changeset 0 9cfd9a3ee49c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:9cfd9a3ee49c
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // @file ctlbsassdatastepmain.cpp
    15 // This is the class implementation for the Module Information Tests
    16 // EPOC includes.
    17 // 
    18 //
    20 // LBS includes. 
    21 #include <lbs.h>
    22 #include <lbs/lbsnetcommon.h>
    23 #include <lbssatellite.h>
    24 #include <lbs/lbsnetprotocolbase.h>
    25 #include <lbs/lbsassistancedatabuilderset.h>
    27 // LBS test includes.
    28 #include "ctlbsassdatastepmain.h"
    29 #include <lbs/test/tlbsutils.h>
    32 const TInt KAssistanceDataProviderPluginUidValue = 0x10281D77;
    35 /**
    36 Static Constructor
    37 */
    38 CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main* CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::New(CT_LbsAssDataServer& aParent)
    39 	{
    40 	// Note the lack of ELeave.
    41 	// This means that having insufficient memory will return NULL;
    42 	CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main* testStep = new CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main(aParent);
    43 	if (testStep)
    44 		{
    45 		TInt err = KErrNone;
    47 		TRAP(err, testStep->ConstructL());
    48 		if (err)
    49 			{
    50 			delete testStep;
    51 			testStep = NULL;
    52 			}
    53 		}
    54 	return testStep;
    55 	}
    58 /**
    59  * Constructor
    60  */
    61 CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main(CT_LbsAssDataServer& aParent) : CT_LbsAssDataStep(aParent)
    62 	{
    63 	SetTestStepName(KLbsAssDataStep_Main);
    64 	}
    66 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::ConstructL()
    67 	{
    68 	// Create the base class objects.
    69 	CT_LbsAssDataStep::ConstructL();
    71 	// and the active object wrapper for the notify position update.
    72 	iDoPosUpdate = CT_LbsDoPosUpdate::NewL(this);
    74 	// Create and start the module data bus monitor, to listen for incoming data.	
    75 	iModuleDataBusMonitor = CT_LbsAssDataModuleDataBusMonitor::NewL(this);
    77 	// Create the privacy controller for the MT-LR.
    78 	iPrivacyController = CLbsPrivacyController::NewL(*this);
    79 	}
    81 /**
    82  * Destructor
    83  */
    84 CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::~CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main()
    85 	{
    86 	iDoPosUpdate->Cancel();
    87 	delete iDoPosUpdate;
    89 	iModuleDataBusMonitor->Cancel();
    90 	delete iModuleDataBusMonitor;
    92 	iPrivacyController->CancelNetworkLocationRequest(0);
    93 	delete iPrivacyController;
    94 	}
    96 /**
    97  * @return - TVerdict code
    98  * Override of base class pure virtual
    99  * Our implementation only gets called if the base class doTestStepPreambleL() did
   100  * not leave. That being the case, the current test result value will be EPass.
   101  */
   102 TVerdict CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::doTestStepL()
   103 	{
   104 	// Generic test step used to test the LBS Client Notify position update API.
   105 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("&gt;&gt;CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::doTestStepL()"));
   107 	if (TestStepResult() == EPass)
   108 		{		
   109 		// Carry out common test actions (such as connecting to a server).
   110 		T_LbsUtils utils;
   111 		TModuleDataIn modDataIn; // Used to send test information to the test module.
   113 		// Request type is module test mode and most tests will only expect
   114 		// a single assistance data event.
   115 		modDataIn.iRequestType = TModuleDataIn::EModuleRequestTestMode;
   116 		modDataIn.iAssDataEventType = TModuleDataIn::EAssDataEventExpectSingle;
   118 		// Expected callbacks flags, most test steps require MO-LR.
   119 		iFlagsToHaltOn =	KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | 		// Net Sim callback events.
   120 							KLbsCallback_MoLr |
   121 							KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate |			// Test case callback events.
   122 							KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer;	// Test module returned an answer.
   124 		// Carry out unique test actions.
   125 		if (GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KTestCaseId, iTestCaseId))
   126 			{
   127 			switch (iTestCaseId)
   128 				{
   129 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0001
   130 				case 1:
   131 					{
   132 					// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0001 - A-GPS module creation and destruction.
   134 					// TODO: Require a method of shuting down Lbs.
   135 					}
   136 					break;
   139 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0010 - Verify a single batch of GPS assistance data.
   140 				//
   141 				// External step:	Create verify position for MO-LR.
   142 				// Local step:		Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
   143 				//					Setup net sim assistance data.
   144 				//					Do MO-LR.
   145 				// Module:			Request assistance data.
   146 				//					Read and verify assistance data and inform test step, ensure correct number of events.
   147 				// Local callback:	Verify assistance data ok response.
