--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/rombuild/rom_sbs.pl Wed Apr 21 13:55:12 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# rom.pl - Build a rom
+# Pre-processes the .oby/iby files then invokes rombuild.exe
+# (or other specified builder)
+# First, read our config file
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd;
+my %opts=();
+my $param_count = scalar(@ARGV);
+my $result = GetOptions (\%opts, "assp=s",
+ "inst=s",
+ "type=s",
+ "variant=s",
+ "build=s",
+ "conf=s",
+ "name=s",
+ "modules=s",
+ "xabi=s",
+ "clean",
+ "quiet",
+ "help",
+ "_debug",
+ "zip",
+ "symbol",
+ "noheader",
+ "kerneltrace=s",
+ "rombuilder=s",
+ "define=s@",
+ "rofsbuilder=s",
+ "compress",
+ );
+my (@assps, @builds, %variants, @templates, %flags, %insts, %zip, %builder);
+my $main;
+my $kmain;
+my $toroot;
+my $e32path;
+my $rombuildpath;
+my $euserdir;
+my $elocldir;
+my $kbdir;
+my $romname;
+my $single;
+my $smain;
+my $pagedCode;
+my $debug = $opts{_debug};
+my $quiet;
+$quiet = $opts{quiet} unless $debug;
+my $drive;
+# discover where this script is running from to set the $toroot and $e32path variables
+my $toolpath;
+my $Epoc32Path;
+my $EpocRoot;
+my $drive;
+my $BasePath;
+ $EpocRoot = $ENV{EPOCROOT};
+ die "ERROR: Must set the EPOCROOT environment variable.\n" if (!defined($EpocRoot));
+ print "Environmental epocroot - >$EpocRoot<\n";
+ $EpocRoot =~ s-/-\\-go; # for those working with UNIX shells
+ if ($EpocRoot =~ /^([a-z]:)(.*)$/i)
+ {
+ # Raptor style: Drive letter and trailing \\ removed
+ $drive = $1;
+ $EpocRoot = "$2\\";
+ $ENV{EPOCROOT} = $EpocRoot;
+ }
+ die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must be an absolute path, " .
+ "not containing a drive letter.\n" if ($EpocRoot !~ /^\\/);
+ die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must not be a UNC path.\n" if ($EpocRoot =~ /^\\\\/);
+ die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must end with a backslash.\n" if ($EpocRoot !~ /\\$/);
+ die "ERROR: EPOCROOT must specify an existing directory.\n" if (!-d $EpocRoot);
+ # The cpp needed a drive apparently
+ my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+ $cwd =~ /^(.)/;
+ $drive = "$1:" unless $drive;
+ print "epocroot = >$EpocRoot<\n";
+ print "drive = >$drive<\n";
+ my $fp0 = $0;
+ $cwd =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ $fp0 =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ unless ($fp0 =~ /^([A-Za-z]:)?\\/) {
+ if ($cwd =~ /\\$/) {
+ $fp0 = "$cwd$fp0";
+ } else {
+ $fp0 = "$cwd\\$fp0";
+ }
+ }
+ my @path = split(/\\/, $cwd);
+ shift(@path);
+ $toroot = ('..\\') x @path;
+ $toroot =~ s/\\$//;
+ #e32path supposed to be = to "\sf\os"
+ $e32path = $fp0;
+ $e32path =~ s/\\kernelhwsrv\\kernel\\eka\\rombuild\\rom_sbs\.pl$//i;
+ $e32path =~ s/^[A-Za-z]://;
+ $rombuildpath = $toroot."\\sf\\os\\kernelhwsrv\\kernel\\eka\\rombuild";
+ $Epoc32Path = $toroot;
+ $Epoc32Path =~ s/\\$//;
