 756
- y_coord 696
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1040, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @175
- location (1040, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (1040, 448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @175
- height 616
- y_coord 556
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @177
- location (1040, 544)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @175
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @178
- location (1040, 672)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @175
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1568, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @179
- location (1568, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1568, 816)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @179
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @181
- location (1568, 944)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @179
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 368)
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- Parent_View @182
- location (511, 324)
- quidu "3E6CAA9C025B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 935
- justify 0
- label "Progress(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TNifProgress&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @171
- supplier @173
- Focus_Src @172
- Focus_Entry @174
- origin (335, 368)
- terminus (688, 368)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (880, 448)
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- Parent_View @184
- location (871, 404)
- quidu "3E6CAAC00077"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 410
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @173
- supplier @175
- Focus_Src @174
- Focus_Entry @176
- origin (719, 448)
- terminus (1024, 448)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 544)
- label (object SegLabel @187
- Parent_View @186
- location (1131, 500)
- quidu "3E6CAAC701CE"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 716
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionProgressL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @175
- supplier @175
- Focus_Src @176
- Focus_Entry @177
- origin (1056, 544)
- terminus (1206, 544)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (1216, 944)
- label (object SegLabel @189
- Parent_View @188
- location (1303, 900)
- quidu "3E6CACBD0103"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 654
- justify 0
- label "GetCurrentProgress(TNifProgress&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @175
- supplier @179
- Focus_Src @176
- Focus_Entry @181
- origin (1055, 944)
- terminus (1552, 944)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (1216, 816)
- label (object SegLabel @191
- Parent_View @190
- location (1303, 772)
- quidu "3E6CD2940056"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 479
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @175
- supplier @179
- Focus_Src @176
- Focus_Entry @180
- origin (1055, 816)
- terminus (1552, 816)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 672)
- label (object SegLabel @193
- Parent_View @192
- location (1131, 628)
- quidu "3E6CD2A8022B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 841
- justify 0
- label "FindSubConnection(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @175
- supplier @175
- Focus_Src @176
- Focus_Entry @178
- origin (1056, 672)
- terminus (1206, 672)
- ordinal 3)))
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- mechanism_ref @7
- quid "3E6CBB3D0354"
- title "SubConnectionProgressNotification"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$48" @194
- location (592, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @194
- location (592, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "Actor"
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- width 336
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- icon_width 120
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @195
- location (592, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @194
- height 800
- y_coord 740
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1120, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @196
- location (1120, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
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- location (1120, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @196
- height 740
- y_coord 680
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1456, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @198
- location (1456, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1456, 464)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @198
- height 584
- y_coord 524
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @200
- location (1456, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @198
- height 360
- y_coord 300
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @201
- location (1456, 688)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @198
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2176, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @202
- location (2176, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 340
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- annotation 1
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- location (2176, 800)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @202
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @204
- location (2176, 928)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @202
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 368)
- label (object SegLabel @206
- Parent_View @205
- location (855, 324)
- quidu "3E6CCA670123"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1657
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TNifProgressBuf&, TRequestStatus&, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @194
- supplier @196
- Focus_Src @195
- Focus_Entry @197
- origin (607, 368)
- terminus (1104, 368)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (1296, 464)
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- Parent_View @207
- location (1287, 420)
- quidu "3E6CCE6A03D2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 410
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @196
- supplier @198
- Focus_Src @197
- Focus_Entry @199
- origin (1135, 464)
- terminus (1440, 464)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 560)
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- Parent_View @209
- location (1547, 516)
- quidu "3E6CD0820374"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1066
- justify 0
- label "RequestSubConnectionProgressNotificationL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @198
- supplier @198
- Focus_Src @199
- Focus_Entry @200
- origin (1472, 560)
- terminus (1622, 560)
- ordinal 2)
- (object SelfMessView "" @211
- location (16, 688)
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- Parent_View @211
- location (1547, 644)
- quidu "3E6CD0DA024A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 841
- justify 0
- label "FindSubConnection(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @198
- supplier @198
- Focus_Src @200
- Focus_Entry @201
- origin (1472, 688)
- terminus (1622, 688)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (1808, 800)
- label (object SegLabel @214
- Parent_View @213
- location (1815, 756)
- quidu "3E6CD1AC0096"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 479
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @198
- supplier @202
- Focus_Src @200
- Focus_Entry @203
- origin (1471, 800)
- terminus (2160, 800)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 928)
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- Parent_View @215
- location (1815, 884)
- quidu "3E6CD2090085"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1067
- justify 0
- label "RequestSubConnectionProgressNotificationL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @198
- supplier @202
- Focus_Src @199
- Focus_Entry @204
- origin (1471, 928)
- terminus (2160, 928)
- ordinal 5)))
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- mechanism_ref @8
- quid "3E6CE3440095"
- title "Cancel SubConnection ProgressNotification"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (320, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @217
- location (320, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- label "")
- icon "Actor"
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- location (320, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @217
- height 688
- y_coord 628
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (736, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @219
- location (736, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (736, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @219
- height 628
- y_coord 568
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1168, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @221
- location (1168, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (1168, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @221
- height 472
- y_coord 412
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @223
- location (1168, 576)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @221
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @224
- location (1168, 704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @221
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1536, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @225
- location (1536, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1536, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @225
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (400, 384)
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- Parent_View @227
- location (527, 340)
- quidu "3E6CE370020D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 976
- justify 0
- label "CancelProgressNotification(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @217
- supplier @219
- Focus_Src @218
- Focus_Entry @220
- origin (335, 384)
- terminus (720, 384)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (720, 480)
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- Parent_View @229
- location (951, 436)
- quidu "3E6CE3730086"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 410
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @219
- supplier @221
- Focus_Src @220
- Focus_Entry @222
- origin (751, 480)
- terminus (1152, 480)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 576)
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- Parent_View @231
- location (1259, 532)
- quidu "3E6CE37502D8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1019
- justify 0
- label "CancelSubConnectionProgressNotification(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @221
- supplier @221
- Focus_Src @222
- Focus_Entry @223
- origin (1184, 576)
- terminus (1334, 576)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 704)
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- Parent_View @233
- location (1259, 660)
- quidu "3E6CE44300D3"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 841
- justify 0
- label "FindSubConnection(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @221
- supplier @221
- Focus_Src @222
- Focus_Entry @224
- origin (1184, 704)
- terminus (1334, 704)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (1344, 832)
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- Parent_View @235
- location (1351, 788)
- quidu "3E6CE44C0103"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1132
- justify 0
- label "CancelSubConnectionProgressNotification(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @221
- supplier @225
- Focus_Src @222
- Focus_Entry @226
- origin (1183, 832)
- terminus (1520, 832)
- ordinal 4)))
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- mechanism_ref @9
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- title "Enumerate SubConnections"
- zoom 100
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- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
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- location (208, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @237
- location (208, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
- icon "Actor"
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- annotation 1
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- location (208, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @237
- height 948
- y_coord 888
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (544, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @239
- location (544, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (544, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @239
- height 888
- y_coord 828
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (976, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @241
- location (976, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (976, 416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @241
- height 780
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @243
- location (976, 512)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @241
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1456, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @244
- location (1456, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- location (1456, 624)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @244
- height 512
- y_coord 452
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1792, 225)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @246
- location (1792, 225)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- location (1792, 704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @246
- height 372
- y_coord 312
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2128, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @248
- location (2128, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- location (2128, 800)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @248
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2720, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @250
- location (2720, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- annotation 1
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- location (2720, 896)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @250
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (384, 368)
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- Parent_View @252
- location (375, 324)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 651
- justify 0
- label "EnumerateSubConnections(TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @237
- supplier @239
- Focus_Src @238
- Focus_Entry @240
- origin (223, 368)
- terminus (528, 368)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 416)
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- Parent_View @254
- location (759, 372)
- quidu "3E6DD28C0290"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 410
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @239
- supplier @241
- Focus_Src @240
- Focus_Entry @242
- origin (559, 416)
- terminus (960, 416)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 512)
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- Parent_View @256
- location (1067, 468)
- quidu "3E6DD291005D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 885
- justify 0
- label "EnumerateSubConnectionsL(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @241
- supplier @241
- Focus_Src @242
- Focus_Entry @243
- origin (992, 512)
- terminus (1142, 512)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (1216, 624)
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- Parent_View @258
- location (1215, 580)
- quidu "3E6DD6F0030D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 673
- justify 0
- label "EnumerateSubConnectionsL(TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @241
- supplier @244
- Focus_Src @242
- Focus_Entry @245
- origin (991, 624)
- terminus (1440, 624)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (1616, 704)
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- Parent_View @260
- location (1623, 660)
- quidu "3E6DD83D036A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 651
- justify 0
- label "EnumerateSubConnections(TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @244
- supplier @246
- Focus_Src @245
- Focus_Entry @247
- origin (1471, 704)
- terminus (1776, 704)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 800)
- label (object SegLabel @263
- Parent_View @262
- location (1959, 756)
- quidu "3E6F3E2300D0"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 619
- justify 0
- label "EnumerateSubConnections(TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @246
- supplier @248
- Focus_Src @247
- Focus_Entry @249
- origin (1807, 800)
- terminus (2112, 800)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 896)
- label (object SegLabel @265
- Parent_View @264
- location (2423, 852)
- quidu "3E6F3F1C03DD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 619
- justify 0
- label "EnumerateSubConnections(TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @248
- supplier @250
- Focus_Src @249
- Focus_Entry @251
- origin (2143, 896)
- terminus (2704, 896)
- ordinal 6)))
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- mechanism_ref @10
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- title "DataTransferredRequest (For Connection)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 1006
- origin_y 0
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- location (144, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @266
- location (144, 237)
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (144, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @266
- height 1924
- y_coord 1864
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1248, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @268
- location (1248, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @270
- location (1248, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @268
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1568, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @271
- location (1568, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1568, 624)
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- InterObjView @271
- height 1580
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @273
- location (1568, 720)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @271
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1888, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @274
- location (1888, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1888, 848)
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- InterObjView @274
- height 1296
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @276
- location (1888, 1424)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @274
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2208, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @277
- location (2208, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- annotation 1
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- location (2208, 944)
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- height 372
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2528, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @279
- location (2528, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2528, 1040)
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- height 216
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3040, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @281
- location (3040, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (3040, 1136)
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- InterObjView @281
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3552, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @283
- location (3552, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (3552, 1520)
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- InterObjView @283
- height 60
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @285
- location (3552, 1600)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @283
- height 484
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3888, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @286
- location (3888, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (3888, 1696)
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- InterObjView @286
- height 328
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (3888, 1792)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @286
- height 60
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- Nested TRUE)
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- location (3888, 1904)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @286
- height 60
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- Nested TRUE))
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- max_width 1325
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- label "DataTransferredRequest(TPckg<TUint>&, TPckg<TUint>&, TRequestStatus&)"
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- client @266
- supplier @268
- Focus_Src @267
- Focus_Entry @269
- origin (159, 400)
- terminus (1232, 400)
- ordinal 0)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 400
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- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
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- client @268
- supplier @271
- Focus_Src @269
- Focus_Entry @272
- origin (1263, 624)
- terminus (1552, 624)
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- location (16, 720)
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- label "DataTransferredL(const RMessage&)"
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- client @271
- supplier @271
- Focus_Src @272
- Focus_Entry @273
- origin (1584, 720)
- terminus (1734, 720)
- ordinal 3)
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- label "DataTransferredRequest(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TPckg<TUint>&, TPckg<TUint>&, TRequestStatus&)"
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- client @268
- supplier @268
- Focus_Src @269
- Focus_Entry @270
- origin (1264, 496)
- terminus (1414, 496)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 848)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- label "DataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
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- client @271
- supplier @274
- Focus_Src @272
- Focus_Entry @275
- origin (1583, 848)
- terminus (1872, 848)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1019
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- label "DataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
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- client @274
- supplier @277
- Focus_Src @275
- Focus_Entry @278
- origin (1903, 944)
- terminus (2192, 944)
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- nlines 1
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- label "DataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
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- client @277
- supplier @279
- Focus_Src @278
- Focus_Entry @280
- origin (2223, 1040)
- terminus (2512, 1040)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 1136)
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- Parent_View @304
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1078
- justify 0
- label "GetDataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
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- height 45
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- line_color 3342489
- client @279
- supplier @281
- Focus_Src @280
- Focus_Entry @282
- origin (2543, 1136)
- terminus (3024, 1136)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (16, 1520)
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- location (2719, 1476)
- quidu "3E6F4C2F0092"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 497
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
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- client @274
- supplier @283
- Focus_Src @275
- Focus_Entry @284
- origin (1903, 1520)
- terminus (3536, 1520)
- ordinal 9)
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- location (16, 1424)
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- location (1979, 1380)
- quidu "3E6F4C4F00C0"
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "FindSubInterface(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
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- line_color 3342489
- client @274
- supplier @274
- Focus_Src @275
- Focus_Entry @276
- origin (1904, 1424)
- terminus (2054, 1424)
- ordinal 8)
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- location (16, 1600)
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- location (2719, 1556)
- quidu "3E6F4D54010E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 668
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- label "NotifyDataTransferred(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @274
- supplier @283
- Focus_Src @275
- Focus_Entry @285
- origin (1903, 1600)
- terminus (3536, 1600)
- ordinal 10)
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- location (16, 1696)
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- location (3719, 1652)
- quidu "3E6F4E1A0209"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 806
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataTransferred(const TUint, const TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @283
- supplier @286
- Focus_Src @285
- Focus_Entry @287
- origin (3567, 1696)
- terminus (3872, 1696)
- ordinal 11)
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- location (16, 1792)
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- Parent_View @314
- location (3979, 1748)
- quidu "3E6F4EE00257"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 483
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataSent(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @286
- supplier @286
- Focus_Src @287
- Focus_Entry @288
- origin (3904, 1792)
- terminus (4054, 1792)
- ordinal 12)
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- location (16, 1904)
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- location (3979, 1860)
- quidu "3E6F4FC50208"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 564
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataReceived(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @286
- supplier @286
- Focus_Src @287
- Focus_Entry @289
- origin (3904, 1904)
- terminus (4054, 1904)
- ordinal 13)))
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- title "DataSent Notification Request"
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- location (352, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @318
- location (352, 281)
- anchor_loc 1
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- location (352, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @318
- height 2172
- y_coord 2112
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (896, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @320
- location (896, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- location (896, 352)
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- InterObjView @320
- height 2112
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @322
- location (896, 448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @320
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1232, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @323
- location (1232, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1232, 592)
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- height 1812
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (1232, 688)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @323
- height 60
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- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @326
- location (1232, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @323
- height 60
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- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1584, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @327
- location (1584, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1584, 960)
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- location (1584, 2000)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @327
- height 60
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- Nested TRUE)
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- location (1584, 2096)
- line_color 3342489
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- height 60
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- Nested TRUE)
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- location (1584, 2224)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @327
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1936, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @332
- location (1936, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1936, 1056)
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- height 1672
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (1936, 1824)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @332
- height 60
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- Nested TRUE)
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- location (1936, 1920)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @332
- height 60
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- Nested TRUE)
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- location (1936, 2352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @332
- height 60
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- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @337
- location (1936, 2480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @332
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2304, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @338
- location (2304, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2304, 1152)
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (2304, 1696)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @338
- height 60
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- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2608, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @341
- location (2608, 224)
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- location (2608, 1248)
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- height 356
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (2608, 2608)
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- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2944, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @344
- location (2944, 224)
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- location (2944, 1344)
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- height 200
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3472, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @346
- location (3472, 224)
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- Nested FALSE))
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- Focus_Entry @321
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- terminus (880, 352)
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- origin (912, 448)
- terminus (1062, 448)
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- Focus_Entry @324
- origin (911, 592)
- terminus (1216, 592)
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- Focus_Entry @325
- origin (1248, 688)
- terminus (1398, 688)
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- origin (1248, 832)
- terminus (1398, 832)
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- Focus_Entry @328
- origin (1247, 960)
- terminus (1568, 960)
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- Focus_Entry @333
- origin (1599, 1056)
- terminus (1920, 1056)
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- origin (2319, 1248)
- terminus (2592, 1248)
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- client @341
- supplier @344
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- Focus_Entry @345
- origin (2623, 1344)
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- supplier @346
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- Focus_Entry @347
- origin (2959, 1424)
- terminus (3456, 1424)
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- origin (2320, 1696)
- terminus (2470, 1696)
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- max_width 456
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- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
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- origin (2288, 1824)
- terminus (1952, 1824)
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- supplier @332
- Focus_Src @339
- Focus_Entry @335
- origin (2288, 1920)
- terminus (1952, 1920)
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- client @332
- supplier @327
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- Focus_Entry @329
- origin (1920, 2000)
- terminus (1600, 2000)
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- client @327
- supplier @327
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- origin (1600, 2096)
- terminus (1750, 2096)
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- supplier @327
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- Focus_Entry @331
- origin (1600, 2224)
- terminus (1750, 2224)
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- supplier @332
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- Focus_Entry @336
- origin (1952, 2352)
- terminus (2102, 2352)
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- supplier @332
- Focus_Src @333
- Focus_Entry @337
- origin (1952, 2480)
- terminus (2102, 2480)
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- client @332
- supplier @341
- Focus_Src @333
- Focus_Entry @343
- origin (1951, 2608)
- terminus (2592, 2608)
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- Nested FALSE))
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- Nested TRUE))
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- location (816, 224)
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- Nested FALSE))
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1856, 224)
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2192, 224)
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- Nested FALSE))
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- Focus_Entry @391
- origin (159, 384)
- terminus (464, 384)
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- supplier @390
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- Focus_Entry @393
- origin (496, 480)
- terminus (646, 480)
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- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
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- supplier @394
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- terminus (800, 608)
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- client @394
- supplier @394
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- Focus_Entry @396
- origin (832, 720)
- terminus (982, 720)
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- supplier @394
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- Focus_Entry @397
- origin (832, 848)
- terminus (982, 848)
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- max_width 457
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- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
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- Focus_Entry @399
- origin (831, 976)
- terminus (1152, 976)
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- max_width 814
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- label "DataSentNotificationCancel(const RMessage&)"
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- client @394
- supplier @398
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- Focus_Entry @400
- origin (831, 1104)
- terminus (1152, 1104)
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- label "DataSentNotificationCancel( )"
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- client @398
- supplier @401
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- Focus_Entry @402
- origin (1183, 1200)
- terminus (1504, 1200)
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- client @401
- supplier @403
- Focus_Src @402
- Focus_Entry @404
- origin (1535, 1296)
- terminus (1840, 1296)
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- client @403
- supplier @405
- Focus_Src @404
- Focus_Entry @406
- origin (1871, 1392)
- terminus (2176, 1392)
- ordinal 9)
- (object InterMessView "" @429
- location (16, 1488)
- label (object SegLabel @430
- Parent_View @429
- location (2455, 1444)
- quidu "3E7749020165"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 941
- justify 0
- label "DataSentNotificationCancel(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @405
- supplier @407
- Focus_Src @406
- Focus_Entry @408
- origin (2207, 1488)
- terminus (2704, 1488)
- ordinal 10)))
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- mechanism_ref @13
- quid "3E70CE68005B"
- title "DataReceived Notification Request"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (400, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @431
- location (400, 281)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- label "")
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- icon_height 162
- icon_width 120
- icon_y_offset -32
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @432
- location (400, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @431
- height 2172
- y_coord 2112
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (896, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @433
- location (896, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E70CE7801C8"
- width 300
- height 2389
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- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @434
- location (896, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @433
- height 2112
- y_coord 2052
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @435
- location (896, 448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @433
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1232, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @436
- location (1232, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E70CE7801CD"
- width 300
- height 2389
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
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- location (1232, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @436
- height 1812
- y_coord 1752
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @438
- location (1232, 688)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @436
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @439
- location (1232, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @436
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1584, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @440
- location (1584, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 340
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- annotation 1
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- location (1584, 960)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @440
- height 1384
- y_coord 1324
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @442
- location (1584, 2000)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @440
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @443
- location (1584, 2096)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @440
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @444
- location (1584, 2224)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @440
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1936, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @445
- location (1936, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E70CE7801DA"
- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @446
- location (1936, 1056)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @445
- height 1064
- y_coord 1004
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @447
- location (1936, 1824)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @445
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @448
- location (1936, 1920)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @445
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2304, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @449
- location (2304, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
- height 2389
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- annotation 1
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- location (2304, 1152)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @449
- height 888
- y_coord 828
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @451
- location (2304, 1696)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @449
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2608, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @452
- location (2608, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (2608, 1248)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @452
- height 356
- y_coord 296
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2944, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @454
- location (2944, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2944, 1344)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @454
- height 200
- y_coord 140
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3472, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @456
- location (3472, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 672
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 690
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- annotation 1
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- location (3472, 1424)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @456
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 352)
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- Parent_View @458
- location (647, 308)
- quidu "3E70CE7801C5"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1300
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationRequest(TUint, TPckg<TUint>&, TRequestStatus&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @431
- supplier @433
- Focus_Src @432
- Focus_Entry @434
- origin (415, 352)
- terminus (880, 352)
- ordinal 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @460
- location (16, 448)
- label (object SegLabel @461
- Parent_View @460
- location (987, 404)
- quidu "3E70CE7801C6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1772
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationRequest(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint, TPckg<TUint>&, TRequestStatus&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @433
- supplier @433
- Focus_Src @434
- Focus_Entry @435
- origin (912, 448)
- terminus (1062, 448)
- ordinal 1)
- (object InterMessView "" @462
- location (16, 592)
- label (object SegLabel @463
- Parent_View @462
- location (1063, 548)
- quidu "3E70CE7801CA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 400
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @433
- supplier @436
- Focus_Src @434
- Focus_Entry @437
- origin (911, 592)
- terminus (1216, 592)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 688)
- label (object SegLabel @465
- Parent_View @464
- location (1323, 644)
- quidu "3E70CE7801CB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 941
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationRequestL(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @436
- supplier @436
- Focus_Src @437
- Focus_Entry @438
- origin (1248, 688)
- terminus (1398, 688)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 832)
- label (object SegLabel @467
- Parent_View @466
- location (1323, 788)
- quidu "3E70CE7801D0"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 831
- justify 0
- label "FindSubConnection(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @436
- supplier @436
- Focus_Src @437
- Focus_Entry @439
- origin (1248, 832)
- terminus (1398, 832)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 960)
- label (object SegLabel @469
- Parent_View @468
- location (1407, 916)
- quidu "3E70CE7801CF"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 941
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationRequestL(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @436
- supplier @440
- Focus_Src @437
- Focus_Entry @441
- origin (1247, 960)
- terminus (1568, 960)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 2096)
- label (object SegLabel @471
- Parent_View @470
- location (1675, 2052)
- quidu "3E70CE7801D5"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 509
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataSent(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @440
- supplier @440
- Focus_Src @441
- Focus_Entry @443
- origin (1600, 2096)
- terminus (1750, 2096)
- ordinal 15)
- (object SelfMessView "" @472
- location (16, 2224)
- label (object SegLabel @473
- Parent_View @472
- location (1675, 2180)
- quidu "3E70CE7801D6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 588
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataReceived(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @440
- supplier @440
- Focus_Src @441
- Focus_Entry @444
- origin (1600, 2224)
- terminus (1750, 2224)
- ordinal 16)
- (object InterMessView "" @474
- location (16, 1056)
- label (object SegLabel @475
- Parent_View @474
- location (1759, 1012)
- quidu "3E70CE7801D1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 803
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationRequest(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @440
- supplier @445
- Focus_Src @441
- Focus_Entry @446
- origin (1599, 1056)
- terminus (1920, 1056)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 2000)
- label (object SegLabel @477
- Parent_View @476
- location (1760, 1956)
- quidu "3E70CE7801D7"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 850
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataTransferred(const TUint, const TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @445
- supplier @440
- Focus_Src @446
- Focus_Entry @442
- origin (1920, 2000)
- terminus (1600, 2000)
- ordinal 14)
- (object InterMessView "" @478
- location (16, 1152)
- label (object SegLabel @479
- Parent_View @478
- location (2119, 1108)
- quidu "3E70CE7801D8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1056
- justify 0
- label "DataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @445
- supplier @449
- Focus_Src @446
- Focus_Entry @450
- origin (1951, 1152)
- terminus (2288, 1152)
- ordinal 7)
- (object SelfMessView "" @480
- location (16, 1696)
- label (object SegLabel @481
- Parent_View @480
- location (2395, 1652)
- quidu "3E70CE7801E1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 781
- justify 0
- label "FindSubInterface(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @449
- supplier @449
- Focus_Src @450
- Focus_Entry @451
- origin (2320, 1696)
- terminus (2470, 1696)
- ordinal 11)
- (object InterMessView "" @482
- location (16, 1824)
- label (object SegLabel @483
- Parent_View @482
- location (2120, 1780)
- quidu "3E70CE7801DB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 469
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @449
- supplier @445
- Focus_Src @450
- Focus_Entry @447
- origin (2288, 1824)
- terminus (1952, 1824)
- ordinal 12)
- (object InterMessView "" @484
- location (16, 1920)
- label (object SegLabel @485
- Parent_View @484
- location (2120, 1876)
- quidu "3E70CE7801DC"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 625
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataTransferred(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @449
- supplier @445
- Focus_Src @450
- Focus_Entry @448
- origin (2288, 1920)
- terminus (1952, 1920)
- ordinal 13)
- (object InterMessView "" @486
- location (16, 1248)
- label (object SegLabel @487
- Parent_View @486
- location (2455, 1204)
- quidu "3E70CE7801DD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1056
- justify 0
- label "DataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @449
- supplier @452
- Focus_Src @450
- Focus_Entry @453
- origin (2319, 1248)
- terminus (2592, 1248)
- ordinal 8)
- (object InterMessView "" @488
- location (16, 1344)
- label (object SegLabel @489
- Parent_View @488
- location (2775, 1300)
- quidu "3E70CE7801E2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1056
- justify 0
- label "DataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @452
- supplier @454
- Focus_Src @453
- Focus_Entry @455
- origin (2623, 1344)
- terminus (2928, 1344)
- ordinal 9)
- (object InterMessView "" @490
- location (16, 1424)
- label (object SegLabel @491
- Parent_View @490
- location (3207, 1380)
- quidu "3E70CE7801E5"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1122
- justify 0
- label "GetDataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @454
- supplier @456
- Focus_Src @455
- Focus_Entry @457
- origin (2959, 1424)
- terminus (3456, 1424)
- ordinal 10)))
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- mechanism_ref @14
- quid "3E70CFD60175"
- title "DataReceived Notification Cancel (SubConnection unspecified)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$100" @492
- location (160, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @492
- location (160, 284)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "Actor"
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- width 336
- height 1305
- icon_height 162
- icon_width 120
- icon_y_offset -35
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @493
- location (160, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @492
- height 120
- y_coord 60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (480, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @494
- location (480, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E70CFEC02EF"
- width 300
- height 1305
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- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
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- location (480, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @494
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @496
- location (480, 448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @494
- height 992
- y_coord 932
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @497
- location (480, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @494
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (816, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @498
- location (816, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (816, 608)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @498
- height 772
- y_coord 712
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @500
- location (816, 720)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @498
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @501
- location (816, 848)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @498
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1168, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @502
- location (1168, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E70CFEC02FB"
- width 340
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- annotation 1
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- location (1168, 976)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @502
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @504
- location (1168, 1104)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @502
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1520, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @505
- location (1520, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @506
- location (1520, 1200)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @505
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 384)
- label (object SegLabel @508
- Parent_View @507
- location (319, 340)
- quidu "3E70CFEC02EE"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 588
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationCancel( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @492
- supplier @494
- Focus_Src @493
- Focus_Entry @495
- origin (175, 384)
- terminus (464, 384)
- ordinal 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @509
- location (16, 480)
- label (object SegLabel @510
- Parent_View @509
- location (571, 436)
- quidu "3E70CFEC02F1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1022
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationCancel(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @494
- supplier @494
- Focus_Src @496
- Focus_Entry @497
- origin (496, 480)
- terminus (646, 480)
- ordinal 1)
- (object InterMessView "" @511
- location (16, 608)
- label (object SegLabel @512
- Parent_View @511
- location (647, 564)
- quidu "3E70CFEC02F3"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 400
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @494
- supplier @498
- Focus_Src @496
- Focus_Entry @499
- origin (495, 608)
- terminus (800, 608)
- ordinal 2)
- (object SelfMessView "" @513
- location (16, 720)
- label (object SegLabel @514
- Parent_View @513
- location (907, 676)
- quidu "3E70CFEC02F4"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 894
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationCancel(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @498
- supplier @498
- Focus_Src @499
- Focus_Entry @500
- origin (832, 720)
- terminus (982, 720)
- ordinal 3)
- (object SelfMessView "" @515
- location (16, 848)
- label (object SegLabel @516
- Parent_View @515
- location (907, 804)
- quidu "3E70CFEC02FA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 831
- justify 0
- label "FindSubConnection(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @498
- supplier @498
- Focus_Src @499
- Focus_Entry @501
- origin (832, 848)
- terminus (982, 848)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @517
- location (16, 976)
- label (object SegLabel @518
- Parent_View @517
- location (991, 932)
- quidu "3E70CFEC02F8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 469
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @498
- supplier @502
- Focus_Src @499
- Focus_Entry @503
- origin (831, 976)
- terminus (1152, 976)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 1104)
- label (object SegLabel @520
- Parent_View @519
- location (991, 1060)
- quidu "3E70CFEC02F9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 894
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationCancel(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @498
- supplier @502
- Focus_Src @499
- Focus_Entry @504
- origin (831, 1104)
- terminus (1152, 1104)
- ordinal 6)
- (object InterMessView "" @521
- location (16, 1200)
- label (object SegLabel @522
- Parent_View @521
- location (1343, 1156)
- quidu "3E70CFEC02FD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 588
- justify 0
- label "DataReceivedNotificationCancel( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @502
- supplier @505
- Focus_Src @504
- Focus_Entry @506
- origin (1183, 1200)
- terminus (1504, 1200)
- ordinal 7)))
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- mechanism_ref @15
- quid "3E70D14602EC"
- title "All SubConnection Notification (First time called on nif)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (464, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @523
- location (464, 284)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- label "")
- icon "Actor"
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- width 336
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- icon_width 120
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- annotation 1
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- location (464, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @523
- height 824
- y_coord 764
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (960, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @525
- location (960, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @526
- location (960, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @525
- height 764
- y_coord 704
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1296, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @527
- location (1296, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (1296, 464)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @527
- height 608
- y_coord 548
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @529
- location (1296, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @527
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1632, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @530
- location (1632, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @531
- location (1632, 672)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @530
- height 340
- y_coord 280
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1968, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @532
- location (1968, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (1968, 752)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @532
- height 200
- y_coord 140
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2304, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @534
- location (2304, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (2304, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @534
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 368)
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- Parent_View @536
- location (711, 324)
- quidu "3E70D160006C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1403
- justify 0
- label "AllSubConnectionNotification(TSubConnectionNotificationBuf&, TRequestStatus&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @523
- supplier @525
- Focus_Src @524
- Focus_Entry @526
- origin (479, 368)
- terminus (944, 368)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @538
- location (16, 464)
- label (object SegLabel @539
- Parent_View @538
- location (1127, 420)
- quidu "3E70D191003D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 384
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @525
- supplier @527
- Focus_Src @526
- Focus_Entry @528
- origin (975, 464)
- terminus (1280, 464)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 560)
- label (object SegLabel @541
- Parent_View @540
- location (1387, 516)
- quidu "3E70D1E3007C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 859
- justify 0
- label "AllSubConnectionNotificationL(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @527
- supplier @527
- Focus_Src @528
- Focus_Entry @529
- origin (1312, 560)
- terminus (1462, 560)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 672)
- label (object SegLabel @543
- Parent_View @542
- location (1463, 628)
- quidu "3E71CDF802EA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 675
- justify 0
- label "AllSubConnectionNotificationEnableL( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @527
- supplier @530
- Focus_Src @528
- Focus_Entry @531
- origin (1311, 672)
- terminus (1616, 672)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 752)
- label (object SegLabel @545
- Parent_View @544
- location (1799, 708)
- quidu "3E71CE2403E4"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 653
- justify 0
- label "AllSubConnectionNotificationEnable( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @530
- supplier @532
- Focus_Src @531
- Focus_Entry @533
- origin (1647, 752)
- terminus (1952, 752)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @546
- location (16, 832)
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- Parent_View @546
- location (2135, 788)
- quidu "3E71CE320329"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 653
- justify 0
- label "AllSubConnectionNotificationEnable( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @532
- supplier @534
- Focus_Src @533
- Focus_Entry @535
- origin (1983, 832)
- terminus (2288, 832)
- ordinal 5)))
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- mechanism_ref @16
- quid "3E71D1110078"
- title "CancelAllSubConnectionNotification"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
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- location (144, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @548
- location (144, 265)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- justify 0
- label "")
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- icon_width 120
- icon_y_offset -16
- annotation 1
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- location (144, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @548
- height 416
- y_coord 356
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (576, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @550
- location (576, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
- height 649
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- annotation 1
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- location (576, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @550
- height 356
- y_coord 296
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (928, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @552
- location (928, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (928, 448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @552
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @554
- location (928, 544)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @552
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (16, 368)
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- Parent_View @555
- location (359, 324)
- quidu "3E71D1370192"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 653
- justify 0
- label "CancelAllSubConnectionNotification( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @548
- supplier @550
- Focus_Src @549
- Focus_Entry @551
- origin (159, 368)
- terminus (560, 368)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 448)
- label (object SegLabel @558
- Parent_View @557
- location (751, 404)
- quidu "3E71D14C0338"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 400
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @550
- supplier @552
- Focus_Src @551
- Focus_Entry @553
- origin (591, 448)
- terminus (912, 448)
- ordinal 1)
- (object SelfMessView "" @559
- location (16, 544)
- label (object SegLabel @560
- Parent_View @559
- location (1019, 500)
- quidu "3E71D16C0338"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 959
- justify 0
- label "CancelAllSubConnectionNotification(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @552
- supplier @552
- Focus_Src @553
- Focus_Entry @554
- origin (944, 544)
- terminus (1094, 544)
- ordinal 2)))
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- mechanism_ref @17
- quid "3E71DA510105"
- title "IsSubConnectionActiveRequest"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
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- location (672, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @561
- location (672, 265)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 336
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- annotation 1
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- location (672, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @561
- height 2060
- y_coord 2000
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1104, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @563
- location (1104, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (1104, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @563
- height 2000
- y_coord 1940
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1440, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @565
- location (1440, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1440, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @565
- height 1844
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @567
- location (1440, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @565
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @568
- location (1440, 720)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @565
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @569
- location (1440, 2160)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @565
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1792, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @570
- location (1792, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1792, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @570
- height 60
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (1792, 928)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @570
- height 1352
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (1792, 1872)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @570
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @574
- location (1792, 1968)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @570
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2480, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @575
- location (2480, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (2480, 1024)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @575
- height 1124
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @577
- location (2480, 1552)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @575
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2816, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @578
- location (2816, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (2816, 1120)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @578
- height 372
- y_coord 312
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3152, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @580
- location (3152, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (3152, 1216)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @580
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3680, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @582
- location (3680, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- location (3680, 1312)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @582
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2144, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @584
- location (2144, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2144, 1664)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @584
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @586
- location (2144, 1792)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @584
- height 296
- y_coord 236
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 400)
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- Parent_View @587
- location (887, 356)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1871
- justify 0
- label "IsSubConnectionActiveRequest(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint, TPckg<TBool>&, TRequestStatus&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @561
- supplier @563
- Focus_Src @562
- Focus_Entry @564
- origin (687, 400)
- terminus (1088, 400)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @589
- location (16, 496)
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- location (1271, 452)
- quidu "3E71DC3E028C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 384
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @563
- supplier @565
- Focus_Src @564
- Focus_Entry @566
- origin (1119, 496)
- terminus (1424, 496)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 592)
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- Parent_View @591
- location (1531, 548)
- quidu "3E71DC460192"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 903
- justify 0
- label "IsSubConnectionActiveRequestL(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @565
- supplier @565
- Focus_Src @566
- Focus_Entry @567
- origin (1456, 592)
- terminus (1606, 592)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 720)
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- Parent_View @593
- location (1531, 676)
- quidu "3E71DCDF0357"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 809
- justify 0
- label "FindSubConnection(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @565
- supplier @565
- Focus_Src @566
- Focus_Entry @568
- origin (1456, 720)
- terminus (1606, 720)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 832)
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- Parent_View @595
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- quidu "3E71DD2800E7"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 456
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @565
- supplier @570
- Focus_Src @566
- Focus_Entry @571
- origin (1455, 832)
- terminus (1776, 832)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 928)
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- Parent_View @597
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- quidu "3E71DD9402F9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 903
- justify 0
- label "IsSubConnectionActiveRequestL(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @565
- supplier @570
- Focus_Src @566
- Focus_Entry @572
- origin (1455, 928)
- terminus (1776, 928)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 1024)
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- Parent_View @599
- location (2135, 980)
- quidu "3E71DE0703E4"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1019
- justify 0
- label "DataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @570
- supplier @575
- Focus_Src @572
- Focus_Entry @576
- origin (1807, 1024)
- terminus (2464, 1024)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 1120)
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- location (2647, 1076)
- quidu "3E71DE2101C1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1019
- justify 0
- label "DataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @575
- supplier @578
- Focus_Src @576
- Focus_Entry @579
- origin (2495, 1120)
- terminus (2800, 1120)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (16, 1216)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1019
- justify 0
- label "DataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @578
- supplier @580
- Focus_Src @579
- Focus_Entry @581
- origin (2831, 1216)
- terminus (3136, 1216)
- ordinal 8)
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- location (16, 1312)
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- Parent_View @605
- location (3415, 1268)
- quidu "3E71DE54023E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1078
- justify 0
- label "GetDataTransferred(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint&, TUint&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @580
- supplier @582
- Focus_Src @581
- Focus_Entry @583
- origin (3167, 1312)
- terminus (3664, 1312)
- ordinal 9)
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- location (16, 1552)
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- location (2571, 1508)
- quidu "3E71DEA60115"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 759
- justify 0
- label "FindSubInterface(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @575
- supplier @575
- Focus_Src @576
- Focus_Entry @577
- origin (2496, 1552)
- terminus (2646, 1552)
- ordinal 10)
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- location (16, 1664)
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- location (2312, 1620)
- quidu "3E71DEE603D5"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 456
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @575
- supplier @584
- Focus_Src @576
- Focus_Entry @585
- origin (2464, 1664)
- terminus (2160, 1664)
- ordinal 11)
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- location (16, 1792)
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- Parent_View @611
- location (2312, 1748)
- quidu "3E71DEF701C0"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataTransferred(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @575
- supplier @584
- Focus_Src @576
- Focus_Entry @586
- origin (2464, 1792)
- terminus (2160, 1792)
- ordinal 12)
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- location (16, 1872)
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- Parent_View @613
- location (1968, 1828)
- quidu "3E71DF0B02DB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 478
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataSent(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @584
- supplier @570
- Focus_Src @586
- Focus_Entry @573
- origin (2128, 1872)
- terminus (1808, 1872)
- ordinal 13)
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- location (16, 1968)
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- Parent_View @615
- location (1968, 1924)
- quidu "3E71DF1802E9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 559
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataReceived(TUint, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @584
- supplier @570
- Focus_Src @586
- Focus_Entry @574
- origin (2128, 1968)
- terminus (1808, 1968)
- ordinal 14)
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- location (16, 2160)
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- location (1616, 2116)
- quidu "3E71E7A702CA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 441
- justify 0
- label "SetReturn(TInt, TInt, TUid)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @570
- supplier @565
- Focus_Src @572
- Focus_Entry @569
- origin (1776, 2160)
- terminus (1456, 2160)
- ordinal 15)))
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- mechanism_ref @18
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- title "IsSubConnectionActiveCancel"
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- location (176, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @619
- location (176, 265)
- anchor_loc 1
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- annotation 1
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- location (176, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @619
- height 816
- y_coord 756
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (512, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @621
- location (512, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (512, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @621
- height 724
- y_coord 664
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (848, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @623
- location (848, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- location (848, 464)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @623
- height 584
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @625
- location (848, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @623
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @626
- location (848, 672)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @623
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1200, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @627
- location (1200, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 322
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1200, 784)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @627
- height 60
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @629
- location (1200, 928)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @627
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 384)
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- Parent_View @630
- location (343, 340)
- quidu "3E71EEBA004A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 984
- justify 0
- label "IsSubConnectionActiveCancel(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @619
- supplier @621
- Focus_Src @620
- Focus_Entry @622
- origin (191, 384)
- terminus (496, 384)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 464)
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- Parent_View @632
- location (679, 420)
- quidu "3E71EEC80329"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 384
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @621
- supplier @623
- Focus_Src @622
- Focus_Entry @624
- origin (527, 464)
- terminus (832, 464)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 560)
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- Parent_View @634
- location (939, 516)
- quidu "3E71EED3028C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 856
- justify 0
- label "IsSubConnectionActiveCancel(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @623
- supplier @623
- Focus_Src @624
- Focus_Entry @625
- origin (864, 560)
- terminus (1014, 560)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 672)
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- Parent_View @636
- location (939, 628)
- quidu "3E71EF9B00C6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 809
- justify 0
- label "FindSubConnection(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @623
- supplier @623
- Focus_Src @624
- Focus_Entry @626
- origin (864, 672)
- terminus (1014, 672)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 784)
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- Parent_View @638
- location (1023, 740)
- quidu "3E71EFC8005A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 456
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @623
- supplier @627
- Focus_Src @624
- Focus_Entry @628
- origin (863, 784)
- terminus (1184, 784)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 928)
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- Parent_View @640
- location (1023, 884)
- quidu "3E71F06B0308"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 856
- justify 0
- label "IsSubConnectionActiveCancel(const RMessage&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @623
- supplier @627
- Focus_Src @624
- Focus_Entry @629
- origin (863, 928)
- terminus (1184, 928)
- ordinal 5)))
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- mechanism_ref @19
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- title "Subconnection Progress Notification (upcall from Nif)"
- zoom 100
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- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (192, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @642
- location (192, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- annotation 1
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- location (192, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @642
- height 984
- y_coord 924
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (656, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @644
- location (656, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- label "")
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- location (656, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @644
- height 924
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @646
- location (656, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @644
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (992, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @647
- location (992, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- location (992, 624)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @647
- height 640
- y_coord 580
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1328, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @649
- location (1328, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 282
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- location (1328, 720)
- line_color 3342489
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- height 484
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @651
- location (1328, 816)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @649
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1664, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @652
- location (1664, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- width 300
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- location (1664, 928)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @652
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2000, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @654
- location (2000, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2000, 1024)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @654
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 400)
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- nlines 1
- max_width 810
- justify 0
- label "IfProgress(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @642
- supplier @644
- Focus_Src @643
- Focus_Entry @645
- origin (207, 400)
- terminus (640, 400)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 496)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 791
- justify 0
- label "Progress(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @644
- supplier @644
- Focus_Src @645
- Focus_Entry @646
- origin (672, 496)
- terminus (822, 496)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 624)
- label (object SegLabel @661
- Parent_View @660
- location (823, 580)
- quidu "3E75B50F003E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 982
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @644
- supplier @647
- Focus_Src @645
- Focus_Entry @648
- origin (671, 624)
- terminus (976, 624)
- ordinal 2)
- (object InterMessView "" @662
- location (16, 720)
- label (object SegLabel @663
- Parent_View @662
- location (1159, 676)
- quidu "3E75B52E038A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 982
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @647
- supplier @649
- Focus_Src @648
- Focus_Entry @650
- origin (1007, 720)
- terminus (1312, 720)
- ordinal 3)
- (object SelfMessView "" @664
- location (16, 816)
- label (object SegLabel @665
- Parent_View @664
- location (1419, 772)
- quidu "3E75BA0D00EA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 760
- justify 0
- label "FindSubInterface(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @649
- supplier @649
- Focus_Src @650
- Focus_Entry @651
- origin (1344, 816)
- terminus (1494, 816)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @666
- location (16, 928)
- label (object SegLabel @667
- Parent_View @666
- location (1495, 884)
- quidu "3E75BA210252"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 810
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification(TInt, TInt, const TDesC8&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @649
- supplier @652
- Focus_Src @650
- Focus_Entry @653
- origin (1343, 928)
- terminus (1648, 928)
- ordinal 5)
- (object InterMessView "" @668
- location (16, 1024)
- label (object SegLabel @669
- Parent_View @668
- location (1831, 980)
- quidu "3E75BD8C002F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 810
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification(TInt, TInt, const TDesC8&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @652
- supplier @654
- Focus_Src @653
- Focus_Entry @655
- origin (1679, 1024)
- terminus (1984, 1024)
- ordinal 6)))
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- mechanism_ref @20
- quid "3E75BDC60270"
- title "Subconnection Progress Notification (upcall from Agent)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (640, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @670
- location (640, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E75BDD60311"
- width 300
- height 1281
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @671
- location (640, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @670
- height 956
- y_coord 896
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @672
- location (640, 512)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @670
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (976, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @673
- location (976, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "3E75BDD60316"
- width 300
- height 1281
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @674
- location (976, 624)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @673
- height 672
- y_coord 612
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1312, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @675
- location (1312, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "3E75BDD60319"
- width 300
- height 1281
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @676
- location (1312, 720)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @675
- height 516
- y_coord 456
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @677
- location (1312, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @675
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1648, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @678
- location (1648, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E75BDD6031E"
- width 300
- height 1281
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @679
- location (1648, 960)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @678
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1984, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @680
- location (1984, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "3E75BDD6031F"
- width 340
- height 1281
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @681
- location (1984, 1056)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @680
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (288, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @682
- location (288, 265)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "Actor"
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- quidu "3E75BDD6030C"
- width 336
- height 1281
- icon_height 162
- icon_width 120
- icon_y_offset -16
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @683
- location (288, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @682
- height 1016
- y_coord 956
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 400)
- label (object SegLabel @685
- Parent_View @684
- location (463, 356)
- quidu "3E75BDD6030E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 888
- justify 0
- label "AgentProgress(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @682
- supplier @670
- Focus_Src @683
- Focus_Entry @671
- origin (303, 400)
- terminus (624, 400)
- ordinal 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @686
- location (16, 512)
- label (object SegLabel @687
- Parent_View @686
- location (731, 468)
- quidu "3E75BDD6030F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 822
- justify 0
- label "Progress(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @670
- supplier @670
- Focus_Src @671
- Focus_Entry @672
- origin (656, 512)
- terminus (806, 512)
- ordinal 1)
- (object InterMessView "" @688
- location (16, 624)
- label (object SegLabel @689
- Parent_View @688
- location (807, 580)
- quidu "3E75BDD60313"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1022
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @670
- supplier @673
- Focus_Src @671
- Focus_Entry @674
- origin (655, 624)
- terminus (960, 624)
- ordinal 2)
- (object InterMessView "" @690
- location (16, 720)
- label (object SegLabel @691
- Parent_View @690
- location (1143, 676)
- quidu "3E75BDD60314"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1022
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt, TInt)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @673
- supplier @675
- Focus_Src @674
- Focus_Entry @676
- origin (991, 720)
- terminus (1296, 720)
- ordinal 3)
- (object SelfMessView "" @692
- location (16, 832)
- label (object SegLabel @693
- Parent_View @692
- location (1403, 788)
- quidu "3E75BDD60317"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 781
- justify 0
- label "FindSubInterface(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @675
- supplier @675
- Focus_Src @676
- Focus_Entry @677
- origin (1328, 832)
- terminus (1478, 832)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 960)
- label (object SegLabel @695
- Parent_View @694
- location (1479, 916)
- quidu "3E75BDD6031B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 853
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification(TInt, TInt, const TDesC8&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @675
- supplier @678
- Focus_Src @676
- Focus_Entry @679
- origin (1327, 960)
- terminus (1632, 960)
- ordinal 5)
- (object InterMessView "" @696
- location (16, 1056)
- label (object SegLabel @697
- Parent_View @696
- location (1815, 1012)
- quidu "3E75BDD6031C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 853
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification(TInt, TInt, const TDesC8&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @678
- supplier @680
- Focus_Src @679
- Focus_Entry @681
- origin (1663, 1056)
- terminus (1968, 1056)
- ordinal 6)))
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- mechanism_ref @21
- quid "3E75BF67000F"
- title "Notify Data Sent"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (192, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @698
- location (192, 265)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "3E75BF73007C"
- width 336
- height 1437
- icon_height 162
- icon_width 120
- icon_y_offset -16
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @699
- location (192, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @698
- height 1172
- y_coord 1112
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1152, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @700
- location (1152, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "3E75BF7903E7"
- width 300
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- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
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- location (1152, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @700
- height 1112
- y_coord 1052
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @702
- location (1152, 1296)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @700
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1472, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @703
- location (1472, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "3E75BFA80389"
- width 300
- height 1437
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
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- location (1472, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @703
- height 920
- y_coord 860
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @705
- location (1472, 1200)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @703
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1792, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @706
- location (1792, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
- height 1437
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- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
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- location (1792, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @706
- height 788
- y_coord 728
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @708
- location (1792, 704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @706
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2112, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @709
- location (2112, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
- height 1437
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- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
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- location (2112, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @709
- height 488
- y_coord 428
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @711
- location (2112, 1072)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @709
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2448, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @712
- location (2448, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 340
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
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- location (2448, 928)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @712
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (624, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @714
- location (624, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 672
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 690
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
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- location (624, 1392)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @714
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 400)
- label (object SegLabel @717
- Parent_View @716
- location (671, 356)
- quidu "3E75BF7F0177"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 869
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataSent(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @698
- supplier @700
- Focus_Src @699
- Focus_Entry @701
- origin (207, 400)
- terminus (1136, 400)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @718
- location (16, 496)
- label (object SegLabel @719
- Parent_View @718
- location (1311, 452)
- quidu "3E75BFAB034C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 869
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataSent(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @700
- supplier @703
- Focus_Src @701
- Focus_Entry @704
- origin (1167, 496)
- terminus (1456, 496)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 592)
- label (object SegLabel @721
- Parent_View @720
- location (1631, 548)
- quidu "3E75BFC60167"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 869
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataSent(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @703
- supplier @706
- Focus_Src @704
- Focus_Entry @707
- origin (1487, 592)
- terminus (1776, 592)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 704)
- label (object SegLabel @723
- Parent_View @722
- location (1883, 660)
- quidu "3E75BFFA01E4"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 760
- justify 0
- label "FindSubInterface(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @706
- supplier @706
- Focus_Src @707
- Focus_Entry @708
- origin (1808, 704)
- terminus (1958, 704)
- ordinal 3)
- (object InterMessView "" @724
- location (16, 832)
- label (object SegLabel @725
- Parent_View @724
- location (1951, 788)
- quidu "3E75C01601F4"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 391
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataSent(TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @706
- supplier @709
- Focus_Src @707
- Focus_Entry @710
- origin (1807, 832)
- terminus (2096, 832)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 928)
- label (object SegLabel @727
- Parent_View @726
- location (2279, 884)
- quidu "3E75C0420010"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 391
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataSent(TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @709
- supplier @712
- Focus_Src @710
- Focus_Entry @713
- origin (2127, 928)
- terminus (2432, 928)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 1072)
- label (object SegLabel @729
- Parent_View @728
- location (2203, 1028)
- quidu "3E75C06C0232"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 460
- justify 0
- label "SetNextUplinkGranularity( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @709
- supplier @709
- Focus_Src @710
- Focus_Entry @711
- origin (2128, 1072)
- terminus (2278, 1072)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 1200)
- label (object SegLabel @731
- Parent_View @730
- location (1792, 1156)
- quidu "3E774BA201E2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1225
- justify 0
- label "SetDataSentNotificationGranularity(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @709
- supplier @703
- Focus_Src @710
- Focus_Entry @705
- origin (2096, 1200)
- terminus (1488, 1200)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (16, 1296)
- label (object SegLabel @733
- Parent_View @732
- location (1312, 1252)
- quidu "3E774BC401C2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1169
- justify 0
- label "SetDataSentNotificationGranularity(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @703
- supplier @700
- Focus_Src @704
- Focus_Entry @702
- origin (1456, 1296)
- terminus (1168, 1296)
- ordinal 8)
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- location (16, 1392)
- label (object SegLabel @735
- Parent_View @734
- location (888, 1348)
- quidu "3E774C51033A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1169
- justify 0
- label "SetDataSentNotificationGranularity(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @700
- supplier @714
- Focus_Src @701
- Focus_Entry @715
- origin (1136, 1392)
- terminus (640, 1392)
- ordinal 9)))
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- mechanism_ref @22
- quid "3E75C08B003D"
- title "Notify Data Received"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (144, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @736
- location (144, 346)
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- annotation 1
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- location (144, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @736
- height 1188
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1120, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @738
- location (1120, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- annotation 1
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- location (1120, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @738
- height 1128
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @740
- location (1120, 1296)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @738
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1440, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @741
- location (1440, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1440, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @741
- height 920
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @743
- location (1440, 1200)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @741
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1760, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @744
- location (1760, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- location (1760, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @744
- height 788
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @746
- location (1760, 704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @744
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2080, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @747
- location (2080, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- location (2080, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @747
- height 488
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (2080, 1072)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @747
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2416, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @750
- location (2416, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2416, 928)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @750
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (608, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @752
- location (608, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (608, 1408)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @752
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 400)
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- location (631, 356)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 947
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataReceived(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @736
- supplier @738
- Focus_Src @737
- Focus_Entry @739
- origin (159, 400)
- terminus (1104, 400)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 496)
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- Parent_View @756
- location (1279, 452)
- quidu "3E75C0960225"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 947
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataReceived(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @738
- supplier @741
- Focus_Src @739
- Focus_Entry @742
- origin (1135, 496)
- terminus (1424, 496)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 592)
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- Parent_View @758
- location (1599, 548)
- quidu "3E75C0960228"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 913
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataReceived(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @741
- supplier @744
- Focus_Src @742
- Focus_Entry @745
- origin (1455, 592)
- terminus (1744, 592)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 704)
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- location (1851, 660)
- quidu "3E75C096022B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 781
- justify 0
- label "FindSubInterface(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @744
- supplier @744
- Focus_Src @745
- Focus_Entry @746
- origin (1776, 704)
- terminus (1926, 704)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 832)
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- Parent_View @762
- location (1919, 788)
- quidu "3E75C096022F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 469
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataReceived(TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @744
- supplier @747
- Focus_Src @745
- Focus_Entry @748
- origin (1775, 832)
- terminus (2064, 832)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 1072)
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- Parent_View @764
- location (2171, 1028)
- quidu "3E75C0960234"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 494
- justify 0
- label "SetNextUplinkGranularity( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @747
- supplier @747
- Focus_Src @748
- Focus_Entry @749
- origin (2096, 1072)
- terminus (2246, 1072)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 928)
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- Parent_View @766
- location (2247, 884)
- quidu "3E75C0960230"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 469
- justify 0
- label "NotifyDataReceived(TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @747
- supplier @750
- Focus_Src @748
- Focus_Entry @751
- origin (2095, 928)
- terminus (2400, 928)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 1200)
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- location (1760, 1156)
- quidu "3E774CD70240"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1250
- justify 0
- label "SetDataReceivedNotificationGranularity(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @747
- supplier @741
- Focus_Src @748
- Focus_Entry @743
- origin (2064, 1200)
- terminus (1456, 1200)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (16, 1296)
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- Parent_View @770
- location (1280, 1252)
- quidu "3E774CF60201"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1250
- justify 0
- label "SetDataReceivedNotificationGranularity(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @741
- supplier @738
- Focus_Src @742
- Focus_Entry @740
- origin (1424, 1296)
- terminus (1136, 1296)
- ordinal 8)
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- location (16, 1408)
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- Parent_View @772
- location (864, 1364)
- quidu "3E774D690398"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1250
- justify 0
- label "SetDataReceivedNotificationGranularity(TSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @738
- supplier @752
- Focus_Src @739
- Focus_Entry @753
- origin (1104, 1408)
- terminus (624, 1408)
- ordinal 9)))
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- title "SubconnectionEvent (ESubConnectionOpened)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
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- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (448, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @774
- location (448, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (448, 416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @774
- height 1280
- y_coord 1220
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (784, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @776
- location (784, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (784, 416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @776
- height 1220
- y_coord 1160
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1120, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @778
- location (1120, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (1120, 512)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @778
- height 1064
- y_coord 1004
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1456, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @780
- location (1456, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1456, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @780
- height 788
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (1456, 688)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @780
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1792, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @783
- location (1792, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- location (1792, 816)
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- InterObjView @783
- height 504
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (1792, 1072)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @783
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @786
- location (1792, 1456)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @783
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2128, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @787
- location (2128, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- annotation 1
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- location (2128, 912)
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- InterObjView @787
- height 60
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @789
- location (2128, 1200)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @787
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 416)
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- Parent_View @790
- location (615, 372)
- quidu "3E75C4A60196"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 895
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent(const TSubConnectionEvent&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @774
- supplier @776
- Focus_Src @775
- Focus_Entry @777
- origin (463, 416)
- terminus (768, 416)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 512)
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- Parent_View @792
- location (951, 468)
- quidu "3E75C5460177"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 895
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent(const TSubConnectionEvent&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @776
- supplier @778
- Focus_Src @777
- Focus_Entry @779
- origin (799, 512)
- terminus (1104, 512)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 592)
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- Parent_View @794
- location (1287, 548)
- quidu "3E75C68303E8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 779
- justify 0
- label "NewL(TSubConnectionUniqueId, CInterface*)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @778
- supplier @780
- Focus_Src @779
- Focus_Entry @781
- origin (1135, 592)
- terminus (1440, 592)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 688)
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- Parent_View @796
- location (1547, 644)
- quidu "3E75C71F00BB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 222
- justify 0
- label "ConstructL( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @780
- supplier @780
- Focus_Src @781
- Focus_Entry @782
- origin (1472, 688)
- terminus (1622, 688)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 816)
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- Parent_View @798
- location (1623, 772)
- quidu "3E75C9170148"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1151
- justify 0
- label "CreateSubConnectionL(TSubConnectionUniqueId, CSubInterface*)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @780
- supplier @783
- Focus_Src @781
- Focus_Entry @784
- origin (1471, 816)
- terminus (1776, 816)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 912)
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- Parent_View @800
- location (1959, 868)
- quidu "3E75C92A003E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1301
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnection(TSubConnectionUniqueId, CConnection*, CSubInterface*)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @783
- supplier @787
- Focus_Src @784
- Focus_Entry @788
- origin (1807, 912)
- terminus (2112, 912)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 1072)
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- Parent_View @802
- location (1883, 1028)
- quidu "3E75CA37008D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 967
- justify 0
- label "FindPositionForInsertInOrder(TSubConnectionUniqueId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @783
- supplier @783
- Focus_Src @784
- Focus_Entry @785
- origin (1808, 1072)
- terminus (1958, 1072)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 1200)
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- Parent_View @804
- location (1959, 1156)
- quidu "3E75CA690241"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 457
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionUniqueId( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @783
- supplier @787
- Focus_Src @784
- Focus_Entry @789
- origin (1807, 1200)
- terminus (2112, 1200)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (16, 1456)
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- Parent_View @806
- location (1455, 1412)
- quidu "3E75CD59008D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 938
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent(const TSubConnectionEvent&)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @778
- supplier @783
- Focus_Src @779
- Focus_Entry @786
- origin (1135, 1456)
- terminus (1776, 1456)
- ordinal 8)))
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- mechanism_ref @24
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- title "SubconnectionEvent (ESubConnectionClosed)"
- zoom 100
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- origin_y 0
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- location (448, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @808
- location (448, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (448, 416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @808
- height 720
- y_coord 660
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (784, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @810
- location (784, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- location (1120, 624)
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- height 60
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- Nested TRUE))
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1287, 692)
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- Focus_Src @815
- Focus_Entry @818
- origin (1135, 736)
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "SubConnectionEvent(const TSubConnectionEvent&)"
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- supplier @819
- Focus_Src @815
- Focus_Entry @820
- origin (1135, 896)
- terminus (1760, 896)
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- quid "3E6471E801C2"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
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- max_width 21600
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- items (list diagram_item_list))))
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- quid "3E6471E70377"
- title "Deployment View"
- zoom 100
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- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list))))
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- name "HiddenTool"
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- value (value Text ""))
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- value (value Text ""))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- value "")
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- name "OperationIsOneWay"
- value FALSE)))
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- value "")
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- tool "CORBA"
- name "CaseSpecifier"
- value "")
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- tool "CORBA"
- name "IsReadOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- name "Order"
- value "")))
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- value "")
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- value FALSE)
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "CORBA"
- name "GenerateForwardReference"
- value FALSE)))
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- value ("TypeKinds" 109))
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- value "")
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- value "")
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- name "id"
- value "")
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- name "helpstring"
- value "")
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- value "")))
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- value TRUE)
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- name "id"
- value "")
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- name "helpstring"
- value "")
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- name "attributes"
- value "")))
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- value TRUE)
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- value "")
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- value "")
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- value "")
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- value "")
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- value "")
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- value "")
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- value "")
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- value "")
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- name "attributes"
- value "")))
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- name "attributes"
- value "")))
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- value FALSE)
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- value TRUE)
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- value TRUE)
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- value "stdafx.h")
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- value TRUE)
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- name "UseImportAttributes"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "ImportAttributes"
- value "no_namespace named_guids")
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- name "ImportProjTypeLib"
- value TRUE)
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- name "DefaultTypeLib"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "TypeLibLocation"
- value "")
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- name "CompileProjTypeLib"
- value TRUE)
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- name "IdlInterfaceAttributes"
- value (value Text
- ))
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- value (value Text
- ))
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- ))
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- ))
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- value (value Text
- ))
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- name "IdlPropertyAttributes"
- value (value Text
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- value "1.4")
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- value 2)
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- value 1)
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- name "GenerateIncludes"
- value TRUE)
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- name "ApplyPattern"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "CreateBackupFiles"
- value TRUE)
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- name "SupportCodeName"
- value FALSE)
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- name "DocRevEngineer"
- value TRUE)
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- name "CreateOverviewDiagrams"
- value TRUE)
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- name "UpdateModelIDsInCode"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "AttributeTypes"
- value (value Text
- ))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Containers"
- value (value Text
-|cont1=CArray<$TYPE, $TYPE&>
-|cont9=CList<$TYPE, $TYPE&>
-|cont20=CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, $TYPE*>
-|cont21=CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, $TYPE*>
-|cont22=CTypedPtrList<CObList, $TYPE*>
-|cont23=CTypedPtrList<CPtrList, $TYPE*>
-|cont27=CComQIPtr<$TYPE, IID*>
- ))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "ClassMethods"
- value (value Text
-|*_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
-|cm2=$NAME(orig:const $NAME&)
-|cm3=<<virtual>> ~$NAME()
-|cm4_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return rhs;
-|cm5=<<const>> operator==(rhs:const $NAME&):bool
-|cm5_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
-|cm6=<<const>> operator!=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
-|cm6_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
-|cm7=<<const>> operator<(rhs:$NAME&):bool
-|cm7_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
-|cm8=<<const>> operator>(rhs:$NAME&):bool
-|cm8_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
-|cm9=<<const>> operator<=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
-|cm9_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
-|cm10=<<const>> operator>=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
-|cm10_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
-|cm11=<<friend>> operator>>(i:istream&, rhs:$NAME&):istream&
-|cm11_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return i;
-|cm12=<<friend>> operator<<(o:ostream&, rhs:const $NAME&):ostream&
-|cm12_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return o;
- ))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Accessors"
- value (value Text
-|agf=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
-|agf_body=return $NAME;
-|asf_body=$NAME = value;|return;
-|agv=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE&
-|agv_body=return $NAME;
-|asv_body=$NAME = value;|return;
-|agp=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
-|agp_body=return $NAME;
-|asp_body=$NAME = value;|return;
-|agr=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
-|agr_body=return $NAME;
-|asr_body=$NAME = value;|return;
-|aga=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME(index:int):const $TYPE
-|aga_body=return $NAME[index];
-|asa=set_$BASICNAME(index:int, value:$TYPE):void
-|asa_body=$NAME[index] = value;|return;
- ))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Conditionals"
- value (value Text
-|*_decl=#ifdef _DEBUG
-|cond1=<<virtual, const>> AssertValid():void
-|cond2=<<virtual, const>> Dump(dc:CDumpContext&):void
- ))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Patterns"
- value (value Text
- ))
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- name "AtlClassPrefix"
- value "C")
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- name "AtlInterfacePrefix"
- value "I")
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- tool "VC++"
- name "AtlTypeDescription"
- value "Class")
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- tool "VC++"
- name "DefaultLogicalPackage"
- value "$language Reverse Engineered/$component")
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- tool "VC++"
- name "DefaultComponentPackage"
- value "")))
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- name "default__Class"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "HeaderFileName"
- value "")
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- tool "VC++"
- name "CodeFileName"
- value "")))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "VC++"
- name "InternalMap"
- value (value Text
- ))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "ExportMap"
- value (value Text
- ))
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- name "InitialSourceIncludes"
- value (value Text
- ))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "InitialHeaderIncludes"
- value (value Text ""))
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- value (value Text "Copyright (C) 1991 - 1999 Rational Software Corporation"))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "(none)"
- value 300)
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- name "DLL"
- value 301)
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- name "EXE"
- value 302)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "MIDL"
- value 303)))
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- name "Kind"
- value ("KindSet" 300))
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- name "BodyExtensions"
- value (value Text
- ))
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- name "HeaderExtensions"
- value (value Text
- ))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "ProjectFolders"
- value (value Text
-|Source Files
-|Header Files
- ))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "UsePathMap"
- value FALSE)))
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- name "default__Role"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Const"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "InitialValue"
- value "")))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "default__Uses"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "default__Category"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "VC++"
- name "IsDirectory"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Directory"
- value "")))
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- tool "VC++"
- name "default__Attribute"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "Inline"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "VC++"
- name "DefaultBody"
- value (value Text ""))))
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- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
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- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
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- value "809135966")
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- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value "cpp")
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- value "cp#")
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- name "CreateMissingDirectories"
- value TRUE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value 30)
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- value "$ROSECPP_SOURCE")
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- name "PathSeparator"
- value "")
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- value "128vx_b")
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- value "int")
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- value TRUE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value TRUE)
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- value 60)
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- value "$targetClass *")
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- value "OptionalByValue<$targetClass>")
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- value "$targetClass *")
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- value "$targetClass[$limit]")
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- value "$targetClass[$limit]")
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- value "$targetClass *[$limit]")
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- value "$targetClass *[$limit]")
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- value "DictionaryByReference<$qualtype, $qualcont>")
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- name "AlwaysKeepOrphanedCode"
- value FALSE)))
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- name "AllowGenerateOverNewerAnnotations"
- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value "h")
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- value TRUE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value 30)
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- name "Directory"
- value "$ROSECPP_SOURCE")
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- value "int")
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- name "AllowTemplates"
- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- name "AllowProtectedInheritance"
- value FALSE)
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- value "$targetClass *")
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- value "$targetClass[$limit]")
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- value "$targetClass[$limit]")
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- value "$targetClass *[$limit]")
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- value "")
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- value "128vx_b")
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- name "AlwaysKeepOrphanedCode"
- value FALSE)))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "AllowGenerateOverNewerAnnotations"
- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value "h")
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- value "cpp")
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- value "cp~")
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- tool "cg"
- name "CodeFileTemporaryExtension"
- value "cp#")
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- tool "cg"
- name "CreateMissingDirectories"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "StopOnError"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "ErrorLimit"
- value 30)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Directory"
- value "$ROSECPP_SOURCE")
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- tool "cg"
- name "BooleanType"
- value "int")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AllowTemplates"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AllowExplicitInstantiations"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AllowProtectedInheritance"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "OneByValueContainer"
- value "$targetClass")
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- tool "cg"
- name "OneByReferenceContainer"
- value "$targetClass *")
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- value "OptionalByValue<$targetClass>")
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- tool "cg"
- name "OptionalByReferenceContainer"
- value "$targetClass *")
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- value "$targetClass[$limit]")
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- tool "cg"
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- value "$targetClass[$limit]")
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- tool "cg"
- name "FixedByReferenceContainer"
- value "$targetClass *[$limit]")
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- tool "cg"
- name "UnorderedFixedByReferenceContainer"
- value "$targetClass *[$limit]")
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- tool "cg"
- name "BoundedByValueContainer"
- value "BoundedListByValue<$targetClass,$limit>")
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- tool "cg"
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- value "AssociationByReference<$qualtype, $qualcont>")
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- tool "cg"
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- value "DictionaryByReference<$qualtype, $qualcont>")
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- name "PathSeparator"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "FileNameFormat"
- value "128vx_b")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AlwaysKeepOrphanedCode"
- value FALSE)))
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- name "default__Class"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ImplementationType"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ClassKey"
- value "class")
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "None"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "All"
- value 3)))
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- name "PutBodiesInSpec"
- value FALSE)
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- value ("GenerateSet" 199))
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- name "DefaultConstructorVisibility"
- value ("VisibilitySet" 45))
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- name "InlineDefaultConstructor"
- value FALSE)
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- name "ExplicitDefaultConstructor"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateCopyConstructor"
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- value ("VisibilitySet" 45))
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- name "InlineCopyConstructor"
- value FALSE)
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- name "ExplicitCopyConstructor"
- value FALSE)
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- name "GenerateDestructor"
- value TRUE)
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- name "InlineDestructor"
- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- name "EqualityKind"
- value ("FriendKindSet" 200))
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- name "InlineEqualityOperations"
- value FALSE)
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- name "GenerateRelationalOperations"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "RelationalVisibility"
- value ("VisibilitySet" 45))
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- tool "cg"
- name "RelationalKind"
- value ("FriendKindSet" 200))
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- name "InlineRelationalOperations"
- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- value ("VisibilitySet" 45))
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- name "InlineStorageMgmtOperations"
- value FALSE)
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- name "GenerateSubscriptOperation"
- value FALSE)
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- value ("ThreeKindSet" 200))
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- name "SubscriptResultType"
- value "")
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- value FALSE)
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- name "GenerateDereferenceOperation"
- value FALSE)
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- value ("VisibilitySet" 45))
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- name "DereferenceKind"
- value ("ThreeKindSet" 200))
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- value "")
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- name "InlineDereferenceOperation"
- value FALSE)
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- name "GenerateIndirectionOperation"
- value FALSE)
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- value ("ThreeKindSet" 200))
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- name "IndirectionResultType"
- value "")
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- name "InlineIndirectionOperation"
- value FALSE)
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- name "GenerateStreamOperations"
- value FALSE)
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- name "StreamVisibility"
- value ("VisibilitySet" 45))
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- name "InlineStreamOperations"
- value FALSE)
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- value 200)
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- value 203)))
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- name "Common"
- value 200)
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- value 204)))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- value 199)
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- value 205)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DoNotDeclare"
- value 206)))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Public"
- value 45)
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- name "Protected"
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- name "Private"
- value 43)
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- name "Implementation"
- value 14)))))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- value TRUE)
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "All"
- value 3)))
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- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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-|// $package
-|#include "$file"
- ))
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- value FALSE)
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- value FALSE)
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- name "IncludeClosure"
- value (value Text ""))))
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- name "Generate"
- value TRUE)
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "All"
- value 3)))
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- value "AUTO GENERATE")
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- name "IncludeFormat"
- value (value Text
-|// $package
-|#include "$file"
- ))
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- name "IncludeBySimpleName"
- value FALSE)
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- name "IncludePrecompiledHeader"
- value TRUE)
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- value "AMIR")
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- name "AdditionalIncludes"
- value (value Text ""))
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- name "TypesDefined"
- value (value Text ""))
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- name "IncludeClosure"
- value (value Text ""))))
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- name "default__Operation"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- name "OperationKind"
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- name "Common"
- value 200)
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- value 202)
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- value 203)
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- name "Friend"
- value 204)))
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- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateFriendBody"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateFriendDecl"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "SpecialDeclReturnType"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "OperationIsConst"
- value FALSE)
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- name "OperationIsExplicit"
- value FALSE)
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- name "Inline"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "EntryCode"
- value (value Text ""))
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- name "ExitCode"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "cg"
- name "CCRegion"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateEmptyRegions"
- value ("GenerateEmptyRegionSet" 3))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "None"
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- name "Preserved"
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- name "Unpreserved"
- value 2)
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- name "All"
- value 3)))
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- name "BodyAnnotations"
- value "")))
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- name "default__Has"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- name "Ordered"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
- value "the_$supplier")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$relationship")
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibility"
- value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14))
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- name "DataMemberVisibilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Public"
- value 45)
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- name "Protected"
- value 44)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Private"
- value 43)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AtRelationshipVisibility"
- value 210)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutability"
- value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutabilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Unrestricted"
- value 0)
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- name "Mutable"
- value 1)
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- name "Const"
- value 2)))
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- name "DataMemberIsVolatile"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberFieldSize"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "InitialValue"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetName"
- value "get_$relationship")
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetName"
- value "set_$relationship")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKinds"
- value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200))
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- value (list Attribute_Set
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- value 200)
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- name "Virtual"
- value 201)
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- value 202)
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- value 203)
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- value 204)))
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- name "ContainerClass"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "SelectorName"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "SelectorType"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- name "GetResultIsConstSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "False"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "True"
- value 1)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Same_As_Function"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetByReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "ForwardReferenceOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "HasRelTypeSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Array"
- value 24)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Sequence"
- value 47)))))
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- tool "cg"
- name "default__Association"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
- value "the_$targetClass")))
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- tool "cg"
- name "default__Inherit"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "InstanceArguments"
- value "")))
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- name "default__Role"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ForwardReferenceOnly"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "NameIfUnlabeled"
- value "the_$targetClass")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateInclude"
- value ("GenerateIncludeSet" 0))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateIncludeSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Default"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Always"
- value 1)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibility"
- value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Public"
- value 45)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Protected"
- value 44)
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- name "Private"
- value 43)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AtRelationshipVisibility"
- value 210)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutability"
- value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutabilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Unrestricted"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Mutable"
- value 1)
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- name "Const"
- value 2)))
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- name "DataMemberIsVolatile"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberFieldSize"
- value "")
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- name "InitialValue"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "cg"
- name "ContainerClass"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ContainerGet"
- value "$data.get($keys)")
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- tool "cg"
- name "ContainerSet"
- value "$data.set($keys,$value)")
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedContainer"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassContainer"
- value "$supplier *")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassInitialValue"
- value (value Text ""))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKinds"
- value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKindsSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Common"
- value 200)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Virtual"
- value 201)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Abstract"
- value 202)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Static"
- value 203)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Friend"
- value 204)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetByReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetName"
- value "get_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConstSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "False"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "True"
- value 1)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Same_As_Function"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetName"
- value "set_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetSetByReference"
- value ("QualifiedGetSetByReferenceSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetSetByReferenceSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "False"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "True"
- value 1)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Same_As_GetSetByReference"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateQualifiedGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetName"
- value "get_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedGetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineQualifiedGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateQualifiedSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedSetName"
- value "set_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "QualifiedSetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineQualifiedSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateAssocClassDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassDataMemberName"
- value "$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassDataMemberVisibility"
- value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Public"
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- name "Protected"
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- name "Private"
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- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- value 210)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassDataMemberMutability"
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutabilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Unrestricted"
- value 0)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Mutable"
- value 1)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Const"
- value 2)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassDataMemberIsVolatile"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassGetSetKinds"
- value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateAssocClassGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassGetName"
- value "get_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassGetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassGetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineAssocClassGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateAssocClassSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassSetName"
- value "set_$target")
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassSetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineAssocClassSet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocClassForwardReferenceOnly"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AssocTypeSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Array"
- value 24)
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- tool "cg"
- name "Sequence"
- value 47)))))
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- name "default__Attribute"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "CodeName"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateDataMember"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberName"
- value "$attribute")
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibility"
- value ("DataMemberVisibilitySet" 14))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberVisibilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- name "Public"
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- name "Implementation"
- value 14)
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- tool "cg"
- name "AtAttributeVisibility"
- value 211)))
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- tool "cg"
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- value ("DataMemberMutabilitySet" 0))
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberMutabilitySet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "Unrestricted"
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- name "Mutable"
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- name "Const"
- value 2)))
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- name "DataMemberIsVolatile"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "DataMemberFieldSize"
- value "")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateGetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GenerateSetOperation"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetName"
- value "get_$attribute")
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetName"
- value "set_$attribute")
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKinds"
- value ("GetSetKindsSet" 200))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetSetKindsSet"
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- value 203)
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- name "Friend"
- value 204)))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetIsConst"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConst"
- value ("GetResultIsConstSet" 2))
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- tool "cg"
- name "GetResultIsConstSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
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- tool "cg"
- name "False"
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- name "True"
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- name "GetSetByReference"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineGet"
- value TRUE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "SetReturnsValue"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "cg"
- name "InlineSet"
- value TRUE)
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- name "CCRegion"
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- value "")
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- name "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries"
- value (value Text ""))
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "DeclSpec"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "PointerBase"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "CallType"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "StockPropertyImplementation"
- value "")))
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "default__Module-Spec"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "GenerateIncludesGroup"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "AFX_INCLUDES_Entries"
- value (value Text ""))
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "GenerateInsertLocation"
- value FALSE)))
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "default__Module-Body"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "GenerateIncludesGroup"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "AFX_INCLUDES_Entries"
- value (value Text ""))
- (object Attribute
- tool "MSVC"
- name "GenerateInsertLocation"
- value FALSE)))
- (object Attribute
- tool "cg"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "RequisitePro"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE))
- quid "3E6471E70369"))
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/NetMeta/doc_pub/NetMeta_Design_Document.doc has changed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/NetSubscribe/documentation/NetSubscribe.mdl Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1149 @@
+(object Petal
+ version 43
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+ root_usecase_package (object Class_Category "Use Case View"
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+ root_category (object Class_Category "Logical View"
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+ global TRUE
+ subsystem "Component View"
+ quidu "41C0741F00FC"
+ logical_models (list unit_reference_list
+ (object Class "CNetSubscribe"
+ quid "41C074240261"
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "NewL (transport id)"
+ quid "41C07445001E"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "RegisterNewSignalL(TEventClientData, SSignalId)"
+ quid "41C0747E037A"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "ReregisterSignalL(TEventClientData, SSignalId)"
+ quid "41C07488037A"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "DeRegisterSignal(TEventBase)"
+ quid "41C0749000BB"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "XSignal"
+ quid "41C0785A009B"
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "DeRegisterClient(TEventBase*)"
+ quid "41C17110039E"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "RegisterClientL(TEventClientData&)"
+ quid "41C1711B0207"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "sSignalId"
+ quid "41C16E6102FB")))
+ (object Class "NewInterface"
+ quid "41C07860034B"
+ stereotype "Interface")
+ (object Class "TEventClientData"
+ quid "41C078D60232"
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "SignalL(SMetaData*)"
+ quid "41C0790903B8"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "SignalError(errCode)"
+ quid "41C0791A03B8"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "TEventBase"
+ quid "41C0796E03B8")
+ (object Class "TEventDataArray"
+ quid "41C0799300CA"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C079EA02DE"
+ supplier "Logical View::RArray<TEventClientData>"
+ quidu "41C079BC009B"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "Find(TEventBase*)"
+ quid "41C07A0300BB"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "RegisterL(TEventClientData&)"
+ quid "41C07A13035B"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "DeRegister(TEventBase*)"
+ quid "41C07A2B01D4"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "DispatchL(SMetaData*, int)"
+ quid "41C07A3D006D"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "RArray<TEventClientData>"
+ quid "41C079BC009B")
+ (object Class "XEvenddddt"
+ quid "41C07A6D003E"
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "DeRegisterClient(TEventBase*)"
+ quid "41C07A77034B"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "RegisterClientL( TEventClientData&)"
+ quid "41C07A800176"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "const SSignalId iSignalId"
+ quid "41C07A92009B")))
+ (object Class "CSignalActive"
+ quid "41C07B0E034B"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C07B180232"
+ supplier "Logical View::XSignal"
+ quidu "41C0785A009B")
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C07B2A0212"
+ supplier "Logical View::CActive"
+ quidu "41C07B1D0186"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "RunError(TInt)"
+ quid "41C07BC20212"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "CActive"
+ quid "41C07B1D0186")
+ (object Class "TEvent"
+ quid "41C07C490128"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C07C5A02DE"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventBase"
+ quidu "41C0796E03B8"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "SubscribeL(CNetSubscribe&, SSignalId)"
+ quid "41C07C9001B5"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "Cancel(CNetSubscribe&)"
+ quid "41C07D0201B5"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iHandler"
+ quid "41C07C9D02AF"
+ type "TSignalCallback")
+ (object ClassAttribute "iErrHandler"
+ quid "41C07CB2001E"
+ type "TSignalErrorCallback")
+ (object ClassAttribute "iThis"
+ quid "41C07CC7007C"
+ type "TAny*")))
+ (object Class "CPSSignal"
+ quid "41C169D80230"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C169E70165"
+ supplier "Logical View::CSignalActive"
+ quidu "41C07B0E034B"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "RunL"
+ quid "41C171B2014C"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "DoCancel"
+ quid "41C171B602D3"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0))
+ class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
+ (object ClassAttribute "iProperty"
+ quid "41C1718E0217"
+ type "RProperty")))
+ (object Class "CPSSubscribe"
+ quid "41C169EA028E"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C169F40369"
+ supplier "Logical View::CNetSubscribe"
+ quidu "41C074240261"))
+ operations (list Operations
+ (object Operation "RegisterNewSignalL"
+ quid "41C19FB00294"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "ReregisterSignalL"
+ quid "41C19FB70256"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "DeRegisterSignal"
+ quid "41C19FBF00BF"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)
+ (object Operation "Signal(TInt)"
+ quid "41C1A0AE01D9"
+ concurrency "Sequential"
+ opExportControl "Public"
+ uid 0)))
+ (object Class "DHCPSignal"
+ quid "41C2A9650204")
+ (object Class "CMQSubscribe"
+ quid "41C853AC01A4"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C8541800AA"
+ supplier "Logical View::CNetSubscribe"
+ quidu "41C074240261")))
+ (object Class "CMQSignal"
+ quid "41C853B80221"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C8541502CC"
+ supplier "Logical View::CSignalActive"
+ quidu "41C07B0E034B")))
+ (object Class "TEventInt"
+ quid "41C855A00117"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C855DE01E2"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventBase"
+ quidu "41C0796E03B8")))
+ (object Class "TEventBuf"
+ quid "41C855C2025F"
+ superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
+ (object Inheritance_Relationship
+ quid "41C855DB026F"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventBase"
+ quidu "41C0796E03B8")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
+ quid "41C078650118"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
+ quid "41C07866009B"
+ supplier "Logical View::XSignal"
+ quidu "41C0785A009B"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
+ Containment "By Value"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$2"
+ quid "41C07866009C"
+ supplier "Logical View::CNetSubscribe"
+ quidu "41C074240261"
+ Containment "By Reference"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$3"
+ quid "41C0797B03E7"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$4"
+ quid "41C0797C0241"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventBase"
+ quidu "41C0796E03B8"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
+ quid "41C0797C0242"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventClientData"
+ quidu "41C078D60232"
+ is_navigable TRUE
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$6"
+ quid "41C079D0001E"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
+ quid "41C079D001A5"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventClientData"
+ quidu "41C078D60232"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$8"
+ quid "41C079D001A6"
+ supplier "Logical View::RArray<TEventClientData>"
+ quidu "41C079BC009B"
+ is_navigable TRUE
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$9"
+ quid "41C07AB401A5"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$10"
+ quid "41C07AB4031C"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventDataArray"
+ quidu "41C0799300CA"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$11"
+ quid "41C07AB4031D"
+ supplier "Logical View::XEvenddddt"
+ quidu "41C07A6D003E"
+ is_navigable TRUE
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$12"
+ quid "41C07B25034B"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
+ quid "41C07B260118"
+ supplier "Logical View::CActive"
+ quidu "41C07B1D0186"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$14"
+ quid "41C07B260119"
+ supplier "Logical View::CSignalActive"
+ quidu "41C07B0E034B"
+ is_navigable TRUE
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$15"
+ quid "41C169370221"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$16"
+ quid "41C1693703D6"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventClientData"
+ quidu "41C078D60232"
+ client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
+ Containment "By Value"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$17"
+ quid "41C1693703E6"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventDataArray"
+ quidu "41C0799300CA"
+ Containment "By Reference"
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$18"
+ quid "41C16DF900F8"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$19"
+ quid "41C16DFD027E"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventBase"
+ quidu "41C0796E03B8"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$20"
+ quid "41C16DFD027F"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventClientData"
+ quidu "41C078D60232")))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$21"
+ quid "41C16E6C0211"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$22"
+ quid "41C16E6D00D8"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventClientData"
+ quidu "41C078D60232"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$23"
+ quid "41C16E6D00D9"
+ supplier "Logical View::XSignal"
+ quidu "41C0785A009B"
+ is_navigable TRUE
+ is_aggregate TRUE)))
+ (object Association "$UNNAMED$24"
+ quid "41C170D20004"
+ roles (list role_list
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$25"
+ quid "41C170D202F2"
+ supplier "Logical View::TEventDataArray"
+ quidu "41C0799300CA"
+ is_navigable TRUE)
+ (object Role "$UNNAMED$26"
+ quid "41C170D202F3"
+ supplier "Logical View::XSignal"
+ quidu "41C0785A009B"))))
+ logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
+ (object ClassDiagram "Main"
+ quid "41C0741F0100"
+ title "Main"
+ zoom 60
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 581
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CSignalActive" @1
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (1360, 1920)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (1206, 1844)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 308
+ justify 0
+ label "CSignalActive")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C07B0E034B"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @1
+ location (1206, 1902)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 2
+ max_width 2578)
+ width 326
+ height 174
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CActive" @2
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (1264, 1648)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @2
+ location (1181, 1602)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 166
+ justify 0
+ label "CActive")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C07B1D0186"
+ width 184
+ height 114
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object InheritView "" @3
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C07B2A0212"
+ client @1
+ supplier @2
+ line_style 0)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CPSSignal" @4
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (592, 2080)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @4
+ location (398, 1957)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 388
+ justify 0
+ label "CPSSignal")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
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+ quidu "41C169D80230"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @4
+ location (398, 2015)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 4
+ max_width 3350)
+ width 406
+ height 268
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CPSSubscribe" @5
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (576, 1088)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @5
+ location (372, 941)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 408
+ justify 0
+ label "CPSSubscribe")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C169EA028E"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @5
+ location (372, 995)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 5
+ max_width 4634)
+ width 426
+ height 316
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CNetSubscribe" @6
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (1648, 880)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @6
+ location (1211, 733)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 874
+ justify 0
+ label "CNetSubscribe")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C074240261"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @6
+ location (1211, 791)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 5
+ max_width 10477)
+ width 892
+ height 316
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TEventDataArray" @7
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (2384, 2048)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @7
+ location (2106, 1901)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
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+ justify 0
+ label "TEventDataArray")
+ icon_style "Icon"
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+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @7
+ location (2106, 1955)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 5
+ max_width 6582)
+ width 574
+ height 316
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::XSignal" @8
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (1664, 1360)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @8
+ location (1347, 1237)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 634
+ justify 0
+ label "XSignal")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
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+ quidu "41C0785A009B"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @8
+ location (1347, 1295)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 16777215
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 4
+ max_width 5632)
+ width 652
+ height 268
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$0" @9
+ location (1656, 1131)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C078650118"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$1" @10
+ Parent_View @9
+ location (920, 379)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C07866009B"
+ client @9
+ supplier @8
+ line_style 0
+ label (object SegLabel @11
+ Parent_View @10
+ location (1625, 1205)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "0..*"
+ pctDist 0.775579
+ height 34
+ orientation 1))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$2" @12
+ Parent_View @9
+ location (920, 379)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C07866009C"
+ client @9
+ supplier @6
+ line_style 0)))
+ (object InheritView "" @13
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C07B180232"
+ client @1
+ supplier @8
+ line_style 0)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$24" @14
+ location (2011, 1691)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C170D20004"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$25" @15
+ Parent_View @14
+ location (1323, 779)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C170D202F2"
+ client @14
+ supplier @7
+ line_style 0)
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$26" @16
+ Parent_View @14
+ location (1323, 779)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C170D202F3"
+ client @14
+ supplier @8
+ line_style 0)))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TEvent" @17
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (2560, 672)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @17
+ location (2198, 502)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 724
+ justify 0
+ label "TEvent")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
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+ quidu "41C07C490128"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @17
+ location (2198, 560)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 6
+ max_width 8530)
+ width 742
+ height 362
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object InheritView "" @18
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C169F40369"
+ client @5
+ supplier @6
+ line_style 0)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CMQSubscribe" @19
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (592, 1360)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @19
+ location (433, 1312)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 318
+ justify 0
+ label "CMQSubscribe")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C853AC01A4"
+ width 336
+ height 118
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CMQSignal" @20
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (608, 2384)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @20
+ location (489, 2336)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 238
+ justify 0
+ label "CMQSignal")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C853B80221"
+ width 256
+ height 118
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object InheritView "" @21
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C8541800AA"
+ client @19
+ supplier @6
+ vertices (list Points
+ (760, 1334)
+ (926, 1311)
+ (989, 1007)
+ (1201, 965))
+ line_style 0)
+ (object InheritView "" @22
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C169E70165"
+ client @4
+ supplier @1
+ line_style 0)
+ (object InheritView "" @23
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C8541502CC"
+ client @20
+ supplier @1
+ vertices (list Points
+ (731, 2324)
+ (879, 2254)
+ (909, 2014)
+ (1196, 1953))
+ line_style 0)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TEventInt" @24
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (3088, 560)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @24
+ location (2990, 514)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 196
+ justify 0
+ label "TEventInt")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C855A00117"
+ width 214
+ height 118
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TEventBase" @25
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (2656, 1184)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @25
+ location (2531, 1136)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 250
+ justify 0
+ label "TEventBase")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C0796E03B8"
+ width 268
+ height 118
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TEventClientData" @26
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (2448, 1552)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @26
+ location (2240, 1452)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 416
+ justify 0
+ label "TEventClientData")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C078D60232"
+ compartment (object Compartment
+ Parent_View @26
+ location (2240, 1506)
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ fill_color 13434879
+ anchor 2
+ nlines 3
+ max_width 4836)
+ width 434
+ height 222
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$15" @27
+ location (2418, 1776)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C169370221"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$16" @28
+ Parent_View @27
+ location (546, 112)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C1693703D6"
+ client @27
+ supplier @26
+ line_style 0
+ label (object SegLabel @29
+ Parent_View @28
+ location (2475, 1698)
+ anchor 2
+ anchor_loc 1
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 15
+ justify 0
+ label "0..*"
+ pctDist 0.752809
+ height 46
+ orientation 1))
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$17" @30
+ Parent_View @27
+ location (546, 112)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C1693703E6"
+ client @27
+ supplier @7
+ line_style 0)))
+ (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$18" @31
+ location (2565, 1341)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C16DF900F8"
+ roleview_list (list RoleViews
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$19" @32
+ Parent_View @31
+ location (677, 317)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C16DFD027E"
+ client @31
+ supplier @25
+ line_style 0)
+ (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$20" @33
+ Parent_View @31
+ location (677, 317)
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C16DFD027F"
+ client @31
+ supplier @26
+ line_style 0)))
+ (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::TEventBuf" @34
+ ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
+ IncludeAttribute TRUE
+ IncludeOperation TRUE
+ location (2960, 400)
+ label (object ItemLabel
+ Parent_View @34
+ location (2855, 354)
+ fill_color 13434879
+ nlines 1
+ max_width 210
+ justify 0
+ label "TEventBuf")
+ icon_style "Icon"
+ line_color 3342489
+ fill_color 13434879
+ quidu "41C855C2025F"
+ width 228
+ height 118
+ annotation 8
+ autoResize TRUE)
+ (object InheritView "" @35
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C07C5A02DE"
+ client @17
+ supplier @25
+ vertices (list Points
+ (2554, 853)
+ (2553, 941)
+ (2650, 941)
+ (2654, 1124))
+ line_style 0)
+ (object InheritView "" @36
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C855DB026F"
+ client @34
+ supplier @25
+ vertices (list Points
+ (2959, 459)
+ (2954, 942)
+ (2650, 942)
+ (2654, 1124))
+ line_style 0)
+ (object InheritView "" @37
+ stereotype TRUE
+ line_color 3342489
+ quidu "41C855DE01E2"
+ client @24
+ supplier @25
+ vertices (list Points
+ (3085, 619)
+ (3079, 942)
+ (2650, 942)
+ (2654, 1124))
+ line_style 0)))
+ (object ClassDiagram "NewDiagram"
+ quid "41C7F8A50154"
+ title "NewDiagram"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list))))
+ root_subsystem (object SubSystem "Component View"
+ quid "41C0741F00FC"
+ physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
+ physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
+ (object Module_Diagram "Main"
+ quid "41C0741F0101"
+ title "Main"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list))))
+ process_structure (object Processes
+ quid "41C0741F00FD"
+ ProcsNDevs (list
+ (object Process_Diagram "Deployment View"
+ quid "41C0741F00FF"
+ title "Deployment View"
+ zoom 100
+ max_height 28350
+ max_width 21600
+ origin_x 0
+ origin_y 0
+ items (list diagram_item_list))))
+ properties (object Properties
+ attributes (list Attribute_Set
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "propertyId"
+ value "809135966")
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "default__Project"
+ value (list Attribute_Set
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "Directory"
+ value "AUTO GENERATE")
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "DataBase"
+ value ("DataBaseSet" 800))
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "DataBaseSet"
+ value (list Attribute_Set
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "ANSI"
+ value 800)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "Oracle"
+ value 801)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "SQLServer"
+ value 802)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "Sybase"
+ value 803)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "Watcom"
+ value 804)))
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "PrimaryKeyColumnName"
+ value "Id")
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "PrimaryKeyColumnType"
+ value "NUMBER(5)")
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "ViewName"
+ value "V_")
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "TableName"
+ value "T_")
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "InheritSuffix"
+ value "_V")
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "DropClause"
+ value FALSE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "BaseViews"
+ value FALSE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "DDLScriptFilename"
+ value "DDL1.SQL")))
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "default__Attribute"
+ value (list Attribute_Set
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "ColumnType"
+ value "VARCHAR")
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "Length"
+ value "")
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "NullsOK"
+ value TRUE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "PrimaryKey"
+ value FALSE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "Unique"
+ value FALSE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "CompositeUnique"
+ value FALSE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "CheckConstraint"
+ value "")))
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "DDL"
+ name "HiddenTool"
+ value FALSE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "RequisitePro"
+ name "HiddenTool"
+ value FALSE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "Rose Model Integrator"
+ name "HiddenTool"
+ value FALSE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "Rose Web Publisher"
+ name "HiddenTool"
+ value FALSE)
+ (object Attribute
+ tool "Version Control"
+ name "HiddenTool"
+ value FALSE))
+ quid "41C0741F00FE"))
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/StartServer/doc_pub/Start Server Design Document.doc has changed
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/StateMachine/doc_pub/State Machine Design Document.doc has changed
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/commsfw/doc_pub/CFTransport Design Document.doc has changed
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/commsfw/doc_pub/Comms Framework API.doc has changed
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/commsfw/src/cflog.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/commsfw/src/cflog.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
void CCFLog::ConstructL()
- User::LeaveIfError(iCsLock.CreateLocal());
+ iCsLock.CreateLocal();
// construct initial cflogger will be first in session arrays
RFileLogger* defaultflogger;
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/bwins/factoriesu.def Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/bwins/factoriesu.def Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -28,5 +28,4 @@
?SignalCreation@CFactoryBase@Factories@@AAEHAAVAFactoryObject@2@@Z @ 27 NONAME ; int Factories::CFactoryBase::SignalCreation(class Factories::AFactoryObject &)
?SignalDeletion@CFactoryBase@Factories@@AAEXAAVAFactoryObject@2@@Z @ 28 NONAME ; void Factories::CFactoryBase::SignalDeletion(class Factories::AFactoryObject &)
?Uid@CFactoryBase@Factories@@QBE?AVTUid@@XZ @ 29 NONAME ; class TUid Factories::CFactoryBase::Uid(void) const
- ?InterfaceStateChange@CFactoryBase@Factories@@QAEXABVTDesC8@@@Z @ 30 NONAME ; void Factories::CFactoryBase::InterfaceStateChange(class TDesC8 const &)
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/eabi/factoriesu.def Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/eabi/factoriesu.def Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -47,5 +47,4 @@
_ZTVN9Factories14AFactoryObjectE @ 46 NONAME
_ZTVN9Factories17CFactoryContainerE @ 47 NONAME
_ZTVN9Factories21CFactoryContainerNodeE @ 48 NONAME
- _ZN9Factories12CFactoryBase20InterfaceStateChangeERK6TDesC8 @ 49 NONAME
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/inc/factory.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/inc/factory.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -100,9 +100,6 @@
IMPORT_C void RegisterNotifierL(const IFactoryNotify& aFactoryNotify);
IMPORT_C void DeRegisterNotifier(const IFactoryNotify& aFactoryNotify);
- // Called by a node to indicate that an interface state change has taken place. The factory then propagates
- // this to all observers that have registered to be notified.
