changeset 163 bbf46f59e123
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/graphicsresourceservices/graphicsresourceimplementation/test/src/tgraphicsresourceteststepbase.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:31:06 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1203 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @test
+ @internalComponent - Graphics Resource API Conformance Test Suite
+#include "tgraphicsresourceteststepbase.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+CTSgTestStepBase::CTSgTestStepBase(TBool aConformanceTests) :
+	iEnableConformanceTests(aConformanceTests)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	iSecondThread.Close();
+	iPixelFormatArray.Close();
+	User::Free(iDiagonalImageData);
+	iSgDriver.Close();
+	}
+Overrides of base class virtual
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+@return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTSgTestStepBase::doTestStepPreambleL()
+	{
+	// Set the logger to shared so that secondary threads can write to the log
+	User::LeaveIfError(Logger().ShareAuto());	
+	SetTestStepResult(EPass);
+	iDiagonalImageData = static_cast<TUint32*>(User::AllocL(KDiagonalImageSize * KDiagonalImageDataStride));
+	// Populate iDiagonalImageData with green diagonal from top-left to bottom-right on white background
+	Mem::Fill(iDiagonalImageData, KDiagonalImageSize * KDiagonalImageDataStride, 0xFF);
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < KDiagonalImageSize; ++i)
+		{
+		iDiagonalImageData[i * (KDiagonalImageSize + 1)] = 0xFF00FF00;
+		}
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+Override of base class virtual
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+@return - TVerdict code
+TVerdict CTSgTestStepBase::doTestStepPostambleL()
+	{
+	User::Free(iDiagonalImageData);
+	iDiagonalImageData = NULL;
+	return TestStepResult();
+	}
+Creates an image with some predefined parameters.
+@param aImage output image handle
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+void CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageL(RSgImage& aImage)
+	{
+	TSgImageInfo info;
+	info.iSizeInPixels = TSize(8, 8);
+	info.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
+	info.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565;
+	CheckErrorL(KErrNone, aImage.Create(info, KCrossImageData, KCrossImageDataStride), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+	}
+Creates a second process and do some tests in it.
+@param aProcessName The name of the new process
+@param aTestInfo The information for the tests
+@return A bitwise mask of test passes (never an error code)
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+TInt CTSgTestStepBase::CreateSecondProcessAndDoTestL(const TDesC &aProcessName, TSgProcessTestInfo& aTestInfo)
+	{
+	// Create a second process
+	RProcess process;
+	TInt err = process.Create(aProcessName, KNullDesC);
+	User::LeaveIfError(err);
+	CleanupClosePushL(process);
+	// Specify the id passed to the second process
+	TPckg<TSgProcessTestInfo> ptr(aTestInfo);
+	TESTL(KErrNone == process.SetParameter(KSecondProcessParametersSlot, ptr));
+	// Kick off the second process and wait for it to complete
+	// The actual testing is done in the second process
+	TRequestStatus status = KRequestPending;
+	process.Logon(status);
+	process.Resume();
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	// exitreason could either be a negative error code or a bitwise
+	// mask of test passes.
+	TInt exitreason = process.ExitReason();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	if (exitreason < KErrNone)
+		{
+		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("The second process returned error code %d"), exitreason);
+		TEST(EFalse);
+		exitreason = 0;
+		}
+	//return test result
+	return exitreason;
+	}
+Creates a second process, runs the requested test and ensures that
+the specified panic occurs.
+@param aTestInfo The specification for this test
+@param aPanicCode The expected panic code
+@param aExitCategory The expected panic category
+@param aProcessName The name of the new process
+@leave One of the system wide error codes
+void CTSgTestStepBase::CreateSecondProcessAndCheckPanicL(TSgProcessTestInfo& aTestInfo, TInt aPanicCode, TExitCategoryName aExitCategory, const TDesC &aProcessName)
+	{
+	// Create a second process
+	RProcess process;
+	User::LeaveIfError(process.Create(aProcessName, KNullDesC));
+	CleanupClosePushL(process);
+	// Specify the id passed to the second process
+	TPckg<TSgProcessTestInfo> ptr(aTestInfo);
+	TESTL(KErrNone == process.SetParameter(KSecondProcessParametersSlot, ptr));
+	// Kick off the second process and wait for it to complete
+	// The actual testing is done in the second process
+	TRequestStatus status = KRequestPending;
+	process.Logon(status);
+	process.Resume();
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	if(EExitPanic != process.ExitType())
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected exit type: %d, Actual exit type: %d"), EExitPanic, process.ExitType());
+		TEST(EFalse);
+		}
+	if(aPanicCode != process.ExitReason())
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected panic code: %d, Actual panic code: %d"), aPanicCode, process.ExitReason());
+		TEST(EFalse);
+		}
+	TExitCategoryName secondProcessExitCategory = process.ExitCategory();
+	if(aExitCategory != secondProcessExitCategory)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected panic category: %S, Actual panic category: %S"), &aExitCategory, &secondProcessExitCategory);
+		TEST(EFalse);
+		}
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+	}
+Creates a second thread and do some tests in it.
+@param aTestInfo The information for the tests
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+TInt CTSgTestStepBase::CreateSecondThreadAndDoTestL(TSgThreadTestInfo aTestInfo)
+	{
+	//create a semaphore
+	RSemaphore sem;
+	User::LeaveIfError(sem.CreateGlobal(KSecondThreadSemaphore, 0, EOwnerThread));
+	CleanupClosePushL(sem);
+	aTestInfo.iTestStep = this;
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSecondThread.Create(KSecondThread, SgTestSecondThread::ThreadStart, KDefaultStackSize, KSecondThreadMinHeapSize, KSecondThreadMaxHeapSize, &aTestInfo));
+	// Launch second thread
+	TRequestStatus statusSecondThread;
+	iSecondThread.Logon(statusSecondThread);
+	iSecondThread.SetPriority(EPriorityLess);
+	iSecondThread.Resume();	
+	User::WaitForRequest(statusSecondThread);
+	TExitCategoryName exitCategory = iSecondThread.ExitCategory();
+	if (exitCategory.Compare(_L("Kill")) != 0)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Second thread terminated with reason category '%S'"), &exitCategory);
+		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		}
+	TInt result = iSecondThread.ExitReason();
+	//Close the handle
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1, &sem);
+	iSecondThread.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Creates a second thread and do some panic tests in it.
+@param aTestInfo The information for the tests
+@param aPanicCode The expected panic code
+@param aExitCategory The expected panic category
+@param aThreadName The name of the new thread
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+void CTSgTestStepBase::CreateSecondThreadAndCheckPanicL(TSgThreadTestInfo aTestInfo, TInt aPanicCode, TExitCategoryName aExitCategory, const TDesC &aThreadName)
+	{
+	aTestInfo.iTestStep = this;
+	User::LeaveIfError(iSecondThread.Create(aThreadName, SgTestSecondThread::ThreadStart, KDefaultStackSize, KSecondThreadMinHeapSize, KSecondThreadMaxHeapSize, &aTestInfo));
+	// Launch second thread
+	TRequestStatus statusSecondThread;
+	iSecondThread.Logon(statusSecondThread);
+	iSecondThread.SetPriority(EPriorityLess);
+	iSecondThread.Resume();	
+	User::WaitForRequest(statusSecondThread);
+	if(EExitPanic != iSecondThread.ExitType())
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected exit type: %d, Actual exit type: %d"), EExitPanic, iSecondThread.ExitType());
+		TEST(EFalse);
+		}
+	if(aPanicCode != iSecondThread.ExitReason())
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected panic code: %d, Actual panic code: %d"), aPanicCode, iSecondThread.ExitReason());
+		TEST(EFalse);
+		}
+	TExitCategoryName secondThreadExitCategory = iSecondThread.ExitCategory();
+	if(aExitCategory != secondThreadExitCategory)
+		{
+		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("Expected panic category: %S, Actual panic category: %S"), &aExitCategory, &secondThreadExitCategory);
+		TEST(EFalse);
+		}
+	//Close the handle
+	iSecondThread.Close();
+	}
+Gets the supporting pixel formats according to the specified usage bit.
