--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/math/t_r64.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\math\t_r64.cpp
+// T_R64.CPP - Test routines for TReal64
+// Also note that these tests do not generally include testing of special values. This is done
+// in T_R96 tests and conversions are tested thoroughly, so explicit tests are unnecessary here.
+#include "t_math.h"
+#include "t_vals.h"
+#include "t_real64.h"
+// Data for tests from T_R64DTA.cpp
+GLREF_D TReal64 addInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 subInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 multInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 divInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 divDenormalInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 unaryInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 incDecInput[];
+GLREF_D TInt sizeAdd;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeSub;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeMult;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeDiv;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeDivDenormal;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeUnary;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeIncDec;
+#if defined (__WINS__) || defined (__X86__)
+// Functions from EMGCC64.CPP
+GLREF_C TReal64 __adddf3(TReal64 a1,TReal64 a2);
+GLREF_C TReal64 __subdf3(TReal64 a1,TReal64 a2);
+GLREF_C TReal64 __muldf3(TReal64 a1,TReal64 a2);
+GLREF_C TReal64 __divdf3(TReal64 a1,TReal64 a2);
+// Special numbers for arithmetic tests
+GLDEF_D TReal64 endsInFour;
+GLDEF_D TReal64 arg1;
+GLDEF_D TReal64 arg2;
+GLDEF_D TReal64 arg3;
+GLDEF_D const TReal64 KMinDenormalTReal64=5E-324;
+GLDEF_D const TReal KNaNTReal=TReal(KNaNTReal64);
+GLDEF_D const TReal KPosInfTReal=TReal(KPosInfTReal64);;
+GLDEF_D const TReal KNegInfTReal=TReal(KNegInfTReal64);;
+GLDEF_D const TReal KMinDenormalTReal=5E-324;
+enum TOrder
+ {
+ ELessThan,
+ EEqual,
+ EGreaterThan
+ };
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_R64"));
+#if defined (__WINS__) || defined (__X86__)
+LOCAL_C void testConstants()
+// Checks that constants are defined as expected in WINS, in case low and high words are swapped
+ {
+ test(TRealX(TReal32(KMinTReal32in64))==TRealX(KMinTReal32));
+ test(TRealX(TReal32(KMaxTReal32in64))==TRealX(KMaxTReal32));
+ }
+LOCAL_C void initSpecialValues()
+// Initialise special values, etc
+ {
+ SReal64* p64=(SReal64*)&endsInFour;
+ p64->sign=0;
+ p64->exp=1020;
+ p64->msm=0;
+ p64->lsm=0x4;
+ p64=(SReal64*)&arg1;
+ p64->sign=0;
+ p64->exp=1075;
+ p64->msm=0x20000;
+ p64->lsm=0;
+ p64=(SReal64*)&arg2;
+ p64->sign=0;
+ p64->exp=1075;
+ p64->msm=0;
+ p64->lsm=0x2a;
+ p64=(SReal64*)&arg3;
+ p64->sign=0;
+ p64->exp=970;
+ p64->msm=0xc71c7;
+ p64->lsm=0x1c71c71c;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testConvert()
+// Test conversion from TReal to TReal64
+// N.B. Conversions between TRealX and TReal64 are tested by t_r96.cpp
+ {
+ const TReal input[]=
+ {
+ KMaxTReal,KMinTReal,-KMaxTReal,-KMinTReal,