- IMPORT_C void InterfaceStateChange(const TDesC8& aInfo);
IMPORT_C explicit CFactoryBase(TUid aFactoryUid, CFactoryContainer& aParentContainer);
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/inc/factorynotify.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/inc/factorynotify.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
namespace Factories
-typedef void (*TInterfaceStateChangeFn)( TAny*, const TDesC8& aInfo );
+typedef void (*TInterfaceStateChangeFn)( TAny*, TDesC8& aInfo );
typedef TInt (*TFactoryNotifyFn)( TAny*, AFactoryObject& aObject, CFactoryBase& aFactory );
typedef void (*TAnyFn)(TAny*);
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
- void InterfaceStateChange(const TDesC8& aInfo)
+ void InterfaceStateChange(TDesC8& aInfo)
if ( Check(1) )
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@
- static void Notification(TAny* aThis, const TDesC8& aInfo);
+ static void Notification(TAny* aThis, TDesC8& aInfo);
static void NotifyDeletion(TAny* aThis, AFactoryObject& aObject, CFactoryBase& aFactory);
static TInt NotifyCreation(TAny* aThis, AFactoryObject& aObject, CFactoryBase& aFactory);
template <class TCLIENT>
-void TFactoryNotify<TCLIENT>::Notification(TAny* aThis, const TDesC8& aInfo)
+void TFactoryNotify<TCLIENT>::Notification(TAny* aThis, TDesC8& aInfo)
TCLIENT* me = (TCLIENT*)aThis;
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/src/factory.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/factories/src/factory.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -432,14 +432,6 @@
return obj;
-EXPORT_C void CFactoryBase::InterfaceStateChange(const TDesC8& aInfo)
- {
- for (TInt i = iFactoryNotify.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- iFactoryNotify[i].InterfaceStateChange(aInfo);
- }
- }
EXPORT_C AFactoryObject::AFactoryObject(CFactoryBase& aFactory)
: iFactory(aFactory)
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/group/bld.inf Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
#include "../MsgParser/group/bld.inf"
-#include "../NetSubscribe/group/BLD.INF"
+#include "../NetSubscribe/group/bld.inf"
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/doc_pub/MeshMachineFundamentals.doc has changed
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/inc/mm_nodepeer.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/inc/mm_nodepeer.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -65,35 +65,20 @@
return Peer().Type();
- TUint32 Flags() const
- {
- // Non-client peers lack flags (a state early in relationship)
- if(PeerPtr())
- {
- return PeerPtr()->Flags();
- }
- return 0;
- }
+ TUint32 Flags() const
+ {
+ return Peer().Flags();
+ }
- TUint32 SetFlags(TUint32 aFlags)
- {
- // We only require peer info to be present if an actual state change is occurring (as opposed to default handling)
- if(aFlags)
- {
- return Peer().SetFlags(aFlags);
- }
- return Flags();
- }
+ TUint32 SetFlags(TUint32 aFlags)
+ {
+ return Peer().SetFlags(aFlags);
+ }
- TUint32 ClearFlags(TUint32 aFlags)
- {
- // We only require peer info to be present if an actual state change is occurring (as opposed to default handling)
- if(aFlags)
- {
- return Peer().ClearFlags(aFlags);
- }
- return Flags();
- }
+ TUint32 ClearFlags(TUint32 aFlags)
+ {
+ return Peer().ClearFlags(aFlags);
+ }
const RNodeInterface& Peer() const
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/src/mm_node.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/meshmachine/src/mm_node.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -735,10 +735,7 @@
MESH_LOG((KMeshMachineSubTag, _L8("ERROR AMMNodeBase %08x:\tBorrowPreallocatedSpace - All %d preallocation cells have been allocated!"), this, maxPreallocatedActivities));
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(freeCellFound, User::Panic(KMMNodePanic, EPanicPreallocatedSpaceAlreadyTaken));
- // Attempt to allocate some space from the heap now in a last attempt to continue processing.
- TRAPD(err,ptr = User::AllocL(aSize));
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(err, User::Panic(KMessagesPanic, EPreAllocationFailedPanic));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(freeCellFound, User::Panic(KMMNodePanic, EPanicPreallocatedSpaceAlreadyTaken));
return ptr;
@@ -769,8 +766,6 @@
MESH_LOG((KMeshMachineSubTag, _L8("ERROR AMMNodeBase %08x:\tReturnPreallocatedSpace - the returned pointer 0x%08X is invalid!"), this, aSpace));
__ASSERT_DEBUG(allocatedCellFound, User::Panic(KMMNodePanic, EPanicPreallocatedSpaceReturnedOther));
- // May be returning a cell which was created in error recovery section of the Borrow in which case if must be "free"d.
- User::Free(aSpace);
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/doc_pub/NodeMessages_Design.doc has changed
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/documentation/NodeMessages_Design.vsd has changed
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/inc/nm_common.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/inc/nm_common.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -49,9 +49,7 @@
- EClientNotValidPanic,
- EDeceasedNodePanic,
- EPreAllocationFailedPanic
+ EClientNotValidPanic
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/inc/nm_interfaces.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/inc/nm_interfaces.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -416,13 +416,6 @@
- ~TPreAllocStore()
- {
- if(iPreAllocatedActivityChunk != NULL)
- {
- User::Free(iPreAllocatedActivityChunk);
- }
- }
TUint iPreAllocSize;
TAny* iPreAllocatedActivityChunk;
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/src/nm_interfaces.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/src/nm_interfaces.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include <elements/nm_address_internal.h>
#include "nm_signals.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Panic category for "absolutely impossible!" vanilla ASSERT()-type panics from this module
// (if it could happen through user error then you should give it an explicit, documented, category + code)
@@ -139,9 +140,10 @@
iClientType = TClientType::NullType();
- delete iPreAlloc;
- iPreAlloc = NULL;
+ delete iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk;
+ delete iPreAlloc;
+ iPreAlloc = NULL;
EXPORT_C void RNodeInterface::PostMessage(const TRuntimeCtxId& aPostFrom, const TNodeId::TRemainder& aPostTo, const TSignalBase& aMessage) const
@@ -169,28 +171,11 @@
// Memory already allocated for this client
- // If iPreAlloc is not NULL then it should be usable. Ensure that the memory chunk has been suitable allocated
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk != NULL, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 2));
- if(iPreAlloc->iPreAllocSize >= aAllocSize)
- // Memory already preallocated of a sufficient size - this could happen if clients are re-added
- {
- return;
- }
- else
- // Memory preallocated is too small. Free up the space and then attempt to reallocate
- {
- // Code path should never enter here as PreAllocL should not be called once the iPreAlloc memory space is allocated.
- // However on the chance of production device entering here attempt to clear the preallocated space and reallocate a more suitable amount.
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 3));
- delete iPreAlloc;
- iPreAlloc = NULL;
- }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk != NULL, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 5));
+ return;
- TPreAllocStore* preAlloc = new (ELeave) TPreAllocStore();
- CleanupStack::PushL(preAlloc);
- preAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk = User::AllocL(aAllocSize);
- CleanupStack::Pop(preAlloc);
- iPreAlloc = preAlloc;
+ iPreAlloc = new (ELeave) TPreAllocStore();
+ iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk = User::AllocL(aAllocSize);
iPreAlloc->iPreAllocSize = aAllocSize;
@@ -203,15 +188,12 @@
if(!(iPreAlloc && aSize <= iPreAlloc->iPreAllocSize))
// By this stage the PreAllocL must have been triggered and memory space must have been allocated.
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 4));
- TRAPD(err,PreAllocL(aSize));
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(err, User::Panic(KMessagesPanic, EPreAllocationFailedPanic));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 3));
+ delete iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk;
+ iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk = User::AllocL(aSize);
TAny* preallocatedSpace = (RNodeInterface*)iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk;
- // Release ownership of the memory area
- iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk = NULL;
- delete iPreAlloc;
- iPreAlloc = NULL;
+ iPreAlloc->iPreAllocatedActivityChunk=NULL;
return preallocatedSpace;
@@ -270,7 +252,7 @@
EXPORT_C void RRequestOriginator::Open(RRequestOriginator& aOriginalRequest)
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(aOriginalRequest.IsOpen(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 1));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aOriginalRequest.IsOpen(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessIntC, 4));
iNode = aOriginalRequest.iNode;
iRemainder = aOriginalRequest.iRemainder;
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/src/nm_messages.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/nodemessages/src/nm_messages.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@
const TNodeId& nodeId = address_cast<TNodeId>(aRecipient); //This message type operates on nodes
__ASSERT_DEBUG(nodeId.Ptr(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemNodeMessMesC, 1));
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS(nodeId.Node().NodeId() == nodeId, User::Panic(KMessagesPanic, EDeceasedNodePanic)); //Address reuse protection (Ptr() may match something existing, but not necesserily the intended addresee).
nodeId.Node().ReceivedL(aSender, nodeId, *this);
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/rootserver/doc_pub/Root Server API Reference.doc has changed
Binary file commsfwsupport/commselements/rootserver/doc_pub/Root Server Design Document.doc has changed
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/serverden/inc/sd_roles.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/serverden/inc/sd_roles.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -545,7 +545,19 @@
enum { ELivingSession = 0x80000000 };
+ NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSubSessionCloseThrottle) : public CAsyncOneShot
+ {
+ public:
+ CSubSessionCloseThrottle(CCommonSessionProxy& aProxy);
+ void RunL();
+ private:
+ CCommonSessionProxy& iProxy;
+ };
+ static const TInt KSubSessionThrottleSize = 15;
+ friend class CSubSessionCloseThrottle;
IMPORT_C ~CCommonSessionProxy();
@@ -576,10 +588,14 @@
IMPORT_C CCommonSessionProxy(CWorkerSession* aSession, CCommonPlayer& aPlayer);
+ void DeleteSubSessionsWithThrottling();
CWorkerSession* iSession; //< The session which is represented by proxy instance
CCommonPlayer& iPlayer;
TInt iNumSubSessClosing; //< Number of subsessions in current thread to complete
TDblQueLink iLink;
+ CSubSessionCloseThrottle iSubSessionCloseThrottle;
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/serverden/src/sd_player.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/serverden/src/sd_player.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
#include <e32base.h>
#include <cfshared.h>
#include "sd_log.h"
@@ -39,10 +39,12 @@
// CSockSessionProxy
EXPORT_C CCommonSessionProxy::CCommonSessionProxy(CWorkerSession* aSession, CCommonPlayer& aPlayer)
: iSession(aSession),
- iNumSubSessClosing(ELivingSession)
+ iNumSubSessClosing(ELivingSession),
+ iSubSessionCloseThrottle(*this)
//COMMONLOG((WorkerId(),KECommonBootingTag, _L8("CSockSessionProxy %08x:\tCSockSessionProxy(), iSockSession %08x"), this, iSession) );
@@ -66,37 +68,77 @@
__ASSERT_DEBUG(!IsClosing(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemSvrDenPlayrC, 1));
iNumSubSessClosing = 1; // dummy subsession to prevent premature suicide during this close loop
- // The object container is stored as a packed array, so working backwards through it avoids invalidating
- // the iterator when removing entries (and as a bonus is more efficient)
- CCommonPlayer::TSubSessionContainer& subSessions(iPlayer.SubSessions());
- for(TInt i = subSessions.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
- {
- CWorkerSubSession* subSession = subSessions[i];
- if(subSession->Session() == iSession)
- {
- ++iNumSubSessClosing;
- if(!subSession->IsClosing())
- {
- subSession->DeleteMe();
- }
- }
- }
+ DeleteSubSessionsWithThrottling();
+ }
+void CCommonSessionProxy::DeleteSubSessionsWithThrottling()
+ {
+ // Why Throttle? The original scenario is a process which opens a large number of sockets (100 in the
+ // original case) and terminates without closing them, leaving BeginSessionClose() to clean them up.
+ // In addition, the worker in question (pdummy1) synchronously deletes subsessions (1) and uses a shared
+ // shared heap configuration (i.e. limited memory). As each deletion results in a message being sent
+ // (to an SCPR), and there is no opportunity to drain these due to the synchronous deletion, the transport
+ // queue overflows and cannot be grown resulting in a panic. So use a (*low* priority) active object to
+ // delete a limited number of subsessions per RunL().
+ //
+ // (1) a call to DeleteMe() results in an immediate upcall to NotifySubSessionDestroyed().
+ TInt count = KSubSessionThrottleSize;
+ // The object container is stored as a packed array, so working backwards through it avoids invalidating
+ // the iterator when removing entries (and as a bonus is more efficient)
- NotifySubSessionDestroyed(); // remove the dummy subsession
- }
+ CCommonPlayer::TSubSessionContainer& subSessions(iPlayer.SubSessions());
+ for(TInt i = subSessions.Count() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+ {
+ CWorkerSubSession* subSession = subSessions[i];
+ if(subSession->Session() == iSession)
+ {
+ ++iNumSubSessClosing;
+ if(!subSession->IsClosing())
+ {
+ subSession->DeleteMe();
+ // Throttle the deletions as appropriate
+ if (--count <= 0)
+ {
+ COMMONLOG((Player().WorkerId(),KECommonBootingTag, _L8("CCommonSessionProxy %08x:\tDeleteSubSessionBunch(): throttled subsession deletion"), this) );
+ // Re-prime the one shot
+ iSubSessionCloseThrottle.Call();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NotifySubSessionDestroyed(); // all, done, remove the dummy subsession
+ }
EXPORT_C void CCommonSessionProxy::NotifySubSessionDestroyed()
- //COMMONLOG((Player().WorkerId(),KECommonBootingTag, _L8("CCommonSessionProxy %08x:\tNotifySubSessionDestroyed(), iSockSession %08x"), this, iSession) );
- if(IsClosing() && --iNumSubSessClosing <= 0)
- {
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(iNumSubSessClosing == 0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemSvrDenPlayrC, 2));
- CCommonWorkerThread& worker = iPlayer.WorkerThread();
- worker.CompleteSessionClose(iSession);
- delete this;
- }
+ //COMMONLOG((Player().WorkerId(),KECommonBootintgTag, _L8("CCommonSessionProxy %08x:\tNotifySubSessionDestroyed(), iSockSession %08x"), this, iSession) );
+ if(IsClosing() &&--iNumSubSessClosing <= 0)
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iNumSubSessClosing == 0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ElemSvrDenPlayrC, 2));
+ CCommonWorkerThread& worker = iPlayer.WorkerThread();
+ worker.CompleteSessionClose(iSession);
+ delete this;
+ }
+// CCommonSessionProxy::CSubSessionCloseThrottle
+CCommonSessionProxy::CSubSessionCloseThrottle::CSubSessionCloseThrottle(CCommonSessionProxy& aProxy)
+ : CAsyncOneShot(EPriorityLow), iProxy(aProxy) // This must be low priority!
+ {
+ }
+void CCommonSessionProxy::CSubSessionCloseThrottle::RunL()
+ {
+ // Delete some more subsessions
+ iProxy.DeleteSubSessionsWithThrottling();
+ }
// CCommonPlayer
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/serverden/src/sd_workersession.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/serverden/src/sd_workersession.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@
EXPORT_C CSubSessionIx::~CSubSessionIx()
- iLock.Close();
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/testing/ElementServer/group/bld.inf Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwsupport/commselements/testing/ElementServer/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
-../scripts/TE_StateMachine.script z:/testdata/scripts/StateMachine/TE_StateMachine.script
-../configs/StateMachine.ini z:/testdata/configs/StateMachine/StateMachine.ini
+../scripts/TE_StateMachine.script z:/testdata/scripts/statemachine/te_statemachine.script
+../configs/StateMachine.ini z:/testdata/configs/statemachine/statemachine.ini
./Te_ElementServer.iby /epoc32/rom/include/te_elementserver.iby
--- a/commsfwsupport/commselements/testing/asyncenv_devcycle_demo/documentation/How-To build the code.txt Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-Before the productised infrastructure code hits the MCL,
-the following locations apply and procedures must be
-followed in order to use the transport, node, message
-and the MeshMachine code.
-1) CBR:
-Get a green vFuture build excluding comms-infras,
-networking, ser-comms-c32, i.e: using the command:
-> getenv -o gt_techview_baseline M0XXXX_Symbian_OS_vFuture -x comms-infras_* -x networking_* -x ser-comms_c32
-> getenv -o gt_techview_baseline M0XXXX_Symbian_OS_vFuture
-but in this case you will have to perform additional tasks for 2)...
-abld reallyclean
-abld cleanexport
-remove relevant files as in 1b) if listed.
-...then continue with 2)
-1b) optional:
-Delete everything in epoc32/include/comms-infras except commsdebugutility.* and /commdb directory (3 items).
-This is to avoid any duplicate headers in different locations.
-If you run cleanenv, the CBR may copy the CBR versions of comms-infras instead of the productisation ones.
-2) P4 sync from:
-3) abld build winscw udeb:
-4) abld test build winscw udeb:
-5) epoc32/data/epoc.ini:
-Add "startupmode 1".
-This will cause the emulator to run in console mode,
-preventing loading of nonexisting comms libraries.
-6) The demo application can be launched directly:
-Debugging Notes:
-Relevant breakpoints: all implementations of ReceivedL() (under //EPOC/DV3/team/2006/convergedcomms/projects/productisation/common/comms-infras/Elements/Unittests)
-show when nodes received messages and then processed them.
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/commsfwtools/commstools/group/bld.inf Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
../svg/messagesequencetool.doc /epoc32/tools/commsfw/messagesequencetool.doc
../svg/relations.pl /epoc32/tools/commsfw/relations.pl
../svg/relationships.txt /epoc32/tools/commsfw/relationships.txt
-../svg/relationsvrml.pl /epoc32/tools/commsfw/relationsvrml.pl
+../svg/relationsVrml.pl /epoc32/tools/commsfw/relationsvrml.pl
../svg/parse.ini /epoc32/tools/commsfw/parse.ini
../svg/parseit.bat /epoc32/tools/commsfw/parseit.bat
../svg/parselog.pl /epoc32/tools/commsfw/parselog.pl
--- a/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/parselog.pl Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/commstools/svg/parselog.pl Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
require 'getopts.pl';
-my $version = "2.3 (16/06/10)";
+my $version = "2.2 (16/04/10)";
# Internal Options
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
#CFNode MetaConn a 47 W6: CIpTierManagerFactory 0c1822d0: created [MCFNode 0c1822d8] [96]
-#250,194,1,1864213751,0,0x00f3e114,ENodeMessages: CFactoryContainerNode 0e571204: created [ANode 0e571220] [44]
+#250,194,1,1864213751,0,0x00f3e114,ENodeMessages: CFactoryContainerNode 0e571204: created [MNode 0e571220] [44]
elsif (/.*created \[ANode=0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\]/) {
my ($name,$realaddr,$nodeaddr) = m/(\w+) ([0-9A-Fa-f]{8}):\tcreated \[ANode=0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\]/;
$realaddr =~ s/^0x//;
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
print "l ^Shutting-down\n";
$lifeStage = 0;
-#1061,194,2,1212990838,0,0x00a1b488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=Context] CNodeActivityBase 0d922584: StartL->starting activity Node: [ANode=0x0d9229e0] Sender: [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d922338] ] Recipient: [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d9229e0] ] aContext.iMessage: [Signature=0x00000000:0xfdfdfdfd] [STARTBLOCK=Activity] [Activity=MCprControlClientJoin] [CurrentTriple=Idle] [ENDBLOCK=Activity] [ENDBLOCK=Context]
+#1061,194,2,1212990838,0,0x00a1b488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=Context] CNodeActivityBase 0d922584: StartL->starting activity Node: [MNode=0x0d9229e0] Sender: [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d922338] ] Recipient: [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d9229e0] ] aContext.iMessage: [Signature=0x00000000:0xfdfdfdfd] [STARTBLOCK=Activity] [Activity=MCprControlClientJoin] [CurrentTriple=Idle] [ENDBLOCK=Activity] [ENDBLOCK=Context]
elsif (/starting activity.*?\[ANode=0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\w*)\]/)
if (!($opt_X & 1))
@@ -360,9 +360,9 @@
print "t ", objectName($lastDispatchDestination), " (STRAY $1)\n";
-#1077,194,2,1212991263,0,0x00a1b488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=Context] CNodeActivityBase 0d922584: StartL->activity started Node: [ANode=0x0d9229e0] Sender: [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d922338] ] Recipient: [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d9229e0] ] aContext.iMessage: [Signature=0x00000000:0xfdfdfdfd] [STARTBLOCK=Activity] [Activity=MCprControlClientJoin] [CurrentTriple=MCprStates::TDecrementBlockingDestoryAndAddControlClientAndSendJoinCompleteIfRequest->NULL] [ENDBLOCK=Activity] [ENDBLOCK=Context]
-#843,195,1,1212618492,0,0x00a1b488,EMeshMachine: CNodeActivityBase: Accept->First transition: ConnStates::TProcessStateChange->MeshMachine::TAwaitingStateChange [ANode=0x0b1ff948]
-#897,194,2,1212884309,0,0x00a1b488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=Activity] CNodeActivityBase 0d921eb8: Next->transition happened [ANode=0x0b1ff948] [Activity=ConnectionStart] [CurrentTriple=ConnStates::TSelectMetaPlane->TECABState<CoreNetStates::TAwaitingBindTo>] [ENDBLOCK=Activity]
+#1077,194,2,1212991263,0,0x00a1b488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=Context] CNodeActivityBase 0d922584: StartL->activity started Node: [MNode=0x0d9229e0] Sender: [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d922338] ] Recipient: [Address=[iThread=0x0006] [iPtr=0x0d9229e0] ] aContext.iMessage: [Signature=0x00000000:0xfdfdfdfd] [STARTBLOCK=Activity] [Activity=MCprControlClientJoin] [CurrentTriple=MCprStates::TDecrementBlockingDestoryAndAddControlClientAndSendJoinCompleteIfRequest->NULL] [ENDBLOCK=Activity] [ENDBLOCK=Context]
+#843,195,1,1212618492,0,0x00a1b488,EMeshMachine: CNodeActivityBase: Accept->First transition: ConnStates::TProcessStateChange->MeshMachine::TAwaitingStateChange [MNode=0x0b1ff948]
+#897,194,2,1212884309,0,0x00a1b488,ENodeMessages: [STARTBLOCK=Activity] CNodeActivityBase 0d921eb8: Next->transition happened [MNode=0x0b1ff948] [Activity=ConnectionStart] [CurrentTriple=ConnStates::TSelectMetaPlane->TECABState<CoreNetStates::TAwaitingBindTo>] [ENDBLOCK=Activity]
#1237,195,1,2340065279,0,0x00dfff38,EMeshMachine: CNodeActivityBase 0cb427ec: Next->match [ANode=0x0cb42c48] [Activity=MCprBinderRequest] [Triple=PRStates::TCreateDataClient->CoreNetStates::TAwaitingDataClientJoin]
elsif (($opt_X & 2) == 0 && (/(StartL)->activity started.*?\[ANode=0x([0-9a-f]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\S*)\].*\[Triple=(\S*)\]/ ||
@@ -440,11 +440,11 @@
print "t ", objectName($activityNode{$actAddr}), " ($activityName{$actAddr}) Cancel(). Posted to ", objectName($postedToId), "\n";
- elsif (($opt_X & 4) == 0 && /UnparkState->unparked\s+\[ANode=0x([0-9a-fA-F]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\w+)\].*\[Triple=(.*?)\]/)
+ elsif (($opt_X & 4) == 0 && /UnparkState->unparked\s+\[MNode=0x([0-9a-fA-F]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\w+)\].*\[Triple=(.*?)\]/)
print "t ", objectName($1), " {50,200,50} (Unparked $2, $3)\n";
- elsif (($opt_X & 4) == 0 && /ParkState->parked\s+\[ANode=0x([0-9a-fA-F]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\w+)\].*\[Triple=(.*?)\]/) {
+ elsif (($opt_X & 4) == 0 && /ParkState->parked\s+\[MNode=0x([0-9a-fA-F]{8})\].*\[Activity=(\w+)\].*\[Triple=(.*?)\]/) {
print "t ", objectName($1), " {50,200,50} (Parked $2, $3)\n";
elsif (/Synchronous call:/) {
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Documentation/CommsData Format.mdl Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4602 +0,0 @@
-(object Petal
- version 43
- _written "Rose 6.5.9232.10"
- charSet 0)
-(object Design "Logical View"
- is_unit TRUE
- is_loaded TRUE
- quid "4135D7D80290"
- defaults (object defaults
- rightMargin 0.250000
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- defaultFont (object Font
- size 10
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- color 0
- default_color TRUE)
- showMessageNum 1
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- notation "Unified")
- root_usecase_package (object Class_Category "Use Case View"
- quid "4135D7D80292"
- exportControl "Public"
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- items (list diagram_item_list))))
- root_category (object Class_Category "Logical View"
- quid "4135D7D80291"
- exportControl "Public"
- global TRUE
- subsystem "Component View"
- quidu "4135D7D8029F"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CommTypes"
- quid "4135D977002E"
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- (object ClassAttribute "OperationType"
- quid "4135E3DF003E")
- (object ClassAttribute "DataBitsType"
- quid "4135E428003E")
- (object ClassAttribute "StopBitsType"
- quid "4135E4280148")
- (object ClassAttribute "ParityType"
- quid "4135E4280232")
- (object ClassAttribute "RateType"
- quid "4135E428031C")
- (object ClassAttribute "FaxClassType"
- quid "4135E429001F")
- (object ClassAttribute "SpeakerType"
- quid "4135E4290109")
- (object ClassAttribute "SpeakerVolType"
- quid "4135E42901E4")
- (object ClassAttribute "GPRSClassCBearerType"
- quid "4135E42902CE")
- (object ClassAttribute "ISPType"
- quid "4135E42903B9")
- (object ClassAttribute "BearerNameType"
- quid "4135E42A00CB")
- (object ClassAttribute "BearerSpeedType"
- quid "4135E42A01B5")
- (object ClassAttribute "BearerProtocolType"
- quid "4135E42A02AF")
- (object ClassAttribute "BearerCEType"
- quid "4135E42A03C8")
- (object ClassAttribute "DialBearerType"
- quid "4135E42B00F9")
- (object ClassAttribute "ChannelCodingType"
- quid "4135E42B01E4")
- (object ClassAttribute "AIURType"
- quid "4135E42B02DE")
- (object ClassAttribute "RlpModeType"
- quid "4135E42B03D8")
- (object ClassAttribute "DialIfCallbackType"
- quid "4135E42C00EA")
- (object ClassAttribute "PDPServiceType"
- quid "4135E42C01E4")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAPriorityType"
- quid "4135E42C02CE")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMABitrateType"
- quid "4135E42C03C8")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAServiceOptionType"
- quid "4135E42D00DA")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMALossType"
- quid "4135E42D01C5")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMaxDelayType"
- quid "4135E42D02BF")
- (object ClassAttribute "DirectionType"
- quid "4135E42D03A9")
- (object ClassAttribute "RankingType"
- quid "4135E42E009C")
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- quid "4135E42E0186")
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- quid "4135E42E0270")
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- quid "4135E42E035B")
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- quid "4135E42F005D")
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- quid "4135E42F0157")
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- quid "4135E42F0232")
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- quid "4135E42F032C")
- (object ClassAttribute "LocationForDataAndFaxType"
- quid "4135E430003E")
- (object ClassAttribute "LocationForPhoneServicesAndSMSType"
- quid "4135E4300138")
- (object ClassAttribute "ChargecardRefType"
- quid "4135E4300222")
- (object ClassAttribute "LocationRefType"
- quid "4135E430031C")
- (object ClassAttribute "IAPNetworkType"
- quid "4135E431001F")
- (object ClassAttribute "SMSBearerType"
- quid "4135E4310138")
- (object ClassAttribute "DefaultNetworkType"
- quid "4135E4310232")
- (object ClassAttribute "IAPRefType"
- quid "4135E431032C")
- (object ClassAttribute "ISPRefType"
- quid "4135E432003E")
- (object ClassAttribute "AccessPointType"
- quid "4135E4320138")
- (object ClassAttribute "WAPAccessType"
- quid "4135E4320213")
- (object ClassAttribute "HomeIAPType"
- quid "4135E432030D")
- (object ClassAttribute "HomeNetworkType"
- quid "4135E433001F")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAOpCapability"
- quid "4135E4330119")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMASimpIpAuthCapability"
- quid "4135E4330213")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMIpAuthCapability"
- quid "4135E433030D")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAOpMode"
- quid "4135E434002E")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMANaiType"
- quid "4135E4340128")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMASimpIpAuthAlgorithm"
- quid "4135E4340232")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMIpAuthAlgorithm"
- quid "4135E434032C")))
- (object Class "AgentLookupTable"
- quid "4135E73201C5"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "Id"
- quid "413C6A950065"
- type "TUint32")
- (object ClassAttribute "Name"
- quid "41372ECE01A1"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "AgentFriendlyName"
- quid "41372ED50097"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "AgentFilename"
- quid "41372EDC001B"
- type "Text")))
- (object Class "CDMA2000PacketServiceTable"
- quid "4135E7C10203"
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "Id"
- quid "413C6AFB00AA"
- type "TUint32")
- (object ClassAttribute "Name"
- quid "413731E20356"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "IwfName"
- quid "413731E70114"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "ServiceOption"
- quid "413731EB02D9"
- type "CDMAServiceOptionType")
- (object ClassAttribute "PdpType"
- quid "413731F000B6"
- type "PDPServiceType")
- (object ClassAttribute "PdpAddress"
- quid "413731F402BA"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "ReqFwdPriority"
- quid "413731F900D6"
- type "CDMAPriorityType")
- (object ClassAttribute "ReqRevPriority"
- quid "413731FD02CA"
- type "CDMAPriorityType")
- (object ClassAttribute "ReqFwdBitrate"
- quid "4137320200D6"
- type "CDMABitrateType")
- (object ClassAttribute "ReqRevBitrate"
- quid "4137320602BA"
- type "CDMABitrateType")
- (object ClassAttribute "ReqFwdLoss"
- quid "4137320B00E6"
- type "CDMALossType")
- (object ClassAttribute "ReqRevLoss"
- quid "4137320F02F9"
- type "CDMALossType")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMASchMux"
- quid "41373315037B"
- type "TUint32")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAFchMux"
- quid "41373310038B"
- type "TUint32")
- (object ClassAttribute "EnableLLMNR"
- quid "4137330B03B9"
- type "TBool")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpMnHaSsData"
- quid "413733070000"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpMnHaSpi"
- quid "41373302003F"
- type "TUint32")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpMnHaSpiIndicator"
- quid "413732FD005E"
- type "TBool")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpMnHaAuthAlgorithm"
- quid "413732F8009C"
- type "CDMAMIpAuthAlgorithm")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpMnAaaSsData"
- quid "413732F300FA"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpMnAaaSpi"
- quid "413732EE0148"
- type "TUint32")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpMnAaaSpiIndicator"
- quid "413732E901A5"
- type "TBool")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpMnAaaAuthAlgorithm"
- quid "413732E401F3"
- type "CDMAMIpAuthAlgorithm")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpSecondaryHomeAgent"
- quid "413732DF0251"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpPrimaryHomeAgent"
- quid "413732DA02BE"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpHomeAddress"
- quid "413732D5032C"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMAMobileIpTBit"
- quid "413732D003B8"
- type "TUint32")
- (object ClassAttribute "CDMASimpleIpChapSsHandle"
- quid "413732CC005D"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "413732C700E9"
- type "TUint32")
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- type "CDMASimpIpAuthAlgorithm")
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- quid "413732BD0222"
- type "CDMANaiType")
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- type "RlpModeType")
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- type "Text")
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- quid "413732AF003D"
- type "Text")
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- quid "413732AA00E9"
- type "Text")
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- quid "413732A50194"
- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "CDMAApType")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TBool")
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- quid "4137325402EB"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373250004B"
- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- quid "4137324602FA"
- type "Text")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "CDMAMaxDelayType")
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- type "CDMAMaxDelayType")
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- type "CDMALossType")
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- type "CDMALossType")
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- type "CDMABitrateType")
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- type "CDMABitrateType")
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- type "CDMAMaxDelayType")
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- quid "413732140105"
- type "CDMAMaxDelayType")
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- quid "4140665B0354"
- type "TBool")))
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- quid "4135E7D101E4"
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- quid "413C6B040137"
- type "TUint32")
- (object ClassAttribute "Name"
- quid "4137391E0176"
- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- quid "4137392603C8"
- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- quid "4137392F0232"
- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "IntlRule"
- quid "41373933036A"
- type "Text")))
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- quid "4135E7DD02CE")
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- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "Id"
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- type "TUint32")
- (object ClassAttribute "Name"
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- type "RankingType")
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- type "DirectionType")
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- type "DialogPrefType")
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- type "BearerSetType")
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- type "TableEntryNameType")))
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- quid "4135E8C102CE")
- (object Class "DefaultCDMA2000Table"
- quid "4135E8DD03B9"
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "Text")
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- type "CDMAServiceOptionType")
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- type "PDPServiceType")
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- type "CDMAPriorityType")
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- type "CDMAPriorityType")
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- type "CDMABitrateType")
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- type "CDMABitrateType")
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- type "CDMALossType")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "CDMAOpMode")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "CDMAMaxDelayType")
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- type "CDMAMaxDelayType")
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- type "CDMALossType")
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- type "CDMALossType")
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- type "CDMABitrateType")
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- type "CDMABitrateType")
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- type "CDMAMaxDelayType")
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- type "CDMAMaxDelayType")
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- type "CDMALossType")
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- quid "414072410204"
- type "TBool")))
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- quid "41373B22024B"
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- (object ClassAttribute "Name"
- quid "41373F5B00E9"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373F5F00E9"
- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373F6F0195"
- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TUint32")))
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- quid "41373B3C02E8"
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- quid "413C6B7300C1"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41383E2B00B6"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41383E2F024C"
- type "TBool")
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- quid "41383E3303E3"
- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "Text")
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- type "ISPType")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "Text")
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- type "DialBearerType")
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- type "BearerCEType")
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- type "BearerNameType")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")))
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- quid "41373B450057"
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- quid "413C6B7402F4"
- type "TUint32")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
- (object ClassAttribute "IfPromptForAuth"
- quid "4138395B01CF"
- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "BearerProtocolType")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "DialIfCallbackType")
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- type "TBool")
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- quid "413839A8024C"
- type "TUint32")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- quid "413839840049"
- type "Text")
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- quid "4138397F020E"
- type "Text")
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- quid "4138397A03E3"
- type "Text")))
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- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- quid "413837D101FE"
- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- type "CDMAMIpAuthCapability")
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- type "CDMAMIpAuthCapability")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "CDMASimpIpAuthCapability")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "CDMAOpCapability")
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- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- quid "413F215102BD")))
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TBool")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- quid "413835E102D9"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "413835DD0172"
- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TBool")))
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- quid "41373B660181"
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- (object ClassAttribute "Name"
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
- (object ClassAttribute "Author"
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- type "Text")
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- type "xsd:date")
- (object ClassAttribute "Id"
- quid "413C6BA40103"
- type "TUint32")))
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- quid "41373B6E02D9"
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- (object ClassAttribute "Id"
- quid "413C6BA802C8"
- type "TUint32")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "Text")
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TUint32")
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- quid "4138389901B0"
- type "TUint32")))
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- quid "41373B770049"
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- type "TUint32")
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- type "TBool")))
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- quid "4138436C0346"
- type "Text")))
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- quid "4138431E021D"
- type "AgentType")
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- quid "413843230133"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41384328000A"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "4138432C0308"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41384331024C"
- type "TUint32")))
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- quid "41373BC2004A"
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- quid "413C6BDE006A"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "4138466101FE"
- type "Text")
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- quid "413846660191"
- type "Text")
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- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- quid "413846700058"
- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- quid "4138467403D3"
- type "TBool")))
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- supplier "Logical View::WAPSMSBearerTable"
- quidu "41373BDB0099"))
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- quid "413C6BE003D5"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373EDF020F"
- type "Text")))
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- quid "413C6BE3023F"
- type "TUint32")
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- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- quid "41373E6001BF"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373E6C01AF"
- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- quid "41373E7001BF"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373E7401AF"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373E7801CF"
- type "Text")))
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- quid "41373BDB0099"
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- quid "413C6BE601B3"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373E040288"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373E08022A"
- type "TableEntryNameType")
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- quid "41373E0C01EC"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373E1001BD"
- type "WSPOptionType")
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- quid "41373E1401AD"
- type "TBool")
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- quid "41373E1801AE"
- type "Text")))
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- quid "41373BE301E1"
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- quid "413C6BEB00E8"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373D850331"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373D8902A5"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373D8D0247"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373D9101E9"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373D9501BB"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373D99017C"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373D9D013E"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373DA100F0"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373DA500D1"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373DA900A2"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373DAD00A2"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373DB100A2"
- type "Text")
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- quid "41373DB500A2"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373DBD00E1"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "41373DB900C1"
- type "Text")))
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- quid "413C6BB20087"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "413843B4029A"
- type "TBool")
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- quid "413843B900F5"
- type "TBool")
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- quid "413843BD0394"
- type "TBool")
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- quid "413843C2022D"
- type "TUint32")
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- quid "413843C700D5"
- type "Text")
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- quid "413843CB0375"
- type "Text")
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- quid "413843D001DF"
- type "Text")
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- quid "413843D500B6"
- type "Text")
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- quid "413843D90366"
- type "Text")
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- quid "413843DE01FE"
- type "Text")))
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- label "Id"
- supplier "Logical View::IAPTable"
- quidu "41373B5502E8")))
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- label "IAPNetwork"
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- quidu "41373B5502E8")))
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- label "IAPBearer"
- supplier "Logical View::IAPTable"
- quidu "41373B5502E8")))
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- quidu "41373B5502E8")))
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- label "IAPService"
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- quidu "41373B5502E8")))
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- label "ChargecardRef"
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- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quidu "41373BD2030A")))
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- quidu "41373B4D01A0")))
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- label "AccessPoint"
- supplier "Logical View::WAPSMSBearerTable"
- quidu "41373BDB0099"
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- label "LocationForDataAndFax"
- supplier "Logical View::GlobalSettingsTable"
- quidu "41373B4D01A0")))
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- quidu "41373B4D01A0")))
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- quid "413DC81903DA"
- label "IAPBearer"
- supplier "Logical View::IAPTable"
- quidu "41373B5502E8")))
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- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- quid "413DC82B02D1"
- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- quid "413DC83000EC"
- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- label "IAPService"
- supplier "Logical View::IAPTable"
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- quid "413DCC77012B"
- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "413DCC7D01A8"
- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- quid "413DCC8001F6"
- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- quidu "4135E7C10203"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "413DCC8301B7"
- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "413DCC90037C"
- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- supplier "Logical View::DialOutISPTable"
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- quid "413DCC97011A"
- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "413DCC9D009E"
- supplier "Logical View::OR"
- quidu "413DC8040272")))
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- quid "413F09DD03A2"
- supplier "Logical View::GlobalSettingsTable"
- quidu "41373B4D01A0")))
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- quid "413F0A14023C"
- label "LocationForPhoneServicesAndSMS"
- supplier "Logical View::GlobalSettingsTable"
- quidu "41373B4D01A0")))
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- supplier "Logical View::ModemBearerTable"
- quidu "41373B8702F9"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "413F0AEB034A"
- label "ModemForDataAndFax"
- supplier "Logical View::GlobalSettingsTable"
- quidu "41373B4D01A0")))
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- supplier "Logical View::ModemBearerTable"
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- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "413F0AF0006B"
- label "ModemForPhoneServicesAndSMS"
- supplier "Logical View::GlobalSettingsTable"
- quidu "41373B4D01A0")))
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- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "413F2BF803CD"
- label "ServiceExtensionRecordId"
- supplier "Logical View::LANServiceTable"
- quidu "41373B770049"))))
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- items (list diagram_item_list
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (464, 2528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1
- location (276, 2478)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "AgentLookupTable")
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1216, 2528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @2
- location (987, 2482)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2032, 2512)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @3
- location (1842, 2462)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2832, 2512)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @4
- location (2593, 2462)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2672, 2208)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @5
- location (2511, 2135)
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- max_width 251
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- "- Id : TUint32"))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- location (3088, 2208)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @6
- location (2899, 2131)
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- "- Id : TUint32"))
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- Parent_View @7
- location (2197, 1154)
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- "- IAPRef : TableEntryNameType"))
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- Parent_View @8
- location (1213, 1264)
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- "- AccessPoint : TableEntryNameType"
- "- IAPRef : TableEntryNameType"))
- width 664
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- Parent_View @9
- location (2993, 1170)
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- Parent_View @9
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- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "- Id : TUint32"))
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- Parent_View @10
- location (2565, 1554)
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- Parent_View @10
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- "- ISPRef : TableEntryNameType"))
- width 616
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- annotation 8
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- location (816, 144)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @11
- location (611, 71)
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- Parent_View @11
- location (611, 127)
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- "- Id : TUint32"))
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @12
- location (1124, 71)
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- Parent_View @12
- location (1124, 127)
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- "- Id : TUint32"))
- width 426
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- Parent_View @13
- location (1630, 71)
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- Parent_View @13
- location (1630, 127)
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- "- Id : TUint32"))
- width 310
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- Parent_View @14
- location (2031, 71)
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- location (2031, 127)
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- "- Id : TUint32"))
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- Parent_View @15
- location (2497, 730)
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- "- Id : TUint32"
- "- ChargecardRef : TableEntryNameType"))
- width 752
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- anchor 1
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- Parent_View @19
- location (3136, 1005)
- anchor 1
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- anchor 1
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- Parent_View @24
- location (2939, 1504)
- anchor 1
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @26
- location (124, 362)
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- "- HomeIAP : TableEntryNameType"
- "- HomeNetwork : TableEntryNameType"))
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- Parent_View @27
- location (1193, 739)
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- "- Id : TUint32"
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- "- IAPBearer : TableEntryNameType"
- "- IAPNetwork : TableEntryNameType"
- "- LocationRef : TableEntryNameType"))
- width 704
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- Parent_View @29
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- Parent_View @28
- location (1544, 877)
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- Parent_View @31
- location (2126, 1160)
- anchor 1
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- Parent_View @33
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- Parent_View @34
- location (1495, 1113)
- anchor 1
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- supplier @27
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- Parent_View @33
- location (1008, -506)
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- Parent_View @36
- location (1609, 1210)
- anchor 1
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- supplier @8
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- Parent_View @38
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- Parent_View @39
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- anchor 1
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- Parent_View @38
- location (550, 350)
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- Parent_View @41
- location (731, 625)
- anchor 1
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- Parent_View @43
- location (1725, 1875)
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- location (1725, 1928)
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- "- Id : TUint32"))
- width 472
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- Parent_View @47
- location (1950, 1499)
- anchor 1
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- (1949, 1623)
- (1948, 1563)
- (1754, 1467))
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- location (1264, 1648)
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- Parent_View @49
- location (923, 1570)
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- "- AccessPoint : TableEntryNameType"))
- width 700
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- anchor 1
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- supplier @43
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- Parent_View @50
- location (105, -552)
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- Parent_View @53
- location (1625, 1769)
- anchor 1
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- supplier @49
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @55
- location (133, 834)
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- Parent_View @55
- location (133, 887)
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- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "- Id : TUint32"))
- width 296
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- anchor 1
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- Parent_View @59
- location (1057, 874)
- anchor 1
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- label "+IAPNetwork"
- pctDist 0.734043
- height 39
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- "- ModemForPhoneServicesAndSMS : Text"))
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- Parent_View @147
- location (392, 152)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413DCC97011A"
- client @147
- supplier @126
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$40" @150
- location (1176, 515)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413DCC9B03AB"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "Id" @151
- Parent_View @150
- location (-456, 19)
- label (object SegLabel @152
- Parent_View @151
- location (912, 455)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 60
- justify 0
- label "+Id"
- pctDist 0.800000
- height 42
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413DCC9D009D"
- client @150
- supplier @26
- line_style 0)
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$41" @153
- Parent_View @150
- location (-456, 19)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413DCC9D009E"
- client @150
- supplier @126
- line_style 0)))
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::WLANServiceExtensionTable" @154
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (3056, 112)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @154
- location (2770, 35)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 572
- justify 0
- label "WLANServiceExtensionTable")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41373BE301E1"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @154
- location (2770, 88)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 2
- max_width 265
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "- Id : TUint32"))
- width 590
- height 178
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::LANServiceTable" @155
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2864, 544)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @155
- location (2400, 443)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 928
- justify 0
- label "LANServiceTable")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41373B770049"
- compartment (object Compartment
- Parent_View @155
- location (2400, 499)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor 2
- nlines 3
- max_width 956
- compartmentItems (list Compartment
- "- Id : TUint32"
- "- ServiceExtensionRecordId : TableEntryNameType"))
- width 946
- height 226
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$35" @156
- location (1976, 544)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413DCC8E0178"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "Id" @157
- Parent_View @156
- location (344, 48)
- label (object SegLabel @158
- Parent_View @157
- location (2311, 503)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 60
- justify 0
- label "+Id"
- pctDist 0.844372
- height 42
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413DCC90036C"
- client @156
- supplier @155
- line_style 0)
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$36" @159
- Parent_View @156
- location (344, 48)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413DCC90037C"
- client @156
- supplier @126
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$48" @160
- location (2964, 315)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413F2BF80080"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "Id" @161
- Parent_View @160
- location (100, -245)
- label (object SegLabel @162
- Parent_View @161
- location (2952, 222)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 60
- justify 0
- label "+Id"
- pctDist 0.640508
- height 49
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413F2BF803CC"
- client @160
- supplier @154
- line_style 0)
- (object RoleView "ServiceExtensionRecordId" @163
- Parent_View @160
- location (100, -245)
- label (object SegLabel @164
- Parent_View @163
- location (3140, 393)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 495
- justify 0
- label "+ServiceExtensionRecordId"
- pctDist 0.010811
- height 193
- orientation 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "413F2BF803CD"
- client @160
- supplier @155
- line_style 0)))))))
- root_subsystem (object SubSystem "Component View"
- quid "4135D7D8029F"
- physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
- physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
- (object Module_Diagram "Main"
- quid "4135D7DB033C"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list))))
- process_structure (object Processes
- quid "4135D7D802A0"
- ProcsNDevs (list
- (object Process_Diagram "Deployment View"
- quid "4135D7D802A2"
- title "Deployment View"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list))))
- properties (object Properties
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "propertyId"
- value "809135966")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "default__Project"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Directory"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "DataBase"
- value ("DataBaseSet" 800))
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "DataBaseSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "ANSI"
- value 800)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Oracle"
- value 801)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "SQLServer"
- value 802)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Sybase"
- value 803)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Watcom"
- value 804)))
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKeyColumnName"
- value "Id")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKeyColumnType"
- value "NUMBER(5)")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "ViewName"
- value "V_")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "TableName"
- value "T_")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "InheritSuffix"
- value "_V")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "DropClause"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "BaseViews"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "DDLScriptFilename"
- value "DDL1.SQL")))
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "default__Attribute"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "ColumnType"
- value "VARCHAR")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Length"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "NullsOK"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKey"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Unique"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "CompositeUnique"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "CheckConstraint"
- value "")))
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Rose Model Integrator"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Rose Web Publisher"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Version Control"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE))
- quid "4135D7D802A1"))
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/data/meshpreface1.cfg Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/data/meshpreface1.cfg Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -257,6 +257,13 @@
+# COMMDB_ID = 12
+ Name=wlanmcpr
+ MCprUid=0x2001B2D2
## PAN Ether MCpr Uid = 271070626 (0x102835A2)
# COMMDB_ID = 13
@@ -458,6 +465,13 @@
+# COMMDB_ID = 12
+ Name=wlan
+ ProtocolUid=0x2001B2D3
## BearerTypeTable
@@ -611,3 +625,14 @@
+# COMMDB_ID = 14
+ Name=wlannif
+ Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565
+ MCpr=MCprTable.12
+ Cpr=CprTable.3
+ SCpr=SCprTable.3
+ Protocol=ProtocolTable.12
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/data/meshpreface2.cfg Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/data/meshpreface2.cfg Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -257,6 +257,13 @@
+# COMMDB_ID = 12
+ Name=wlanmcpr
+ MCprUid=0x2001B2D2
## PAN Ether MCpr Uid = 271070626 (0x102835A2)
# COMMDB_ID = 13
@@ -452,6 +459,19 @@
+# COMMDB_ID = 11
+ Name=rawip2
+ ProtocolUid=0x10286AF8
+# COMMDB_ID = 12
+ Name=wlan
+ ProtocolUid=0x2001B2D3
## BearerTypeTable
@@ -585,3 +605,35 @@
+# COMMDB_ID = 12
+ Name=rawip2
+ Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565
+ MCpr=MCprTable.10
+ Cpr=CprTable.8
+ SCpr=SCprTable.4
+ Protocol=ProtocolTable.11
+# COMMDB_ID = 13
+ Name=spud-rawip2
+ Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565
+ MCpr=MCprTable.10
+ Cpr=CprTable.8
+ SCpr=SCprTable.4
+ Protocol=ProtocolTable.11
+# COMMDB_ID = 14
+ Name=wlannif
+ Tier=Link.TierTable.271064565
+ MCpr=MCprTable.12
+ Cpr=CprTable.3
+ SCpr=SCprTable.3
+ Protocol=ProtocolTable.12
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/group/ced.iby Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/group/ced.iby Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -23,7 +23,12 @@
#include <Xml.iby>
#include <stdlib.iby>
+#ifdef __ROHID_CED
+file=ABI_DIR\DEBUG_DIR\_rohid_ced.exe System\Libs\ced.exe
file=ABI_DIR\DEBUG_DIR\ced.exe System\Libs\ced.exe
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\system\data\meshpreface1.cfg system\data\meshpreface1.cfg
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/src/ced.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/src/ced.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -98,7 +98,9 @@
/** flag to indicate whether the execution format is .dll or .exe*/
TBool gIsExeDLL = EFalse;
/** flag to indicate whether the configuration file is in XML format */
-TBool gIsXML = ETrue;
+TBool gIsXML = ETrue;
+/** flag to keep generic records */
+TBool gKeepGenerics = ETrue;
TBool gDeprecatedFields = EFalse;
@@ -293,6 +295,7 @@
// delete everything in the database
+ TInt keptElements = 0;
if (ids.Count())
for ( TInt i = ids.Count()-1; i >=0 ; i--)
@@ -302,10 +305,18 @@
- User::LeaveIfError(storage->Delete(ids[i]));
+ if(!gKeepGenerics || ids[i] < KCDInitialUDefRecordType || ids[i] > KCDLastUDefRecordType)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(storage->Delete(ids[i]));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++keptElements;
+ }
+ gMsg->Msg(_L("Kept %d elements intact (KeepGenerics option == %d"), keptElements, gKeepGenerics);
TUint32 aErrorId;
err = storage->CommitTransaction(aErrorId);
@@ -690,6 +701,10 @@
return !gProcessingSuccessful;
+TBool MatchArg(const TDesC& aArg, const TDesC& aOpt)
+ {
+ return aArg.Left(aOpt.Length()).CompareF(aOpt) == 0;
+ }
TInt ParseCommandLineL(TBool &aDebugOn, TBool &aOverWrite, TBool &aForceXMLProcessing, TDes &aIn, TDes &aOut, TDes &aInPref)
/** Parse the command line for any overriding settings from exe command line
@@ -734,14 +749,14 @@
// CED will report all the failures on the end, unlike success in all the cases except missing cfg file
// Switch introduced because of high impact on test results and to avoid BC break
- if ( arg.FindF(_L("-V")) != KErrNotFound )
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-V")) )
gValidityChecking = ETrue;
//Display help
- if ( arg.FindF(_L("-H")) != KErrNotFound )
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-H")) )
@@ -750,36 +765,50 @@
// Append database switch
- if ( arg.FindF(_L("-A")) != KErrNotFound )
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-A")) )
aOverWrite = EFalse;
// Debug switch
- if ( arg.FindF(_L("-D")) != KErrNotFound )
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-D")) )
aDebugOn = ETrue;
// Debug switch
- if ( arg.FindF(_L("-M")) != KErrNotFound )
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-M")) )
aInPref = pCmd->Arg(++i);
+ // Keep generics switch
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-KG")) )
+ {
+ gKeepGenerics = ETrue;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Zap generics switch
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-ZG")) )
+ {
+ gKeepGenerics = EFalse;
+ continue;
+ }
// Presence of invalid table entry links
// will not cause an error
- if ( arg.FindF(_L("-F")) != KErrNotFound )
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-F")) )
aForceXMLProcessing = ETrue;
// Specification of an input file
- if ( arg.FindF(_L("-I")) != KErrNotFound )
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-I")) )
if( i != pCmd->Count()-1 )
@@ -800,7 +829,7 @@
// Specification of an output file
- if ( arg.FindF(_L("-O")) != KErrNotFound )
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-O")) )
if( i != pCmd->Count()-1 )
@@ -823,7 +852,7 @@
// This must be specified on the tools2 platform.
TBuf<16> databaseVersion;
- if ( arg.FindF(_L("-B")) != KErrNotFound )
+ if ( MatchArg(arg, _L("-B")) )
if( i != pCmd->Count()-1 )
@@ -929,6 +958,8 @@
gConsole->Printf(_L("\n-v Enables validation of the configuration data while writing to the database."));
gConsole->Printf(_L("\n-i Specifies an input file to CED. Must be either *.xml or *.cfg. Defaults to reading '%S' or '%S'."), &CFG_TARGET, &XML_TARGET);
gConsole->Printf(_L("\n-o Specifies an output file for CED to log to. Defaults to '%S'."), &LOG_TARGET);
+ gConsole->Printf(_L("\n-kg Keep existing generic-record elements (default)"));
+ gConsole->Printf(_L("\n-zg Zap all existing elements including generics (unless appending)"));
#ifdef __TOOLS2__
gConsole->Printf(_L("\n-b Specifies the binary output should be compatible with this Symbian OS version.\n"));
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/te_ced/group/te_cedsuite.iby Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ced/te_ced/group/te_cedsuite.iby Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@
#include <testexecute.iby>
-file=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\te_cedSuite.exe sys\bin\te_cedSuite.exe
+data=ABI_DIR\BUILD_DIR\te_cedSuite.exe sys\bin\te_cedSuite.exe
data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\configs\te_cedSuite.ini TestData\configs\te_cedSuite.ini
data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\scripts\te_cedSuite.script TestData\Scripts\te_cedSuite.Script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\winscw\c\testdata\scripts\te_cedtest.script testdata\scripts\te_cedtest.script
-data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01.cfg TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01.cfg
-data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01.xml TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01.xml
-data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_all.cfg TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_all.cfg
-data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append.cfg TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append.cfg
-data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append.xml TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append.xml
-data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append_tricky.xml TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append_tricky.xml
-data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append02.cfg TestData\configs\configs/te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append02.cfg
-data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\winscw\c\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table02.cfg TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table02.cfg
+data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01.cfg TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01.cfg
+data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01.xml TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01.xml
+data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_all.cfg TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_all.cfg
+data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append.cfg TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append.cfg
+data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append.xml TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append.xml
+data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append_tricky.xml TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append_tricky.xml
+data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append02.cfg TestData\configs\configs/te_ced_reference_table01_IAP_append02.cfg
+data=EPOCROOT##Epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table02.cfg TestData\configs\te_ced_reference_table02.cfg
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/group/_ROHID_ceddump.mmp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/group/_ROHID_ceddump.mmp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
USERINCLUDE ../../ced/inc
LIBRARY euser.lib efsrv.lib bafl.lib commsdat.lib
+LIBRARY centralrepository.lib
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/group/ceddump.mmp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/group/ceddump.mmp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
USERINCLUDE ../../ced/inc
LIBRARY euser.lib efsrv.lib bafl.lib commsdat.lib
+LIBRARY centralrepository.lib
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/inc/ceddumper.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/inc/ceddumper.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <e32base.h>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
#include "filedump.h"
#include "ceddumpglobals.h"
@@ -50,6 +51,8 @@
#define TRUE_VAL _S("TRUE")
#define FALSE_VAL _S("FALSE")
+typedef RArray<SGenericRecordTypeInfo> RRecordInfoArray;
+typedef TBuf<KCDMaxFieldNameLength> TGenericTableName;
class CCedDumper : public CBase
@@ -93,6 +96,12 @@
//this function doesn't need to be modified.
void ResolveCommsDatTableNameVariant_to_CommdbTableNameVariant(RBuf& aCommsdatTableName);
+ void ListGenericTablesL();
+ void DumpGenericTablesL();
+ void ConvertFieldTypeL(TInt aFieldType, TDes &aConvertedFieldType);
+ void ConvertFieldAttributeL(TInt aFieldAttribute, TDes &aConvertedFieldAttribute);
+ TBool WriteFieldValueL(CMDBGenericRecord* aRecord, const TDesC& aFieldName);
CMDBSession* iDbSession; // Session to connect to CenRep
CMDBRecordSetBase *iTable; //To get the Record type
@@ -117,6 +126,11 @@
TBool iUseHexFormat;
TBool iROHIDSupport;
+ CRepository* iRepository;
+ RArray<TUint32> iGenericTableIds;
+ RArray<TGenericTableName> iGenericTableNames;
+ RArray<RRecordInfoArray> iGenericTableFields;
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/src/ceddumper.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/src/ceddumper.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
#define KLinkSeparator _L(".")
#define TableNameTag _L("Table")
+const TUid KCommsDatUid = {0xcccccc00};
const TText* const gAtttibutesArray[]=
@@ -66,7 +68,16 @@
- delete iFileDumper;
+ iGenericTableIds.Close();
+ iGenericTableNames.Close();
+ for(TInt i=0; i<iGenericTableFields.Count();i++)
+ {
+ iGenericTableFields[i].Close();
+ }
+ iGenericTableFields.Close();
+ delete iRepository;
+ delete iFileDumper;
delete iDbSession;
delete iConsole;
delete iTable;
@@ -90,6 +101,7 @@
void CCedDumper::ConstructL()
iConsole = Console::NewL(_L("Ceddump Tool"),TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
+ iRepository = CRepository::NewL(KCommsDatUid);
iR99Conversion = EFalse;
@@ -304,6 +316,8 @@
void CCedDumper::DumpContents()
+ ListGenericTablesL();
+ DumpGenericTablesL();
TInt loop = 0;
TBuf<MAX_COL_NAME_LEN> tempTable;
@@ -2181,3 +2195,224 @@
+void CCedDumper::ListGenericTablesL()
+ {
+ TUint32 KMaskForNames = 0x007FFFFF;
+ TUint32 KKeyForNames = KCDMaskShowFieldType | KCDMaskShowRecordId;
+ RArray<TUint32> tableIds;
+ iRepository->FindL(KKeyForNames, KMaskForNames, tableIds);
+ for(TInt i=0; i<tableIds.Count();i++)
+ {
+ if(tableIds[i] >= KCDInitialUDefRecordType &&
+ tableIds[i] <= KCDLastUDefRecordType)
+ {
+ TBuf<KCDMaxFieldNameLength> name;
+ iRepository->Get(tableIds[i], name);
+ iGenericTableIds.Append(tableIds[i]);
+ iGenericTableNames.Append(name);
+ RRecordInfoArray recordInfoArray;
+ RArray<TUint32> fields;
+ TUint32 KMaskForFields = 0xFF80FFFF;
+ TUint32 tableId = tableIds[i];
+ iRepository->FindL(tableIds[i], KMaskForFields, fields);
+ for(TInt j=0; j<fields.Count() - 1;j++)
+ //Do not care about the last one as it is a delimiter.
+ {
+ SGenericRecordTypeInfo ptr;
+ TPckg<SGenericRecordTypeInfo> package(ptr);
+ iRepository->Get(fields[j], package);
+ recordInfoArray.Append(ptr);
+ }
+ iGenericTableFields.Append(recordInfoArray);
+ fields.Close();
+ }
+ }
+ tableIds.Close();
+ }
+void CCedDumper::ConvertFieldTypeL(TInt aFieldType, TDes &aConvertedFieldType)
+ {
+ switch(aFieldType)
+ {
+ case EText:
+ aConvertedFieldType.Copy(_L("EText"));
+ break;
+ case EDesC8:
+ aConvertedFieldType.Copy(_L("EDesC8"));
+ break;
+ case EUint32:
+ aConvertedFieldType.Copy(_L("EUint32"));
+ break;
+ case EInt:
+ aConvertedFieldType.Copy(_L("EInt"));
+ break;
+ case EBool:
+ aConvertedFieldType.Copy(_L("EBool"));
+ break;
+ case EMedText:
+ aConvertedFieldType.Copy(_L("EMedText"));
+ break;
+ case ELongText:
+ aConvertedFieldType.Copy(_L("ELongText"));
+ break;
+ case ELink:
+ aConvertedFieldType.Copy(_L("ELink"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ }
+void CCedDumper::ConvertFieldAttributeL(TInt aFieldAttribute, TDes &aConvertedFieldAttribute)
+ {
+ switch(aFieldAttribute)
+ {
+ case ENoAttrs:
+ aConvertedFieldAttribute.Copy(_L("ENoAttrs"));
+ break;
+ case ENotNull:
+ aConvertedFieldAttribute.Copy(_L("ENotNull"));
+ break;
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ }
+void CCedDumper::DumpGenericTablesL()
+ {
+ for(TInt i = 0; i< iGenericTableIds.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ TUint32 tableId = iGenericTableIds[i] & KCDMaskShowRecordType;
+ CMDBRecordSet<CMDBGenericRecord>* recordSet = new (ELeave) CMDBRecordSet<CMDBGenericRecord>(tableId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(recordSet);
+ iFileDumper->WriteTableHeader(iGenericTableNames[i]);
+ //First print out table declaration
+ if(iGenericTableFields[i].Count()>0)
+ {
+ iFileDumper->WriteSectionHeader(-2);
+ _LIT(KFieldStructure, "FIELDSTRUCTURE");
+ _LIT(KFormat, "%08x,%S,%S,%S");
+ TPtrC ptrFieldStructure(KFieldStructure);
+ for(TInt f = 0; f< iGenericTableFields[i].Count(); f++)
+ {
+ // line will hold sth like 00120000,EText,ENotNull,SomeName
+ // its total length is:
+ // hex id : 8 chars
+ // type : max 9 chars
+ // attribute: max 8 chars
+ //
+ TBuf<KCDMaxFieldNameLength + 30> line;
+ // type: max 9 chars
+ TBuf<9> fieldType, fieldAttribute;
+ ConvertFieldTypeL(iGenericTableFields[i][f].iValType, fieldType);
+ ConvertFieldAttributeL(iGenericTableFields[i][f].iTypeAttr, fieldAttribute);
+ line.Format(KFormat, iGenericTableFields[i][f].iTypeId, &fieldType, &fieldAttribute ,&(iGenericTableFields[i][f].iTypeName));
+ TPtrC ptrFieldLine(line);
+ iFileDumper->WriteColumnValue(ptrFieldStructure, ptrFieldLine);
+ }
+ iFileDumper->WriteSectionFooter(-2);
+ }
+ TRAPD(err, recordSet->LoadL(*iDbSession));
+ if(err!= KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ }
+ for(TInt j = 0; j<recordSet->iRecords.Count();j++)
+ {
+ iFileDumper->WriteSectionHeader(recordSet->iRecords[j]->RecordId());
+ TInt noOfFields(0);
+ for(TInt k = 0; k < iGenericTableFields[i].Count(); k++)
+ {
+ SGenericRecordTypeInfo recordTypeInfo = iGenericTableFields[i][k];
+ if(WriteFieldValueL(reinterpret_cast<CMDBGenericRecord*>(recordSet->iRecords[j]), iGenericTableFields[i][k].iTypeName))
+ {
+ noOfFields++;
+ }
+ }
+ iFileDumper->WriteFieldCount(noOfFields);
+ iFileDumper->WriteSectionFooter(recordSet->iRecords[j]->RecordId());
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(recordSet);
+ }
+ }
+TBool CCedDumper::WriteFieldValueL(CMDBGenericRecord* aRecord, const TDesC& aFieldName)
+ {
+ TInt valType;
+ TPtrC ptrFieldName(aFieldName);
+ TBuf<20> bufVal;
+ CMDBElement* element = aRecord->GetFieldByNameL(aFieldName, valType);
+ if(element->IsNull())
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ switch(valType)
+ {
+ case EText:
+ case EMedText:
+ case ELongText:
+ {
+ CMDBField<TDesC>* textField = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC> *>(element);
+ TPtrC ptrTextField(*textField);
+ iFileDumper->WriteColumnValue(ptrFieldName, ptrTextField);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EDesC8:
+ {
+ CMDBField<TDesC8>* text8Field = static_cast<CMDBField<TDesC8> *>(element);
+ TPtrC8 ptrText8Field(*text8Field);
+ iFileDumper->WriteColumnValue(ptrFieldName, reinterpret_cast<TPtrC&>(ptrText8Field));
+ break;
+ }
+ case EInt:
+ {
+ TInt intVal;
+ CMDBField<TInt>* intField = static_cast<CMDBField<TInt> *>(element);
+ intVal = *intField;
+ bufVal.Num(intVal);
+ TPtrC ptrIntField(bufVal.MidTPtr(0));
+ iFileDumper->WriteColumnValue(ptrFieldName, ptrIntField);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EBool:
+ {
+ TBool boolVal;
+ CMDBField<TInt>* boolField = static_cast<CMDBField<TInt> *>(element);
+ boolVal = *boolField;
+ TPtrC ptrBoolField(boolVal?TRUE_VAL:FALSE_VAL);
+ iFileDumper->WriteColumnValue(ptrFieldName, ptrBoolField);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EUint32:
+ case ELink:
+ {
+ TInt int32Val;
+ CMDBField<TInt>* int32Field = static_cast<CMDBField<TInt> *>(element);
+ int32Val = *int32Field;
+ bufVal.Num(int32Val);
+ TPtrC ptrInt32Field(bufVal.MidTPtr(0));
+ iFileDumper->WriteColumnValue(ptrFieldName, ptrInt32Field);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/src/filedump.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/Tools/ceddump/src/filedump.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -99,6 +99,9 @@
case 0:
+ case -2:
+ iBuffer.Copy(_L("ADD_DEFINITION\r\n"));
+ break;
iBuffer.Format(_L("ADD_SECTION\r\n# COMMDB_ID = %d\r\n"),
@@ -210,6 +213,10 @@
+ else if (aCommDbId == -2)
+ {
+ iBuffer.Copy(_L("END_DEFINITION\r\n\r\n"));
+ }
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/group/BLD.INF Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/group/BLD.INF Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
- #include "../Tools/ced/group/BLD.INF"
- #include "../Tools/ceddump/group/BLD.INF"
- #include "../Tools/cfg2xml/group/BLD.INF"
+ #include "../Tools/ced/group/bld.inf"
+ #include "../Tools/ceddump/group/bld.inf"
+ #include "../Tools/cfg2xml/group/bld.inf"
//making default file for the central repository
//#include "../defaultcommdb/group/bld.inf"
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
../inc/commsdat_partner.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(commsdat_partner.h)
../inc/metadatabase_partner.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(metadatabase_partner.h)
../inc/commsdattypesv1_1_partner.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(commsdattypesv1_1_partner.h)
-../inc/commsdattypesv1_1_internal.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(commsdattypesv1_1_internal.h)
-../inc/Commsdattypeinfov1_1_internal.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(commsdattypeinfov1_1_internal.h)
+../inc/commsdattypesv1_1_internal.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(commsdattypesv1_1_internal.h)
+../inc/commsdattypeinfov1_1_internal.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(commsdattypeinfov1_1_internal.h)
--- a/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/src/CommsDatSessionImpl.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/src/CommsDatSessionImpl.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -157,8 +157,13 @@
return KErrNone;
- __FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCDInfoLog, _L("*** CMDBSessionImpl::ConstructL() constructing session object object <%08x>"), this);
+#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
+ RThread self;
+ TBuf<KMaxFullName> name;
+ self.FullName(name);
+ __FLOG_STATIC2(KLogComponent, KCDInfoLog, _L("*** CMDBSessionImpl::ConstructL() constructing session object <%08x> in thread \"%S\""), this, &name);
// Connect to the repository
@@ -187,6 +192,7 @@
+ __FLOG_STATIC1(KLogComponent, KCDInfoLog, _L("*** CMDBSessionImpl::Close() closing session object <%08x>"), this);
#ifndef __TOOLS2__
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/Test06SplitL.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/TS_mbufmgr/Test06SplitL.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -162,17 +162,7 @@
//-------------- substep 7 --------------------
Log(_L(" 07 Split Chain1. The 2nd part goes to Chain2:"));
RMBufChain aChain2;
- if(forceSmallBuf)
- {
- RMBufAllocator allocator;
- ret= aChain1.Split(aOffset, aChain2, allocator);
- }
- else
- {
- TRAP(ret,aChain1.SplitL(aOffset, aChain2));
- }
+ TRAP(ret,aChain1.SplitL(aOffset, aChain2));
if (ret != KErrNone)
Log(_L("Error: Couldn't Split"));
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/bld.inf Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@
../mbufmgr/inc/mbufpktq.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(comms-infras/mbufpktq.h)
../mbufmgr/inc/mbufpktq.inl SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(comms-infras/mbufpktq.inl)
../mbufmgr/inc/mbufasyncrequest.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(comms-infras/mbufasyncrequest.h)
-../mbufmgr/inc/mbufpanic.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(comms-infras/mbufpanic.h)
+../mbufmgr/inc/MBufPanic.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(comms-infras/mbufpanic.h)
../mbufmgr/inc/nifmbuf.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(nifmbuf.h)
../mbufmgr/inc/mb_thread.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(mb_thread.h)
-../mbufmgrimpl/inc/es_mbman.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(es_mbman.h)
+../mbufmgrimpl/inc/ES_MBMAN.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(es_mbman.h)
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/mbufmgrimpl.mmp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/mbufmgrimpl.mmp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
SOURCEPATH ../mbufmgrimpl/src
-SOURCE mb_man.cpp
-SOURCE mb_timer.CPP
-SOURCE mbufmemoryallocator.cpp
-SOURCE mbufmemorymanager.cpp
-SOURCE mbufpoolchain.cpp
-SOURCE mbufpoolmanager.cpp
+SOURCE Mb_timer.CPP
+SOURCE MBufMemoryAllocator.cpp
+SOURCE MBufMemoryManager.cpp
+SOURCE MBufPoolChain.cpp
+SOURCE MBufPoolManager.cpp
USERINCLUDE ../mbufmgrimpl/inc
--- a/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufmgr/src/mb_chn.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsfwutils/commsbufs/mbufmgr/src/mb_chn.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -618,11 +618,10 @@
return KErrNone;
-// overloading intended to avoid TLS lookup of pool manager. Seemingly not really useful since most Split()
-// operations will have an existing buffer to base a Copy() from
+// overloading for TLS
EXPORT_C TInt RMBufChain::Split(TInt anOffset, RMBufChain& newChain, RMBufAllocator& /* aRMBufAllocator */)
- return RMBufChain::Split ( anOffset, newChain );
+ return RCommsBufChain::Split ( anOffset, newChain );
--- a/commsprocess/commsrootserverconfig/CapTestFw_Configurator/common/Te_Cap_Configurator.IBY Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsprocess/commsrootserverconfig/CapTestFw_Configurator/common/Te_Cap_Configurator.IBY Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Te_cap_configurator.script TestData\Scripts\Te_cap_configurator.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000000_Te_Cap_ConfiguratorSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000000_Te_Cap_ConfiguratorSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000004_Te_Cap_ConfiguratorSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000004_Te_Cap_ConfiguratorSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000400_Te_Cap_ConfiguratorSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000400_Te_Cap_ConfiguratorSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000404_Te_Cap_ConfiguratorSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000404_Te_Cap_ConfiguratorSub.script
--- a/commsprocess/commsrootserverconfig/Te_Configurator/util/src/configloader.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/commsprocess/commsrootserverconfig/Te_Configurator/util/src/configloader.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@
// Leave with last seen error, if any
- User::Leave(err);
+// User::Leave(err);
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/src/coretiernotificationactivity.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/CoreProviders/src/coretiernotificationactivity.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -168,16 +168,16 @@
// set up a session with each collector
for (TInt sessionId=0 ; sessionId<aCollectors.Count() ; ++sessionId)
- MDataCollector* collector = aCollectors[sessionId];
- aCollectors[sessionId] = NULL;
- CleanupStack::PushL(collector);
- CDataCollectorSession* newCollectorSession = CDataCollectorSession::NewL(collector, *this, sessionId);
- CleanupStack::Pop(collector);
- CleanupStack::PushL(newCollectorSession);
- iCollectorSessions.AppendL(newCollectorSession);
- CleanupStack::Pop(newCollectorSession);
+ CDataCollectorSession* newCollector = CDataCollectorSession::NewL(aCollectors[sessionId], *this, sessionId );
+ CleanupStack::PushL(newCollector);
+ iCollectorSessions.AppendL(newCollector);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(newCollector);
+ // now owned by the CDataCollectorSession in iCollectorSessions so don't want it to be in the cleanup path twice!
+ aCollectors[sessionId] = 0;
// Must run session creation and start loops separately in case the initial data fetch is synchronous.