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+void CTSgTestStepBase::CallGetPixelFormatsL(TUint32 aUsage)
+	{
+	iPixelFormatArray.Reset();
+	CheckErrorL(KErrNone, RSgImage::GetPixelFormats(aUsage, iPixelFormatArray), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+	}
+Checks the pixel formats returned against the compatibility guarantee table.
+@leave Gets system wide error code
+void CTSgTestStepBase::TestGetPixelFormatCompatibilityGuaranteesL()
+	{
+	_LIT(KLibOpenGLES2, "libGLESv2.dll");
+	RLibrary lib;
+	TBool supportGLES2 = (lib.Load(KLibOpenGLES2) == KErrNone);
+	lib.Close();
+	// OpenVG - Mandatory support
+	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage);
+	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE));
+	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888));
+	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatXRGB_8888));
+	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatRGB_565));
+	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatA_8));
+	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenVgSurface);
+	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE));
+	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatXRGB_8888));
+	TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatRGB_565));
+	// OpenGL ES - Not mandatory, but should cause no errors. 
+	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenGlesTexture2D);
+	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenGlesSurface);
+	// OpenGL ES 2 - Mandatory if present.
+	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenGles2Texture2D);
+	if (supportGLES2)
+	    {
+        TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE));
+        TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888));
+        TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatXRGB_8888));
+        TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatRGB_565));
+        TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatA_8));
+	    }
+	CallGetPixelFormatsL(ESgUsageBitOpenGles2Surface);
+	if (supportGLES2)
+	    {
+	    TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatARGB_8888_PRE));
+	    TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatXRGB_8888));
+	    TEST(CheckPixelFormatPresent(ESgPixelFormatRGB_565));
+	    }
+	iPixelFormatArray.Reset();
+	}
+Helper function to check if a certain pixel format is present
+in the pixel formats array retrieved by CallGetPixelFormatsL().
+@param aPixelFormat The pixelformat to check
+@return ETrue if the pixel format is present, otherwise EFalse
+@see CTsgTestStepBase::CallGetPixelFormats()
+TBool CTSgTestStepBase::CheckPixelFormatPresent(TSgPixelFormat aPixelFormat)
+	{
+	for(TInt i=0; i<iPixelFormatArray.Count(); ++i)
+		{		
+		if(aPixelFormat == iPixelFormatArray[i])
+			{
+			return ETrue;
+			}
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+Helper function to test the equivalence of two TSgImageInfo structures.
+@param   aInfo1 A TSgImageInfo structure to compare.
+@param   aInfo2 A TSgImageInfo structure to compare (may have extra usage bits).
+@return  ETrue if the two are equivalent, EFalse otherwise.
+TBool CTSgTestStepBase::CompareInfos(TSgImageInfo& aInfo1, TSgImageInfo& aInfo2)
+	{
+	return (aInfo1.iPixelFormat == aInfo2.iPixelFormat
+		&& aInfo1.iSizeInPixels == aInfo2.iSizeInPixels
+		// check that all requested usage bits are set in the returned usage bits
+		&& !(aInfo1.iUsage & ~aInfo2.iUsage));
+	}
+Wrapper function to open the graphics resource driver.
+Only opens the driver if the test step has been constructed for use
+as the conformance tests.
+@leave One of the system wide error codes
+void CTSgTestStepBase::TestOpenDriverL()
+	{
+	if (iEnableConformanceTests)
+		CheckErrorL(KErrNone, iSgDriver.Open(), (TText8*)__FILE__, __LINE__);
+	}
+Wrapper function to close the graphics resource driver.
+Only closes the driver if the test step has been constructed for use
+as the conformance tests.
+void CTSgTestStepBase::TestCloseDriver()
+	{
+	if (iEnableConformanceTests)
+		iSgDriver.Close();
+	}
+Creates an image with specified parameters.
+@param aImage output image handle
+@return KErrNone if the image was created successfully, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes
+TInt CreateImageWithParameters(TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight, TUidPixelFormat aPixelFormat, TUint32 aUsage, RSgImage& aImage)
+	{
+	TSgImageInfo info;
+	info.iSizeInPixels = TSize(aWidth, aHeight);
+	info.iPixelFormat = aPixelFormat;
+	info.iUsage = aUsage;
+	return aImage.Create(info, NULL, 0);
+	}
+Second thread entry function.
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::ThreadStart(TAny* aInfo)
+	{
+	CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
+	if (!cleanupStack)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	TSgThreadTestInfo* testInfo = static_cast<TSgThreadTestInfo*>(aInfo);
+	RSemaphore sem;
+	TInt openSem = sem.OpenGlobal(KSecondThreadSemaphore, EOwnerThread);
+	TInt result = KErrNone;
+	TRAPD(leaveCode, result = SgTestSecondThread::ThreadMainL(testInfo));
+	if (KErrNone == openSem)
+		{
+		sem.Signal();
+		}
+	sem.Close();
+	if (leaveCode != KErrNone)
+		{
+		testInfo->iTestStep->ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Second thread caused Leave (%d)"), leaveCode);
+		testInfo->iTestStep->SetTestStepResult(EFail);
+		result = leaveCode;
+		}
+	delete cleanupStack;
+	return result;
+	}
+Run the test contained within the TSgresTestInfo object. A new thread is
+created for each test and only one of the cases in the switch statements
+below will be used.
+The first switch statement contains tests that must have no driver open,
+the second set require an open driver to initiate the test but may
+close it part way through.
+@param aInfo The parameters for the test
+@return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::ThreadMainL(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
+	{
+	TInt result = 0;
+	TSgresTestCase testcase = ((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iTestCase;
+	RSgDriver driver;
+	CleanupClosePushL(driver);
+	TInt ret = driver.Open();
+	if(KErrNoMemory == ret)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	//test cases without the need of an initialised driver
+	switch (testcase)
+	{
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicDrawableOpenNoDriver:
+		{
+		driver.Close();
+		RSgDrawable drawable;
+		drawable.Open(KFakeSgDrawableId); // should panic with SGRES 1
+		}
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageOpenNoDriver:
+		{
+		driver.Close();
+		RSgImage image;
+		image.Open(KFakeSgDrawableId); // should panic with SGRES 1
+		image.Close();
+		}
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCreateNoDriver1:
+		{
+		driver.Close();
+		RSgImage image;
+		image.Create(KSgImageInfo1, NULL, 0); // should panic with SGRES 1
+		image.Close();
+		}
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCreateNoDriver2:
+		{
+		driver.Close();
+		RSgImage image;
+		RSgImage tempImage;
+		image.Create(KSgImageInfo1, tempImage); // should panic with SGRES 1
+		image.Close();
+		}
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenImage:
+		result = OpenImage(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo), driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawable:
+		result = OpenDrawable(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo));
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenImageInvalid:
+		result = OpenImageInvalid(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo));
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawableInvalid: 
+		result = OpenDrawableInvalid(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo));
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInterfaceInvalidHandle:
+		result = PanicImageGetInterfaceInvalidHandle(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInterfaceNoDriver:
+		result = PanicImageGetInterfaceNoDriver(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCloseInvalidHandle:
+		result = PanicImageCloseInvalidHandle(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCloseNoDriver:
+		result = PanicImageCloseNoDriver(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageIdInvalidHandle:
+		result = PanicImageIdInvalidHandle(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageIdNoDriver:
+		result = PanicImageIdNoDriver(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageDrawableTypeInvalidHandle:
+		result = PanicImageDrawableTypeInvalidHandle(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageDrawableTypeNoDriver:
+		result = PanicImageDrawableTypeNoDriver(driver);
+		break;  
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCreateInvalidHandle:
+		result = PanicImageCreateInvalidHandle(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInfoInvalidHandle:
+		result = PanicImageGetInfoInvalidHandle(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInfoNoDriver:
+		result = PanicImageGetInfoNoDriver(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetAttributeInvalidHandle:
+		result = PanicImageGetAttributeInvalidHandle(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetAttributeNoDriver:
+		result = PanicImageGetAttributeNoDriver(driver);
+		break;
+	case ESgresMultipleThreadStressTest:
+		result = MultipleThreadStressTest(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo));
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex:
+		PanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndexL();
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadPanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex2:
+		PanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex2L();
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenPassedDriver:
+		result = ((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgDriver->Open();
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadClosePassedDriver:
+		((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgDriver->Close();
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadCreatePassedImage:
+		result = CreatePassedImageL(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgImage);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadOpenPassedImage:
+		((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgImage->Open(((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iDrawableId);
+		break;
+	case ESgresSecondThreadClosePassedImage:
+		((TSgThreadTestInfo*)aInfo)->iSgImage->Close();
+		break;
+	};
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&driver);
+	return result;
+	}
+Checks the function for the passed error codes and logs an error if the codes do not match. 
+If run under OOM testing, this function will leave if KErrNoMemory or KErrNoGraphicsMemory was 
+the actual error; this is essential for OOM testing.
+@leave One of the System Wide Error Codes
+@param aExpectedErrorCode The expected error code to check against
+@param aActualErrorCode The actual error code
+@param aFile The filename to use when reporting the error
+@param aLine The line number to use when reporting the error
+void CTSgTestStepBase::CheckErrorL(TInt aExpectedErrorCode, TInt aActualErrorCode, const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine)
+	{
+	if (iEnableConformanceTests)
+		{
+		TESTWITHFILENAMEANDLINENUMBERL(aExpectedErrorCode == aActualErrorCode, aFile, aLine);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		//OOM Tests Enabled - Also test for KErrNoMemory/KErrNoGraphicsMemory
+		TESTWITHFILENAMEANDLINENUMBERL((aExpectedErrorCode == aActualErrorCode) || (KErrNoMemory == aActualErrorCode) || (KErrNoGraphicsMemory == aActualErrorCode), aFile, aLine);
+		if (aActualErrorCode == KErrNoMemory || aActualErrorCode == KErrNoGraphicsMemory)
+			{
+			User::Leave(aActualErrorCode);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadOpenImage
+@return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
+@param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::OpenImage(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo, RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image;
+	TInt result = 0;
+	TInt err = image.Open(aInfo->iDrawableId);
+	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if(KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		result |= EFirstTestPassed;
+		}
+	TSgImageInfo info;
+	if(KErrNone == image.GetInfo(info))
+		{
+		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
+		}
+	if(CTSgTestStepBase::CompareInfos(aInfo->iImageInfo, info))
+		{
+		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
+		}
+	TSgDrawableId id = image.Id();
+	if(id != KSgNullDrawableId)
+		{
+		result |= EFourthTestPassed;
+		}
+	if(id == aInfo->iDrawableId)
+		{
+		result |= EFifthTestPassed;
+		}
+	TInt attribVal = KMaxTInt;
+	TUid uid = { 0x12345678 };
+	if (KErrNotSupported == image.GetAttribute(uid, attribVal))
+		{
+		result |= ESixthTestPassed;
+		}
+	if (KErrArgument == image.GetAttribute(KNullUid, attribVal))
+		{
+		result |= ESeventhTestPassed;
+		}
+	image.Close();
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	if (KErrBadHandle == image.GetAttribute(uid, attribVal))
+		{
+		result |= EEighthTestPassed;
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawable
+@return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
+@param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::OpenDrawable(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
+	{
+	TInt result = 0;
+	RSgDrawable drawable;
+	TInt err = drawable.Open(aInfo->iDrawableId);
+	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+		result = KErrNoMemory;
+		return result;
+		}
+	if(KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		result |= EFirstTestPassed;
+		}
+	TSgDrawableId id = drawable.Id();
+	if(id != KSgNullDrawableId)
+		{
+		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
+		}
+	if(id == aInfo->iDrawableId)
+		{
+		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
+		}
+	drawable.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadOpenImageInvalid
+@return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
+@param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::OpenImageInvalid(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
+	{
+	TInt result = 0;
+	RSgImage image;
+	TSgImageInfo info;
+	info.iSizeInPixels = TSize(8, 8);
+	info.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565;
+	info.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
+	TInt err = image.Create(info, KCrossImageData, KCrossImageDataStride);
+	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if(KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		result |= EFirstTestPassed;
+		}
+	//  non-empty handle
+	TSgDrawableId id = aInfo->iDrawableId;
+	err = image.Open(id);
+	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if(KErrInUse == err)
+		{
+		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
+		}
+	image.Close();
+	//  null drawable id    
+	err = image.Open(KSgNullDrawableId);
+	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if(KErrArgument == err)
+		{
+		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
+		}
+	image.Close();
+	//  non-existing drawable id
+	err = image.Open(KFakeSgDrawableId);
+	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if(KErrNotFound == err)
+		{
+		result |= EFourthTestPassed;
+		}
+	image.Close();
+	err = image.Open(id);
+	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if(KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		result |= EFifthTestPassed;
+		}
+	image.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadOpenDrawableInvalid
+@return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
+@param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::OpenDrawableInvalid(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
+	{
+	TInt result = 0;
+	RSgDrawable drawable;
+	TInt err = drawable.Open(KSgNullDrawableId);
+	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+	    return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if(KErrArgument == err)
+		{
+	    result |= EFirstTestPassed;
+	    }
+	drawable.Close();
+	//  non-existing drawable id
+	err = drawable.Open(KFakeSgDrawableId);
+	if (KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if(KErrNotFound == err)
+		{
+		result |= ESecondTestPassed;
+		}
+	drawable.Close();
+	//  open a non-sharable image - should succeed
+	err = drawable.Open(aInfo->iDrawableId);
+	if(KErrNoMemory == err)
+		{
+		return KErrNoMemory;
+		}
+	if(KErrNone == err)
+		{
+		result |= EThirdTestPassed;
+		if (KErrInUse == drawable.Open(aInfo->iDrawableId))
+			{
+			result |= EFourthTestPassed;
+			}
+		}
+	drawable.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInterfaceInvalidHandle
+@panic SGRES2 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes.
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetInterfaceInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image;
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image); 
+	MTSgImage_Interface* swInterface = NULL;
+	result = image.GetInterface(swInterface); //should panic with SGRES 3
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInterfaceNoDriver
+@panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetInterfaceNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image;
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	MTSgImage_Interface* swInterface = NULL;
+	image.GetInterface(swInterface); // should panic with SGRES 1
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCloseInvalidHandle
+@panic SGRES2 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageCloseInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image;
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	image.Close(); //should panic with SGRES 3
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCloseNoDriver
+@panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageCloseNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image;
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	image.Close(); // should panic with SGRES 1 
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageIdIvalidHandle
+@panic SGRES2 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageIdInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image;
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	image.Id(); //should panic with SGRES 3
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageIdNoDriver
+@panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageIdNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image;
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	image.Id(); // should panic with SGRES 1
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageDrawableTypeInvalidHandle
+@panic SGRES2 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageDrawableTypeInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image; 
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	image.DrawableType(); //should panic with SGRES 3
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageDrawableTypeNoDriver
+@panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageDrawableTypeNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image; 
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	image.DrawableType(); // should panic with SGRES 1
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageCreateInvalidHandle
+@panic SGRES3 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageCreateInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image; 
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	RSgImage newImage;
+	TSgImageInfo info;
+	image.GetInfo(info);
+	newImage.Create(info, image); //should panic with SGRES 3
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetInfoInvalidHandle
+@panic SGRES3 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetInfoInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image; 
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	TSgImageInfo anotherInfo;
+	image.GetInfo(anotherInfo); //should panic with SGRES 3
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageNoDriver
+@panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes or an enumeration of passed tests.
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetInfoNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image; 
+	TInt ret = CreateImageWithParameters(8, 8, EUidPixelFormatRGB_565, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage, image);
+	if(KErrNone != ret)
+		{
+		return ret;
+		}
+	RSgImage anotherImage;
+	Mem::Copy(&anotherImage, &image, sizeof(image));
+	image.Close();
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	TSgImageInfo anotherInfo;
+	anotherImage.GetInfo(anotherInfo); // should panic with SGRES 1
+	return ret;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetAttributeInvalidHandle
+@panic SGRES3 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetAttributeInvalidHandle(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image; 
+	TInt result = CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(image);
+	TInt attrib = KMaxTInt;
+	image.GetAttribute(TUid::Uid(1), attrib); //Should panic with SGRES 3
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicImageGetAttributeNoDriver
+@panic SGRES1 If the test is successful
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgDriver An open RSgDriver for the test code to use
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::PanicImageGetAttributeNoDriver(RSgDriver& aSgDriver)
+	{
+	RSgImage image; 
+	TInt ret = CreateImageWithParameters(8, 8, EUidPixelFormatRGB_565, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage, image);
+	if(KErrNone != ret)
+		{
+		return ret;
+		}
+	RSgImage anotherImage;
+	Mem::Copy(&anotherImage, &image, sizeof(image));
+	image.Close();
+	aSgDriver.Close();
+	TInt attrib = KMaxTInt;
+	TUid uid = { 0x12345678 };
+	anotherImage.GetAttribute(uid, attrib); //Should panic with SGRES 1
+	return ret;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadMultipleThreadStressTest
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::MultipleThreadStressTest(TSgThreadTestInfo* aInfo)
+	{
+	TInt result = 0;
+	RSgImage image;
+	for (TInt i = 0; i < 1000 && result == KErrNone; ++i)
+		{
+		TInt ret = CreateImageWithParameters(8, 8, EUidPixelFormatRGB_565, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage, image); 
+		if (KErrNone != ret)
+			{
+			result = ret;
+			break;
+			}
+		const TInt KMaxOpenCount = 100;
+		RSgImage images[KMaxOpenCount];
+		TInt count = Math::Random() % KMaxOpenCount;
+		for (TInt k = 0; k < count; ++k)
+			{
+			ret = images[k].Open(aInfo->iDrawableId);
+			if (KErrNone != ret)
+				{
+				result = ret;
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		image.Close();
+		for (TInt k = 0; k < count; ++k)
+			{
+			images[k].Close();
+			}
+		}
+	return result;
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex
+@panic SGRES4 If the test is successful
+@param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
+ */
+void SgTestSecondThread::PanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndexL()
+	{
+	TSgAttributeArray<5> attribArray;
+	TSgAttribute attrib = attribArray[6]; //Should panic with SGRES 4
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex2
+@panic SGRES4 If the test is successful
+@param TSgresTestInfo* The test parameters
+ */
+void SgTestSecondThread::PanicAttributeArrayInvalidIndex2L()
+	{
+	TSgAttributeArray<5> attribArray;
+	TSgAttribute attrib = attribArray[-1]; //Should panic with SGRES 4
+	}
+Implementation of SecondThread test ESgresSecondThreadPanicDriverCloseOpenResources
+@return One of the system wide error codes
+@param RSgImage* A closed or uninitialised RSgImage to use for image creation 
+ */
+TInt SgTestSecondThread::CreatePassedImageL(RSgImage* aSgImage)
+	{
+	TSgImageInfo info;
+	info.iSizeInPixels = TSize(8, 8);
+	info.iUsage = ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage;
+	info.iPixelFormat = EUidPixelFormatRGB_565;
+	return aSgImage->Create(info, KCrossImageData, KCrossImageDataStride);
+	}
+Helper function which Creates an RSgImage and copies to into another RSgImage 
+using Mem::Copy; the target of the copy is returned in the open state.
+@param aSgImage An uninitialised image which will have an SgImage Mem::Copied into it.
+@return One of the system wide error codes.
+ */
+TInt CTSgTestStepBase::CreateImageAndReturnCopy(RSgImage& aSgImage)
+	{
+	RSgImage image; 
+	TInt ret = CreateImageWithParameters(8, 8, EUidPixelFormatRGB_565, ESgUsageBitOpenVgImage, image);
+	if(KErrNone != ret)
+		{
+		return ret;
+		}
+	Mem::Copy(&aSgImage, &image, sizeof(image));
+	image.Close();
+	return ret;
+	}