+ $Epoc32Path .= $EpocRoot . "epoc32";
+ $toolpath = "$Epoc32Path\\tools\\";
+ push @INC, $toolpath;
+ $BasePath = $toroot . $e32path."\\";
+use E32Plat;
+ Plat_Init($toolpath);
+if ($debug) {
+ print "EpocRoot = $EpocRoot\n";
+ print "Epoc32Path = $Epoc32Path\n";
+ print "drive = $drive\n";
+ print "toolpath = $toolpath\n";
+ print "toroot = $toroot\n";
+ print "e32path = $e32path\n";
+ print "rombuildpath = $rombuildpath\n";
+ print "BasePath = $BasePath\n";
+my $cppflags="-P -undef -traditional -lang-c++ -nostdinc -iwithprefixbefore $rombuildpath -I $rombuildpath -I $drive$Epoc32Path ";
+# Include variant hrh file defines when processing oby and ibys with cpp
+# (Code copied from \\EPOC\master\cedar\generic\tools\romkit\tools\buildrom.pm -
+# it used relative path to the working dir but we are using absolute path seems neater)
+use E32Variant;
+use Pathutl;
+my $variantMacroHRHFile = Variant_GetMacroHRHFile();
+ # Using absolute paths so must include drive letter otherwise cpp will fail
+ # Also adding the directory containing the HRH file to main includes paths in
+ # case it includes files
+ my $variantFilePath = Path_Split('Path',$variantMacroHRHFile);
+ $cppflags .= " -I $drive$variantFilePath -include $drive$variantMacroHRHFile";
+if($param_count == 0 || $opts{'help'} || !$result) {
+ usage();
+ exit 0;
+# Now check that the options we have make sense
+if (!$quiet) {
+ print "Starting directory: ", Cwd::cwd(), "\n";
+ print <<EOF;
+\tTYPE: $opts{'type'}
+\tVARIANT: $opts{'variant'}
+\tINSTRUCTION SET: $opts{'inst'}
+\tBUILD: $opts{'build'}
+\tMODULES: $opts{'modules'}
+#Pick out the type file
+my $skel;
+if (-e "$opts{'type'}.oby") {
+ $skel="$opts{'type'}.oby";
+} elsif (-e "$rombuildpath\\$opts{'type'}.oby") {
+ $skel="$rombuildpath\\$opts{'type'}.oby";
+} else {
+ die "Can't find type file for type $opts{'type'}, $!";
+print "Using type file $skel\n" if !$quiet;
+# If clean is specified, zap all the image and .oby files
+if($opts{'clean'}) {
+ unlink glob("*.img");
+ unlink "rom.oby";
+ unlink "rombuild.log";
+ unlink glob("*.rofs");
+ unlink "rofsbuild.log";
+# Now pre-pre-process this file to point to the right places for .ibys
+# Unfortunately cpp won't do macro replacement in #include strings, so
+# we have to do it by hand
+my $k = $opts{kerneltrace};
+if ($opts{assp}=~/^m(\S+)/i) {
+ $kbdir="kb$1";
+ $kbdir="kbarm" if (lc $1 eq 'eig');
+} else {
+ $kbdir="kb$opts{assp}";
+$single=1 if ($opts{assp}=~/^s(\S+)/i);
+if ($single) {
+ # Hackery to cope with old compiler
+ if ($main eq 'MARM') {
+ $smain='SARM';
+ } else {
+ $smain="S$main";
+ }
+} else {
+ $smain=$main;
+open(X, "$skel") || die "Can't open type file $skel, $!";
+open(OUT, "> rom1.tmp") || die "Can't open output file, $!";
+# First output the ROM name
+print OUT "\nromname=$romname\n";
+# Go through the iby file passed as parameter of this script and replace flags by proper values before copying the line in rom1.tmp.