// Reasoning:
// when a full set of data for each collector is received, notification is only allowed if all
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/Documentation/Control Plane Connection Stack(phase 1).mdl Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24416 +0,0 @@
-(object Petal
- version 43
- _written "Rose 6.5.9232.10"
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- (object Mechanism @1
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$0"
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- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
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- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "GetByName"
- quid "41AB59010311"
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- (object Message "QueryComplete"
- quid "41AB592A0215"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- (object Message "GetByName"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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- (object Message "QueryComplete"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "4"
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- (object Message "SetOption"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.6"
- ordinal 10)))
- (object Link
- quid "41AB5A330393"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$0"
- quidu "41AB58A7011C"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "RequiresConnectionStartup"
- quid "41AB5A330394"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 2)
- (object Message "HandleConnectionSetup"
- quid "41AB5A640162"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.2"
- ordinal 3)
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "421CB0490390"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.1.1"
- ordinal 15)))
- (object Link
- quid "41AB5D450068"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$2"
- quidu "41AB5CD20153"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SubConnectionEvent"
- quid "41AB61FF011C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "3.1"
- ordinal 14)
- (object Message "StartL"
- quid "41C07CD103DD"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.7"
- ordinal 11
- Operation "StartL( )"
- quidu "41C303FB0299")
- (object Message "JoinL"
- quid "41C804CE0034"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.5"
- ordinal 8)))
- (object Link
- quid "41AB5F2002CE"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$3"
- quidu "41AB5EFA0002"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider (layerId,protocolId,this,[OID])"
- quid "41AB5F2002CF"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.3"
- ordinal 4
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41C6B9CD03AB")
- (object Message "SelectComplete"
- quid "41C2E3B30156"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2.3.2"
- ordinal 6)))
- (object Link
- quid "41CC02F700CC"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$4"
- quidu "41CC02940029"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL(selected connection,EAttachToDefault)"
- quid "41CC02F700CD"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.4"
- ordinal 7
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163"))))
- class "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$1"
- quid "41AB58D9006A"
- class "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolvProvdBase"
- quidu "41A889D9031B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$2"
- quid "41AB5CD20153"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41AB632202AB"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$2"
- quidu "41AB5CD20153"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "DoControlClientJoiningL"
- quid "422C99D10107"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.5.1"
- ordinal 9))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$3"
- quid "41AB5EFA0002"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C1A46900CD"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$3"
- quidu "41AB5EFA0002"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider (LayerTID,OID)"
- quid "41C1A46900CE"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.3.1"
- ordinal 5
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41C6B9CD03AB"))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$5"
- quid "41AB604E0065"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41AB6160016D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$2"
- quidu "41AB5CD20153"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Notify"
- quid "41AB6160016E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 13
- Operation "Notify( )"
- quidu "41C2E4FB0230")
- (object Message "StartL"
- quid "41C07D040138"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2.7.1"
- ordinal 12
- Operation "StartL( )"
- quidu "41C30946012C"))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$4"
- quid "41CC02940029"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @2
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$6"
- quid "41ACA0D9033F"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41ACA14F03AD"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$7"
- quidu "41ACA12600F1"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider"
- quid "41ACA14F03AE"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41CC1C9402D3")))
- (object Link
- quid "41ACA170009D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$8"
- quidu "41ACA1390167"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectComplete"
- quid "421CBAE90350"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2.2"
- ordinal 7)
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "421CBBE200F1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "3.1"
- ordinal 9))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$9"
- quid "41ACA0EC0383"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41ACA10703E6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$6"
- quidu "41ACA0D9033F"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "StartL(NID)"
- quid "41ACA10703E7"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0)
- (object Message "ReqComplete"
- quid "421CBBFF03B9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "3.1.1"
- ordinal 10))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$7"
- quid "41ACA12600F1"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421CB92D0102"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$8"
- quidu "41ACA1390167"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider"
- quid "421CB97902D6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41CC1C9402D3"))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A8839B0038"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$8"
- quid "41ACA1390167"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41ACFE5B0108"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$10"
- quidu "41ACFE4D02EC"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Query(NID)"
- quid "421CB99B039D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 3)))
- (object Link
- quid "41ACFEBB0198"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$11"
- quidu "41ACFEA9031D"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "421CB9D90341"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41CC1C9402D3")
- (object Message "SelectComplete"
- quid "421CBA0400F3"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 5)
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "421CBBCB0383"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 8)))
- (object Link
- quid "41AD0030019B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$8"
- quidu "41ACA1390167"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "421CBB01037D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 6))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CIPNetworkProviderFactory"
- quidu "41A87FA203D9"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$10"
- quid "41ACFE4D02EC"
- class "Logical View::CCommDb"
- quidu "41ACFE3D01AC"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$11"
- quid "41ACFEA9031D"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @3
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$12"
- quid "41AC9607011F"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41AC96070129"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$13"
- quidu "41AC9607012D"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Bearer"
- quid "41AC9607012A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$13"
- quid "41AC9607012D"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41AC9607012C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$14"
- quidu "41AC96070130"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindProvider(LayerTID,OID)"
- quid "41AC9A1B022F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1)))
- (object Link
- quid "41AC9A8801A0"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$13"
- quidu "41AC9607012D"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41D3412201D0"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.4"
- ordinal 6)))
- (object Link
- quid "41D340A7011F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$15"
- quidu "41D3407F01D5"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41D340A70120"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 2)
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- quid "41D340F50095"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.3"
- ordinal 4)
- (object Message "JoinCompleted / JoinFailed"
- quid "41D3410602E8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
- quidu "41A85E7502CE"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$14"
- quid "41AC96070130"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41AC9607012F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$14"
- quidu "41AC96070130"))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$15"
- quid "41D3407F01D5"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "422C998B01D7"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$15"
- quidu "41D3407F01D5"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "DoDataClientJoiningL"
- quid "422C998B01D8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.1"
- ordinal 3))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @4
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$16"
- quid "41AC95F100BA"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41AC95F100BB"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$17"
- quidu "41AC95F100BF"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NoBearer"
- quid "41AC95F100BC"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$17"
- quid "41AC95F100BF"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41AC95F100BE"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$18"
- quidu "41AC95F100C2"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider (protocolID,[OID],*selection observer)"
- quid "41AC95F100BD"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41C6B9CD03AB")
- (object Message "SelectComplete"
- quid "41C3333A00BB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2)))
- (object Link
- quid "41B7427400D9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$17"
- quidu "41AC95F100BF"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SetOption"
- quid "421DD4DA0037"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.5"
- ordinal 7)))
- (object Link
- quid "41CC03AC0004"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$19"
- quidu "41CC03850152"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL(selected connection,EAttachToDefault)"
- quid "41CC03AC0005"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 3
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163"))))
- class "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
- quidu "41A85E7502CE"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$18"
- quid "41AC95F100C2"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41AC95F100C1"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$18"
- quidu "41AC95F100C2")
- (object Link
- quid "41B755EF0148"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$20"
- quidu "41AC95F100C7"))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$20"
- quid "41AC95F100C7"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41AC9DF30194"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$20"
- quidu "41AC95F100C7"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "DoDataClientJoiningL"
- quid "422C995D0130"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.3.1"
- ordinal 5)))
- (object Link
- quid "41AC9E9401F9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$17"
- quidu "41AC95F100BF"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41C331930263"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "1.4"
- ordinal 6)
- (object Message "JoinL"
- quid "41C332CB01DC"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "1.3"
- ordinal 4)
- (object Message "JoinComplete"
- quid "422C99200131"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 8))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$19"
- quid "41CC03850152"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @5
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$21"
- quid "41B6E8FD01D0"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41B701DE0001"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$22"
- quidu "41B6E9370074"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider (layer,protocolID,[OID],*this)"
- quid "41B701DE0002"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41C6B9CD03AB"))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$22"
- quid "41B6E9370074"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41B7022E0165"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$23"
- quidu "41B6EF0C000D")
- (object Link
- quid "41C1A95F009C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$24"
- quidu "41C1A9150148")
- (object Link
- quid "41C1C3E802ED"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$22"
- quidu "41B6E9370074"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41C1C76E0164"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "FindFactory(protocolID)")))
- (object Link
- quid "41C1C78A00EF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$25"
- quidu "41C1C6E600E2"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider([OID],aThis)"
- quid "41C1C78A00F0"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 2
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41CC1C9402D3")))
- (object Link
- quid "41C1C9B601E0"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$26"
- quidu "41C1C87D02C2"))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$23"
- quid "41B6EF0C000D"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C1AE9E03E3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$21"
- quidu "41B6E8FD01D0"))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession"
- quidu "41A77CCA0251"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$24"
- quid "41C1A9150148"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C1ABF30094"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$23"
- quidu "41B6EF0C000D"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ProgressNotification( )"
- quid "41C1CB310100"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 11
- quidu "41C839AC005C")
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "421D0A960257"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 9)
- (object Message "StartL"
- quid "421D0AA101E5"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 10)
- (object Message "SubConnectionEvent"
- quid "421D0AF603A1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 15)
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- quid "421D0B0F023F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "5"
- ordinal 16)
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- quid "421D0B2601B6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 14
- Operation "SelectionComplete( )"
- quidu "41C839AF022D")))
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- quid "41C1C0FF0038"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$21"
- quidu "41B6E8FD01D0")
- (object Link
- quid "41C1C5B4038E"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$24"
- quidu "41C1A9150148"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "421D0B4C0356"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5.2"
- ordinal 19)))
- (object Link
- quid "421D0AC3039D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$27"
- quidu "421D09B40135"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "421D0AC3039E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 12)
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "421D0B7D01DB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5.1"
- ordinal 17))))
- class "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$25"
- quid "41C1C6E600E2"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C1C7B5039F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$24"
- quidu "41C1A9150148")
- (object Link
- quid "421D0A0D0365"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$27"
- quidu "421D09B40135"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "421D0A0D0366"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.1"
- ordinal 3)
- (object Message "Select"
- quid "421D0A160355"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.2"
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CIPNetworkProviderFactory"
- quidu "41A87FA203D9"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$26"
- quid "41C1C87D02C2"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C1CACF022B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$24"
- quidu "41C1A9150148"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "421D0A750064"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7)
- (object Message "Select"
- quid "421D0A850284"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 8
- Operation "Select( )"
- quidu "41C839A501F7")))
- (object Link
- quid "41C1CB4C0120"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$25"
- quidu "41C1C6E600E2"))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$27"
- quid "421D09B40135"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421D0A270363"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$22"
- quidu "41B6E9370074"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindFactory(KShimConnectionProviderFactoryId)"
- quid "421D0A270364"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5)))
- (object Link
- quid "421D0A5E01FB"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$26"
- quidu "41C1C87D02C2"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider"
- quid "421D0A5E01FC"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41CC1C9402D3")))
- (object Link
- quid "421D0B9A0288"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$21"
- quidu "41B6E8FD01D0"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ProgressNotification"
- quid "421D0B9A0289"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1.1"
- ordinal 13)
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "421D0BC2033A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5.1.1"
- ordinal 18)))
- (object Link
- quid "421D0BDC0144"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$27"
- quidu "421D09B40135"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "delete this"
- quid "421D0BDC0145"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5.1.2"
- ordinal 20))))
- class "Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector"
- quidu "421A2BA8032E"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @6
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$28"
- quid "41BD8DCF0008"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41BD93C80160"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$29"
- quidu "41BD8DE600CA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL(connProv,TSubConnType)"
- quid "421DD76501CD"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163")))
- (object Link
- quid "421DD721039C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$30"
- quidu "41BD92C8009C"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindProvider(AddressFamily)"
- quid "421DD721039D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- Operation "FindProvider(, , )"
- quidu "41C306020141"))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$29"
- quid "41BD8DE600CA"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41BD94710003"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$29"
- quidu "41BD8DE600CA")
- (object Link
- quid "41BD94BE0310"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$30"
- quidu "41BD92C8009C")
- (object Link
- quid "41BF3333005A"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$31"
- quidu "41BD944F0285"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "421DD7BE0207"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 2)
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL(connProvNextLayer,TSubConnType)"
- quid "421DDF620083"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2.1.4"
- ordinal 8
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163"))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$32"
- quid "41BD92B903DA"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "422CA1E502A6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$33"
- quidu "41BD9503012E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinL"
- quid "422CA1E502A7"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4
- Operation "JoinL( )"
- quidu "41C30A56024B"))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$30"
- quid "41BD92C8009C"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41BD95290146"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$30"
- quidu "41BD92C8009C")
- (object Link
- quid "41BD953D03B2"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$33"
- quidu "41BD9503012E"))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$31"
- quid "41BD944F0285"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41BF334800BF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$32"
- quidu "41BD92B903DA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "421DDEBF024C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1.1"
- ordinal 3)
- (object Message "AttachToNext"
- quid "421DDFD7028A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1.5"
- ordinal 9
- Operation "AttachToNext( )"
- quidu "41C3193E010E")))
- (object Link
- quid "421DDED1002B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$28"
- quidu "41BD8DCF0008")
- (object Link
- quid "421DE1760129"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$31"
- quidu "41BD944F0285"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Get Next Layer Info"
- quid "421DE176012A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1.3"
- ordinal 7))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87F61023B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$33"
- quid "41BD9503012E"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41BD95A400B6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$31"
- quidu "41BD944F0285"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NextLayer"
- quid "421DDEE903AB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2.1.2"
- ordinal 6
- Operation "NextLayer( )"
- quidu "41C34B800205")))
- (object Link
- quid "41BDA1920229"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$29"
- quidu "41BD8DE600CA")
- (object Link
- quid "422CA2150148"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$33"
- quidu "41BD9503012E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "DoDataClientJoiningL"
- quid "422CA21F01ED"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @7
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$34"
- quid "41BED53A011B"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41BED53A011C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$34"
- quidu "41BED53A011B")
- (object Link
- quid "41BED6BE02BE"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$35"
- quidu "41BED5A9039C"))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$36"
- quid "41BED5420394"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41BED660004C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$34"
- quidu "41BED53A011B"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider(layer,protocolId,selection info,IselectionNotify)"
- quid "41C5B73501C8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41C6B9CD03AB")
- (object Message "SelectionComplete"
- quid "41E2CBA0031A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1)))
- (object Link
- quid "41C1D2EB0025"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$37"
- quidu "41BED6440290"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41C1D2EB0026"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2
- Operation "StartL( )"
- quidu "41C30946012C")
- (object Message "Progress"
- quid "41C1D47E03B8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7)
- (object Message "LinkUp"
- quid "421DE1CB01FD"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 9))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$35"
- quid "41BED5A9039C"
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$37"
- quid "41BED6440290"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C1D32900FE"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$34"
- quidu "41BED53A011B")
- (object Link
- quid "41C1D3DC0263"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$35"
- quidu "41BED5A9039C"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41C1D3DC0264"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.2"
- ordinal 5
- Operation "StartL( )"
- quidu "41C30946012C")
- (object Message "Progress"
- quid "41C1D40701E8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "3.2.1"
- ordinal 6)
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- quid "41C1D46102EB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "3.2.2"
- ordinal 8)))
- (object Link
- quid "41E2CB0302FA"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$38"
- quidu "41E2CAE2008E"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41E2CB0302FB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3.1"
- ordinal 3
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41CC1C9402D3")
- (object Message "SelectionComplete"
- quid "41E2CBBB007B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$38"
- quid "41E2CAE2008E"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A8839B0038"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @8
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$39"
- quid "41BF306501DA"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41BF306501DE"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$40"
- quidu "41BF306501EE"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Select"
- quid "41BF306501DF"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "Select( )"
- quidu "41C839A501F7")
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL (selection info)"
- quid "41C1FF4B0320"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5)))
- (object Link
- quid "41BF31F90107"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$41"
- quidu "41BF31D20269"))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$40"
- quid "41BF306501EE"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41BF306501ED"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$42"
- quidu "41BF306501F4"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "StartL"
- quid "41BF306501F1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.2"
- ordinal 3)
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "41C1FED1035E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 2)
- (object Message "SelectComplete"
- quid "41C1FF0C0039"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2.2.1"
- ordinal 4)))
- (object Link
- quid "41BF306501EF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$43"
- quidu "41BF306501F5")
- (object Link
- quid "41C200E503E6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$44"
- quidu "41C1FDA80257"))
- class "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$43"
- quid "41BF306501F5"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C06B14016A"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$42"
- quid "41BF306501F4"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C202AA016F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$41"
- quidu "41BF31D20269"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SubConnectionEvent(sub-connection handle)"
- quid "41C202AA0170"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.2.2"
- ordinal 6
- Operation "SubConnectionEvent"
- quidu "41C31751019B")
- (object Message "Progress"
- quid "41C2039D012D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.2.3"
- ordinal 9))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession"
- quidu "41A77CCA0251"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$41"
- quid "41BF31D20269"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C202E0010A"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$43"
- quidu "41BF306501F5"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL( layerTID,protocolId)"
- quid "41C202E0010B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( KSubConnectionShimUid)"))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$44"
- quid "41C1FDA80257"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C2026401B3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$41"
- quidu "41BF31D20269"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SubConnectionEvent(sub-connection handle)"
- quid "41C2040B0232"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 8)
- (object Message "Progress"
- quid "41C204470316"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 10)
- (object Message "LinkUp"
- quid "41C20458036B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 11)))
- (object Link
- quid "41E2BB660355"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$39"
- quidu "41BF306501DA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider"
- quid "41E929B9020F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41CC1C9402D3"))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @9
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$45"
- quid "41C06E75026B"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C0719F0234"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$46"
- quidu "41C06EAF0221"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ServiceL(aMessage)"
- quid "41C0719F0235"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "ServiceL"))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::RConnection"
- quidu "41B1D83B017A"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$47"
- quid "41C06E8C00AD"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C0714C00E6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$45"
- quidu "41C06E75026B"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ProgressNotification"
- quid "41C0714C00E7"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$46"
- quid "41C06EAF0221"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C071B2039B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$48"
- quidu "41C070AE00E1"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindProvider"
- quid "41C071B2039C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 3)))
- (object Link
- quid "41C07270011D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$46"
- quidu "41C06EAF0221"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41C07270011E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2)))
- (object Link
- quid "41C072FC00D5"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$49"
- quidu "41C070C702D3"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ServiceL(shimclient.aMessage)"
- quid "41C072FC00D6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.4"
- ordinal 5
- Operation "ServiceL(aMessage)")))
- (object Link
- quid "421DE2E2017C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$50"
- quidu "421DE2AD034D"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SendMessage(CQueryTypeId)"
- quid "421DE2E2017D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.3"
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSession"
- quidu "41C06F440273"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$48"
- quid "41C070AE00E1"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$49"
- quid "41C070C702D3"
- collaborators (list link_list
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- quid "41C073280116"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$49"
- quidu "41C070C702D3")
- (object Link
- quid "421DE360005B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$51"
- quidu "421DE33B02BB"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ServiceL(aMessage)"
- quid "421DE360005C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6))))
- class "Logical View::Interface::CSubConnection"
- quidu "41A767EE0271"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$50"
- quid "421DE2AD034D"
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$51"
- quid "421DE33B02BB"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DE384014D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$51"
- quidu "421DE33B02BB"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "RequestSubConnectionProgressNotificationL(aMessage)"
- quid "421DE384014E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::MShimControlClient"
- quidu "41F0137D0060"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @10
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$52"
- quid "41C076700365"
- class "Logical View::Connection::RConnection"
- quidu "41B1D83B017A"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$53"
- quid "41C07670036A"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C076700369"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$52"
- quidu "41C076700365"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "RequestComplete"
- quid "41C078A8032E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$54"
- quid "41C076700375"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C076700374"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$54"
- quidu "41C076700375")
- (object Link
- quid "41C0787D0212"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$55"
- quidu "41C078540148"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Complete"
- quid "41C0787D0213"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.1"
- ordinal 3))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$56"
- quid "41C0768000CA"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C077CA032E"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$56"
- quidu "41C0768000CA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindSubConnection"
- quid "41C077CA032F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1)))
- (object Link
- quid "41C0780200A6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$54"
- quidu "41C076700375"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41C0780200A7"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 2
- Operation "ProgressNotification( )"
- quidu "41C316950133"))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$57"
- quid "41C076960217"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C077840031"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$56"
- quidu "41C0768000CA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ProgressNotification"
- quid "41C077840032"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession"
- quidu "41A77CCA0251"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$55"
- quid "41C078540148"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C0789801A4"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$52"
- quidu "41C076700365"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "RequestComplete"
- quid "41C0789801A5"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::RMessage2"
- quidu "41C07849000C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @11
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$58"
- quid "41C177B100DE"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C177B100DF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$59"
- quidu "41C177B100E6"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41C177B100E0"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "ServiceL"))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::RSubConnection"
- quidu "41C177E40146"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$60"
- quid "41C177B100E3"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C177B100E2"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$58"
- quidu "41C177B100DE"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Create"
- quid "41C177B100E1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$59"
- quid "41C177B100E6"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C177B100E5"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$61"
- quidu "41C177B100EB")
- (object Link
- quid "41C177B100E7"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$59"
- quidu "41C177B100E6"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "41C177B100E8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2)))
- (object Link
- quid "41C178E80280"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$62"
- quidu "41C1788E024F"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ServiceL(aMessage)"
- quid "41C178E80281"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.2"
- ordinal 3))))
- class "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSession"
- quidu "41C06F440273"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$61"
- quid "41C177B100EB"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$62"
- quid "41C1788E024F"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C179A003D9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$62"
- quidu "41C1788E024F"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "CreateL"
- quid "41C179A003DA"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4)))
- (object Link
- quid "41C17A5100A1"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$63"
- quidu "41C17A3201BC"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ConnectionProvider"
- quid "41C17A5100A2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5)))
- (object Link
- quid "41C17A6700D6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$61"
- quidu "41C177B100EB"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL(connProv,ECreateNew/EAttachToDefault)"
- quid "41C17A6700D7"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163")))
- (object Link
- quid "41C18D540292"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$64"
- quidu "41C18CE90177"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinL"
- quid "41C18D540293"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7))))
- class "Logical View::Interface::CSubConnection"
- quidu "41A767EE0271"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$63"
- quid "41C17A3201BC"
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$64"
- quid "41C18CE90177"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C18DB70224"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$61"
- quidu "41C177B100EB")
- (object Link
- quid "422C9ACE03E1"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$64"
- quidu "41C18CE90177"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "DoControlClientJoiningL"
- quid "422C9ACE03E2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 8))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @12
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$65"
- quid "41C3467900FA"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C3472A030B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$66"
- quidu "41C3470C0145"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL(layerTID,protocolId,[OID])"
- quid "41C3472A030C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163")))
- (object Link
- quid "41C347F00364"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$67"
- quidu "41C346930008"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "AttachToNext(sub-connection handle)"
- quid "41C347F00365"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 2
- Operation "AttachToNext( )"
- quidu "41C3193E010E"))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$67"
- quid "41C346930008"
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$68"
- quid "41C346A80348"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C346E300E1"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$65"
- quidu "41C3467900FA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SubConnectionEvent(sub-connection handle)"
- quid "41C346E300E2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$66"
- quid "41C3470C0145"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @13
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$69"
- quid "41C5C6B50065"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$70"
- quid "41C5C6B50068"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C5C6B50067"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$69"
- quidu "41C5C6B50065"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProvider(protocolId, connection info)"
- quid "41C5C6B50066"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0)
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProvider(KShimConnectionProviderFactoryId, connection info)"
- quid "421DE5F201E8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1)))
- (object Link
- quid "41C5C6B50069"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$71"
- quidu "41C5C6B5006E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Join"
- quid "41C5C6B5006B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "7"
- ordinal 6)
- (object Message ""
- quid "421DE61B0346"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "6"
- ordinal 5)
- (object Message "JoinNextLayerL(shim)"
- quid "421DE687018B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 3)
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- quid "421DE6D100C0"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "8"
- ordinal 8)))
- (object Link
- quid "41E42CAE0344"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$70"
- quidu "41C5C6B50068"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "RequestComplete"
- quid "41E42CAE0345"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "9"
- ordinal 11)))
- (object Link
- quid "421DE6680081"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$72"
- quidu "421DE62802FF"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "421DE6680082"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2)
- (object Message "JoinNextLayerL(NULL)"
- quid "421DE6A4018D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5"
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$71"
- quid "41C5C6B5006E"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C6A888030E"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$69"
- quidu "41C5C6B50065")
- (object Link
- quid "421DE98100B9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$72"
- quidu "421DE62802FF"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "421DE98100BA"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "8.1"
- ordinal 9)))
- (object Link
- quid "422C9A6D0118"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$71"
- quidu "41C5C6B5006E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "DoControlClientJoiningL"
- quid "422C9A6D0119"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "7.1"
- ordinal 7))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$72"
- quid "421DE62802FF"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DE9BF00EC"
- supplier "CNifSession"
- quidu "421DE9A7028B"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "AttachToConnection"
- quid "421DE9BF00ED"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "8.1.1"
- ordinal 10))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "CNifSession"
- quid "421DE9A7028B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @14
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$73"
- quid "41C6AC2F02F4"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C6ACF3035A"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$74"
- quidu "41C6AC3C02A3"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "AllInterfaceNotificationL"
- quid "41C6ACF3035B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0)
- (object Message "RequestComplete"
- quid "41E576B903C3"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2.1.1"
- ordinal 8))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$74"
- quid "41C6AC3C02A3"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C6AD0E024B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$75"
- quidu "41C6AC69026C"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "RegisterNotifierL"
- quid "41C6AD0E024C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "RegisterNotifierL( )"
- quidu "41E56F3E0335")))
- (object Link
- quid "41C6ADC6032C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$76"
- quidu "41C6ACE100D3"))
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$75"
- quid "41C6AC69026C"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C6AD4B01F8"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$76"
- quidu "41C6ACE100D3"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "RegisterNotifierL"
- quid "41C6AD4B01F9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1.1"
- ordinal 2
- Operation "RegisterNotifierL( )"
- quidu "41E56F61021E"))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$76"
- quid "41C6ACE100D3"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41C6ADBA02A2"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$77"
- quidu "41C6ACEA0203"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "DoRegisterNotifierL"
- quid "41C6ADBA02A3"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 3
- quidu "41E56F6B01F1"))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A8839B0038"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$77"
- quid "41C6ACEA0203"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "41E570390207"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$78"
- quidu "41E5702200C3"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "41E570390208"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4)
- (object Message "AllInterfaceNotificationL"
- quid "41E5707001C2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5)
- (object Message "InterfaceStateChangeNotification"
- quid "41E570C40324"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 6)))
- (object Link
- quid "41E5769B02C4"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$74"
- quidu "41C6AC3C02A3"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "InterfaceStateChangeNotification"
- quid "41E5769B02C5"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 7))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$78"
- quid "41E5702200C3"
- class "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession"
- quidu "41A77CCA0251"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @15
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$79"
- quid "421DEB650368"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DF19700E9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$80"
- quidu "421DEB7401A7"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinL"
- quid "421DF19700EA"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- Operation "JoinL( )"
- quidu "41C30A56024B")
- (object Message "ConnectionControlActivityL"
- quid "421DF1A400D4"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 2))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$80"
- quid "421DEB7401A7"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DF1BC036E"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$81"
- quidu "421DEB88017E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ConnectionControlActivityL"
- quid "421DF1BC036F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 3)))
- (object Link
- quid "422C9A450355"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$80"
- quidu "421DEB7401A7"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "422C9A450356"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$81"
- quid "421DEB88017E"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DF1C70388"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$82"
- quidu "421DEC35005E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ConnectionJoining"
- quid "421DF1C70389"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1.1"
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$82"
- quid "421DEC35005E"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DF1D800A8"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$83"
- quidu "421DEC5C00DD"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "421DF1D800A9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::NifManSubConnectionShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$83"
- quid "421DEC5C00DD"
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @16
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$84"
- quid "421DF22E00B7"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DF22E00B8"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$85"
- quidu "421DF22E00BB"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Leave"
- quid "421DF22E00B9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- Operation "Leave( )"
- quidu "41C30A5E02C5")
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- quid "421DF22E00BA"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 2))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$85"
- quid "421DF22E00BB"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DF22E00BC"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$86"
- quidu "421DF22E00C0"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ConnectionControlActivityL"
- quid "421DF22E00BD"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 3)))
- (object Link
- quid "422F07F503BC"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$85"
- quidu "421DF22E00BB"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "422F07F503BD"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$86"
- quid "421DF22E00C0"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DF22E00BF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$87"
- quidu "421DF22E00C3"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ConnectionLeaving"
- quid "421DF22E00BE"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1.1"
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$87"
- quid "421DF22E00C3"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "421DF22E00C2"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$88"
- quidu "421DF22E00C4"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "delete"
- quid "421DF22E00C1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::NifManSubConnectionShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$88"
- quid "421DF22E00C4"
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @17
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$89"
- quid "4241AABF01D0"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4241AB9400F0"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$89"
- quidu "4241AABF01D0"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewSocketL"
- quid "4241AB9400F1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0)))
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- quid "4241ABAE021A"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$90"
- quidu "4241AAF601EE"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinInterfaceL"
- quid "4241ABAE021B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1))))
- class "Logical View::CPlayer"
- quidu "41A773DB02DF"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$91"
- quid "4241AAE501F3"
- class "Logical View::Service::CSocket"
- quidu "41A863A900AC"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$90"
- quid "4241AAF601EE"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4241ABE50291"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$91"
- quidu "4241AAE501F3"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Provider()"
- quid "4241ABE50292"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 2)))
- (object Link
- quid "4241AC0B0390"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$92"
- quidu "4241AB1B036D"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "4241AC0B0391"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.2"
- ordinal 3
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163")))
- (object Link
- quid "4241AC240314"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$93"
- quidu "4241AB5803E3"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "4241AC240315"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.3"
- ordinal 4)
- (object Message "SetConnectionInfo"
- quid "4241AC4A00DE"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.4"
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$92"
- quid "4241AB1B036D"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$93"
- quid "4241AB5803E3"
- class "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
- quidu "41A85E7502CE"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @18
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$94"
- quid "4241B2060145"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4241B2060146"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$94"
- quidu "4241B2060145"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewHostResolverL"
- quid "4241B2060147"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0)))
- (object Link
- quid "4241B2060148"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$95"
- quidu "4241B206014C"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinInterfaceL"
- quid "4241B2060149"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1))))
- class "Logical View::CPlayer"
- quidu "41A773DB02DF"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$95"
- quid "4241B206014C"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4241B206014D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$96"
- quidu "4241B2060153"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "4241B206014E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.1"
- ordinal 2
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163")))
- (object Link
- quid "4241B206014F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$97"
- quidu "4241B2060154"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinSubConnectionL"
- quid "4241B2060150"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.2"
- ordinal 3))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$96"
- quid "4241B2060153"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$97"
- quid "4241B2060154"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4241B32403C8"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$97"
- quidu "4241B2060154"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SetConnection"
- quid "4241B32403C9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2.2.1"
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
- (object UseCaseDiagram "Main"
- quid "41A74B8C0288"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 3
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Use Case View::Client" @19
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1200, 832)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @19
- location (1200, 992)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 327
- justify 0
- label "Client")
- icon "Actor"
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object NoteView @20
- location (1232, 256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @20
- location (373, 147)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 1683
- label
-|A SubConnection can start via:
-|- RSubConnection::Attach()
-|- CSocket::NoBearer/CHostResolver::QueryComplete(KErrComletion) (an implicit one)
-|- CConnectionProvdBase::StartL in case the connection needs 1 or more subconnection(s)
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1743
- height 231)
- (object NoteView @21
- location (1232, 484)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @21
- location (373, 375)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 1683
- label
-|A Connection can start via:
-|- RConnection::Start()
-|- CSubConnectionProviderBase::StartL (an implicit one) or CImplicitSelection::StartL that is basically the same as the point 1. (see "Data side connection request" sequence)
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1743
- height 231)))
- (object InteractionDiagram "CHostResolver start implicit"
- mechanism_ref @1
- quid "41AB58810294"
- title "CHostResolver start implicit"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$0" @22
- location (736, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @22
- location (736, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 284
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41AB58A7011C"
- width 302
- height 2297
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @23
- location (736, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @22
- height 120
- y_coord 60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @24
- location (736, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @22
- height 1364
- y_coord 1304
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @25
- location (736, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @22
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @26
- location (736, 672)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @22
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @27
- location (736, 960)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @22
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @28
- location (736, 1920)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @22
- height 392
- y_coord 332
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @29
- location (736, 2048)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @22
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @30
- location (736, 2304)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @22
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$1" @31
- location (320, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @31
- location (320, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 434
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41AB58D9006A"
- width 452
- height 2297
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @32
- location (320, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @31
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @33
- location (320, 448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @31
- height 1456
- y_coord 1396
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @34
- location (320, 1456)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @31
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @35
- location (320, 2160)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @31
- height 264
- y_coord 204
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @36
- location (320, 2192)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @31
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$2" @37
- location (2704, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @37
- location (2704, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 568
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41AB5CD20153"
- width 586
- height 2297
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @38
- location (2704, 1232)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @37
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @39
- location (2704, 1328)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @37
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @40
- location (2704, 1632)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @37
- height 152
- y_coord 92
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @41
- location (2704, 1856)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @37
- height 516
- y_coord 456
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$5" @42
- location (3264, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @42
- location (3264, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 486
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41AB604E0065"
- width 504
- height 2297
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @43
- location (3264, 1664)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @42
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @44
- location (3264, 1712)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @42
- height 720
- y_coord 660
- Nested TRUE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$4" @45
- location (2016, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @45
- location (2016, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 710
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41CC02940029"
- width 728
- height 2297
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @46
- location (2016, 1056)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @45
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$3" @47
- location (1280, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @47
- location (1280, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 724
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "41AB5EFA0002"
- width 742
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- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @48
- location (1280, 816)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @47
- height 264
- y_coord 204
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @49
- location (1280, 896)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @47
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
- (object InterMessView "" @50
- location (16, 352)
- label (object SegLabel @51
- Parent_View @50
- location (528, 308)
- quidu "41AB59010311"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1269
- justify 0
- label "GetByName"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @31
- Focus_Src @23
- Focus_Entry @32
- origin (720, 352)
- terminus (336, 352)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @52
- location (16, 480)
- label (object SegLabel @53
- Parent_View @52
- location (527, 436)
- quidu "41AB592A0215"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1627
- justify 0
- label "QueryComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @31
- supplier @22
- Focus_Src @33
- Focus_Entry @24
- origin (335, 480)
- terminus (720, 480)
- ordinal 1)
- (object NoteView @54
- location (320, 688)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @54
- location (51, 578)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 502
- label "KErrCompletion indicates DND could not find name locally, and a connection should be started.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 562
- height 232)
- (object AttachView "" @55
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @52
- supplier @54
- line_style 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @56
- location (16, 560)
- label (object SegLabel @57
- Parent_View @56
- location (827, 516)
- quidu "41AB5A330394"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 2866
- justify 0
- label "RequiresConnectionStartup"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @22
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @25
- origin (752, 560)
- terminus (902, 560)
- ordinal 2)
- (object SelfMessView "" @58
- location (16, 672)
- label (object SegLabel @59
- Parent_View @58
- location (827, 628)
- quidu "41AB5A640162"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 2522
- justify 0
- label "HandleConnectionSetup"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @22
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @26
- origin (752, 672)
- terminus (902, 672)
- ordinal 3)
- (object InterMessView "" @60
- location (16, 816)
- label (object SegLabel @61
- Parent_View @60
- location (1007, 772)
- quidu "41AB5F2002CF"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1567
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider (layerId,protocolId,this,[OID])"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @47
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @48
- origin (751, 816)
- terminus (1264, 816)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @62
- location (16, 1856)
- label (object SegLabel @63
- Parent_View @62
- location (2984, 1812)
- quidu "41AB6160016E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1761
- justify 0
- label "Notify"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @42
- supplier @37
- Focus_Src @44
- Focus_Entry @41
- origin (3248, 1856)
- terminus (2720, 1856)
- ordinal 13)
- (object InterMessView "" @64
- location (16, 1920)
- label (object SegLabel @65
- Parent_View @64
- location (1720, 1876)
- quidu "41AB61FF011C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 2179
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @37
- supplier @22
- Focus_Src @41
- Focus_Entry @28
- origin (2688, 1920)
- terminus (752, 1920)
- ordinal 14)
- (object InterMessView "" @66
- location (16, 2192)
- label (object SegLabel @67
- Parent_View @66
- location (528, 2148)
- quidu "41AB63F000E4"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1269
- justify 0
- label "GetByName"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @31
- Focus_Src @28
- Focus_Entry @36
- origin (720, 2192)
- terminus (336, 2192)
- ordinal 16)
- (object NoteView @68
- location (1152, 2112)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @68
- location (877, 2028)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 515
- label "Re-issue the GetByName() after the connection has been started.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 575
- height 181)
- (object InterMessView "" @69
- location (16, 2304)
- label (object SegLabel @70
- Parent_View @69
- location (527, 2260)
- quidu "41AB64700283"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1627
- justify 0
- label "QueryComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @31
- supplier @22
- Focus_Src @35
- Focus_Entry @30
- origin (335, 2304)
- terminus (720, 2304)
- ordinal 17)
- (object AttachView "" @71
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @68
- supplier @66
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @72
- location (1120, 1472)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @72
- location (813, 1366)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 578
- label "Bind service provider with the connection. Should be moved to CControlledServProvider once all providers are based on it.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 638
- height 225)
- (object InterMessView "" @73
- location (16, 1632)
- label (object SegLabel @74
- Parent_View @73
- location (1719, 1588)
- quidu "41C07CD103DD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 316
- justify 0
- label "StartL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @37
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @40
- origin (751, 1632)
- terminus (2688, 1632)
- ordinal 11)
- (object InterMessView "" @75
- location (16, 1664)
- label (object SegLabel @76
- Parent_View @75
- location (2983, 1620)
- quidu "41C07D040138"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 109
- justify 0
- label "StartL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @37
- supplier @42
- Focus_Src @40
- Focus_Entry @43
- origin (2719, 1664)
- terminus (3248, 1664)
- ordinal 12)
- (object SelfMessView "" @77
- location (16, 896)
- label (object SegLabel @78
- Parent_View @77
- location (1371, 852)
- quidu "41C1A46900CE"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 522
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider (LayerTID,OID)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @47
- supplier @47
- Focus_Src @48
- Focus_Entry @49
- origin (1296, 896)
- terminus (1446, 896)
- ordinal 5)
- (object NoteView @79
- location (1664, 544)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @79
- location (1361, 435)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 571
- label "This selection goes all the way down to link/NIFMAN. And finally calls CConnectionProvdBase::StartL")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 631
- height 231)
- (object AttachView "" @80
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @79
- supplier @77
- line_style 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @81
- location (16, 960)
- label (object SegLabel @82
- Parent_View @81
- location (1008, 916)
- quidu "41C2E3B30156"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 297
- justify 0
- label "SelectComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @47
- supplier @22
- Focus_Src @48
- Focus_Entry @27
- origin (1264, 960)
- terminus (752, 960)
- ordinal 6)
- (object InterMessView "" @83
- location (16, 1232)
- label (object SegLabel @84
- Parent_View @83
- location (1719, 1188)
- quidu "41C804CE0034"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @37
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @38
- origin (751, 1232)
- terminus (2688, 1232)
- ordinal 8)
- (object InterMessView "" @85
- location (16, 1056)
- label (object SegLabel @86
- Parent_View @85
- location (1375, 1012)
- quidu "41CC02F700CD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1122
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(selected connection,EAttachToDefault)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @45
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @46
- origin (751, 1056)
- terminus (2000, 1056)
- ordinal 7)
- (object InterMessView "" @87
- location (16, 1456)
- label (object SegLabel @88
- Parent_View @87
- location (528, 1412)
- quidu "421CAFCD0380"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 181
- justify 0
- label "SetOption"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @31
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @34
- origin (720, 1456)
- terminus (336, 1456)
- ordinal 10)
- (object AttachView "" @89
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @72
- supplier @87
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @90
- location (2464, 848)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @90
- location (2017, 720)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 858
- label
-|see the "Data side connection request (CSocket::NoBearer)" sequence diagram for details on sub-connection / connection start-up. At the moment the connections's started on SelectComplete.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 918
- height 269)
- (object AttachView "" @91
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @90
- supplier @73
- line_style 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @92
- location (16, 2048)
- label (object SegLabel @93
- Parent_View @92
- location (827, 2004)
- quidu "421CB0490390"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 150
- justify 0
- label "LayerUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @22
- supplier @22
- Focus_Src @28
- Focus_Entry @29
- origin (752, 2048)
- terminus (902, 2048)
- ordinal 15)
- (object SelfMessView "" @94
- location (16, 1328)
- label (object SegLabel @95
- Parent_View @94
- location (2795, 1284)
- quidu "422C99D10107"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 422
- justify 0
- label "DoControlClientJoiningL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @37
- supplier @37
- Focus_Src @38
- Focus_Entry @39
- origin (2720, 1328)
- terminus (2870, 1328)
- ordinal 9)))
- (object InteractionDiagram "NID only Connection Start"
- mechanism_ref @2
- quid "41AB7542011C"
- title "NID only Connection Start"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 353
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$6" @96
- location (536, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @96
- location (536, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "41ACA0D9033F"
- width 300
- height 1257
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @97
- location (536, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @96
- height 464
- y_coord 404
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @98
- location (536, 944)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @96
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @99
- location (536, 1136)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @96
- height 136
- y_coord 76
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$9" @100
- location (240, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @100
- location (240, 265)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "Actor"
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41ACA0EC0383"
- width 336
- height 1257
- icon_height 162
- icon_width 120
- icon_y_offset -16
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @101
- location (240, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @100
- height 524
- y_coord 464
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @102
- location (240, 1152)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @100
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterMessView "" @103
- location (16, 384)
- label (object SegLabel @104
- Parent_View @103
- location (387, 340)
- quidu "41ACA10703E7"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 200
- justify 0
- label "StartL(NID)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @100
- supplier @96
- Focus_Src @101
- Focus_Entry @97
- origin (255, 384)
- terminus (520, 384)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$7" @105
- location (1024, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @105
- location (1024, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 634
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "41ACA12600F1"
- width 652
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- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @106
- location (1024, 448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @105
- height 340
- y_coord 280
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$8" @107
- location (1664, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @107
- location (1664, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 568
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41ACA1390167"
- width 586
- height 1257
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @108
- location (1664, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @107
- height 248
- y_coord 188
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @109
- location (1664, 752)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @107
- height 312
- y_coord 252
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @110
- location (1664, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @107
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @111
- location (1664, 1104)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @107
- height 228
- y_coord 168
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$10" @112
- location (2128, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @112
- location (2128, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "41ACFE4D02EC"
- width 300
- height 1257
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @113
- location (2128, 512)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @112
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$11" @114
- location (2640, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @114
- location (2640, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 630
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41ACFEA9031D"
- width 648
- height 1257
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @115
- location (2640, 608)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @114
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @116
- location (2640, 720)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @114
- height 672
- y_coord 612
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterMessView "" @117
- location (16, 448)
- label (object SegLabel @118
- Parent_View @117
- location (779, 404)
- quidu "41ACA14F03AE"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 831
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @96
- supplier @105
- Focus_Src @97
- Focus_Entry @106
- origin (551, 448)
- terminus (1008, 448)
- ordinal 1)
- (object NoteView @119
- location (1872, 368)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @119
- location (1640, 309)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 428
- label "Find all IAPs having NetworkId == NID")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 488
- height 131)
- (object NoteView @120
- location (2448, 448)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @120
- location (2251, 382)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 359
- label "Pick one and start it - no reconnect.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 419
- height 144)
- (object NoteView @121
- location (2096, 1248)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @121
- location (1827, 1157)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 502
- label
-|See "Connection Start" as to how the subconnection is started at this point.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 562
- height 194)
- (object NoteView @122
- location (1408, 656)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @122
- location (1239, 547)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 303
- label "In case of an error pick another one and start it.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 363
- height 231)
- (object NoteView @123
- location (1472, 1712)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @123
- location (528, 1653)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 1853
- label "This scenario should hopefully be the less painfull way how to start a connection given NID only.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1913
- height 131)
- (object InterMessView "" @124
- location (16, 480)
- label (object SegLabel @125
- Parent_View @124
- location (1343, 436)
- quidu "421CB97902D6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 259
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @105
- supplier @107
- Focus_Src @106
- Focus_Entry @108
- origin (1039, 480)
- terminus (1648, 480)
- ordinal 2)
- (object InterMessView "" @126
- location (16, 512)
- label (object SegLabel @127
- Parent_View @126
- location (1895, 468)
- quidu "421CB99B039D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 200
- justify 0
- label "Query(NID)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @107
- supplier @112
- Focus_Src @108
- Focus_Entry @113
- origin (1679, 512)
- terminus (2112, 512)
- ordinal 3)
- (object InterMessView "" @128
- location (16, 608)
- label (object SegLabel @129
- Parent_View @128
- location (2151, 564)
- quidu "421CB9D90341"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 259
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @107
- supplier @114
- Focus_Src @108
- Focus_Entry @115
- origin (1679, 608)
- terminus (2624, 608)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @130
- location (16, 752)
- label (object SegLabel @131
- Parent_View @130
- location (2152, 708)
- quidu "421CBA0400F3"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 725
- justify 0
- label "SelectComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @114
- supplier @107
- Focus_Src @116
- Focus_Entry @109
- origin (2624, 752)
- terminus (1680, 752)
- ordinal 5)
- (object InterMessView "" @132
- location (16, 944)
- label (object SegLabel @133
- Parent_View @132
- location (1100, 900)
- quidu "421CBAE90350"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "SelectComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @107
- supplier @96
- Focus_Src @109
- Focus_Entry @98
- origin (1648, 944)
- terminus (552, 944)
- ordinal 7)
- (object SelfMessView "" @134
- location (16, 832)
- label (object SegLabel @135
- Parent_View @134
- location (1755, 788)
- quidu "421CBB01037D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 394
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @107
- supplier @107
- Focus_Src @109
- Focus_Entry @110
- origin (1680, 832)
- terminus (1830, 832)
- ordinal 6)
- (object InterMessView "" @136
- location (16, 1104)
- label (object SegLabel @137
- Parent_View @136
- location (2152, 1060)
- quidu "421CBBCB0383"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 150
- justify 0
- label "LayerUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @114
- supplier @107
- Focus_Src @116
- Focus_Entry @111
- origin (2624, 1104)
- terminus (1680, 1104)
- ordinal 8)
- (object InterMessView "" @138
- location (16, 1136)
- label (object SegLabel @139
- Parent_View @138
- location (1100, 1092)
- quidu "421CBBE200F1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 150
- justify 0
- label "LayerUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @107
- supplier @96
- Focus_Src @111
- Focus_Entry @99
- origin (1648, 1136)
- terminus (552, 1136)
- ordinal 9)
- (object InterMessView "" @140
- location (16, 1152)
- label (object SegLabel @141
- Parent_View @140
- location (388, 1108)
- quidu "421CBBFF03B9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 244
- justify 0
- label "ReqComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @96
- supplier @100
- Focus_Src @99
- Focus_Entry @102
- origin (520, 1152)
- terminus (256, 1152)
- ordinal 10)))
- (object InteractionDiagram "Data side Connection Notify (CSocket::Bearer)"
- mechanism_ref @3
- quid "41AC927901CB"
- title "Data side Connection Notify (CSocket::Bearer)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 591
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$12" @142
- location (288, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @142
- location (288, 296)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "Actor"
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41AC9607011F"
- width 336
- height 1037
- icon_height 162
- icon_width 120
- icon_y_offset -47
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @143
- location (288, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @142
- height 804
- y_coord 744
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$13" @144
- location (736, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @144
- location (736, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 540
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41AC9607012D"
- width 558
- height 1037
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @145
- location (736, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @144
- height 744
- y_coord 684
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @146
- location (736, 912)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @144
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @147
- location (736, 992)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @144
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$14" @148
- location (1408, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @148
- location (1408, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 698
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41AC96070130"
- width 716
- height 1037
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @149
- location (1408, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @148
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$15" @150
- location (2080, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @150
- location (2080, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 554
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41D3407F01D5"
- width 572
- height 1037
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @151
- location (2080, 528)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @150
- height 200
- y_coord 140
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @152
- location (2080, 608)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @150
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @153
- location (2080, 752)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @150
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @154
- location (2080, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @150
- height 200
- y_coord 140
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 368)
- label (object SegLabel @156
- Parent_View @155
- location (511, 324)
- quidu "41AC9607012A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 119
- justify 0
- label "Bearer"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @142
- supplier @144
- Focus_Src @143
- Focus_Entry @145
- origin (303, 368)
- terminus (720, 368)
- ordinal 0)
- (object NoteView @157
- location (2528, 400)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @157
- location (2221, 319)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 578
- label "Returns CSubConnectionProviderBase instance or NULL if not found.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 638
- height 175)
- (object InterMessView "" @158
- location (16, 384)
- label (object SegLabel @159
- Parent_View @158
- location (1071, 340)
- quidu "41AC9A1B022F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 488
- justify 0
- label "FindProvider(LayerTID,OID)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @144
- supplier @148
- Focus_Src @145
- Focus_Entry @149
- origin (751, 384)
- terminus (1392, 384)
- ordinal 1)
- (object AttachView "" @160
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @157
- supplier @158
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @161
- location (592, 80)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @161
- location (454, 14)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "Data side (PRT).")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 144)
- (object AttachView "" @162
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @161
- supplier @142
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @163
- location (528, 512)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @163
- location (353, 446)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 315
- label "via MSocketNotify")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 375
- height 144)
- (object AttachView "" @164
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @163
- supplier @155
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @165
- location (1024, 48)
- nlines 17
- max_width 75
- label
- )
- (object Label @166
- location (752, 64)
- nlines 1
- max_width 268
- label "DATA Thread")
- (object Label @167
- location (1056, 64)
- nlines 1
- max_width 350
- label "CONTROL Thread")
- (object InterMessView "" @168
- location (16, 528)
- label (object SegLabel @169
- Parent_View @168
- location (1407, 484)
- quidu "41D340A70120"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @144
- supplier @150
- Focus_Src @145
- Focus_Entry @151
- origin (751, 528)
- terminus (2064, 528)
- ordinal 2)
- (object InterMessView "" @170
- location (16, 752)
- label (object SegLabel @171
- Parent_View @170
- location (1407, 708)
- quidu "41D340F50095"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 316
- justify 0
- label "DataClientRouted"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @144
- supplier @150
- Focus_Src @145
- Focus_Entry @153
- origin (751, 752)
- terminus (2064, 752)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @172
- location (16, 912)
- label (object SegLabel @173
- Parent_View @172
- location (1408, 868)
- quidu "41D3410602E8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 484
- justify 0
- label "JoinCompleted / JoinFailed"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @150
- supplier @144
- Focus_Src @154
- Focus_Entry @146
- origin (2064, 912)
- terminus (752, 912)
- ordinal 5)
- (object SelfMessView "" @174
- location (16, 992)
- label (object SegLabel @175
- Parent_View @174
- location (827, 948)
- quidu "41D3412201D0"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 169
- justify 0
- label "SetOption"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @144
- supplier @144
- Focus_Src @145
- Focus_Entry @147
- origin (752, 992)
- terminus (902, 992)
- ordinal 6)
- (object SelfMessView "" @176
- location (16, 608)
- label (object SegLabel @177
- Parent_View @176
- location (2171, 564)
- quidu "422C998B01D8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 378
- justify 0
- label "DoDataClientJoiningL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @150
- supplier @150
- Focus_Src @151
- Focus_Entry @152
- origin (2096, 608)
- terminus (2246, 608)
- ordinal 3)))
- (object InteractionDiagram "Data side connection request (CSocket::NoBearer)"
- mechanism_ref @4
- quid "41AC958D0124"
- title "Data side connection request (CSocket::NoBearer)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 963
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- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (192, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @178
- location (192, 296)
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- annotation 1
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- location (192, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @178
- height 964
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (624, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @180
- location (624, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- location (624, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @180
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @182
- location (624, 528)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @180
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @183
- location (624, 1152)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @180
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @184
- location (624, 1264)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @180
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1280, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @185
- location (1280, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @186
- location (1280, 448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @185
- height 200
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2608, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @187
- location (2608, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- location (2608, 800)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @187
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @189
- location (2608, 896)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @187
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @190
- location (2608, 1056)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @187
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @191
- location (2608, 1264)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @187
- height 120
- y_coord 60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1984, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @192
- location (1984, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @193
- location (1984, 656)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @192
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 368)
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- Parent_View @194
- location (407, 324)
- quidu "41AC95F100BC"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 169
- justify 0
- label "NoBearer"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @178
- supplier @180
- Focus_Src @179
- Focus_Entry @181
- origin (207, 368)
- terminus (608, 368)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @196
- location (16, 448)
- label (object SegLabel @197
- Parent_View @196
- location (951, 404)
- quidu "41AC95F100BD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1038
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider (protocolID,[OID],*selection observer)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @180
- supplier @185
- Focus_Src @181
- Focus_Entry @186
- origin (639, 448)
- terminus (1264, 448)
- ordinal 1)
- (object NoteView @198
- location (432, 80)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @198
- location (294, 20)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "Data side (PRT).")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
- (object AttachView "" @199
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @198
- supplier @178
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @200
- location (633, 53)
- nlines 1
- max_width 268
- label "DATA Thread")
- (object Label @201
- location (953, 53)
- nlines 1
- max_width 350
- label "CONTROL Thread")
- (object Label @202
- location (905, 37)
- nlines 32
- max_width 63
- label
- )
- (object NoteView @203
- location (1632, 1568)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @203
- location (1329, 1484)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 571
- label "Through MSubConnectionDataClient interface.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 631
- height 181)
- (object NoteView @204
- location (2736, 672)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @204
- location (2339, 613)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 759
- label
-|see "Connection Provider Start" sequence for details on Start.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 819
- height 131)
- (object InterMessView "" @205
- location (16, 1056)
- label (object SegLabel @206
- Parent_View @205
- location (1615, 1012)
- quidu "41C331930263"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 316
- justify 0
- label "DataClientRouted"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @180
- supplier @187
- Focus_Src @181
- Focus_Entry @190
- origin (639, 1056)
- terminus (2592, 1056)
- ordinal 6)
- (object NoteView @207
- location (1968, 416)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @207
- location (1587, 338)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 727
- label
-|see "Connection Provider Select" sequence for details on Start and Select.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 787
- height 169)
- (object AttachView "" @208
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @207
- supplier @196
- line_style 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @209
- location (16, 800)
- label (object SegLabel @210
- Parent_View @209
- location (1615, 756)
- quidu "41C332CB01DC"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @180
- supplier @187
- Focus_Src @181
- Focus_Entry @188
- origin (639, 800)
- terminus (2592, 800)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @211
- location (16, 528)
- label (object SegLabel @212
- Parent_View @211
- location (952, 484)
- quidu "41C3333A00BB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "SelectComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @185
- supplier @180
- Focus_Src @186
- Focus_Entry @182
- origin (1264, 528)
- terminus (640, 528)
- ordinal 2)
- (object InterMessView "" @213
- location (16, 656)
- label (object SegLabel @214
- Parent_View @213
- location (1303, 612)
- quidu "41CC03AC0005"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1123
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(selected connection,EAttachToDefault)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @180
- supplier @192
- Focus_Src @181
- Focus_Entry @193
- origin (639, 656)
- terminus (1968, 656)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (1168, 1184)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @215
- location (893, 1118)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 515
- label "Bind service provider with the connection.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 575
- height 144)
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- location (1616, 2032)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @216
- location (816, 1910)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 1565
- label "At the moment the network layer (e.g IP connection factory) doesn't do any selection instead it uses the shim layer to do the selection for it => the client than calls CConnectionProviderFactoryContainre::FindOrCreateProvider to find a network layer provider.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1625
- height 256)
- (object SelfMessView "" @217
- location (16, 1152)
- label (object SegLabel @218
- Parent_View @217
- location (715, 1108)
- quidu "421DD4DA0037"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 169
- justify 0
- label "SetOption"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @180
- supplier @180
- Focus_Src @181
- Focus_Entry @183
- origin (640, 1152)
- terminus (790, 1152)
- ordinal 7)
- (object AttachView "" @219
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @215
- supplier @217
- line_style 0)
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- location (16, 1264)
- label (object SegLabel @221
- Parent_View @220
- location (1616, 1220)
- quidu "422C99200131"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 244
- justify 0
- label "JoinComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @187
- supplier @180
- Focus_Src @191
- Focus_Entry @184
- origin (2592, 1264)
- terminus (640, 1264)
- ordinal 8)
- (object AttachView "" @222
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @203
- supplier @220
- line_style 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @223
- location (16, 896)
- label (object SegLabel @224
- Parent_View @223
- location (2699, 852)
- quidu "422C995D0130"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 378
- justify 0
- label "DoDataClientJoiningL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @187
- supplier @187
- Focus_Src @188
- Focus_Entry @189
- origin (2624, 896)
- terminus (2774, 896)
- ordinal 5)))
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- mechanism_ref @5
- quid "41B6E8B1032F"
- title "Connecion Provider Selection"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (272, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @225
- location (272, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (272, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @225
- height 1044
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @227
- location (272, 1472)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @225
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @228
- location (272, 2032)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @225
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (807, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @229
- location (807, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 724
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (807, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @229
- height 984
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @231
- location (807, 432)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @229
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @232
- location (807, 720)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @229
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (3872, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @233
- location (3872, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 510
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- annotation 1
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- location (3872, 912)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @233
- height 60
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @235
- location (3872, 992)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @233
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @236
- location (3872, 1152)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @233
- height 584
- y_coord 524
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @237
- location (3872, 1744)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @233
- height 168
- y_coord 108
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @238
- location (3872, 1888)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @233
- height 372
- y_coord 312
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2000, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @239
- location (2000, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 438
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 456
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- annotation 1
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- location (2000, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @239
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @241
- location (2000, 640)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @239
- height 592
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @242
- location (2000, 1376)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @239
- height 216
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @243
- location (2000, 2000)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @239
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @244
- location (2000, 2096)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @239
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2560, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @245
- location (2560, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2560, 768)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @245
- height 404
- y_coord 344
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1472, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @247
- location (1472, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 551
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "41C1C6E600E2"
- width 569
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @248
- location (1472, 544)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @247
- height 748
- y_coord 688
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3248, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @249
- location (3248, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 698
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (3248, 800)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @249
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @251
- location (3248, 880)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @249
- height 232
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @252
- location (3248, 1344)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @249
- height 308
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @253
- location (3248, 1616)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @249
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @254
- location (3248, 1792)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @249
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @255
- location (3248, 1936)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @249
- height 264
- y_coord 204
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @256
- location (3248, 2080)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @249
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (16, 368)
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- Parent_View @257
- location (539, 324)
- quidu "41B701DE0002"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 788
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider (layer,protocolID,[OID],*this)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @225
- supplier @229
- Focus_Src @226
- Focus_Entry @230
- origin (287, 368)
- terminus (791, 368)
- ordinal 0)
- (object NoteView @259
- location (1664, 2512)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @259
- location (914, 2381)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 1465
- label "How can selection pop a dialog? Are we to have more than one dialog? It could pop a dialog in case it sees the desired is not available. But what if it is avaiable and cannot start? What happens than? Another dialog? Looks like we need Open/Create/Start. Start'd call the Create in case Create's not called before the Start.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1525
- height 275)
- (object NoteView @260
- location (272, 80)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @260
- location (134, 20)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "CConnection layer.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
- (object NoteView @261
- location (2288, 80)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @261
- location (1691, 11)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 1159
- label
-|There will be a selector at every layer but at the moment the only "selection" is in NETCON. So network selector always talks to the shim factory.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1219
- height 150)
- (object NoteView @262
- location (400, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @262
- location (162, 466)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 440
- label
-|passes "this" (itself) as a selection observer.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 500
- height 137)
- (object AttachView "" @263
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @262
- supplier @257
- line_style 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @264
- location (16, 432)
- label (object SegLabel @265
- Parent_View @264
- location (898, 388)
- quidu "41C1C76E0164"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 488
- justify 0
- label "FindFactory(layer,protocolID)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @229
- supplier @229
- Focus_Src @230
- Focus_Entry @231
- origin (823, 432)
- terminus (973, 432)
- ordinal 1)
- (object InterMessView "" @266
- location (16, 544)
- label (object SegLabel @267
- Parent_View @266
- location (1139, 500)
- quidu "41C1C78A00F0"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 488
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider([OID],aThis)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @229
- supplier @247
- Focus_Src @230
- Focus_Entry @248
- origin (822, 544)
- terminus (1456, 544)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 1344)
- label (object SegLabel @269
- Parent_View @268
- location (3560, 1300)
- quidu "41C1CB310100"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 400
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification( )"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @233
- supplier @249
- Focus_Src @236
- Focus_Entry @252
- origin (3856, 1344)
- terminus (3264, 1344)
- ordinal 11)
- (object NoteView @270
- location (3888, 656)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @270
- location (3463, 572)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 815
- label
-|See "Link Layer Shim Selection" sequence for what happens during CNifSession::StartL.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 875
- height 181)
- (object NoteView @271
- location (1344, 80)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @271
- location (1206, 20)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "network layer")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
- (object InterMessView "" @272
- location (16, 560)
- label (object SegLabel @273
- Parent_View @272
- location (1735, 516)
- quidu "421D0A0D0366"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 100
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @247
- supplier @239
- Focus_Src @248
- Focus_Entry @240
- origin (1487, 560)
- terminus (1984, 560)
- ordinal 3)
- (object InterMessView "" @274
- location (16, 640)
- label (object SegLabel @275
- Parent_View @274
- location (1735, 596)
- quidu "421D0A160355"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 116
- justify 0
- label "Select"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @247
- supplier @239
- Focus_Src @248
- Focus_Entry @241
- origin (1487, 640)
- terminus (1984, 640)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @276
- location (16, 720)
- label (object SegLabel @277
- Parent_View @276
- location (1404, 676)
- quidu "421D0A270364"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 878
- justify 0
- label "FindFactory(KShimConnectionProviderFactoryId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @239
- supplier @229
- Focus_Src @241
- Focus_Entry @232
- origin (1984, 720)
- terminus (823, 720)
- ordinal 5)
- (object InterMessView "" @278
- location (16, 768)
- label (object SegLabel @279
- Parent_View @278
- location (2279, 724)
- quidu "421D0A5E01FC"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 259
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @239
- supplier @245
- Focus_Src @241
- Focus_Entry @246
- origin (2015, 768)
- terminus (2544, 768)
- ordinal 6)
- (object InterMessView "" @280
- location (16, 800)
- label (object SegLabel @281
- Parent_View @280
- location (2903, 756)
- quidu "421D0A750064"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 100
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @245
- supplier @249
- Focus_Src @246
- Focus_Entry @250
- origin (2575, 800)
- terminus (3232, 800)
- ordinal 7)
- (object InterMessView "" @282
- location (16, 880)
- label (object SegLabel @283
- Parent_View @282
- location (2903, 836)
- quidu "421D0A850284"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 116
- justify 0
- label "Select"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @245
- supplier @249
- Focus_Src @246
- Focus_Entry @251
- origin (2575, 880)
- terminus (3232, 880)
- ordinal 8)
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- location (16, 912)
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- Parent_View @284
- location (3559, 868)
- quidu "421D0A960257"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 100
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @249
- supplier @233
- Focus_Src @251
- Focus_Entry @234
- origin (3263, 912)
- terminus (3856, 912)
- ordinal 9)
- (object InterMessView "" @286
- location (16, 992)
- label (object SegLabel @287
- Parent_View @286
- location (3559, 948)
- quidu "421D0AA101E5"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 109
- justify 0
- label "StartL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @249
- supplier @233
- Focus_Src @251
- Focus_Entry @235
- origin (3263, 992)
- terminus (3856, 992)
- ordinal 10)
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- location (16, 1376)
- label (object SegLabel @289
- Parent_View @288
- location (2624, 1332)
- quidu "421D0AC3039E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @249
- supplier @239
- Focus_Src @252
- Focus_Entry @242
- origin (3232, 1376)
- terminus (2016, 1376)
- ordinal 12)
- (object InterMessView "" @290
- location (16, 1792)
- label (object SegLabel @291
- Parent_View @290
- location (3560, 1748)
- quidu "421D0AF603A1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 375
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @233
- supplier @249
- Focus_Src @237
- Focus_Entry @254
- origin (3856, 1792)
- terminus (3264, 1792)
- ordinal 15)
- (object InterMessView "" @292
- location (16, 1936)
- label (object SegLabel @293
- Parent_View @292
- location (3560, 1892)
- quidu "421D0B0F023F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 272
- justify 0
- label "LinkLayerOpen"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @233
- supplier @249
- Focus_Src @238
- Focus_Entry @255
- origin (3856, 1936)
- terminus (3264, 1936)
- ordinal 16)
- (object InterMessView "" @294
- location (16, 1616)
- label (object SegLabel @295
- Parent_View @294
- location (3560, 1572)
- quidu "421D0B2601B6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 341
- justify 0
- label "SelectionComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @233
- supplier @249
- Focus_Src @236
- Focus_Entry @253
- origin (3856, 1616)
- terminus (3264, 1616)
- ordinal 14)
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- location (16, 2080)
- label (object SegLabel @297
- Parent_View @296
- location (3339, 2036)
- quidu "421D0B4C0356"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 213
- justify 0
- label "AsyncDelete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @249
- supplier @249
- Focus_Src @255
- Focus_Entry @256
- origin (3264, 2080)
- terminus (3414, 2080)
- ordinal 19)
- (object InterMessView "" @298
- location (16, 2000)
- label (object SegLabel @299
- Parent_View @298
- location (2624, 1956)
- quidu "421D0B7D01DB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 163
- justify 0
- label "LayerUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @249
- supplier @239
- Focus_Src @255
- Focus_Entry @243
- origin (3232, 2000)
- terminus (2016, 2000)
- ordinal 17)
- (object InterMessView "" @300
- location (16, 1472)
- label (object SegLabel @301
- Parent_View @300
- location (1136, 1428)
- quidu "421D0B9A0289"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @239
- supplier @225
- Focus_Src @242
- Focus_Entry @227
- origin (1984, 1472)
- terminus (288, 1472)
- ordinal 13)
- (object InterMessView "" @302
- location (16, 2032)
- label (object SegLabel @303
- Parent_View @302
- location (1136, 1988)
- quidu "421D0BC2033A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 150
- justify 0
- label "LayerUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @239
- supplier @225
- Focus_Src @243
- Focus_Entry @228
- origin (1984, 2032)
- terminus (288, 2032)
- ordinal 18)
- (object SelfMessView "" @304
- location (16, 2096)
- label (object SegLabel @305
- Parent_View @304
- location (2091, 2052)
- quidu "421D0BDC0145"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 188
- justify 0
- label "delete this"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @239
- supplier @239
- Focus_Src @243
- Focus_Entry @244
- origin (2016, 2096)
- terminus (2166, 2096)
- ordinal 20)
- (object AttachView "" @306
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @261
- supplier @276
- line_style 0)))
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- mechanism_ref @6
- quid "41BD8DAA016E"
- title "SubConnection provider creation"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (128, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @307
- location (128, 250)
- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (128, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @307
- height 1152
- y_coord 1092
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$29" @309
- location (1301, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @309
- location (1301, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 626
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1301, 512)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @309
- height 932
- y_coord 872
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @311
- location (1301, 1200)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @309
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2658, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @312
- location (2658, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 554
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2658, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @312
- height 292
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @314
- location (2658, 1264)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @312
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (592, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @315
- location (592, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 724
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (592, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @315
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3296, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @317
- location (3296, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 654
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (3296, 624)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @317
- height 200
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @319
- location (3296, 704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @317
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @320
- location (3296, 848)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @317
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2002, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @321
- location (2002, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 706
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2002, 576)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @321
- height 808
- y_coord 748
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @323
- location (2002, 1072)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @321
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (16, 384)
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- Parent_View @324
- location (359, 340)
- quidu "421DD721039D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 497
- justify 0
- label "FindProvider(AddressFamily)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @307
- supplier @315
- Focus_Src @308
- Focus_Entry @316
- origin (143, 384)
- terminus (576, 384)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 512)
- label (object SegLabel @327
- Parent_View @326
- location (714, 468)
- quidu "421DD76501CD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 885
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(connProv,TSubConnType)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @307
- supplier @309
- Focus_Src @308
- Focus_Entry @310
- origin (143, 512)
- terminus (1285, 512)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 576)
- label (object SegLabel @329
- Parent_View @328
- location (1651, 532)
- quidu "421DD7BE0207"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 853
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(connProv,TSubConnType)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @309
- supplier @321
- Focus_Src @310
- Focus_Entry @322
- origin (1316, 576)
- terminus (1986, 576)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 592)
- label (object SegLabel @331
- Parent_View @330
- location (2329, 548)
- quidu "421DDEBF024C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 100
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @321
- supplier @312
- Focus_Src @322
- Focus_Entry @313
- origin (2017, 592)
- terminus (2642, 592)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 848)
- label (object SegLabel @333
- Parent_View @332
- location (2648, 804)
- quidu "421DDEE903AB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 184
- justify 0
- label "NextLayer"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @321
- supplier @317
- Focus_Src @322
- Focus_Entry @320
- origin (2017, 848)
- terminus (3280, 848)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 1200)
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- Parent_View @334
- location (1652, 1156)
- quidu "421DDF620083"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1022
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(connProvNextLayer,TSubConnType)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @321
- supplier @309
- Focus_Src @322
- Focus_Entry @311
- origin (1986, 1200)
- terminus (1317, 1200)
- ordinal 8)
- (object InterMessView "" @336
- location (16, 1264)
- label (object SegLabel @337
- Parent_View @336
- location (2329, 1220)
- quidu "421DDFD7028A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 247
- justify 0
- label "AttachToNext"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @321
- supplier @312
- Focus_Src @322
- Focus_Entry @314
- origin (2017, 1264)
- terminus (2642, 1264)
- ordinal 9)
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- location (912, 736)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @338
- location (649, 670)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 490
- label "The same sequence repeats for the next layer")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 550
- height 144)
- (object AttachView "" @339
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @326
- supplier @338
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @340
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @338
- supplier @334
- line_style 0)
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- location (16, 1072)
- label (object SegLabel @342
- Parent_View @341
- location (2093, 1028)
- quidu "421DE176012A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 319
- justify 0
- label "Get Next Layer Info"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @321
- supplier @321
- Focus_Src @322
- Focus_Entry @323
- origin (2018, 1072)
- terminus (2168, 1072)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (1616, 1536)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @343
- location (913, 1467)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 1371
- label "This is a proposition as to how to create a layer association of a sub-connection channel without a need to start it up. The connection has to already exist. An use case wpuld be to alter QoS on primary PDP context.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1431
- height 150)
- (object InterMessView "" @344
- location (16, 624)
- label (object SegLabel @345
- Parent_View @344
- location (2976, 580)
- quidu "422CA1E502A7"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @312
- supplier @317
- Focus_Src @313
- Focus_Entry @318
- origin (2673, 624)
- terminus (3280, 624)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 704)
- label (object SegLabel @347
- Parent_View @346
- location (3387, 660)
- quidu "422CA21F01ED"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 378
- justify 0
- label "DoDataClientJoiningL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @317
- supplier @317
- Focus_Src @318
- Focus_Entry @319
- origin (3312, 704)
- terminus (3462, 704)
- ordinal 5)))
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- mechanism_ref @7
- quid "41BED49B00B8"
- title "Connection Provider Start"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$34" @348
- location (1200, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @348
- location (1200, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 724
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1200, 432)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @348
- height 60
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @350
- location (1200, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @348
- height 120
- y_coord 60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (176, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @351
- location (176, 343)
- anchor_loc 1
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- location (176, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @351
- height 1196
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- Nested FALSE)
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- location (176, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @351
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @354
- location (176, 1104)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @351
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @355
- location (176, 1248)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @351
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2576, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @356
- location (2576, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 630
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2576, 992)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @356
- height 436
- y_coord 376
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1920, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @358
- location (1920, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1920, 736)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @358
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @360
- location (1920, 816)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @358
- height 120
- y_coord 60
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (560, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @361
- location (560, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 486
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- label "")
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- location (560, 672)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @361
- height 816
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @363
- location (560, 816)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @361
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @364
- location (560, 1088)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @361
- height 136
- y_coord 76
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @365
- location (560, 1200)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @361
- height 168
- y_coord 108
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1456, 1360)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @366
- location (918, 1301)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 1040
- label
-|See "Connection provider selection" sequece for how the provider(s) is selected.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1100
- height 131)
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- location (16, 672)
- label (object SegLabel @368
- Parent_View @367
- location (367, 628)
- quidu "41C1D2EB0026"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 109
- justify 0
- label "StartL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @351
- supplier @361
- Focus_Src @352
- Focus_Entry @362
- origin (191, 672)
- terminus (544, 672)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 992)
- label (object SegLabel @370
- Parent_View @369
- location (1567, 948)
- quidu "41C1D3DC0264"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 109
- justify 0
- label "StartL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @361
- supplier @356
- Focus_Src @362
- Focus_Entry @357
- origin (575, 992)
- terminus (2560, 992)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 1088)
- label (object SegLabel @372
- Parent_View @371
- location (1568, 1044)
- quidu "41C1D40701E8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 163
- justify 0
- label "Progress"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @356
- supplier @361
- Focus_Src @357
- Focus_Entry @364
- origin (2560, 1088)
- terminus (576, 1088)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 1200)
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- Parent_View @373
- location (1568, 1156)
- quidu "41C1D46102EB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 125
- justify 0
- label "LinkUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @356
- supplier @361
- Focus_Src @357
- Focus_Entry @365
- origin (2560, 1200)
- terminus (576, 1200)
- ordinal 8)
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- location (16, 1104)
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- Parent_View @375
- location (368, 1060)
- quidu "41C1D47E03B8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 163
- justify 0
- label "Progress"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @361
- supplier @351
- Focus_Src @364
- Focus_Entry @354
- origin (544, 1104)
- terminus (192, 1104)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (16, 432)
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- Parent_View @377
- location (687, 388)
- quidu "41C5B73501C8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1097
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider(layer,protocolId,selection info,IselectionNotify)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @351
- supplier @348
- Focus_Src @352
- Focus_Entry @349
- origin (191, 432)
- terminus (1184, 432)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 736)
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- Parent_View @379
- location (1239, 692)
- quidu "41E2CB0302FB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1000
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider(selection info,ISelectionNotify)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @361
- supplier @358
- Focus_Src @362
- Focus_Entry @359
- origin (575, 736)
- terminus (1904, 736)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (1568, 448)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @381
- location (1309, 379)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 483
- label "Asks it's own factory for the next layer provider.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 543
- height 150)
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- location (16, 496)
- label (object SegLabel @383
- Parent_View @382
- location (688, 452)
- quidu "41E2CBA0031A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 341
- justify 0
- label "SelectionComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @348
- supplier @351
- Focus_Src @350
- Focus_Entry @353
- origin (1184, 496)
- terminus (192, 496)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 816)
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- Parent_View @384
- location (1240, 772)
- quidu "41E2CBBB007B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 341
- justify 0
- label "SelectionComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @358
- supplier @361
- Focus_Src @360
- Focus_Entry @363
- origin (1904, 816)
- terminus (576, 816)
- ordinal 4)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @381
- supplier @380
- line_style 0)
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- location (16, 1248)
- label (object SegLabel @388
- Parent_View @387
- location (368, 1204)
- quidu "421DE1CB01FD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 125
- justify 0
- label "LinkUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @361
- supplier @351
- Focus_Src @365
- Focus_Entry @355
- origin (544, 1248)
- terminus (192, 1248)
- ordinal 9)))
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- mechanism_ref @8
- quid "41BF304901CF"
- title "Link Layer Shim Selection"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 75
- origin_y 13
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (688, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @389
- location (688, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 630
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 648
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- annotation 1
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- location (688, 416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @389
- height 60
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @391
- location (688, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @389
- height 1500
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @392
- location (688, 864)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @389
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1312, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @393
- location (1312, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- nlines 2
- max_width 492
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1312, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @393
- height 1440
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @395
- location (1312, 832)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @393
- height 152
- y_coord 92
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2560, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @396
- location (2560, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 706
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @397
- location (2560, 1424)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @396
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3088, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @398
- location (3088, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "41BF306501F4"
- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (3088, 608)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @398
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @400
- location (3088, 736)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @398
- height 1236
- y_coord 1176
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (256, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @401
- location (256, 249)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 336
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- annotation 1
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- location (256, 416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @401
- height 120
- y_coord 60
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @403
- location (256, 1472)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @401
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @404
- location (256, 1712)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @401
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @405
- location (256, 1792)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @401
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1888, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @406
- location (1888, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 554
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1888, 1344)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @406
- height 248
- y_coord 188
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @408
- location (1888, 1696)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @406
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 592)
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- Parent_View @409
- location (999, 548)
- quidu "41BF306501DF"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 870
- justify 0
- label "Select"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @389
- supplier @393
- Focus_Src @391
- Focus_Entry @394
- origin (703, 592)
- terminus (1296, 592)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 736)
- label (object SegLabel @412
- Parent_View @411
- location (2199, 692)
- quidu "41BF306501F1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 263
- justify 0
- label "StartL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @393
- supplier @398
- Focus_Src @394
- Focus_Entry @400
- origin (1327, 736)
- terminus (3072, 736)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (2592, 2048)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @413
- location (1879, 1995)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 1390
- label "To indicate lower layer sub-connection type so that the upper layer can link to it. In case the sub-connection's been created by the layer below.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1450
- height 118)
- (object NoteView @414
- location (1104, 2096)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @414
- location (429, 1868)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 9
- max_width 1315
- label
-|On that event the layer could create an sub-connection object on its level or look up as yet non-associated sub-connection to associate it with just created one on lower level. See "Sub Connection attach" sequence for details.
-|Th API to do this is not supported yet since at the moment link layer sub-connection ends in CSubConnectionProviderLinkShim and network layer sub-connection talks to GuQoS. In the UMTS case when we need to associate these two together the RSubConnection client has to call open/attach that will do the job of association.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1375
- height 469)
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- location (16, 608)
- label (object SegLabel @416
- Parent_View @415
- location (2199, 564)
- quidu "41C1FED1035E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 230
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @393
- supplier @398
- Focus_Src @394
- Focus_Entry @399
- origin (1327, 608)
- terminus (3072, 608)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 832)
- label (object SegLabel @418
- Parent_View @417
- location (2200, 788)
- quidu "41C1FF0C0039"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 657
- justify 0
- label "SelectComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @398
- supplier @393
- Focus_Src @400
- Focus_Entry @395
- origin (3072, 832)
- terminus (1328, 832)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 864)
- label (object SegLabel @420
- Parent_View @419
- location (1000, 820)
- quidu "41C1FF4B0320"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 4351
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL (selection info)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @393
- supplier @389
- Focus_Src @395
- Focus_Entry @392
- origin (1296, 864)
- terminus (704, 864)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (2272, 928)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @421
- location (1963, 816)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 583
- label
-|Folding => from now on is the "right" provider associated with the "right" session. Whether is the new or existing one.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 643
- height 237)
- (object AttachView "" @422
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @421
- supplier @420
- line_style 0)
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- location (1728, 416)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @423
- location (1403, 303)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 615
- label "if provider already exists than delete CNifSession used for selection otherwise assign the session to newly created provider.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 675
- height 238)
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- location (16, 1344)
- label (object SegLabel @425
- Parent_View @424
- location (2488, 1300)
- quidu "41C202AA0170"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 5106
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent(sub-connection handle)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @398
- supplier @406
- Focus_Src @400
- Focus_Entry @407
- origin (3072, 1344)
- terminus (1904, 1344)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 1424)
- label (object SegLabel @427
- Parent_View @426
- location (2223, 1380)
- quidu "41C202E0010B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 5040
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL( layerTID,protocolId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @406
- supplier @396
- Focus_Src @407
- Focus_Entry @397
- origin (1903, 1424)
- terminus (2544, 1424)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (16, 1696)
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- Parent_View @428
- location (2488, 1652)
- quidu "41C2039D012D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 378
- justify 0
- label "Progress"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @398
- supplier @406
- Focus_Src @400
- Focus_Entry @408
- origin (3072, 1696)
- terminus (1904, 1696)
- ordinal 9)
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- location (16, 1472)
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- Parent_View @430
- location (1072, 1428)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 5106
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent(sub-connection handle)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @406
- supplier @401
- Focus_Src @407
- Focus_Entry @403
- origin (1872, 1472)
- terminus (272, 1472)
- ordinal 8)
- (object AttachView "" @432
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @413
- supplier @430
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @433
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @430
- supplier @414
- line_style 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @434
- location (16, 1712)
- label (object SegLabel @435
- Parent_View @434
- location (1072, 1668)
- quidu "41C204470316"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 378
- justify 0
- label "Progress"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @406
- supplier @401
- Focus_Src @408
- Focus_Entry @404
- origin (1872, 1712)
- terminus (272, 1712)
- ordinal 10)
- (object InterMessView "" @436
- location (16, 1792)
- label (object SegLabel @437
- Parent_View @436
- location (1072, 1748)
- quidu "41C20458036B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 279
- justify 0
- label "LinkUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @406
- supplier @401
- Focus_Src @408
- Focus_Entry @405
- origin (1872, 1792)
- terminus (272, 1792)
- ordinal 11)
- (object NoteView @438
- location (1280, 1264)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @438
- location (758, 1201)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 1009
- label "This event is sent up ONLY if the sub-connection id is NOT equal to KNifEntireConnectionSubConnectionId")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 255
- width 1069
- height 138)
- (object AttachView "" @439
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @438
- supplier @430
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @440
- location (2656, 416)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @440
- location (2415, 328)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 447
- label "The selector chooses the link layer. Currently shim or UMTS.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 507
- height 188)
- (object AttachView "" @441
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @440
- supplier @417
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @442
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @423
- supplier @417
- line_style 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @443
- location (16, 416)
- label (object SegLabel @444
- Parent_View @443
- location (471, 372)
- quidu "41E929B9020F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 259
- justify 0
- label "SelectProvider"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @401
- supplier @389
- Focus_Src @402
- Focus_Entry @390
- origin (271, 416)
- terminus (672, 416)
- ordinal 0)))
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- mechanism_ref @9
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- title "RConnection::ProgressNotification subconn register"
- zoom 100
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- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
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- location (624, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @445
- location (624, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (624, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @445
- height 876
- y_coord 816
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (272, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @447
- location (272, 249)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- label "")
- icon "Actor"
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- width 336
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @448
- location (272, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @447
- height 952
- y_coord 892
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (960, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @449
- location (960, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "41C06EAF0221"
- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @450
- location (960, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @449
- height 800
- y_coord 740
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @451
- location (960, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @449
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1488, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @452
- location (1488, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 686
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 704
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- annotation 1
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- location (1488, 608)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @452
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2752, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @454
- location (2752, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 620
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2752, 848)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @454
- height 276
- y_coord 216
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (3277, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @456
- location (3277, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 370
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (3277, 880)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @456
- height 184
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @458
- location (3277, 944)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @456
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2136, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @459
- location (2136, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 554
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 572
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- annotation 1
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- location (2136, 720)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @459
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 368)
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- Parent_View @461
- location (447, 324)
- quidu "41C0714C00E7"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 350
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @447
- supplier @445
- Focus_Src @448
- Focus_Entry @446
- origin (287, 368)
- terminus (608, 368)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (784, 31)
- nlines 28
- max_width 44
- label
- )
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- location (497, 47)
- nlines 1
- max_width 206
- label "CLIENT")
- (object Label @465
- location (832, 48)
- nlines 1
- max_width 206
- label "SERVER")
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- location (16, 384)
- label (object SegLabel @467
- Parent_View @466
- location (791, 340)
- quidu "41C0719F0235"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 353
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(aMessage)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @445
- supplier @449
- Focus_Src @446
- Focus_Entry @450
- origin (639, 384)
- terminus (944, 384)
- ordinal 1)
- (object InterMessView "" @468
- location (16, 608)
- label (object SegLabel @469
- Parent_View @468
- location (1223, 564)
- quidu "41C071B2039C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 650
- justify 0
- label "FindProvider"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @449
- supplier @452
- Focus_Src @450
- Focus_Entry @453
- origin (975, 608)
- terminus (1472, 608)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 480)
- label (object SegLabel @471
- Parent_View @470
- location (1051, 436)
- quidu "41C07270011E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 441
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionFromHandle"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @449
- supplier @449
- Focus_Src @450
- Focus_Entry @451
- origin (976, 480)
- terminus (1126, 480)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (1648, 416)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @472
- location (1344, 357)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 572
- label
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 632
- height 131)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @472
- supplier @468
- line_style 0)
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- location (16, 848)
- label (object SegLabel @475
- Parent_View @474
- location (1855, 804)
- quidu "41C072FC00D6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 563
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(shimclient.aMessage)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @449
- supplier @454
- Focus_Src @450
- Focus_Entry @455
- origin (975, 848)
- terminus (2736, 848)
- ordinal 5)
- (object InterMessView "" @476
- location (16, 720)
- label (object SegLabel @477
- Parent_View @476
- location (1547, 676)
- quidu "421DE2E2017D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 541
- justify 0
- label "SendMessage(CQueryTypeId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @449
- supplier @459
- Focus_Src @450
- Focus_Entry @460
- origin (975, 720)
- terminus (2120, 720)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 880)
- label (object SegLabel @479
- Parent_View @478
- location (3014, 836)
- quidu "421DE360005C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 366
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(aMessage)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @454
- supplier @456
- Focus_Src @455
- Focus_Entry @457
- origin (2767, 880)
- terminus (3261, 880)
- ordinal 6)
- (object SelfMessView "" @480
- location (16, 944)
- label (object SegLabel @481
- Parent_View @480
- location (3368, 900)
- quidu "421DE384014E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 991
- justify 0
- label "RequestSubConnectionProgressNotificationL(aMessage)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @456
- supplier @456
- Focus_Src @457
- Focus_Entry @458
- origin (3293, 944)
- terminus (3443, 944)
- ordinal 7)))
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- mechanism_ref @10
- quid "41C0764502D5"
- title "RConnection::ProgressNotification subconn complete"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (624, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @482
- location (624, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
- height 897
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- annotation 1
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- location (624, 640)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @482
- height 152
- y_coord 92
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$53" @484
- location (272, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @484
- location (272, 249)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "Actor"
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- quidu "41C07670036A"
- width 336
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- icon_height 162
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- annotation 1
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- location (272, 672)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @484
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1456, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @486
- location (1456, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 620
- justify 0
- label "")
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- quidu "41C076700375"
- width 638
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- annotation 1
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- location (1456, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @486
- height 320
- y_coord 260
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2048, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @488
- location (2048, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 492
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 510
- height 897
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- annotation 1
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- location (2048, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @488
- height 604
- y_coord 544
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @490
- location (2048, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @488
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2480, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @491
- location (2480, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (2480, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @491
- height 680
- y_coord 620
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (960, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @493
- location (960, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
- height 897
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- annotation 1
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- location (960, 608)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @493
- height 244
- y_coord 184
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (784, 31)
- nlines 28
- max_width 44
- label
- )
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- location (497, 47)
- nlines 1
- max_width 206
- label "CLIENT")
- (object Label @497
- location (832, 48)
- nlines 1
- max_width 206
- label "SERVER")
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- location (16, 368)
- label (object SegLabel @499
- Parent_View @498
- location (2264, 324)
- quidu "41C077840032"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @491
- supplier @488
- Focus_Src @492
- Focus_Entry @489
- origin (2464, 368)
- terminus (2064, 368)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (2816, 480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @500
- location (2591, 421)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 415
- label "via MConnectioNotify")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 475
- height 131)
- (object AttachView "" @501
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @500
- supplier @498
- line_style 0)
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- location (16, 496)
- label (object SegLabel @503
- Parent_View @502
- location (2139, 452)
- quidu "41C077CA032F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 341
- justify 0
- label "FindSubConnection"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @488
- supplier @488
- Focus_Src @489
- Focus_Entry @490
- origin (2064, 496)
- terminus (2214, 496)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 592)
- label (object SegLabel @505
- Parent_View @504
- location (1752, 548)
- quidu "41C0780200A7"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- justify 0
- label "ProgressNotification"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @488
- supplier @486
- Focus_Src @489
- Focus_Entry @487
- origin (2032, 592)
- terminus (1472, 592)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 608)
- label (object SegLabel @507
- Parent_View @506
- location (1208, 564)
- quidu "41C0787D0213"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 172
- justify 0
- label "Complete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @486
- supplier @493
- Focus_Src @487
- Focus_Entry @494
- origin (1440, 608)
- terminus (976, 608)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 640)
- label (object SegLabel @509
- Parent_View @508
- location (792, 596)
- quidu "41C0789801A5"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "RequestComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @493
- supplier @482
- Focus_Src @494
- Focus_Entry @483
- origin (944, 640)
- terminus (640, 640)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 672)
- label (object SegLabel @511
- Parent_View @510
- location (448, 628)
- quidu "41C078A8032E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "RequestComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @482
- supplier @484
- Focus_Src @483
- Focus_Entry @485
- origin (608, 672)
- terminus (288, 672)
- ordinal 5)))
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- mechanism_ref @11
- quid "41C17683031F"
- title "RSubConnection::Create CSubConnection layer"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
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- location (624, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @512
- location (624, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 340
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- annotation 1
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- location (624, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @512
- height 972
- y_coord 912
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (272, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @514
- location (272, 249)
- anchor_loc 1
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- annotation 1
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- location (272, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @514
- height 1048
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- Nested FALSE))
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- location (999, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @516
- location (999, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (999, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @516
- height 896
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @518
- location (999, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @516
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2208, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @519
- location (2208, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2208, 880)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @519
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2859, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @521
- location (2859, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2859, 976)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @521
- height 184
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @523
- location (2859, 1040)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @521
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1680, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @524
- location (1680, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1680, 736)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @524
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1335, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @526
- location (1335, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- location (1335, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @526
- height 628
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @528
- location (1335, 640)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @526
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (813, 31)
- nlines 28
- max_width 44
- label
- )
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- location (560, 47)
- nlines 1
- max_width 206
- label "CLIENT")
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- location (848, 48)
- nlines 1
- max_width 206
- label "SERVER")
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- location (1664, 464)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @532
- location (1511, 405)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 271
- label
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 331
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- Parent_View @533
- location (447, 324)
- quidu "41C177B100E1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- justify 0
- label "Create"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @514
- supplier @512
- Focus_Src @515
- Focus_Entry @513
- origin (287, 368)
- terminus (608, 368)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 384)
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- Parent_View @535
- location (811, 340)
- quidu "41C177B100E0"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 366
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(aMessage)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @512
- supplier @516
- Focus_Src @513
- Focus_Entry @517
- origin (639, 384)
- terminus (983, 384)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 480)
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- Parent_View @537
- location (1090, 436)
- quidu "41C177B100E8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 510
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionFromHandle"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @516
- supplier @516
- Focus_Src @517
- Focus_Entry @518
- origin (1015, 480)
- terminus (1165, 480)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 592)
- label (object SegLabel @540
- Parent_View @539
- location (1166, 548)
- quidu "41C178E80281"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 353
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL(aMessage)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @516
- supplier @526
- Focus_Src @517
- Focus_Entry @527
- origin (1014, 592)
- terminus (1319, 592)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 640)
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- Parent_View @541
- location (1426, 596)
- quidu "41C179A003DA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 141
- justify 0
- label "CreateL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @526
- supplier @526
- Focus_Src @527
- Focus_Entry @528
- origin (1351, 640)
- terminus (1501, 640)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 736)
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- Parent_View @543
- location (1507, 692)
- quidu "41C17A5100A2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 338
- justify 0
- label "ConnectionProvider"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @526
- supplier @524
- Focus_Src @527
- Focus_Entry @525
- origin (1350, 736)
- terminus (1664, 736)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 880)
- label (object SegLabel @546
- Parent_View @545
- location (1771, 836)
- quidu "41C17A6700D7"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1110
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(connProv,ECreateNew/EAttachToDefault)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @526
- supplier @519
- Focus_Src @527
- Focus_Entry @520
- origin (1350, 880)
- terminus (2192, 880)
- ordinal 6)
- (object AttachView "" @547
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @532
- supplier @541
- line_style 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @548
- location (16, 976)
- label (object SegLabel @549
- Parent_View @548
- location (2096, 932)
- quidu "41C18D540293"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @526
- supplier @521
- Focus_Src @527
- Focus_Entry @522
- origin (1350, 976)
- terminus (2843, 976)
- ordinal 7)
- (object NoteView @550
- location (2224, 672)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @550
- location (1936, 606)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 540
- label
-|see "SubConnection provider creation" for details.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 600
- height 144)
- (object AttachView "" @551
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @550
- supplier @545
- line_style 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @552
- location (16, 1040)
- label (object SegLabel @553
- Parent_View @552
- location (2950, 996)
- quidu "422C9ACE03E2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 422
- justify 0
- label "DoControlClientJoiningL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @521
- supplier @521
- Focus_Src @522
- Focus_Entry @523
- origin (2875, 1040)
- terminus (3025, 1040)
- ordinal 8)))
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- mechanism_ref @12
- quid "41C346630152"
- title "Sub Connection attach to next layer"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (368, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @554
- location (368, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 486
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 504
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- annotation 1
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- location (368, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @554
- height 392
- y_coord 332
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1632, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @556
- location (1632, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 554
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1632, 656)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @556
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2192, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @558
- location (2192, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 492
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2192, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @558
- height 452
- y_coord 392
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (976, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @560
- location (976, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 626
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (976, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @560
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 384)
- label (object SegLabel @563
- Parent_View @562
- location (1280, 340)
- quidu "41C346E300E2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 806
- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent(sub-connection handle)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @558
- supplier @554
- Focus_Src @559
- Focus_Entry @555
- origin (2176, 384)
- terminus (384, 384)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 480)
- label (object SegLabel @565
- Parent_View @564
- location (671, 436)
- quidu "41C3472A030C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 831
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(layerTID,protocolId,[OID])"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @554
- supplier @560
- Focus_Src @555
- Focus_Entry @561
- origin (383, 480)
- terminus (960, 480)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (1408, 496)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @566
- location (1186, 434)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 409
- label "OID is actually a filter.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 469
- height 137)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @566
- supplier @565
- line_style 0)
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- location (16, 656)
- label (object SegLabel @569
- Parent_View @568
- location (999, 612)
- quidu "41C347F00365"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 678
- justify 0
- label "AttachToNext(sub-connection handle)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @554
- supplier @556
- Focus_Src @555
- Focus_Entry @557
- origin (383, 656)
- terminus (1616, 656)
- ordinal 2)))
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- mechanism_ref @13
- quid "41C5C69E0185"
- title "Connection Provider Attach Normal/Monitor"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 147
- origin_y 0
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- location (1744, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @570
- location (1744, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 724
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1744, 400)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @570
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @572
- location (1744, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @570
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (176, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @573
- location (176, 224)
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (176, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @573
- height 1240
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @575
- location (176, 1472)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @573
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (592, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @576
- location (592, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 486
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 504
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- annotation 1
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- location (592, 656)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @576
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @578
- location (592, 880)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @576
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @579
- location (592, 992)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @576
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @580
- location (592, 1088)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @576
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @581
- location (592, 1216)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @576
- height 260
- y_coord 200
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 400)
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- Parent_View @582
- location (959, 356)
- quidu "41C5C6B50066"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 934
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProvider(protocolId, connection info)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @573
- supplier @570
- Focus_Src @574
- Focus_Entry @571
- origin (191, 400)
- terminus (1728, 400)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 992)
- label (object SegLabel @585
- Parent_View @584
- location (383, 948)
- quidu "41C5C6B5006B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 72
- justify 0
- label "Join"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @573
- supplier @576
- Focus_Src @574
- Focus_Entry @579
- origin (191, 992)
- terminus (576, 992)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (1408, 1760)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @586
- location (786, 1632)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 1208
- label "The question here is to which level to attach. At the moment it's given by the protocolId. Since every new attach has to have its own CNifSession object (see CNifSession::AttachToConnetionL(info))) this and the Attach monitor scenarion suggest that the CConnectionProviderShim needs to have an array of CNifSessions.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1268
- height 269)
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- location (16, 1472)
- label (object SegLabel @588
- Parent_View @587
- location (267, 1428)
- quidu "41E42CAE0345"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 316
- justify 0
- label "RequestComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @573
- supplier @573
- Focus_Src @574
- Focus_Entry @575
- origin (192, 1472)
- terminus (342, 1472)
- ordinal 11)
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- location (16, 480)
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- Parent_View @589
- location (959, 436)
- quidu "421DE5F201E8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1344
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProvider(KShimConnectionProviderFactoryId, connection info)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @573
- supplier @570
- Focus_Src @574
- Focus_Entry @572
- origin (191, 480)
- terminus (1728, 480)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 880)
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- Parent_View @591
- location (383, 836)
- quidu "421DE61B0346"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 0
- justify 0
- label ""
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @573
- supplier @576
- Focus_Src @574
- Focus_Entry @578
- origin (191, 880)
- terminus (576, 880)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (1104, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @593
- location (1104, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 486
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- label "")
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- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @594
- location (1104, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @593
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @595
- location (1104, 784)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @593
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @596
- location (1104, 1280)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @593
- height 136
- y_coord 76
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (576, 96)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @597
- location (438, 36)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "IP Layer")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
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- location (1088, 96)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @598
- location (950, 36)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "Shim Layer")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
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- location (16, 560)
- label (object SegLabel @600
- Parent_View @599
- location (639, 516)
- quidu "421DE6680082"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 328
- justify 0
- label "SetConnectionInfo"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @573
- supplier @593
- Focus_Src @574
- Focus_Entry @594
- origin (191, 560)
- terminus (1088, 560)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 656)
- label (object SegLabel @602
- Parent_View @601
- location (383, 612)
- quidu "421DE687018B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 391
- justify 0
- label "JoinNextLayerL(shim)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @573
- supplier @576
- Focus_Src @574
- Focus_Entry @577
- origin (191, 656)
- terminus (576, 656)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 784)
- label (object SegLabel @604
- Parent_View @603
- location (639, 740)
- quidu "421DE6A4018D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 403
- justify 0
- label "JoinNextLayerL(NULL)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @573
- supplier @593
- Focus_Src @574
- Focus_Entry @595
- origin (191, 784)
- terminus (1088, 784)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 1216)
- label (object SegLabel @606
- Parent_View @605
- location (383, 1172)
- quidu "421DE6D100C0"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 997
- justify 0
- label "ConnectionControlActivityL(EAttachNormal/EAttachMonitor)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @573
- supplier @576
- Focus_Src @574
- Focus_Entry @581
- origin (191, 1216)
- terminus (576, 1216)
- ordinal 8)
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- location (16, 1280)
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- Parent_View @607
- location (847, 1236)
- quidu "421DE98100BA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 484
- justify 0
- label "ConnectionControlActivityL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @576
- supplier @593
- Focus_Src @581
- Focus_Entry @596
- origin (607, 1280)
- terminus (1088, 1280)
- ordinal 9)
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- location (2272, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @609
- location (2272, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "CNifSession")
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- width 300
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- icon_height 0
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- annotation 1
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- location (2272, 1296)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @609
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 1296)
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- Parent_View @611
- location (1687, 1252)
- quidu "421DE9BF00ED"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 366
- justify 0
- label "AttachToConnection"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @593
- supplier @609
- Focus_Src @596
- Focus_Entry @610
- origin (1119, 1296)
- terminus (2256, 1296)
- ordinal 10)
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- location (16, 1088)
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- Parent_View @613
- location (683, 1044)
- quidu "422C9A6D0119"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 422
- justify 0
- label "DoControlClientJoiningL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @576
- supplier @576
- Focus_Src @579
- Focus_Entry @580
- origin (608, 1088)
- terminus (758, 1088)
- ordinal 7)))
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- mechanism_ref @14
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- zoom 100
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- location (176, 224)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @615
- location (176, 343)
- anchor_loc 1
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- annotation 1
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- location (176, 384)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @615
- height 648
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @617
- location (176, 960)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @615
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (512, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @618
- location (512, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- annotation 1
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- location (512, 432)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @618
- height 540
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @620
- location (512, 944)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @618
- height 136
- y_coord 76
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1008, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @621
- location (1008, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- annotation 1
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- location (1008, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @621
- height 416
- y_coord 356
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1664, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @623
- location (1664, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- annotation 1
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- location (1664, 528)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @623
- height 324
- y_coord 264
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2320, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @625
- location (2320, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 630
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2320, 560)
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- InterObjView @625
- height 232
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @627
- location (2320, 848)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @625
- height 292
- y_coord 232
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2800, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @628
- location (2800, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2800, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @628
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @630
- location (2800, 672)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @628
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @631
- location (2800, 816)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @628
- height 384
- y_coord 324
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 432)
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- Parent_View @632
- location (343, 388)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 400
- justify 0
- label "AllInterfaceNotificationL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @615
- supplier @618
- Focus_Src @616
- Focus_Entry @619
- origin (191, 432)
- terminus (496, 432)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 496)
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- Parent_View @634
- location (759, 452)
- quidu "41C6AD0E024C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 634
- justify 0
- label "RegisterNotifierL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @618
- supplier @621
- Focus_Src @619
- Focus_Entry @622
- origin (527, 496)
- terminus (992, 496)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 528)
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- Parent_View @636
- location (1335, 484)
- quidu "41C6AD4B01F9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 297
- justify 0
- label "RegisterNotifierL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @621
- supplier @623
- Focus_Src @622
- Focus_Entry @624
- origin (1023, 528)
- terminus (1648, 528)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 560)
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- Parent_View @638
- location (1991, 516)
- quidu "41C6ADBA02A3"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 347
- justify 0
- label "DoRegisterNotifierL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @623
- supplier @625
- Focus_Src @624
- Focus_Entry @626
- origin (1679, 560)
- terminus (2304, 560)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 592)
- label (object SegLabel @641
- Parent_View @640
- location (2559, 548)
- quidu "41E570390208"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 100
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @625
- supplier @628
- Focus_Src @626
- Focus_Entry @629
- origin (2335, 592)
- terminus (2784, 592)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 672)
- label (object SegLabel @643
- Parent_View @642
- location (2559, 628)
- quidu "41E5707001C2"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 422
- justify 0
- label "AllInterfaceNotificationL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @625
- supplier @628
- Focus_Src @626
- Focus_Entry @630
- origin (2335, 672)
- terminus (2784, 672)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 848)
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- Parent_View @644
- location (2560, 804)
- quidu "41E570C40324"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 563
- justify 0
- label "InterfaceStateChangeNotification"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @628
- supplier @625
- Focus_Src @631
- Focus_Entry @627
- origin (2784, 848)
- terminus (2336, 848)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 944)
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- Parent_View @646
- location (1416, 900)
- quidu "41E5769B02C5"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 588
- justify 0
- label "InterfaceStateChangeNotification"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @625
- supplier @618
- Focus_Src @627
- Focus_Entry @620
- origin (2304, 944)
- terminus (528, 944)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (16, 960)
- label (object SegLabel @649
- Parent_View @648
- location (344, 916)
- quidu "41E576B903C3"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 322
- justify 0
- label "RequestComplete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 1)
- line_color 3342489
- client @618
- supplier @615
- Focus_Src @620
- Focus_Entry @617
- origin (496, 960)
- terminus (192, 960)
- ordinal 8)
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- location (2304, 80)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @650
- location (2041, 21)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 490
- label "At the moment it always ends here.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 550
- height 131)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @650
- supplier @625
- line_style 0)
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- location (1408, 1488)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @652
- location (780, 1429)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 1221
- label "The scenario assumes that the shim factory keeps one instance of CNifSession to register for global stuff as all interface notification.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1281
- height 131)))
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- mechanism_ref @15
- quid "421DEB4D0010"
- title "CConnection::Join"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (304, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @653
- location (304, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (304, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @653
- height 636
- y_coord 576
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (720, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @655
- location (720, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 486
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (720, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @655
- height 200
- y_coord 140
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @657
- location (720, 448)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @655
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @658
- location (720, 576)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @655
- height 368
- y_coord 308
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1232, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @659
- location (1232, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 492
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1232, 640)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @659
- height 244
- y_coord 184
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1776, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @661
- location (1776, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1776, 672)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @661
- height 152
- y_coord 92
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2384, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @663
- location (2384, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
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- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2384, 704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @663
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (688, 96)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @665
- location (550, 36)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "IP layer")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
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- location (1232, 96)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @666
- location (1094, 36)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "Shim Layer")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
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- location (16, 368)
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- Parent_View @667
- location (511, 324)
- quidu "421DF19700EA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @653
- supplier @655
- Focus_Src @654
- Focus_Entry @656
- origin (319, 368)
- terminus (704, 368)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 576)
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- Parent_View @669
- location (511, 532)
- quidu "421DF1A400D4"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 453
- justify 0
- label "ConnectionControlActivityL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @653
- supplier @655
- Focus_Src @654
- Focus_Entry @658
- origin (319, 576)
- terminus (704, 576)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 640)
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- Parent_View @671
- location (975, 596)
- quidu "421DF1BC036F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 485
- justify 0
- label "ConnectionControlActivityL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @655
- supplier @659
- Focus_Src @658
- Focus_Entry @660
- origin (735, 640)
- terminus (1216, 640)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 672)
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- Parent_View @673
- location (1503, 628)
- quidu "421DF1C70389"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 328
- justify 0
- label "ConnectionJoining"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @659
- supplier @661
- Focus_Src @660
- Focus_Entry @662
- origin (1247, 672)
- terminus (1760, 672)
- ordinal 4)
- (object InterMessView "" @675
- location (16, 704)
- label (object SegLabel @676
- Parent_View @675
- location (2079, 660)
- quidu "421DF1D800A9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 100
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @661
- supplier @663
- Focus_Src @662
- Focus_Entry @664
- origin (1791, 704)
- terminus (2368, 704)
- ordinal 5)
- (object NoteView @677
- location (2272, 432)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @677
- location (1922, 348)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 665
- label "create subconnection link client to process CConnection subconnection directed requests")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 725
- height 181)
- (object AttachView "" @678
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @677
- supplier @675
- line_style 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @679
- location (16, 448)
- label (object SegLabel @680
- Parent_View @679
- location (811, 404)
- quidu "422C9A450356"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 422
- justify 0
- label "DoControlClientJoiningL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @655
- supplier @655
- Focus_Src @656
- Focus_Entry @657
- origin (736, 448)
- terminus (886, 448)
- ordinal 1)
- (object NoteView @681
- location (1456, 464)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @681
- location (1318, 404)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "for all data clients")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
- (object AttachView "" @682
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @681
- supplier @673
- line_style 0)))
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- mechanism_ref @16
- quid "421DF22201E6"
- title "CConnection::Leave"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
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- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (304, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @683
- location (304, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @684
- location (304, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @683
- height 652
- y_coord 592
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (720, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @685
- location (720, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 486
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "421DF22E00BB"
- width 504
- height 885
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @686
- location (720, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @685
- height 195
- y_coord 135
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @687
- location (720, 443)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @685
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @688
- location (720, 592)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @685
- height 368
- y_coord 308
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1232, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @689
- location (1232, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 492
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 510
- height 885
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @690
- location (1232, 656)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @689
- height 244
- y_coord 184
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1776, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @691
- location (1776, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 556
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 574
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- icon_width 0
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @692
- location (1776, 688)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @691
- height 152
- y_coord 92
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2384, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @693
- location (2384, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 590
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 608
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @694
- location (2384, 720)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @693
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (688, 96)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @695
- location (550, 36)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "IP layer")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
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- location (1232, 96)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @696
- location (1094, 36)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "Shim Layer")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
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- location (2272, 432)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @697
- location (1922, 348)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 665
- label "delete subconnection link client to process CConnection subconnection directed requests")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 725
- height 181)
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- location (16, 368)
- label (object SegLabel @699
- Parent_View @698
- location (511, 324)
- quidu "421DF22E00B9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 103
- justify 0
- label "Leave"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @683
- supplier @685
- Focus_Src @684
- Focus_Entry @686
- origin (319, 368)
- terminus (704, 368)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @700
- location (16, 592)
- label (object SegLabel @701
- Parent_View @700
- location (511, 548)
- quidu "421DF22E00BA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 484
- justify 0
- label "ConnectionControlActivityL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @683
- supplier @685
- Focus_Src @684
- Focus_Entry @688
- origin (319, 592)
- terminus (704, 592)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 656)
- label (object SegLabel @703
- Parent_View @702
- location (975, 612)
- quidu "421DF22E00BD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 484
- justify 0
- label "ConnectionControlActivityL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @685
- supplier @689
- Focus_Src @688
- Focus_Entry @690
- origin (735, 656)
- terminus (1216, 656)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 688)
- label (object SegLabel @705
- Parent_View @704
- location (1503, 644)
- quidu "421DF22E00BE"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 338
- justify 0
- label "ConnectionLeaving"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @689
- supplier @691
- Focus_Src @690
- Focus_Entry @692
- origin (1247, 688)
- terminus (1760, 688)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 720)
- label (object SegLabel @707
- Parent_View @706
- location (2079, 676)
- quidu "421DF22E00C1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 109
- justify 0
- label "delete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @691
- supplier @693
- Focus_Src @692
- Focus_Entry @694
- origin (1791, 720)
- terminus (2368, 720)
- ordinal 5)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @697
- supplier @706
- line_style 0)
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- location (1456, 400)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @709
- location (1318, 340)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label "for all data clients")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
- (object AttachView "" @710
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @709
- supplier @704
- line_style 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @711
- location (16, 443)
- label (object SegLabel @712
- Parent_View @711
- location (811, 399)
- quidu "422F07F503BD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 409
- justify 0
- label "DoControlClientLeaving"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @685
- supplier @685
- Focus_Src @686
- Focus_Entry @687
- origin (736, 443)
- terminus (886, 443)
- ordinal 1)))
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- mechanism_ref @17
- quid "4241AAA30361"
- title "RSocket::Open(RConnection&)"
- zoom 100
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- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (240, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @713
- location (240, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
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- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (240, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @713
- height 596
- y_coord 536
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @715
- location (240, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @713
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (880, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @716
- location (880, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
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- location (880, 480)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @716
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (560, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @718
- location (560, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (560, 464)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @718
- height 424
- y_coord 364
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1368, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @720
- location (1368, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 626
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1368, 576)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @720
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1982, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @722
- location (1982, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 540
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1982, 688)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @722
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @724
- location (1982, 768)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @722
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (0, 352)
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- Parent_View @725
- location (331, 308)
- quidu "4241AB9400F1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 216
- justify 0
- label "NewSocketL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @713
- supplier @713
- Focus_Src @714
- Focus_Entry @715
- origin (256, 352)
- terminus (406, 352)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 464)
- label (object SegLabel @728
- Parent_View @727
- location (399, 420)
- quidu "4241ABAE021B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 247
- justify 0
- label "JoinInterfaceL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @713
- supplier @718
- Focus_Src @714
- Focus_Entry @719
- origin (255, 464)
- terminus (544, 464)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 480)
- label (object SegLabel @730
- Parent_View @729
- location (719, 436)
- quidu "4241ABE50292"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 169
- justify 0
- label "Provider()"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @718
- supplier @716
- Focus_Src @719
- Focus_Entry @717
- origin (575, 480)
- terminus (864, 480)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 576)
- label (object SegLabel @732
- Parent_View @731
- location (963, 532)
- quidu "4241AC0B0391"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 407
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @718
- supplier @720
- Focus_Src @719
- Focus_Entry @721
- origin (575, 576)
- terminus (1352, 576)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 688)
- label (object SegLabel @734
- Parent_View @733
- location (1270, 644)
- quidu "4241AC240315"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 369
- justify 0
- label "JoinSubConnectionL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @718
- supplier @722
- Focus_Src @719
- Focus_Entry @723
- origin (575, 688)
- terminus (1966, 688)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 768)
- label (object SegLabel @736
- Parent_View @735
- location (1270, 724)
- quidu "4241AC4A00DE"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 328
- justify 0
- label "SetConnectionInfo"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @718
- supplier @722
- Focus_Src @719
- Focus_Entry @724
- origin (575, 768)
- terminus (1966, 768)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (1200, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @737
- location (937, 325)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 490
- label "based on connection provider & address family")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 550
- height 131)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @737
- supplier @731
- line_style 0)))
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- mechanism_ref @18
- quid "4241B1ED02E4"
- title "RHostResolver::Open(RConnection&)"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 69
- origin_y 0
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- location (240, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @739
- location (240, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (240, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @739
- height 672
- y_coord 612
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @741
- location (240, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @739
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (560, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @742
- location (560, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (560, 464)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @742
- height 500
- y_coord 440
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1040, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @744
- location (1040, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 626
- justify 0
- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1040, 576)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @744
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1648, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @746
- location (1648, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 540
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (1648, 688)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @746
- height 216
- y_coord 156
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @748
- location (1648, 784)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @746
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (0, 352)
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- Parent_View @749
- location (331, 308)
- quidu "4241B2060147"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 334
- justify 0
- label "NewHostResolverL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @739
- supplier @739
- Focus_Src @740
- Focus_Entry @741
- origin (256, 352)
- terminus (406, 352)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 464)
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- Parent_View @751
- location (399, 420)
- quidu "4241B2060149"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 247
- justify 0
- label "JoinInterfaceL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @739
- supplier @742
- Focus_Src @740
- Focus_Entry @743
- origin (255, 464)
- terminus (544, 464)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 576)
- label (object SegLabel @754
- Parent_View @753
- location (799, 532)
- quidu "4241B206014E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @742
- supplier @744
- Focus_Src @743
- Focus_Entry @745
- origin (575, 576)
- terminus (1024, 576)
- ordinal 2)
- (object InterMessView "" @755
- location (16, 688)
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- Parent_View @755
- location (1103, 644)
- quidu "4241B2060150"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 369
- justify 0
- label "JoinSubConnectionL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @742
- supplier @746
- Focus_Src @743
- Focus_Entry @747
- origin (575, 688)
- terminus (1632, 688)
- ordinal 3)
- (object NoteView @757
- location (976, 400)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @757
- location (713, 341)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 490
- label "based on connection provider & address family")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 550
- height 131)
- (object AttachView "" @758
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @757
- supplier @753
- line_style 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @759
- location (16, 784)
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- Parent_View @759
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- quidu "4241B32403C9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 253
- justify 0
- label "SetConnection"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @746
- supplier @746
- Focus_Src @747
- Focus_Entry @748
- origin (1664, 784)
- terminus (1814, 784)
- ordinal 4)))))
- root_category (object Class_Category "Logical View"
- quid "41A74B800047"
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- quidu "41A74B800049"
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- quid "41A7525A00AC")
- (object Class "CPlayer"
- quid "41A773DB02DF")
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- quid "41ACFE3D01AC")
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- quid "41C07849000C")
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$98"
- quid "41A7550B0139"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$99"
- quid "41A7550C02F3"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$100"
- quid "41A7550C02F4"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$101"
- quid "41A755100295"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41A755110318"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$103"
- quid "41A755110322"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$104"
- quid "41A755B40150"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$105"
- quid "41A755B501F2"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$106"
- quid "41A755B501F3"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
- quidu "41A754670219")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$107"
- quid "41A7567A00C8"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41A7567B02E7"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection2"
- quidu "41A750530146"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$109"
- quid "41A7567B02F1"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$110"
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- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$111"
- quid "41A756850114"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$112"
- quid "41A75685011E"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection2"
- quidu "41A750530146")))
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- quid "41A75702018C"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$114"
- quid "41A7570302B0"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41A7570302BA"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
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- quidu "41A74FC60071")
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- supplier "Logical View::Interface"
- quidu "41A7679A014D")
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory"
- quidu "41A875EF01EE")
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41B6EADF010A"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection"
- quidu "41B6EAB601E8"))
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- quid "41A7507C013B"
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- quid "41B875C100D1"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
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- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"))
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- quid "41A778F5032D"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41BDB38A01E3"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41BDA92A0213")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41BDB38D02B0"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41C2DE9B0191"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8")))
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- quid "41A7526F01F7"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
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- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F"))
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- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MNetworkControllerObserver"
- quidu "41B6EE01032A")))
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- quid "41B1D83B017A"
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- quid "41B1D85E017A"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B")))
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- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$117"
- quid "41A779BB00B1"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$118"
- quid "41A779BB00C5"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B")))
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- quid "41A779E70258"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41A779E801F6"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$121"
- quid "41A779E8020A"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$122"
- quid "41AA239C036D"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41AA239D02ED"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$124"
- quid "41AA239D02F7"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CNetworkSession"
- quidu "41A8587D00BE")))
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- quid "41B9FAF0024C")
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- quidu "41A7526F01F7"))
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- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MNetworkControllerObserver"
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- quid "41B9FB6102E7"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::MAgentSessionNotify"
- quidu "41B9FB280154")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41B9FB640115"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::MNifSessionNotify"
- quidu "41B9FAF0024C")))
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- quid "41B9FB280154")
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- quid "421BA9730142"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession"
- quidu "41A77CCA0251"))))
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (352, 592)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @761
- location (167, 541)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "MNifSessionNotify")
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1296, 1040)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @762
- location (1165, 988)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "CNifSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (896, 592)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @763
- location (683, 541)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MAgentSessionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 444
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- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1552, 576)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @764
- location (1280, 502)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MNetworkControllerObserver")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2256, 560)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @765
- location (2025, 486)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- width 480
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- annotation 8
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- client @762
- supplier @765
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41B9FB5E010C"
- client @762
- supplier @764
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41B9FB6102E7"
- client @762
- supplier @763
- line_style 0)
- (object RealizeView "" @769
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41B9FB640115"
- client @762
- supplier @761
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1296, 1360)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @770
- location (1100, 1309)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CNifSecureSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "421BA9590249"
- width 410
- height 126
- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @770
- supplier @762
- line_style 0)))))
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- quid "41BDA4160337"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CIPNetworkConnectionProvider"
- quid "41A77CA40365"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A77DB502BD"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CNetworkSession"
- quidu "41A8587D00BE")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41DEB8A10386"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41BDA98602E0"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41BDA92A0213")))
- (object Class "CNetworkSession"
- quid "41A8587D00BE"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A8593301EC"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41BDA8AC00C7"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41AA2395007E"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::MSockSessionObserver"
- quidu "41A76BA001BD")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41BDA96B00E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172")))
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- quid "41BDA765028C"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41BDA8BB001D"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421BA9EE0293"
- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C30946012C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C3097E023C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309880056"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30991026C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C3099A032D"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309A20086"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309D30177"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309EA0135"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309F501C7"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30A56024B"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30A5E02C5"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30D2700F7"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30D31028D"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30DE003AA"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30DEA0228"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C34B6A0068"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C34B800205"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41ECE9D40074"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41BDA8D00172"
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- quid "41CC19DE032F"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionClient"
- quidu "41CC1965029F"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C2E4FB0230"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "AttachToNext"
- quid "41C3193E010E"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "41BDA92A0213"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41CC19E10370"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionClient"
- quidu "41CC1965029F"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C318370006"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C3185000B6"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C318560386"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C318640278"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C3186F0116"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C31876013E"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C318A202DD"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "41CC1965029F"
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41CC198E0244"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4EB40342"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "421CAA340392"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "421CAA9A033C"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41BDA92A0213")))
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- quid "41BDA93B00D8"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41BDA93B02EA"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$127"
- quid "41BDA93B02EB"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- quid "41BDA951031F"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41BDA95202DA"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41BDA92A0213"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$130"
- quid "41BDA95202DB"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- quid "41BDAC800074"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$132"
- quid "41BDAC8002D7"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$133"
- quid "41BDAC8002E1"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41BDB3930132"
- roles (list role_list
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- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$136"
- quid "41BDB394017B"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B")))
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- quid "41BEFC66039C"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41BEFC700011"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$139"
- quid "41BEFC700012"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- quid "41BEFC8500CF"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41BEFC880246"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$142"
- quid "41BEFC880250"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- quid "41C065B60260"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41C065B700BD"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$145"
- quid "41C065B700C7"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D")))
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- quid "41C067410023"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41C067410380"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$148"
- quid "41C067410381"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D")))
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- quid "41DEB6F2028E"
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- quid "41BDAABC004D"
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- quidu "41BDA765028C"))
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- quid "41BDABB8034D"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41BDA92A0213")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41BDABBB01DF"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41BDAC530353"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41ECEA0F01FF"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "422DD7460005"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "422DD864001A"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CConnectionSettings"
- quidu "41ECEA270100")))
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- quid "41DEBACA02CE"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41DEBACB01AD"
- label "iSessionProxies"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$150"
- quid "41DEBACB01AE"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D")))
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- quid "41ECEC800317"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$152"
- quid "41ECEC82003E"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionSettingsShim"
- quidu "422DD7460005"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$153"
- quid "41ECEC82003F"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41ECEC9602C8"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$155"
- quid "41ECEC9900CE"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$156"
- quid "41ECEC9900CF"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CConnectionSettings"
- quidu "41ECEA270100")))
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- quid "421CAE8901B4"
- roles (list role_list
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- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$159"
- quid "421CAE8A0179"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D")))
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- quid "422DE24F0248"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$161"
- quid "422DE25002D6"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$162"
- quid "422DE25002D7"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "422DE2C100BF"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$164"
- quid "422DE2C20193"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$165"
- quid "422DE2C20194"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$166"
- quid "422DE30E02F3"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$167"
- quid "422DE30F0394"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
- quidu "421BA9590249"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$168"
- quid "422DE30F0395"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41BEF8100115"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "41BEF88800A9"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41BEF8F60206"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421CA642026D"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088"))
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- quid "41BEFFD60012"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41EFF19A038E"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C316950133"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A55B300B8"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A55B803D6"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A55BE0154"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41C061D101C6"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41C061ED0164"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::NifManSubConnectionShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41C0626B00C1"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41BEFFD90229"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41F00CA800E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::MConnDataTransferNotify"
- quidu "41F00C760342")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41F013D30282"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::MShimControlClient"
- quidu "41F0137D0060"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C3159B02D3"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "RequestSubConnectionProgressNotificationL"
- quid "41C315B103B1"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315B902A5"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315C10332"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315C90316"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315D1019B"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315D8023C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315DF0296"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "IsSubConnectionActiveCancel"
- quid "41C315E7036A"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetCurrentProgress"
- quid "41C315F200D1"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41F0088C039C"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41F00DC50034"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CConnDataTransfer"
- quidu "41F00D6A0013")))
- (object Class "MConnDataTransferNotify"
- quid "41F00C760342")
- (object Class "CConnDataTransfer"
- quid "41F00D6A0013"
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "421A4F1102B1"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataTransferredCancel"
- quid "421A4F200082"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataSentNotificationRequest"
- quid "421A4F2A0376"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4F4B0215"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4F5200F3"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationCancel"
- quid "421A4F580048"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4F5E034A"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4F6401FE"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41F0137D0060")
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$169"
- quid "41BF002A0257"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$170"
- quid "41BF002B023B"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$171"
- quid "41BF002B0245"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::NifManSubConnectionShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$172"
- quid "41C0628000C2"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$173"
- quid "41C0628100E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$174"
- quid "41C0628100EC"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession"
- quidu "41A77CCA0251")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$175"
- quid "41EFD9320028"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "iDataClients"
- quid "41EFD9320029"
- label "iDataClients"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::NifManSubConnectionShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$176"
- quid "41EFD932002A"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D")))
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- quid "41EFDA2E0333"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$178"
- quid "41EFDA2F03CA"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$179"
- quid "41EFDA2F03CB"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::NifManSubConnectionShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9")))
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- quid "41EFDA99020C"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$181"
- quid "41EFDA9A0358"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$182"
- quid "41EFDA9A0362"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6")))
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- quid "41F00DA8035D"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$184"
- quid "41F00DA90250"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::MConnDataTransferNotify"
- quidu "41F00C760342"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$185"
- quid "41F00DA90251"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CConnDataTransfer"
- quidu "41F00D6A0013")))
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- quid "41F00DC903B5"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$187"
- quid "41F00DCA03D4"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CConnDataTransferShim"
- quidu "41F0088C039C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$188"
- quid "41F00DCA03D5"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::NifManSubConnectionShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9"))))
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- location (1904, 2288)
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- Parent_View @772
- location (1504, 2207)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
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- label "Conveys downcalls made by an upper sub-connection layer to NIFMAN. (former CSubInterface)")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 825
- height 175)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1232, 1072)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @773
- location (1101, 998)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (608, 2304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @774
- location (258, 2241)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 665
- label "Does all the up-calls related work of the former CSubConnection.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 725
- height 138)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider" @775
- location (2912, 1856)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @775
- location (2752, 1772)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- line_color 3342489
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- nlines 1
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- label "ESOCK")
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- location (144, 1488)
- nlines 1
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- nlines 1
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- location (1381, 1888)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @779
- location (1071, 1816)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 584
- label "separated data notifications - former CSubInterface")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (896, 1344)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @780
- location (650, 1293)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1536, 1344)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @781
- location (1343, 1292)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CConnDataTransfer")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 404
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- Parent_View @783
- location (1180, 1378)
- anchor 2
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- nlines 1
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- label "0..*"
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- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @782
- location (-246, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @782
- supplier @781
- line_style 0)))
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1232, 704)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @786
- location (1001, 630)
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- label "client down calls related to the old CSubConnection/CSubInterface => ESOCK doesn't have to link against the shim.")
