Implemented RObjectIx-based memoryaccess APIs.
Upshot is that objinfo now works again on platforms that define FSHELL_NO_DOBJECTIX_SUPPORT.
// TextView.h
// Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Accenture - Initial contribution
#ifndef __TEXTVIEW_H__
#define __TEXTVIEW_H__
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "base.h"
#include "TextBuffer.h"
class CWindow;
class CTextView : public CBase, public MTextBufferObserver
static CTextView* New(CWindow& aWindow, CTextBuffer& aTextBuffer, int aWidthInChars, int aHeightInChars);
virtual ~CTextView();
void EnableCursor();
void DisableCursor();
void BeginUpdate();
void EndUpdate();
void Draw() const;
void HandleFocusGained();
void HandleFocusLost();
void SetSize(int aWidth, int aHeight);
void GetSize(int& aWidth, int& aHeight) const;
void SetHorzScrollPosition(int aPosX);
void SetVertScrollPosition(int aPosY);
void StartSelection(int aPosX, int aPosY);
void AdjustSelection(int aPosX, int aPosY);
void EndSelection(int aPosX, int aPosY);
void SelectWord(int aPosX, int aPosY);
int CharHeight() const;
int CharWidth() const;
bool SelectionAvailable() const;
LPTSTR Selection() const;
void ClearSelection();
void SetDimmed(bool aDimmed);
void ScrollToEndIfNeeded();
CTextView(CWindow& aWindow, CTextBuffer& aTextBuffer);
void Construct(int aWidthInChars, int aHeightInChars);
private: // From MTextBufferObserver.
virtual void HandleTextBufferChange(int aPosX, int aPosY, PTCHAR aPtr, int aLength);
virtual void HandleTextBufferScroll();
virtual void HandleTextBufferCursorChange();
virtual void HandleTextBufferCleared();
void SetCursorVisibility();
bool CursorInView() const;
void GetCursorPixelPos(int& aX, int& aY) const;
void SetCursorPos();
void ResetBufferPos();
void SetBufferPos(int aPosX, int aPosY);
void MoveBuffer(int aDiffY);
void ConfigureScrollBars(bool aReset);
void ReDraw() const;
void GetViewRect(int aCharPosX, int aCharPosY, int aNumChars, RECT& aRect) const;
void GetViewRect(int aCharPosX1, int aCharPosY1, int aCharPosX2, int aCharPosY2, RECT& aRect) const;
bool RectVisible(const RECT& aRect) const;
bool LineVisible(int aLinePos) const;
bool TopLineVisible() const;
bool BottomLineVisible() const;
int TotalBufferHeight() const;
int MinBufferPosY() const;
int MaxBufferPosY() const;
void GetVisibleLines(const RECT& aRect, int& aFrom, int& aTo) const;
void MapBufCharToBufPix(int aBufCharPosX, int aBufCharPosY, int& aBufPixPosX, int& aBufPixPosY) const;
void MapBufPixToViewPix(int aBufPixPosX, int aBufPixPosY, int& aViewPixPosX, int& aViewPixPosY) const;
void MapBufPixToBufChar(int aBufPixPosX, int aBufPixPosY, int& aBufCharPosX, int& aBufCharPosY) const;
void MapViewPixToBufPix(int aViewPixPosX, int aViewPixPosY, int& aBufPixPosX, int& aBufPixPosY) const;
void MapScrollPosToBufPix(int aScrollPosX, int aScrollPosY, int& aBufPixPosX, int& aBufPixPosY) const;
void GetSelectionRect(RECT& aRect) const;
void ScrollSelection();
CWindow& iWindow;
CTextBuffer& iTextBuffer;
HFONT iFont;
int iCharWidth; ///< Character width in pixels.
int iCharHeight; ///< Character height in pixels.
int iViewWidth;
int iViewHeight;
int iBufferPosX;
int iBufferPosY;
int iNumOverflowLines;
bool iCursorEnabled;
bool iUpdating;
bool iCursorHidden;
bool iFocused;
int iSelectionX1; ///< In buffer character coordinates.
int iSelectionY1; ///< " "
int iSelectionX2; ///< " "
int iSelectionY2; ///< " "
bool iSelecting;
bool iDimmed;
/-- (iBufferPosX, iBufferPosY) in pixels relative to view.
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| /-- (0, 0) in Windows pixel coordinates. |
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#endif // __TEXTVIEW_H__