   148 				// External step:	Verify the position info data.
   149 				case 10:
   150 					{
   151 					// Set the test mode of the test module.
   152 					modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn;
   153 					}
   154 					break;
   157 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0011 - Verify multiple batches of GPS assistance data.
   158 				//
   159 				// External step:	Create verify position for MO-LR.
   160 				// Local step:		Inform module of required multiple assistance data events test mode.
   161 				//					Setup net sim assistance data.
   162 				//					Do MO-LR.
   163 				// Module:			Request assistance data.
   164 				//					Read and verify assistance data, ensure correct number of events.
   165 				// Local callback:	Verify assistance data ok response.
   166 				// External step:	Verify the position info data.
   168 				// TODO: May not be possible to pass assist data which causes multi events, also test 42 does some similar.
   169 				case 11:
   172 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
   173 				//
   174 				// External step:	Create verify position for MO-LR.
   175 				// Local step:		Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
   176 				//					Setup net sim assistance data.
   177 				//					Do MO-LR
   178 				// Module:			Start assistance data request.
   179 				//					Cancel assistance data request - invoked via register callback.
   180 				// Local callback:	Ensure the KErrCancel is returned for ReleaseLcsMoLr callback.
   181 				//					Verify cancel request was recived by the module.
   182 				//					Verify assistance data cancelled ok response.
   183 				// External step:	Verify the position info data.
   184 				case 12:
   185 					{
   186 					// Expected callbacks flags, for a assitance data cancel during a MO-LR.
   187 					//
   188 					// Note: Currently we get a module answer because the assistance data event
   189 					// function is still called within the module - this may not happen if the
   190 					// timing of the cancel is different on other environments.
   191 					iFlagsToHaltOn =	KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | 		// Net Sim callback events.
   193 										KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr |
   194 										KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr |
   196 										KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate |			// Test case callback events.
   197 										KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer;	// Test module returned an answer.					
   199 					// Set the test mode of the test module.
   200 					modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_Cancel_Stage1;
   201 					}
   202 					break;
   205 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0020 - Verify unsolicited GPS assistance data.
   206 				//
   207 				// External step:	Create position for MT-LR.
   208 				// Local step:		Inform module of required single ass data event, and unsolicited test.
   209 				// 					Setup net sim assistance data.
   210 				//					Do MT-LR
   211 				// Module:			Read and verify ass data, ensure correct number of events.
   212 				// Local callback:	Verify ass data ok response from module.
   213 				case 20:
   214 					{
   215 					// Expected callbacks flags for this test step.
   216 					iFlagsToHaltOn =	KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | 				// Net Sim callback events.
   217 										KLbsCallback_MtLr |
   218 										KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer;			// Test module returned an answer.
   220 					// Setup emergency locate service and pause to ensure value is set.
   221 					CLbsAdmin*	admin = CLbsAdmin::NewL();
   222 					User::LeaveIfError(admin->Set(KLbsSettingHomeEmergencyLocate, CLbsAdmin::EExternalLocateOn));
   223 					User::After(10000000);
   225 					delete admin;
   227 					// Set the test mode of the test module.
   228 					modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_Unsolicited;
   229 					}
   230 					break;
   233 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0030 - Verify the GPS assistance data time stamp.
   234 				//
   235 				// External step:	Create verify position for MO-LR.
   236 				// Local step:		Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
   237 				// 					Setup net sim assistance data.
   238 				//					Do MO-LR.
   239 				// Module:			Read and verify assistance data, ensure correct number of events,
   240 				//					and verify timestamp.
   241 				// Local callback:	Verify assistance data ok response.
   242 				// External step:	Verify the position info data.
   243 				case 30:
   244 					{
   245 					// Set the test mode of the test module.
   246 					modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_TimeStamp;
   247 					}
   248 				break;
   251 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0040 - Empty GPS assistance data cache test.
   252 				//
   253 				// External step:	Create verify position for MO-LR.
   254 				// Local step:		Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
   255 				// 					Setup net sim assistance data.
   256 				// 					Do MO-LR.
   257 				// Module:			Attempt to read assistance data before receiving assistance data
   258 				//					event, and verify KErrNotFound is returned, and inform test step.
   259 				// Local callback:	Verify assistance data test ok response.
   260 				// External step:	Verify the position info data.
   261 				case 40:
   262 					{
   263 					// Expected callbacks flags, not asking for assitance data so not expecting any MO-LR callbacks.
   264 					iFlagsToHaltOn =	KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | 		// Net Sim callback events.
   266 										KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate |			// Test case callback events.
   267 										KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer;	// Test module returned an answer.					
   269 					// Set the test mode of the test module.
   270 					modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_DataNotAvailable;
   271 					}
   272 					break;
   275 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0041 - Request GPS assistance data when no network available.