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- label "as MConnectionDataClient, specific messages sent via MSubInterfaceShim interface.")
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- fill_color 13434879
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- label "At the moment represents the link layer and does some of the CInterface's work. The network session always ends up talking to an instance of the class as to the layer below.")
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- Parent_View @828
- location (209, 614)
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- Parent_View @829
- location (169, 1356)
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- Parent_View @831
- location (1603, 108)
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- Parent_View @832
- location (1965, 79)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
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- label
-|Db Access see "New Interfaces & Functions" package for the methods.
- )
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- width 638
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- location (209, 1025)
- nlines 1
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- label "ECOM ShimCPR plugin")
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- location (480, 192)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @835
- location (183, 126)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 559
- label "Replaces CInterface CConnection related behaviour.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 619
- height 144)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @836
- location (1360, 428)
- fill_color 13434879
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- Parent_View @838
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- Parent_View @840
- location (1353, 614)
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- location (448, 1264)
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- Parent_View @845
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- Parent_View @846
- location (2036, 1213)
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- location (1109, 1212)
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- location (144, 784)
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- location (144, 1360)
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- Parent_View @871
- location (285, 1478)
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- Parent_View @872
- location (158, 1030)
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- Parent_View @890
- location (1781, 1052)
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- Parent_View @899
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- label "In case the connection is started with NID only it forms an overrides so that NETCON can select an agent the way it currently done?")
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- location (1342, 2204)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 9
- max_width 577
- label "New component written by Nokia will replace our dummy provider. This isn't at all ideal solution since it merges two big areas in one class (mobility & IP connection management) however it's the quickest one and is written by someone else:-). This is the piece all the fuss is about.")
- line_color 3342489
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- width 637
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- location (1648, 1888)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @903
- location (1348, 1836)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @904
- location (1489, 892)
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- location (1680, 544)
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- Parent_View @905
- location (1432, 492)
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- Parent_View @906
- location (2171, 1244)
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- location (664, 1255)
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- location (1397, 1245)
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- location (2129, 1350)
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- location (1213, 1350)
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- location (2096, 944)
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- Parent_View @918
- location (1963, 870)
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- location (1741, 1180)
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- location (2208, 512)
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- Parent_View @924
- location (2017, 438)
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- Parent_View @926
- location (360, 252)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2672, 512)
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- italics TRUE)
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- Parent_View @927
- location (2514, 437)
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- Parent_View @929
- location (150, 252)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (144, 96)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @903
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- nlines 1
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- label "________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
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- location (480, 1776)
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- label "ECOM plugin")
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- location (480, 1680)
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- Parent_View @937
- location (945, 870)
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- Parent_View @939
- location (2129, 1842)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "practically dummy provider. Does idle timers & call traversing.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 662
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- stereotype TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @941
- location (213, 1484)
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- justify 0
- label "XDummyConnectionControlClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "421CAA340392"
- width 648
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @943
- location (464, 944)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @943
- location (67, 809)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 759
- label
-|Implements an empty versions of all but mandatory MConnectionControlClient virtuals. The mandatory ones are:
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 819
- height 282)
- (object AttachView "" @944
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @943
- supplier @941
- line_style 0))))))
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- location (656, 608)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @945
- location (393, 527)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 490
- label
-|Remove the derivation and replace it as shown in "Connection Provider" package.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 550
- height 175)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnection" @946
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (720, 1408)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @946
- location (588, 1356)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CConnection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1072, 1088)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @947
- location (881, 1014)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "MConnectionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A76B95022F"
- width 400
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A778F5032D"
- client @946
- supplier @947
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @949
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @945
- supplier @948
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1488, 1408)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @950
- location (1257, 1356)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "CConnectionProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- width 480
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- Parent_View @952
- location (1214, 1445)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 15
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- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$118" @954
- Parent_View @951
- location (-386, 896)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A779BB00C5"
- client @951
- supplier @946
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$119" @955
- location (1293, 1258)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @955
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- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @956
- location (1162, 1226)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$121" @958
- Parent_View @955
- location (-915, 746)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A779E8020A"
- client @955
- supplier @950
- line_style 0)))
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- location (1728, 624)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @959
- location (1256, 518)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 908
- label
-|change 1,1 relation to 1,n one. Subsequently change affected classes to handle the relation.
-|See "Connection Provider" package for the shim design.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 968
- height 225)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1936, 2160)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @960
- location (1805, 2086)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "CNifSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (2192, 1728)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @961
- location (1832, 1600)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 684
- label "In case when CConnectionProvdBase instance is started by sub connection (CSubConnectionProviderBase subclass - an implicit con) it doesn't have any clients.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 744
- height 269)
- (object AttachView "" @962
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @961
- supplier @950
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (192, 80)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @963
- location (59, 29)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "RConnection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41B1D83B017A"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (192, 272)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @964
- location (61, 220)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "CConnection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 280
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2000, 1104)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @966
- location (1728, 1030)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "MNetworkControllerObserver")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- location (2128, 1392)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @968
- location (1921, 1333)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 378
- label "to be notified of selection result.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 438
- height 131)
- (object AttachView "" @969
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @968
- supplier @966
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @970
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @959
- supplier @955
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @971
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @959
- supplier @950
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @972
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @959
- supplier @960
- vertices (list Points
- (1945, 736)
- (2769, 1167)
- (2769, 1823)
- (2076, 2101))
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (448, 1088)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @973
- location (257, 1014)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CSockSubSession")
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- location (1648, 2160)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @975
- location (1504, 2076)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- label "Nif Session")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 300
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- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider" @976
- location (880, 1808)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @976
- location (736, 1724)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Connection Provider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- location (1008, 1387)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
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- label "X")
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- location (1072, 1632)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @978
- location (738, 1551)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 633
- label
-|remove association and replace it by the one shown in "Connection Provider" package.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 693
- height 175)
- (object AttachView "" @979
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @978
- supplier @951
- line_style 0)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider" @980
- location (1088, 608)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @980
- location (944, 524)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Connection Provider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 300
- height 180)
- (object NoteView @981
- location (1072, 400)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @981
- location (834, 288)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 440
- label
-|split the class into data & control client. See " "Connection Provider" package.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 500
- height 237)
- (object AttachView "" @982
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @981
- supplier @947
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @983
- location (848, 1257)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 25
- label "X")
- (object NoteView @984
- location (1936, 240)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @984
- location (1430, 53)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 8
- max_width 977
- label
-|General note:
-|The connection stacking as it stands now merges from top to bottom that reflect the data flow. We should support merging from bottom to top as well. That would support bearer mobility since the higher layer would know about all available bearers so that it could move its sub-connections without actually moving itself.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1037
- height 387)
- (object InheritView "" @985
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A77D490109"
- client @960
- supplier @950
- line_style 0)))))
- (object Class_Category "Sub Connection"
- quid "41A74FC60071"
- visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41A77B4D007D"
- supplier "Logical View::Service"
- quidu "41A7584503E0")
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41A77B5301EE"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface"
- quidu "41A7679A014D")
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41A876050177"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory"
- quidu "41A875EF01EE")
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41A91E370312"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection"
- quidu "41A74FA2017D"))
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CSubConnection2"
- quid "41A750530146"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A7689000BB"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A754C80042"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9")))
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- quid "41A75088005C"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A7557C0268"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41C05A6C02FE"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41EFFB2001BC"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"))
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- (object Operation "StartL"
- quid "41C303FB0299"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Stop"
- quid "41C30B2C01B7"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NextLayer"
- quid "41C703B201B3"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quid "41A753D702F9")
- (object Class "MConnectionDataClient"
- quid "41A753E90088")
- (object Class "CIPSubConnectionProvider"
- quid "41A85C53037D"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "422CB16002EA"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CEmptySubConnectionProvider"
- quidu "422CB11602A6")))
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- quid "41C177E40146"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41C1780A03AE"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CSubConnection"
- quidu "41A767EE0271")
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41C178650047"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection2"
- quidu "41A750530146")))
- (object Class "CEmptySubConnectionProvider"
- quid "422CB11602A6"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "422CB1CA0349"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "422CB2FF03C1"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "422CB303034F"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MConnectionEnumerateClients"
- quidu "422CAE600150")))
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- quid "422CB12403A1"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "422CB2BE0240"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CEmptySubConnectionProvider"
- quidu "422CB11602A6")))
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- quid "41BEFF540033"
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- (object Role "$UNNAMED$190"
- quid "41BEFF580061"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$191"
- quid "41BEFF58006B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$192"
- quid "41EBDF5401F5"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$193"
- quid "41EBDF5501EC"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$194"
- quid "41EBDF5501F6"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection2"
- quidu "41A750530146"))))
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- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1168, 608)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @986
- location (1009, 534)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "XFactoryObject")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A7522A0392"
- width 336
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession" @987
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2688, 880)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @987
- location (2497, 806)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 382
- justify 0
- label "CSockSubSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7685902ED"
- width 400
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object NoteView @988
- location (1872, 2304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @988
- location (1319, 2151)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 6
- max_width 1071
- label
-|In case when CSubConnectionProviderBase instance is started by data plane (CSocket,CHostResolver) it's an "implicit subcon". In case its started by CHostResolver it will have no data client.=> we need a start on sub connection that will subsequently start a connection. We don't need RSubConnection::Start and the moment.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1131
- height 319)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CIPSubConnectionProvider" @989
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1442, 2016)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @989
- location (1179, 1965)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 526
- justify 0
- label "CIPSubConnectionProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A85C53037D"
- width 544
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Interface" @990
- location (3040, 2032)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @990
- location (2867, 1948)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 346
- justify 0
- label "Interface")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- quidu "41A7679A014D"
- width 358
- height 180)
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- location (416, 1456)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @991
- location (44, 1303)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 6
- max_width 708
- label "CControlledServProvider interface + CSubConnectionProviderBase interface should be prepared for cross-thread communication which is not at the moment. Should we do it as a part of CR work?")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 768
- height 319)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling" @992
- location (2656, 2032)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @992
- location (2344, 1948)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 624
- justify 0
- label "Sub Connection Handling")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41BEF8100115"
- width 636
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- location (2832, 1808)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @993
- location (2460, 1677)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 709
- label "It will become CSubConnection and CSubConnection. will become CSubConnectionProviderShim. part of See Interface and Sub Connection Provider Shim packages.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 769
- height 275)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (416, 176)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @994
- location (250, 125)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 332
- justify 0
- label "RSubConnection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41C177E40146"
- width 350
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (416, 480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @995
- location (236, 429)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSubConnection2")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 378
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- annotation 8
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- location (960, 1593)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
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- label "X")
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- location (1584, 224)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @998
- location (1053, 124)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 1027
- label
-|RSubConnection::TSubConnType must be dropped as a param from factories functions and replaced by CSubConnectionProviderBase::TSubConnType that is "real" type (e.g primary PDP/secondary PDP....).
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1087
- height 212)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (864, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @999
- location (635, 845)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "MConnectionDataClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "41A753E90088"
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1984, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1000
- location (1696, 845)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionControlClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A753D702F9"
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (416, 1136)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1001
- location (182, 1062)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CControlledServProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A754670219"
- width 486
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- client @1001
- supplier @999
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1003
- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @991
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (432, 1808)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1004
- location (200, 1734)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CConnectionProvdBase")
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1440, 1456)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1005
- location (1154, 1404)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSubConnectionProviderBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- location (1002, 989)
- anchor 2
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- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..*"
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- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1011
- location (1939, 1019)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1010
- supplier @988
- vertices (list Points
- (1712, 1175)
- (1856, 1550)
- (1868, 2144))
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- location (1209, 1336)
- anchor 2
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- anchor 2
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- location (702, 1758)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @991
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @1005
- vertices (list Points
- (1850, 2144)
- (1787, 1663)
- (1547, 1520))
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- location (3024, 1456)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1027
- location (2891, 1382)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2384, 1456)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1028
- location (2201, 1405)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1785, 1425)
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- location (-469, 992)
- stereotype TRUE
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1031
- supplier @988
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1036
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1028
- supplier @993
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- location (2866, 1510)
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- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1664, 608)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1041
- location (1435, 534)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1442, 1744)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1043
- location (1140, 1692)
- fill_color 13434879
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- stereotype TRUE
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- max_width 21600
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 688)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1046
- location (1026, 614)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1648, 1360)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1047
- location (1390, 1286)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 1072)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1048
- location (1010, 1021)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CEmptySubConnectionProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (976, 1344)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1049
- location (672, 1293)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CDefaultSubConnectionProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 626
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (656, 688)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1050
- location (355, 614)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
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- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1904, 688)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1051
- location (1675, 613)
- fill_color 13434879
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- supplier @1048
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- location (2128, 1056)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1053
- location (1897, 975)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 427
- label "functionality common to primary and secondary context.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 487
- height 175)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1053
- supplier @1048
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @1055
- location (2304, 1360)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1055
- location (2066, 1298)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 440
- label "represents secondary context")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 500
- height 137)
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- location (320, 1344)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1056
- location (82, 1282)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 440
- label "represents primary(default) context")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 500
- height 137)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @1048
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1056
- supplier @1049
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1059
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1055
- supplier @1047
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- supplier @1046
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- stereotype TRUE
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- stereotype TRUE
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- location (352, 864)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1806
- label "__________________________________________________________________________________")
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- location (352, 928)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "ECOM IPSCPR plugin")
- (object Label @1065
- location (352, 832)
- nlines 1
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- label "ESOCK")))))
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- quid "41A7584503E0"
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- quid "41A876010316"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory"
- quidu "41A875EF01EE")
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- quid "41A91E410014"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection"
- quidu "41A74FC60071"))
- exportControl "Public"
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- quid "41A754670219"
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- quid "41A877C8023E"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392"))
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- quid "41AC9D0301E9"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088")))
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- quid "41A85E7502CE"
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- quid "41A85EF7011C"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
- quidu "41A754670219"))
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- quid "41D920F900C8"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"))
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- quid "41A864B90298"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketNotify"
- quidu "41A8641100E8")
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- quid "41AC9D080150"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9")
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- quid "41C2DDF30330"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8")
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- quid "41CFEA310370"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "422CAE9A0154"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MConnectionEnumerateClients"
- quidu "422CAE600150")))
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- quid "41A768BD034B"
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- quid "41A877070223"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392")))
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- quid "41A7685902ED")
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- quid "41A863A900AC"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41A888E80288"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A864E301EE"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketControlledNotify"
- quidu "421A09A70089")))
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- quid "41A8641100E8")
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- quid "41A869E70168"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A869F0002B"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
- quidu "41A768BD034B")))
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- quid "41A88D720008")
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- quid "421A09A70089")
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- quid "422CAE600150")
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- quidu "41A767DE0187"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41A863CB0372"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSocket"
- quidu "41A863A900AC"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
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- quid "41A863F10128"
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- quid "41A863F20238"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
- quidu "41A754670219"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$200"
- quid "41A863F20242"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSocket"
- quidu "41A863A900AC"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41A866DD0047"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41A866DD039A"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
- quidu "41A768BD034B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41A866DD03A4"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
- quidu "41A85E7502CE"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41A867AE0142"
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- quid "41A867AF031A"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketNotify"
- quidu "41A8641100E8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$206"
- quid "41A867AF0324"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
- quidu "41A768BD034B")))
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- quid "41A867D1039B"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41A867D30019"
- label "iSocket"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketNotify"
- quidu "41A8641100E8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$208"
- quid "41A867D30023"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
- quidu "41A768BD034B")))
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- quid "41B722220185"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41B7222301A4"
- label "iSocketClient"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketControlledNotify"
- quidu "421A09A70089"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$210"
- quid "41B7222301AE"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
- quidu "41A85E7502CE")))
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- quid "41D0871802FF"
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- quid "41D08719022E"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSession"
- quidu "41C06F440273"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$213"
- quid "41D087190238"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
- quidu "41A85E7502CE"))))
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- label "Emulates being MSocketNotify (CSocket) so that it can server NoBearer & Bearer calls on horizontal level and forwards the rest to the CControlledServProviderShim::iSocketClient.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 950
- height 219)
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- location (2103, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1067
- location (1990, 822)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (848, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1068
- location (615, 844)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CControlledServProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A754670219"
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1575, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1069
- location (1475, 845)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSocket")
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- autoResize TRUE)
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- Parent_View @1073
- location (1739, 856)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.637931
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- orientation 1))))
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- Parent_View @1076
- location (1110, 843)
- anchor 2
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- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.900000
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- location (365, 448)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1075
- supplier @1069
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- location (1680, 240)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1079
- location (1248, 137)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 828
- label "Remove CInterface association and replace CServProviderBase association with CControlledServProvider one. CSocket no longer owns the provider.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 888
- height 219)
- (object AttachView "" @1080
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1070
- supplier @1079
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1081
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1069
- supplier @1079
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1082
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1075
- supplier @1079
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (768, 2256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1083
- location (617, 2205)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CIpcProvdBase")
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- location (1264, 2064)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1084
- location (995, 1961)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 502
- label "All service provider are currently derived from CServProviderBase. Example CIpcProvdBase.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 562
- height 219)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (848, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1085
- location (689, 476)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1264, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1086
- location (1073, 476)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CSockSubSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 400
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- annotation 8
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- line_style 0)
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- location (1760, 875)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
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- label "X")
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- location (528, 240)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1089
- location (100, 106)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 821
- label "Alternatively we can forget about CFactoryObject as a base for service provider leave the hard coded creation of the shim in ProtocolManager::NewSocketL for the time being.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 881
- height 281)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (352, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1090
- location (109, 476)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1527, 1136)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1091
- location (1348, 1080)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 322
- label "NoBearer / Bearer selection.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 382
- height 125)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2055, 1136)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1094
- location (1897, 1061)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- supplier @1094
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- location (1824, 2064)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1096
- location (1583, 1980)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 446
- label "to be able find a default connection for the session on NoBearer.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 506
- height 181)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (768, 1152)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1097
- location (619, 1101)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "MSocketNotify")
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- quidu "41A8641100E8"
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (768, 1872)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1098
- location (574, 1821)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CServProviderBase")
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1084
- supplier @1099
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- Parent_View @1102
- location (727, 1269)
- anchor 1
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- location (822, 1246)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2343, 2224)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1106
- location (2186, 2150)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2343, 480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1107
- location (2103, 429)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "MSocketControlledNotify")
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1108
- location (2066, 1821)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CControlledServProviderShim")
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- stereotype TRUE
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1113
- location (-375, 880)
- stereotype TRUE
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- location (2397, 2127)
- anchor 2
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- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1117
- location (-169, 164)
- stereotype TRUE
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- stereotype TRUE
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- stereotype TRUE
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- location (2509, 599)
- anchor 1
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- label "#iSocketClient"
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- Parent_View @1124
- location (2317, 640)
- anchor 2
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- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1123
- location (1223, -681)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1123
- supplier @1108
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- stereotype TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2720, 1136)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1129
- location (2419, 1085)
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- max_width 620
- justify 0
- label "MConnectionEnumerateClients")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "422CAE600150"
- width 620
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object RealizeView "" @1130
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "422CAE9A0154"
- client @1108
- supplier @1129
- line_style 0)))))
- (object Class_Category "Interface"
- quid "41A7679A014D"
- visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41AA28EC021E"
- supplier "Logical View::link connection"
- quidu "41AA27E60069"))
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CSubInterface"
- quid "41A767C800C7")
- (object Class "CInterface"
- quid "41A767DE0187"
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A76BB501F9"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A76BB800D1"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::MSockSessionObserver"
- quidu "41A76BA001BD")))
- (object Class "CSubConnection"
- quid "41A767EE0271")
- (object Class "MConnectionNotify"
- quid "41A76B95022F")
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$214"
- quid "41A7696100C5"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$215"
- quid "41A7696103D3"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CSubConnection"
- quidu "41A767EE0271"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$216"
- quid "41A7696103D4"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CSubInterface"
- quidu "41A767C800C7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$217"
- quid "41A7697100A0"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$218"
- quid "41A7697103E0"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CInterface"
- quidu "41A767DE0187"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE
- is_aggregate TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$219"
- quid "41A7697103E1"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CSubInterface"
- quidu "41A767C800C7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$220"
- quid "41A7699603D9"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$221"
- quid "41A7699702EA"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE
- is_aggregate TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$222"
- quid "41A7699702F4"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CSubConnection"
- quidu "41A767EE0271"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$223"
- quid "41A76A42026E"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$224"
- quid "41A76A43023D"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CInterface"
- quidu "41A767DE0187"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE
- is_aggregate TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$225"
- quid "41A76A43023E"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$226"
- quid "41A76CD70354"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$227"
- quid "41A76CD9023F"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$228"
- quid "41A76CD90249"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CInterface"
- quidu "41A767DE0187"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$229"
- quid "41A76D510328"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$230"
- quid "41A76D52024D"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$231"
- quid "41A76D520257"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$232"
- quid "41A773E10002"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$233"
- quid "41A773E2005E"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$234"
- quid "41A773E20068"
- supplier "Logical View::CPlayer"
- quidu "41A773DB02DF")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$235"
- quid "41A774B70104"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$236"
- quid "41A774B801EC"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::MSockSessionObserver"
- quidu "41A76BA001BD"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$237"
- quid "41A774B801F6"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$238"
- quid "41AA1E6D0044"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$239"
- quid "41AA1E6E017C"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$240"
- quid "41AA1E6E0190"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CInterface"
- quidu "41A767DE0187"))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
- (object ClassDiagram "Main"
- quid "41A767C5024A"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object NoteView @1131
- location (1904, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1131
- location (1488, 293)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 796
- label
-|To be removed
-|Reference counted - deletes self when the last CConnection disconnects ::Leave(..).
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 856
- height 194)
- (object NoteView @1132
- location (2448, 1376)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1132
- location (2142, 1311)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 577
- label "deleted on RConnection::Close or ::~CInterface")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 637
- height 143)
- (object NoteView @1133
- location (432, 978)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1133
- location (35, 853)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 759
- label
-|To be removed.
-|Deleted on ESubConnectionClosed event raised by CConnectionProvdBase via MConnectionNotify::SubConnectionEvent or ::~CSubInterface.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 819
- height 263)
- (object NoteView @1134
- location (352, 1376)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1134
- location (114, 1301)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 440
- label "needs to be merged into CSubConnection2 => will disappear")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 500
- height 162)
- (object Label @1135
- location (1315, 937)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object Label @1136
- location (1319, 1353)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object Label @1137
- location (1041, 1136)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object Label @1138
- location (1602, 1120)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object Label @1139
- location (2042, 934)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Interface::CSubConnection" @1140
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1056, 1376)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1140
- location (891, 1325)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 330
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- quidu "41A767EE0271"
- width 348
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AttachView "" @1141
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1134
- supplier @1140
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify" @1142
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2608, 592)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1142
- location (2417, 541)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 382
- justify 0
- label "MConnectionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A76B95022F"
- width 400
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CPlayer" @1143
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (368, 288)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1143
- location (225, 214)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 286
- justify 0
- label "CPlayer")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A773DB02DF"
- width 304
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Session Proxy::MSockSessionObserver" @1144
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1088, 608)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1144
- location (852, 534)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 472
- justify 0
- label "MSockSessionObserver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A76BA001BD"
- width 490
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Interface::CSubInterface" @1145
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1056, 960)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1145
- location (914, 909)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 284
- justify 0
- label "CSubInterface")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- quidu "41A767C800C7"
- width 302
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$214" @1146
- location (1056, 1167)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A7696100C5"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$215" @1147
- Parent_View @1146
- location (288, 751)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A7696103D3"
- client @1146
- supplier @1140
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1148
- Parent_View @1147
- location (1110, 1297)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$216" @1149
- Parent_View @1146
- location (288, 751)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A7696103D4"
- client @1146
- supplier @1145
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1150
- Parent_View @1149
- location (1091, 1059)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.746706
- height 35
- orientation 1))))
- (object AttachView "" @1151
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1145
- supplier @1133
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnection" @1152
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1616, 1376)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1152
- location (1483, 1302)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 266
- justify 0
- label "CConnection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- width 284
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$220" @1153
- location (1351, 1376)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A7699603D9"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$221" @1154
- Parent_View @1153
- location (71, 384)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A7699702EA"
- client @1153
- supplier @1152
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1155
- Parent_View @1154
- location (1460, 1430)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$222" @1156
- Parent_View @1153
- location (71, 384)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A7699702F4"
- client @1153
- supplier @1140
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1157
- Parent_View @1156
- location (1242, 1430)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))))
- (object AttachView "" @1158
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1132
- supplier @1152
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase" @1159
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2608, 960)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1159
- location (2377, 886)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 462
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- width 480
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$229" @1160
- location (2608, 764)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76D510328"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$230" @1161
- Parent_View @1160
- location (-80, -196)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76D52024D"
- client @1160
- supplier @1142
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1162
- Parent_View @1161
- location (2662, 685)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.733945
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$231" @1163
- Parent_View @1160
- location (-80, -196)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76D520257"
- client @1160
- supplier @1159
- line_style 0)))
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSessionProxy" @1164
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (368, 608)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1164
- location (161, 534)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 414
- justify 0
- label "CSockSessionProxy")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7737A02A3"
- width 432
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$232" @1165
- location (368, 447)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A773E10002"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$233" @1166
- Parent_View @1165
- location (48, 175)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A773E2005E"
- client @1165
- supplier @1164
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1167
- Parent_View @1166
- location (422, 513)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$234" @1168
- Parent_View @1165
- location (48, 175)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A773E20068"
- client @1165
- supplier @1143
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$235" @1169
- location (713, 608)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A774B70104"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$236" @1170
- Parent_View @1169
- location (345, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A774B801EC"
- client @1169
- supplier @1144
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1171
- Parent_View @1170
- location (830, 662)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$237" @1172
- Parent_View @1169
- location (345, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A774B801F6"
- client @1169
- supplier @1164
- line_style 0)))
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Interface::CInterface" @1173
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1616, 960)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1173
- location (1503, 909)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 226
- justify 0
- label "CInterface")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- quidu "41A767DE0187"
- width 244
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$217" @1174
- location (1350, 960)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A7697100A0"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$218" @1175
- Parent_View @1174
- location (582, 544)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A7697103E0"
- client @1174
- supplier @1173
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1176
- Parent_View @1175
- location (1478, 1014)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$219" @1177
- Parent_View @1174
- location (582, 544)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A7697103E1"
- client @1174
- supplier @1145
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1178
- Parent_View @1177
- location (1242, 1016)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..*"
- pctDist 0.755245
- height 56
- orientation 0))))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$223" @1179
- location (1616, 1156)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76A42026E"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$224" @1180
- Parent_View @1179
- location (-560, 404)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76A43023D"
- client @1179
- supplier @1173
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1181
- Parent_View @1180
- location (1653, 1075)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.762809
- height 37
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$225" @1182
- Parent_View @1179
- location (-560, 404)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76A43023E"
- client @1179
- supplier @1152
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1183
- Parent_View @1182
- location (1664, 1257)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1..*"
- pctDist 0.759399
- height 48
- orientation 0))))
- (object AttachView "" @1184
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1131
- supplier @1173
- line_style 0)
- (object RealizeView "" @1185
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76BB501F9"
- client @1173
- supplier @1142
- line_style 0)
- (object RealizeView "" @1186
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76BB800D1"
- client @1173
- supplier @1144
- line_style 0)
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- location (2052, 960)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76CD70354"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$227" @1188
- Parent_View @1187
- location (436, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76CD9023F"
- client @1187
- supplier @1159
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1189
- Parent_View @1188
- location (2336, 1014)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$228" @1190
- Parent_View @1187
- location (436, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A76CD90249"
- client @1187
- supplier @1173
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$238" @1191
- location (1038, 796)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA1E6D0044"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$239" @1192
- Parent_View @1191
- location (-578, -164)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA1E6E017C"
- client @1191
- supplier @1164
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1193
- Parent_View @1192
- location (616, 733)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$240" @1194
- Parent_View @1191
- location (-578, -164)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA1E6E0190"
- client @1191
- supplier @1173
- line_style 0)))
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Session Proxy" @1195
- location (1168, 304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1195
- location (995, 220)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 346
- justify 0
- label "Session Proxy")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41AA25160186"
- width 358
- height 180)
- (object NoteView @1196
- location (848, 304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1196
- location (707, 213)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 246
- label "See Session Proxy package")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 306
- height 194)
- (object AttachView "" @1197
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1196
- supplier @1143
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1198
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1196
- supplier @1164
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1199
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1196
- supplier @1144
- line_style 0)))))
- (object Class_Category "Resolver"
- quid "41A77EF303B5"
- visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41A77F1A0068"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface"
- quidu "41A7679A014D")
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41A8760C02FE"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory"
- quidu "41A875EF01EE")
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41A91EB50147"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection"
- quidu "41A74FC60071"))
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CHostResolver"
- quid "41A8880E036B"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A8883B030C"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41D9210C036E"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A8883E0342"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
- quidu "41A8883002B6")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A911B7034D"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41C2DF4803B0"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8")))
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- quid "41A8883002B6")
- (object Class "CHostResolvProvdBase"
- quid "41A889D9031B"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A88F0702D1"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
- (object Class "CResolverProvdBase"
- quid "41A88CCB00F8"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A88F10013A"
- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC")))
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- quid "41A88EED0310"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A88F160355"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
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- quid "41A88F6201EC"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A88F71017F"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
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- quid "41A88FF3019A"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A890E80233"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A8913D00F5"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
- quidu "41A8883002B6")))
- (object Class "CNetDatabase"
- quid "41A895920294"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A895C701FA"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A895C200E4"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
- quidu "41A8883002B6")))
- (object Class "RHostResolver"
- quid "41A895FE0203"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41A8967D0101"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B")))
- (object Class "RServiceResolver"
- quid "41A8962700F4"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41A8967F01EA"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolver"
- quidu "41A88FF3019A")))
- (object Class "RNetDatabase"
- quid "41A89654024D"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41A896810342"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CNetDatabase"
- quidu "41A895920294")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$241"
- quid "41A88910039E"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$242"
- quid "41A88911034F"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::CInterface"
- quidu "41A767DE0187"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$243"
- quid "41A889110363"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$244"
- quid "41A889E30261"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$245"
- quid "41A889E501F6"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolvProvdBase"
- quidu "41A889D9031B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$246"
- quid "41A889E50200"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$247"
- quid "41A88D8F014A"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$248"
- quid "41A88D9001E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
- quidu "41A8883002B6"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$249"
- quid "41A88D9001EC"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$250"
- quid "41A88E5E03B5"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$251"
- quid "41A88E6003C2"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CProtocolBase"
- quidu "41A88D720008"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$252"
- quid "41A88E6003CC"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$253"
- quid "41A890A901EC"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$254"
- quid "41A890AA0003"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolvProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88EED0310"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$255"
- quid "41A890AA000D"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolver"
- quidu "41A88FF3019A"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$256"
- quid "41A895A2016A"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$257"
- quid "41A895A301A8"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CNetDBProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88F6201EC"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$258"
- quid "41A895A301A9"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CNetDatabase"
- quidu "41A895920294"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$259"
- quid "41A912D4002C"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$260"
- quid "41A912D80190"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$261"
- quid "41A912D801C2"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$262"
- quid "41A913C8025D"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$263"
- quid "41A913C9034F"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$264"
- quid "41A913C90363"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1808, 878)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1200
- location (1617, 804)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CSockSubSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7685902ED"
- width 400
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (756, 509)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1201
- location (613, 435)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 286
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- label "CBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7525A00AC"
- width 304
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 878)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1202
- location (1152, 827)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 320
- justify 0
- label "MResolverNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A8883002B6"
- width 338
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (240, 877)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1203
- location (90, 803)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 300
- justify 0
- label "CProtocolBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A88D720008"
- width 318
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (756, 877)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1204
- location (549, 826)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 414
- justify 0
- label "CResolverProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A88CCB00F8"
- width 432
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- annotation 8
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- Parent_View @1205
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1205
- supplier @1202
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- Parent_View @1206
- location (1133, 931)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$249" @1208
- Parent_View @1205
- location (129, -259)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A88D9001EC"
- client @1205
- supplier @1204
- line_style 0)))
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- location (469, 877)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1209
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "41A88E6003C2"
- client @1209
- supplier @1203
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1211
- Parent_View @1210
- location (399, 931)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 1.014286
- height 54
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1209
- location (-459, -243)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A88E6003CC"
- client @1209
- supplier @1204
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1204
- supplier @1201
- line_style 0)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2146, 1949)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1214
- location (1955, 1875)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CSockSubSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7685902ED"
- width 400
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (756, 2237)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1215
- location (503, 2186)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 506
- justify 0
- label "CServiceResolvProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A88EED0310"
- width 524
- height 126
- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1215
- supplier @1204
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2146, 2237)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1217
- location (1974, 2186)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 344
- justify 0
- label "CServiceResolver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A88FF3019A"
- width 362
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1491, 2237)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1218
- location (995, 765)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1218
- supplier @1215
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- Parent_View @1219
- location (1192, 2202)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.631579
- height 36
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1218
- location (995, 765)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A890AA000D"
- client @1218
- supplier @1217
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1217
- supplier @1214
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1666, 1965)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1223
- location (1506, 1914)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "MResolverNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A8883002B6"
- width 338
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- annotation 8
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- supplier @1223
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (304, 2736)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1225
- location (120, 2685)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CNetDBProvdBase")
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- line_color 3342489
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- width 386
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- annotation 8
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- client @1225
- supplier @1204
- vertices (list Points
- (303, 2672)
- (303, 1800)
- (723, 940))
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2146, 2733)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1227
- location (2000, 2682)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CNetDatabase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A895920294"
- width 310
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1243, 2734)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1228
- location (-1173, 414)
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- quidu "41A895A301A8"
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- Parent_View @1229
- location (572, 2789)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1228
- location (-1173, 414)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A895A301A9"
- client @1228
- supplier @1227
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1682, 2469)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1232
- location (1522, 2418)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 320
- justify 0
- label "MResolverNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A8883002B6"
- width 338
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2146, 2453)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1233
- location (1955, 2379)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 382
- justify 0
- label "CSockSubSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 400
- height 172
- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1227
- supplier @1232
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1227
- supplier @1233
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1459, 144)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1236
- location (1308, 93)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 302
- justify 0
- label "RHostResolver")
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1237
- location (1750, 93)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1238
- location (2224, 93)
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- location (1454, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1239
- location (1304, 333)
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- location (1922, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1240
- location (1750, 333)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1241
- location (2224, 333)
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- location (2002, 514)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
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- label "Add MSubConnectionControlClient realisation. CHostResolver will become sub connection control client.")
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- label (object ItemLabel
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- location (2255, 1172)
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- Parent_View @1247
- location (877, 1194)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1249
- location (1658, 1195)
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- Parent_View @1272
- location (1912, 1367)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "The CSubConnectionProviderBase instance and the association replaces CInterface instance + its association.")
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- label "What is the sub-connection TID the resolver asks for? Is it always IP? I guess not. How does it know what to ask for? Analyse the request parameters? Should the CResolverProvdBase or CHostResolvProvdBase provide the info?")
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397")))
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- quidu "41A87B4C0397"))
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- quid "41C06B66019E"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
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- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
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- quid "41C310C00118"
- stereotype "V"
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- (object Parameter "conInfo"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41E2BBCE027A"
- stereotype "V"
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- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MNetworkControllerObserver"
- quidu "41B6EE01032A"))
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- quid "41C303A203A8"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Layer")
- (object Parameter "protocol")
- (object Parameter "conInfo"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C306020141"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "layer")
- (object Parameter "protocol")
- (object Parameter "conInfo"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
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- quid "41C6B9BF00C6"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C6B9CD03AB"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41E56F3E0335"
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- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "421A083101E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87B83033C")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397")))
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- quid "421A093000AD"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87F61023B")))
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- abstract TRUE
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- abstract TRUE)
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::MCommsFactoryQuery"
- quidu "422F26CC014D"))
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- quid "422F27D301BF")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XConnectionFactoryQuery"
- quidu "422F27180328"))
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- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "422F27A4013D"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::MCommsFactoryQuery"
- quidu "422F26CC014D"))
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- quid "422F276B0097")
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- quid "422F27750024")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XSubConnectionFactoryQuery"
- quidu "422F27350281"))
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- quid "422F278B02F8")
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- quid "422F279602E0")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87B83033C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quidu "41A87B4C0397"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41A87C8A0272"
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- quidu "41A7522A0392")))
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- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "422CC56802FB"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE))))
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1286
- location (1508, 1194)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1292
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- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
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- Parent_View @1297
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1299
- location (1808, 798)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2896, 848)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1300
- location (2575, 796)
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- location (2087, 1472)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1303
- location (1799, 1421)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1304
- location (956, 1613)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2352, 1936)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1306
- location (2083, 1886)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (336, 2208)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1307
- location (50, 2133)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (736, 368)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1308
- location (73, 46)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label
-|Generel note:
-|All the factory classes are very tiny ones mainly providing type cast. Could be template based as long as they don't add special functionality and even though it could be sorted by template specialisation.
-|All requests for provider are comming through factory container (unless the client knows which factory to talk to). All factories and providers are at the memont identified by address family. The factory can choose a provider type based on CommDb or.... Ther OID is a filter to select the desired provider (at the moment is equal to connection prefernces). No concept of layers as yet. To be BC proof the factory holds an context of the created provider that (in the future) can be used to hold interface extensions + versions.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1350
- height 656)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2128, 1664)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1309
- location (1807, 1613)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 642
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProviderFactoryBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "41A8839B0038"
- width 660
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1104, 2480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1310
- location (870, 2406)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
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- supplier @1292
- vertices (list Points
- (926, 2393)
- (735, 2302)
- (735, 2016))
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- location (336, 1616)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1313
- location (64, 1491)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 508
- label "Reference counted self-destructing class or a class owned by someone. Factory never owns it but is adviced of its deletion.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 568
- height 262)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- supplier @1313
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1315
- location (1347, 2396)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1316
- location (51, 1292)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 2160)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1317
- location (956, 2109)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- Parent_View @1319
- location (2473, 2092)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (336, 2480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1320
- location (84, 2406)
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- vertices (list Points
- (526, 2393)
- (734, 2302)
- (735, 2016))
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1322
- location (2608, 1020)
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- (2751, 1007)
- (2528, 911)
- (2528, 672))
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- nlines 1
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- (object Label @1327
- location (916, 1765)
- nlines 11
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- label
- )
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- location (919, 2262)
- nlines 1
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- nlines 1
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- location (3200, 1765)
- nlines 11
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- (1931, 1600)
- (1725, 1534)
- (1726, 1308))
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1332
- location (1831, 1021)
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- (2278, 1008)
- (2525, 909)
- (2527, 672))
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- vertices (list Points
- (1512, 1600)
- (1725, 1534)
- (1726, 1308))
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1335
- location (992, 1421)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1712, 1936)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1337
- location (1388, 1885)
- fill_color 13434879
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- (2800, 2079)
- (2800, 1888)
- (2317, 1727))
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (688, 800)
- font (object Font
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- location (367, 749)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (688, 1104)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1341
- location (419, 1052)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1552, 1104)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1343
- location (1325, 1030)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1552, 768)
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- italics TRUE)
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- Parent_View @1345
- location (1368, 694)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1552, 1472)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1347
- location (1231, 1420)
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- location (176, 880)
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- location (176, 912)
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- location (176, 976)
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- location (176, 1248)
- nlines 1
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- location (176, 1312)
- nlines 1
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- label "ECOM ShimCPR plugin")))
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- location (160, 736)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (816, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1357
- location (488, 845)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (816, 544)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1358
- location (461, 493)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (640, 608)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
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- Parent_View @1360
- location (319, 557)
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- nlines 1
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- location (144, 880)
- nlines 1
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- label "ECOM ShimCPR plugin")
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- location (144, 784)
- nlines 1
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- location (144, 1296)
- nlines 1
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- label "________________________________________________________________________________")
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- location (144, 1360)
- nlines 1
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- location (640, 1552)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1366
- location (444, 1478)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (640, 1104)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1367
- location (319, 1052)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1456, 1568)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1373
- location (1260, 1494)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1456, 1109)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1374
- location (1196, 1034)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1381
- location (321, 703)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1382
- location (327, 1087)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1383
- location (1178, 694)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1384
- location (1151, 1110)
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- quidu "41A7679A014D"))
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- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC")))
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- quid "41C06F440273")
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- quid "421CAB5301A4"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::XDummyConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "421CAA340392")))
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- quid "41AA259B01C3"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3")))
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- quid "41C06F5E01F0"
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- quid "41C06F5F004D"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSession"
- quidu "41C06F440273"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$282"
- quid "41C06F5F004E"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3")))
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- quid "421CA9A80195"
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- quid "421CA9A9025E"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::XSessionProxyEntry"
- quidu "421CA9900353"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$285"
- quid "421CA9A9025F"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3"))))
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1389
- location (1009, 409)
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- location (400, 1600)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1390
- location (66, 1441)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 6
- max_width 633
- label "At the moment it's a blend of message forwarding & factory like functionality=>factory functionality has to be removed mainly the one related to the current CConnection & CInterface.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 693
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- location (2592, 1568)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1391
- location (2036, 1440)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
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- label
-|Two meanings :
-|1. CtlType() == EMonitor - doesn't affect idle timers, serves to determined a default connection provider only.
-|2. CtlType() == ESession - affects timers and serves to determined a default conn provider.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1137
- height 269)
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- location (1424, 1328)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object Label @1393
- location (1255, 1488)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1728, 1472)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1394
- location (1494, 1420)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MSockSessionObserver")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- location (480, 1216)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1395
- location (337, 1142)
- fill_color 13434879
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @1390
- line_style 0)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (960, 1584)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1397
- location (810, 1510)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1392, 1824)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1398
- location (1279, 1750)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1456, 784)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1400
- location (1299, 733)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSockSession")
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- quidu "41C06F440273"
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- annotation 8
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2304, 1216)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1401
- location (2102, 1165)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "XSessionProxyEntry")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1152, 1216)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1402
- location (945, 1164)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 414
- justify 0
- label "CSockSessionProxy")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7737A02A3"
- width 432
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$235" @1403
- location (1439, 1343)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A774B70104"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$236" @1404
- Parent_View @1403
- location (1071, 735)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A774B801EC"
- client @1403
- supplier @1394
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1405
- Parent_View @1404
- location (1549, 1356)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.668047
- height 33
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$237" @1406
- Parent_View @1403
- location (1071, 735)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A774B801F6"
- client @1403
- supplier @1402
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$232" @1407
- location (783, 1216)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A773E10002"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$233" @1408
- Parent_View @1407
- location (463, 944)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "41A773E2005E"
- client @1407
- supplier @1402
- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @1408
- location (920, 1163)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$234" @1410
- Parent_View @1407
- location (463, 944)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A773E20068"
- client @1407
- supplier @1395
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$277" @1411
- location (1061, 1388)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA259A01F4"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$278" @1412
- Parent_View @1411
- location (693, 780)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA259B01B9"
- client @1411
- supplier @1397
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1413
- Parent_View @1412
- location (1073, 1463)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.499634
- height 45
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$279" @1414
- Parent_View @1411
- location (693, 780)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA259B01C3"
- client @1411
- supplier @1402
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA25FD03E1"
- client @1402
- supplier @1389
- line_style 0)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$238" @1416
- location (1267, 1508)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA1E6D0044"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$239" @1417
- Parent_View @1416
- location (-349, 548)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA1E6E017C"
- client @1416
- supplier @1402
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1418
- Parent_View @1417
- location (1138, 1324)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$240" @1419
- Parent_View @1416
- location (-349, 548)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA1E6E0190"
- client @1416
- supplier @1398
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$280" @1420
- location (1303, 999)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C06F5E01F0"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$281" @1421
- Parent_View @1420
- location (183, 215)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C06F5F004D"
- client @1420
- supplier @1400
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1422
- Parent_View @1421
- location (1443, 894)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$282" @1423
- Parent_View @1420
- location (183, 215)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C06F5F004E"
- client @1420
- supplier @1402
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$283" @1424
- location (1730, 1216)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421CA9A80195"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$284" @1425
- Parent_View @1424
- location (610, 432)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421CA9A9025E"
- client @1424
- supplier @1401
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1426
- Parent_View @1425
- location (2049, 1270)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$285" @1427
- Parent_View @1424
- location (610, 432)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421CA9A9025F"
- client @1424
- supplier @1402
- line_style 0)))
- (object NoteView @1428
- location (1776, 1040)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1428
- location (1501, 940)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 515
- label "replaces CSocksessionProxy -> MSockSessionObserver association")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 575
- height 212)
- (object AttachView "" @1429
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1428
- supplier @1424
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::XDummyConnectionControlClient" @1430
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2304, 784)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1430
- location (1989, 710)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 630
- justify 0
- label "XDummyConnectionControlClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "421CAA340392"
- width 648
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object InheritView "" @1431
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421CAB5301A4"
- client @1401
- supplier @1430
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1432
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1401
- supplier @1391
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient" @1433
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2299, 480)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1433
- location (2051, 405)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 496
- justify 0
- label "MConnectionControlClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "41BDA92A0213"
- width 514
- height 174
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object InheritView "" @1434
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421CAA9A033C"
- client @1430
- supplier @1433
- line_style 0)))))
- (object Class_Category "link connection"
- quid "41AA27E60069"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "41AA282301D9"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object NoteView @1435
- location (1344, 304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1435
- location (935, 244)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 783
- label "Stays the way it is covered by the shim layer.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 843
- height 132)))))
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- quid "41B6EAB601E8"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CNetworkControllerBase"
- quid "41B6EDD003A2")
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- quid "41B6EE01032A")
- (object Class "MProviderSelector"
- quid "41C1AF5D02D3"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41D920A80342"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8")
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41D92127034F"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Cancel"
- quid "41C2E57D012B"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Cancel"
- quid "421A0EF8010F"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quid "41C1AF890151"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41C1AFAB0146"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "422DE221004C"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41C839E9034A"
- supplier "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify"
- quidu "41A76B95022F")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "422DEAE2036C"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Select"
- quid "41C839A501F7"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C839AC005C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SelectionComplete"
- quid "41C839AF022D"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41C2DC4001D8"
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C2E55E01E4"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
- quid "41D9206C0242"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A0F3000D5"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "LayerUp"
- quid "421A0F3900D8"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A0F40027D"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Detach"
- quid "421A0F460362"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "CIPConnectionSelector"
- quid "421A2BA8032E"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421A2BCA0193"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "422CA9EB0070"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA")
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "422CBD8E03CC"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA")))
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- quid "41B9F92C03A2"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$287"
- quid "41B9F9320025"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MNetworkControllerObserver"
- quidu "41B6EE01032A"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$288"
- quid "41B9F9320026"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CNetworkControllerBase"
- quidu "41B6EDD003A2")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$289"
- quid "41C2DC60004E"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$290"
- quid "41C2DC6101B8"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$291"
- quid "41C2DC6101B9"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$292"
- quid "41C2DD0701D8"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$293"
- quid "41C2DD0801C5"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$294"
- quid "41C2DD0801CF"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$295"
- quid "41D929B9014B"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$296"
- quid "41D929BB0086"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$297"
- quid "41D929BB0087"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$298"
- quid "41B9F90C0305"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$299"
- quid "41B9F90D02D4"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CNetworkControllerBase"
- quidu "41B6EDD003A2"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$300"
- quid "41B9F90D02D5"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$301"
- quid "421A2BC40158"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$302"
- quid "421A2BC500F5"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$303"
- quid "421A2BC50109"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector"
- quidu "421A2BA8032E"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$304"
- quid "421A4CFD0107"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$305"
- quid "421A4CFE002C"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$306"
- quid "421A4CFE00A4"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector"
- quidu "421A2BA8032E"))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "41B6EAEB00C1"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object NoteView @1436
- location (1136, 1840)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1436
- location (870, 1762)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 497
- label "self destructing class. Deletes itself once the selection completes.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 557
- height 169)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Interface::MConnectionNotify" @1437
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1712, 1200)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1437
- location (1521, 1126)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 382
- justify 0
- label "MConnectionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A76B95022F"
- width 400
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object NoteView @1438
- location (432, 1840)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1438
- location (123, 1721)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 583
- label "Implements only the selection related functions from MConnectionNotify interface. The rest doesn't do anything")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 643
- height 250)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase" @1439
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1968, 1504)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1439
- location (1737, 1430)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 462
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- width 480
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (400, 1504)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1440
- location (242, 1452)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 316
- justify 0
- label "ISelectionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- width 334
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1136, 1504)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1441
- location (876, 1453)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 520
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionSelectorShim")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 16776960
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- width 538
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1566, 1504)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C2DD0701D8"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$293" @1443
- Parent_View @1442
- location (-66, 336)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C2DD0801C5"
- client @1442
- supplier @1439
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1444
- Parent_View @1443
- location (1710, 1558)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$294" @1445
- Parent_View @1442
- location (-66, 336)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C2DD0801CF"
- client @1442
- supplier @1441
- line_style 0)))
- (object AttachView "" @1446
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1436
- supplier @1441
- line_style 0)
- (object RealizeView "" @1447
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C839E9034A"
- client @1441
- supplier @1437
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1448
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1438
- supplier @1441
- line_style 0)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$295" @1449
- location (716, 1504)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41D929B9014B"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$296" @1450
- Parent_View @1449
- location (-404, 1088)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41D929BB0086"
- client @1449
- supplier @1440
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1451
- Parent_View @1450
- location (582, 1558)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$297" @1452
- Parent_View @1449
- location (-404, 1088)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41D929BB0087"
- client @1449
- supplier @1441
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1136, 592)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1453
- location (952, 540)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 368
- justify 0
- label "MProviderSelector")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"
- width 386
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify" @1454
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (416, 896)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1454
- location (258, 844)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1136, 1216)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1455
- location (952, 1164)
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- location (1135, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1457
- location (908, 845)
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- location (599, 950)
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- location (1189, 1140)
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- nlines 1
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- location (1938, 1103)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1840, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1470
- location (1516, 821)
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- location (1824, 592)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1472
- location (1499, 523)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 615
- label "Uses the factory to select & start the agent via NIFMAN session.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 675
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1472
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- (object AttachView "" @1474
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- quid "41ECEB5803E3"
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- quid "41ECEB6602E9"
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- opExportControl "Public"
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- quidu "41BDA92A0213"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$309"
- quid "41C2E1A0009E"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$312"
- quid "41C2E1C40336"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- quid "41D929DD0161"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41D929DD016B"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3")))
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- quidu "41ECEA270100"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41ECEBF000AE"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- roles (list role_list
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- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::NifManSubConnectionShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))
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- quid "421A553A0348"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
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- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CConnDataTransfer"
- quidu "41F00D6A0013"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "421A562400A0"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::Sub Connection Handling::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- is_aggregate TRUE))))
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- location (400, 928)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1475
- location (114, 774)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2096, 1152)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1476
- location (1773, 1023)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2672, 1856)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1477
- location (2122, 1631)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 9
- max_width 1065
- label
-|General note:
-|The connection stacking as it stands now merges from top to bottom that reflect the data flow. We should support merging from bottom to top as well. That would support bearer mobility since the higher layer would know about all available bearers so that it could move its sub-connections without actually moving itself. So there should in fact be an array of next layers one of which is the active (current iNextLayer member).
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1125
- height 463)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2064, 512)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1478
- location (1816, 285)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- fill_color 65280
- quidu "41BDA92A0213"
- width 514
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (400, 400)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1479
- location (171, 348)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1200, 880)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1481
- location (838, 351)
- fill_color 13434879
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- Parent_View @1483
- location (1787, 688)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
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- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.665875
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1482
- location (-344, -209)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C2E1A0009E"
- client @1482
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- location (667, 560)
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- Parent_View @1486
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- Parent_View @1487
- location (585, 449)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.684670
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1486
- location (-1365, -320)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C2E1C40336"
- client @1486
- supplier @1481
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2864, 1528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1490
- location (2503, 1453)
- fill_color 13434879
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2848, 1200)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1491
- location (2492, 1021)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CConnectionProviderFactoryShim")
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- location (240, 2336)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1492
- location (24, 2277)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 397
- label "The old CSubInterface - like bit")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 457
- height 131)
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- location (352, 1408)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1493
- location (43, 1342)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 583
- label "The old CSubConnection-like bit.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 643
- height 144)
- (object NoteView @1494
- location (2000, 2736)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1494
- location (1609, 2652)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 746
- label "+ Interface defined by MConnectionNotify & CConnectionProvdBase. The old CInterface bit.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 806
- height 181)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2960, 2656)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1495
- location (2700, 2502)
- fill_color 13434879
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1200, 144)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1496
- location (946, 15)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "MConnectionClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 526
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- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @1496
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2848, 688)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1499
- location (2492, 459)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CConnectionProviderFactoryBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2176, 2352)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1501
- location (1903, 2123)
- fill_color 13434879
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2960, 2240)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1502
- location (2776, 2111)
- fill_color 13434879
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- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"
- width 386
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- annotation 8
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- location (2612, 2288)
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- Parent_View @1504
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- Parent_View @1505
- location (2481, 2361)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
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- pctDist 0.900000
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- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1504
- location (-348, 48)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41D929DD016B"
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- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2848, 224)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1508
- location (2557, 20)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1344, 2656)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1509
- location (1104, 2475)
- fill_color 13434879
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim" @1510
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1344, 2224)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1510
- location (1066, 2120)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 556
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProviderShim")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 16776960
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- width 574
- height 232
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AttachView "" @1511
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1494
- supplier @1510
- line_style 0)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$316" @1512
- location (1344, 2401)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41ECEBEF01E2"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$317" @1513
- Parent_View @1512
- location (-192, 257)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "41ECEBF000AD"
- client @1512
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- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @1513
- location (1383, 2441)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.666667
- height 39
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$318" @1515
- Parent_View @1512
- location (-192, 257)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41ECEBF000AE"
- client @1512
- supplier @1510
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (480, 2656)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1516
- location (209, 2582)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "NifManSubConnectionShim")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 16776960
- quidu "41BEF88800A9"
- width 560
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AttachView "" @1517
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1492
- supplier @1516
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1424, 1744)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1518
- location (1153, 1669)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CConnDataTransfer")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "41F00D6A0013"
- width 560
- height 174
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (480, 1888)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1519
- location (175, 1813)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 610
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionLinkShimClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 16776960
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- width 628
- height 174
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AttachView "" @1520
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1493
- supplier @1519
- line_style 0)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$319" @1521
- location (480, 2272)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A553A0346"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1521
- location (-528, 1728)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "421A553A0348"
- client @1521
- supplier @1519
- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @1522
- location (427, 2005)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$320" @1524
- Parent_View @1521
- location (-528, 1728)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A553A0347"
- client @1521
- supplier @1516
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1525
- Parent_View @1524
- location (427, 2539)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))))
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- location (968, 1812)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A562301F2"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$323" @1527
- Parent_View @1526
- location (488, -76)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "421A5624009F"
- client @1526
- supplier @1518
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1528
- Parent_View @1527
- location (1042, 1755)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.464413
- height 46
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$324" @1529
- Parent_View @1526
- location (488, -76)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A562400A0"
- client @1526
- supplier @1519
- line_style 0))))))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "41A74B8C02E2"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 1288
- origin_y 188
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection" @1530
- location (2160, 1296)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1530
- location (2016, 1212)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Connection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A74FA2017D"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection" @1531
- location (1600, 1296)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1531
- location (1456, 1212)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Sub Connection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A74FC60071"
- width 300
- height 180)
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- location (816, 1296)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1532
- location (672, 1212)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Service")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A7584503E0"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Interface" @1533
- location (2160, 2176)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1533
- location (2016, 2092)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Interface")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- quidu "41A7679A014D"
- width 300
- height 180)
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- location (2848, 2160)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1534
- location (2548, 2066)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 565
- label "needs to be reduced and merged with Sub Connection package")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 625
- height 200)
- (object AttachView "" @1535
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1534
- supplier @1533
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @1536
- location (880, 224)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1536
- location (117, 39)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 7
- max_width 1490
- label
-|amber boxes - need changing,
-|redish boxes - need reduction or removal
-|green boxes - new
-|light blue boxes- new but temporary to be removed as architecture progresses
-|X - dependencies/associations to be romoved
-|all together it's a huge bite:-)
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1550
- height 382)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A77B5301EE"
- client @1531
- supplier @1533
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1538
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A77B5601DE"
- client @1530
- supplier @1533
- line_style 0)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Resolver" @1539
- location (1600, 1856)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1539
- location (1456, 1772)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Resolver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A77EF303B5"
- width 300
- height 180)
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- location (1088, 704)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1540
- location (944, 620)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Factory")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A875EF01EE"
- width 300
- height 180)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A876010316"
- client @1532
- supplier @1540
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1542
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A876050177"
- client @1531
- supplier @1540
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1543
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A8760803A2"
- client @1530
- supplier @1540
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @1544
- location (1072, 432)
- nlines 44
- max_width 62
- label
- )
- (object Label @1545
- location (784, 448)
- nlines 1
- max_width 288
- label "DATA PLANE")
- (object Label @1546
- location (1136, 448)
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- label "CONTROL PLANE")
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A91E370312"
- client @1531
- supplier @1530
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1548
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A91E410014"
- client @1532
- supplier @1531
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1549
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A77F1A0068"
- client @1539
- supplier @1533
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1550
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A8760C02FE"
- client @1539
- supplier @1540
- vertices (list Points
- (1449, 1856)
- (1232, 1856)
- (1099, 794))
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1551
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A91EB50147"
- client @1539
- supplier @1531
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @1552
- location (2144, 1664)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object Label @1553
- location (1840, 1984)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object Label @1554
- location (1840, 1664)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Session Proxy" @1555
- location (816, 2176)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1555
- location (672, 2092)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Session Proxy")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41AA25160186"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object NoteView @1556
- location (304, 2176)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1556
- location (35, 1964)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 9
- max_width 503
- label "This is a bit I didn't get:((. I'd love to fill it red:-). In a sad case it's to stay the dependencies will point towards network specialisation of a connection provider. See Connection package.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 563
- height 437)
- (object AttachView "" @1557
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1556
- supplier @1555
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1558
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA27BE0256"
- client @1555
- supplier @1533
- line_style 0)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::link connection" @1559
- location (2160, 2544)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1559
- location (2016, 2460)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "link connection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- quidu "41AA27E60069"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object NoteView @1560
- location (2864, 2544)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1560
- location (2558, 2429)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 577
- label "Will disappear as a distinct entity. Merges with Connection package to become a connection provider.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 637
- height 243)
- (object AttachView "" @1561
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1560
- supplier @1559
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1562
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA28EC021E"
- client @1533
- supplier @1559
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @1563
- location (1472, 2160)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object Label @1564
- location (2144, 2304)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 43
- label "X")
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Selection" @1565
- location (2672, 1296)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1565
- location (2528, 1212)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Selection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41B6EAB601E8"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object ImportView "" @1566
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41B6EADF010A"
- client @1530
- supplier @1565
- line_style 0)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions" @1567
- location (2144, 688)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1567
- location (1989, 604)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 310
- justify 0
- label "New Interfaces & Functions")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "41C1686300B3"
- width 322
- height 180)))))
- root_subsystem (object SubSystem "Component View"
- quid "41A74B800049"
- physical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object module "NSCPR" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
- quid "41B9DF050008"
- stereotype ""
- visible_modules (list dependency_list
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EB050039"
- supplier "Component View::ShimCPR"
- quidu "41B9E8210008"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
- (object module "NCPR" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
- quid "41B9DF0E0232"
- stereotype ""
- visible_modules (list dependency_list
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EAD60044"
- supplier "Component View::FACT"
- quidu "41B9E9EF034B"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EB080174"
- supplier "Component View::ShimCPR"
- quidu "41B9E8210008"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- quid "41B9DF8202F9"
- stereotype "")
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- quid "41B9E44D00C7"
- stereotype ""
- visible_modules (list dependency_list
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EB110299"
- supplier "Component View::NIF"
- quidu "41B9E6A800C6"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EB140275"
- supplier "Component View::NSCPR"
- quidu "41B9DF050008"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "423D5297018E"
- supplier "Component View::NIFMAN"
- quidu "41B9E8530155"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- quid "41B9E52B011B"
- stereotype ""
- visible_modules (list dependency_list
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EACC0004"
- supplier "Component View::FACT"
- quidu "41B9E9EF034B"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EAFA02BE"
- supplier "Component View::NSCPR"
- quidu "41B9DF050008"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EAFD025E"
- supplier "Component View::NCPR"
- quidu "41B9DF0E0232"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EB23015F"
- supplier "Component View::PRT"
- quidu "41B9E44D00C7"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- quid "41B9E6A800C6"
- stereotype ""
- visible_modules (list dependency_list
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EB170388"
- supplier "Component View::NIFMAN"
- quidu "41B9E8530155"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- quid "41B9E8210008"
- stereotype ""
- visible_modules (list dependency_list
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EAF603DA"
- supplier "Component View::NIFMAN"
- quidu "41B9E8530155"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EAE901BE"
- supplier "Component View::FACT"
- quidu "41B9E9EF034B"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "423032600030"
- supplier "Component View::ShimSCPR"
- quidu "4230324802F2"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
- (object module "LCP" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
- quid "41B9E82B026F"
- stereotype "")
- (object module "NIFMAN" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
- quid "41B9E8530155"
- stereotype ""
- visible_modules (list dependency_list
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "41B9EB360120"
- supplier "Component View::NETCON"
- quidu "41B9DF8202F9"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
- (object module "FACT" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
- quid "41B9E9EF034B"
- stereotype "")
- (object module "ShimSCPR" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart"
- quid "4230324802F2"
- stereotype ""
- visible_modules (list dependency_list
- (object Dependency_Relationship
- quid "423032570177"
- supplier "Component View::NIFMAN"
- quidu "41B9E8530155"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE))))
- physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "41A74B8C027E"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 341
- origin_y 128
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ModView "Component View::NSCPR" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart" @1568
- location (1015, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1568
- location (970, 503)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 3
- nlines 2
- max_width 167
- label "NSCPR")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41B9DF050008"
- width 300
- autoResize TRUE
- width 300
- height 162)
- (object ModView "Component View::NCPR" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart" @1569
- location (1568, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1569
- location (1533, 503)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 3
- nlines 2
- max_width 127
- label "NCPR")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41B9DF0E0232"
- width 228
- autoResize TRUE
- width 228
- height 162)
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- location (2096, 1440)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1570
- location (2050, 1413)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 3
- nlines 2
- max_width 170
- label "NETCON")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41B9DF8202F9"
- width 306
- height 175
- autoResize TRUE
- width 306
- height 175)
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- location (416, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1571
- location (381, 503)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 3
- nlines 2
- max_width 127
- label "PRT")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41B9E44D00C7"
- width 228
- autoResize TRUE
- width 228
- height 162)
- (object Label @1572
- location (719, 47)
- nlines 30
- max_width 31
- label
- )
- (object ModView "Component View::ESOCK" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart" @1573
- location (1040, 208)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1573
- location (821, 181)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 3
- nlines 2
- max_width 835
- label "ESOCK")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41B9E52B011B"
- width 1507
- height 181
- autoResize TRUE
- width 1507
- height 181)
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- location (353, 321)
- nlines 1
- max_width 169
- label "CSocket")
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- location (897, 321)
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- label
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- value FALSE)
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- name "CompositeUnique"
- value FALSE)
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- tool "DDL"
- name "CheckConstraint"
- value "")))
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- tool "Version Control"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE))
- quid "41A74B80004B"))
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/Documentation/Control Plane Connection Stack(phase 2)0.2.mdl Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27344 +0,0 @@
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- sequence ""
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- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CDispatcher"
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- sequence ""
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- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseS"
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- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "11"
- ordinal 10))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
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- quidu "42B18280031F"
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- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
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- quid "42B29CE1026A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "10"
- ordinal 9))))
- class "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
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- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
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- ordinal 15)
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- quid "42C3F93A0183"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
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- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "17"
- ordinal 16
- Operation "StartL( )"
- quidu "41C303FB0299")
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- quid "42C3F9580390"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "18"
- ordinal 17)))
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- quid "42C3F8440166"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$16"
- quidu "428CC2A10080"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProvider(CConnectionProviderBase&)"
- quid "42C3F8690021"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "11"
- ordinal 10))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$15"
- quid "428CC21A003D"
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$17"
- quid "428CC2330328"
- class "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
- quidu "421BA9590249"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$16"
- quid "428CC2A10080"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "428CC4EA023B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$18"
- quidu "428CC4C4036C"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "CanDoSubConnection()"
- quid "42C3F54601AF"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2)))
- (object Link
- quid "428CC663033F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$16"
- quidu "428CC2A10080"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindFactory"
- quid "42C3F63502BB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 3)
- (object Message "FindFactory"
- quid "42C3F8D4025C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "13"
- ordinal 12)))
- (object Link
- quid "428CCC7F024F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$19"
- quidu "428CCC74032F"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "CanDoSubConnection()"
- quid "42C3F8920087"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "12"
- ordinal 11)))
- (object Link
- quid "42C3F64801C9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$20"
- quidu "42C3EE94022A"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "42C3F64D02DF"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5"
- ordinal 4)))
- (object Link
- quid "42C3F8CA001C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$21"
- quidu "42C3F62400AD"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "42C3F8E401DE"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "14"
- ordinal 13))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$13"
- quid "428CC2B002BD"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "428CC337013D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$16"
- quidu "428CC2A10080"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProvider(CConnectionProviderBase&)"
- quid "428CC33D018C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1
- Operation "FindOrCreateProvider(CConnectionProvider&)")))
- (object Link
- quid "428CCDFA014D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$14"
- quidu "428CC2060251"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinL"
- quid "42C3F6B301D4"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "7"
- ordinal 6)
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- quid "42C3F748008C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "10"
- ordinal 9
- Operation "StartL( )"
- quidu "41C303FB0299")
- (object Message "SubConnectionEvent(MConnectionDataClient::ENotifyLayerUp)"
- quid "42C3F9CC03C6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "19"
- ordinal 18))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection"
- quidu "41A750530146"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$18"
- quid "428CC4C4036C"
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$19"
- quid "428CCC74032F"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "428CCDAF00FE"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$17"
- quidu "428CC2330328"))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$20"
- quid "42C3EE94022A"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42C3F66502EF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$14"
- quidu "428CC2060251"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42C3F6770089"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "6"
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87F61023B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$21"
- quid "42C3F62400AD"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42C3F9060275"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$15"
- quidu "428CC21A003D"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42C3F90D028A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "15"
- ordinal 14))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87F61023B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @4
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$22"
- quid "4292FECF008A"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4292FECF008B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$23"
- quidu "4292FECF0093"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "GetWorkerForProtocol"
- quid "4292FECF008C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1)))
- (object Link
- quid "4292FECF008D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$22"
- quidu "4292FECF008A"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "4292FECF008E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2)
- (object Message "ForwardMessageToPeer"
- quid "4292FECF008F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 3)))
- (object Link
- quid "4292FECF0090"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$24"
- quidu "4292FECF0095"
- supplier_containment "By Reference"
- client_containment "By Reference"
- supplier_visibility "LOCAL"
- client_visibility "LOCAL"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "4292FECF0091"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5"
- ordinal 4)
- (object Message "CompleteReq"
- quid "42934DB00322"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "12"
- ordinal 11))))
- class "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSession"
- quidu "41C06F440273"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$23"
- quid "4292FECF0093"
- class "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CPitBoss"
- quidu "42774CEE029D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$24"
- quid "4292FECF0095"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4292FECF0096"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$25"
- quidu "4292FECF0099"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ProcessMessageL"
- quid "4292FECF0097"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "6"
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CWorkerThread"
- quidu "42774D1403A3"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$25"
- quid "4292FECF0099"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4292FECF009A"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$25"
- quidu "4292FECF0099"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewHostResolver"
- quid "4292FECF009B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "7"
- ordinal 6)))
- (object Link
- quid "4292FFA00094"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$26"
- quidu "4292FF920148"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42934CC0006F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "10"
- ordinal 9)))
- (object Link
- quid "4293012A0023"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$27"
- quidu "429300700152"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SubConnectionFactory"
- quid "429341EB02A7"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "8"
- ordinal 7)))
- (object Link
- quid "429301C101CE"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$28"
- quidu "429301A1025E"
- supplier_containment "By Value"
- client_containment "By Value"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL(CConnectionProviderBase*)"
- quid "4293421803B1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "9"
- ordinal 8))))
- class "Logical View::CPlayer"
- quidu "41A773DB02DF"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$29"
- quid "4292FECF00A4"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4292FECF00A3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$22"
- quidu "4292FECF008A"
- supplier_containment "By Value"
- client_containment "By Value"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ServiceL"
- quid "4292FECF00A5"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0))))
- class "Logical View::CSocketServer"
- quidu "427F651A0205"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$26"
- quid "4292FF920148"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42933AEF017E"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$30"
- quidu "42930305035B"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinL"
- quid "42934D1E0301"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "11"
- ordinal 10))))
- class "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$27"
- quid "429300700152"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
- quidu "427F6DC802D7"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$28"
- quid "429301A1025E"
- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC"
- quidu "4288AD8F0337"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$30"
- quid "42930305035B"
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
- quidu "4289DA6801E1"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @5
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$31"
- quid "42934E2303D4"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42934E2303D5"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$32"
- quidu "42934E2303DF"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "GetWorkerForProtocol"
- quid "42934E2303D6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1)))
- (object Link
- quid "42934E2303D7"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$31"
- quidu "42934E2303D4"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ForwardMessageL"
- quid "42934E2303D8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2)
- (object Message "ForwardMessageToPeer"
- quid "42934E2303D9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 3)))
- (object Link
- quid "42934E2303DA"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$33"
- quidu "42934E240000"
- supplier_containment "By Reference"
- client_containment "By Reference"
- supplier_visibility "LOCAL"
- client_visibility "LOCAL"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "42934E2303DB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5"
- ordinal 4)
- (object Message "CompleteReq"
- quid "4293530902D8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "11"
- ordinal 10))))
- class "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSession"
- quidu "41C06F440273"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$32"
- quid "42934E2303DF"
- class "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CPitBoss"
- quidu "42774CEE029D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$33"
- quid "42934E240000"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42934E240001"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$34"
- quidu "42934E24000B"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ProcessMessageL"
- quid "42934E240002"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "6"
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CWorkerThread"
- quidu "42774D1403A3"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$34"
- quid "42934E24000B"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42934E24000C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$34"
- quidu "42934E24000B"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "CSocket::NewL"
- quid "42934E24000D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "7"
- ordinal 6)))
- (object Link
- quid "42934E24000A"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$35"
- quidu "42934E240005"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "42934E240010"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "8"
- ordinal 7)))
- (object Link
- quid "42934E24000E"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$36"
- quidu "42934E240012"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "429352BF01CB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "9"
- ordinal 8))))
- class "Logical View::CPlayer"
- quidu "41A773DB02DF"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$37"
- quid "42934E24003A"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42934E240039"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$31"
- quidu "42934E2303D4"
- supplier_containment "By Value"
- client_containment "By Value"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "ServiceL"
- quid "42934E24003B"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0))))
- class "Logical View::CSocketServer"
- quidu "427F651A0205"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$35"
- quid "42934E240005"
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer"
- quidu "4280F79E0392"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$38"
- quid "42934E240015"
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$36"
- quid "42934E240012"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42934E240013"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$38"
- quidu "42934E240015"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinL"
- quid "429352D1000F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "10"
- ordinal 9))))
- class "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
- quidu "41A754670219"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @6
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$39"
- quid "4298BF29033F"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4298C089009C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$40"
- quidu "4298BF50020E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Call(clientId)"
- quid "4298C089009D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$40"
- quid "4298BF50020E"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4298C09803C8"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$40"
- quidu "4298BF50020E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "marshal"
- quid "4298C09803C9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.1"
- ordinal 1)))
- (object Link
- quid "4298C0A7035C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$41"
- quidu "4298BFC702F6"
- messages (list Messages
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- quid "4298C0A7035D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2"
- ordinal 2
- Operation "Send( )"
- quidu "4288B5CE03C8"))))
- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC"
- quidu "4289BE6D02F0"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$41"
- quid "4298BFC702F6"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4298C0B800B7"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$42"
- quidu "4298BFF203C0"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "RunL"
- quid "4298C0B800B8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1.2.1"
- ordinal 3))))
- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$42"
- quid "4298BFF203C0"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4298C0C50283"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$42"
- quidu "4298BFF203C0"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "object lookup"
- quid "4298C0C50284"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 4)
- (object Message "fn lookup"
- quid "4298C0D302AB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 5)))
- (object Link
- quid "4298C0EF03BA"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$43"
- quidu "4298C00501AA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Call(clientId)"
- quid "4298C0EF03BB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 6))))
- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CDispatcher"
- quidu "4288ADE80190"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$43"
- quid "4298C00501AA"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "4298C10B0310"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$43"
- quidu "4298C00501AA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "client lookup/broadcast"
- quid "4298C10B0311"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 7)))
- (object Link
- quid "4298C13700EC"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$44"
- quidu "4298C04E03A4"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Call"
- quid "4298C13700ED"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence ""
- ordinal 8))))
- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientS"
- quidu "4297348E03E2"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$44"
- quid "4298C04E03A4"
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$45"
- quid "4298C070037B"
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @7
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$46"
- quid "42B93D1E023A"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B93FCD021A"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$47"
- quidu "42B93D700346"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "42B94026036C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163")))
- (object Link
- quid "42B9743D03BA"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$48"
- quidu "42B93DDB020A"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "StartL/JoinL"
- quid "42B9A1230109"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "10"
- ordinal 9))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$47"
- quid "42B93D700346"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B93FE00022"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$49"
- quidu "42B93D7A03B9"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "42B9404D0318"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 3)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B9402B0098"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$47"
- quidu "42B93D700346"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindFactory"
- quid "42B940400157"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$49"
- quid "42B93D7A03B9"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B93FEF0377"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$48"
- quidu "42B93DDB020A"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42B94057016E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5"
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87F61023B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$48"
- quid "42B93DDB020A"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B93FF502FE"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$50"
- quidu "42B93DED0364"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- quid "42B9406A03A6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "6"
- ordinal 5)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B977700293"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$51"
- quidu "42B93F420328"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "StartL"
- quid "42B9A13A03BF"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "11"
- ordinal 10
- Operation "StartL( )"
- quidu "41C303FB0299")))
- (object Link
- quid "42B99FD0002C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$48"
- quidu "42B93DDB020A"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "AttachFlow"
- quid "42B9A0F501FD"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "9"
- ordinal 8))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$50"
- quid "42B93DED0364"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B93FFD0165"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$51"
- quidu "42B93F420328"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42B9A07B01BA"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "7"
- ordinal 6))))
- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC"
- quidu "4288EBF70314"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$51"
- quid "42B93F420328"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B96F530160"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$52"
- quidu "42B96F4500F1"
- supplier_containment "By Reference"
- client_containment "By Reference"
- supplier_visibility "LOCAL"
- client_visibility "LOCAL"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL(CSubConnectionBase* handle + info)"
- quid "42B9A08B00B9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "8"
- ordinal 7)
- (object Message "return CSubConnectionFlow* handle"
- quid "42B9A5A10046"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "18"
- ordinal 17)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B9787C03D2"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$53"
- quidu "42B975B30195"
- supplier_containment "By Reference"
- client_containment "By Reference"
- supplier_visibility "LOCAL"
- client_visibility "LOCAL"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "CStartFlow"
- quid "42B9A5D702C5"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "19"
- ordinal 18))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
- quidu "4289BB88034F"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$52"
- quid "42B96F4500F1"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B974180294"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$54"
- quidu "42B973B2021E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- quid "42B9A4B103A6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "13"
- ordinal 12)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B9844400C1"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$55"
- quidu "42B984000268"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL(CSubConnectionProviderBase* handle)"
- quid "42B9A49A0045"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "12"
- ordinal 11
- Operation "NewL")
- (object Message "AttachFlow"
- quid "42B9A55E037E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "17"
- ordinal 16
- Operation "AttachFlow(CSubConnectionProviderBase* handle)"))))
- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC"
- quidu "4288AD8F0337"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$54"
- quid "42B973B2021E"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B973B2021F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$54"
- quidu "42B973B2021E"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindFactory"
- quid "42B973B20220"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1)
- (object Message "FindFactory"
- quid "42B9A4C70036"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "14"
- ordinal 13)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B975320011"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$56"
- quidu "42B975250185"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- quid "42B9A4DE0242"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "15"
- ordinal 14))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer"
- quidu "4280F79E0392"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$56"
- quid "42B975250185"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B975DE018D"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$53"
- quidu "42B975B30195"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL(CSubConnectionProviderBase* ptr)"
- quid "42B9A4F70339"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "16"
- ordinal 15))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
- quidu "427F6DC802D7"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$53"
- quid "42B975B30195"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B992A900BD"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$55"
- quidu "42B984000268"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "42B9A5FD0356"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "20"
- ordinal 19))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$55"
- quid "42B984000268"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B993A20063"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$48"
- quidu "42B93DDB020A"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "CLayerUp"
- quid "42B9A60C01A9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "21"
- ordinal 20))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
- quidu "4289DA6801E1"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @8
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$57"
- quid "42B2A03E03BF"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2A03E03C0"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$58"
- quidu "42B2A03E03C5"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Start"
- quid "42B2A0D601E4"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0)
- (object Message "StartComplete"
- quid "42B303DC033C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "36"
- ordinal 35))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::RConnection"
- quidu "41B1D83B017A"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$58"
- quid "42B2A03E03C5"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2A03E03C9"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$59"
- quidu "42B2A03E03DE"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "Start"
- quid "42B2A0EA0297"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1)
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "42B303CD011D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "35"
- ordinal 34))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$59"
- quid "42B2A03E03DE"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2A1130303"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$60"
- quidu "42B2A03E03DB"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectNextLayer(provider*)"
- quid "42B2A11F03C8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2
- Operation "SelectNextLayer")))
- (object Link
- quid "42B2E7000178"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$61"
- quidu "42B2A03E03E7"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinL"
- quid "42B2FEF3005E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "24"
- ordinal 23
- Operation "JoinL( )"
- quidu "41C30A56024B")
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "42B3001E02DB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "31"
- ordinal 30))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$62"
- quid "42B2A03E03E6"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2E02E0000"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$63"
- quidu "42B2E00B0104"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "AddObserverL"
- quid "42B2E13C0253"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "13"
- ordinal 12)
- (object Message "RemoveObserver"
- quid "42B2FFE70050"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "29"
- ordinal 28))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
- quidu "421BA9590249"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$61"
- quid "42B2A03E03E7"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2E0FA02CF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$64"
- quidu "42B2E0DC027B"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42B2FDC7002F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "19"
- ordinal 18)
- (object Message "AttachToConnectionL"
- quid "42B2FDD80319"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "20"
- ordinal 19)
- (object Message "LinkLayerUp"
- quid "42B300000313"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "30"
- ordinal 29))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$60"
- quid "42B2A03E03DB"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2DB140197"
- supplier "placeholder"
- quidu "42B2A03E03D3"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectNextLayer(provider*)"
- quid "42B2DB1702D2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 3
- Operation "SelectNextLayer"))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A8839B0038"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "placeholder"
- quid "42B2A03E03D3"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2A03E03D4"
- supplier "placeholder"
- quidu "42B2A03E03D3"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "figure out preferences for the next layer"
- quid "42B2DB390169"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "6"
- ordinal 5)
- (object Message "delete"
- quid "42B3007E00C8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "33"
- ordinal 32)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B2DBC102BC"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$65"
- quidu "42B2DBA000C9"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectProvider"
- quid "42B2DC1203D2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "7"
- ordinal 6
- Operation "SelectProvider( )"
- quidu "41C6B9CD03AB")))
- (object Link
- quid "42B2E6850197"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$66"
- quidu "42B2DD56023A"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "SelectComplete"
- quid "42B2FEB102BB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "22"
- ordinal 21)
- (object Message "Detach"
- quid "42B300650325"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "32"
- ordinal 31)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B2E6D500DF"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$59"
- quidu "42B2A03E03DE"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinNextL"
- quid "42B2FEE0030A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "23"
- ordinal 22)
- (object Message "Detach"
- quid "42B3038F036C"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "34"
- ordinal 33))))
- class "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$65"
- quid "42B2DBA000C9"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2DBA000CA"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$65"
- quidu "42B2DBA000C9"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "MapPreferencesToLayer"
- quid "42B2DBA000CB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5"
- ordinal 4)
- (object Message "MapPreferencesToLayer"
- quid "42B2DC320216"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "8"
- ordinal 7)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B2DD830344"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$66"
- quidu "42B2DD56023A"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42B2DEEE0389"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "9"
- ordinal 8)
- (object Message "Select"
- quid "42B2DEFF001D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "10"
- ordinal 9
- Operation "Select( )"
- quidu "41C839A501F7"))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$66"
- quid "42B2DD56023A"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2DF380305"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$62"
- quidu "42B2A03E03E6"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42B2E10C0203"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "11"
- ordinal 10)
- (object Message "StartL"
- quid "42B2E120005D"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "12"
- ordinal 11)
- (object Message "SelectComplete"
- quid "42B2E15C0191"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "14"
- ordinal 13)
- (object Message "LinkLayerUp"
- quid "42B2FF0C0209"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "25"
- ordinal 24)
- (object Message "delete"
- quid "42B2FFD303C2"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "28"
- ordinal 27)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B2DFCB025F"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$67"
- quidu "42B2DFB40143"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "42B2E26A02B7"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "15"
- ordinal 14)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B2E3F902EB"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$61"
- quidu "42B2A03E03E7"
- supplier_containment "By Value"
- client_containment "By Value"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "AddRef"
- quid "42B2FD6D03C7"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "17"
- ordinal 16)
- (object Message "ConnectionControlActivityL(EAttachNormal,..)"
- quid "42B2FD850169"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "18"
- ordinal 17)
- (object Message "ReleaseRef"
- quid "42B2FFC00324"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "27"
- ordinal 26)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B2F9FB0371"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$66"
- quidu "42B2DD56023A"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "delete"
- quid "42B2FF670324"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "26"
- ordinal 25))))
- class "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$67"
- quid "42B2DFB40143"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2DFE9037B"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$61"
- quidu "42B2A03E03E7"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42B2E3050335"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "16"
- ordinal 15))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A8839B0038"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$63"
- quid "42B2E00B0104"
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "4295B90F02AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$64"
- quid "42B2E0DC027B"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B2E5C90215"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$63"
- quidu "42B2E00B0104"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "AddObserverL"
- quid "42B2FDF002EC"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "21"
- ordinal 20))))
- class "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
- quidu "421BA9590249"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)))
- (object Mechanism @9
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$68"
- quid "42B9959101DD"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B99DEB01F6"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$69"
- quidu "42B9959101FE"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- quid "42B99E14001F"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "1"
- ordinal 0)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B9A72D016C"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$70"
- quidu "42B995910208"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinL/StartL"
- quid "42B9A74702E6"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "8"
- ordinal 7))))
- class "Use Case View::Client"
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$71"
- quid "42B9959101E2"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B99E1A02DB"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$71"
- quidu "42B9959101E2"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindFactory"
- quid "42B9A9410270"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "12"
- ordinal 11)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B9959101E3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$72"
- quidu "42B9959101E7"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "42B9A94B02BB"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "13"
- ordinal 12))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$72"
- quid "42B9959101E7"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B9959101E8"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$73"
- quidu "42B9959101EA"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42B9A96102F9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "14"
- ordinal 13)
- (object Message "AttachFlow"
- quid "42B9A9760317"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "15"
- ordinal 14))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87F61023B"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$73"
- quid "42B9959101EA"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B9959101ED"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$74"
- quidu "42B9959101F2"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "42B9AA6C0219"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "18"
- ordinal 17))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$75"
- quid "42B9959101EF"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B9959101F0"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$74"
- quidu "42B9959101F2"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL(CSubConnectionFlowBase* handle)"
- quid "42B9A8F50021"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "10"
- ordinal 9)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B9959101F3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$76"
- quidu "42B99591020C"
- supplier_containment "By Reference"
- client_containment "By Reference"
- supplier_visibility "LOCAL"
- client_visibility "LOCAL"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL(CSubConnectionFlowBase* handle + info)"
- quid "42B9A6C202B1"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "ToClientFromSupplier"
- sequence "7"
- ordinal 6
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL(CSubConnectionFlow* handle + info)")
- (object Message "return CSubConnectionProviderbase* handle()"
- quid "42B9A9A601B8"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "16"
- ordinal 15)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B9A7E400DA"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$71"
- quidu "42B9959101E2"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "42B9A93303C4"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "11"
- ordinal 10
- Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL( )"
- quidu "41C2EF450163"))))
- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC"
- quidu "4288EBF70314"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$74"
- quid "42B9959101F2"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B9AB7F00EB"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$70"
- quidu "42B995910208"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "LayerUp"
- quid "42B9AB8900A9"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "19"
- ordinal 18))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
- quidu "4289BB88034F"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$77"
- quid "42B9959101F9"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B9959101FC"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$76"
- quidu "42B99591020C"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42B99F7B026E"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "6"
- ordinal 5))))
- class "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC"
- quidu "4288AD8F0337"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$78"
- quid "42B995910205"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B995910206"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$70"
- quidu "42B995910208"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "NewL"
- quid "42B99EA90350"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "4"
- ordinal 3))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
- quidu "427F6DC802D7"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$70"
- quid "42B995910208"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B995910209"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$76"
- quidu "42B99591020C"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "JoinL/StartL"
- quid "42B9A767021A"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "9"
- ordinal 8)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B99F2102B3"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$77"
- quidu "42B9959101F9"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "42B99F2C00E3"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "5"
- ordinal 4))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$69"
- quid "42B9959101FE"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B995910202"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$78"
- quidu "42B995910205"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- quid "42B99E4B0390"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "3"
- ordinal 2)))
- (object Link
- quid "42B99E1701B4"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$69"
- quidu "42B9959101FE"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "FindFactory"
- quid "42B99E370066"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Simple"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "2"
- ordinal 1))))
- class "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryContainer"
- quidu "4280F79E0392"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE)
- (object Object "$UNNAMED$76"
- quid "42B99591020C"
- collaborators (list link_list
- (object Link
- quid "42B9AA4201DC"
- supplier "$UNNAMED$73"
- quidu "42B9959101EA"
- supplier_containment "By Reference"
- client_containment "By Reference"
- supplier_visibility "LOCAL"
- client_visibility "LOCAL"
- messages (list Messages
- (object Message "CJoinL/CStartSubConnectionL"
- quid "42B9AA4F02FD"
- frequency "Aperiodic"
- synchronization "Asynchronous"
- dir "FromClientToSupplier"
- sequence "17"
- ordinal 16))))
- class "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
- quidu "4289DA6801E1"
- persistence "Transient"
- multi FALSE))))
- statemachine (object State_Machine "State/Activity Model"
- quid "427FAA3D03AD"
- states (list States)
- partitions (list Partitions)
- statediagrams (list StateDiagrams
- (object ActivityDiagram "XFlowFactoryQuery::Match"
- quid "427FAA3D03C1"
- title "XFlowFactoryQuery::Match"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object Swimlane "" @10
- line_color 3342489
- width 450)))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
- (object UseCaseDiagram "Main"
- quid "41A74B8C0288"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 3
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Use Case View::Client" @11
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1200, 832)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @11
- location (1200, 992)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 327
- justify 0
- label "Client")
- icon "Actor"
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41AB65200268"
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object NoteView @12
- location (1232, 256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @12
- location (373, 147)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 1683
- label
-|A SubConnection can start via:
-|- RSubConnection::Attach()
-|- CSocket::NoBearer/CHostResolver::QueryComplete(KErrComletion) (an implicit one)
-|- CConnectionProvdBase::StartL in case the connection needs 1 or more subconnection(s)
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1743
- height 231)
- (object NoteView @13
- location (1232, 484)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @13
- location (373, 375)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 1683
- label
-|A Connection can start via:
-|- RConnection::Start()
-|- CSubConnectionProviderBase::StartL (an implicit one) or CImplicitSelection::StartL that is basically the same as the point 1. (see "Data side connection request" sequence)
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1743
- height 231)))
- (object InteractionDiagram "Cross-Thread call Flow client->Sub-connection"
- mechanism_ref @1
- quid "4288AE2C0184"
- title "Cross-Thread call Flow client->Sub-connection"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$0" @14
- location (160, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @14
- location (160, 265)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon "Actor"
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "4288AE5A0194"
- width 336
- height 1235
- icon_height 162
- icon_width 120
- icon_y_offset -16
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @15
- location (160, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @14
- height 1018
- y_coord 958
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$1" @16
- location (592, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @16
- location (592, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 557
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4288AE6B0008"
- width 575
- height 1235
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @17
- location (592, 352)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @16
- height 958
- y_coord 898
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$2" @18
- location (1200, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @18
- location (1200, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 596
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4298BBDB0248"
- width 614
- height 1235
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @19
- location (1200, 368)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @18
- height 882
- y_coord 822
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @20
- location (1200, 416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @18
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$3" @21
- location (1664, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @21
- location (1664, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4298BC2102C1"
- width 300
- height 1235
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @22
- location (1664, 496)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @21
- height 694
- y_coord 634
- Nested FALSE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$4" @23
- location (1974, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @23
- location (1974, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 282
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4298BC770007"
- width 300
- height 1235
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @24
- location (1974, 528)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @23
- height 602
- y_coord 542
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @25
- location (1974, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @23
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @26
- location (1974, 704)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @23
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$5" @27
- location (2448, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @27
- location (2448, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 596
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "4298BDB101A3"
- width 614
- height 1235
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @28
- location (2448, 803)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @27
- height 267
- y_coord 207
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @29
- location (2448, 848)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @27
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
- (object InterObjView "$UNNAMED$6" @30
- location (3044, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @30
- location (3044, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 554
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "4298BDFE01AE"
- width 572
- height 1235
- icon_height 0
- icon_width 0
- icon_y_offset 0
- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @31
- location (3044, 950)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @30
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (16, 352)
- label (object SegLabel @33
- Parent_View @32
- location (375, 308)
- quidu "4288AE900355"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 69
- justify 0
- label "Call"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @14
- supplier @16
- Focus_Src @15
- Focus_Entry @17
- origin (175, 352)
- terminus (576, 352)
- ordinal 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @34
- location (16, 368)
- label (object SegLabel @35
- Parent_View @34
- location (895, 324)
- quidu "4298BC0500F5"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 222
- justify 0
- label "Call(clientId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @16
- supplier @18
- Focus_Src @17
- Focus_Entry @19
- origin (607, 368)
- terminus (1184, 368)
- ordinal 1)
- (object SelfMessView "" @36
- location (16, 416)
- label (object SegLabel @37
- Parent_View @36
- location (1291, 372)
- quidu "4298BC1202B6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 144
- justify 0
- label "marshal"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @18
- supplier @18
- Focus_Src @19
- Focus_Entry @20
- origin (1216, 416)
- terminus (1366, 416)
- ordinal 2)
- (object InterMessView "" @38
- location (16, 496)
- label (object SegLabel @39
- Parent_View @38
- location (1431, 452)
- quidu "4298BC3901AE"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "Send"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @18
- supplier @21
- Focus_Src @19
- Focus_Entry @22
- origin (1215, 496)
- terminus (1648, 496)
- ordinal 3)
- (object InterMessView "" @40
- location (16, 528)
- label (object SegLabel @41
- Parent_View @40
- location (1818, 484)
- quidu "4298BC8A02EB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "RunL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @21
- supplier @23
- Focus_Src @22
- Focus_Entry @24
- origin (1679, 528)
- terminus (1958, 528)
- ordinal 4)
- (object SelfMessView "" @42
- location (16, 560)
- label (object SegLabel @43
- Parent_View @42
- location (2065, 516)
- quidu "4298BCD0033B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 228
- justify 0
- label "object lookup"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @23
- supplier @23
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @25
- origin (1990, 560)
- terminus (2140, 560)
- ordinal 5)
- (object NoteView @44
- location (1808, 368)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @44
- location (1636, 302)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 309
- label "with help of CObjectResolver")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 369
- height 144)
- (object AttachView "" @45
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @44
- supplier @43
- line_style 0)
- (object SelfMessView "" @46
- location (16, 704)
- label (object SegLabel @47
- Parent_View @46
- location (2065, 660)
- quidu "4298BD5F020A"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 156
- justify 0
- label "fn lookup"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @23
- supplier @23
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @26
- origin (1990, 704)
- terminus (2140, 704)
- ordinal 6)
- (object NoteView @48
- location (2240, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @48
- location (2059, 309)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 327
- label "with help of static table given by the calling object type")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 387
- height 162)
- (object AttachView "" @49
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @48
- supplier @47
- line_style 0)
- (object InterMessView "" @50
- location (16, 803)
- label (object SegLabel @51
- Parent_View @50
- location (2210, 759)
- quidu "4298BDDB0353"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 222
- justify 0
- label "Call(clientId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @23
- supplier @27
- Focus_Src @24
- Focus_Entry @28
- origin (1989, 803)
- terminus (2432, 803)
- ordinal 7)
- (object SelfMessView "" @52
- location (16, 848)
- label (object SegLabel @53
- Parent_View @52
- location (2539, 804)
- quidu "4298BDEF0121"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 188
- justify 0
- label "demarshal"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @27
- supplier @27
- Focus_Src @28
- Focus_Entry @29
- origin (2464, 848)
- terminus (2614, 848)
- ordinal 8)
- (object InterMessView "" @54
- location (16, 950)
- label (object SegLabel @55
- Parent_View @54
- location (2745, 906)
- quidu "4298BE3901E6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 222
- justify 0
- label "Call(clientId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @27
- supplier @30
- Focus_Src @28
- Focus_Entry @31
- origin (2463, 950)
- terminus (3028, 950)
- ordinal 9)
- (object NoteView @56
- location (1424, 672)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @56
- location (1233, 612)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 346
- label "using CMessageQueue")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 406
- height 132)
- (object AttachView "" @57
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @56
- supplier @39
- line_style 0)))
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- mechanism_ref @2
- quid "428B754B022A"
- title "Connection Provider Top Layer Selection"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 447
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (592, 416)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @58
- location (461, 365)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 262
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "428B766C0171"
- width 280
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @59
- location (461, 861)
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- label "")
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- Parent_View @60
- location (1422, 860)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @61
- location (340, 1276)
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- label "Object Created")
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- location (50, 159)
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- nlines 1
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- label "Object Destroyed")
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- location (48, 32)
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- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
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- label "Colour Legend:")
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- location (1712, 1328)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @65
- location (1386, 1276)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- Parent_View @66
- location (2166, 289)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- label "delegated to preference resolver in management plane => Async")
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- Parent_View @67
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- location (1711, 612)
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- label "MapPreferencesToLayer"
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- object_arc @68
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- origin (1651, 656)
- terminus (1771, 656))
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- location (1232, 352)
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- Parent_View @71
- location (860, 286)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- label "delegated to ESOCK selection entry point=>could bw async")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
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- stereotype TRUE
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- label "MapPreferencesToFactory"
- pctDist 0.500000
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- pctDist 0.508333
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- origin (2708, 626)
- terminus (2828, 626))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @69
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "Figure out selection info"
- pctDist 0.508333
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- object_arc @72
- pctDist 0.508333
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- origin (2708, 688)
- terminus (2828, 688))
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- Parent_View @78
- location (63, 1529)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 1215
- label "It's up to the provider to select next layer. Either on JoinL (join would have to become async). Or RConnection::Select could have a parameter to request that. Normally the stack is build on start.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1275
- height 187)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @78
- supplier @61
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @67
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- location (2767, 473)
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- Parent_View @81
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- object_arc @72
- pctDist 0.491667
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- origin (2826, 473)
- terminus (2708, 473))
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- location (1696, 128)
- nlines 35
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- label
- )
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- location (1107, 97)
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- object_arc @85
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- terminus (637, 631))
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- terminus (549, 519))
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- object_arc @85
- pctDist 0.616848
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "SelectProvider"
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- pctDist 0.809066
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- origin (1221, 873)
- terminus (1341, 873))
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- terminus (987, 957))
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- object_arc @99
- pctDist 0.339041
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- origin (637, 1013)
- terminus (637, 1133))
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- Parent_View @103
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- object_arc @102
- pctDist 0.198361
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- terminus (2182, 868))
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- object_arc @102
- pctDist 0.665574
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- origin (2327, 868)
- terminus (2447, 868))
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- label "SelectComplete"
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- object_arc @102
- pctDist 0.461131
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- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (2331, 957)
- terminus (2213, 957))
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- location (1142, 1373)
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- color 32768
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- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @110
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- object_arc @109
- pctDist 0.448749
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- origin (1201, 1373)
- terminus (1083, 1373))
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- location (2260, 1160)
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- location (2369, 1218)
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist -0.180251
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- object_arc @112
- pctDist 0.492958
- height 45
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- origin (2315, 1138)
- terminus (2205, 1182))))
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- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
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- origin_x 14
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (528, 128)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @115
- location (358, 76)
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- location (528, 1261)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @116
- location (242, 1209)
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- location (528, 2141)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @117
- location (241, 2092)
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- location (2688, 2592)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @118
- location (2498, 2541)
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- location (2144, 1677)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @119
- location (1819, 1625)
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- location (528, 592)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @120
- location (358, 540)
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- nlines 1
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- location (48, 2400)
- nlines 1
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- location (48, 2256)
- nlines 1
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- location (2688, 1261)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @124
- location (2436, 1209)
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- supplier @119
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- location (2688, 2137)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @126
- location (2433, 2088)
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- width 528
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- location (1328, 128)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @127
- location (990, 59)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 640
- label "Scenario assumes that connection has been started.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 700
- height 150)
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- location (2304, 80)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- nlines 1
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- label "Object Created")
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- location (2304, 144)
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- color 255
- default_color FALSE)
- nlines 1
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- label "Object Destroyed")
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- location (2304, 16)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "Colour Legend:")
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- location (1520, 1261)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @131
- location (1162, 1209)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- location (2384, 880)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @132
- location (2053, 815)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- label "comes back with a sub connection type => sub connection factory Id")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 687
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- location (1550, 2141)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @133
- location (1192, 2089)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2144, 1420)
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- label "FindFactory"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
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- object_arc @125
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
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- dir 1
- origin (2084, 1420)
- terminus (2204, 1420))
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- location (2144, 1327)
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- label "FindFactory"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @125
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 138
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2084, 1327)
- terminus (2204, 1327))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @120
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- location (573, 304)
- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @139
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- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "428CC2F8023F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 756
- justify 0
- label "Open(RConnection&,EAttachToDefault)"
- pctDist 0.883333
- height 379
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @138
- pctDist 0.338279
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (573, 244)
- terminus (573, 364))
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- location (499, 295)
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- Parent_View @141
- location (328, 233)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "OpenComplete"
- pctDist 1.025424
- height 172
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @138
- pctDist 0.308605
- height 30
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (499, 354)
- terminus (499, 236))
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- location (573, 450)
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- Parent_View @143
- location (652, 482)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "Start"
- pctDist 0.766667
- height 79
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @138
- pctDist 0.771513
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (573, 390)
- terminus (573, 510))
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- location (484, 457)
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- Parent_View @145
- location (328, 392)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "StartComplete"
- pctDist 1.050847
- height 156
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @138
- pctDist 0.792285
- height 45
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (484, 516)
- terminus (484, 398))
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- location (573, 1544)
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 1.175000
- height 77
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- object_arc @147
- pctDist 0.292328
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (573, 1484)
- terminus (573, 1604))
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- location (573, 1740)
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- Parent_View @150
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- label "StartL"
- pctDist 1.175000
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- object_arc @147
- pctDist 0.551587
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (573, 1680)
- terminus (573, 1800))
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- location (484, 1995)
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- Parent_View @152
- location (678, 1903)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent(MConnectionDataClient::ENotifyLayerUp)"
- pctDist 1.279661
- height 194
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- object_arc @147
- pctDist 0.887566
- height 45
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (484, 2054)
- terminus (484, 1936))
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- client @116
- supplier @119
- vertices (list Points
- (567, 1324)
- (784, 1675)
- (1809, 1676))
- line_style 0)
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- location (919, 1633)
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- Parent_View @155
- location (1316, 1589)
- quidu "42C3F8690021"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 941
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProvider(CConnectionProviderBase&)"
- pctDist 3.816667
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @154
- pctDist 0.381751
- height 43
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (859, 1633)
- terminus (979, 1633))
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- location (2356, 1459)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 453
- justify 0
- label "CanDoSubConnection()"
- pctDist 2.743757
- height 109
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- object_arc @157
- pctDist 0.413866
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2308, 1494)
- terminus (2404, 1424))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @132
- supplier @158
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @119
- supplier @126
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- location (2500, 1920)
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- location (2796, 2002)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 475
- justify 0
- label "CanDoSubConnection()"
- pctDist 2.798333
- height 130
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- object_arc @161
- pctDist 0.636306
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2454, 1881)
- terminus (2546, 1959))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @132
- supplier @162
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @119
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- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 434
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist 2.542774
- height 90
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- object_arc @165
- pctDist 0.575584
- height 50
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1821, 1521)
- terminus (1723, 1457))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @119
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- location (1954, 1880)
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- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist -0.296260
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- object_arc @168
- pctDist 0.312170
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2000, 1843)
- terminus (1908, 1917))
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- client @120
- supplier @119
- vertices (list Points
- (707, 591)
- (1791, 591)
- (2122, 1613))
- line_style 0)
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- location (930, 543)
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- Parent_View @172
- location (1318, 493)
- quidu "428CC33D018C"
- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProvider(CConnectionProviderBase&)"
- pctDist 3.733333
- height 51
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @171
- pctDist 0.103800
- height 49
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (870, 543)
- terminus (990, 543))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @116
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- location (573, 734)
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 1.150000
- height 61
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- object_arc @174
- pctDist 0.147806
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (573, 674)
- terminus (573, 794))
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- location (573, 891)
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- location (648, 968)
- quidu "42C3F748008C"
- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "StartL"
- pctDist 1.150000
- height 75
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- object_arc @174
- pctDist 0.437269
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (573, 831)
- terminus (573, 951))
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- location (484, 1116)
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- Parent_View @179
- location (650, 1019)
- quidu "42C3F9CC03C6"
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- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "SubConnectionEvent(MConnectionDataClient::ENotifyLayerUp)"
- pctDist 1.322034
- height 166
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- object_arc @174
- pctDist 0.852399
- height 45
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (484, 1175)
- terminus (484, 1057))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @131
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- location (979, 1306)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @183
- location (979, 1351)
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- color 32768
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- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
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- object_arc @182
- pctDist 0.528875
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1038, 1306)
- terminus (920, 1306))
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- client @133
- supplier @117
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- location (972, 2186)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @186
- location (972, 2231)
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- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
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- object_arc @185
- pctDist 0.588415
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1031, 2186)
- terminus (913, 2186))))
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- mechanism_ref @4
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- title "HostResolver Open (implicit/explicit)"
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- max_height 28350
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- origin_y 0
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- location (896, 688)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @188
- location (748, 637)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (224, 688)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @189
- location (124, 637)
- fill_color 13434879
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- width 218
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- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
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- location (1808, 688)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @190
- location (1654, 637)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 326
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- autoResize TRUE
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- location (1360, 400)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @191
- location (1147, 341)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 390
- label "cross-thread via comm-channel")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 450
- height 131)
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- location (2736, 688)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @192
- location (2644, 637)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 202
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
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- location (256, 256)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @193
- location (105, 205)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 320
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
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- location (1280, 112)
- nlines 19
- max_width 56
- label
- )
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- location (608, 144)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1293
- label
- )
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4292FECF008D"
- client @188
- supplier @188
- line_style 0)
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- location (895, 858)
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- Parent_View @197
- location (895, 814)
- quidu "4292FECF008E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- justify 0
- label "ForwardMessageL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @196
- pctDist 0.491667
- height 383
- orientation 1
- dir 1
- origin (835, 858)
- terminus (955, 858))
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- location (895, 969)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @199
- location (895, 925)
- quidu "4292FECF008F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 466
- justify 0
- label "ForwardMessageToPeer"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @196
- pctDist 0.491667
- height 494
- orientation 1
- dir 1
- origin (835, 969)
- terminus (955, 969))
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- location (2736, 475)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @192
- supplier @192
- line_style 0)
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- location (2736, 431)
- line_color 65280
- label (object SegLabel @203
- Parent_View @202
- location (2736, 387)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "4292FECF009B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 606
- justify 0
- label "NewHostResolver"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @201
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2676, 431)
- terminus (2796, 431))
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- location (80, 1040)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1219
- label "_______________________________________________________")
- (object Label @205
- location (736, 1120)
- nlines 1
- max_width 381
- label
-|CONTROL Thread
- )
- (object Label @206
- location (1280, 1104)
- nlines 25
- max_width 50
- label
- )
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- location (2742, 2306)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @207
- location (2591, 2254)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 302
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- label "")
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (1696, 1088)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @208
- location (1367, 1036)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (1825, 1843)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @209
- location (1495, 1798)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 660
- justify 0
- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "429301A1025E"
- width 678
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (1825, 2307)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @210
- location (1519, 2255)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 612
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- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "42930305035B"
- width 630
- height 126
- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (2144, 2032)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @211
- location (1834, 1972)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 584
- label "given CSubConnectionProviderBaseC*")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 644
- height 132)
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- location (1296, 1632)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @212
- location (989, 1523)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 578
- label "Given XSubConnFactoryQuery with sub-connection pointer (either ==NULL for implicit or !=NULL explicit)")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 638
- height 231)
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- location (656, 1936)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @213
- location (284, 1845)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 708
- label
-|for details on the flow creation see "Flow creation(data side initialised)" diagram
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 768
- height 194)
- (object AttachView "" @214
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @213
- supplier @210
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @215
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @213
- supplier @205
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @216
- location (2416, 2672)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @216
- location (1913, 2553)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 971
- label "!!This join is a synchronous data->control call => will block data thread => beware of deadlocks. Unfortunatelly the complexity of IP stack doesn't allow us to run host resolver in control thread where it belongs.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- width 1031
- height 250)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4292FECF008B"
- client @188
- supplier @189
- line_style 0)
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- location (418, 728)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @218
- location (563, 774)
- quidu "4292FECF008C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 453
- justify 0
- label "GetWorkerForProtocol"
- pctDist -0.737288
- height 46
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @217
- pctDist 0.792593
- height 40
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (477, 728)
- terminus (359, 728))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @188
- supplier @190
- line_style 0)
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- location (1135, 639)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @221
- location (1360, 595)
- quidu "4292FECF0091"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 613
- justify 0
- label "PeerWorkerMessageReceivedL"
- pctDist 2.375000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @220
- pctDist 0.140440
- height 50
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1075, 639)
- terminus (1195, 639))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @191
- supplier @222
- line_style 0)
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- location (1460, 733)
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- Parent_View @224
- location (1460, 778)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- label "CompleteReq"
- pctDist 0.500000
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- object_arc @220
- pctDist 0.690355
- height 45
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (1519, 733)
- terminus (1401, 733))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @190
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- location (2109, 645)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 384
- justify 0
- label "ProcessMessageL"
- pctDist 2.456180
- height 124
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- object_arc @226
- pctDist 0.208038
- height 44
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2049, 645)
- terminus (2169, 645))
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- supplier @207
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- location (2784, 1564)
- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @230
- location (2859, 1642)
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- color 32768
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- object_arc @229
- pctDist 0.545455
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2784, 1504)
- terminus (2784, 1624))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @211
- supplier @231
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @208
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- location (2205, 944)
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "SubConnectionFactory"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
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- object_arc @233
- pctDist 0.577309
- height 49
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2260, 922)
- terminus (2150, 966))
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @236
- location (2276, 1269)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @209
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- location (2256, 1367)
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- location (2293, 1425)
- quidu "4293421803B1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 931
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(CConnectionProviderBase*)"
- pctDist 0.703587
- height 64
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @236
- pctDist 0.569104
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2292, 1320)
- terminus (2220, 1414))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @212
- supplier @238
- line_style 0)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @240
- location (576, 471)
- anchor_loc 1
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @193
- supplier @188
- line_style 0)
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- location (585, 425)
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- location (610, 389)
- quidu "4292FECF00A5"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 200
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @240
- pctDist 0.465116
- height 44
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (535, 391)
- terminus (635, 459))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @207
- supplier @210
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- location (2355, 2351)
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- Parent_View @244
- location (2355, 2396)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 163
- justify 0
- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @243
- pctDist 0.511990
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2414, 2351)
- terminus (2296, 2351))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @216
- supplier @243
- line_style 0)))
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @247
- location (748, 637)
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- location (224, 688)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @248
- location (124, 637)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 218
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
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- location (1808, 688)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @249
- location (1654, 637)
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- location (1360, 400)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @250
- location (1147, 341)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 390
- label "cross-thread via comm-channel")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 450
- height 131)
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- location (2558, 688)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @251
- location (2466, 637)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 202
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- location (256, 256)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @252
- location (105, 205)
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- location (1280, 112)
- nlines 19
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- label
- )
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- location (608, 144)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1293
- label
- )
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- location (1776, 1317)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @255
- location (1412, 1268)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2558, 1808)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @256
- location (2301, 1760)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1664, 976)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @257
- location (1357, 867)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 578
- label "Given XFlowFactoryQuery with sub-connection pointer (either ==NULL for implicit or !=NULL explicit)")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 638
- height 231)
- (object Label @258
- location (736, 1120)
- nlines 1
- max_width 381
- label
-|CONTROL Thread
- )
- (object Label @259
- location (1280, 1162)
- nlines 25
- max_width 50
- label
- )
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- location (2558, 1504)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @260
- location (2322, 1452)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 472
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- label "")
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- autoResize TRUE
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- location (80, 1040)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1219
- label "_______________________________________________________")
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @247
- supplier @247
- line_style 0)
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- location (895, 858)
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- Parent_View @263
- location (895, 814)
- quidu "42934E2303D8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- justify 0
- label "ForwardMessageL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @262
- pctDist 0.491667
- height 383
- orientation 1
- dir 1
- origin (835, 858)
- terminus (955, 858))
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- location (895, 969)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @265
- location (895, 925)
- quidu "42934E2303D9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 466
- justify 0
- label "ForwardMessageToPeer"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @262
- pctDist 0.491667
- height 494
- orientation 1
- dir 1
- origin (835, 969)
- terminus (955, 969))
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- location (2558, 475)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42934E24000C"
- client @251
- supplier @251
- line_style 0)
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- location (2558, 431)
- line_color 65280
- label (object SegLabel @269
- Parent_View @268
- location (2558, 387)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "42934E24000D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 575
- justify 0
- label "CSocket::NewL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @267
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2498, 431)
- terminus (2618, 431))
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- location (1776, 1600)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @270
- location (1404, 1509)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 708
- label
-|for details on the flow creation see "Flow creation(data side initialised)" diagram
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 768
- height 194)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @270
- supplier @255
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @272
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @270
- supplier @256
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @273
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @270
- supplier @258
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42934E2303D5"
- client @247
- supplier @248
- line_style 0)
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- location (418, 728)
- line_color 3342489
- label (object SegLabel @276
- Parent_View @275
- location (563, 774)
- quidu "42934E2303D6"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 453
- justify 0
- label "GetWorkerForProtocol"
- pctDist -0.737288
- height 46
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @274
- pctDist 0.792593
- height 40
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (477, 728)
- terminus (359, 728))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42934E2303DA"
- client @247
- supplier @249
- line_style 0)
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- location (1135, 639)
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- Parent_View @278
- location (1360, 595)
- quidu "42934E2303DB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 613
- justify 0
- label "PeerWorkerMessageReceivedL"
- pctDist 2.375000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @277
- pctDist 0.140440
- height 50
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1075, 639)
- terminus (1195, 639))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @250
- supplier @279
- line_style 0)
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- location (1441, 733)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @281
- location (1441, 778)
- quidu "4293530902D8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 303
- justify 0
- label "CompleteReq"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @277
- pctDist 0.658206
- height 45
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (1500, 733)
- terminus (1382, 733))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42934E240001"
- client @249
- supplier @251
- line_style 0)
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- location (2072, 645)
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- Parent_View @284
- location (2182, 602)
- quidu "42934E240002"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 384
- justify 0
- label "ProcessMessageL"
- pctDist 1.425000
- height 44
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @283
- pctDist 0.208038
- height 44
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2012, 645)
- terminus (2132, 645))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42934E24000A"
- client @251
- supplier @255
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- location (2114, 1099)
- line_color 3342489
- label (object SegLabel @288
- Parent_View @287
- location (2224, 1178)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "42934E240010"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 456
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- pctDist 0.214619
- height 131
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @286
- pctDist 0.621872
- height 44
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2160, 1061)
- terminus (2068, 1137))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @257
- supplier @288
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42934E24000E"
- client @251
- supplier @260
- line_style 0)
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- location (2603, 1193)
- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @291
- location (2678, 1285)
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- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "429352BF01CB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 169
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 1.275000
- height 75
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @290
- pctDist 0.642961
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2603, 1133)
- terminus (2603, 1253))
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @293
- location (576, 471)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 154
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- label "")
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @252
- supplier @247
- line_style 0)
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- location (585, 425)
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- Parent_View @294
- location (610, 389)
- quidu "42934E24003B"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 200
- justify 0
- label "ServiceL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @293
- pctDist 0.465116
- height 44
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (535, 391)
- terminus (635, 459))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @260
- supplier @256
- line_style 0)
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- location (2603, 1653)
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- Parent_View @297
- location (2698, 1700)
- quidu "429352D1000F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 156
- justify 0
- label "JoinL"
- pctDist 0.891667
- height 95
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @296
- pctDist 0.477778
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2603, 1593)
- terminus (2603, 1713))))
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- mechanism_ref @6
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- title "Cross-Thread call Sub-connection->Flow client"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
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- location (304, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @299
- location (304, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (304, 368)
- line_color 3342489
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- height 952
- y_coord 892
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (880, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @301
- location (880, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (880, 368)
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- height 892
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @303
- location (880, 416)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @301
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (1328, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @304
- location (1328, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1328, 521)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @304
- height 679
- y_coord 619
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (1632, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @306
- location (1632, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 300
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- annotation 1
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @307
- location (1632, 560)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @306
- height 580
- y_coord 520
- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @308
- location (1632, 624)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @306
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @309
- location (1632, 736)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @306
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2070, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @310
- location (2070, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 544
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2070, 838)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @310
- height 242
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- Nested FALSE)
- Focus_Of_Control (object Focus_Of_Control "" @312
- location (2070, 880)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @310
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested TRUE))
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- location (2608, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @313
- location (2608, 224)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- annotation 1
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- location (2608, 960)
- line_color 3342489
- InterObjView @313
- height 60
- y_coord 0
- Nested FALSE))
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- location (2944, 224)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @315
- location (2944, 249)
- anchor_loc 1
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- width 336
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- annotation 1)
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- location (16, 368)
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- Parent_View @316
- location (591, 324)
- quidu "4298C089009D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 222
- justify 0
- label "Call(clientId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @299
- supplier @301
- Focus_Src @300
- Focus_Entry @302
- origin (319, 368)
- terminus (864, 368)
- ordinal 0)
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- location (16, 416)
- label (object SegLabel @319
- Parent_View @318
- location (971, 372)
- quidu "4298C09803C9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 144
- justify 0
- label "marshal"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @301
- supplier @301
- Focus_Src @302
- Focus_Entry @303
- origin (896, 416)
- terminus (1046, 416)
- ordinal 1)
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- location (16, 521)
- label (object SegLabel @321
- Parent_View @320
- location (1103, 477)
- quidu "4298C0A7035D"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "Send"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @301
- supplier @304
- Focus_Src @302
- Focus_Entry @305
- origin (895, 521)
- terminus (1312, 521)
- ordinal 2)
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- location (16, 560)
- label (object SegLabel @323
- Parent_View @322
- location (1479, 516)
- quidu "4298C0B800B8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 94
- justify 0
- label "RunL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @304
- supplier @306
- Focus_Src @305
- Focus_Entry @307
- origin (1343, 560)
- terminus (1616, 560)
- ordinal 3)
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- location (16, 624)
- label (object SegLabel @325
- Parent_View @324
- location (1723, 580)
- quidu "4298C0C50284"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 241
- justify 0
- label "object lookup"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @306
- supplier @306
- Focus_Src @307
- Focus_Entry @308
- origin (1648, 624)
- terminus (1798, 624)
- ordinal 4)
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- location (16, 736)
- label (object SegLabel @327
- Parent_View @326
- location (1723, 692)
- quidu "4298C0D302AB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 163
- justify 0
- label "fn lookup"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @306
- supplier @306
- Focus_Src @307
- Focus_Entry @309
- origin (1648, 736)
- terminus (1798, 736)
- ordinal 5)
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- location (16, 838)
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- Parent_View @328
- location (1850, 794)
- quidu "4298C0EF03BB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 222
- justify 0
- label "Call(clientId)"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @306
- supplier @310
- Focus_Src @307
- Focus_Entry @311
- origin (1647, 838)
- terminus (2054, 838)
- ordinal 6)
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- location (16, 880)
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- Parent_View @330
- location (2161, 836)
- quidu "4298C10B0311"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 419
- justify 0
- label "client lookup/broadcast"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @310
- supplier @310
- Focus_Src @311
- Focus_Entry @312
- origin (2086, 880)
- terminus (2236, 880)
- ordinal 7)
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- location (16, 960)
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- quidu "4298C13700ED"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 69
- justify 0
- label "Call"
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- height 45
- orientation 0)
- line_color 3342489
- client @310
- supplier @313
- Focus_Src @311
- Focus_Entry @314
- origin (2085, 960)
- terminus (2592, 960)
- ordinal 8)
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- location (2240, 640)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @334
- location (2043, 577)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 359
- label "client Id could be object pointer.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 419
- height 138)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @334
- supplier @331
- line_style 0)))
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- title "Flow creation(control side initialised)"
- zoom 100
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- location (2704, 416)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @336
- location (2704, 525)
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "")
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- width 180
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- subobjects 0
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- location (1150, 64)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1038
- label
- )
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- location (1582, 128)
- nlines 49
- max_width 44
- label
- )
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- location (1963, 416)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @339
- location (1638, 364)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 650
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- label "")
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- width 668
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
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- location (1963, 896)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @340
- location (1605, 844)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 716
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- label "")
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- width 734
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (2704, 1232)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @341
- location (2418, 1180)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 590
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
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- location (1984, 2504)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @342
- location (1685, 2456)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 616
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
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- location (1984, 1648)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @343
- location (1715, 1596)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 538
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- label "")
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- width 556
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
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- location (1963, 203)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @339
- supplier @339
- line_style 0)
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- location (1963, 137)
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- Parent_View @345
- location (1963, 182)
- quidu "42B940400157"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 241
- justify 0
- label "FindFactory"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @344
- pctDist 0.508333
- height 67
- orientation 0
- dir -1
- origin (2022, 137)
- terminus (1904, 137))
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- location (1240, 2512)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @347
- location (911, 2471)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 658
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- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 676
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (378, 1760)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @348
- location (49, 1711)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 676
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (379, 1232)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @349
- location (122, 1181)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 514
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- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 532
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
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- location (379, 2512)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @350
- location (15, 2460)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 746
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset -0.782544
- y_offset -0.022222)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @350
- supplier @350
- line_style 0)
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- location (1241, 1232)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @352
- location (935, 1180)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 612
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- label "")
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- quidu "42B984000268"
- width 630
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (1888, 1408)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @353
- location (1691, 1348)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 358
- label "self firing netmeta message")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 418
- height 132)
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- location (2752, 1744)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @354
- location (2561, 1685)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 346
- label "request held untill 18: comes in")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 406
- height 131)
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- location (2704, 1019)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @341
- supplier @341
- line_style 0)
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- location (2704, 956)
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- Parent_View @356
- location (2704, 1001)
- quidu "42B9A0F501FD"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 247
- justify 0
- label "AttachFlow"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @355
- pctDist 0.508333
- height 64
- orientation 0
- dir -1
- origin (2763, 956)
- terminus (2645, 956))
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- location (379, 2234)
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- Parent_View @358
- location (379, 2279)
- quidu "42B973B20220"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 259
- justify 0
- label "FindFactory"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @351
- pctDist 0.508333
- height 66
- orientation 0
- dir -1
- origin (438, 2234)
- terminus (320, 2234))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @354
- supplier @343
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @336
- supplier @339
- line_style 0)
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- location (2444, 461)
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- Parent_View @362
- location (2444, 506)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 435
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @361
- pctDist 0.539446
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2503, 461)
- terminus (2385, 461))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @336
- supplier @341
- line_style 0)
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- location (2749, 683)
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- Parent_View @365
- location (2872, 778)
- quidu "42B9A1230109"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 266
- justify 0
- label "StartL/JoinL"
- pctDist 1.300000
- height 123
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @364
- pctDist 0.329377
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2749, 623)
- terminus (2749, 743))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @339
- supplier @340
- line_style 0)
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- location (2008, 629)
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- Parent_View @368
- location (2216, 724)
- quidu "42B9404D0318"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 435
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist 1.300000
- height 208
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @367
- pctDist 0.427762
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2008, 569)
- terminus (2008, 689))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @340
- supplier @341
- line_style 0)
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- location (2330, 1014)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- line_color 65280
- label (object SegLabel @372
- Parent_View @371
- location (2444, 997)
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- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "42B94057016E"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 148
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 1.300000
- height 64
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @370
- pctDist 0.453258
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2275, 989)
- terminus (2385, 1039))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @341
- supplier @342
- line_style 0)
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- location (2368, 1914)
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- Parent_View @374
- location (2486, 2004)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 375
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- pctDist 0.677433
- height 147
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @373
- pctDist 0.520325
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2397, 1862)
- terminus (2339, 1966))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @341
- supplier @343
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- location (2374, 1473)
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- Parent_View @377
- location (2352, 1528)
- quidu "42B9A13A03BF"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 163
- justify 0
- label "StartL"
- pctDist 0.903171
- height 36
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @376
- pctDist 0.482979
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2425, 1443)
- terminus (2323, 1503))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @354
- supplier @377
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @342
- supplier @343
- line_style 0)
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- location (1940, 2064)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- line_color 65280
- label (object SegLabel @382
- Parent_View @381
- location (1898, 1968)
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- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "42B9A07B01BA"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 147
- justify 0
- label "NewL"
- pctDist 1.322034
- height 43
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @380
- pctDist 0.519782
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1940, 2123)
- terminus (1940, 2005))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @343
- supplier @347
- line_style 0)
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- location (1518, 2244)
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- Parent_View @384
- location (1925, 2324)
- quidu "42B9A08B00B9"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1091
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(CSubConnectionBase* handle + info)"
- pctDist -1.216777
- height 363
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @383
- pctDist 0.680908
- height 37
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1556, 2199)
- terminus (1480, 2289))
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- location (1696, 1943)
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- Parent_View @386
- location (1950, 1870)
- quidu "42B9A5A10046"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 691
- justify 0
- label "return CSubConnectionFlow* handle"
- pctDist 2.397310
- height 142
- orientation 1)
- object_arc @383
- pctDist 0.332037
- height 26
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (1657, 1987)
- terminus (1735, 1899))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @354
- supplier @386
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @343
- supplier @349
- line_style 0)
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- location (1087, 1462)
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- location (1078, 1506)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 250
- justify 0
- label "CStartFlow"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @389
- pctDist 0.575521
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1144, 1476)
- terminus (1030, 1448))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @353
- supplier @390
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @347
- supplier @350
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- location (839, 2573)
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- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- pctDist 0.500000
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- object_arc @393
- pctDist 0.416107
- height 61
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- dir 1
- origin (898, 2573)
- terminus (780, 2573))
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- supplier @352
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- location (1196, 1810)
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- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @397
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- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "NewL(CSubConnectionProviderBase* handle)"
- pctDist 1.161017
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- object_arc @396
- pctDist 0.558419
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1196, 1869)
- terminus (1196, 1751))
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- location (1196, 2053)
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- Parent_View @399
- location (1252, 1957)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 325
- justify 0
- label "AttachFlow"
- pctDist 1.313559
- height 56
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- object_arc @396
- pctDist 0.348797
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1196, 2112)
- terminus (1196, 1994))
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- supplier @348
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- location (334, 2032)
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- Parent_View @402
- location (259, 1936)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- pctDist 1.313559
- height 75
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- object_arc @401
- pctDist 0.664013
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (334, 2091)
- terminus (334, 1973))
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- supplier @349
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- location (334, 1532)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @405
- location (448, 1451)
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- color 32768
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- quidu "42B9A4F70339"
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 809
- justify 0
- label "NewL(CSubConnectionProviderBase* ptr)"
- pctDist 1.186441
- height 114
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- object_arc @404
- pctDist 0.415842
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (334, 1591)
- terminus (334, 1473))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @352
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- location (791, 1188)
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- Parent_View @408
- location (791, 1144)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 206
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- label "LayerUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
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- object_arc @407
- pctDist 0.521429
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (731, 1188)
- terminus (851, 1188))
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- location (1959, 1188)
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- location (1959, 1144)
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "CLayerUp"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
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- object_arc @410
- pctDist 0.473005
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1899, 1188)
- terminus (2019, 1188))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @353
- supplier @411
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- zoom 100
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- items (list diagram_item_list
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- location (304, 348)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @414
- location (173, 297)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (304, 677)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @415
- location (173, 626)
- fill_color 13434879
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- width 280
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- annotation 4
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- location (305, 1010)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @416
- location (53, 959)
- fill_color 13434879
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- width 522
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- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
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- location (2508, 2722)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @417
- location (2318, 2671)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 398
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- annotation 4
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- location (304, 2080)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @418
- location (49, 2032)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 528
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- location (63, 2338)
- nlines 1
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- label "________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
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- location (1056, 2416)
- nlines 1
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- location (1056, 2288)
- nlines 1
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- location (48, 96)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- nlines 1
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- label "Object Created")
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- location (48, 160)
- font (object Font
- color 255
- default_color FALSE)
- nlines 1
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- label "Object Destroyed")
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- location (48, 32)
- font (object Font
- bold TRUE)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "Colour Legend:")
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- location (1360, 672)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @425
- location (1034, 621)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 670
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- Parent_View @426
- location (2327, 957)
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- width 382
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- annotation 4
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- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
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- location (2509, 795)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @426
- supplier @426
- line_style 0)
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- location (865, 400)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @428
- location (521, 312)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 652
- label "Since the provider's been already selected start doesn't have a connection info given in preferences.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 712
- height 188)
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- location (2509, 659)
- line_color 3342489
- label (object SegLabel @430
- Parent_View @429
- location (2509, 615)
- quidu "42B2DB390169"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 700
- justify 0
- label "figure out preferences for the next layer"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @427
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 137
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2449, 659)
- terminus (2569, 659))
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- location (2160, 352)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @431
- location (1938, 268)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 409
- label "delegated to selector in management plane => Async")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 469
- height 181)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @431
- supplier @429
- line_style 0)
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- location (1872, 1456)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @433
- location (1582, 1405)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
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- width 598
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- subobjects 0
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- location (1872, 1243)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B2DBA000CA"
- client @433
- supplier @433
- line_style 0)
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- location (1872, 1217)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @435
- location (1856, 1174)
- quidu "42B2DBA000CB"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 481
- justify 0
- label "MapPreferencesToLayer"
- pctDist 0.366667
- height 44
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @434
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 27
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1812, 1217)
- terminus (1932, 1217))
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- location (2509, 2078)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @437
- location (2256, 2027)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- subobjects 0
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- location (1273, 97)
- nlines 1
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- label
- )
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- location (1856, 128)
- nlines 44
- max_width 63
- label
- )
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- location (1392, 1744)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @440
- location (1066, 1693)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 652
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- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "42B2DFB40143"
- width 670
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (1376, 2722)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @441
- location (1241, 2671)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 270
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- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "42B2E00B0104"
- width 288
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (304, 2721)
- font (object Font
- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @442
- location (114, 2670)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 380
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- label "")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "42B2E0DC027B"
- width 398
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- annotation 4
- autoResize TRUE
- subobjects 0
- x_offset 0.000000
- y_offset 0.000000)
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- location (704, 1520)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @443
- location (344, 1454)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 684
- label "start should follow after join once we've removed NIFMAN.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 744
- height 144)
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- location (2509, 1865)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B2F9FB0371"
- client @437
- supplier @437
- line_style 0)
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- location (672, 1728)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @445
- location (347, 1663)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 615
- label "this will only happen if provider needs to be newly created")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 675
- height 143)
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- location (2784, 1328)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @446
- location (2574, 1122)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 8
- max_width 384
- label "All progresses and other notifications are propagated via this route until SelectComplete. After that they are sent via provider stack.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- width 444
- height 425)
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- location (2569, 1852)
- line_color 3342489
- label (object SegLabel @448
- Parent_View @447
- location (2569, 1808)
- font (object Font
- color 255
- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "42B2FF670324"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 178
- justify 0
- label "delete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @444
- pctDist 1.000000
- height 14
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2509, 1852)
- terminus (2629, 1852))
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- location (2502, 752)
- line_color 3342489
- label (object SegLabel @450
- Parent_View @449
- location (2502, 708)
- font (object Font
- color 255
- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "42B3007E00C8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 178
- justify 0
- label "delete"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @427
- pctDist 0.450000
- height 44
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2442, 752)
- terminus (2562, 752))
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- location (2704, 324)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @451
- location (2432, 199)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 509
- label "Upper layer destruction is either initiated by LayerUp or by Detach => ISelectNotify needs to have a new fn ptr.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- width 569
- height 262)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @451
- supplier @449
- line_style 0)
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- location (1408, 1936)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @453
- location (1105, 1870)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 571
- label "currently via CConnectionFactoryContainer")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 631
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B2A03E03C0"
- client @414
- supplier @415
- line_style 0)
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- location (364, 491)
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- Parent_View @455
- location (424, 574)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 119
- justify 0
- label "Start"
- pctDist 1.191667
- height 60
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @454
- pctDist 0.396825
- height 60
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (364, 431)
- terminus (364, 551))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @428
- supplier @455
- line_style 0)
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- location (262, 529)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @458
- location (159, 451)
- quidu "42B303DC033C"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 309
- justify 0
- label "StartComplete"
- pctDist 1.161017
- height 103
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @454
- pctDist 0.589109
- height 43
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (262, 588)
- terminus (262, 470))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B2A03E03C9"
- client @415
- supplier @416
- line_style 0)
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- location (349, 822)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @461
- location (393, 918)
- quidu "42B2A0EA0297"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 119
- justify 0
- label "Start"
- pctDist 1.308333
- height 44
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @460
- pctDist 0.404110
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (349, 762)
- terminus (349, 882))
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- location (262, 850)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @463
- location (137, 800)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 206
- justify 0
- label "LayerUp"
- pctDist 0.923729
- height 126
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @460
- pctDist 0.538835
- height 43
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (262, 909)
- terminus (262, 791))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B2A1130303"
- client @416
- supplier @425
- line_style 0)
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- location (798, 805)
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @466
- location (739, 749)
- quidu "42B2A11F03C8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 494
- justify 0
- label "SelectNextLayer(provider*)"
- pctDist 0.161673
- height 72
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @465
- pctDist 0.471954
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (741, 822)
- terminus (855, 788))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @416
- supplier @418
- line_style 0)
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- pctDist 0.147992
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- origin (349, 1152)
- terminus (349, 1272))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @469
- line_style 0)
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- pctDist 0.424947
- height 45
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- origin (260, 1533)
- terminus (260, 1415))
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- pctDist 0.305838
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- origin (2126, 2767)
- terminus (2008, 2767))
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- label "RemoveObserver"
- pctDist 0.500000
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- pctDist 0.763959
- height 45
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- dir 1
- origin (1765, 2767)
- terminus (1647, 2767))
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- origin (348, 2209)
- terminus (348, 2329))
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- pctDist 0.696325
- height 45
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- origin (349, 2439)
- terminus (349, 2559))
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- origin (260, 2496)
- terminus (260, 2378))
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- Parent_View @487
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- pctDist 0.388392
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- origin (1818, 760)
- terminus (1934, 794))
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- pctDist 0.455219
- height 53
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- origin (2290, 1225)
- terminus (2194, 1293))
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- supplier @437
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @492
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- pctDist 0.474019
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- origin (2449, 1576)
- terminus (2449, 1458))
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- pctDist 0.652174
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- origin (2592, 1745)
- terminus (2592, 1627))
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- pctDist 0.569404
- height 46
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- dir 1
- origin (1379, 1055)
- terminus (1261, 1055))
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- label "Detach"
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- pctDist 0.370073
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- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1729, 1053)
- terminus (1611, 1053))
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- Parent_View @504
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- pctDist 0.416765
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- origin (2129, 1659)
- terminus (2215, 1743))
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- location (2182, 1646)
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- pctDist 0.370643
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- terminus (2225, 1688))
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- Parent_View @509
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- origin (2568, 2154)
- terminus (2568, 2274))
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- pctDist 0.495164
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- origin (2567, 2337)
- terminus (2567, 2457))
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- pctDist 0.282759
- height 41
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- origin (2468, 2346)
- terminus (2468, 2228))
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- origin (2464, 2571)
- terminus (2464, 2453))
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- location (2568, 2584)
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- Parent_View @517
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- pctDist 0.856867
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- origin (2568, 2524)
- terminus (2568, 2644))
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- origin (2016, 1982)
- terminus (1904, 1950))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @523
- location (1407, 2078)
- anchor_loc 1
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- pctDist 0.831958
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- origin (909, 2123)
- terminus (791, 2123))
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- label "ConnectionControlActivityL(EAttachNormal,..)"
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- object_arc @523
- pctDist 0.538156
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- origin (1402, 2122)
- terminus (1284, 2122))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- object_arc @523
- pctDist 0.146023
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- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2061, 2123)
- terminus (1943, 2123))
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- Parent_View @532
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- pctDist 0.537936
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- origin (885, 1946)
- terminus (773, 1982))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @445
- supplier @533
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- stereotype TRUE
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- pctDist 0.515110
- height 45
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- dir 1
- origin (818, 2677)
- terminus (938, 2677))))
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- location (272, 573)
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- location (1408, 128)
- nlines 49
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- Parent_View @541
- location (2315, 2364)
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- Parent_View @542
- location (2282, 1655)
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- Parent_View @543
- location (2354, 1116)
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- Parent_View @544
- location (1493, 2368)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @545
- location (1523, 1116)
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- underline TRUE)
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- Parent_View @546
- location (727, 2375)
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- subobjects 0
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @547
- location (711, 847)
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- annotation 4
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- subobjects 0
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @548
- location (15, 1117)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @549
- location (676, 407)
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- underline TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @550
- location (750, 1671)
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- location (1056, 1360)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @551
- location (859, 1300)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 358
- label "self firing netmeta message")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 418
- height 132)
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- location (352, 1888)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @552
- location (161, 1829)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 346
- label "request held untill 16: comes in")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 406
- height 131)
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- client @549
- supplier @549
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @541
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- line_style 0)
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- location (1040, 202)
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- location (1040, 158)
- quidu "42B99E370066"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 238
- justify 0
- label "FindFactory"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
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- object_arc @553
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (980, 202)
- terminus (1100, 202))
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- location (2640, 2159)
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- location (2640, 2115)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "FindFactory"
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0)
- object_arc @554
- pctDist 0.500000
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2580, 2159)
- terminus (2700, 2159))
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- location (2192, 720)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @559
- location (1729, 620)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 890
- label
-|Join needs a "C" sub-connection client to be created and it than receives JoinComplete call to pack it into CJoinCmplete object and pass it to the data thread - not shown on the diagram.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 950
- height 212)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @550
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- line_style 0)
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- location (547, 342)
- quidu "42B99E14001F"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- label "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- pctDist 0.500000
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- object_arc @561
- pctDist 0.610703
- height 76
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (487, 386)
- terminus (607, 386))
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- client @538
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- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 244
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- label "JoinL/StartL"
- pctDist 1.283333
- height 111
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- object_arc @564
- pctDist 0.428986
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (317, 696)
- terminus (317, 816))
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- supplier @542
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- location (2596, 1941)
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- location (2729, 1861)
- quidu "42B9A94B02BB"
- anchor_loc 1
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- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist 1.177966
- height 133
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- object_arc @567
- pctDist 0.706186
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2596, 2000)
- terminus (2596, 1882))
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- supplier @543
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- location (2596, 1370)
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- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @571
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- pctDist 0.662621
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- origin (2596, 1429)
- terminus (2596, 1311))
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- location (2596, 1549)
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- location (2713, 1468)
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- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 247
- justify 0
- label "AttachFlow"
- pctDist 1.186441
- height 117
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- object_arc @570
- pctDist 0.230583
- height 45
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (2596, 1608)
- terminus (2596, 1490))
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- location (2195, 1087)
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "LayerUp"
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- pctDist 0.543796
- height 82
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- origin (2254, 1087)
- terminus (2136, 1087))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @576
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- location (1734, 1801)
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- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @580
- location (1850, 1719)
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- default_color FALSE)
- quidu "42B9A8F50021"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 822
- justify 0
- label "NewL(CSubConnectionFlowBase* handle)"
- pctDist 1.194915
- height 116
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- object_arc @579
- pctDist 0.493333
- height 59
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1734, 1860)
- terminus (1734, 1742))
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- location (1277, 1857)
- line_color 3342489
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- location (1673, 1946)
- quidu "42B9A6C202B1"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 1172
- justify 0
- label "FindOrCreateProviderL(CSubConnectionFlowBase* handle + info)"
- pctDist 3.424138
- height 206
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- object_arc @582
- pctDist 0.809154
- height 54
- orientation 1
- dir -1
- origin (1233, 1816)
- terminus (1321, 1898))
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- location (1587, 2286)
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- location (1540, 2223)
- quidu "42B9A9A601B8"
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 863
- justify 0
- label "return CSubConnectionProviderbase* handle()"
- pctDist 1.164106
- height 15
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- object_arc @582
- pctDist 0.182965
- height 47
- orientation 0
- dir 1
- origin (1630, 2326)
- terminus (1544, 2246))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @552
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- quidu "42B9A93303C4"
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- pctDist 0.500000
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- object_arc @588
- pctDist 0.439024
- height 43
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- dir 1
- origin (2129, 2374)
- terminus (2249, 2374))
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- label "LayerUp"
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- height 45
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- object_arc @591
- pctDist 0.468718
- height 82
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- dir 1
- origin (1115, 1087)
- terminus (997, 1087))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @551
- supplier @592
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- supplier @550
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- location (1012, 2143)
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- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @596
- location (970, 2062)
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- object_arc @595
- pctDist 0.382075
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- origin (1012, 2202)
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- supplier @548
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- location (708, 1060)
- font (object Font
- color 32768
- default_color FALSE)
- line_color 65280
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- Parent_View @599
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- origin (764, 1040)
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- location (864, 1477)
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- nlines 1
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- label "JoinL/StartL"
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- pctDist 0.480939
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- origin (630, 1366)
- terminus (728, 1436))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @602
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- supplier @546
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- label "FindOrCreateProviderL"
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- pctDist 0.182752
- height 44
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- dir 1
- origin (445, 1364)
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- location (1085, 666)
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- location (1248, 772)
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "FindOrCreateFlowL"
- pctDist 1.385314
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- object_arc @608
- pctDist 0.461467
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- origin (1085, 606)
- terminus (1085, 726))
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- anchor_loc 1
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- label "CJoinL/CStartSubConnectionL"
- pctDist 0.500000
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- pctDist 0.283473
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- terminus (1622, 1474))
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
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- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection"
- quidu "41A750530146")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
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- quid "41C2DE9B0191"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
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- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
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- (object Role "$UNNAMED$99"
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- quidu "41A8587D00BE")))
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- quidu "41B9FB280154")
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- quid "41B9FB640115"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::MNifSessionNotify"
- quidu "41B9FAF0024C")))
- (object Class "MAgentSessionNotify"
- quid "41B9FB280154")
- (object Class "CNifSecureSession"
- quid "421BA9590249"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421BA9730142"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession"
- quidu "41A77CCA0251"))))
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (352, 592)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @615
- location (167, 541)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MNifSessionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41B9FAF0024C"
- width 388
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- annotation 8
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- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSession" @616
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1296, 1040)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @616
- location (1165, 988)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "CNifSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A77CCA0251"
- width 280
- height 128
- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (896, 592)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @617
- location (683, 541)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 426
- justify 0
- label "MAgentSessionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41B9FB280154"
- width 444
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- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1552, 576)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @618
- location (1280, 502)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 544
- justify 0
- label "MNetworkControllerObserver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41B6EE01032A"
- width 562
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2256, 560)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @619
- location (2025, 486)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- width 480
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- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41B9FB5E010C"
- client @616
- supplier @618
- line_style 0)
- (object RealizeView "" @622
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41B9FB6102E7"
- client @616
- supplier @617
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @616
- supplier @615
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1296, 1360)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @624
- location (1100, 1309)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "421BA9590249"
- width 410
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- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @616
- line_style 0)))))
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- quid "41BDA4160337"
- visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
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- quid "4288AB6F0382"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session"
- quidu "41B9FACD0024"))
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "41A77CA40365"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A77DB502BD"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CNetworkSession"
- quidu "41A8587D00BE")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41DEB8A10386"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
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- quid "41BDA98602E0"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41BDA92A0213")))
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- quid "41A8587D00BE"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A8593301EC"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41BDA8AC00C7"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41BDA96B00E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172")))
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- quid "41BDA765028C"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41BDA8BB001D"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421BA9EE0293"
- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC"))
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- quid "41C30946012C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C3097E023C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309880056"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30991026C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C3099A032D"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309A20086"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309D30177"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309EA0135"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C309F501C7"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30A56024B"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30A5E02C5"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30D2700F7"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30D31028D"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30DE003AA"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30DEA0228"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- opExportControl "Public"
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- quid "41C34B800205"
- concurrency "Sequential"
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- uid 0)
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- quid "41ECE9D40074"
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- opExportControl "Public"
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- quid "41CC19DE032F"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionClient"
- quidu "41CC1965029F"))
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- quid "41C2E4FB0230"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C3193E010E"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "41BDA92A0213"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41CC19E10370"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionClient"
- quidu "41CC1965029F"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C318370006"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C3185000B6"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C318560386"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C318640278"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C3186F0116"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
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- quid "41C31876013E"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C318A202DD"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
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- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "41CC1965029F"
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41CC198E0244"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4EB40342"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "421CAA340392"
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- quid "421CAA9A033C"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41BDA92A0213")))
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- quid "41BDA93B00D8"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41BDA93B02EA"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$102"
- quid "41BDA93B02EB"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- quid "41BDA951031F"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41BDA95202DA"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41BDA92A0213"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$105"
- quid "41BDA95202DB"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- quid "41BDAC800074"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41BDAC8002D7"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41BDAC8002E1"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41BDB3930132"
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- quid "41BDB394017A"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$111"
- quid "41BDB394017B"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B")))
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- quid "41BEFC66039C"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41BEFC700011"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$114"
- quid "41BEFC700012"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$117"
- quid "41BEFC880250"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- quid "41C067410380"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41C067410381"
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- quidu "41BDA765028C"))
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- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
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- quid "41BDABBB01DF"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"))
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- quid "41ECEA0F01FF"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
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- uid 0)))
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- quid "422DD7460005"
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- quid "422DD864001A"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CConnectionSettings"
- quidu "41ECEA270100")))
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- quid "41DEBACB01AD"
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- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$122"
- quid "41DEBACB01AE"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D")))
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- quid "41ECEC800317"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41ECEC82003E"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionSettingsShim"
- quidu "422DD7460005"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41ECEC82003F"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41ECEC9602C8"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "41ECEC9900CE"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$128"
- quid "41ECEC9900CF"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CConnectionSettings"
- quidu "41ECEA270100")))
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- quid "421CAE8901B4"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "421CAE8A016F"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$131"
- quid "421CAE8A0179"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D")))
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- quid "422DE24F0248"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "422DE25002D6"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$134"
- quid "422DE25002D7"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "422DE2C100BF"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "422DE2C20193"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$137"
- quid "422DE2C20194"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "422DE30E02F3"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "422DE30F0394"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
- quidu "421BA9590249"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$140"
- quid "422DE30F0395"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- is_aggregate TRUE))))
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- max_width 21600
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- origin_y 0
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (992, 688)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @626
- location (741, 636)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 520
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProviderBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 520
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1360, 1696)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @627
- location (972, 1565)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 740
- label "At the moment represents the link layer and does some of the CInterface's work. The network session always ends up talking to an instance of the class as to the layer below.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 800
- height 275)
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- location (352, 1440)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @628
- location (150, 1356)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 404
- justify 0
- label "Sub Connection Provider Shim")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41BEF8100115"
- width 416
- height 180)
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- location (1776, 184)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @629
- location (1603, 100)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 346
- justify 0
- label "New Interfaces & Functions")
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- width 358
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- location (2272, 176)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @630
- location (1965, 79)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 578
- label
-|Db Access see "New Interfaces & Functions" package for the methods.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 638
- height 207)
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- location (208, 880)
- nlines 1
- max_width 244
- label "ESOCK")
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- location (209, 1025)
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- Parent_View @633
- location (183, 126)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- label "Replaces CInterface CConnection related behaviour.")
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- location (1360, 428)
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- Parent_View @636
- location (154, 1190)
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- location (2043, 613)
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- Parent_View @639
- location (1353, 614)
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- Parent_View @671
- location (1037, 1029)
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- Parent_View @677
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- Parent_View @682
- location (1781, 1052)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- label "In case the connection is started with NID only it forms an overrides so that NETCON can select an agent the way it currently done?")
- line_color 3342489
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- location (1342, 2204)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 577
- label "New component written by Nokia will replace our dummy provider. This isn't at all ideal solution since it merges two big areas in one class (mobility & IP connection management) however it's the quickest one and is written by someone else:-). This is the piece all the fuss is about.")
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- width 637
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- Parent_View @695
- location (1348, 1836)
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- Parent_View @696
- location (1489, 892)
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- location (1680, 544)
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- location (1432, 492)
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- Parent_View @698
- location (2171, 1244)
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- Parent_View @699
- location (664, 1255)
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- Parent_View @700
- location (1397, 1245)
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- location (1213, 1350)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- location (2096, 944)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @710
- location (1963, 870)
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- location (2208, 512)
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- Parent_View @716
- location (2017, 438)
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- Parent_View @718
- location (470, 252)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- location (304, 336)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @719
- location (150, 252)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- location (144, 96)
- nlines 1
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @699
- line_style 0)
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- supplier @695
- line_style 0)
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- location (481, 1713)
- nlines 1
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- label "________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
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- location (480, 1776)
- nlines 1
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- label "ECOM plugin")
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- location (480, 1680)
- nlines 1
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- label "ESOCK")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1088, 944)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @727
- location (932, 870)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2448, 1904)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @729
- location (2129, 1842)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 602
- label "practically dummy provider. Does idle timers & call traversing.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 662
- height 137)
- (object AttachView "" @730
- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @695
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (528, 1536)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @731
- location (213, 1484)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "XDummyConnectionControlClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "421CAA340392"
- width 648
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- annotation 8
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- supplier @699
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @733
- location (464, 944)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @733
- location (67, 809)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 759
- label
-|Implements an empty versions of all but mandatory MConnectionControlClient virtuals. The mandatory ones are:
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 819
- height 282)
- (object AttachView "" @734
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @733
- supplier @731
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2736, 512)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @735
- location (2530, 438)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- location (1200, 176)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @737
- location (1067, 125)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1200, 608)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @738
- location (1069, 556)
- fill_color 13434879
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- supplier @738
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (736, 352)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @740
- location (545, 278)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "41A7685902ED"
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- location (1204, 1195)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @741
- location (1060, 1111)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
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- label "Nif Session")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 300
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- location (1200, 768)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @742
- location (1056, 684)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 300
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- supplier @741
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- stereotype TRUE
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1648, 336)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @745
- location (1442, 262)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2048, 672)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @747
- location (1804, 578)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 452
- label "for initialisig and monitoring top level selection")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 512
- height 200)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- line_style 0)))))
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- quid "41A74FC60071"
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- quid "41A77B4D007D"
- supplier "Logical View::Service"
- quidu "41A7584503E0")
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- quid "41A876050177"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory"
- quidu "41A875EF01EE")
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- quid "41A91E370312"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection"
- quidu "41A74FA2017D")
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- quid "427A06AC0060"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss"
- quidu "41AA25160186"))
- exportControl "Public"
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- quid "41A750530146"
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- quid "41A7689000BB"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
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- quid "41A754C80042"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9")))
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- quid "41A75088005C"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41A7557C0268"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392")
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- quid "41C05A6C02FE"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"))
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- quid "41EFFB2001BC"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172")
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- quid "427F424701C7"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "427A6DF6004F"))
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- quid "41C303FB0299"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C30B2C01B7"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C703B201B3"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41A753D702F9"
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- quid "42D2C3B802F9"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionClient"
- quidu "42D2C324007D"))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "41A753E90088"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "42D2C3BC009C"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionClient"
- quidu "42D2C324007D"))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "41A85C53037D"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "422CB16002EA"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CEmptySubConnectionProvider"
- quidu "422CB11602A6")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4289C2EB0253"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
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- quid "41C177E40146"
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- quid "41C178650047"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection"
- quidu "41A750530146")))
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- quid "422CB11602A6"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "422CB1CA0349"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"))
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- quid "422CB2FF03C1"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172")
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- quid "422CB303034F"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MConnectionEnumerateClients"
- quidu "422CAE600150")))
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- quid "422CB12403A1"
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- quid "422CB2BE0240"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CEmptySubConnectionProvider"
- quidu "422CB11602A6")))
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- quid "427A6DF6004F"
- stereotype "Interface")
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- stereotype "Interface")
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- stereotype "Interface")
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- quidu "41A75088005C"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41BEFF58006B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
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- quid "41EBDF5401F5"
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- quid "41EBDF5501EC"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnection"
- quidu "41A7507C013B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$146"
- quid "41EBDF5501F6"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnection"
- quidu "41A750530146")))
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- quid "427A6BBD015F"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$149"
- quid "427A6BBD0169"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
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- quid "427A6C3802B1"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$152"
- quid "427A6C3802B2"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
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- quid "427A6E310389"
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- quid "427A6E3300C5"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "427A6DF6004F"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$155"
- quid "427A6E3300C6"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CNetworkSubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "427A6CAC0380")))
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- quid "427A6E3B031F"
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- quid "427A6E3D0065"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "42B9B1BA03A7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$158"
- quid "427A6E3D0066"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
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- roles (list role_list
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- quid "4284AE68037C"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "427A6DF6004F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$161"
- quid "4284AE680386"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E")))
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- roles (list role_list
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- quid "42C2C7E5004B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$164"
- quid "42C2C7E5004C"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
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- quid "42C2CE0102CF"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "42C2CE020321"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlowClient"
- quidu "42C2CB700385"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$167"
- quid "42C2CE020322"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC"
- quidu "4289BE6D02F0")))
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- quid "42C2D15A00B6"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "42C2D15B0180"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
- quidu "4284A8070236"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$170"
- quid "42C2D15B0181"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E")))
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- quid "41BEF8100115"
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- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")
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- quid "421CA642026D"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088"))
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- quid "41BEFFD60012"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088")
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- quid "41EFF19A038E"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "4284C7F4004E"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MSubInterfaceShim"
- quidu "4284C7CC02B2"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C316950133"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A55B300B8"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A55B803D6"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "NotifyDataReceived"
- quid "421A55BE0154"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41C061D101C6"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41C061ED0164"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9"))
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41BEFFD90229"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41F00CA800E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MConnDataTransferNotify"
- quidu "41F00C760342")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41F013D30282"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MShimControlClient"
- quidu "41F0137D0060"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C3159B02D3"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315B103B1"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315B902A5"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315C10332"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315C90316"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315D1019B"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315D8023C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315DF0296"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "IsSubConnectionActiveCancel"
- quid "41C315E7036A"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C315F200D1"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41F0088C039C"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41F00DC50034"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CConnDataTransfer"
- quidu "41F00D6A0013")))
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- quid "41F00C760342")
- (object Class "CConnDataTransfer"
- quid "41F00D6A0013"
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "421A4F1102B1"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4F200082"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4F2A0376"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4F4B0215"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4F5200F3"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DataReceivedNotificationCancel"
- quid "421A4F580048"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "421A4F5E034A"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DeRegisterClient"
- quid "421A4F6401FE"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41F0137D0060")
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- quid "4284C7CC02B2")
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- quid "41BF002A0257"
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- quid "41BF002B023B"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$173"
- quid "41BF002B0245"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9")))
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- quid "41EFDA2E0333"
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- quid "41EFDA2F03CA"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$176"
- quid "41EFDA2F03CB"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9")))
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- quid "41EFDA99020C"
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- quid "41EFDA9A0358"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$179"
- quid "41EFDA9A0362"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6")))
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- quid "41F00DA8035D"
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- quid "41F00DA90250"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MConnDataTransferNotify"
- quidu "41F00C760342"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$182"
- quid "41F00DA90251"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CConnDataTransfer"
- quidu "41F00D6A0013")))
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- quid "41F00DC903B5"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$184"
- quid "41F00DCA03D4"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CConnDataTransferShim"
- quidu "41F0088C039C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$185"
- quid "41F00DCA03D5"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9")))
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- quid "4284C7FA03DC"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$187"
- quid "4284C7FB037A"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::MSubInterfaceShim"
- quidu "4284C7CC02B2"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$188"
- quid "4284C7FB037B"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"))))
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- location (1648, 1487)
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- label "Conveys downcalls made by an upper sub-connection layer to NIFMAN. (former CSubInterface)")
- line_color 3342489
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- location (1168, 2016)
- label (object ItemLabel
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- location (1037, 1942)
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- Parent_View @751
- location (98, 1505)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- label "Does all the up-calls related work of the former CSubConnection.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 725
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- location (2800, 1056)
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- location (2640, 972)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2468, 768)
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- location (804, 544)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @756
- location (558, 493)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1444, 544)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @757
- location (1251, 492)
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- anchor 2
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- location (1168, 1648)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @762
- location (937, 1574)
- fill_color 13434879
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- width 480
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- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (500, 1232)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @764
- location (194, 1180)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSubConnectionLinkShimClient")
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @751
- supplier @764
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- Parent_View @767
- location (996, 1500)
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- Parent_View @766
- location (-529, -364)
- stereotype TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1444, 864)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @771
- location (1205, 813)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1796, 1232)
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- Parent_View @773
- location (1502, 1180)
- fill_color 13434879
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- stereotype TRUE
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- location (864, 1272)
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- location (-191, -160)
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- location (260, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @787
- location (63, 845)
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- location (212, 464)
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- Parent_View @788
- location (30, 273)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 7
- max_width 328
- label "client down calls related to the old CSubConnection/CSubInterface => ESOCK doesn't have to link against the shim.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 388
- height 394)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- stereotype TRUE
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- location (2224, 896)
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- Parent_View @791
- location (2030, 845)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2708, 1232)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @793
- location (2449, 1157)
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- location (2416, 971)
- anchor 2
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- location (-272, -981)
- stereotype TRUE
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- location (16, 1760)
- nlines 1
- max_width 2937
- label "______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
- (object Label @799
- location (2448, 1840)
- nlines 1
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @800
- location (2068, 998)
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- location (1712, 752)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @801
- location (1511, 668)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- label "Sub Connection Provider Shim")
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- location (1728, 560)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @802
- location (1356, 457)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 708
- label "See Sub Connection Provider Shim package for sub-connection handled via RConnection based on sub-connection Id.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 768
- height 219)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (928, 128)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @803
- location (762, 77)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1683, 2336)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @804
- location (1381, 2284)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CEmptySubConnectionProvider")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2675, 1072)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @805
- location (2446, 998)
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- location (928, 960)
- nlines 34
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- label
- )
- (object Label @807
- location (480, 896)
- nlines 1
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- label
- )
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- location (31, 831)
- nlines 1
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- label "_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
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- location (352, 2512)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @809
- location (179, 2428)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (448, 1920)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @810
- location (186, 1846)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2675, 1616)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @811
- location (2424, 1541)
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- label "CConnectionProviderBase")
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- Parent_View @813
- location (2712, 1285)
- anchor 2
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- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.310860
- height 37
- orientation 1))
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- supplier @811
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- location (928, 1936)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @816
- location (927, 2065)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1680, 1056)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @818
- location (1414, 1005)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1683, 1926)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @819
- location (1397, 1874)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (2359, 1679)
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- location (992, 1983)
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- location (1734, 1156)
- anchor 2
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- max_width 15
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- label "0..*"
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- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- location (928, 1648)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @835
- location (926, 1805)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1328, 1344)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @836
- location (1047, 1270)
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- Parent_View @839
- location (1034, 1630)
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- location (-2, 376)
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- supplier @836
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- location (448, 1600)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @842
- location (215, 1526)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1504, 128)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @843
- location (1313, 54)
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- location (2400, 432)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @844
- location (2267, 358)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (336, 128)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @845
- location (48, 77)
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- location (928, 768)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @846
- location (636, 716)
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- Parent_View @848
- location (378, 245)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- location (928, 432)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @851
- location (763, 381)
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- location (2198, 486)
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- location (-705, -1024)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @864
- location (926, 2517)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (448, 1232)
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- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @866
- location (181, 1158)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @835
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (448, 2352)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @869
- location (185, 2278)
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- location (861, 2417)
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- location (507, 1099)
- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @869
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- stereotype TRUE
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- location (50, 1791)
- stereotype TRUE
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- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @875
- location (-398, -561)
- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @866
- vertices (list Points
- (50, 1791)
- (50, 1472)
- (304, 1318))
- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @876
- location (279, 1396)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @875
- location (-398, -561)
- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @869
- vertices (list Points
- (50, 1791)
- (50, 2144)
- (282, 2265))
- line_style 0)))))
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- quid "422CAC900121"
- title "IP SubConnection Provider"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 88
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- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 688)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @879
- location (1026, 614)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionProviderBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1648, 1360)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @880
- location (1390, 1286)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CIPSubConnectionProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A85C53037D"
- width 534
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 1072)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @881
- location (1010, 1021)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CEmptySubConnectionProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "422CB11602A6"
- width 622
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (976, 1344)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @882
- location (672, 1293)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CDefaultSubConnectionProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "422CB12403A1"
- width 626
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- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (656, 688)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @883
- location (355, 614)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MConnectionEnumerateClients")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1904, 688)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @884
- location (1675, 613)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- location (2128, 1056)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @886
- location (1897, 975)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 427
- label "functionality common to primary and secondary context.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 487
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @886
- supplier @881
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @888
- location (2304, 1360)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @888
- location (2066, 1298)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 440
- label "represents secondary context")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 500
- height 137)
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- location (320, 1344)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @889
- location (82, 1282)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 440
- label "represents primary(default) context")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 500
- height 137)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- supplier @881
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @889
- supplier @882
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @892
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @888
- supplier @880
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @879
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @884
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @883
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- location (352, 864)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1806
- label "__________________________________________________________________________________")
- (object Label @897
- location (352, 928)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "ECOM IPSCPR plugin")
- (object Label @898
- location (352, 832)
- nlines 1
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- label "ESOCK")))))
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- quid "41A7584503E0"
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- quid "41A876010316"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory"
- quidu "41A875EF01EE")
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- quid "41A91E410014"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow"
- quidu "427A06CC0387")
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- quid "427A063C027B"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss"
- quidu "41AA25160186"))
- exportControl "Public"
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- quid "41A754670219"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A877C8023E"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392"))
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41AC9D0301E9"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42C2D0EF03A3"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
- quidu "4284A8070236")))
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- quid "41A85E7502CE"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41A85EF7011C"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
- quidu "41A754670219"))
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- quid "41D920F900C8"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"))
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A864B90298"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketNotify"
- quidu "41A8641100E8")
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- quid "41AC9D080150"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9")
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- quid "41C2DDF30330"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8")
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- quid "41CFEA310370"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "422CAE9A0154"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MConnectionEnumerateClients"
- quidu "422CAE600150")))
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- quid "41A768BD034B"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A877070223"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392")))
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- quid "41A7685902ED")
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- quid "41A863A900AC"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A888E80288"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41A864E301EE"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketControlledNotify"
- quidu "421A09A70089")))
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- quid "41A8641100E8")
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- quid "41A869E70168"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41A869F0002B"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
- quidu "41A768BD034B")))
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- quid "41A88D720008")
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- quid "421A09A70089")
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- quid "422CAE600150")
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- quid "41A863F10128"
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- quid "41A863F20238"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
- quidu "41A754670219"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$191"
- quid "41A863F20242"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSocket"
- quidu "41A863A900AC"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41A866DD0047"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$193"
- quid "41A866DD039A"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
- quidu "41A768BD034B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$194"
- quid "41A866DD03A4"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
- quidu "41A85E7502CE"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41A867AE0142"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$196"
- quid "41A867AF031A"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketNotify"
- quidu "41A8641100E8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$197"
- quid "41A867AF0324"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
- quidu "41A768BD034B")))
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- quid "41A867D1039B"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "iSocket"
- quid "41A867D30019"
- label "iSocket"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketNotify"
- quidu "41A8641100E8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$199"
- quid "41A867D30023"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CServProviderBase"
- quidu "41A768BD034B")))
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- quid "41B722220185"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "iSocketClient"
- quid "41B7222301A4"
- label "iSocketClient"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::MSocketControlledNotify"
- quidu "421A09A70089"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$201"
- quid "41B7222301AE"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
- quidu "41A85E7502CE")))
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- quid "41D0871802FF"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$203"
- quid "41D08719022E"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSession"
- quidu "41C06F440273"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$204"
- quid "41D087190238"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProviderShim"
- quidu "41A85E7502CE"))))
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- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 888
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object NoteView @899
- location (1296, 1664)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @899
- location (833, 1561)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 890
- label "Emulates being MSocketNotify (CSocket) so that it can server NoBearer & Bearer calls on horizontal level and forwards the rest to the CControlledServProviderShim::iSocketClient.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 950
- height 219)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider" @900
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (848, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @900
- location (615, 844)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 466
- justify 0
- label "CControlledServProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A754670219"
- width 484
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1575, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @901
- location (1475, 845)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 200
- justify 0
- label "CSocket")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A863A900AC"
- width 218
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1277, 896)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @902
- location (365, 448)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @902
- supplier @900
- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @903
- location (1127, 844)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.802139
- height 52
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$191" @905
- Parent_View @902
- location (365, 448)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A863F20242"
- client @902
- supplier @901
- line_style 0)))
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- location (1680, 240)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @906
- location (1248, 137)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 828
- label "Remove CInterface association and replace CServProviderBase association with CControlledServProvider one. CSocket no longer owns the provider.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 888
- height 219)
- (object AttachView "" @907
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @901
- supplier @906
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @908
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @902
- supplier @906
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (768, 2256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @909
- location (617, 2205)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 302
- justify 0
- label "CIpcProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A869E70168"
- width 320
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1264, 2064)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @910
- location (995, 1961)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 502
- label "All service provider are currently derived from CServProviderBase. Example CIpcProvdBase.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 562
- height 219)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (848, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @911
- location (689, 476)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 318
- justify 0
- label "XFactoryObject")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7522A0392"
- width 336
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1264, 528)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @912
- location (1073, 476)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 382
- justify 0
- label "CSockSubSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7685902ED"
- width 400
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A888E80288"
- client @901
- supplier @912
- line_style 0)
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- location (528, 240)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @914
- location (100, 106)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 821
- label "Alternatively we can forget about CFactoryObject as a base for service provider leave the hard coded creation of the shim in ProtocolManager::NewSocketL for the time being.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 881
- height 281)
- (object NoteView @915
- location (1527, 1136)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @915
- location (1348, 1080)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 322
- label "NoBearer / Bearer selection.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 382
- height 125)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A877C8023E"
- client @900
- supplier @911
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2055, 1136)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @917
- location (1897, 1061)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 316
- justify 0
- label "ISelectionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- width 334
- height 174
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AttachView "" @918
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @915
- supplier @917
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @919
- location (1824, 2064)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @919
- location (1583, 1980)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 446
- label "to be able find a default connection for the session on NoBearer.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 506
- height 181)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (768, 1152)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @920
- location (619, 1101)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 298
- justify 0
- label "MSocketNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A8641100E8"
- width 316
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (768, 1872)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @921
- location (574, 1821)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 388
- justify 0
- label "CServProviderBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A768BD034B"
- width 406
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A869F0002B"
- client @909
- supplier @921
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @910
- supplier @922
- line_style 0)
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- location (768, 1511)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A867D1039B"
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- Parent_View @924
- location (-1120, 1047)
- label (object SegLabel @926
- Parent_View @925
- location (727, 1269)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
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- location (822, 1246)
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- height 54
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2340, 2259)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @929
- location (2062, 2185)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2343, 480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @930
- location (2103, 429)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2343, 1872)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @931
- location (2066, 1821)
- fill_color 13434879
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @947
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- anchor 1
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- nlines 1
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- Parent_View @947
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- Parent_View @952
- location (2419, 1085)
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- location (336, 528)
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- italics TRUE)
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- Parent_View @954
- location (69, 454)
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- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection"
- quidu "41A74FC60071")
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- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss"
- quidu "41AA25160186"))
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- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
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- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
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- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41C2DF4803B0"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8")))
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- quid "41A8883002B6")
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- quid "41A88F0702D1"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
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- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC")))
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- quid "41A88F160355"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
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- quid "41A88F71017F"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
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- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41A890E80233"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
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- quid "41A8913D00F5"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
- quidu "41A8883002B6")))
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- quid "41A895C701FA"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CSockSubSession"
- quidu "41A7685902ED"))
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- quid "41A895C200E4"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
- quidu "41A8883002B6")))
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- quid "41A895FE0203"
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- quid "41A8967D0101"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B")))
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- quidu "41A88FF3019A")))
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- quid "41A896810342"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CNetDatabase"
- quidu "41A895920294")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolvProvdBase"
- quidu "41A889D9031B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$207"
- quid "41A889E50200"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41A88D8F014A"
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- quid "41A88D9001E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::MResolverNotify"
- quidu "41A8883002B6"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41A88D9001EC"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
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- quid "41A88E5E03B5"
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- quidu "41A88D720008"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "41A88E6003CC"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CResolverProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88CCB00F8")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolvProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88EED0310"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$216"
- quid "41A890AA000D"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CServiceResolver"
- quidu "41A88FF3019A"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41A895A2016A"
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- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CNetDBProvdBase"
- quidu "41A88F6201EC"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$219"
- quid "41A895A301A9"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CNetDatabase"
- quidu "41A895920294"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$222"
- quid "41A912D801C2"
- supplier "Logical View::Resolver::CHostResolver"
- quidu "41A8880E036B")))
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- quid "41A913C9034F"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41A753D702F9"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$225"
- quid "41A913C90363"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"))))
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @956
- location (1617, 804)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
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- location (756, 512)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @957
- location (675, 460)
- fill_color 13434879
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- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A7525A00AC"
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 878)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @958
- location (1152, 827)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "MResolverNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A8883002B6"
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- location (240, 877)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @959
- location (90, 803)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (756, 877)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @960
- location (549, 826)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CResolverProvdBase")
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- location (1133, 931)
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- Parent_View @961
- location (129, -259)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @966
- location (399, 931)
- anchor 2
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- max_width 15
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- height 54
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @965
- location (-459, -243)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A88E6003CC"
- client @965
- supplier @960
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- stereotype TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2146, 1949)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @970
- location (1955, 1875)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSockSubSession")
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- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A7685902ED"
- width 400
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (756, 2237)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @971
- location (503, 2186)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CServiceResolvProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A88EED0310"
- width 524
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- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2146, 2237)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @973
- location (1974, 2186)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 344
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- label "CServiceResolver")
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- line_color 3342489
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- width 362
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- annotation 8
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- Parent_View @974
- location (995, 765)
- stereotype TRUE
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- location (1192, 2202)
- anchor 2
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- pctDist 0.631579
- height 36
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @974
- location (995, 765)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @974
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- stereotype TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1666, 1965)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @979
- location (1506, 1914)
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- width 338
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- client @973
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (304, 2736)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @981
- location (120, 2685)
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- (303, 2672)
- (303, 1800)
- (723, 940))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2146, 2733)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @983
- location (2000, 2682)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @985
- location (572, 2789)
- anchor 2
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- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.900000
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- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @984
- location (-1173, 414)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41A895A301A9"
- client @984
- supplier @983
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- location (1682, 2469)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @988
- location (1522, 2418)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2146, 2453)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @989
- location (1955, 2379)
- fill_color 13434879
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- client @983
- supplier @988
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- stereotype TRUE
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1459, 144)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @992
- location (1308, 93)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A895FE0203"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1923, 144)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @993
- location (1750, 93)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "RServiceResolver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A8962700F4"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2371, 144)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @994
- location (2224, 93)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "RNetDatabase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A89654024D"
- width 312
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1454, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @995
- location (1304, 333)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CHostResolver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A8880E036B"
- width 318
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1922, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @996
- location (1750, 333)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 344
- justify 0
- label "CServiceResolver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A88FF3019A"
- width 362
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- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2370, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @997
- location (2224, 333)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 292
- justify 0
- label "CNetDatabase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A895920294"
- width 310
- height 126
- annotation 8
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- supplier @995
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @993
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- stereotype TRUE
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- location (2368, 592)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1001
- location (2002, 514)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 696
- label "Add MSubConnectionControlClient realisation. CHostResolver will become sub connection control client.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 756
- height 169)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1108, 1245)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1002
- location (877, 1194)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CHostResolvProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "41A889D9031B"
- width 480
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- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1002
- supplier @960
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1808, 1246)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1004
- location (1658, 1195)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CHostResolver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A8880E036B"
- width 318
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- annotation 8
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- client @1004
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1008
- location (1414, 1200)
- anchor 2
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- orientation 1))
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- location (282, -211)
- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @1004
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2768, 880)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1011
- location (2480, 806)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1808, 1712)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1013
- location (1522, 1637)
- fill_color 13434879
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- Parent_View @1015
- location (1862, 1575)
- anchor 2
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- max_width 15
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- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.694118
- height 54
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1014
- location (-416, 122)
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- client @1014
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- Parent_View @1019
- location (2824, 1030)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
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- label "1..*"
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- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1018
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- client @1018
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- vertices (list Points
- (2766, 1646)
- (2766, 1706)
- (2103, 1709))
- line_style 0)))
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- location (2272, 1454)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1022
- location (1912, 1367)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 684
- label "The CSubConnectionProviderBase instance and the association replaces CInterface instance + its association.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 744
- height 187)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1022
- supplier @1013
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1024
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1022
- supplier @1018
- line_style 0)
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- location (1280, 224)
- nlines 1
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- label "__________________________________________________________________________________")
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- location (2624, 192)
- nlines 1
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- label "CLIENT (USER) SIDE")
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- location (2624, 304)
- nlines 1
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- label "SERVER (ESOCK) SIDE")
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2240, 880)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1028
- location (2082, 805)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1001
- supplier @1012
- vertices (list Points
- (2402, 676)
- (2441, 766)
- (2441, 975)
- (2253, 1075))
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1001
- supplier @1011
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @1028
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- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "41A7522A0392")
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- quid "41A87CAB020B"
- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC")))
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- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41A87CB001B8"
- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC")))
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- quid "41A87F310047"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87B83033C")))
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- quidu "41A87B83033C"))
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- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41E2BF8D037C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41A87F4801EF"
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- quid "41A87F8100C4"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397")))
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- quid "41A87F840191"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397")))
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- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41A87FBC03CC"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397")
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- quid "41DEBD0A021A"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A8839B0038"))
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- quid "422CA9A0039C"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector"
- quidu "421A2BA8032E")))
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- quid "41A8839B0038"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41A8846302D5"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397"))
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- quid "41CC1C9402D3"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41CC1C940305"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41E2BB9B01E9"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41E2BBAB0283"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41E56F61021E"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41E56F6B01F1"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "41C06B14016A"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41C06B66019E"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87F61023B")))
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- quid "41C1C8E302CA"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41C1C91F016E"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A8839B0038"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "422CC5090392"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"))
- operations (list Operations
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- quid "41C3108500B8"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C310A100E1"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C310C00118"
- stereotype "V"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "conInfo"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DoSelectNextLayerProvider"
- quid "41E2BBCE027A"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "41A883B6002D"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "41A883C40376"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87B83033C"))
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "41B9F90700EB"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MNetworkControllerObserver"
- quidu "41B6EE01032A"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "FindOrCreateProviderL"
- quid "41C303A203A8"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Layer")
- (object Parameter "protocol")
- (object Parameter "conInfo"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "FindProvider"
- quid "41C306020141"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "layer")
- (object Parameter "protocol")
- (object Parameter "conInfo"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CreateProviderL"
- quid "41C6B9BF00C6"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
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- quid "41C6B9CD03AB"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "RegisterNotifierL"
- quid "41E56F3E0335"
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- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "421A0822008C"
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421A083101E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87B83033C")))
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- quid "421A08580167"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421A086A016D"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397")))
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- quid "421A09250134"
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421A093000AD"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87F61023B")))
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- quid "422F26CC014D"
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- quid "422F26D9019D"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
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- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "422F27F5006C"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::MCommsFactoryQuery"
- quidu "422F26CC014D"))
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- (object ClassAttribute "iSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quid "422F27D301BF")))
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- quid "422F272202B5"
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "422F27EE0314"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XConnectionFactoryQuery"
- quidu "422F27180328"))
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- (object Operation "iInfo"
- quid "422F27E60073"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "422F27350281"
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "422F27A4013D"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::MCommsFactoryQuery"
- quidu "422F26CC014D"))
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- (object ClassAttribute "iConnProv"
- quid "422F276B0097")
- (object ClassAttribute "iSubConnType"
- quid "422F27750024")))
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- quid "422F2740015B"
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "422F27A70051"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XSubConnectionFactoryQuery"
- quidu "422F27350281"))
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- (object ClassAttribute "iInfo"
- quid "422F278B02F8")
- (object ClassAttribute "iConnFactoryId"
- quid "422F279602E0")))
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- quid "427F6DC802D7"
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "427F6E350236"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397")))
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- quid "4280F79E0392"
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4280F7CC0335"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87B83033C")))
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- quid "4280F8E3009D"
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4280F9B50125"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
- quidu "427F6DC802D7")))
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- quid "4280F92A00A0"
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- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4280F9B703C7"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
- quidu "427F6DC802D7")))
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87B83033C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "41A87C8903D9"
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- (object Role "$UNNAMED$230"
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$231"
- quid "41A87C8A0272"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392")))
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- quid "422CC5630072"
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- (object Role "$UNNAMED$233"
- quid "422CC564007D"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
- quidu "421BA9590249"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$234"
- quid "422CC564007E"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "422CC5680079"
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- (object Role "$UNNAMED$236"
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- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Nif Session::CNifSecureSession"
- quidu "421BA9590249"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$237"
- quid "422CC56802FB"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "4280F7D80347"
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- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87B4C0397"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "4280F7D901FF"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CCommsFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87B83033C"
- is_aggregate TRUE))))
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1032
- location (2274, 558)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1033
- location (1508, 1194)
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- (1775, 606)
- (2264, 607))
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1039
- location (577, 1900)
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- (744, 1887))
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- location (1728, 224)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1044
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2128, 849)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1046
- location (1808, 798)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2896, 848)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1047
- location (2575, 796)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2087, 1472)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1050
- location (1799, 1421)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1311, 1664)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1051
- location (956, 1613)
- fill_color 13434879
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2352, 1936)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1053
- location (2083, 1886)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (336, 2208)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1054
- location (50, 2133)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSubConnectionProviderBase")
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- location (736, 368)
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- Parent_View @1055
- location (73, 46)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label
-|Generel note:
-|All the factory classes are very tiny ones mainly providing type cast. Could be template based as long as they don't add special functionality and even though it could be sorted by template specialisation.
-|All requests for provider are comming through factory container (unless the client knows which factory to talk to). All factories and providers are at the memont identified by address family. The factory can choose a provider type based on CommDb or.... Ther OID is a filter to select the desired provider (at the moment is equal to connection preferences). No concept of layers as yet. To be BC proof the factory holds an context of the created provider that (in the future) can be used to hold interface extensions + versions.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1350
- height 656)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2128, 1664)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1056
- location (1807, 1613)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProviderFactoryBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A8839B0038"
- width 660
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1104, 2480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1057
- location (870, 2406)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CControlledServProvider")
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- vertices (list Points
- (926, 2393)
- (735, 2302)
- (735, 2016))
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- location (336, 1616)
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- Parent_View @1060
- location (64, 1491)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 508
- label "Reference counted self-destructing class or a class owned by someone. Factory never owns it but is adviced of its deletion.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 568
- height 262)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @1062
- location (1347, 2396)
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- location (240, 1376)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1063
- location (67, 1292)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 2160)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1064
- location (956, 2109)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- Parent_View @1066
- location (2473, 2092)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (336, 2480)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1067
- location (85, 2428)
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- vertices (list Points
- (476, 2415)
- (734, 2302)
- (735, 2016))
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- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2896, 1072)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1069
- location (2608, 1020)
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- supplier @1032
- vertices (list Points
- (2751, 1007)
- (2528, 911)
- (2528, 672))
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- )
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- location (919, 2262)
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- nlines 1
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- label "ECOM plugins")
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- location (3200, 1765)
- nlines 11
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- (2278, 1008)
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- (2527, 672))
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- (1512, 1600)
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- (1726, 1308))
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- Parent_View @1082
- location (992, 1421)
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- Parent_View @1084
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- Parent_View @1087
- location (755, 920)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "To be replaced by CSubConnectionFlowFactory")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1090
- location (419, 1052)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1092
- location (1325, 1030)
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
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- Parent_View @1094
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1552, 1472)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1096
- location (1231, 1420)
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- location (176, 880)
- nlines 1
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- location (176, 912)
- nlines 1
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- label "________________________________________________________________________________")
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- location (176, 976)
- nlines 1
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- label "ECOM IPCPR plugin")
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- location (176, 1248)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1775
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- location (176, 1312)
- nlines 1
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- label "ECOM ShimCPR plugin")))
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- nlines 1
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- location (160, 736)
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- Parent_View @1106
- location (488, 845)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1107
- location (461, 493)
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- location (640, 608)
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- location (319, 557)
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- nlines 1
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- location (144, 784)
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- location (144, 1296)
- nlines 1
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- label "________________________________________________________________________________")
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- location (144, 1360)
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- Parent_View @1115
- location (444, 1478)
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- location (640, 1104)
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- Parent_View @1116
- location (319, 1052)
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- Parent_View @1122
- location (1260, 1494)
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- location (1456, 1109)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1123
- location (1196, 1034)
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- Parent_View @1130
- location (321, 703)
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- Parent_View @1131
- location (327, 1087)
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- Parent_View @1132
- location (1178, 694)
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- Parent_View @1133
- location (1151, 1110)
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- Parent_View @1138
- location (1210, 781)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1139
- location (197, 573)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1140
- location (1799, 269)
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1142
- location (306, 269)
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- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1144
- location (-822, -80)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4280F7D901FE"
- client @1144
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- Parent_View @1145
- location (1647, 268)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.705521
- height 53
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$240" @1147
- Parent_View @1144
- location (-822, -80)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4280F7D901FF"
- client @1144
- supplier @1142
- line_style 0)))
- (object NoteView @1148
- location (560, 912)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1148
- location (185, 806)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 715
- label "Data plane counterparts of CSubConnectionProviderFactory & CSubConnectionFactoryContainer hiding IPC marshaling code.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 775
- height 225)
- (object AttachView "" @1149
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1138
- supplier @1148
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1150
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1139
- supplier @1148
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CNetworkFlowFactory" @1151
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1539, 1760)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1151
- location (1324, 1709)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 430
- justify 0
- label "CNetworkFlowFactory")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "4280F8E3009D"
- width 448
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2099, 1760)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1152
- location (1852, 1709)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CLinkFlowFactoryNifShim")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4280F92A00A0"
- width 512
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (160, 1520)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "ESOCK")
- (object Label @1154
- location (160, 1552)
- nlines 1
- max_width 2675
- label "__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
- (object Label @1155
- location (160, 1616)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "ECOM plugin(s)")
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1151
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- line_style 0)
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- client @1152
- supplier @1138
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC" @1158
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1120, 1312)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1158
- location (792, 1208)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "4288EBF70314"
- width 674
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- annotation 8
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- client @1158
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- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2448, 832)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1160
- location (2093, 781)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A87F61023B"
- width 728
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- client @1160
- supplier @1140
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC" @1162
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2448, 1296)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1162
- location (2120, 1192)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288AD8F0337"
- width 674
- height 232
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B9B02000F1"
- client @1162
- supplier @1160
- line_style 0)))))
- (object Class_Category "Session Proxy/Pit Boss"
- quid "41AA25160186"
- visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "41AA252403DF"
- supplier "Logical View::Service"
- quidu "41A7584503E0"))
- exportControl "Public"
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- quid "41A7737A02A3"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41AA25FD03E1"
- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC")))
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- quid "41C06F440273")
- (object Class "XSessionProxyEntry"
- quid "421CA9900353"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421CAB5301A4"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::XDummyConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "421CAA340392")))
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- quid "42774CEE029D")
- (object Class "CWorkerThread"
- quid "42774D1403A3")
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- quid "41AA259A01F4"
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- supplier "Logical View::Service::CProtocolBase"
- quidu "41A88D720008"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$243"
- quid "41AA259B01C3"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3")))
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- quid "41C06F5E01F0"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$245"
- quid "41C06F5F004D"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSession"
- quidu "41C06F440273"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$246"
- quid "41C06F5F004E"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3")))
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- quid "421CA9A80195"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$248"
- quid "421CA9A9025E"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::XSessionProxyEntry"
- quidu "421CA9900353"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$249"
- quid "421CA9A9025F"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSessionProxy"
- quidu "41A7737A02A3")))
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- quid "42774D1B01D6"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "42774D1C0097"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CPitBoss"
- quidu "42774CEE029D"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$252"
- quid "42774D1C0098"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CWorkerThread"
- quidu "42774D1403A3"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "42774D7301AE"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "42774D74029F"
- supplier "Logical View::CPlayer"
- quidu "41A773DB02DF"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$255"
- quid "42774D7402A0"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CWorkerThread"
- quidu "42774D1403A3"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "42774D8F0170"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "owner"
- quid "42774D9100C8"
- label "owner"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CWorkerThread"
- quidu "42774D1403A3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- exportControl "Protected"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$257"
- quid "42774D9100C9"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CSockSession"
- quidu "41C06F440273")))
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- quid "427F66EB03C6"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "427F66EC0377"
- supplier "Logical View::CDealer"
- quidu "427F666A03B4"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$260"
- quid "427F66EC0378"
- supplier "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss::CWorkerThread"
- quidu "42774D1403A3"
- is_aggregate TRUE))))
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1568, 496)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1164
- location (1487, 444)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CBase")
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- line_color 3342489
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- height 128
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- location (2256, 1584)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1165
- location (1700, 1456)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 1077
- label
-|Two meanings :
-|1. CtlType() == EMonitor - doesn't affect idle timers, serves to determined a default connection provider only.
-|2. CtlType() == ESession - affects timers and serves to determined a default conn provider.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1137
- height 269)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::XDummyConnectionControlClient" @1166
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2256, 800)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1166
- location (1941, 726)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "XDummyConnectionControlClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "421CAA340392"
- width 648
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2256, 496)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1167
- location (2008, 421)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "MConnectionControlClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41BDA92A0213"
- width 514
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- annotation 8
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- client @1166
- supplier @1167
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @1169
- location (1440, 208)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1169
- location (1136, 127)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 572
- label "needs changing to return different worker id for data/control if control exists.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 632
- height 175)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1376, 1600)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1170
- location (1226, 1526)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 300
- justify 0
- label "CProtocolBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A88D720008"
- width 318
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2256, 1232)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1171
- location (2047, 1181)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 418
- justify 0
- label "XSessionProxyEntry")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "421CA9900353"
- width 436
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1171
- supplier @1166
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1173
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1171
- supplier @1165
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1568, 1232)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1174
- location (1367, 1180)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 402
- justify 0
- label "CSockSessionProxy")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A7737A02A3"
- width 420
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1477, 1404)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1175
- location (1109, 796)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1175
- supplier @1170
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- label (object SegLabel @1177
- Parent_View @1176
- location (1489, 1479)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.499634
- height 45
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1175
- location (1109, 796)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41AA259B01C3"
- client @1175
- supplier @1174
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1174
- supplier @1164
- line_style 0)
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- location (1907, 1232)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1180
- location (787, 448)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421CA9A9025E"
- client @1180
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- Parent_View @1181
- location (2023, 1286)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1180
- location (787, 448)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421CA9A9025F"
- client @1180
- supplier @1174
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (880, 304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1184
- location (780, 253)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CPitBoss")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "42774CEE029D"
- width 218
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1169
- supplier @1184
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1024, 1232)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1186
- location (881, 1158)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 286
- justify 0
- label "CPlayer")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A773DB02DF"
- width 304
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1264, 736)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1187
- location (1114, 685)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 300
- justify 0
- label "CSockSession")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41C06F440273"
- width 318
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1415, 983)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "41C06F5E01F0"
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- Parent_View @1188
- location (295, 199)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "41C06F5F004D"
- client @1188
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- label (object SegLabel @1190
- Parent_View @1189
- location (1377, 827)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.718276
- height 49
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1188
- location (295, 199)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C06F5F004E"
- client @1188
- supplier @1174
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (272, 1232)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1192
- location (129, 1158)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 286
- justify 0
- label "CDealer")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "427F666A03B4"
- width 304
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (704, 736)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1193
- location (550, 685)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 308
- justify 0
- label "CWorkerThread")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "42774D1403A3"
- width 326
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (790, 519)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1194
- location (486, 55)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1194
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- Parent_View @1195
- location (896, 404)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1194
- location (486, 55)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42774D1C0098"
- client @1194
- supplier @1193
- line_style 0)))
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- location (856, 972)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1198
- location (600, 12)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42774D74029F"
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- Parent_View @1199
- location (1001, 1098)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1198
- location (600, 12)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42774D7402A0"
- client @1198
- supplier @1193
- line_style 0)))
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- location (985, 736)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42774D8F0170"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "owner" @1203
- Parent_View @1202
- location (137, 16)
- label (object SegLabel @1204
- Parent_View @1203
- location (942, 695)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 140
- justify 0
- label "#owner"
- pctDist 0.362832
- height 42
- orientation 1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42774D9100C8"
- client @1202
- supplier @1193
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1205
- Parent_View @1203
- location (880, 790)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$257" @1206
- Parent_View @1202
- location (137, 16)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42774D9100C9"
- client @1202
- supplier @1187
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$258" @1207
- location (497, 972)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427F66EB03C6"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$259" @1208
- Parent_View @1207
- location (49, 236)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427F66EC0377"
- client @1207
- supplier @1192
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1209
- Parent_View @1208
- location (436, 1113)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.637284
- height 47
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$260" @1210
- Parent_View @1207
- location (49, 236)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427F66EC0378"
- client @1207
- supplier @1193
- line_style 0)))
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CSocketServer" @1211
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (272, 720)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1211
- location (121, 646)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 302
- justify 0
- label "CSocketServer")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "427F651A0205"
- width 320
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object InheritView "" @1212
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427F672803B1"
- client @1192
- supplier @1211
- line_style 0)))))
- (object Class_Category "Selection"
- quid "41B6EAB601E8"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CNetworkControllerBase"
- quid "41B6EDD003A2")
- (object Class "MNetworkControllerObserver"
- quid "41B6EE01032A")
- (object Class "MProviderSelector"
- quid "41C1AF5D02D3"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41D920A80342"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8")
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "41D92127034F"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Cancel"
- quid "41C2E57D012B"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Cancel"
- quid "421A0EF8010F"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quid "41C1AF890151"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "41C1AFAB0146"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "422DE221004C"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42960F0C02A6"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Select"
- quid "41C839A501F7"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
- quid "41C839AC005C"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SelectionComplete"
- quid "41C839AF022D"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "ISelectionNotify"
- quid "41C2DC4001D8"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "SelectComplete"
- quid "41C2E55E01E4"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ProgressNotification"
- quid "41D9206C0242"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ServiceChangeNotification"
- quid "421A0F3000D5"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "LayerUp"
- quid "421A0F3900D8"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SubConnectionEvent"
- quid "421A0F40027D"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Detach"
- quid "421A0F460362"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "CIPConnectionSelector"
- quid "421A2BA8032E"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "421A2BCA0193"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "422CA9EB0070"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA")
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "422CBD8E03CC"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim"
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42960F11020D"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3")))
- (object Class "XConnectionSelector"
- quid "42960EDE02D0"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "4296107D0379"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42960EF9008B"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$261"
- quid "41B9F92C03A2"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$262"
- quid "41B9F9320025"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MNetworkControllerObserver"
- quidu "41B6EE01032A"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$263"
- quid "41B9F9320026"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CNetworkControllerBase"
- quidu "41B6EDD003A2")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$264"
- quid "41C2DC60004E"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$265"
- quid "41C2DC6101B8"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$266"
- quid "41C2DC6101B9"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$267"
- quid "41C2DD0701D8"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$268"
- quid "41C2DD0801C5"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase"
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$269"
- quid "41C2DD0801CF"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$270"
- quid "41D929B9014B"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$271"
- quid "41D929BB0086"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$272"
- quid "41D929BB0087"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim"
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$273"
- quid "41B9F90C0305"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$274"
- quid "41B9F90D02D4"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CNetworkControllerBase"
- quidu "41B6EDD003A2"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$275"
- quid "41B9F90D02D5"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A883B6002D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$276"
- quid "421A2BC40158"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$277"
- quid "421A2BC500F5"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$278"
- quid "421A2BC50109"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector"
- quidu "421A2BA8032E"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$279"
- quid "421A4CFD0107"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$280"
- quid "421A4CFE002C"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$281"
- quid "421A4CFE00A4"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector"
- quidu "421A2BA8032E")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$282"
- quid "42960F230340"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$283"
- quid "42960F2401E2"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Value"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$284"
- quid "42960F2401E3"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::XConnectionSelector"
- quidu "42960EDE02D0"
- is_aggregate TRUE))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
- (object ClassDiagram "Main"
- quid "41B6EAEB00C1"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object NoteView @1213
- location (1328, 1840)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1213
- location (1062, 1762)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 497
- label "self destructing class. Deletes itself once the selection completes.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 557
- height 169)
- (object NoteView @1214
- location (624, 1840)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1214
- location (315, 1721)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 583
- label "Implements only the selection related functions from MConnectionNotify interface. The rest doesn't do anything")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 643
- height 250)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Connection::CConnectionProvdBase" @1215
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2160, 1504)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1215
- location (1929, 1430)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 462
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProvdBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7526F01F7"
- width 480
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify" @1216
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (592, 1504)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1216
- location (434, 1452)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 316
- justify 0
- label "ISelectionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- width 334
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::CConnectionSelectorShim" @1217
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1328, 1504)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1217
- location (1068, 1453)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 520
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionSelectorShim")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 16776960
- quidu "41C1AF890151"
- width 538
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$267" @1218
- location (1758, 1504)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C2DD0701D8"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$268" @1219
- Parent_View @1218
- location (126, 336)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C2DD0801C5"
- client @1218
- supplier @1215
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1220
- Parent_View @1219
- location (1902, 1558)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$269" @1221
- Parent_View @1218
- location (126, 336)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41C2DD0801CF"
- client @1218
- supplier @1217
- line_style 0)))
- (object AttachView "" @1222
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1213
- supplier @1217
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1223
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1214
- supplier @1217
- line_style 0)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$270" @1224
- location (908, 1504)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41D929B9014B"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$271" @1225
- Parent_View @1224
- location (-212, 1088)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41D929BB0086"
- client @1224
- supplier @1216
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1226
- Parent_View @1225
- location (774, 1558)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$272" @1227
- Parent_View @1224
- location (-212, 1088)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41D929BB0087"
- client @1224
- supplier @1217
- line_style 0)))
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector" @1228
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (976, 352)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1228
- location (792, 300)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 368
- justify 0
- label "MProviderSelector")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"
- width 386
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object Label @1229
- location (63, 1025)
- nlines 1
- max_width 2412
- label "______________________________________________________________________________________________________________")
- (object Label @1230
- location (2128, 992)
- nlines 1
- max_width 331
- label "Network Layer")
- (object Label @1231
- location (2128, 1104)
- nlines 1
- max_width 381
- label "Shim(Link) Layer")
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Factory::CConnectionProviderFactoryShim" @1232
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2032, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1232
- location (1708, 821)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 648
- justify 0
- label "CConnectionProviderFactoryShim")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 16776960
- quidu "41C1C8E302CA"
- width 666
- height 174
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object NoteView @1233
- location (2016, 592)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1233
- location (1691, 523)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 615
- label "Uses the factory to select & start the agent via NIFMAN session.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 675
- height 150)
- (object AttachView "" @1234
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1233
- supplier @1232
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector" @1235
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1328, 1216)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1235
- location (1144, 1164)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 368
- justify 0
- label "MProviderSelector")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3"
- width 386
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object RealizeView "" @1236
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42960F0C02A6"
- client @1217
- supplier @1235
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::CIPConnectionSelector" @1237
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1328, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1237
- location (1101, 845)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 454
- justify 0
- label "CIPConnectionSelector")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "421A2BA8032E"
- width 472
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$279" @1238
- location (1328, 1055)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A4CFD0107"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$280" @1239
- Parent_View @1238
- location (208, 159)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A4CFE002C"
- client @1238
- supplier @1235
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1240
- Parent_View @1239
- location (1365, 1125)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.729167
- height 37
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$281" @1241
- Parent_View @1238
- location (208, 159)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A4CFE00A4"
- client @1238
- supplier @1237
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "422CBD8E03CC"
- client @1237
- supplier @1232
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1243
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1233
- supplier @1237
- line_style 0)
- (object RealizeView "" @1244
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42960F11020D"
- client @1237
- supplier @1228
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify" @1245
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (608, 896)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1245
- location (450, 844)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 316
- justify 0
- label "ISelectionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- width 334
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$276" @1246
- location (933, 896)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A2BC40158"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$277" @1247
- Parent_View @1246
- location (-187, -784)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A2BC500F5"
- client @1246
- supplier @1245
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1248
- Parent_View @1247
- location (792, 950)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$278" @1249
- Parent_View @1246
- location (-187, -784)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "421A2BC50109"
- client @1246
- supplier @1237
- line_style 0)))
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::XConnectionSelector" @1250
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (608, 624)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1250
- location (402, 573)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 412
- justify 0
- label "XConnectionSelector")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "42960EDE02D0"
- width 430
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object RealizeView "" @1251
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42960EF9008B"
- client @1250
- supplier @1228
- line_style 0)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$282" @1252
- location (608, 759)
- stereotype TRUE
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- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1252
- location (0, 135)
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- quidu "42960F2401E2"
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- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1254
- Parent_View @1253
- location (662, 809)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.694444
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$284" @1255
- Parent_View @1252
- location (0, 135)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42960F2401E3"
- client @1252
- supplier @1250
- line_style 0)))
- (object NoteView @1256
- location (352, 352)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1256
- location (58, 277)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 552
- label "Spawn by sub-connection factory when starting connection from data side.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 612
- height 162)
- (object AttachView "" @1257
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1256
- supplier @1250
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @1258
- location (466, 113)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1550
- label
- )
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify" @1259
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (224, 896)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1259
- location (67, 844)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 314
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- label "ISelectionNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- width 332
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object UsesView "" @1260
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4296107D0379"
- client @1250
- supplier @1259
- line_style 0)))))
- (object Class_Category "New Interfaces & Functions"
- quid "41C1686300B3"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CConnectionSettings"
- quid "41ECEA270100"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "GetIntSettingL"
- quid "41ECEB0B00F3"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetBoolSettingL"
- quid "41ECEB4F02F0"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetDes8SettingL"
- quid "41ECEB5803E3"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetDes16SettingL"
- quid "41ECEB600178"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "GetLongDesSettingLC"
- quid "41ECEB6602E9"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
- (object Class "CSubConnectionDataClientC"
- quid "4289BE6D02F0"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4289BE8B000E"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4289E47F029A"
- supplier "Logical View::CObject"
- quidu "4288EF9A01FA"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "42B041AB0091"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientS"
- quidu "4297348E03E2"
- supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42C2C7F800F2"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088")))
- (object Class "CSubConnectionDataClientS"
- quid "4297348E03E2"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4297442F0128"
- supplier "Logical View::CObject"
- quidu "4288EF9A01FA")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "42AEB366003B"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::XStubClass"
- quidu "42AEB35C0326")))
- (object Class "XStubClass"
- quid "42AEB35C0326")
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$285"
- quid "41C2E19D0388"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$286"
- quid "41C2E1A0009D"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionControlClient"
- quidu "41BDA92A0213"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$287"
- quid "41C2E1A0009E"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$288"
- quid "41C2E1C30351"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$289"
- quid "41C2E1C40335"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::MConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41BDA8D00172"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$290"
- quid "41C2E1C40336"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::CConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41BDA765028C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$291"
- quid "41D929DC0160"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$292"
- quid "41D929DD0161"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::ISelectionNotify"
- quidu "41C2DC4001D8"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$293"
- quid "41D929DD016B"
- supplier "Logical View::Selection::MProviderSelector"
- quidu "41C1AF5D02D3")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$294"
- quid "41ECEBEF01E2"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$295"
- quid "41ECEBF000AD"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CConnectionSettings"
- quidu "41ECEA270100"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$296"
- quid "41ECEBF000AE"
- supplier "Logical View::Connection::Connection Provider::Connection Provider Shim::CConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BDAABC004D"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$297"
- quid "421A553A0346"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$298"
- quid "421A553A0347"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionProviderShim"
- quidu "41BEF88800A9")
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$299"
- quid "421A553A0348"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$300"
- quid "421A562301F2"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$301"
- quid "421A5624009F"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CConnDataTransfer"
- quidu "41F00D6A0013"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$302"
- quid "421A562400A0"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::Sub Connection Provider Shim::CSubConnectionLinkShimClient"
- quidu "41C061D101C6"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "4288AD2E01F7"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CDispatcher"
- quid "4288ADE80190"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4288B2B802DC"
- supplier "Logical View::CActive"
- quidu "4288B28F03C4"))
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "4288B276015B"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MDispatcher"
- quidu "4288B2220092")))
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- quid "4288AED90205"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4288AF8D029A"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::SMetaDataECom"
- quidu "4288AF790327")))
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- quid "4288AEEB03A5"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "428B553801CC"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::SMetaDataECom"
- quidu "4288AF790327"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "FetchDispatcher"
- quid "4288B1840062"
- stereotype "V"
- result "MDispatcher"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
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- quid "4288B12F0010")
- (object ClassAttribute "iFunctionId"
- quid "4288B14F03B9")
- (object ClassAttribute "iObjectId"
- quid "4288B1610080")))
- (object Class "SMetaDataECom"
- quid "4288AF790327")
- (object Class "CInterfaceFunctionCall1"
- quid "4288AFBB0188"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4288B32E00F1"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionSig2"
- quidu "4288B03F02C8"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "4288B3670356"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MDispatcher"
- quidu "4288B2220092"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "FetchDispatcher"
- quid "4288B309036F"
- stereotype "V"
- result "MDispatcher"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "DispatchL"
- quid "4288B37B00E8"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)))
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- quid "4288AFED01E4"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4288B08D011B"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionId"
- quidu "4288AEEB03A5")))
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- quid "4288B03F02C8"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4288B09200D3"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionId"
- quidu "4288AEEB03A5"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "iParam1"
- quid "4288B4A70338"
- exportControl "Public")
- (object ClassAttribute "iReturn"
- quid "4288B4BD02EA"
- exportControl "Public")))
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- quid "4288B2220092"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "DispatchL"
- quid "4288B236000E"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "4288B50200E0"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "ResolveL"
- quid "4288B6C0002D"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "MTransport"
- quid "4288B56E012B"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4288EFB303E0"
- supplier "Logical View::CObject"
- quidu "4288EF9A01FA"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Send"
- quid "4288B5CE03C8"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "SendReceive"
- quid "4288B645035B"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- abstract TRUE
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Receive"
- quid "428A0A1C02DF"
- stereotype "V"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "CMessageQueue"
- quid "4288B6EA0363"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4288B7140074"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B")))
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- quid "4288B71E01A5"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4288B73C02C0"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CObjectResolver"
- quidu "4288B50200E0")))
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- quid "4288B51603B0"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$304"
- quid "4288B51800BA"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CObjectResolver"
- quidu "4288B50200E0"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$305"
- quid "4288B51800BB"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CDispatcher"
- quidu "4288ADE80190"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$306"
- quid "4288B587005F"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$307"
- quid "4288B5880205"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CDispatcher"
- quidu "4288ADE80190"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$308"
- quid "4288B588020F"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$309"
- quid "4289E2D10093"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$310"
- quid "4289E2D20026"
- supplier "Logical View::CObject"
- quidu "4288EF9A01FA"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$311"
- quid "4289E2D20027"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CObjectResolver"
- quidu "4288B50200E0"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$312"
- quid "42B05DA00346"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$313"
- quid "42B05DA10243"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::XStubClass"
- quidu "42AEB35C0326"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$314"
- quid "42B05DA1024D"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CObjectResolver"
- quidu "4288B50200E0"))))
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- origin_y 656
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CInterfaceFunctionId" @1261
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (560, 1056)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1261
- location (302, 900)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 516
- justify 0
- label "CInterfaceFunctionId")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288AEEB03A5"
- width 534
- height 336
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::SMetaDataECom" @1262
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (560, 672)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1262
- location (380, 621)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 360
- justify 0
- label "SMetaDataECom")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4288AF790327"
- width 378
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (800, 1920)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1263
- location (542, 1814)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 516
- justify 0
- label "CInterfaceFunctionCall1")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288AFBB0188"
- width 534
- height 236
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (256, 1424)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1264
- location (33, 1373)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 446
- justify 0
- label "CInterfaceFunctionSig1")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288AFED01E4"
- width 464
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1088, 1552)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "More function signatures......")
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288B08D011B"
- client @1264
- supplier @1261
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1664, 720)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1267
- location (1464, 639)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 400
- justify 0
- label "MDispatcher")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B2220092"
- width 418
- height 186
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1024, 368)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1268
- location (881, 294)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 286
- justify 0
- label "CActive")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4288B28F03C4"
- width 304
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object Label @1269
- location (1088, 1984)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "More function calls......")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (256, 1632)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1270
- location (56, 1551)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 400
- justify 0
- label "MDispatcher")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B2220092"
- width 418
- height 186
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288B3670356"
- client @1263
- supplier @1270
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1664, 1862)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1272
- location (1494, 1811)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 340
- justify 0
- label "CMessageQueue")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B6EA0363"
- width 358
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::CCommsFactoryResolver" @1273
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2240, 1462)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1273
- location (1994, 1411)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 492
- justify 0
- label "CCommsFactoryResolver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B71E01A5"
- width 510
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object Label @1274
- location (1888, 1878)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "More transports.....")
- (object Label @1275
- location (2608, 1478)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "More resolvers......")
- (object NoteView @1276
- location (2192, 736)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1276
- location (1914, 608)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 521
- label "Dispatcher could be a template formed at compile time => no need for CObjectResolver/CTransport abstractions...")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 581
- height 268)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CObject" @1277
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1024, 640)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1277
- location (881, 566)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 286
- justify 0
- label "CObject")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "4288EF9A01FA"
- width 304
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object NoteView @1278
- location (2192, 1702)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1278
- location (1986, 1608)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 377
- label "reference -counted, self-destructive class.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 437
- height 200)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (800, 1488)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1279
- location (577, 1382)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 446
- justify 0
- label "CInterfaceFunctionSig2")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B03F02C8"
- width 464
- height 236
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288B09200D3"
- client @1279
- supplier @1261
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @1281
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1263
- supplier @1279
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @1282
- location (2896, 768)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1282
- location (2664, 709)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 428
- label
-|An array of "S" shadow objects.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 488
- height 131)
- (object NoteView @1283
- location (2944, 1280)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1283
- location (2659, 1177)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 534
- label
-|Directly resolves "S" shadow objects and observes destruction of their "real" conterpartners.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 594
- height 218)
- (object NoteView @1284
- location (2816, 1702)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1284
- location (2503, 1614)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 590
- label
-|Resolve "real" objects with a help of global comms factories existing in the particular thread.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 650
- height 188)
- (object AttachView "" @1285
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1284
- supplier @1273
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "428B553801CC"
- client @1261
- supplier @1262
- line_style 0)
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- location (47, 1247)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1244
- label "_________________________________________________________")
- (object Label @1288
- location (1296, 1287)
- nlines 16
- max_width 44
- label
- )
- (object Label @1289
- location (1456, 448)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "NetInterface element DLL")
- (object Label @1290
- location (48, 795)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1244
- label "_________________________________________________________")
- (object Label @1291
- location (1296, 48)
- nlines 16
- max_width 44
- label
- )
- (object Label @1292
- location (80, 2096)
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- label "Function Signatures Plugin")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1664, 1392)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1293
- location (1452, 1267)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "MTransport")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- width 442
- height 274
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288B7140074"
- client @1272
- supplier @1293
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @1295
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288EFB303E0"
- client @1293
- supplier @1277
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1296
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1293
- supplier @1278
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1664, 1056)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1297
- location (1537, 1005)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 254
- justify 0
- label "CDispatcher")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288ADE80190"
- width 272
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4288B276015B"
- client @1297
- supplier @1267
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1297
- supplier @1268
- line_style 0)
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- location (1664, 1186)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4288B587005F"
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- Parent_View @1300
- location (192, 370)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1301
- location (1718, 1126)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$308" @1303
- Parent_View @1300
- location (192, 370)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4288B588020F"
- client @1300
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- Parent_View @1303
- location (1718, 1247)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1276
- supplier @1297
- line_style 0)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2896, 1056)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1306
- location (2651, 982)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "XStubClass")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 508
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- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1282
- supplier @1306
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2240, 1056)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1308
- location (2050, 975)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CObjectResolver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B50200E0"
- width 398
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1920, 1056)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1309
- location (464, 576)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1310
- location (2031, 1110)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$305" @1312
- Parent_View @1309
- location (464, 576)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288B51800BB"
- client @1309
- supplier @1297
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1273
- supplier @1308
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1314
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1283
- supplier @1308
- line_style 0)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$312" @1315
- location (2540, 1056)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42B05DA00346"
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- Parent_View @1315
- location (300, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B05DA10243"
- client @1315
- supplier @1306
- line_style 0)
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$314" @1317
- Parent_View @1315
- location (300, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B05DA1024D"
- client @1315
- supplier @1308
- line_style 0)))))))
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- quid "4288B3EE021A"
- visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "4289BB630020"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls"
- quidu "4288AD2E01F7"))
- exportControl "Public"
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- quid "4288AD8F0337"
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- quid "4288EC4B001B"
- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "42B9B02000F1"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase"
- quidu "41A87F61023B"))
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- (object ClassAttribute "iFunctionsTable"
- quid "4288EE2201E5"
- stereotype "C"
- type "void*"
- Containment "By Value"
- static TRUE)))
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- quid "4288EBF70314"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "4288EC510327"
- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "42B9AEC103B9"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryBase"
- quidu "427F6DC802D7"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
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- quid "4288EE9A03AA"
- stereotype "C"
- type "void*"
- Containment "By Value"
- static TRUE)))
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- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$317"
- quid "4288ECFB02E5"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC"
- quidu "4288AD8F0337")))
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- quid "4288EEFB0057"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$319"
- quid "4288EEFB0382"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$320"
- quid "4288EEFB038C"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC"
- quidu "4288EBF70314")))
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- quid "4289BAFF024D"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$322"
- quid "4289BB000231"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::CSubConnectionFactoryContainer"
- quidu "41A87F1B03AD"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$323"
- quid "4289BB000245"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call::CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC"
- quidu "4288EBF70314"))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1312, 304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1318
- location (1169, 230)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "41A7525A00AC"
- width 304
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1328, 1232)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1319
- location (1021, 1148)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 614
- justify 0
- label "Message-based function calls")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288AD2E01F7"
- width 626
- height 180)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (896, 1056)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1320
- location (616, 982)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 560
- justify 0
- label "MTransport")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- width 578
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (896, 720)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1321
- location (572, 639)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 648
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionProviderFactoryC")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288AD8F0337"
- width 666
- height 186
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1321
- supplier @1318
- line_style 0)
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- location (896, 891)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288ECFA0013"
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- Parent_View @1323
- location (352, 235)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1323
- supplier @1320
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- Parent_View @1324
- location (950, 959)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$317" @1326
- Parent_View @1323
- location (352, 235)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288ECFB02E5"
- client @1323
- supplier @1321
- line_style 0)))
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- location (720, 304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1327
- location (386, 191)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 633
- label
-|"C" ending (client side) and "S" ending (server side) classes' methods are linked via static const function ptrs' table
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 693
- height 238)
- (object AttachView "" @1328
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1327
- supplier @1321
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @1329
- location (368, 512)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1329
- location (137, 453)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 427
- label "Caller -uses transport to reach its callie.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 487
- height 131)
- (object AttachView "" @1330
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1329
- supplier @1321
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @1331
- location (1936, 432)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1331
- location (1705, 373)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 427
- label "Callie -uses transport to send a return value to its caller.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 487
- height 131)
- (object Label @1332
- location (16, 1488)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1631
- label
-|SOURCE(real instance) --> "C" class(marshalling) --> CTransport --> message --> CDispatcher --> "S" class(de-marshalling) --> DESTINATION(real instance)
- )
- (object NoteView @1333
- location (1456, 1824)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1333
- location (1053, 1730)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 771
- label "Message based function call in pseudo code. Return is viewed a function call => it is treated the same way.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 831
- height 200)
- (object AttachView "" @1334
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1333
- supplier @1332
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1760, 1056)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1335
- location (1480, 982)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 560
- justify 0
- label "MTransport")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- width 578
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1760, 720)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1336
- location (1466, 642)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 588
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionFlowFactoryC")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288EBF70314"
- width 606
- height 180
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288EC510327"
- client @1336
- supplier @1318
- line_style 0)
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- location (1760, 889)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288EEFB0057"
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- Parent_View @1338
- location (352, 233)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288EEFB0382"
- client @1338
- supplier @1335
- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @1339
- location (1814, 960)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$320" @1341
- Parent_View @1338
- location (352, 233)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4288EEFB038C"
- client @1338
- supplier @1336
- line_style 0)))
- (object AttachView "" @1342
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1327
- supplier @1336
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @1343
- location (1312, 96)
- nlines 26
- max_width 56
- label
- )
- (object Label @1344
- location (893, 101)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1038
- label
- ))))))
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- title "Main"
- zoom 100
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- max_width 21600
- origin_x -13
- origin_y 0
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- location (1536, 816)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1345
- location (1372, 732)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 328
- justify 0
- label "Message-based function calls")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288AD2E01F7"
- width 340
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- location (800, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1346
- location (504, 300)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 592
- justify 0
- label "Flow Fact<->Sub-Connection Fact call")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B3EE021A"
- width 604
- height 180)
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- location (1552, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1347
- location (1288, 300)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 528
- justify 0
- label "Sub-Connection -> Flow calls")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 8421631
- quidu "4289BB2F0102"
- width 540
- height 180)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289BB630020"
- client @1346
- supplier @1345
- line_style 0)
- (object ImportView "" @1349
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289BB670008"
- client @1347
- supplier @1345
- line_style 0)
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- location (2208, 384)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1350
- location (1944, 300)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 528
- justify 0
- label "Flow->Sub-Connection calls")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4289D8F802AB"
- width 540
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1350
- supplier @1345
- line_style 0)))))
- (object Class_Category "Sub Connection Flow"
- quid "427A06CC0387"
- visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "427A06F80113"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory"
- quidu "41A875EF01EE")
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "427A070F0206"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection"
- quidu "41A74FC60071"))
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "427A6CAC0380"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "427A72D701BE"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4284A9BD0114"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "427F4298026D"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088")))
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- quid "427B9BDF0325"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "427B9BFB0221"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CNetworkSubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "427A6CAC0380")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4284ACDB0198"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E")))
- (object Class "MSubConnectionFlowClient"
- quid "4284A8070236"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "42D2C3B20355"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionBroadcast"
- quidu "42D2C2FE008B")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "42D2C3B502CD"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionClient"
- quidu "42D2C324007D"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "4297435201B2"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientS"
- quidu "4297348E03E2"
- supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42B9B18B0205"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "42B9B1BA03A7")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42C2CE650340"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlowClient"
- quidu "42C2CB700385"))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quid "4284A7BB031E"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4284A9A90102"
- supplier "Logical View::CBase"
- quidu "41A7525A00AC")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4284A9AC0283"
- supplier "Logical View::Factory::XFactoryObject"
- quidu "41A7522A0392"))
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
- (object Uses_Relationship
- quid "42974825016C"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- supplier_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "4284AEA9008F"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
- quidu "4284A8070236")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42C2BCCB0101"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::MSubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "429C882D03D7")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$324"
- quid "427A72C50063"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$325"
- quid "427A72C503DF"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$326"
- quid "427A72C60001"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$327"
- quid "427A74340149"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$328"
- quid "427A74350172"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$329"
- quid "427A7435017C"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
- quidu "41A754670219")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$330"
- quid "427B9C2801AF"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$331"
- quid "427B9C290084"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfNotify"
- quidu "427B9A910314"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$332"
- quid "427B9C290085"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifIfBase"
- quidu "427B998F0372")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$333"
- quid "427BAC5B01E7"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$334"
- quid "427BAC5C0080"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CBinderRef"
- quidu "427BAC4F0104"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$335"
- quid "427BAC5C0081"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CLinkSubConnectionFlowShim"
- quidu "4294808402B6"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$336"
- quid "427F2FE4023C"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$337"
- quid "427F2FE501C5"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifShim"
- quidu "427F2FD800AE"
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$338"
- quid "427F2FE501D9"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CLinkSubConnectionProvider"
- quidu "427BABFD02D2"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$339"
- quid "427F40E702D9"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$340"
- quid "427F40E80399"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfUser"
- quidu "427F40D202C5"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$341"
- quid "427F40E8039A"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CBinderRef"
- quidu "427BAC4F0104")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$342"
- quid "427F421D00B8"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$343"
- quid "427F421E0146"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "42B9B1BA03A7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$344"
- quid "427F421E0147"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$345"
- quid "427F42640327"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$346"
- quid "427F4266003B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "427A6DF6004F"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$347"
- quid "427F4266003C"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CNetworkSubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "427A6CAC0380")))
- (object Class_Category "Network Layer"
- quid "427F43920168"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$348"
- quid "4284A96C03A4"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$349"
- quid "4284A96D0374"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
- quidu "4284A8070236"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$350"
- quid "4284A96D037E"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$351"
- quid "4284AB10035A"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$352"
- quid "4284AB1101CB"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
- quidu "4289DA6801E1"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$353"
- quid "4284AB1101D5"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1"))))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$354"
- quid "42D2C1A20016"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$355"
- quid "42D2C1A2034B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
- quidu "4289BB88034F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$356"
- quid "42D2C1A2035F"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
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- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 650
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CNetworkSubConnectionFlow" @1352
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1456, 1472)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1352
- location (1167, 1398)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CNetworkSubConnectionFlow")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "427A6CAC0380"
- width 596
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object Label @1353
- location (464, 384)
- nlines 1
- max_width 2113
- label
-|SAP FLOW SUB-CONNECTION(control plane )
- )
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection" @1354
- location (2128, 1600)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1354
- location (1955, 1516)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 346
- justify 0
- label "Sub Connection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A74FC60071"
- width 358
- height 180)
- (object NoteView @1355
- location (2208, 1424)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1355
- location (1967, 1330)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 446
- label "see Sub Connection packadge for details on sub-connection.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 506
- height 200)
- (object NoteView @1356
- location (2224, 1856)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1356
- location (1908, 1771)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 596
- label "self destructiv data side counter partner of sub-connection hiding IPC marshaling code.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 656
- height 182)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider" @1357
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (704, 1472)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1357
- location (470, 1398)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 468
- justify 0
- label "CControlledServProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A754670219"
- width 486
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AttachView "" @1358
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1356
- supplier @1352
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::CBase" @1359
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1728, 160)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1359
- location (1572, 86)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 330
- justify 0
- label "CBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7525A00AC"
- width 330
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1328, 160)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1360
- location (1169, 86)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 318
- justify 0
- label "XFactoryObject")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A7522A0392"
- width 336
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (704, 1104)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1361
- location (437, 1030)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionFlowClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4284A8070236"
- width 552
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1357
- supplier @1361
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @1363
- location (1008, 832)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1363
- location (655, 729)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 671
- label "self destructiv data side counter partner of sub-connection. same interface as data methods of CSubConnectionProviderBase.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 731
- height 219)
- (object NoteView @1364
- location (336, 848)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1364
- location (64, 760)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 509
- label "same as MSubConnectionDataClient at the moment.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 569
- height 188)
- (object AttachView "" @1365
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1364
- supplier @1361
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase" @1366
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2240, 1104)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1366
- location (1954, 1029)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionProviderBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- width 590
- height 174
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1456, 1104)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1367
- location (1193, 1030)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 526
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionFlowBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
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- width 544
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1081, 1104)
- stereotype TRUE
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- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1368
- location (-215, 528)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4284A96D0374"
- client @1368
- supplier @1361
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1370
- Parent_View @1369
- location (1022, 1144)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.580000
- height 40
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$350" @1371
- Parent_View @1368
- location (-215, 528)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4284A96D037E"
- client @1368
- supplier @1367
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1367
- supplier @1359
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4284A9AC0283"
- client @1367
- supplier @1360
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1352
- supplier @1367
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1375
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1363
- supplier @1367
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1367
- supplier @1366
- line_style 0)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2272, 736)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1377
- location (1994, 661)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSubConnectionFlowBaseC")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 574
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- location (1860, 920)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1378
- location (404, -184)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1379
- location (2077, 882)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 15
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- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$356" @1381
- Parent_View @1378
- location (404, -184)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42D2C1A2035F"
- client @1378
- supplier @1367
- line_style 0)))))))
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- quid "427F43CA015F"
- exportControl "Public"
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- quid "427B9A77017B"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "427B9C1B02C8"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifIfBase"
- quidu "427B998F0372")))
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- quid "427F2FD800AE"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "427F301D0284"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifIfLink"
- quidu "427B9A77017B")))
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- quid "427F40D202C5"
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "CBinderRef"
- quid "427BAC4F0104")
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- quid "427BABFD02D2"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "427BAC1B0344"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
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- quid "427F36C203BB"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "427F36FE005A"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CLinkSubConnectionProvider"
- quidu "427BABFD02D2")))
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- quid "427B9A910314"
- abstract TRUE)
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- quid "427B998F0372"
- used_nodes (list uses_relationship_list
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- quid "427B9C20038E"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfNotify"
- quidu "427B9A910314")))
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- quid "4294808402B6"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "429480BE0395"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CLinkSubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "427B9BDF0325"))
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- quid "427B9C360187"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::MNifIfNotify"
- quidu "427B9A910314")
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- quid "429742B8022F"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfLink"
- quidu "4295BA500016")))
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- quid "4295B7CA0303"
- stereotype "Interface")
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- quid "4295B90F02AD"
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- quid "429742AD02A2"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfNotify"
- quidu "4295B7CA0303")))
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- quid "4295BA500016"
- stereotype "Interface")
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- quid "4284AC1001EA"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "4284AC12007B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "427A6DF6004F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$359"
- quid "4284AC12007C"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E")))
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- quid "4295B8EF001C"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$361"
- quid "4295B8F2002B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfNotify"
- quidu "4295B7CA0303"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$362"
- quid "4295B8F2002C"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CLinkSubConnectionFlowShim"
- quidu "4294808402B6")))
- (object Association "iInterface"
- quid "4295B9B2018D"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$363"
- quid "4295B9B400BE"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::INifIfLink"
- quidu "4295BA500016"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$364"
- quid "4295B9B400C8"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Link Layer::CNifAgentRef"
- quidu "4295B90F02AD"))))
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (176, 1200)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1382
- location (69, 1148)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CNifIfLink")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 232
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- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (400, 2048)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1383
- location (50, 1967)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 665
- label "MNifExtendedManagementInterface on data side transformed into signals.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 725
- height 175)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2767, 466)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1384
- location (2660, 414)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CNifIfLink")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "427B9A77017B"
- width 232
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (2607, 1074)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1385
- location (2225, 968)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 728
- label
-|Internal Component class implementing MConnectionDataClient::FetchInterface to allow NIFMAN to reach data side "NIF"
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 788
- height 225)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2159, 1330)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1386
- location (1865, 1278)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionProviderUmts")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "427F36C203BB"
- width 606
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (2799, 1346)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1387
- location (2636, 1277)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 290
- label "As provided by PREQ870")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 350
- height 150)
- (object Label @1388
- location (1685, 352)
- nlines 28
- max_width 50
- label
- )
- (object Label @1389
- location (1335, 96)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1007
- label
- )
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- location (432, 496)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1390
- location (216, 415)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 396
- label "self destructiv data side counter partner of sub-connection")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 456
- height 175)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (608, 848)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1391
- location (481, 796)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "MNifIfNotify")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "427B9A910314"
- width 272
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (176, 848)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1392
- location (59, 796)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CNifIfBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "427B998F0372"
- width 252
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- quidu "427B9C1B02C8"
- client @1382
- supplier @1392
- line_style 0)
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- location (386, 848)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427B9C2801AF"
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- Parent_View @1394
- location (146, -352)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427B9C290084"
- client @1394
- supplier @1391
- line_style 0)
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$332" @1396
- Parent_View @1394
- location (146, -352)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427B9C290085"
- client @1394
- supplier @1392
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2767, 818)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1397
- location (2657, 766)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CNifShim")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2159, 818)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1398
- location (1884, 766)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CLinkSubConnectionProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "427BABFD02D2"
- width 568
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (2545, 818)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1399
- location (433, -718)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427F2FE501C5"
- client @1399
- supplier @1397
- line_style 0)
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$338" @1401
- Parent_View @1399
- location (433, -718)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427F2FE501D9"
- client @1399
- supplier @1398
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1397
- supplier @1384
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1403
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1398
- supplier @1385
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1386
- supplier @1398
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1405
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1387
- supplier @1386
- line_style 0)
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1146, 1200)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1406
- location (900, 1126)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CLinkSubConnectionFlow")
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- annotation 8
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- location (237, 256)
- nlines 1
- max_width 2269
- label
-|"SAP"(not existing as yet) FLOW SUB-CONNECTION
- )
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1685, 817)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1408
- location (1684, 946)
- anchor_loc 1
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- label "ISubConnectionProviderBase")
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1144, 816)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1409
- location (881, 742)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionFlowBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- width 544
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- annotation 8
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- location (1527, 815)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1410
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1411
- location (1604, 761)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$359" @1413
- Parent_View @1410
- location (487, -1)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4284AC12007C"
- client @1410
- supplier @1409
- line_style 0)))
- (object AttachView "" @1414
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1409
- supplier @1390
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1406
- supplier @1409
- line_style 0)
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- location (1392, 1440)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1416
- location (1176, 1374)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 396
- label "new NIFs will not need the Shim.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 456
- height 144)
- (object AttachView "" @1417
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1416
- supplier @1406
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (192, 1467)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1418
- location (75, 1415)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "MNifIfUser")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "427F40D202C5"
- width 252
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- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (192, 1723)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1419
- location (76, 1671)
- fill_color 13434879
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- justify 0
- label "CBinderRef")
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- quidu "427BAC4F0104"
- width 250
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- annotation 8
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- location (192, 1594)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1420
- location (-880, -230)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427F40E80399"
- client @1420
- supplier @1418
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- Parent_View @1420
- location (-880, -230)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427F40E8039A"
- client @1420
- supplier @1419
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1680, 1712)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1423
- location (1679, 1820)
- anchor_loc 1
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- max_width 232
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- label "INifIfNotify")
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- width 58
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (848, 1712)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1424
- location (550, 1661)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CLinkSubConnectionFlowShim")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 614
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- annotation 8
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- location (428, 1718)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1425
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1426
- location (347, 1757)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.740741
- height 38
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1425
- location (-644, 166)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427BAC5C0081"
- client @1425
- supplier @1424
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "429480BE0395"
- client @1424
- supplier @1406
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "427B9C360187"
- client @1424
- supplier @1391
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1416
- supplier @1424
- line_style 0)
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- location (1402, 1712)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4295B8EF001C"
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- Parent_View @1432
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4295B8F2002B"
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- Parent_View @1433
- location (1625, 1766)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1432
- location (554, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4295B8F2002C"
- client @1432
- supplier @1424
- line_style 0)))
- (object NoteView @1436
- location (1168, 2032)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1436
- location (893, 1944)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 515
- label "Packet activity/data cacheing/extended management")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 575
- height 188)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- supplier @1436
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1680, 1536)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1438
- location (1679, 1644)
- anchor_loc 1
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2784, 1705)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1439
- location (2647, 1654)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CNifAgentRef")
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- annotation 8
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- location (2171, 1609)
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- Parent_View @1440
- location (2171, 1550)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- anchor 1
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 600
- justify 0
- label "iInterface"
- pctDist 0.500000
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1440
- location (-613, -87)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1440
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- Parent_View @1442
- location (1744, 1597)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1440
- location (-613, -87)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4295B9B400C8"
- client @1440
- supplier @1439
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1439
- supplier @1423
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- stereotype TRUE
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- supplier @1438
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1120, 454)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1447
- location (858, 380)
- fill_color 13434879
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
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- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1680, 467)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1448
- location (1679, 593)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 551
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- label "ISubConnectionFlow")
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- annotation 8
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2159, 469)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1449
- location (1873, 394)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- label "CSubConnectionProviderBase")
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- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1398
- supplier @1449
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1449
- supplier @1408
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1452
- location (-321, -718)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1453
- location (1760, 505)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.441176
- height 39
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$344" @1455
- Parent_View @1452
- location (-321, -718)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427F421E0147"
- client @1452
- supplier @1449
- line_style 0)))
- (object RealizeView "" @1456
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42C2C68D01D0"
- client @1447
- supplier @1448
- line_style 0)))))
- (object Class_Category "Sub-Connection -> Flow calls"
- quid "4289BB2F0102"
- visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "4289BB670008"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls"
- quidu "4288AD2E01F7"))
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
- quid "4289BB88034F"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "4289BC53015C"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"))
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- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42B03DB6018F"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "42B9B1BA03A7")
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42B03F3802C1"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::MSubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "429C882D03D7"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "iFunctionTable"
- quid "4289BC910006"
- stereotype "C"
- type "void*"
- Containment "By Value"
- static TRUE)))
- (object Class "CSubConnectionFlowBaseS"
- quid "4289BB9E02BA"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "42B03F160019"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::XStubClass"
- quidu "42AEB35C0326"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42B03DB00213"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "42B9B1BA03A7"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "iFunctionTable"
- quid "4289BCD6031D"
- stereotype "C"
- type "void*"
- Containment "By Value"
- static TRUE)))
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- quid "429C882D03D7"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "42D2C3AD00EA"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients::MSubConnectionBroadcast"
- quidu "42D2C2FE008B"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "42C2C68D01D0"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "42B9B1BA03A7"))
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "NewClass"
- quid "42C2CBE7012C")
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$365"
- quid "4289BD22020E"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$366"
- quid "4289BD230061"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$367"
- quid "4289BD23006B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
- quidu "4289BB88034F")))
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- quid "4289BD26019B"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$369"
- quid "4289BD2700C0"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$370"
- quid "4289BD2700C1"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseS"
- quidu "4289BB9E02BA")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$371"
- quid "4289BDB1000B"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$372"
- quid "4289BDB102D2"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$373"
- quid "4289BDB102DC"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$374"
- quid "4289BE970138"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$375"
- quid "4289BE980324"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$376"
- quid "4289BE98032E"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC"
- quidu "4289BE6D02F0")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$377"
- quid "4289BF9802D2"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$378"
- quid "4289BF990111"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::MSubConnectionDataClient"
- quidu "41A753E90088"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$379"
- quid "4289BF990112"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$380"
- quid "4289C32E00F1"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$381"
- quid "4289C32F01E3"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$382"
- quid "4289C32F01ED"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
- quidu "41A754670219")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$383"
- quid "4289C7430270"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$384"
- quid "4289C745002E"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$385"
- quid "4289C745002F"
- supplier "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider"
- quidu "41A754670219")))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$386"
- quid "4289C7EA0194"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$387"
- quid "4289C7EB009B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
- quidu "4289BB88034F"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "4289C7EB00A5"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseS"
- quidu "4289BB9E02BA")))
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- quid "4289C8360085"
- stereotype "symbolic"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$390"
- quid "4289C8360306"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseS"
- quidu "4289BB9E02BA"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$391"
- quid "4289C8360307"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseC"
- quidu "4289BB88034F"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$392"
- quid "4289CC1000AB"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$393"
- quid "4289CC100372"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::MSubConnectionFlowClient"
- quidu "4284A8070236"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$394"
- quid "4289CC100373"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E")))
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- quid "42B03C6B011B"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$396"
- quid "42B03C6D0164"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$397"
- quid "42B03C6D016E"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::CSubConnectionFlowBaseS"
- quidu "4289BB9E02BA")))
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- quid "42B03F220323"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$399"
- quid "42B03F240145"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::MSubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "429C882D03D7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$400"
- quid "42B03F24014F"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"))))
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- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls" @1457
- location (1488, 1872)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1457
- location (1181, 1788)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
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- justify 0
- label "Message-based function calls")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
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- width 626
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- (object Label @1458
- location (1468, 256)
- nlines 35
- max_width 44
- label
- )
- (object Label @1459
- location (976, 224)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1038
- label
- )
- (object NoteView @1460
- location (2274, 1920)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1460
- location (1993, 1836)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 527
- label "references transport to send return back and forward control thread calls")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 587
- height 181)
- (object NoteView @1461
- location (1474, 2272)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1461
- location (992, 2191)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 928
- label
-|"Real" client is being shadowed by CSubConnectionDataClientC on the Control side.
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 988
- height 175)
- (object NoteView @1462
- location (2352, 144)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1462
- location (2214, 84)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label
-|"Real" instance
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC" @1463
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2663, 1392)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1463
- location (2382, 1341)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 562
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionDataClientC")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4289BE6D02F0"
- width 580
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AttachView "" @1464
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1461
- supplier @1463
- vertices (list Points
- (1968, 2190)
- (2669, 2078)
- (2663, 1455))
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1874, 1712)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1465
- location (1649, 1659)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 451
- justify 0
- label "MTransport")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- width 469
- height 131
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (2269, 1550)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$375" @1467
- Parent_View @1466
- location (-83, 702)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4289BE980324"
- client @1466
- supplier @1465
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1468
- Parent_View @1467
- location (2080, 1591)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.754269
- height 35
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$376" @1469
- Parent_View @1466
- location (-83, 702)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289BE98032E"
- client @1466
- supplier @1463
- line_style 0)))
- (object AttachView "" @1470
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1460
- supplier @1466
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Service::CControlledServProvider" @1471
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (322, 1408)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1471
- location (89, 1334)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 466
- justify 0
- label "CControlledServProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A754670219"
- width 484
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
- (object AttachView "" @1472
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1471
- supplier @1461
- vertices (list Points
- (321, 1494)
- (321, 2032)
- (1058, 2184))
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (320, 432)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1473
- location (53, 358)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 534
- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionFlowClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4284A8070236"
- width 552
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42C2D0EF03A3"
- client @1471
- supplier @1473
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1058, 1712)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1475
- location (842, 1662)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 432
- justify 0
- label "MTransport")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- width 450
- height 125
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1872, 1376)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1476
- location (1566, 1295)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 612
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionFlowBaseC")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- Parent_View @1476
- location (1566, 1356)
- icon_style "Icon"
- fill_color 16777215
- anchor 2
- nlines 2
- max_width 609)
- width 630
- height 186
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1872, 1557)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1477
- location (880, 837)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1477
- supplier @1465
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- Parent_View @1478
- location (1927, 1637)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$367" @1480
- Parent_View @1477
- location (880, 837)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289BD23006B"
- client @1477
- supplier @1476
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1056, 432)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1481
- location (793, 358)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 526
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionFlowBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (450, 797)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1482
- location (130, -67)
- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1482
- supplier @1481
- vertices (list Points
- (450, 797)
- (463, 734)
- (883, 518))
- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @1483
- location (860, 591)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1482
- location (130, -67)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289C745002F"
- client @1482
- supplier @1471
- line_style 0)))
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- location (689, 432)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- Parent_View @1486
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- Parent_View @1487
- location (622, 472)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.720430
- height 40
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1486
- location (-367, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289CC100373"
- client @1486
- supplier @1481
- line_style 0)))
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1056, 1376)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1490
- location (750, 1295)
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- label "CSubConnectionFlowBaseS")
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- Parent_View @1490
- location (750, 1356)
- icon_style "Icon"
- anchor 2
- nlines 2
- max_width 618)
- width 630
- height 186
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1056, 1559)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1492
- location (1111, 1639)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
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- Parent_View @1491
- location (-656, 839)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289BD2700C1"
- client @1491
- supplier @1490
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1460
- supplier @1491
- vertices (list Points
- (2241, 1829)
- (2168, 1613)
- (1056, 1559))
- line_style 0)
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- location (1463, 1376)
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- Parent_View @1496
- location (1463, 1257)
- anchor 10
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 450
- justify 0
- label "<<symbolic>>"
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- Parent_View @1498
- location (1380, 1323)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$391" @1500
- Parent_View @1496
- location (407, 544)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289C8360307"
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- supplier @1476
- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @1500
- location (1546, 1323)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))))
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- location (1056, 900)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B03C6B011B"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$396" @1503
- Parent_View @1502
- location (48, 68)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B03C6D0164"
- client @1502
- supplier @1481
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1504
- Parent_View @1503
- location (1110, 530)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$397" @1505
- Parent_View @1502
- location (48, 68)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B03C6D016E"
- client @1502
- supplier @1490
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2656, 432)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1506
- location (2391, 358)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionDataClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A753E90088"
- width 548
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42C2C7F800F2"
- client @1463
- supplier @1506
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1872, 912)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1508
- location (1656, 860)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionFlow")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "429C882D03D7"
- width 450
- height 128
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1873, 432)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1509
- location (1587, 357)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionProviderBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- width 590
- height 174
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (2274, 432)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1510
- location (1058, -80)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4289BDB102D2"
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- Parent_View @1511
- location (2349, 488)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.714286
- height 56
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$373" @1513
- Parent_View @1510
- location (1058, -80)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289BDB102DC"
- client @1510
- supplier @1509
- line_style 0)))
- (object AttachView "" @1514
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1462
- supplier @1509
- line_style 0)
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$398" @1515
- location (1872, 683)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42B03F220323"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$399" @1516
- Parent_View @1515
- location (7, 246)
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- client @1515
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- Parent_View @1516
- location (1926, 830)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$400" @1518
- Parent_View @1515
- location (7, 246)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B03F24014F"
- client @1515
- supplier @1509
- line_style 0)))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1472, 1040)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1519
- location (1470, 1179)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 732
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- label "ISubConnectionFlow")
- icon "Interface"
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- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "42B9B1BA03A7"
- width 125
- height 119
- annotation 8
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42B03DB6018F"
- client @1476
- supplier @1519
- line_style 0)
- (object RealizeView "" @1521
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B03F3802C1"
- client @1476
- supplier @1508
- line_style 0)
- (object RealizeView "" @1522
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B03DB00213"
- client @1490
- supplier @1519
- line_style 0)))))
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- quid "4289D8F802AB"
- visible_categories (list visibility_relationship_list
- (object Visibility_Relationship
- quid "4289D921035E"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls"
- quidu "4288AD2E01F7"))
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "4289DA6801E1"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
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- quid "429744AE00E7"
- supplier "Logical View::CObject"
- quidu "4288EF9A01FA")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "429C87EF032D"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "4297432900C2"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "427A6DF6004F"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "iFunctionTable"
- quid "4289DB6103D4"
- stereotype "C"
- type "void*"
- Containment "By Value"
- static TRUE)))
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- quid "4289DB160047"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "429744B20183"
- supplier "Logical View::CObject"
- quidu "4288EF9A01FA")
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "42AEB3A60055"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::XStubClass"
- quidu "42AEB35C0326"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "4297432D0294"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::ISubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "427A6DF6004F"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "iFunctionTable"
- quid "4289DB83015C"
- stereotype "C"
- type "void*"
- Containment "By Value"
- static TRUE)))
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- quid "4289DBAC0288"
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- quid "4289DBAD035B"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "4289DBAD0365"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
- quidu "4289DA6801E1")))
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- quid "4289DBB003E2"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$405"
- quid "4289DBB1039D"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls::MTransport"
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$406"
- quid "4289DBB103A7"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseS"
- quidu "4289DB160047")))
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- quid "4289DC14031D"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$408"
- quid "4289DC15038D"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$409"
- quid "4289DC150397"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E")))
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- quid "4289DC80012E"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$411"
- quid "4289DC8100FD"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$412"
- quid "4289DC810107"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- is_aggregate TRUE)))
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- quid "4289DCBF0391"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$414"
- quid "4289DCC003E3"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$415"
- quid "4289DCC10005"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseS"
- quidu "4289DB160047")))
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- quid "428A0B530315"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$417"
- quid "428A0B530316"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseS"
- quidu "4289DB160047"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE
- is_aggregate TRUE)
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- quid "428A0B530317"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientC"
- quidu "4289BE6D02F0"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "n")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
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- quid "42973D3401FF"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$420"
- quid "42973D35026E"
- supplier "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::CSubConnectionDataClientS"
- quidu "4297348E03E2"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..n"))
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- quid "42973D35026F"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)))
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- quid "42973FAA01FD"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$423"
- quid "42973FAB0227"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
- quidu "4289DA6801E1"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- Containment "By Reference"
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$424"
- quid "42973FAB0228"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::CSubConnectionFlowBase"
- quidu "4284A7BB031E")))
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- quid "429C88500175"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$426"
- quid "429C8851013B"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub-Connection -> Flow calls::MSubConnectionFlow"
- quidu "429C882D03D7"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "0..1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$427"
- quid "429C8851013C"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection::CSubConnectionProviderBase"
- quidu "41A75088005C")))
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- quid "42B04162001E"
- stereotype "symbolic"
- roles (list role_list
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- quid "42B0416302C9"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC"
- quidu "4289DA6801E1"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE)
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- quid "42B0416302CA"
- supplier "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseS"
- quidu "4289DB160047"
- client_cardinality (value cardinality "1")
- is_navigable TRUE
- is_aggregate TRUE))))
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- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
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- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::New Interfaces & Functions::Message-based function calls" @1523
- location (1440, 2432)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1523
- location (1133, 2348)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 614
- justify 0
- label "Message-based function calls")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288AD2E01F7"
- width 626
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- (object Label @1524
- location (1459, 125)
- nlines 49
- max_width 44
- label
- )
- (object Label @1525
- location (1002, 70)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1038
- label
- )
- (object NoteView @1526
- location (2761, 2216)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1526
- location (2623, 2156)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 240
- label
-|"Real" instance
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 300
- height 132)
- (object NoteView @1527
- location (304, 432)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1527
- location (20, 335)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 4
- max_width 533
- label "Reflects a fact that some of the sub-connection<->SAP needs to be addressed to the particular SAP.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 593
- height 206)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1456, 1536)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1528
- location (1455, 1662)
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 2
- max_width 551
- justify 0
- label "ISubConnectionProviderBase")
- icon "Interface"
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "427A6DF6004F"
- width 94
- height 94
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (720, 1504)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1529
- location (434, 1429)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 572
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionProviderBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A75088005C"
- width 590
- height 174
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (284, 1896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1530
- location (50, 1822)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 468
- justify 0
- label "CControlledServProvider")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A754670219"
- width 486
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (288, 1168)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1531
- location (21, 1094)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 534
- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionFlowClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4284A8070236"
- width 552
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
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- client @1530
- supplier @1531
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1036, 822)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1533
- location (755, 748)
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionDataClientS")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "4297348E03E2"
- width 580
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1527
- supplier @1533
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4297435201B2"
- client @1531
- supplier @1533
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2768, 336)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1536
- location (2502, 262)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 532
- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionDataClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A753E90088"
- width 550
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1036, 2256)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1537
- location (772, 2181)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 528
- justify 0
- label "MTransport")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- width 546
- height 174
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1036, 1175)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1538
- location (773, 1101)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 526
- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionFlowBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4284A7BB031E"
- width 544
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (386, 1464)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289C7430270"
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- Parent_View @1539
- location (66, 600)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289C745002E"
- client @1539
- supplier @1538
- vertices (list Points
- (386, 1464)
- (400, 1406)
- (797, 1261))
- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1541
- Parent_View @1540
- location (517, 1315)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..1"
- pctDist 0.414281
- height 47
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$385" @1542
- Parent_View @1539
- location (66, 600)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289C745002F"
- client @1539
- supplier @1530
- line_style 0)))
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- location (663, 1170)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289CC1000AB"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1543
- location (-393, 738)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4289CC100372"
- client @1543
- supplier @1531
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- Parent_View @1544
- location (592, 1209)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.720430
- height 40
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$394" @1546
- Parent_View @1543
- location (-393, 738)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289CC100373"
- client @1543
- supplier @1538
- line_style 0)))
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- location (1036, 998)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42973D3401FF"
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- Parent_View @1547
- location (-4, 342)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42973D35026E"
- client @1547
- supplier @1533
- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @1548
- location (1090, 928)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.780952
- height 54
- orientation 1))
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- Parent_View @1547
- location (-4, 342)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42973D35026F"
- client @1547
- supplier @1538
- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @1550
- location (1090, 1078)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))))
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1919, 2256)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1552
- location (1655, 2181)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "MTransport")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "4288B56E012B"
- width 546
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1918, 822)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1553
- location (1637, 748)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "CSubConnectionDataClientC")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4289BE6D02F0"
- width 580
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1553
- supplier @1536
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- SuppressOperation TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2761, 1899)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1555
- location (2475, 1824)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSubConnectionProviderBase")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- quidu "41A75088005C"
- width 590
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (2764, 1116)
- stereotype TRUE
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- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1556
- location (1548, 604)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4289BDB102D2"
- client @1556
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- line_style 0
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- Parent_View @1557
- location (2831, 521)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "0..*"
- pctDist 0.858378
- height 64
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$373" @1559
- Parent_View @1556
- location (1548, 604)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289BDB102DC"
- client @1556
- supplier @1555
- line_style 0)))
- (object AttachView "" @1560
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1526
- supplier @1555
- line_style 0)
- (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Flow->Sub-Connection calls::CSubConnectionProviderBaseC" @1561
- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1040, 1904)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1561
- location (734, 1827)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label "CSubConnectionProviderBaseC")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4289DA6801E1"
- width 630
- height 178
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1037, 2080)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289DBAC0288"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1562
- location (-3, 1216)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289DBAD035B"
- client @1562
- supplier @1537
- line_style 0)
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$403" @1564
- Parent_View @1562
- location (-3, 1216)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289DBAD0365"
- client @1562
- supplier @1561
- line_style 0)))
- (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$422" @1565
- location (1037, 1537)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42973FAA01FD"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1565
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42973FAB0227"
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- supplier @1561
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- Parent_View @1566
- location (1092, 1746)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.757576
- height 53
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$424" @1568
- Parent_View @1565
- location (-3, 481)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42973FAB0228"
- client @1565
- supplier @1538
- line_style 0)))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4297432900C2"
- client @1561
- supplier @1528
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "429C87EF032D"
- client @1561
- supplier @1529
- line_style 0)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1920, 1904)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1571
- location (1614, 1823)
- nlines 1
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- label "CSubConnectionProviderBaseS")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "4289DB160047"
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- location (1919, 2082)
- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1572
- location (95, 1218)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4289DBB1039D"
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- Parent_View @1572
- location (95, 1218)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289DBB103A7"
- client @1572
- supplier @1571
- line_style 0)))
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- location (1918, 1359)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "428A0B530315"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1575
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- stereotype TRUE
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- Parent_View @1576
- location (1885, 1698)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.754269
- height 35
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$418" @1578
- Parent_View @1575
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "428A0B530317"
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- Parent_View @1578
- location (1972, 953)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "*"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4297432D0294"
- client @1571
- supplier @1528
- line_style 0)
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- location (2350, 1900)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289DCBF0391"
- roleview_list (list RoleViews
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- Parent_View @1581
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- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "4289DCC003E3"
- client @1581
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- line_style 0
- label (object SegLabel @1583
- Parent_View @1582
- location (2435, 1954)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.741935
- height 54
- orientation 1))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$415" @1584
- Parent_View @1581
- location (526, 684)
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "4289DCC10005"
- client @1581
- supplier @1571
- line_style 0)))
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- location (1479, 1904)
- stereotype (object SegLabel @1586
- Parent_View @1585
- location (1479, 1785)
- anchor 10
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 450
- justify 0
- label "<<symbolic>>"
- pctDist 0.500000
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- stereotype TRUE
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- client @1585
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- label (object SegLabel @1588
- Parent_View @1587
- location (1368, 1958)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 0))
- (object RoleView "$UNNAMED$430" @1589
- Parent_View @1585
- location (-441, 0)
- stereotype TRUE
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- quidu "42B0416302CA"
- client @1585
- supplier @1571
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- label (object SegLabel @1590
- Parent_View @1589
- location (1591, 1958)
- anchor 2
- anchor_loc 1
- nlines 1
- max_width 15
- justify 0
- label "1"
- pctDist 0.900000
- height 54
- orientation 1))))
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42B041AB0091"
- client @1553
- supplier @1533
- line_style 0)))))
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- quid "42D2C2D70107"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
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- quid "42D2C2FE008B"
- abstract TRUE)
- (object Class "MSubConnectionClient"
- quid "42D2C324007D"
- abstract TRUE))
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- max_width 21600
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- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
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- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (480, 272)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1592
- location (215, 221)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionBroadcast")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "42D2C2FE008B"
- width 548
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (480, 848)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1593
- location (218, 774)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 524
- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionFlow")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "429C882D03D7"
- width 542
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1824, 272)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1594
- location (1600, 221)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 448
- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "42D2C324007D"
- width 466
- height 126
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1826, 855)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1595
- location (1538, 781)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 576
- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionControlClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A753D702F9"
- width 594
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- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (2496, 863)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1596
- location (2231, 789)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
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- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionDataClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A753E90088"
- width 548
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- ShowCompartmentStereotypes TRUE
- IncludeAttribute TRUE
- IncludeOperation TRUE
- location (1152, 850)
- font (object Font
- italics TRUE)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1597
- location (885, 776)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 1
- max_width 534
- justify 0
- label "MSubConnectionFlowClient")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "4284A8070236"
- width 552
- height 172
- annotation 8
- autoResize TRUE)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42D2C3AD00EA"
- client @1593
- supplier @1592
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @1599
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42D2C3B20355"
- client @1597
- supplier @1592
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @1600
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42D2C3B502CD"
- client @1597
- supplier @1594
- line_style 0)
- (object InheritView "" @1601
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42D2C3B802F9"
- client @1595
- supplier @1594
- line_style 0)
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "42D2C3BC009C"
- client @1596
- supplier @1594
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @1603
- location (1184, 320)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1603
- location (971, 182)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 390
- label "indicates that the super-class is sub-connection client and processes sub-connection->flow broadcast calls.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 450
- height 288)
- (object NoteView @1604
- location (2560, 256)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1604
- location (2301, 175)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 483
- label "indicates that the super-class is sub-connection client")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 543
- height 175)
- (object AttachView "" @1605
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1604
- supplier @1601
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1606
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1604
- supplier @1602
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1607
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1603
- supplier @1599
- line_style 0)
- (object AttachView "" @1608
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1603
- supplier @1600
- line_style 0)
- (object NoteView @1609
- location (448, 1264)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1609
- location (298, 1127)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 5
- max_width 265
- label "class represents 1-1 sub-connection -> flow channel.")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 325
- height 287)
- (object AttachView "" @1610
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1609
- supplier @1593
- line_style 0))))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
- (object ClassDiagram "Main"
- quid "427A6CA9006E"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 959
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Network Layer" @1611
- location (1680, 656)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1611
- location (1536, 572)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Network Layer")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "427F43920168"
- width 300
- height 180)
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- location (1008, 640)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1612
- location (864, 556)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Link Layer")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "427F43CA015F"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection Flow::Sub Connection Flow Clients" @1613
- location (1360, 1072)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1613
- location (1174, 988)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 372
- justify 0
- label "Sub Connection Flow Clients")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "42D2C2D70107"
- width 384
- height 180))))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
- (object ClassDiagram "Main"
- quid "41A74B8C02E2"
- title "Main"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Connection" @1614
- location (1744, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1614
- location (1600, 812)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Connection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A74FA2017D"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Sub Connection" @1615
- location (1248, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1615
- location (1104, 812)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Sub Connection")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A74FC60071"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Service" @1616
- location (176, 896)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1616
- location (32, 812)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Service")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A7584503E0"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object NoteView @1617
- location (2032, 1808)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1617
- location (1251, 1611)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 8
- max_width 1527
- label
-|amber boxes - need changing,
-|redish boxes - need reduction or removal
-|green boxes - new
-|light blue boxes- new but temporary to be removed as architecture progresses
-|white boxes - pseudo-classes (don't actually exist) representing de-marshaling on the receiver side
-|X - dependencies/associations to be removed
- )
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 1587
- height 407)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Resolver" @1618
- location (816, 1200)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1618
- location (672, 1116)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Resolver")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "41A77EF303B5"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Factory" @1619
- location (1055, 304)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1619
- location (911, 220)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 288
- justify 0
- label "Factory")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65535
- quidu "41A875EF01EE"
- width 300
- height 180)
- (object Label @1620
- location (1039, 32)
- nlines 44
- max_width 62
- label
- )
- (object Label @1621
- location (751, 48)
- nlines 1
- max_width 288
- label "DATA PLANE")
- (object Label @1622
- location (1103, 48)
- nlines 1
- max_width 363
- label "CONTROL PLANE")
- (object CategoryView "Logical View::Session Proxy/Pit Boss" @1623
- location (1051, 1712)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1623
- location (904, 1628)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 2
- max_width 294
- justify 0
- label "Session Proxy/Pit Boss")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1624
- location (2064, 812)
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- location (1717, 204)
- fill_color 13434879
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- Parent_View @1632
- location (460, 812)
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- supplier "Component View::LSCPR"
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- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
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- supplier "Component View::ShimCPR"
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- quidu "427A121B0032"
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- supplier "Component View::NSCPR"
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- quid "41B9EB23015F"
- supplier "Component View::PRT"
- quidu "41B9E44D00C7"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
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- quid "427A19DD0151"
- supplier "Component View::ShimSCPR"
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- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
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- supplier "Component View::LDD-PDD"
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- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- quid "41B9EAE901BE"
- supplier "Component View::FACT"
- quidu "41B9E9EF034B"
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- quid "423032600030"
- supplier "Component View::ShimSCPR"
- quidu "4230324802F2"
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- quid "41B9E82B026F"
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- supplier "Component View::LSCPR"
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- supplier_is_spec TRUE)
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- supplier "Component View::AGT"
- quidu "427A90E203B1"
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- quid "41B9E9EF034B"
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- supplier "Component View::LSL"
- quidu "427A95100005"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- quid "4230324802F2"
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- quid "427A07B90020"
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- quid "427A121B0032"
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- supplier "Component View::LSCPR"
- quidu "427A123D01AC"
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- quid "427A123D01AC"
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- quid "427A1841032C"
- supplier "Component View::ShimCPR"
- quidu "41B9E8210008"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- quid "427A2739036F"
- stereotype ""
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- quid "427A28650378"
- supplier "Component View::CommsDat"
- quidu "427A284001B4"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- quid "427A284001B4"
- stereotype "")
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- quid "427A90E203B1"
- stereotype ""
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- quid "427A9471028D"
- supplier "Component View::PSCPR"
- quidu "427A94190394"
- supplier_is_spec TRUE)))
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- quid "427A93D702E1"
- stereotype "")
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- quid "427A94190394"
- stereotype "")
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- quid "427A95100005"
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- supplier "Component View::NETCON"
- quidu "41B9DF8202F9"
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- Parent_View @1641
- location (1058, 799)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (1712, 824)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1642
- location (1677, 799)
- fill_color 13434879
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- quidu "41B9DF0E0232"
- width 228
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- location (2544, 1786)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1643
- location (2497, 1659)
- fill_color 13434879
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- quidu "41B9DF8202F9"
- width 313
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- width 313
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- location (172, 824)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1644
- location (137, 799)
- fill_color 13434879
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- nlines 2
- max_width 127
- label "PRT")
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- width 228
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- width 228
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- location (866, 47)
- nlines 39
- max_width 56
- label
- )
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- location (976, 208)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1646
- location (694, 180)
- fill_color 13434879
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- width 1944
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- location (112, 320)
- nlines 1
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- label "CSocket")
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- location (880, 320)
- nlines 1
- max_width 331
- label "CSubConnection")
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- location (1248, 320)
- nlines 1
- max_width 331
- label "CConnection")
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- location (244, 575)
- nlines 3
- max_width 556
- label
- )
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- location (48, 1046)
- nlines 2
- max_width 300
- label
- )
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- location (630, 1001)
- nlines 3
- max_width 606
- label
- )
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- location (1520, 1009)
- nlines 3
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- label
- )
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- location (172, 1462)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1654
- location (134, 1389)
- fill_color 13434879
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- width 250
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- location (1712, 1302)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1655
- location (1677, 1277)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 127
- label "ShimCPR")
- icon_style "Icon"
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- width 228
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- width 228
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- location (1713, 1638)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1656
- location (1672, 1611)
- fill_color 13434879
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- nlines 2
- max_width 153
- label "NIFMAN")
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- width 275
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- width 275
- height 175)
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- location (1575, 1385)
- nlines 3
- max_width 519
- label
- )
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- location (1856, 1658)
- nlines 2
- max_width 557
- label
- )
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- location (2160, 842)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1659
- location (2124, 677)
- fill_color 13434879
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- width 238
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- width 238
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- location (78, 888)
- nlines 1
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- (1823, 1299)
- (1956, 1300)
- (2041, 1099))
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- Parent_View @1666
- location (1341, 1073)
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- location (502, 1254)
- nlines 1
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- Parent_View @1668
- location (685, 803)
- fill_color 13434879
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- location (704, 1466)
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- Parent_View @1670
- location (669, 1441)
- fill_color 13434879
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1672
- location (1053, 1390)
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- width 281
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- location (1280, 1514)
- nlines 3
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- (1350, 1300)
- (1599, 1299))
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- location (342, 1382)
- nlines 3
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- label
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- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41B9EB110299"
- client @1644
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- line_style 0)
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- line_style 0)
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- quidu "423D5297018E"
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- line_style 0)
- (object ModVisView "" @1684
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- quidu "41B9EACC0004"
- client @1646
- supplier @1659
- vertices (list Points
- (1899, 218)
- (2000, 222)
- (2042, 384))
- line_style 0)
- (object ModVisView "" @1685
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- line_color 3342489
- quidu "41B9EAFA02BE"
- client @1646
- supplier @1641
- line_style 0)
- (object ModVisView "" @1686
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- quidu "41B9EAFD025E"
- client @1646
- supplier @1642
- vertices (list Points
- (1195, 298)
- (1709, 488)
- (1708, 744))
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- (object ModVisView "" @1687
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- vertices (list Points
- (659, 298)
- (175, 456)
- (172, 743))
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- quidu "427A19DD0151"
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- vertices (list Points
- (1081, 298)
- (1375, 503)
- (1374, 1016))
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @1689
- location (1200, 942)
- nlines 1
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- label "MShimControlClient")
- (object Label @1690
- location (385, 48)
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- label
- )
- (object ModView "Component View::NSL" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart" @1691
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- Parent_View @1691
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- icon_style "Icon"
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- (object ModVisView "" @1692
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- line_style 0)
- (object ModView "Component View::CommsDat" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart" @1693
- location (2880, 1395)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1693
- location (2841, 1154)
- fill_color 13434879
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- nlines 2
- max_width 143
- label "CommsDat")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "427A284001B4"
- width 257
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- autoResize TRUE
- width 257
- height 1688)
- (object ModVisView "" @1694
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- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427A28650378"
- client @1691
- supplier @1693
- line_style 0)
- (object ModVisView "" @1695
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427A286D01DF"
- client @1643
- supplier @1693
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @1696
- location (80, 1829)
- nlines 1
- max_width 1794
- label "__________________________________________________________________________________")
- (object ModView "Component View::AGT" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart" @1697
- location (1712, 2079)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1697
- location (1677, 2054)
- fill_color 13434879
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- max_width 127
- label "AGT")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "427A90E203B1"
- width 228
- autoResize TRUE
- width 228
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- (object ModVisView "" @1698
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427A90F403C9"
- client @1656
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- line_style 0)
- (object Label @1699
- location (1600, 1882)
- nlines 2
- max_width 381
- label
- )
- (object Label @1700
- location (2176, 170)
- nlines 38
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- label
- )
- (object ModView "Component View::LDD-PDD" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart" @1701
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- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1701
- location (141, 2054)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 3
- nlines 2
- max_width 127
- label "LDD-PDD")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
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- quidu "427A93D702E1"
- width 228
- autoResize TRUE
- width 228
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- (object ModVisView "" @1702
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- line_color 3342489
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- client @1654
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- line_style 0)
- (object ModView "Component View::PSCPR" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart" @1703
- location (1104, 2074)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1703
- location (1065, 2046)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 3
- nlines 2
- max_width 142
- label "PSCPR")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- quidu "427A94190394"
- width 256
- height 187
- autoResize TRUE
- width 256
- height 187)
- (object NoteView @1704
- location (608, 2074)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1704
- location (383, 1999)
- fill_color 13434879
- nlines 3
- max_width 415
- label "One of which could be ETEL with its CSY/TSY...???")
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 13434879
- width 475
- height 163)
- (object AttachView "" @1705
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- client @1704
- supplier @1703
- line_style 0)
- (object ModVisView "" @1706
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427A9471028D"
- client @1697
- supplier @1703
- line_style 0)
- (object ModView "Component View::LSL" "NotAModuleType" "NotAModulePart" @1707
- location (2528, 1178)
- label (object ItemLabel
- Parent_View @1707
- location (2493, 1153)
- fill_color 13434879
- anchor_loc 3
- nlines 2
- max_width 127
- label "LSL")
- icon_style "Icon"
- line_color 3342489
- fill_color 65280
- quidu "427A95100005"
- width 228
- autoResize TRUE
- width 228
- height 162)
- (object ModVisView "" @1708
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427A952203CB"
- client @1707
- supplier @1643
- line_style 0)
- (object ModVisView "" @1709
- stereotype TRUE
- line_color 3342489
- quidu "427A952A029F"
- client @1659
- supplier @1707
- line_style 0)
- (object Label @1710
- location (128, 666)
- nlines 1
- max_width 113
- label "SAP")
- (object Label @1711
- location (622, 416)
- nlines 3
- max_width 606
- label
- )
- (object Label @1712
- location (1488, 432)
- nlines 3
- max_width 506
- label
- )))))
- process_structure (object Processes
- quid "41A74B80004A"
- ProcsNDevs (list
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- quid "41A74B80004C"
- title "Deployment View"
- zoom 100
- max_height 28350
- max_width 21600
- origin_x 0
- origin_y 0
- items (list diagram_item_list))))
- properties (object Properties
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Rose Model Integrator"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "Rose Web Publisher"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "propertyId"
- value "809135966")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "default__Project"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Directory"
- value "AUTO GENERATE")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "DataBase"
- value ("DataBaseSet" 800))
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "DataBaseSet"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "ANSI"
- value 800)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Oracle"
- value 801)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "SQLServer"
- value 802)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Sybase"
- value 803)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Watcom"
- value 804)))
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- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKeyColumnName"
- value "Id")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKeyColumnType"
- value "NUMBER(5)")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "ViewName"
- value "V_")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "TableName"
- value "T_")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "InheritSuffix"
- value "_V")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "DropClause"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "BaseViews"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "DDLScriptFilename"
- value "DDL1.SQL")))
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "default__Attribute"
- value (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "ColumnType"
- value "VARCHAR")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Length"
- value "")
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "NullsOK"
- value TRUE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "PrimaryKey"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "Unique"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "CompositeUnique"
- value FALSE)
- (object Attribute
- tool "DDL"
- name "CheckConstraint"
- value "")))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Version Control"
- name "HiddenTool"
- value FALSE))
- quid "41A74B80004B"))
Binary file datacommsserver/esockserver/Documentation/Design for Flexible Comms Stack.vsd has changed
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/UpsCoreProviders/inc/upscpractivities.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/UpsCoreProviders/inc/upscpractivities.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
const Messages::TNodeId& Client();
void SetFlags(TInt aFlags);
- TInt Flags();
+// TInt Flags();
EXPORT_DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TStoreControlClient, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, TContext )
IMPORT_C virtual void DoL();
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/UpsCoreProviders/src/upscpractivities.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/UpsCoreProviders/src/upscpractivities.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@
iFlags = aFlags;
TInt CDeferredCtrlClientJoinActivity::Flags()
return iFlags;
EXPORT_DEFINE_SMELEMENT(CDeferredCtrlClientJoinActivity::TStoreControlClient, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, CDeferredCtrlClientJoinActivity::TContext)
EXPORT_C void CDeferredCtrlClientJoinActivity::TStoreControlClient::DoL()
@@ -109,7 +109,6 @@
__ASSERT_DEBUG(act->Client() == TNodeId::NullId(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockUpsCoreProv, 2));
const TCFControlClient::TJoinRequest& msg = message_cast<TCFControlClient::TJoinRequest>(iContext.iMessage);
- act->SetFlags(msg.iClientType.Flags());
EXPORT_DEFINE_SMELEMENT(CDeferredCtrlClientJoinActivity::TAddControlClientAndSendJoinComplete, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, CDeferredCtrlClientJoinActivity::TContext)
@@ -122,7 +121,7 @@
__ASSERT_DEBUG(act->Client() != TNodeId::NullId(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockUpsCoreProv, 3));
// Add control client
- iContext.Node().AddClientL(act->Client(), TCFClientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl, act->Flags()));
+ iContext.Node().AddClientL(act->Client(), TCFClientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl));
// Send TJoinComplete
RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(iContext.NodeId(), act->Client(), TCFControlClient::TJoinComplete().CRef());
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/bwins/esocksvrU.DEF Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/bwins/esocksvrU.DEF Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -1055,9 +1055,4 @@
?GetVDataTableStatic@TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery@ESock@@SAPBUSVDataTableEntry@Meta@@XZ @ 1054 NONAME ; struct Meta::SVDataTableEntry const * ESock::TTierTypeIdFactoryQuery::GetVDataTableStatic(void)
?AddClientL@CMMCommsProviderBase@ESock@@UAEPAVRNodeInterface@Messages@@ABVTNodeId@4@ABVTClientType@4@PAX@Z @ 1055 NONAME ; class Messages::RNodeInterface * ESock::CMMCommsProviderBase::AddClientL(class Messages::TNodeId const &, class Messages::TClientType const &, void *)
?ConstructL@ACFMMNodeBase@ESock@@IAEXH@Z @ 1056 NONAME ; void ESock::ACFMMNodeBase::ConstructL(int)
- ?GetVTablePtr@TSendErrorRecoveryReq@CGoneDownActivity@PRActivities@@SAPAVMStateTransition@NetStateMachine@@AAVTDesC8@@PAX@Z @ 1057 NONAME ; class NetStateMachine::MStateTransition * PRActivities::CGoneDownActivity::TSendErrorRecoveryReq::GetVTablePtr(class TDesC8 &, void *)
- ?GetVTablePtr@TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfaces@CoreNetStates@@SAPAVMStateTransition@NetStateMachine@@AAVTDesC8@@PAX@Z @ 1058 NONAME ; class NetStateMachine::MStateTransition * CoreNetStates::TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfaces::GetVTablePtr(class TDesC8 &, void *)
- ?GetVTablePtr@TIgnoreOrPropagate@CGoneDownActivity@PRActivities@@SAPAVMStateFork@NetStateMachine@@AAVTDesC8@@PAX@Z @ 1059 NONAME ; class NetStateMachine::MStateFork * PRActivities::CGoneDownActivity::TIgnoreOrPropagate::GetVTablePtr(class TDesC8 &, void *)
- ?DoL@TCancelStart@CoreNetStates@@UAEXXZ @ 1060 NONAME ; void CoreNetStates::TCancelStart::DoL(void)
- ?New@CGoneDownActivity@PRActivities@@SAPAVCNodeActivityBase@MeshMachine@@ABUTNodeActivity@4@AAVAMMNodeBase@4@@Z @ 1061 NONAME ; class MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase * PRActivities::CGoneDownActivity::New(struct MeshMachine::TNodeActivity const &, class MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase &)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/commsdataobjects/src/connectionqueryset.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/commsdataobjects/src/connectionqueryset.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
EXPORT_START_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_AND_FN(XConnectionQuerySet, CCommsDataObjectFactory::iUid, XConnectionQuerySet::iUid)
REGISTER_ATTRIBUTE(XConnectionQuerySet, iQueries, TMetaObject<XConnectionQuerySet::RMetaDataQueryContainer>)
EXPORT_C XConnectionQueryBase* XConnectionQuerySet::FindQuery(const XConnectionQueryBase& aQuery) const
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/commsdataobjects/src/provinfoqueryset.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/commsdataobjects/src/provinfoqueryset.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
EXPORT_START_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE_AND_FN(XProviderInfoQuerySet, CCommsDataObjectFactory::iUid, XProviderInfoQuerySet::iUid)
REGISTER_ATTRIBUTE(XProviderInfoQuerySet, iConnProviderInfo, TMeta<TConnProviderInfo>)
EXPORT_C XProviderInfoQuerySet::~XProviderInfoQuerySet()
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_corepractivities.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_corepractivities.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -1704,9 +1704,9 @@
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iPendingBinder, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockCrStaCPRAC, 22));
- PostRequestTo(
- SoleOriginator().Peer(),
- TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse(iPendingBinder->RecipientId()).CRef());
+ PostRequestTo(
+ address_cast<Messages::TNodeId>(FirstOriginator().RecipientId()),
+ TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse(iPendingBinder->RecipientId()).CRef());
@@ -2118,7 +2118,7 @@
-EXPORT_C MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* CGoneDownActivity::New(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode)
+MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* CGoneDownActivity::New(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode)
TAny* space = BorrowPreallocatedSpace(aNode, sizeof(CGoneDownActivity));
CGoneDownActivity* self = new (space) CGoneDownActivity(aActivitySig, aNode);
@@ -2180,7 +2180,7 @@
return NetStateMachine::ACore::IsIdle();
-EXPORT_DEFINE_SMELEMENT(CGoneDownActivity::TSendErrorRecoveryReq, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, CGoneDownActivity::TContext)
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(CGoneDownActivity::TSendErrorRecoveryReq, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, CGoneDownActivity::TContext)
void CGoneDownActivity::TSendErrorRecoveryReq::DoL()
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.iNodeActivity, User::Panic(KCorePrPanic, KPanicNoActivity));
@@ -2203,7 +2203,7 @@
-EXPORT_DEFINE_SMELEMENT(CGoneDownActivity::TIgnoreOrPropagate, NetStateMachine::MStateFork, CGoneDownActivity::TContext)
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(CGoneDownActivity::TIgnoreOrPropagate, NetStateMachine::MStateFork, CGoneDownActivity::TContext)
TInt CGoneDownActivity::TIgnoreOrPropagate::TransitionTag()
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.iMessage.IsMessage<TEErrorRecovery::TErrorRecoveryResponse>(), User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockCrStaCPRAC, 38));
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_corepractivities.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_corepractivities.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@
class CGoneDownActivity : public MeshMachine::CNodeRetryActivity, protected MeshMachine::APreallocatedOriginators<2>
- IMPORT_C static MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* New(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode);
+ static MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* New(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode);
CGoneDownActivity(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode);
@@ -913,11 +913,11 @@
typedef MeshMachine::TNodeContext<ESock::CMMCommsProviderBase, CoreNetStates::TContext> TContext;
- EXPORT_DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TIgnoreOrPropagate, MeshMachine::TStateFork<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateFork, TContext )
+ DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TIgnoreOrPropagate, MeshMachine::TStateFork<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateFork, TContext )
virtual TInt TransitionTag();
- EXPORT_DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TSendErrorRecoveryReq, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, TContext )
+ DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TSendErrorRecoveryReq, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, TContext )
virtual void DoL();
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_coreprstates.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_coreprstates.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@
// which is handled by another activity
__ASSERT_DEBUG(msg.iClientType.Type() != (TUint32)TCFClientType::EData, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockCrStaCPRSC, 3));
- iContext.Node().AddClientL(msg.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl,msg.iClientType.Flags()));
+// iContext.Node().AddClientL(msg.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl,msg.iValue));
+ iContext.Node().AddClientL(msg.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl));
//Send confirmation
RClientInterface::OpenPostMessageClose(iContext.NodeId(), iContext.iSender, TCFPeer::TJoinComplete().CRef());
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@
//TODO: TNodePeerId should become internal. When this happens, FirstOriginator should return
// RNodeInterface.
- iContext.iNodeActivity->SoleOriginator().Peer(),
+ address_cast<Messages::TNodeId>(iContext.iNodeActivity->SoleOriginator().RecipientId()),
@@ -2127,7 +2127,7 @@
-EXPORT_DEFINE_SMELEMENT(TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfaces, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, CoreNetStates::TContext)
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfaces, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, CoreNetStates::TContext)
void TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfaces::DoL()
//0 means we will cancel and close all open extensions!
@@ -2182,7 +2182,7 @@
EXPORT_DEFINE_SMELEMENT(TCancelStart, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, CoreNetStates::TContext)
-EXPORT_C void TCancelStart::DoL()
+void TCancelStart::DoL()
CNodeActivityBase* startActivity = iContext.Node().FindActivityById(ECFActivityStart);
if (startActivity)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_coreprstates.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/core_states/ss_coreprstates.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// Contributors:
// Description:
-// Core PR State
+// Core PR States
@@ -759,19 +759,19 @@
IMPORT_C virtual void DoL();
-EXPORT_DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfaces, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, TContext )
+DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfaces, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, TContext )
virtual void DoL();
DECLARE_SMELEMENT_FOOTER( TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfaces )
EXPORT_DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TProcessOrForwardRMessage2Ext, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, TContext )
- IMPORT_C virtual void DoL();
+ virtual void DoL();
* Check if ECFActivityStart is running, and if so cancel it
EXPORT_DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TCancelStart, MeshMachine::TStateTransition<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, TContext )
- IMPORT_C virtual void DoL();
+ virtual void DoL();
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/eabi/esocksvrU.DEF Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/eabi/esocksvrU.DEF Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -1962,15 +1962,4 @@
_ZN5ESock20CMMCommsProviderBase10AddClientLERKN8Messages7TNodeIdERKNS1_11TClientTypeEPv @ 1961 NONAME
_ZThn36_N5ESock20CMMCommsProviderBase10AddClientLERKN8Messages7TNodeIdERKNS1_11TClientTypeEPv @ 1962 NONAME
_ZN5ESock13ACFMMNodeBase10ConstructLEi @ 1963 NONAME
- _ZN12PRActivities17CGoneDownActivity18TIgnoreOrPropagate12GetVTablePtrER6TDesC8Pv @ 1964 NONAME
- _ZN12PRActivities17CGoneDownActivity21TSendErrorRecoveryReq12GetVTablePtrER6TDesC8Pv @ 1965 NONAME
- _ZN12PRActivities17CGoneDownActivity3NewERKN11MeshMachine13TNodeActivityERNS1_11AMMNodeBaseE @ 1966 NONAME
- _ZN13CoreNetStates12TCancelStart3DoLEv @ 1967 NONAME
- _ZN13CoreNetStates35TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfaces12GetVTablePtrER6TDesC8Pv @ 1968 NONAME
- _ZTIN12PRActivities17CGoneDownActivity18TIgnoreOrPropagateE @ 1969 NONAME
- _ZTIN12PRActivities17CGoneDownActivity21TSendErrorRecoveryReqE @ 1970 NONAME
- _ZTIN13CoreNetStates35TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfacesE @ 1971 NONAME
- _ZTVN12PRActivities17CGoneDownActivity18TIgnoreOrPropagateE @ 1972 NONAME
- _ZTVN12PRActivities17CGoneDownActivity21TSendErrorRecoveryReqE @ 1973 NONAME
- _ZTVN13CoreNetStates35TCancelAndCloseZone0ClientExtIfacesE @ 1974 NONAME
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/group/BLD.INF Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/group/BLD.INF Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
../inc/ss_mobility_apiext_internal.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(comms-infras/ss_mobility_apiext_internal.h)
../inc/ss_refcountowner.h SYMBIAN_OS_LAYER_PLATFORM_EXPORT_PATH(comms-infras/ss_refcountowner.h)
-#include "../etc/BLD.INF"
+#include "../etc/bld.inf"
#include "../compatibility_headers/group/bld.inf"
//Backup and restore exports
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/SS_conn.H Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/SS_conn.H Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
class TProcessIncomingConnection;
class TProcessProgressRequest;
class TParseECNAttach;
+ class TJoinReceivedCpr;
class TProcessBinderResponseForCpr;
class TCompleteLegacyAttach;
class TProcessEnumResponse;
@@ -143,6 +144,7 @@
friend class ConnStates::TProcessIncomingConnection;
friend class ConnStates::TProcessProgressRequest;
friend class ConnStates::TParseECNAttach;
+ friend class ConnStates::TJoinReceivedCpr;
friend class ConnStates::TProcessBinderResponseForCpr;
friend class ConnStates::TCompleteLegacyAttach;
friend class ConnStates::TProcessEnumResponse;
@@ -153,7 +155,6 @@
friend class EnumerateConnectionsActivity::TCompleteClient;
friend class AllInterfaceNotificationActivity::TEnqueueNotification;
friend class AllInterfaceNotificationActivity::TSendErrorToConnection;
- friend class ConnActivities::CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity;
friend class ConnSubConnEventsActivity::TProcessSubConnEvent;
friend class ConnStates::TGenerateConnectionUpProgress;
@@ -293,7 +294,6 @@
friend class AllInterfaceNotificationActivity::TStartLinkNotification;
friend class AllInterfaceNotificationActivity::TEnqueueNotification;
friend class AllInterfaceNotificationActivity::TSendErrorToConnection;
-friend class ConnActivities::CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity;
CAllInterfaceNotificationWorker(ESock::CConnection& aConnection);
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/SS_rslv.H Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/SS_rslv.H Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -85,13 +85,10 @@
virtual void ProcessMessageL();
void InitiateDestruction();
- inline void SetFlowRequestType(TFlowParams::TFlowRequestType aFlowRequestType)
- { iFlowRequestType = aFlowRequestType; }
void LockToConnectionInfo();
void LockToConnectionInfo(const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo);
- void UpdateFlowRequestType();
void SetBlockedReq(const RMessage2& aMsg)
iBlockedReq = aMsg;
@@ -155,7 +152,7 @@
TPtr8 iPtrQryBuf; //< Pointer descriptor, associated with ipQryBuf
TPtr8 iPtrQryResBuf; //< Pointer descriptor, associated with ipQryRespBuf
- TFlowParams::TFlowRequestType iFlowRequestType; //< Flow request type used while opening the HR
inline void CHostResolver::SetResolver(CHostResolvProvdBase* aResolver)
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/es_commsdataobject.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/es_commsdataobject.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -112,14 +112,7 @@
EOperationSet = 0,
/** Client requested that the object retreive data from a provider */
- EOperationGet = 1,
- /**
- Default value for uninitialized requests.
- This is only used as a sanity checking measure where the implementation of a
- CommsDataObject has failed to explicitly specify the client requested operation, i.e. get or set
- */
- EOperationUninitialized = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ EOperationGet = 1
@@ -167,7 +160,7 @@
@see MAccessPointConfigApi
XCommsDataObject(TUint aFlags)
- : iOperationMode(EOperationUninitialized), iReqItfExtId((TUint)EAccessPointConfigApi), iFlags(aFlags)
+ : iReqItfExtId((TUint)EAccessPointConfigApi), iFlags(aFlags)
__ASSERT_DEBUG((aFlags & ~EAllFlags) == 0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESocks_cmsdtbjct, 1));
__ASSERT_DEBUG((aFlags & EOperationSupportMask) != 0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESocks_cmsdtbjct, 2));
@@ -185,7 +178,7 @@
@param aReqItfExtId An interface identifier from TSupportedCommsApiExt.
XCommsDataObject(TUint aFlags, TUint aReqItfExtId)
- : iOperationMode(EOperationUninitialized), iReqItfExtId(aReqItfExtId), iFlags(aFlags)
+ : iReqItfExtId(aReqItfExtId), iFlags(aFlags)
__ASSERT_DEBUG((aFlags & ~EAllFlags) == 0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESocks_cmsdtbjct, 3));
__ASSERT_DEBUG((aFlags & EOperationSupportMask) != 0, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESocks_cmsdtbjct, 4));
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/es_enum_internal.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/es_enum_internal.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -88,15 +88,6 @@
typedef TPckgBuf<TConnectionGetSocketInfoArg> TConnGetSocketInfoArgBuf;
-This enum is used as an internal extension to TConnInterfaceState
-enum TConnInterfaceStateInternal
- {
- EInterfaceRestarting = 0x100
- };
#include <es_enum_internal.inl>
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/es_prot_internal.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/es_prot_internal.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -198,9 +198,6 @@
const TUint KSoSetPlatSecApi = 4 | KSocketInternalOptionBit;
-const TUint KSoFlowRequestType = 5 | KSocketInternalOptionBit;
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_connLegacy.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_connLegacy.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -49,11 +49,6 @@
class TSendErrorToConnection;
-namespace ConnActivities
-class CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity;
namespace EnumerateConnectionsActivity
class TQueryTierStatus;
@@ -89,12 +84,9 @@
friend class EnumerateConnectionsActivity::TCompleteClient;
friend class AllInterfaceNotificationActivity::TEnqueueNotification;
friend class AllInterfaceNotificationActivity::TSendErrorToConnection;
- friend class ConnActivities::CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity;
friend class ConnStates::TNoTagOrCancelAllInterfaceWorker;
friend class ConnStates::TCancelAllInterfaceNotificationWorker;
- enum { KIPProtoConnectionProviderFactoryUid = 0x10281DD3 };
public: //So that friends of CConnection (transitions) can access it
void CompleteAttachL(TSelectionPrefs& aPrefs);
void CancelServiceChangeNotification(const Den::RSafeMessage& aMessage);
@@ -163,6 +155,7 @@
ADataMonitoringProvider* FetchSubConnDataMonitoringProvider() const;
//global notifications
+ void InterfaceStateChangeNotification(TDesC8& aInfo);
void RequestServiceChangeNotificationL(const Den::RSafeMessage& aMessage);
void ControlL(TUint aOptionName, TUint aMessageId);
@@ -219,6 +212,9 @@
RMessage2 iAllInterfaceNotificationMessage;
TInterfaceChangeQueue iNotificationQueue;
Messages::TNodeId iAllInterfaceNotificationWorker;
+ static const TAnyFn iInterfaceVTableF[];
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_connstates.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_connstates.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -84,6 +84,10 @@
virtual void DoL();
+DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TJoinReceivedCpr, SubSessStates::TECABStateTransitionBase<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, TContext )
+ virtual void DoL();
DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TSendFinishedSelectionStateChange, SubSessStates::TECABStateTransitionBase<TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, TContext )
virtual void DoL();
DECLARE_SMELEMENT_FOOTER( TSendFinishedSelectionStateChange )
@@ -114,6 +118,12 @@
virtual void DoL();
+ TSendFinishedSelectionAndJoinReceivedCpr,
+ ConnStates::TSendFinishedSelectionStateChange,
+ ConnStates::TJoinReceivedCpr
+ )
DECLARE_SMELEMENT_HEADER( TErrorOrCancel, MeshMachine::TStateFork<ConnStates::TContext>, NetStateMachine::MStateFork, ConnStates::TContext )
virtual TInt TransitionTag();
@@ -515,8 +525,6 @@
static MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* NewL(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode);
- void InterfaceStateChangeNotification(const TDesC8& aInfo);
- ESock::CCommsFactoryBase* IpProtoCprFactory() const;
CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode) :
@@ -527,16 +535,11 @@
virtual ~CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity();
- const Factories::TAnyFn& GetVTable() { return iInterfaceVTableF[0]; };
TUid iTierUid;
Messages::TNodeId iTierManager;
const CAllInterfaceNotificationWorker* iAllInterfaceNotificationWorker;
- TBool iRegisteredForInterfaceStateChanges:1; // Registered with IpProtoCpr factory
- static const ESock::TAnyFn iInterfaceVTableF[];
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_sapshim.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_sapshim.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -230,8 +230,6 @@
SAP_FLAG_FUNCTIONS(DeleteUponBearerReception, EDeleteUponBearerReception)
SAP_FLAG_FUNCTIONS(UseBearerErrors, EUseBearerErrors)
- void HostResolverSpecificUnbind();
CServProviderBase* iProvider;
//CHostResolver specific workaround for now
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/SS_RSLV.CPP Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/SS_RSLV.CPP Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -741,7 +741,6 @@
LOG(ESockLog::Printf(KESockConnectionTag, _L8("CHostResolver %08x:\tStartSending() iBusy %d, iAwaitingConnection %d"), this,iBusy,iAwaitingConnection) );
- UpdateFlowRequestType();
if (iBusy && iAwaitingConnection)
switch (iCurrentOp)
@@ -894,12 +893,6 @@
-void CHostResolver::UpdateFlowRequestType()
- {
- TPckgBuf<TInt> flowRequestTypePckg = iFlowRequestType;
- iRSP->SetOption(KSOLProvider, KSoFlowRequestType, flowRequestTypePckg);
- }
void CHostResolver::ProcessMessageL()
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_connLegacy.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_connLegacy.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -62,6 +62,12 @@
//const TInt KNumberOfEmulatedSubConnections = 2;
+const Factories::TAnyFn AConnectionLegacy::iInterfaceVTableF[] =
+ {
+ (Factories::TAnyFn)1,
+ (Factories::TAnyFn)(TFactoryNotify<AConnectionLegacy>::Notification)
+ };
TSubConnectionEvent* subConnectionEvent;
@@ -124,7 +130,7 @@
-//static const TUid K_CIPProtoConnectionProviderFactory_iUid = {0x10281DD3};
+static const TUid K_CIPProtoConnectionProviderFactory_iUid = {0x10281DD3};
void AConnectionLegacy::CompleteAttachL(ESock::TSelectionPrefs& aPrefs)
@@ -140,7 +146,7 @@
__ASSERT_DEBUG(cpr->GetFirstClient<TDefaultClientMatchPolicy>(TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider))==NULL, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnLgc, 3)); //This is why we are "legacy"
CConnectionFactoryContainer& container = *static_cast<CPlayer&>(iConnection.Player()).SockManGlobals()->iConnectionFactories;
- CCommsFactoryBase* factory = static_cast<CCommsFactoryBase*>(container.FindFactory(TUid::Uid(KIPProtoConnectionProviderFactoryUid)));
+ CCommsFactoryBase* factory = static_cast<CCommsFactoryBase*>(container.FindFactory(K_CIPProtoConnectionProviderFactory_iUid));
User::LeaveIfError(factory? KErrNone : KErrArgument);
XConnectionFactoryAPQuery query(static_cast<const TCommDbConnPref&>(cp).IapId());
@@ -894,6 +900,40 @@
+void AConnectionLegacy::InterfaceStateChangeNotification(TDesC8& /*aInfo*/)
+ {
+ //[399TODO] implement InterfaceStateChangeNotification
+ LOG(ESockLog::Printf(KESockConnectionTag, _L8("TODO: implement InterfaceStateChangeNotification - KErrNotSupported")));
+ TInterfaceNotification& interfaceNotification = ((TInterfaceNotificationBuf&)aInfo)();
+ if(iAllInterfaceNotificationMessage.IsNull())
+ {
+ iInterfaceChangeQueue.Enque(interfaceNotification);
+ return;
+ }
+ else // request is outstanding
+ {
+ if(!iInterfaceChangeQueue.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ // can this situation ever happen?
+ // - new requests fullfilled from queue before becoming outstanding
+ // - no queued items when request outstanding
+ // But in case we do...
+ // should we get oldest change first in case this new one overwrites it
+ iInterfaceChangeQueue.Enque(interfaceNotification);
+ iInterfaceChangeQueue.Deque(interfaceNotification);
+ }
+ TInt ret = iAllInterfaceNotificationMessage.Write(0, aInfo);
+ CompleteMessage(iAllInterfaceNotificationMessage, ret);
+ }
+ }
void AConnectionLegacy::SubConnectionEvent(const TSubConnectionEvent& aSubConnectionEvent)
// Pass the message onto the client if possible, or buffer if necessary
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_connstates.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_connstates.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
#include <comms-infras/ss_upsaccesspointconfigext.h>
#include <comms-infras/upsmessages.h>
-#include <comms-infras/ss_roles.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Panic category for "absolutely impossible!" vanilla ASSERT()-type panics from this module
// (if it could happen through user error then you should give it an explicit, documented, category + code)
@@ -252,6 +252,35 @@
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TJoinReceivedCpr, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, ConnStates::TContext)
+void ConnStates::TJoinReceivedCpr::DoL()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.iNodeActivity, ConnPanic(KPanicNoActivity));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.Node().ServiceProvider()==NULL, ConnPanic(KPanicExpectedNoServiceProvider));
+ TCFDataClient::TBindTo& bt = message_cast<TCFDataClient::TBindTo>(iContext.iMessage);
+ RNodeInterface* newSP = iContext.Node().AddClientL(bt.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EActive));
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.Node().ServiceProvider()==newSP, ConnPanic(KPanicNoServiceProvider)); //[RZ] revise this, possibly overdefensive
+ //If this is attach, we need to see if we are a monitor or not
+ TClientType clientType(TCFClientType::ECtrl);
+ TUint selPrefs = static_cast<ConnActivities::CStartAttachActivity&>(*iContext.iNodeActivity).SelectionPrefs().Flags();
+ if (selPrefs & TSelectionPrefs::EMonitor)
+ {
+ clientType.SetFlags(TCFClientType::EMonitor);
+ iContext.Node().iIsMonitor = ETrue;
+ }
+ // If it is an attach set the flag cause it is used by NetUPS to check if a JoinRequest comes from an RConnection::Attach
+ if (selPrefs & TSelectionPrefs::EAttach)
+ {
+ clientType.SetFlags(TCFClientType::EAttach);
+ }
+ iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(*newSP,
+ TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest(iContext.NodeId(), clientType).CRef());
+ }
DEFINE_SMELEMENT(ConnStates::TJoinReceivedSCpr, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, ConnStates::TContext)
void ConnStates::TJoinReceivedSCpr::DoL()
@@ -441,11 +470,9 @@
__ASSERT_DEBUG(iContext.iNodeActivity, ConnPanic(KPanicNoActivity));
CSubConnection* waitingSubConn = iContext.Node().Session()->CSubConnectionFromHandle(static_cast<CESockClientActivityBase&>(*iContext.iNodeActivity).Int0());
User::LeaveIfError(waitingSubConn != NULL ? KErrNone : KErrCancel);
- RNodeInterface* waitingSubConnPeer = iContext.Node().FindClient(waitingSubConn->Id()); //To my surprise SC is a peer of this (so must use peer handle when talking to it)
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(waitingSubConnPeer, ConnPanic(KPanicNoDataClient));
TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse& binderResp = message_cast<TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse>(iContext.iMessage);
- iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(*waitingSubConnPeer,
+ iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(waitingSubConn->Id(),
@@ -1274,61 +1301,9 @@
- if (iRegisteredForInterfaceStateChanges)
- {
- CCommsFactoryBase* ipProtoCprFactory = IpProtoCprFactory();
- if (ipProtoCprFactory)
- {
- Factories::IFactoryNotify itf(this, GetVTable());
- ipProtoCprFactory->DeRegisterNotifier(itf);
- }
- }
delete iAllInterfaceNotificationWorker; //delete this node (why via iAllInterfaceNotificationWorker??)
-Called by the IpProtoCpr factory to propagate an interface state change from IpProtoCpr to registered
-observers (suc as ourself). If the interface is restarting, then we need to insert an EInterfaceDown,
-EInterfaceUp "toggle" sequence into the AllInterfaceNotification queue. This is because, ordinarily,
-EInterfaceUp and EInterfaceDown are generated when the IpProtoCpr itself is created and destroyed,
-but not if it is restarted before being destroyed.
-void CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity::InterfaceStateChangeNotification(const TDesC8& aInfo)
- {
- if (aInfo.Length() == sizeof(TInterfaceNotification))
- {
- const TInterfaceNotification* const info = reinterpret_cast<const TInterfaceNotification*>(aInfo.Ptr());
- if (info && info->iState == EInterfaceRestarting)
- {
- LOG( ESockLog::Printf(KESockConnectionTag, _L("CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity %08x:\tInterfaceStateChangeNotification(): CConnection %08x, IapId %d, NetId %d"),
- this, &iAllInterfaceNotificationWorker->iConnection, info->iConnectionInfo.iIapId, info->iConnectionInfo.iNetId ));
- AConnectionLegacy& legacy = iAllInterfaceNotificationWorker->iConnection.iLegacyConnection;
- TInterfaceNotification notification(*info);
- notification.iState = EInterfaceDown;
- legacy.iNotificationQueue.Enque(notification);
- notification.iState = EInterfaceUp;
- legacy.iNotificationQueue.Enque(notification);
- legacy.CompleteAllInterfaceNotificationL(KErrNone);
- }
- }
- }
-CCommsFactoryBase* CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity::IpProtoCprFactory() const
- {
- CConnectionFactoryContainer& container = *static_cast<CPlayer&>(iAllInterfaceNotificationWorker->iConnection.Player()).SockManGlobals()->iConnectionFactories;
- return static_cast<CCommsFactoryBase*>(container.FindFactory(TUid::Uid(AConnectionLegacy::KIPProtoConnectionProviderFactoryUid)));
- }
-// Registration table for receiving InterfaceStateChangeNotification() events.
-const Factories::TAnyFn CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity::iInterfaceVTableF[] =
- {
- (Factories::TAnyFn)1, // number of methods. the following entries must be in this order!
- (Factories::TAnyFn)(Factories::TFactoryNotify<CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity>::Notification)
- };
// States
DEFINE_SMELEMENT(AllInterfaceNotificationActivity::TAwaitingStart, NetStateMachine::MState, TContext)
@@ -1484,23 +1459,6 @@
TCFTierStatusProvider::TTierNotification& msg = message_cast<TCFTierStatusProvider::TTierNotification>(iContext.iMessage);
__ASSERT_DEBUG(msg.iBundle, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSockscnsts, 14));
- CAllInterfaceNotificationActivity& act = *iContext.Activity();
- // Register with the IpProtoCpr factory for interface state changes if we haven't already done so.
- // We can only do this if the IpProtoCpr is active, and the assumption here is that it must be active
- // if an interface event has been generated.
- if (!act.iRegisteredForInterfaceStateChanges)
- {
- CCommsFactoryBase* ipProtoCprFactory = act.IpProtoCprFactory();
- if (ipProtoCprFactory)
- {
- Factories::IFactoryNotify itf(&act, act.GetVTable());
- ipProtoCprFactory->RegisterNotifierL(itf);
- act.iRegisteredForInterfaceStateChanges = ETrue;
- }
- }
if(msg.iBundle->PtrL()->CountParamSetContainers() > 0)
TInt i = 0;
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_flowrequeststates.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_flowrequeststates.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse& br = message_cast<TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderResponse>(iContext.iMessage);
- RNodeInterface* brPeer = iContext.Node().AddClientL(br.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EDefault));
- iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(*brPeer, TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest(iContext.NodeId(),
+ iContext.Node().AddClientL(br.iNodeId, TClientType(TCFClientType::EServProvider, TCFClientType::EDefault));
+ iContext.iNodeActivity->PostRequestTo(br.iNodeId, TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest(iContext.NodeId(),
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_roles.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_roles.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -812,7 +812,6 @@
- h->SetFlowRequestType(TFlowParams::EImplicit);
@@ -843,7 +842,7 @@
- h->SetFlowRequestType(TFlowParams::EExplicitConnection);
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_sapshim.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/ssock/ss_sapshim.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -268,28 +268,6 @@
return this;
-void CTransportFlowShim::HostResolverSpecificUnbind()
- {
- // Can't have both HR & SAP
- __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iProvider, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSocksspshm, 9));
- if(iSubConnectionProvider.IsOpen())
- {
- iSessionControlNotify = NULL;
- iSessionDataNotify = NULL;
- iHostResolverNotify = NULL;
- if (!Idle())
- {
- SetIdle();
- ProcessDCIdleState();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DeleteThisFlow();
- }
- }
void CTransportFlowShim::Unbind()
LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("CTransportFlowShim %08x:\tUnbind()"), this) );
@@ -301,30 +279,41 @@
- // Legacy support for host resolvers involves a separate north bound MUpperControl interface
+ // Legacy support for host resolvers
- HostResolverSpecificUnbind();
- }
- else
- {
- if (iProvider)
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iProvider, User::Panic(KSpecAssert_ESockSSocksspshm, 9)); // can't have both HR & SAP
+ LOG( ESockLog::Printf(_L8("CTransportFlowShim %08x:\tUnbind(): iBearerExpected %d"), this, BearerExpected()) );
+ if (!BearerExpected())
+ {
+ delete this;
+ }
+ else
- iProvider->SetNotify(NULL);
+ SetDeleteUponBearerReception();
+ iHostResolverNotify = NULL;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
- if (!Detaching())
- {
- delete iProvider;
- iProvider = NULL;
- }
+ if (iProvider)
+ {
+ iProvider->SetNotify(NULL);
+ if (!Detaching())
+ {
+ delete iProvider;
+ iProvider = NULL;
+ }
- // Hook for derived classes to do cleanup before unbind occurs
- PreUnbind();
+ // Hook for derived classes to do cleanup before unbind occurs
+ PreUnbind();
- CNetworkFlow::Unbind();
- }
+ CNetworkFlow::Unbind();
ESock::CSubConnectionFlowBase& CTransportFlowShim::CloneFlowL()
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/CapTests/RConnServ/Common/Server.csv Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/CapTests/RConnServ/Common/Server.csv Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-!ConnectionServer,KES32MajorVersionNumber,KES32MinorVersionNumber,KES32BuildVersionNumber,es_ver.h,TESockPanic,Te_Cap_RConnServ,..\..\CapTestSourceEsock_RConnServ,.,Message.csv,Template.csv,euser.lib c32root.lib commsfw.lib esocksvr.lib insock.lib esock.lib,.\,\epoc32\include,yes,,,1
+!ConnectionServer,KES32MajorVersionNumber,KES32MinorVersionNumber,KES32BuildVersionNumber,es_ver.h,TESockPanic,Te_Cap_RConnServ,..\..\CapTestSourceEsock_RConnServ,.,Message.csv,Template.csv,euser.lib c32root.lib commsfw.lib esocksvr.lib insock.lib esock.lib netmeta.lib,.\,\epoc32\include,yes,,,1
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/CapTests/RConnServ/Common/Te_Cap_RConnServ.IBY Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/CapTests/RConnServ/Common/Te_Cap_RConnServ.IBY Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Te_Cap_RConnServ.script TestData\Scripts\Te_Cap_RConnServ.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000000_RConnServSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000000_RConnServSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002000_RConnServSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002000_RConnServSub.script
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/CapTests/Resolver/Common/Te_Cap_RES.IBY Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/CapTests/Resolver/Common/Te_Cap_RES.IBY Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000400_RESSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000400_RESSub.script
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002000_ReSSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002000_ResSub.script
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002400_ReSSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002400_ReSSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_80000000_RESSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_80000000_RESSub.script
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/CapTests/Socket/Common/Te_Cap_Esock.IBY Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/CapTests/Socket/Common/Te_Cap_Esock.IBY Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -27,6 +27,6 @@
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000400_EsockSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000400_EsockSub.script
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002000_EsockSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002000_EsockSub.script
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002400_EsockSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002400_EsockSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_80000000_EsockSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_80000000_EsockSub.script
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/configs/te_dummyprovider_011.ini Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/group/TE_DummyProvider.iby Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/group/TE_DummyProvider.iby Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -28,9 +28,8 @@
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_005.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_005.script
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_006.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_006.script
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_008.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_008.script
-data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_009.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_009.script
-data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_010.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_010.script
-data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_011.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_011.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_008.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_009.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_008.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_010.script
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_incomingSCPR.script TestData\scripts\te_dummyprovider_incomingSCPR.script
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyproviders.cfg TestData\configs\te_dummyproviders.cfg
@@ -41,11 +40,7 @@
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_005.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_005.ini
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_006.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_006.ini
data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_010.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_010.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_011.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_011.ini
-data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\TE_DummyProvider_ip.tcpip.esk TestData\configs\TE_DummyProvider_ip.tcpip.esk
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_009.ini
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_008.ini TestData\configs\te_dummyprovider_010.ini
#endif // __TE_DummyProviders_IBY__
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/group/bld.inf Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -31,10 +31,9 @@
../scripts/te_dummyprovider_008.script z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_008.script
../scripts/te_dummyprovider_009.script z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_009.script
../scripts/te_dummyprovider_010.script z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_010.script
-../scripts/te_dummyprovider_011.script z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_011.script
-../scripts/te_dummyprovider_incomingSCPR.script z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_incomingSCPR.script
+../scripts/te_dummyprovider_incomingSCPR.script z:/testdata/scripts/te_dummyprovider_incomingscpr.script
../configs/te_dummyproviders.cfg z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyproviders.cfg
../configs/te_dummyprovider_001.ini z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_001.ini
../configs/te_dummyprovider_002.ini z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_002.ini
@@ -45,5 +44,4 @@
../configs/te_dummyprovider_008.ini z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_008.ini
../configs/te_dummyprovider_009.ini z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_009.ini
../configs/te_dummyprovider_010.ini z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_010.ini
-../configs/te_dummyprovider_011.ini z:/testdata/configs/te_dummyprovider_011.ini
../configs/TE_DummyProvider_ip.tcpip.esk z:/testdata/configs/TE_DummyProvider_ip.tcpip.esk
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider.script Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider.script Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_dummyprovider_008.script
RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_dummyprovider_009.script
RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_dummyprovider_010.script
-RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_dummyprovider_011.script
RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider_004.script Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider_004.script Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -26,16 +26,7 @@
RUN_SCRIPT z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_loadesock.script
-//! @SYMTestCaseID COMINF-ESOCK-DummyProviders-004
-//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the TCFServiceProvider::TStart/TStop semantics on the managemnet plane.
-//! @SYMTestActions Gets the MCPR to stop the control and data planes, whilst keeping itself alive.
-// Gets the MCPR to restart the control and data planes,
-// Uses RConnectionServ to monitor that connections are being stopped and started.
-// Gets the MCPR to stop the control and data planes and let itself be removed.
-//! @SYMTestExpectedResults Access points report started/stopped via RConnectionServ. No crashes.
-//! @SYMTestPriority Critical
-//! @SYMTestType CT
-//! @SYMComponent comms-infras_esock
+//! @SYMTestCaseID COMINF-ESOCK-DummyProviders-004
RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite CreateRConnectionServStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_004.ini CreateConnectionServ1
RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite ConnectRConnectionServStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_004.ini ConnectConnectionServ1
@@ -76,4 +67,4 @@
RUN_SCRIPT Z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
-PRINT Completed CASE004
+PRINT Completed CASE003
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider_009.script Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider_009.script Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
//! @SYMComponent comms-infras_esock
RUN_SCRIPT Z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
-RUN_UTILS MkDir c:\private\101f7989\
-RUN_UTILS MkDir c:\private\101f7989\ESock\
RUN_UTILS CopyFile c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk.te_RSubConnectionCase70.archive
RUN_UTILS DeleteFile c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk
RUN_UTILS CopyFile z:\testdata\configs\TE_DummyProvider_ip.tcpip.esk c:\private\101f7989\ESock\ip.tcpip.esk
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_DummyProvider/scripts/te_dummyprovider_011.script Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-PRINT Running CASE011
-PRINT Two dummy layers able to start successfully
-PRINT Execute the crazy start/wait/close loop increasing wait with every iteration.
-PRINT See how the stack manages cancelations at distinct stages.
-LOAD_SUITE te_esockteststepsSuite -SharedData
-RUN_SCRIPT z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_loadesock.script
-//! @SYMTestCaseID COMINF-ESOCK-DummyProviders-011
-//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Tests the resiliance of the RConnection::Start to cancelations (induced by RConnection::Stop).
-//! @SYMTestActions Execute the crazy start/wait/close loop increasing wait with every iteration.
-//! @SYMTestExpectedResults No crashes, all operations complete (typically with KErrCancel, but that's not cared for)
-//! @SYMTestPriority Critical
-//! @SYMTestType CT
-//! @SYMComponent comms-infras_esock
-RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite creatersocketservStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_011.ini CreateSockSvr1
-RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite createrconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_011.ini CreateConn1
-RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite connectrsocketservStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_011.ini ConnectSockSvr1
-RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite openrconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_011.ini OpenConn1
-RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite StartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_011.ini StartConn1
-RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite closerconnectionStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_011.ini CloseConn1
-RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite closersocketservStep z:\testdata\configs\te_dummyprovider_011.ini CloseSockSvr1
-RUN_TEST_STEP 100 te_esockteststepsSuite cleanallStep
-RUN_SCRIPT Z:\TestData\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
-PRINT Completed CASE011
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/TestSuiteEsock.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/TestSuiteEsock.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -79,20 +79,10 @@
// Third phase constructor for ESOCK test suite
void CTestSuiteEsock::InitialiseL( void )
- TInt ret = User::LoadPhysicalDevice( PDD_NAME );
- if ( KErrNone != ret && KErrAlreadyExists != ret )
- {
- User::Leave( ret );
- }
- ret = User::LoadLogicalDevice( LDD_NAME );
- if ( KErrNone != ret && KErrAlreadyExists != ret )
- {
- User::Leave( ret );
- }
// When bootstrapping C32 we have to avoid the PhBkSyncServer being started, since
// it needs a different CommDB
_LIT(KPhbkSyncCMI, "phbsync.cmi");
- ret = StartC32WithCMISuppressions(KPhbkSyncCMI);
+ TInt ret = StartC32WithCMISuppressions(KPhbkSyncCMI);
if ( KErrNone != ret && KErrAlreadyExists != ret )
User::Leave( ret );
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/group/bld.inf Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
../scriptfiles/te_esock.xml z:/testdata/configs/te_esock.xml
../scriptfiles/te_esock_ethernet_MOMAP16xx.xml z:/testdata/configs/te_esock_ethernet_momap16xx.xml
../scriptfiles/te_esock_ethernet_wins.xml z:/testdata/configs/te_esock_ethernet.xml
+../scriptfiles/te_esock_wlan.xml z:/testdata/configs/te_esock_wlan.xml
../scriptfiles/hosts.te_esock z:/testdata/configs/hosts.te_esock
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/scriptfiles/TE_ESock_IP4_Net_wlan.script Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+PRINT ***************************************************************
+PRINT Perform all the TE_ESOCK Connection tests on PPP (IPv4)
+PRINT ***************************************************************
+// Ensure that the default config is present if no cleverer one has been put there already
+RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\exec_esock_default_to_config_1.script
+RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
+ced -i z:\testdata\configs\te_esock_wlan.xml ced.log
+RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_esock_test_loadesock.script
+// copy the relevant ini file
+RUN_UTILS CopyFile z:\testdata\configs\test_esock_ip4_vlan2.ini c:\test_esock_ip.ini
+RUN_UTILS MakeReadWrite c:\test_esock_ip.ini
+RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_esock_tests-net-ip.script
+RUN_UTILS DeleteFile c:\test_esock_ip.ini
+RUN_SCRIPT z:\testdata\scripts\te_esock_test_unloadesockForced.script
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/scriptfiles/te_esock_wlan.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1200 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ All rights reserved.
+ This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+ Initial Contributors:
+ Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ Contributors:
+ Description:
+ CommDB Settings File
+<CommDB:Config xmlns="SymbianOS.Generic.Comms-Infras.CommDB"
+ xmlns:CommDB="SymbianOS.Generic.Comms-Infras.CommDB"
+ xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xsi:schemaLocation="SymbianOS.Generic.Comms-Infras.CommDB CommDB.xsd">
+ <Network operation="add">
+ <Name>Intranet</Name>
+ </Network>
+ <IAP operation="add">
+ <Name>NT RAS</Name>
+ <IAPService>DialOutISP.NT RAS</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>ModemBearer.Null Modem 115200bps</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
+ </IAP>
+ <IAP operation="add">
+ <Name>NTRas GPRS</Name>
+ <IAPService>OutgoingGPRS.NTRas GPRS</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>ModemBearer.GPRS Ericsson R520m via IR</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Mobile</LocationRef>
+ </IAP>
+ <IAP operation="add">
+ <Name>Padding for removed CDMA IAP</Name>
+ <IAPService>DialOutISP.NT RAS</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>ModemBearer.Null Modem 115200bps</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Mobile</LocationRef>
+ </IAP>
+ <IAP operation="add">
+ <Name>Default Dial In ISP</Name>
+ <IAPService>DialInISP.Dial In CS ISP</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>ModemBearer.US Robotics Sportster</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Home</LocationRef>
+ </IAP>
+ <IAP operation="add">
+ <Name>LAN Test IAP</Name>
+ <IAPService>LANService.Ethernet (IPv6 static DNS)</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.Ethernet</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office</LocationRef>
+ </IAP>
+ <IAP operation="add">
+ <Name>NT RAS (IPv6 static DNS)</Name>
+ <IAPService>DialOutISP.NT RAS (IPv6 static DNS)</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>ModemBearer.Null Modem 115200bps</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office</LocationRef>
+ </IAP>
+ <IAP operation="add">
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IAPService>LANService.WlanConnectivity</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
+ </IAP>
+ <ModemBearer operation="template">
+ <Name>Default Modem</Name>
+ <Agent>CSD.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>PPP</IfName>
+ <PortName>COMM::0</PortName>
+ <TSYName>MM</TSYName>
+ <DataBits>8</DataBits>
+ <StopBits>1</StopBits>
+ <Parity>NONE</Parity>
+ <Rate>115200</Rate>
+ <Handshaking>0</Handshaking>
+ <SpecialRate>0</SpecialRate>
+ <XonChar>0</XonChar>
+ <XoffChar>0</XoffChar>
+ <FaxClassPref>AUTO</FaxClassPref>
+ <SpeakerPref>AFTERDIALUNTILANSWER</SpeakerPref>
+ <ModemInitString>AT</ModemInitString>
+ <DataInitString>AT</DataInitString>
+ <FaxInitString>AT</FaxInitString>
+ <DialPauseLength>S8=</DialPauseLength>
+ <SpeakerVolContorlLow>L0</SpeakerVolContorlLow>
+ <SpeakerVolControlMedium>L1</SpeakerVolControlMedium>
+ <SpeakerVolControlHigh>L2</SpeakerVolControlHigh>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOff>M0</SpeakerAlwaysOff>
+ <SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>M1</SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOn>M2</SpeakerAlwaysOn>
+ <SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>M3</SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>
+ <DialToneWaitModifier>W</DialToneWaitModifier>
+ <CallProgress1>X1</CallProgress1>
+ <CallProgress2>X2</CallProgress2>
+ <CallProgress3>X3</CallProgress3>
+ <CallProgress4>X4</CallProgress4>
+ <EchoOff>E0</EchoOff>
+ <VerboseText>V1</VerboseText>
+ <QuietOff>Q0</QuietOff>
+ <QuietOn>Q1</QuietOn>
+ <DialCommandStateModifier>;</DialCommandStateModifier>
+ <OnLine>O</OnLine>
+ <ResetConfiguration>Z</ResetConfiguration>
+ <ReturnToFactoryDefs>&F</ReturnToFactoryDefs>
+ <DCDOnDuringLink>&C1</DCDOnDuringLink>
+ <DTRHangUp>&D2</DTRHangUp>
+ <DSRAlwaysOn>&S0</DSRAlwaysOn>
+ <RTSCTSHandshake>&K3</RTSCTSHandshake>
+ <XonXoffHandshake>&K4</XonXoffHandshake>
+ <EscapeCharacter>+</EscapeCharacter>
+ <EscapeGuardPeriod>S12</EscapeGuardPeriod>
+ <NoDialTone>NO DIAL TONE</NoDialTone>
+ <Busy>BUSY</Busy>
+ <NoAnswer>NO ANSWER</NoAnswer>
+ <Carrier>CARRIER</Carrier>
+ <Connect>CONNECT</Connect>
+ <CompressionClass5>COMPRESSION:CLASS 5</CompressionClass5>
+ <CompressionV42bis>COMPRESSION:V.42 bis</CompressionV42bis>
+ <CompressionNone>COMPRESSION:NONE</CompressionNone>
+ <ProtocolLAPD>PROTOCOL:LAPD</ProtocolLAPD>
+ <ProtocolALT>PROTOCOL:ALT</ProtocolALT>
+ <ProtocolNone>PROTOCOL:NONE</ProtocolNone>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>6</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>180</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <CommRole>0</CommRole>
+ </ModemBearer>
+ <ModemBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>Null Modem 115200bps</Name>
+ <Agent>CSD.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>PPP</IfName>
+ <PortName>COMM::0</PortName>
+ <DataBits>8</DataBits>
+ <StopBits>1</StopBits>
+ <Parity>NONE</Parity>
+ <Rate>115200</Rate>
+ <Handshaking>4</Handshaking>
+ <SpecialRate>0</SpecialRate>
+ <XonChar>0</XonChar>
+ <XoffChar>0</XoffChar>
+ <FaxClassPref>AUTO</FaxClassPref>
+ <SpeakerPref>NEVER</SpeakerPref>
+ <SpeakerVolPref>QUIET</SpeakerVolPref>
+ <ModemInitString>AT</ModemInitString>
+ <DataInitString>AT</DataInitString>
+ <FaxInitString>AT</FaxInitString>
+ <DialPauseLength>S8=</DialPauseLength>
+ <SpeakerVolContorlLow>L0</SpeakerVolContorlLow>
+ <SpeakerVolControlMedium>L1</SpeakerVolControlMedium>
+ <SpeakerVolControlHigh>L2</SpeakerVolControlHigh>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOff>M0</SpeakerAlwaysOff>
+ <SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>M1</SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOn>M2</SpeakerAlwaysOn>
+ <SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>M3</SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>
+ <DialToneWaitModifier>W</DialToneWaitModifier>
+ <CallProgress1>X1</CallProgress1>
+ <CallProgress2>X2</CallProgress2>
+ <CallProgress3>X3</CallProgress3>
+ <CallProgress4>X4</CallProgress4>
+ <EchoOff>E0</EchoOff>
+ <VerboseText>V1</VerboseText>
+ <QuietOff>Q0</QuietOff>
+ <QuietOn>Q1</QuietOn>
+ <DialCommandStateModifier>;</DialCommandStateModifier>
+ <OnLine>O</OnLine>
+ <ResetConfiguration>Z</ResetConfiguration>
+ <ReturnToFactoryDefs>&F</ReturnToFactoryDefs>
+ <DCDOnDuringLink>&C1</DCDOnDuringLink>
+ <DTRHangUp>&D2</DTRHangUp>
+ <DSRAlwaysOn>&S0</DSRAlwaysOn>
+ <RTSCTSHandshake>&K3</RTSCTSHandshake>
+ <XonXoffHandshake>&K4</XonXoffHandshake>
+ <EscapeCharacter>+</EscapeCharacter>
+ <EscapeGuardPeriod>S12</EscapeGuardPeriod>
+ <NoDialTone>NO DIAL TONE</NoDialTone>
+ <Busy>BUSY</Busy>
+ <NoAnswer>NO ANSWER</NoAnswer>
+ <Carrier>CARRIER</Carrier>
+ <Connect>CONNECT</Connect>
+ <CompressionClass5>COMPRESSION:CLASS 5</CompressionClass5>
+ <CompressionV42bis>COMPRESSION:V.42 bis</CompressionV42bis>
+ <CompressionNone>COMPRESSION:NONE</CompressionNone>
+ <ProtocolLAPD>PROTOCOL:LAPD</ProtocolLAPD>
+ <ProtocolALT>PROTOCOL:ALT</ProtocolALT>
+ <ProtocolNone>PROTOCOL:NONE</ProtocolNone>
+ <MessageValidityPeriod>0</MessageValidityPeriod>
+ <MessageDeliveryReport>FALSE</MessageDeliveryReport>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>50</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>30</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>40</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ </ModemBearer>
+ <ModemBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>US Robotics Sportster</Name>
+ <Agent>CSD.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>PPP</IfName>
+ <PortName>COMM::0</PortName>
+ <TSYName>MM</TSYName>
+ <DataBits>8</DataBits>
+ <StopBits>1</StopBits>
+ <Parity>NONE</Parity>
+ <Rate>57600</Rate>
+ <Handshaking>244</Handshaking>
+ <SpecialRate>0</SpecialRate>
+ <XonChar>0</XonChar>
+ <XoffChar>0</XoffChar>
+ <FaxClassPref>AUTO</FaxClassPref>
+ <SpeakerPref>AFTERDIALUNTILANSWER</SpeakerPref>
+ <SpeakerVolPref>QUIET</SpeakerVolPref>
+ <ModemInitString>AT&F1</ModemInitString>
+ <DataInitString>AT</DataInitString>
+ <FaxInitString>AT&d2</FaxInitString>
+ <DialPauseLength>S8=</DialPauseLength>
+ <SpeakerVolContorlLow>L0</SpeakerVolContorlLow>
+ <SpeakerVolControlMedium>L1</SpeakerVolControlMedium>
+ <SpeakerVolControlHigh>L2</SpeakerVolControlHigh>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOff>M0</SpeakerAlwaysOff>
+ <SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>M1</SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOn>M2</SpeakerAlwaysOn>
+ <SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>M3</SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>
+ <DialToneWaitModifier>W</DialToneWaitModifier>
+ <CallProgress1>X1</CallProgress1>
+ <CallProgress2>X2</CallProgress2>
+ <CallProgress3>X3</CallProgress3>
+ <CallProgress4>X4</CallProgress4>
+ <EchoOff>E0</EchoOff>
+ <VerboseText>V1</VerboseText>
+ <QuietOff>Q0</QuietOff>
+ <QuietOn>Q1</QuietOn>
+ <DialCommandStateModifier>;</DialCommandStateModifier>
+ <OnLine>O</OnLine>
+ <ResetConfiguration>Z</ResetConfiguration>
+ <ReturnToFactoryDefs>&F</ReturnToFactoryDefs>
+ <DCDOnDuringLink>&C1</DCDOnDuringLink>
+ <DTRHangUp>&D2</DTRHangUp>
+ <DSRAlwaysOn>&S0</DSRAlwaysOn>
+ <RTSCTSHandshake>&K3</RTSCTSHandshake>
+ <XonXoffHandshake>&K4</XonXoffHandshake>
+ <EscapeCharacter>+</EscapeCharacter>
+ <EscapeGuardPeriod>S12</EscapeGuardPeriod>
+ <NoDialTone>NO DIAL TONE</NoDialTone>
+ <Busy>BUSY</Busy>
+ <NoAnswer>NO ANSWER</NoAnswer>
+ <Carrier>CARRIER</Carrier>
+ <Connect>CONNECT</Connect>
+ <CompressionClass5>COMPRESSION:CLASS 5</CompressionClass5>
+ <CompressionV42bis>COMPRESSION:V.42 bis</CompressionV42bis>
+ <CompressionNone>COMPRESSION:NONE</CompressionNone>
+ <ProtocolLAPD>PROTOCOL:LAPD</ProtocolLAPD>
+ <ProtocolALT>PROTOCOL:ALT</ProtocolALT>
+ <ProtocolNone>PROTOCOL:NONE</ProtocolNone>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>6</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>180</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ </ModemBearer>
+ <ModemBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>Dacom Surfer</Name>
+ <Agent>CSD.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>PPP</IfName>
+ <PortName>COMM::0</PortName>
+ <TSYName>MM</TSYName>
+ <DataBits>8</DataBits>
+ <StopBits>1</StopBits>
+ <Parity>NONE</Parity>
+ <Rate>57600</Rate>
+ <Handshaking>244</Handshaking>
+ <SpecialRate>0</SpecialRate>
+ <XonChar>0</XonChar>
+ <XoffChar>0</XoffChar>
+ <FaxClassPref>AUTO</FaxClassPref>
+ <SpeakerPref>AFTERDIALUNTILANSWER</SpeakerPref>
+ <SpeakerVolPref>QUIET</SpeakerVolPref>
+ <ModemInitString>AT&F</ModemInitString>
+ <DataInitString>AT</DataInitString>
+ <FaxInitString>AT&d2</FaxInitString>
+ <DialPauseLength>S8=</DialPauseLength>
+ <SpeakerVolContorlLow>L0</SpeakerVolContorlLow>
+ <SpeakerVolControlMedium>L1</SpeakerVolControlMedium>
+ <SpeakerVolControlHigh>L2</SpeakerVolControlHigh>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOff>M0</SpeakerAlwaysOff>
+ <SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>M1</SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOn>M2</SpeakerAlwaysOn>
+ <SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>M3</SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>
+ <DialToneWaitModifier>W</DialToneWaitModifier>
+ <CallProgress1>X1</CallProgress1>
+ <CallProgress2>X2</CallProgress2>
+ <CallProgress3>X3</CallProgress3>
+ <CallProgress4>X4</CallProgress4>
+ <EchoOff>E0</EchoOff>
+ <VerboseText>V1</VerboseText>
+ <QuietOff>Q0</QuietOff>
+ <QuietOn>Q1</QuietOn>
+ <DialCommandStateModifier>;</DialCommandStateModifier>
+ <OnLine>O</OnLine>
+ <ResetConfiguration>Z</ResetConfiguration>
+ <ReturnToFactoryDefs>&F</ReturnToFactoryDefs>
+ <DCDOnDuringLink>&C1</DCDOnDuringLink>
+ <DTRHangUp>&D2</DTRHangUp>
+ <DSRAlwaysOn>&S0</DSRAlwaysOn>
+ <RTSCTSHandshake>&K3</RTSCTSHandshake>
+ <XonXoffHandshake>&K4</XonXoffHandshake>
+ <EscapeCharacter>+</EscapeCharacter>
+ <EscapeGuardPeriod>S12</EscapeGuardPeriod>
+ <NoDialTone>NO DIAL TONE</NoDialTone>
+ <Busy>BUSY</Busy>
+ <NoAnswer>NO ANSWER</NoAnswer>
+ <Carrier>CARRIER</Carrier>
+ <Connect>CONNECT</Connect>
+ <CompressionClass5>COMPRESSION:CLASS 5</CompressionClass5>
+ <CompressionV42bis>COMPRESSION:V.42 bis</CompressionV42bis>
+ <CompressionNone>COMPRESSION:NONE</CompressionNone>
+ <ProtocolLAPD>PROTOCOL:LAPD</ProtocolLAPD>
+ <ProtocolALT>PROTOCOL:ALT</ProtocolALT>
+ <ProtocolNone>PROTOCOL:NONE</ProtocolNone>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>6</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>180</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ </ModemBearer>
+ <ModemBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>GSM Mobile Phone via Infrared</Name>
+ <Agent>CSD.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>PPP</IfName>
+ <PortName>IRCOMM::0</PortName>
+ <TSYName>MM</TSYName>
+ <DataBits>8</DataBits>
+ <StopBits>1</StopBits>
+ <Parity>NONE</Parity>
+ <Rate>115200</Rate>
+ <Handshaking>196</Handshaking>
+ <SpecialRate>0</SpecialRate>
+ <XonChar>17</XonChar>
+ <XoffChar>19</XoffChar>
+ <FaxClassPref>AUTO</FaxClassPref>
+ <SpeakerPref>NEVER</SpeakerPref>
+ <SpeakerVolPref>QUIET</SpeakerVolPref>
+ <ModemInitString>ATZ</ModemInitString>
+ <DataInitString>AT</DataInitString>
+ <FaxInitString>AT</FaxInitString>
+ <DialPauseLength>S8=</DialPauseLength>
+ <SpeakerVolContorlLow>L0</SpeakerVolContorlLow>
+ <SpeakerVolControlMedium>L1</SpeakerVolControlMedium>
+ <SpeakerVolControlHigh>L2</SpeakerVolControlHigh>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOff>M0</SpeakerAlwaysOff>
+ <SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>M1</SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOn>M2</SpeakerAlwaysOn>
+ <SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>M3</SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>
+ <DialToneWaitModifier>W</DialToneWaitModifier>
+ <CallProgress1>X1</CallProgress1>
+ <CallProgress2>X2</CallProgress2>
+ <CallProgress3>X3</CallProgress3>
+ <CallProgress4>X4</CallProgress4>
+ <EchoOff>E0</EchoOff>
+ <VerboseText>V1</VerboseText>
+ <QuietOff>Q0</QuietOff>
+ <QuietOn>Q1</QuietOn>
+ <DialCommandStateModifier>;</DialCommandStateModifier>
+ <OnLine>O</OnLine>
+ <ResetConfiguration>Z</ResetConfiguration>
+ <ReturnToFactoryDefs>&F</ReturnToFactoryDefs>
+ <DCDOnDuringLink>&C1</DCDOnDuringLink>
+ <DTRHangUp>&D2</DTRHangUp>
+ <DSRAlwaysOn>&S0</DSRAlwaysOn>
+ <RTSCTSHandshake>&K3</RTSCTSHandshake>
+ <XonXoffHandshake>&K4</XonXoffHandshake>
+ <EscapeCharacter>+</EscapeCharacter>
+ <EscapeGuardPeriod>S12</EscapeGuardPeriod>
+ <NoDialTone>NO DIAL TONE</NoDialTone>
+ <Busy>BUSY</Busy>
+ <NoAnswer>NO ANSWER</NoAnswer>
+ <Carrier>CARRIER</Carrier>
+ <Connect>CONNECT</Connect>
+ <CompressionClass5>COMPRESSION:CLASS 5</CompressionClass5>
+ <CompressionV42bis>COMPRESSION:V.42 bis</CompressionV42bis>
+ <CompressionNone>COMPRESSION:NONE</CompressionNone>
+ <ProtocolLAPD>PROTOCOL:LAPD</ProtocolLAPD>
+ <ProtocolALT>PROTOCOL:ALT</ProtocolALT>
+ <ProtocolNone>PROTOCOL:NONE</ProtocolNone>
+ <MessageCentreNumber>+442079460223</MessageCentreNumber>
+ <MessageValidityPeriod>1440</MessageValidityPeriod>
+ <MessageDeliveryReport>FALSE</MessageDeliveryReport>
+ <MinimumSignalLevel>9905</MinimumSignalLevel>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>6</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>180</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ </ModemBearer>
+ <ModemBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>GSM Mobile Phone via Serial</Name>
+ <Agent>CSD.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>PPP</IfName>
+ <PortName>COMM::0</PortName>
+ <TSYName>MM</TSYName>
+ <DataBits>8</DataBits>
+ <StopBits>1</StopBits>
+ <Parity>NONE</Parity>
+ <Rate>19200</Rate>
+ <Handshaking>196</Handshaking>
+ <SpecialRate>0</SpecialRate>
+ <XonChar>17</XonChar>
+ <XoffChar>19</XoffChar>
+ <FaxClassPref>AUTO</FaxClassPref>
+ <SpeakerPref>NEVER</SpeakerPref>
+ <SpeakerVolPref>QUIET</SpeakerVolPref>
+ <ModemInitString>ATZ</ModemInitString>
+ <DataInitString>AT</DataInitString>
+ <FaxInitString>AT</FaxInitString>
+ <DialPauseLength>S8=</DialPauseLength>
+ <SpeakerVolContorlLow>L0</SpeakerVolContorlLow>
+ <SpeakerVolControlMedium>L1</SpeakerVolControlMedium>
+ <SpeakerVolControlHigh>L2</SpeakerVolControlHigh>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOff>M0</SpeakerAlwaysOff>
+ <SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>M1</SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOn>M2</SpeakerAlwaysOn>
+ <SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>M3</SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>
+ <DialToneWaitModifier>W</DialToneWaitModifier>
+ <CallProgress1>X1</CallProgress1>
+ <CallProgress2>X2</CallProgress2>
+ <CallProgress3>X3</CallProgress3>
+ <CallProgress4>X4</CallProgress4>
+ <EchoOff>E0</EchoOff>
+ <VerboseText>V1</VerboseText>
+ <QuietOff>Q0</QuietOff>
+ <QuietOn>Q1</QuietOn>
+ <DialCommandStateModifier>;</DialCommandStateModifier>
+ <OnLine>O</OnLine>
+ <ResetConfiguration>Z</ResetConfiguration>
+ <ReturnToFactoryDefs>&F</ReturnToFactoryDefs>
+ <DCDOnDuringLink>&C1</DCDOnDuringLink>
+ <DTRHangUp>&D2</DTRHangUp>
+ <DSRAlwaysOn>&S0</DSRAlwaysOn>
+ <RTSCTSHandshake>&K3</RTSCTSHandshake>
+ <XonXoffHandshake>&K4</XonXoffHandshake>
+ <EscapeCharacter>+</EscapeCharacter>
+ <EscapeGuardPeriod>S12</EscapeGuardPeriod>
+ <NoDialTone>NO DIAL TONE</NoDialTone>
+ <Busy>BUSY</Busy>
+ <NoAnswer>NO ANSWER</NoAnswer>
+ <Carrier>CARRIER</Carrier>
+ <Connect>CONNECT</Connect>
+ <CompressionClass5>COMPRESSION:CLASS 5</CompressionClass5>
+ <CompressionV42bis>COMPRESSION:V.42 bis</CompressionV42bis>
+ <CompressionNone>COMPRESSION:NONE</CompressionNone>
+ <ProtocolLAPD>PROTOCOL:LAPD</ProtocolLAPD>
+ <ProtocolALT>PROTOCOL:ALT</ProtocolALT>
+ <ProtocolNone>PROTOCOL:NONE</ProtocolNone>
+ <MessageCentreNumber>+442079460223</MessageCentreNumber>
+ <MessageValidityPeriod>1440</MessageValidityPeriod>
+ <MessageDeliveryReport>FALSE</MessageDeliveryReport>
+ <MinimumSignalLevel>9905</MinimumSignalLevel>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>6</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>180</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ </ModemBearer>
+ <ModemBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>GPRS Ericsson R520m via IR</Name>
+ <Agent>CSD.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>PPP</IfName>
+ <PortName>IRCOMM::0</PortName>
+ <TSYName>MM</TSYName>
+ <DataBits>8</DataBits>
+ <StopBits>1</StopBits>
+ <Parity>NONE</Parity>
+ <Rate>115200</Rate>
+ <Handshaking>4</Handshaking>
+ <SpecialRate>0</SpecialRate>
+ <XonChar>17</XonChar>
+ <XoffChar>19</XoffChar>
+ <FaxClassPref>AUTO</FaxClassPref>
+ <SpeakerPref>NEVER</SpeakerPref>
+ <SpeakerVolPref>QUIET</SpeakerVolPref>
+ <ModemInitString>ATZ</ModemInitString>
+ <DataInitString>AT</DataInitString>
+ <FaxInitString>AT</FaxInitString>
+ <DialPauseLength>S8=</DialPauseLength>
+ <SpeakerVolContorlLow>L0</SpeakerVolContorlLow>
+ <SpeakerVolControlMedium>L1</SpeakerVolControlMedium>
+ <SpeakerVolControlHigh>L2</SpeakerVolControlHigh>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOff>M0</SpeakerAlwaysOff>
+ <SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>M1</SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOn>M2</SpeakerAlwaysOn>
+ <SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>M3</SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>
+ <DialToneWaitModifier>W</DialToneWaitModifier>
+ <CallProgress1>X1</CallProgress1>
+ <CallProgress2>X2</CallProgress2>
+ <CallProgress3>X3</CallProgress3>
+ <CallProgress4>X4</CallProgress4>
+ <EchoOff>E0</EchoOff>
+ <VerboseText>V1</VerboseText>
+ <QuietOff>Q0</QuietOff>
+ <QuietOn>Q1</QuietOn>
+ <DialCommandStateModifier>;</DialCommandStateModifier>
+ <OnLine>O</OnLine>
+ <ResetConfiguration>Z</ResetConfiguration>
+ <ReturnToFactoryDefs>&F</ReturnToFactoryDefs>
+ <DCDOnDuringLink>&C1</DCDOnDuringLink>
+ <DTRHangUp>&D2</DTRHangUp>
+ <DSRAlwaysOn>&S0</DSRAlwaysOn>
+ <RTSCTSHandshake>&K3</RTSCTSHandshake>
+ <XonXoffHandshake>&K4</XonXoffHandshake>
+ <EscapeCharacter>+</EscapeCharacter>
+ <EscapeGuardPeriod>S12</EscapeGuardPeriod>
+ <NoDialTone>NO DIAL TONE</NoDialTone>
+ <Busy>BUSY</Busy>
+ <NoAnswer>NO ANSWER</NoAnswer>
+ <Carrier>CARRIER</Carrier>
+ <Connect>CONNECT</Connect>
+ <CompressionClass5>COMPRESSION:CLASS 5</CompressionClass5>
+ <CompressionV42bis>COMPRESSION:V.42 bis</CompressionV42bis>
+ <CompressionNone>COMPRESSION:NONE</CompressionNone>
+ <ProtocolLAPD>PROTOCOL:LAPD</ProtocolLAPD>
+ <ProtocolALT>PROTOCOL:ALT</ProtocolALT>
+ <ProtocolNone>PROTOCOL:NONE</ProtocolNone>
+ <MessageCentreNumber>+442079460223</MessageCentreNumber>
+ <MessageValidityPeriod>1440</MessageValidityPeriod>
+ <MessageDeliveryReport>FALSE</MessageDeliveryReport>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>6</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>180</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ </ModemBearer>
+ <ModemBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>GPRS Ericsson R520m via Serial</Name>
+ <Agent>null.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>PPP</IfName>
+ <PortName>COMM::0</PortName>
+ <TSYName>MM</TSYName>
+ <DataBits>8</DataBits>
+ <StopBits>1</StopBits>
+ <Parity>NONE</Parity>
+ <Rate>115200</Rate>
+ <Handshaking>4</Handshaking>
+ <SpecialRate>0</SpecialRate>
+ <XonChar>17</XonChar>
+ <XoffChar>19</XoffChar>
+ <FaxClassPref>AUTO</FaxClassPref>
+ <SpeakerPref>NEVER</SpeakerPref>
+ <SpeakerVolPref>QUIET</SpeakerVolPref>
+ <ModemInitString>ATZ</ModemInitString>
+ <DataInitString>AT</DataInitString>
+ <FaxInitString>AT</FaxInitString>
+ <DialPauseLength>S8=</DialPauseLength>
+ <SpeakerVolContorlLow>L0</SpeakerVolContorlLow>
+ <SpeakerVolControlMedium>L1</SpeakerVolControlMedium>
+ <SpeakerVolControlHigh>L2</SpeakerVolControlHigh>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOff>M0</SpeakerAlwaysOff>
+ <SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>M1</SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOn>M2</SpeakerAlwaysOn>
+ <SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>M3</SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>
+ <DialToneWaitModifier>W</DialToneWaitModifier>
+ <CallProgress1>X1</CallProgress1>
+ <CallProgress2>X2</CallProgress2>
+ <CallProgress3>X3</CallProgress3>
+ <CallProgress4>X4</CallProgress4>
+ <EchoOff>E0</EchoOff>
+ <VerboseText>V1</VerboseText>
+ <QuietOff>Q0</QuietOff>
+ <QuietOn>Q1</QuietOn>
+ <DialCommandStateModifier>;</DialCommandStateModifier>
+ <OnLine>O</OnLine>
+ <ResetConfiguration>Z</ResetConfiguration>
+ <ReturnToFactoryDefs>&F</ReturnToFactoryDefs>
+ <DCDOnDuringLink>&C1</DCDOnDuringLink>
+ <DTRHangUp>&D2</DTRHangUp>
+ <DSRAlwaysOn>&S0</DSRAlwaysOn>
+ <RTSCTSHandshake>&K3</RTSCTSHandshake>
+ <XonXoffHandshake>&K4</XonXoffHandshake>
+ <EscapeCharacter>+</EscapeCharacter>
+ <EscapeGuardPeriod>S12</EscapeGuardPeriod>
+ <NoDialTone>NO DIAL TONE</NoDialTone>
+ <Busy>BUSY</Busy>
+ <NoAnswer>NO ANSWER</NoAnswer>
+ <Carrier>CARRIER</Carrier>
+ <Connect>CONNECT</Connect>
+ <CompressionClass5>COMPRESSION:CLASS 5</CompressionClass5>
+ <CompressionV42bis>COMPRESSION:V.42 bis</CompressionV42bis>
+ <CompressionNone>COMPRESSION:NONE</CompressionNone>
+ <ProtocolLAPD>PROTOCOL:LAPD</ProtocolLAPD>
+ <ProtocolALT>PROTOCOL:ALT</ProtocolALT>
+ <ProtocolNone>PROTOCOL:NONE</ProtocolNone>
+ <MessageCentreNumber>+442079460223</MessageCentreNumber>
+ <MessageValidityPeriod>1440</MessageValidityPeriod>
+ <MessageDeliveryReport>FALSE</MessageDeliveryReport>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>6</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>180</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ </ModemBearer>
+ <ModemBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>GPRS Motorola Mobile Phone via Serial</Name>
+ <Agent>null.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>PPP</IfName>
+ <PortName>COMM::0</PortName>
+ <TSYName>MM</TSYName>
+ <DataBits>8</DataBits>
+ <StopBits>1</StopBits>
+ <Parity>NONE</Parity>
+ <Rate>57600</Rate>
+ <Handshaking>4</Handshaking>
+ <SpecialRate>0</SpecialRate>
+ <XonChar>17</XonChar>
+ <XoffChar>19</XoffChar>
+ <FaxClassPref>AUTO</FaxClassPref>
+ <SpeakerPref>NEVER</SpeakerPref>
+ <SpeakerVolPref>QUIET</SpeakerVolPref>
+ <ModemInitString>ATZ</ModemInitString>
+ <DataInitString>AT</DataInitString>
+ <FaxInitString>AT</FaxInitString>
+ <DialPauseLength>S8=</DialPauseLength>
+ <SpeakerVolContorlLow>L0</SpeakerVolContorlLow>
+ <SpeakerVolControlMedium>L1</SpeakerVolControlMedium>
+ <SpeakerVolControlHigh>L2</SpeakerVolControlHigh>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOff>M0</SpeakerAlwaysOff>
+ <SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>M1</SpeakerOnUntilCarrier>
+ <SpeakerAlwaysOn>M2</SpeakerAlwaysOn>
+ <SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>M3</SpeakerOnAfterUntilCarrier>
+ <DialToneWaitModifier>W</DialToneWaitModifier>
+ <CallProgress1>X1</CallProgress1>
+ <CallProgress2>X2</CallProgress2>
+ <CallProgress3>X3</CallProgress3>
+ <CallProgress4>X4</CallProgress4>
+ <EchoOff>E0</EchoOff>
+ <VerboseText>V1</VerboseText>
+ <QuietOff>Q0</QuietOff>
+ <QuietOn>Q1</QuietOn>
+ <DialCommandStateModifier>;</DialCommandStateModifier>
+ <OnLine>O</OnLine>
+ <ResetConfiguration>Z</ResetConfiguration>
+ <ReturnToFactoryDefs>&F</ReturnToFactoryDefs>
+ <DCDOnDuringLink>&C1</DCDOnDuringLink>
+ <DTRHangUp>&D2</DTRHangUp>
+ <DSRAlwaysOn>&S0</DSRAlwaysOn>
+ <RTSCTSHandshake>&K3</RTSCTSHandshake>
+ <XonXoffHandshake>&K4</XonXoffHandshake>
+ <EscapeCharacter>+</EscapeCharacter>
+ <EscapeGuardPeriod>S12</EscapeGuardPeriod>
+ <NoDialTone>NO DIAL TONE</NoDialTone>
+ <Busy>BUSY</Busy>
+ <NoAnswer>NO ANSWER</NoAnswer>
+ <Carrier>CARRIER</Carrier>
+ <Connect>CONNECT</Connect>
+ <CompressionClass5>COMPRESSION:CLASS 5</CompressionClass5>
+ <CompressionV42bis>COMPRESSION:V.42 bis</CompressionV42bis>
+ <CompressionNone>COMPRESSION:NONE</CompressionNone>
+ <ProtocolLAPD>PROTOCOL:LAPD</ProtocolLAPD>
+ <ProtocolALT>PROTOCOL:ALT</ProtocolALT>
+ <ProtocolNone>PROTOCOL:NONE</ProtocolNone>
+ <MessageCentreNumber>+442079460223</MessageCentreNumber>
+ <MessageValidityPeriod>1440</MessageValidityPeriod>
+ <MessageDeliveryReport>FALSE</MessageDeliveryReport>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>6</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>180</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ </ModemBearer>
+ <LANBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>Ethernet</Name>
+ <Agent>nullagt.agt</Agent>
+ <IfName>ethint</IfName>
+ <LDDFilename>enet</LDDFilename>
+ <LDDName>=Ethernet</LDDName>
+ <PDDFilename>ethernet</PDDFilename>
+ <PDDName>Ethernet.Wins</PDDName>
+ <PacketDriverName>EtherPkt.drv</PacketDriverName>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>-1</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>-1</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>-1</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ </LANBearer>
+ <LANBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>WLANBearer</Name>
+ <IfName>wlannif</IfName>
+ <LDDName>not used</LDDName>
+ <PDDName>not used</PDDName>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>-1</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>1</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>-1</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Agent>wlanagt.agt</Agent>
+ </LANBearer>
+ <LANService operation="add">
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>TRUE</Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>0</IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>
+ <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
+ <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
+ </LANService>
+ <LANService operation="add">
+ <Name>Ethernet</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip,ip6</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ </LANService>
+ <LANService operation="add">
+ <Name>Ethernet (IPv6 static DNS)</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip,ip6</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6DNSAddrFromServer>FALSE</Ip6DNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>fe80:0:0:0:0:0:1234:5678</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>fe80:0:0:0:0:0:8765:4321</Ip6NameServer2>
+ </LANService>
+ <DialInISP operation="template">
+ <Name>Default Dial In ISP</Name>
+ <UseLoginScript>FALSE</UseLoginScript>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <EnableIPHeaderComp>FALSE</EnableIPHeaderComp>
+ <EnableLCPExtension>FALSE</EnableLCPExtension>
+ <DisablePlainTextAuth>FALSE</DisablePlainTextAuth>
+ <EnableSWComp>FALSE</EnableSWComp>
+ <UseEdge>FALSE</UseEdge>
+ </DialInISP>
+ <DialInISP operation="add">
+ <Name>Dial In CS ISP</Name>
+ <UseLoginScript>FALSE</UseLoginScript>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <EnableIPHeaderComp>FALSE</EnableIPHeaderComp>
+ <EnableLCPExtension>FALSE</EnableLCPExtension>
+ <DisablePlainTextAuth>FALSE</DisablePlainTextAuth>
+ <EnableSWComp>FALSE</EnableSWComp>
+ <UseEdge>FALSE</UseEdge>
+ </DialInISP>
+ <DialOutISP operation="template">
+ <Name>Default Dial Out ISP</Name>
+ <DialResolution>TRUE</DialResolution>
+ <UseLoginScript>FALSE</UseLoginScript>
+ <PromptForLogin>TRUE</PromptForLogin>
+ <IfPromptForAuth>TRUE</IfPromptForAuth>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <DisplayPCT>FALSE</DisplayPCT>
+ <IfCallbackEnabled>FALSE</IfCallbackEnabled>
+ <EnableIPHeaderComp>FALSE</EnableIPHeaderComp>
+ <EnableLCPExtension>FALSE</EnableLCPExtension>
+ <DisablePlainTextAuth>FALSE</DisablePlainTextAuth>
+ <EnableSWComp>FALSE</EnableSWComp>
+ <BearerService>0</BearerService>
+ <BearerProtocol>0</BearerProtocol>
+ <RlpVersion>0</RlpVersion>
+ <IwfToMs>0</IwfToMs>
+ <MsToIwf>0</MsToIwf>
+ <AckTimer>0</AckTimer>
+ <RetransmissionAttempts>0</RetransmissionAttempts>
+ <ResequencePeriod>0</ResequencePeriod>
+ <V42Compression>0</V42Compression>
+ <V42Codewords>0</V42Codewords>
+ <V42MaxLength>0</V42MaxLength>
+ <Asymmetry>0</Asymmetry>
+ <UserInitUpgrade>FALSE</UserInitUpgrade>
+ <UseEdge>FALSE</UseEdge>
+ </DialOutISP>
+ <DialOutISP operation="add">
+ <Name>NT RAS</Name>
+ <DialResolution>TRUE</DialResolution>
+ <UseLoginScript>TRUE</UseLoginScript>
+ <PromptForLogin>FALSE</PromptForLogin>
+ <IfPromptForAuth>FALSE</IfPromptForAuth>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <LoginScript>CHARMAP \[windows-1252\]\nLOOP 10\n{\nSEND "CLIENT"+<0x0d>\nWAIT 3\n{\n"SERVER" OK\n}\n}\nEXIT KErrNoAnswer$\n\nOK:\nEXIT\n</LoginScript>
+ <DisplayPCT>FALSE</DisplayPCT>
+ <IfNetworks>ip,ip6</IfNetworks>
+ <IfAuthName>RasUser</IfAuthName>
+ <IfAuthPass>pass</IfAuthPass>
+ <AuthRetries>0</AuthRetries>
+ <IfCallbackEnabled>FALSE</IfCallbackEnabled>
+ <CallbackTimeout>0</CallbackTimeout>
+ <EnableIPHeaderComp>FALSE</EnableIPHeaderComp>
+ <EnableLCPExtension>FALSE</EnableLCPExtension>
+ <DisablePlainTextAuth>FALSE</DisablePlainTextAuth>
+ <EnableSWComp>FALSE</EnableSWComp>
+ <BearerService>0</BearerService>
+ <BearerName>ASYNCHRONOUS</BearerName>
+ <BearerSpeed>UNSPECIFIED</BearerSpeed>
+ <BearerCE>UNSPECIFIED</BearerCE>
+ <BearerType>CSD</BearerType>
+ <ChannelCoding>UNSPECIFIED</ChannelCoding>
+ <RequestedTimeSlots>0</RequestedTimeSlots>
+ <MaximumTimeSlots>0</MaximumTimeSlots>
+ <BearerProtocol>0</BearerProtocol>
+ <RlpVersion>0</RlpVersion>
+ <IwfToMs>0</IwfToMs>
+ <MsToIwf>0</MsToIwf>
+ <AckTimer>0</AckTimer>
+ <RetransmissionAttempts>0</RetransmissionAttempts>
+ <ResequencePeriod>0</ResequencePeriod>
+ <V42Compression>0</V42Compression>
+ <V42Codewords>0</V42Codewords>
+ <V42MaxLength>0</V42MaxLength>
+ <Asymmetry>0</Asymmetry>
+ <UserInitUpgrade>FALSE</UserInitUpgrade>
+ <UseEdge>FALSE</UseEdge>
+ </DialOutISP>
+ <DialOutISP operation="add">
+ <Name>NT RAS (IPv6 static DNS)</Name>
+ <DialResolution>TRUE</DialResolution>
+ <UseLoginScript>TRUE</UseLoginScript>
+ <PromptForLogin>FALSE</PromptForLogin>
+ <IfPromptForAuth>FALSE</IfPromptForAuth>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6DNSAddrFromServer>FALSE</Ip6DNSAddrFromServer>
+ <Description>Test</Description>
+ <LoginScript>CHARMAP \[windows-1252\]\nLOOP 10\n{\nSEND "CLIENT"+<0x0d>\nWAIT 3\n{\n"SERVER" OK\n}\n}\nEXIT KErrNoAnswer$\n\nOK:\nEXIT\n</LoginScript>
+ <DisplayPCT>FALSE</DisplayPCT>
+ <IfNetworks>ip,ip6</IfNetworks>
+ <IfAuthName>RasUser</IfAuthName>
+ <IfAuthPass>pass</IfAuthPass>
+ <AuthRetries>0</AuthRetries>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>fe80:0:0:0:0:0:1234:5678</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>fe80:0:0:0:0:0:8765:4321</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <EnableIPHeaderComp>FALSE</EnableIPHeaderComp>
+ <EnableLCPExtension>FALSE</EnableLCPExtension>
+ <DisablePlainTextAuth>FALSE</DisablePlainTextAuth>
+ <EnableSWComp>FALSE</EnableSWComp>
+ </DialOutISP>
+ <Chargecard operation="add">
+ <Name>Dummy BT Chargecard</Name>
+ <AccountNumber>144,12345678</AccountNumber>
+ <Pin>0000</Pin>
+ <LocalRule>HG</LocalRule>
+ <NatRule>HFG</NatRule>
+ <IntlRule>HEFG</IntlRule>
+ </Chargecard>
+ <Chargecard operation="add">
+ <Name>Dummy Mercury Chargecard</Name>
+ <AccountNumber>0500800800,,12345678</AccountNumber>
+ <Pin>****</Pin>
+ <LocalRule>HG</LocalRule>
+ <NatRule>J,K,0FG</NatRule>
+ <IntlRule>HEFG</IntlRule>
+ </Chargecard>
+ <ConnectionPreferences operation="add">
+ <Name>ConnectionPreferencesTable1</Name>
+ <Ranking>0</Ranking>
+ <Direction>INCOMING</Direction>
+ <DialogPref>DONOTPROMPT</DialogPref>
+ <BearerSet>CSD</BearerSet>
+ <IAPRef>IAP.Default Dial In ISP</IAPRef>
+ </ConnectionPreferences>
+ <ConnectionPreferences operation="add">
+ <Name>ConnectionPreferencesTable2</Name>
+ <Ranking>1</Ranking>
+ <Direction>OUTGOING</Direction>
+ <DialogPref>DONOTPROMPT</DialogPref>
+ <BearerSet>LAN</BearerSet>
+ <IAPRef>IAP.WlanConnectivity</IAPRef>
+ </ConnectionPreferences>
+ <GlobalSettings operation="add">
+ <Name>GlobalSettingsTable1</Name>
+ <RedialAttempts>3</RedialAttempts>
+ <SmsBearer>2</SmsBearer>
+ <SmsReceiveMode>2</SmsReceiveMode>
+ <GPRSAttachMode>1</GPRSAttachMode>
+ <AcceptIncomingGprs>1</AcceptIncomingGprs>
+ <ConnectionAttempts>2</ConnectionAttempts>
+ <ModemForDataAndFax>2</ModemForDataAndFax>
+ <ModemForPhoneServicesAndSMS>2</ModemForPhoneServicesAndSMS>
+ <LocationForDataAndFax>Location.Office</LocationForDataAndFax>
+ <LocationForPhoneServicesAndSMS>Location.Office</LocationForPhoneServicesAndSMS>
+ <GPRSClassCBearer>GSM</GPRSClassCBearer>
+ <DefaultNetwork>Network.Intranet</DefaultNetwork>
+ <BearerAvailabilityCheckTSY>mm</BearerAvailabilityCheckTSY>
+ </GlobalSettings>
+ <IncomingGPRS operation="add">
+ <Name>Dummy Incoming GPRS Settings</Name>
+ <APN>Test</APN>
+ <PDPType>IPV4</PDPType>
+ <PDPAddress></PDPAddress>
+ <IfPromptForAuth>FALSE</IfPromptForAuth>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <ReqPrecedence>1</ReqPrecedence>
+ <ReqDelay>1</ReqDelay>
+ <ReqReliability>1</ReqReliability>
+ <ReqPeakThroughput>1</ReqPeakThroughput>
+ <ReqMeanThroughput>1</ReqMeanThroughput>
+ <MinPrecedence>1</MinPrecedence>
+ <MinDelay>1</MinDelay>
+ <MinReliability>1</MinReliability>
+ <MinPeakThroughput>1</MinPeakThroughput>
+ <MinMeanThroughput>1</MinMeanThroughput>
+ <DataCompression>FALSE</DataCompression>
+ <HeaderCompression>FALSE</HeaderCompression>
+ <AnonymousAccess>FALSE</AnonymousAccess>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IfAuthName>RasUser</IfAuthName>
+ <IfAuthPass>pass</IfAuthPass>
+ <AuthRetries>1</AuthRetries>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <EnableLCPExtension>FALSE</EnableLCPExtension>
+ <DisablePlainTextAuth>FALSE</DisablePlainTextAuth>
+ <GprsUseEdge>FALSE</GprsUseEdge>
+ </IncomingGPRS>
+ <OutgoingGPRS operation="add">
+ <Name>NTRas GPRS</Name>
+ <APN>Test</APN>
+ <PDPType>IPV4</PDPType>
+ <IfPromptForAuth>FALSE</IfPromptForAuth>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <ReqPrecedence>2</ReqPrecedence>
+ <ReqDelay>4</ReqDelay>
+ <ReqReliability>3</ReqReliability>
+ <ReqPeakThroughput>3</ReqPeakThroughput>
+ <ReqMeanThroughput>31</ReqMeanThroughput>
+ <MinPrecedence>2</MinPrecedence>
+ <MinDelay>4</MinDelay>
+ <MinReliability>3</MinReliability>
+ <MinPeakThroughput>3</MinPeakThroughput>
+ <MinMeanThroughput>31</MinMeanThroughput>
+ <DataCompression>FALSE</DataCompression>
+ <HeaderCompression>FALSE</HeaderCompression>
+ <AnonymousAccess>FALSE</AnonymousAccess>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IfAuthName>RasUser</IfAuthName>
+ <IfAuthPass>pass</IfAuthPass>
+ <AuthRetries>1</AuthRetries>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <EnableLCPExtension>FALSE</EnableLCPExtension>
+ <DisablePlainTextAuth>FALSE</DisablePlainTextAuth>
+ <GprsUseEdge>FALSE</GprsUseEdge>
+ </OutgoingGPRS>
+ <DefaultGPRS operation="add">
+ <Name>Dummy Default GPRS Settings</Name>
+ <APN>Access point name</APN>
+ <PDPType>IPV6</PDPType>
+ <PDPAddress>www.wid.com</PDPAddress>
+ <Usage>1</Usage>
+ <Precedence>1</Precedence>
+ <Delay>1</Delay>
+ <Reliability>1</Reliability>
+ <PeakThroughput>1</PeakThroughput>
+ <MeanThroughput>1</MeanThroughput>
+ <MinPrecedence>1</MinPrecedence>
+ <MinDelay>1</MinDelay>
+ <MinReliability>1</MinReliability>
+ <MinPeakThroughput>1</MinPeakThroughput>
+ <MinMeanThroughput>1</MinMeanThroughput>
+ <DataCompression>TRUE</DataCompression>
+ <HeaderCompression>TRUE</HeaderCompression>
+ <GprsUseEdge>FALSE</GprsUseEdge>
+ <AnonymousAccess>TRUE</AnonymousAccess>
+ </DefaultGPRS>
+ <Proxy operation="add">
+ <Name>ProxyTable1</Name>
+ <ISPRef>DialOutISP.NT RAS</ISPRef>
+ <UseProxyServer>TRUE</UseProxyServer>
+ <ProtocolName>http</ProtocolName>
+ <ProxyServerName>www.dummyproxy.com</ProxyServerName>
+ <PortNumber>80</PortNumber>
+ <Exceptions>www.dummyproxy.com/exception</Exceptions>
+ </Proxy>
+ <Location operation="template">
+ <Name>Default Location</Name>
+ <Mobile>TRUE</Mobile>
+ <UsePulseDial>FALSE</UsePulseDial>
+ <WaitForDialTone>FALSE</WaitForDialTone>
+ <PauseAfterDialout>0</PauseAfterDialout>
+ <IntlPrefixCode>+</IntlPrefixCode>
+ <NatPrefixCode>0</NatPrefixCode>
+ <NatCode>44</NatCode>
+ </Location>
+ <Location operation="add">
+ <Name>Office</Name>
+ <Mobile>FALSE</Mobile>
+ <UsePulseDial>FALSE</UsePulseDial>
+ <WaitForDialTone>FALSE</WaitForDialTone>
+ <PauseAfterDialout>0</PauseAfterDialout>
+ <IntlPrefixCode>00</IntlPrefixCode>
+ <NatPrefixCode>0</NatPrefixCode>
+ <NatCode>44</NatCode>
+ <AreaCode>171</AreaCode>
+ <DialOutCode>9,</DialOutCode>
+ </Location>
+ <Location operation="add">
+ <Name>Office Direct Dial</Name>
+ <Mobile>FALSE</Mobile>
+ <UsePulseDial>FALSE</UsePulseDial>
+ <WaitForDialTone>FALSE</WaitForDialTone>
+ <PauseAfterDialout>0</PauseAfterDialout>
+ <IntlPrefixCode>00</IntlPrefixCode>
+ <NatPrefixCode>0</NatPrefixCode>
+ <NatCode>44</NatCode>
+ <AreaCode>171</AreaCode>
+ </Location>
+ <Location operation="add">
+ <Name>Mobile</Name>
+ <Mobile>TRUE</Mobile>
+ <UsePulseDial>FALSE</UsePulseDial>
+ <WaitForDialTone>FALSE</WaitForDialTone>
+ <PauseAfterDialout>0</PauseAfterDialout>
+ <IntlPrefixCode>+</IntlPrefixCode>
+ <NatPrefixCode>0</NatPrefixCode>
+ <NatCode>44</NatCode>
+ </Location>
+ <Location operation="add">
+ <Name>Home</Name>
+ <Mobile>FALSE</Mobile>
+ <UsePulseDial>TRUE</UsePulseDial>
+ <WaitForDialTone>TRUE</WaitForDialTone>
+ <PauseAfterDialout>0</PauseAfterDialout>
+ <IntlPrefixCode>00</IntlPrefixCode>
+ <NatPrefixCode>0</NatPrefixCode>
+ <NatCode>44</NatCode>
+ <AreaCode>181</AreaCode>
+ </Location>
+ <SecureSocket operation="add">
+ <Name>SecureSocketTable1</Name>
+ <ProtocolName>ssl3.0</ProtocolName>
+ <ProtoLibrary>ssladaptor.dll</ProtoLibrary>
+ </SecureSocket>
+ <SecureSocket operation="add">
+ <Name>SecureSocketTable2</Name>
+ <ProtocolName>tls1.0</ProtocolName>
+ <ProtoLibrary>ssladaptor.dll</ProtoLibrary>
+ </SecureSocket>
+ <WAPAccessPoint operation="template">
+ <Name>Default Dial In ISP</Name>
+ <CurrentBearer>WAPIPBearer</CurrentBearer>
+ </WAPAccessPoint>
+ <WAPAccessPoint operation="add">
+ <Name>Dummy WAP Settings</Name>
+ <CurrentBearer>WAPIPBearer</CurrentBearer>
+ <StartPage>www.wapstart.com</StartPage>
+ </WAPAccessPoint>
+ <WAPIPBearer operation="template">
+ <Name>WAPIPBearerTable1</Name>
+ <AccessPoint>WAPAccessPoint.-1</AccessPoint>
+ <Security>FALSE</Security>
+ <IAPRef>IAP.-1</IAPRef>
+ <ProxyPortNumber>0</ProxyPortNumber>
+ </WAPIPBearer>
+ <WAPIPBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>WAPIPBearerTable2</Name>
+ <AccessPoint>WAPAccessPoint.Dummy WAP Settings</AccessPoint>
+ <GatewayAddress>www.wapgateway.com</GatewayAddress>
+ <Security>FALSE</Security>
+ <ProxyPortNumber>1</ProxyPortNumber>
+ </WAPIPBearer>
+ <WAPSMSBearer operation="template">
+ <Name>WAPSMSBearerTable1</Name>
+ <AccessPoint>WAPAccessPoint.-1</AccessPoint>
+ <Security>FALSE</Security>
+ </WAPSMSBearer>
+ <WAPSMSBearer operation="add">
+ <Name>WAPSMSBearerTable2</Name>
+ <AccessPoint>WAPAccessPoint.Dummy WAP Settings</AccessPoint>
+ <GatewayAddress>+442079460221</GatewayAddress>
+ <Security>FALSE</Security>
+ <ServiceCentreAddress>+442079460223</ServiceCentreAddress>
+ </WAPSMSBearer>
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/scriptfiles/test_esock_ip4_vlan2.ini Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/scriptfiles/test_esock_ip4_vlan2.ini Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -26,16 +26,16 @@
//-- loncoredev01
//-- loncoredev01
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/scriptfiles/test_esock_ip4_vlan7.ini Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_ESock/scriptfiles/test_esock_ip4_vlan7.ini Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@
@@ -306,8 +306,8 @@
//-- Testing 'A' query
//-- Testing 'SVR' query
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@
//-- Testing 'A' query with explicit connection
//-- Testing Query() interface on two threads
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/group/TE_EsockTestStepsSuite.iby Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/group/TE_EsockTestStepsSuite.iby Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <te_esockteststeps.iby>
+data=ABI_DIR\DEBUG_DIR\Te_esockteststepsSuite_captest.exe sys\bin\te_esockteststepsSuite_captest.exe
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/inc/Connections.TestSteps.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/inc/Connections.TestSteps.h Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -190,73 +190,21 @@
Note that since the test is normally executed by a thread of lower priority than ESock_IP, it relies on
ESock_IP yielding (otherwise it won't test different phases.
For instance DummyMCPR will artificially yield on TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest.
-NetMCPR will not normally yield as is. DummyFlowFactory will yield on serving a TFindOrCreateRequest.
+NetMCPR will not normally yield as is.
class CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep : public CStartRConnectionStep
- enum {
- /*
- * The test executes a loop of starting and then stopping a connection at discrete, growing intervals.
- * It is crucial that enough iterations are executed, as otherwise the test isn't doing its job.
- * The test will fail if this is detected. As iteration gaps are time-based the test first calibrates
- * itself by running CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep::CalibrateStart to determine how
- * much time does the start take in order to chop this span further into ELoops intevals.
- * Calibration isn't uterrly precise and it can be that a connection startup executed within
- * the loop completes quicker than during calibration. It has been in fact observed
- * in the overnight builds (about 7.5%). A number of things can be done to accomdate for that.
- * The approach chosen is to:
- * (1) Plan for EPlannedLoops (chop down the CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep::CalibrateStart
- * into EPlannedLoops
- * (2) Insist on excuting at least EMandatoryLoops (the test will fail if less iterations are executed)
- * (3) Keep on iterating beyond EPlannedLoops until the snooze slides of the connection
- * startup time (the calbrated connection startup time equally might have been unrepresentativelly short)
- */
- EPlannedLoops = 15,
- EMandatoryLoops = 14,
- };
CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep(CCEsockTestBase*& aEsockTest);
- virtual ~CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep();
TVerdict doSingleTestStep();
TInt CalibrateStart();
- virtual TInt doLoopStep(TInt aTimerVal);
- RTimer iTimer;
- TRequestStatus* ipConnectionStartStatus;
-Class implementing StartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep
-The test does a loop, where every iteration:
-(1) Starts the connection
-(2) Snoozes for an <interval>
-(3) Closes the connection injecting a cancel at that stage of the connection start
-(4) Increases the <interval> a bit so that next time round the cancel is injected at a different stage.
-Note that since the test is normally executed by a thread of lower priority than ESock_IP, it relies on
-ESock_IP yielding (otherwise it won't test different phases.
-For instance DummyMCPR will artificially yield on TCFServiceProvider::TJoinRequest.
-NetMCPR will not normally yield as is. DummyFlowFactory will yield on serving a TFindOrCreateRequest.
-class CStartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep : public CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep
- {
- CStartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep(CCEsockTestBase*& aEsockTest);
- virtual TInt doLoopStep(TInt aTimerVal);
- };
Class implementing openrconnectionStep
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/Connections.TestSteps.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/Connections.TestSteps.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -286,12 +286,6 @@
return KErrCorrupt;
- if (iEsockTest->OpenConnection(iParams) != KErrNone)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Can't reopen connection, most likely you didn't supply the session name"));
- return KErrCorrupt;
- }
TInt error = iEsockTest->StartConnection(iParams);
if (error != KErrNone)
@@ -305,41 +299,42 @@
- iEsockTest->CloseConnection(iParams.iConnectionName);
return timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeBegin).Int64();
- {
- iTimer.Close();
- }
TVerdict CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep::doSingleTestStep()
// Default to failing
iParams.iAsynch = ETrue; //force async.
- TInt error = iTimer.CreateLocal();
+ RTimer timer;
+ TInt error = timer.CreateLocal();
if (error!=KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Creating RTimer object failed with %d"), error);
return TestStepResult();
- ipConnectionStartStatus = new TRequestStatus;
- if (ipConnectionStartStatus == NULL)
+ TRequestStatus timerRequestStatus;
+ TRequestStatus* pConnectionStartStatus = new TRequestStatus;
+ if (pConnectionStartStatus == NULL)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Heap allocation for TRequestStatus failed"));
+ timer.Close();
return TestStepResult();
- error = iEsockTest->iRequestStatuses.Add(ipConnectionStartStatus, iParams.iConnectionName); //And will be owned here
+ error = iEsockTest->iRequestStatuses.Add(pConnectionStartStatus, iParams.iConnectionName);
if (error!=KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed "), error);
+ timer.Close();
+ delete pConnectionStartStatus;
return TestStepResult();
+ TRequestStatus& connectionStartStatus = *pConnectionStartStatus;
+ const TInt KLoops = 10;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calibrating timer by running full start"));
//Well, we're running the full start twice as the first run is likely to take more than the representative time.
TInt timerIncrement = Min<TInt>(CalibrateStart(), CalibrateStart());
@@ -348,119 +343,64 @@
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Full start failed, unable to calibrate, test failed with %d"), timerIncrement);
return TestStepResult();
- INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Start took %dus, will divide by %d and use as the increment"), timerIncrement, EPlannedLoops);
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Start took %dus, will divide by %d and use as the increment"), timerIncrement, KLoops);
- timerIncrement /= EPlannedLoops;
- /*=======================================================
- * The loop
- */
TInt timerVal = 1;
- TInt i = 0;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Beginning crazy loop"));
- while (ETrue)
+ timerIncrement /= KLoops;
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Beginning crazy start/stop loop"));
+ for (TInt i = 1; i < KLoops+1; i++)
- if (++i > (2 * EPlannedLoops))
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The test has been executing far too many iterations than can be reasonably expected, aborting.."));
- return TestStepResult();
- }
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("[Loop %d], Starting a new loop=============================="), i);
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("***********Re-openning connection"), i);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("[Loop %d], Closing connection"), i);
+ iEsockTest->CloseConnection(iParams.iConnectionName);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("[Loop %d], Re-openning connection"), i);
if (iEsockTest->OpenConnection(iParams) != KErrNone)
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Can't reopen connection, most likely you didn't supply the session name"));
+ timer.Close();
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("[Loop %d], Starting connection (asynch)"), i);
+ error = iEsockTest->StartConnection(iParams);
+ if (error != KErrNone)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting connection failed, aborting"));
+ timer.Close();
+ return TestStepResult();
+ }
+ INFO_PRINTF3(_L("[Loop %d], Setting timer to %dus .zzz...."), i, timerVal);
+ timer.After(timerRequestStatus,timerVal);
+ User::WaitForRequest(timerRequestStatus,connectionStartStatus);
+ if (timerRequestStatus.Int() == KRequestPending)
+ {
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Connection Start completed with %d"), connectionStartStatus.Int());
+ INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Irrespective of the start result the test has failed, because it hadn't execute enough iterations"));
+ //If you get this a lot this means there;s a flaw in the logic of this test and for some reason the execution of
+ //RConnection::Start speeds up with time. You may want to re-calibrate then and rerun the loop again with finer
+ //interval.
+ timer.Cancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest(timerRequestStatus);
+ timer.Close();
return TestStepResult();
- error = doLoopStep(timerVal);
- if ( error == KErrUnderflow )
- {
- if ( i < EMandatoryLoops )
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("The test didn't execute enough iterations and hence hasn't tested what needed to be tested"));
- return TestStepResult();
- }
- break; //The only EPass exit condition
- }
- else if ( error != KErrNone )
- {
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Loop test has failed with %d"), error);
- return TestStepResult();
- }
timerVal += timerIncrement;
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("***********Closing connection"), i);
- iEsockTest->CloseConnection(iParams.iConnectionName);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("[Loop %d], ....zzz. Stopping connection"), i);
+ iEsockTest->StopConnection(iParams);
+ User::WaitForRequest(connectionStartStatus);
+ INFO_PRINTF2(_L("[Loop %d], Connection stopped"), i);
+ timer.Close();
return TestStepResult();
-TInt CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep::doLoopStep(TInt aTimerVal)
- {
- TRequestStatus timerRequestStatus;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("***********Starting connection (asynch)"));
- TInt error = iEsockTest->StartConnection(iParams);
- if (error != KErrNone)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting connection failed, aborting"));
- return error;
- }
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("***********Setting timer to %dus .zzz...."), aTimerVal);
- iTimer.After(timerRequestStatus,aTimerVal);
- User::WaitForRequest(timerRequestStatus, *ipConnectionStartStatus);
- if (timerRequestStatus.Int() == KRequestPending)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Connection Start completed with %d and before the timer"), ipConnectionStartStatus->Int());
- iTimer.Cancel();
- User::WaitForRequest(timerRequestStatus);
- return ipConnectionStartStatus->Int() == KErrNone ? KErrUnderflow : ipConnectionStartStatus->Int(); //Whether this is fatal for the test or not, will be determined by the caller;
- }
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("*********** ....zzz. Stopping connection"));
- iEsockTest->StopConnection(iParams);
- User::WaitForRequest(*ipConnectionStartStatus);
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("***********Connection stopped"));
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// CStartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep
-CStartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep::CStartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep(CCEsockTestBase*& aEsockTest)
-: CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep(aEsockTest)
- {
- SetTestStepName(KStartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep);
- }
-TInt CStartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep::doLoopStep(TInt aTimerVal)
- {
- TRequestStatus timerRequestStatus;
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("***********Starting connection (asynch)"));
- TInt error = iEsockTest->StartConnection(iParams);
- if (error != KErrNone)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Starting connection failed, aborting"));
- return error;
- }
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("***********Setting timer to %dus .zzz...."), aTimerVal);
- iTimer.After(timerRequestStatus,aTimerVal);
- User::WaitForRequest(timerRequestStatus, *ipConnectionStartStatus);
- if (timerRequestStatus.Int() == KRequestPending)
- {
- INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Connection Start completed with %d and before the timer"), ipConnectionStartStatus->Int());
- iTimer.Cancel();
- User::WaitForRequest(timerRequestStatus);
- return ipConnectionStartStatus->Int() == KErrNone ? KErrUnderflow : ipConnectionStartStatus->Int(); //Whether this is fatal for the test or not, will be determined by the caller;
- }
- return KErrNone;
- }
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/Te_esockteststepsSuiteServer.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_EsockTestSteps/src/Te_esockteststepsSuiteServer.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -281,9 +281,7 @@
else if(aStepName.CompareF (KStartRConnectionStep) == 0)
testStep = new CStartRConnectionStep(iEsockTest);
else if(aStepName.CompareF (KStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep) == 0)
- testStep = new CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep(iEsockTest);
- else if(aStepName.CompareF (KStartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep) == 0)
- testStep = new CStartCloseCrazyLoopRConnectionStep(iEsockTest);
+ testStep = new CStartStopCrazyLoopRConnectionStep(iEsockTest);
else if(aStepName.CompareF (KAwaitRConnectionStartComplete) == 0)
testStep = new CAwaitRConnectionStartComplete(iEsockTest);
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnection/group/bld.inf Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnection/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@
// CED
../configs/Mobility/BearerMobility_001.ced.cfg z:/testdata/configs/bearermobility/bearermobility_001.ced.cfg
-../configs/Mobility/BearerMobility_DummyProviders_002.ced.cfg z:/testdata/configs/bearermobility/BearerMobility_DummyProviders_002.ced.cfg
-../configs/Mobility/BearerMobility_DummyProviders_003.ced.cfg z:/testdata/configs/bearermobility/BearerMobility_DummyProviders_003.ced.cfg
+../configs/Mobility/BearerMobility_DummyProviders_002.ced.cfg z:/testdata/configs/bearermobility/bearermobility_dummyproviders_002.ced.cfg
+../configs/Mobility/BearerMobility_DummyProviders_003.ced.cfg z:/testdata/configs/bearermobility/bearermobility_dummyproviders_003.ced.cfg
// Configs
../configs/Mobility/Mobility_760600.ini z:/testdata/configs/bearermobility/mobility_760600.ini
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/ainethernet_MOMAP16xx.xml Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/ainethernet_MOMAP16xx.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
<Network operation="add">
- <Name>NT RAS</Name>
+ <Name>Intranet</Name>
<Network operation="add">
- <Name>Intranet</Name>
+ <Name>NT RAS</Name>
<Network operation="add">
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@
<IAP operation="add">
- <Name>iTest name cdma2000</Name>
- <IAPService>CDMA2000PacketService.test name cdma2000</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>ModemBearer.Dummy 2</IAPBearer>
+ <Name>Additional Dial In ISP</Name>
+ <IAPService>DialInISP.Dial In CS ISP</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>ModemBearer.Linux</IAPBearer>
<IAPNetwork>Network.NT RAS</IAPNetwork>
- <LocationRef>Location.Mobile</LocationRef>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Home</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Default Dial In ISP</Name>
@@ -96,12 +96,12 @@
<LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet with Daemon Dynamic IP</Name>
- <IAPService>LANService.Ethernet</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Ethernet</IAPBearer>
- <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
- <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
- <LocationRef>Location.Office</LocationRef>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IAPService>LANService.WlanConnectivity</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Virtual Comm port</Name>
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
- <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
- <LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
@@ -638,33 +638,34 @@
<LANBearer operation="add">
- <Name>EKA2 Ethernet</Name>
- <Agent>nullagt.agt</Agent>
- <IfName>ethint</IfName>
- <LDDFilename>enet</LDDFilename>
- <LDDName>Ethernet</LDDName>
- <PDDFilename>ethernet</PDDFilename>
- <PDDName>Ethernet.MOMAP16xx</PDDName>
- <PacketDriverName>EtherPkt.drv</PacketDriverName>
- <LastSocketActivityTimeout>10</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
- <LastSessionClosedTimeout>10</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
- <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Name>WLANBearer</Name>
+ <IfName>wlannif</IfName>
+ <LDDName>not used</LDDName>
+ <PDDName>not used</PDDName>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>10</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>10</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Agent>wlanagt.agt</Agent>
<LANService operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet</Name>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <IpAddr></IpAddr>
- <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
- <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
- <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
- <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>TRUE</Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>0</IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>
+ <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
+ <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
@@ -863,49 +864,6 @@
- <CDMA2000PacketService operation="add">
- <Name>test name cdma2000</Name>
- <IwfName>Test2000</IwfName>
- <ServiceOption>HIGHSPEEDCDMA2000DATA</ServiceOption>
- <PdpType>IPV4</PdpType>
- <ReqFwdPriority>PRIORITY04</ReqFwdPriority>
- <ReqRevPriority>PRIORITY04</ReqRevPriority>
- <ReqFwdBitrate>32KBPS</ReqFwdBitrate>
- <ReqRevBitrate>32KBPS</ReqRevBitrate>
- <ReqFwdLoss>LOSS1</ReqFwdLoss>
- <ReqRevLoss>LOSS1</ReqRevLoss>
- <ReqFwdMaxdelay>40MS</ReqFwdMaxdelay>
- <ReqRevMaxdelay>40MS</ReqRevMaxdelay>
- <MinFwdBitrate>8KBPS</MinFwdBitrate>
- <MinRevBitrate>8KBPS</MinRevBitrate>
- <AccptFwdLoss>LOSS2</AccptFwdLoss>
- <AccptRevLoss>LOSS2</AccptRevLoss>
- <AccptFwdMaxdelay>120MS</AccptFwdMaxdelay>
- <AccptRevMaxdelay>120MS</AccptRevMaxdelay>
- <DataCompression>FALSE</DataCompression>
- <HeaderCompression>FALSE</HeaderCompression>
- <AnonymousAccess>FALSE</AnonymousAccess>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IfAuthName>RasUser</IfAuthName>
- <IfAuthPass>pass</IfAuthPass>
- <AuthRetries>1</AuthRetries>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <EnableLCPExtension>TRUE</EnableLCPExtension>
- <DisablePlainTextAuth>TRUE</DisablePlainTextAuth>
- <ApType>2</ApType>
- <IfPromptForAuth>FALSE</IfPromptForAuth>
- <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <RlpMode>UNKNOWN</RlpMode>
- <CDMAMobileIPTimeout>10000000</CDMAMobileIPTimeout>
- </CDMA2000PacketService>
<Chargecard operation="add">
@@ -941,7 +899,7 @@
- <IAPRef>IAP.Ethernet with Daemon Dynamic IP</IAPRef>
+ <IAPRef>IAP.WlanConnectivity</IAPRef>
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectioncmm_ethernet_MOMAP16xx.xml Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectioncmm_ethernet_MOMAP16xx.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
@@ -102,12 +101,12 @@
<LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet with Daemon Dynamic IP</Name>
- <IAPService>LANService.Ethernet</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Ethernet</IAPBearer>
- <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
- <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
- <LocationRef>Location.Office</LocationRef>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IAPService>LANService.WlanConnectivity</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Virtual Comm port</Name>
@@ -695,33 +694,34 @@
<LANBearer operation="add">
- <Name>EKA2 Ethernet</Name>
- <Agent>nullagt.agt</Agent>
- <IfName>ethint</IfName>
- <LDDFilename>enet</LDDFilename>
- <LDDName>Ethernet</LDDName>
- <PDDFilename>ethernet</PDDFilename>
- <PDDName>Ethernet.MOMAP16xx</PDDName>
- <PacketDriverName>EtherPkt.drv</PacketDriverName>
- <LastSocketActivityTimeout>10</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
- <LastSessionClosedTimeout>10</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
- <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Name>WLANBearer</Name>
+ <IfName>wlannif</IfName>
+ <LDDName>not used</LDDName>
+ <PDDName>not used</PDDName>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>-1</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>-1</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>-1</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Agent>wlanagt.agt</Agent>
<LANService operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet</Name>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <IpAddr></IpAddr>
- <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
- <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
- <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
- <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>TRUE</Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>0</IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>
+ <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
+ <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
@@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@
- <IAPRef>IAP.Ethernet with Daemon Dynamic IP</IAPRef>
+ <IAPRef>IAP.WlanConnectivity</IAPRef>
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectionconfigdaemon_MOMAP16xx.xml Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectionconfigdaemon_MOMAP16xx.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Emulator Lan IAP No Daemon</Name>
<IAPService>LANService.Ethernet No Daemon</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Emulator Ethernet</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Emulator Lan IAP Bad Daemon</Name>
<IAPService>LANService.Ethernet Bad Daemon</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Emulator Ethernet</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Emulator Lan IAP Static IP 1</Name>
<IAPService>LANService.Ethernet Static IP</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Emulator Ethernet</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
@@ -104,23 +104,23 @@
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Emulator Lan IAP Static IP 2</Name>
<IAPService>LANService.Ethernet Static IP</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Emulator Ethernet</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
<IAP operation="add">
- <Name>Emulator Lan IAP 1</Name>
- <IAPService>LANService.Ethernet</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Target Ethernet</IAPBearer>
- <IAPNetwork>Network.mRouter</IAPNetwork>
- <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
- <LocationRef>Location.Office</LocationRef>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IAPService>LANService.WlanConnectivity</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Emulator Lan IAP 2</Name>
- <IAPService>LANService.Ethernet</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Emulator Ethernet</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPService>LANService.WlanConnectivity</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
@@ -1198,112 +1198,83 @@
<LANBearer operation="add">
- <Name>EKA1 Target Ethernet</Name>
- <Agent>nullagt.agt</Agent>
- <IfName>ethint</IfName>
- <LDDFilename>ethercard</LDDFilename>
- <LDDName>EtherCard</LDDName>
- <PDDFilename>EtherSmc</PDDFilename>
- <PDDName>EtherCard.Smc</PDDName>
- <PacketDriverName>EtherPkt.drv</PacketDriverName>
- <LastSocketActivityTimeout>-1</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
- <LastSessionClosedTimeout>-1</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
- <LastSocketClosedTimeout>-1</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
- </LANBearer>
- <LANBearer operation="add">
- <Name>EKA2 Target Ethernet</Name>
- <Agent>nullagt.agt</Agent>
- <IfName>ethint</IfName>
- <LDDFilename>enet</LDDFilename>
- <LDDName>Ethernet</LDDName>
- <PDDFilename>ethernet</PDDFilename>
- <PDDName>Ethernet.MOMAP16xx</PDDName>
- <PacketDriverName>EtherPkt.drv</PacketDriverName>
- <LastSocketActivityTimeout>-1</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
- <LastSessionClosedTimeout>-1</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
- <LastSocketClosedTimeout>-1</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
- </LANBearer>
- <LANBearer operation="add">
- <Name>EKA1 Emulator Ethernet</Name>
- <Agent>nullagt.agt</Agent>
- <IfName>ethint</IfName>
- <LDDFilename>ethercard</LDDFilename>
- <LDDName>Ethercard</LDDName>
- <PDDFilename>etherwins</PDDFilename>
- <PDDName>Ethercard.wins</PDDName>
- <PacketDriverName>EtherPkt.drv</PacketDriverName>
- <LastSocketActivityTimeout>-1</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
- <LastSessionClosedTimeout>-1</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
- <LastSocketClosedTimeout>-1</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
- </LANBearer>
- <LANBearer operation="add">
- <Name>EKA2 Emulator Ethernet</Name>
- <Agent>nullagt.agt</Agent>
- <IfName>ethint</IfName>
- <LDDFilename>enet</LDDFilename>
- <LDDName>Ethernet</LDDName>
- <PDDFilename>ethernet</PDDFilename>
- <PDDName>Ethernet.Wins</PDDName>
- <PacketDriverName>EtherPkt.drv</PacketDriverName>
- <LastSocketActivityTimeout>-1</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
- <LastSessionClosedTimeout>-1</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
- <LastSocketClosedTimeout>-1</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Name>WLANBearer</Name>
+ <IfName>wlannif</IfName>
+ <LDDName>not used</LDDName>
+ <PDDName>not used</PDDName>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>10</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>10</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Agent>wlanagt.agt</Agent>
<LANService operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet</Name>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <IpAddr></IpAddr>
- <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
- <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
- <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
- <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>TRUE</Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>0</IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>
+ <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
+ <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
<LANService operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet Static IP</Name>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <IpAddr></IpAddr>
- <IpAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
- <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
- <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
- <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
+ <Name>Ethernet Static IP</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>TRUE</Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>0</IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>
+ <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
+ <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
<LANService operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet Bad Daemon</Name>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <IpAddr></IpAddr>
- <IpAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
- <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
- <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NonExistingServ</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
- <ConfigDaemonName>NonExistingServ</ConfigDaemonName>
+ <Name>Ethernet Bad Daemon</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>TRUE</Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>0</IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>
+ <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NonExistingServ</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
+ <ConfigDaemonName>NonExistingServ</ConfigDaemonName>
<LANService operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet No Daemon</Name>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <IpAddr></IpAddr>
- <IpAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
- <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Name>Ethernet No Daemon</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>FALSE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>TRUE</Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>0</IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>
@@ -1788,7 +1759,7 @@
- <IAPRef>IAP.Emulator Lan IAP 1</IAPRef>
+ <IAPRef>IAP.WlanConnectivity</IAPRef>
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectionethernet_MOMAP16xx.xml Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectionethernet_MOMAP16xx.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
@@ -69,13 +68,13 @@
- <IAP operation="add">
- <Name>iTest name cdma2000</Name>
- <IAPService>CDMA2000PacketService.test name cdma2000</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>ModemBearer.Hungry (Long Timeout)</IAPBearer>
+ <IAP operation="add">
+ <Name>Additional Dial In ISP</Name>
+ <IAPService>DialInISP.Dial In CS ISP</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>ModemBearer.Linux</IAPBearer>
<IAPNetwork>Network.NT RAS</IAPNetwork>
- <LocationRef>Location.Mobile</LocationRef>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Home</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Default Dial In ISP</Name>
@@ -102,12 +101,12 @@
<LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet with Daemon Dynamic IP</Name>
- <IAPService>LANService.Ethernet</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Ethernet</IAPBearer>
- <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
- <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
- <LocationRef>Location.Office</LocationRef>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IAPService>LANService.WlanConnectivity</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Virtual Comm port</Name>
@@ -620,33 +619,34 @@
<LANBearer operation="add">
- <Name>EKA2 Ethernet</Name>
- <Agent>nullagt.agt</Agent>
- <IfName>ethint</IfName>
- <LDDFilename>enet</LDDFilename>
- <LDDName>Ethernet</LDDName>
- <PDDFilename>ethernet</PDDFilename>
- <PDDName>Ethernet.MOMAP16xx</PDDName>
- <PacketDriverName>EtherPkt.drv</PacketDriverName>
- <LastSocketActivityTimeout>10</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
- <LastSessionClosedTimeout>10</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
- <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Name>WLANBearer</Name>
+ <IfName>wlannif</IfName>
+ <LDDName>not used</LDDName>
+ <PDDName>not used</PDDName>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>10</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>10</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Agent>wlanagt.agt</Agent>
<LANService operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet</Name>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <IpAddr></IpAddr>
- <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
- <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
- <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
- <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>TRUE</Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>0</IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>
+ <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
+ <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
@@ -891,50 +891,6 @@
- <CDMA2000PacketService operation="add">
- <Name>test name cdma2000</Name>
- <IwfName>Test2000</IwfName>
- <ServiceOption>HIGHSPEEDCDMA2000DATA</ServiceOption>
- <PdpType>IPV4</PdpType>
- <ReqFwdPriority>PRIORITY04</ReqFwdPriority>
- <ReqRevPriority>PRIORITY04</ReqRevPriority>
- <ReqFwdBitrate>32KBPS</ReqFwdBitrate>
- <ReqRevBitrate>32KBPS</ReqRevBitrate>
- <ReqFwdLoss>LOSS1</ReqFwdLoss>
- <ReqRevLoss>LOSS1</ReqRevLoss>
- <ReqFwdMaxdelay>40MS</ReqFwdMaxdelay>
- <ReqRevMaxdelay>40MS</ReqRevMaxdelay>
- <MinFwdBitrate>8KBPS</MinFwdBitrate>
- <MinRevBitrate>8KBPS</MinRevBitrate>
- <AccptFwdLoss>LOSS2</AccptFwdLoss>
- <AccptRevLoss>LOSS2</AccptRevLoss>
- <AccptFwdMaxdelay>120MS</AccptFwdMaxdelay>
- <AccptRevMaxdelay>120MS</AccptRevMaxdelay>
- <DataCompression>FALSE</DataCompression>
- <HeaderCompression>FALSE</HeaderCompression>
- <AnonymousAccess>FALSE</AnonymousAccess>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IfAuthName>RasUser</IfAuthName>
- <IfAuthPass>pass</IfAuthPass>
- <AuthRetries>1</AuthRetries>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <EnableLCPExtension>TRUE</EnableLCPExtension>
- <DisablePlainTextAuth>TRUE</DisablePlainTextAuth>
- <ApType>2</ApType>
- <IfPromptForAuth>FALSE</IfPromptForAuth>
- <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <RlpMode>UNKNOWN</RlpMode>
- <CDMAMobileIPTimeout>10000000</CDMAMobileIPTimeout>
- </CDMA2000PacketService>
<Chargecard operation="add">
<Name>Dummy BT Chargecard</Name>
@@ -969,7 +925,7 @@
- <IAPRef>IAP.Ethernet with Daemon Dynamic IP</IAPRef>
+ <IAPRef>IAP.WlanConnectivity</IAPRef>
@@ -1235,5 +1191,3 @@
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectiontest_vlan2.ini Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectiontest_vlan2.ini Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@
Interface = eth
-NameServerAddr =
+NameServerAddr =
EchoPort = 7
-LookupAddress =
+LookupAddress =
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectiontest_vlan7.ini Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectiontest_vlan7.ini Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
MissingNifIapNumber = 99
TestNifIapNumber = 12
StaticDnsDynamicAddr = 12
-SimTSYIapNumber = 13
-DummyNifAgentIapNumber= 14
SecondHungryNifNumber = 9
@@ -27,12 +26,11 @@
LongTimeout = 6100000
[TCP Config]
-TcpSendAddress =
-TestName = httpsmtp.test.intra
+TcpSendAddress =
+TestName = httpsmtp02.closedtest.intra
-#From ipcp => ipcontrol protocol one of the ppp suite of protocols
-Interface = ipcp
-NameServerAddr =
+Interface = eth
+NameServerAddr =
EchoPort = 7
-LookupAddress =
\ No newline at end of file
+LookupAddress =
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectionudp_ethernet_MOMAP16xx.xml Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RConnectionSuite/config/rconnectionudp_ethernet_MOMAP16xx.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
@@ -30,10 +29,10 @@
<Network operation="add">
- <Name>NT RAS</Name>
+ <Name>Intranet</Name>
<Network operation="add">
- <Name>Intranet</Name>
+ <Name>NT RAS</Name>
<Network operation="add">
@@ -66,8 +65,8 @@
- <IAP operation="add">
- <Name>Additional Default Dial In ISP</Name>
+ <IAP operation="add">
+ <Name>Additional Dial In ISP</Name>
<IAPService>DialInISP.Dial In CS ISP</IAPService>
<IAPNetwork>Network.NT RAS</IAPNetwork>
@@ -99,12 +98,12 @@
<LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet with Daemon Dynamic IP</Name>
- <IAPService>LANService.Ethernet</IAPService>
- <IAPBearer>LANBearer.EKA2 Ethernet</IAPBearer>
- <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
- <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
- <LocationRef>Location.Office</LocationRef>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IAPService>LANService.WlanConnectivity</IAPService>
+ <IAPBearer>LANBearer.WLANBearer</IAPBearer>
+ <IAPNetwork>Network.Intranet</IAPNetwork>
+ <IAPNetworkWeighting>0</IAPNetworkWeighting>
+ <LocationRef>Location.Office Direct Dial</LocationRef>
<IAP operation="add">
<Name>Virtual Comm port</Name>
@@ -155,7 +154,7 @@
<ModemBearer operation="template">
<Name>Default Modem</Name>
@@ -703,33 +702,34 @@
<LANBearer operation="add">
- <Name>EKA2 Ethernet</Name>
- <Agent>nullagt.agt</Agent>
- <IfName>ethint</IfName>
- <LDDFilename>enet</LDDFilename>
- <LDDName>Ethernet</LDDName>
- <PDDFilename>ethernet</PDDFilename>
- <PDDName>Ethernet.MOMAP16xx</PDDName>
- <PacketDriverName>EtherPkt.drv</PacketDriverName>
- <LastSocketActivityTimeout>10</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
- <LastSessionClosedTimeout>10</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
- <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Name>WLANBearer</Name>
+ <IfName>wlannif</IfName>
+ <LDDName>not used</LDDName>
+ <PDDName>not used</PDDName>
+ <LastSocketActivityTimeout>10</LastSocketActivityTimeout>
+ <LastSessionClosedTimeout>10</LastSessionClosedTimeout>
+ <LastSocketClosedTimeout>10</LastSocketClosedTimeout>
+ <Agent>wlanagt.agt</Agent>
<LANService operation="add">
- <Name>Ethernet</Name>
- <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
- <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
- <IpGateway></IpGateway>
- <IpAddr></IpAddr>
- <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
- <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
- <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
- <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
- <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
- <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
+ <Name>WlanConnectivity</Name>
+ <IfNetworks>ip</IfNetworks>
+ <IpNetMask></IpNetMask>
+ <IpGateway></IpGateway>
+ <IpAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpAddrFromServer>
+ <IpAddr></IpAddr>
+ <IpDNSAddrFromServer>TRUE</IpDNSAddrFromServer>
+ <IpNameServer1></IpNameServer1>
+ <IpNameServer2></IpNameServer2>
+ <Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>TRUE</Ip6DnsAddrFromServer>
+ <Ip6NameServer1>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer1>
+ <Ip6NameServer2>0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0</Ip6NameServer2>
+ <IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>0</IpAddrLeaseValidFrom>
+ <ConfigDaemonManagerName>NetCfgExtnDhcp</ConfigDaemonManagerName>
+ <ConfigDaemonName>!DhcpServ</ConfigDaemonName>
@@ -1049,8 +1049,8 @@
- <BearerSet>CSD</BearerSet>
- <IAPRef>IAP.Dummy</IAPRef>
+ <BearerSet>LAN</BearerSet>
+ <IAPRef>IAP.WlanConnectivity</IAPRef>
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RSubconnection/group/bld.inf Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_RSubconnection/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
// If you change this(to xml format for example), remember to update te_cap_rsubconn.script
../configs/te_RSubConnection_Mesh.cfg z:/testdata/configs/te_rsubconnection_mesh.cfg
../configs/te_RSubConnection_LoopbackCsy.ini z:/testdata/configs/te_rsubconnection_loopbackcsy.ini
-../configs/te_RSubConnection_Simtsy.txt z:/testdata/configs/te_rsubconnection_simtsy.txt
+../configs/te_RSubConnection_simtsy.txt z:/testdata/configs/te_rsubconnection_simtsy.txt
../scripts/te_RSubConnectionSuite.script z:/testdata/scripts/te_rsubconnectionsuite.script
../scripts/te_RSubConnectionQoSRemovedSuite.script z:/testdata/scripts/te_rsubconnectionqosremovedsuite.script
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_Socket/SocketTestSection1.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TE_Socket/SocketTestSection1.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -384,15 +384,21 @@
- Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Created %d sockets, expected at least %d sockets"), sockNum, sockCount1);
- TESTL(sockNum >= sockCount1);
+ Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Created %d sockets"), sockNum);
+ // Not sure what use it is to test whether we can open at least as many sockets as previously.
+ // We can't assume that once we've freed all the sockets first time around that the ESock heap will
+ // go back exactly to where it was before - this makes assumptions about the ESock algorithms. Why
+ // wouldn't ESock legitimately cache objects, for example?
+ //TESTL(sockNum >= sockCount1);
- Logger().WriteFormat(_L("Freeing sockets in creation order"));
- for (i=0; i<sockNum; i++)
- {
- socks[i].Close();
- }
+ //
+ // NOTE:
+ // We do *not* free up the sockets but just close the session. This is to exercise the subsession
+ // cleanup behaviour in ESock with a large number of sockets. We test that this cleanup operation
+ // does not overflow the transport queue, as each subsession cleanup results in a message being sent.
+ //
#endif // (_DEBUG) }
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TS_MultiHoming/group/bld.inf Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/TS_MultiHoming/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -289,25 +289,25 @@
../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7.ini
../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7a.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7a.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7a.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7a.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7a.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7a.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7a.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7a.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7a.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7a.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7a.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7a.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7b.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7b.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7b.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7b.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7b.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7b.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7b.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7b.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7b.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7b.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7b.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7b.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7c.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7c.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7c.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7c.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7c.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7c.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7c.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7c.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7c.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7c.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7c.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7c.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7d.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7d.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7d.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7d.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7d.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7d.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7d.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7d.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7d.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7d.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7d.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7d.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7e.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7e.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7e.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7e.ini
-../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7e.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7e.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7e.ini /epoc32/data/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7e.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7e.ini /epoc32/release/wins/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7e.ini
+../ScriptFiles/ts_multihoming_test7e.ini /epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/testdata/configs/ts_multihoming_test7e.ini
../ScriptFiles/TS_MultiHoming_Test7.script /epoc32/data/z/testdata/scripts/ts_multihoming_test7.script
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_factory.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_factory.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -329,8 +329,6 @@
ACommsFactoryNodeId* CDummyFlowFactory::DoFindOrCreateObjectL(TFactoryQueryBase& aQuery)
const TDefaultFlowFactoryQuery& query = static_cast<const TDefaultFlowFactoryQuery&>(aQuery);
- User::After(0.3*1000000); //Artificial yield to test cancellation. Do not remove.
if(query.iMessageId != TCFServiceProvider::TCommsBinderRequest::Id())
//the factory only reacts to creation triggered by TCommsBinderRequest
--- a/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_subconnprov.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/esockserver/test/providers/dummy/src/dummypr_subconnprov.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
if (iContext.iMessage.IsMessage<Messages::TEBase::TError>())
- iContext.iNodeActivity->SetPostedTo(iContext.iNodeActivity->SoleOriginator().Peer());
+ iContext.iNodeActivity->SetPostedTo(iContext.iNodeActivity->SoleOriginator().Peer().RecipientId());
return EFalse;
--- a/datacommsserver/networkingdialogapi/TE_Dialog/group/TE_DialogServer.mmp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/datacommsserver/networkingdialogapi/TE_Dialog/group/TE_DialogServer.mmp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -35,14 +35,7 @@
-SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include
-SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/test
LIBRARY euser.lib efsrv.lib
LIBRARY testexecuteutils.lib
Binary file general/WLAN_template_cccccc00.cre has changed
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/general/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+//-- CommsFramework Overall IBY File
+./commsframework.iby /epoc32/rom/include/commsframework.iby
+//-- CommsFramework Test OBY/IBY Files
+./commsframeworktest.iby /epoc32/rom/include/commsframeworktest.iby
+./commsfw_test.iby /epoc32/rom/include/commsfw_test.iby
+// File run before every hardware test that can be added to pre-ROM build
+./te_initialiseboard.script z:/testdata/scripts/te_initialiseboard.script
+./commsfw_startedservices.xml z:/testdata/configs/commsfw_startedservices.xml
+./commsfw_bootwlan.bat z:/testdata/configs/commsfw_bootwlan.bat
+./WLAN_template_cccccc00.cre z:/testdata/configs/WLAN_template_cccccc00.cre
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/general/commsframework.iby Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// ROM include description for all networking and comms-infras components.
+ @file
+#ifndef __NETWORK_IBY__
+#define __NETWORK_IBY__
+//================ Networking Components ===================
+//================ Comms-Infras Subsystem ==================
+#include <commslog.iby>
+#include <cntmodel.iby>
+#include <commdb.iby>
+#include <commsdat.iby>
+#include <esock.iby>
+#include <nifman.iby>
+#include <commsrootserver.iby>
+#include <commsbufs.iby>
+#include <mbufmgr.iby>
+#include <commsfw.iby>
+#include <messageintercept.iby>
+#include <commsfw.iby>
+#include <factories.iby>
+#include <meshmachine.iby>
+#include <NETMSG.iby>
+#include <NetInterfaces.iby>
+#include <NETMessages.iby>
+#include <NetMeta.iby>
+#include <NETSubscribe.iby>
+#include <nodemessages.iby>
+#include <ResponseMsg.iby>
+#include <rootserver.iby>
+#include <serverden.iby>
+#include <NETStSrv.iby>
+#include <NETSM.iby>
+#include <virtualconstructors.iby>
+#include <simpleselectorbase.iby>
+#include <coreproviders.iby>
+#include <coreprovidersecom.iby>
+#include <mobilitycoreproviders.iby>
+#include <netups.iby>
+#include <upscoreproviders.iby>
+#include <agentpr.iby>
+#include <agentprcore.iby>
+#include <netcfgext.iby>
+//================ Networking Subsystem ====================
+// tcpip6 components
+#include <tcpip6.iby>
+#include <dnd.iby>
+#include <inhook6.iby>
+#include <insock.iby>
+#include <napt.iby>
+// SSL
+#include <tls.iby>
+//Netcon, agents and test dialog server
+#include <CSD.IBY>
+#include <psdagt.iby>
+#include <nullagt.iby>
+#include <agentdialog.iby>
+//PPP and compressor modules
+#include <ppp.iby>
+#include <PREDCOMP.IBY>
+#include <rawipnif.iby>
+//Ethernet and DHCP
+// Note, DHCP may exist without ethernet, for example in a GPRS system.
+#include <ether802.iby>
+#endif // HAS_ETHERNET
+#include <DHCPServ.iby>
+#include <ipeventnotifier.iby>
+//QoS Components
+#include <umtsif.iby>
+#include <pfqoslib.iby>
+#include <qos.iby>
+#include <guqos.iby>
+#include <qoslib.iby>
+#include <qosextnapi.iby>
+#include <qos3gpp.iby>
+#include <ipproto.iby>
+#include <iptransport.iby>
+#include <pdp.iby>
+#include <QosIPSCPR.iby>
+#include <punycodeconverter.iby>
+REM --- DNS Proxy
+#include <networking_dnsproxy.iby>
+REM --- TimzoneLocalization - needed for libc.dll
+#include <timezonelocalization.iby>
+#endif // __NETWORK_IBY__
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/general/commsframeworktest.iby Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+// *****************************************************************************
+// From 9.5 onwards ROM space is becoming a little tight
+// Rom builds from 9.5 onwards should specify the subset of tests to be
+// included with the -D flag. E.g. -DNW_TEST_ROM1
+// If a subset of tests is not specified all will be included - maintaining
+// compatibility for unaware rom builds
+// *****************************************************************************
+#if !(defined(NW_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_2) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_3) \
+ || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_2) || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_3) || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_4) \
+ || defined(WAPSTACK_TEST_ROM) \
+ || defined(SERCOMMS_TEST_ROM) \
+ || defined(__NETWORKING_TEST_OBY__) \
+ )
+// Rom build hasn't explicitly defined a subset of tests to include so to avoid
+// disappointment we'll include the whole shebang
+#define NW_TEST_ROM_1
+#define NW_TEST_ROM_2
+#define NW_TEST_ROM_3
+#define CI_TEST_ROM_1
+#define CI_TEST_ROM_2
+#define CI_TEST_ROM_3
+#define CI_TEST_ROM_4
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_1
+REM "NW_TEST_ROM_1": Generated ROM will include test components for running nw1 test group
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_2
+REM "NW_TEST_ROM_2": Generated ROM will include test components for running nw2 test group
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_3
+REM "NW_TEST_ROM_3": Generated ROM will include test components for running nw3 test group
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_1
+REM "CI_TEST_ROM_1": Generated ROM will include test components for running ci1 test group
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_2
+REM "CI_TEST_ROM_2": Generated ROM will include test components for running ci2 test group
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_3
+REM "CI_TEST_ROM_3": Generated ROM will include test components for running ci3 test group
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_4
+REM "CI_TEST_ROM_4": Generated ROM will include test components for running ci4 test group
+REM "WAPSTACK_TEST_ROM": Generated ROM will include test components for running ws1 test group
+REM "SERCOMMS_TEST_ROM": Generated ROM will include test components for running sc1 test group
+// This iby file contains all Networking Test Harnesses.
+REM ---------- General ---------------
+// Scheduletest Test
+file=ABI_DIR\DEBUG_DIR\ts_selftest.dll System\Libs\ts_selftest.dll
+// Initialisation before any tests are run
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\testdata\scripts\te_initialiseboard.script TestData\scripts\te_initialiseboard.script
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_1
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\testdata\scripts\te_initialiseboard1.script TestData\scripts\te_initialiseboard1.script
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_2
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\testdata\scripts\te_initialiseboard2.script TestData\scripts\te_initialiseboard2.script
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_3
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\testdata\scripts\te_initialiseboard3.script TestData\scripts\te_initialiseboard3.script
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_4
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\testdata\scripts\te_initialiseboard4.script TestData\scripts\te_initialiseboard4.script
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_1
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\testdata\scripts\te_initialiseboard5.script TestData\scripts\te_initialiseboard5.script
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_3
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\testdata\scripts\te_initialiseboard6.script TestData\scripts\te_initialiseboard6.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\testdata\scripts\te_initialiseboard7.script TestData\scripts\te_initialiseboard7.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\data\z\testdata\scripts\te_initialiseboard8.script TestData\scripts\te_initialiseboard8.script
+REM ---------- Comms-Infras ----------
+// ced is not included in release builds by default (in commdb.iby)
+// so we include it explicitly here if _DEBUG is NOT defined
+#ifndef _DEBUG
+#include <XmlFramework.iby>
+#include <ced.iby>
+#include <ceddump.iby>
+// CommDB Tests
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_4)
+#include <tcommdb.iby>
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_1
+#include <te_commsdat.iby>
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_1
+// CommsFramework Tests
+#include <tcommsfw.iby>
+#include <te_commsfw_transport.iby>
+// ESOCK Tests - All test roms
+// (CI_TEST_ROM_1-te_ini,te_ipc,te_socket,etc)
+// (CI_TEST_ROM_2-te_eintsock,te_esock)
+// (NW_TEST_ROM_3-te_rconnectionsuite,te_rsubconnectionsuite)
+// (Anything using esock test steps)
+#include <esock_test.iby>
+// Flogger Tests
+// No Exports
+// MBufMgr Tests
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_2) || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_4)
+#include <testmbuf.iby>
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_2
+#include <te_netmetaunittest.iby>
+// zerocopy tests
+#include <zerocopy_loopback_driver.iby>
+#include <legacy_loopback_driver.iby>
+#include <commsbufskern.iby>
+#include <zerocopy_loopback_driver_test.iby>
+#include <legacy_loopback_driver_test.iby>
+#include <zerocopy_loopback_link_protocol.iby>
+#include <legacy_loopback_link_protocol.iby>
+#include <te_loopback.iby>
+#include <Te_Cap_RConnDHCP.IBY>
+#include <Te_Cap_RES.IBY>
+#include <Te_Cap_Esock.IBY>
+#include <Te_Cap_RConnServ.IBY>
+#include <te_cap_esock_transfer.iby>
+#include <te_cap_rootserver.iby>
+#include <Te_Cap_Configurator.IBY>
+#include <te_esockteststepssuite.iby>
+#include <te_UmtsGprsScpr.iby>
+#include <SerComms.IBY>
+// RootServer Tests
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_3
+#include <ts_rootserver.iby>
+#ifdef CI_TEST_ROM_2
+#include <te_elementserver.iby>
+REM ---------- Networking ----------
+//Ethernet nif - Any roms with ethernet tests (this is ensuring ethernet support, these aren't tests)
+#include <ether802.iby>
+// TE_DIALOG Tests
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_1)
+#include <te_dialogserver.iby>
+// TE_DHCP Tests
+#if defined(NW_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(WAPSTACK_TEST_ROM)
+#include <te_dhcpTestServer.iby>
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_1)
+//Unit test code to launch DHCP server
+#include <te_dhcpservtest.iby>
+// IP Event Notifier Tests
+// Can't see this running in 9.5netmnt, not sure what rom its suppossed to be in so put it in all to be safe
+#include <te_ipeventnotifiersuite.iby>
+//Napt tests
+// Can't see this running in 9.5netmnt, not sure what rom its suppossed to be in so put it in all to be safe
+// #include <te_napt.iby>
+//Unit test code
+// #include <te_napttest.iby>
+// FTP Tests
+REM #include <tftp_e.iby>
+// IntegrationTest framework
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_1
+#include <integrationtest.iby>
+// NULL AGT Tests
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_1
+#include <nullagttests.iby>
+// Useful Internet Utilities for all test roms
+#include <ipconfig.iby>
+#include <route.iby>
+#include <Tftp.iby>
+#include <Tracert.iby>
+#include <ping.iby>
+#if !defined(TEXT_ONLY_ROM)
+#include <pingapp.iby>
+#endif // TEXT_ONLY_ROM
+//Some handy tools for all test roms
+#include <ftp_e.iby>
+#include <telnet_e.iby>
+// PPP Tests
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_1)
+#include <te_pppsize.iby>
+#include <ts_dummyppp.iby>
+#include <zerocopy_loopback_driver.iby>
+#include <te_loopback.iby>
+#include <te_pppcomp.iby>
+#include <te_configutil.iby>
+#include <te_Configuratorsuite.iby>
+#include <te_http.iby>
+#include <integrationtest.iby>
+#include <te_sblpsuite.iby>
+#include <te_DedicatedSignalling1ryCtx.iby>
+#include <TE_SpudUnit.iby>
+#include <integrationtest.iby>
+#include <te_cedsuite.iby>
+#include <wapmessage.iby>
+#include <te_vjcomp.iby>
+#include <te_incoming_ppp.iby>
+// SPUD Tests
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_1)
+#include <TE_spudNetworkSide.iby>
+#include <TE_spudrsubconn.iby>
+// UmtsGprsSCPR Tests
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_3
+#include <te_UmtsGprsScpr.iby>
+// QoS Tests
+//////#include <qostesting.iby>
+// Sockbench Tests
+//#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_2)
+//#include <sockbench.iby>
+// TLS (SSL) Tests
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_1
+#include <ts_tls.iby>
+//-- DND LLMNR test
+#include <TE_LlmnrServer.iby>
+// agent dummy notifier
+#include <agentdummynotifier.iby>
+//Ipsec tests
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_1)
+#include <ts_ipsec.iby>
+//-- additional optional protocols
+#include <probe.iby>
+#include <6to4.iby>
+// Not test components - maybe shouldn't be in here?? On all roms
+#include <netStSrv.iby>
+#include <DHCPServ.iby>
+#include <elements.iby>
+#include <ipeventnotifier.iby>
+#if defined(NW_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_3) || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_3) || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1)
+#include <te_qossuite.iby>
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(NW_TEST_ROM_1)
+#include <TE_C32Bca.iby>
+#include <TE_PacketLoopback.iby>
+#include <packetloopback.iby>
+// Needed by several tests
+#include <simtsy.iby>
+#include <te_AnvlClient.iby>
+REM ---------- WAP-Stack ----------
+// SWS test
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(WAPSTACK_TEST_ROM)
+// this iby file is removed from the tb92sf code
+// #include <wapstacksuite.iby>
+REM ---------- SER-COMMS ----------
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(SERCOMMS_TEST_ROM)
+#include <te_c32.iby>
+#if defined(SERCOMMS_TEST_ROM)
+#include <loopback.iby>
+#include <swi.iby>
+REM #include <te_STEBTestSuite.iby>
+REM --- EAP Tests ---
+REM #include <te_eap.iby>
+REM --- MBMS Broadcast Tests ---
+#include <TE_MbmsUnit.iby>
+REM --- UPS ---
+#include <upstestnotifier.iby>
+#include <netups_test.iby>
+#if defined(CI_TEST_ROM_1) || defined(CI_TEST_ROM_2)
+#include <netups.iby>
+REM #include <te_ipups.iby>
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_2
+#include <te_tcpip6suite.iby>
+#ifdef NW_TEST_ROM_1
+#include <te_punycodeconverter.iby>
+#include <te_unittestidna.iby>
+#endif //NW_TEST_ROM_1
+REM --- DNS Proxy test
+#include <t_dnsproxy.iby>
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/general/commsfw_bootwlan.bat Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+md \testframework
+md \testframework\ncpkickstart\
+copy z:\testdata\configs\commsfw_startedservices.xml c:\testframework\ncpkickstart\startedservices.xml
+attrib c:\testframework\ncpkickstart\startedservices.xml -r
+md \private
+md \private\A0000C67
+REM NcpKickStart.exe copies this CRE file to c:\private\10202be9\persists\cccccc00.cre
+copy z:\testdata\configs\WLAN_template_cccccc00.cre c:\private\A0000C67\cccccc00.cre
+attrib c:\private\A0000C67\cccccc00.cre -r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/general/commsfw_startedservices.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+Example configuration file for NCPKickStart
+ Version : $Author: jojokine $
+ Revision : $Revision: 19099 $
+ Date : $Date: 2010-01-13 11:44:26 +0200 (ke, 13 tammi 2010) $
+ <!-- Global Configuration items -->
+ <Configuration>
+ <Version>1.0</Version>
+ <LogToFile>true</LogToFile> <!-- true/false, trace to RDebug is always on -->
+ </Configuration>
+ <!-- Services and their parameters -->
+ <OrderedServiceList>
+ <Service>
+ <Name>MtcStartupSyncReq</Name>
+ <Type>MtcIsiMessage</Type>
+ <Delay>4000000</Delay>
+ </Service>
+ <Service>
+ <Name>MtcStateReq</Name>
+ <Type>MtcIsiMessage</Type>
+ <Delay>4000000</Delay>
+ </Service>
+ !!! WLan is commented out because loading device drivers cause a boot in Gundam W20 release !!!
+ <Service>
+ <Name>WLANPhysicalDeviceDriver</Name>
+ <Type>DeviceDriver</Type>
+ <Delay>0</Delay>
+ <ExtraParameters DeviceDriverType="Physical" DeviceDriverName="wlanpddumac" DeviceDriverFindPattern="wlan.phys"/>
+ </Service>
+ <Service>
+ <Name>WLANLogicalDeviceDriver</Name>
+ <Type>DeviceDriver</Type>
+ <Delay>0</Delay>
+ <ExtraParameters DeviceDriverType="Logical" DeviceDriverName="wlanldd" DeviceDriverFindPattern="wlan"/>
+ </Service>
+ <Service>
+ <Name>WlanInitAndTestCard</Name>
+ <Type>Special</Type>
+ <Delay>0</Delay>
+ </Service>
+ <!-- This service's implementation was previously part of CStateRunning's
+ implementation, THIS SERVICE MUST BE STARTED LAST!!! -->
+ <Service>
+ <Name>MtcStartupSyncReqAndStateReq</Name>
+ <Type>FinalMtcIsiMessage</Type>
+ <Delay>4000000</Delay>
+ </Service>
+ <!-- DO NO ADD ANY SERVICES AFTER MtcStartupSyncReqAndStateReq !!! -->
+ </OrderedServiceList>
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/general/commsfw_test.iby Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+//#include "include/core/os/EnableCommsLogs.iby"
+#include "cflog.iby"
+#include "CommsFrameworkTest.iby"
+//#include "commsfw_configwlan.iby"
+// For ncpkickstart
+data=DATAZ_\testdata\configs\commsfw_startedservices.xml \testdata\configs\commsfw_startedservices.xml
+data=DATAZ_\testdata\configs\WLAN_template_cccccc00.cre \testdata\configs\WLAN_template_cccccc00.cre
+data-override=DATAZ_\testdata\configs\commsfw_bootwlan.bat \autoexec.bat
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/general/te_initialiseboard.script Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Place testexecute commands here to perform board initialisation before any automated tests are run
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/group/bld.inf Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Build information file for all project in commsfw subsystem
+* %version: 1.1.3 %
+#include "../commsprocess/commsrootserverconfig/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../commsprocess/commsrootserverconfig/etc/bld.inf"
+#include "../commsconfig/commsdatabaseshim/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../datacommsserver/esockserver/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../datacommsserver/esockserver/etc/bld.inf"
+#include "../datacommsserver/networkingdialogapi/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../datacommsserver/networkingdialogapi/default/bld.inf"
+#include "../datacommsserver/networkcontroller/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../serialserver/serialportcsy/bld.inf"
+#include "../serialserver/packetloopbackcsy/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../serialserver/c32serialserver/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../serialserver/c32serialserverconfig/bld.inf"
+#include "../commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../commsfwsupport/commselements/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/defaultcommdb/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/installdefaultcommdb/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../commsfwtools/commstools/group/bld.inf"
+#include "../general/bld.inf"
--- a/package_definition.xml Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/package_definition.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<collection id="commsfwutils" name="Comms Framework Utilities" level="framework">
- <component id="commsbufs" name="Comms Buffers" introduced="tb92" purpose="mandatory">
+ <component id="commsbufs" name="Comms Buffers" introduced="^3" purpose="mandatory">
<unit bldFile="commsfwutils/commsbufs/group" mrp="commsfwutils/commsbufs/group/comms-infras_commsbufs.mrp"/>
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
<component id="commsinfrastructuredocs" name="Comms Infrastructure Documentation" introduced="7.0" purpose="development" class="doc">
<unit mrp="commsfw_info/commsinfrastructuredocs/comms-infras_documentation.mrp"/>
- <component id="commsfw_metadata" name="Communications Framework Metadata" class="config" introduced="tb91" purpose="development" target="desktop">
+ <component id="commsfw_metadata" name="Communications Framework Metadata" class="config" introduced="^2" purpose="development" target="desktop">
<unit mrp="commsfw_info/commsfw_metadata/commsfw_metadata.mrp"/>
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
<collection id="commsinfrastructureapitest" name="Comms-Infras API Tests" level="app-if">
- <component id="commsinfrastructuresvs" name="Comms Infrastructure Verification Suite" introduced="tb92" purpose="development">
+ <component id="commsinfrastructuresvs" name="Comms Infrastructure Verification Suite" introduced="^3" purpose="development">
<unit mrp="commsinfrastructureapitest/commsinfrastructuresvs/group/commsinfrastructuresvs.mrp"/>
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
<component id="installdefaultcommsdatabase" name="Install Default Comms Database" purpose="mandatory" target="desktop">
<unit bldFile="commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/installdefaultcommdb/group" mrp="commsfwtools/preparedefaultcommsdatabase/installdefaultcommdb/group/comms-infras_installdefaultcommdb.mrp" priority="1010"/>
- <component id="commstools" name="Comms Tools" introduced="tb92" purpose="development" target="desktop">
+ <component id="commstools" name="Comms Tools" introduced="^3" purpose="development" target="desktop">
<unit bldFile="commsfwtools/commstools/group" mrp="commsfwtools/commstools/group/comms-infras_tools.mrp"/>
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/package_map.xml Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+<PackageMap root="sf" layer="os"/>
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/LOOPBACK/te_loopback/group/Te_loopbacksuite.mmp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/serialserver/c32serialserver/LOOPBACK/te_loopback/group/Te_loopbacksuite.mmp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -29,10 +29,8 @@
-SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include
-SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include\test
//Please add your system include under here.
LIBRARY euser.lib
LIBRARY testexecuteutils.lib
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/CapTestFramework/SerComms.IBY Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/CapTestFramework/SerComms.IBY Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -18,6 +18,28 @@
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Sercomms.script TestData\Scripts\Sercomms.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000000_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000000_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000002_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00000002_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002000_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00002000_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0001fffe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0001fffe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0002fffe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0002fffe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_00037ffe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_00037ffe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003bffe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003bffe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003dffe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003dffe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003effe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003effe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003f7fe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003f7fe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fbfe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fbfe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fdfe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fdfe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fefe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fefe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003ff7e_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003ff7e_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003ffbe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003ffbe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003ffde_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003ffde_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003ffee_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003ffee_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fff6_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fff6_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fffa_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fffa_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fffc_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fffc_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fffe_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_0003fffe_SerCommsSub.script
+data=EPOCROOT##epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\z\TestData\Scripts\Cap_80000000_SerCommsSub.script TestData\Scripts\Cap_80000000_SerCommsSub.script
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/TE_C32/util/src/c32loader.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/TE_C32/util/src/c32loader.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@
if (result!=KErrNone && result!=KErrAlreadyExists)
__FLOG_1(_L("Could not load PDD! Leaving with error %d."), result);
- return result;
+// return result;
if (result!=KErrNone && result!=KErrAlreadyExists)
__FLOG_1(_L("Could not load LDD! Leaving with error %d."), result);
- return result;
+// return result;
// Warm-boot the Comms Process, but avoid loading the Phonebook Synchronizer
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
// LEave with last seen error, if any
- User::Leave(err);
+// User::Leave(err);
if (checkForLeaks)
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialConnection.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// SerialConnection.cpp: implementation of the CSerialConnection class.
-// This class opens a virtual comm port to perform read/write operation between PC and hardware
-// through USB cable.
-// This application is used to receive data from the H4 board.An USB driver should be installed on the PC
-// which maps the USB port to the virtual com port.
-// The data received from the hardware is displayed to debug output window.
- @file
- @internalComponent.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "SerialPort.h"
-#include "SerialConnection.h"
-#include "SerialPortDlg.h"
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#undef THIS_FILE
-static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
-#define new DEBUG_NEW
-//set the baud rate
-#define BAUD_RATE 115200
-//set the buffer size to receive data
-#define BUFFER_SIZE 64
-// Construction/Destruction
-static HANDLE hPort;
-CSerialConnection::~CSerialConnection() //destructor
- if( CloseHandle(hPort)>0 )
- OutputDebugString ("Com port is closed successfully");
-BOOL CSerialConnection::PortInitialize(CString strPort)
- DCB PortDCB;
- COMMTIMEOUTS CommTimeouts;
- //open the serial port.
- hPort = CreateFile ( strPort,
- 0,
- NULL);
- // If it fails to open the port, return FALSE.
- if ( hPort == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
- {
- AfxMessageBox("Unable to open port");
- return FALSE;
- }
- PortDCB.DCBlength = sizeof (DCB);
- //Get the default port setting information.
- if (!GetCommState (hPort, &PortDCB))
- {
- AfxMessageBox("Unable to retrieve default port setting information");
- return FALSE;
- }
- //Change the DCB structure settings.
- PortDCB.BaudRate = BAUD_RATE; // Current baud
- PortDCB.fBinary = FALSE; // Binary mode; no EOF check
- PortDCB.fParity = FALSE; // Enable parity checking.
- PortDCB.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; // No CTS output flow control
- PortDCB.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; // No DSR output flow control
- // DTR flow control type
- PortDCB.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE; // DSR sensitivity
- PortDCB.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE; // XOFF continues Tx
- PortDCB.fOutX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF out flow control
- PortDCB.fInX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF in flow control
- PortDCB.fErrorChar = FALSE; // Disable error replacement.
- PortDCB.fNull = FALSE; // Disable null stripping.
- // RTS flow control
- PortDCB.fAbortOnError = FALSE; // Do not abort reads/writes on
- // error.
- PortDCB.ByteSize = 8; // Number of bits/bytes, 4-8
- PortDCB.Parity = NOPARITY; // 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space
- PortDCB.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; // 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2
- // Configure the port according to the specifications of the DCB
- // structure.
- if (!SetCommState (hPort, &PortDCB))
- {
- // could not create the read thread.
- AfxMessageBox("Unable to configure the serial port");
- return FALSE;
- }
- // retrieve the time-out parameters for all read and write operations
- // on the port.
- if (!GetCommTimeouts (hPort, &CommTimeouts))
- {
- AfxMessageBox("Unable to retrieve the time-out parameters");
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Change the COMMTIMEOUTS structure settings.
- CommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
- CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
- CommTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
- CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
- CommTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 1000;
- // Set the time-out parameters for all read and write operations
- // on the port.
- if (!SetCommTimeouts (hPort, &CommTimeouts))
- {
- AfxMessageBox("Unable to set the time-out parameters");
- return FALSE;
- }
- AfxBeginThread(PortReadThread,pPARAM);
- return TRUE;
-UINT CSerialConnection::PortReadThread(LPVOID lpvoid)
- int loopSize = 0;
- BYTE writeByte = 255;
- DWORD dwCommModemStatus;
- DWORD dwBytesTransferred;
- DWORD dwNumBytesWritten;
- CString str_LoopSize;
- {
- /*
- send some data to the harware.This is used for handshaking with the hardware.
- The USB Test code running on hardware will be on wait state until it receives any
- data from the PC
- */
- WriteFile (hPort, &writeByte,1,&dwNumBytesWritten,NULL);
- //when a character appears it unblocks waitcommevent
- SetCommMask (hPort,EV_RXCHAR);
- //waits until a character appears at port
- WaitCommEvent (hPort, &dwCommModemStatus, 0);
- while(1)
- {
- if (EV_RXCHAR)
- {
- SetCommMask (hPort, EV_RXCHAR );
- //read data send from the hardware
- ReadFile (hPort, &readByte, BUFFER_SIZE, &dwBytesTransferred, 0);
- if (dwBytesTransferred >= 1)
- {
- CString str_PortData((LPCSTR)&readByte,sizeof(readByte));
- str_LoopSize.Format("%d",loopSize);
- loopSize++;
- //output the data to debug output window
- OutputDebugString (str_LoopSize + "Data send by USB = "+ str_PortData + "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialConnection.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
- @file
- @internalComponent.
-#if !defined(AFX_SERIALCONNECTION_H__4888156F_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_)
-#define AFX_SERIALCONNECTION_H__4888156F_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include <windows.h>
-class CSerialConnection
- CSerialConnection();
- ~CSerialConnection();
- BOOL PortInitialize (CString strPort);
- static UINT PortReadThread(LPVOID lpvoid);
-#endif // !defined(AFX_SERIALCONNECTION_H__4888156F_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_)
Binary file serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.aps has changed
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.clw Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-; CLW file contains information for the MFC ClassWizard
-[General Info]
-NewFileInclude1=#include "stdafx.h"
-NewFileInclude2=#include "SerialPort.h"
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// SerialPort.cpp : Defines the class behaviors for the application.
-// @internalComponent.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "SerialPort.h"
-#include "SerialPortDlg.h"
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#define new DEBUG_NEW
-#undef THIS_FILE
-static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
-// CSerialPortApp
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSerialPortApp)
- // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove mapping macros here.
- // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
- //}}AFX_MSG
-// CSerialPortApp construction
- // TODO: add construction code here,
- // Place all significant initialization in InitInstance
-// The one and only CSerialPortApp object
-CSerialPortApp theApp;
-// CSerialPortApp initialization
-BOOL CSerialPortApp::InitInstance()
- AfxEnableControlContainer();
- // Standard initialization
- // If you are not using these features and wish to reduce the size
- // of your final executable, you should remove from the following
- // the specific initialization routines you do not need.
-#ifdef _AFXDLL
- Enable3dControls(); // Call this when using MFC in a shared DLL
- Enable3dControlsStatic(); // Call this when linking to MFC statically
- CSerialPortDlg dlg;
- m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
- int nResponse = dlg.DoModal();
- if (nResponse == IDOK)
- {
- // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is
- // dismissed with OK
- }
- else if (nResponse == IDCANCEL)
- {
- // TODO: Place code here to handle when the dialog is
- // dismissed with Cancel
- }
- // Since the dialog has been closed, return FALSE so that we exit the
- // application, rather than start the application's message pump.
- return FALSE;
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.dsp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="SerialPort" - Package Owner=<4>
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
-# ** DO NOT EDIT **
-# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101
-CFG=SerialPort - Win32 Debug
-!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
-!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "SerialPort.mak".
-!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
-!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "SerialPort.mak" CFG="SerialPort - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "SerialPort - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
-!MESSAGE "SerialPort - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
-# Begin Project
-# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
-# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
-# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
-!IF "$(CFG)" == "SerialPort - Win32 Release"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 6
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /Yu"stdafx.h" /FD /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /D "_MBCS" /Yu"stdafx.h" /FD /c
-# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
-# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" /d "_AFXDLL"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG" /d "_AFXDLL"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386
-# ADD LINK32 /nologo /subsystem:windows /machine:I386
-!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "SerialPort - Win32 Debug"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 6
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /Yu"stdafx.h" /FD /GZ /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /D "_MBCS" /Yu"stdafx.h" /FD /GZ /c
-# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
-# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" /d "_AFXDLL"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG" /d "_AFXDLL"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
-# ADD LINK32 /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
-# Begin Target
-# Name "SerialPort - Win32 Release"
-# Name "SerialPort - Win32 Debug"
-# Begin Group "Source Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# ADD CPP /Yc"stdafx.h"
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Header Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Resource Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Target
-# End Project
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.dsw Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
-Project: "SerialPort"=".\SerialPort.dsp" - Package Owner=<4>
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* SerialPort.h : Defines the class behaviors for the application.
-* @internalComponent.
-#if !defined(AFX_SERIALPORT_H__48881565_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_)
-#define AFX_SERIALPORT_H__48881565_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
- #error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
-#include "resource.h" // main symbols
-// CSerialPortApp:
-// See SerialPort.cpp for the implementation of this class
-class CSerialPortApp : public CWinApp
- CSerialPortApp();
-// Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CSerialPortApp)
- public:
- virtual BOOL InitInstance();
-// Implementation
- //{{AFX_MSG(CSerialPortApp)
- // NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
- // DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
- //}}AFX_MSG
-// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
-#endif // !defined(AFX_SERIALPORT_H__48881565_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_)
Binary file serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.ncb has changed
Binary file serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.opt has changed
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.plg Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<h1>Build Log</h1>
---------------------Configuration: SerialPort - Win32 Debug--------------------
-<h3>Command Lines</h3>
-Creating command line "rc.exe /l 0x409 /fo"Debug/SerialPort.res" /d "_DEBUG" /d "_AFXDLL" "D:\microchip\mplab\JOSE\vc++\SERIAL PORT PIC\SerialPort.rc""
-Creating temporary file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\RSPC216.TMP" with contents
-/nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /D "_MBCS" /Fp"Debug/SerialPort.pch" /Yu"stdafx.h" /Fo"Debug/" /Fd"Debug/" /FD /GZ /c
-"D:\microchip\mplab\JOSE\vc++\SERIAL PORT PIC\SerialConnection.cpp"
-"D:\microchip\mplab\JOSE\vc++\SERIAL PORT PIC\SerialPort.cpp"
-"D:\microchip\mplab\JOSE\vc++\SERIAL PORT PIC\SerialPortDlg.cpp"
-Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\RSPC216.TMP"
-Creating temporary file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\RSPC217.TMP" with contents
-/nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_AFXDLL" /D "_MBCS" /Fp"Debug/SerialPort.pch" /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fo"Debug/" /Fd"Debug/" /FD /GZ /c
-"D:\microchip\mplab\JOSE\vc++\SERIAL PORT PIC\StdAfx.cpp"
-Creating command line "cl.exe @C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\RSPC217.TMP"
-Creating temporary file "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\RSPC218.TMP" with contents
-/nologo /subsystem:windows /incremental:yes /pdb:"Debug/SerialPort.pdb" /debug /machine:I386 /out:"Debug/SerialPort.exe" /pdbtype:sept
-Creating command line "link.exe @C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\RSPC218.TMP"
-<h3>Output Window</h3>
-Compiling resources...
-D:\microchip\mplab\JOSE\vc++\SERIAL PORT PIC\SerialConnection.cpp(296) : warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch
-D:\microchip\mplab\JOSE\vc++\SERIAL PORT PIC\SerialConnection.cpp(152) : warning C4101: 'result' : unreferenced local variable
-Generating Code...
-SerialPort.exe - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPort.rc Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script.
-#include "resource.h"
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
-#include "afxres.h"
-// English (U.S.) resources
-#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma code_page(1252)
-#endif //_WIN32
- "resource.h\0"
- "#include ""afxres.h""\r\n"
- "\0"
- "#define _AFX_NO_OLE_RESOURCES\r\n"
- "\r\n"
- "#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)\r\n"
- "#ifdef _WIN32\r\n"
- "LANGUAGE 9, 1\r\n"
- "#pragma code_page(1252)\r\n"
- "#endif //_WIN32\r\n"
- "#include ""res\\SerialPort.rc2"" // non-Microsoft Visual C++ edited resources\r\n"
- "#include ""afxres.rc"" // Standard components\r\n"
- "#endif\r\n"
- "\0"
-// Icon
-// Icon with lowest ID value placed first to ensure application icon
-// remains consistent on all systems.
-// Dialog
-CAPTION "USB Communication"
-FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
- LTEXT "USB Communication",IDC_STATIC,40,10,119,8,SS_NOPREFIX
- LTEXT "Copyright (c) 2006 Symbian Ltd.",IDC_STATIC,40,25,119,8
-CAPTION "SerialPort"
-FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif"
- DEFPUSHBUTTON "Start Read/Write Operations",IDOK,15,36,104,14
- PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,122,36,50,14
- LTEXT "Text",IDC_Text,23,38,8,10,SS_CENTERIMAGE | NOT
- LTEXT "Enter the Port No",IDC_STATIC,39,17,58,10
-#ifndef _MAC
-// Version
-#ifdef _DEBUG
- BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
- BLOCK "040904B0"
- VALUE "CompanyName", "\0"
- VALUE "FileDescription", "SerialPort MFC Application\0"
- VALUE "FileVersion", "1, 0, 0, 1\0"
- VALUE "InternalName", "SerialPort\0"
- VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) 2001\0"
- VALUE "LegalTrademarks", "\0"
- VALUE "OriginalFilename", "SerialPort.EXE\0"
- VALUE "ProductName", "SerialPort Application\0"
- VALUE "ProductVersion", "1, 0, 0, 1\0"
- BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
- VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1200
-#endif // !_MAC
-// String Table
- IDS_ABOUTBOX "&About SerialPort..."
-#endif // English (U.S.) resources
-// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
-#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#pragma code_page(1252)
-#endif //_WIN32
-#include "res\SerialPort.rc2" // non-Microsoft Visual C++ edited resources
-#include "afxres.rc" // Standard components
-#endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPortDlg.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// SerialPortDlg.cpp :- This class implements the CDialog class
- @file
- @internalComponent.
-#include "stdafx.h"
-#include "SerialPort.h"
-#include "SerialPortDlg.h"
-#include "SerialConnection.h"
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-#define new DEBUG_NEW
-#undef THIS_FILE
-static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
-// CAboutDlg dialog used for App About
-class CAboutDlg : public CDialog
- CAboutDlg();
-// Dialog Data
- //{{AFX_DATA(CAboutDlg)
- enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };
- //}}AFX_DATA
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CAboutDlg)
- protected:
- virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
-// Implementation
- //{{AFX_MSG(CAboutDlg)
- //}}AFX_MSG
-CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD)
- //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAboutDlg)
-void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
- CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
- //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CAboutDlg)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAboutDlg)
- // No message handlers
-// CSerialPortDlg dialog
-CSerialPortDlg::CSerialPortDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
- : CDialog(CSerialPortDlg::IDD, pParent)
- //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CSerialPortDlg)
- m_StrComPortNo = _T("");
- // Note that LoadIcon does not require a subsequent DestroyIcon in Win32
- m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME);
-void CSerialPortDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
- CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX);
- //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CSerialPortDlg)
- DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_Text, m_LabelText);
- DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_StrComPortNo);
-BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSerialPortDlg, CDialog)
- //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSerialPortDlg)
-// CSerialPortDlg message handlers
-BOOL CSerialPortDlg::OnInitDialog()
- CDialog::OnInitDialog();
- // Add "About..." menu item to system menu.
- // IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range.
- CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
- if (pSysMenu != NULL)
- {
- CString strAboutMenu;
- strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX);
- if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty())
- {
- pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR);
- pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);
- }
- }
- // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
- // when the application's main window is not a dialog
- SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
- SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
- // TODO: Add extra initialization here
- return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
-void CSerialPortDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam)
- if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX)
- {
- CAboutDlg dlgAbout;
- dlgAbout.DoModal();
- }
- else
- {
- CDialog::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);
- }
-// If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below
-// to draw the icon. For MFC applications using the document/view model,
-// this is automatically done for you by the framework.
-void CSerialPortDlg::OnPaint()
- if (IsIconic())
- {
- CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
- SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, (WPARAM) dc.GetSafeHdc(), 0);
- // Center icon in client rectangle
- int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON);
- int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON);
- CRect rect;
- GetClientRect(&rect);
- int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2;
- int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;
- // Draw the icon
- dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon);
- }
- else
- {
- CDialog::OnPaint();
- }
-// The system calls this to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags
-// the minimized window.
-HCURSOR CSerialPortDlg::OnQueryDragIcon()
- return (HCURSOR) m_hIcon;
-void CSerialPortDlg::OnOK()
- CString strPortNo;
- UpdateData (TRUE);
- set the virtual com port no.This can be any value greater than available
- physical port no.eg \\\\.\\com14
- if( m_StrComPortNo != "" )
- {
- strPortNo = "\\\\\\\\.\\\\" + m_StrComPortNo;
- serialconnect.PortInitialize ( strPortNo );
- }
- else
- {
- AfxMessageBox(" Please enter the Com Port No ");
- }
-void CSerialPortDlg::OnCancel()
- CDialog::OnCancel();
-void CSerialPortDlg::OnButton1()
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/SerialPortDlg.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// This class implements the CDialog class.
- @file
- @internalComponent.
-#if !defined(AFX_SERIALPORTDLG_H__48881567_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_)
-#define AFX_SERIALPORTDLG_H__48881567_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#include "SerialConnection.h"
-// CSerialPortDlg dialog
-class CSerialPortDlg : public CDialog
-// Construction
- CSerialPortDlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor
- CSerialConnection serialconnect;
-// Dialog Data
- //{{AFX_DATA(CSerialPortDlg)
- CStatic m_LabelText;
- CString m_StrComPortNo;
- //}}AFX_DATA
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CSerialPortDlg)
- protected:
- virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
-// Implementation
- HICON m_hIcon;
- // Generated message map functions
- //{{AFX_MSG(CSerialPortDlg)
- virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
- afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam);
- afx_msg void OnPaint();
- afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon();
- virtual void OnOK();
- virtual void OnCancel();
- afx_msg void OnButton1();
- //}}AFX_MSG
-// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
-#endif // !defined(AFX_SERIALPORTDLG_H__48881567_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_)
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/StdAfx.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-// source file that includes just the standard includes
-// SerialPort.pch will be the pre-compiled header
-// stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information
- @file
- @internalComponent.
-#include "stdafx.h"
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/StdAfx.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* include file for standard system include files,
-* or project specific include files that are used frequently, but
-* are changed infrequently
- @file
- @internalComponent.
-#if !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__48881569_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_)
-#define AFX_STDAFX_H__48881569_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_
-#if _MSC_VER > 1000
-#pragma once
-#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
-#define VC_EXTRALEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
-#include <afxwin.h> // MFC core and standard components
-#include <afxext.h> // MFC extensions
-#include <afxdisp.h> // MFC Automation classes
-#include <afxdtctl.h> // MFC support for Internet Explorer 4 Common Controls
-#include <afxcmn.h> // MFC support for Windows Common Controls
-// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
-#endif // !defined(AFX_STDAFX_H__48881569_F2B4_11D4_8077_DC3329DB2D48__INCLUDED_)
Binary file serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/res/SerialPort.ico has changed
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/res/SerialPort.rc2 Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// SERIALPORT.RC2 - resources Microsoft Visual C++ does not edit directly
- #error this file is not editable by Microsoft Visual C++
-// Add manually edited resources here...
--- a/serialserver/c32serialserver/Test/te_C32Performance/USB PC Side Code/resource.h Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-* Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
-* Used by SerialPort.rc
- @file
- @internalComponent.
-#define IDM_ABOUTBOX 0x0010
-#define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100
-#define IDS_ABOUTBOX 101
-#define IDR_MAINFRAME 128
-#define IDC_BUTTON1 1000
-#define IDC_Text 1001
-#define IDC_EDIT1 1002
-// Next default values for new objects
-#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 32771
-#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
--- a/serialserver/packetloopbackcsy/group/TE_PacketLoopback.mmp Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/serialserver/packetloopbackcsy/group/TE_PacketLoopback.mmp Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -27,11 +27,7 @@
-SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include
SYSTEMINCLUDE /epoc32/include/test
--- a/serialserver/serialportcsy/BLD.INF Thu Aug 19 11:05:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/serialserver/serialportcsy/BLD.INF Tue Aug 31 16:25:36 2010 +0300
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
ECUART.iby /epoc32/rom/include/ecuart.iby
-#include "../c32serialserver/LOOPBACK/BLD.INF"
+#include "../c32serialserver/LOOPBACK/bld.inf"