+while(<X>) {
+ s/\#\#ASSP\#\#/$opts{'assp'}/;
+ s/\#\#VARIANT\#\#/$opts{'variant'}/;
+ s/\#\#BUILD\#\#/$opts{'build'}/;
+ s/\#\#MAIN\#\#/$main/;
+ s/\#\#KMAIN\#\#/$kmain/;
+ s/\#\#E32PATH\#\#/$e32path/;
+ s/\#\#BASEPATH\#\#/$BasePath/;
+ s/\#\#EUSERDIR\#\#/$euserdir/;
+ s/\#\#ELOCLDIR\#\#/$elocldir/;
+ s/\#\#KBDIR\#\#/$kbdir/;
+ print OUT;
+close X;
+close OUT;
+# Use cpp to pull in include chains and replace defines
+my $defines = "";
+$defines .= "-D MAIN=$main ";
+$defines .= "-D KMAIN=$kmain ";
+$defines .= "-D EUSERDIR=$euserdir ";
+$defines .= "-D ELOCLDIR=$elocldir ";
+$defines .= "-D E32PATH=$e32path ";
+$defines .= "-D BASEPATH=$BasePath ";
+$defines .= "-D EPOCROOT=$EpocRoot ";
+$defines .= "-D SMAIN=$smain " if $smain;
+foreach (@{$opts{'define'}}) {
+ my @array=split(/,/,$_);
+ foreach (@array) {
+ $defines.="-D ".uc $_." ";
+ $pagedCode = 1 if $_ eq 'PAGED_CODE';
+ }
+ }
+if ($opts{'modules'}) {
+ my @array=split(/,/,$opts{'modules'});
+ foreach (@array) {
+ $defines.="-D ".uc $_." ";
+ }
+ }
+foreach (keys %opts) {
+ next if ($_ eq 'name');
+ next if ($_ eq 'modules');
+ next if ($_ eq 'zip');
+ next if ($_ eq 'symbol');
+ next if ($_ eq 'kerneltrace');
+ next if ($_ eq 'define');
+ $defines.="-D ".uc $_."=".$opts{$_}." ";
+ $defines.="-D ".uc $_."_".$opts{$_}." ";
+$defines.="-D SINGLE " if ($single);
+sub IsRVCTBuild($) {
+ my ($build)=@_;
+ return 1 if ($build =~ /^ARMV/i);
+ my @customizations = Plat_Customizations('ARMV5');
+ return 1 if (grep /$build/, @customizations);
+ return 0;
+$defines.="-D RVCT " if (IsRVCTBuild($main));
+print "Using defines $defines\n" if !$quiet;
+my $ret=1;
+my $cppcmd;
+if($opts{'build'}=~/^u/i) {
+ # Unicode build
+ $cppcmd = "$Epoc32Path/gcc/bin/cpp $cppflags -D UNICODE $defines rom1.tmp rom2.tmp";
+} else {
+ $cppcmd = "$Epoc32Path/gcc/bin/cpp $cppflags $defines rom1.tmp rom2.tmp";
+print "Executing CPP:\n\t$cppcmd\n" if $debug;
+$ret = system($cppcmd);
+die "ERROR EXECUTING CPP\n" if $ret;
+# Zap any ## marks REMS or blank lines
+cleanup("rom2.tmp", "rom3.tmp", $k);
+# scan tmp file and generate auxiliary files, if required
+open TMP, "rom3.tmp" or die("Can't open rom3.tmp\n");
+my $line;
+while ($line=<TMP>)
+ {
+ if ($line=~/\s*gentestpaged/i) {
+ genfile("paged"); }
+ if ($line=~/\s*gentestnonpaged/i) {
+ genfile("nonpaged"); }
+ }
+parsePatchData("rom3.tmp", "rom4.tmp");
+# break down the oby file into rom, rofs and extensions oby files
+my $oby_index =0;
+my $dumpfile="rom.oby";
+my $rofs=0;
+my $extension=0;
+my $corerofsname="";
+open DUMPFILE, ">$dumpfile" or die("Can't create $dumpfile\n");
+my $line;
+open TMP, "rom4.tmp" or die("Can't open rom4.tmp\n");
+while ($line=<TMP>)
+ {
+ if ($line=~/^\s*rofsname/i)
+ {
+ close DUMPFILE; # close rom.oby or previous rofs#/extension#.oby