   276 				//
   277 				// External step:	Create verify position for MO-LR.
   278 				// Local step:		Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
   279 				// 					Setup net sim assistance data.
   280 				//					Do MO-LR.
   281 				// Module:			Request assistance data, ensure KErrNotReady is return when the 
   282 				//					data event is fired.
   283 				// Local callback:	Verify assistance data ok response.
   284 				// External step:	Verify the position info data.
   285 				case 41:
   286 					{
   287 					// Expected callbacks flags, expect the assistance request to fail so not expecting any MO-LR callbacks.
   288 					iFlagsToHaltOn =	KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_Connect | 		// Net Sim callback events.
   290 										KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate |			// Test case callback events.
   291 										KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer;	// Test module returned an answer.					
   293 					// Set the test mode of the test module.
   294 					modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_NoNetwork;
   295 					}
   296 					break;
   299 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0042 - Request multiple items of GPS assistance data when not all of the itmes are available.
   300 				//
   301 				// External step:	Create verify position for MO-LR.
   302 				// Local step:		Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
   303 				// 					Setup net sim assistance data, to return 1 item of data.
   304 				//					Do MO-LR.
   305 				// Module:			Request 2 items of assistance data, ensure item 1 is deliveried, item 2 returns an error
   306 				//					of KErrNotFound.
   307 				// Local callback:	Verify assistance data ok response, for both data items.
   308 				// External step:	Verify the position info data.
   309 				case 42:
   310 					{
   311 					// Add the expected MeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData flag.
   312 					iFlagsToHaltOn |= KLbsCallback_NetSim_Got_NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData;
   315 					// Set the test mode of the test module.
   316 					modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_SomeDataNotAvailable;
   317 					}
   318 					break;
   321 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0050 - Request assistance data, upper boundary test.
   322 				//
   323 				// External step:	Create verify position for MO-LR.
   324 				// Local step:		Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
   325 				// 					Setup net sim assistance data.
   326 				//					Do MO-LR.
   327 				// Module:			Request non-exsisting type of assistance data, ensure the data event is fired with 
   328 				//					a error of KErrArgument.
   329 				// Local callback:	Verify assistance data ok response.
   330 				// External step:	Verify the position info data.
   331 				case 50:
   332 					{
   333 					// Set the test mode of the test module.
   334 					modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_InvalidDataRequest;
   335 					}
   336 					break;
   338 				// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0051 - Get assistance data item, upper boundary test.
   339 				//
   340 				// External step:	Create verify position for MO-LR.
   341 				// Local step:		Inform module of required assistance data test mode.
   342 				// 					Setup net sim assistance data.
   343 				//					Do MO-LR.
   344 				// Module:			Request assistance data.
   345 				//					From the event callback attempt to get assistance data using a invalid mask,
   346 				//					ensure the error of KErrNotFound is returned.
   347 				// Local callback:	Verify assistance data ok response.
   348 				// External step:	Verify the position info data.
   349 				case 51:
   350 					{
   351 					// Set the test mode of the test module.
   352 					modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_InvalidDataGet;
   353 					}
   354 					break;
   357 				default:
   358 					{
   359 					User::Panic(KLbsAssDataStep_Main, KErrUnknown);
   360 					}					
   361 				}
   362 			}
   365 		// Carry out the test.
   367 		// Inform the test module of the required test mode - will block.
   368 		utils.NotifyModuleOfConfigChangeL(modDataIn);
   370 		// Connect to net sim.
   371 		iNetSim.ConnectL(this);
   373 	    // Setup net sim's assistance data.
   375 		// some tests doesn't need ref loc
   376 		switch (iTestCaseId)
   377 			{
   378 		    // Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
   379 		    case 12:
   380 			// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0040 - Empty GPS assistance data cache test.
   381 			case 40:
   382 			// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0041 - Request GPS assistance data when no network available.
   383 			case 41:	
   384 				{
   385 				 // Do nothing.
   386 				}
   387 				break;
   388 		    default:
   389 			    {
   390 			    // Create a refposinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
   391 			    RPointerArray<TAny>& refposInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
   392 			    TPositionInfo* refposinfo =   reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(refposInfoArr[1]);
   393 			    TPosition pos;
   394 			  	refposinfo->GetPosition(pos);
   396 				if (!iNetSim.SetReferenceLocation(pos))
   397 					{
   398 					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's reference location."));
   399 					SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   401 					iNetSim.Close();
   403 					return TestStepResult();
   404 					}	
   406 				// Set the position quality required by the network.
   407 				TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds maxFixTime(55000000);
   408 				TLbsNetPosRequestQuality netPosQuality;
   410 				netPosQuality.SetMaxFixTime(maxFixTime);
   411 				netPosQuality.SetMinHorizontalAccuracy(6.6);
   412 				netPosQuality.SetMinVerticalAccuracy(7.7);
   414 				if (!iNetSim.SetQuality(netPosQuality))
   415 					{
   416 					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's quality."));
   417 					SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   419 					iNetSim.Close();
   421 					return TestStepResult();
   422 				    }
   424 			   }
   425 			}
   426 		// Set plugin to use.
   427 		TUid pluginUid = TUid::Uid(KAssistanceDataProviderPluginUidValue);
   428 		if (!iNetSim.SetAssistanceDataProvider(pluginUid))
   429 			{
   430 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's assistance data plugin uid."));
   431 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   433 			iNetSim.Close();
   435 			return TestStepResult();
   436 			}
   438 		// Start monitoring the module data bus, to retrieve assistance data verification
   439 		// from the test module.
   440 		iModuleDataBusMonitor->StartMonitorL();
   443 		// Kick off the keep alive timer.
   444 		TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 interval(KLbsKeepAlivePeriod);
   446 		iKeepAliveTimer->SetTimer(interval);
   448 		// Kick off test.
   449 		CActiveScheduler::Start();
   452 		// Clean up.
   453 		iNetSim.ClearAssistanceDataFilters();
   454 		iNetSim.Close();
   455 		}
   457 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("&lt;&lt;CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::doTestStepL()"));
   459 	return TestStepResult();
   460 	}
   462 /** NetSim callbacks given for a MoLr, which we invoke as a result of the notify position update.
   463 */
   464 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::Connected()
   465 	{
   466 	// Call base implementation.
   467 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::Connected();
   469 	switch (iTestCaseId)
   470 		{
   471 		// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0020 - Verify unsolicited GPS assistance data.
   472 		case 20:
   473 			{
   474 			// Start a MT-LR request.
   475 			_LIT8(KTestRequesterId, "LbsAssData test requester id");
   476 			_LIT8(KTestClientName, "LbsAssData test client name");
   477 			_LIT8(KTestClientExternalId, "LbsAssData test client external id");
   479 			TLbsExternalRequestInfo reqInfo; 	
   480 			reqInfo.SetRequesterId(KTestRequesterId);	
   481 			reqInfo.SetClientName(KTestClientName);
   482 			reqInfo.SetClientExternalId(KTestClientExternalId);			
   484 			TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacy reqType;
   485 			reqType.SetRequestAction(TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacy::ERequestActionAllow);
   486 			reqType.SetRequestAdvice(TLbsNetPosRequestPrivacy::ERequestAdviceNotify);
   488 			iNetSim.SetEmergenyStatus(ETrue);
   490 			// kick off the privacy request:
   491 			iNetSim.StartNetworkPrivacyRequest(reqType, reqInfo);
   493 			iState = EStartMTLRPrivReq;
   494 			}		
   495 			break;
   497 		// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0041 - Request GPS assistance data when no network available.
   498 		case 41:
   500 			if (!iNetSim.SetResponseError(RLbsNetSimTest::KNetSimNetworkNotAvailable, ETrue))
   501 				{
   502 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's response code."));
   503 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   504 				}
   506 		// All other test cases required a MO-LR.
   507 		default:
   508 			{
   509 			// Set net sim response code to KErrNone.
   510 			if (iTestCaseId != 41)
   511 				{
   512 				if (!iNetSim.SetResponseError(KErrNone, ETrue))
   513 					{
   514 					INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, can't set NetSim's response code."));
   515 					SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   516 					}
   517 				}
   519 			// Create a posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
   520 			RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
   521 			TPositionInfo* posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
   523 			T_LbsUtils utils;
   524 			utils.ResetAndDestroy_PosInfoArr(posInfoArr);	// Clear previous entries before new entry is appended.
   526 			posInfoArr.Append(posInfo);
   528 			// Kick off pos update - this will invoke the assistance data processing
   529 			// within the test module. The result of this will be reported back to
   530 			// the test step via the module data bus monitor.
   531 			iDoPosUpdate->StartL(*posInfo);
   533 			// Move to the first pos update state after kick off first pos update
   534 			iState = EFirstPosUpdate;
   535 			}
   536 		}
   537 	}
   539 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::Disconnected()
   540 	{
   541 	// Call base implementation.
   542 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::Disconnected();
   543 	}
   546 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr(const TDesC& aData)
   547 	{
   548 	// Call base implementation.
   549 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyRegisterLcsMoLr(aData);
   551 	// Verify the aData is blank to indicate this is a MOLR.
   552 	if (aData != KNullDesC)
   553 		{
   554 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, register contains data."));
   555 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);	
   556 		}
   558 	switch (iTestCaseId)
   559 		{
   560 		// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
   561 		case 12:
   562 			{
   563 			TModuleDataIn modDataIn; // Used to send test information to the test module.
   565 			// Request type is module test mode and most tests will only expect
   566 			// a single assistance data event.
   567 			modDataIn.iRequestType = TModuleDataIn::EModuleRequestTestMode;
   569 			// Inform the module it should perform the second part of the cancel test.
   570 			modDataIn.iAssDataTestMode = TModuleDataIn::EModuleTestModeAssDataOn_Cancel_Stage2;
   572 			// Inform the test module of the required test mode - will block.		
   573 			T_LbsUtils utils;
   575 			utils.NotifyModuleOfConfigChangeL(modDataIn);
   576 			}
   577 		}
   578 	}
   581 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr(TInt aReason)
   582 	{
   583 	// Call base implementation.
   584 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyReleaseLcsMoLr(aReason);
   586 	switch (iTestCaseId)
   587 		{
   588 		// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
   589 		case 12:
   590 			{
   591 			if (aReason != KErrCancel)
   592 				{
   593 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, incorrect reason code expecting KErrCancel, got %d."), aReason);
   595 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   596 				}
   597 			}
   598 			break;
   600 		default:
   601 			{
   602 			if (aReason != KErrNone)
   603 				{	
   604 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, bad release reason %d."), aReason);
   605 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   606 				}
   607 			}
   608 		}
   609 	}
   612 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyMeasurementControlLocation(const TPositionInfo& aPosition, 
   613 															  const RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& aData, 
   614 															  const TLbsNetPosRequestQuality& aQuality)
   615 	{
   616 	T_LbsUtils utils;	
   617 	TInt err;
   619 	// Call base implementation.
   620 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyMeasurementControlLocation(aPosition, aData, aQuality);
   622 	// Verify the reference position - use the entry in the verify pos info array.
   623 	RPointerArray<TAny>& verifyPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
   624 	TPositionInfo* verifyPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(verifyPosInfoArr[1]);
   625 	if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(* verifyPosInfo, aPosition))
   626 		{
   627 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, position incorrect."));
   628 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   629 		}
   631     // Verify the assistance data.	
   632 	RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet& data = const_cast<RLbsAssistanceDataBuilderSet&>(aData);
   633 	RUEPositioningGpsReferenceTimeBuilder* refTimeBuilder = NULL;
   635 	data.GetDataBuilder(refTimeBuilder);
   637 	// Create a reader from the builder's data to allow us to verify the actual
   638 	// assistance data.
   639 	RUEPositioningGpsReferenceTimeReader refTimeReader;
   641 	TRAP(err, refTimeReader.OpenL());
   642 	if (err == KErrNone)
   643 		{
   644 		refTimeReader.DataBuffer() = refTimeBuilder->DataBuffer();
   646 		if (!utils.VerifySimpleAssistanceData(refTimeReader))
   647 			{
   648 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, assistance data incorrect."));
   649 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   650 			}
   651 		refTimeReader.Close();
   652 		}
   654 	else
   655 		{
   656 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, assistance data reader err %d."), err);
   657 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   658 		}
   662 // TODO: Check if we can verify aQuality in any way.
   663 	(void)aQuality;
   664 	}
   667 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyReleaseLcsLocationNotification(const CLbsNetworkProtocolBase::TLbsPrivacyResponse& aResult)
   668 	{
   669 	// Call base implementation.
   670 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyReleaseLcsLocationNotification(aResult);
   673 	// We should get this callback if requesting a MT-LR.
   674 	ASSERT(iState == EStartMTLRPrivReq);				
   676 	// Should allways except privacy requests.
   677 	if (CLbsNetworkProtocolBase::EPrivacyResponseAccepted == aResult)
   678 		{
   679 		// Now invoke MT-LR location request.
   680 		iNetSim.StartNetworkLocationRequest();
   682 		iState = EStartMTLRLocReq;
   683 		}
   685 	// Un-expected response.
   686 	else
   687 		{
   688 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, should have excepted MT-LR privacy request."));
   689 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   690 		}
   691 	}
   694 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult(TInt aReason, const TPositionInfo& aPosition)
   695 	{
   696 	// Call base implementation.
   697 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyFacilityLcsMoLrResult(aReason, aPosition);
   699 	if (aReason != KErrNone)
   700 		{	
   701 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, bad release reason %d."), aReason);
   702 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   703 		}
   706 	// Verify the real position returned from the network, this will be the same position
   707 	// we sent to the network as the result of the MO-LR, thus use the entry given by
   708 	// the test module.
   709 	T_LbsUtils utils;
   710 	RPointerArray<TAny>& verifyPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
   711 	TPositionInfo* verifyRealPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(verifyPosInfoArr[0]);
   712 	if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(*verifyRealPosInfo, aPosition))
   713 		{
   714 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, position incorrect."));
   715 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   716 	    } 
   717 	}
   719 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyMeasurementReportLocation(const TPositionInfo& aPosition)
   720 	{	
   721 	// Call base implementation.
   722 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyMeasurementReportLocation(aPosition);
   724 	// MT-LR complete.
   725 	if (EStartMTLRLocReq == iState)
   726 		{
   727 		iState = EWaiting;
   728 		}
   730 	// Verify the real position given to the network, this will be the same position
   731 	// returned as the result of the MO-LR, thus use the entry given by
   732 	// the test module.
   734 	T_LbsUtils utils;
   735     RPointerArray<TAny>& verifyPosInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iVerifyPosInfoArr;
   737 	TPositionInfo* verifyRealPosInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(verifyPosInfoArr[0]);
   738 	if (!utils.Compare_PosInfo(*verifyRealPosInfo, aPosition))
   739 		{
   740 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, position incorrect."));
   741 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   742 		} 
   743     }
   745 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData(const TLbsAssistanceDataGroup& aFilter)
   746 	{
   747 	// Call base implementation.
   748 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyMeasurementReportRequestMoreAssistanceData(aFilter);
   750 	switch (iTestCaseId)
   751 		{
   752 		// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0042 - Request multiple items of GPS assistance data when not all of
   753 		// the items are available.
   754 		case 42:
   755 			{
   756 			if (aFilter != EAssistanceDataReferenceLocation)
   757 				{
   758 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, incorrect assistance data group filter expecting Ref Location, got %d."), aFilter);
   759 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   760 				}
   761 			}
   762 			break;
   764 		default:
   765 			{
   766 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, got un-expected request for more assistance data with filter value = %d."), aFilter);
   767 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   768 			}
   769 		}
   770 	}
   772 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure(TInt aReason)
   773 	{
   774 	// Call base implementation.
   775 	CT_LbsNetSimStep::NotifyMeasurementReportControlFailure(aReason);
   777 	switch (iTestCaseId)
   778 		{
   779 		// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
   780 		case 12:
   781 			{
   782 			if (aReason != KErrCancel)
   783 				{
   784 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, incorrect reason code expecting KErrCancel, got %d."), aReason);
   785 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   786 				}
   787 			}
   788 			break;
   790 		default:
   791 			{
   792 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, got un-expected control failure with reason code = %d."), aReason);
   793 			SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   794 			}
   795 		}
   796 	}
   798 /**	Notify position update callback.
   800 	The notify position update as completed. We can mark as done in the callback flags.
   801 */
   802 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::MT_LbsDoPosUpdateCallback(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   803 	{
   804 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Got - Notify Update - Callback Event."));
   806 	// We should wait for the agps update (first one will be reference position) before setting this flag
   807 	if(iState != EFirstPosUpdate)
   808 		{
   809 		SetCallbackFlag(KLbsCallback_Got_NotifyUpdate);
   810 		}
   812 	if (KErrNone != aStatus.Int())
   813 		{
   814 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, pos info request err = %d."), aStatus.Int());
   815 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   816 		}
   818     // iState is in EFirstPosUpdate after quick off first iDoPosUpdate
   819 	if (iState == EFirstPosUpdate)
   820 		{
   821 	    /* iCurrentPosInfoArr index 0 contains ref pos,we need to store this in 
   822 		   iCurrentPosInfoArr index 1 for later use,before index 0 updated with realpos*/
   823    		RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
   824 		TPositionInfo* posInfo = reinterpret_cast<TPositionInfo*>(posInfoArr[0]);
   826     	//Some tests don't need to store ref pos 
   827 		switch (iTestCaseId)
   828 			{
   829 		    // Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0012 - Cancel assistance data request test.
   830 		    case 12:
   831 			// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0040 - Empty GPS assistance data cache test.
   832 			case 40:
   833 			// Test case LBS-Ass-Data-0041 - Request GPS assistance data when no network available.
   834 			case 41:	
   835 				{
   836 				 // Do nothing.
   837 				}
   838 			    break;
   840 		    default:
   841 				{
   842 				TPositionInfo* refPosInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
   844 		        // Copy ref loc from posInfo to refPosInfo   
   845 		        TInt err = CopyPositionTypes(*refPosInfo, *posInfo);
   846 			    if (err)
   847 				{
   848 				delete refPosInfo;
   849 				INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, err %d copying position infos."), err);
   850 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);		
   851 				}
   852 			    // Append ref loc to iCurrentPosInfoArr[1] for later use
   853 				posInfoArr.Append(refPosInfo);
   855 				}
   856 			}
   858         // Kick off pos update - this will invoke the real position
   859 		iDoPosUpdate->StartL(*posInfo);
   861 		// Move to the waiting state after kick off second pos update
   862 		iState = CT_LbsNetSimStep::EWaiting;
   863     	}
   864 	}	
   867 /** The module's output data bus has been updated.
   868 	This function is called when the module sends back answers to both the assistance data checks
   869 	and module test mode updates. */
   870 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::HandleDataBusUpdateL(const TModuleDataOut& aModuleDataOut)
   871 	{
   872 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Got - Module Response - Callback Event."));
   874 	SetCallbackFlag(KLbsCallback_Got_ModuleAssDataAnswer);
   876 	switch (iTestCaseId)
   877 		{
   878 		//
   879 		case 1:
   880 			{
   881 			// TODO: Look for startup - shutdown ok responses...
   882 			}
   883 			break;
   885 		// Check for cancel request response.
   886 		case 12:
   887 			{
   888 			if(aModuleDataOut.iRequestType == TModuleDataOut::EModuleResponse)
   889 				{
   890 				//modDataOut.iResponse = TModuleDataOut::EModuleAssDataOk; 
   891 				switch (aModuleDataOut.iResponse)
   892 					{
   893 					case TModuleDataOut::EModuleResponseOk:
   894 						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("      Cancel request, module response."));
   895 					    break;
   897 					default:
   898 						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, unexpected response from module."));
   899 						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   900 						break;
   901 					}
   903 				}
   905 			else
   906 				{
   907 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, unexpected request type from module."));
   908 				SetTestStepResult(EFail);	
   909 				}
   910 			}
   911 			break;
   913 		default:
   914 			{
   915 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("      Assistance Data Verify Answer."));
   917 			switch (aModuleDataOut.iResponse)
   918 				{
   919 				// Fail test if ass data failed verifcation, or received un-expected response code.
   920 				case TModuleDataOut::EModuleAssDataOk:
   921 					{
   922 					// Ensure we only get a single assistance data event for each test, except for LBS-Ass-Data_0042
   923 					if (iTestCaseId != 42)
   924 						{
   925 						iAssEventCount++;
   926 						}
   928 					if (iAssEventCount > 2)
   929 						{
   930 						INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Failed test, more than a single assistance data event receivced."));
   931 						SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   932 						}
   933 					}
   934 					break;
   936 				// Ignore requests for assistance data.
   937 				case TModuleDataOut::EModuleAssDataRequestedOk:
   938 					// Do nothing.
   939 					break;
   941 				default:
   942 					{
   943  					INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, module assistance data verification, got: %d."), aModuleDataOut.iResponse);
   944 					SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   945 					}
   946 					break;
   947 				}
   948 			}
   949 			break;	
   950 		}
   951 	}
   954 /** Privacy controller callbacks.
   955 */
   956 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::ProcessNetworkLocationRequest(TUint aRequestId, const TLbsExternalRequestInfo& aRequestInfo, const TNotificationType& aNotificationType)
   957 	{
   958 	// We not aiming to test MT-LR here so only carryout minimal verification - verify the request id only.
   959 	(void)aRequestInfo;
   960 	(void)aNotificationType;
   962 	iPrivacyController->RespondNetworkLocationRequest(aRequestId, CLbsPrivacyController::ERequestAccepted);
   964 	iMtlrRequestId = aRequestId;
   965 	}
   968 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::ProcessNetworkPositionUpdate(TUint aRequestId, const TPositionInfo& aPosInfo)
   969 	{
   970 	// Verify the request id.
   971 	if (aRequestId != iMtlrRequestId)
   972 		{
   973 		INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Failed test, incorrect request ID, got %d, expecting %d."), aRequestId, iMtlrRequestId);
   974 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   975 		}
   977 	// Create a posinfo and store in our shared array for later verification.
   978 	RPointerArray<TAny>& posInfoArr = iParent.iSharedData->iCurrentPosInfoArr;
   979 	TPositionInfo* posInfo = new(ELeave) TPositionInfo();
   981 	T_LbsUtils utils;
   982 	utils.ResetAndDestroy_PosInfoArr(posInfoArr);	// Clear previous entries before new entry is appended.
   984 	// As we don't own the passed posinfo, copy it.
   985 	TInt err = CopyPositionTypes(*posInfo, aPosInfo);
   986 	if (err)
   987 		{
   988 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, err %d copying position infos."), err);
   989 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);		
   990 		}
   992 	posInfoArr.Append(posInfo);
   993 	}
   996 void CT_LbsAssDataStep_Main::ProcessRequestComplete(TUint aRequestId, TInt aReason)
   997 	{	
   998 	// Verify the request id.
   999 	if (aRequestId != iMtlrRequestId)
  1000 		{
  1001 		INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Failed test, incorrect request ID, got %d, expecting %d."), aRequestId, iMtlrRequestId);
  1002 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1003 		}
  1005 	// Verify the reason code.
  1006 	if (aReason)
  1007 		{
  1008 		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Failed test, incorrect reason code, got %d, expecting KErrNone."), aReason);
  1009 		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
  1010 		}
  1011 	}
  1013 /** Helper functions taken from internal Lbs utilities.
  1014 */
  1016 /**
  1017 Deep copy of position info data by type
  1019 @param aTo the destination position info object reference
  1020 @param aFrom the source position info object reference
  1021 @internalComponent
  1022 @released
  1023 */
  1024 TInt CopyPositionTypes(TPositionInfoBase& aTo, const TPositionInfoBase& aFrom)	
  1025 	{
  1026 	const TUint32 toClassType = aTo.PositionClassType();
  1027 	const TUint toClassSize = aTo.PositionClassSize();
  1028 	const TUint32 fromClassType = aFrom.PositionClassType();
  1029 	const TUint fromClassSize = aFrom.PositionClassSize();
  1031 	// check for self assignment
  1032 	if(&aTo == &aFrom)
  1033 		{
  1034 		return KErrNone; // copy is implicit and already done :)
  1035 		}	
  1036 	// check the assignment is even possible the source type must be at
  1037 	// at least as BIG as the dest, or  you leave unitialized data in the destination
  1038 	if(fromClassSize < toClassSize)
  1039 		return KErrArgument;
  1040 	// check we are not assigning base types
  1041 	if(toClassSize == sizeof(TPositionInfoBase)
  1042 			|| fromClassSize == sizeof(TPositionInfoBase)
  1043 			|| toClassType == EPositionInfoUnknownClass // this the type of a TPositionInfoBase
  1044 			|| fromClassType == EPositionInfoUnknownClass)
  1045 		{
  1046 		return KErrArgument; // bad types - trying to copy between base types
  1047 		}
  1048 	// check the aTo type
  1049 	TInt typeError = SupportedType(toClassType, toClassSize);
  1050 	if(typeError != KErrNone)
  1051 		return typeError; // i.e. KErrNotSupported
  1052 	// check the aFromType
  1053 	typeError = SupportedType(fromClassType, fromClassSize);
  1054 	if(typeError != KErrNone)
  1055 		return typeError; // i.e. KErrNotSupported
  1056 	// Ok now we know we can copy these things from one to the other
  1057 	// so here goes - the catch is we cannot overwrite the type and size
  1058 	// of the destination, so we need a bit of pointer math.
  1059 	// NB this relies on the being a class inheritance such that all of the
  1060 	// types are derived from TPositionInfoBase first. Or the math goes
  1061 	// haywire. This also implies a whole slew of assumptions about the ram
  1062 	// layout of these classes....
  1063 	TUint8* baseToAddr = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(&aTo)+sizeof(TPositionInfoBase);			
  1064 	const TUint8* const baseFromAddr = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(&aFrom)+sizeof(TPositionInfoBase);
  1065 	TUint32 dataLength = toClassSize-sizeof(TPositionInfoBase); // we copy only this many bytes form the source
  1066 	TUint8* endAddr = Mem::Copy(baseToAddr, baseFromAddr, dataLength);
  1067 	// Sanity check the Mem::Copy() - just in case...
  1068 	if(endAddr != baseToAddr+dataLength)
  1069 		return KErrGeneral; // Or KErrNoMemory?
  1070 	else
  1071 		return KErrNone;
  1072 	}
  1074 /**
  1075 Check the size for supported position info type
  1077 @param aType the position info type
  1078 @param aSize the size of specified type
  1079 @return Symbian standard error code
  1080 @internalComponent
  1081 @released
  1082 */
  1083 TInt SupportedType(const TUint32& aType, const TInt& aSize)
  1084 	{
  1085 	if(aType==EPositionInfoClass)
  1086 		{
  1087 		if(aSize!=sizeof(TPositionInfo))
  1088 			return KErrNotSupported; // something weird. Type ok but the size is wrong			
  1089 		}
  1090 	else if(aType==(EPositionInfoClass|EPositionCourseInfoClass))
  1091 		{
  1092 		if(aSize!=sizeof(TPositionCourseInfo))
  1093 			return KErrNotSupported; // something weird. Type ok but the size is wrong			
  1094 		}
  1095 	else if(aType==(EPositionInfoClass|EPositionCourseInfoClass|EPositionSatelliteInfoClass))
  1096 		{
  1097 		if(aSize!=sizeof(TPositionSatelliteInfo))
  1098 			return KErrNotSupported; // something weird. Type ok but the size is wrong			
  1099 		}
  1100 	// othwerwise the size and type are what we expected
  1101 	return KErrNone;
  1102 	}