+ 1.7976931348622E+308,-1.7976931348622E+308,2.2250738585073E-308,-2.2250738585073E-308,
+ KMaxTReal32inTReal,KMinTReal32inTReal,-KMaxTReal32inTReal,-KMinTReal32inTReal,
+ 0.0,64.5,-64.5,1.54E+180,-1.54E+180,4.72E-225,-4.72E-225,
+ KNegZeroTReal,KPosInfTReal,KNegInfTReal,KMinDenormalTReal,
+ 1.2345E-318,-2.4682E-321,1.0E-323,-2.0E-308
+ };
+ const TReal64 expect[]=
+ {
+ KMaxTReal64,KMinTReal64,-KMaxTReal64,-KMinTReal64,
+ 1.7976931348622E+308,-1.7976931348622E+308,2.2250738585073E-308,-2.2250738585073E-308,
+ KMaxTReal32in64,KMinTReal32in64,-KMaxTReal32in64,-KMinTReal32in64,
+ 0.0,64.5,-64.5,1.54E+180,-1.54E+180,4.72E-225,-4.72E-225,
+ KNegZeroTReal64,KPosInfTReal64,KNegInfTReal64,KMinDenormalTReal64,
+ 1.2345E-318,-2.4682E-321,1.0E-323,-2.0E-308
+ };
+ TInt size = sizeof(input)/sizeof(TReal);
+ TRealX f;
+ for (TInt ii=0; ii<size; ii++)
+ {
+ f=TRealX(TReal64(TRealX(input[ii])));
+ test(f==TRealX(expect[ii]));
+ }
+ // NaN
+ TReal a=KNaNTReal;
+// TReal64 b=KNaNTReal64;
+ f=TRealX(TReal64(TRealX(a)));
+// test(f!=TRealX(b));
+ test(f.IsNaN());
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testAdd()
+// Addition tests
+ {
+ TReal64 f,g,h,y;
+ TRealX ff,gg,hh;
+ for (TInt ii=0; ii<sizeAdd-1; ii++)
+ {
+ f=addInput[ii];
+ g=addInput[ii+1];
+ ff=TRealX(f);
+ gg=TRealX(g);
+ // Test commute
+ test(f+g == g+f);
+ // Test PC real addition using fp-hardware same as TRealX addition
+ h=f+g;
+ hh=ff+gg;
+ y=(TReal64)hh; // need to do this since TRealX has too much precision
+ test(y==h);
+ h=g+f;
+ hh=gg+ff;
+ y=(TReal64)hh; // need to do this since TRealX has too much precision
+ test(y==h);
+ // Test hex-encoded constants for TReal64s generated on PC using fp-hardware same as
+ // TRealX addition
+ test(*(TReal64*)&addArray[ii]==f+g);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&addArray[ii]==g+f);
+ // similarly to tests above ...
+ h=g;
+ hh=gg;
+ h+=f;
+ hh+=ff;
+ test(h==(TReal64)hh);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&addArray[ii]==h);
+ //
+ h=f;
+ hh=ff;
+ h+=g;
+ hh+=gg;
+ test(h==(TReal64)hh);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&addArray[ii]==h);
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testSub()
+// Subtraction tests - see notes in addition test above
+ {
+ TReal64 f,g,h;
+ TRealX ff,gg,hh;
+ for (TInt ii=0; ii<sizeSub-1; ii++)
+ {
+ f=subInput[ii];
+ g=subInput[ii+1];
+ ff=TRealX(f);
+ gg=TRealX(g);
+ //
+ test(f-g == -(g-f));
+ //
+ test(TRealX(f-g)==ff-gg);
+ test(TRealX(g-f)==gg-ff);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&subArray[ii]==f-g);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&subArray[ii]==-(g-f));
+ //
+ h=g;
+ hh=gg;
+ test(TRealX(h-=f)==(hh-=ff));
+ test(TRealX(h)==hh);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&subArray[ii]==-h);
+ //
+ h=f;
+ hh=ff;
+ test(TRealX(h-=g)==(hh-=gg));
+ test(TRealX(h)==hh);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&subArray[ii]==h);
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testMult()
+// Multiplication test
+ {
+ TReal64 f,g,h;
+ TRealX ff,gg,hh;
+ for (TInt ii=0; ii<sizeMult-1; ii++)
+ {
+ f=multInput[ii];
+ g=multInput[ii+1];
+ ff=TRealX(f);
+ gg=TRealX(g);
+ //
+ test(f*g == g*f);
+ //
+ test(TRealX(f*g)==ff*gg);
+ test(TRealX(g*f)==gg*ff);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&multArray[ii]==f*g);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&multArray[ii]==g*f);
+ //
+ h=f;
+ hh=ff;
+ test(TRealX(h*=g)==(hh*=gg));
+ test(TRealX(h)==hh);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&multArray[ii]==h);
+ //
+ h=g;
+ hh=gg;
+ test(TRealX(h*=f)==(hh*=ff));
+ test(TRealX(h)==hh);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&multArray[ii]==h);
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testDiv()
+// Division tests
+ {
+ TReal64 f,g,h;
+ TRealX ff,gg,hh;
+ TInt count=0;
+ // Panic (under ARM) - Divide by Zero - run in DEBUG build as a check only
+ //f=1.0;
+ //g=0.0;
+ //f/=g;
+ for (TInt ii=0; ii<sizeDiv-1; ii++)
+ {
+ f=divInput[ii];
+ g=divInput[ii+1];
+ ff=TRealX(f);
+ gg=TRealX(g);
+ if (g!=0.0)
+ {
+ test(TRealX(f/g)==ff/gg);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&divArray[count]==f/g);
+ //
+ h=f;
+ hh=ff;
+ test(TRealX(h/=g)==(hh/=gg));
+ test(TRealX(h)==hh);
+ test(*(TReal64*)&divArray[count]==h);
+ ++count;
+ }
+ if (f!=0.0)
+ {
+ test(TRealX(g/f)==gg/ff);
+ //
+ h=g;
+ hh=gg;
+ test(TRealX(h/=f)==(hh/=ff));
+ test(TRealX(h)==hh);
+ }
+ }
+ gg=TRealX(arg2)/TRealX(arg3);
+ //Additional test
+ f=3.999999999999999;
+ g=KMinTReal64;
+ ff=TRealX(f);
+ gg=TRealX(g);
+ test(TRealX(f/g)==ff/gg);
+ h=f;
+ test(TRealX(h/=g)==ff/gg);
+ test(TRealX(h)==ff/gg);
+ }
+#if defined (__WINS__) || defined (__X86__)
+LOCAL_C void testArithmeticExceptionRaising()
+// Test that UP_GCC.CPP raise exceptions correctly by calling functions from EMGCC64.CPP which
+// are copies of those in UP_GCC.CPP. To be used in debugger only.
+// Added by AnnW, December 1996
+ {
+ TReal64 f,g,h;
+ // Addition - possible errors are argument, overflow, or none
+ // NB cannot achieve underflow now denormals in use
+ f=KNaNTReal64;
+ h=__adddf3(f,f); // argument
+ f=KMaxTReal64;
+ h=__adddf3(f,f); // overflow
+ f=1.0;
+ g=2.0;
+ h=__adddf3(f,g); // none
+ test(h==3.0);
+ // Subtraction - possible errors are argumnet, overflow or none
+ // NB cannot achieve underflow now denormals in use
+ f=KNaNTReal64;
+ h=__subdf3(f,f); // argument
+ f=KMaxTReal64;
+ g=-KMaxTReal64;
+ h=__subdf3(f,g); // overflow
+ f=1.0;
+ g=2.0;
+ h=__subdf3(f,g); // none
+ test(h==-1.0);
+ // Multiplication - possible errors are argument, overflow, underflow or none
+ f=KNaNTReal64;
+ h=__muldf3(f,f); // argument
+ f=KMaxTReal64;
+ g=2.0;
+ h=__muldf3(f,g); // overflow
+ f=KMinDenormalTReal64;
+ g=0.1;
+ h=__muldf3(f,g); // underflow
+ f=1.0;
+ g=2.0;
+ h=__muldf3(f,g); // none
+ test(h==2.0);
+ // Division - possible errors are overflow, underflow, divide by zero, argument or none
+ f=KMaxTReal64;
+ g=0.5;
+ h=__divdf3(f,g); // overflow
+ f=KMinDenormalTReal64;
+ g=10.0;
+ h=__divdf3(f,g); // underflow
+ f=4.0;
+ g=0.0;
+ h=__divdf3(f,g); // divide by zero
+ f=0.0;
+ g=0.0;
+ h=__divdf3(f,g); // argument
+ f=1.0;
+ g=2.0;
+ h=__divdf3(f,g); // none
+ test(h==0.5);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testUnary()
+// Unary operator tests
+ {
+ TReal64 f;
+ TRealX g;
+ for (TInt ii=0; ii<sizeUnary-1; ii++)
+ {
+ f=unaryInput[ii];
+ g=TRealX(f);
+ test(TRealX(-f)==-g);
+ test(TRealX(-f)==TRealX(0-f));
+ test(TRealX(+f)==g);
+ test(TRealX(+f)==TRealX(0+f));
+ test(*(TReal64*)&unaryArray[ii]==-f);
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testEqualities(const TReal& aA, TOrder aOrder, const TReal& aB)
+// Test equality/inequality functions on aA and aB
+// aOrder specifies the operand's relative sizes
+ {
+ // Tautologies
+ test((aA>aA) ==FALSE);
+ test((aA<aA) ==FALSE);
+ test((aA>=aA)==TRUE);
+ test((aA<=aA)==TRUE);
+ test((aA==aA)==TRUE);
+ test((aA!=aA)==FALSE);
+ if (aOrder!=EEqual)
+ {
+ test((aA==aB)==FALSE);
+ test((aA!=aB)==TRUE);
+ }
+ if (aOrder==ELessThan)
+ {
+ test((aA<aB) ==TRUE);
+ test((aA<=aB)==TRUE);
+ test((aA>aB) ==FALSE);
+ test((aA>=aB)==FALSE);
+ }
+ if (aOrder==EEqual)
+ {
+ test((aA==aB)==TRUE);
+ test((aA!=aB)==FALSE);
+ test((aA>=aB)==TRUE);
+ test((aA<=aB)==TRUE);
+ test((aA>aB)==FALSE);
+ test((aA<aB)==FALSE);
+ }
+ if (aOrder==EGreaterThan)
+ {
+ test((aA>aB) ==TRUE);
+ test((aA>=aB)==TRUE);
+ test((aA<aB) ==FALSE);
+ test((aA<=aB)==FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testEqualities()
+// Test >, <, >=, <=, ==, !=
+ {
+ TInt i, size;
+ TReal64 lessThanMax = KMaxTReal64-TReal64(1.0E+294);
+ TReal64 greaterThanMin = TReal64(2.225075E-308);
+ TReal64 zero(0.0);
+ TReal64 positive[] =
+ {KMinTReal64,5.3824705392348592E-138,1.0,2387501,5.3824705392348592E+138,KMaxTReal64};
+ TReal64 large[] =
+ {2.0,KMaxTReal64,-lessThanMax,greaterThanMin,-KMinTReal64,10.40584821945060,-10.40584821945058,
+ 1.244334567201E+105,1.244334567201E+105,-1.3420344230402E-106,132435.97865,5.0E-16,9.6,-8.0};
+ TReal64 small[] =
+ {1.0,lessThanMax,-KMaxTReal64,KMinTReal64,-greaterThanMin,10.40584821945058,-10.40584821945060,
+ 50E-100,1.244334567201E+104,-5.03824705392348592E+58,-132435.97865,-5.1E-16,8.0,-9.6};
+ TReal64 equal[] = // Same as large[]
+ {2.0,KMaxTReal64,-lessThanMax,greaterThanMin,-KMinTReal64,10.40584821945060,-10.40584821945058,
+ 1.244334567201E+105,1.244334567201E+105,-1.3420344230402E-106,132435.97865,5.0E-16,9.6,-8.0};
+ // Tests with zero
+ size = sizeof(positive)/sizeof(TReal64);
+ test.Start(_L("Zero"));
+ testEqualities(zero, EEqual, zero);
+ for (i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ testEqualities(positive[i], EGreaterThan, zero);
+ testEqualities(-positive[i], ELessThan, zero);
+ testEqualities(zero, ELessThan, positive[i]);
+ testEqualities(zero, EGreaterThan, -positive[i]);
+ }
+ // Test boundary and other numbers
+ size = sizeof(large)/sizeof(TReal64);
+ test.Next(_L("Nonzero"));
+ for (i=0; i<size; i++)
+ {
+ testEqualities(large[i], EGreaterThan, small[i]);
+ testEqualities(small[i], ELessThan, large[i]);
+ testEqualities(large[i], EEqual, equal[i]);
+ }
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void testIncDec()
+// Test Pre/Post-increment/decrement
+ {
+ TInt ii;
+ TReal64 f;
+ TRealX g;
+ test.Start(_L("Pre-increment"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ g=TRealX(f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ test(TRealX(++f)==(++g));
+ test(*(TReal64*)&preIncArray1[ii]==f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ test(TRealX(++f)==(++g));
+ test(*(TReal64*)&preIncArray2[ii]==f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Post-increment"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ g=TRealX(f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ test(TRealX(f++)==(g++));
+ test(*(TReal64*)&postIncArray1[ii]==f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ test(TRealX(f++)==(g++));
+ test(*(TReal64*)&postIncArray2[ii]==f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Pre-decrement"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ g=TRealX(f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ test(TRealX(--f)==(--g));
+ test(*(TReal64*)&preDecArray1[ii]==f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ test(TRealX(--f)==(--g));
+ test(*(TReal64*)&preDecArray2[ii]==f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Post-decrement"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ g=TRealX(f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ test(TRealX(f--)==(g--));
+ test(*(TReal64*)&postDecArray1[ii]==f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ test(TRealX(f--)==(g--));
+ test(*(TReal64*)&postDecArray2[ii]==f);
+ test(TRealX(f)==g);
+ }
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void _matherr(TExcType aType)
+// Dummy function to handle exceptions
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("_matherr: Exception type %u handled\n"),TUint(aType));
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// Test TReal64
+ {
+ test.Title();
+#if defined (__X86__)
+ TInt16 cw=0;
+ _asm fstcw cw;
+ test.Printf(_L("control word = 0x%x\n"),cw);
+ cw=0x27f; // WINS value
+ _asm fldcw cw;
+ // Set exceptions to be handled
+ RThread myThread;
+ myThread.SetExceptionHandler(_matherr,KExceptionFpe);
+ initSpecialValues();
+#if defined (__WINS__) || defined (__X86__)
+ test.Start(_L("Checking double words not swapped..."));
+ testConstants();
+ test.Next(_L("Conversion from TReal to TReal64"));
+ testConvert();
+ test.Start(_L("Conversion from TReal to TReal64"));
+ testConvert();
+ test.Next(_L("Conversion from TReal to TReal64"));
+ testConvert();
+ test.Next(_L("Addition"));
+ testAdd();
+ test.Next(_L("Subtraction"));
+ testSub();
+ test.Next(_L("Multiplication"));
+ testMult();
+ test.Next(_L("Division"));
+ testDiv();
+#if defined (__WINS__) || defined (__X86__)
+ test.Next(_L("Arithmetic which emulates UP_GCC and raises an exception"));
+ testArithmeticExceptionRaising();
+ test.Next(_L("Unary Operations"));
+ testUnary();
+ test.Next(_L("Equalities and Inequalities"));
+ testEqualities();
+ test.Next(_L("Increment and Decrement"));
+ testIncDec();
+ test.End();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }