changeset 74 9d35fd98f273
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/accessoryservices/remotecontrolfw/server/inc/targetclientprocess.h	Mon Oct 04 02:28:24 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Server-side representation of a target client, which may have multiple 
+// sessions associated with it.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <remcon/clientinfo.h>
+#include <remcon/clientid.h>
+#include <remcon/playertype.h>
+#include "messagesendobserver.h"
+The maximum number of target sessions permitted for a single client process
+const TUint KMaxNumberTargetSessions = 2;
+class CRemConServer;
+class CBearerManager;
+class CRemConTargetSession;
+class CRemConInterfaceDetails;
+class CRemConMessage;
+Represents a target client process and manages that clients sessions.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRemConTargetClientProcess) : public CBase, public MRemConMessageSendObserver
+	{
+	static CRemConTargetClientProcess* NewLC(TClientInfo& aClientInfo, TRemConClientId aClientId, CRemConServer& aServer, CBearerManager& aBearerManager);
+	~CRemConTargetClientProcess();
+	/**
+	Returns the unique client ID for this client.
+	@return The client ID.
+	*/
+	inline TRemConClientId Id() const;
+	/**
+	Returns a description of the client represented by this CRemConTargetClientProcess instance.
+	@return A TClientInfo instance describing the client.
+	*/
+	inline TClientInfo& ClientInfo();
+	inline const TClientInfo& ClientInfo() const;
+	/**
+	Indicates whether or not this CRemConTargetClientProcess represents a client described by a given TClientInfo instance.
+	@param aClientInfo The TClientInfo instance describing the client.
+	@return ETrue if the client described by aClientInfo is that represented by this CRemConTargetClientProcess instance.
+	*/
+	inline TBool IsClient(const TClientInfo& aClientInfo) const;
+	/**
+	Indicates whether or not this client has been registered as available with the server.
+	@return ETrue if this client has been marked as available.
+	*/
+	inline TBool ClientAvailable() const;
+	/**
+	Creates a new target session for the client with a given unique session ID.
+	If the client already has KMaxNumberTargetSessions sessions open, then this will leave with KErrOverflow.
+	@param aSessionId The session ID for the new session.
+	*/
+	CRemConTargetSession* NewSessionL(TUint aSessionId);
+	/**
+	Called by CRemConTargetSession to provide notification of the opening of a new session.
+	@param aSession The CRemConTargetSession that is opening.
+	@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt TargetSessionOpened(CRemConTargetSession& aSession);
+	/**
+	Called by CRemConTargetSession to provide notificaton of session closure.
+	@param aSession The CRemConTargetSession that is closing.
+	*/
+	void TargetSessionClosed(CRemConTargetSession& aSession);
+	/**
+	Returns the number of target sessions currently open on this client.
+	@return The number of open target sessions.
+	*/
+	inline TInt TargetSessionCount() const;
+	/**
+	Sets the player information for this client.
+	This information can only be set once for the client.
+	@param aPlayerType The player type.
+	@param aPlayerName The player name.
+	*/
+	void SetPlayerInformationL(const TPlayerTypeInformation& aPlayerType, const TDesC8& aPlayerName);
+	/**
+	Indicates whether or not player information has been set for this client.
+	@return ETrue if player information has been set.
+	*/
+	inline TBool HasPlayerInformation() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the player type set for this client.
+	This is only valid if HasPlayerInformation() returns ETrue.
+	@return The player type.
+	*/
+	inline TPlayerType PlayerType() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the player subtype set for this client.
+	This is only valid if HasPlayerInformation() returns ETrue.
+	@return The player subtype.
+	*/
+	inline TPlayerSubType PlayerSubType() const;
+	/**
+	Returns the player name set for this client.
+	This is only valid if HasPlayerInformation() returns ETrue.
+	@return The player name.
+	*/
+	inline const TDesC8& Name() const;
+	/**
+	Indicates whether or not the given player information matches that set for this client.
+	This is only valid if HasPlayerInformation() returns ETrue.
+	@return ETrue if the player information matches.
+	*/
+	inline TBool PlayerInformationMatches(const TPlayerTypeInformation& aPlayerType, const TDesC8& aPlayerName) const;
+	/**
+	Called by CRemConTargetSession to provide notification that the session has registered a new interface.
+	@param aSession The CRemConTargetSession that has registered the new interface.
+	*/
+	void InterfacesRegistered();
+	/**
+	Determines whether or not an interface of the same type as that given has already been registered
+	in a session owned by this client, other than the given session.
+	@param aSession The target session to exclude from the interface search.
+	@param aInterface The interface type to test for.
+	@return Whether or not a registered interface of this type exists for the client.
+	**/
+	TBool IsInterfaceTypeRegisteredByAnotherSession(CRemConTargetSession& aSession, TUid aInterfaceUid) const;
+	/**
+	Called by CRemConServer when a message has been received for this client.
+	The client will attempt to deliver the message to the appropriate session. If no session
+	supports the message, KErrArgument is returned. Otherwise, if the supporting session is
+	not ready to receive the message, KErrNotReady is returned. Any other error code is returned
+	by the session as it processes the message.
+	@param aMessage The message for this client.
+	@return KErrArgument if no session supports this message, KErrNotReady if the message cannot be handled yet, or an error
+	code returned by the session as it processes the message.
+	*/
+	TInt ReceiveMessage(CRemConMessage& aMessage);
+	/**
+	Indicates that a connection has come up or down.
+	This notifies each session held by this client.
+	*/
+	void ConnectionsChanged();
+	/**
+	Provides a list of interfaces supported by this client.
+	@param aUids An RArray to hold the UIDs of the supported interfaces.
+	@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt SupportedInterfaces(RArray<TUid>& aUids);
+	/**
+	Provides a list of interfaces supported by this client that require the bulk server.
+	@param aUids An RArray to hold the UIDs of the interfaces.
+	@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt SupportedBulkInterfaces(RArray<TUid>& aUids);
+	/**
+	Provides a list of operations supported by a particular interface.
+	@param aInterfaceUid The UID of the interface of interest.
+	@param aOperations An RArray to hold the supported operations.
+	@return KErrNone on success, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt SupportedOperations(TUid aInterfaceUid, RArray<TUint>& aOperations);
+public:	// From MRenConMessageSendObserver
+	void MrcmsoMessageSendResult(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TInt aError);	// Not supported
+	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreAttempt(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TUint aNumRemotes);
+	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreIncremental(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TUint aNumRemotes);
+	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreAttemptFailed(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TInt aError);
+	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreResult(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, TInt aError);
+	void MrcmsoMessageSendOneOrMoreAbandoned(const CRemConMessage& aMessage);
+	CRemConTargetClientProcess(TClientInfo& aClientInfo, TRemConClientId aClientId, CRemConServer& aServer, CBearerManager& aBearerManager);
+	/**
+	Returns the target session that supports a given RemCon message.
+	Since no two sessions may register the same interface, there is a maximum of one possible session that could support the message.
+	@param aMessage The RemCon message.
+	@return The supporting CRemConTargetSession instance or NULL if no supporting session could be found.
+	*/
+	CRemConTargetSession* FindSessionForMessage(const CRemConMessage& aMessage);
+	/**
+	Returns an index to a target session held by this client that supports a particular interface.
+	@param aInterface The UID of the interface of interest.
+	@return If found, the index of the relevent target session. Otherwise, KErrNotFound or one of the other system-wide error codes.
+	*/
+	TInt FindSessionForInterface(TUid aInterface) const;
+	/**
+	Utility method to complete a given RemCon message for a particular target session.
+	@param aMessage The RemCon message
+	@param aSession The target session
+	*/
+	void CompleteMessageForSession(const CRemConMessage& aMessage, CRemConTargetSession& aSession);
+	// Client information
+	TClientInfo iClientInfo;
+	TRemConClientId iClientId;
+	TBool iClientAvailable;
+	CRemConServer& iServer;
+	CBearerManager& iBearerManager;
+	// Player information
+	TPlayerTypeInformation iPlayerType;
+	RBuf8 iPlayerName;
+	TBool iPlayerInfoSet;
+	// Target sessions for this client
+	RPointerArray<CRemConTargetSession> iTargetSessions;
+	};
+#include "targetclientprocess.inl"