Enhance the base/rom extension to generate the symbol file of the rom built.
The symbol file is placed in epoc32/rom/<baseport_name>, along with the rom log and final oby file.
// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Description:
// e32test\random\t_securerng.cpp
//system include
#include <e32test.h>
#include <e32math.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include "../mmu/mmudetect.h"
//! @SYMTestCaseID KBASE-securerng-2702
//! @SYMTestType UT
//! @SYMTestCaseDesc Verifies correct operation of the Secure RNG
//! @SYMTestPriority High
//! @SYMTestActions
//! 1. TestRandomNumberGeneration: tests that random data is generated correctly.
//! 2. SecureRNGTestWithMultiThread: tests that random data can be provided to multiple threads simultaneously
//! 3. TestSecureRNGForPanicScenarios: tests that the correct panics are issued for common error conditions
//! @SYMTestExpectedResults
//! 1. Properties checked:
//! 1) checks that requests for random data with a buffer length of zero do not cause an error.
//! 2) checks that requests for a large amount of random data do not cause an error.
//! 3) checks that some random data has been returned (comparison to zero filled buffer).
//! 4) checks that the new Math::RandomL() API either returns some random data or correctly indicates the RNG
//! as not secure (KErrNotReady).
//! 2. Properties checked:
//! 5) checks that making requests for random data from multiple threads simultaneously does not cause an error.
//! 3. Properties checked:
//! 6) checks passing a user non-writable memory address to the random function through a valid pointer results
//! results in the correct panic.
//! 7) checks passing a null pointer to the random function results in the correct panic.
//! 8) checks passing a non-modifiable descriptor to the random function results in the correct panic.
// RTest for testing Secure RNG unit
RTest test(_L("Secure RNG Unit Test"));
// Threads required for multi thread testing
RThread SecureRNGTestThread1;
RThread SecureRNGTestThread2;
RThread SecureRNGTestThread3;
// Threads name to identify
_LIT(KSecureRNGTestThread1, "SecureRNGTestThread1");
_LIT(KSecureRNGTestThread2, "SecureRNGTestThread2");
_LIT(KSecureRNGTestThread3, "SecureRNGTestThread3");
//length of the buffer data
const TInt KDataLength = 10;
*Test Secure RNG with invalid and non-writable and non modifiable descriptor type
TInt PanicFuncForBadDesc(TAny* aDes)
return KErrNone;
void CreatePanicThreads(TAny* aThreadData, TInt aExpectedStatusOfThread)
RThread panicThread;
_LIT(KPanicThreadName, "SecureRNGTestPanicThread");
test(panicThread.Create(KPanicThreadName(),PanicFuncForBadDesc,KDefaultStackSize,0x200,0x900,aThreadData) == KErrNone);
TRequestStatus status;
test.Printf(_L("Exit Reason %d\r\n"), status.Int());
test.Printf(_L("Exit Type %d\r\n"),(TInt)panicThread.ExitType());
//Test for expected result from thread
test(status.Int()== aExpectedStatusOfThread); //(status of thread = thread Exit Reason)
test(panicThread.ExitCategory() == _L("KERN-EXEC"));
* Panic test cases for testing Secure RNG
void TestSecureRNGForPanicScenarios()
test.Printf(_L("Passing user non-writable memory address to the random function through a valid pointer \n"));
TPtr8 tptr(KernData(), KDataLength, KDataLength);
CreatePanicThreads(&tptr, 3);
test.Printf(_L("Passing null pointer to random function \n"));
tptr.Set(NULL, KDataLength, KDataLength);
CreatePanicThreads(&tptr, 3);
test.Printf(_L("Passing non-modifiable descriptor to the random function \n"));
HBufC8* randbuf =HBufC8::New(25);
TPtr8 ptr = randbuf->Des();
CreatePanicThreads(randbuf, 34);
delete randbuf;
TInt GenerateRandomNumber(TAny*)
HBufC8* randbuf = HBufC8::New(3000);
TPtr8 ptr = randbuf->Des();
* Test Secure RNG with multi threads requesting for random numbers
void SecureRNGTestWithMultiThread()
test(SecureRNGTestThread1.Create(KSecureRNGTestThread1(),GenerateRandomNumber,KDefaultStackSize,0x200,0x900,NULL)== KErrNone);
test(SecureRNGTestThread2.Create(KSecureRNGTestThread2(),GenerateRandomNumber,KDefaultStackSize,0x200,0x900,NULL)== KErrNone);
test(SecureRNGTestThread3.Create(KSecureRNGTestThread3(),GenerateRandomNumber,KDefaultStackSize,0x200,0x900,NULL)== KErrNone);
User::After(30 * 1000 * 1000); //30 seconds
// After waiting for few seconds, kill the threads now.
const TInt KChunkLength = 2048;
void CheckForRandomNumbers(const TUint8* aRandomNumbers, TInt aLength)
TBuf8<KChunkLength> buf;
TInt bytesToCompare = aLength;
TInt index = 0;
while(bytesToCompare > 0)
// check there is at least some random numbers in every chunk
TInt newLength = bytesToCompare > KChunkLength ? KChunkLength : bytesToCompare;
test(memcompare(aRandomNumbers+ (index* KChunkLength), newLength, buf.Ptr(), newLength) != 0);
bytesToCompare = bytesToCompare - KChunkLength;
* Functionality test for the Random APIs
//required for testing for large number of random numbers request
const TInt KRandomNumsRequired = 70000;
void TestRandomNumberGeneration()
test.Printf(_L(" Request for zero random numbers \n"));
TBuf8<KDataLength> randomBuffer;
TRAPD(error, Math::RandomL(randomBuffer));
test(error == KErrNone);
test.Printf(_L(" Request for huge random numbers of 70000 bytes in length \n"));
HBufC8* randbuf =HBufC8::New(KRandomNumsRequired);
TPtr8 ptr = randbuf->Des();
TRAP(error, Math::RandomL(ptr));
test(error == KErrNotReady || error == KErrNone);
//check we have some random numbers atleast in every chunk of large randomnumbers received
CheckForRandomNumbers(ptr.Ptr(), KRandomNumsRequired);
delete randbuf;
test.Printf(_L(" Request for 32 bit random number using the new leaving function: Math::RandomL() api \n"));
for (TInt i=0; i<50; ++i)
// Try to prove it's working by looking for a nonzero value - 50 32-bit zero values
// in a row from a random source is extremely unlikely. However, if it's not ready
// we will get 0 every time as the return value is not set when it leaves, so we
// give up.
TUint32 randomNumber = 0;
TRAP(error ,randomNumber = Math::RandomL());
test.Printf(_L("The generated four byte random number is %d \n" ), randomNumber);
test(error == KErrNotReady || error == KErrNone);
if (error == KErrNotReady || randomNumber != 0)
* Test Secure RNG for functionality test, multi-thread tests and panic test cases
void SecureRNGTest()
test.Printf(_L("\n Functionality test for RNG \n"));
// Test Secure RNG with multi threads
test.Printf(_L("Testing Secure RNG with Multithreads requesting for random numbers \n"));
//Panic test cases - check with non-writable descriptor type and null pointer
test.Printf(_L("\n Panic test cases for Secure RNG \n"));
Gobal Entry Function
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
test.Start(_L("\n Starting Secure RNG Unit tests \n"));
CTrapCleanup* cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
test(cleanup != NULL);
delete cleanup;
return KErrNone;