+ $oby_index=1;
+ $corerofsname=$line;
+ $corerofsname =~ s/rofsname\s*=\s*//i; # save core rofs name
+ $corerofsname =~ s/\s*$//g; # remove trailing \n
+ unlink $corerofsname || print "unable to delete $corerofsname";
+ my $dumpfile="rofs".$rofs.".oby";
+ $rofs++;
+ open DUMPFILE, ">$dumpfile" or (close TMP and die("Can't create $dumpfile\n"));
+ }
+ if ($line=~/^\s*coreimage/i)
+ {
+ close DUMPFILE; # close rofs.oby
+ if ($oby_index ne 1) {
+ close TMP;
+ die "Must specify ROFS image before ROFS extension\n";
+ }
+ my $name=$line;
+ $name =~ s/coreimage\s*=\s*//i; # read core rofs name
+ $name =~ s/\s*$//g; # remove trailing \n
+ if ($name ne $corerofsname) {
+ close TMP;
+ die "This extension does not relate to previous ROFS\n";
+ }
+ $oby_index=33; # open window
+ my $dumpfile="extension".$extension.".oby";
+ $extension++;
+ open DUMPFILE, ">$dumpfile" or (close TMP and die("Can't create $dumpfile\n"));
+ }
+ if ($line=~/^\s*extensionrofs/i)
+ {
+ $oby_index=3 if ($oby_index eq 2);
+ }
+ if (($oby_index eq 2) && !($line=~/^\s*$/)) {
+ close TMP;
+ die "Bad ROFS extension specification\n";
+ }
+ print DUMPFILE $line;
+ $oby_index=2 if ($oby_index eq 33); # close window
+ }
+close DUMPFILE;
+close TMP;
+# For paged roms that use rofs, move all data= lines in rom which are not 'paging_unmovable' to rofs, so that paged ram-loaded code
+# is automatically put into rofs
+rename('rom.oby', 'rom4.tmp') || die;
+open(IN, 'rom4.tmp') || die "Can't read rom4.tmp";
+open(ROM, '>rom.oby') || die "Can't write to rom.oby";
+if ($oby_index >= 1 && $pagedCode) {
+ open(ROFS, '>>rofs0.oby') || die "Can't append to rofs0.oby";
+while ($line=<IN>)
+ if(($oby_index >= 1) && ($pagedCode) && ($line=~/^\s*data\s*=/) && !($line=~/\.*paging_unmovable\s*/)) {
+ print ROFS $line;
+ }
+ else {
+ $line=~s/paging_unmovable//;
+ print ROM $line;
+ }
+close IN;
+close ROM;
+if ($oby_index >= 1 && $pagedCode) {
+ close ROFS;
+ unlink 'rom4.tmp';
+my $flags;
+foreach (@{$flags{$opts{'assp'}}}) {
+ $flags.=" -$_";
+if($opts{'noheader'}) {
+ $flags.=" -no-header";
+if($opts{'compress'}) {
+ $flags.=" -compress";
+my $builder = $opts{'rombuilder'};
+$builder = "rombuild" unless ($builder);
+print "$builder $flags -type-safe-link -S rom.oby 2>&1\n\n";
+open(Y, "$builder $flags -type-safe-link -S rom.oby 2>&1 |") ||
+ die "Can't start $builder command, $!";
+my $nerrors=0;
+my $nwarnings=0;
+while(<Y>) {
+ my $error=(/^error:/i);
+ my $warning=(/^warning:/i);
+ print if ($error or $warning or !$quiet);
+ $nerrors++ if ($error);
+ $nwarnings++ if ($warning);
+print "\nGenerated .oby file is rom.oby\n" if !$quiet;
+print "\nGenerated image file is $romname\n" if (!$nerrors);
+my $rofsbuilder;
+if ($rofs) {
+ $rofsbuilder = $opts{'rofsbuilder'};
