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     1 // Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Server-side representation of a target client, which may have multiple 
    15 // sessions associated with it.
    16 // 
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalComponent
    21 */
    26 #include <e32base.h>
    27 #include <remcon/clientinfo.h>
    28 #include <remcon/clientid.h>
    29 #include <remcon/playertype.h>
    31 #include "messagesendobserver.h"
    34 /**
    35 The maximum number of target sessions permitted for a single client process
    36 */
    37 const TUint KMaxNumberTargetSessions = 2;
    39 class CRemConServer;
    40 class CBearerManager;
    41 class CRemConTargetSession;
    42 class CRemConInterfaceDetails;
    43 class CRemConMessage;
    45 /**
    46 Represents a target client process and manages that clients sessions.
    47 */
    48 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRemConTargetClientProcess) : public CBase, public MRemConMessageSendObserver
    49 	{
    50 public:
    51 	static CRemConTargetClientProcess* NewLC(TClientInfo& aClientInfo, TRemConClientId aClientId, CRemConServer& aServer, CBearerManager& aBearerManager);
    52 	~CRemConTargetClientProcess();
    54 	/**
    55 	Returns the unique client ID for this client.
    56 	@return The client ID.
    57 	*/
    58 	inline TRemConClientId Id() const;
    60 	/**
    61 	Returns a description of the client represented by this CRemConTargetClientProcess instance.
    62 	@return A TClientInfo instance describing the client.
    63 	*/
    64 	inline TClientInfo& ClientInfo();
    65 	inline const TClientInfo& ClientInfo() const;
    67 	/**
    68 	Indicates whether or not this CRemConTargetClientProcess represents a client described by a given TClientInfo instance.
    69 	@param aClientInfo The TClientInfo instance describing the client.
    70 	@return ETrue if the client described by aClientInfo is that represented by this CRemConTargetClientProcess instance.
    71 	*/
    72 	inline TBool IsClient(const TClientInfo& aClientInfo) const;
    74 	/**
    75 	Indicates whether or not this client has been registered as available with the server.
    76 	@return ETrue if this client has been marked as available.
    77 	*/
    78 	inline TBool ClientAvailable() const;
    80 	/**
    81 	Creates a new target session for the client with a given unique session ID.
    82 	If the client already has KMaxNumberTargetSessions sessions open, then this will leave with KErrOverflow.
    83 	@param aSessionId The session ID for the new session.
    84 	*/
    85 	CRemConTargetSession* NewSessionL(TUint aSessionId);
    87 	/**
    88 	Called by CRemConTargetSession to provide notification of the opening of a new session.
    89 	@param aSession The CRemConTargetSession that is opening.
    90 	@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
    91 	*/
    92 	TInt TargetSessionOpened(CRemConTargetSession& aSession);
    94 	/**
    95 	Called by CRemConTargetSession to provide notificaton of session closure.
    96 	@param aSession The CRemConTargetSession that is closing.
    97 	*/
    98 	void TargetSessionClosed(CRemConTargetSession& aSession);
   100 	/**
   101 	Returns the number of target sessions currently open on this client.
   102 	@return The number of open target sessions.
   103 	*/
   104 	inline TInt TargetSessionCount() const;
   106 	/**
   107 	Sets the player information for this client.
   108 	This information can only be set once for the client.
   109 	@param aPlayerType The player type.
   110 	@param aPlayerName The player name.
   111 	*/
   112 	void SetPlayerInformationL(const TPlayerTypeInformation& aPlayerType, const TDesC8& aPlayerName);
   114 	/**
   115 	Indicates whether or not player information has been set for this client.
   116 	@return ETrue if player information has been set.
   117 	*/
   118 	inline TBool HasPlayerInformation() const;
   120 	/**
   121 	Returns the player type set for this client.
   122 	This is only valid if HasPlayerInformation() returns ETrue.
   123 	@return The player type.
   124 	*/
   125 	inline TPlayerType PlayerType() const;
   127 	/**
   128 	Returns the player subtype set for this client.
   129 	This is only valid if HasPlayerInformation() returns ETrue.
   130 	@return The player subtype.
   131 	*/
   132 	inline TPlayerSubType PlayerSubType() const;
   134 	/**
   135 	Returns the player name set for this client.
   136 	This is only valid if HasPlayerInformation() returns ETrue.
   137 	@return The player name.
   138 	*/
   139 	inline const TDesC8& Name() const;
   141 	/**
   142 	Indicates whether or not the given player information matches that set for this client.
   143 	This is only valid if HasPlayerInformation() returns ETrue.
   144 	@return ETrue if the player information matches.
   145 	*/
   146 	inline TBool PlayerInformationMatches(const TPlayerTypeInformation& aPlayerType, const TDesC8& aPlayerName) const;
   148 	/**
   149 	Called by CRemConTargetSession to provide notification that the session has registered a new interface.
   150 	@param aSession The CRemConTargetSession that has registered the new interface.
   151 	*/
   152 	void InterfacesRegistered();
   154 	/**
   155 	Determines whether or not an interface of the same type as that given has already been registered
   156 	in a session owned by this client, other than the given session.
   157 	@param aSession The target session to exclude from the interface search.
   158 	@param aInterface The interface type to test for.
   159 	@return Whether or not a registered interface of this type exists for the client.
   160 	**/
   161 	TBool IsInterfaceTypeRegisteredByAnotherSession(CRemConTargetSession& aSession, TUid aInterfaceUid) const;
   163 	/**
   164 	Called by CRemConServer when a message has been received for this client.
   165 	The client will attempt to deliver the message to the appropriate session. If no session
   166 	supports the message, KErrArgument is returned. Otherwise, if the supporting session is
   167 	not ready to receive the message, KErrNotReady is returned. Any other error code is returned
   168 	by the session as it processes the message.
   169 	@param aMessage The message for this client.
   170 	@return KErrArgument if no session supports this message, KErrNotReady if the message cannot be handled yet, or an error
   171 	code returned by the session as it processes the message.
   172 	*/
   173 	TInt ReceiveMessage(CRemConMessage& aMessage);
   175 	/**
   176 	Indicates that a connection has come up or down.
   177 	This notifies each session held by this client.
   178 	*/
   179 	void ConnectionsChanged();
   181 	/**
   182 	Provides a list of interfaces supported by this client.
   183 	@param aUids An RArray to hold the UIDs of the supported interfaces.
   184 	@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
   185 	*/
   186 	TInt SupportedInterfaces(RArray<TUid>& aUids);
   188 	/**
   189 	Provides a list of interfaces supported by this client that require the bulk server.
   190 	@param aUids An RArray to hold the UIDs of the interfaces.
   191 	@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
   192 	*/
   193 	TInt SupportedBulkInterfaces(RArray<TUid>& aUids);
   195 	/**
   196 	Provides a list of operations supported by a particular interface.
   197 	@param aInterfaceUid The UID of the interface of interest.
   198 	@param aOperations An RArray to hold the supported operations.
   199 	@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
   200 	*/
   201 	TInt SupportedOperations(TUid aInterfaceUid, RArray<TUint>& aOperations);
   203 public:	// From MRenConMessageSendObserver
   204 	void MrcmsoMessageSendResult(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TInt aError);	// Not supported
   205 	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreAttempt(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TUint aNumRemotes);
   206 	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreIncremental(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TUint aNumRemotes);
   207 	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreAttemptFailed(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TInt aError);
   208 	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreResult(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TInt aError);
   209 	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreAbandoned(const CRemConMessage& aMessage);
   211 private:
   212 	CRemConTargetClientProcess(TClientInfo& aClientInfo, TRemConClientId aClientId, CRemConServer& aServer, CBearerManager& aBearerManager);
   214 	/**
   215 	Returns the target session that supports a given RemCon message.
   216 	Since no two sessions may register the same interface, there is a maximum of one possible session that could support the message.
   217 	@param aMessage The RemCon message.
   218 	@return The supporting CRemConTargetSession instance or NULL if no supporting session could be found.
   219 	*/
   220 	CRemConTargetSession* FindSessionForMessage(const CRemConMessage& aMessage);
   222 	/**
   223 	Returns an index to a target session held by this client that supports a particular interface.
   224 	@param aInterface The UID of the interface of interest.
   225 	@return If found, the index of the relevent target session. Otherwise, KErrNotFound or one of the other system-wide error codes.
   226 	*/
   227 	TInt FindSessionForInterface(TUid aInterface) const;
   229 	/**
   230 	Utility method to complete a given RemCon message for a particular target session.
   231 	@param aMessage The RemCon message
   232 	@param aSession The target session
   233 	*/
   234 	void CompleteMessageForSession(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, CRemConTargetSession& aSession);
   236 private:
   237 	// Client information
   238 	TClientInfo iClientInfo;
   239 	TRemConClientId iClientId;
   240 	TBool iClientAvailable;
   242 	CRemConServer& iServer;
   243 	CBearerManager& iBearerManager;
   245 	// Player information
   246 	TPlayerTypeInformation iPlayerType;
   247 	RBuf8 iPlayerName;
   248 	TBool iPlayerInfoSet;
   250 	// Target sessions for this client
   251 	RPointerArray<CRemConTargetSession> iTargetSessions;
   253 	};
   255 #include "targetclientprocess.inl"