+ $rofsbuilder = "rofsbuild" unless ($rofsbuilder);
+ for(my $i=0;$i<$rofs;++$i) {
+ print "Executing $rofsbuilder on main rofs\n" if !$quiet;
+ my $image="rofs".$i.".oby";
+ system("$rofsbuilder $image");
+ if ($? != 0)
+ {
+ print "$rofsbuilder $image returned $?\n";
+ $rerrors++;
+ }
+ rename "rofsbuild.log", "rofs$i.log"
+ }
+if ($rofs and $extension) {
+ for(my $i=0;$i<$extension;++$i) {
+ print "Executing $rofsbuilder on extension rofs\n" if !$quiet;
+ my $image="extension".$i.".oby";
+ system("$rofsbuilder $image");
+ if ($? != 0)
+ {
+ print "$rofsbuilder $image returned $?\n";
+ $rerrors++;
+ }
+ rename "rofsbuild.log", "extension$i.log"
+ }
+if ($nerrors) {
+ print "\n\n Errors found during $builder!!\n\nLeaving tmp files\n";
+} elsif ($nwarnings) {
+ print "\n\n Warnings during $builder!!\n\nLeaving tmp files\n";
+} elsif ($rerrors) {
+ print "\n\n Errors during $rofsbuilder!!\n\nLeaving tmp files\n";
+} else {
+ unlink glob("*.tmp") if !$debug;
+if ($opts{zip} or $zip{$opts{assp}}) {
+ my $zipname=$romname;
+ $zipname =~ s/\.(\w+)$/\.zip/i;
+ unlink $zipname;
+ system("zip $zipname $romname");
+if ($opts{symbol}) {
+ my $logname=$romname;
+ $logname =~ s/\.(\w+)$/\.log/i;
+ my $obyname=$romname;
+ $obyname =~ s/\.(\w+)$/\.oby/i;
+ unlink $logname;
+ unlink $obyname;
+ system("rename rombuild.log $logname");
+ system("rename rom.oby $obyname");
+ system("maksym $logname");
+if ($nerrors || $nwarnings || $rerrors) {
+ exit 4;
+exit 0;
+################################ Subroutines ##################################
+sub usage {
+ print <<EOT;
+rom <options>
+Generate a rom image for the specified target, along with a rom.oby file
+that can be fed to (a) rombuild to regenerate the image.
+The following options are required:
+ --variant=<variant> e.g. --variant=assabet
+ --inst=<instruction set> e.g. --inst=arm4
+ --build=<build> e.g. --build=udeb
+ --type=<type of rom>
+ tshell for a text shell rom
+ e32tests for a rom with e32tests
+ f32tests for rom with f32tests
+ alltests for all the tests
+The following are optional:
+ --name=<image name> Give image file specified name
+ --noheader Pass -no-header option on to rombuild
+ --help This help message.
+ --clean Remove existing generated files first
+ --quiet Be less verbose
+ --modules=<comma separated list> List of additional modules for this ROM
+ --define=<comma separated list> List of CPP macros to define
+Options may be specified as a short abbreviation
+e.g. -b udeb instead of --build udeb
+sub cleanup($$$) {
+ my ($in, $out, $k) = @_;
+ my ($line, $lastblank);
+ open(OUTPUT_FILE, "> $out") or die "Cannot open $out for output";
+ open(INPUT_FILE, "< $in") or die "Cannot open for $in input";
+ while ($line=<INPUT_FILE>) {
+ $line=~s/##//g;
+ # file=\epoc32\... ==> file=%EPOCROOT%\epoc32\...
+ $line =~ s/(=\s*)\\epoc32/\1${EpocRoot}Epoc32/i;
+ # Now compress blank lines down to one
+ if($line=~/^\s*$/) {
+ if($lastblank) {
+ # Do nothing
+ } else {
+ # This is the first blank line
+ $lastblank=1;
+ print OUTPUT_FILE $line;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Not blank
+ $lastblank=0;
+ if ($k and $line=~/^\s*kerneltrace/i) {
+ $line = "kerneltrace $k\n";
+ }
+ # This next line is about converting all the / to \ to make sure that we are using the right format for the build generation
+ $line =~ s/\//\\/g;
+ print OUTPUT_FILE $line if !($line=~/^\s*REM\s+/i);
+ }
+ }
+ close(INPUT_FILE);
+ close(OUTPUT_FILE);
+sub IsSmp($) {
+ my %SmpKernelDirs=(
+ 'x86smp' => 1,
+ 'x86gmp' => 1,
+ 'arm4smp' => 1,
+ 'armv4smp' => 1,
+ 'armv5smp' => 1
+ );
+ my ($kdir) = @_;
+ return $SmpKernelDirs{lc $kdir};
+sub checkopts {
+ unless($opts{variant}) { die "No Variant specified"; }
+ $opts{'build'}="UDEB" unless($opts{'build'});
+ $opts{'type'}="TSHELL" unless($opts{'type'});
+ $opts{'inst'}="ARM4" unless($opts{'inst'});
+ my $additional;
+ if ($opts{'modules'}) {
+ $additional="_".$opts{modules};
+ $additional=~ s/,/_/ig;
+ }
+ my $build=lc $opts{build};
+ my $inst=uc $opts{'inst'};
+ if ($inst eq "MARM") {
+ # Hackery to cope with old compiler
+ $main="MARM";
+ $euserdir="MARM";
+ $elocldir="MARM";
+ }
+ else {
+ $main=$inst;
+ if ($main eq "THUMB") {
+ $euserdir="ARMI";
+ } else {
+ $euserdir=$main;
+ }
+ if ($main eq "ARMI" or $main eq "THUMB") {
+ $elocldir="ARM4";
+ } else {
+ $elocldir=$main;
+ }
+ }
+ $kmain = $opts{'xabi'};
+ $kmain = $main unless ($kmain);
+ if (IsSmp($kmain)) {
+ $euserdir = $kmain;
+ }
+ if ($opts{name}) {
+ $romname=$opts{name};
+ } else {
+ $romname=uc($opts{variant}.$additional.$main);
+ if ($build=~/^\w*DEB$/i) {
+ $romname.='D';
+ }
+ $romname.='.IMG';
+ }
+sub lookupFileInfo($$)
+ my ($infile, $fullname) = @_;
+ my ($name, $ext) = $fullname =~ /^(.+)\.(\w+)$/ ? ($1, $2) : ($fullname, undef);
+ open TMP, $infile or die("Can't open $infile\n");
+ while(<TMP>)
+ {
+ $_ = lc;
+ if(/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i)
+ {
+ my ($src, $dest) = ($2, $3);
+ my $destFullname = $dest =~ /^.*\\(.+)$/ ? $1 : $dest;
+ my ($destName, $destExt) = $destFullname =~ /^(.+?)\.(\w+)$/ ? ($1, $2) : ($destFullname, undef);
+ if ($destName eq $name && (!$ext || $ext eq $destExt))
+ {
+ close TMP;
+ return ($src, $dest);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ die "patchdata: Can't find file $fullname\n";
+sub lookupSymbolInfo($$)
+ my ($file, $name) = @_;
+ open TMP, $file or die "Can't read $file\n";
+ # ignore local symbols.
+ while (<TMP> !~ /Global Symbols/) { }
+ while (<TMP>)
+ {
+ if (/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+data\s+(\S+)/i)
+ {
+ my ($symbol, $addr, $size) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ if ($symbol eq $name)
+ {
+ close TMP;
+ return ($addr, $size);
+ }
+ }
+ # This is a quick fix for RVCT 3.1, which uses the text "(EXPORTED)"
+ # in the map file. Here is an example:
+ #
+ # KHeapMinCellSize (EXPORTED) 0x0003d81c Data 4 mem.o(.constdata)
+ #
+ elsif (/^\s*(\S+)\s+\(exported\)\s+(\S+)\s+data\s+(\S+)/i)
+ {
+ my ($symbol, $addr, $size) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ if ($symbol eq $name)
+ {
+ close TMP;
+ return ($addr, $size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ die "patchdata: Can't find symbol $name\n";
+sub parsePatchData($$)
+ my ($infile, $outfile) = @_;
+ open IN, $infile or die("Can't read $infile\n");
+ open OUT, ">$outfile" or die("Can't write $outfile\n");
+ my $line;
+ while($line = <IN>)
+ {
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*patchdata\s+(.+?)\s*$/i)
+ {
+ if ($1 !~ /(\S+)\s*@\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/)
+ {
+ die "Bad patchdata command: $line\n";
+ }
+ my ($file, $symbol, $value) = (lc $1, $2, $3);
+ my ($srcFile, $destFile) = lookupFileInfo($infile, $file);
+ my ($index, $elementSize) = (undef, undef);
+ if ($symbol =~ s/:(\d+)\[(\d+)\]$//)
+ {
+ ($index, $elementSize) = ($2, $1);
+ $index = hex($index) if $index =~ /^0x/i;
+ }
+ if ($srcFile =~ /\\armv5(smp)?\\/i)
+ {
+ my ($symbolAddr, $symbolSize) = lookupSymbolInfo("$srcFile.map", $symbol);
+ my $max;
+ if (defined($index))
+ {
+ my $bytes;
+ $bytes = 1, $max = 0xff if $elementSize == 8;
+ $bytes = 2, $max = 0xffff if $elementSize == 16;
+ $bytes = 4, $max = 0xffffffff if $elementSize == 32;
+ die("patchdata: invalid element size $elementSize: $line\n") unless defined($bytes);
+ if ($bytes > 1 && (($symbolSize & ($bytes-1)) != 0))
+ {
+ die("patchdata: unexpected symbol size $symbolSize for array $symbol ($elementSize-bit elements)\n");
+ }
+ if ($index >= int($symbolSize / $bytes))
+ {
+ die("patchdata: index $index out of bounds for $symbol of $symbolSize bytes ($elementSize-bit elements)\n");
+ }
+ $symbolAddr = hex($symbolAddr) if $symbolAddr =~ /^0x/i;
+ $symbolAddr += $index * $bytes;
+ $symbolAddr = sprintf("0x%x", $symbolAddr);
+ $symbolSize = $bytes;
+ }
+ elsif ($symbolSize == 1) { $max = 0xff; }
+ elsif ($symbolSize == 2) { $max = 0xffff; }
+ elsif ($symbolSize == 4) { $max = 0xffffffff; }
+ else { die "patchdata: Unexpected symbol size $symbolSize for $symbol\n"; }
+ $value = hex($value) if $value =~ /^0x/i;
+ if ($value > $max)
+ {
+ print("Warning: Value overflow of $symbol\n");
+ $value &= $max;
+ }
+ $value = sprintf("0x%08x", $value);
+ $line = "patchdata $destFile addr $symbolAddr $symbolSize $value\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $line = "";
+ }
+ }
+ print OUT $line;
+ }
+ close IN;
+ close OUT;
+sub genfile {
+ my $count=0;
+ if($_[0] eq 'paged') {
+ my $file='gentestpaged.txt';
+ unlink $file;
+ open(OUTFILE, ">$file") or die "Can't open output file, $!";
+ for(my $i=0;$i<50000;++$i) {
+ if(($i >5) && ($i % 40 ==0)) {
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ if(($i+$count) % 5 ==0) {
+ print OUTFILE "SATOR ";
+ }
+ if(($i+$count) % 5 ==1) {
+ print OUTFILE "AREPO ";
+ }
+ if(($i+$count) % 5 ==2) {
+ print OUTFILE "TENET ";
+ }
+ if(($i+$count) % 5 ==3) {
+ print OUTFILE "OPERA ";
+ }
+ if(($i+$count) % 5 ==4) {
+ print OUTFILE "ROTAS ";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $file='gentestnonpaged.txt';
+ unlink $file;
+ open(OUTFILE, ">$file") or die "Can't open output file, $!";
+ for(my $i=0;$i<20000;++$i) {
+ if(($i >5) && ($i % 40 ==0)) {
+ print OUTFILE "\n";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ if(($i+$count) % 4 ==0) {
+ print OUTFILE "STEP ";
+ }
+ if(($i+$count) % 4 ==1) {
+ print OUTFILE "TIME ";
+ }
+ if(($i+$count) % 4 ==2) {
+ print OUTFILE "EMIT ";
+ }
+ if(($i+$count) % 4 ==3) {
+ print OUTFILE "PETS ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Tell emacs that this is a perl script even 'though it has a .bat extension
+# Local Variables:
+# mode:perl
+# tab-width:4
+# End: